#gideon the angry bean
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Okay, I unironically love this, but it's been nagging at me since yesterday; where the hell did Gideon get a cradle beast in Canaan House? My "could write a short story but nooooo, gotta do 4.5k words of worldbuilding" mind has been whirring away at this to somehow make it canon compliant and I've come up with this:
So John "I never met a molehill I couldn't make into a mountain" Gaius is chilling with Alecto on the corpse of her previous self as the whole damn planet kinda just sits there dead, not even able to properly process all the corpses 'cause even the fucking bacteria are dead ('cause Jod is a greedy motherfucker) and they come across this dead cat. And Alecto has the knowledge of what this is from a, "I spawned this life" perspective what a cat is, but has no real concept of what a cat means to humans, and Jod, well-intentioned-road-worker-busy-working-on-that-highway-to-hell that he is, tries to explain what cats mean to human and realizes that this is a good chance to try experimenting with bringing something back to life and boom, one resurrected cat.
And naturally, he never bothers to name the cat, jawing on at his captive and only audience of one (1) anthropomorphized planet about how the person who owns the cat must choose a name that matches the personality and the cat is Alecto's now and fuck if she has the first foggy clue what to do with a cat, so the cat goes un-named.
Alecto, angry barbie doll that she is, doesn't realize that John screwed up monumentally when the cat doesn't eat, doesn't use anything resembling a litter box, and doesn't die because it's John's first real attempt it's an overpowered little shit and just kinda starts shadowing the only two living people left.
John promptly forgets about keeping an eye on the cat, and Alecto just lets the cat wander around, doing nothing to give it any attention and not even thinking of giving it any other aspect of "things living creatures need" because she's Earth and she just makes and consumes life, she doesn't manage it.
So 10,000 years later this cat is still kicking around, and along comes The Ninth for the new Lyctor trials and Griddle decides to absolutely fucking NOT be anywhere near Harrow if she can help it and winds up inadvertently stealing the cat's favorite napping spot for the last millennium and the cat, now being the Platonic Ideal of Cat, promptly does a "fuck you" and just lays on Gideon while she's asleep, and Gideon, Goth Jock Lesbian Himbo that she is, falls in love with this little night creature with disturbingly(affectionate) familiar behavior patterns.
The cat, experiencing actual human affection for the first time in 10k years, practically glues herself to Gideon's side. Harrow is, at first, absolutely, 100% against this little creature, but just like every cat-hating-dad on the Internet "secretly" falls in love and would kill everyone in the Empire and herself if anything bad happened to ickle Marrow and her beans.
Jod never sees Marrow 'cause she knows when to hide from Johny Abomination And The Lyctor 7 6 5 4 3, having learned to avoid being spotted during the first Lyctor Trials and having 10,000 years to perfect the craft, then when the Edenites airlift the non-Lyctor survivors out of there, they have acquired one (1) cradle beast that refuses to leave Gideon's body.
We don't actually see the cat again until Nona the Ninth. By this time little Marrow has bonded with Camilla/Palemedese (somehow knowing who's in charge of Cam's body at any given time and behaving differently for each) and the necromancer/cavalier don't really seem to notice that the cat doesn't need nearly as much Life™️ things as an animal normally would because they don't have the consistency of presence to notice. Nona somehow just knows that Marrow is a cat, but since she's got an innate understanding of cradle beasts she doesn't cotton to Marrow being at all unusual until after The Angel discovers Nona's drawing of a different cradle beast, and of course by then it's basically a running firefight/stealth-op/violent-revolution, and it isn't until Paul...instantiates and their memory merges that they finally start putting two and two together to get 48.
Marrow's just happy to finally be able to sit in Gideon/Kyriona's lap again, even if it's, at best, room temperature.
okie so griddlehark prompt: them adopting a little black cat?🥺 i love your art btw !!
sillies 🥺
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The new boy in town.
Tags: @salamancialilypad @whumpfigure @albino-whumpee @comfy-whumpee @ashintheairlikesnow @haro-whumps @moose-teeth @vickytokio�� @yet-another-heathen @orchidscript
Chapter 2
CW: body-shaming/ insults, discrimination/ dehumanization of mutants, an insect gets hurt, a nearly fistfight ensues
Heat thrummed through Gideon’s bones and throbbed in unison with his building headache. His patience had shriveled up like dried fruit under the torrid summer sun while this horrible lavender scent clung to his hair, his skin, his clothes, making him dizzy.
It became stronger on the village outskirts, Gideon realized as he hurried after Director Sahin. The man ascended the crooked stone staircase effortlessly, his moss-green robe billowing behind him. His artfully decorated spear swayed with every step he took, not brushing a single leave. The only thing rustling through the underbrush was the wind and the creatures living there.
A twig caught in Gideon’s black curls, while the Director rambled on about the virtues of disciplinary work. How it encouraged the growth of one’s character, or some shit. The twig broke off with a quiet snap, painfully pulling at his scalp. Gideon’s mood dropped even lower. It was going to be a nightmare to fiddle all those shitty branches and leaves out of his hair later on.
He was seconds away from losing his barely-held composure.
The only thing keeping him from bursting at the seams was the promise he’d whispered into his brother's grave, a last farewell bedded beside a corpse.
Gideon had come to this godforsaken village to learn how to fight and survive in the forest, not to become some obedient little soldier boy! But in order to do that, he had to get cleared for training again and out of suspension.
If he had to play the director’s errand boy for a day to achieve that, so be it. He had endured worse.
“Haaah, here we are.” Director Sahin inhaled deeply, arms falling wide. “Finally. My dear friend’s farm. Tell me, young Gideon, is it not simply beautiful?”
Gideon shrugged. “‘S’ okay.”
Granted, the house did look cozy, resting encircled by giant roots with its warm brick walls, but those gigantic snails everywhere sent a shudder down his spine. If he had to touch those slimy monsters he-
The farm’s sliding doors opened before he could utter a protest, and a fine-boned, middle aged woman emerged, followed by a huge man with a greying beard. A boy, probably his own age but significantly shorter, held the door open for them.
The older woman’s lips curled into a crooked smile as she caught sight of Director Sahin, whose whole face had lit up. Dark eyes shining.
“Moira. My darling. Please do not tell me you are about to leave? Not when I looked forward to seeing your beautiful face again.”
Gideon suppressed a gag. Moira crossed her arms, smile growing sharper. Her eyes held a warm twinkle as she spoke. “Eric; charming as ever.”
The man behind her stepped closer and huffed: “M happy ‘ter see ya too, Eric.”
“Oh Ansgar you flatter me. But I must confess, I am not here solely for tea and a chat-“
The Director rattled on and Gideon’s focus wandered to the girl that had stepped out the door behind a blonde woman. A fancy grey blouse hung off her thin shoulders, nearly covering the lace trim of blue silk short. A stark contrast to the more practical attire favored by most villagers. But that wasn’t what caught Gideon’s attention, no, he had seen all sorts of fancy getups up in Berlin -in the city's upper ring that is- what drew his eyes to her, was her face.
Its left side was oddly deformed, her pale skin uneven like a creased silk sheet, drawing her left eye down and her full lips up. She mouthed something to the boy, smiling, earning a smile from him in turn.
“Ah yes may I introduce: Gideon, my newest student.”
Having lost most of the adults’ conversation Gideon tuned back in just in time, to give them a curt nod.
“I will send him to collect the salve after the feast, then,” Director Sahin announced, please as can be.
“Wonderful.” Moira clapped her hands. All back to business brusqueness. “Sahar will appreciate not having to deliver it for once. Right?”
The other boy snapped to attention, green eyes wide and fingers twitching like the hands of a pianist. A grateful smile rose to his face and he nodded.
Oh great, so Gideon had to take the trip up here twice.
They descended the stairs, lined up one after another on the narrow path. Sahar right in front of him, following the strange girl. He had avoided Gideon’s eyes as he squeezed past him, careful not to touch, probably scared off by his uniform. The school’s emblem, embroidered on his stainless white shirt, proudly declared him a scout in training. Deadly. Fearless. The little farm boy definitely did better not to mess with an insect slayer like him.
The girl came to an abrupt halt, frozen in the woodland’s shadows before it gave way to the dusty hill road. Gideon nearly collided with Sahar, when he heard it.
A primal, bone chilling hiss tore through the hot afternoon air, rattling through his very core.
Every hair on his body stood, muscles tensing, on edge just like his fraying nerves.
He knew that sound.
Even though he’d heard it only once before. On the crusade from last-stand-berlin to the village, where he had seen the beast it belonged to lurk on the riverside, watching them.
He would never forget a spider’s hiss.
And there one stood, right in front of him, its eight thorny legs towering high above its ugly head. The spider’s giant yaws worked, rubbed against each other in agitation. Its razor sharp fangs glistened in the sun.
A man sat atop its massive, hairy body, scar-faced and clad in a straw cape that was fastened to a beetle’s shell armoring his left shoulder. Shimmering in iridescent hues of blue and green. The man did not smile as he glanced down at them. A silent challenge was edged in the hard lines of his rugged face.
Tense static filled the air, an almost tangible thing that bit at Gideons fingers. It wormed its way into his bones, crawled over his scalp.
He almost, almost, flinched when Director Sahin shouldered past him, spear drawn and followed by the other man. Both planted themselves right in front of him and the others.
The intruder’s scar stretched with the rise of his eyebrows, eyes slitting in a lazy half-grin.
“Hey, there. Hold your horses. Before someone does something he regrets later.”
“That a threat?” Ansgar grunted.
Moira ducked past him, face twisted in a furious scowl as she spit. “Oh, something other than entering our village on a damn wolf-spider you mean?!”
The corded muscle in her boney arm flexed as she shook her fist at the man, unveiling a wrath behind her primly dressed form that no one would have wanted to fall victim to.
He, however, just leaned closer, smile stretching into a shark-tooth grin. “Gutsy, are we? I like that.”
Director Sahim stepped up beside her, spear held in a steady grip. “How could you make it past our InD-Units with this monstrosity?! God show you mercy if you did something to-”
“What do you think I am?!” the intruder drawled, hands raised in mock offense. “A monster?! Only reason I got past your insect defenses was this baby here.”
Gideon had to stand on his tiptoes to catch a glance of the small round device that sat embedded into the spider’s head, partly hidden by the man’s straw cape. A little red light blinked in a steady rhythm above three buttons, which the man was careful not to touch as he rapped his knuckles against it.
“Renders her absolutely obedient. All natural instinct turned off. See?”
He unsheathed a knife from a holster strapped around his leg and its steel blade shimmered in the sun before he rammed it in one of the spider’s eyes, plopping it out with a nauseating plitch. The spider endured its master’s violation in utter stillness, only its yaws twitched, creating this awful hiss in their never ceasing movement.
“She’s docile as a lamb.”
“And how exactly is that supposed to work?” the girl inquired, meeting the man’s stare with a calculated cold composure. She ignored the incredulous look the blonde woman gave her, as she mouthed: “Charlotte, what are you doing?”
The intruder's mouth twitched.
“Man, what do I know, Missy?! I’m a mutant hunter not a scientist.” He leaned closer, eyes narrowed, fixed on the girl's deformed face. Venom spiked his words, dripped from his tongue like acid. “My expertise lies in chasing down freaks.”
The condescendingly cruel way in which he spoke, wielding words like a weapon meant to pierce and twist where it hurt most, reminded Gideon oddly of his father. Anger welled up in his chest, buzzed down his legs and made them move. He planted himself right between the girl and the intruder.
How dare he compare someone to mutant scum?!
“Tsk. Mutant hunter?! You’ve ever even seen one? Or are you just talk? Threatening girls?!”
“Gideon.”, Director Sahim hissed, squeezing Gideon’s shoulder in warning as he tried to pull him back.
The man gave them a wry smile. “No no. Let’s hear him out. Have you ever seen one boy?”
“Yes.” Gideon spat, unable to reign his emotions back in. “They’re hideous monstrosities. And I’m going to find and kill every single one of them.”
The man burst into violent laughter, shoulders shaking and head thrown back, nearly losing his balance under the force of it.
“You do have guts, I give you that. But also lots to learn. Do you really think a girl can’t be a mutant? Monster’s come in all shapes and sizes, boy.” His eyes wandered back to Charlotte. “Just ugly, that’s the whole lot of them.``
The blonde woman gasped, searching for words to shoot back, but falling silent as she noticed Charlotte’s expression.
Red blotches burned on her face, rage twisting it into a vicious scowl. The afternoon sun set her copper curls on fire. Ready to spew fury and flames, she opened her mouth but Sahar was faster, his small voice piping up.
“Char- Charlotte is… is no- no mutant and and and she’s neither ugly nor weak. And and and people who talk about, talk about killing others for no- no, no reason are… They’re the- the real monsters.”
His fingers fiddled with his shorts, tapping and twisting in the dark, worn linen as he stumbled over his words. His big green eyes jumped from the rocky street to the spider’s fangs, lingered on the intruder’s face before landing on Gideon. They narrowed as he all but spat the last words in Gideon’s face.
“The hell you just said?!” Gideon’s nostrils flared. How dare this little runt run his mouth about things he didn’t know shit about!
Crossing his arms, Sahar forced himself to hold his ground against Gideon’s furious, wide eyed stare. “You you, you heard me.”
Gideon heart hammered in his throat, pumping liquefied fire through his veins. His hands twitched.
“I give you one chance to take. That. Back.”
The boy’s trembling fingers dug into his forearms, knuckles whitening as he lifted his chin.
A roar tore from Gideon’s throat as he leapt forward. Rage burned through him like a wildfire, ready to ignite everything his fist would come in contact with.
Beating the selfritousnes out of that stupid stammering farmboy was the only thing that mattered now. Everything else blurred to background noise. Even the stranger on his shitty spider.
In that frozen second between charge and impact, Sahar’s feet moved. His body tilted to the side. Dodged Gideon’s blow. Effortlessly. He bounced back. Landed on the first stone step and uncrossed his arms. Ready to defend himself. His fingers had stopped twitching.
That little runt had nerves!
Gideon broke into a sprint.
“You sure are good at dodging!” He swung his arm back. “Try to handle this!”
Muscles flexing Gideon readied for impact, only for his arm to be janked back. A large hand had wrapped around his wrist. Stopped him mid punch. Craning his neck, Gideon stared up into Ansgar’s stern face.
Fuck he’s fast?!
“Looks like ya still got lots t’ learn about respect ‘n self-discipline, young man.”
Director Sahin sighed, eyes still locked on the intruder, who watched the spectacle with a lazy kind of interest.
Ansgar released Gideon’s hand and turned to Sahar. His grey eyes glistened like ice shards. “Same goes for you. Ya disappointed me, Sahar.”
Sahar blinked up at the man, eyes round and full of disbelief.
