#gibbs drabble
justagibbsgirl · 2 years
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Fictober 2022
Day 31
NCIS Fanfiction
*double drabble*
Thirty-one days already?
I appreciate absolutely everyone who read, liked, commented, reblogged and appreciated this series.
I haven’t been as active in my writing or reading lately. Life just gets crazy sometimes and you have to give it room to breathe. But I’m still trying to stay in the game as much as I can. This fandom is what helps gets me though♥️
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garbinge · 1 month
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Leroy Jethro Gibbs x F!Reader // Word Count: 670 Summary: Based on S2E22, Swak. When Tony opens an envelope with an unknown white substance, Gibbs gives you a call to give you a heads up. Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Light angst. Bio-Hazard material mentions, banter. A/N: A little small Gibbs fic I've had in my WIPs for a while :)
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When the phone rang, it was clear you weren’t expecting the news that it was ringing with. You thought it’d be a quick minute to tell you he’d be home late, again. Which never bothered you, you knew Gibbs was married to the job just as much as you. It was more of a disappointment these days than anything else. You had a few weeks off and were taking the opportunity to be home, catching up on relaxing and being still. Two things Jethro was never good at. Currently, you had decided to give baking a try, the kitchen was a disaster, and so were the brownies you were attempting to make from scratch. 
“Why do people bake again?” You answered the phone, wiping some batter off your forehead and moving to the sink to wash it off. 
You couldn’t see it, but Gibbs gave a slight smile, a disappointing one as his eyes shut. All his way of preparing to tell you as he realized how good of a mood you were in. He was able to see past your disdained comment to know despite failing at baking, you were having a damn good time doing it. 
“Oh no, you’re doing that silent brooding thing that usually means you’re gonna be home late. Look I don’t normally mind, but these are my last few days home before I’m back on the job and I’ll be the one calling you that I’m coming home late.” 
You were met with more silence. 
“Jethro?” You stopped what you were doing and grabbed the phone with a slight eagerness. 
“We got a letter sent here with white powder in it. Got opened up in my bullpen.” His voice was solemn–straight to the point. Giving you the information he had and you needed. Nothing else. 
“Jesus Christ.” You felt like you needed to be moving, grabbing your keys to go rescue him even though every logical fiber in your being knew there wasn’t anything you could do. 
“We’re on lockdown here until we know more. I’m workin’ with Duck. Everything’ll be fine.” His voice was so calm, it was so like him, if you wanted to be with anyone in a crisis, it was Gibbs for this very reason.
“You know, you say that every time and it never makes me feel better.” You fully let go of the idea of rescue now, trying to wrap your mind around what you were going to occupy yourself with while you waited for more information from him which definitely wasn’t going to come now. You had to be just as strong as Gibbs was right now. 
“But every time it’s true, right?” Now you two were talking like there wasn’t a biohazardous emergency at hand. 
You tossed your head back and forth before teasing him. “99% of the time.” 
“What’s the 1%?” 
“When you forgot our anniversary. I’ll get a last minute reservation for tonight, everything’ll be fine.”  You mocked his famous words from that one forgotten anniversary. 
“I recall everything being more than fine that night.” The power he had to be making sexual innuendos to you in a moment like this. 
“We ate goldfish and whiskey for dinner.” And the power you had to continue the conversation just the same. 
“Wasn’t talking about the food.” 
After smiling to yourself over the quiet line, you brought the conversation back to the reason he called. “Call me with updates please.” 
“Yes, boss.” 
That earned him a bigger smile from you. Always did. It made you not want to hang up the phone yet even though you knew you were on a short timeline. “How’s Abby?”
“A working wreck.” His answer came quickly, and you could tell he was on the move now. 
“Me and her both.” You took a deep sigh. “I’m gonna be at the edge of my seat all day.” 
“Work on that brownie recipe. I’m gonna need one when I get home.”
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Divider by @realitycanbewhateveridesire *ੈ✩‧₊˚ 🕵️ NCIS Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @ilovemark1951 @shamelessturtlebeliever (let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Hi hon, I've been reading your work for our lovely Jethro Gibbs, and I had a lil fic/drabble idea of my own- if you have the time
Lets say you and Gibbs are on vacation, and you convince him to go biking with you. He grudgingly agrees, and when he sees you happy and looking back at him smiling hes just so whipped- maybe thinking about how he got so lucky and just tooth rotting fluff, yk? (He would def try to race you) ♡
I’m so sorry this took me so long to get to 😭 But this request is too cute 🥹 I hope I did your idea justice!
