#gift boxes calgary
dazzlebasket123 · 11 months
Explore the carefully chosen assortment of local gift baskets in Calgary offered by Dazzle Basket. The finest handcrafted finds in the city are featured in our carefully constructed baskets. Our collection gives a flavor of Calgary's distinct appeal, from gourmet foods to handcrafted items. These gift hampers honor neighborhood companies and bring happiness and gratitude to your loved ones—perfect for any occasion. Discover Calgary's spirit with the amazing assortment of gifts offered by Dazzle Basket. Please visit our website for additional details.
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awesomeredhds02 · 2 years
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Calgary THRIVERS! We want to spoil you and your bestie this Valentine’s Day 💘👯‍♀️! One winner will get to enjoy: 🌟a permanent bracelet for you and your bestie from @sakra_studio (up to $300 value)  🌟a medium graze box + delivery for a valentines’s day bundle + gift basket + gift card from @grazegal 🌟2 small eucalyptus shower bundle vouchers from @frommetoyou_yyc  To enter, tag the person you’ll enjoy this prize with in the comments and make sure you’re following all 5 accounts below. @laurenslipglossary @courtney_jean_m @sakra_studio  @grazegal @frommetoyou_yyc  Giveaway is open to residents of Calgary and surrounding area. Winner will be announced on Friday Feb 10th on Instagram stories and contacted via DM. Vouchers for prizes must be used by end of 2023.  💋GOOD LUCK💋 #yycgiveaway #yycnow #giveaway #redhead #bestiegiveaway#valentinesdaygift #metoyou #bestiegoals #calgarygiveaway  Court xo 👩🏻‍🦰
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flowerslut · 2 years
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(I have to answer this Like This because I am a clown who somehow turned her ask box off but thank U for still sending this despite that fact 😭) @clarasogatsby
Either way!!! Thank you so much for the message I love talking about these stupid characters and these ridiculous books—it keeps the Twilight gears turning in my brain which keeps the hyper-fixation strong 🤩🤩🤩
Do I think Alice hates her? I mean, she definitely doesn’t like Maria. I can’t imagine you’d have any fond feelings for anyone your vampire husband spent 80 years alongside, killing and fighting (and fucking?—if you go by movie canon), especially knowing how terrible the situation was, how depressed he was, and how much you may or may not have witnessed with your wild vamp super-powers in the time period before finding said vampire husband.
@volturialice and I were talking about it a little last week and agree that we definitely think Alice has some sort of reluctant allowance of Jasper to stay “on good terms” with Maria because I mean… If we’re going to look at positive things here: Maria did keep Jasper alive for 80-odd years, and she would be a very powerful/good ally to have (and because of that, would likely make a bit of a dangerous enemy, too).
(also I'm putting this under a read more bc I can't shut up apparently)
But what does “on good terms” with mean? THAT’S what’s fun. I don’t think they’re sending Christmas cards to each other, and I find it notable (and I, personally, hate) that Maria was absent during the Breaking Dawn Volturi confrontation. Did Alice and Jasper even attempt to get her as a witness? Did they try to and did she laugh in their faces? Did they avoid Mexico altogether during their mad dash to find proof of other hybrids? Would Maria’s presence have made things worse? 🤩 Thats what’s so FUN! You can play around with that so much. “Good terms” for someone with a background like Jasper’s might just mean “We aren’t actively plotting to kill one another; haha progress, y’know?” (Meanwhile Rosalie is in the background looking for their ‘Trauma And You’ books they keep in the living room as like, a coffee table book for their various vampire guests to look at.)
I personally lean towards that meaning that Jasper and Maria both consider the other one a valuable ally to have (worth more alive than dead) and will keep up a very, very loose and tense ‘acquaintance-ship’ because of this. I don’t think Alice likes her but will tolerate whatever link Jasper has to keep up with her because it’s better to be safe than sorry. Another important thing to note (and another thing that G brought up to me) was that in no way does Alice feel threatened by Maria’s existence, in any way. (I know people enjoy thinking that there’s some touch of jealousy or insecurity when it comes to Alice’s feelings about Maria—which is fine for fic! But it doesn’t track with her canon characterization.)