“Wh-what- what, what do you, do do do do- what do you mean?”
“I haven’t trained ya to run off ‘n start mindless fights. I tried to teach ya discipline ‘n how to survive these woods.” Ansgar’s voice did not waver and every word made Sahar shrink into himself. His fingers tapped a hectic distorted rhythm over his leg
The intruder snickered, “someone’s a stuck up,” earning Moira’s venomous glare.
“But- but I didn’t- he he he he he was, he was the one who-“
“Enough,” Ansgar thundered. “Don’t argue with me. If ya want a beatin’ so bad I’ll give ya one later. And now back t’ the farm. Ya grounded for the week. No fest. No nothin’!”
Sahar crumbled under the man’s anger, head ducked between his shoulders as the first teardrop fell. It trickled down his trembling jaw, painting a glistening path on his warm skin.
Voice reduced to a shaky exhale Sahar nodded, “yes, sir.”, and stormed up the stairs.
He had just vanished between the thick bushes, when the intruder broke out into a new laughing fit.
#whump#whump writing#mutant whumpee#crying whumpee#insults#fighting#post apocalypse#post apocalyptic#whumpee#some flowers have teeth#sahar#gideon#charlotte#sahar tries his best#gideon the angry bean
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Find the Word Tag
I was tagged by both @writingpotato07 & @theskeletonprior so I’ll do post for both, since I’m a bit behind and all :D
If I don’t have a word I’ll give you a fun fact about my NaNo project(the Strong, the Stray & a Punk). The rest will be from the WIP Keep Me Breathing
Potato: STRAY, SHATTER, HEART, DRIFT, RING Skeleton: fail, better, blue, guess, and surprise.
I’ll tag @andromedatalksaboutstuff @fearofahumanplanet @kyofsonder @elijahrichardwrites & open tag, as per usual.
Your words are: Hate, Understand, Bridge, Against & People
Fun Fact: The “Stray” in the title was unclear for a while. But when I finally figured out who it referred to I actually got a plot out of it.
Fun Fact: Rio is a survivor of childhood illness and since Kaleb lost his grandmother in his early teens, he has a hard time letting Rio in, in fear that he would relapse and die on him.
“I've seen that look enough times to know that it's something.” She wasn't lying. Kaori Leaf had sported that distant emptiness since before she was born. Longing for someone that'll never stand before him again. His heart still not able to accept her death completely. “It doesn't matter if you tell me or not. Just know that I'm here if you need me.”
Would he be happy if Fuki found him? She'd always been a little worried that he preferred her friend over her. Would this be any different? Would he ask about her or would he simply forget about her?
Something gently stroke the top of her head. From her forehead to her hairline. A soft hand. It couldn't be Casey, since he was at the door and his hands were rough, it had to be Sandr's.
She already wasn't able to keep her eyes open and she soon drifted off to sleep, letting go of the grip she had on Sandr's other hand.
It was a wire chain, loops had probably been twisted to create a line with a ring at each end, and those loops were linked together to form a chain of maybe 40-50cm. From the middle of the chain hanged a small charm-like plate. It was shaped like a small circle, surrounded on one side of a bean shape and with uneven sticks poking out on the other side. An engraved zigzag pattern lined the inside of the bean shape and the number “5249” was stamped in the middle of the bean.
She couldn't help but laugh. The smoke must be what made the comparison so fitting. Smoke. The memory of Casey in the forest came back. She probably should thank him for saving her.
Maybe he wasn't that bad after all.
She turned towards the shower, away from Sakura. She was afraid she'd see through her thoughts. “I know, I know!” Her voice didn't fail her. It didn't give her away. It sounded just like it always did. Good. “I'll get to it.”
He turned to her when he heard the bathroom door open and the fear in his eyes took away all thoughts about her eyes. She shifted her gaze between her two friends for a while. What was going on? Hadn’t she seemed better just a few minutes ago?
He walked past her into the kitchen and she was once again reminded of how tall he was. His eyes were a color between grey and blue, and looked like ice crystals, and she thought the silver chained epaulettes on his suit made him look like a prince. Even more so when he, like now, paired a silver headband with his usual high ponytail. This time however, something seemed off. She couldn't figure out what but it was like he was bothered by something, but at the same time very happy, as well as just his usual formal self.
“Well 10 or 25 doesn't matter. They'll still get angry if we're late for the lunch. Will they not?”
He quickly let go. “Right! Lunch.”
She handed him a handkerchief. “Well I wouldn't mind not going but I guess that's not an option.”
He dried his tears and was soon back to his usual collected self. “Nope. You're going. If not for mum's sake, do it for Gideon. Because I wouldn't want to be there when he realizes you're not showing.”
She looked around before she sat down by a small table and ordered a coffee. She thought about the fraud. “C something was his name?” She thought. This was like that time when we waited for Sakura by the vehicles back at the inn, and she thought that somehow she wouldn't be surprised if him or someone like him would just sit down by her table and start talking to her.
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sad prompt for sad bitches✨✨
after nelson sparrow, reid and garcia talk for a bit. spencer is obviously gutted and in a wreck and penelope is in a fragile state of mind and they both just talk together, letting all their feelings out and being sad for the sake of being sad.
i feel like you could explore that way better than me rn lmao
cw death
Penelope finds Spencer curled up on the floor in the corner of the porch, hair messy and face stained with tears. Everyone else has left by now - it’s just the two of them at the cabin.
“Come inside, sugar bean,” she says quietly, resting a hand on Spencer’s shoulder. “It’s getting cold out here.”
“Doesn’t bother me,” Spencer murmurs. “I can hear the birds out here.”
Penelope sits down next to him, pulling him against her so that his head is resting on her shoulder, her arm around his back.
“Okay,” she says. “Can we talk while we listen to the birds?”
She feels Spencer nod against her.
“How are you holding up?”
Spencer is quiet for a long time.
“Bad,” he finally says. “This feels bad.”
“Yeah,” Penelope sighs. “It does feel bad.”
“Do you think he’d want us to be sad?” Spencer asks softly. “Or do you think he’d want us to focus on the good stuff?”
Now it’s Penelope’s turn to be quiet.
“I don’t know,” she says. “I could never understand what Gideon wanted. It was like he lived in his own little bubble, and you just had to kind of do your best to keep up.”
“Yeah,” Spencer agrees with a wet laugh. “That’s exactly what he was like.”
“Do you remember that time he had to stay home on a case because he was hurt, and he took over my lair and drove me crazy, and when it was all over, Hotch sent me flowers and told me they were from Gideon?”
“Hotch sent those flowers?”
“Yeah.” Penelope smiles. “He doesn’t know that I know. But I do.”
“I miss Gideon,” Spencer whispers. “He wasn’t– It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”
“This shouldn’t happen to anyone.”
“He should have lived until he was old and gray, and he should have found a new love of his life, and they should have lived happily ever after and then died in their sleep together. Peacefully.”
“That’s how everyone should go.”
“Yeah.” Spencer lets out a deep breath. “Remember what a good profiler he was? He would do all those crazy things, and everyone thought he was bonkers, and then he would just…solve the case.”
Penelope smiles. “We were lucky to work with him.”
“I was lucky he picked me for this. I wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for him. He made me feel safe when I was in school. He gave me a goal and a purpose.”
“He was like a dad to you.”
“He was,” Spencer confirms, a fresh wave of tears falling from his eyes.
“He kind of was for me, too, sometimes,” Penelope admits. “I didn’t like it very much, because he was annoying, but I also always knew he had my back.”
“I miss him.”
Penelope leans over and wraps her other arm around Spencer so she’s holding him tight.
“We’ll get through this together,” she says.
“I don’t want to get through it. I don’t want it to be happening.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know how to do this. How do I do this, Penny? How– how did you do this?”
“When I lost my parents?”
“Yeah,” Spencer whispers.
“Badly,” she sighs. “I was a kid, and I was angry, and I thought it was my fault. It took me years to deal with it. I’m still dealing with it, I think.”
“Does this make it worse?”
“I don’t know,” she says honestly. “I haven’t really processed it yet.”
“Can you hear the birds?”
Penelope smiles. “Yeah, boy wonder. I can hear the birds.”
“Can we just listen to them for a while?”
“Of course.”
They sit there together for a long time, silently remembering.
#spencer reid#penelope garcia#jason gideon#maya writes more than 5 sentences#maya's spencer whump collection#maya's spencer penelope friendship collection
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"Hello, beautiful" - Din Djarin x Mandalorian!reader
Summary: You had pushed Din away when he had needed you most. You had pushed him away when he had felt like he failed. But the truth was that you had failed him. (Set during Season 2 Episode 7/8) Requested by Anon: "Hi, I love your writing!! Could you do a fluff/angst oneshot with a Mandalorian reader where they see each other’s faces for the first time? Thank you!" - Thank you so much, hun! I hope you like how this turned out. I had a lot of fun writing this lil piece! Warning: heavy angst and hurt, violence but only briefly mentioned, reader is acting like a bit of a shebs’palon (but they apologize and make up), you and Din speak Mando'a (Translations at the end) Category: angst, fluffy ending (it ended up a lot more angsty than I anticipated, sorry!!) Words: about 3.600 Notes: No use of (Y/N) and gender-neutral (if I missed something regarding gender please tell me and I’ll fix it) Also, kinda established relationship? At least a platonic one. Note 2: You're a Mandalorian that grew up in the same covert as Din. It won't be mentioned in this fic but you are/were as clueless as Din about other Mandalorians and their way of living. Note 3: I think I gave myself whiplash from the title and the summary of this fic. They don't seem to match but I couldn't figure out what else to name this story, asgscgeh just bear with me.
"Hello, beautiful" - Din Djarin x Mando!reader
Back then when you had boarded the Razor Crest you didn't know the man flying it. You have seen him before but you didn't know him. However, you knew what he had to do and you knew you would accompany him, help him, be there for him and the little one. You never expected for all this to happen. You never expected to care so deeply for him and the kid. Maybe that was the reason why you had reacted the way you did. Maybe that was why it had hurt so much. But all that didn't excuse your words or actions. All that didn't make it any easier when the time came to let go.
Your mind was clouded ever since what happened on Tython. Whenever you closed your eyes, all you saw was Grogu in the grips of one of these dark troopers. All you saw were his big eyes staring at you when he got taken away. All you could think about was how you weren't fast enough to save him. How you failed. And you knew Din felt the same. He blamed himself, too. You knew it the moment you had taken his hand in your own. You felt it in the stiffness of his fingers that tightly curled around yours, seeking comfort, something to ground himself to. You were his pillar of strength just as much as he was yours in that moment. When you tilted your head his visor was as blank as usual, just like your own, but you knew. You saw the sadness in him. And it broke your heart even more. You stayed close to him during the flight to Nevarro, when you went to pick up Mayfeld and on the flight to Morak, too. You two gave each other comfort and strength. But that changed when Din returned from the imperial base on Morak. "Can I talk to you?" You slightly turned your helmet to the side to glance at Din who was standing beside you, his hands closed to fists and his arms stiffly pressed to his sides. He hadn't talked, let alone looked at you since he had returned from that imperial base. You had suspected that something must have happened, something that Din didn't want to talk about. But now that he was approached you in such an uncertain und uncomfortable manner you knew that something was very wrong. You straightened up and nodded, gesturing for him to lead the way to a more private corner of the Slave I. Din didn't waste a single second and began walking into one of the small sleeping chambers that had just enough room for the two of you to stand in. The moment door closed behind you without a sound you suddenly felt the tension in the air heavily on your shoulders. However, you tried to not let it show, put on a brave face and crossed your arms before your chest. You stood completely still but behind your dark visor your eyes flickered over Din's form, trying to figure something, anything out. Even though you had been a part of the covert for all your life and could read the body language of other Mandalorians fairly easy, you still struggled with Din sometimes. He had always been a mystery to you and you had only really got to know him after you helped him escape from Nevarro with Grogu. Before that you had rarely walked into each other and when you did you always just nodded at each other in greeting, never sharing a word until you had boarded the Razor Crest that night. And even though you and Din had grown rather close during your time on his ship you never really got a hang of it, of him. You had no idea what he wanted to talk to you about, you had no idea what was wrong. When he didn't turn around to meet your hidden eyes with his own visor you grew a little anxious, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. It wasn't unlike Din to hesitate before talking, he always seemed to consider his words before speaking up. But he had never ignored you before, he had never avoided your gaze before. And that hurt more than you thought it ever could. You only knew him for a considerably short time but the thought that he was pushing you away was clenching your heart so tightly it made your breath stammer over your lips. That he was pushing you away now of all times shot a hot, blinding pain through your chest. "What do you want to talk about?" you asked, forcing your voice to sound strong even though you had never felt so weak and helpless before. Your eyes dropped to Din's fists that shook slightly. You let your arms fall down to your sides as you took one step towards his back. Cautiously you reached out and placed one hand on his shoulder. Your touch was light, you almost didn't even touch him but he still flinched. You gulped down the hurt and carried on. "Din?" "I took it off." You blinked rapidly and furrowed your brows in confusion. "What?" you asked, your voice sounding even heavier through the modulator than usually. "I took it off" Din repeated, his tone suddenly harsh as he shook your hand off his shoulder and turned around to face you. He had turned around so fast it caught you off guard. You would have stumbled if he hadn’t placed his own hands on your shoulders, keeping you steady. Din's posture was stiff and straight, no typical head tilt, no hands on his belt with his weight shifted more on one leg. The man in front of you was a stranger. "What, Din? What did you take off?" you asked taken aback and with your voice laced with worry. Your eyes were flickering from his helmet to his hands that were placed on your shoulders as you tried to decipher the meaning of his words. It was this moment you realized that his harsh tone wasn’t directed at you but at himself. And it was this moment you realized he wasn't angry. He was terrified. And seeing Din truly scarred right now with his body trembling… that scarred you more than you could have ever imagined. You didn't even dare to breathe anymore. What could possibly scare Din so much that his whole body was shaking? You wanted to reach out for him, wrap your arms around him and draw him in, to comfort him like you had done so many times before. You were about to take one step forward when he spoke up again. "My helmet" Din's voice broke. "They saw." He didn't need to explain who 'they' were. You knew. You suddenly knew what he had done in that imperial base. You knew why he was ignoring you. You knew and the only thing you could do was stare at him, your visor completely blank. You couldn't even tilt your head to give him some kind of reaction, you just froze with your breath stuck in your throat. You weren't even sure what you were thinking in that moment, your mind was blank. Only when Din put his hands on the sides of your helmet like he had done so many times before, did you find your way back into reality. Your head snapped upwards, your eyes wide behind the darkness of your visor. The touch, his touch that normally felt so soothing suddenly felt restricting. Or maybe it were your thoughts that kept drawing the circle in which they were racing tighter and tighter. Maybe they were cutting off your breath. "Please, say something." You could almost see his eyes frantically searching for yours behind the visor. His eyes. Eyes you had never seen before and always had to imagine just how he had to imagine your eyes, too. Eyes they had seen. Some imperial men had seen them… before you. Your heart clenched at that thought and you took one step back, finally able to move again. Then you sucked in a sharp breath as Din's hands fell from your helmet. Lowering your head, you shook it in disbelief and confusion. You had no idea how to feel, how to react. All your life you had been taught… you knew there were other Mandalorians, other ways but… "I… I need some air" you chocked out. You were too overwhelmed. You needed some distance to clear your thoughts, to understand what you felt. So, you pushed him away just like he had done with you. _______________ You and Din hadn't talked since then. Not on the Slave I. Not when you had gone out with him and Boba to recruit Bo-Katan and Koska. Not even when you were fighting against Moff Gideon with Din. But your thoughts had been racing through all of that. Screaming and clawing at the walls of your mind. You knew Din was suffering. He was suffering because of you and how you had reacted. You knew were wrong and needed to fix this… And then that Jedi appeared to take Grogu with him and you froze, unable to from any words or thoughts, unable to protest. This had been Din's and your mission. Grogu needed a teacher. But all those logical reason didn't make it any easier to watch. It wasn't any easier to watch as Din took the little green bean on his arm. It didn't make it easier to watch him remove his helmet so the little one could see his face for the first time. It didn't make it easier when you saw the slight tremble wandering through Din. You didn't need to see his face to know he was fighting against his tears. But what made it even harder was when Din sat him back down and Grogu tiptoed towards you. You immediately leaped forward and scooped him up, coming to a halt right beside Din. You cradled him in your own arms, hugging him tight as you felt the tears clouding your eyes. Grogu stretched his little hands towards your helmet just like he had done with Din. You didn't hesitate to rib it off and let it fall to the ground. It didn’t matter anymore, nothing else mattered anymore. Underneath your hair was a mess of unkempt tangles and locks, your eyes filled with tears as you looked at Grogu with them and not through the visor for the first and last time. He placed one of his hands underneath your eye, clumsily wiping away the tears. A sad smile stretched over your lips at that. He cooed softly as you hugged him tighter against you while quiet sobs shook your body. