#ghost x gnreader
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teddy-bear-baby · 2 years ago
Their Deadly Flower - Four
A/n: This is probably my second favorite chapter out of what I have written so far. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Also, thank you to everyone who has supported this project of mine so far, it means so much to me.
Pairings: Ghost X GN!Reader, König X GN!Reader
Warnings: None? I think...
Prolog - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three 
     “Nobody saw.” You playfully smack Ghost’s shoulder as you continue to laugh with Soap. “It’s ok to show you care in ways that don’t involve yelling and cursing.” Ghost’s eyes shift down to yours from where they had been focused on the wall. When you look back into them you find yourself mesmerized by the way they had softened at you under his balaclava. You’re completely lost in them, that need to be near him nearly consuming you. Your heart beats in your ears as the rest of the pub falls away around you. In this moment there’s only you and him, no words need to be exchanged.
     Your staring comes to an end when Soap pats your shoulder. “I’m going for another.” He tilts the bottle at you as you pry your eyes from Ghost’s. “You need one?” You swore the man could drink damn near anyone under the table. He was already on his sixth of the night and was still semi-coherent. You’d kept to a slow pace, having just ordered your third about fifteen minutes ago. You usher him off with a gentle shake of your head. “Suit yourself.” His legs wobble slightly as he moves to stand from his seat next to you.
     You look away from your tipsy friend to glance around the table at the rest of your comrades. The team morale had shifted quite a bit from the unnerving silence in the Humvee a week ago. They all seemed so much more lively now, everything felt right. A content feeling settles in your chest, something you hadn’t felt in a long time. Looking between the men you realize, after two long, long years, you finally feel comfort. Their very presence sparked a warmth within your body that you hadn’t noticed was missing for so long. You finally felt at home, not in any certain place but within the emotional confines of your team.
     With a contented sigh, you stand from your seat. “I think I’m gonna head back. I’ll see you boys tomorrow.” You swiftly make your way to the exit, the cool night air nearly knocking you over as you step through the threshold. The moon shines bright above as you take a moment to appreciate the stars as they twinkle against the dark backdrop of the night sky.
     How was it that something as mundane as the night sky could be so dark, yet so entrancing? It reminded you of a certain set of eyes, ones that were all too familiar. The way they’d stare back at you blankly, bored even. The way they twinkle with the light of the hall's fluorescents. The way they’d slowly shift and show something beautiful, only for the darkness to creep back in much sooner than you’d like. The way they’d stared at you only a few minutes ago sends a shiver down your spine. The way they'd shifted from cold and distracted to warm and welcoming as his gaze fell on you makes your heart flutter.
     Ghost’s masked face flickers through the back of your mind, remembering the wry laughs he’d let slip. The way the two of you would bounce sarcastic remarks back and forth, his eyes lighting up for a brief moment as he’d smile under his mask. Perhaps, somewhere along the way, you’d fallen for the stoic man. Somewhere in those moments when he’d let his walls down, even a little, he’d captured some part of your heart and kept it with him. And only now that you were back with him, were you reconnected to that piece of yourself.
     “You doing alright?” You feel as though your soul leaves your body when the deep voice reaches out into the once-quiet space around you. Your hand shoots up to grab your chest, not bothering to turn around as you hear Ghost’s light chuckle. That deep melodic sound sends shivers down your spine. Heat rises to your face as you listen to him shift behind you. “Why so jumpy?” His hand falls gently onto your shoulder as he moves you to face him. Your muscles threaten to quake at the contact but you shove down the feeling.
     “I’m fine, really.” You huff out as you comply with his motion, turning to face him. “I was just… I was thinking.” Your body threatens to answer that foreign call again, to step forward into his space. 
     He seems more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him. His eyes still hold the chuckle he let slip moments ago as he tilts his head curiously. His hand still sits on your shoulder holding you at arm's length from him. You know he’s silently asking you to go further with your thoughts but you couldn’t just come out and tell him. You couldn’t just say that you’re slowly realizing that you have feelings for him. He’s your lieutenant for fuck sake. On top of that, you’re fairly certain that this man doesn’t know the meaning of the word love. All he knows is good fieldwork and mutual respect.
