Gosh I love this one--and also, they need to just GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!!
Hi hello I excited about so much here and am so excited to hear you and @sopherfly have been writing a fuckton! Love it when you team up!!!
Can I please hear about walking in on Obi-Wan and Quin? Thank you!
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
HAHAHA, @palfriendpatine66 you crack me UP. This might not be exactly what you were expecting, but we hope you like it anyway!
Walking in on Obi-Wan and Quin
Quin and Obi-Wan haven't seen each other for quite some time, but they've enjoyed each other's company for several years. During Quin’s time away, Anakin's been knighted, and, to Obi-Wan’s everlasting irritation, had the nerve to grow out his hair into curls that soon will dust broadened shoulders supporting kriffing armor that vex Obi-Wan’s resolve. By coincidence or will of the Force, Quin arrives in camp where the 501st and 212th are awaiting their next orders in an already months-long campaign. Obi-Wan, unable to scratch that ever-tempting but unobtainable itch, is in desperate need of a good fuck and is more than ready to welcome Quin into his tent and his bed.
Walking in on Obi-Wan and Quin leads Anakin to ask some questions Obi-Wan is unprepared to answer. Because it’s obikin, they’re dumb and it doesn’t go well.
Sneak Peek:
“Anakin. Please. Why don’t you…” Obi-Wan pinches the bridge of his nose and waves his hand towards the rest of the camp. “Go fix something. Or see what Ahsoka is up to. You seem very unsettled. I would suggest meditating, but…” he smirks, before looking down and scrolling through the latest troop movement briefing on his datapad. “I know better.”
Anakin narrows his eyes, stung by the dismissal and the obvious reason behind it. "Why? You need me out of the way when Vos comes by again?" he bites out, crossing his arms hard enough to sound a metallic clank between his vambraces.
Startled, Obi-Wan jerks his head up, clearly surprised but trying for confusion. Anakin doesn’t buy it for a second. He knows that move, he’s seen Obi-Wan use it far too many times, from important negotiations to playing loose with the truth in front of the Council.
“What does Quinlan have to do with anything? I mean, yes, it is possible we will cross paths, but I don’t understand how that would affect what you–”
Anakin rolls his eyes and elaborates, “I saw you. I didn’t realize you two were still together.”
A line appears between Obi-Wan’s brows as he regards Anakin. “You saw us?” he asks, giving nothing away, save for the careful, practiced nonchalance that never fails to get under Anakin’s skin.
Color blooms high on Anakin’s cheeks and he sighs with irritation. “I was bringing you your gloves. You’d…you’d left them in the comm center. I didn’t know you were… occupied.”
“I see.” Obi-Wan visibly bristles at Anakin’s tone and the turmoil building between them in the Force. "I did not know you were coming by, nor do I recall you announcing yourself. If you'll forgive me, I was under the impression that my tent is my tent, and I am free to have wish?"
Anakin gapes at him. “And what was I supposed to say, ‘Hey, Master, I know you’re busy getting fucked by Vos, but here’s your gloves, see you later, have a good one!’? I wasn’t expecting you to have company, especially in the middle of the day cycle, for kriff’s sake.”
“For the love of–” Scowling, Obi-Wan lifts the flap to his tent, gesturing for Anakin to enter, and follows him in with an exasperated huff. “I am not going to apologize, if that’s what you’re looking for. Honestly, Anakin.” He sits down, the GAR-issued cot squeaking its protest. He glances at his datapad, but sighs and tosses it aside. “Quin is…an old friend, you know that. It has never been anything serious–it cannot be–and I’m sure you...occasionally...have an itch to, uh, scratch? I mean, the Senator…?
Appalled, Anakin blanches at the thought, not sure whether to laugh or be angry at the insinuation that he and Padme are casual lovers. “No! Oh my gods, I don't...I don't do that with Padme? She's just a friend. We talk, that’s it. Not…that.”
“Alright,” Obi-Wan raises his hands in surrender, yet fixes him with a dubious look. “I should not have assumed, I clearly misinterpreted your…friendship with the Senator.” Scrubbing his hand through the whiskers on his chin, he exhales heavily. “I don’t know why I need to explain this to you. You…you know how tough this campaign has been. Quin arrived in camp, and he’s nothing if not a useful…distraction.” He gives Anakin a pointed look. “Surely you can understand?”
Anakin slouches against the center tent pole, fidgeting with the clasps on his gauntlet. He’s trying to understand, trying to understand how Obi-Wan, of all people, can be so casual about sex, especially with a friend…a friend who is not Anakin. The realization hits hard, his jealousy of Vos and the undeniable arousal he felt watching them for longer than he should have, coalescing into a single question.
“So…you never…I mean...with me? I mean…we’re friends. Good friends.” He tries to keep the hurt and confusion out of his voice, but he knows exhaustion and emotion and Obi-Wan have all made his shields shoddy at this point. “Best friends.”
Obi-Wan frowns deeply, resting his elbows on his knees as he slowly pulls off his gloves. “What? Why in the worlds would I? You are my best friend, my partner, my…” he cuts himself off, tossing his gloves to the ground in agitation. “I mean, I would never want to ruin that."
Anakin quietly scoffs, tilting his head in consideration. “What makes you think that would ruin what we have? You think I don’t know how to fuck without getting attached?” He ignores the outright lie he’s spouting, rationalizing that it’s not actually a lie if he’s already attached; fucking Obi-Wan won’t change that.
“I never said that, blast.” Obi-Wan’s face reddens, and he stands, pacing the room and moving datapads and other pieces of flimsi around on his makeshift desk of crates. “We…we work so well together, we know each other so well. We still have a bond. Our friendship, our…partnership…I would not say it is…casual.”
Anakin nods slowly, turning this admission over in his mind, feeling the currents of the Force shift between them, from anger and jealousy to something more quiet, yet also taut with anticipation. As though their bond was creating this pull between them, Anakin walks over, reaching out and placing his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder until he turns to face him. “So… you can have something casual with Vos, but not with me.” Anakin pauses, searching Obi-Wan’s face. “Why?”
“Because that’s what Quin and I are. You and I…” Obi-Wan tries to maintain eye contact, but settles on a spot just past Anakin’s scar. “As I said, nothing about us has ever been casual. Why are we even discussing–”
“What about something that isn’t casual?” Anakin interrupts softly, wanting to understand, to know, but also afraid that the answer will be no. That what he’s reading in the Force, in their bond, is all a galactic misunderstanding on his part, that Obi-Wan doesn’t want this as much as Anakin does.
“Anakin, that’s…” Shaking his head, Obi-Wan takes a step back, finding himself trapped against the crates. “You know that’s not an option.” The words sound decisive, but the emotion behind them, the hitch in his breath, betrays his conviction.
Anakin waits a beat before responding, the words tentative, his eyes alight like embers. “But it’s what you want, isn’t it?” The air between them crackles with tension. On the barest breath of an exhale, Anakin adds, “Open yourself to the bond. It’s what I want, too.”
Before Obi-Wan can answer, there’s a rap on the tent flap and Rex is stepping inside the tent. “Pardon the interruption, Generals. We’ve received word from the advanced recon team, asking for a squadron of stealth troopers to set timed charges around the tinnies’ embankments.”
Anakin screws his eyes shut in frustration and his shoulders flare back, turning on his heel to address his captain. “They’ve reached the staging area, I take it? What’s the terrain like up there? Do they need–kriff.” He glares for a moment at the ground, cursing the Force for its damnable timing. “Go ahead and start assembling the squadron, I’ll catch up with you for a full tactical briefing, just…just give me a sec.”