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, ad'ika" you whispered so quietly even you struggled to pick it up. But maybe the heartbeat was just echoing too loudly in your ears. Either way, Grogu might not know what the words meant exactly, but when he tried to hug you back you were certain he had understood the weight in them. But all this didn't make it easier to set him down and to let him go. _______________ You were still staring at the elevator door even when it had stayed closed for many minutes now. You still hoped they would open up, so you could see him again. You were still staring at it even when the others slowly left the room, their gazes lowered and not looking back as they were walking into the elevator to get to the ship, leaving you two alone. They walked into the same elevator in which Grogu had disappeared into. You knew that this was the best for him, but that didn't hinder your heart from shattering. You sucked in a sharp breath and closed your eyes when you felt another wave of tears forming in them. But when you felt a hand intertwine with your own they snapped open again and it took all your willpower to not look to your right, to not look at Din whose eyes were also still focused on the elevator. It took everything in you to not look at Din without his helmet on. This was the moment you realized that you could faintly make out some of his features from the corner of your eye. You could see him, parts of him, for the very first time. And it forced the tears in your eyes to spill over as you collapsed on the floor, breaking your fall with one hand whilst the other was still in Din's. He didn't let go of you, instead he slowly let himself fall beside you. So close you could feel his warmth beside you. So close it made you unable to breath. "I'm sorry" you whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" Your voice gained in volume as you wailed in pain. You had lost Grogu once more. You had pushed Din away when he had needed you most. You had pushed him away when he had felt like he failed. But the truth was that you had failed him. "I am an awful friend. I am an awful partner. I-I-" you sucked in shallow breaths, clawing at your throat with your free hand as you sat back on your legs. Then Din squeezed your hand and you froze. Your mouth opening and closing without producing a sound. He tugged your hand towards him, cupped your hand in between his own and placed it over the chest plate where his heart was beating underneath while still staring straight ahead just like you were. "Stop" you hissed. "You are supposed to hate me. Please, just push me away. I don't-" Before you could finish your sentence Din suddenly pulled you to him. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand placed on the back of your head as he pressed you against his chest. "You're supposed to hate me!" you screamed while you clawed at his coat, burying your fingers into the worn out fabric while tears burned their path into your skin. You didn’t understand this. How could he act that way, how could he bear to hold you in his arms after how awful you had reacted, after how badly you had hurt him? How could he even stand to be in the same room with you? "Why don't you hate me?" you begged, your voice barley over a whisper now. But Din didn't answer you. He just kept you pressed against him until your body stopped shaking, until your wails and cries died down and all you could do was to exhaustedly melt into him. Your shoulders were still shaking every now and then when you sucked in a sharp breath and the tears had left behind deep paths in your skin. "You're still a Mandalorian" you whispered after a while, your voice hoarse. "It didn't make you any less of a Mandalorian. I would have done the same. I wouldn't have hesitated and that makes how I reacted even worse. I'm sorry!" "It's okay" Din suddenly whispered back. You tensed up at that and it took all your willpower to not free yourself from his embrace, to not push him away again, to not run away. "No, it's not!" you barked back. "When I boarded the Razor Crest we said we would have each others back, that we would always be there for each other. I said I would always be there for you!" You pressed your eyes closed, forced the tears back. "Hate me. Push me away, scream at me! Kriffing, just leave me behind!" Din tightened his grip and placed his head on top of yours. You felt his chin press against you as his breath tickled over your hair. And you couldn't hold the tears back anymore. "Please, just hate me." "I don't" he said, his voice soft but stern. "You hurt me but I don't hate you." You let out a stifled cry and pressed your face underneath his chin and against his neck, breathing in his scent, feeling his skin against your own for the very first time. "I'm sorry" you said, your voice breaking. "I know" Din chuckled slightly and slowly let his hands wander to your face, cupping your cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears. "It's okay, we'll get through this." We'll get through losing Grogu. We'll get through our pain and hurt. We'll get through this together. You nodded as you sobbed, your fingers slowly relaxing until they completely let go of Dins' coat. Your arms dropped to the ground with a thud while Din drew slow circles on your cheeks, brushing back your hair every now and then until your body relaxed against him. For a while you two stayed like this, seeking the comfort of the other. Then he slightly tugged at your head, wanting to pull it back and you immediately understood his question. You tensed up. "I don't deserve to look at you" you whispered, pressing your face further into him. "That's not your decision" Din stopped and took a deep breath. "I want you to see. I wanted you to be the first one to see and I'm sorry that it wasn't you." "Don't apologize" you croaked out and slightly shook your head in between his hands. "You have nothing to apologize for. I would have done the same." You felt Din nod against you, the humming sound in his chest vibrating in your own. "I want you to see me" he began again. "But I also want to see you… if you'll let me?" Your hands shot up to cup his cheeks just like he was cupping yours as you nodded. "Yes." For a few moments in which your hearts were beating against each other’s ribs, no one moved. You didn't dare to be the first one to move, you didn’t dare to be the one to initiate, so you waited. Din sucked in a deep breath before he slowly pulled your head back. You felt his eyes wander over your face immediately. However, you kept your eyes lowered. "Please, look at me." Your lips began to tremble, your eyes shut tightly. For a few seconds you just focused on how his face felt underneath your fingers. You focused on the slight stubble you could feel, the deep lines in his face formed by hardship and worry. You focused on the warmth of his skin seeping through your gloves, on the locks of hair that were tickling against the back of your hand. Then you slowly looked up. You looked up, you laid your eyes on him and your breath got stuck in your throat. You couldn't think as tears formed on the corners of your eyes once again. You got lost in the warmth of Din's deep brown eyes. You got lost in the gentleness of his smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips ever so slightly and the uncertainty of his furrowed brows. You lost yourself in him just as he was losing himself in you, in your eyes, in your own quivering lips. "Su cuy'gar, mesh'la." You couldn't hold back the tears anymore just as you couldn't hold back the small sad smile forming on your lips. "Su cuy'gar, mesh'la" you retorted with a small, breathless laugh. For a few more heartbeats you just looked at each other, eyes soft and filled with tears, fingers wandering over the others face, exploring the scars, lines and imperfections. Your heart was hammering rapidly against your ribs, so much that you were able to feel it thumbing in your throat. Then Din slowly pulled you forward until your foreheads were firmly pressed against one another. You felt his breath tickle over your face and it made shivers run down your spine. The tears in Din's eyes finally spilled over as he let his hands wander to your hair, inching to pull you even closer. A soft laugh left his lips when you wiped away his tears with your thumbs. It made your heart swell and clench at the same time. "Ni ceta" you whispered. "Ni ceta. Ni ce-"�� "K'uur, ner sarad" Din interrupted you as he stroked through your hair. You closed your eyes and breathed in his soothing scent, concentrated on his heart beating against your ribs, his breath ghosting over your lips. He was so close you could almost feel the smile on his lips. Your eyes shot opened, locking onto his when you felt his thumb brush over the top of your lip, tracing your mouth. His eyes were slightly hooded, filled with the impulse to lean forward. But he didn't. Instead he raised his brows slightly, questioningly, asking you. And all you could do was wordlessly nod. Din closed the small gap between the two of you in an instant, placing his lips over yours, so lightly it felt like only a gust of wind, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. You melted into him, pulling him closer, pressing into him. You kissed him back, your lips dancing against his just as cautiously. And then you cried once more, sobbing against his lips, losing yourself in the sensation. You felt his pain in that kiss, his worries and fears. You felt the loss that was clawing at him, breaking him slowly piece by piece. And that made you kiss back harder, more desperately. You put all your own sorrow into that kiss but also all your love. When you two slowly pulled away, you both stared breathlessly at each other. No one spoke up but you didn't have to, to understand the other. You could see everything you needed to know in Din's eyes for the very first time. You would get through this. You would work through this. You would overcome the pain and hurt. _________________________________
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you Ad'ika - little one, son Su cuy'gar - Hello Mesh'la - beautiful Ni ceta - sorry, lit: I kneel (grovelling apology) K'uur – Hush Ner sarad – my flower
Permanent Simps: @buckysalefty
Din Djarin Simps: @theflightytemptressadventure / @sarahjkl82-blog / @remmysbounty / @undeniableadrenaline / @kassidydjarin / @freeshavocadoooo / @dindaddy / @wonderless-screwup / @helena-way07 / @n0ffitar / @24-blackbirds
If you want to be added/removed/switched to another taglist at any point just let me know! Crossed out names I was unable to tag for some reason. Also, I think some of you changed their usernames? Sooo, I hope I managed to tag you correctly...
#the mandalorian#din djarin#the mandalorian x reader#din djarin x reader#mando x reader#mando#reader is a mandalorian#mandalorian reader#reader#x reader#gender-neutral reader#gender-neutral#star wars x reader#fluff#angst#heavy angst#the mandalorian imagine#the mandalorian oneshot#grogu#baby yoda#tm#tm s2#The mandalorian season 2
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Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x14 Page 23

Okay what episode do we have today?
Ah okay, a Regina centric. That’s cool.
Is that the same guard Snow stripped naked in 1x16? Whaaaat?! Just looked it up and it totally is! Awesome call back! I’m going to name him Jim.
Oh my God, she killed Jim!!
Wait, so this has to be after Heart of Darkness.
The terrified look on that woman’s face when Regina strokes her chin, looks at her longingly and tells her she loves her. Omg Regina was in love with this woman all along! It was never about Daniel. It was about Christina! I’m naming her Christina.
They are my otp now.
How did Tinker Bell get out of neverland? Pan decides when people leave, and I doubt he’d let her leave just to pay a visit with the Evil Queen. But then and again maybe it was all part of his big plan.
Oh. Pixie dust doesn’t dictate who your true love is. It just shows you possibilities. That’s not what you said before, Tinker Bell!
Regina, we all know you spared her because she’s your ex-girlfriend.
Actually, this visit from Tinker Bell is odd because she doesn’t seem angry at all like when she, like, wanted to kill Regina in 3x03. How did she go from, “okay. I lost my wings because of you but it’s all cool. I just want my otp together.” to “I’m gonna f***ing drug you with pixie dust and rip your heart out!”?
Also, this is the Evil Queen I like to see. So cold, terrifying and breaking on the inside. I’m not a fan of the humorous one in 6x02. I wish Split Queen was more like this as well. Ah different writers and director. Interesting.
Split Queen: “…not some burlap-loving peasant who sleeps on dirt.” Wish Robin: “Excuse me, I sleep on hay.” Important distinction!
Snow’s so excited about the wedding, bless her.
Lol Zelena just drags Emma’s hand to look at her ring. My girl loves shiny things! And how could I forget, her otp is getting married! She is in heaven right now!
I love Emma just casually talking to Zelena like they’re gal pals at a sleepover. More of this please!
I can see what sqers say about this scene. Regina really does look hurt by the notion of Emma getting married. There is no heterosexual reason for her to react like this unless she’s in love with Hook. I think this is the only time they hug. Man, I feel so bad for sqers because upon this rewatch I can really see where they are coming from with that interpretation. It’s definitely there. And then they hug because Emma’s getting married to someone else. I would be so upset if that was my otp. What am I talking about, I watched 10 seasons of Smallville as a hardcore Chloe x Clark shipper. I think this exact scenario played out and it freaking hurts!
In other news, I am so in love with Snow. Have I mentioned that? I feel like I haven’t mentioned it in a while and it needs to be said.
I’m also in love with David, in case you forgot. I want to join their marriage. Can I join their marriage? I’m joining their marriage. Emma, I’m your mummy now. Don’t think about the age difference too much.
I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate already today. Can you tell? I feel so alive! I want to share my social security number and be freeee!! I am trying to block out my anxiety about having to move house again next friday. Yep, that’s right, 4th place in two years. I think I will write all of these high on chocolate.
What would happen if you cut your hair with those sheers? Or your garden bush? No, that is not a euphemism, you dirty bastards (affectionate).
I haven’t had a haircut in 10 years. Holy cow! That’s why my afro is so big, it’s full of secrets.
Nemo is your dad now, Hook. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s a lot younger than you.
He called him “My boy.” hehe.
I remember when I thought Hook and Rumple had the same mother. That would have been quite the twist.
I thought that vase of flowers was a giant cauliflower. Did you know broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, brussels sprouts and turnips are all related? I wonder what thanksgivings are like when they all get together. Probably not fun for them.
See what I did there xD?
