#gif of him on a hotel bed is me doing the least and pretending it's the most
scatteredskittless · 7 months
hello!! i saw you wanted requests and I was wondering if you would be willing to write some platonic headcanons for the Hazbin Hotel crew with a reader who has chronic pain. (i totally get if you don't want to) thank you so much and I'm excited to see what you write in the future 😺
Hazbin Hotel Crew x Chronic pain having! GN! Reader
A/n: tysm for the request !! This is my first time writing something like this so I hope it’s okay :3 (if there’s anything I got wrong, please correct me)
Warnings: Mentions of chronic pain and disability (but like.. that’s pretty obvious lol)
Fluff✔️ Comfort✔️ Angst❌ Smut❌
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‧₊˚✧ Alastor ✧˚₊‧
📻𖤐 After a while of Alastor observing you, as he does with most, he’d notice your body language and think the way you acted was a bit odd…
📻𖤐 Not in a bad way, he just didn’t understand at first why you sometimes visibly look like you were in pain or even just hobbling around to get somewhere
📻𖤐 it definitely raised his brow…
📻𖤐 Before actually approaching you and asking you about it, I’d like to think he made one of the egg boiz spy on you like he did in that one episode 😭😭
📻𖤐 I don’t know what he was expecting though. The only somewhat valuable piece of information he gathered from what the little talking egg had told him was that it saw you taking pain medication. Which did not narrow it down at all and not much of his curiosity had been quenched quite yet..
📻𖤐 So, one peaceful and early morning in the hotel, he decided it’d be best to just ask you about it.
📻𖤐 “My dear, are you feeling alright? You look to be quite discomforted…?” He’d ask casually as he took a sip from his coffee mug, one brow raised and his eyes fixed on yours, pretending like he hadn’t noticed this before today.
📻𖤐 After a chat, he was informed you had something called “chronic pain”. He asked a few questions, nodding when he got the answers and once he was satisfied, he walked off back to his quarters in the hotel.
📻𖤐 After all, he had so much research to do.
📻𖤐 Adding onto that last once I do feel as though Alastor would do more research on it when you decided to tell him about your condition.
📻𖤐 Mostly for his own benefit of learning something new since he hadn’t heard of this before… but it came in handy if you ever needed a bit of a helping hand.
📻𖤐 Like, if you happened to have a flare up or just a particularly bad day he’d sit with you and made sure you rested up.
📻𖤐 He wouldn’t verbally express it but he did take pity on you. How unfortunate you were in constant agony.
📻𖤐 He is a sadistic little fuck though so he’d probably find it mildly entertaining or at the very least fascinating to see what’d make you tick or was a challenge for you
📻𖤐 Although he’d try to be careful not to push you too much.
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‧₊˚✧ Angel Dust ✧˚₊‧
🕸️ᥫ᭡ We all know Angel Dust doesn’t have much of a filter so it wouldn’t take him long to ask you why you could barely stand upright for too long or look like you’re genuinely struggling all the time.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ In fact, he’s more perceptive than people would like to think he is. He noticed it shortly after you two had met.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He’d probably come off a bit strong, saying something along the lines of “toots? Ya alright over there? Ya don’t look so uhhh.. you don’t look too hot.” As he gave you a one over.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ You could tell he wasn’t trying to be insulting to you though, he was just concerned and wanted to know what was troubling you. It showed ever so slightly on the spiders face.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Once you explained to Angel your condition he felt bad. Like, huh? Whatdoya mean you sometimes have trouble even getting outta bed in the morning because of how much pain you’re in?? Sometimes you neglect your own basic needs because you’re in constant pain?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ As he tired to wrap his head around the thought, he’d ask if there’s anything he could do to help. Of course though, there wasn’t much he could do.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ From that day on, Angel would try to make things at least a little easier for you. You had earned the title of his friend, after all. Why would he let his friend suffer alone?
🕸️ᥫ᭡ He loves to cook and is pretty good at it so expect a few homemade meals on him at least a few times <3
🕸️ᥫ᭡ If you ever had a flare up you better fucking believe he’d sit there with you and just talk. He rambles like an old man lol
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Also 100% has movie nights with you with both of you guys’ favourite snacks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Oh and of course his pig Fat Nuggets would be joining you two
🕸️ᥫ᭡ And thankfully the little guy adores you. Which gains some points with Angel
🕸️ᥫ᭡ The piggy would crawl into your lap if you were up for it. He’s pretty light and his oinks and squeals are bound to make you crack a smile
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Angel is no stranger to feeling pain, so he knows how much it sucks.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ That’s why I believe he’d be one of the best people to tell. You’re his friend and wants to make sure you’re okay as possible.
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‧₊˚✧ Husker ✧˚₊‧
🍺🃁 Husker, much like Angel, would notice almost immediately that something was up with you…
🍺🃁 At first Husk couldn’t place it. He just knew that he didn’t often see you standing up straight for long periods of time and that you looked like you were constantly unwell.
🍺🃁 Was it just bad migraines? He’s never really seen you drunk before so it’s not like it could be really bad hangovers.
🍺🃁 Plus, this has been going on since you arrived here so that seemed highly unlikely.
🍺🃁 Husk was the type of guy to keep it to himself though. If it didn’t concern him, why bother saying anything about it?
🍺🃁 One day though, you sat yourself down at the bar and asked for some water. This time however, you looked worse than usual, practically doubled over as you stared down at the bar.
🍺🃁 Even though Husk usually kept his mouth shut.. he couldn’t help but ask if you had a headache or something and if you needed some migraine medication.
🍺🃁 He wasn’t heartless.
🍺🃁 When you shook your head no slowly and told him you were just having a “flare up” he asked what you meant to which you gave a brief explanation of the condition you have.
🍺🃁 Suddenly, it all made sense. That’s why you looked like you were constantly in pain. It’s because you were.
🍺🃁 He slid you the ice cold water gently and observed you for a few moments before going back to wiping the glasses as he spoke to you.
🍺🃁 “If you need something don’t be afraid to ask for it.” He’d say, his deep voice trying to be as comforting as it can while also maintaining somewhat of a nonchalant tone.
🍺🃁 Then, after that, it became routine for you to sit at the bar with him.
🍺🃁 He definitely wasn’t complaining. It was nice getting to know you and since you had a place to just sit and rest, he got to see you more often.
🍺🃁 you swiftly became good friends with him and he was pretty helpful when it came to your condition.
🍺🃁 he’d do his best to check up on you often :)
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‧₊˚✧ Vaggie ✧˚₊‧
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie heard about your chronic pain from Charlie so there wouldn’t be a need to tell her about it lol
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d be a little awkward with attempting to help you out…
🗡️☪︎ Like it’s not like she can really make you feel better so it’s a bit of a struggle for her..
🗡️☪︎ But she does try her best though because she cares about you. You’re her friend.
🗡️☪︎ After a few motivational words from Charlie she’s good to go, attempting to comfort you.
🗡️☪︎ I have a feeling she’d try to help by grabbing you stuff you wanted or needed and chatting with you.
🗡️☪︎ She’s actually quite fun to converse with, she’s pretty sweet when she wants to be and can hold good conversations :))
🗡️☪︎ She’s a good listener so if you wanted to vent or just had something on your mind, she’d listen.
🗡️☪︎ During flareups, Vaggie would just stay by your side and wait it out with you, if you needed anything, she’d be on it and would be back pretty fucking quickly too 💀
🗡️☪︎ Would put a random show on if you wanted a distraction and might let you rest your head on her shoulder if you so desired
🗡️☪︎ I can’t think of much else for her other than the fact she’d try her best. Maybe mess up a few times but ultimately she means well and tries to be as understanding as she possibly can be <33
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‧₊˚✧ Charlie ✧˚₊‧
⭐️☀︎ The first thing you did when you arrived at the hotel was inform the very excited daughter of Lucifer that you had chronic pains so you might have to take it a bit slow when showing you around the Hazbin Hotel..
⭐️���︎ And of course, Charlie being who she was, was very understanding and accepting of that fact.
⭐️☀︎ She’d heard about your condition before so making accommodations for you wouldn’t be an issue
⭐️☀︎ She’s a sweetheart so quite literally your biggest supporter
⭐️☀︎ Like, oh? You need something??Ohmygodwhydidntyoutellmesoonerhereitis :33
⭐️☀︎ Much like Vaggie, she’d sit and talk with you during your flareups
⭐️☀︎ Maybe make you a tea and discuss future plans and such for the hotel to get your mind off of things. Works sometimes surprisingly enough.
⭐️☀︎ She’s nice to talk to, very comforting vibes
⭐️☀︎ But it may get a bit annoying how many times she asks if you’re sure there’s nothing she can do to make your pain go away somehow lol
⭐️☀︎ Or even just how many times she asks if you need something. “Do you need anything? No? Are you sure? Okay…. But are you really sure?”
⭐️☀︎ Might stress herself out on occasion over it tbh😭🙏
⭐️☀︎ But she only means well, you know that.
⭐️☀︎ Her cat Keekee I’m sure would love to cuddle, the cute cyclopean kitty pushing its forehead against your hand for pets (only if you’re up to it, of course.)
⭐️☀︎ Asides from Angel, Charlie would definitely be the best person to tell in the hotel because like… genuinely she just wants to help In any way she can lol
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‧₊˚✧ Niffty ✧˚₊‧
🧼𐙚 Niffty is quite blunt as well, very out there and doesn’t really think before she speaks half of the time it just kinda comes out 😭
🧼𐙚 So.. she’d probably take one look at you, and ask why you’re in pain.
🧼𐙚 To which you’d explain to the little one eyed maid your condition, she’d think about it for a moment before asking a shitload of questions about it to which you answer :))
🧼𐙚 Other than that I don’t think Niffty would like… really do much?
🧼𐙚 Maybe clean for you
🧼𐙚 But there’s not much else she would do, realistically, she might forget about it and then ask again. Once you remind her she remembers tho lol
🧼𐙚 During your flareups I do believe like the others she’d sit with you for a while…
🧼𐙚 Before spotting a roach and scurrying off to go take care of the pest. Once done, she’d come back and the cycle repeats.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/writing/headcanons without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittless
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whatswrongwithblue · 3 months
Girl Talk
Part 4 of my Imagines with Angel Dust
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You sat down on the sofa in the hotel lounge, nursing your morning coffee and your ego. Almost everyone else seemed to have somewhere better to be that morning and you didn’t know where any of them had went. Even Alastor had disappeared in the early morning hours; you barely remembered the kiss he had left on your forehead as you sleepily mumbled some kind of words of endearment before he slipped away.
That left you alone in the hotel, once again, with only the company of Angel and Husk.
It was still relatively early when you had dragged yourself out of bed and without Niffty or Alastor to make a pot of coffee for everyone, you had taken yourself for a nice morning stroll and gotten an iced boba coffee and bagel before returning to the hotel – the people in Hell could be awful but at least there was decent fast food. The trip had killed some time and given you some space from the uncomfortably vacant hotel.
You caught the spider’s eye as soon as you walked into the room and though he pretended to look innocent as he took a seat next to you, you kept glancing at him over the edge of your newspaper. But he just sat there, scrolling through his phone, and looking bored. After a few moments you let yourself settle in and get lost in the morning paper.
“So who gives better dick?”
You choked on your coffee as Angel had purposefully waited until you were taking a hearty sip from your straw before asking.
“Who . . . what?!” you sputtered, still coughing up droplets of coffee with every breath.
Angel smirked.
“You didn’t exactly give me an answer the other night. Ssoooo . . . Alastor or his shadow? Who fucks you better?”
Of course.
Your face was already red from coughing so luckily you could easily disguise your blushing reaction.
Getting yourself composed, you raised an eyebrow at Angel.
“Alastor really could kill you, you know. Like . . . permanently. So that you don’t respawn.” You raised your newspaper up to your face, dismissing Angel and effectively ending the conversation.
You saw Angel’s fingers reach over the top of your newspaper and pull it down, revealing his smiling face just inches from yours.
“You’ve gotta tell me; how realistic can that thing get? It is all warm and silky like a real cock- ”
“Oh for fuck’s sake!” Husk said from his bar and stormed out of the room.
 “- or is it cold?” Angel continued, not letting himself be interrupted. “Cause I gotta say, those tentacles felt nice and cool. I bet it feels really nice once he gets you all hot and bothered.”
“You are a menace! And what makes you think his shadow and I have ever done anything like that?”
“Like I said,” Angel said with a smug look, “I know a guilty look when I see one. Sex is what I do, toots, so all I gotta do is keep flinging mud your way until I see something stick in your expression.”
“Angel,” you said, your voice low with warning. “Alastor will hurt you.”
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Angel shrugged and leaned away, looking at his phone and resting his back against the armrest of the sofa and spreading his long legs out intrusively across your lap.
You scoffed and got back to trying to ignore your friend. Several more minutes had gone by before Angel spoke up again.
“You know what I think?”
“I don’t care,” you say but Angel continued.
“He’s got total voyeur vibes. I bet he gets off watching you and his shadow getting it on.”
You sigh, using every ounce of self-restraint to keep your expression neutral.
Angel sat forward, his legs still across your lap, and squinted at you.
You side-eyed him, smirking a little at his attempt to read your face.
“Okay, okay,” Angel chuckled and nodded his head. “You’re getting better at this. Challenge accepted.” He made two of his hands into finger guns and winked at you. “This ain’t over, honey.”
You tried to play it cool and look confident but as you took a sip of your coffee, a boba got stuck in the straw and you fumbled awkwardly trying to dislodge it, your cheeks hollowing out with the effort.
“Wow, you really suck at sucking,” Angel said with a laugh.
“Well you won’t hear any complaints from me,” Alastor said from behind the couch and Angel scrambled quickly to get his legs off your lap, nearly falling off the couch as he did so.
“Fucking hell!” Angel shouted.
You didn’t react, since you were used to Alastor’s sudden appearances, but you did give a little half smile as Angel struggled to regain his composure.
“Good morning, my darling,” Alastor said, leaning over the back of the couch and you obliged him a quick kiss to the cheek.
“Oh, and Angel . . .” Alastor turned towards the still flustered younger man, letting his features twist into a glowing green, wide and malicious smile. “I like to watch my shadow do . . . all kinds of things.”
Angel never found out where it was he took you after that warning. Alastor simply whisked you away, making both your bodies disappear into black streaks that left the room. Probably to fuck but knowing Alastor, it could have all been just for dramatic display. It was just as likely that you two lovebirds were innocently sharing a morning coffee and catching up in another room.
The gangly spider demon sat alone on the sofa for a minute, unable to stop himself from looking nervously around the room, despite his earlier confidence that Alastor wouldn’t harm him.
After a few minutes, he finally stood, deciding he would feel a lot more comfortable if he had company and went to find where Husk had stormed off to.
Angel turned around and came face to face with Alastor’s shadow.
He just about pissed himself as it spread out, growing taller and wider, its unnaturally large hands reaching out above him, its smile even more unnerving than its master’s.
Instead of screaming, Angel was able to quickly collect himself, and with a suggestive smirk, leaned casually against the arm of the sofa.
“Well hey there . . . big daddy.”
Alastor’s shadow stopped midair, tilting its head at Angel and narrowing its eyes in what almost looked like annoyance before darting away.
Angel rolled his eyes.
“Pffftttt, what a bunch of prudes.”
Part 5
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@inuhalfdemon @readergirlstuff @thereallsaturnstar @somefancybb @moonstarrs11 @alastor-the-radio-demons-blog @speedycoffeedelight @saturn-alone @whoknowswhoiamtoday @quill-to-book
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lanadelnegan · 1 year
One Night Stand
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Request from anon: Can you do 2000s!Jeffery Dean Morgan x actress!reader who works on Grey's anatomy w/ him (she plays Izzie instead of Katherine Heigl) but she doesnt know it yet? Like they meet at a bar and end up flirting and having sex in his hotel and she stays the night and then in the morning she's like getting dressed and says "I have to go to work blah blah blah" and he's like "me too" and then a time skip to when she's on set and Jeffery is going around meeting people and she's just standing there in total shock?
Warnings: smut, NSFW, 18+, vaginal sex, single middle-aged JDM, semi-public oral sex (female receiving), this is HAWT - trust me.
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"You look like shit." A deep voice chuckles from beside me.
I snap my eyes towards the asshole, almost choking on my drink in the process. Not sure if it's from his rudeness or his hotness, but I cough and play it off. "Excuse me?"
He laughs before ordering himself a drink. "Oh, and another for the lady here. Looks like she could use it."
My mouth drops open as he just.. grins at me. Who the hell does he think he is.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask annoyed.
"Not yet.. do you want to?" His wide grin stretches across his face, revealing his pearly white teeth. I study his face in the neon bar lights, noticing the shades of green swimming throughout his light brown orbs. This man is stunning.
I chug the drink he orders me seconds after the bartender sets it down. "Not really, but thanks for the drink."
He nods and sips his own drink, raising one of his thick brows at me. "Bad day?"
I sigh, trying to relax a little and accept his small talk. "Just tired."
"Then why are you here? There are beds upstairs, ya know?"
I glare at him. "I'm tired.. of other people. Tired of faking conversations I don't care to have."
He raises both of his brows this time and appears to look surprised by my forwardness. "Well excuse me darlin'. I'll shut the hell up then." He goes back to sipping his whiskey.
Out of all the things he's said so far, it's that sentence that finally puts a smile on my face. "Bout time." I tease and roll my eyes dramatically.
An awkward silence follows after we both laugh. I look over and his eyes meet mine, right before they slowly trail down to my lips. The playfulness in his features fades into a seductive gaze and fuck.. this is the kind of energy I've needed since I've been in this shitty town.
I've been filming for months now, only getting to visit home on the weekends. This hotel is basically my home and it's taken a toll on me for sure. At least at home I have my cats. Here I just have half empty wine bottles, my vibrator, and candy bars stashed in my nightstand to keep me company. I guess when I put it that way, it doesn't sound so bad.
"Are you staying here?" I blurt before I can stop myself. That was a stupid question. Why else would he be at this hotel's bar.
He blatantly ignores me, pulling out his phone while leaning his elbows against the bar and pretends to scroll.
"Um, okay." My lips clench together awkwardly as I nod my head and look in the other direction. "Good talk."
"Oh, forgive me darlin'. Can I talk now?" His veiny hand rests against his heart as he sarcastically grins at me. What a fucking smart ass.
"You know what, no. You can't. Never mind." I get up to leave, hoping he stops me.. and he does.
He turns in his bar stool and blocks me with his thigh as I try to walk past him. "What the hell are you doing?" I snap, walking around his leg. I don't realize he's behind me until I step on the elevator and turn around. I gasp a little, looking up at him. His face is serious now.. all the playfulness from earlier gone.
He backs away and leans against the wall of the elevator. The door is closed but I haven't even pressed the button to my floor yet. He crosses his arms and nods towards the buttons, urging me to press one.
"I'm not taking you to my room." I cross my arms, mimicking him.
"Okay, but I'm walking you there."
The seriousness on his face tells me I'm not going to win this one, so I hesitantly press the number 6 and the elevator starts to ascend as we stare at each other the entire way up.
When the door finally slides open, I start to leave but he gently grabs my wrist, turning me back around. Before I can fully face him, he leans down pressing his lips against mine softly. As soon as he pulls away, I pull his shirt towards me, silently granting him permission and begging for more. My back slams against the elevator wall as he kisses me hard this time. His large hands cup my face as I moan into his mouth. My hands reach for his back as his body presses firmly against me.
He tastes like whiskey and tobacco and smells like leather and musky cologne. It's euphoric. His lips are full and soft but the stubble hairs surrounding his mouth scratch at my sensitive skin. I let myself imagine what it would feel like between my legs.