Rex salutes, his expression inscrutable beneath his helmet. “Sir, yes sir!”
Anakin’s shoulders drop as soon as the tent flap falls closed once more. He turns, ready to continue, to hear that Obi-Wan agrees, that he feels it, too… but the moment from earlier has been broken. Anakin brings his hand up, splaying his fingers across his temple; stang, he’s suddenly so tired, he realizes. Whether it’s the lack of sleep or all their responsibilities, he just can’t summon any more energy to press the issue with Obi-Wan further at the moment. He feels exposed, vulnerable.
Because Obi-Wan said that’s not an option.
Anything between us, casual or otherwise.
Anakin’s upset, frustrated, and a little heartbroken knowing that Obi-Wan isn’t necessarily uninterested, he’s just too devoted to the Jedi Code.
And just not enough to me.
He nods sharply towards the tent opening. “I have to go.” He runs a hand through his curls, then lets out a halting sigh. “I’ll make sure to announce myself next time.”
He ducks out of Obi-Wan’s tent, stomping his way towards the comm center. Even as tactical plans begin to unfold in his mind, he growls when he sees a flash of dreadlocks and yellow tattoos heading into the mess tent.
Vos had better stay out of my kriffing way.
#wip ask game#obikin#templefly wips#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#walking in on obi wan and quin#dumbasses#learn to communicate plz
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@better-than-ice-cream asked: Hello there! Can you please tell us more about the Wildly Sensual Gif?
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
Ohhh, WSG. Some of our favorite things: pining, longing, sexual tension, teasing, winding each other up, and the inevitable loss of control! Thank you for asking!
Wildly Sensual Gif (WSG)
Featured in a previous WIP Wednesday, this story is built around exactly what it says on the can: a wildly sensual gif, which we of course immediately thought of obikin and their neverending longing and pining and how they probably would do something exactly like this, and probably in a not-so-discreet setting.
GFFA. Obikin are in an established relationship but it’s still early days, and while they’ve had some very heated makeout sessions, they haven’t had time for anything more. They’ve just concluded a mission and are celebrating with drinks at a bar with their friends. At this point in the story, they’ve relieved some of that need but it doesn’t take much to up the ante once more.
Sneak Peek:
Obi-Wan watches the exchange between Anakin and Quinlan, feeling Anakin’s preening in the bond. Gods, it shouldn’t be enough to get him going again, but his cock stirs, and the arousal that had hardly died down reignites with such intensity that Obi-Wan struggles to conceal it. He glances down at his half finished drink, swallowing hard, then looks briefly at Anakin, allowing his hand to slide along the inside of Anakin’s thigh. He inches his palm closer and closer to Anakin’s groin, the pressure slow and deliberate, and he sends an image across the bond—their hands wrapped around each other’s cocks, the sharp, desperate pleasure of the moment, the perfect release of coming so fast, the broken sound Obi-Wan had made as pleasure shattered him apart.
Anakin chokes as he's swallowing, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth to smother the whine that bubbles up as Obi-Wan's hand stalks towards his already-hardening cock. He's known since puberty that he doesn't have to wait very long, but fuck this is ridiculous, how quickly he's hard again and how badly he wants Obi-Wan's hand on his cock right now. He doesn't care if Vos and the whole table know, because all of his focus is narrowed down to the connection between him and Obi-Wan, both the physical touch of his hand and the taut, searing, presence of him in his mind.
Master, either I'm taking my cock out right now for you, or we've gotta get out of here, Anakin threatens, though he's far more desperate than his words relay. He groans softly when clever fingers pass over the straining seams in his crotch, and quickly downs the rest of his drink. Fuck, fuck, fuck--he can feel Obi-Wan's pleasure radiating through the bond and the memory he's sharing, and Anakin retaliates by sending him an image of his mouth stuffed with Obi-Wan's thick cock, chin wet with spit and his own hand shoved down his pants jerking himself off.
Kriffing hells, Obi-Wan says through the bond, barely managing to turn an obscene groan into a cough. He presses his palm against the outline of Anakin’s cock, less of a tease than a promise, then pulls his hand away, pushing his drink toward the center of the table. “I think,” he says, his voice low and raspy, “that Anakin and I need to go discuss our plans for the”—he clears his throat—“the lightsaber training course tomorrow.”
He gives Anakin a pointed look, knowing the excuse is about as flimsy as it can be, but he can’t bring himself to care. Hells, Quin already knows—it won’t be long before the rest of them find out too. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he needs Anakin’s mouth on him, or gods, whatever Anakin wants.
Outside, he growls into the bond, rising carefully from the table to conceal his erection, then making quickly for the door that leads to the alley near where they’ve parked. Back to the Temple, maybe, to their quarters, to finally fuck the way they both want to—if they can even stand to wait that long.
Anakin bites his lip, hard, at the pressure on his cock, and then nearly whimpers when it's gone. He inhales sharply, trying to center himself and sure that he'd pushed too hard, gone too far, shit, shit, shit--when he then hears Obi-Wan's growling across the bond to get outside and offering what even Anakin knows is a completely terrible excuse to the table. "Uh...oh yeah, that's, um, yeah. Early. Tomorrow. Um. Bye?" Anakin stammers, throwing out some credits on the table while sliding off the bar stool, watching Obi-Wan practically sprinting for the exit. Hurrying and distracted, Anakn trips on the stool leg with a clatter and curses, flinging out his hand to right it with the Force before scurrying outside in pursuit of his hot, horny, and fucking hung Master.
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ALSO can we talk about how much I love the phrase, his hot, horny, and fucking hung master
also also this is only WSG 1, there are two more because we love this concept so much
@better-than-ice-cream asked: Hello there! Can you please tell us more about the Wildly Sensual Gif?
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
Ohhh, WSG. Some of our favorite things: pining, longing, sexual tension, teasing, winding each other up, and the inevitable loss of control! Thank you for asking!
Wildly Sensual Gif (WSG)
Featured in a previous WIP Wednesday, this story is built around exactly what it says on the can: a wildly sensual gif, which we of course immediately thought of obikin and their neverending longing and pining and how they probably would do something exactly like this, and probably in a not-so-discreet setting.
GFFA. Obikin are in an established relationship but it’s still early days, and while they’ve had some very heated makeout sessions, they haven’t had time for anything more. They’ve just concluded a mission and are celebrating with drinks at a bar with their friends. At this point in the story, they’ve relieved some of that need but it doesn’t take much to up the ante once more.
Sneak Peek:
Obi-Wan watches the exchange between Anakin and Quinlan, feeling Anakin’s preening in the bond. Gods, it shouldn’t be enough to get him going again, but his cock stirs, and the arousal that had hardly died down reignites with such intensity that Obi-Wan struggles to conceal it. He glances down at his half finished drink, swallowing hard, then looks briefly at Anakin, allowing his hand to slide along the inside of Anakin’s thigh. He inches his palm closer and closer to Anakin’s groin, the pressure slow and deliberate, and he sends an image across the bond—their hands wrapped around each other’s cocks, the sharp, desperate pleasure of the moment, the perfect release of coming so fast, the broken sound Obi-Wan had made as pleasure shattered him apart.
Anakin chokes as he's swallowing, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth to smother the whine that bubbles up as Obi-Wan's hand stalks towards his already-hardening cock. He's known since puberty that he doesn't have to wait very long, but fuck this is ridiculous, how quickly he's hard again and how badly he wants Obi-Wan's hand on his cock right now. He doesn't care if Vos and the whole table know, because all of his focus is narrowed down to the connection between him and Obi-Wan, both the physical touch of his hand and the taut, searing, presence of him in his mind.