Emma: “This is my fault. I’m the one who convinced you to bring him here. It’s on me.” Regina: “Emma, you don’t have anything to make up for. You were just trying to help.” Omg, this compared to when she told Emma she’d ruined her life because Emma saved Marian. The development. I really appreciate this change because I nearly lost it with Regina when that was her attitude.
Screw it, I’m making bean enchiladas. Brb. I’ll save you some!
I’m back! They’re in the oven. Anyone wants the recipe hmu! They’re veggie!
You just know Split Queen and Wish Robin have a sexy dungeon in their castle. They just do.
Enchanted ropes would have been useful in so many situations.
The enchiladas are ready! Repeat after me, Becky: “I will remember oven gloves this time, I will remember oven gloves this time.”
Robin is so into Split Queen. He wants her to live with him and everything, even though they just met.
I don’t think that arrow would have taken her to Robin since it takes her to the thing she loves most. She can’t love someone she’s never met. We all know it would shoot Christina right in the ass. That’s true love biatches! Evil Peasant 5ever!
Oh snap! Emma found Hook looking at himself killing her grandfather??! I completely forgot about this!
Why does she say, “That’s David’s father”? Why doesn’t she say, “That’s my grandfather,” or “That’s my dad’s dad”? She hasn’t called her dad ‘David’ in years. It’s like she’s trying to separate herself from the victim as much as possible.
She’s not even a little bit upset he killed her dad’s dad? That that event caused her father so much pain? She’s just infuriated that he tried to burn his memory. I mean, yes, she should be angry about that but where’s the empathy for her dad at least? I didn’t know any of my grandfathers well but if I found out I was engaged to someone who did that I would be angry for my grandparent, angry for my parent and angry for myself. I’m just speechless that that’s all she cares about. It seems so out of character. But then and again Regina had her other grandad killed.
And now he’s gonna leave because he rightfully got told off. Can’t say I’d offer the same thing but she said, “until you’re ready” not “you’ll never be ready”, dude.
I think he’s just scared David will punch him in the face at this point. It’s the only explanation for doing the exact opposite thing Emma asked of him.
“Captain Hook is always welcome on the Nautilus.” More like welcome on the naughty list after that stunt.
She doesn’t want a man, Henry Sr. She just confessed her deep, passionate, sexual love for Christina like 20 minutes ago, remember? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It’s not even subtext, dude. Get it together, man.
Why don’t they fight themselves with magic?
Her dad is so heartbroken the person Regina hates most is herself.
That is really sad that the person she hates most his herself. I can relate.
Yes! Launch those apples at yourself!
My conversations with myself be like-
Oh boy. This is too reminiscent of conversations with myself. Yes, I sword fight myself wearing a fancy black, cleavage-revealing dress in my head all the time. Only joking, I wear trilby hats.
Oh okay. Now they’re tying each other up. I see what this is really about. I still haven’t bleached the “we do like it rough, don’t we Regina?” line from my mind.
I suppose she did take back some of her own darkness. But I was hoping she would just merge herself back together. That would have been a really predictable outcome, but I just would have preferred it.
This scene is so weird lol, but it helped me tremendously. I used to hate myself so, so much. You don’t even understand. It was like a violent hatred for myself for not fitting in and for every single little mistake I’d ever made. Then with a lot of self- healing and the help of this episode I began my journey into loving myself. I wrote on a sticky note “Love yourself. If the Evil Queen can do it, so can you.” and stuck it to my wall. Nothing I’ve done is comparable to what the Evil Queen has done and if she can learn to love herself, why can’t everyone else. Anyone who’s struggling with self-hatred, please take this episode to heart. You are worthy of love, most importantly from yourself. Any time you find yourself hating yourself just try to remember this scene and that the flipping Evil Queen of all people recognised the importance of self-love and didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. She damn well gave herself a chance. I’ve heard a good technique is looking in the mirror and telling yourself what you love about you. Even if you’re not feeling it at first, you could get into the habit of it and your brain will start to accept those words as true. Because they are true.
Aww she sees the Charmings as her family.
Regina: “it did give me hope when I needed it most, and that is just as important.” Oh my God, preach the word Regina! Regina is preaching with fire today!
It’s like she’s having a therapy session with herself. I need to do that. I really do. Then I need to get actual therapy lol xD. But baby steps!
Okay. A loophole as to how he can change Split Queen’s story. You know what, at this point I’ve learnt just to go with it.
Can Snow and Zelena be best friends? Please. It’s literally all I want in life. And to join Snowing’s marriage. I’m not asking for much. I’ll talk about it in self-therapy.
Henry’s got Gideon’s haircut now. He wants to be cool like his uncle.
I want to look at myself with the love and adoration Regina looks at herself with. We should all get to that point where we look like we’re about to intensely make out with ourselves when we look in the mirror.
I know what they were doing with page 23. I just wish Split Queen had changed her outfit so it could have been exactly like the page illustration. But I don’t think it was meant to predict the future. It was just one of Isaac’s fanfictions, wasn’t it? Hmm. I think it was a mystery to him as well if I can remember correctly.
It’s nice that oq shippers got their ship in the end in one form.
Snow is just constantly high up to her eyeballs on hope, bless her.
Emma needs a dog. She seems like such a dog person.
Also, that enchilada was yumilicious, if I do say so myself.
#ouat#once upon a time#regina mills#emma swan#the evil queen#ouat 6x14#6x14 page 23#ouat rewatch#ouat rewatch 2019
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My oc’s
a guide to my oc’s
Haze Shiffen: {role: whumpee | species: superpowered human | pronouns: he / him} villain captured by a vigilante and subsequently rescued by heroes who are less than forgiving of his past crimes. a sweet bean with a questionable past. deeply self-loathing. powers of illusion.
Davian Kingsley: {role: caretaker | species: superpowered human | pronouns: he / him} one of the top heroes. best friends with Lisle, though the relationship is strained since recent events. trying his best. trying not to care about Haze and failing. not sure what powers i’ll give him lol
Amani Adamu: {role: whumper | species: superpowered human | pronouns: she / her} Davian’s sidekick. known prankster. sarcastic attitude. fire powers.
Lisle Carre: {role: whumper | species: superpowered human | pronouns: he / him} bad history with Haze. was once one of the top heroes and worked alongside Davian. angry boi. shapeshifter.��
Cali Blake: {role: ??? | species: superpowered human | pronouns: she / her} Amani’s girlfriend. Kind, curious, well-meaning technopath. controls electricity.
Ezra: {role: whumpee | species: immortal | pronouns: he / him} absolute walking disaster. Been alive for over 1700 years and still has no idea about literally anything, namely healthy coping mechanisms.
Phoenix: {role: caretaker | species: human | pronouns: she / her} seamstress from a small rural village looking for adventure and deep human connection. Absolute ability to see through any and all of Ezra’s lies.
Kip Fox: {role: caretaker | species: human | pronouns: he / him} young orphan street urchin. trying to be a thief but is not good at it.
Gideon Farewell: {role: it depends | species: human | pronouns: he / him} former knight given land and title for his service to the king, now works as a clothes merchant. Not well-liked among the peerage.
Kalon: {role: it depends | species: human | pronouns: he / him} Prince Verdi’s personal guard and one of the best fighters in the kingdom. So, so tired. Puts up with a lot.
Prince Verdi: {role: it depends | species: human | pronouns: he / him} Lonely prince who’s bad at swordfighting and making friends. bad social skills. bratty.
that’s all for now
will update this when I get some new oc’s because I know I will, I have way too many living rent free in my head right now
#my oc's#my ocs#oc stuff#oc#my oc#masterpost#masterlist#character#characters#my characters#writing#my writing#not whump#oc haze#oc envy#oc ezra#oc davian#oc amani#oc lisle#oc cali#kalon and prince verdi#envy and haven#oc haven
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so, just binged Legends of Tomorrow, and for some reason, I wanted to write this down.
So, Legends is a really unique show. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and ridiculous but fun, reminding why I loved The Flash early years (season 1 & season 2).
apologies, for this rambling mess. this got written in a burst of energy which faltered towards the end.
What other show would have plots about time travel, Sisqo singing Thong Song during a battle scene, and a child toy’s furry toy Beebo helping the heroes or being seen as a “god.”
The time travel aspects have been a lot of fun. It’s really hard to pick my favorites (but I am a sucker for 1920 - 1950′s stories), and kudos to the casting directors who have gotten some great actors in guest starring parts (The actors who played JRR Tolkien and Elvis Presley were real highlights for me. Also I loved the young Marty Stein episodes). Also, Jonah Hex is probably my favorite recurring characters on this show, and I really hope that the writers find a way to bring him back.
Sara Lance, who I loved from Arrow, is the reason among other Arrowverse recurring players (Stein, Ray, Jax, Mick and Snart) that I started to watch this show. Sara’s storyline in season 1 and season 2 was really unique and fun to watch her evolve from dealing being brought back by Lazarus Pit, and opening herself open to being a hero and embracing her grief and pain, turning it into becoming a hero and the captain. My issue is with the later seasons (season 4 & 5) aside from the blindness incident (which became more of a plot device than actual storyline, which could have been really interesting to delve into) is Sara’s main purpose, aside to being a captain and kickass leader, is to be a love interest to Ava. She has some great moments being a surrogate sister to the other characters, but I wish she had more of an individual storyline (also that job offer thread was also dropped too quickly - I wish we got more of insight into what exactly it was and why it came about).
Ava, her growth over the past three seasons has been interesting and integrating her as part of the Legends has given some fun moments, especially to have her interact with all the other characters and become friends with them, but aside from those smaller side moments, her storyline is so wrapped up and her identity is purely revolves around being Sara’s girlfriend. I wish that she and Sara had individual storylines than just everything being just about their relationship. It’s great to see Sara (and Ava) happy and in a healthy relationship but wish that they weren’t just each other’s plot device.
Mick - it’s interesting that out of all the original cast outside of Sara, that he has lasted the longest. I always loved the Snart / Mick dynamic (partly because of I love Wentworth and Dominic from their Prison Break days as brothers), so it’s nice to see his character change very slowly, and evolve as the show has gone on. I just wish he had more scenes with Charlie - I loved their moments together and they were such kindred spirits. I am still not a 100% sold on the whole give Mick a teenage daughter, but Lita has been actual a fun side character. Lita works because she isn’t a bratty/angry/ annoying teenager, but as she spends her more time with Mick, I get that it’s about seeing a new side of him, and they have found a way of having her interact with the rest of the cast. Lita’s scene with Charlie in the season five finale was really moving and I liked how she was the one who motivated Charlie to help her friends.
Nate - I have mixed feelings about him. Yes, he’s fun, pretty, and amusing but sometimes, it just feels like he’s wedged into the show. I love all his friendships on the show especially with Sara, Ray, Behrad, but all his romantic relationships have fallen flat with me. I love love Zari and Amaya (they were both wonderful kickass women) as individual characters but I never could get behind their pairing with Nate. I did enjoy his interactions and meeting Grandpa Steel (I love the actor), and even his flawed and messed up relationship with his Dad. I am failing to express why Nate just doesn’t work as a love interest for me, but all his pairings, I could never get into, and it’s too bad. I wish the writers would give him a more interesting storyline that has nothing to do with his profession (his knowledge of history is important but they also have Gideon at their disposal soo..), his family, or a romance. It feels like of late, he’s just shoehorned into the show and it makes him very meh to me.
Ray - I was likely one of the few who liked his character from Arrow and it was nice to see him really evolve and become his own person (aside from a member of a ill fated love triangle) on LoT. He was fun and a real great asset to the Legends team, and I really enjoyed how of all of the characters, he interacted with most of all the cast and had relationships with all the different characters that were unique and fun. One of the great highlights was seeing how he was so welcoming and became a real genuine friend to John Constantine (one of my favorite moments of his was bonding with a dying Constantine). Also, what other character could bond with the man who was their enemy (Vandal Savage) over Jenga while being stuck in hell?! I’m just really bitter that the writers choose to write him out because while I loved the second half of season 5, something was missing with Ray gone. Based on Brandon’s comments about his exit, not to mention the COVID related challenges, I am not sure if Ray will pop up again so soon in season 6, but really want him and Courtney back on the show in an arc or full time. While the reason behind his exit was disappointing, the storyline did leave the door open for circumstances to change, and Ray and Nora could easily rejoin the Legends.
Nora - she was a real surprise to me. I didn’t mind Damien Darhk in Arrow but in Legends, he worked really well as a big bad, and plus Neal seemed to have a blast playing him. Nora was one of those characters who didn’t capture my interest in the beginning, but as time went on, and she became more than Damien’s daughter, she was such a compelling character. Aside from Charlie, her evolution on the show has been so interesting and it was amazing to see her change and learn to love all of herself, dark and light sides. At first romance with Ray had me skeptical, mostly because of my feelings of real life couples playing a on screen couple, but it just worked. Mostly, I love how as Nora slowly changed and evolved, that her relationships with the other characters grew (those Book Club scenes with Sara, Ava, Mona were soo much fun - wish that they had more moments together), there was so much more potential for Nora to bond and really become good friends with Charlie. Also, the small moments with John and Nora were great, and wish that the writers had given us more scenes with them, because of their unique and dark history. Also, Courtney as Marie Antoinette was a real blast. Like Ray, there was so much rich storylines to mine with her especially with Astra in the picture, aside from the fun and amusing places that they could have taken her as the new Fairy Godmother
John Constantine - this will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely love him, and thought bringing him into the show in season 3 gave it a nice boost of energy. The beginning of season 3 was a bit rocky for me (it had some great moments, but it was also really hard to get into for some reason). I know some people say that there is too much of him, but I disagree. The writers found a way to write him into the show in a natural way without shoehorning him. Yes, he’s had storylines about him (Astra, Desmond) but also those storylines have also been part of the larger arc of a particular season. It’s not just about Constantine, but how it has a ripple effect on the overall big bad. I find him refreshing and fun. Also, I really enjoy his dynamics with the cast (I love the Sara/John dynamic and god, I adored the Charlie/John friendship SO much). John and Zari 2.0 attraction and growing relationship in season 5 was a real highlight - they have my OTP kryptonite (polar opposite couple who bicker and banter but also are kindred spirits, who call each other out on their BS but they just get each other even if they won’t admit it). Can we also have a Mick / John team up in season 6?
Zari(s) - I really love them both. While I will miss Zari 1.0, I am interested to see how they will explore this new Zari and how she’ll fit into this team, and if she’ll struggle with having another version of her in the Totem, she has a chance to become more than she is. Also, how amazing is it to have a smart, brilliant, and kickass character, whose religion (Muslim) that doesn’t make her a stereotype and is embraced as part of who she is, and how it defines her. It’s not made into a joke. Also, an aside, I did really love the interactions with OG Zari and Constantine - their side adventures with Charlie in season 4 were so so much fun. Also, really wish for Zari 1.0, the writers had explored other romantic avenues for her than Nate (I would have loved to have seen a Charlie/Zari romance or more of a flirtation with Jonah Hex). And cat Zari? so cute.