“Come on, Jay,” you groan, “When’s the last time you rode a bike? 1914?”
“A little earlier actually,” he fires back, barely repressing a smile, “before we boarded the Titanic.”
Dropping your phone in the wicker basket attached to the handle bars, you make your way over to your husband of 4 days and 16 hours, give or take a few with the time difference in Italy. You slide his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and settle them in his hair before lovingly running your thumbs back and forth over his cheeks. “You look downright fabulous for your age. What’s your secret?”
He gently brings your left hand to his lips and kisses the band adorning your ring finger. You can’t help but smile at the gesture. “I marry younger every time.”
Your smile drops immediately, and you playfully glare at him. “Ruined it.”
Jethro barks out a laugh, tugging you closer and pressing his lips to yours until he feels them twist upwards into a grin again. “Better?”
“No,” you answer cheekily, pulling away to get settled on your seat. “As punishment, I hereby declare you enjoy a leisurely bike ride with your wife down to the coast.”
He shakes his head with a smile as you take off down the road, ringing the little bell and taunting him over your shoulder. Jethro swings his leg over his matching bicycle and readjusts his sunglasses before pedaling to catch up. He’s admittedly a little wobbly at first and he feels the tiniest bit ridiculous, but when you turn to look at him with a brilliant smile, all of his insecurities melt away.
You’re positively glowing in the Amalfi sunshine, your nose crinkling in delight and a laugh bubbling out of you when you narrowly avoid a street vendor selling flowers on the sidewalk. Jethro slows to apologize to the vendor, surprised when he shakes his head and offers a single flower to the older man before pointing in your direction. Your husband angles his head in thanks, then doubles his efforts to reach you again.
“What happened to ‘leisurely’, you little speed demon?” Jethro calls, and you crest to a stop to wait for him.
“Sorry, slowpoke,” you tease, your face lighting up when he presents the vibrant red rose to you. Your eyes flutter closed as you inhale deeply, and when they open again, Jethro feels his heart skip a beat at the pure adoration swimming in them. “It’s perfect,” you declare, sweeping your hair into a low bun and tucking the stem behind your ear.
“You’re perfect,” your husband croons, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. He says it almost subconsciously, but the meaning behind the words is genuine. He can’t help the slow smile that spreads across his face as he takes in your beautiful features, the way your head is tilted just slightly while you study him in kind, the delicate wisps of stray hairs framing your face, the twinkle in your eyes. A soft dusting of pink colors your cheeks under his intense gaze, and you turn away bashfully with a quiet, “Stop looking at me like that or I’m gonna melt, Jay.”
He lets out a soft chuckle and nudges your back tire with his foot to get you moving again. You start pumping your legs to continue down the street, and when you turn back to see where Jethro is, you find him looking up at the sky with a small smile on his face.
“What was that about?” you ask gently when he’s by your side again.
“Oh, that?” He places his hand over yours on the handlebar and gives it a squeeze. “Just thanking Shan for sending you to me.”
Tears spring to your eyes at the raw emotion in his voice, and you think about how far you’ve come since the day you first met Jethro. Your reminiscing is short-lived, the cheeky bastard taking advantage of your pause to get ahead of you and yelling, “Race ya there!”
You laugh in surprise, hastily swiping at your eyes before kicking off from the street. “Get back here, old man! You’re supposed to let me win! You’ve been married enough times to know about happy wife, happy life- hey! Cheater!”
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Hey! Call me Bet, I'm a writer who gets so absorbed in the stories in my head that I forget to do important things...like my actual job... And fun fact, my mom reads my fics (she's very supportive, it's validating and mortifying)
Fandoms I Write For
Top Gun Maverick
Outer Range
Stardew Valley
Hogwarts Legacy
I take requests!
My Bookshelf Of Favorite Fics @bets-bookshelf
Comfort Drabbles Masterlist
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Rooster x Single Mom!OC
Sneak peek
After divorcing her gay, marriage of convenience husband, Olivia and her teenage daughter move to North Island. Her daughter's one wish for Christmas? A hot step dad. And damn, if Rooster's Hawaiian shirts don't look like the perfect wrapping paper.
[Chaotic teenager daughter plays wingman | Rooster has total dad vibes | Olivia's exe just wants her to be happy | Olivia really needs to get laid | Her exe and daughter agree | Lots of domesticity | Olivia is the best mom to her gremlin daughter | Fresh start at life | Accidental pregnancy]
Hangman x Marine Corpsman-Devil Doc!OC
Every time Fiona "Kitten" Reid is deployed, something bad happens. Win-a-medal type bad. And when Warlock is looking for a survivalist instructor for the Daggers during the uranium mission, he's shocked that the top recommendation from his colleagues is a young medical corpsman the Marines she served with dubbed "Kitten." After making a grand entrance at the expense of Jake's older brother and Bob's sanity, Fiona finds herself squarely in Hangman's sights. But he better pay attention in class because her lessons come from more than a textbook...
