#gift for its_inherited
sopherfly · 7 years
It Must Have Been the Mistletoe (Winteriron)
A/N: Written for the Winteriron Holiday Exchange for its_inherited. Fluff at the beginning, smut at the end! (If smut isn’t your thing, skip the Epilogue.)
Summary: Tony goes a little overboard with the mistletoe. Bucky can't say that he minds.
Tony's bed was the most comfortable thing Bucky had ever slept on.
Bucky still wasn't quite used to waking up in Tony's room instead of his own. It was too big; Bucky preferred smaller spaces, ones with lower ceilings and fewer windows, even if the blinds gave them as much privacy as Bucky could've wanted. The bedroom carpet was thick, always feeling too luxurious between his toes, and the bathroom’s heated tiles made Bucky feel more like a guest in a hotel than Tony Stark’s - what? Boyfriend? In the three weeks they'd been together, they hadn't quite gotten to that conversation. Not that Bucky minded. Whatever they decided to call it, this thing between them was good. For the first time in a long time, Bucky felt wanted. Needed. Necessary, and not because he was the Winter Soldier. Just because he was Bucky.
Bucky stretched, glancing over at Tony's side of the bed. Empty. Not surprising. Tony rarely slept for more than a few hours at a time, no matter what kind of bad behavior he and Bucky had gotten up to the night before.
“JARVIS? What time is it?”
“The current time is seven-thirty a.m.”
Bucky blinked, shoving a displaced pillow underneath his head. He still had an hour before his run with Steve. He glanced toward the door, wondering if he should go looking for Tony-
And there it was, hanging from the door frame.
(Watch out for the break, or continue reading on AO3.)
Bucky couldn't believe he'd forgotten about the mistletoe. It was like a weed growing all over the damn tower. He had counted - since the beginning of December, he'd gotten caught under the mistletoe seventeen times. He had even started a list to keep track of every place he'd found the stupid plant (which, according to several articles he'd read, was actually a parasite). Bucky grabbed his notebook from the bedside table drawer, reaching around for a few seconds before finding a pen. He frowned, reading through what he had so far.
Kitchen doorway.
Entrance hall.
Balcony awning.
Media room.
Quinjet pilot’s seat.
Curtain rod.
Bedroom doorway.
Steve's shield.
Backseat of Tony's car.
Dining room chandelier.
Swimming pool showers.
A couple more notable places to add. Bucky uncapped the pen and scribbled them down.
Elevator. Right. The elevator. Thinking about that still made Bucky’s face heat in embarrassment, not because anyone had caught them, but because Tony had barely touched him and he’d gone off like a rocket.
Ceiling fan. Bucky laughed. That one had been creative, at least, and more than a little entertaining. He and Tony had gotten competitive about it until Sam had turned off the fan and ruined the game.
Tailpipe. He still didn't understand why Tony had wanted to kiss him while he'd been on his back, sweaty and covered with grease, still halfway underneath the damn car.
Dum-E. Oh. Right. Bucky probably owed Dum-E an apology for the not-so-subtle threat of violence. The bot had only been following orders (by holding mistletoe above Bucky’s head and following him around the workshop until Bucky had had just about enough).
That was the last one. Bucky read through the list again in its entirety: kitchen doorway, entrance hall, balcony awning, media room, Quinjet pilot’s seat, curtain rod, bedroom doorway, Steve's shield, backseat of Tony's car, Redwing, dining room chandelier, freezer, swimming pool showers, elevator, ceiling fan, tailpipe, Dum-E.
Bucky shook his head. The list looked like it belonged in CLUE. Tony Stark with the mistletoe in the elevator. That sounded about right.
Of course, Tony still hadn’t admitted to hanging the mistletoe in the first place. He hadn’t admitted to any of it, even though Bucky knew Tony was responsible for all the decorations in the tower. Bucky had to hand it to him - Tony didn’t do anything halfway. Lights in all the windows, holiday music piping in from the sound system, a sixty-foot Christmas tree, not to mention that the kitchen always smelled like cinnamon or pumpkin or peppermint. Bucky had never experienced anything like it, not even before the war. The sheer magnitude of it all was overwhelming.
Bucky didn't hate it. He just didn't quite understand it. “Hey, JARVIS?” he asked, looking up at the ceiling.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?”
“Tony's been puttin' up all this mistletoe, hasn't he?”
A long pause. “I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say.”
Bucky snorted, dragging a hand through his hair. That answered that question, then. Sitting up, Bucky crossed his legs under the blanket and leaned forward. What did that mean? Was Bucky supposed to feel flattered? Or was he not giving Tony enough attention?
You oughta just ask him.
Except that asking Tony didn’t guarantee a straight answer. Tony was as stubborn as he was smart. Bucky could ask, but the conversation might get shut down with a breezy, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” No, Bucky would have to come at it a different way.