     You shake the whirlwind of thoughts from your head. “It’s nothing.” You hold in a sigh as you take a step back trying to put distance between the two of you. You feel your heart threatening to leap out of you. That odd, off putting need to touch him claws its way up from your gut, settling heavy in your chest. You wave your hand haphazardly over your shoulder, trying to find an excuse to leave the situation before you act on these rash feelings. “I, um… I’m gonna- you know.” You cringe inwardly at your awkwardness.
     Ghost’s eyes flash with amusement as he watches you fumble over yourself. He gestures in the direction of the base. “I’ll walk you back.” He was just trying to keep you safe, you knew that. The struggle taking place in your mind prevented you from seeing it that way. You squirm under his gaze as more thoughts cross your mind. Ones that would never reach the light of day. 
     “I, um… No, that’s ok.” You stumble over your words attempting to get the lewd images out of your mind. “I think I can make the walk on my own. Thanks though.” You can feel the tension between you growing as you begin to mentally panic. You turn swiftly to walk away, wanting nothing more than to turn back and throw yourself at him. You push and push and push, but that feeling won’t leave. You risk a glance over your shoulder as you take a few more steps away from Ghost.
     His eyes are locked on your retreating form, unblinking. His annoyance shines in them as he takes a few slow strides after you. Your pace picks up as you feel Ghost’s presence inching closer to your backside. A familiar itch works its way into your leg muscles as you increase your pace once more, hoping Ghost will get the message and back off. He doesn’t though, he keeps pace about five feet behind you the entire way back to the base.
     Visions of him chasing you down and pinning you to a wall force themselves to the forefront of your mind. Groaning internally you keep pace hoping to make it to your room before Ghost gets the bright idea to say anything to you. To your surprise he turns off down a separate hallway, likely to get to his room. A sigh escapes you as you round the corner that will take you straight to your room. “Thank god.” Your words come out airy as you reach to open the door. You barely have time to touch the cold doorknob before an unfamiliar voice behind you makes you jump out of your skin.
     “Rough evening?” The voice is thick with what sounds to be a German accent. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” The apology comes out in a breathy mix of words and light laughter, no doubt at the sight of you jumping. 
     As you turn to face the man you recognize his makeshift hood immediately. “Oh, it’s you.” Your brows knit together as you recall he’d ignored your request for his name. You purse your lips as you crane your neck to look up at him, only now realizing how close he was. Your chest flutters as you take in the sheer size of this man. Sure, you’d seen him earlier and he seemed large then. But now that you stood mere feet from him, the absolute enormity of this man hit you like a ton of bricks. “I, uh… I never caught your name.” Your skin crawls as he towers over you. You were certain he wasn’t trying to come off as menacing, but it didn’t stop it from happening. “I’m Iris, by the way.” You put your hand out hoping the small gesture will keep away the odd tension that had enveloped the two of you earlier.
     His eyes flicker in the shadows of his mask, from your face to your hand and back. His hand  comes out slowly to take your much smaller one in a firm but gentle handshake. “Ah, right, Iris.” His voice comes out unsure like he’s testing how it feels in his mouth. He pauses awkwardly, looking to you for confirmation that he’d said it right. You nod, finding it oddly adorable coming from a man of his stature. Your mind drifts from the hesitant look in his eyes to the feeling of his large calloused that still held yours firmly within it. “I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier. I get a bit nervous around other people.” His eyes go wide as they slowly slide to where the two of you were joined. He unfurls his fingers from around your hand, nervously dropping it to his side. Your hand feels oddly cold as you bring it to rest at your side. You force yourself to hold back a laugh as he looks at everything but you. “König.” With a small nod, he turns on his heels and retreats swiftly down the hall.
     It was one word, one single word. Yet somehow it has managed to plague your thoughts for over four days now. You had doubted it was his actual name, probably just a callsign like the one you’d given him. It didn’t matter though, it intrigued you. It picked at your brain as you repeated it over and over again. What did it mean? Of course, you had no way of knowing, you weren’t even completely sure what dialect it came from.