[Its classified sweetheart | Tequila makes her want to dance on elevated surfaces | Fiona has a Meredith Grey level disrespect for her own well being | Jake really wants to know how Fiona knows his brother | Fiona prepares the Daggers for being shot down in enemy territory | Warlock is a chaos enabler | Lots of Marine slang | Big Gibbs vibes | She once ran towards gunfire with a stethoscope around her neck | Bob is a great dancer | Penny will kick Jake's ass personally if he hurts her | She'll also kick Fiona's ass if she hurts him | Penny needs a raise]
NCIS! Top Gun Maverick AU
Blurb to come...
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beeps-mess · 2 years
Autistic Reader + NCIS Team (Part Two)
Once again, little drabbles of a gender-neutral reader with autism interacting with the NCIS team. This one has Jack, Ducky, Tony, Tim, Kasie, and Nick.
Part One
Reblogs > Likes
Jack had picked up on your routine and habits quickly. She knew what time you arrived every morning, she knew how you took your coffee, and that you had to have a specific lid on the cup or else the texture made everything taste horrible when drinking. This information came into hand pretty soon after she noticed it. You had stayed at the office with Gibbs, working through different paperwork, and Tim had tried to be nice by picking you up coffee. Unfortunately, you had worked yourself to the bone, too tired to speak up when you felt the gross paper lid on your lips. Logically, Jack knew you were most likely semi-verbal, if not nonverbal, and waited until you had left to go to the restroom to explain the preference when it came to lid texture. By the time you came back, there was a plastic lid on the coffee cup, one that didn’t make you want to spit the drink back out. You spun around the room, seeing blonde hair retreat into her office before you could even call out her name. A plastic reusable lid showed up on your desk the next week, fitting onto the cups from the nearest coffee shop that had the paper lids.
In your early days at NCIS, you avoided the morgue, finding the smell of bleach too overwhelming. As time went on, you got attached to Ducky, facing the strong smell to talk to the doctor. You would go back and forth with random stories, Ducky having heard so many of your stories that he started telling them when they related to a case. At some point, the conversations always made it to the topic of documentaries, a shared love between the two of you. Most days there would be a suggestion on a topic or feedback on a recommendation documentary. At one point, the two of you ended up bumping into each other when checking out DVDs at the same location, deciding it would just be easier to watch them together. It became the normal thing for the two of you to get together twice a month to watch a documentary, the host deciding which one. It was a constant in your life, something you appreciated very much.
When Tony heard you liked a good amount of Steven Spielberg’s movies he was excited, hoping you would like some other classics, but he was wrong. You liked the Jurassic Park movies the most, the Indiana Jones and Back to the Future movies following closely but that was really it. Jaws was okay, Gremlins wasn’t really your thing, and you had a strange distaste for the Goonies, something that made Tony explode when you told him. It was even worse when you said Shrek was a piece of art. All of his other films were too emotional or just didn’t catch your eye. To put it simply, Tony was frustrated, thus, starting a tradition. Once a month you would sit down with Tony and a bowl of popcorn to watch any film he deemed a classic. It was hit and miss, some being great while others just seemed plain dumb. You did appreciate his consideration when it came to the loud noises in the movies, knowing when to turn the volume down or warning you. After multiple movies though, you felt that you needed to share too, causing a rotation to start. One month, he would choose one of his classics, the next, you would choose a sci-fi movie you liked. You didn’t notice how much you liked the silly tradition until he became an agent at sea, which stopped the movies. He would try to throw out movie suggestions but you could never sit down long enough to actually start the film, something he was amused by when he eventually came back.
Tim had stumbled onto you and Tony bickering about movies one day, which piqued his interest. Only really doing so because the topic of the bickering was whether or not Han Solo was a douche. Tony was of the opinion that he wasn’t but you were convinced he was. Tim realized his mistake the moment he realized the topic though. Never walk into a room where two people are bickering especially if it was between you and Tony regarding films. He was immediately asked his stance, causing the conversation to end quickly when he meekly agreed with you. The topic of Star Wars wasn’t brought up again for a while, with work taking up the majority of Tim and your conversations. The topic was finally brought up again when you mentioned going home and being bored, Tim offering for you to come over and watch Star Wars with him. From there, your friendship expanded. Free time at work was spent chatting about similar nerdy stuff and scheduling movie get-togethers.
