#gif-maker are gift-giver
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ririchonne · 10 months ago
I love gifs! Whoever invented it thank you🤩😘
You can zoom on whatever /center/de-center…
And now rewind ⏪ forward by maintaining you thumb n sliding it on the tumblr mobile app (I don’t know since how long we can do that…) @staff 👍
Be my guest and try it out ⬇️🤭:
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But above all huge Thank you to the gif-makers of this fandom who took time to download/select/cut/lighten/coloured… (so quickly after an episode aired too 😝 ) and by doing so nourishing our obsessions 😂
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@taiturner @nerd4music @coolpartytimefan @riickgrimes @msanonships @azizefan @lousolversons @nat111love @ricksmarlene @machonnes @kris-lulu @andy-clutterbuck @richonne4life
And all I didn’t mention veterans n newcomers
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dailyspiritassassin · 8 years ago
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Greetings Rogue One fans! To celebrate that it has been six months since Rogue One and these Iconic Space Gays™ graced us with their love, you are invited to participate in dailyspiritassassin​’s summer 2017 fanworks exchange! Interested? Read on!
you don’t have to be following us, but it would be nice! 
reblog this post before Friday, June 23, 2017
fill out this form by June 23 so we can match you with a gift giver 
as long as it’s still June 23 somewhere, we’ll still be accepting applications
have your inbox or IM open so we can contact you with info!
Sign-ups: June 1 - June 23
Assignments out: by June 30
Drop out deadline: August 1
Assignments due/posting date: August 15
please do not reveal yourself to your recipient until the posting date! 
when you post your gift, please tag us either in the body of the post or in the first five tags so we can reblog it here! 
feel free to tag any posts related to this challenge with #spiritassassinexchange so we can keep an eye on what’s going on and catch any issues as they arise! 
feel free to contact your recipient on anon if you’re having a hard time brainstorming ideas or if you just want to get a better sense of what kind of content they like! it’s generally nice in gift exchanges to send your recipient a nice anonymous message or two anyways! 
if you have to drop out, please notify us ASAP or at least two weeks before August 15 - there is no penalty for dropping out, but please let us know as early as possible so we can find a pinch-hitter for your recipient 
another post with posting guidelines will be posted closer to the posting date!
if you have any questions or run into any problems, please feel free to direct them to dailyspiritassassin or the admin via ask or IM
1. What’s a fanworks exchange? What do I have to do? In the next few weeks, interested parties will sign up. Everyone who signs up before June 23 is in! During sign ups, you indicate your preferences for what you’d like to give and what you’d like to receive, and after that, in the following week, everyone will be matched with someone to give to and receive from based on likes and requests. Then, you’ll have the next month and a half to put together a fanwork for your recipient. On the posting day, August 15, with much fanfare and excitement, everyone will post their fanworks publicly so they can officially give their gift to their recipient! And all of us will cheer and rejoice because there will be more fanworks for the world to enjoy, and who doesn’t love that?
2. Are there any minimum requirements? What’s expected of me? Everyone has to make at least one fanwork for their recipient. Of course, if you want to make multiple things, that’s up to you and you’re certainly encouraged to do so! We ask that fics be a minimum of 1,000 words long (though they can be as long as you want) and if you’re making anything else (art, graphics, etc.) we ask you to make at least one piece. And of course, since this is a spiritassassin fanworks exchange, the main focus of your fanworks should be spiritassassin, though you can always include other characters or ships if that’s what your recipient wants! 
3. What counts as a fanwork?  Almost anything! Fics, art, gifs/graphics, and fanmixes are all welcome! If you’re unsure about whether something is considered a fanwork in this exchange, just ask us!
4. Can I get in touch with my recipient? Yes - but only if you do so anonymously. Remember that this is an anonymous fanworks exchange (think secret santa or whatever holiday gift exchange of your choosing), so it’s fine if you want to ask clarifying questions of your recipient to really nail down their likes and dislikes, but don’t reveal yourself to them before the posting date!
5. I have a WIP that would be perfect for my recipient's prompt! Can I just write a new chapter of that fic? Unfortunately no. If you write a fic, it must be new and complete by the posting date. If you have an unposted WIP that you'd like to dust off for and spruce up for this exchange, that might be fine, but double check with us! The general idea is everyone should receive something that's tailor made for them and their interests, so completely new works are preferred.
6. What happens on the posting day? What do I do? This is the day everyone reveals themselves to their recipients! This is when you publicly post your fanwork wherever you'd like - here on tumblr, on ao3, livejournal, etc. And of course you'll make a post on tumblr about it so we can reblog it here and spread the word about your amazing piece! DON'T post about your fanwork beforehand - remember that this is supposed to be anonymous until the posting date! More detailed info to come about posting guidelines when we get closer to the posting date so keep an eye out for that!
7. What if I sign up now but later something comes up and I have to drop out? Will I be penalized? That's totally fine! We totally understand that unexpected things come up sometimes. You will not be penalized, but we do ask you to let us know as soon as you know that you'll have to drop out. Please try to let us know by August 1, because this will give us enough time to find a pinch-hitter for your recipient, but if something comes up last minute, that's fine! Just shoot us a message!
8. What's a pinch-hitter and how do I sign up to be one? A pinch-hitter is basically a last-minute replacement. If anyone has to drop out, we’ll find someone to substitute for that gift giver so that everyone receives a gift! If you’re a relatively quick fanworks maker or you’d just generally like to make your services available to save the day, should we need pinch-hitters, there’s a place to check yes or no in the sign-up form to let us know! 
Please remember that as with all fanworks exchanges, our number one rule is don’t be a jerk! No character or ship bashing, and just all around be respectful of each other. We’re all here to have a good time and that should be our priority!
Any other questions? Shoot us a message! And HAVE FUN!
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