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As if he can hear my thoughts, he breaks away from our kiss, breathing heavily before dropping to his knees and wasting no time throwing my leg over his shoulder. My mouth gapes open as I look between him and the open elevator doors. Anyone could walk by right now and see us. My skirt bunches around my waist, giving him all the access he needs before slipping his fingers underneath my panties and pulling them to the side. I watch his face disappear between my legs and feel his warm tongue lick a stripe from my already dripping cunt to my clit. He moans from the taste and I moan at him moaning from the taste.
His tongue presses firmly against my clit repeatedly in an up down motion. He pulls back for a moment and without warning, slips his middle finger inside me, bumping it against my g-spot repeatedly while gently finding and sucking my clit again.
"Oh my god." I whisper down at him, feeling the pressure building up in me from his finger and tongue working in unison. He looks up at me like he can sense I'm about to explode, and grins against my pussy proudly. The sight alone sends me over the edge and I cum so hard that I think squirt a little in his mouth. He groans at the taste and buries his tongue deep in my hole like he needs more.
After a few moments of him lapping up all of my juices he can possible get, he stands up, lifting me in his arms in the process until my legs are wrapped around his waist. He smiles at me cockily while his facial hair glistens with my wetness.
He carries me down the hall and I point towards my room. I unlock it with my key card. Once it clicks, he kicks it open the rest of the way and quickly brings me inside, his lips never leaving mine in the process.
He lays me down on the bed but I keep my legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him down on top of me as he works on pulling my panties off with one hand and holding himself up with the other.
I arch my back, helping him slide them off.
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Once I'm exposed completely to him, he leans back up, undoing his belt and throwing off his shirt, revealing his sweaty chest. He quickly pulls out his rock hard cock and I lean up on my elbows to get a better view.
His dick is just as pretty as he is.
He strokes it a couple times while he watches me watch him. My eyes grow wider at the sight of his precum leaking from the tip and he smiles down at himself. "Look at that, baby. Already got my dick leaking for you." He glides his thumb over the tip and I watch him in a trance, hoping I'm not visibly drooling.
"You ready for me, doll?" He asks as he leans back over me, bracing himself up with his hand. I nod as he kisses my lips and I still taste myself on his mouth. His hazel eyes look down into mine as he uses his other hand to guide himself towards my entrance. I feel the tip of him circle my opening before he slides in me agonizingly slow. He doesn't stop until his dick is pressing against my cervix almost painfully. I groan and wiggle a little, trying to adjust to him. He slides halfway out before thrusting his hips flush against me again, causing my mouth drops open as he reaches even deeper this time.
"That's a good fucking girl. Taking me so deep." His raspy voice praises me before his lips connect with the sensitive spot under my ear. He bites and licks at me while his stubble tickles me. I reach my hands around to hold onto his back and his thrusts grow steadier and faster. I scratch his back hard enough that I'm sure it's leaving marks, but it encourage him to fuck me harder so I don't stop.
"Mmm, fuck." I moan out. His hips slam into me faster and my face immediately burns with heat. My mouth drops open again but I can't form any sounds because he's completely taken my breath away. He stops kissing my neck to look at me again and smiles arrogantly when he sees my face and what he's doing to me.
"Goddamn, baby. This pussy feels so fucking good." His breathing is rapid and his forehead is sweaty as his grunts and moans fill the room. I can tell he's getting close and I am too. His hand reaches between us and he easily finds my clit like a pro, rubbing circles around it with his thumb and slamming into me so hard that I stars. My pussy clenches around him as I lose control, moaning loudly and arching my back at the overwhelming sensation. I cum around his cock so intensely that a tear rolls down my cheek.
"Oh fuuuck. Fuck." He says, quickly pulling out of me. He buries his head in my neck and groans, and I feel his warm seed squirt all over my lower tummy. He rolls off of me, grabbing some tissues to clean me up. "That pussy is straight from fucking heaven, baby." He chuckles as he wipes his cum from my stomach.
I get up to go pee and clean myself up and when I come back in the room, he's laying on his back.. asleep. The bedsheets are hanging halfway off, revealing his toned torso and dark chest hair. I watch his chest rise and fall slowly, taking a moment to notice every detail of the absolute sex god in my bed.. the permanent dimples embedded on each side of his mouth, the veins in his arms, the tattoos on his tan skin.
I frown to myself. Too bad this can't go anywhere. I'm way to busy in my career to settle down with someone.
I climb into bed, not bothering to wake him and fall asleep with my legs entangled with his.
The next morning:
"Hey! Wake up, I gotta go!" I yell, throwing a pillow at his face. "Seriously! GET. UP. I'm already late!" I finish tying my shoe as I yell impatiently at him. This isn’t the first time I’ve slept through my alarm and I hate being late.
He lazily rubs opens his eyes open before looking at me with that smirk. “Well good morning to you too, sunshine.”
I jerk the covers off him, noticing his erect cock standing against his flat stomach. My eyes cling to the sight of it and he bites his lip and raises his eyebrows suggestively at me as I stare at him.
“As much as I’d love to sit on that right now, I Have to go. Look, just see yourself out okay? Take a shower, whatever you need to do. Just make sure the door locks when you leave.” I grab my keys and my purse and head for the door before turning around again. “You’re not... some creep are you?”
He looks at me amused. “You’re asking me that after we already slept together?”
I stare at him and rolls his eyes, sighing when I don't answer him. “Does going through your panty drawer count?” He bites his lower lip teasingly.
“Yes! That counts!”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Guess I’m a creep then.” He winks at me and I glare at him as I turn around to leave once again.
“See ya later, y/n!” He yells.
I ignore him, still pressed for time and leave him to my room as I rush to the elevator. Poor guy thinks he’ll see me again. I should’ve told him I wasn’t interested in anything other than his dick.
The doors shut before me as the elevator descends.
Oh shit.
My eyes widen with realization.
“He said my name.” I whisper to myself.
I - I didn’t tell him my name. Oh my god, what if he is some creep that’s been stalking me. That would explain the weird interaction at the bar. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a fan try to stalk me. Sucks being famous sometimes. I breathe, calming myself down. Maybe.. I told him and forgot? I was tipsy last night. I could have said it. I tell myself to soothe my nerves. I think about what he could steal in my room and mentally punch myself for not kicking him out.
What if he eats all the candy bars in my nightstand. My eyes widen at the thought. That bastard.. he would.
I overthink the entire way to work, but finally relax when I get on set with my coworkers. Ellen and I have grown close over the years. She’s like the big sister I never had.
I sip my Starbucks and change into my pretend light blue scrubs while spilling the beans to her about last night. She leans forward on couch in our dressing room, fully invested in my story.
“Was he.. ya know?” She asks curiously.
“Big?” I blush and giggle with her. “Let’s just say.. it was soo thick. He was probably a good 8 inches in length too but the thickness was simply… chefs kiss."
I make the motion with my hand as we laugh together, fully dressed now and sitting in front of the mirror getting our light makeup done. Our stylists are used to our juicy gossip. They’ve learned to tune us out by now.
I grab my iced latte and Ellen and I leave the dressing room, going into the set where all our other costars and directors are. This is definitely the biggest acting job I’ve ever landed. So many of us are on set at one time.. at least 30 of us are spread throughout this room. Ellen and I stand back, waiting for the cameras to get set up. I scan over my script even though I’ve studied it a thousand times and can recite it in my sleep.
“Oooh, todays the day I get to meet my new looove interest. Denny Duquette.” I say to Ellen, putting emphasis on his name.
“I heard the guy they chose to play him is insanely hot.” Ellen winks at me playfully.
I scoff, eyes still scanning over my lines. “Can’t be as hot as my one night stand. I mean seriously... I can’t get his face outta my head. Or his dick.”
The room grows quiet and I snap my eyes up, worried everyone heard me. When I realize they aren’t looking at me, but past me, I turn my head around and the sight almost knocks the wind out of me. Mr. one night stand himself ... No fucking way.. He definitely heard everything we just said and I internally cringe at myself.
“Y’n, meet Jeffrey.. or Denny.. I should say.” Our director next to him introduces us. My coffee slips from my hand and splashes all over the floor in between us. Jeffrey - I guess that's his name - drops to the floor on one knee before I can reach down to grab my empty cup. He lingers down there longer than he should, looking up at me with the same smirk he had last night in the elevator when my leg was draped over his shoulder. I try my best to hide the weakness in my legs and redness in my cheeks at the sight of him below me.
"Lovely to meet you." He says, standing back up with my cup in his hand. He nods his head towards Ellen, politely greeting her as well.
"Thanks." I reach for the cup and my fingers brush his lightly as I take it from him.
He stands proudly, looking down at me smiling before the director pulls him away to meet the others. As they walk past us, Jeffrey leans down to me, his mouth close to my ear.
"I can still taste you." My eyes widen and his deep whisper sends a chill straight to my aching cunt that he destroyed last night.
He walks away and I'm left standing there.. speechless. Goosebumps appear all over my arms. Before I'm done processing, Ellen leans in, "That was him... wasn't it?"
I nod my head, unable to move an inch. The producers call for Denny and myself to begin the scene and my heart races.
Ellen giggles and whispers from beside me before walking off. "Well... this should be interesting."
The End.
Might make a part 2 because I REALLY enjoyed writing this one. Xoxo
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Mission Gone Right (Clint Barton/Hawkeye x Reader)
Pairing: Clint Barton/Hawkeye Reader
Word Count: 6482
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Minors DNI!, Sexual themes, one bed trope, brief weapon mention, dirty talk, masturbation (fem), oral (fem and male receiving), nipple talk, kissing, pining, cum, p in v (wrap it before you tap it!)... let me know if I missed something :)
Request: Hello there! :) I really enjoy and love your writing, it's really good! I like the Steve Rogers: not so pure, and I was wondering if you could write something like that, but with Clint Barton/Hawkeye x reader? Thank you kindly and have a wonderful day! :) - Anon
Summary: You and Clint had been partners, and somewhat friends, for a long time. When you have to pretend to be a wedded couple in love to escape a tense mission, what could happen when the hotel room ends up with only one bed?
A/N: I decided to place this request in the OG Avengers era, I hope that's alright! Also, he's single in this universe because I don't want to write in cheating or give him a sad end to his marriage :(
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As a hero without true "superpowers," you oftentimes got paired on missions with Hawkeye. This never bothered you, but it did seem odd that they would place you both together instead of having you each team up with a powered hero.
Not to say that you weren't strong in your own right; your skill with shuriken was near unmatched. Between your use of shuriken and your partner's use of bow and arrow, you were a fearsome duo.
"(L/n), Barton." Greeted Fury as you entered the briefing room. "Thank you for coming quickly."
"With all due respect sir," you said, "what else would we be doing?"
Fury sighed at your sarcasm, ignoring it as he continued.
"I have a mission for the two of you."
"What do you need, sir?" Asked Clint. Fury seemed to pause for a moment, as if he didn't want to reveal the details of the mission. Nevertheless, he began speaking again.
"We have a high profile target who we need some more information on."
"Uh, why the need for the pause then?" You asked. Fury would have rolled his eye had he not been so used to your bratty antics.
"Maybe, you should let me finish," he stated slowly. "We received intel alerting us that said target will be at a gala this evening, which is where the two of you will find him."
Reading between the lines, paired with your knowledge of the different types of missions offered by SHIELD, your eyes narrowed at Fury.
"You're sending us, who may I remind you are Avengers, on an undercover mission?" You asked incredulously. You knew that the two of you, along with maybe Nat, were the least recognizable of the group. Steve or Tony tended to get recognized the most, at least when Bruce wasn't in Hulk-mode. But still, it was like a slap in the face to assume nobody would recognize you at said event.
"The target may be at a gala, but he is incredibly dangerous. I don't trust our typical undercover agents with this mission."
You thought on Fury's words for a moment, mulling them over. Deciding that your ego was enough appeased, you nodded.
"So what do we need to know?"
Another agent spent time briefing you and Clint on the target; what he looked like along with any other pertinent information. The agent also explained to you that while you would be able to hide a few shuriken on yourself, Clint would have to go in bow-and-arrow-less. It's a pretty difficult weapon to conceal. Even with your shuriken being small, you knew you wouldn't be able to hide too many under whatever outfit SHIELD provided. You were beginning to understand why the mission was considered as dangerous as it was.
"There's one more thing you should know," said the agent. "To help conceal your identities, you are to pose as partners."
Clint coughed, seeming to choke on his own saliva. You just looked blankly at the agent.
"Are we not already?"
"I think they mean-" said Clint, rising his eyebrows as he motioned his head, trying to indicate to you his meaning without putting words to it. Suddenly understanding what he meant, you let out a small 'oh,' feeling your face heat. You have to admit the thought has crossed your mind before. Clint was an attractive man, and your line of work did tend to involve getting to look at him in a sleeveless outfit flexing his muscles all day. You never let it go further than that though, just thoughts.
Once all of the information had been provided, you and Clint were released back to each of your quarters to prepare for that evening.
"You know, Fury didn't mean it as an insult." Said Clint as the two of you walked together. You sighed.
"I know, it's just that I'm tired of being passed over."
At your words, Clint looked at you with something you couldn't quite place. Knowing your time to get ready was limited, you decided it wasn't worth thinking too much about it.
"Well, see you soon, hubby," you said with a fake salute, entering your room. Closing the door behind you, you missed the look on Clint's face at his new nickname.
Now alone in your room, you noticed the outfit SHIELD had arranged for you.
"You've got to be kidding me." You muttered as you grabbed the, admittedly little amount of, clothing. It was a dress, deep purple in color with just the right amount of shine to it. Even before putting it on, you knew it would leave little to the imagination. They were right when they said I wouldn't be able to bring many shuriken.
With hair done and makeup (if preferred) finished, it finally came time to put the dress on. It slipped on easier than you expected, and for as tight as it looked on the hanger it was rather flattering now that it was on you. It hugged your curves in a way that made just standing there look sensual. You were thankful to have been able to hide a few shuriken in a holster on one of your upper thighs, but a high slit up your other leg made hiding any others impossible.
You had to admit, you felt sexy. This was outside of your usual wardrobe, but whoever picks the undercover mission outfits should get a bonus.
A knock on your door tore you from your thoughts. You opened it, revealing a, rather attractive-looking, Clint Barton. Although he didn't have his arms exposed as usual, something about his change in attire was enticing. Again, whoever picks the outfits should get a bonus. The suit was fitted to Clint perfectly, somehow showing off his muscular physique while keeping him entirely covered.
Unbeknownst to you, Clint couldn't help but check you out as you did the same to him. The gentle curve of your hips, your exposed leg to your thigh, and your cleavage looking as it could spill right over the cups of the dress. Hell, he almost wanted them to.
"You look good," you tell your partner, trying to hide the fact that you had just ogled all over him. Thankfully, he was a bit too busy to notice.
"You too," he said, suddenly cocking a smile, "Wifey." You gave him a puzzled look. "What? You called me Hubby."
Forgot about that, you thought. I need to keep my head on straight if this mission is going to go well.
"Well," you said, jokingly looping your arm with his. "You lead the way."
Clint chuckled at your antics, but he did as you asked. He led you outside to the limousine SHIELD had prepared for the both of you. You got in, careful not to expose more than you wanted as you arranged your body into the vehicle. Clint followed, and despite the amount of room inside, he slid onto the bench seat next to you.
"I'm a method actor," he said with a wink. "And you're going to be my wife in about 30 minutes."
Rolling your eyes at your partner, you knew in your mind he was just being an ass. Yet, your mind began to wander against your will. You realize the night will not just mean looking good and standing in the same vicinity as each other. You had to convince a room of dangerous people that Clint and yourself were married. That meant physical contact, and plenty of it.
It wasn't an entirely unpleasant thought, leaning against his muscular chest or feeling his strong arm around your lower back. The thought made your body heat, and as pleasant as it was it also made you incredibly nervous. You had never had trouble working with Clint, but something about the way your mind kept wandering worried you that you weren't at the top of your game. You needed to stay focused.
The 30 min ride began to feel much longer. A bit on edge, you began rhythmically drumming your fingers on your thigh as you waited. Suddenly the drumming stopped, as you felt Clint's hand grab your own.
"You're driving me crazy," he said, irritation lacing his tone. "It's like clicking a pen."
Despite the anger in his tone, he didn't let go of your hand. He simply adjusted so he was holding more than grabbing. You didn't mind, you had to get into character too.
Finally arriving, Clint got out of the limo first before extending his hand back towards you to help you get out gracefully. Instead of letting go once you were standing, he instead interlocked your fingers.
"Let's go get this guy," he said with a raise of his eyebrows, "Babe."
Although you knew he was teasing because of the mission, you couldn't help the smile that rose to your face. Is this really all it took for you to lose your mind? Your colleague, and friend for that matter, just had to wear a suit and you lost it? Maybe you'd just been single too long, but that was something to deal with after this mission was over.
You and Clint made your way into the gala, staying close to each other. Not seeing the target yet, you decided to grab a drink and mingle.
"So, how did the two of you meet?" Asked the women who had struck up a conversation with the two of you.
"At work," replied Clint, taking the moment to smile down at you. You tried to suppress the flutter of your heart at his soft expression. "She just caught my eye." He was smart, using the truth as a way to embellish your cover. Clint wrapped his arm around your waist, gently pulling you closer to him. You smiled back at him, batting your eyelashes.
"He's being modest, he's the one who caught my eye." You were laying it on thick, but you didn't really care. You had just spotted the target heading your way. You placed a hand on Clint's chest. This time, you didn't miss the way his expression faltered for a moment as his eyes flicked down to your movements. You pulled away, worried you had gone too far and made him uncomfortable. "I mean, just look at him."
As you finished your act, you noticed the target walk just past the two of you.
"Could you excuse us?" Asked Clint, politely exiting the conversation so the two of you could tail the man. You followed him from afar until he went through a doorway, disappearing behind it.
"Damn it." You whispered. Turning around, you found an unusual amount of eyes on you. Guards stationed around the room looked at the pair of you, and you noticed a few begin walking your way. "Clint, we've got trouble."
The two of you began making your way back through the crowd, trying to blend in. Regardless of your efforts, guards continued to slink your way.
"We've got to go," said Clint lowly. His hand made it's way to your waist, helping guide you through the crowd of people and towards the front door. Thankfully, your limo returned quickly so you could make your exit.
Clint helped you in, moving to join you. Before he could, a large, gloved hand grasped his arm.
"Where are you two off to?" Asked a gruff voice.
Thinking quickly, you decided to use your given roles to your advantage.
"Excuse me?" You squealed. "Unhand my husband." The man's grip loosened, but he didn't fully let go. "What's going on?"
"Ma'am, what's go you both leaving in such as rush?" His eyes narrowed, not fully believing either of you. You did the only thing you could think of to get him off your back.
"What are you, a pervert?" You asked, playing up the bratty whininess in your voice. You used his moment of surprise to pull Clint towards you while the man's grip was weakened. "We're going somewhere more, private." You purred seductively, lathering it on thick as you gave Clint your best bedroom eyes. You ran a hand up his thigh as he took a seat next to you. "Right, Baby?"
Clint's voice was noticeably lower as he responded, "uh, yeah." Smooth, Barton.
You leaned in towards Clint, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck. Damn he smelled good. Almost instinctively, his hands made their way to your hips. You couldn't deny it felt good. You peppered soft, open-mouthed kisses down his neck, hoping the guard would get the message and fall for the ploy.
"What, are you going to watch?" You asked sarcastically, the momentary pause of your actions allowing you to realize how tight Clint was gripping you, and how heavy his breaths were. Your words had the intended effect, with the guard seeming embarrassed as he let the door close. As soon as it did, the driver hit the gas.
You pulled back from Clint, the embarrassment hitting you. You felt your face heat up.
"Sorry," you said awkwardly, trying to chuckle to ease the tension. "It's all I could think of."