Alice has too much confidence and, thanks to her gift, too much assurance that she’ll see anything coming (Maria shenanigans included). Because of this I don’t think Jasper really HAS to “reason” with Alice on any front. If anything I can see it being some form of the reverse. For all we know Alice has seen 36638 visions of situations where having Maria around might help, meaning she could very well be the one forcing Jasper to play nice. (She also might have twice the amount of visions proving the opposite. Alice is practical though. People really are little chess pieces in her little Board of Life.)
Calgary is an INTENSELY fun thing to think and speculate about. Especially since Midnight Sun gifts us with the proof that Maria is “undeniably dangerous” and that after she’d “tracked them down” in Calgary they’d “had to move immediately.” Did she accidentally kill an ‘important’ human or implicate the Cullens while looking for a meal by sheer bad luck? Did she get silly and devious with her visit and orchestrate some dramatic way to get the Cullens to slip up and it worked? Did she put up a Midnight Sun-esque billboard reading “WARNING: LOCAL DOCTOR AND FAMILY ARE VAMPIRES”? Who knows! I personally head canon something a little more machiavellian; something that would’ve definitely made (at LEAST) Jasper slip. Something to prove that she may have some sort of impact or sway on him even after a period of time away from her and human blood. Maria pulling some sick power play just for funsies is what I imagine she’d do.
But again, Maria is fun because in Edward and Bella’s world (the world we’re told to care about) Maria isn’t a villain, she’s just a footnote in Jasper’s backstory. Who is just a footnote on Edward and Bella’s story if we’re being honest here. But as Jasper and Alice fans, we LOVE to dig deep into that because that’s a tie that links directly to them and is way too interesting to just ignore.
We (Jalice stans with taste) adore Maria because of 1) how MUCH potential her character is given with the little bit of information we receive and 2) she CAN be such a delightful antagonist to have because of the world she comes from and the life she leads. You can cast her in the role of ‘villain’ for fic purposes (as I have very notably done) but I don’t see her as a villain at all. I mean exactly what I say in this silly text post.
Remember, the Cullens are the only vampires who think murdering humans is ‘bad.’ It’s not illegal (for them, I mean). It’s their damn food source. And with their only law being “haha, keep it all on the DL you guys” then everything that Maria does is technically above board. She cleans up after herself, the humans don’t catch on, and if she gets to conquer some land in the meantime, then you go girl boss! 😌💅🏼
To wrap up: I don’t see Maria as a villain in canon at all, although she can be extremely fun to utilize as one in fic and in people’s personal canon. Mainly due to how interesting she is, and if she were a by-definition villain (or somehow, in some far off horrible future where smeyer continues writing Twilight books, if she ever became one) then I would only stan her 1000x as hard. I am a bimbo first, but a villain fucker second, and I would wholeheartedly welcome her with open arms if she ever got to be a fucked up mean little bitch in canon. (And then I’d die happy after she tore my throat out and I’d pray that she’d say something rude and demeaning about me over my bloodless corpse 🤩🤩🤩)
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out-and-aboot-eh · 20 days
Day 16 - Vancouver to Home and Closing Thoughts
Once again I was very thankful to be waking up in a bed, especially as I felt a little bit bruised following the great bike crash of August 31st! I’d set an alarm for 08:30, but by the time we’d rolled out of bed, showered and packed our time for brunch was quite squeezed! Packing after travelling always takes longer than you think! Our heading was a place by the name of ‘The Templeton’ which does pancakes as that’s what G was feeling! As we made our way there I went rogue to a clothes shop for a t-shirt as I’d worn all mine and couldn’t be bothered with the faff of another wash and dry! Prior to leaving a quick Google suggested a place called Old Navy, which happened to be en route. Within 5 minutes of entering the shop, I found what I needed, tried it on, paid and left. Success! The same could not be said for G was who said the road she walked down was very sketchy and lined with homeless people, one of which ended up in the back of an ambulance. Only to reach our hopeful brunch spot and be informed that there was a queue and if she was in a rush, not to bother! And to top it off she stepped in a dog turd, well she said poo, but I’m going to assume (hope!) it was a dog turd!