Kasie had taken up Abby’s tradition of making apparel for new NCIS agents but also added the tradition of making yearly sweaters or caps for the team. Every winter season they were handed out, a cap going to Nick while everyone else would get a sweater. It was a cute tradition and one that you loved until she tried out a new type of yarn. It was horrible. The texture was uncomfortable and you left the sweater in the box for weeks after you got it. Kasie didn’t know until the yearly holiday get-together. Everyone had shown up wearing their gifts except you, who chose to wear the one from last year. She had frowned, only figuring out that you might’ve disliked the yarn texture then. The next week, a new sweater arrived on your desk, the same design and the old one was nowhere to be found.
It was common knowledge that Nick wasn’t the best with words, often panicking when people are emotional around him, so it was surprising for him to sit next to you while you sobbed your ass off. You had gotten deep into a case, becoming horribly sad when another person fell victim to the killer. Nick just sat with you, explaining he didn’t do words but if you needed company he was there. When he tried to stand your hand reached out, grasping his wrist, making him sit back down. He sat with you for an hour in silence.
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enretrogue · 9 months
A Targaryen Prince With a Heavy Burden — @vsnyarbll
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Doubts and Talks (+ Dick Grayson + Bruce Wayne) — @xoxo-mylove
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Unlucky Prologue ⎢ Pt. I ⎢ Pt. II ⎢ Pt. III — @navalcriminalimagines
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New Girl — @slutforsilverfoxes
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The Stuff of Wet Nightmares ⎢ Pt. II — @angelltheninth
Dragon (Felix) — @flowersandbigteeth 
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Handle Him — @youvebeenlivingfictional
Scary — @iamaslutforcoffee
Thot Thoughts w/ Angel — @hennyjwrites
Thank You For Cleaning My Seat — @yourwonkywriter
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Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda — @spliffymae .☘︎ ݁˖
Pussy Drunk!Jean — @
10 Things I Hate About You — @robynnnhooddd
I Couldn’t Hold Back — @ackrmvvn-levi
First Kiss — @writingforcuteppl
Pussy Eating HCs (+ Eren Jaeger + Connie Springer) — @mommypieck
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Lessons Learned — @chellestrash
Frank and Yearning — @blackleatherjacketz
Angsty Frank Drabble — @amhrosina
Die For You — @scarlet-daisy
Just Get To Me In Time, Okay? — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frankie Loves His Girl — @bubuslutty
La Reine de Londres (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Hold Me Tight — @frvnkcastles
You Can Let It Go — @frvnkcastles
Valentine’s Day — @forthel0vers
Hide — @houseforwhores
The Big Bad Pineapple — @darlingshane
Melody of Tears — @frvnkcastles
Not a “Dog Person” — @forthel0vers
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Sick Fic — @dameronscopilot
Baby Miller Series ⎢ 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 — @bullet-prooflove
While We Were Young — @guess-my-next-obsession
Keeping Count — @libraryofwaterdeep
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Dealer!Ellie — @shesluxurious
“There Isn’t Anything That I Wouldn’t Do For You” — @dameronology
Joel x Fem!Pregnant!Reader — @forever-rogue
A Part of You, A Part of Me — @apollyonsdarksecrets
First Glimpse of Love — @valerinaswriting
To Be Alone — @cowgurrrl
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Glow — @irlganseyiii
Drabble — @munson-blurb
Under the Mistletoe with Argyle — @fanatictypist
High For This — @loveshotzz
Don’t Let Me Go Yet, Lover — @french-goodbye
Control — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Girls Like Me — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Steve Eating You Out — @wroteclassicaly
Never Could’ve Seen You Coming — @supernovafics
Angel Eyes — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Part-Time Lovers — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Jessie’s Girl — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
Kiss — @deepett .☘︎ ݁˖
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tragic-shadows · 2 years
Word Count: 410
Warnings: None
Pairing: GibbsxReader
A/N: just a short little drabble i came up with at 2am when i couldn’t sleep.
"You're not Fornell."
"Wow, that's a very good observational skill Y/N." Tony sighed, putting a file folder on the table. "Your prints were all over the crime scene."
"Of course they were, Jaxon was my ex. I'm sure my prints are everywhere in that house, not just where the body was."
"Yeah well. You didn't give Fornell an alibi so maybe you'll give me one."