"It's okay." He replied, his words short. "It worked."
Great, you thought, now he's uncomfortable. No wonder, after all that.
The two of you sat in uncomfortable silence, still seated close. You did your best to give him the space you could, but your exposed leg still sat touching his. You may not have paid it much mind, but if you had dared to look his way you would have seen Clint's eyes glued.
A sudden ring stunned you both, and Clint answered the phone.
"Detective Fury?" He asked. He listened for a moment to whatever Fury was telling him, nodding slowly. "Well, uh," his eyes flipped to you then quickly away. "We had to play into our cover. Y/n may have told them we were..." He coughed. "Headed somewhere 'more private'."
Your embarrassment only heightened. Not only did you make Clint uncomfortable, but now your boss knows.
"Yes sir, I understand." Said Clint. Hanging up, he looked back to you. "We're being followed."
"Shit!" You exclaimed. One guard may have fallen for your trick, but the target must have sent someone after you to be sure.
"So," said Clint slowly. "Fury has booked us a hotel room. We're headed there now."
Your mouth fell open, eyes wide.
"What do you-"
"Not to do that!" Exclaimed Clint, his own eyes going wide. "Just so when they follow our car, it looks like we were telling the truth."
Your suddenly racing heartrate slows again.
"Oh, okay." Your breathing slows as well, calming back down. You rode the rest of the way to the hotel in continued silence, thankful Fury had found one nearby.
Arriving and getting out of the vehicle yet again, you were surprised when Clint pulled you to him.
"We've got to be believable," he whispered, hands on your hips pulling them dangerously close to his own. One hand trailed further down, resting on your ass. "Is that alright?"
Of course, even in a dire situation Clint would ask a question like that. You nod, tilting your head to give him access to your neck. You bit your lip as his own lips made contact with your neck, holding back a moan that threatened to come out. While you may have been pretending, it didn't mean his lips didn't feel excruciatingly good.
Too quickly for your liking, he pulled back. There was a darkness in his eyes looking down at you. He must be a great actor. You let him lead you along, grabbing the room key from the front desk. The group of men entering the building after you did not go unnoticed. You grabbed ahold of Clint's tie, using it to pull his face close enough to yours that you could whisper without being hear. Close enough too that if you wanted, you could put your lips on his.
"They're staking out the lobby," you whispered. "I think we'll really have to stay here."
You made your way up to the room, footsteps following the two of you. As you reached for the door handle, you felt strong hands grab you and press you next to the door instead. Clint's body was pressed close to your own, making your breaths shallow and your body heat up.
"Clint-" You whispered.
"Do you trust me?" He said lowly so that only you could hear. You nodded. Before you knew it, you felt soft lips press to yours. You let your hands wander, making their way to his hair. You let yourself kiss him back, with a feverishness that nearly shocked you. He may have been your friend, but all your mind flooded with now was the need to be close to him. Feel his body pressed to yours, lips staying locked together.
You barely registered the sound of footsteps trailing to the other side of you, passing convinced that you were really there for the reason you claimed. Once they finally passed, Clint reached behind you, unlocking and opening the door without letting his lips leave your mouth. He didn't pull away until the door shut behind you both, hearing the latch click.
When he did pull away, both breathing hard, you felt as if your lips became cold. You wanted him back on you.
"Sorry," he muttered huskily, doing little to quell the heat in your body. "I thought that might get them off our backs a little." You nodded in response, taking into account the hotel room. There was a moderate-sized bathroom, a small closet and a dresser complete with TV on top. And, there was one queen bed facing it.
"You can take the bed." Said Clint. "I don't mind sleeping on the floor, as long at you let me have a pillow."
You rolled your eyes, pushing down the sexual tension you felt. Clearly he must not be feeling it too, as he switched back to humor quickly.
"Don't be silly. We're both adults, and it's hardly a crime to sleep in the same bed. It doesn't mean we have to do more than that."
Though your words didn't come across quite as you hoped, worried it sounded like there was an option of doing more than sleeping, Clint did take a seat on the bed. You did the same on the opposite side. After a moment of comfortable silence, Clint stood back up.
"Is it okay with you if I hop in the shower?"
You gave him a puzzled look, "am I okay if you practice good hygiene? Let me think." You pretended to think really hard, making him chuckle.
"Point made."
As you heard the water turn on, you laid back on the bed. Your mind began to wander again, full of both want and worry. After one evening, and one mission gone slightly awry, your usually tame thoughts about your partner were running wild. What had you gotten yourself into? Hearing the shower run, you couldn't stop yourself from imagining what could be on the other side of the wall. Your partner, your friend, taking off that beautiful suit to reveal what was underneath. The water running over his body, his muscles...
The water suddenly stopping jolted you from your thoughts. You tried to minimize the blush that was sure to be present on your face, grateful that he seemed to take his time drying off.
Opening the bathroom door, you stared as Clint walked out in just the suit's dress pants. Despite his best efforts to dry off, water droplets remained in his hair as they seemed to make him sparkle. Your eyes didn't remain at his hair, trailing lower to his exposed chest. The soft curves of his pecs, down to his abs, the beginning of a 'V' shape that dared you to follow it...
"So," he said. "We don't have luggage."
Shit, I hadn't even thought about that yet.
"As you know, I'm such a gentleman." He said playfully. "I don't want you to sleep in that dress, there's no way it would be comfortable." Your mind raced with a million thoughts of all the other options. "I propose you get my t-shirt from under the suit, and I sleep in the dress pants."
You nod at him, trying not to think about what he was suggesting. He wanted to sleep shirtless, and let you wear his clothes. Was it too late to tell him to sleep on the floor?
Not able to come up with a better option, you took the shirt he was offering and made your way to the bathroom to shower. Peeling the dress off your body, you decided to ignore the situation you were in and simply let yourself relax. Stepping into the warm water of the shower, you let it run down your head and shoulders. Closing your eyes to try and relax, it had the opposite effect.
Every time you shut your eyes, all you could think about was Clint. His hands, his lips, his body. How all three of those things would feel on you. To make matters worse, as you got more hot and bothered you pictured him even with your eyes open. Turning the water cooler, you hoped a cold shower would fix the problem.
It didn't.
Huffing, you washed your body and figured your thoughts weren't going away any time soon. The more you tried to stop them, the more they invaded your senses. As you scrubbed the soap across your body, you couldn't help but imagine someone else's hand.
Visions of Clint's hands running down your body played through your mind as your own hands trailed the same path. Ghosting lightly across your nipples, you bit your lip to stop the gasp in your throat. You imagined how his fingertips, calloused from years of notching arrows, would feel in place of your own.
Keeping one hand firmly at your breast, your other traveled lower and lower. A soft whimper escaped your throat before you could do anything to suppress it as your fingers made contact with your clit. Hearing nothing from the other side of the wall, you assumed Clint couldn't hear you over the sound of the shower water.
Your fingers continued circular motions at your entrance, feeling just how wet you had become. Soft moans fell from your lips, thinking the noise would be covered by the running water and bathroom fan that had been turned on to help ventilate humidity.
Besides, everyone knew hotel walls were never described as thin... right?
-Clint's POV-
He dropped to the bed with a deep sigh as soon as the door shut to the bathroom with you inside. He rubbed a hand over his face. What the Hell had he gotten himself into?
Sure, he had always found you rather attractive. And sure, that may have developed into something a bit deeper over the time he had gotten to know you. And maybe, he had been a little too excited when he heard about the details of the mission.
He thought he would be able to handle himself. Yet, here he was; grown man acting like a teenage boy unable to control his hormones and keep his hands to himself.
Listening to the shower water run, he tried to relax. Instead of remembering the way your hands grasped at his chest when he had kissed your neck. Not thinking about the way your lips moved against his in the hallway, how sweet they tasted. Pretending he didn't know what it was like to have your body pinned to his, having you whisper his name.
It had become the ghost of a mantra in is head. Your whisper from the hallway repeating again and again in his head.
Clint, Clint, Clint...
He couldn't help but imagine how else you could say his name. His mind bombarded him with a cacophony of sound. Could he make you moan his name? Scream it?
Feeling his dick twitch in his pants, he was playing a dangerous game. When you got out of the shower and exited the bathroom, he knew he couldn't be thinking this way. Just seeing you, twinkling with water droplets in your hair, his shirt adorning your body, would be enough to get him going again. He needed to calm back down.
He focused in to the sound of running water, trying to zone out. It had even begun to work. That was, until he heard it.
It was faint, and at first he thought it was his imagination again. But the noise persisted, to the point he stood and began slowly slinking towards the bathroom wall. As he got closer, there was no ignoring what he heard. You were moaning, and it was the most delectable sound he had ever heard. So much for calming down.
He staggered back to the bed, laying on his back and focusing in on your sounds instead of the water. There was no way to relax, that was sure. What could you be doing in there? He could only come up with one answer, and it drove him crazy. How he wanted to be with you, his hands feeling you up, his mouth capturing all of those beautiful noises.
Too soon for his liking, he heard the knob twist to and the water shut off. Adjusting himself in his pants, he hoped covering with the blanket would hide his arousal.
-Your POV-
You were frustrated, sexually and otherwise. Despite how you felt as if you were more turned on than you've ever been, you were left chasing your high. Realizing you had been in the shower for much too long, you had to get out. You didn't want Clint to worry and think something was wrong.
Getting out of the shower, you toweled off best you could. Pulling Clint's shirt over your head, you were glad you had worn nicer underwear under your dress that evening. His shirt may have laid big on you, but it still left the bottom halves of your butt cheeks exposed. You did the best you could to make yourself as presentable as possible.
With your best efforts, it still left the tops of your thighs and the gentle curve of your butt exposed. You had not needed to wear a bra with your earlier dress thanks to built-in cups, which you now regretted as your nipples lay pebbled under the t-shirt's material.
You crossed your arms in front of you as casually as you could as you twisted the doorknob and left the bathroom.
Thankfully, Clint had already laid in bed. He didn't turn to look at you which you were grateful for. You walked around the room preparing it for sleep, turning the AC to a comfortable temperature and making sure the door was secure.
Unbeknownst to you, Clint was following your every move as you turned around. He didn't know if he were lucky to get to see you, or unlucky as he was sure to picture you like this for the rest of his life. To be so close and not be with you was like torture. Your thighs teased him, t-shirt barely covering them and leaving your underwear-clad bottom within view. Your breasts were not constrained under the thin material, leaving little to his imagination as your nipples seemed to call to him. Everything about you looked to soft, and it took all of his self-restraint to stop himself from reaching out to touch you.
Laying beside Clint, you were oblivious to the show you had just put on for him. His breathing was strained, which you attributed to the uncomfortably close quarters. You were not touching, but the bed forced you close enough to feel the heat emanating from his body. You knew that snuggling close to him would be like heaven, his warmth and his strong arms engulfing you.
Closing your eyes, you were glad for the stress of the evening. That stress left your mind tired, able to ignore your arousal for just long enough to lull yourself to sleep.
Clint was not so lucky. He laid awake, dress pants uncomfortably tight against his lower half. Noticing your sleeping state, he made a decision he hoped he would not regret. Moving slowly as not to disturb you, he inched the uncomfortable garment off his legs. Left in just his boxers, he was only moderately more comfortable. His length still remained uncomfortably contained.
Clint did his best to ignore you beside him, but you were making that incredibly difficult. In your sleep you had turned away from him, but moved ever closer. There was nothing he could think to do, and before he could come up with an idea he felt the plush of your ass up against his bare thigh. Of course, this did nothing to help his situation.
He tried to think of anything else he could. A previous mission, perhaps with dangerous details to remember as a way to lesson his mood. No matter the nature of the old missions, his memories always ended the same. You, smiling up at him with sparkling eyes as you completed the objective.
Another noise pulled Clint from his thoughts. It came from your direction. He felt your leg twitch against him, and he realized you must be dreaming.
A noise came from you again, and Clint was intrigued. The sound was muffled, and he couldn't tell if it was positive or negative. He had a preference, sure, but you could have been having a nightmare for all he knew.
Feeling your hips press you backside further into his leg as you made another sound, this time clearly a small moan, it was clearly no nightmare.
Clint's body was tense. His cock felt as if it grew impossibly harder as a result of your movements. There was nothing he could do, waking you up would only reveal that he had removed his dress pants and make him look like a perv. Instead, he took in the moment as he knew he may never get to hear your noises again.
Soft moans and whimpers fell from your lips, hips grinding back towards his body. He wanted to reach out and touch you, but he restrained. At least, until he heard something that made him snap.
"Clint," you moaned with voice tantalizingly soft and sweet. He couldn't help the groan that escaped him in response. Last ounce of restraint now gone, he reached toward you. His hand found your hip, soft under his callouses. The two of you were practically spooning, and he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His lips moved to kiss up your nape, and he relished in how your moans followed his actions.
Looking up at your face, he was startled to see your wide eyes meeting his. Your pupils were blown wide with lust.
"Please don't stop."
Your whisper only urged him further, allowing his hand to slip higher under your shirt, his shirt, to grab your breast. Your moans only continued to spur him on, grinding his bulge into your backside. It both offered relief, and made him want even more.
You felt his hands across your body, even better than you had imagined. You pushed your ass backwards into him, matching his motions and feeling just how hard he was.
His strong hands suddenly flipped you to your back, Clint hovering above you. His lips found yours feverishly. You kissed him back as if you were starved, taking as much as he would give you. Moan after moan fell from your lips to his as he pressed his hardness against your cunt.
"Can feel how fucking wet you are," he groaned. "You been thinking about me?"
You nodded in return, but that wasn't enough for Clint. He wanted to hear you.
"What was that sweetheart?"
"Fuck, Clint," you sighed. "You're all I could think about all night."
His pride, and other things, swelled. His mouth trailed down to your chest, tongue finding a nipple as he swirled his tongue around it. His motions were rough, but his pace was slow. He pulled away as an involuntary whimper left your throat.
You felt his lips trail downward, oh too slowly. He pressed soft kisses across your inner thighs, making you curl your hips towards him in hopes he would quell the burning in the pit of your stomach.
He yanked your panties down only to replace them with his warm mouth. The initial contact almost made your scream as his hot breath fanned across the slick that had gathered between your legs. Cockily, Clint looked up to catch your eyes. With a wink, he held high contact while licking a slow stripe up where you were most sensitive. You moaned loudly, throwing your head back as he began picking up the pace. Every flick of his tongue sent shivers down your spine and moans to fall from your lips. He ate at you greedily. It's as if he was a man starved, but that was of no complaint to you. You don't think there was any way he could touch you that would make you complain.
Heat continued pooling in your core, building with every motion Clint made. Even so, your orgasm caught you by surprise when he moved his hands to your breasts, lightly pinching your nipples with his tongue continuing to swirl around your clit.
"Fuck, oh fuck, oh Clint," you moaned as you came, thighs squeezing on his head and hands in his hair. If this is how he died, he would be a happy man. As you came down from your high, Clint slowed and pulled away. He crawled back up to face you, kissing you harshly. You could feel your own juices on his tongue and along his stubble.
"On your knees," he muttered. His look was dark, and you obeyed. As you kneeled, you looped your fingers around the waistband of his boxers to pull them down with you. He groaned, grabbing a fistful of your hair in his hand.
You couldn't keep your eyes off his cock as it sprung free. Precum glistened the tip.
Tentatively, you leaned forward to lick the underside. Clint's groan emboldened you, taking the head into your mouth and swirling your head across the tip. Clint bucked his hips into your mouth, guiding you with his hand on the back of your head yet careful not to push you too far. You fell into a rhythm, bobbing your head on his cock as he groaned. Moaning around his cock, you felt his legs tense and dick twitch as the vibrations rang through him.
"Look at me," he demanded. "Want to see your eyes while I fuck your pretty little mouth."
You did as he asked, not knowing Clint had those words in him.
"There you go," he said quietly, "good girl." The words made you moan again around his cock.
That's new, you thought.
"Gonna fucking ruin you." He pulled out of your mouth, leaving your mouth open following his action. "Love the way you suck my cock baby. Your mouth feels so fucking good honey but now you're gonna give me your dripping pussy, alright?"
He flipped you over to your stomach, grabbing your hips to pull them into the air. You arched your back for him, and he paused to take in the sight.
"Damn baby, you're fucking soaked for me." You shivered as a finger ran along your folds. You pushed your hips back towards the feeling, needing more. "You like this baby? Want me to touch you like this?"
"Want, more," you whimpered.
"What do you want?" He asked sensually, lazily pushing a finger in and out of your entrance. "Tell me what you want me to do baby."
"Want you to fuck me, Clint." You whined. "Please fuck me. Want to feel you so fucking far inside me." Something about the usually mild-mannered, sweet Clint talking so dirty to you had something waking in yourself as well.
He wasted no time at your words, lining up with your entrance and slowly pressing into you. Your gummy walls welcomed him, tight and warm and clenching as he eased in.
"Fuck," he mumbled, feeling how tight you were just halfway in. "You feel so fucking good around my cock baby. Almost there." Giving you time to adjust to his size, he waited until he felt you squirming to move further again.
Whimpering as you pressed back against him, your mind felt like exploding. His dick stretched you so deliciously. You knew what was about to happen would ruin you for any other man, not wanting to ever feel anything but the man you had now.
Clint's pace picked up, leaving you a mess underneath him. You could barely think straight, only able to focus on the sliding of his cock in and out of your squelching cunt. You were thankful for his hands gripping your hips, legs turning to jelly.
You murmured a string of something resembling words, unable to do much more than moan and enjoy what Clint was doing to him. Grunts fell from his mouth, beautiful sounds as they layered with the wet slapping sounds echoing throughout the room.
"Take my cock so well," he grunted. Suddenly pulling out, you whimpered at the rapid lack of contact. Before you could react more, he flipped you over and pressed back in. Filling you up again made you scream at the overwhelming pleasure. "Who knew he had this in him? "Want to see your pretty face when I cum inside your pussy, hm?"
Just the thought made your head fall back with another moan as he continued to fuck you. Your breasts bounced with each thrust, mesmerizing to Clint unable to take his eyes off of you.
" 'M so close baby," he groaned. You wrapped your legs around his torso, pulling him close and looking up into his eyes.
That was the last push he needed, thrusts faltering as his seed shot into you. His grunts turned to moans, needy as he continued to thrust deep into you as he came. Staying inside, he leaned down to kiss you deeply.
"Fuck," he whispered, resting his forehead against your own.
"Yea," you replied breathlessly. He pulled back, dazed smile matching your own.
After cleaning you both up, he laid back in bed to allow you to snuggle close to him.
"I think that's the most I've heard you swear," you giggled, "maybe ever."
He chuckled in response, squeezing him closer to you.
"It's not my fault you feel so fucking good then."
Drifting off to sleep again, you wouldn't think about how the mission debrief would go until morning. After all, you're sure this is far from the last time you and Clint would end up like this.
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blue--ingenue · 2 months
Scorbus Halloween Headcanons
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Author's Note: i've been seeing so many Halloween posts on my Instagram feed and it's making me extra excited for fall! a few Homegoods stores near me put out their Halloween stuff early, and it made me think of how Scorpius would feel about the holiday. i think he'd find it fun, but also he'd be amused with the muggles' interpretation of "witches and wizards"
Scorpius can’t believe there’s an entire holiday dedicated where people give out every sweet imaginable
Albus explains the basics of Halloween before taking Scorpius to a Halloween store
Scorpius finds muggle decorations equal parts cute and fascinating
“Look Al! They’ve created mechanical bats with glowing eyes! These are so much better than the live ones Hagrid set up around the school”
“They even have pretend cauldrons! And spiderwebs you can hang without worrying about actual spiders!”