     You’d seen König a few times since he’d introduced himself. Mostly at meal time or just around the halls, but he always made an effort to at least say hello when your paths crossed. You had also bumped into him yesterday while getting in your daily training. Thinking back on it, you’re not sure why you agreed to it, but you wound up on the sparring mat together. You were scared at first that he’d absolutely plow you through the mat, but he was surprisingly gentle with you, playful even. 
     A huff leaves your lips as you refocus on the training you and Soap had taken to this morning. It was Price’s idea, he wanted to be sure you were still at your best, so here you were. “This is bullshit.” You eye Soap as he examines your form from across the sparring mat.
     Soap laughs as he continues sizing you up. “Don’t I know it. Not only do I need to grade your performance, but I also have to be sure not to hurt you in the process.” You don’t miss the sly smile that plays on his lips as he finally charges for you. His arms reach out to grab you as he runs at you. 
     You couldn’t be too upset. After all, it did give you something to focus on. Something that wasn’t a large brooding man with mood swings and a mask. Both König and Ghost had plagued your mind for hours on end. König had piqued your interest just by the pure enigma the man was. He was so large and intimidating, his very presence commanded every space he entered. It was hard to believe a man like that could really be so put off by simply interacting with other humans. It was endearing in a way.
     Ghost, on the other hand, had your mind in a spiral. You wanted so badly to reach out to him, to tell him how you felt. Every time you’d pass in the halls or sit near each other your head would spin. You wanted him with you at all hours of the day. The aura he exuded consumed every piece of you even when he wasn’t near. Even now, while you are alone with Soap, not another soul in sight, you can feel him. In your thoughts, his voice repeats your name over and over, a siren’s call beckoning you to come and find him. But you don’t. You push it down and focus on the task at hand.
     A hearty laugh bursts from your throat as you easily roll out of the way. “Please, you’re more likely to get bitten by a shark on dry land than are to catch me, let alone hurt me.” Your feet are swift and graceful as you move to avoid another one of his advances. “I kept up on my training for the whole two years I was gone.” You chuckle as you watch him trip over his own feet. 
     He huffs out a laugh as he steadies himself again. “You’re a fast little shit, I’ll give you that.” He smiles but doesn’t make any move to charge at you again. “I’m getting a hold on the way you move though. I’m not going to hold back anymore, I have every intent to take you to the mat. Consider that your warning.” He rolls his shoulders as he lowers his stance, staring you down like prey.
     Your body instinctively moves into a more defensive stance as you ready yourself for the oncoming assault. “Come on then Suds.” You laugh at the glare he sends your way. “Bring it.” Your hands move in a ‘come here’ motion.
     “Oh, now you’re gonna get it.” His voice lilts with a playful growl as he strikes out at you. His movements are faster this time, you still avoid them but only narrowly. You block every hit as it comes flying at you. Your body reacts mostly on its own as the two of you dance across the soft flooring. You lose count of how many times the two of you had made rounds through the room. He chased and swung while you expertly avoided every one of his attempts at you. Your body jittered with adrenaline as your mind raced, knowing it was only a matter of time before one of you got tired and slipped up. 
     The room remained completely silent as you began the cycle over again. He lunges for you, your feet carry you out of his reach to another corner of the mat. He swings, your body maneuvers away from the attack as your arm comes up to deflect it. As you round to the third corner of the mat you notice that two large dark figures linger in the doorway. The moment of pause this gives you allows Soap the upper hand. Taking hold of your momentary lapse in focus he charges, grabbing hold of your middle and manhandling you face down into the floor. He straddles the back of your thighs as you shoot an accusing glare at the two figures standing in the doorway. 
     Your eyes flicker between the figures. There with his arms crossed and a mildly amused look in his eyes, stands Ghost. His ever-present mask seems to mock you in your current position. The second figure nearly makes you do a double take. König stands over Ghost’s shoulder as he too stares at you from under his hood.
      Soap’s voice cuts through the silence. “You really shouldn’t let yourself get distracted like that.” His breathing is still harsh from the chase you’d given, and you can’t help but think his words are mildly poetic. “That’s how you end up injured, or worse, dead.” 