Sometimes these things just aren’t meant to be, on the plus side our checkout wasn’t until 12pm, so we were able to walk back to the hotel and dig out the muffins we’d chucked in the bin! They were only a bit squished and were both in plastic bags. We also had some left over scone, beef jerky, pretzels and mini peanut butter cups, truly the breakfast of kings or ‘iffits’ as we called them at Middle Road. As in, if it’s in the fridge/freezer it’s getting eaten! After our random assortment of snacks for breakfast, we finished up our final packing. I managed to squeeze both our hiking boots into my bag, along with my thick Canadian fleece hoodie! I did however leave my old sleeping bag there with a note saying to do what they will with it. More disappointing than leaving the sleeping bag there was a couple tinnies of cider and the remainder of our box of wine, but some things just don’t travel well!
After checking out, an Uber arrived within minutes and whisked us off to Vancouver airport for our first flight to Calgary. Turns out it’s a pretty big airport, so after traipsing around and finally shifting our bags we went for a stroll around the gift shops to pick up a few bits before having our last poutine of the trip! I’m currently typing this up at 22:30 on our flight from Calgary to Heathrow having just had the vegetarian option (again!) for dinner. I fully intend on watching at least one movie before trying to get a bit of kip, if I don’t snore myself awake! G is next to me, scribbling away in her journal and occasionally cracking out the glue-stick or stickers.
So what can I say aboot Canada? We’ve only seen a small portion of it, but all that we saw was beautiful! You almost forget to take it in because you’re constantly surrounded by the beauty. From the evergreen forests, to the blue lakes and the looming mountains. We woke up to many a rising sun, where the mornings were sometimes soggy, but the air was always cool and crisp and fresh. We didn’t see as much wildlife as I thought we would and hoped to see, but it was pretty magical seeing some of the inhabitants here. The people were generally very friendly, helpful and the service was top notch, from the restaurants to the tour guides. You can tell they’re all proud of the place they live and want to maintain a happy and healthy country by looking after it properly.
As mentioned before, we did consider doing a trip of Canada on our own, but within a couple of days travelling it was clear we picked the right way to do it as it meant we could relax and enjoy the journey more. We didn’t need to worry about car rental, fuel, directions, parking spots and charges. Plus being on a commercial vehicle meant we could go to areas we wouldn’t be able to go had we done it ourselves. There was no research needed for camp sites and accommodation as it had all been sorted. The fairies kept topping up the food shop, so all we needed to worry about was snacks and drinks.
Joining the tour made our lives so much easier and a big part of that was having a fantastic tour guide in Megan, aka Chief. Who is only 22, but already so knowledgeable about her homeland and oozed with passion about the places we visited. She was our driver, field expert, chef and planner from the first thing in the morning until the last thing at night. I have no doubt she’ll go on to do great things, whatever path she chooses. Most incredibly after spending two weeks with us animals, she’s got a 24 hour turn around before taking another group back the other way!
Of course the tour wouldn’t have been half as good had it not been for a lovely group of people. With a split of 9 girls and 3 guys and a variety of ages there was a potential risk for imbalance, but this wasn’t the case at all. We all got on really well and when there were tears of joy we laughed together and when there were tears of tiredness, we picked each other up. Georgie introduced us to the ‘Werewolf’ game, which became a group favourite in the evenings, I revelled in my role as a witch in the first couple of games! We shared so much time together from meals, hikes, excursions, time in the minibus and I don’t think there ever was a cross word (other than some of the dodgy music!) Speaking of which, every day started with Madagascar’s “I like to move it, move it” and it will forever remind me of Canada. Along with such classics like ‘Sneaky Snake and WAP’, we covered a huge spectrum of music, especially country!