You rolled your eyes, leaving back in your chair. This had been a three day long investigation already, and you were sure you weren't the one who killed your ex-boyfriend, but they all seemed to think you did. "I have one. I told him I was with a friend."
"And who would this friend be? Listen, Y/N, I believe you but it's gonna be really hard for anyone else to if you don't give me an alibi. Who were you with? I just need a name."
"A. Friend." You said through clenched teeth.
"Who?!" Tony shot out of his chair, slamming it against the back wall.
You bit back a rude remark but before you could answer the door to interrogation clicked open.
"DiNozzo." Gibbs shut the door behind him. "She's got an alibi."
"Ok… I understand that. But with all do respect boss, unless you know who she was with—"
"You?" He looked between the two of you. "And what were you doing?" He asked that directly to you.
"Talking," you lied.
"Talking? You know you look down when you lie. So what were you doing?"
Gibbs answered again, "Me."
"What do you mean she was doing…" he trailed off. "Oh."
"She was doin' me. You gotta problem with that, DiNozzo?"
You were vaguely aware that your mouth was hanging open as he looked between the two of you. If you had a camera you would first take a picture of Tony's confusion, then one of the smug smirk on your husbands's face.
"N-no no boss no problem. I just.. you," he points at you, "were doing him? And he," he points at Gibbs, "was doing you?"
"Yes." You both confirmed.
"Sure there's something in the bed you could use as evidence."
"For how long?"
"Last night?" You ask. "Oh about-"
"No no no!" Tony exclaimed. "No details. Months, weeks?"
"Ok, then almost 7."
"Seven what?"
"Years," Gibbs answered.
"Seven- seven years?
You both nodded.
DiNozzo shook his head, not looking back as he left the room, shouting back, "You're free to go!"
TAGS: @aleck-cross @ah-blossom @ilovemark1951  @marennnx @originalsoulcollector @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @kittenlittle24 @twilightlover2007 @whoreforhondo  @pinkcrystal44 @marvelslut16 multistangirl07 @alexxavicry @leroyjethrogibbsgirl @hobbsy27-blog
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cas-kingdom · 9 months
NCIS Masterpost
Main Masterpost
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one shots
The Night Shift (Gibbs x OC) - What’s worse than a sick Gibbs? A sick mini Gibbs.
The Team x OC ("You're all a bunch of babies.")
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freckles-things · 2 years
Introduction / Masterlist
So, I guess it's finally time to introduce myself. It might be 7 years too late, but better late than never, right?
Julia | 25
Pan, so this blog is lgbtqi+ safe :)
This is my side blog, so I follow and like from @potterheadandsherlocked
I love writing, art and travelling. I also enjoy reading and appreciate photography and architecture.
I try to treat everyone I meet with kindness and respect, if you do decide to contact me, please do the same.
I am open to meeting new friends/mutuals and talking to others on a personal level. Please do not send unsolicited nsfw messages or content to me.
This blog might contain nsfw content, and is not suitable for users under the age of 18.
Asks: Go nuts! Question about my works? Yes! Request for a little drabble? Sure! Imagine requests? I will try, but I am a very slow writer. :’) 
Fandoms I write for: Criminal Minds; NCIS; BBC Sherlock; BBC Merlin; Harry Potter; Good Omens; The Sandman; Enola Holmes; Bridgerton; Outlander; the Black magicians guild; Top Gun; Supernatural
I also write for celebrities as long as they haven't explicitly stated that they're uncomfortable with it. If in doubt just message me and I'll let you know if I know who the person is and if I will write for them.
The same goes for fandoms. If there's a fandom not listed here you can always just ask. Chances are that I might know the show/film/etc. and feel confident that I might be able to write for the requested characters. The above list is just an indication for the fandoms I'm definitely comfortable writing for.
