All Of Your Dreams Will Come True
36 posts
Alexia. 28. Your local wish granter. *REQUESTS ARE OPEN* What is your wish?
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
Pro hero!Dynamight
Headcanons for: Bakugou Katsuki
Requested by: no one
Prompt: As a pro hero, Dynamight is used to fans, female and male, even sidekicks, falling over themselves to speak to him. Until you.
Word Count: 410
Note: 21+, characters are adults and pro heros
•Pro hero!Dynamite who is used to everyone falling over him and dying for the chance to speak to him or to have him look their way just once.•
•Pro hero!Dynamite who has so many DMs on Twitter and Instagram from fans, female and male, even from sidekicks that any time he looks at them, leaving them on read, it gives him a ego boost.•
•Pro hero!Dynamite who is so sure of himself that he can get anyone he wants with just a few whispered words and a single touch.•
•He is a top ten hero after all.•
•Who wouldn’t want to date him?•
•To be able to brag that they have him as a boyfriend?•
•”Thanks so much for the help [Hero Name]! Dynamite and I are grateful that you were nearby! Your quirk is really amazing!”•
•”Aw that’s sweet of you, Deku, thank you!”•
•Except you.•
•The newest hero arrival from America.•
•You didn’t even give him a signal glance other than when you were telling him good morning, good evening before leaving the hero agency to head back to your apartment, or wishing him good luck on patrol.•
•You were professional.•
•And for some reason it irked him. Pissed him off.•
•Especially the way you seemed to gravitate towards Deku, and just seemed to click with him after a week of being in Japan.•
•And your quirk, super speed, left you shrouded in a layer of gold lightening which highlighted your brown skin and the gold accents of your hero suit which seemed to fit you like a glove.•
•He wanted to break your mask of professionalism and see what you were like without it.•
•He buries the thoughts.•
•He doesn’t care.•
•So what if you never paid him any mind?•
•So what if you hung out with Deku outside of your responsibilities as a hero?•
•He’s Bakugou Katsuki. Dynamite. And he can get anyone he wants.•
•So why does he think of your smile and your laugh? (Both things that were aimed at Deku and not at him.)•
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Tag list: @mysticpisces @olenoname
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
UA’s Ice Queen
Summary: Y/N is known as the ice queen of UA, and not just for her quirk. She’s ice cold to any and everyone, with a few exceptions.
Characters: Tamaki Amajiki, black!fem!reader
Word count: 406
Warnings: none just fluff all around for Tamaki 💜🐙
Pairing: Tamaki Amajiki x black!fem!reader (established relationship)
Note: Y/N has a twa (Teeny Weeny Afro) in this piece.
Note 2: This piece for Tamaki is long overdue but I hope you all enjoy it!
Tag list/mutuals list: @olenoname @mysticpisces
Underneath a beach umbrella, Y/N sat, content to scroll on her phone mostly her feeds for Instagram and Pinterest. The weather was humid which made her hairstyle perfect for it. Lifting her eyes from the screen of her phone, just for a brief moment, she could see everyone playing in the water.
Even Tamaki.
She could easily pick him out of the crowd filled with women, men, children, and other students from UA who also came to the beach for a rest and relaxation day.
He was with Mirio and Nejire.
The three of them deserved a day like this. No stress. Just fun.
Ping! New message!
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: I can feel you staring.
Y/N: Do you want me to look away?
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: No!
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜 is typing…
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: What I mean is, I like it when your attention is focused on me.
Y/N: Then I’ll make sure to give you all of my undivided attention later.
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜 is typing…
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: Y/N-chan! It’s Nejire! I think you broke Tamaki!
Y/N: I’ll come down there and reboot him.
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: And when you get down here, can you make some ice for us? Pleaseee?
Y/N was known as UA’s ice queen not just because of her natural cold disposition but also because the ice that formed when she used her quirk could last for hours because of how unique it was. Which was perfect for this humid weather where the sun could easily melt regular ice.
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: Pretty please! Think of your kouhai! 🥺
Y/N might be cold but she was by no means heartless.
Y/N: Alright. Alright, I’m on my way.
💜🐙Tamaki🐙💜: Yay! 😃
Standing up and getting out from underneath the umbrella and stretching as she felt the warmth of the sun from above and the sand beneath her feet, Y/N began to make her way down the beach.
This really was a day of relaxation.
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
I just got done with season four of MHA and will be adding Hawks and Mirko to the list of characters that I will write for!
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
For Anonymous, who asked:
So I was watching The Big Bang Theory and Bernadette is my favorite character from the show, and I was thinking how cute it would be if Dabi and Spinner (separately) had a S/O like Bernadette  quirkless, short and cute, a microbiologist, she’s also nice and kind. Plus she can be a savage when she feels like.😅
Dabi and Spinner (separately) loves their S/O to death, but they got super nervous when they’re S/O  asked to meet the rest of the league but also their S/O still loves them no matter what.
