#gif ask meme
littlewinnow · 5 months
Oh my goodness, I love when you do these games! Draco + driving headcanon please!! P.s. how are you? ♥️♥️♥️
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Hiya rory!!!
Omg thank you sm youre so sweet 😭 Ive been good! A busy body! How are you doing!?
LMAO Draco and driving made me laugh a ton since i cant help but think hed be a horrible driver (fears cars) and if harry were to ever teach him itd be a disaster.
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HC asks
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
oc ask meme time hi
i am SO SO sure someone's asked this already but in the small chance no one has... i am so curious: 🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
additionally 🛡️💜🕸️< any of these if you'd like!
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ] fourth time i've been asked this one and i've already buck passed on it, so you know what.... i decided to bite!!!
just for you, because you asked so nicely 💖
🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
i think the circumstances for a soul form to happen to her would be near impossible, but not entirely. i think this would be nothing less than a catastrophic printer error. i think it would be bad!! i think it is not supposed to happen, and if it ever did it would be really, really bad. i am not at all confident you'd ever get her back. attacks would not be necessary. i think i'm hardly skilled enough for this and that there should be at least three more rings (i couldn't make it work) and possibly some other things going on, but here's my best estimate:
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isagrimorie · 4 months
reverse unpopular meme - 13th Doctor <3
For the Reverse Unpopular Ask Game
I love Thirteen so much! Fandom's been so hard on her and her era and the popular opinion within the main Doctor Who fandom is that Thirteen doesn't get angry.
And, this is just the most bizarre take on Thirteen.
And, that's my reverse unpopular opinion: Thirteen can get angry, in fact, she's the exact kind of angry as Raylan Givens from Justified. She looks calm and happy but underneath all that cheer is a wellspring of furious anger and loneliness chained up by her determination not to let any of her friends see it.
At least, she's had a better handle on this in series 11. She can be the carefree hobo with her fam but when she faces off with an enemy that she can drop the mask for-- she is all teeth and fury, and the love of the fight.
After the events of series 12 and all that happened between them and the New Year's special, I am glad that Thirteen was finally able to tell someone, tell Ryan that she was angry.
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Thirteen has bottled up that anger for so long and had the danger of (and it did) spilling over to her fam.
Especially, when she has no one to target her considerable anger at, that she had until Spyfall able to keep a lid on.
But also she can be terrifying:
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But also how much Thirteen loves to talk smack:
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Every time she walked by the Silent she says something like this -- could ignore her but no, she deliberately walks up and is a little shit to the Silent.
War of the Sontarans have my favorite Thirteen moments:
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from this gifset.
But also she can be so warm and kind and I will always love how she said goodbye to Ryan:
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(gift by @minimoefoe from this gifset)
There's so much about Thirteen I love her contradiction, her love for her Humanity, her love for Earth, her love for her fam.
But she regenerated into a new person with all the optimism and love for her heart, and I love that for Thirteen.
Also, what was that fandom meme: If Thirteen has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Thirteen has one fan, then I'm that one!
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cokoweee · 5 months
🙊 🍀 💐 🌈
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Share your latest silly doodle with no context
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You wish your art was more… pretty? Colorful? Complete. All my shit feels half assed
Do your drawing suit your aesthetics?
Not sure I have an aesthetic tbh. The aesthetic of constantly getting run over then yes
Do you use more warm or cold colors
Uuhhhhhhhhhh cold?
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nixie-deangel · 5 months
Five Fandoms, Five Ships
Tagged by @asexual-fandom-queen <333333
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
1, Sterek - Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale, Teen Wolf.
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2, Obikin - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars.
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3, Hangster - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Top gun: Maverick.
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4, SethKate - Seth Gecko x Kate Fuller, From Dusk till Dawn: The Series.
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5, Stevetony, Steve Rogers x Tony Stark, Marvel.
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Tagging (for those who wish to do this!): @cowboysandpilots @violetfairydust @crownofstardustandbone @omg-just-peachy @partialtotheperiwinkleblue @holycafe @bluewonderer @trickythedino @ofstarlightandbows @endwersed and whoever else would like to do this!
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 months
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it? for Riel
He doesn't agree with the common etiquette shared among upper-class/wealthy people that you should make eye contact with people as you pass them on the street, tip your hat, and murmur an acknowledgement/greeting to them as you pass, or otherwise full-on stop and say hello if you know or recognize them. He knows a lot of people, but he has places to be and he does not want to have to acknowledge them every time he happens to pass them in the street, what a goddamn waste of time, and all to exchange meaningless greetings anyway!!
He does the bare minimum of meeting their gazes and nodding ever so slightly (or just giving them a glance of acknowledgement) if he knows and respects them, but he hardly ever slows to stop and chat and just briskly keeps walking unless he actually has something to say to the person in question! Nowadays he will sometimes literally take a coach instead of walking, even if it's faster to walk, just to avoid the need for stop-and-chats lol.
