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shaynetopps · 1 year ago
5, 11, 12? <3
thank you, bestie!!
5. what made you start your blog?
WOW, that's such a throwback! it was back when i was like 15 and heavily into disney channel (descendants. girl meets world, etc.) and was transitioning into teen dramas like teen wolf. wild to think that was, like, eight years ago now.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
that's a big question for someone who hasn't been in a relationship JSFJFDJKDFG. to me, romance means actively choosing each other and making the other person a priority.
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
"if he wanted to, he would." (disclaimer: not accounting for the complexities that come with everyday life and trying to be a person)
send me fun asks!
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whyyyyyyyyyy3 · 11 months ago
New GHOULD song dropped recently I'm LOVING IT
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orsonfoe · 1 year ago
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inktober drawing of my fright night mansion character. the ghoul of fright night please show support at PATREON or KO-FI
Posted using PostyBirb
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tonkscyberpysco · 21 days ago
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Rain ghoul!
Please dont steal/copy :33
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preqvelle · 4 months ago
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Will ghould for metal hammer
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imjustavenuxwithaboomerang · 8 months ago
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monster high (live action) + text posts (pt 2)
(1 3 4 5)
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rebelliousstories · 3 months ago
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Cooper Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Strong Language
Word Count: 1,022
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: How do you take your white Christmas; snow or sand?
Consider Donating: Here
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Waking up to the warm rays of sun on your face on Christmas morning is an experience she cherished. Especially went it meant that the arm keeping her pinned to the bed belonged to her husband. Turning underneath the covers, she shifted over until she could see the face of her beloved sleeping next to her. How she got so lucky, she would never know.
The lines on his face smoothed out in his rest. He looked so peaceful while he slept. As her hand traced deftly over his cheek, his brilliant eyes slowly blinked open.
“Mornin’ darlin’.” He drawled, voice still thick with sleep. It made it sound all that more delectable.
“Good morning, Mr. Howard.” She mused, now fully placing her hand on his cheek.
“Hmm,” he snuggled into the warmth, drawing her closer to him. “It certainly is.”
She smiled as she was brought in closer to her husband, simply being at peace was enough. However, that peace was soon disturbed. A bundle of joy was bounding through the halls, and through the door. It pounced upon the couple as they laid in their bed.
“Good morning daddy!” Janey exclaimed, excited that they were up already. There have been times that she has awoken them from sleep by jumping on them. But, ever the good dad, Cooper just turned on his back and hugged his daughter close.
“Oh, hello sweet pea. How ya doing?” He brushed her hair out of her face.
“I’m good. Can we have pancakes today?” With a smile, Mrs. Howard began to roll out of bed to put her robe on, and get started making food.
“I don’t know. Gotta ask the pretty one.” They both turned to where she was fastening the robe closed with its sash.
“Oh, alright. We can have pancakes.” She teased, rolling her eyes playfully. Janey clapped with excitement at those words.
“You wanna come help me with making breakfast, Janey? Leave your daddy to get up himself? Ooo, and we can go check our advent calendar,” came her offer as she held out her hand for the child. Janey nodded excitedly at the prospect of opening her advent calendar and getting a sweet treat before breakfast. Jumping out of bed, the girl took her hand and began to lead her out of the bedroom. Turning across her shoulder, she sent a kiss through the air to her husband who pretended to catch it.
In the kitchen, the girls set out to make themselves some breakfast. Janey was snacking on her bite of chocolate while mixing the batter together, as her stepmother cooked some bacon and eggs off in a pan nearby. By the time Cooper had made his way downstairs, in a casual pair of slacks and a polo, he had a coffee waiting for him and wonderful smells were coming from the kitchen.
“Thank you, darling.” He smiled up at his wife as she set down a plate with his eggs and bacon on them, made just the way he liked. She winked before going back into the kitchen and helping to teach Janey how to make wonderful pancakes.
All the while, the girls were snacking on bacon, and occasionally some eggs. They made a whole stack of pancakes on multiple plates that would be split among them. Janey brought the first round in, while she followed behind with her own cup of coffee and another plate of pancakes.
“Alright, here we are.” She announced, beginning to divide the food between the three people. As they ate, they made quiet conversation, not keeping one subject for too long.
“Janey,” Cooper called at one point, “what do you wanna do today, baby?”
“Can we go to that market tonight? The one with the Ferris wheel? Please, daddy.” She pleaded, eye wide with hope.
“I’m sure we can find the time.” He winked at her as she bounced happily in her chair.
“We can wear our matching sweaters tonight. It should be cold enough.” Mrs. Howard added, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Finally,” Cooper groaned, “it’s the middle of December and way too damn hot.”
Giggling, his wife added, “you’re the one who wanted to live here.”
Cooper struck a face at her words, which made Janey laugh at the whole situation. Hearing this, he did the same thing to her, prompting more laughter from the girl. And as it happened, she sat back, enjoying her coffee. Looking outside the window, she saw the ground was covered in white. It was a beautiful winter scene. Except for the fact that it was white sand, rather than snow.
Her plate being taken away brought her attention back to the present, and her husband was the culprit. He smiled as he took all the dishes to the kitchen to set them in the sink. While he sent Janey out front to go play in the beautiful white beach that became their front porch, he held out a hand to help his wife out of her seat.
Smiling, her hand landed in his, while her other one grabbed the coffee mug next to her. Following Cooper out, she was pleasantly surprised at the chilly breeze that swept through. The rushing of the tide from the nearby ocean was calming. A set of plush porch chairs greeted them as they stepped out with Janey. She took off to go play in the sand, while the older couple found homes in their seats. Holding hands, they alternated between sips of coffee and pointing out different clouds.
It was just peaceful out. They had no obligations as they had taken this time off to enjoy with the child they brought with them. The morning was perfect. A wonderful winter scene made complete with the right company and activities.
“I love you.” Cooper suddenly spoke up, casting his eyes out to the horizon where the sky met the sea.
“I love you.” She replied, pressing a kiss to his face before also turning to look at the ocean.
They may not have snow, but it was going to be a wonderful, white Christmas for the Howard’s.
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gobald · 2 months ago
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I love how in both playthroughs I just randomly ran into Billy, I wasn't even looking for him
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sam-reid · 1 year ago
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Unholy ceremony in a masochistic fire Tell me (tell me), baby, are these things that you desire? Someone to pull you apart? Another song to stake your heart 🩸
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honeymoonsuite309 · 2 months ago
this is so dumb and I'm so tired but I made Olli Appleyard a cutie pie
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i did it to Will Ghould too lol
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denimbex1986 · 1 month ago
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loveipromiseimnotinsane · 10 months ago
It's so funny people acting like they have unique taste or they're special for simping over The Ghoul as if he isn't the most popular brand of white man out there.
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whyyyyyyyyyy3 · 11 months ago
Video has some flashing lights and maybe some eyestrain
Pretty please listen to this song it's so so good and so so underrated
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a-zalea-garden · 1 year ago
MH3 but Deuce ended up in Boston and meets Chad, Clair, and Jackson (who is part monster but in hiding)
Lilith is his antagonist and she comes from a superstitious, monster hunting family. Her father is descended from Abraham van Helsing, and her mother is descended from William Stoughton (the chief judge of the Salem Witch Trials)
She isn’t too bad she just wants balance. The moment she realizes there is a way to get him out of the human world, she stops attacking him and helps.
Ellis is recruited to help too (for the witch drama with Lilith)
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tonkscyberpysco · 19 days ago
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Love us some rain ghoul and some hot swiss huh?
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preqvelle · 4 months ago
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Like an envelope, she tore open his throat and feasted on every heartbeat, 💜
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