POV: First Person
Characters: Dabi, Spinner, Black!fem!reader
Pairing: Dabi x Black!fem!reader, Spinner x Black!fem!reader (separate)
Note: This is my first time writing for Dabi and Spinner! Please let me know how I do!
Dabi put up a nonchalant front of not being nervous about you meeting the league for the first time, they could be a bit much to handle and not everyone could handle that.
But honestly, as he watched you interact with the league, he came to realize that he had nothing to worry about.
You spoke with Shigaraki in the language of video games.
Talked the best way to apply makeup with Magne and Toga.
Occasionally was the taste tester for a new drink that Kurogiri had made.
And even helped the doctor with experiments, your work in microbiology being a helpful tool.
It was like you fit right in with the league.
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Spinner, unlike Dabi, couldn’t hide his nervousness pacing back and forth, until blissfully, the familiar black and purple portal of Kurogiri materialized and you walked through it.
He wasted no time in coming up to you and embracing you, letting the scent of your favorite perfume calm his anxiousness.
“Spinner, I’m fine. It was just..a lot. I need a drink.” He led you over to the bar, the contrast of your brown skin against his own as he held your hand, was something that he would never tire of.
He thought of you to be a true beauty.
He wasn’t surprised that you would need a drink. A stiff one at that. After all, meeting the boogeyman of the underworld did tend to leave people off kilter.
He was curious as to what exactly you had discussed with All For One, but for now, he could wait for as long as you needed, until you were ready to tell him.
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Mutuals/Tag list: @olenoname @mysticpisces
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
 So I was watching The Big Bang Theory and Bernadette is my favorite character from the show, and I was thinking how cute it would be if Dabi and Spinner (separately) had a S/O like Bernadette  quirkless, short and cute, a microbiologist, she’s also nice and kind. Plus she can be a savage when she feels like.😅
Dabi and Spinner (separately) loves their S/O to death, but they got super nervous when they’re S/O  asked to meet the rest of the league but also their S/O still loves them no matter what.
Fun fact: I actually watch the big bang theory so this was fun to write! I hope you like it!
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mhaxwishxgranter · 1 year ago
Hey, I was wondering is Play stupid games (win stupid prizes) and You reap what you sow just drabbles or was it going to be a continuation?
There's going to be a continuation! I'm currently trying to figure out how to write it out
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
There’s angst I wrote for Katsuki but it’s not coming out how I thought it would and I’m getting discouraged about the next part, even though I haven’t started writing it yet
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
That moment where everyone is jealous of Shinso for bagging a sexy ass black girlfriend and they couldn't get a piece of it before she was cuffed by a psycho scientist lookin' "Sleepy McSleeperson" ass mf who PURPOSELY rubs it in everyone's faces that she's his until he fucking dies and don't touch her or you will walk off a cliff.
And that moment where everyone becomes practically obsessed with their relationship; so much so that they want to be apart of it.
Should I turn this into some headcannons cause--
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
For Anonymous
Who asked: If it's OK, can you make a Shoto x Reader story of us meeting his family for the first time?
POV: Third Person 
Characters: Shoto Todoroki, black!fem!reader, Natsuo Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x black!fem!reader
Word Count: 260
The usually quiet and tense yet calm atmosphere of the todoroki household was filled with the warm laughter of three people. 
Natsuo's laughter was the loudest out of everyone. 
"It's not that funny, Natsuo." Came the normal deadpan reply from Shoto, but those who knew him well could hear the embarrassment that was in his voice. 
And the three people he was currently with, most definitely knew him well. 
"You have to admit, Shoto." Y/N's own laughter had finally died down enough where she could speak. "It is a little funny." 
Y/N had just recounted how exactly she and Shoto had met. 
It hadn't been one of his finer moments. 
Shoto's lips twitched up into a rare smile.
 "Ah, there's a smile!" Y/N was grinning, her expression was full of warmth and joy, something that was easily reflected in her eyes. Shoto couldn't look away, even if he wanted to.
And Y/N was obviously the same, as her grin had now transformed into a loving smile. 
The undeniable sound of a photo being taken was what broke the young couple's concentration of each other, and their gazes landed on Fuyumi. 
"You two are so cute!" She cooed. "I can't wait to show mom during our next visit!" 
"Fuyumi no." 
"Fuyumi yes!" 
Tag list/Mutuals list: @kuromi-kouhai-blog @olenoname @mysticpisces @craftycheetah
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
If it's OK, can you make a Shoto x Reader story of us meeting his family for the first time?