Charlie - There aren’t enough words to say how much I loved her. She was another character who just interested me from day one, and I just loved everything about her. Amaya was fun and kickass, but Charlie, I fell in love with her. She was snarky, fun, and just fit so well with the team. Her evolution was really well done. I loved all her friendships with the other Legends especially Mick, John, and Sara. I was really crushed when the actress wanted to leave the show and work on other projects but glad that the door was left open for her to return for an episode or two.
Since this is soo long, remaining briefer thoughts:
Behrad is a precious bean. I am so glad he’s going to stay on the show.
Gary, while I like him and he’s worked well with the show’s hijinks, hope that his goofiness doesn’t get too old now he’s a season regular.
I still really miss Jax and Stein.
Aside from the really disappointing “love story” of Carter and Kendra, Wally was a character was so poorly used on the show and they did such a disservice to him.
Rip, while it took me awhile to warm up to him, still wish they had written off his character better in season 3. Hope they find a way to have him return for an episode or two.
Human Gideon? MORE PLEASE
I’d love to see Leo Snart again. Also, more Jonah Hex!!!
Probably a long shot, but it would be great to see Captain Lance pop up, or it would be fun to have Earth 2 Laurel and Tommy Merlyn team up with the Legends. Mostly, I’d love see Sara interact with her sister’s doppelganger.
Astra’s storyline in season 6 - really hope that the writers do her justice and watch her change as she spends more time with the Legends.
Nyssa, Sara’s former beloved, come on the show, pretty please?!
Gary Junior II, please don’t destroy the Waverider or try and kill the Legends
#legends of tomorrow#ramblings#this is so long#wow#john x zari#i don't know how to tag this#hellstar
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New OC Introduction
Athena Delilah Prewett
Year of Graduation from Hogwarts: 1998 House: Ravenclaw Blood Status: Pureblood Place of Birth: Ottery St. Catchpole Career Path: Charms Professor Sport: Quidditch (chaser) Likes: good books, cozy sweaters, roaring fireplaces, stars, Quidditch, walks by the lake ,butterbeer ,spending time with her boyfriend, ice cream, exploring Dislikes: Being embarrassed, failing, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, being cold, spiders, boredom, storms, pumpkin juice, silence, open toed shoes Favorite Classes: Charms, Astronomy Physical Quirks/Scars: scar above her right eyebrow from falling off a broom,,tons of freckles, mildly crooked teeth, scrapes and scratches from exploring Speech: relaxed, articulate, fast when excited, loud when angry Wand: Elder wood and Unicorn hair, 11″, Unyielding Patronus: Dolphin School Pet: Red tawny owl named Artemis Family: Gideon Prewett (father deceased), Delilah Prewett (mother), Molly Weasley (aunt), Arthur Weasley (uncle), Bill Weasley (cousin +10 years), Charlie Weasley (cousin +8 years), Percy Weasley (cousin +4 years), Fred Weasley (cousin +2 years), George Weasley (cousin +2 years), Ron Weasley (cousin), Ginny (cousin -1 year) Friends: Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnegan, Ginny Weasley Love Interest: Neville Longbottom Personality: quirky, intelligent, curious, kind, caring, creative, a bit of a dreamer, snarky, and just a little bit mischievous. Face claim: Luca Hollestelle
#Athena Delilah Prewett#molly weasley#arthur weasley#bill weasley#charlie weasley#percy weasley#fred weasley#ron weasley#ginny weasley#Luna Lovegood#seamus finnigan#Neville Longbottom#ravenclaw#Nevena#harry potter oc#hp oc#my ocs#moodboard
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99 Problems: Part Three
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,326
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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“No drinking, no gambling, and no premarital sex. Dean, they basically just outlawed ninety percent of your personality. Same thing goes for you, Y/N,” Sam comments once the funeral is over.
Now that you two have some time, you really do need to talk to Dean.
“Yeah, well, whatever. When in Rome,” he shrugs.
“So, uh… you’re cool with it?”
“I’m not cool. I’m not, not cool. I’m just, look man, I’m not a prophet. We’re not locals. It’s not my call.”
“Dean, can we talk, please?” you beg.
“Something is wrong with Leah. Can it wait until after? I want to talk to her about what she saw.”
“Fine, but we need to talk after,” you sigh.
“Okay, fine. Come on. We’ll catch up with you later, Sammy.”
“Yeah,” he rolls his eyes lightly.
You follow Dean back inside the church and to the office where Leah was told to go rest. Dean opens the door with a knock, and she is laying on the couch with her fingers rubbing her temple.
“Is this a bad time?”
“In general. Now’s okay,” she sighs and sits up.
“Angel stuff really takes it out of you, huh?”
“Can’t complain. I know you have it worse, you both do. So… what’s on your mind, Dean?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way but… are you on the level?”
“About what?”
“About paradise.”
“What about it?”
“He wants to know what the angels have been telling you. All of it. Don’t spare us any details, we’ve been through worse. Trust me,” you get right to the point.
“Okay, well, there’s gonna be a prize-fight. It’s gonna get bad. But after we win—and we will—the planet gets handed over to the chosen, and it’s finally peaceful. No monsters, no disease, no death. You’re just with the people you love.”
“Of course, that’s if you can get past the velvet rope. Must be nice—being chosen.”
“Well, Dean you’re chosen. Both of you are.”
“Yeah, more like cursed,” he scoffs.
“Must be hard being the Vessel of Heaven and having no hope.”
“You don’t know what we’ve been through.”
“Oh, I know it all. Everything,” she smiles.
The look she’s giving you tells you that she knows what you did, and if you dare cross her, she’s going to spill the beans.
“Come on, Dean. Let’s give her some space. She’s probably tired.”
“Thanks for stopping by. I’m fine,” she assures.
“Okay,” Dean nods and leaves with you. You don’t want to tell him here where everyone can see and hear. “What did you want to tell me?”
“Let’s go back to the motel,” you offer.
“Y/N, you’ve been staring at me for the past ten minutes. What do you need to tell me?” Dean interrupts your train of thought.
“Okay, a few weeks ago, I… I don’t know how to say this without the risk of you hating me.”
“I could never hate you. What happened?” he softens his voice.
“Okay. A few weeks ago, I—”
“Hey,” Sam interrupts once more, barging into the room.
“Where have you been?” Dean asks, and your shoulder sags in defeat.
It looks like Sam’s been drinking, and that’s the only reason why you’re not strangling him right now. Who knew telling Dean would be the hardest thing to do physically? What’s a girl got to do to get some quiet time around here?
“You rebel.”
“I’d have had more, um, but it was curfew,” Sam hiccups. “You hear they shut down the cell towers?”
“What?” you ask and grab your phone.
The drunk wasn’t lying, there is no service on your phone. This has Leah written all over it. She is up to something, and it’s not good news.
“Yeah. No cable or internet. Total cut off from the ‘corruption of the outside world’.”
“Huh,” Dean scoffs.
“Don’t you get it? They’re turning this place into some kind of fundamentalist compound.”
“No, I get it.
“All you’ve got to say is a ‘hmm’? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I get it. I just don’t care,” he shrugs.
“What difference does it make?”
“It makes a hell of a—at what point does this become too far for you? Stoning? Poisoned Kool-Aid? The angels are toying with these people!” he yells.
“Can we not yell? Okay?” you try.
“Angel world, angel rules, man.”
“Wait, since when is that okay with you?” you ask Dean, going to side with Sam.
“Since the angels’ got the only lifeboats on the Titanic. I mean, who exactly is supposed to come along and save these people? It was supposed to be us, but we can’t do it.”
“So what? You wanna, you wanna just want to stop fighting and roll over?”
“I don’t know, maybe.”
“Don’t say that,” Sam glared.
“Why not?”
“Cause you can’t do this.”
“Actually, I can.”
“No, you can’t. You can’t do this to me. To us,” Sam motions to you and himself. “I got one thing—one thing—keeping me going. You think you’re the only one white knuckling it here, Dean? I can’t count on anyone else. I can’t do this alone.”
“You got Y/N.”
“Dean!” you shout, ignoring your own suggestion earlier.
“I got to clear my head. We can talk when we get back,” the older brother says to you and leaves the room.
“Sam!” you shout once you heard the Impala drive away.
“You have a bad habit of popping up at the wrong time. I am running out of ways to tell Dean this. Whenever I get to it, something pops up.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have done what you did,” he shrugged.
Your eyes flash dark blue to signal you are angry at him, and he took a seat quietly when he realized he went too far. If you aren’t going to do it now, you have to do it when the case is over. You can’t just blurt it out because it’s too sensitive. Half of you is telling you not to worry since the world is ending anyway, but the rational side is telling you to get it over with.
“I can’t believe how hard it’s been to say that I killed our child,” you sigh.
Sam is pacing the room with a book in his hands, and as much as you want to help him figure all of this out, you can’t get your mind off Dean.
“Can I have some help here?”
“I mean, all I need to say is I killed our child.”
“Then I look into his eyes and I can’t do it. What the hell is wrong with me?”
“What!” you shout.
“I got your message,” Castiel said from the door. Both you and Sam jump at the unexpected presence in the room. “It was long, your message. And I find the sound of your voice grating.”
“What’s wrong with you? Are you… drunk?” you ask.
“No!” he shouts and slams his shoulder into the nearest wall on accident. “Yes.”
“Where the hell have you been?”
“I found a liquor store.”
“And I drank it. Why’d you call me?” he asks and takes a step forward.
His balance is off, so when he stumbles, Sam reaches out to catch him.
“Whoa. There you go. Easy. Are you okay?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions. Tell me what you need,” he clears his throat.
“T-there have been these—these demon attacks. Massive and right on the edge of town. We can’t figure out why they’re—”
“Any sign of angels?”
“Sort of. They’ve been speaking to this prophet.”
“Leah Gideon.”
“She’s not a prophet.”
“Ha! I knew it!” you shout.
“I’m pretty sure she is. She gets visions and headaches—the whole package.”
“The names of all the prophets are seared into my brain. Leah Gideon is not one of them.”
“What is she?” you ask after you calmed down.
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Oh I just realized I totally forgot to drop Gideon’s character design. You all will meet the angry bean in the next chapter that should be out in a few days :)
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The Day He Walk's Away!

Introduction Chapter
*Third Person*
It was around twelve in the morning, when the team got the call about Gideon being murdered in his own home. Everyone rushed over to, his house. Spencer and Y/N was the last two to get there. When they walked into the house, they could see cops cleaning up the crime scene, with Gideon's body still laying there on the ground covered up with a white sheet. Y/N couldn't believe it. Though she was new to the team she had always heard good things about him. Reid was angry and distraught from the news they had just gotten from Hotchner.
Reid walks out of the cabin. 'This isn't real' he thought to himself. Reid is taking it the hardest because of the fact Reid was the closes to him, and Giddeon had left a note for him when he decided to leave the BAU for good. It broke Y/N's heart to see her boyfriend in pain. She followed out after Reid to talk to him. But she couldn't find him anywhere. Then she noticed their car was gone. "He just left me here?" She said to no, one in particular. She was worried very much about her boyfriend. "I'll give you a ride to check on, the Kid." Rossi says to Y/N. She nodded her head as she got into one of the Suv's with Rossi.
After the case was solved about who murdered Gideon, Y/N was waiting for Reid to get home so, she can give him the news about him going to be a father. It had been a week since Gideon's death an Y/N, thought that the news would help bring light to the dark pain in her, boyfriends head.
Y/N, just finished up dinner, as read was walking through the door. "Hey, handsome." Y/N, says to Reid smiling up at him. "Hey, beautiful." He replies back to her kissing her lips softly. "Dinner is ready." She says to him. "Let me get washed up." He says as he walks to the bathroom. After about ten minutes Reid, came back down the stairs and into the kitchen. Y/N had two plates made and two glasses of soda on the table.
Reid, smiles at her a little as he began to eat his dinner. Y/N, ate her dinner in silence. After they were both done eating, and Y/N, cleaned up the kitchen. After she had finished the kitchen, Y/N, went and sat next to Reid. "Reid, I have something to tell you. No, it's not bad before you ask." She says to him. Reid looks at her, letting Y/N, know she has his attention. "Reid, I know you've had a bad week" She started. "Yeah, I agree. I'm just glad I have you by my side." He said as he looks into her soft E/C eyes.
"I'm glad that, I have you." She said. She looks at him "Reid, I'm pregnant" Y/N, said looking at Reid. Reid turns his head and looks at her. "You're what?!?!" Is all he could get out. Y/N, repeats herself "I'm pregnant."
"You're pregnant? Are you sure that, you're pregnant? I'm not ready for kids, Y/N." Reid, looks at Y/N, as she began to tear up. "What? Yes, Reid I'm sure. I went to the doctors and they did a blood test. It came back positive, that I am pregnant. I went three days before Gideon was killed." Y/N, whispers as the tears fall from her (E/C) eyes, and stain her cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me about it sooner?" Reid, asks her.
"Because I wanted to surprise you with the news. But the night was gonna tell you, you got the call that Gideon was murdered. I was giving you time to calm down, and not bombard you with a lot of news. "It" isn't an it. It's a human being that is growing inside my belly." Y/N, said starting to get upset.
After Y/N, finished talking Reid stood up and walks out of the house, after saying "Goodbye, Y/N. You and the baby, are better off without me." And with that Reid, got in his car and left.
Y/N, sat on the couch for two hours sobbing. When she finally calmed down, she called her bestfriend Rossi. She waited for him to answer as it is ringing. After about the third ring he answers. "Hey, Y/N." He said answering the phone. "Hey, R-Rossi" she said sniffling. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks her. "R-Reid, left..... left.... me. He said me and the baby are better off without me" Y/N, said starting to cry and cough a little. "I'm on my way. Pack your stuff. You're staying with me." She could tell Rossi, was angry. "I can't do that to you. I don't wanna be a burden on you."
Rossi spoke his head as he got in his car, an shut the door. "Y/N, you'll never be a burden on me." He said as he starts the car and began to drive. "I'm on my way. Now go an get some of your stuff packed." He said not giving her time to argue. She wasn't gonna argue though, because arguing with Rossi, you'll lose that argument.
Y/N, went upstairs and packed her suitcases full of her clothes, shoes, hair brush and make-up, and all her personal belongings. When she was done she walks down stairs. Not much longer Rossi, was knocking on the front door. Y/N got up off the couch an opens the door. "Hey beautiful" He says to her. 'Beautiful' is Rossi's, nickname for Y/N. She sniffles looking up at him. "Hey Rossi." She said as he hugs her and she began to quietly cry in his chest.