Master, either I'm taking my cock out right now for you, or we've gotta get out of here, Anakin threatens, though he's far more desperate than his words relay. He groans softly when clever fingers pass over the straining seams in his crotch, and quickly downs the rest of his drink. Fuck, fuck, fuck--he can feel Obi-Wan's pleasure radiating through the bond and the memory he's sharing, and Anakin retaliates by sending him an image of his mouth stuffed with Obi-Wan's thick cock, chin wet with spit and his own hand shoved down his pants jerking himself off.
Kriffing hells, Obi-Wan says through the bond, barely managing to turn an obscene groan into a cough. He presses his palm against the outline of Anakin’s cock, less of a tease than a promise, then pulls his hand away, pushing his drink toward the center of the table. “I think,” he says, his voice low and raspy, “that Anakin and I need to go discuss our plans for the”—he clears his throat—“the lightsaber training course tomorrow.”
He gives Anakin a pointed look, knowing the excuse is about as flimsy as it can be, but he can’t bring himself to care. Hells, Quin already knows—it won’t be long before the rest of them find out too. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he needs Anakin’s mouth on him, or gods, whatever Anakin wants.
Outside, he growls into the bond, rising carefully from the table to conceal his erection, then making quickly for the door that leads to the alley near where they’ve parked. Back to the Temple, maybe, to their quarters, to finally fuck the way they both want to—if they can even stand to wait that long.
Anakin bites his lip, hard, at the pressure on his cock, and then nearly whimpers when it's gone. He inhales sharply, trying to center himself and sure that he'd pushed too hard, gone too far, shit, shit, shit--when he then hears Obi-Wan's growling across the bond to get outside and offering what even Anakin knows is a completely terrible excuse to the table. "Uh...oh yeah, that's, um, yeah. Early. Tomorrow. Um. Bye?" Anakin stammers, throwing out some credits on the table while sliding off the bar stool, watching Obi-Wan practically sprinting for the exit. Hurrying and distracted, Anakn trips on the stool leg with a clatter and curses, flinging out his hand to right it with the Force before scurrying outside in pursuit of his hot, horny, and fucking hung Master.
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Engine Lube, for the WIP ask game?
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
SO glad you asked about this one!
Engine Lube
This all started because of the chore of submitting expense reports, and laughing about Quin probably submitting receipts for luxury lube he insists is necessary for his (literal) undercover work. As if Mace isn’t getting a headache already from Vos’ receipts, he’s eyeing the substantial amount the Order is laying out for a particular kind of engine lubricant. Mace doesn’t know the difference–he does not care–but he does care about the Order’s finances and surely something more cost-effective would suffice.
While enroute on a mission in separate starfighters, Obi-Wan is tasked by Master Windu to discuss the hefty cost of the lubricant Anakin has expensed the Order with for starfighter maintenance. Outraged, Anakin goes on a tirade/lecture, expounding on just why this particular lubricant is needed, and Obi-Wan finds himself in the surprising–and deeply uncomfortable–situation of having his competence kink activated by Anakin’s passion and expertise for starfighter mechanics.
Sneak Peek:
“Anakin, be reasonable,” Obi-Wan says. “I am merely suggesting—”
“That I use droid lubricant in an engine! Master, you can’t be serious!”
“That was a joke,” Obi-Wan says, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “But I hardly think it’s worth the fuss and expense to only use one specific brand.”
“And that's why I don't let you do the buying.”
Obi-Wan huffs in exasperation. “I can’t believe we’re arguing about this.”
“I can’t believe you thought I would just agree to--to--stang, Obi-Wan, do you even know how an engine works?”
Taking Obi-Wan’s silence as an admission that no, he doesn't know how an engine works, Anakin launches into a painfully thorough explanation, leaving no room for comment or debate. Obi-Wan tries to cling to his annoyance, but it turns too swiftly into amusement… and something else.
It's kriffing mechanicals and lubricant, he chides himself. It is not arousing.
Somehow, his body hasn't gotten the message.
Obi-Wan stays quiet as Anakin winds down, and at first Anakin thinks he's somehow overstepped, or been offensive. But then he senses heat wavering at the edges of his shields.
He's not sure what it is, and as he touches the bond, Obi-Wan falters, letting his arousal slip through.
Anakin groans under his breath. “Master.”
Obi-Wan shifts in his seat. Force, he’s already hard as durasteel. "Y-yes?" He cannot--will not--admit to being turned on by Anakin talking about droids and engines and regular maintenance and the pros and cons of various viscosities in natural and synthetic engine lubricants. "What…" his voice nearly cracks. "What is it? Is there a problem?"
“I don’t know,” Anakin says, his voice low and deliberately teasing. “Is there a problem? You sound… tense. Like you did the other day, you know… before I let you fuck my throat.”
"I'm not..." Obi-Wan answers quickly, defensively, even as the memory rises up in his mind without permission, Anakin on his knees, insolent, gorgeously wet mouth stuffed full of cock. "Kriff," he breathes out, ragged and soft.
Anakin grins, unrepentant. How many times has Obi-Wan told him wait, or not here, or don’t make a mess? For the first time, Obi-Wan is the one in need—or at least, the one more in need, and Anakin can't help but give him just a little grief for it. “Hmm,” he hums, drawing out the sound. “Are you sure you're not turned on? Because if you were--if you are--I could help with that. It sounds like all you need is for me to keep talking.”
Obi-Wan presses the heel of his hand to his cock, hard. "Anakin," he half-warns, half-whines. "We don't have time for this. The rest of the convoy is mere minutes behind us. can't possibly be suggesting...?" But Force, he wants to do it, to hear Anakin talk to him, to imagine the perfect shape of Anakin’s mouth as he murmurs obscenities, to picture the flutter of lashes and the arch of his neck. Obi-Wan bites his lip, muting the comm to release a string of profanity and precome. Fucking hells.
“I’m not suggesting anything,” Anakin says, full of false-innocence. “I’m just… letting you know that I could help. If you wanted. And”—he pauses, swallowing, shifting in his seat as desire slips past his shields and into the bond—“they’re not right behind us. A few minutes is plenty of time.”
Obi-Wan is sure he's about to come in his pants like a green Padawan when he gets the jolt of Anakin's lust through their bond. "You are the worst kind of influence," Obi-Wan grouses as he reaches for the ties on his trousers, knowing he needs to get off or he'll never be able to concentrate on the mission ahead. He pulls on the ties, sighing with relief--
Just then, the nav computer pings, and their ships suddenly revert to realspace.
Well, fuck.
“Kriff,” Anakin groans, his grip tightening on the controls. “Sorry, Master. I thought we had more time.” He’s taking point in their descent through the planet’s thick atmosphere—he can’t afford to be distracted. Not even by a hot and horny Obi-Wan Kenobi. “Have to focus. I’ll make it up to you.”
#wip ask game#templefly wips#obikin#engine lube#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#THE BANTER AND THE TEASING#they do love to rile each other up#😏
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Hi!! Can we know about the "Anakin poses nude" please?
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
Yes! OMG YES!! We were so hoping that someone would ask about this one, thank you! This, one, like an unbelievable number of our fics and musings, was inspired by some art or other media that passed by on our dash, and the story took off from there. (What art, you ask? See below the cut!)