Once grasps the concept, Scorpius is obsessed. He’s dragging Albus to Target and T.J. Maxx to look at shelves and shelves of decorations and spooky mugs
Their bed is overtaken by Scorpius’ army of Halloween squishmallows and spooky plushies. (The thought of them watching while he snogs Scorpius freaks him out, so he makes sure to cast a non-verbal spell to roll them off the bed before they do anything remotely physical.)
He gets matching tea mugs adorned with filigreed spiderwebs and hand painted jack o’ lanterns 
Scorpius doesn’t understand most of the costumes associated with muggle films, so Albus decides upon an impromptu movie night
Popcorn, cuddles, and Disney classics abound. (They have to keep rewinding the films because they get caught up snogging and realize they have no idea how the characters got from Point A to Point B)
Albus suggests they do a couple’s costume and Scorpius can’t contain his excitement. His list of ideas take up at least 12 inches of parchment
Some ideas include:
Flynn Rider (Al) and Prince Rapunzel (Scorp)  
Han (Al) and Leia (Scorp)
Prince Buttercup (Scorp) and Wesley (Al) from “The Princess Bride”
Johnathan (Scorp) and Mavis (Al) from “Hotel Transylvania”
They can’t decide on one, so they pick one costume for each Halloween party they’re invited to
When they dress up as Flynn and Rapunzel, Albus charms Scorpius’ hair to glow golden like does in the film because Scorpius is his light in the darkness
The more flustered/blush-y Scorp gets, the brighter his hair glows
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beezusvreeland · 7 months
Santi's journal (Santiago "Pope" Garcia x Reader)
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I was planning on publishing a fic about Santiago on Valentine's Day, but didn't have time to finish. Since I like what I wrote so far, I decided to share with all of you :)
summary: After the break up, Santiago is advised to write a journal to deal with his feelings, an exercise that brings back memories and, maybe, a new hope for your relationship.
ship: Santiago "Pope" Garcia x Reader
genre: Angst, possible second chance romance, Santi sometimes being sweet and, others, a bitch.
words: 1,7k
taglist (if you'd like to be added, just let me know in the comments): @wreckmyimage @steven-grants-world @lizispunkk @torntaltos @nervousmumbling @littleshadow17
You’ll never read this. I’ll make sure of it. It boils my blood the fact that I can see the face you’d make, you would tell me writing in a journal is so unlike me. Of course you’re right, you’re always fucking right. I wouldn’t be doing this if Will hadn’t made me. He showed up at 7 fucking am at my mother’s house and you know she fucking loves him, a prince charming, if she has ever seen one. Fucking prick keeps smirking at me because I know he is far from it. After eating like a fucking king, he tossed me this goddamn notebook and a pen and said something how I should stop pouring my feelings on alcohol, hilarious since he was drinking as much as me last night, and find another way to express emotions or whatever. He is still here, watching me like a fucking hawk while I pretend I’m taking this shit seriously. 
Being back at my parents’ house is fun for like two days, after that it’s just depressing. I’m sleeping in my bed in my room and it just doesn’t feel like home anymore. If my conscience wasn’t guilty already, I would have broken the promise I made to Ironhead and driven my ass straight to the bar. I would keep getting a hangover, but at least I would sleep better.
I was cleaning the car just now and found one of your earrings. That one that’s a small golden hoop, you wear it all the time. You’re probably looking for it, maybe I should give it to Frankie or Benny to return it to you. It’s funny, you always said that you felt sort of naked without earrings. It was one of these things you would repeat every once in a while, I’ve always liked that. Felt like a confirmation that even if you changed, you were still you.
Things got complicated after we broke up. I wonder if you feel it too, our friends forming teams for each of us. I don’t like that. And I know you don’t either. I went to Fish’s to give him your earring, feeling safe ‘cause you know, it’s fucking Fish, mi hermano. But Sarah was home and was the one who opened the door. Let’s just say she’s very much on your team. She made sure I knew that with all the screaming in spanish and the dishes being thrown my way. I hid in my car until Frankie came home. Me, an army veteran. That’s how pathetic my life has been, princesa. 
Can’t sleep again. Think I got too used to having you by my side. Also, this bed is very small, I don’t know how I was able to sleep here. I think you would like to know that now I’m the one doing my own laundry and the cleaning. Ma made it clear that her casa no es un hotel. I heard her telling mis tias that the only baby she wants to take care of is a grandchild and that I ruined her chances of having one. 
Met a girl at the bar last night. We made small talk for a while, until she asked me if something was wrong because I kept looking at the door every time someone walked in. I told her I thought I saw a friend, but the truth is I realized that my body has an automatic response to the sound of the bar door opening. I turned every time hoping it would be you walking in, but it never was.
I saw on the news that the old movie theater downton is going to be demolished and turned into a parking garage. Not gonna lie, it made me so fucking sad to think about it and to wonder how you might react to this news. We were always there when we were kids. It was where we talked for the first time. You think it was at school, but it wasn’t. All I wanted was an electric guitar just like James Hetfield’s and my parents said absolutely fucking not when I asked them for it, so I started working there on weekends. Sundays were always boring, only a handful of people showed up in the mornings and time just wouldn’t go by.
And then one day you showed up at the concession stand, hair down in one of those headbands you loved so much, I wasn’t prepared, thought I was going to have a heart attack at the age of 16. You recognized me from homeroom, knew my name and all. I was such a fucking simp, always trying to sit next to you. I thought you would never even look in my direction and then you were there at the theater, trying to make some small talk while I got you popcorn. I spent the rest of the day over the moon that we had talked and terrified I had blown it by being so nervous and barely saying anything to you. In homeroom on monday, you turned to me with a shy smile and said hi. That’s all it took. You had me…and still do.
The nightmares are back. You know, the ones with the sounds of shots being fired, all the blood and the bodies. I’m terrified that one day I’ll start recognizing them. Of one of them becoming you. I almost called your number, dialed it and everything. Then I remembered that, according to you, the only acceptable excuses for waking you up in the middle of the night were if the house was on fire or if someone was dying. And I just didn’t want to give you yet another reason to be mad at me.
I’m pissed off right now. Frankie had the audacity of taking me out of town to help him pick up some table Sarah bought online and next thing I know, he starts to reprimand me for what happened. Some bullshit about not giving up on what I loved, especially not you.
No matter how much we argued, he still missed my point. You were the one that had doubts. The one that didn’t want to commit. You said you wanted to, so why won’t you?
I went back to the bar today. Fuck, I really needed a drink after that disaster with Frankie and the arguments with my mother, who won’t shut up about Miss Celia next door becoming a grandmother to twins and how she is thinking of giving her some of my baby clothes. Ma wanted them to go to her grandchildren, our children. We can’t have a conversation that doesn’t involve this topic. I just can’t do anything right.
It’s not just the clothes she keeps, you know. Ma also has several scrapbooks with moments I didn’t even remember. There was one just for prom, with pictures at my house, in front of the limo, others where I look very sweaty and probably stoned. I spent years going back to that memory. It’s one of my biggest regrets, not taking you to prom. I put myself in a situation I didn’t know how to get out of.
The night we kissed for the first time, in my car parked in front of the movie theater, blew my mind. Before that, I thought you’d never date me, so I started dating other girls. I had hooked up with Paloma Gomez a few times when she let me know we would go to the prom together. I said yes. I was such a shit little idiot, fuelled by hormones and teenage angst. I hadn’t learned yet that having sex with someone doesn’t mean you are in love with them, how meaningless it could be. It didn’t matter how much I tried, no amount of it could ever compare to talking to you on the phone late at night, trading secrets and whispers about everything and nothing.
Got a consulting job at a firm. It’s freelance for now, but you know, it gives me something to do and a reason to leave the house every day. The people at the office are fine, there aren’t that many demands at this time of the year and one of the ladies from the other floor brings a cake every friday. This week’s was lemon flavored with a cream filling I know you would love.
Benny convinced me to try out the gym he is working at and it wasn’t bad. I thought he worked at the counter or something, but he is a personal trainer. A good one, if you ask me — don’t fucking tell him.
Ben made me lift some weights and run for a bit. Tried talking to him about the fight, I actually meant to ask how you have been, but once again the words escaped me and our conversation took a turn to who’s right and who’s wrong. He said if I wanted you back, I should understand what went wrong to make it right. It was weird, not gonna lie, all the riddles and shit. For a moment there, I felt like I was the kid and he was the adult for once.
A few days after we kissed, you showed up at the theater again, remember? You seemed nervous for once, holding a dark green box that you put on the counter. You were even wearing a dress I hadn’t seen before, the one that made you look like Wednesday Addams. It seemed you even had a bit of makeup on.
You broke the awkwardness between us asking me to open the box. Inside there were five cupcakes with inscriptions on them: P R O M ? When I looked back at you, you had your hands behind your back and were shifting your weight, a smile on your face. Telling you that I already had a date and confirming I was dating that girl was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in life — and I’ve hidden in a cave full of corpses before, you know it.
I became desperate, tried telling you it wasn’t serious, that maybe I could cancel with her to go with you. And you said that would be cruel to both of you, then left.
author's note: I have and idea for a part two. Let me know if you're interested? And if you like what you read, please reblog and leave a comment, it means the world to us writers to be able to interact with our readers.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Keeping Our Secret (Alex Blake x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: You and Alex are keeping a secret from the team
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: 18+, smut, soft dom!Alex, face sitting, praise kink
“So,” Morgan said, sitting himself down in the chair across from you, “how was that date you went on last night?”
You looked up from the case file, pen tapping against your bottom lip. He wasn’t the only one tuning in to your conversation. JJ was turning her body towards you and Spencer had glanced up from his position on the sofa.
“I didn’t realise I’d told you about that,” was you response.
“You didn’t,” he said, “but Garcia overheard you talking on the phone in the bathroom yesterday about finding the perfect outfit. Apparently you really wanted to impress this girl.”
You had to fight to keep your eyes focused on him.
“She’s worth the effort,” you said.
“So it went well then?” JJ asked.
“I… think so,” you said, hesitant, “I’m just hoping she did too.”
“I’m sure she did,” she reassured you.
You nodding, doing your best to not shift your gaze to the one person you really wanted to look at. You weren’t going to do that to yourself.
“So what did you do?” Morgan asked.
“It was just dinner,” you replied.
“What kind of food?” he continued
“Italian,” you said, beginning to feel like you were in an interrogation.
“What was the name of the restaurant?” he asked.
“I don’t remember,” you replied, “are you trying to figure out if I lied about going on a date?”
“Was it La Mia Rosa?” Spencer asked.
“That sounds familiar.” You nodded.
“That’s because Blake has been talking about going there,” he replied.
You finally let your eyes alight on her. She looked up as if feeling the weight of your gaze. You pressed your lips together, doing your best not to smile at her the way you wanted to, the butterflies erupting in your stomach. She was so beautiful. You had to look away before you did something you’d both regret.
“How do you not remember the name of the restaurant you drove to?” Morgan asked.
“She picked me up from my place,” you replied.
“You let a stranger know where you live?” he demanded.
“She’s hardly a stranger,” you scoffed, then realised what you had said.
“That’s all you’re getting Morgan,” you said, “I’m not telling you who she is.”
“Why not? Got something to hide?” He smirked at you.
“Yes,” you replied, smiling across at him, “like my entire personal life.”
“Well how about this,” JJ said before Morgan could try and come back with a zinger, “did you at least get a goodnight kiss?”
You felt your cheeks heat and you ducked your head. You couldn’t look over at Alex, not for even a moment, but you really wanted to.
“That’s my girl,” Morgan laughed.
You kept your head ducked, pretending to go over the case file again and again until the plane landed. You weren’t going to give in to Morgan any more than you already had. You weren’t going to say any more than you already had. You weren’t going to give them the satisfaction of being able to guess the woman you’d spent the night with.
You shifted in your seat, spending most of the flight going over the night before. The press of lips against your skin, the tongue tasting you, the fingers making you see stars. You could still feel the simmering desire you’d woken up with, her hands mapping your body as you lounged in bed.
When the jet landed it was all hands on deck, your desire pushed to one side. It felt easy enough to slip back into your usual role, comfortable and familiar. And if your eyes lingered a little longer than normal on a certain linguist then that could be put down to being lost in thought.
Except that night, having stopped in at the hotel to shower and sleep, the flare of hope in your stomach was uncontainable. Freshly washed, in sweatpants and a tank top, you were curled in the bed with a book open in your lap. The soft knock on your door was a relief.
You pulled the door open, lips caught between teeth, a pleased flush spreading over your skin. Alex was standing on the other side, blazer abandoned in her room, enough buttons undone on her shirt to make your mouth grow dry. You held the door open further.
“Come in,” you said.
Her fingers brushed along the back of your hand as she entered the room, not quite looking at you. Something in your stomach tightened and the butterflies become something worse. You closed the door.
“Do you want something to drink?” you asked, “or are you here on business?”
Instead of answering you, she turned around, finally looking at you. There was a smirk flirting at the corners of her mouth. Your breath caught, just for a moment, and you reminded of the moment you’d realised exactly how bad you had it for her.
You’d been out on a case, somewhere in Colorado, on a trail through the forest. Stumbling over a root, her hands had automatically come up to catch you, arms wrapping around your waist. You’d looked up in the afternoon sunlight streaming through the tree branches above, and it was like the heavens had opened up. Lit up in the warm light, you’d realised how beautiful Alex was, holding you up, arms around you, holding you close enough to feel the warmth of her skin. She was smiling, as if she knew exactly the reaction she was garnering, and it had made you breathless. It had yet to stop making you breathless.
“Were you really trying to impress me last night?” she broke into your thoughts.
“You see me all day in works clothes. Can you blame me for wanting to make it special?” You shrugged, “you seemed to appreciate it.”
“Oh I did. I appreciated getting to take it off you more.” She took a step towards you, “you’re so incredibly beautiful.”
The last of your lingering anxiety dissipated. You held out a hand to her, sighing when she took it, drawing you closer to her. With soft fingers, she tucked your hair behind your ear, lingering on your skin until you thought you might be going crazy.
“You were such a good girl today,” she murmured, “not letting on to the rest of the team who your date was with. Keeping our secret.”
Her fingertips trailed over your collarbone. You shivered, your breath shaky, wondering if you could start touching her too. You wanted to, more than you could say.
“Am I really worth the effort, sweetheart?” she asked.
“You’re worth even more than that,” you replied, letting your free hand skim her side.
“You’re really asking for a reward, aren’t you?” She sounded so amused.
“I just want you to know how special you are to me,” you said, “but if you choose to reward that then I won’t stop you.”
“Come here, sweet girl.”
She pulled you in for a kiss, soft and sweet. Tongues brushed together, making your knees feel weak already. You slid your arm around her waist, grounding yourself to her. Her fingers buried themselves in your hair, guiding your head up to kiss you deeper. You whimpered, pressing yourself against her, feeling the vibrations in her chest as she groaned.
Pulling her hand from yours, she placed it on your hip, guiding you back. You took a stumbling step then another, letting her control your direction. The back of your knees hit the mattress and you sat, pulling her with you, not ready to stop kissing her. You would never be ready to stop kissing her.
You crawled backwards into the bed, hands on her, forcing her to follow you. She was kissing you like you were something precious, something within you igniting. Simmering flames curled around your body, desperate for more.
Her lips trailed down your neck, tongue flicking over your skin. You made a noise in the back of your throat, arching up into her. She took both your hands, lacing your fingers together, pinning them to the bed. You moaned her name as she sucked on your pulse point, your blood racing. Barely twenty four hours of being hers and you were addicted.
“So pretty moaning my name,” she murmured into your skin.
She sat back, looking down at you. You squirmed, heat flushing your skin, as her eyes trailed over you. You loved being on display for her, but you wanted her to touch you again. Her tongue dragged along her bottom lip as her head tilted to the side, considering you.
“Alex,” you whined.
“Yes, sweetheart?” she asked.
“I want you,” you said, “please.”
“All you had to do was ask, baby.”
She kissed you again, letting your hands go to trail her fingers down your body. Pushing past the hem of your tank top, her touch was like electricity on your stomach. You arched up, practically begging her. It felt like an eternity for her to pull the shirt from your body, flinging it away.
She drew away again, your whine cutting off as she cupped a breast, thumb brushing over a hardening nipple. She was watching you as she touched you, drawing moans from you, that half smile on her face as you sighed her name. Her own hands were on her hips, fingers digging in.
Leaning down, her hair brushed along her skin. Lips wrapped around one nipple, tongue brushing against it. Your fingers buried themselves in her hair, arching into her mouth. Lavishing her attention on you had you glowing. You had to press your legs together, squirming under her, wanting even more. You knew you were being greedy.
Instead, you let your own hands wander down, unbuttoning the last of her shirt, exposing the black bra underneath. Head bent, mouth still on you, it was impossible to see her the way you wanted to. She let you push the shirt from her shoulders, fingertips trailing down the skin of her arm. Running your hands up her back, you revelled in the feeling of her skin under your touch.
Her lips wandered back up your neck before she sat back, shaking her hair from her face. Raking your eyes down her body, you could have moaned just from the sight. She was so beautiful.
“You enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” she asked.
“Uh huh.” You nodded enthusiastically.
“I could spend all night just on these.” Her hands were cupping your breasts, gently squeezing.
“Alex,” you whined, “please.”
“Please what, baby?”
She began to roll one nipple between thumb and forefinger. You arched up into her touch, your nails scraping down her spine. She smirked down at you.
“Need you so bad,” you moaned.
She let you pull her bra from her body, surging up to press kisses to her chest. Her head fell back as your tongue tasted her skin, finding her own nipples, lavishing all your attention on them. Her own hands were still playing with you but you were losing yourself to her, wanting her to feel good, wanting to please her.
“Baby, this is your reward,” she sighed, “not mine.”
You looked up at her from under lowered lashes. There was a pleasant flush on her cheeks and her eyes were dark. Her back arched into your mouth despite her words and her hips shifted. You let your fingers run along the waistline of her slacks, dipping under just slightly.
“Later, sweetheart,” she said, grasping your wrist, pulling your hands away from her skin, “let me take care of you first.”
She guided you back onto the bed, ignoring your pout. She kissed you, taking her time with you, your indignation fading as she stole your breath. Crawling down your body, she pulled your sweatpants from your legs, looking delighted when she discovered you weren’t wearing underwear. Her fingers ghosted over your core, making you whine again.
“Look how pretty you are,” she said, hands pulling your legs apart, “all spread out for me. So desperate. So needy.”
Her tongue running through your folds had you bucking up against her mouth. Her chuckle vibrated through you, making you moan out her name. Her hands curled around your thighs, keeping them open as she settled herself more comfortably between them.
“Just relax, sweetheart,” she said, “I’ve got you.”
You didn’t have time to catch your breath before she dove in. It was as if she knew exactly how to touch you, to taste you, to make you gasp her name. Your fingers buried in her hair, anchoring yourself to her as your hips rolled against her mouth. It was so easy to lose yourself, eyes closing as you let the sensation roll over you.
She tapped the outside of your thighs. You blinked your eyes open, looking down your body at her. Dark eyes stared up right as she gave your bundle of nerves a soft suck. A curse burst from you. She didn’t let you look away.
When you fell apart it was like wave after wave of pleasure rolling over you. Your fingers tightened in her hair, maintaining eye contact as her name fell from your lips like a prayer. But in truth, you felt as if you were the one being worshipped.
She sat back on her heels, wiping at her chin. With shaking hands you reached out for her, landing on her bare waist. She let you pull her towards you, kissing her, loving the way you could taste yourself on her tongue. She moaned into your mouth and you felt as if you might combust. You wanted to touch her so badly.
“I want these off,” you mumbled against her lips, tugging on her trousers.
“You do?” she hummed.
“Mmhm,” you replied.