Rossi, rubs Y/N's, back softly as he sighs softly. "Come on, beautiful let's get this stuff in the car." He said to her softly. She nods her head as she agrees to what he said. After they got to Rossi's house, he makes Y/N, go inside and relax while he got everything out of the car and into the house.
Y/N, was sitting on the couch, while Rossi was cleaning out the car. When Rossi, finished he walks over to his couch, and sat down next to her. Y/N, looks at him pain clearly in her (E/C) eyes and on her face. Without any words from Y/N, Rossi, already knew the question in her mind. "I know. I thought, he would've been happy. I didn't know that he would do this to you. Just give him a few days Y/N. Maybe he just needs some time." Rossi said as he gives Y/N, hug. "What if he doesn't? How am I supposed to go to work, we're on the same team?" She said as she sniffles a little bit. "I know you, don't want to but maybe transfer to a new team or take time off. You don't have to worry about anything I have plenty of rooms for you to stay here and that baby." Rossi said.
Y/N, looks at Rossi. "Rossi, can I ask you something?." He nodded his head "Yes, ofcourse." Rossi replies. "Would you be the baby or babies, godfather?" Y/N, asks softly. "Yes, I would be honored to be the baby or babies, godfather."
Rossi and Y/N, sat up for a few more hours talking before he showed her up to a spear bedroom, that's fully furnished with its own bathroom attached to it. Y/N, had fallen asleep within a few minutes of laying down.
~~~Three Months Later~~~
Y/N, just got home from a case and she was now on a two week vacation. It had been three months since Spencer, walked out and her transfer to a new team. When everyone found out why she transferred to a new team, they weren't happy with Spencer, and just as shocked as she was. Y/N, made Emily and Garcia, the godmothers, an also Morgan a godfather just incase anything happens to herself, or one of the team members, the baby or babies will always be with family. Y/N, made everyone promise not to hate or hurt Spencer, because though he walked out, she still loves him with all her heart.
Rossi, wanted Y/N, to feel at home so, he sent her to stay with JJ and Will, for a little bit. He was gonna surprise Y/N, with something that is more home feeling than plan walls. An since she was on vacation, and he wasn't gonna get a call unless if was for a case.
Y/N, got to JJ and Will's house. As she walks up the steps she knocks on the door and waits patiently. After a few minutes the door opens. "Hey Y/N. Come in" Will said opening the door for her to get in. "Thank you, for letting me stay here. Rossi, insists, that I get out of the house for a little while." She said. "He's just worried about you. We all are. An if you ever need anything JJ and I, are here for you." Will says to Y/N. She gave a small nod as she set her bags down.
"Where is JJ?" She asks Will. "She went out to get food for lunches." He replied. "Is there anything I can help with?" She asks hopeful. "Not at the moment. Henry and Michael, are napping, and the house is cleaned. Relax for a little because I know when the boys wake up they're going to be happy to see, Auntie Y/N." He said. She nods smiling a little as she sat at the kitchen table.
Will hands her something to drink. "How is living with Rossi?" Will, asks Y/N. "Its not bad at all. He makes me take it easy so, I don't over do myself. I help with what I can, if I'm able to help" She replies sipping her drink. They talked for a while before JJ, got back home. "Hey Y/N, guess who I found wondering in the mall shopping for you and the baby?" She said. Y/N, looks up to see a giddy Garcia and a whole lot of bags. "Those aren't all for me and little bean are they?" She asks giggling a little. "No, this one is for Derek." She said holding up one bag.
"When do I get to see, what you got?" Y/N, asks Penelope. "At the Baby shower. Except for this one" She said handing a bag to her. Y/N, took the bag and looked in it. She gasps softly at what was in the bag. "Penny, it is beautiful" She said taking the big black and red skull blanket out of the bag. "That one was a fight to get. Cause another one tried fighting me to get it." Garcia giggles. "Thank you, Penny." Y/N, says.
JJ, smiles. "There is the smile, we all missed" She said to Y/N. She knew that Y/N, was still a bit upset after Reid, left. "Movie night, tonight. Everyone is coming over." Will said. Y/N, frowns a little. "Reid, isn't going to be here. He already said he wasn't coming." Penny said. Y/N, just nods her head and slipped her drink.
After the movie night and dinner, everyone left and went home. Y/N, was laying down sleeping soundly.
#reidxreader#criminalminds#JJ#penelopegarcia#derek morgan#Arron Hotchner#David Rossi#emilyprentiss#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid#Derek#Morgan#Garcia#Penelope#reid#Spencer
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After The Sunset, Pt.32

The Land Without Magic. Paris. (In the hotel room, the group fill Regina and Emma in on what's happened in their absence.) Regina: (Icily, to Alice:) "So you're telling me that you tricked my son into one of your rabbit holes?" Robin: (Standing between them:) "Aunt Regina, it wasn't like that. Alice was under the Jabberwocky's influence." Regina: (Sighs:) "And wherever you led him to, Rumplestiltskin was supposedly waiting for Henry?" Alice: "That's what I believed was happening, that Rumplestiltskin had something fun planned for his grandson." Rumplestiltskin: (Feeling Regina's eyes on him:) "Obviously the Jabberwocky has taken Henry and is posing as me to gain his trust." Regina: "Clearly you had a hand in this, too. What was it?" Rumplestiltskin: "Regina, I swear to you, I've not seen Henry since before Belle and I left for our trip around the world after the Black Fairy's curse. The Jabberwocky wanted you two out of the way and that's why she had me convince you to leave the magical realms for your honeymoon." Regina: "Why didn't you just tell me all this when we were alone together?" Rumplestiltskin: "Because the Jabberwocky would've sensed my betrayal. I couldn't risk Belle and Gideon's lives. I'm sorry." Regina: (Annoyed, sighs:) "All right, well what about Belle and Gideon?" Hook: "They're safe. Lily, Elsa and the others rescued them from a cave in Arendelle." Regina: "Good. So... I assume you have a way for us to get back home?" Hook: "Well, I had a magic bean, but I lost it on the trip over." Regina: (Rolling her eyes:) "Great." Alice: "I might have something. (Opens her bag and pulls out her looking glass:) I've been keeping this for a rainy day." Robin: (As Alice hands the looking glass to Rumplestiltskin:) "Will it work?" Rumplestiltskin: "Well it's cracked in three places. Which means it's possible it's magic may not work." Emma: (Enters, pulling her jacket on:) “There's only one way to find out." Hook: "Wait, don't all looking glasses lead to Wonderland? How do we know Henry's even there?" Emma: "We don't, but it's a start." Rumplestiltskin: "No, I have a better idea. If the Jabberwocky is passing herself off as me, there's only one place she could be holding Henry." Regina: "The Dark Castle." Rumplestiltskin: (Nods:) "Now if the three of us concentrate our magic onto the looking glass, I think we can make it take us there directly." Emma: "Well we definitely don't have time to fly home. Let's do this." (Rumplestiltskin places the looking glass on the ground and Emma and Regina stand beside him. As the three of them direct their magic onto the mirror, Robin and Alice hold hands before all six of them jump into the looking glass, and vanish.)

The Enchanted Forest. (At the entrance of Medusa's cave, David and Snow White cautiously descend the lair steps.) Snow White: (Whispers:) “Keep your eyes down.” David: (Whispers:) “How are we supposed to find her?” (A high-pitched screech comes from deep within the cave. David pulls Snow White behind a pillar.) Snow White: “I doubt that will be a problem.” (Nearby, Medusa slithers past a corner as her tail drags behind.) David: “Stay here. I'll draw her out. When she passes by...” Snow White: (Draws the sword:) “I'll do the rest. Remember, whatever you do, don't look in her eyes.” David: “Yeah.” (They ready their positions. Snow White nods, after which David rushes out to attract Medusa's attention.) David: “HEY!” (Medusa turns around, letting out an angry screech, before being goaded into chasing David as he runs down the hall.) David: “NOW!” (When Medusa passes by, Snow White leaps out to severe her head, but the sword breaks instead.) David: “Snow!” (Snow White flees and regroups with David.) Snow White: “That wasn't part of the legend.” David: (Breathing heavily:) “Fantastic development.”

The Dark Castle. (Landing hard and sliding across the floor, Emma and Regina arrive inside the Dark Castle.) Emma: "Hook?! Gold?!" Regina: "Robin?! Alice?!" Emma: "What happened to them?" Regina: "I'm not sure. But we've got bigger things to worry about. (Looks around:) Rumple's castle." Emma: "Seems a lot darker than I remember." Regina: "By the looks of it, a few things have changed since the last time I was - here." (The Jabberwocky enters the room.) Jabberwocky: "Yes, they certainly have." Emma: "You're the Jabberwocky, I presume?" Jabberwocky: "And you're the Savior." Regina: "You took our son. Where is he?" Jabberwocky: "He's safe. Henry's upstairs living the life he was always destined for, and now he's perfectly happy. I recommend you abandon all plans of 'saving' him and leave." Emma: "We're not going anywhere." Jabberwocky: (Smiles:) "I'm so glad you said that. For someone so filled with light magic, there's an awful lot of darkness in your past. Perhaps I can use that to my advantage?" (The Jabberwocky laughs and transforms into Cruella de Vil.) Cruella: "Hello, darling."

Enchanted Forest. (Brushing himself down, Rumplestiltskin finds himself facing his old home.) Hook: (Approaching from behind the house:) "Still no sign of the others. (Looking around:) Can't say I recognise this place at all." Rumplestiltskin: "Well, I can't account for the others, but I know exactly where we are. This is my old home. I never wanted to see this place again. (Thinks:) Which is why we're here. The Jabberwocky is pushing buttons. She cracked Alice's looking glass to manipulate exactly where we all ended up.” Hook: “And this detour is meant to...?” Rumplestiltskin: “To remind me of when I became a coward. (Points at the large hammer on the ground:) I used this to hobble myself to avoid fighting in the Ogre's War. But this is one battle I won't back away from. If the Jabberwocky wants a fight, that's exactly what she's gonna get.” Storybrooke. (Granny steps out of the diner carrying the dwarves’ lunch order.) Granny: "Here you go, Leroy. The usual. Times seven." Leroy: "The greatest sandwich in all the realms." (Holding the sandwiches in one hand, his pick axe in another, Leroy turns and is knocked over by Alice & Robin who appear from nowhere.) Robin: "Oh, no! I'm so sorry. (Helping him up:) Are you okay?" Leroy: "I'm fine. My lunch ain't so lucky!" Granny: "Where did you girls come from?" Alice: "It's a bit complicated, but, um, we're here to save Henry and everyone from the Jabberwocky." Granny: "The what?" Archie: "I saw Henry at his graduation, he's fine. Last we heard he was off seeing the world." Alice: "Ugh! Do I have to explain everything? I accidentally tricked Henry into the Jabberwocky’s clutches and now she’s kidnapped him, and now he's in trouble and the point is, Henry Mills needs our help!” Robin: “Right now, he's in need of a serious rescue operation, so go tell Snow White and Prince Charming.” (Leroy, Archie and the others just stare at them.) Alice: “Sorry. Do you understand us, or do we have to try again?”

Leroy: (Nodding:) “Yeah, we understand you.” Alice: (Relieved:) “Oh, finally!” Leroy: “Traitors. (Alice and Robin both scream as Granny pulls out her crossbow:) Traitors! (The girls run away as the dwarves pursue:) Aaaaah!” The Dark Castle. Continued. Regina: "Cruella De Vil. You think you can use Emma's guilt about Cruella's death against her?" Cruella: "Precisely. Or, then again, perhaps we can strike a bargain for you to be my chew toy. Fancy a little, uh, scratch behind the ear, Savior?" Emma: "Twisted's not really my type." Cruella: "Hm, no. (Looks Regina up and down:) Just evil, it seems. (Drawing her concealed sword:) Your loss!" Emma: (When Regina is about to send a fireball at Cruella:) "I got this." (Emma grabs her own sword and they begin to duel. Regina watches on as, circling each other, Emma and Cruella fight it out. After several parry's and thrusts, Cruella backs Emma against a table. Fighting back, Emma regains the upper hand, eventually disarming Cruella and holding her sword to her opponent's throat.) Cruella: (Breathing heavily:) "I mean, surely, such a noble group wouldn't murder an unarmed woman, hmm?” Regina: “Oh, no, of course not. But we would certainly tighten your leash. (Regina uses her magic to make Cruella disappear and reappear inside a large cage:) Now, be a good girl and tell me where Henry is.” Cruella: “I think you forget who you’re dealing with.” Jabberwocky: (Back in her true form:) “Henry isn’t the one you should be worried about.” Emma: “What are you talking about?” Jabberwocky: “Maybe you should take a trip downstairs and see what your little boy’s been up to. Oh, and here’s a little warning; knowing where they are and freeing them is a completely different animal.” (The Jabberwocky disappears from the cage with a snap of her fingers.)

Dark Castle. Basement. (Emma and Regina make their way down the castle steps when Emma hears something.) Emma: "I hear voices. It's coming from the table. (Walking over, Emma uncovers a snow globe, in which dozens of people are trapped inside:) Look, it's Belle." Regina: "Zelena, Aladdin, Jasmine-" Jabberwocky: (Stepping out of the shadows:) "Yes. You all wanted a happy ending. So, now you can stick your friends on a shelf." Regina: "You magicked them in, we can magic them out." Jabberwocky: "Wrong. This bauble is unbreakable. No one can set them free but the Author, and I have a feeling he doesn't want to." (The Jabberwocky disappears once more. Resolving to free their friends, Regina and Emma are about to use their combined magic when Rumplestiltskin enters.) Rumplestiltskin: (Approaching with Hook:) "Wait. Think about what you're doing." Regina: "We have, thank you very much. We're freeing our friends." Rumplestiltskin: "And I'm telling you, that's the wrong play to make." Emma: "Gold, your wife and son are in there too." Rumplestiltskin: "I'm aware of that. And while they are, they're safe. If you release them, the Jabberwocky could convince Henry to write them a much nastier fate. No, the only way to save everyone is by going after the Jabberwocky herself. The Captain and I have already found a way to gain the upper hand. (Holds up a seashell from Ariel:) So you stay here, and I'll deal with her." (Rumplestiltskin walks away.) Emma: "We're just letting him go? What if he's really going to cut his own deal with the Jabberwocky?" Hook: "I'll go with him. Make sure he stays honest." Regina: "No, you don't have any magic. I'll go. Rumple's right, our friends are safe where they are for now. You two find Henry and try to make him see sense." (Regina leaves while Hook turns to Emma.) Hook: "Just like old times, Swan." (Emma shakes her head, spares one last glance at the people inside the snow globe, then heads for the stairs.)