There were all sorts of random sayings that creep up on a trip like this, some from classic clips on YouTube, others just organically based on what was happening at the time and many, no matter how many times I heard them would make me chuckle:
“What a day!” - Truer words were never spoken by Harvey Price and we had so many good days!
“Can I pet that dog?!” - Usually when we saw a dog or something bear related.
“Womp Womp or Wompedy Womp Womp Womp” - When something went wrong, usually for someone else!
“Full as a little egg” - A Daisy expression that no one else had ever heard, but will most definitely be using going forward!
“Give-em” - Get involved, usually with passing food around!
“Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione, YOU.” - And various other Harry Potter quotes because we’re nerds!
“Ruh-Row” - Scooby style, when there was potential for trouble, usually on the roads!
“The Dank!!” - I can hear Iain saying this when opening up the trailer as the damp tea towels were making it whiff a fair bit!
“Not another one!” - Unwanted duplication, usually traffic related!
“You little liar” - Another Daisy classic after Chief tried to do her dirty in the werewolf game. Georgie actually nails this impression and it’s deffo her fave!
And speaking of Georgie, this was our second ‘big travel’ trip together with the added ‘bonus’ of it being a camping trip and we survived! She was a fantastic travelling companion and even when getting a bit socially overwhelmed, came out the other side even stronger. She’s also been a wonderful editor, as I haven’t re-read any blog once typed up, so if you spot a typo, please email her on G.Salmon… She was very much the driving force behind us joining this G adventure, so a big thank you to her for sorting us out before and during the trip and making those moments we had away from the group so special. I’m already looking forward to the next one, aka the Honeymoon!
So in summary, if you’ve made it this far! Kudos! I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying a trip to Canada and would highly recommend visiting this amazing country. However, if you’re not a fan of camping, don’t camp as the weather is the one thing that might dampen your spirits if you can’t get things dry! Treat yourself to something that won’t blow away, but I can guarantee you’ll be blown away, by the wonderful country that is Canada. Signing off this blog; Out-and-aboot, over and out!
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poshasauruss · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Memorabilia Pin.
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shagunjwellers · 8 months
Why invest in personalised women’s jewellery collection
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Who doesn’t appreciate receiving gold earrings or a necklace on their 18th birthday, a gold ring on their graduation day or a gold bracelet on their wedding anniversary. Gold has captivated humanity since time immemorial and its charm remains valid to this day.
Both women and gold jewellery complement each other so well. All you need is an excuse to buy gold. For those who want to give something remarkable to the women whom they have loved and adored, Shagun Jewellers brings the premium women’s jewellery collection in Calgary. The pieces are carefully designed and crafted to satisfy jewellery enthusiasts.
Women’s Jewellery Collection In Calgary
Arguably, no other metal has enjoyed such esteem throughout the history of all civilizations. So it’s no surprise that gold jewellery is so prized today. And, therefore, they are one of the best gift options when you want to honour a very special person. If budget is not a problem and you really want to make the moment priceless, take a look at our women’s jewellery collection in Calgary. It is time to express your true appreciation and esteem. It shows how important the person you are giving the gift to is to you!
But the reasons why our women’s jewellery collection in Calgary can be a great option go much further than the above. Below are the main reasons.
It is the most noble and valuable metal
Gold continues to be the most appreciated material in jewellery for its beauty and nobility and this is why a gold piece of jewellery should never be missing from a woman’s or a man’s jewellery box.
It never goes out of style
A piece of jewellery is an asset that can be kept throughout your life and also inherited. If cared for, they can be enjoyed by several generations and there are a large number of gold jewellery options that guarantee they will never go out of style. Season after season, they can be used on a special occasion to highlight the outfit.
They last a lifetime
A gold jewel is for life. And if it is an exclusive piece from our women’s jewellery collection in Calgary, you will be sure that it will stand the test of time and, of course, will appreciate in value.
They are investment assets
Gold items generally retain their value over time. When gold jewellery is acquired or given as a gift, it is usually not purchased as an investment, but over time, it retains or increases its value and works perfectly as a form of investment.