Bucky chewed on his lip. If Tony was hanging mistletoe, that meant he could catch Tony in the act. Then Tony would have to come clean. That would work, right? All Bucky needed was the right moment.
“Hey JARVIS,” Bucky said, trying not to feel too much like a traitor for conspiring with Tony's AI. “When Tony leaves the room tomorrow mornin’, could you turn on the lights and open the blinds?”
“Of course, Sergeant Barnes. Consider it done.”
“Great. Thanks.” Bucky slid out of bed to stand on the carpet, wiggling his toes. “Oh, and JARVIS?”
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?”
“I'd appreciate it if Tony didn't know I was onto him.”
Bucky knew it was ridiculous, but for some reason he felt like JARVIS was smiling at him.
“I understand completely.”
Bucky woke the next morning to too much movement.
"Stop," Bucky said, even as Tony wriggled out of his grip. He missed the warmth of Tony's body almost instantly, and he rolled onto his side, trying to grab Tony's hand. "Stop," Bucky said again, not entirely faking the sleepy rumble in his voice as he reached out and found only empty mattress. “Stay.”
“Shhh,” Tony replied, leaning over to kiss Bucky’s temple. “It's early. Go back to sleep.”
Bucky growled a little, then nodded, closing his eyes. “’Kay.”
Tony padded quietly out of the room, and Bucky heard the door creak as Tony's footsteps grew distant. Damn it. Tony always left so early. Why did Tony always leave so early?
Bucky frowned. Something about that was important. Tony. Early. Mistletoe. Finally Bucky's mind caught up with his body, and it was a good thing too, because the lights were fading up, the blinds rising to reveal a pink and orange sky.
"Thanks, JARVIS," Bucky whispered, slipping out of bed and pulling on a shirt. Three minutes. He’d give Tony a three minute head start. Hopefully that would be just the right amount of time.
Tony hadn't gone far. There were only so many places a person could hang mistletoe, and this - the common room’s stupidly high vaulted ceiling - had been Bucky's first guess.
Game over, Stark. Finally caught you.
The evidence was damning. Iron Man was only holding a single sprig of mistletoe, but an entire basket of the stuff sat up on the ledge by the small windows near the ceiling, just out of reach.
Bucky leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. “So,” he said, smirking at the way the Iron Man froze in place at the sound of his voice. “That’s how you’ve been doin’ it. I was startin’ to wonder.”
Slowly, looking almost sheepish, Iron Man lowered the mistletoe, hiding it behind his back. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” came the metallic reply.
“Sure you don't.” Bucky raised an eyebrow and gestured with a nod of his head. “What's that in your hand?”
There was the sound of a repulsor powering up, then a brief flicker of light. “Nothing,” Tony said, sounding too innocent as he held up empty gauntlets, wiggling robotic fingers.
Bucky laughed, shaking his head. That was one way to destroy the evidence. “C’mon, doll. Take that armor off and come down here.”
The suit took an eternity to descend to Bucky's level, and Bucky watched, eyes trained on the faceplate. Finally the armor peeled away, and Tony stepped down in front of him, flashing an embarrassed smile.
“Hi,” Tony said.
Bucky’s heart clenched with affection. Tony was still wearing his pajamas, the too-long plaid bottoms covering all but his toes.
“Hi,” Bucky replied, reaching out to rest his hands on Tony’s waist. He traced his thumbs over the soft fabric of Tony's shirt, the heat from Tony's body radiating through to his palms. Would he ever get tired of this, of being able to hold and touch whenever he wanted? Bucky didn't think so.
“So," Bucky started, drawing Tony just slightly forward. "You're the one puttin’ up all the mistletoe.”
“Yeah. Guess that's me.”
“How come?”
Tony bit his lip. “I didn't do it the first time, I swear that one was just a fluke. But after that, I… I guess I wanted an excuse to kiss you.”
Bucky smiled a little. “Don’t need an excuse to kiss me, doll.”
“I just…” Tony sighed, looking away. “I didn't want to have to explain myself every time. I didn't want to seem needy.”
“You're allowed to be needy.” Bucky took a step closer, tracing his fingers gently through Tony's hair. “It's nice, bein’ needed. Stevie used to need me, back before the serum, but - I like takin’ care of people. Of you.”
“Yeah?” Tony asked, uncertain and hopeful.  
“Yeah.” Bucky moved his hand slowly, threading his fingers into the hair at the nape of Tony's neck. It was getting longer than Tony usually let it grow, and Bucky got lost for a moment in the softness of the strands.
Tony blinked, his lips parting softly. “So. I have permission to kiss you whenever I want?”
“Whenever you want,” Bucky replied, pressing closer to nuzzle at Tony's temple. Damn, but Tony smelled good. Bucky trailed a slow, deliberate line of kisses down toward Tony's ear, then nipped at the lobe with his teeth; Tony made a noise somewhere between a laugh and a moan, entirely too gratifying.