She crawled off you, standing at the foot of the bed. You rested on your elbows, watching as she slowly unbuttoned them, pulling the zipper down. You couldn’t tear your eyes away. She shot you a smirk before taking her time as she peeled her trousers from her long legs, booted heels kicked off. Left in nothing but her underwear, your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, heat curling in your stomach. This was the kind of sight you could stare at forever.
“Anything else, sweetheart?”
You sat up, reaching for her. She went willingly, pushing your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ears. You traced the lace pattern on her skin before hooking your fingers under it, pulling it down, exposing her to the air. She tilted your chin up, kissing you deeply as she kicked her underwear off.
She climbed back on top of you, crawling as you laid back down. Your fingertips tracing patterns onto her skin, so much skin for you to touch. With fingers curling around the back of her thighs you tugged, urging her further up.
“Are you sure, baby?” she asked.
“Please, Alex,” you replied, “please.”
“Okay, anything you want. Just tap my leg if you can’t breath,” she said.
As she lowered herself onto your face you realised what a privilege this was, to have her right in this position with you. You took a moment, staring up her body, her eyes smouldering as they looked down at you.
She tasted like heaven. That was the best description for it. As she sat fully on you, she was all there was, invading every sense. Your fingers dug in to her thigh as you lapped at her. She groaned and her head tipped back. Finding her clit, you watched as her hand came up, fondling her own breast. The sight made you moan and her hips ground down against you.
She rocked against you, growing faster, making your tongue work harder. You wanted her to feel the way she made you feel, like you couldn’t remember your own name from how good you felt. You barely noticed how difficult it was to breath, so focused on her, watching her chase her high on your tongue.
You tried to taste deeper, more, hoping to commit the moment to memory. It hadn’t been like this the night before, much more traditional. But this was something you’d been imagining since almost the moment you’d met her. There was something about her that was made for face sitting. You could feel her legs begin to tremble.
She came with your name tumbling from her lips, praise mixed together with curses as she rode out her high. You gave her what she wanted, liking the sounds she was making.
You had to help her off your face. Her eyes swept over you, lingering on your mouth. You dragged your tongue over your lips, still tasting her. With her own hands she cleaned the mess on your chin, throwing the tissue into the trash.
She settled back against the headboard, holding her arms out to you. It was a relief to curl against her side, head resting on her chest, listening to the thump of her heart. Her fingers carded through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as you relaxed against her.
“You did so wonderfully, sweetheart,” she said, kissing the top of your head, “so perfect for me.”
“Really?” You looked up at her.
“You were amazing.”
She pressed a lingering kiss to your lips. You melted against her, letting her pull the covers over both of you. Your legs tangled together and you sighed.
“You don’t have to worry, sweetheart,” she murmured after turning off the light, “I think your date went well too.”
The next morning, walking with Spencer back from the diner with a round of coffee for the team, you could feel how hard he was thinking. Rolling your eyes, you looked him over. He was squinting into the light.
“Just say it, Reid,” you said.
“Say what?” He wasn’t looking you in the eye.
“Whatever it is that’s on your mind,” you replied.
“Your date the other night,” he said, “it was with Blake, wasn’t it?”
“What? No. Why would you say that?” You tried not to give the game away.
“I have the room next to yours,” he informed you.
“Oh.” Your cheeks flamed, “I’m sorry.”
“I also figured it out when you said which restaurant you went to,” he said, “Blake has been talking about it a lot but then didn’t ask your opinion on the jet. She’d only do that if she’d been there with you.”
“Can you… not tell the others about this yet?” you asked, “I hate to ask but it’s still really new and we don’t really want to be the butt of the joke right now.”
“Of course,” he said, “but maybe you could be not so loud while we’re in the hotel?”
“You’ve got a deal, Doctor Reid,” you said.
Alex laughed when she found out about the conversation, and then promptly made you break your promise.
Tags: @trippol-threat @theclassicgaycousin
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aliceisathome · 4 months
Time for My Stand In - I'm ready with things nearby to grab depending on how traumatised/angry/sad I am. Currently we have a G&T, some chocolate, a punchable stuffie and some ice cream within reach. There's tequila in the kitchen if none of these work.
So here we are, new house and helper for mum to be paid for by spending a year doing whatever Ming demands, which is immediately sex of course. But Joe doesn't realise that Ming's concentrating on his back not because he's trying to replace Tong now, but because he's trying to replace Joe. Joe's a stand in for himself the poor sod.
It's interesting that Ming can't bring himself to have sex with New Joe though. It's guilt, yes, but also because he never really had sex with Old Joe - in his mind he was always having sex with Tong . In trying to get New Joe to stand in gor Old Joe, sex isn't going to work - what he misses and loved is , well, JOE. it's the companionship, the cooking together, sleeping together and just being together. It's the lights on when you get home and the smell of cooking. Does the spoilt, manipulated prince realise that yet? He might be getting a clue this episode though.
Also my brain hurts
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I like Ming's green bedding. In fact I like all the green teal in his condo - the man's got good taste in furnishings if nothing else. Did he get them to redecorate his hotel room to match? Wouldn't surprise me - he's the sort of person who'd put that in his rider. I must go and see what @respectthepetty says about the colours in this.
So - Ming isn't going to realise that New Joe is Old Joe because he thinks OG Joe is still alive but he's suspicous. It could be that Ming won't let go of the fantasy that old Joe will come back to him until they find the body* Wut might guess soon though. And Sol, if Ming hasn't ripped his head off after he sees the music vid.**
OH they pretended that Tong did his own stunts for that first movie in all the press. OK, I get why Ming didn't put two and two together now.
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Enter the bastard Tong. Man, he's a piece of work - jealous of Ming paying attention to another man (AGAIN) plus now he wants money from him as well. Don't do it Ming! Loved that he was too distracted by Tharn & Joe to listen properly. Still, I think he's beginning to see through Tong - especially when he won't acknowledge his culpability in Old Joe's death/disappearance. Loved his slightly weary dismissal of him as well.
Tharn - nope. Don't like him one little bit. He can join Tong in the Pit of Despair. They are both manipulative bastards.
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All the flashbacks made me sad, especially the watch. And now I'm feeling sorry for Ming even though he's been a bastard and a fool because, well, he was twisted into that by Tong.
Gah - I can't wait for next Friday. The preview implies that the psychic might let Ming know that Joe's soul is in a new body but I think it's Sol's voice at the end. I don't think Ming knows enough to stake out Old Joe's parent's graves. This is why I try to save to binge watch.
Anyhow, the stuffie took some damage points whenever Tong or Tharn were on screen and the gin is gone. Could be worse, and I'm sure it will be at some point. This bloody show has me in its grip.
*I get it Ming, I hope his comatose body is being looked after and worshipped by jungle creatures and he'll get it back. Mainly because Poom's SO cute.
**for the love of the sweet baby jeebus if you're going to cast someone as a Kpop star at least get someone who can sing or use someone else's voice.
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emitheduck · 1 year
Waking Up In Vegas (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)
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a/n: I am a HUGE fan of the trope of ‘waking up married’ and this time, i wrote it as a gift for my bff @nanamilkbread
t/w: reader is female, mention of drinking (drinking excess to getting black out), sexual situations-MDNI
(Y/n) groaned as she woke up, her head pounding while she fought to cover her eyes from the sun beam that was shining down right on her face. Clearly, she had too much to drink last night. Feeling the bed shift next to her, and not knowing who was in bed next to her, just went to show she had too much. 
She tried her best to slip out from the blankets as slow as she could; trying to also to get a peak of the mystery person in the bed next to her. Getting out of bed was one success, but seeing that the person in the bed next to her–clearly a man from the bare back–had his head completely under the pillow proved to be a failed attempt at trying to see who he was.
The more that she looked around the room, the more she noticed this wasn’t her hotel room. She was sharing a room with Emily on this case, this room only had one queen bed instead of the others that had two. At least it was the same hotel she was staying at with the team and she didn’t wander around Vegas last night. Oh god, what happened last night? Every memory from last night was blurred. She searched around for her phone, pausing out of fright when the man in the bed started to make noise and moved around. “Babe, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Just fuck me already..”
(Y/n) felt her cheeks flush as she remembered a little bit of the night prior. She could remember the team going out for drinks to celebrate finishing the case, then there was a gap, and she remembered getting hot and heavy with someone–the mystery man in bed. The man from the bed let out a grunt as he willed himself to sit up. When he stood up from the bed, they both made eye contact and (Y/n) let out a silent scream; the sound dying in her throat.
Mystery man was none other than Aaron Hotchner, her boss. 
Hotch looked like a deer in headlights, moving to quickly grab his boxers and put them back on. “(Y/n), did you just come in or were you here?”
“I-I was here when I woke up. I’m so sorry Sir, I didn’t even know, I don’t even remember–” She stammered as she quickly threw on the nearest article of clothing (clearly a mens t-shirt) to cover herself. 
“Don’t apologize and please don’t call me Sir right now.” He sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I remember going out, and Prentiss practically poured drinks down our throats. And then, I can’t remember anything.”
(Y/n) frowned, going over to the fridge in the room and grabbing two bottles of water, handing one to him which he gladly took and started drinking from. It was one thing that she was embarrassed, but to see her boss like this was on a different level. 
“Check your phone, I was just about to look through mine.” She instructed him, grabbing her phone and going instantly to her pictures. “Tell me if you find anything.” There were the usual pictures from the night out, like taking selfies with Penelope in the bathroom of whatever bar they were drinking, taking pictures of Spencer mid-explanation where someone was usually pretending to be dead in the back (that person usually Morgan).
“It looks like my phone was dead, do you have anything on yours?” Hotch asked as he got up from the bed, trying not to hover over her shoulder.
She didn’t answer him as she continued to scroll. Pictures started to get worse in quality the more the night went on. “From what I see, we all got separated? And then it looks like we went to some kind of bar?”
“I have no idea what would have possessed me to drink this much.” Hotch groaned as he finished off this water. “This photo looks like we ended up at a wedding?” She questioned, holding out her phone to show him the picture. Only then, did she get a good look at the gold band on her left hand ring finger. “Oh my fucking god..”
He didn’t even ask, but grabbed the phone out of her hand to closer examine the picture. “(Y/n), I’m going to ask this as calm as I can. Did we get married last night?”
(Y/n) felt her bottom lip starting to tremble, not being able to look at him out of fear she’d start to cry. “I think we did get married last night, because I’ve never noticed this on my finger before.” She told him, holding out her hand for him to see while she looked down at the floor.
“And judging from both of us walking up naked, it’s safe to assume that we both had sex last night.” Hotch said while he tossed her phone back on the bed, getting a glimpse at the ring on his own hand. “I’ll try to find the number for HR, you’re going to want to call them, probably get a transfer to a different division might be the best–”
“I’m not calling HR, and I’m not going to try to transfer.” She interrupted him quickly, finally looking at him and feeling the blush on her cheeks. “We’re both adults, and sure, you’re my boss and this was something neither of us planned for, but we can figure this out!”
He sighed, pinching his brow as he tried to think. “(Last Name), I would never want to put you in a position where this does anything to your job.”
(Y/n) shook her head. “I respect you so much, and if this makes you uncomfortable then I’ll do whatever you want, but maybe we try and figure this out when we’re not hungover in a Vegas hotel room?”
Hotch nodded. “That seems like the best idea. We don’t bring it up, and we just wait till we get back home.”
“Can I ask you a question, or if I do will you fire me?” (Y/n) asked him, trying her best to smile at the fact he was also giving her a slight smile. “Does this mean I can call you Aaron?”
“Only if I’m allowed to call your Mrs. Hotchner.” He smirked, watching as her face turned bright red. 
“Yeah you got me there.” She winced with a smile, gathering the rest of her clothes from the floor. “I am going to try and sneak back into my room, and we will just, not talk about this for the rest of the time being.” 
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https-harlow · 2 years
Fight The Feeling- 8 Where did you go?
Summary- Jack and Urban have another conversation about your relationship, where Urban starts to set up his plan to get Jack to admit to you he's in love with you still. You and Jack go to your doctor's appointment, where Jack is more nervous than he wants to admit.
Word Count- 3k
A/N- A little change of pace for this series especially from the preview I posted, but love it. Don’t get to used to it though 🫣
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When your flight landed, your phone immediately started to go off. You didn’t even have a long flight, and there had to be at least 50 total notifications between calls and texts, mostly from Jack and a couple from Urban. You ignored them, putting your phone on silent and got in your car to drive home.
Once you got home, you saw that the calls had stopped, so you unsilenced it, throwing on your bed while you got ready to go to sleep. While you were getting ready, you heard your phone go off several more times. You tried to ignore it, but after the sixth call, you answered.
“What the fuck do you want Jack?” You asked, holding the phone up to your ear.
“Where did you go?” Jack asked instantly, he let out a sigh of relief when you finally answered the phone.
“I went home.” You said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jack asked, continuing to pace around his hotel room.
“Because I don’t want to talk to you, even though that’s what I’m doing now because you wouldn’t stop calling me.” You said. 
“I went to Urban’s room to ask you something, and you weren’t there. He wouldn’t tell me where you went, just that you left, I was worried about you.” Jack said.
“Jack, don’t pretend to care about me now. We both know you don’t. I also didn’t tell Urban not to tell you where I went. I don’t care if you know.” You sighed. 
“I’m not pretending to care about you, I really do care about you. I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but I do. We’re having a baby together, it would be really shitty of me to not care about you.” Jack said.
“You’ve done shittier things to me.” You muttered underneath your breath. Jack heard you, and that might have been your intention, but he choose not to respond.
“What did you want to ask me?” You asked, pulling your blanket up to cover your chest.
“I-I forgot. It wasn’t that important anyways. I’ll text you if I remember.” Jack told you. He never had anything important to ask you in the first place, he had gone to Urban’s room with a question as an excuse to check on you. He had heard from Claire that you were crying after the interview, but when you were all on the bus to go back to the hotel you seemed fine.
He wanted to check on you, but he didn’t want to overwhelm you, especially when he assumed he was the reason you were crying, so he came up with something to ask you, but when he found out you left, he panicked. He forgot what ever stupid question he came up with to ask you and became more focused on just making sure you were okay.
He knew you were probably on a flight, but that didn’t stop him from calling. The calls from Urban were to tell you that Jack found out you left, but you assumed that as soon as you saw all of his calls.
“Okay? I’m probably going to go to sleep, so I’ll respond in the morning if you remember.” You told Jack, you weren’t planning on going to sleep, you were planning on scrolling on your phone and potentially watching a movie. You told Jack you were going to sleep so he would stop calling you. 
“Okay, let me know if you need anything, I know I’m not there, but I’ll do my best.” Jack reminded you.
“I will, goodnight, Jack.”
“Goodnight.” Jack said before you both hung up the phone. As soon as he hung up, he sat on the bed, finally letting himself relax for the first time since he found out you left. 
On the plane ride home, Jack was the first one to bring you up to Urban.
“Why do you think she left?” Jack asked Urban and Urban let out a sarcastic laugh.
“I think we both know why she left. I don’t have to tell you that.” Urban told Jack who sighed.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her, I don’t know what I can do to prove that to her.” Jack said.
“You might not have meant to, but you did. All you have to do is simply show her that you care about her, and not hurt her anymore.” Urban said, looking over at Jack.
“I try, but then I just fuck it up again.” Jack said.
“Well, you have to figure it out before she finds someone who does know how to love her. It shouldn’t be hard to figure it out if you do love her like you claim to.” Urban told Jack. “Would you be okay with it if someone else came into her life and loved her instead of you? What if one day I realized I loved her and asked her to be my girlfriend?” Urban asked.
“She doesn’t see you as anything but a friend.” Jack said, instantly getting defensive.
“And I don’t see her as anything but a friend, but it could be anyone, but feelings can also change. Someone just needs to treat her better than you do, which, currently, isn’t going to be that difficult. I treat her better than you do and I’m not in love with her.” Urban said.
“What if she doesn’t forgive me though? I mean, I want her to. She already told me it’s going to take time to forgive me, and to stop pretending to care about her. I’m not pretending. What if she doesn’t see that I love her and do care about her before it’s to late.” Jack asked and Urban sighed. 
Of course, he wasn’t going to tell Jack about your confession to him that you loved Jack, but it was taking everything in him to not to just tell Jack he was being an idiot and that you did love him.
“You just have to try before it’s too late.” Urban told him.
You didn’t see Jack until almost two weeks later, you had a couple photoshoots, and as soon as you got back, Jack had to fly out of town. Over that time, he had sent several texts checking on you, part of you couldn’t help but think he was doing it because he felt like he had to. You still appreciated it, it made you feel like he was trying. 
You had a doctor’s appointment which Jack asked if he could go to, which you planned on keeping your promise of letting Jack be involved if he wanted to be, so you told him he was welcome to come with you. Jack made sure to clear his whole day just for the appointment.
Jack felt guilty for missing your first appointment, but that was the appointment you found out you were pregnant at, and you weren’t speaking to Jack at that time, so it wasn’t his fault. You wouldn’t have blamed him for missing an appointment though, you knew he was busy, you both were. You had hoped that maybe by him coming to your appointments and being more involved, he would maybe start to take things more seriously.
Jack pulled up in front of your apartment building, he had insisted on picking you up and you decided to let him. Jack turned to look at you as you got into the car.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jack asked you as you put your seatbelt on.
“I’m feeling better today, how are you?” You asked.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, I’m good.” Jack answered before you gave him the address and he started driving. You had told Jack you hadn’t felt good the past two weeks, which wasn’t a complete lie, your morning sickness hadn’t gone away yet, so you still felt nauseous sometimes. Jack immediately offered to do whatever he could to help you, but you were also still dealing with your emotions from doing the interview with Jack and didn’t exactly want to see him, even if you were both in town at the same time.
You didn’t realize how much it would hurt to talk about your relationship. Since you kept everything to private when you were together, you were never able to express your feelings towards Jack unless it was to him, which worked at the time, but it felt freeing to finally talk about your relationship. Though because you no longer had a relationship, reliving those memories that you couldn’t talk about until now, made you also relive the breakup in a way.
The drive was short, you and Jack making small talk, anything to stop any awkward silence from happening. Luckily since you hadn’t seen each other in a little over 2 weeks, you had plenty of things to catch each other up on without having to get too personal about anything. 
Between your team and Jack’s team, someone got you into a private doctor’s office, so you didn’t have to worry about being seen as Jack pulled into the parking garage and walked into the office. They had to do a couple tests before they did the ultrasound, Jack sitting next to you the whole time. 
As soon as the doctor walked out of the room for a few minutes, you looked over to Jack. You noticed his leg bouncing up and down.
“You okay?” You asked, Jack looked over to you and nodded.
“Yeah, why?” Jack asked.
“You just seem nervous.” You told Jack and he immediately stopped bouncing his leg, sitting up in his chair. Almost as if he didn’t even notice until you pointed it out. 
“It’s okay if you are nervous.” You reminded him.
“I’m not nervous, it just, I don’t know. It just didn’t really feel real until today. I know that sounds so fucking stupid.” Jack said and you shook your head.
“It’s not stupid. I think it makes sense. We’re both so busy and always surrounded by people that it’s easy to get distracted and just push things to the side, no matter how big of an impact they might have on our lives. I don’t blame you, I think I would feel the same way.” You explained and Jack nodded.
“Thank you, that actually makes me feel better.” Jack admitted.
“I might be pissed off at you still.” You whispered. “But no matter what, we’re in this together. Thank you for telling me how you’re feeling and not hiding it from me.” You smiled softly at Jack, reaching your hand out to take his. Jack smiled, intertwining your fingers before squeezing your hand gently. 
“I feel I should be the one comforting you.” Jack joked and you shrugged.
“There will be times where you’ll be comforting me, but everyone needs to be comforted sometimes.” You said and before Jack could respond the doctor walked back into the room. 