Anakin Poses Nude
As the war is winding down, obikin travel to a world where art and beauty are venerated in sculpture in order to negotiate for a sizeable shipment of bacta supplies. To secure the deal, Anakin agrees to pose (nude) for a sculpture that will be installed in the public sculpture garden for all to view. Anakin feels it’s a very small price to pay for what they’re getting out of the deal, while Obi-Wan struggles with an intense bout of possessiveness that catches them both by surprise.
pic credit
As the war is winding down, obikin travel to a world where art and beauty are venerated in sculpture in order to negotiate for a sizeable shipment of bacta supplies. To secure the deal, Anakin agrees to pose (nude) for a sculpture that will be installed in the public sculpture garden for all to view. Anakin feels it’s a very small price to pay for what they’re getting out of the deal, while Obi-Wan struggles with an intense bout of possessiveness that catches them both by surprise.
Sneak Peek #1: The Proposal
“Your Excellencies.” Obi-Wan bows, as does Anakin beside him, though Anakin senses something sharp in their bond before it’s muted. “We shall review your generous proposal and return with a response before sunset. Until then,” he finishes with a crisp, formal nod of his head, before turning on his heel and striding out the door.
He walks them silently back to their assigned accommodations. Once they enter the room, he goes over and immediately pours himself a sizeable drink.
Without a word to Anakin, he scrolls through his datapad while drinking, allowing the alcohol to scald its way down his throat, not unlike the heated emotions working their way through him, resisting his attempts to release them to the Force. He runs his hand over his mouth, knowing deep down this is the best solution, maybe the only solution, because time is a consideration and there are desperate worlds spread across the Republic in need of these supplies as they begin to rebuild.
Anakin has known since the second Obi-Wan responded to the Grand Assembly that something is up, but he doesn’t quite understand what it is, and that’s what prompts him to ask Obi-Wan, “What is it? Do you not like the deal?”
Without looking up, he continues to scroll through the details, hoping for another solution to present itself. “I suppose I do not care much for the terms of the deal,” he admits, releasing a slow breath as he clicks off the datapad and sets it aside, taking another long sip.
Anakin’s brow lifts in confusion."Master. Obi-Wan, come on. We need those supplies, you said it yourself when you proposed an alliance. It's not a big deal, you know I don't care."
Obi-Wan offers a pained smile, then looks away as he says, “Yes. Of course, you’re right. It’s only…” He frowns, unable to shake the tightness in his shoulders, in his voice. “I don’t like the idea of you being on display.” At least, not for anyone but me, he thinks, surprised and dismayed by the attachment, the possessiveness, of that sentiment.
Anakin looks surprised, and then smirks, trying to lighten the mood a little. “You've never minded it before. Now you'll get to see me all the time." He waggles his brows, trying to get Obi-Wan to laugh, or at least sigh. "Now I'll really have a rock-hard cock."
Obi-Wan does crack a smile then. “That may be true,” he says, reaching a hand up to cradle Anakin’s cheek. His eyes darken with desire as he steps closer. “But as it happens,” he murmurs, brushing his nose against Anakin’s, “what I meant was that I don’t want to share.”
Sneak Peek #2: A Walk in the Sculpture Garden
Anakin whines softly and whispers, “Can we? Please? There’s no one around.”
Beneath an ivy-covered marble archway, Obi-Wan tucks them deeper into the shadows. "W-what did you have in mind?" he rasps, kissing along the tendon on Anakin's neck, laving over the new marks Obi-Wan has made for all to see.
“Hadn’t gotten that far—stang, just want you,” Anakin gasps, gripping at Obi-Wan’s tunics and rolling his hips against Obi-Wan’s. “We—we could get each other off just like this?” He slips a hand into Obi-Wan’s trousers and wraps it gently around his cock. “Or… or is there something else you want?”
Obi-Wan groans when Anakin's hand begins to move, the touch light but sure as it travels the length of his cock. He thinks they should stop, that they cannot possibly do this in such a public venue, but his hips betray him, arching into Anakin's grip. "No, this...this is--kriff, so good. Let me.--," he fumbles for words as he yanks at Anakin's trousers, opening them enough to get his hand in, working his fingers around the heated length.
"Later...I need you...need you to fuck me. And I...ngh...I want....your marks, too." Obi-Wan has never wanted any such thing, it's uncivilized and torrid, but when Anakin could have his pick of the galaxy, Obi-Wan is so kriffing hot for the idea of Anakin staking a claim. "Please."
Anakin whimpers, turning to bury his face in Obi-Wan’s neck. “Yes,” he rasps, already so close just from having Obi-Wan’s hand on him. Maybe it’s because they’re here, not in view but still in public, and Obi-Wan is just as desperate as Anakin is—or maybe it’s the idea of fucking Obi-Wan and leaving bruises and bites along that pale skin. “Can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmurs, planting a kiss at the corner of Obi-Wan’s jaw. Then, with a boldness he hadn’t known he possessed, his voice so low, he adds, “Want to hear you beg for me.”
Obi-Wan's hips stutter and he comes, startled by the immediacy of his orgasm, how painfully aroused he is by the depth of Anakin's voice, by his words and what they promise. "Yes-yes," he gasps, shuddering with each pulse of his release against Anakin's continued strokes. The thought of begging for Anakin's cock, to be taken and be able to touch every sensitive bruise and bite hours, days afterwards, it's too much and not enough.
Panting, he holds Anakin against his neck, whispering hot and moist in his ear as his hand slips lower to fondle Anakin's balls. "Want that, want to feel you fill me up with your cock and come, gods, so much." He works Anakin's cock faster now, imagining the cock in his hand fucking into his hole, and he practically whines, wanting that more than he thought possible. "I'll beg, darling, anything you want, anything to know I'm yours and you're mine."
With a sound between a groan and a sigh, Anakin loses himself, his body going still as he comes. “Kriff, yes,” he mumbles against Obi-Wan’s neck, imagining for a moment what it will feel like to have his cock buried in Obi-Wan’s tight heat, how incredible the pleasure will be when they both come with their bodies connected, their hips flush. Anakin’s hips twitch a few times at the thought, even after he’s completely spent.
“Obi-Wan… stang.” He smiles, then nuzzles closer, biting gently at Obi-Wan’s skin, then sucking for just a few seconds, a promise of the way he plans to mark Obi-Wan later. “Thank you,” he says, his breath a little ragged, his muscles finally beginning to feel lax and loose. “I needed that. Needed you.”
Eyes fluttering at the sensation, Obi-Wan stumbles a little, a broken laugh escaping from lips set in a satisfied smile. "What you do to me, reducing me to a public grope, only to lure me back to your bed with promises of additional debauchery." He smirks then, fondly brushing Anakin's curls off his face. "I will hold you to it, you do realize." Force, he loves this man, this masterpiece of Force-given beauty and endlessly human passion.
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Hi!! Can we know about the "Anakin poses nude" please?
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
Yes! OMG YES!! We were so hoping that someone would ask about this one, thank you! This, one, like an unbelievable number of our fics and musings, was inspired by some art or other media that passed by on our dash, and the story took off from there. (What art, you ask? See below the cut!)
Anakin Poses Nude
As the war is winding down, obikin travel to a world where art and beauty are venerated in sculpture in order to negotiate for a sizeable shipment of bacta supplies. To secure the deal, Anakin agrees to pose (nude) for a sculpture that will be installed in the public sculpture garden for all to view. Anakin feels it’s a very small price to pay for what they’re getting out of the deal, while Obi-Wan struggles with an intense bout of possessiveness that catches them both by surprise.
pic credit
As the war is winding down, obikin travel to a world where art and beauty are venerated in sculpture in order to negotiate for a sizeable shipment of bacta supplies. To secure the deal, Anakin agrees to pose (nude) for a sculpture that will be installed in the public sculpture garden for all to view. Anakin feels it’s a very small price to pay for what they’re getting out of the deal, while Obi-Wan struggles with an intense bout of possessiveness that catches them both by surprise.