It is a good gift at any age
One of the difficulties of choosing a gift is getting something appropriate for the age of the person you want to honour. Personalised jewellery is an excellent option at any age. Browse our women’s jewellery collection in Calgary and choose the best piece. Our collection of gold jewellery suits every occasion, every age, and every personality.
A gold jewel can be given as a gift on any occasion
Although our women’s jewellery collection in Calgary is highly appreciated for special occasions and important events, in reality it will be welcomed at any opportunity. A gold jewel is suitable for birthdays, anniversaries, as a wedding gift, graduation gift, birth gift, as a Christmas gift and even as a thank you gift.
Personalised gold jewellery vs designer gold jewellery
Personalised women’s jewellery collection in Calgary carries a unique sentiment, crafted specifically for you, often holding emotional value. It’s ideal for adding a personal touch and commemorating special moments. Designer gold jewellery, on the other hand, showcases our expert craftsmanship and distinct styles, reflecting trends and luxury.
The choice depends on whether you prioritise individuality and sentiment or prefer renowned craftsmanship and current fashion aesthetics. At Shagun Jewellers, we have the finest gold women’s jewellery collection in Calgary. Our premium collection, exquisite craftsmanship, affordable and trendy designs makes us one of the best jewellery manufacturers. Visit now!
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bloggerkingpro · 1 year
Dazzle Basket: Best gift baskets Calgary offers
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Dazzle Basket is the ultimate online destination for made in Calgary gift baskets for all occasions. We proudly offer the largest selection of gift baskets in Canada. Our made in Calgary gift basket is a perfect gift for every occasion.
Whether you need a birthday gift, a homeowner gift basket, a corporate gift, a sympathy basket, a holiday basket or simply a gift to celebrate small occasions in your busy life, we have it all. Known for creative gift baskets and innovative designs, we offer luxury gift baskets and locally made gift boxes for every occasion.
You can choose from over 200 baskets including chocolate gift baskets, wine gift baskets, spa gift baskets, gourmet gift baskets, champagne gift baskets, Baby gift basket Calgary based on your preference. We also carry a wide range of birthday gifts and anniversary gifts. Our amazing Calgary gift store also offers Mother’s Day gifts, Father’s Day gift baskets, Holiday gift baskets, Valentine Day gifts and Wedding gifts available for same day delivery. If you have a special requirement, we can also customize the basket based on your requirements.
Our Calgary gift boxes and gift baskets are designed with utmost love and affection and include quality products from top brands around the world including Canada. We have a range of unique gift basket categories such as champagne gift baskets, spa gift baskets that include a wide selection of made in Calgary gift baskets and gift boxes designed to delight recipients and make them feel extra special.
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Truth & Integrity is Everything ~ Rich In Spirit The Healing of the DIVINE FEMININE ~ 5D
How is it possible that those take, steal, copy, make money off what is not theirs, no agreements, no contracts, and while the actual curators, creator, is living in hiding due to the schemes, plans, agendas to the hide the true talent;
When true talent is discovered, women especially are then degraded ten fold to be a tool, object of raw insulting sex dolls and animals of the Masculine and the misogyny that created such imbalanced dehumanizing - everything a man is was birthed by a woman and when a man has such disgust, yet takes all that women offer and make money, rich lives, and false self-importance -
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we are seeing like never before how urgently and how appropriately timely to get healed DM - so that we no longer reduce what our children see, think, believe in themselves of all that matters is to sell your body, spirit, soul so the 'man' can make their money while all women are imprinted vibrationally, in the entertainment world, music world leadership world, and all other genre's on this planet how women and others but men, being placed in a very small box and definition of smallness and enslavement - ~
Disregard of the DF imbalances our entire planet, Gaia, all her goods and air, water she offers all simply to make money - all will return;
Greed, gluttony, envy, jealousy, competition - It is the unhealed aspects and disregard and degrading of our natural essence, art, and sacred expression - we have been warped to think we are not gracious and valued, worthy; and we are - I will stand in such and the millions of women, the energy and spirits of them that have not been heard; their stories of being sold, killed, and treated so harshly that we uplift all humanity and heal the wounds imprinted on our entire collective
Degrading humanity comes in the selling of sex, using and taking - these are the images and energies not aligned with the divinity within - the higher self; such images of selling our bodies, sex, using, abusing our grace, our preciousness, and what is sacred being seen, taken as if it means nothing - yet it is everything
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I stand for everything!