“Do you guys want to find out the babies’ gender today?” She asked you two and you both shook your head.
“Not today, but if you could write it down and put it in an envelope or something that would be great.” You asked and she nodded. You pulled your shirt up so she could put the gel on it.
“Of course, I can.” She reassured you and Jack. 
She started doing the ultrasound, turning the screen so you and Jack could see, she also let you both hear the baby’s heartbeat.
You glanced over at Jack for a second and you saw his eyes water, which of course, made your own eyes water. You reached over with your hand that wasn’t holding Jack’s to wipe the tear off his cheek that he didn’t even realize fell. Jack smiled at you softly, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand. 
Eventually she turned the screen so you and Jack couldn’t see while she wrote on a piece of paper and placed it into an envelope before handing it to you, along with two sets of ultrasound pictures, one set for you and one set for Jack.
After your appointment was over, you and Jack made your way back to his car. You gave Jack his set of ultrasound pictures once you got in the car.
“Thank you for letting me come with you.” Jack turned to you.
“Jack.” You sighed softly. “I mean it when I say if you want to be involved then I will let you. I’m not going to keep you from him or her, I don’t care how long it takes me to forgive you, or if I ever do, the one thing I won’t do is keep you two apart.”
“I do want to be involved, as long as you let me, I’ll be here.” Jack told you. “I actually bought something after you left after the interview, and I thought I might as well give it to you now.” Jack said, reaching into the back seat and pulling a stuffed animal out from the back seat. 
“It’s for the baby, but you’re the closest to the baby I can get right now, so I figured I’d give it to you. I actually bought two. I know we aren’t together, and it will probably be a while until the baby will be staying at my place over night, but I just thought we could both have one. I still want to have everything set up at my place too, just so we have it.” Jack said, handing you the small teddy bear.
“Thank you, Jack.” You smiled softly, taking the stuffed animal from him. “Remember when I said you worry too much about things when they aren’t perfect?” You asked and Jack laughed softly, finally pulling out of the parking lot.
“That’s not exactly what you said, you said stressd, not worried.” Jack teased. “But yes, I do. I just want everything to be as perfect as it can be in the situation that we’re in.” 
“I know, and I do too, but I know we’ll figure it out.” You reassured.
“Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?” Jack asked, and you shrugged.
“Honestly, I don’t know, somedays I think it’s a boy, and other days I think it’s a girl. Today I think boy.” You said, laughing softly. “What do you think? You always say you want 8 daughters, do you think this is 1 of 8?” You asked and Jack shrugged.
“I’ve always said that, but now, I don’t really care, sure, a girl would be nice, but I’d be just as happy with a boy. I mean, I always would have, but it’s still different now though.” Jack said.
“I know what you mean.” You smiled softly at Jack.
“If I had to take a guess though, my guess would be girl, but I don’t care either way.” Jack said, pulling up to your apartment building a few minutes later. “Can I?” He asked, glancing at your stomach.
“Of course.” You nodded, Jack resting his hand on your stomach. “I don’t know how much longer we’re going to be able to keep this a secret.” You said, laughing softly, it was more obvious that you were pregnant now then it was 2 weeks ago and while you could still hide it with oversized clothes, there was only so long until people got suspicious, and rumors started to spread. Plus, you wanted to announce your pregnancy before fashion week that was in a month.
“I still need to tell my family.” Jack admitted.
“Jack. You still haven’t told your parents or brother?” You asked and Jack shook his head and sighed. 
“No, I haven’t really been home long enough to. I haven’t really been in town much recently and I didn’t want to tell them over the phone. I could have told Clay I guess, but I didn’t want him to accidentally say anything to them. I just got lucky something came up and Clay didn’t join us on the trip the other week. I’ll tell them this week, I promise.” Jack said and you sighed.
“Tell them before this weekend, okay? Just in case someone says something at the show this weekend. Almost everyone else knows. If you want me to think you’re taking this seriously, which I do think you are starting to, you need to tell your family.” You told Jack.
“I know, I’ll tell them tonight.” Jack said and you nodded.
“I told everyone that I wanted to tell as soon as I found out. I didn’t want any rumors starting or it getting out somehow and having them find out that way. I doubt you do either, and I know rumors can start easily, even if there isn’t proof.” You said and Jack nodded.
“I know. I should have told them sooner, I don’t really know why I haven’t. You’re in town all week until the show, right?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, I am. Neelam and Claire wanted us to do something this week before the interview gets released. I think Claire said she would get us another reservation at a restaurant.” You told Jack and he nodded.
“That’s fine with me. I’ll pick you up? Whenever they tell us the reservation is.” Jack said and you smiled softly at him.
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Thank you for coming with me today.” You thanked Jack.
“Anytime.” Jack smiled softly, the two of you saying goodbye before you got out of the car and walked up to your apartment, Jack pulling out of the parking garage to go home himself. 
You felt that overall, being with Jack, even though it was just for a doctor’s appointment, went well. You were happy that you two managed to not fight for the first time. Though you weren’t happy that he hadn’t told his family about the pregnancy, you felt like he might have started to take the situation seriously.
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Chapter Eleven
Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Y/N Burgess is the granddaughter of Alex and Paul, and after having spent so many summers at their manor and always wondering why she was forbidden from entering the basement, she descends the steps into the world of the Order. She broke out the being that had been trapped in that glass cage, but what does he want with her now that he is free?
Warnings: Language, Reader Choses Verbal Violence When Drunk, Alcohol Consumption Mentions.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Female!GranddaughterReader, based on Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’, Reader now has long-ish hair for plot reasons (Just so Morpheus can tug on it later).
Word Count: ~2.4k
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Long after you had stumbled back to the hotel room you had booked for the night, drunk off your arse and in need of Advil and tonic, you dropped your aching body into the hotel bed with a soft groan. Drinking that much alcohol was not a good idea, who knew what trouble you could have gotten yourself into being in that state at a club, but you were feeling spiteful tonight… er, last night… it was after two in the morning. If he didn’t want you kissing or fucking anyone, he was going to have to watch your drunk arse like a hawk. Your eyes looked at the London skyline outside your hotel room, glazed over by the alcohol. 
“Do you like pissing my brother off?” You didn’t flinch or ever move at the voice. No, you only rolled your head to look at the woman standing in your hotel room with a raised eyebrow. Brother? She had to be talking about one man. 
“I can kiss whoever I damn well please,” You grumbled, your voice coming out in a croak. “And he certainly doesn’t control me.” 
“Mhm, I got that when you went and got yourself piss drunk on purpose.” The woman chuckled, taking a few steps closer. “Have to admit, I’m curious about a woman who intentionally pisses off my brother.” 
“Which one are you?” She smiled pleasantly. 
“I am Death.” You grunted at her. Death didn’t look like you expected… but then again what was death supposed to look like?
“So then Death, where the hell have you been in the last one hundred years?” You grumbled out, your drunk brain entirely fearless to talk to an Endless with such an attitude. “Dream has how many siblings and not one of you help him? You’ve got a lot of gall showing up.”
Her eyes narrowed at you and you narrowed your own, your irises blazing with silver color. The room’s lights flickered as both of your powers presented themselves. Drunk you wasn’t going to back down from challenging the Endless though, and it was only after Death started chuckling that you backed down with a huff. 
“He’s lucky to have you.” She murmured as your slow brain tried to understand what was going on. A far-off look echoed in her eyes. “You’re right, we should have done something, it’s inexcusable to have left our brother trapped there.” 
“I don’t understand why he chose me or what it means to be bound.” You blabbered, dropping back against the mattress and feeling your head swimming from the alcohol in your veins. “And he deserves siblings that actually act like siblings. None of you deserve him.”
Death let out a sigh and sat on the end of the bed. 
“You’re right, we don’t deserve him.” She spoke softly. “But he’s got you now, and I know that you’re what he needs. Maybe you can curb his egotistical ways.” 
“He shouldn’t need me, he shouldn’t need anyone.” Your voice was listless in the night, barely there as your mind wandered until you slipped into sleep. 
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Taking the train back to Wych Cross was miserable and you were hungover. Even more so when it was God knows how early in the morning. At least the sun wasn’t out yet or you would be in a world of hurt. The headache that already plagued your brain left you groaning softly in your seat, miserable and well-hungover. You had spent the first hour with your eyes closed, leaning against the window while trying to pretend like you hadn’t gotten yourself blackout drunk with Jemima last night. 
You knew that when you had that much to drink you usually ended up blacking out and completely forgetting several hours. It was a stupid idea no matter how spiteful you were feeling at that moment. You just hoped that it was worth it because there was no doubt in your mind that Dream was probably seething from your actions. A rather scary thought considering that he was an Endless. Would you inadvertently tip him into smiting you or something? Maybe considering your interactions thus far. You’d have to watch your manners with him. Your phone buzzed and you let out a groan. You fumbled with your messenger bag and dug around until you found your phone. Blinking at the screen, you wrinkled your nose. 
Jem: Still among the living love? [9:21]
Your fingers were sluggishly tapping on the screen, backtracking as you hit the wrong letters and just generally failed at spelling. 
Y/N: Sod off, Jemmie. I’m not dead. [9:21]
Jem: Ooh, Y/N-bear is feeling feisty this morning. You drank like a fish last night, love, who were you trying to forget? [9:21]
Not to forget, trying to piss off, actually. You weren’t going to tell her that though. The last thing you needed was for Jemima to get mixed up in this mess. Besides, you don’t even remember if your plan actually worked in the first place.
Y/N: Total blackout, I’ve got nothing to report :/ [9:22]
Jem: Disappointing, but classic drunk Y/N Burgess. How’s the head? You make your train on time? [9:22]
Y/N: Halfway to Wych Cross already and ready to die in a hole from my headache. [9:23]
You reached up and adjusted the ball cap you had on, trying to tilt it so the morning sun didn’t pierce your eyes so harshly. It was several minutes before Jemima replied to your text, and you spent those minutes looking out the window at the passing scenery. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a cloud of black weaving in and out of the trees, keeping up in time with the train. Startling in your seat, you straightened up and looked closer. You could see a trail of glowing red eyes and in that instance, your arm started burning in pain once more. That beast, it couldn’t be the one that… a loud crash to your left diverted your attention to see an older lady who had dropped her walking stick. Someone picked it up for her. 
“Oh dear me,” She gasped. “Terribly sorry!”
“Oh no worries, Mum, here you are,” She was handed back her walking stick. You turned your head back to what looked like a hell beast following along the train. It was gone. 
“And now I’m losing my mind,” You whispered, thumping the side of your head against the glass window with a tired sigh. Your phone buzzed one last time and you glanced at the screen. 
Jem: Drink lots of water, love. I’ll call you later. I’ve got to run to meet with a client [9:28]
 At least Jemima’s life was on track because you felt like yours was falling apart. Closing your eyes, you reached up and felt your wrapped wounds. They pulsated with sharp pain, a deep throb that was in time with your heartbeat. 
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Upon reaching Wych Cross, you forwent getting a taxi in favor of a miserable walk home, hoping that you would perk up from a nice walk to hide how hungover you were. The last thing Paul needed was a hungover, moody granddaughter. So walking it was and you were lucky that it was a very nice day to do so. Just so damn bright… Reaching the wooded road that led to Fawny Rig, you stuck your hands in your pockets and kicked at a rock that had made its way into the road. It skittered down the road before ultimately falling to the side. 
At your slow pace, it probably took you about forty-five minutes to walk to Fawny Rig, but at least by the time you were walking up to the front doors you felt less hungover. Letting yourself in, you took off your shoes and left your bag hanging on the banister to the stairs. Food first, then you could clean up and sleep. On your way to the dining room, you passed Herman who welcomed you back and said that he would fix you a plate for lunch. So you continued your way into the dining room and found Paul holding a newspaper, but staring off into space. 
“Lost in thought?” You asked, kissing his cheek in greeting and then taking a seat directly next to him. Paul perked up.
“Darling you’re back! How was your trip? Did you enjoy your time with Jemima?” Paul asked, latching onto something to speak and think about other than grandpapa Alex upstairs. You smiled gently and patted his hand reassuringly. 
“It was wonderful, we went out for dinner at a most scrumptious Japanese restaurant Jemima’s been wanting to try.” You left out the part where you then went to a club and both got hammered with alcohol. You definitely didn’t tell him that you didn’t remember anything from the club. His heart didn’t need that strain. 
“Oh, I’m so happy that you enjoyed yourself.” Paul sighed, readjusting his glasses to push them further up his nose. “These last few days certainly have been trying.”
“They have, how have you been?” You asked while Herman came in with filled plates and a fresh tea tray with the cook's famous biscuits. While Paul told you about his past few days, you both did your best to enjoy lunch. When you finished off your tea and sandwich, you leaned back in your seat and wrinkled your nose. After having that wild night at the club, you felt like you needed a good wash… or soak in the tub. You were partial to baths. You excused yourself, airing out your desire to wash off the morning's travel, and made your way upstairs. The first thing you did was start the water in the antique claw foot tub. You thumbed through the bath oils that were stocked in the cabinet nearby and picked one, adding a few drops to the waterline that was slowly rising. 
With the bath nearly ready, you edged your body out of your traveling clothes and carefully unwrapped your raw-looking arm. The scratch marks looked red and angry, a far cry from how they looked a week ago. It was like the wound was regressing from its original form. Then again, it was from a hell beast and you weren’t sure how exactly a scratch in The Dreaming transferred over to the waking world. You tried not to think about the oddity of the stinging wound and stepped into the bath, sighing as you sink beneath the warm water. 
The water felt heavenly against your aching body and leaning your head back against the edge of the claw foot tub, you closed your eyes and tried to relax. It wasn’t entirely too hard, the lovely scent of the bath oil calmed your mind and your muscles were soothed from the heat of the water. Your tiredness drew you into nodding off into a gentle lull of sleep that was an escape from the slight headache that remained of your hangover. You didn’t know how much time had passed since you had gotten into the bath, but your stress had entirely melted away and the pain in the arm you had resting over the side of the tub had disappeared. You were slowly nodding off when you felt fingertips lightly brush across your cheek. You flickered your eyes open. 
“Don’t you have more important things to do than watch me sit in a tub?” You asked your voice slightly on the raspy side. You moved your non-injured arm across your chest, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. He didn’t respond to your obvious jib at him and instead chose to continue to run his fingers across your cheek to your jaw, and then down your neck. You let out a sigh and then a groan when his lips brushed your shoulder. 
“What I do with my time is my decision alone.” He drew out, running his lips further across your shoulder and then ever so lightly up your neck. You shivered against his lips, trying to fight off the desire for more. He was Endless, you were mortal. Nothing about him was obtainable. Nothing about you was good.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Your words were whispered as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Then tell me to go,” Did he have a response for everything? Your tongue was thick, disabling you from an automatic response of: please leave. You tilted your head to finally look at him. Dark silver blue eyes met yours and you shuddered once more. You could see it in his eyes, he knew you wouldn’t be able to say it. 
“Why can’t I kiss who I want? Why do you always interfere with my relationships?” You asked, pressing your lips together in slight frustration. “What am I not understanding?”
He was still for a few moments and you felt like he was staring into your soul. You still held his gaze, wanting, and needing, an answer to this madness. Then he started moving. Your back went rigid when you realized that his face was drawing near, and going taught, you fought against the slight moan that wanted to crawl from your throat as his lips brushed their way up your neck to the shell of your ear. You were sure he could feel you trembling. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” Your eyes widened and ever so slowly, you turned your head to look at him. Your faces were nearly a hair width apart and rather than heat, you felt coolness radiating from his skin. It was so hard not to stare at his lips so close to yours. Just one little shift and they would be on yours, just like they had been all those weeks ago. 
Stop it, Y/N. Stop it. 
It was another dilemma of mortality and who you were as a person. A mortal. A Burgess. A train wreck. Everything he should stay well away from. Your heart ached in your chest as you pulled away, retracting your body from him and his ethereal presence. Lowering your injured arm into the tub, you looked down at yourself solemnly. Misery surrounded you. It was as simple as that. It was hard not to jerk away when his fingers brushed against your cheek once more. Why was he being so damn gentle with you?
Something caught your eye. You raised your left arm and stared at your upper arm. Where you were supposed to have a set of scratches that had been plaguing you for weeks on end, was smooth skin. Dream. Your world twisted as you surged into a sitting position in the tub, the water now cool. You checked your arm, the scratches were still there. You had fallen asleep in the tub. Why was your mind still playing tricks on you? You let out a frustrated scream and buried your face in your hands.
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Date Published: 9/19/22
Last Edit: 5/29/23
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writingwithciara · 2 years
For Your Protection ~Bucky Barnes~
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summary: despite never really interacting with bucky, all y/n wants is for him to be safe. but she doesn’t know that the only reason he puts himself in harms way is to protect her.
word count: 2.5k
pairings: bucky barnes x reader
warnings: mentions blood
a/n: it’s day 2 & today’s trope is ‘protective’. i tried to keep it within the FATWS timeline as much as I could. Also, in the first half, bucky is nowhere to be seen. I guarantee you he’s there. And I know bucky is pretty close to invincible, but I needed to have it where he could get seriously wounded for my idea to work properly
“You’re leaving on another mission already?” y/n followed Sam around his house as he searched for something.
“Yeah. The world is in constant need of saving.”
“Oh. Well can you keep Bucky out of danger?”
“Seriously? He doesn’t listen to me. He jumps into a situation without even thinking about the dangers that lie within it.” Sam chuckled and picked up his bag.
“Still, can you at least try?”
“Why are you so worried about him? You’ve known him for 3 months and you two barely interact at all.
“I have no idea why I care so much. Just promise me, Sam. Please?”
“I can try but there’s no guarantee I can actually keep him out of danger.”
“Thanks, Sam. And as always, I will be here when you get home to patch up your injuries.”
“So you figure I’m gonna get injuries, but you don’t want Bucky to get them? I get it. You love him more than you love me.”
“Not true at all.” y/n smiled. “Just go save the world. But be as safe as possible.”
It was 2 days later when Sam came home. He was covered in minor scrapes, and he had a few bruises on his arms. Bucky was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, where’s Barnes?”
“I have no idea. As soon as we got back to town, he took off. Didn’t tell me where he was going either.”
“Oh, well did you guys succeed on the mission this time?”
“Uh, no. Not this time. I gotta go back to New York though.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“No, you are not. It is way too dangerous out there for you.”
“I don’t mean I want to go dive into the crime world with you. I just want to go to New York and be right there if something bad happens, which it won’t. Please?” she placed her hands together and looked up at her best friend.
“You know I can’t resist that look.” Sam shook his head. “If I agree to let you come along, do you promise that you’re going to stay out of danger, and not leave the hotel?”
“Yes sir.”
“Okay. Then you can come with me.”
“Oh, thank you.” y/n smiled and threw her arms around his shoulders. “When do we leave?”
“As soon as possible. But we’ll need a backstory. I hope you’re good with being undercover.”
That night, y/n and Sam quickly checked into their hotel room. As they made their way to the elevator, y/n spotted some guys staring at them.
“Do you see that?” she whispered.
“See what?”
“There’s two guys over by the front desk, one by the front door, and another one by the restaurant entrance. They haven’t taken their eyes off us since we walked in.”
“It’s probably just security. I’m sure it’s fine. People tend to stare when a good looking couple stays at a nice hotel.”
“Good looking couple? Really?”
“Hey, we gotta sell this to be able to go undetected here.” Sam pressed the button required to take them to their floor. When the doors opened again, he checked the card and walked to their room. He placed his bag on the bed and sat on the edge. Y/n joined him a few seconds later.
“You’re sleeping on the couch, right?”
“Sure, if that’s what you want.”
“Well, if we have to play a couple in public, I don’t want to have to pretend to like you in the privacy of our own room.” She offered him a smiled and pulled out her laptop.