Sneak Peek #1: The Proposal
“Your Excellencies.” Obi-Wan bows, as does Anakin beside him, though Anakin senses something sharp in their bond before it’s muted. “We shall review your generous proposal and return with a response before sunset. Until then,” he finishes with a crisp, formal nod of his head, before turning on his heel and striding out the door.
He walks them silently back to their assigned accommodations. Once they enter the room, he goes over and immediately pours himself a sizeable drink.
Without a word to Anakin, he scrolls through his datapad while drinking, allowing the alcohol to scald its way down his throat, not unlike the heated emotions working their way through him, resisting his attempts to release them to the Force. He runs his hand over his mouth, knowing deep down this is the best solution, maybe the only solution, because time is a consideration and there are desperate worlds spread across the Republic in need of these supplies as they begin to rebuild.
Anakin has known since the second Obi-Wan responded to the Grand Assembly that something is up, but he doesn’t quite understand what it is, and that’s what prompts him to ask Obi-Wan, “What is it? Do you not like the deal?”
Without looking up, he continues to scroll through the details, hoping for another solution to present itself. “I suppose I do not care much for the terms of the deal,” he admits, releasing a slow breath as he clicks off the datapad and sets it aside, taking another long sip.
Anakin’s brow lifts in confusion."Master. Obi-Wan, come on. We need those supplies, you said it yourself when you proposed an alliance. It's not a big deal, you know I don't care."
Obi-Wan offers a pained smile, then looks away as he says, “Yes. Of course, you’re right. It’s only…” He frowns, unable to shake the tightness in his shoulders, in his voice. “I don’t like the idea of you being on display.” At least, not for anyone but me, he thinks, surprised and dismayed by the attachment, the possessiveness, of that sentiment.
Anakin looks surprised, and then smirks, trying to lighten the mood a little. “You've never minded it before. Now you'll get to see me all the time." He waggles his brows, trying to get Obi-Wan to laugh, or at least sigh. "Now I'll really have a rock-hard cock."
Obi-Wan does crack a smile then. “That may be true,” he says, reaching a hand up to cradle Anakin’s cheek. His eyes darken with desire as he steps closer. “But as it happens,” he murmurs, brushing his nose against Anakin’s, “what I meant was that I don’t want to share.”
Sneak Peek #2: A Walk in the Sculpture Garden
Anakin whines softly and whispers, “Can we? Please? There’s no one around.”
Beneath an ivy-covered marble archway, Obi-Wan tucks them deeper into the shadows. "W-what did you have in mind?" he rasps, kissing along the tendon on Anakin's neck, laving over the new marks Obi-Wan has made for all to see.
“Hadn’t gotten that far—stang, just want you,” Anakin gasps, gripping at Obi-Wan’s tunics and rolling his hips against Obi-Wan’s. “We—we could get each other off just like this?” He slips a hand into Obi-Wan’s trousers and wraps it gently around his cock. “Or… or is there something else you want?”
Obi-Wan groans when Anakin's hand begins to move, the touch light but sure as it travels the length of his cock. He thinks they should stop, that they cannot possibly do this in such a public venue, but his hips betray him, arching into Anakin's grip. "No, this...this is--kriff, so good. Let me.--," he fumbles for words as he yanks at Anakin's trousers, opening them enough to get his hand in, working his fingers around the heated length.
"Later...I need you...need you to fuck me. And I...ngh...I want....your marks, too." Obi-Wan has never wanted any such thing, it's uncivilized and torrid, but when Anakin could have his pick of the galaxy, Obi-Wan is so kriffing hot for the idea of Anakin staking a claim. "Please."
Anakin whimpers, turning to bury his face in Obi-Wan’s neck. “Yes,” he rasps, already so close just from having Obi-Wan’s hand on him. Maybe it’s because they’re here, not in view but still in public, and Obi-Wan is just as desperate as Anakin is—or maybe it’s the idea of fucking Obi-Wan and leaving bruises and bites along that pale skin. “Can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmurs, planting a kiss at the corner of Obi-Wan’s jaw. Then, with a boldness he hadn’t known he possessed, his voice so low, he adds, “Want to hear you beg for me.”
Obi-Wan's hips stutter and he comes, startled by the immediacy of his orgasm, how painfully aroused he is by the depth of Anakin's voice, by his words and what they promise. "Yes-yes," he gasps, shuddering with each pulse of his release against Anakin's continued strokes. The thought of begging for Anakin's cock, to be taken and be able to touch every sensitive bruise and bite hours, days afterwards, it's too much and not enough.
Panting, he holds Anakin against his neck, whispering hot and moist in his ear as his hand slips lower to fondle Anakin's balls. "Want that, want to feel you fill me up with your cock and come, gods, so much." He works Anakin's cock faster now, imagining the cock in his hand fucking into his hole, and he practically whines, wanting that more than he thought possible. "I'll beg, darling, anything you want, anything to know I'm yours and you're mine."
With a sound between a groan and a sigh, Anakin loses himself, his body going still as he comes. “Kriff, yes,” he mumbles against Obi-Wan’s neck, imagining for a moment what it will feel like to have his cock buried in Obi-Wan’s tight heat, how incredible the pleasure will be when they both come with their bodies connected, their hips flush. Anakin’s hips twitch a few times at the thought, even after he’s completely spent.
“Obi-Wan… stang.” He smiles, then nuzzles closer, biting gently at Obi-Wan’s skin, then sucking for just a few seconds, a promise of the way he plans to mark Obi-Wan later. “Thank you,” he says, his breath a little ragged, his muscles finally beginning to feel lax and loose. “I needed that. Needed you.”
Eyes fluttering at the sensation, Obi-Wan stumbles a little, a broken laugh escaping from lips set in a satisfied smile. "What you do to me, reducing me to a public grope, only to lure me back to your bed with promises of additional debauchery." He smirks then, fondly brushing Anakin's curls off his face. "I will hold you to it, you do realize." Force, he loves this man, this masterpiece of Force-given beauty and endlessly human passion.
#wip ask game#obikin#templefly wips#anakin poses nude#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#goddddd I love this one#possessive obi-wan is 🥵🥵🥵
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Can I also hear about Papa Verse: Anakin Comes Home Injured???
From this WIPS Asks game with @sopherfly. Ask us, we want to talk about our fics and these dumbasses we love!
YES!!! Oh, this is exciting, thank you for asking about Papa Verse! This is our happy place with them, where they figure shit out and both get the family they need and deserve, along with each other and all the love.
Anakin Comes Home Injured (Papa Verse)
Due to Reasons, a beleaguered still-a-Jedi Anakin brings his infant children to the Temple to raise on his own. Seeing how overwhelmed his former Padawan is, Obi-Wan steps in to help. Serious, delicious pining, while raising the twins in those first sleep-deprived months, leads them to finally give in and kiss in between one of many loads of laundry.
Obi-Wan is at home with the twins (who are... 5? 6?) when Anakin comes back from a mission injured. Anakin is on some very effective painkillers and acts like a dopey drunk, emotional and missing his kids, and says some things he might've maybe hesitated to say under normal circumstances.
Sneak Peek:
"And they miss their Daddy, too. I promise, I'll talk to Vokara and see if we can get you more presentable by the morning. Another dip in the bacta, perhaps, or some of her Force-blasted crystals."