It touches us all - and how disgusting such views are that a woman has to work tirelessly to be seen, heard, and known that have 100 million times more insight, value, offering than any other - and it is done with pure grace and true self empowerment and taking nothing from anyone in offering -
There are those; located in the Calgary Area that have done just that;
Enslaved and used, abused all that I am, have been, and offered and create LTD numbered companies making money off of my content, my work, and calling it their own when they are only aligned in the debauchery of falseness, mistruth, selling their spirits and souls to demons and head demon recruiters ~
My story is everywhere in the spiritual community - true prophets being take advantage of and being pimped by those that had the money to resourcefully take, make, mimick and call their own that clearly is not - will never be - for God offers unique to every soul - which is the gift - know thyself - I know who I am.
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Joanna is.
Joanna is alive.
Joanna's work is her sacred offering and none on the internet - regardless of how someone takes, says word for word, copies in the mirror, copies and sells it to the one behind the door, like a Wizard of Oz, and all you see is a small unhealed soul that truly needs and aches for self love and self honour - - I shine the light on you - you are just as unique and honouring - go within and seek it and offer something of only your offering - the world needs your unique offering - not copying another - you are loved, equally - now is your time to stand up, own your story, help others fooled, and make your life a story you will be so very proud to share and help others - others are where you are - use your story - I believe in you to do the right thing by your soul -for I know your soul.
I have given enough, they have stolen enough, they have corrupted the hearts that truly asked for pure healing and sacred wisdoms and received only a gimmick and warped sense of self; leaders train, prepare, offer and loose and make their way due to what is truly real within - none supported me, none offered to me, none helped me, and every day I get up and serve;
Regardless of the bullying, regardless of the demonic corruptions trying to pull me down, for I am aligned, and so only the blinders remain to the all - I speak what god asks to be cleansed and made new; it is time for evolution beyond degrading DF. Offering the children to unhealed men for sex toys and slaves; all being truly healable -
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This my dear ones is corruption - Spirit offers and prepares such divine earth angels ~ for eons of work, devotion - those simply taking and selling are not divinely aligned - offer nothing but dark copying and I will not stand down - my work is my work and it my vibration that it will all be blocked until the lord is heard in return of what is divinely distributed that any turns a deaf ear to shall also reap ~ enough is enough of degrading, selling out, pimping out divine feminine that are here to uprightly lead, offer, teach, and inspire deep and powerful healings to a planet in need;
I am a celestial, earth angel - I am wise, I am a leader and I know truth, and what is not; those that I left, are false, not prophets on any level but creating corruption from others idea's and contents; lost are the souls that simply do not go within and are up for grabs to the highest bidders -= know thyself ~ karma is karma and none escape;
I know who I am -
My work is my vibration and the pure offering of the Divine God, Mother Father, Heavenly Councils, and the divine evolutionary programs - none offers what I do - I walk with the legions of heavens, and who do you walk with? © 
Stand with me, show who you are - we shall open in free flowing spirit - I know there is only Oneness - truly go within and do the inner work and see that you had it all along - all that I have offered was pure and sacred of the Most High gifts and used for some to enter into rich falsehood ~ I say to all - verily verily I say to thee; integrity of spirit is everything - period. © 
Blessings and light
No permissions, agreements, and approvals have been given to anyone. none. My offering is meant to be delivered and offered by those that are conduits and trained and honoured over the eons of the sacred ancestors that have prepared the way for such;
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Mastery is earned - so earn it. Do the inner work. All is healable and all is possible
#healinghumanity #healingourearth #healingGaia #5Dearth
#ascension #enlightenment
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dazzlebasket123 · 11 months
The hunt for the perfect gift has begun with the approaching holidays. The best spot to find original and considerate gifts for your loved ones is Calgary, with its thriving culture and wide range of retail establishments. Calgary has a wide selection of gift baskets that may be customized to fit a particular interest or filled with delicious local treats. We'll look at how to locate the ideal holiday gifts in Calgary for all kinds of recipients in this local gift guide. For further details, go to our website.
