#gic wait time is fucking ridiculous
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pigeonflavouredcake · 2 years ago
If I make my GP referral request tomorrow I can start hormones as early as 2026
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eroticcannibal · 6 months ago
Look obviously the wait times to be seen for a first appointment at a GIC are ridiculous but like. That is not the issue. That is not the fucking issue. The rot goes so fucking deep you are being so short sighted I need to do that video essay don't I.
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ukftm · 3 years ago
I've just been in touch with NVH because I chased up my referral with the service (they apparently sent me a letter in January, which they attached to the email, but I sure as hell never received it). Anyway, the hospital confirmed they've got it and 'I’m afraid you are not among the ones who will be booked within the next 2 years.'
Seriously, fuck this. Does anyone know anything about to get lower surgery abroad, costs, need for referral from a UK GIC? Anything? I'm srsly about to start writing letters and a public campaign for the NHS to fix this shit, but I'll happily look into other options at the same time.
Hi Anon,
Unfortunately, you are one of many guys that are having difficulties with NVH and their ridiculous waiting lists.
You’ll see from our previous posts about bottom surgery waiting lists that these are sitting between 8-10 years long for NVH. Mr Christopher is nowhere near even getting through his list of urgent and complication surgeries yet.
There is light at the end of the tunnel though with the introduction of the new bottom surgery team, which have apparently already started working. Although I have yet to hear of anyone who has actually had their surgery with them and no one seems to know who the surgeons are yet or what experience they have.
There are multiple teams abroad that do bottom surgery. Searching Google will give you details of the countries and teams offering bottom surgery. You will need to make contact with the surgeons to ask about prices and waiting times. Just be aware that although some surgeons offer bottom surgeries like phallo, this is not necessarily for transmen, so make sure you are clear with the surgeon what surgery you are asking for.
If you are looking into surgery abroad make sure you look at each surgeons results as their results can be vastly different from the UK team.
There are many guys who have paid privately to go abroad for bottom surgery and are happy with their results, but they had to do their research and make contact with multiple surgical teams before deciding on who to go for.
From personal experience when I researched teams abroad I found many were cheaper than the UK team with some offering 3 stages of bottom surgery for around £20,000- £30,000 and others doing all stages in one surgery. The UK team is significantly higher than this with phallo stage one costing around £30,000 alone. However, just because something is cheaper does not make it better, so once again researching results in very important.
But everyone’s expectations of bottom surgery are different and what is important to one will not be to another. So if this is an option you want to pursue, start by sending emails out to the surgeons online and see what they come back with.
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princess-of-the-worlds · 3 years ago
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hello nik my lovely 🤧💖
KC but they're working at their college newspaper. legacy kid/staff writer!Klaus + senior editor!Caroline (~or something like that~). "this may come easy to you, but some of us have worked our asses off to get here. the least you could do is pretend to take it seriously."
breaking news
Caroline... she was done. There was no other word for it, no other way to describe what she was experiencing, but she was fucking done.
She had joined the staff of the Whitmore Gazette in her freshman year at the school; with high school journalism and yearbook experience, she had always wanted to become a broadcast journalist, and as Whitmore College had no student organizations for the field, she joined the next best thing -- their college newspaper.
That's not to say that Whitmore's paper wasn't without its own merit. It was one of the oldest newpaper organizations in Virginia, and the staff, especially the news reporters, had won numerous awards for their dedication, their investigative skills, and their sharp writing.
Caroline was proud to be the Whitmore Gazette's best news reporter, as one of her editors had put it, and she was also glad to be one of the youngest senior editors in the department. She was the highest-paid news staffer, one of the only paid news staffers, actually, and she was only a sophomore.
Which is why it was entirely frustrating that she had worked her ass off to get to the top and some of her reporters refused to listen to her. Actually, a reporter. It was solely one reporter.
Klaus fucking Mikaelson.
Klaus fucking Mikaelson, who she was currently yelling at.
"This may come easy to you," she raged, sure that she was grinding her teeth so hard that her dentist back in Mystic Falls would lecture her about it, "but some of us have worked our asses off to get here." She inhaled sharply, staring at Mikaelson's gloating smirk and his stupid, stupid handsome face. "The least you could do is pretend to take it seriously."