“You’re lucky you’re my best friend. Otherwise I would be greatly offended.” Sam looked over at the couch. “I’m sure if it was Bucky, you’d offer the bed up to him, wouldn’t you?”
“Not a chance. And if you two were the gentlemen I know you are, you wouldn’t make me sleep on the couch.”
“Touche.” Sam smirked and looked towards the bathroom. “Since you get the bed, I get first shower.”
“Fine. But I have to bandage that large cut on your chest.”
“Wait, how did you-“
“You can’t hide anything from me, Sammy. We’ve been friends forever. I know you by now.”
“You’re good.” By this time, he was already in the bathroom and 2 seconds later, y/n heard the shower running.
While she waited for Sam to shower, she took the opportunity to go out on the balcony. Down below, drivers in their cars rushed by and the lights across the city were bright. She had never been to New York before and she wanted to enjoy every part of it, even if she was only there for a dangerous mission.
“Hey, there you are. What are you doing out here?” Sam approached her and looked out at the lights. “It’s your turn in the shower.”
“Thanks, Sammy.” y/n headed back into the hotel room and grabbed her clothes. The shower was calling, and she could already feel the warm water cascading off her body.
As she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair, she heard a crash coming from the other side of the door, followed by hushed voices.
“What are you doing? Are you trying to break stuff?”
“Look man, is y/n around? I need her help.” Bucky clutched his lower abdomen and winced a little.
“She’s in the shower. But I don’t think she’d be up for cleaning up any more of your wounds. She’s exhausted.”
“This one…it’s serious.” He lifted up the bottom of his shirt enough for Sam to see the large gash that looked like it had been leaking blood for a while already.
“Damn, that’s-“
“Oh my god. Bucky, are you okay?”
“I could really use your help.” He looked towards y/n as she moved closer to him. She reached out to touch around the wound and Bucky jumped back at her touch.
“I’m sorry. I’ll go get my kit out of my bag.” As she hurried over to her bed in search of supplies, Sam and Bucky continued their conversation.
“You’re lucky to have her, you know.”
“She’s the best.” Sam smiled and looked back at Bucky. He was watching y/n’s every move. “Oh my goodness. I just realized why you keep coming to her to patch you up.”
“What do you mean?” Bucky responded without taking his eyes off of the girl currently on a mission to help him.
“I mean, you could go to anyone for help, but no. You come to the only girl you know that has very little experience in this field. I think the main reason you do it is because you have feelings for her.”
“What? That’s crazy. The Winter Soldier doesn’t have feelings.”
“True. But you’re not the Winter Soldier anymore, Buck.” Sam smiled. “You can let yourself be open to love now, you know that.”
“I guess you’re right.” Bucky looked down at his shirt and watched as the blood soaking through the material was finally starting to show. “But I can’t risk falling in love with someone while doing what I do. There are a lot of bad people in the world, and it would break me if one of them actually hurt y/n. Like, what if she gets caught in the crossfire? I would not be able to live with myself if that happened. So even if I did have any feelings for her, I would not be able to act on them. Bad guys use that as leverage. You should know that.”
“You know, honestly, I’m surprised one of them hasn’t come after her yet. She’s been in my life forever and I’ve made some pretty powerful enemies.”
“We have to promise to keep her out of trouble.”
“I agree.”
“Alright. I got everything I need to fix you up. Sit on the bed and make sure you stay still.”
Bucky did as he was told and only winced when it stung, which was almost constantly.
That was 5 months ago…
Y/n was currently enjoying a relaxing day back at Sam’s place, but it was interrupted when she heard the front door flying open. She got off the couch and grabbed the nearest object she could find to defend herself. Fortunately, there was no need to attack. It was only Sam, dragging in a badly beat up, barely conscious Bucky.
“What the hell happened to him?”
“Two words. Flag smashers. They got to him and there was nothing he could do to fight back.”
“What about his vibranium arm?”
“Yeah. They, uh, ripped it out and destroyed it.”
“Oh my goodness. I’ve never seen Bucky looking so helpless.” y/n sighed and pulled out the kit from the end table drawer. She kept glancing up at Bucky as she searched for the necessary supplies. When she found everything she needed, she quickly cleaned him up and dressed any wounds she could find without being too invasive. When she was sure he was asleep, she slowly made her way into the kitchen where Sam was pulling a couple drinks from the fridge. He handed one to her before opening his own.
“I figured you’d need this after everything that’s happened today.”
“Thanks, Sammy.” As the each sipped their drinks, y/n kept looking out towards the living room. “Did you get hurt?”
“No. Well, just a minor bruise on my ribcage, but it’ll go away shortly. No need to worry, darling.” Sam offered her a smile
 “Why does this keep happening to him?” Y/n sighed and set her empty bottle on the counter before grabbing another one and downing half of it in seconds. “I hate seeing him like this.”
“I know you do. And I know why you’re so eager and ready to take care of him when this does happen.”
“Hmm. And why is that?”
“Over the past 8 months, the two of you have grown incredibly close. Most of that is because you’ve spent so much time patching up all of his cuts and bruises. You’re healing him and I think you enjoy healing him because you have feelings for him.”
“That’s ridiculous. Bucky is just a friend. I would do the same for you if you ever got incredibly hurt like that.”
“That may be true, but this is deeper, and you know it. Why do you keep running away from your feelings? There’s nothing to be afraid of. Bucky is a good guy.”
“Who you hated for the longest time.”
“That’s all in the past, y/n. Besides, I have never seen anyone have this much of a positive impact on him ever. Your kind heart is the reason he feels so compelled to save people.”
“Me? Why on Earth would he do it because of me?”
“Maybe you should ask him.”
“Y/n, you’re still here, right?”
“Yeah. Just in the kitchen. I’ll be right there.” y/n set her bottle down and went back out to the living room, leaving Sam behind in the kitchen. She sat on the edge of the coffee table and looked at Bucky. “Glad to see you back in the land of the conscious. How are you feeling?” y/n pulled out some new gauze and ointment and began to change the bandages.
“I’m feeling better than I was an hour ago, thanks to you.” He pulled himself up enough so she could wrap the gauze around his stomach. As she came back around, he gently grabbed her arm. “You have no idea how grateful I am that you continue to take care of me.”
“You would do the same for me if the roles were reversed.” She offered him a genuine smile and he returned one.
“That is very true. Although, I think I would lose it if the roles were reversed.”
“Why do you say that?” she asked while rubbing ointment where his arm should be.
“Well, for one, Sam would absolutely kill me if I let anything bad happen to you. Let’s just get that out of the way. But I would lose it if you were in as much pain a I am right now. I would want to hunt down the monster who did it and make them pay.”
“That’s awfully sweet. Thankfully we don’t have to go through that.” As she placed the supplies back in her kit, a question came to her mind. “Why do you always come back from a mission in far worse of a condition than Sam does?”
“We both work really hard together, but whenever the bad guys mention you or threaten you in any way, I just can’t help but fly off the deep end. I would never let them hurt you so I always need to make sure they can’t. I risk my life so you can stay as safe as possible.”
“Bucky, is that true?” she looked at him and smiled softly. He nodded and reached for her hand.
“It’s very true. It started when we first met. Sam said you were important to him, and because he’s kinda my best friend, I felt this urge to just protect you whenever possible. I know we barely interacted at all for a few months, but when you first patched me up and took care of me, something inside me changed. I’ve never felt this strongly about protecting someone I barely knew. Now I know that you’re way more than just Sam’s friend. You’re y/n. A strong, smart and insanely beautiful human being.”
“Awe, Bucky.”
“I’m not quite finished yet.” He tried to chuckle but winced when he felt a pinch in his chest. “When you and Sam were staying in New York and I came to you for help, Sam and I had a discussion. He informed me that feelings can be real, and even though the Winter Soldier didn’t have any feelings, he told me that I should be open to love again. I’m glad he told me that because it was then that I realized that whenever you were patching me up, I had slowly fallen in love with you. And not just because you take care of me all the time. But because you have the world’s kindest heart. It makes me want to be a better person.”
“Sam and I had a similar conversation just now, back in the kitchen. He asked me why I keep running away from my feelings. But now, I don’t want to run anymore. You are an incredible man Bucky Barnes & I really think I love you too.”
“Really? You love me too?”
“Of course I do.” She smiled again, squeezing his hand tightly.
“I’d ask you to kiss me to seal the deal, but Sam is currently staring at us and I don’t want to make this awkward for him.”
“Sam can deal with it.” She placed her lips where Bucky needed the healing the most. He immediately kissed back, finally thankful that Sam was such a good friend.
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Your first time with the Van Der Linde gang pt. 2
Several people requested that I add some of the other guys (And girls!) of the gang and what your first time would be like with them! So here we go!
Now, just as a disclaimer!
I am a straight woman, so I will do my best to portray the women, just let me know if I should take another crack at it! 
now, again NSFW is implied! So 18+ ONLY beneath the cut!
Let’s get the ball rolling! 
Javier Escuella 
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This man is a romantic, you know that
He’s the kind of man who wants to always win you over. 
He wants to do whatever it takes to make you happy, to blush, whatever possible.
When you tell him that he’ll be your first...
Lord have mercy
He’s excited, granted, he’s also very aware of your feelings and is going to do everything in his power to make you comfortable, to make it a good experience. 
He’ll do whatever you like of him, and if you tell him that you’re no longer comfortable with doing this he’ll stop, no matter how excited he might be. 
Your feelings are far more important to him than his horniness.
So, of course, the night comes around, and everything has been set up wonderfully.
He hasn’t offered to take you to a hotel, rather he felt you’d feel much better at camp, simply because it wouldn’t seem so daunting.
Which you agreed, and it was easy to get a bit of privacy for the night in his tent. 
He’d played you a lovely song on his guitar, one he dedicated to you, and one that was sang in with a wonderful Spanish Serenade.
He spoke wonderful soft words in your ears, and the entire night he was the sweetest man one could ask for. 
When it came time to do the deed he took his time, warming you up with the only way he knew how.
He’s a fantastic kisser. 
He kisses your neck, your collarbones, everywhere he can reach. 
With those wonderful words in your ears he makes for a fantastic lover. 
He takes care of you with ease, his hands are gentle and caress your body, finding every curve easily. 
He’s also far better at uh...
For a lack of better words he is great at eating you out.
When it comes to finally getting to where you wanted to be he is just amazing at finding everything he needs.
Rocking you at the right speed, taking care of your every need. 
It’s just what you need.  
He may not be as well endowed as Arthur or Charles, but he’s around average size, and he knows how to use it properly. 
He takes it slow enough you’re able to go around twice, and you’re tuckered out and wind up sleeping on his chest, listening to him sing that song just for you once more.
John Marston
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Where does one start with John
John is not one that can be described as very romantic, nor can he be described as someone who is nervous about this kinda thing either.
More than anything he’s just kinda a horny bitch.
The idea of him getting to take a virgin to bed?
Wooo, it drives him wild.
He almost took you right then and there
you demanded that if he was going to be the one to do this you wanted him to at least put in a little bit of effort. At least pretend that he cared about you.
Which he resents you a little bit for saying that because he does in fact love you and does care about you, he’s just not exactly that good at showing those feelings.
He’s def trying to get better though.
So, he goes to Arthur for help, you would think he’d go to Javier, but lets be honest he’s a little stupid. 
Arthur is embarrassed that he’d dare discuss something like this with him but he offers his dumbass brother some help and John does his best to follow it.
He takes you into your favorite town, whichever it is, Strawberry, Valentine, Rhodes, Saint Denis, wherever you love to be he’ll take you.
You spend the whole day doing fun things, going to the tailor, going to shops around town, the saloon, and then finally the two of you retire to your hotel room.
When you finally get there you realize that John is just...
not fantastic at foreplay.
So you have to teach him
which is okay, because surprisingly he’s good at listening and he’s good at taking instructions.
So when you tell him what to do, where to do it, and when to do it he does a fantastic job.
Things escalate very quickly, mainly because John is, again, a horny bastard. 
But that’s okay
Because as I mentioned
He’s fantastic with instructions.
So, when you tell him how to move, how fast to go, how slow to go, how deep
the man is on it.
you say jump he says how high
so when he starts to learn what you like he’ll take the lead and by the time the two of you are done you’re left outta breath.
He’s nice, and he cuddles with you after, and he’s asleep easily.
I mean, he’s tired, that was a lot of listening for him to do
Mary-Beth Gaskill
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Ok Listen
Mary-Beth is kind of shy
She’s really shy
She reads a lot of these romance novels, and she wants to be a part of them but she gets so easily choked up-
So when you tell her that it’s your first time
She’s incredibly nervous.
I mean
She doesn’t know what to do with herself. 
So you do your best to reassure her that you think she’ll do just fine with you.
As long as you take your time and you help teach her what you need to she’ll do okay
and you tell her even if she doesn’t you two will have plenty of time together to figure it out.
She’s the romantic type so obviously shes gonna take you out on a picnic date, to one of the several beautiful overlooks near Valentine/the Heartlands.
She packed a great dinner, homemade stuff, not anything from Pearson, everything she made herself. 
Sandwiches, and whatever else she could be able to cook up for the two of you.
She reads you poetry she’s wrote for you, and she does everything she can to make it such a good experience.
When it comes time to the big stuff
Shes nervous, really nervous, even though she was able to do all that stuff.
Again all you have to do is be easy with her, be nice and help her out a little.
You guide her and you’re able to have a fantastic night with her.
She’s gentle, and she’s kind, the two of you make love, you don’t fuck.
There’s a difference and the both of you know it.
She does everything she can to be as sweet as possible, while also meeting your needs.
Of course you do your best to help her too.
Due to the fact that you two go that pace you last for in a while, and when the two of you are finished you’re both exhausted.
She is the one who suggests the two of you just sleep under the stars where youo’d made love together and you agree happily. 
The two of you end up falling asleep cuddling up next to each other with the extra blanket she’d brought along over you
Karen Jones 
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Karen Is absolutely outgoing
She’s bold and you know it
So when you tell her that it’s your first time she’s not worried in the slightest
She’s been there, and she knows her way around things
She knows what to do
So she gets to planning the moment you take her aside and tell her.
Obviously she wants to make it special for you. I mean, she’s not a monster
She might know what she’s doing but that doesn’t mean she wants it to be just some night.
She wants it to be perfect for you, something you’ll remember for a long time. 
So, she knows everything you like duh
She’s gonna get your favorite flowers for you, your favorite everything. 
chocolates, meals, she even buys you a little stuffed animal she’s able to find, and it’s your favorite animal too.
She’ll dress fancy too, in one of the ones she uses for heists and such. 
And she takes you to a fancy restaurant, not a saloon, not a hotel, at least not at first, a fancy restaurant, one that’s absolutely fantastic.
The food is delicious and the the place is absolutely great looking on the inside
It’s nice to have a good meal without hearing other patrons fighting over something stupid or someone yelling about poker.
When the meal is finished the two of you head to a hotel, one of the really nice ones, a fantastically large bedroom and Karen takes her time with you.
She’s been around this bend before.
She’s willing to do whatever she has to to make you comfortable and happy.
She’ll make sure you’re happy, first things first
She comforts you when you start to get anxious and she speaks gently in your ear.
She’s very passionate about it all and she happily kisses you everywhere she can reach you.
It starts out slow between the two of you, but things pick up between you two, and it’s still making love, but it’s passionate, very fast paced.
I mean
Come on, Karen is Karen, a part of that rambunctiousness was gonna come in somewhere. 
After the two of you are finished you’re both tired of course, however
Karen being Karen
She suggests that since it’s so late the two of you hit the nearby bank
You do!
It’s successful and when you get back to camp you’re teased relentlessly for the hickeys on your neck but praised for all the money you managed to get! 
Part three? With Bill, Lenny, and some of the other girls and boys? 
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skylarmoon71 · 1 month
Winchester - (Supernatural / Smallville Crossover AU) - Chapter 11
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For a while he’s just been looking at you.
You’re wondering if he’s trying to concoct some kind of lie or plan. 
“You’re still very beautiful (Y/N).” 
Your face twists in disgust. 
“Dude seriously! You’re wearing the face of my brother, are you really hitting on me right now!” 
You can’t believe this. 
He looks away. 
“I apologise.”
You just shrug it off. 
“Whatever, just spill.” 
He finally looks back at you. 
“You try to pretend, but I can see through you.”
“You don’t know me Michael.” 
“I know you, better than you know yourself.” 
You swallow, shifting. Right about now you’d like to push it all down. Staring at him, you can see those wings so clearly. Your abilities are a lot stronger than when he first met you, maybe that’s why everything he says seems to be a trigger for those months you spent together. 
That time.
“So I’m just wondering, how come you look human?” 
“This appearance is a copy of a human I saw on a screen.” 
He points to the television. 
“I believe the name was Nicholas Hoult.” 
Your eyes widened. 
“Oh shit, I knew this guy looked familiar, you copied a freaking celebrity, that’s awesome!” 
You’re laughing and he looks confused. 
“This is amusing to you?” 
“Of course, you’re walking around with an actor’s face, it's freaking hilarious.” 
You’re laughing again and he just watches. 
“My true form is hard for humans to perceive. You’re the first one who’s ever seen me.” Your laughter dies down, and this time you look at him. 
“So the glowing and those wings..”
You’re not sure how to feel about that. Even less now that you know you’re the only one who sees it. You mean to ask more questions, but the ringing of your cell phone catches your attention. The minute you see the caller ID, you press the end button. 
You wish Dean would just give up. You’ve gotten a few calls from Sam as well, so you can only guess that they’re travelling together again. 
“Damn hypocrite.” 
He gave a big self righteous speech about family staying together, but then he ran off. Now he’s probably kicking it with Dean and he wants you to just come back and act like a happy family. That’s laughable. 
“You’re upset.” 
“Wow, you don’t say.” 
You don’t mean to be snappy, it’s just not something you like to talk about. Then again, it’s not like you have anyone else to talk to. Dropping the phone on the dresser, you look at him. 
“It’s my brothers.” You explain. 
He looks thoughtful and you just reach for the remote. Maybe a crappy movie will distract you from your sucky life choices. 
“You don’t speak to your brothers?” 
“Nope, I left them to do my own thing. Our dad had this shitty plan and I wasn’t interested, so I tried to be normal, but that didn’t work either. So now I spend my time in busted hotels chasing after every evil son of a bitch so I can gank them. Yep, I’m living the life.” 
You’re still clicking through the channels. 
You’re a little annoyed, because it’s been months since you’ve had even a drop of alcohol. With your brothers at least you got a beer here and there. Unfortunately not many people are interested in selling beer to minors. 
“Curse you youth!”
The best you get is grape soda. 
“I understand how you feel.” 
“Yeah, sure you do wings.” You’re not paying much attention to him. 
“I have a brother too.” 
Maybe it’s the tone that causes you to look over. For a minute you almost forget who you’re talking to. If you remember right, his brother is quite literally the devil. 
“Oh shit…Sorry I-” 
“You don’t have to apologise.” 
He sounds agitated and before you can work up an apology, he’s gone.
“Good going (Y/N).” 
You drop back on the bed in defeat. 
For the next week you don’t really see him at all. You expect as much. Anyone would be pissed at your comments. 
The next time you do see him, he’s sitting in the room that you’ve just booked. You’re a bit relieved. Closing the door, you put your bag on the table. 
“I was starting to think you abandoned me.” You joke. 
Your hope was to ease the tension, but he’s never had much of a sense of humour. 
You deflate. 
“Listen Michael, I’m sorry. I was being insensitive. I was sitting there whining about my brothers when yours is literally the worst in every possible way.” 
You can’t imagine such a situation being easy for him, but you get it, dysfunctional family is your specialty. Moving to his side on the bed, you reach over a bit hesitant. When you place your hand over his. He doesn’t poof away again which is a relief. He finally looks at you, you’re happy he doesn’t look as upset as before. 