Anakin laugh-cries at that, just wrung out completely between the pain and the meds and coming down from all the adrenaline and Force exertion of the past couple of days. "I jus', I jus' love'm so much, y'know?"
"I know, darling," Obi-Wan says, shifting a bit closer to get more comfortable and carding a hand through Anakin's hair. It's a mess, tousled and sticking up at odd angles, and suddenly the idea that he could've lost this--could've lost these small touches, these gentle gestures of care like brushing through Anakin's curls--feels far too overwhelming.
He takes a few deep breaths, trying to anchor himself in the Force. "They love you, too," he says, barely keeping his voice from breaking. "So much. They'll be thrilled to see you, as soon as you don't look like death warmed up."
Anakin sighs, he's missed this so much, being loved by Obi-Wan in this quiet way of his. Somewhere, under the drugs and pain, he understands what his actions could have cost them, their family, but he pushes it away, basking in the feel of Obi-Wan's hands in his hair, his Force presence wrapped around his, warm and soft.
"Love you, too. Can't wait to get outta here, show you how much. M’cock missed you, too, y'know," he states very seriously, looking up at Obi-Wan with big eyes and nodding profoundly. "Didja miss my cock, too?"
Obi-Wan doesn’t know whether to laugh, or blush, or admit that gods yes, he has missed Anakin’s cock, but this is hardly the time or place to be discussing such things. “Anakin,” he says, all exasperated fondness. “Yes, I did.” He leans forward, pressing their foreheads together. “I missed every part of you, darling, but that one especially. Your hands, too.”
Anakin smirks, nuzzling into Obi-Wan's neck. "Knew it."
#wip ask game#templefly wips#obikin#papa verse#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#anakin is SO FUNNY HERE#i love them your honor#and they love each otherrrrr
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WIP folder game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
For the last while, I've not done much writing on my own, but @sopherfly and I have done a fuckton, and do we ever have the WIPs to prove it. Here's a li'l sampling from both our obikin and quindu archives. Go ahead, ask! Thanks to @palfriendpatine66 for the tag--there's no way we're tagging this many to play lol.
Obikin Wildly Sensual Gif Thunderstorm Sex Pollen Spiked Drink Anakin Poses Nude Senate Party Cloak Room Sauna Shenanigans Only Blankets, No Clothes On the Bed Engine Lube I Can’t Think of Anything Else Papa Verse: Anakin Comes Home Injured Sequel to “You’re Buying” Walking in on Obi-Wan and Quin Anakin Off Suppressants (omegaverse) Anakin’s Rut (omegaverse)
Quindu (Quin/Mace) Steam Baths on Level 18 Knights Out Fresher Quindu Defile the Archives Quindu Ski Trip Hot Tub Masters’ Fresher, Two Minutes Mace Reveals His Attachment Quin’s Dick Pics Hurt Comfort Something or Other Quindu at the Beach Quindu on a Date
#asks game#templefly wips#obikin#quindu#LOOK AT ALL THESE WIPS#godddd and I love them all#ask us if one intrigues you!
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-keyboard smashes- It’s finally posted! Amidst some truly insane personal chaos, the fic, she is out in the world!!
✨saving your skin (for the eleventh time)✨
Author: @sopherfly Artist: @kaleidoscopeeyee Cheer Reader: @temple-mistress Beta Reader: @dark--whisperings
Word Count: 14,800 words Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Archive and Content Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Key Tags: Action/Adventure; Canon Typical Violence; Canon Typical Plot; Injury; Poisoning; Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Banter; Confessions of Feelings; First Kiss; First Time; Top Obi-Wan; Bottom Anakin; Implied vers Anakin and Obi-Wan; sort of a slow burn if you squint; first there’s story, then there’s smut
“You should conserve your strength,” Obi-Wan murmured to Anakin. “You needn’t waste energy looking at me.”
“But I like looking at you.”
Obi-Wan smiled despite himself. “I suspect that’s only because you like counting my grey hairs. You do enjoy admiring your own handiwork.”
After Anakin is injured in battle, he and Obi-Wan finally confront the feelings they’ve been concealing from each other.
[Link to fic] [Link to art]
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Eeeeee LOOK AT THEMMMMMMM omg thank you for making art for my fic and for capturing this beautiful moment between them!!!
So much fun to be partnered with you for the @obikinbb 💖🔥✨
Here’s the link to the fic for folks who want to read!

anddddd here are my final pieces for @sopherfly's fic, saving your skin (for the eleventh time), for this year's @obikinbb
this has been such a lovely experience, thank you Soph for letting me make art for your lovely fic!! everyone else, PLEASE go read it, i promise you won't regret it :33
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Some brief obikin shenanigans for the beautiful and brilliant @temple-mistress on her birthday!
It only takes Obi-Wan a few minutes to realize, in the midst of the party’s general commotion, that Anakin has disappeared.
Obi-Wan knows his partner—his alpha; gods, Obi-Wan still hasn’t quite gotten used to that—well enough to know that Anakin won’t have gone far. Between their Force bond and the lingering traces of Anakin’s scent, Obi-Wan tracks Anakin down on one of the upper balconies.
“Not in the party mood?” Obi-Wan asks, sitting astride the windowsill for a moment before levering himself outside. He closes the window behind him, then pulls the drape, leaving the two of them in relative privacy. “Or is something on your mind?”
Anakin shakes his head, smiling ruefully. “No, it’s a good party,” he says, glancing back at Obi-Wan before returning his attention to the slowly darkening sky. “It’s just… I’m tired of having to behave myself.”
Obi-Wan hums in understanding. “They are less conservative than some of our previous hosts,” he observes. His hands clasped almost casually behind his back, he steps up beside Anakin, their shoulders close but not quite touching. “I don’t believe a public display of affection would be out of line.”
A slow exhale is Anakin’s only reply at first. “It would be playing with fire,” he says finally, a note of longing in his voice.
“Ah.” Obi-Wan knows how Anakin struggles with the… impropriety of his alpha instincts. He doesn’t begrudge Anakin maintaining a kind of public reserve. “Well, we’re alone out here, aren’t we?”
Anakin turns his head a fraction, his eyes flickering with interest.
Obi-Wan’s chin tilts up. The nearly unconscious gesture leaves the column of his neck more exposed, and he sees Anakin’s nostrils flare. Aware that his pulse has started to flutter faster, Obi-Wan reaches up, caressing Anakin’s cheek, subtly encouraging Anakin to scent his wrist.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin groans, grazing Obi-Wan’s pulse point first with his nose, then with his lips.
After a few indulgent moments, Obi-Wan withdraws his hand. Something heated passes between them, a mix of expressions and scents, and Obi-Wan swallows against the urge to grip Anakin’s tunics and demand a kiss. Instead, he steps back a few paces, raising his eyebrows in something halfway between a challenge and a tease. One corner of his mouth quirks up.
Anakin lets out a growl—a rumbling thing low in his throat—and surges forward, closing the distance between them.
Obi-Wan expects Anakin’s lips on his, but instead Anakin seeks out Obi-Wan’s mating bite, not entirely concealed by the open collar of his tunic. “Kriffing hells, you smell good,” Anakin huffs, his breath impossibly warm against Obi-Wan’s skin. He crowds Obi-Wan back against the other side of the balcony, pressing their bodies flush together.
Oh, gods. Anakin is clearly as desperately hard as Obi-Wan is—and suddenly all Obi-Wan wants is for his alpha to surround him, to knot him, to make a mess of him.
“Stang, Master.” Lips and tongue skim over Obi-Wan’s mating bite, and Obi-Wan shudders when Anakin’s teeth trace over the faded mark. “Want to fuck you.”