"It's Google Drive, sweetheart," Mikaelson said calmly, his voice nearly a drawl, and Caroline could feel the blood in her veins begin to boil. "My fact checks can be completed at any point. I can comment them on the draft within minutes."
"If it takes only minutes," Caroline began, her tone venomous, "then why couldn't you have done them to begin with?" A beat. "And my name is Caroline. Care-o-line. Not sweetheart, not love, certainly not darling." She deepened her voice to mock his ridiculous accent. "It's only three syllables. If you can't manage that, call me Forbes, and if you can't manage that, then you shouldn't be working as a news reporter!"
Mikaelson blinked up at her, his eyes wide and innocent as he pushed his laptop away and towards her. "All done."
"I'm done with the fact checks," he said. "That's what you wanted me to do, right?"
Forgetting her rage for a minute, Caroline bent down, her blond ponytail smacking Mikaelson in the face. He pushed her hair away, but she didn't bother to apologize as she took a peek at his laptop screen, scrolling through the Google Doc.
"All these comments say is 'check notes,'" she said flatly. "You could at least add page numbers... and links."
"Well, then." He grinned brightly. "You should have said that."
Caroline was pretty sure she could feel hot steam pouring out of her ears. Her fingers twitched with the urge to strangle one Klaus Mikaelson.
She wanted to strangle him, but not in the sexy, kinky way. No, she wanted to strangle him in the dead, very dead way.
She'd be put away for murder, but at least she could go knowing she had done the world a great justice, had rid it of the British asshole known as Klaus Mikaelson.
"I really thought the son of Esther Mikaelson would be better at being a news reporter," Caroline said, and she knew that her tone was a bit cold, but she also didn't care.
Instantly, Mikaelson's eyes hardened. "I can assure you," he said, with no humor or any of his former brightness to his tone, "what my mother has done in her long and illustrous career has had no bearings on what school I chose to attend or what I chose to do with my life."
Then he glanced down and sighed, gently shutting his laptop. "I should go, Caroline. I can ask Bonnie or Stefan to edit the article instead. I think they were finished off earlier." He took a step away from the news desk.
"Wait--" Caroline said, hot shame and guilt unfurling in her chest. "No. Stop." As he turned around to look at her, she sighed, and sank further into her chair. "It's just that... you're such a good reporter. Bonnie and Stefan edit with you just fine. It's just me... that you seem to have problems with. Your drafts are always incomplete and never have their fact checks." She lifted her chin. "Just... what am I doing wrong? Why do you have a problem with me?"
"Caroline," Mikaelson said. "It's a Thursday."
She stared blankly at him. "So? I always edit with you on Thursdays."
Mikaelson sighed. "I'm a poli sci major?" Bewildered, she shook her head. "Tuesday and Thursday evenings are when the Poli Sci 101 lectures are scheduled? You know? The ones taught by Professor Fell? The ones that are always going over-schedule?"
Caroline continued staring at him until it finally clicked. "Oh," she said. "Oh."
Mikaelson rolled his eyes. "Yes, 'oh,'" he repeated, but he didn't sound unkind, just amused. "Every Thursday, I have this same bloody lecture that always runs over by twenty minutes, giving me less than thirty minutes to write an article. It's a miracle that you even get a complete draft most of the time, let alone fact checks on the draft."
Her cheeks colored. "Oh. I'm really sorry. I just... kept yelling at you there." A beat. "Why didn't you explain any of this to me? You could have shut me up."
Now he smirked at her. "To be completely honest, I didn't really want to shut you up. You're very cute when you're all fired up."
Her blush brightened, and she tucked a lock of hair that had fallen loose from her ponytail behind her ear. "Um..." Taking a minute to gather her composure, she straightened up, finding her confidence again. "Right then. Deadline is approaching. Let's get cracking on this article, and when it's all edited, fact checked, and polished away, I can buy you dinner."
"That's a bit presumptuous of you, isn't it, Caroline?" Mikaelson -- nay, Klaus -- asked amusedly.
"I have a feeling that if you didn't want to spend time with me, you wouldn't have let me yell at you for ten minutes."