Bucky took Tony's hand with his metal one, lacing their fingers together. “C’mon, doll. Leave the mistletoe. Let's go back to bed.”
“Good morning, sunshine.” Tony stood in the doorway to the bathroom, still dripping wet, a towel wrapped low around his hips. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” Bucky replied from his seat on the edge of the bed, his mouth going dry at the sight. He licked his lips, and that couldn’t have been subtle, but Bucky couldn’t help it. Tony looked good. Tony always looked good. It was a miracle they ever made it out of the bedroom with Tony looking like that.
“There are presents for you downstairs,” Tony said as he crossed slowly toward the bed, “but I was thinking we could celebrate Christmas morning just the two of us first.”
Bucky sat up straighter, swallowing when Tony stepped close to him and nudged his knees apart in order to stand between them.
“What do you think?” Tony traced a thumb over Bucky’s lips, then a finger, smirking when Bucky sucked the digit into his mouth. He released it with a wet pop, licking his lips again.
“Yeah,” Bucky said with a nod. “I think that’s a great idea.”
“Good.” Tony sank to his knees, rubbing his hands over Bucky’s thighs. “Take these off for me?” he asked, tugging gently on the fabric of Bucky’s sweatpants.
Bucky didn’t need to be asked twice. He stood only far enough to pull the sweats down, and then Tony was pressing closer, lips skimming along the inside of Bucky’s thigh.
“Shit,” Bucky gasped, his cock already rock hard. Just looking at Tony shirtless was enough to turn Bucky on, these days. “Tony, you don’t have to - Christ.”
There was no point in arguing, not when Tony had already wrapped his lips around Bucky’s cock. Bucky’s head dropped back, and Tony took Bucky deeper, his tongue tracing the vein before circling experimentally around the head.
“Damn it,” Bucky groaned, muscles tense, determined not to arch forward into Tony’s mouth. “Damn it, Tony - Tony, stop.”
In the evening, Bucky had endurance for days. In the morning, it took Bucky an embarrassingly short amount of time to reach his threshold. He threaded a hand into Tony’s hair and tugged as gently as he could. “Too close, doll, already too close, can't-”
Tony pulled off, a devious look in his eyes. “You and I both know you've got more than one in you.”
Bucky groaned as Tony sucked him down again, taking him even deeper.
“Tony. You're - nng.” Bucky wanted to say that Tony was too damn good at this, but the words didn't make it from his brain to his mouth. How could they when Tony was sucking him off, looking so goddamn beautiful between his legs, tongue sliding along the underside of Bucky’s cock, perfect mouth and throat taking almost all of him? Shit, that was already so good, and then Tony hummed, the vibration traveling all the way down to Bucky’s toes.
Bucky tugged Tony's hair again in warning. “Tony. Please.” Bucky cursed, struggling to stay still.
“You’re holding back,” Tony accused as he pulled away, only a little out of breath. “Don’t.”
Bucky nearly whimpered, and then Tony’s mouth was on him again, hot and wet. The suction was incredible and too much and not enough, and Bucky gave in, fucking into Tony’s mouth with as much restraint as he could muster. Shit. That was - fucking damn it. Bucky was so close-
“Tony - gonna come, gonna-"
Bucky gasped and came hard, both hands tangled in Tony's hair as he pulsed down Tony's throat. Tony swallowed it down, and when Bucky finally opened his eyes, Tony looked up at him with a self-satisfied smirk.
"Ready for more?" Tony asked, standing up slowly.
Bucky shifted back onto the bed, pulling Tony down on top of him. "Ready for you to take that damn towel off."
Bucky yanked the towel away before Tony even had time to react, and then Tony lowered his hips. Yes, there it was, the friction Bucky so desperately needed. Their cocks brushed together, and Tony grinned, reaching down to take them both in hand.
“See,” Tony said with a wicked twist on the upstroke. “You’re already hard.”
“Nobody likes a know-it-all.” Bucky reached up and grabbed the lube from underneath his pillow, slathering it onto his palm, then replaced Tony’s hand with his own. “Let me.”
It took minutes to bring Tony off, and Bucky wasn’t far behind, the second orgasm punching through him hard and hot like gunfire.
“Hmm.” Tony hummed, wiggling his hips in what Bucky assumed was satisfaction before dropping a kiss on Bucky’s mouth. “So, be honest - would saying Merry Christmas right now not be appropriate? Because I really want to say Merry Christmas.”
Bucky laughed, a wry smile spreading across his face. “Go ahead and say it, doll.”
“Okay then. Merry Christmas." Tony's eyes sparkled as he looked meaningfully at the ceiling above their heads.
Bucky followed his gaze. “You gotta be kiddin’ me." He gave Tony an incredulous look. "I thought we were done with the mistletoe.”