“You should,” Obi-Wan gasps without thinking.
Anakin draws back to meet Obi-Wan’s gaze. His eyes are a storm of desire, their familiar blue blown nearly black. “Do you mean it?”
The alpha arousal in the air is making it hard to think. Obi-Wan nods. “You did say you were tired of behaving,” he murmurs. “So perhaps we could both stand to”—a ragged inhale as Anakin rocks their hips together—“misbehave.”
#morning reblog#pferal alpha anakin and bossy omega obi wan my beloveds#obikin#omegaverse#alpha anakin#omega obi wan#I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR
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Some brief obikin shenanigans for the beautiful and brilliant @temple-mistress on her birthday!
It only takes Obi-Wan a few minutes to realize, in the midst of the party’s general commotion, that Anakin has disappeared.
Obi-Wan knows his partner—his alpha; gods, Obi-Wan still hasn’t quite gotten used to that—well enough to know that Anakin won’t have gone far. Between their Force bond and the lingering traces of Anakin’s scent, Obi-Wan tracks Anakin down on one of the upper balconies.
“Not in the party mood?” Obi-Wan asks, sitting astride the windowsill for a moment before levering himself outside. He closes the window behind him, then pulls the drape, leaving the two of them in relative privacy. “Or is something on your mind?”
Anakin shakes his head, smiling ruefully. “No, it’s a good party,” he says, glancing back at Obi-Wan before returning his attention to the slowly darkening sky. “It’s just… I’m tired of having to behave myself.”
Obi-Wan hums in understanding. “They are less conservative than some of our previous hosts,” he observes. His hands clasped almost casually behind his back, he steps up beside Anakin, their shoulders close but not quite touching. “I don’t believe a public display of affection would be out of line.”
A slow exhale is Anakin’s only reply at first. “It would be playing with fire,” he says finally, a note of longing in his voice.
“Ah.” Obi-Wan knows how Anakin struggles with the… impropriety of his alpha instincts. He doesn’t begrudge Anakin maintaining a kind of public reserve. “Well, we’re alone out here, aren’t we?”
Anakin turns his head a fraction, his eyes flickering with interest.
Obi-Wan’s chin tilts up. The nearly unconscious gesture leaves the column of his neck more exposed, and he sees Anakin’s nostrils flare. Aware that his pulse has started to flutter faster, Obi-Wan reaches up, caressing Anakin’s cheek, subtly encouraging Anakin to scent his wrist.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin groans, grazing Obi-Wan’s pulse point first with his nose, then with his lips.
After a few indulgent moments, Obi-Wan withdraws his hand. Something heated passes between them, a mix of expressions and scents, and Obi-Wan swallows against the urge to grip Anakin’s tunics and demand a kiss. Instead, he steps back a few paces, raising his eyebrows in something halfway between a challenge and a tease. One corner of his mouth quirks up.
Anakin lets out a growl—a rumbling thing low in his throat—and surges forward, closing the distance between them.
Obi-Wan expects Anakin’s lips on his, but instead Anakin seeks out Obi-Wan’s mating bite, not entirely concealed by the open collar of his tunic. “Kriffing hells, you smell good,” Anakin huffs, his breath impossibly warm against Obi-Wan’s skin. He crowds Obi-Wan back against the other side of the balcony, pressing their bodies flush together.
Oh, gods. Anakin is clearly as desperately hard as Obi-Wan is—and suddenly all Obi-Wan wants is for his alpha to surround him, to knot him, to make a mess of him.
“Stang, Master.” Lips and tongue skim over Obi-Wan’s mating bite, and Obi-Wan shudders when Anakin’s teeth trace over the faded mark. “Want to fuck you.”
“You should,” Obi-Wan gasps without thinking.
Anakin draws back to meet Obi-Wan’s gaze. His eyes are a storm of desire, their familiar blue blown nearly black. “Do you mean it?”
The alpha arousal in the air is making it hard to think. Obi-Wan nods. “You did say you were tired of behaving,” he murmurs. “So perhaps we could both stand to”—a ragged inhale as Anakin rocks their hips together—“misbehave.”
#obikin#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#omegaverse#alpha anakin#omega obi wan#star wars fanfiction#happy birthday my friend!!!
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Feral Friday (since we missed WIP Wednesday) | Persistent and Unmanageable (snippet 4)
Soooo apparently @temple-mistress and I cannot be relied upon to remember what day it is! 🤣 To atone, here is a snippet on this, the most Feral day of the week.
Obi-Wan, still breathing hard, turns his head to rest his cheek against Anakin’s hair. Gods, he loves Anakin’s curls. He inhales slowly, savoring the bright citrus scent of Anakin’s shampoo as he tries to calm his racing heart.
“How are you feeling?” Anakin asks softly.
“Better,” Obi-Wan replies, his palms dragging slowly along Anakin’s back. “For the moment. But…” He can still feel the drug in his system; he can tell that the desire pulsing in his veins will linger. “I will want—need—more.” He takes a steadying breath. “I know it hasn’t affected you as it’s affected me. But… would you… help me again? Soon?”
Lifting his head, Anakin kisses Obi-Wan gently and nods. “Mmmhmm.”
#obikin#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#temple mistress & sopherfly#feral friday
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WIP Wednesday | Persistent and Unmanageable (snippet 3)
It’s still Wednesday for me and @temple-mistress, so here’s our snippet for this week!!!
Whatever they’ve been dosed with has clearly affected Obi-Wan more, or differently, and Anakin can’t shake his concern, not even with the incredible distraction of Obi-Wan in need. As he’s kissing and licking and biting everywhere he can, breathing in Obi-Wan’s scent, tasting his skin, Anakin murmurs, with surprising presence of mind, “The drug, is it… how much is it affecting you? I don’t want—if you’re not really in control, we shouldn’t—”
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan grips at Anakin’s tunic, and Anakin pauses, pulling back to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes. “I may be distracted and”—a small, almost exasperated smile curves his lips—“rather desperately aroused, but I am still in control. I want this. I want you. Please, don’t deny me.”
#obikin#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#wip wednesday#temple mistress & sopherfly#the whole fic is like this#these two I swear#they are soooo into each other
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WIP Wednesday | Persistent and Unmanageable (snippet 2)
Another snippet from this fic that @temple-mistress and I cannot stop thinking about!
When they break for air, Obi-Wan is breathless. One kiss isn’t enough, not nearly, and still he shakes his head, ready to apologize even while every part of him aches for more.
Anakin doesn’t give him the chance to speak. Rough, familiar hands cup both of Obi-Wan’s flushed cheeks, and Anakin’s stormy blue eyes rove over his face in the dim glow of the passing tunnel luminance.
“Don’t,” Anakin murmurs. “Don’t say you're sorry."
Obi-Wan searches Anakin’s face in turn. “Anakin,” he says, his voice impossibly rough. Desire thunders through their bond, a roaring, rushing current, and all at once Obi-Wan can’t fight it anymore. “Anakin.” He closes the distance with another kiss, this one firm, demanding, laced with the desperate need still throbbing in his veins.
#obikin#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#star wars fanfiction#temple mistress & sopherfly#wip wednesday
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WIP Wednesday | Persistent and Unmanageable (snippet 1)
It has been a long time since I’ve posted on tumblr or on ao3 (for which I 100% blame Life Things, which have been numerous), BUT! @temple-mistress and I have been working on something amazing, and in honor of WIP Wednesday, we wanted to share some of it with you!
General Summary: Sex Pollen, SopferMistress Style. 🔥
Anakin slides up to Obi-Wan at the bar at the center of the atrium they're in. He nods at the bartender, who moves off to pour Anakin another ale.