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awesomeredhds02 · 2 years
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Calgary THRIVERS! We want to spoil you and your bestie this Valentine’s Day 💘👯‍♀️! One winner will get to enjoy: 🌟a permanent bracelet for you and your bestie from @sakra_studio (up to $300 value)  🌟a medium graze box + delivery for a valentines’s day bundle + gift basket + gift card from @grazegal 🌟2 small eucalyptus shower bundle vouchers from @frommetoyou_yyc  To enter, tag the person you’ll enjoy this prize with in the comments and make sure you’re following all 5 accounts below. @laurenslipglossary @courtney_jean_m @sakra_studio  @grazegal @frommetoyou_yyc  Giveaway is open to residents of Calgary and surrounding area. Winner will be announced on Friday Feb 10th on Instagram stories and contacted via DM. Vouchers for prizes must be used by end of 2023.  💋GOOD LUCK💋 #yycgiveaway #yycnow #giveaway #redhead #bestiegiveaway#valentinesdaygift #metoyou #bestiegoals #calgarygiveaway  Court xo 👩🏻‍🦰
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clarklovescarole · 2 years
June 1938: Officially Rhett
June 1, 1938 – Calgary Herald
The starting date for “Gone With the Wind” has been definitely promised for September 15. But don’t get too excited. It has been definitely promised a dozen times already… A hint for the summer tourist trade. Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck and Gail Patrick can be viewed every Sunday on horseback In the San Fernando Valley ranch district.
June 1, 1938 – The Phonograph
Carole Lombard and Clark Gable really ought to go into the dressmaking business. They cooperated on a sports jacket which Alice Marble, the United States Number One woman tennis player, will wear when she steps out on the courts of Wimbledon, England, to battle for a championship.
Carole designed the jacket (she’s Alice Marble’s best friend), and Clark had his tailor make it. It’s a knockout. And Alice, tall, blonde and pretty, will wear it.
June 1, 1938 – Philadelphia Inquirer
New Tennis Court Presented by Taylor
Had a chance to look over San Fernando Valley on Memorial Day and to see some of the race horses at Marwyck Ranch. I called on Mrs. Zeppo Marx, who has been flat on her back for five weeks with a broken shoulder caused by a fall from a frisky thoroughbred. A new tennis court now being built between the Marx estate and Barbara Stanwyck’s grounds was Barbara’s birthday gift from Robert Taylor.
An arena, where Bob learned to box for his present MGM picture, still stands close to the Stanwyck swimming pool. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable were the holiday guests of the Zeppo Marxes, and Carole told me she had just bought 26 acres near Marwyck.
June 3, 1938 – The Daily Claremore Messenger
Carole Lombard calls Clark Gable “Mr. G” when talking with him off the screen…
June 5, 1938 – The Miami Herald
Clark Gable rehearses a love speech in “Too Hot to Handle” with the script girl as Carole Lombard, his girlfriend, and Myrna Loy, his girlfriend in the picture, chat on the set…
June 6, 1938 – Buffalo Evening
Clark Gable parries questions regarding his love life with “I think all women are swell.” 
June 7, 1938 – The Wilkes Barr Record
I don’t think Carole Lombard need worry, but 15-year-old Judy Garland has a tremendous case on Clark Gable. And Clark is notably fond of her. On her recent personal appearance tour, she wrote a daily post card to Clark, received three letters in reply and then – nothing but silence. But when she brought her worries back to Hollywood, she found at home 10 postcards which Clark had written from Mexico, where he had gone on a hunting jaunt. Judy’s faith in men was restored. Today, on the set, I asked how her romance is progressing. “Count these,” she chortled, taking all of Clark’s correspondence from her purse. “Carole Lombard’s only got three letters!” 