Tony laughed, brushing a strand of hair fondly out of Bucky’s face. “Last one. I promise.”
"I'm gonna hold you to that," Bucky said, not objecting when Tony drew him into another languid kiss.
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flirting (with danger) by Potrix for its_inherited Tony stares at the man shackled to the wall for a long, unblinking moment. “You’re supposed to be dead.
”The man raises an unimpressed eyebrow back at him. “Right back at ya, pal.”
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2019 Gifts: Batch 2
Where No Other Love Goes by Stark-N-Barnes for TheSopherfly “I want to,” he confessed.
Bucky flinched.
Tony stared at him with a look in his eyes that spoke more volume than words, as the realisation wrapped itself around Bucky.
“I don't want to hurt you…”  he whispered.
That time Bucky was undoubtedly in love with Tony, but didn't think he could have him.
And the light, it shines from you by Lets_call_me_Lily for its_inherited Tony and Bucky snuggling in bed; it's been a long day.
Connection and Intent by SierraNovembr for sleepoverwork When Tony’s father is murdered, he takes a desperate risk to uncover the truth and save the man he loves. It changes his life forever.
Puppy Love by Reioka for ShadowsintheClouds Bucky is learning to become a person again. When some guy starts crying all over Natasha's dog, he decides he's doing better than he originally thought.
Howlin' For You by justanotherpipedream for james When the sun goes down, Sheriff Bucky sets up his rifle, ready to shoot any gnoll, ghoul or beast that tries to raid his small town in the cover of the night. Night after night, Bucky keeps watch, running himself ragged all the while. Worried for his friend, Steve offers a solution to his problem.
“So your solution is that I get myself a mail order bride? An’ then what?”
“Or groom. We knew you like both options. You need a partner Bucky.”
Promises by Iron_Eirlyssa for Lunatical When a mission goes wrong, it leaves Bucky and Tony trapped together, waiting for help. That might turn out to be a good thing in the end, though.
We Fuck With the Lights On by badgerling for tisfan Bucky wakes up naked in a room. Tony Stark wakes up naked in the same room. Turns out, they're both actually okay with that.
Redemption by Lunatical for calmena After remembering they were responsible for the deaths of Howard and Maria Stark, Bucky and the Soldier start watching over Tony in a desperate attempt to redeem themselves. When the Avengers get ready to raid the Hydra base that's housing Loki's scepter, they're there to intervene.
Of course, they didn't expect to end up at Stark Tower, living alongside a bunch of superheroes, and they certainly didn't think they'd end up falling in love with Tony Stark. Especially since the man still doesn't know what they've done.
Will Tony ever be able to forgive them?
The Stranger in the Woods by TheSopherfly for JenJo “Mage shouldn’t be walkin’ in these woods alone at night,” James said.
Mage. So James knew, then. About Tony’s powers. Tony breathed deeply, the warm ghost of steam rising from his mug and tickling his nostrils. “Why’s that?” he asked, curiosity getting the better of him. He’d felt something in the forest, of course, but forests were always full of creatures and strange energies. Too many trees in one place scrambled his senses almost as well as a confusion charm.
“There are things in here that like mages a little too much,” James said, and Tony hung on the words in fascination. “Plenty of things that don’t like mages, too.”
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Road Hazards by RiotFalling for its_inherited Steve and Bucky's BFF road trip is not going well. For starters, Steve couldn't even make it, and for some bizarre reason asked Tony to take his place. The fact that it’s only a couple days before someone is trying to kill them isn’t nearly as stressful as the fact that Bucky and Tony have never really had an actual conversation.
It’s hard to avoid someone when stuck in a car with them though, and if they manage to stay alive they just might learn a thing or two.
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In Your Hands by james for its_inherited
Sometimes Bucky needs help to relax.  Tony loves to provide.
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2019 Spring Fling: Gift List
As always, a huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who was a part of the exchange this year; the helpers, the participants, the people now leaving comments and kudos, and everyone who helped spread the word by liking and sharing our posts. This exchange wouldn’t have been possible without you.
You’re the best, you rock, we love you!
And now, without further ado: the complete 2019 WinterIron Spring Fling Gift List!
Enjoy! 💕
Sparks Fly by tisfan for Lets_call_me_Lily Tony travels to Shelbyville, Indianna to fix Bucky’s arm… and while he’s there, maybe they’ll go see the fireworks show together.
The Winter Sentinel by james for tarot_card Bucky tests as a Sentinel when he's thirteen, and he knows it means his life won't be easy.
Which is a bit of an understatement, really.
When We Met In Paris by TheVagabondBoy for scarynoodles Neither Tony nor Bucky expected to run into each other in a bar in Paris.