Aaron Hotchner
Camera Roll Materpost
Criminal Minds
Losing the Shadows (Aaron Hotchner x reader) | part 1 | part 2
In the Eye of a Hurricane (daughter!reader)
Imagine Hotch comforting you (platonic)
Imagine embarassing Hotch in front of the team
Imagine giving Hotch a sassy answer
Imagine secretly dating Hotch and him always teasing you when the team is around
Imagine Hotch looking at you walking towards the altar
Signs of the Past (Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader)
Derek Morgan
Of Dates and Cases
Imagine Derek calming you down (platonic)
Imagine being best friends with Derek and pranking Reid (platonic)
Something Domestic
Spencer Reid
Imagine having a nightmare and calling Reid (can be read as paring or platonic)
Imagine meeting Reid and going to be his best friend (platonic)
You are Weird | part 1 (platonic)
Imagine Reid trying to save you from an unsub
Imagine surprising Spencer on a hard day and giving him a backrub
Imagine Dating Reid
David Rossi
Imagine bickering with Rossi
Out of Time (BAU!Team x reader) | part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
Imagine duelling with Severus Snape
Draco Malfoy
The Beauty of your Smile (Draco Malfoy x reader)
Imagine Draco always sending you hidden messages
BBC Sherlock
James Moriarty
Imagine dating Moriarty
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock stopping work at crime scenes to answer your text
Imagine Sherlock telling you that he loves you
Imagine being Sherlock's and John's roommate
Stolen Love (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)
Fantastic Beats
Imagine having a pet niffler
Nightly Disturbance (Jenny Sherpard x Gibbs)
Anthony DiNozzo
Imagine being Tony's best friend and getting sassy with Gibbs (platonic)
Ziva David
Being best friends with Ziva would include
Abby Sciuto
Imagine Abby calling you in to help her with a computer problem to McGee's dismay (platonic)
The Joker
Imagine the Joker having a soft spot for you
Lucifer (TV)
Lucifer Morningstar
Rescued by the Devil
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lonely-space-ace · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @serenbex!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 31
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Doctor Who, but also RWBY, Star Wars, and a bunch of other stuff, most recently I've been writing for Dimension 20
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Build This House Into a Home: an NCIS au where Gibbs adopts a bunch of children (genuinely don't know why this had the most)
Not Again: a crossover between Gravity Falls and Amphibia
Everything After: a RWBY fic about the fallout of volume 9, which is currently unfinished but Im working on it I swear
I Beg to Differ: Also a RWBY fic about Yang and Ruby recovering from the events of volume 9
Mates: The Doctor and Donna being best friends :)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Mostly! I really try to respond to all of them but sometimes I forget to and then feel weird responding three months later
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
angsiest fics as a whole is probably I Beg to Differ or Carry On, but my only one with an actual angsty ending is This Time which is a drabble about the Fifth doctor in the Caves of Androzani
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Jokes aside its probably either Sunrise or The Many Proposals of Nyssa and Tegan since those end with couples getting together and marriage etc.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not yet!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've only written one so far! It was a crossover between Gravity Falls and Amphibia. I've had one planned for ages between ToH, GF, and Amphibia but haven't finished it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I'd be down to try it sometime
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Don't do this to me
My favorite to write is probably Nyssa and Tegan? But I also love Bumbleby. And Imodna. And Beauyasha. and so many others. Dont make me pick
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I live in a world of clownery where I fully intended to finish all wips eventually (ignore the fact that some haven't been updated in literal years)(I'm working on them I swear)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at characterization and voice. I've also gotten a lot better at description and image recently
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action scenes can and will kill me. also I don't know why I write romance so much seeing as I have literally never dated anyone. Also I tend to struggle with longer projects, although I'm much better at it than I used to be.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Its fine but I prefer to be familiar with the language before writing it. And seeing as other than English I only know Latin, ancient greek, and ASL it doesn't come up often when writing fic
19. First fandom you wrote for?
...I plead the fifth
(It was ncis. on ff.net. like four years ago.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
ohhhhhh that's hard. I love The Many Proposals of Nyssa and Tegan, both because of the fic itself and also because it introduced me to some lovely fandom friends. Everything After is one I am particularly proud of, as is Raising Our Glass, I don't know if I could pick one
Tagging @social-mockingbird @writing-my-mind-ink and anyone else who wants to join :)
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boltlightning · 1 year
For the drabble meme: Elizabeth & Norrington, 5. "Seeking Solace"? Please and thank you!
ok. hello. i wrote one and realized it was over the sentence limit so i just wrote another one instead of cutting a sentence. it's my blog i make the rules here's both
5. seeking solace
The Black Pearl has sailed only a few days out from Tortuga, and Captain Jack Sparrow has the new crew members feasting like this meal shall be their last: while Elizabeth can stomach the overdone goat, stale bread, and vinegary wine, she cannot and will not stomach the raucous and unfocused conversation accompanied by Mr. Gibbs’ shrill attempts on the fiddle. She pours two tins of hot coffee and slips out onto the deck. The skeleton crew casts dark looks her way as the sounds of revelry within the cabin are swallowed up behind the doors once more; Elizabeth readily ignores them and approaches the one tall figure leaning against the gunwale, gazing out at the bright and endless sea. Coffee in hand, skirting a party, gazing at the scenery with James Norrington — it brings Elizabeth back to most every dinner party they both attended (and escaped) back in Port Royal, though the slouched man before her only barely resembles the dashing officer so beloved in her household. She offers him the cup, and James accepts with a quiet word and fleeting eye contact and nothing further; he only turns back to the waves.  When Elizabeth turns to go, slighted and silent herself, James’ hand brushes her elbow and he says softly, “I'm — Elizabeth, stay with me, please.”