I'm sorry I kept you waiting! I hope you like it!
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
Update #2!
UA’s big three have been added!
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I’ll also be writing for the LOV!
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
happy black history month, reblog black writers
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
Here’s some more compliment based dialogue to use in your writing: 
“I love that color on you”
“You make me feel at home”
“I’ve never seen eyes the same color as yours”
“You look so cute when you laugh”
“Has anyone ever told you you have really nice hands?”
“I’m not going if you’re not going, it wouldn’t be fun without you”
“How is your skin always so soft?”
“Whoa I didn’t know you could sing”
“You have a great sense of humor”
“I thought you said you can’t dance?”
“I appreciate you”
“Your breath smells really good”
“I’m so lucky to have you”
“You always have great ideas”
“I trust your opinion”
“I would never doubt you”
“You’re so clever”
“I’m rooting for you”
“You always know exactly what to say”
“I feel like I’ve known you forever”
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
Period Comfort
Headcanons for: Todoroki Shoto
Requested by: no one.
Prompt: How Shoto helps you during your time of the month.
Note: This is gonna be self indulgent on my part since my period is here and I’m dealing with cramps.
Warnings: mentions of cramps, and menstrual blood
Word count: 261
•Shoto knows that your period is about to arrive when you begin to favor his left side a little bit more than his right, especially if the cramps are bad enough that you can’t reach for your heating pad and don’t want him to move.
•Have your favorite snacks and ice cream ready for you to dig into, when the cravings start to become too much.
•Can and will freeze anyone who even thinks of eating them.
•He had to do the same to his brother, Natsuo, when he had almost eaten the snacks that his sister, Fuyumi, favored during her time of the month.
•The Todoroki household managed to prevent world war three from happening. Just barely.
•Definitely doesn’t mind your request to cuddle even more than usual.
•As if he could say no to you.
•Memorized the brand of tampon or pad that you like to use.
•Doesn’t even flinch at the mention of menstrual blood.
•He knows that it’s a normal thing which you can’t help.
•Will go and get painkillers for you, and try to not take too long to come back, since he doesn’t like to be too far from you.
•Is more than content to spend the day in bed with you, if that’s what you want to do.
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Tag/mutuals list: @kuromi-kouhai-blog @olenoname @mysticpisces @craftycheetah
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
You reap (what you sow)
Summary: To say that dinner with Katsuki’s parents, especially his mother, was a tense affair, would be the understatement of the year.
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Mitsuki Bakugou, Masaru Bakugou
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, light angst, consequences of actions
Note: Mitsuki is a very petty woman in this and I enjoyed writing her dialogue
Word Count: 723
Tag/mutuals list: @kuromi-kouhai-blog @olenoname @mysticpisces @craftycheetah
“Deku and that damn half and half bastard are going to do what?”
The sound of utensils against plates had come to a stop and whatever conversation they had came to a standstill at the announcement that came from Mitsuki Bakugou.
“They’re planning on courting y/n. That’s what Inko told me when we had our weekly lunch together at our favorite restaurant. And she looked so elated at the prospect of having y/n as a daughter in law.” Mitsuki continued, after taking a sip of her wine. “Not that I can blame her. Who wouldn’t want y/n as a part of their family? She is quite the sweetheart, after all.”
“They can’t fucking do that.” Katsuki said and his expression was murderous.
“And why not? The three of them have been inseparable. They spend so much time together. It’s natural that this would eventually happen.”
“Why wouldn’t y/n tell us? Tell me?” Ochako finally found her voice after the shock of the news that Deku-kun and Todoroki-kun had plans to court y/n seemed to wear off. “We’re friends!”
“Are you, really?” Masaru Bakugou, the voice of reason whenever Mitsuki and Katsuki would butt heads, spoke up and the expression he was wearing sent a chill down Ochako’s spine. “You stabbed her in the back. In the worst possible way. There’s nothing you can do or say to come back from that. She trusted you. The both of you and you threw that trust away when you did what you did.”
He sounded as if he was speaking from experience.
“What’s your point, old man?” Katsuki’s voice came off as gruff, like he was trying to run from the guilt that came from his actions.
He hadn’t been alone of course.
“The point is Katsuki, that your wife can't pretend to know why y/n didn’t tell her business and what’s going on in her private life when she’s the reason why.”
Ochako had been an active participant in that as well.
It was one thing if Katsuki and Y/n’s didn’t just work out in the end. That was normal. And it happened to a majority of relationships.
Breakups were a part of life.
But when Katsuki had told them exactly why he had called off his relationship with Y/n, in order to climb the hero rankings so he could eventually become number one and how he couldn’t do that with y/n as an underground hero, Mitsuki had given him such a verbal lashing, Masaru hadn’t even tried to stop her.