Mechanical Creations by celtic7irish for yourselenite Tony Stark is a tattoo artist who gains inspiration from all things technical.  When Tall, Dark, and Handsome walks in wanting a cover-up tattoo, Tony is only too happy to oblige. Oh, and did he mention? He really, really likes that metal arm.
My soul screams for you by IronEyes for Potrix In Siberia Tony learns how his parents really died. In Siberia Tony gets betrayed by one of his best friends. In Siberia Tony finds the killer of his parents and… his soulmate. Tony has no idea how to handle this, but he can’t stay away from Bucky.
The Beautiful Light of Madness in Your Eyes by tisfan for shadowgrl94 In the Soul Stone, time is relative, people are at peace. It is a paradise, but also a trap. Can Tony break the trap and bring everyone home?
Especially when he risks losing the only thing that matters...
To keep you safe inside my arms by ShadowsintheClouds for celtic7irish Tony and Bucky had been secretly dating for a while. They loved having their little secret. It was something special between them. But, a night out by the lake with the other Avengers threatens to take their secret away from them.
Kiss Me Deadly by yourselenite for MassiveSpaceWren Just a skip and a jump back in time before World War I where Anthony Stark and James Barnes are secretly together in the early 1900s.
Hold You Close (To Keep You Warm) by ChaoticDemon for sara_wolfe Five times Tony and Bucky cuddled for warmth and one time they didn't bother with the pretense.
Where No Other Love Goes by Stark-N-Barnes for TheSopherfly “I want to,” he confessed.
Bucky flinched.
Tony stared at him with a look in his eyes that spoke more volume than words, as the realisation wrapped itself around Bucky.
“I don't want to hurt you…”  he whispered.
That time Bucky was undoubtedly in love with Tony, but didn't think he could have him.
And the light, it shines from you by Lets_call_me_Lily for its_inherited Tony and Bucky snuggling in bed; it's been a long day.
Connection and Intent by SierraNovembr for sleepoverwork When Tony’s father is murdered, he takes a desperate risk to uncover the truth and save the man he loves. It changes his life forever.
Puppy Love by Reioka for ShadowsintheClouds Bucky is learning to become a person again. When some guy starts crying all over Natasha's dog, he decides he's doing better than he originally thought.
Howlin' For You by justanotherpipedream for james When the sun goes down, Sheriff Bucky sets up his rifle, ready to shoot any gnoll, ghoul or beast that tries to raid his small town in the cover of the night. Night after night, Bucky keeps watch, running himself ragged all the while. Worried for his friend, Steve offers a solution to his problem.
“So your solution is that I get myself a mail order bride? An’ then what?”
“Or groom. We knew you like both options. You need a partner Bucky.”
Promises by Iron_Eirlyssa for Lunatical When a mission goes wrong, it leaves Bucky and Tony trapped together, waiting for help. That might turn out to be a good thing in the end, though.
We Fuck With the Lights On by badgerling for tisfan Bucky wakes up naked in a room. Tony Stark wakes up naked in the same room. Turns out, they're both actually okay with that.
Redemption by Lunatical for calmena After remembering they were responsible for the deaths of Howard and Maria Stark, Bucky and the Soldier start watching over Tony in a desperate attempt to redeem themselves. When the Avengers get ready to raid the Hydra base that's housing Loki's scepter, they're there to intervene.
Of course, they didn't expect to end up at Stark Tower, living alongside a bunch of superheroes, and they certainly didn't think they'd end up falling in love with Tony Stark. Especially since the man still doesn't know what they've done.
Will Tony ever be able to forgive them?
The Stranger in the Woods by TheSopherfly for JenJo “Mage shouldn’t be walkin’ in these woods alone at night,” James said.
Mage. So James knew, then. About Tony’s powers. Tony breathed deeply, the warm ghost of steam rising from his mug and tickling his nostrils. “Why’s that?” he asked, curiosity getting the better of him. He’d felt something in the forest, of course, but forests were always full of creatures and strange energies. Too many trees in one place scrambled his senses almost as well as a confusion charm.
“There are things in here that like mages a little too much,” James said, and Tony hung on the words in fascination. “Plenty of things that don’t like mages, too.”
Fine Art by endof_theline for SierraNovembr Tony is a pre-tenure professor at the national defense research institute. His life is a ball of stress until he meets Bucky the barista at the local and remembers that there’s more to life than the next publication, but he might just be able to help with it.
Roses for a Wallflower by tarot_card for burbear Bucky keeps finding flowers: in his favorite books, on his spot on the couch, in his breakfast cereal box, you name it. When he looks up what the names are, he also finds their meanings, ranging from forgiveness to friendship to even romantic feelings.
(Don't) Believe My Words by FreyaS for IronEyes Tony Stark grew up knowing he was a disappointment and a failure in the eyes of not only his father but his eventual soulmate. After all, the words "I wish I'd never met you" can only be a rejection, right?