Enchanted Forest. Recent Past. Docks. (Mr. Smee opens a box containing two pistols, each man takes one before they stand back to back.) Smee: "Ten paces. Then turn. Then shoot. (With each count, both men take a step:) One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten!" (Both Hook and Ahab turn and take their shot, each making contact, which sends both combatants to the ground.) Smee: (Rushes over and kneels beside Hook:) "You're fine, sir. Just nicked, which is more than I can say for Ahab. (Glances over at Ahab and his first mate, the former looking the worst for wear:) He may survive the day, but your aim was true as the North Star. (Hook sits up, a pained expression on his face:) What's the matter, sir? You did it, Captain! You won.” Hook: “I haven't won anything of note. (Groans, standing:) I think... I think I've made a dreadful mistake. Mr. Smee, you and the men, take the Jolly Roger out for a trip around the bay, you’ve earned it.” Smee: “Are you coming with us, Captain?” Hook: “No, I’m extremely late for Maleficent. I have to leave.” (He takes off quickly, leaving Smee and the others who have gathered to watch the duel in his wake.)
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Small Miracle
Part Four “Hey,” Cisco greeted Rip when he walked into the main lab, “Caitlin took Jonas to get some lunch. You okay?”
“Ask me again after the teenage years,” Rip replied wryly.
Cisco laughed before grimacing, “Sorry that I told Stein about the Gideon transfer. I didn’t expect that kind of reaction.”
Rip shook his head, “They will find out eventually. I’ll be doing the transfer once Sara is here so that I can fully install her as the new Captain.”
“Hey, Englishman,” a gruff voice made them both turn to find Mick Rory walking in with a young woman, “Got someone who wants to talk to you.”
“Miss Snart,” Rip winced, recognising her instantly.
“Lisa?” Cisco asked confused.
She walked up to Rip, anger covering her face, “You and your stupid quest took my brother from me.”
“I am so sorry, Miss Snart,” Rip told her sincerely.
She shook her head and swung her fist hitting Rip directly on his jaw. He fell to the ground and heard a cry fill the room.
Horror filled Lisa’s eyes seeing the little boy run to his father, her hand covering her mouth while Cisco pulled her away.
“Don’t touch my Daddy,” Jonas shouted at her.
“Jonas,” Rip caught his son hugging him close, “Its okay. It was an accident. Lisa was just telling me a story and accidentally hit me.”
Jonas looked at him fearfully, “An accident? You won’t go away like Mummy?”
Rip pulled Jonas close and hugged him, “Yes just an accident wasn’t it, Lisa?”
Lisa nodded not able to say anything still horrified that the boy had seen her hit his father.
“I’m staying right here with you,” Rip soothed, “How about we go to the park?”
Jonas nodded against Rip’s shoulder and he carried Jonas out.
“What the hell, Lisa?” Cisco snapped after Rip had left the room, “What was that?”
Lisa sat on the nearest chair, “Mick told me he was here and I just wanted to meet the man who persuaded my brother to leave everything. Then I just...I didn’t know the boy...I didn’t mean...”
Cisco sighed resting his hand on her shoulder comfortingly, “It’s okay.”
“I need to apologise,” she whispered surging out the chair suddenly.
“Lisa,” Cisco called making her turn back.
“What?” she asked.
“Gun,” Cisco and Mick said in unison.
Lisa winced and handed her weapon to Mick before heading out after Rip. Mick laughed as he took a seat.
“That went about as well as I thought it would.”
Rip watched Jonas while he played on the chute, giving his son a smile any time he looked over to check Rip was still there.
“If you’re going to hit me again, Miss Snart,” Rip stated when the young woman arrived at his side, “I’d ask that you wait until Jonas isn’t here,” he turned to her, “You also need more power behind it.”
She stared at him in stunned realisation, “You let me hit you.”
Rip shrugged, “It was obvious that’s what you were going to do but if I’d realised Jonas would see I would have dodged.”
Lisa stared at him confused, “Why?”
“Because you needed to hit me,” Rip pointed at Jonas, “That is my son, Miss Snart. And he is only here because your brother sacrificed himself. It is a debt I can never repay.”
She watched Jonas as he played, “Lenny was all I had.”
“I know,” Rip replied, smiling comfortingly at Jonas who was frowning to see Lisa there, “Your brother said that you were always very good with children.”
“I like kids,” Lisa shrugged, “I promise I would never have hit you if I thought he would see. No child should see that.”
“As long as you promise not to teach him anything too bad, do you want to join us for some ice-cream?” Rip asked.
Lisa smiled, “Okay.”
“But after punching me,” Rip said as they walked to Jonas, “You’re paying.”
“You can cook?” Cisco cried in amazement when he stepped into his apartment to a cacophony of fantastic smells.
Rip nodded, “A skill my mother insisted I learn.”
“Daddy also made cakes,” Jonas grinned through his dinner.
Rip chuckled ruffling his son’s hair, “We made cakes.”
Cisco slid into his seat, “You are the best roommates ever.”
Rip smiled at the younger man's enthusiasm placing his dinner in front of him. Honestly he’d always liked the simplicity of cooking where he didn't have to focus on choices which could affect the timeline and just had to make sure he didn't burn anything.
After the emotion of the day he’d needed something uncomplicated to do and baking with Jonas had been just the thing.
“What did you say to Lisa Snart?” Cisco asked as he ate, “She seemed strange when she came back.”
Rip shrugged, “We talked about her brother and what he did while on the Waverider. She needed to hear about the hero he became. She and Jonas also bonded over their love of swings.”
Cisco frowned slightly before he turned to Jonas, “So, little dude what are we watching tonight?”
Jonas smiled, “Caitlin gave me a rabbit movie.”
“That could be a lot of things,” Cisco told him.
Sliding off his seat Jonas ran to the bag on the chair and pulled out a DVD handing it to Cisco.
“Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” Cisco nodded, “It’s a classic. We can watch this and maybe if your dad lets us we can have some cake while we watch.”
“If you both finish your dinner,” Rip replied, chuckling as he ruffled his son’s hair again.
“Yes?” Rip asked as he knelt by the boy’s bedside covering him with the quilt after finishing the story Jonas had asked him to read.
Jonas yawned, “I’m sorry I was mean to you today.”
“It’s okay,” Rip soothed, “I miss your mummy too. I get sad and angry sometimes that she’s not with us anymore. She was so much better at everything than I am.”
“You make better cakes,” Jonas told him sleepily.
Gently sliding his fingers through his son’s hair Rip smiled at that, “I love you, Jonas.”
“I love you too, Daddy,” Jonas murmured, “And I’m glad you’re here.”
Rip continued to gently stroke his son’s hair until the boy’s eyes shut and he was fast asleep. Pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead Rip left him to sleep. Returning to the other room he sighed as he sat down on the couch.
“Tough day,” Cisco noted.
Rip nodded, “I think there will be a lot of them and I can’t rely on someone punching me in front of him every time.”
Cisco shrugged grabbing another piece of cake, “By the way this is great.”
“I did want to take some to the lab tomorrow for Caitlin and Barry,” Rip told him with a slight frown.
“Have you seen what Barry can eat?” Cisco waved him away, “I’m just making sure I get my share.”
Rip and Jonas walked in to Star Labs after their walk that morning to find Caitlin and Cisco both at the computers, obviously in the middle of something important.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
Cisco glanced up, “Bank robbery downtown. Barry’s on it.”
Watching the team work together while Jonas held his hand Rip was impressed to see the well-oiled machine that was Team Flash. After a few minutes Barry had dropped the robbers at the police station and arrived back with a smile on his face.
“I heard there’s cake?” he asked.
Rolling his eyes Rip dropped one of the bags he was carrying onto the table. Turning he spotted something in the corner he hadn’t noticed the day before.
“What’s that?”
“Oh,” Caitlin smiled, “It’s a bean bag. I brought it for Jonas since everything in here is really for adults.”
Jonas grinned and bounced over smiling as he threw himself into the beanbag, sinking in he squirmed until he was comfortable.
“Daddy, can I get my new book?” he asked with a sweet smile.
Rip nodded and pulled out a large book from the other bag he was carrying. He caught the stares from the other three when he passed it to Jonas, “What?”
“Dude, you know that is a book on advanced robotics?” Cisco asked.
Rip shrugged, “It was what he chose, the other ones were a little beneath his knowledge and I’m getting a feeling I’ve done something wrong.”
“Does Jonas really understand that?” Caitlin took over.
“Of course,” Rip replied, “I wouldn’t have got it for him if he didn’t and looking at you three I’m beginning to understand why the woman who served us looked at me strangely.”
They all nodded.
“I think when it comes time to finding a school for Jonas you might want to do some IQ tests first,” Barry noted before checking his watch, “And I have to get back to work. See you later.”
With a blast of air throwing papers everywhere he disappeared.
“Jonas, I have to do some work,” Rip turned to his son, “Do you want to read in the Time Vault with me or...”
“Can I stay with Caitlin?” the boy asked.
Rip turned to the woman who nodded giving the little boy a smile, “Of course you can, sweetie.”
Crouching down beside his son Rip kissed the top of his head, “Be good and we’ll go to the park later.”
Rip pulled out the final section of wiring he was checking humming to himself softly, he always found doing this kind of work enjoyable when it wasn’t a life or death situation.
This had been his best subject when he was at the Academy and some of his happiest memories within the Waverider were just sitting talking to Gideon as he checked her systems.
Content that the Gideon programme within the vault was completely uncorrupted and would be able to make the connections to the Waverider without any issues, Rip decided to go get Jonas for lunch and he’d boot up Gideon the next day.
Reaching the control room he almost walked into Cisco coming out the other way.
“You’ve got a call,” the younger man told him, “It was nice knowing you.”
Confused Rip walked into the room to see Sara on the screen looking annoyed.
“Miss Lance,” he greeted her.
“What the hell are you doing with Gideon?” Sara demanded not bothering with any pleasantries.
Rip shrugged, “I assume Martin called you.”
“Answer the question, Rip,” Sara stated annoyed.
“Gideon has requested to remain here with me,” Rip replied, “The Gideon from the Time Vault will take over the Waverider.”
“And you were going to discuss this with me when?” Sara snapped.
“Sara, you may be the leader of the team but the Waverider and Gideon are still mine,” he retorted, “Gideon wants to stay with me and I am making that happen. Enjoy your time off and I’ll see you soon.”
Before she could reply he hit the button to hang up turning to see Cisco staring at him in undisguised astonishment.
“You just hung up on Sara Lance,” Cisco gasped, “Ex-League of Assassins, the White Canary.”
Rip shrugged, “And now I’m taking Jonas for lunch. Do you want to join us?”
“Just to make sure you have a decent last meal,” Cisco replied grabbing his jacket before following Rip to go get his son.
#fic#legends of tomorrow#rip hunter#jonas hunter#gideon#the flash#cisco ramon#caitlin snow#barry allen
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Every movie I have seen (as of August 2018)
Here’s every movie I have ever seen, at least the ones I’ve remembered, I know I’m missing some.
Harold Lloyd – Safety last
Marx Brothers: A night at the Opera
Marx Brothers: A day at the races
Marx Brothers: a day at the circus
October Sky
Monty Python’s Holy Grail
Monty Python’s Meaning of Life
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
The Fugitive
Field of dreams
Major league
2001 a space odyssey
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory
Galaxy Quest
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Star Trek the Wrath of Khan
Star Trek the Search for Spock
Star Trek the Voyage Home
Star Trek the Final Frontier
Star Trek The Final Frontier
Star Trek Generations
Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek Insurrection
Star Trek Nemesis
Star Trek (Reboot)
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Beyond
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The great escape
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Home Alone
Where eagles dare
Happy Gilmore
War of the worlds (2005)
The Avengers
Captain America
Ed Wood
Plan 9 from Outer Space
The Sidehackers [MST3K]
Manos: the Hands of Fate [MST3K]
Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Arc
Indiana Jones The Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones Last Crusade
Indiana Jones The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation (1989)
The Hobbit (animated)
The Lord of the rings pt . 1 (animated)
The Lord of the rings pt . 2 (animated)
The Hobbit 1
The Hobbit 2
The Hobbit 3
TLOTR Fellowship
TLOTR Two Towers
Star Wars IV
Star Wars V
Star Wars VI
Star Wars I
Star Wars II
Star Wars III
Star Wars VII
Star Wars VIII
Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 2
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 4
Harry Potter 5
Harry Potter 7-1
Harry Potter 7-2
Ben Hur (original)
Ben Hur (1959)
Fantasia 2000
Spy Kids
Spy Kids 2
Spy Kids 3
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Blues Brothers
The Big Lewbowski
Mad Max Fury Road
Mad Max (Original)
The Martian
Finding Nemo
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Monsters Inc.
A Bug’s Life
The Incredibles
National Lampoon’s Family Vacation
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
The Santa Clause
The Santa Clause 2
It’s A Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
Gideon’s Trumpet
V for Vendetta
Napoleon Dynamite
Olive the Other Reindeer
Superman 2
Man of Steel
Spiderman 3: Edgelord Peter Chronicles
To Kill a Mockingbird
Ocean’s 11
Men in Black
Men in Black 2
Slumdog Millionaire
My Cousin Vinnie
Shawn of the dead
Jurassic Park
The Lost World
Jurassic Park 3
Jurassic World
Mrs Brisbee and the Rats of Nimh
High School Musical
Midnight in Paris
Godzilla vs Mothra or some shit like that, it had GZ and Mothra in it, ok?