At first, Norrington thinks his imagination has become too active and too cruel after weeks of restless service aboard the Dutchman — surely, that cannot be Elizabeth Swann being dragged by two redcoats from the captain’s quarters of the Empress. Norrington forces himself to think rationally and move slowly down the deck, as though the illusion will break if he believes it too readily, as though the deck will shatter beneath him if he dares to hope. When Elizabeth spots him, she breaks free of her captors and runs for him, calling his name; he pulls her fully into his arms the instant she is near. This is no dream: she is real, she is so desperately real, and she is here and alive and there is hope for her and himself and Governor Swann to escape yet. “Your father will be overjoyed to know you’re safe,” Norrington breathes, his smile half-formed and tentative — just as Elizabeth’s shoulders tense beneath his touch, and the light in her eyes becomes hard and fierce.
send me a prompt, get a drabble ✨
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justagibbsgirl · 2 years
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Fictober 2022
Day 29
NCIS Fanfiction
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Hello, recently discovered your blog and I wanted to say how happy I am to once again find someone that writes for Gibbs and specifically how much I love your fics and writing.
I think you get his character spot on and just in general I think your writing is great!
Hope you have an awesome day!
Thank you so much! That means so much to me! I’ve been writing for a while but never had the courage to actually publish anything more than a couple drabbles. You make it worth it! 🥰
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grundyscribbling · 1 year
SSP Top Hits
So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Least words.
I was tagged by @elfscribe, thank you!
Prefacing this by saying it's going solely by AO3...
Most hits: The Sun Also Rises This is the most recent installment of the Daughters of Celebrian series. The children of Elrond are all in Aman now. A good many people are in for surprises.
Most kudos: see above
Most comments: see above
Most bookmarks: The Unspoken Rule unfinished WIP, NCIS/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover. For years, Gibbs has believed his daughter died with her mother. Buffy and Dawn believed their father walked away from them. Rule 51 applies.
(I did not actually know that was the one with the most bookmarks. It also wins on most subscriptions... I should maybe update.)
Most words: The Sun Also Rises (linked above)
Least words: this one's hard to figure - I do 100 word drabbles semi-regularly, but I generally don't post them by themselves. So AO3 says His Favorite Apprentice and The Cook's Apprentice (it's a tie), but that's solely because those are the only drabbles posted as standalones. (Both were part of a drabble exchange.)
I don't think there were rules on how many folks to tag, so I tag @starspray @jane-ways @nothinghereisworking @joyfullynervouscreator and @naryaflame
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butter-cream33 · 11 months
I'm Butter Cream.
I've used Tumblr before, but I felt like making a fresh account and all that. I'll be using this one as a fanfic-only blog, so no personal updates and stuff will be uploaded here, just fanfics.
After a while, this post will be updated into my Masterlist Post. It'll have a link to masterlists for one-shots, drabbles, series, etc.
The main characters I write for are; - Daryl Dixon (TWD) - Negan (TWD) - Sam Winchester (SPN) - Dean Winchester (SPN) - John Winchester (SPN) - Castiel (SPN) - Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS) - Anthony DiNozzo (NCIS) - Aaron Hotchner (CM)
It's been a while since I've posted fanfics and such so feel free to send DM requests my way!
The majority of the things I write are NSFW, so if you're looking at my page, you need to be 18+!
I prefer writing in a first-person POV, so the majority of my posts will be written that way.
I won't be re-uploading any of my old fics onto Tumblr, but they can still be found on my AO3. My series will stay on AO3. I'll only be posting one-shots here!
Thanks! <3
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beeps-mess · 2 years
Autistic Reader + NCIS Team
Little drabbles of a gender-neutral reader with autism interacting with the NCIS team. Probably part one. This one has Gibbs, Abby, Jimmy, Ziva, and Ellie.