Bucky knew that he'd love the soulmate that would give him his beautiful soulwords but sometimes he feared they would never measure up to his celebrity crush, Tony Stark.
a tale of the lil' mer who could by sleepoverwork for badgerling Little mermaid meets Anthony Edward Stark and it turns out about as well as how you think it would.
(The scene of the shipwreck with Ariel meeting and saving Prince Eric, bless Part of your World, still one of my favorite songs even after all of these years)
Tony just needed space, which is exactly why he idiotically swam to the surface after dark, away from the safety and constriction that came from his pod, his home.
If given the chance, Tony knows he could find and save his parents. He just didn't know how to prove to everyone and the spirits of the sea he could, and would, do just that.
You Are My Sunshine by EchoSiriusRumme for gryvon Tony is captured and deaged while on a business trip, but the team - his family - jumps right into action to take care of their tiny, shy resident genius while they figure out how to fix this.  Or at least, they try to, concern growing each time he freezes at the sight of Steve.
But that was something personal, whispered to Bucky between frustrated tears one night, so Bucky wouldn’t be telling that secret unless push came to shove.
Too bad for Tony....it does.
Perestroika by blue_pointer for InsaneJuliann According to Doctor Strange's vision, Tony Stark is the only man who can save the universe from the Decimation. But who will save Tony Stark? Bucky must use the Time stone to travel to the past and make sure Tony makes it safely to 2023.
Drowning by sara_wolfe for EchoSiriusRumme It was only supposed to be a prank. It wasn't supposed to go this wrong...
Travelling the world only to end up home by JenJo for hopespym Bucky has been travelling with his son to try and find a blacksmith who can fix his arm.
He ends up back where everything started for him, in a place where he had once dared to dream of a future, before he had his heart broken.
Tony has spent his time building a name for himself as the blacksmith who can fix anything and everything. He never expected to see the man who broke his heart walk through his door.
What happens in Zurich by siyuttov for TheVagabondBoy Tony Stark is sent to evaluate the Winter Soldier, who claims to have defected from Hydra and is hoping SHIELD can help take down his former employers.
Not Ideal but Workable by calmena for marsmaywander Tony and Bucky go on a date. It goes about as wrong as it can, to the surprise of exactly nobody.
They make it work, anyway.
tell me who i am (because i don't know) by scarynoodles for ChaoticDemon “Is that all you called me here for?”
Tony stands up abruptly, walking around the desk and glancing out one of the windows. “No, actually. See, Pepper’s been nagging me to get an actual bodyguard since that happened. Usually, I would just argue that I don’t need one, since – technically, I’m my own bodyguard, but now she won’t let up since I was in the suit and still couldn’t fight back against a civilian.” Tony ignores the heat crawling up the back of his neck at that. It had been pretty embarrassing that he’d been jumped like that. “I figured, I might as well hire someone on my own terms before she did it for me. And you’re a good guy, clearly, otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did. So, want to become my bodyguard?”
It's 2012, and the Avengers have defeated Loki and his army. Tony has a new bodyguard, and all seems well.
Except – his bodyguard acts really strangely at times, and he doesn't seem to be caught up with the world around him. He has a dark, mysterious past which he refuses to divulge beyond little tidbits. Once, he claimed to have killed people. Not to mention he reminds Tony of someone he used to know – someone he used to love – decades ago.
How to Survive a Haunted House by marsmaywander for Briz “Lord save me from crazy white boys,” were probably going to be Rhodey’s last words. He didn’t care what his friend said; this place was haunted, and they were both gonna end up dead because Tony was too taken in by the ample closet space.
it starts and ends with memory by Rowantreeisme for Arboreal Tony Carbonell is a completely normal professor at MIT. He tutors kids, both in his class and not, and builds things in his free time. He feeds stray cats and drinks too much coffee and wears dorky shirts to class. He's also an Avenger and the son of the late Howard Stark. He's pretty sure, though, that no one except his two closest friends and his AI's know this. And then the Winter Soldier breaks into his home.
Will you? [Comic] by MassiveSpaceWren for FreyaS Tony hadn't planned his proposal like this...
Give or Take by beir for BrightEyesIllusionist After everything, the prince could only hope his ill-fated plan would work.
Near Miss by Arboreal for justanotherpipedream  A car accident, the police had said.  He could have lost them to something as stupid as a car accident.  
He could have lost them, and his last memories of them would be of arguing with his father and ignoring his mother.
Bucky's trigger words begin to fail.  This changes things.
Tony Stark's Home for Wayward Assassins by gryvon for Stark-N-Barnes Tony Stark's too busy running Stark Resilient and making technological breakthroughs in clean energy and medical technology to pay too much attention to all the superheroes that have been popping up since that crazy horned guy trashed New York City. Then one shows up at his house in the middle of the night demanding Tony fix his broken metal arm and Tony can't in good conscious kick him out after.