"Yes, you would be correct in that assumption."
55 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 23:30:14 GMT
to the person who posted the entirety of frankenstein with incredibly long tags in several fandoms including the torchwood tag and not only that but did it TWICE, may you not sleep a full night today. may a wheel on your chair be annoyingly squeaky. may you drop your breakfast on the kitchen floor today. may you tear a hole in your sock today. may you lightly suffer for your sins.
60 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 20:39:05 GMT
the shape of your name
“I don’t remember…” the other man tells him, his blue eyes narrowed, his tone bleeding frustration. “I see you and feel these incredible emotions – love, sorrow, grief, as I have never felt before – but I don’t remember you. I don’t remember why I love you.” He swivels around on the clifftop, his greatcoat whipping dramatically behind him with the motion, just how Ianto always used to tease him for.
“Jack,” Ianto says, nay, pleads. “Stop beating yourself up. You’re human. You may be immortal, but your mind wasn’t made to be. Human memories are fragile. I can’t fault you for not remembering.”
But he wants. God, he wants to.
Don’t forget me. Never could. A thousand year’s time you won’t remember me. Yes, I will. I promise. I will.
Jack had lied. He had not meant to – to lie or to forget, Ianto does not know – but he had lied, and he had forgotten Ianto.
And now, Ianto is back. And he has to be the one to remember for the both of them. To remember Torchwood, to remember their team, to remember their life together, to remember them.
How much can one man, one Welshman, carry? How much can one man mean? Enough to bring back lifetimes’ worth of memories to an immortal?
Can Ianto Jones even do that? He’s always known he’s stubborn, but is he that stubborn? That determined?
“Say something,” Jack says, fixing those intense eyes on Ianto. “Say something…” He trails off, clearly grasping for a name, and the sorrow strikes Ianto again, a painful arrow right to the center of his heart. Jack’s mouth used to intimately remember the shape of his name, used to mouth it onto Ianto’s spine.
“Ianto,” he offers. “My name is Ianto. Ianto Jones.”
“Ianto,” Jack tries, stumbling over the unfamiliar vowels and consonants, and vaguely, Ianto thinks that it would have been better if Jack hadn’t tried his name at all. If Ianto had stayed dead, as he was meant to.
67 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 20:59:50 GMT
okay, so this is really, really stupid, but janto meat ugly. yes, i said meat.
so seventeen-year-old ianto is having the worst day of his life. his beloved girlfriend lisa just broke up with him and his parents just broke the news that he can't go to london for uni because (insert some bullshit reason). and it's his mum's birthday and rhi just overcooked the roast and so poor ianto's sent to cardiff for some reason to go this butcher his mum really likes. but this butcher's, staffed by one twenty-year-old jack harkness who moved to cardiff from america to train to become a world-class chef, refuses to sell the last remaining cut of meat ianto needs because he wanted to use it to experiment with a new dish for his boyfriend john's birthday. so ianto ends up arguing with jack over a piece of MEAT until rhi herself has to come and physically dragged ianto away.
cut to ten years later, and neither jack or ianto has forgotten this argument about the meat. jack is now a chef in a high class restaurant in cardiff or london when gwen brings ianto in to celebrate his promotion at work. jack sees ianto and recognizes him, that even tho he's a decade older and waaaaaay hotter now - like REALLY hot- he's still the same man who argued with jack over a piece of meat on the day john broke up with him. so jack pettily serves ianto the wrong order, the same cut of meat ianto had attempted to order that day, and when ianto politely attempts to request his actual order, all the serving staff, per jack's instructions, insist that that was what ianto ordered. so ianto demands to meet the chef and, five minutes later, is surprised to find himself face-to-face with the man who ruined his mum's birthday ten years ago. this time, gwen has to wrench them apart as they argue, and jack still ends the night by asking ianto out.
three years later, once they're married, it becomes a running joke for one of them to grab the wrong cut of meat from tesco's.
75 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 18:50:01 GMT
i made a (hopefully) chaotic uquiz of all the torchwood three members (from the orginal team and the big finish team). please take it at your own peril. enjoy the result of my last six hours!
171 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 07:58:04 GMT
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