June 7, 1938 – The Kansas City Star
Latest bulletin on the Clark Gable-Carole Lombard romance. Carole arrives with Clark on the “Too Hot To Handle” set every morning – around 8 – goes with him to the makeup department, sits with him in his dressing room until work begins, then sits by the camera all morning watching him emote (including those love scenes with Myrna Loy), lunches with Clark in his dressing room, then goes home for a spot of tennis and joins up again with Clark for dinner. Seems like love, all right.
June 10, 1938 – Buffalo Evening News
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Did somebody say too hot?  - Wrapped in overcoats and shawls, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, her hair decidedly needing attention, visit during a lull in the making of Clark’s new picture, “Too Hot To Handle.” 
June 16, 1938 – Knoxville News
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“Pardon me, lady, could I look at your program?” Clark Gable seems to be saying as he squints over Carole Lombard’s shoulder. This could be the beginning of a flirtation, but actually Clark and Carole’s names have been linked romantically for some time. They are pictured on the sidelines at a California society horseshow.
June 17, 1938 – Courier Journal
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Seen at a horse show at Northridge, Calif., were these two film thrillers, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, who recently formed a partnership to raise thoroughbred and saddle horses.
June 18, 1938 – Collyer’s Eye and the Baseball World
Carole Lombard arrives at parties with Spencer Tracy and later Clark Gable breezes in with Mrs. Tracy – but it’s a gag…
June 18, 1938 – The Spokesman Review
Carole Lombard making one of her few public appearances without Clark Gable, at the new Terrace beauty salon atop the Saks-Fifth Avenue Beverly Hills store, in which her favorite hairdresser, Miss Porter, is a popular operator…
June 24, 1938 – The Daily Times
Clark Gable Will Get Rhett Butler Role in “Gone With the Wind;” Film Slated for Production in February
By Louella O. Parsons
Cheer up, you fans. You get your Clark Gable in “Gone With the Wind.” David Selznick had to go into a producing partnership with MGM to obtain Clark for the Rhett Butler role, but the public insisted on him, so there was nothing else to do. Clark has hardly taken his nose out of the script of “Gone With the Wind” for the last few days. It’s all finished now and the picture is slated to go into production the first of February for September 1939, road show release.
June 29, 1938 – San Francisco Examiner
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard will be caricatured in a forthcoming national magazine – Gable as a monkey and Miss Lombard as a cat…
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nicasbookblr · 2 years
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Bookmail 🥰 Received a whole box of goodies from Hatchette Book Group (@readforeverpub ) today. Found the box on my doorstep when I got home from work. Thanks so much! In the photo: How To Deceive A Duke by @samaraparish A Duke Worth Fighting For by @christinabrittonauthor Second Chance Cowboy by @aj_pine An Heiress’s Guide to Deception and Desire by @mandacollinsauthor The Summer Sisters by @booksbysaraandeliza 🔖 #thesummersisters #anheiresssguidetodeceptionanddesire #secondchancecowboy #crossroadsranch #adukeworthfightingfor #howtodeceiveaduke #rebelswithacause #hatchettebookgroup #readforeverpub #bookmail #pr #bookinfluencer #gifted #ad #historicalfiction #romance #smalltownromance (at Calgary, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjmZo4lLCkM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poshasauruss · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics Memorabilia Pin.
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
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lonelyflorist · 3 years
Hello! Looking for a cute, fun Christmas gift this year? Get some custom soaps made!
Will ship anywhere! Just got the star molds in and they look amazing.
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dazzlebasket123 · 11 months
For every person on your holiday shopping list, Christmas Gift Baskets in Calgary provide a great assortment of considerate presents. These exquisitely arranged baskets are filled to the brim with festive gifts, from delicious foods to adorable toys. These baskets are a wonderful way to offer holiday cheer in Calgary, making the season even more special, whether it's to family, friends, or coworkers. For further details, please visit our website.
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