“What is it?” Anakin asks quietly, subtly scanning the room again. He turns to Obi-Wan as another swift layer of shields go up. “Why are you shutting me out?”
Obi-Wan glances up at Anakin and wishes he hadn’t. The arousal flooding his system, already powerful on its own, becomes nearly overwhelming when he’s looking at the object of his desire, at the man he’s grown more and more attracted to the more time they’ve spent together. His blood pounds in his veins, and it’s only with great discipline that he can maintain his shields through the thumping rhythm of his heart and the absolute throbbing in his groin. He frowns, too aware that his face is flushed. Gods be damned, he feels so warm.
“Something in the drinks,” Obi-Wan replies. “Making me feel…” Hot. Hard. Aching. “Unwell.”
#obikin#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#wip wednesday#temple mistress & sopherfly#star wars fanfiction#you guys this one is going to get SO steamy#I can’t even tell you#let’s see if we can stick with wip Wednesday for a few weeks in a row!
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Happy May the 4th!
Hello there, and May the 4th be with you!
In honor of our favorite fandom (and our favorite goobers, aka obikin), @temple-mistress and I are thrilled to bring you a “flight” of some of our obikin WIPs, along with one indulgent extra! Please see the menu and snippets below. Let us know which completed work you want to see us post first! ✨
May the 4th WIP Flight
Clone Wars Verse | gffa obikin
Papa Verse | gffa obikin
Omegaverse | gffa obikin, alpha Anakin & omega Obi-Wan
Quindu | bonus pour - gffa Quinlan Vos/Mace Windu, on a ski trip, in the hot tub
Clone Wars Verse | gffa obikin
Anakin smirks a little. “Really, old man?”
Obi-Wan can’t help but roll his eyes, sighing like the utterly oppressed. “You're in my lap, darling. It's hard not to be… affected.”
“Hard, huh?” Anakin outright grins. He blinks up at Obi-Wan, his gaze growing suddenly heated. “Need me to help with that?”
Obi-Wan's fingers tighten, just a little, in those curls. Damn him and his insufferable conceit. Eyes darkening, he nods sharply, just once. “As it is entirely your doing, it does seem like the correct course of action.”
Anakin licks his lips. “So it’s my fault that I make you horny?” he teases, turning his head to nuzzle the now fully-hard outline of Obi-Wan’s cock.
Papa Verse | gffa obikin
“Hurry up, old man, need your hands on me, kriff, come on.”
“Why don’t you help me, then,” Obi-Wan replies, his voice low with amusement and arousal. “Use the Force if you want, I won’t object.”
Anakin shakes his head, mildly exasperated. “You never do, when you want to fuck me.” His brow furrows, and his hands push at tunics while the Force obeys his almost unconscious command and tugs down Obi-Wan's trousers. “ do want that, right? You want to fuck me?” He pulls his tunic sleeves down, off, and wraps his arms around Obi-Wan's waist, hiding his flushed cheeks against Obi-Wan's neck, inhaling deeply. “Tell me. Tell me you want me. Tell me how you wanna fuck me, how much you want to be inside me, stang, I need to hear it.”
“Of course I want that, want you,” Obi-Wan rasps, his hands winding their way into Anakin’s hair. “I can hardly breathe with how badly I need you.” He tilts his head to press heated kisses against Anakin’s hairline, his temple, his jawbone. “I want to kiss you hard, and fuck you harder—I want to hold you too tight, and mark you up without any care for who might see the bruises.”
“Master,” Anakin groans, hands skimming up the expanse of Obi-Wan's back and down over the curve of his ass, pulling their hips together.
Omegaverse | gffa obikin, alpha Anakin & omega Obi-Wan
"I have wanted you for far longer than a day off of suppressants would suggest,” Obi-Wan admits in a low, confiding voice. “I had assumed you were a beta, uninterested in the needs of any omega, let alone your old master. You are brilliant, beautiful, strong, and passionate in all that you do, and of course I wanted—I want—you.” He cups Anakin's cheek, then leans forward to press their foreheads together, ghosting a thumb over Anakin's bottom lip. “Are you sure you want me, and not just the one omega you've been around for most of your life?"
Anakin nuzzles into Obi-Wan’s hand, nosing and scenting at his wrist. “I… I can’t imagine wanting anyone but you,” he murmurs. “And believe me, I’ve tried,” he adds with light, rueful humor. “Ever since I presented—maybe even before—you were the one I wanted. Can I…” He pauses, mouthing over Obi-Wan’s skin. “Kriff, I’m sorry, I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to ask this. I just never thought…” He moves closer to breathe the words into Obi-Wan’s ear, a soft, still-vulnerable confession. “I want to fuck you. I want to touch all of you. Can I?”
Obi-Wan sucks in a sharp breath. The scent of aroused alpha invades his senses. He feels the utter sincerity of Anakin in their bond, and he's caught up for a moment by the rush of fondness he feels, his heart stuttering with the sudden, overwhelming realization that it's Anakin who wants Obi-Wan.
His inner omega prods at him, reminding him that there's an alpha nosing at his ear, soliciting his attention with placating kisses and heated words. He feels his stomach tighten, and he nods, tilting his head enough to expose his mating gland. “If—if you're certain. Kriff, yes. Touch me, please. Let me see you, alpha. All of you.”
Quindu | bonus pour - gffa Quinlan Vos/Mace Windu, on a ski trip, in the hot tub
“Mmm, you're a fucking tease, you know that?” Quin admits with a gasp. “Not that it doesn't, kriff, do anything for me.”
“I’m just helping you relax,” Mace replies, his finger brushing and pressing at Quin’s hole. He leans up and forward, letting his lips linger over Quin’s for a moment, not kissing, just barely touching, then finally wraps his free hand around Quin’s cock. He keeps his grip loose, squeezing just a little with each stroke when he gets to the head. “Think I can make you come before I do?” Mace murmurs.
With a lazy grin against Mace's mouth, Quin releases an affirmative noise. It's not often he gets there before Mace, but he's so relaxed and still a little Force-depleted that it's not going to take much. Especially not when he's got Windu teasing and working him over, not fast and intense, but slow, soft, indulgent.
Quin never imagined he'd go for something like this, or that he'd ever have it, even, and the fact that it's Mace does something to him, something that feels warm and safe, so when Mace presses against his rim, slipping a little inside, Quin jolts. “Y-yeah, yeah. Know you can.”
With a hum that’s half amusement, half approval, Mace presses a kiss to the corner of Quin’s mouth and lets his finger slip further inside. He massages Quin’s prostate slowly, with just enough pressure that it’s no longer a tease, and the rhythm of his other hand speeds up as he focuses on the sensitive head of Quin’s cock.
“Love the way you looked out there,” Mace says, his voice thick with arousal and something else, something familiar, something they both know but never name. “Wanted to ask you to suck me off once we both got to the bottom.”
Quin begins to pant softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling and releasing with each press of Mace's finger. Gods, Mace knows him so well, a better partner, a better lover, than Quin can remember having. He knows deep down he should be wary of the growing attachment, because that's what this—whatever this means—is; and below even that is a warmth and contentment, a feeling of acceptance that he's afraid to look at too closely for fear of spooking it away.
“Y-you know I would,” Quin says. “Any t-time, any place. Always r-ready to have your cock in my mouth.” His pants turn to grunts as he arches up into Mace's hand and down onto his finger. “D-don't stop, baby. So good, yeah, yeah. Fuck, close, yeah, so close.”
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