“I don’t think there’s really anything I can say to help you, but I do know how hard it is, especially with family.” 
Maybe you reach him, because he turns his hand over, taking your hand. The gesture actually makes you blush. His eyes now seem to be studying your face. 
“Your face is red, is something wrong?” 
He looks ready to heal any injury and you laugh bashfully.
“I-I’m fine, don't worry about it.” 
This time he lifts both his hands, cupping your cheeks and your eyes widen. It’s almost like he’s trying to understand what’s happening. 
“Is this normal occurrence for humans?” 
His face is way too close. 
You’re babbling incoherently. 
He might actually give you a heart attack, that has to be his end goal.
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five-bi-five-mind · 2 years
Hiya, Can you write something like, reader is sick and still goes on the case.(reader is also very stubborn) So, JJ, being the motherly person she is, makes it her mission to keep reader at the hotel and take care of her until she's all better.
Sick Day
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!reader
Words: 2.5k+
Genre: Fluff
Summary: It's rare for you to get sick and even more rare for you to admit that you are. There's only one person you don't want finding out you came to work sick, but unfortunately for you things don't go quite your way.
Warnings: Honestly, none. Just mentions of having a fever and feeling ill.
A/N: As someone who is currently ill and constantly trying to ignore that fact, my frustration really poured into how I wrote reader oops
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“You look like shit,” Morgan jabbed playfully at your side as you both walked side by side. 
He wasn’t wrong. Sure, it was early in the morning, but you were used to starting your day at the crack of dawn. But today you struggled to even roll yourself out of bed and get ready. When you did finally get yourself ready for work your body ached as if you had already ran a marathon. You were at least a little relieved to know that you’d be working in the station of the case the team was working on for today. If you kept your head down, buried yourself in studying the evidence, maybe people wouldn’t notice you were feeling unwell. And by people, you specifically meant your girlfriend, Jennifer Jareau, who’d insisted you take some time off rather than go on this trip. She thought you were getting sick before you even realized it yourself and you really didn’t want to give her any reason to gloat about being right. 
So, hopefully you could stay out of her line of sight in the precinct for long enough to make it through the day. Maybe you could make a stop to get some cold medicine, sleep early, and hope that you’d feel better in the morning. And if not… well, you’d just try to avoid pairing up with JJ as much as possible. Except, then you got the text that a new crime scene was found and half the team was meant to be there. Half the team included you, Morgan, Rossi, and, unfortunately, JJ.
“Thanks,” you elbowed him back. “So do you.”
“No, I don’t.” He shot you that signature Derek Morgan grin and as you stared at him, completely unamused, you knew he was right.
“No you don’t,” you sighed in defeat. You both kept walking towards the scene. JJ was already there, you could see her standing and talking with a few officers. 
“You should go back to the hotel, call in sick. You need a break.” 
“Yeah, not going to happen,” You shook your head. With each step you got closer to JJ you felt a little more panic. You were still trying to figure out a way to either avoid JJ or pretend like you weren’t sick around her. If Morgan knew the second he saw you, you were feeling a little screwed. 
“You really think your girlfriend is going to let you run around sick as hell during a case?” 
He had a point. 
“Not if she doesn’t find out,” you shrugged. He stopped for a moment just to stare at you. His face said it all. He wasn’t buying that that would work and honestly, neither were you. “Just stick close to me, maybe if we partner up she won’t notice.” 
“So let me get this straight,” he started. “Your plan is to just avoid your girlfriend for what? The entire case?”
“Don’t you two share a hotel room?”
“Nope, we have separate rooms on cases and to be professional we always take both of them.”
He still clearly wasn’t buying this plan of yours, but you had to at least try, right? You really didn’t want to call in sick. It was rare that you even got sick and even more so for you to take a sick day. Hopefully, people would be too busy with the case to notice you. If they did, you could make up some excuse, like saying it was just an off day for you. Or maybe jet lag even. You’d figure it out. 
When you both approached the scene, you made sure to position yourself as far from where JJ was standing as possible. You didn’t miss the way she glanced at you with her head cocked to the side and a curious glance thrown your way. You gave her a meek wave and turned your attention elsewhere, hoping she’d shrug it off and go back to the case.
That seemed to work for the moment. You poked around the crime scene with Morgan for a while, taking in what you could and listening as Rossi gave you more details. Luckily for you, JJ had been there early and already had the rundown. She was still busy with officers, discussing next moves to go forward on finding the unsub.
After a while, Rossi left and you and Morgan were yet again alone. And, to your relief, JJ was still far from where you were, distracted with other matters. So far the day had been uneventful. Other than Morgan, no one else had pointed out that you were sick and you had successfully avoided your girlfriend. But then the weather started to turn and when a gust of cold wind suddenly blew, kicking up leaves and dirt with it, it felt like it went directly through your lungs. The burn of your lungs mixed with the bite of the cold air caused you to have a coughing fit. 
You doubled over, your lungs felt like they were trying to leave your body as you continued to cough. Your eyes watered and you clutched at your chest, trying to take deep breaths to stop the coughing, but it only made it worse. Morgan just stood by you, shooting you a look like he expected that to happen, like you brought it upon yourself. Which, technically you did since you insisted on being out, but still it wasn’t like you wanted to cough up your own lungs. 
Gasping for air, you finally stopped. Struggling to straighten up, you realize Morgan was no longer standing next to you. Your eyes scanned the crime scene and Morgan was nowhere near it. When you spun around to see where he had gone, your eyes immediately zeroed in on him. He was exactly where you were hoping he wouldn’t be.
Down the street is where you spotted him, right in front of JJ. From what it looked like at first, you could almost assume they were talking about the case. But then Morgan’s head turned towards you and JJ’s followed. Her hand went to her hips and even from far away you could still make out the look of frustration she was shooting your way. Fuck busted. 
“Oh come on!” You yelled out towards them. JJ was already stomping her way to you and you knew it was all over now. One quick look at you, and she would be able to tell you’re sick. You might as well pack your things now and drag yourself back to the hotel room, it might be better to retreat with your tail tucked between your legs than to be chewed out by JJ for being so reckless with your own health. 
“You’re sick?” JJ stopped in front of you. Her question was more of a statement as she looked you over. Her eyes took in your flushed face, the dark circles under your eyes, and the way you were slightly wheezing with every breath, still trying to recover from your coughing fit.
“No!” You protested, following it with a hard cough you couldn’t hold back. JJ just continued to stare you down, her foot tapping on the asphalt as she waited for you to try again. “Okay, maybe.” She stayed silent and you could tell, if you kept this up it was just going to be worse for you. “Fine, yes.”
Without warning, JJ reaches for your hand, pulling you closer with her own while her other flies straight to your forehead. She holds it there for a minute and you do your best to give her your most displeased glare. She lets out a frustrated sigh when she lets her hand fall from your head. “You’re burning up, (Y/N).” She says as she uses her other hand to pull you with her. “You definitely have a fever.” 
“Morgan!” She calls out. Morgan’s eyes had been on the two of you the minute JJ stomped over to you, watching the exchange between you two like a movie. “I’m taking her back to the hotel, can you tell Hotch I’ll be back after a while. You guys got this right?”
He just shot you both a thumbs up and a triumphant grin from afar and JJ continued on, pulling you with her to one of the cars. You didn’t say much as you followed behind. There wasn’t much to say, she knew you were sick and JJ, being the overprotective girlfriend that she was, would do everything in her power to make sure you recovered as soon as possible. 
She practically shoved you in the passenger seat of the car when you both reached it. You landed with a huff and when you started to reach for the seat belt she swatted your hands away and did it herself, before walking over to the driver’s side of the car and getting in. Part of you felt like the treatment was deserved, afterall you were being stubborn by ignoring what your body needed and going to work anyways, but then you also felt like JJ was going the extra mile to irritate you with how she was treating you. Throughout the whole car ride, you sat there silently stewing in your own frustration as JJ spoke mostly to herself about her plans for you.
“After I get you into bed, I’m going to run out to the store and get cold meds, a thermometer, some fever reducer…” She listed so many things you felt were unnecessary. After a while you just tuned her out. There was no way you needed all of that. What you needed was to just sleep it off and by tomorrow you’d bounce back. 
When you reached the hotel, JJ pulled you into her own room, stating that you were going to stay there for the rest of the case so that she could look after you. Before you could so much as say one word, she had already swiped the card to your own room out of your hand and left to grab your things and move them into hers. You sat on the bed, arms crossed as you stared at the hotel door and waited for her return, hoping the pout you’d been trying to throw her way would get her to ease up at least a little. It didn’t. 
“Hotch texted,” JJ said as she came back into the room with a handful of your stuff. “Said that you should stay resting until we’re done with the case and I can be here as much as you need.” 
“But the team-”
“Are perfectly capable of handling this without us.” She finished for you. Having sat down all your stuff, she walks over to where you sat on the bed. “You need rest.” She knelt down in front of you, her hands taking both of yours in her own. Finally, her eyes softened as she looked at you. This whole time you could tell she was frustrated that you ignored your current state in order to work, but she could also see that you genuinely did feel physically horrible. If you were being honest, it felt like someone had run you over with a truck. Your body felt exhausted, no matter how much sleep you got, your chest felt tight from the coughing you tried to hold back, and your head was throbbing in pain. But you were always one to push past it for a case, your top priority was protecting people, even if it meant you had to suffer. JJ’s, however, was protecting you. 
“Your palms are sweaty, your hands are shaking,” JJ noted. “And your body is burning up.” You’d be embarrassed about it, but she was right. It was probably quite obvious that you were incredibly ill right now. “Why did you think it was okay to be on a case?”
“I’m needed,” you sighed and hung your head low, knowing that whatever excuse you had wouldn’t be good enough for JJ. She would never say anything was more important than your well-being. 
“The team can handle it,” Her voice was surprisingly gentle as she spoke. “This job is demanding, but you can put yourself first sometimes. Please,” her hand slipped out of yours to cup your cheek. Your eyes moved back up to meet hers and the look she gave you was one of concern and love. “Put yourself first for me. You might think you can handle it, but when you're sick it might compromise your attentiveness, your reflexes, or your strength. You and I both know that even taking a second too long to react could mean life or death.” 
She was right. When you woke up this morning and forced your body to push through and go to work, you didn’t see it that way, but now you do. Thinking more on it, you wouldn’t want to see JJ going to work like this. She would be putting herself in danger. If an unsub came for her when she was feverish, would she be able to fight them off? Would you have in your current state? It didn’t take you long to realize you wouldn’t have. One well placed attack to the abdomen would’ve had you doubled over in a coughing fit. If a little bit of dust and cold wind had you incapacitated for a moment, then an unsub surely would and you can’t afford to be off your guard even for a moment when you have a job like this.
“I just want to keep you safe,” JJ continued. “And if that means you’re not taking care of your body, then I’ll do it for you. I can’t let you needlessly put yourself in danger, (Y/N). I can’t lose you.”
 You nodded and leaned into her touch, finally dropping your pout and letting her do what she’s been trying to do ever since the moment she learned you weren’t feeling well. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’ll rest.”
“Good,” JJ stood and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Now, try to sleep.” She pulled you up from the bed briefly, only to pull the covers out and let you slip under them. When you were settled in bed she placed one more kiss on your cheek before walking towards the door.
“I’ll be back with something for your fever,” She said as her hand reached the door knob.. 
With that she walked out the door and you let your head fall onto the pillows. Your body immediately felt better the moment you allowed it to completely relax. The blankets were warm, the bed was soft and for once it felt like your chills were finally going away. Without even realizing it, a few hours had passed and you had drifted off to sleep, only to be woken up with JJ’s return. Medicine placed on the nightstand along with a nice, warm cup of your favorite tea and a kiss pressed softly to your lips. 
She stayed with you the rest of the night, making sure all your needs were met, drawing you a warm bath to relax your aching body, and holding you any time you would drift back to sleep.
taglist: @leecravesdeath @daddy-jareau @olliethedonut @desperate-gay @louderfortheback 
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
memories of midnight
summary || when Nick gets a hold of you, the encounter gets heated.
warnings || hate sex. dom! nick. dom/sub dynamics. bondage. unprotected sex. wall sex. missionary sex. spitting. petname (kitten). possessive nick. kidnapping. mentions of past encounters. pining. PWP. — MINORS DNI
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
this is the first time I’ve written for him, I hope you like this! ;)
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“What am I doing here?” You asked as you tried wiggling out of your bound hands. “Take a wild guess!” Nick smirked and you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face.
“You and that smart mouth of yours. I swear to god I’m gonna break it the moment I’m out of this!” You tried twisting the rope on your hands, but it was a little too tight.
“Oh kitten, we both know you’d much rather kiss me.” His voice was suddenly deep with lust and it was clear that he was loving every second that you struggled in the ropes.
“Do not fucking call me that!” You shouted as you tried getting up on the fluffy bed. You weren’t exactly where you’d expected to wake up after getting kidnapped.
It was a luxurious hotel room rather than a dilapidated basement. And your kidnapper was none other than your old friend and colleague, Nick Fowler.
You were on an undercover mission tonight and had consumed a drink not realising it was laced with sleeping pills. Because the next thing you remembered was being in this posh bed with your hands tied.
“Awww.. there’s no need to pretend here. I know how much you loved that name as you bounced on my cock.” You clenched your jaw as memories of your past flashed through your head.
Even though it was highly forbidden and would’ve risked your careers, you and Nick had fucked in the past, more than once. You had even started liking him, but he went rogue.
“Okay. What do you want?” You asked in a business like tone. He had kidnapped you meant that he wanted something, most probably information. “What I want is… you.”
You were taken aback for a moment before shaking yourself and coming back in the moment. “What?” You asked in a bewildered tone.
He walked closer to you and you were too lost in his blue eyes to react anything. He traced your cheek with his pointer finger and bent down to whisper in your ear, “I said, I want you.”
You blinked up at him for a moment before sucking your head forward with force. You were just about to crunch his nose, but he was just as quick as you, if not more.
He quickly blocked out your blow with his hands just in time. He pushed you behind until your back hit the wall and he held you there with his body.
Taking your bound hands, he held them above your face while his other hand curled around your neck slightly choking you.
“You should be thankful to me. I fucking saved your life.” Your eyes went to his lips for a moment before looking straight into his eyes. You knew you shouldn’t be turned on at the moment, but you couldn’t help aroused.
The dominance he was radiating was making you wet between your legs and damn, he was looking absolutely ravishing in the blue suit he was wearing.
“What do you mean?” You gritted your teeth as you asked. Though you knew you’d lost the war, you weren’t going to lose the battle.
“If anyone else would’ve found you, you’d be dead by now. But I’m giving you another chance. Join me!” There was just something about his eyes that you couldn’t look away.
But what caught you off guard was the need burning in this eyes. He was desperate. You were pretty sure you could feel his hard cock nudging you at this point, at least you weren’t alone.
“I’m never going to join you, you fucking traitor!” You nearly spat in his face and his grip on your hands and throat tightened. You whimpered at the increase in the pressure, and you knew you’d lost this too.
“You like this, don’t you? You love the way I take control, but don’t worry kitten, I won’t harm you.” You were already a squirming mess by the time he kissed you.
You stilled with shock the moment his lips crashed upon yours. Nick fucked his tongue into your open mouth before you started kissing him back.
You wanted him. No one else made you feel the way he did. You couldn’t point out what it was about him, but just knew Nick was made to ruin you.
You were kissing each other as if you hated each other and at the same time you couldn’t live without each other. And this feeling was more addictive than any drug.
You whimpered in nick’s mouth as his hand left your hands and directly cupped your core. He rubbed you through your jeans and you tried grinding down as much as you could.
“You want this so bad. Like a fucking kitten in heat. No one else does it like me, isn’t it? You need me!” His words were making you shake with need.
“Say it!” He demanded when you stayed silent. “I… I need you Nick. Please!” He smiled as you finally gave in. “That’s my good girl.”
The very next minute, he was tearing your clothes. He squeezed and warmed every inch of your precious body revealed your him.
“You’re so wet for me. I didn’t take you for such a filthy little kitten that would be such a slut.” He took you by surprised when he quickly turned your around.
Your face pressed into the wall and as you tried pushing back, Nick’s body was pressed back into you. You could feel his hands open his belt and trousers.
You hissed with surprise as he laid a spank on your ass before pressing his thick cock between your folds. He rubbed it around, gathering wetness before pushing the head in.
You rested your head on the cold wall as you felt him fill you up thick inch by inch. He was much gentler than you’d expected him to be tonight.
“We could have this everyday. Just think about it.” He whispered in your ear when you moaned as he bottomed out. “If you think I’m going to give up my job because of your dick, then boy, you’re so wrong.”
The very next second, his hand was back on your throat as he started ramming up into you. All his previous gentle tone gone as he thrusted up into you hard.
“You know I love it when you bite, kitten…” the room was filled with the sound of your panting and the sound of skin slapping. “… because then I get to tame it out of you.”
His hand slightly squeezed your throat and your mouth fell open into the dirty ‘o’ face. Nick nipped at your earlobe and neck while muttering pure filth into your ear.
He inserted two of his fingers into your pliant mouth. But you decided to be a little more bratty and sunk your teeth into them, not hard enough to hurt just enough to make him realise that you could bite.
You whined as he pulled out his cock and your pussy clenched on air. You tried chasing the friction with your hips and tsked at the gesture. “Such a desperate needy kitten.”
Picking you up, he laid you down on your back on the floor. The fine carpet dug into back, but you didn’t care. He was still very much dressed in his suit and you were getting off on the power imbalance.
“You’ve forgotten your place kitten.” This time, he entered you in a single hard stroke and you choked on your spit.
“Gotta show you who you belong to.” His hand once again found your neck and you arched to give him a better hold. “Look at that. Submitting to me just as you should.”
He squeezed your jaw and you opened it obediently. He spit into your open mouth and you stared at him with wide eyes. “Swallow.” And swallow you did.
His hips were rocking into yours just right and his cock was hitting all the perfect spots. Your looped up your tied hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
He kissed you like a thirsty man finding an oasis. It was wet and deep and it felt much different than anything you had shared before. It felt real.
“Nick…” you were close now and all you needed was a little push, you just didn’t know what. “Come with me!” He whispered to you like a sacred text on a dark night. “I’ll give you everything.”
Suddenly, you wanted to join him. You wanted to be with him and only him, no one else. No other thing mattered in your life at that very second except him.
But you didn’t say anything. You knew somewhere in your mind that you’d regret everything you’d say now. So you just laid back and took it as he pounded into you.
Nick looked at you with longing and want. It was as if he knew only you could complete him, and it was the same the other way around. But then he said the word you never thought he’d say. “Please…”
That small please out of his mouth was all that you needed to tip over the edge of pleasure. You writhed beneath him as you came harder than you ever had before.
That please was almost like a love confession and you knew you weren’t going to forget it, ever. You weren’t just his, he was yours too.
Nick came soon after you as he felt your walls gripping him tight. His hips snapped up into you in a frenzy before he came deep inside you.
Neither of you moved from your place even after you both came down from the high. You stared into his eyes as he idly tangled his fingers in your hair.
You were at an odd sort of peace and in the warm embrace of Nick’s arms, you didn’t realise when you fell asleep.
Nick yawned as he got up from his sleep. He had slept better than he had in a long time as he slept with the knowledge that you are wrapped up in his arms. Or were.
Because when he opened his eyes, you were nowhere in the room. The bed was still warm and your scent was still in the air, that meant you hadn’t gone far.
He smiled to himself as he recalled the last night. He could see it on your face as you considered joining him for a minute. And that was all he needed.
He knew the thought would ruminate in your head and soon it would be the only thing you thought of. And the next time he had you, you would he his.
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