(American) Godzilla
Back to the Future
Back to the Future 2
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Alien vs Predator
The Prestige
The Terminal
12 Angry Men
Minority Report
James Bond Live and Let Die
James Bond Casino Royale
James Bond Skyfall
Airplane 2
Naked Gun
Naked Gun 2 ½
Naked Gun 33 1/3
Pink Panther
King Kong (Peter Jackson)
Hotel Rwanda
Groundhog Day
Ghostbusters 2
Ghostbusters (female reboot)
Pan’s Labyrinth
Night at the Museum
The 3 Musketeers
Paul Blart Mall Cop
Cloud Atlas
The Sandlot
The Road to El Dorado
Chicken Run
Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
She’s the Man
101 Dalmatians
20,000 leagues under the sea
Zorro (original)
The Absent-minded professor
Mary Poppins
Herbie the Love Bug
Herbie 2
My Side of the Mountain
Race to Witch Mountain
The Wizard of Oz
The Wiz
Honey I shrunk the kids
Honey we shrunk ourselves
Honey I blew up the baby
Cool Runnings
Angels in the Outfield
Field of Dreams
The Lion King 1 ½
The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
Inspector Gadget
The Princess Bride
Treasure Planet
The Rookie
The Simpsons Movie
Pokemon the first movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
Pokemon 2000
Pokemon 3 Spell of the Unown
Pokemon 4ever
Pokemon Heroes
Pokemon Mewtwo Returns (technically a special, not a movie)
Pokemon Jirachi Wish Maker
Pokemon the rise of Darkrai
Pokemon Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Pokemon Arceus and the Jewel of Life
Pokemon Black
Pokemon White (80% the same as Pokemon Black)
Pokemon Kyurem vs the Swords of Justice (and that’s the most recent one I’ve watched)
Ice Age
Ice Age 2
Ice Age 3
Iron Man 1
North by Northwest
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Captain America
Love Live the School Idol Movie
Your Name (Kimi no Na Wa)
The Garden of Words
5 Centimeters per Second
The Place Promised in our Early Days
Voices of a Distant Star
Children who chase Lost Voices/Journey to Agartha (Hoshi o ou kodomo)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Howl’s Moving Castle
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Princess Mononoke
A Silent Voice
Napping Princess [Ancien & the Magic Tablet]
Interstella 5555
Marie and the Witch’s Flower
The Sting
Apollo 13
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Rear Window
The Birds
This is Spinal Tap
The Iron Giant
The Hunger Games
Supersize Me
Africa Screams
Office Space
Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Freaky Friday (remake verson)
National Treasure
National Treasure 2: Sean Bean dies this time
The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
A Christmas carol (old version)
A Christmas carol (the one with Patrick Stewart)
A Christmas Story
Oz the Great and Powerful
The Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell (cinemassacre)
Kung Fu Panda
Super 8
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
Talledega Nights
Crocodile Dundee
Crocodile Dundee 2
Romancing the Stone
Like Mike
Space Jam
Looney Toons Back in Action
Scooby Doo Ghoul School
Scooby Doo Reluctant Werewolf
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost
Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders
School of Rock
The Polar Express
The Bad News Bears (original)
The Dream Team
The Gods must be Crazy
The Gods must be Crazy 2
American Tale
The Dark Crystal
My Friend Martin (Animated MLK jr. history lesson thing)
Jakob the Liar (Holocaust story about a man in a ghetto claiming he has a radio, remake of a 70’s east german version of the same story)
The Devil’s Arithmetic
Man of Marble (1977) (Polish film)
Doctor Strange
Wonder Woman
U2 3D
A Hard Day’s Night
The Beatles: Eight Days A Week (touring documentary, 2016)
Yellow Submarine
Stop Making Sense
Mama Mia!
Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets
Il Boom
Lost in Translation
House of Flying Daggers
Edge of Tomorrow
Pacific Rim
The Post
Evan Almighty
Bruce Almighty
Ace Ventura Animal Detective
Ace Venture Pet Detective
Despicable Me
Get Smart
Over the Hedge
March of Penguins
The African Queen
Girl, Interrupted
Around the World in 80 Days (Jackie Chan version)
Chicago (the musical)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Osmosis Jones
Les Miserables (2012)
Singing in the Rain
West Side Story
Mary Poppins
The General (Buster Keaton)
Little Big Man
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
O Brother Where Art Thou
Beowulf (2007)
The Maltese Falcon
The African Queen
The Rocker
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
The Same Moon (La Misma Luna)
The Secret of Roan Inish
Charlotte’s Web
The Three Musketeers
Dr. Doolittle
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [I do not remember this at all]
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [I do not remember this at all, either]
101 Dalmatians
Aladdin and the King of thieves
Sweeny Todd
[That bad vampire movie I saw at a party in like 2012]
[That other MST3K sci-fi movie about the bodyswap]
Tekken: Blood Vengence
Jason Borne (2016)
Metropolis (2001, anime)
Pay It Forward
Sister Act 2
(some shitty bullying movie)
The Atomic Brain [MST3K]
Dallas Buyer’s Club
Seven Samurai
Magnificent 7 (1960)
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
Cinderella (Disney)
Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
The Music Man
The King’s Speech
The Great Dictator
Kiss me Kate
Pirate Radio
Wrongfully Accused (Leslie Nielson)
(Huck Finn movie)
Modern Times
Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Metropolis (1927)
Funny Farm
The Black Stallion
National Velvet
Bionicle: Mask of Light
Arsenic and Old Lace
Unaccompanied Minors
Isle of Dogs
A Quiet Place
Loving Vincent
How to Train Your Dragon
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Samurai Cop (1991) [Rifftrax]
Birdemic: Shock and Terror [Rifftrax]
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Oh Lucy!
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged
The Thief Lord
Breaking Away (1979)
Fright Night (2011)
Sharknado [Rifftrax]
The Incredibles 2
Mongolian Ping Pong
The Gold Rush (Charlie Chaplin)
City Lights (Charlie Chaplin)
City Slickers
(Escape to) Victory (1981)
The Phantom of the Opera
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Fireworks: Should we watch them from the bottom or the side? (2017)
Ed Edd and Eddy’s Big Picture Show
The Color of Friendship (2000)
The Wolverine (2013)
Codename: Kids Next Door – Operation Z.E.R.O.
Incredibles 2
Shawn the Sheep
Mutiny on the Bounty
Happy Death Day
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I'm a little proud of this chapter since I was writing through a block. The song that is being referenced is the song "She Moved Through the Fair" by Loreena McKennitt.
Chapter 4
Zelena woke up around four thirty to feed her little bean when she heard the strange singing. She ran out of her room to find a hooded figure holding her daughter.
“Let her go!” She demanded as she conjured a fireball. The figure turned to face the mother, still cradling the baby.
“You are messing with the wrong witch.” Zelena said menacingly as she prepared to throw the fireball. She wasn't quick enough and the hooded figure disappeared, along with her daughter.
Belle woke to find her husband missing again. This was a regular occurrence so she wasn’t sure why she was so shocked. She decided he must be with Gideon so she got up to go check on them. As she reached the nursery, she heard a strange noise coming from inside. It almost sounded like singing. She burst in to see a dark shadow holding her baby.
“Gideon, NO!” Belle shouted. The shadow turned to face the feisty librarian.
“Put my son down. Now.” She demanded as for a way to stop the kidnapper. Before she could react they were gone.
Snow’s alarm went off close to five when she heard a strange singing coming from behind the curtain that separates her room from the living room. She bolted out of bed and ran toward Neil's crib.
There stood the stranger that's been taking the children of Storybrooke holding her sleeping son. Though the figure’s back was turned towards Snow, she was sure they knew she was watching them. The figure moved but stopped when she shouted “Wait!”
In a pleading voice Snow begged, “Please. Please! I can not lose him again.”
The figure turned to face the distressed mother.
“For a moment. I thought she was going to give him back. She turned to look at me. And I thought she was going to put him back down,” Snow recalled in a broken voice, “But then she said ‘I'm sorry’ and she was gone.”
“Mom. It's going to be ok. We will get him back. We will get all of them back. You said it was a she? Do any of you remember what she looked like? What her voice sounded like? Could you recognize it?” Emma asked the three women.
“No. She was wearing a hood. You couldn't see her face,” Belle answered.
“She was bloody singing. What do you want to do host a talent show?” Zelena asked, frustration seeping into her voice.
“Emma if that's all, I'm going to take your mother home,” said David.
Emma glanced at her distraught mother. “Ok, you guys are free to go. Thanks guys.”
David left with Snow with Belle following close behind.
“I'm not going anywhere until I get my daughter back.”
Emma didn't have the mental capacity to fight with Zelena. She barely had the mental strength to think up a next step. All she could think of was all the children that had gone missing. How her little brother was now one of those children. And the fact that she couldn't do anything to stop it.
“This is drawing a line. Those babies are helpless.” Regina sounded like she was about to go on a rant when she was interrupted.
“Isn't that ironic coming from the Evil Queen? Who sent a army of black knights to kill a baby so her curse wouldn't break?” spat Killian, his anger mounting at their collective helplessness.
“That's rich coming from the man that spent centuries on an island that held stolen children. Shouldn't you be a pro at this?” Zelena remarked.
“Ha. I thought that was more your style,” Robin cut in, “Seeing as you’ve stolen the young Charming before, pretended to be Roland's mother, and tricked me into impregnating you! All to spite your sister!”
“That's enough!” Emma yelled, “Fighting and blaming each other isn't going to get us anywhere.”
“Well all of your ideas have gotten us nowhere. The Savior and Sheriff of this town is as useless as a munchkin from where I'm standing,” Zelena snarked.
“Like you've done any bloody better, witch! At least we haven't been hiding in that run-down farm--,” Killian was cut off from defending his wife by a cough heard from the doorway. Everyone turned around to see Gold enter the room.
“As amusing as it is watching you all bicker, my time is precious so I'll make this short. This person has taken my son. As of now they have made the worst mistake of their life. So to put it simply stay out of my way and we will all get what we want.”
“Gold we will find them. And we will deal with them the right way,” Emma said firmly.
“Not if I find them first.” With that last remark he was gone.
“Don't worry, love. If we have no luck with magic, I doubt the Dark One will do any better”, Killian tried to be reassuring.
“Well I for one have never see Rumple not get what he wants. I’d rather take my chances with the Dark One than with the powerless Savior,” Zelena voiced before she left too.
Everything goes quiet. Only people left at the station was Emma, Killian, Regina, and Robin. The air surrounding them was thick with tension. No one quite sure how to break it. Killian is the first to try.
“Don't. They're right. If I can't keep kids safe. Let alone my own little brother. What kind of Savior am I?” Emma said, defeated.
“We have faced worse foes and defeated them. We can defeat this one as well.”
“We don't even know who our foe is, Killian! All we know are the names of kids that are lost!” Emma shouted. She let out a huff of air, grabbed her keys and left without another word.
They let her to leave. Regina is the first to speak this time, “She just needs some air. I think we all do.”
“Aye,” Killian agreed, “This villain has really been getting to her. It's been hard for--”
Robin cut him off, “Don't you dare say this has been hard on you. You two don't even have children! How could this possibly affect you? How could you know what our pain feels like?!”
“Robin?!?” Regina scolded, shocked at his sudden outburst.
Killian looked his friend in the eye. He knew Robin was only angry because he was scared for his children but that didn't give him a right to say what he did. “You're right. We don't have children. But we know what it is like to be separated from our parents. We know the fear and sadness of being alone as a young one. We know how precious children are. We know all the kids in Storybrooke, have even watched a few while their parents were busy, including your son, mate.” Killian said to his friend without breaking. “So though we don't have any of our own as you have pointed out. We still feel your pain. We feel the same urgency to bring them home and make sure they are safe.”
At this, Robin calmed down and felt a little ashamed of his outburst.
“Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to find my wife.” With that Killian stormed out of the station and went to look for Emma.
All the kids are either playing games, taking naps, watching movies or eating. The figure smiled with the overwhelming feeling of contention. But that feeling was quickly gone once she turned to the mirror. The scene playing out in front of her eyes, seeing how the heroes were behaving. She sighed and started preparing her things.
Through the crowd and noise a couple children took notice of their caretaker. One curious little boy walked up to the figure and asked “Excuse me, miss? What are you doing?”
“Well, little one, I'm making sure you all have everything you need while I'm gone.”
Another boy asked, “Where are you going?”
The figure smiled at the child’s curiosity, “Hey, I need some help. Can you two help me?” The two children nodded eagerly, waiting to see how they could help, “Can you two go find Roland and Grace for me?”
They both nodded and ran off enthusiastically to find them. A couple minutes passed by then the four children came up to their mysterious chaperone. She smiled at the two and thanked them letting them go to play again. Roland and Grace stood there looking a little nervous.
“Hey. Everything is fine. I just need a favor. Can you two do me a favor?”
They nodded, looking a little more at ease. “Can you two make sure the babies are ok while I'm gone?”
“Where are you going?”
“To make sure the adults learn their lesson.”
Killian went home but didn't find Emma. He tried the docks, the Jolly Roger, her parents’ house, and even called Henry to see if he has seen his mother. But he had no luck.
He finally wound up at Granny's. He asked the elderly lady if she had seen Emma. But she hadn’t been into Granny's either.
He left Granny's trying to think of another place where Emma could be. He was debating whether he should go home and wait for her there. Then he saw a familiar figure pull up at the side of the curb. Though Killian hated to admit that maybe if he couldn't find Emma, maybe the puppet could.
August pulled up in front of Granny's. His papa was visiting Jiminy so he thought he should get out of the workshop a bit. He was taking off his helmet when he saw someone approach his bike. He looked up and saw who it was.
“Well what do I owe the pleasure, Captain?”
“You must have heard about what’s been happening around here, puppet.”
“Yeah kids going missing. I'm not the one taking kids.”
“That not what I meant. This case has been taken a toll on Emma. Her brother was taken last night.”
“I'm guessing she's missing too? Isn't she a little old to be taken?”
Killian was trying very hard not to snap at the man in front of him. “She left to calm down. I just need to know that she is alright. So will you help me find my wife or not?”
August smiled at Killian’s exaggeration on ‘my wife’.
“I might have an idea of where she is but let me talk to her.”
“Fine. The only thing that matters is that she is alright.”
“Don't worry. I'll send you a message when I find her.” August said as he put his helmet back on and took off, trying to shake off the feeling of deja vu that overtook him.
Emma leans against the wishing well looking down into the dark water. In her hands she held her little travel mug and wished with everything she had.
August rolled up on his motorcycle. He turned off the engine, took off his helmet, and sent a quick message to Hook. Getting off of his bike he shouted, “I thought I might find you here.”
“Yeah. Well I was thirsty.” Emma said in a tired voice.
August walked up to Emma and studied her face. She looked different, more than just tired and hopeless. Something was definitely different about her but he wasn’t one to push for answers.
“Well I’ve said before, you can't compete with water,” he said, reaching for the cup in her hands. She passed it to him and he took a sip, pleasantly surprised that it really was just water.
“Remember when you brought me here and told me-”
“--that this well was magic. It had a way of making things come back to you. Like I said before I just read the plaque.”
Emma, still looking down into the well, sighs, “It's a sad day when the Savior looks for help at a wishing well, huh?”
“Not really. We all need to ask for help every once in a while.”
“Yeah but I'm the Savior. I'm suppose to save everyone's happy endings.”
“And you have time and time again. It's not your fault that this town can't keep them. Or that villains keep popping up to take them.”
“But with any other villain I knew who I was dealing with.”
“Well let's focus on what you do know.”
“I know there is a woman going around taking kids and their favorite things. I know she sings to them for whatever reason. I know she didn't fall for Henry's trap.”
August stopped her by asking, “What trap?”
“Henry wanted to help catch this person so he told us about a trap. He pretended to be asleep then when they came to get him we would taze them. Just enough to stun them.”
August shook off his own memory of being tazed, “Well that's not a bad idea. You were just using the wrong kid.”
Emma finally looked up at her friend to see the smirk he was wearing. She knew that smirk. That smirk meant that he had a plan.
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