Upper-class society:
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Tell me about your partner pokemon and I'll tell you a fact about them!
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thedailydescent · 4 months
The Artful Dodger Ask Meme
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Favourite Episode
Favourite Character
Favourite Surgery
Favourite Dodgerfox Kiss
Favourite Sideplot
Top 3 Outfits
Top 3 Dodgerfox Scenes
Top 3 Side Characters
Top 3 Brotps
Top 3 Scores
Top Five Lines/Quotes
Top Five Funniest Moments
Top Five Most Mind-boggling Moments
Share an unpopular opinion!
Share a fanfic you like
Anon, recommend a fanfic to me
In the unlikely event Season 2 is going to happen, what medical plot would you like explored?
In the unlikely event Season 2 is going to happen, what would you like explored in general?
Was there anything you didn't like about the series/some criticisms you had?
Ask Me About [insert topic here]
Finally created an ask meme for this underrated show! Please reblog for further reach and/or send me asks if you like!
[Tagging @apinchofm, the only mutual I know who watches this show lol]
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mimble-sparklepudding · 11 months
Mimble's Monstrous Munday Musings.
Just some little Halloween-Themed Munday Questions for anyone in a Mysterious Munday Mood!
What is your favourite piece of spooky folklore or mythology?
What is the strangest thing you've ever dressed up as?
What is your favourite scary (or non-scary Halloween-themed) film?
What is your spookiest or most eerie personal experience?
Do you enjoy playing tricks on people?
If you had to go to a Fancy Dress/Costume Party as your opposite then as what would you be dressed?
Vampires or Werewolves?
What is your favourite ghost story?
Do you have a favourite confectionary or candy?
Would you ever willingly spend the night in a graveyard?
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e-dragonic · 1 month
K and M, Nicky
K - Killer - Have they ever hunted for humans? Have they ever killed one?
No. Absolutely not.
Unless said Mundane poses a real tangible threat to him or those closest to him, he avoids hunting Mundanes.
Because to hunt Mundanes, outside of the protection of himself and those closest, is to stoop down to the levels of Rogues, where a portion of their population are infamously known for actively hunting Mundanes, either for the kicks or for food sometimes, and are the leading cause of newly bitten cubs should the Mundane survive the attack.
He has, however, killed a Mundane...
(tw blood warning for image underneath)
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Though, at the time, he was under the influence of Wolfsbane, which serves as a poisonous agitator. At best, it only forces a Werebeast's Wolf out. At worse, it does the former...and throws a Werebeast into a near-blind frenzy.
And the Mundane was an individual from a well-known Poacher group (The Jackal Squad). So they deserved it. XD
M - Moonlight - What do they associate full moon with? Do they fear it, are they excited for it?
Growing up in a Wild Werebeast Pack, they give worship to the Moon as it is in her starry fields that their Ancestors run and hunt in peace.
They even have festivals for certain Moons, usually the First Full Moon of the Season, as it was the Moon Goddess, Luna, that gifted the First Wolf the ability to Change.
So while he first started out dreading the Full Moon and the symptoms that preceded it. He soon came to enjoy the Full Moons, enjoy the rush, the exhilaration, the freedom.
He may not entirely remember what he does on Full Moons... but since he lived in deep Woodlands. He used to just letting the Wolf run free ...
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But as he started to make ties in the Mundane World and live closer to it, he started to realize the, uh, inconveniences of the Full Moon...
While he does know how to resist a Change, it is usually not worth it unless in dire situations due to the strain it causes on the body.
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So he has found himself in more than a few close calls in Town while adjusting to the Mundane World as he was so used to just letting the Wolf run free on Full Moons.
This hasn't changed his outlook though.
He and Whisper still celebrate the seasonal Moons, having small feasts before leaving out for the Woods before Moonrise.
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obsob · 2 months
what's your favorite movie, song, and food?
FAVOURITE MOVIE GOOD LORD...............probably Fargo ! favourite song at the minute is cosmic by red velvet AND i know the end by Phoebe bridgers. favourite food is roast potato :3333333
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thank u!
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sparklepocalypse · 3 months
Director's Cut: you must know I'm gonna ask about Octo!Henry. I am who I am.
MY BELOVED OCTOHENRY -- rambling about him is a fucking gift, @kiwiana-writes, and I thank you for this.
So, two decisions happened in pretty rapid succession at the end of last September -- first, I decided that I was going to participate in Kinktober, and second, that I was absolutely not going to waste the opportunity to use the "tentacles, consentacles" tag double-whammy on Ao3. From there, I very quickly connected with a friend on Discord who, as it turns out, knows a fuckton about octopi. With their assistance, I went down my first research rabbit hole about things like:
How octopi reproduce
Which species of octopi do not yeet their octopeens (hectocotyli) at their mates and flee the scene so they don't get eaten
Of these very few species that aren't prone to flinging their dicks like wiggly, suckered javelins, which were the prettiest/flashiest
And then a deep dive into the prettiest species of non-tentacock-lobbing octopi to narrow it down to one: the blue-ringed octopus (AKA the spiciest boi).