And to rub salt in the wound, he had shown up with Ochako as his girlfriend, not too long after the breakup.
Mitsuki and Masaru had been cordial to her, but Mitsuki made her opinion known of exactly how she felt about the way Ochako had stabbed her supposed friend in the back.
“I’ve tried apologizing!” Ochako defended herself. “But y/n doesn’t want to be in the same room as me.”
“Why would she? Especially after the way you threw her trust back in her face by doing what you did. The both of you are facing the consequences of your actions.”
Like right now.
Mitsuki turned her gaze from Ochako to her son. From the expression he was wearing, she had a suspicion of what he planned on doing. “And Katsuki, don’t even think of trying to stop Izuku and his mate from courting y/n.”
“Like I give a damn what shitty Deku and half and half decide to do.” It was obvious to everyone at the table that Katsuki was putting up a front, trying to pretend that the news of y/n about to be courted by the two people who got under his skin the most didn’t bother him.
He was obviously failing.
And it was obvious that he did care. A great deal.
“Keep telling yourself that, Katsuki.”
From there, dinner continued but it was filled with obvious tension.
And overwhelming guilt.
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
Yaoyorozu & black!fem!reader
Summary: Y/N puts the fear of god into Mineta and makes friends with Momo Yaoyorozu.
Characters: black!fem!reader, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mineta Minoru
Warnings: Mentions of Mineta’s perverted actions 🤢
POV: Third Person
When Mineta had been caught in Y/N’s room, thinking that it had been Yaoyorozu’s, everyone, especially the girls, had been disgusted by his actions.
All Y/N had done was walk up to the little pervert, yank him up using her telekinesis quirk, whispered something that only he could hear, which had left him pale and shaking and running to tell Aizawa what he had tried to do and face the consequences of his actions after she had released him from her quirk, because no way was she going to actually touch Mineta with her hands.
Ugh. Nasty.
And who knows what he had tried to do while he had been in here.
In her room.
Y/N was filled with a burning urge to burn sage throughout her room to cleanse it, but instead would have to opt for stripping her room bare and giving a deep, deep clean.
That had been the plan until a knock came to the door of her dorm room.
Looking over at the entryway, Y/N saw Momo standing there with a worried look.
“Yaoyorozu?” It had taken Y/N a while to be able to say her last name without getting tongue tied. “You good?”
“No! I mean yes! I mean..I’m sorry!”
“For what?”
“Mineta. You caught him in your room because he thought it was mine.”
“You don’t have to apologize. Mineta is a pervert who needs to get smacked a good few times. Besides, he should have reached Aizawa with how fast he was running.”
“What did you say to him? None of us have ever seen him that scared or run so fast.”
Y/N smirked. “Just put the fear of god into him, just like my momma and daddy taught me to do.”
“Please tell me how you did it!”
“Alright. But you have to help me deep clean my room.”
“Deal! And please call me Momo or Yaomomo.”
Y/N’s smirk was replaced by a smile. “Then, you can call me Y/N.”
She had agreed to do just that as they made their way downstairs for the necessary cleaning supplies.
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years ago
Karaoke Night
For Anonymous
Who asked: Hey! Could you write a scenario were Y/N and LOV are on a karaoke bar singing some pop songs and Y/N decides sing Teeth by Lady Gaga to Toga?
(I know this song is kind of vulgar but I'm curious to see Toga's reaction XD) 
Hope you have fun! Wish you a good day :)
POV: Third Person 
Summary: Even villains like to have fun and unwind. 
Characters: Black!fem!reader & Toga
Note: The song mentioned is Teeth by Lady Gaga. 
Note 2: There is a brief mention of alcohol. 
Toga excitedly made her way over to the bar, where Y/N was with Kurogiri, sipping on a drink after singing her song. “L/N! L/N!” Toga couldn’t resist giving her a hug from behind. 
Y/N just chuckled, used to Toga’s antics by now. “What can I do for you, little vampiress?” 
Toga had released on Y/N, so she could fully face her, and she couldn’t resist shifting from one foot to the other in excitement. “That song you chose! It was for me right?!” 
“Yeah, it was. You didn’t like it?” 
“I loved it! Can you tell me what’s it called? Please?” 
Y/N knew that once she had learned of the song, Toga would be singing it nonstop and also would be humming it nonstop too, which would undoubtedly annoy everyone, especially Dabi. 
He deserved it for using the last of her hair grease. 
"The song is called Teeth." 
"Thank you!" Watching Toga eagerly go over to the karaoke machine before anyone else could claim it, felt a little warm on the inside or maybe it was the alcohol. 
Either way, it was a good feeling. 
Tag list: @kuromi-kouhai @olenoname @mysticpisces
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