Part Two
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God, you felt gross. Your brain was buzzing and your skin was crawling. You had showered three times already, the second right after drying off from the first, the third following after sitting on your bed, partly dressed, crying due to being stuck in your skin. You had just exited the shower, sighing when you realized the gross feeling was still with you. Pulling on your shirt and a pair of shorts you ignored your phone vibrating, flapping out of frustration with everything. You started pacing, walking back and forth, back and forth. A knock on your front door interrupted your pacing. You peeked through the peek-hole, sighing in relief when you see Abby Sciuto in all her glory. You flung the door open, ignoring the clattering of the item in her hand, too busy focusing on the weight of her arms around you. After a while you pull away, allowing her to bend down, picking up the item you caused her to drop. It was your favorite film. You hugged her again, throwing the normal social structures out the window with her. Abby always knew how to calm you down when you were in a funk and it was something you loved so much. You two spent the next few hours watching your favorite film along with your comfort episodes from your favorite shows.
Your palms were sweaty. You could hear the tick of the clock every minute. The sun was in your eyes. You could hear the briefing of a team two cubicles away along with the whispers of people leaving the break room. Tim had been clicking his pen for the last three minutes and thirty-eight seconds. Ellie's fan was causing a paper to repetitively hit her desk. The lights were too bright, adding to the horrors of the orange walls. You could hear, feel, and see it all, and god it was a lot. You closed your eyes, focusing on just the clicking of the pen, taking the deepest breaths you could manage. And then, suddenly, all the noise stopped, replaced with a new pressure around your ears. You looked up just in time to see Gibbs smile softly in satisfaction before walking back to his desk to sit.
Jimmy was on lunch, specifically on a not-date with Jess, which was something you knew, yet, here you are, standing in the doorway of the autopsy. Flapping, you leave the lights off and move to his desk, opening the bottom drawer to find what you needed. Pulling out your headphones and a weighted stim toy you slide down the wall next to his desk. Once on the floor, you move your legs around to sit crisscross, putting on the headphones and taking off your cardigan. You start slowly rocking back and forth, moving the beads around, back and forth in the fidget. You rock and rock and rock and rock, all until the lights flick on suddenly, Jimmy taking two steps into the room before noticing you. He rushed back to the lights, flicking them back, before coming to sit on the floor with you. He holds up one finger, then another, starting the process that you two had developed when you have a meltdown. One finger means notepad and two means sign. You huff, thinking about it before holding up a single finger. He slowly opens his bottom desk drawer, pulling out the specific notebook he had bought for you after finding the right texture of the paper. He slides a pencil and pen to you, allowing you the choice. You pick the pen, clicking it multiple times before you write anything. The notebook was opened up to the checklist page, and you checked off the boxes that applied to the situation, hesitating when you got to the question about taking or putting on your headphones. Checking it yes, you hand the notebook back to him, allowing him to read through it all and put on the requested playlist before you took off your headphones. Sighing softly, you closed your eyes, opening them to see a Jimmy Palmer smiling softly at you. You poked him in the knee, causing him to pull out a bouncy ball from the still-open desk drawer, and roll it to you. The two of you spent a while rolling or bouncing the ball back and forth, allowing you to calm down before pushing through the last few hours of the office day.
Walking into the breakroom, you huff, realizing that they’re out of your comfort snack. Rubbing your pointing finger against your thumb three times to comfort yourself, you completely miss Ellie walking into the room. Noting the lack of your desired food, she turns to you, the question if you would like to go on a snack break out of her mouth before you can process that she was there. Jumping slightly, you nod your head, accepting the hand offered by your friend and coworker. Walking to the elevator, she sends a short text to Tim, saying they ran out of your comfort food and should be back within half an hour. You start stimming with her hand in yours, getting less embarrassed about it when she smiles softly at you after putting her phone away. She offers you the spare pair of earbuds she had on her and you offer her your coat. Ellie and your relationship had always been like this, her picking things up she thinks you might need when going out and you overdressing, always able to lend her a jacket when she needs one. Once at the ground level of the office, you two walk out, hand in hand, at max comfort. You two walk in silence, already knowing where you’re headed.
Gibbs and Tony were out, picking up information on the only lead you have. You had gone through the list of the normal things you did when bored at work, alone, but were still restless. Your eyes light up when Ziva walks into the room, tapping your feet on the ground a satisfying amount of times before getting up. She raises an eyebrow at you, getting no response as you just lightly pull on her wrist, leading the two of you over to the empty desk in the back of the team's cubical. Nodding, she sits down in one of the chairs, reaching onto the desk to start on the puzzle that you kept back here. It was currently a space one, something you had picked up at a museum when visiting with Gibbs. Flapping lightly, you sit down, happy to continue the shared puzzle, something that always kept you distracted when there was time to kill. She smiles at you, something you’re too focused to notice. The two of you sit there, getting the border and different stars done in the time it takes for Tony and Gibbs to get back
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