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I had a couple assumptions right out of the gate: Alex would be just as clueless in this fic as he is in canon, for one. This allowed me to have Henry drop some really obvious hints that he's Not From Around Here while Alex is still just so awestruck by how pretty his new friend is that he completely sails past the hints. For two, once he figured it out, Alex was going to have his crisis about attraction to men and men with tentacles (or at least Hentacles?) faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m dash. This second piece was a bit of a necessity since I was cranking out a new smut fic every day during that month, so there was no time for additional world building or angsting about Alex's new partner not having legs at the time.
While writing the smut, I read a lot of Actual Scientific Research on octopi in general and specifically on blue-ringed octopi to make sure I wasn't totally making shit up. In the process, I learned so many fun facts about the blue-ringed octopus, including:
Male/male mating is not uncommon -- several sources suggest that male blue-ringed octopi have no preference for the sex of their mating partners.
Their skin is soft and very slick; it's coated in a slippery substance that protects them from bacteria and also allows them to slip into narrow spaces easily. 😏
The blue rings only really show up boldly when they're aroused (horny, excited, or scared). Otherwise, depending on the subspecies of blue-ringed octopus, the rings are either faintly visible or look sort of brownish.
You really don't want to touch blue-ringed octopi IRL unless you're super into being poisoned to death. (This translated into Henry being really into spicy human foods. 🤣)
Sperm packets (spermatophores) are an Actual Thing that's common across a lot of invertebrates, including octopi and squids -- Alex saying “You didn’t mention that your cum had texture,” is because he wasn't expecting there to be any sort of structure to Henry's octojizz.
I also flagrantly ignored the thing where once a male blue-ringed octopus has successfully mated, he dies, because again -- octoHenry is my beloved.
I'll stop here, but I could literally talk about octoHenry for hours! I'm so excited to start working on the sequel this fall. 🥰🐙
Want to learn more about my methods for one of my fics? Ask me stuff in the fic director's cut meme!
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sigilmint · 3 months
RICHIE!! (for the character ask thing)
Richie Jerimovich 🥰
How I feel about this character
I have a soft spot for characters who are bitter, who push people away so they don't get hurt, who are so so sad inside but who disguise it with prickliness, who kinda see themselves as major fuck ups. Characters who you get a terrible first impression of, who you actively go 'eugh' when they're first introduced. Every time I encounter a character like that, I lean forward and start paying so much attention, because I know they are so fucking sad under all that. Richie was created for me in a lab.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I do think that Richie is queer. I think his relationship with Mikey had an unrealized crush/obsession element to it on Richie's part, and him getting dragged further and further into Mikey's world is what lead to the dissolve of his marriage. I think Tiff realized at a certain point that she was never going to be what Mikey was, to Richie. And I think a lot of his pain comes from not understanding that, not realizing his feelings about Mikey were that intense, not being able to see the forest for the trees as it were.
So all that being said... I actually very much ship him with Carmy. The idea of them meeting each other as real adults after years apart (even though it's not been terribly long, they both went through significant life events since last they saw each other, at the start of the first season) and realizing that the other person isn't just some stupid kid/annoying friend of the family anymore... there's so much there. They build a real respect for each other, amid the yelling matches, and when they're on the same page, they are both so strong. They are front of house and back of house. They have so much complicated history and also they're starting from scratch. They both lost the most important person in the world to them. They need each other.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Idk what the fandom missed when they watched this show but he and Carmen aren't actually cousins lmfao. I mentioned that ship irl to someone and they made SUCH a disgusted face at me. Childhood friends isn't family, and there's nothing wrong with kissing someone you've known since you were young. I'm honestly so confused how one of the most popular romance dynamics of all time got turned into like, 'pseudo-incest' or whatever like come on people!! It's fictional characters.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Can you imagine how tender and sweet and supportive a coming out episode would be on this show 🥹 Let the saddest man have a day where everyone showers him with love <3
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carumemes · 5 months
Send "HONK!" to turn my muse into a goose
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cloudmancy · 7 months
Going to check if anyone sent this but haven't yet: Theo/Lapin? And if someone already asked that left field ship no one but me and some friends even mess around with bc its fun: Dayne Blayde/Fabian???
There's so much unnecessary context in our friend group to explain it thoroughly. But what if Dude from Season 1 who is just Toxic Jock was still toxic and grew up in a psuedo-Mormon Family Sun god Cult? How about that? That anything?
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this is so fucking funny because I had to look up what this guy even looked like and. well. you know what? one of the ONLY things we know about fabian's dating preferences is he's into evil blondes 😭😭😭 so why not. world's most toxic bloodrush jocks
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From going through your fmk tag, I've learned that you definitely have a type and it's definitely large men with long(possibly fluffy) hair.
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Shhhhhh! It wasn't a secret but shhhhhh!
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