Or, how a Tony Stark that never became Iron Man ended up with a Russian assassin living in his mansion.
Moonshine by InsaneJuliann for blue_pointer Tony's a werewolf and a single dad, which means he doesn't have much time for the dating scene. But a small push from friends leads to him meeting Bucky. Totally human, great, and very interested Bucky. And for the first time in a while, Tony's interested in more than just a life that orbits around only his daughter.
Fake It 'Til You Make It by hopespym for Reioka So sure. Since he’d gotten back from his station overseas, life hadn’t really been treating him too good.
Before he’d gone he’d had no trouble at all finding someone for the night and even managed a couple of relationships that had all (seemingly) been going pretty well until he’d been left behind as the others continued on with their lives, and after he’d gotten back he hadn’t even really bothered anything.
And all Tinder got him was mugged one time.
Iron Man: Legend of the Seven Seas by BrightEyesIllusionist for Rowantreeisme Tony Stark is a black hearted pirate who ran away from home years ago. His latest target? The legendary Book of Peace which maintains the treaty between the kingdoms. But the God of Chaos has other plans for the book, and yet more for the black hearted pirate.
fight 'til we see the sunlight by burbear for siyuttov There are days where Tony regrets not going back on his word, where he wishes he had told Steve “No, actually, keep that murderer out of my house and as far from me as possible.” Pepper and Rhodey even said he should. Not in as many words, certainly not because of Barnes, but because they know Tony.  
Tony knows, though, that the safest place for Barnes—and everyone else, since the first day people found out about the Winter Soldier more and more civilians were getting grand ideas about bringing him in—is the Tower. His only stipulation is that Steve keeps Barnes away from him.
His timer is steadily ticking toward zero, to the day he meets his soulmate, but to be honest? Tony has a lot more on his mind than someone fate picked out for him.
When It Rains It Pours by DreamcatchersDaughter for beir Bucky's sure Tony is half werewolf, Tony is sure Bucky is all fae.... What happens when they are both wrong?
Or 3 times these idiots got it wrong and 1 time they got it so right.
Hope and Heroes by Zola9612 for endof_theline Young Tony was born without a soul mark. How does that affect his life?
Your Hand In Mine by celtic7irish for Harpyienkind Omega Tony Stark is the son of Lord Stark.  Ever since he presented as an Omega, he has been promised to Lord Barnes, a ruthless warrior of Hydra that he has never even met.  Three months pregnant by his lover and heat-partner, Bucky, Tony is terrified for both himself and the unborn child.  But Tony Stark has never backed down before, and  he’s not about to start now.
share and celebrate by Potrix for Zola9612 It’s been almost twenty-four hours, but still none of it seems or feels entirely real.
Well, to be fair, learning about the existence of parallel universes, finding out there’s at least one other Earth that has been destroyed by a threat his Earth isn’t even fully aware of yet, and getting two other-universe versions of people he’s currently not exactly on speaking terms with dropped into his lap has been kind of a lot.
It might take Tony another day—or year, more likely—to wrap his head around all of that.
Wanted: Boyfriend by Briz for DreamcatchersDaughter Well, it was not every day that a job offer knocked on his door looking like something straight out of a porno.
Cuddles by Briz for Iron_Eirlyssa Thing is, Tony likes touch. In fact, scratch that - he loves touch. He finds out that so does Bucky.
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2018 Gifts: Batch 1
Room 154 by Briz for Bill_Longbow The the night shift was peaceful and quiet, and Bucky liked it that way.
Too bad the patient on room 154 didn't get the memo and took it upon himself to spoil his night by pressing the damn nurse call button every fifteen minutes since midnight.
Game of Love and Chance by EchoSiriusRumme for plirio After sharing his worries about the man he's supposed to marry, Tony's guard Clint comes up with an ingenious plan to switch places with him, so that he could observe this James fellow from the background.  The Prince's own servant, Steve, arrives first, claiming the Prince is running late, and the two get to talking in the meantime.  When Tony and this tall, dark and handsome man hit it off instantly, Tony may or may not be reconsidering this whole arranged marriage deal.
Silver and Gold by its_inherited for beir It was a good day.
Her name was Betsy by Cee_Jaii for Arboreal How two men, who did not know what exactly they were, seduced each other. With a motorcycle.
Baby Winter Soldiers and Jealous Spiderlings by AlienPsycho for tarot_card The Prompt "de-aged" Bucky - only whatever was used to de-age him, because of his super-soldier serum, brought him back to his 20- something self from the 30s/40s. And young, not brain-washed Bucky sees Tony, and turns into his young, charming, flirty self.
From Peter Parker's point of view. Brief, and not very detailed. He doesn't like the idea of sharing his father figure/mentor.
A Second Chance by kenshincha for marsmaywander While Tony tries to figure out why Bucky hit a roadblock in his treatment with the BARF, they end up stranded with Bucky's arm damaged.
Is It Starkbucks or Snarkbucks? by slippin_into_darkness for Reioka Tony puns it up whenever he sees his favorite barista. Bucky is having none of it.
Mend (Our Brokenness) by Juulna for siyuttov Written for the prompt: Post-WS, Bucky gets his memories back fairly quickly because of the serum, and then commits himself to doing what he can to make up for what Hydra made him do. He starts with small things, draining Hydra bank accounts to pay off the student debt of his victim's next of kin, scaring off abusive boyfriends of victim's spouses, etc. Tony is the hardest one on his list, because what can he do to help a billionaire?
Save Me A Dance by TheSopherfly for whenfairieshelp Pre!serum Steve and Bucky live together. One day, Steve brings a new friend home. Bucky is not prepared for that friend to be the cute guy who rejected him at a dance a few months ago.
Trying Too Hard by Arboreal for pitifuis The Winter Soldier’s appearances were usually few and far between, which made it all the more confusing when suddenly Tony couldn't seem to go a single day without setting the Winter Soldier off.
Trust Falls by Niki for ZeeK Doctor Strange has a plan to tie Bucky Barnes to someone who can be trusted to never misuse the command words, someone who will always do right by him. The spell has side effects. It also chooses a person no one – including Tony himself – expected.
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❄Work Reveal - Batch 5❄
Once Upon Academy by blue_pointer for justanotherpipedream On a trip to the Renaissance Faire with Jan, Tony discovers a new challenger to his title of Ultimate Coolness. Decked out in historically accurate (mostly) armor, Tony is ready to joust. But this bard is a tricky one.
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Hacked by siyuttov for marsmaywander When Tony turns his mind into a computer, he opens himself up to the same risks. Luckily for him, he still has a heart that is 100% human, even if the person he's starting to love has a metal arm.
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It Must Have Been the Mistletoe by TheSopherfly for its_inherited Tony goes a little overboard with the mistletoe. Bucky can't say that he minds.
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when you wish upon a star by Pericardiaca for ladyshadowdrake Bucky works as a security guard for Tony Stark when one day Happy Hogan receives a weird threat. Thinking Tony is in danger it's on Bucky to go to find him... and Bucky does find him. In an interesting situation.
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It is what it is by Rospergs for Cattie_Bri3 “And you didn’t tell me about the pack!” That made Steve wrinkle his nose, caught off hand. “Uh? What pack?” Lord, Bucky felt like pulling his hair out. “Your pack!”
Where Bucky has issues and Tony doesn't stop running for his life.
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Let the Games Begin by kenshincha for catZY When King Anthony changes the rules that one does not need to be of noble blood to be a knight, Steve and Bucky travel to participate in the first open tournament.
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we've always been all we need by uponthesun for LeilaEracktor Tony's plummeting five hundred feet down towards the Hudson and a new "Drowned By Doom Bot" placard, FRIDAY's voice fritzing spectacularly in his ears, when he sees him for the first time—an impression of dark hair, drab clothes, and two hands clutching a half-eaten burger; one of which had let go and automatically swung up to point at Tony like some B-roll cliche.
"You—!" is all his suit's speakers manage to spit out before the river water surrounds him, and his, "Motherfucker!" is swallowed down in favor of figuring out how to not die.
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Talking... Is That What We're Doing by Buggy_Barnes for uponthesun Barnes is back. Tony dosen't know what to do.
Everything can be solved by a good conversation.
(They're also soulmates)
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5 + 1 Soulmate Au by Fadedintothenight for singingwithoutwords My winteriron holiday exchange 2017 gift.
5+ 1 style soulmate au.
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Dreams Do Come True by Zola9612 for Fadedintothenight Tony and Bucky go Christmas shopping while Tony is being self-deprecating. With a little Christmas magic, Tony and Bucky's dreams come true.
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Protection [ART] by MassiveSpaceWren for Fluffypanda Tony will always protect Bucky.
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Sir Barnes and the lost Princess by Briz for Tahlruil That wasn't what Sir Barnes expected, at all.
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An Unempty Nest by gryvon for celtic7irish Tony's used to being alone. Pepper and Rhodey visit sporadically. Bruce uses his labs, but the rest of the Avengers went their separate ways. Then SHIELD came crashing down and Tony finds an unlikely group of superheroes on his front steps, one of which happens to be the soulmate Tony never thought he'd meet. Tony invites them to stay.
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This place, which we have found by Niki for lantia4ever Bucky likes taking things apart and Tony likes building them. They meet in the middle during the long nights.
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Dreaming with My Eyes Open (Ready to Fly) by DreamcatchersDaughter for OneSmartChicken Bucky really wishes his roommates would stop trying to ruffle his feathers and let him pine in peace.
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