     You laugh to yourself as you soak in his words, ready to make him eat them. Your body moves faster than he can react. With your palms flat against the mat, you slide your left leg up the side of your body, releasing it from its previous confines between Soap’s legs. You kick it backward with all the force you can muster and your palms dig into the mat, twisting your upper body to follow your leg through its motions. Using the momentum you gain, you manage to throw Soap onto his side. Now, it’s your turn to take advantage of his hesitation. You jump onto his now prone form and force his face into the mat as you straddle his hips and, for good measure, you pin his right arm behind him. 
     You snicker, repeating his words back to him in a mocking tone as a small groan escapes his lips. “Give up, Soap. This little game of cat and mouse is over.” He growls in disapproval and squirms in an attempt to get you off of him. 
     “Give up MacTavish, Iris got you.” Ghost’s amused voice reverberates through the room, as Soap taps his free hand twice on the mat. You lift yourself off of him and step to the side offering him a hand up. Ghost gives you a small approving nod. “Good work, Iris.” Warmth settles In your chest at his words. Butterflies kick up a fuss in your stomach as the magnetic feeling returns, pulling you a step closer to him.
     “A lot of power in a small package,” König states, still standing behind Ghost. “Quite a useful commodity.” You take his words as a compliment and sidle up to the two large men.
     “I’d say I passed this little test of skills.” You smile up at them as you make a move to pass through the doorway. You were overly ready for a shower and lunch. Your body is sore from the extensive training exercise. You’re confused when Ghost doesn’t move from the doorway, nearly causing you to bump into him.
     “Not so fast, you two. No break time yet, Captain’s got us all heading into a meeting.” Ghost’s eyes meet yours as you start to protest. Your voice dies in your throat at the sharp look he gives you. “It’s mandatory.”
     “Yes, Lieutenant.” Yours and Soap’s voices sound off in unison with the same annoyed and mocking tone. You both sounded like schoolchildren who’d been lectured about not missing class again. Reluctantly, the two of you follow behind Ghost and König, mocking each other and bickering the whole way to the meeting room, gaining the occasional curious glance from König and an annoyed glare from Ghost. Only when you knew you were in earshot of the meeting room did you and Soap begin conducting yourselves like responsible adults. Straightening your shoulders and walking with purpose even if you were still in your sweaty workout clothes.
     Upon entering the room, you’re met with a few unfamiliar faces alongside Price and Gaz. Soap, Ghost, and yourself gravitated to the left side of the room, joining your two comrades who already stood there. König on the other hand joined the others on the right side of the table. Confusion ebbed at the back of your mind as you stared at König.
     Price spoke before your curiosity could get the best of you. “I take it, with the smell and all, training went well?” 
     Soap glances over at you then back to Price with a mildly unimpressed, “Eeh.” He shrugs as he turns his full attention back to you. “I’ve fought tougher adversaries.” His mouth twitches slightly as he attempts to hold back a grin.
     A small but sweet smile plasters itself across your face, eyes never leaving his. “I’m surprised you can pronounce words that long. Honestly, Johnny, that’s impressive.” 
     Ghost steps between the two of you. “Enough. Both of you.” He sounds like an annoyed father trying to keep his children in line. The look in his eyes on the other hand tells you he’s ready to choke the life out of you both. “Training went well.” He turns his attention to Price who stands there with an amused look on his face. “From what I saw, I firmly believe that Iris is ready to rejoin the team out in the field.”
     With an approving nod, Price moves forward with the briefing. “141 meet KorTac.” His hand gesture from your team across the table to where the other group stood. “KorTac, 141. Be nice and try to get along. We're all in for a bumpy ride together.”
Chapter Five
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d0youc0py · 2 years ago
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Simon had deep scowl lines between his brows from being forced out of his home and into the world. He watched you move around the room with gloomy hazel eyes. He never understood it. How easy it seemed for you to be away from him. Even now after he had just gotten back from a mission two days ago, you already pulled yourself away from him like you barely knew him. Your eyes sparkled as you talked animatedly with your friends across the room.
If it was up to Simon the two of you would be dead to the world. Curled up under a thick quilt as the rain pattered against the window. The room would be completely dark and quiet, except for your soft snores as you buried yourself as close to him as you could get. He would be so happy. Just the thought of it made his muscles relax. That was short lived as a hand smacked itself against his shoulder.
“Right Simon?” Soap’s words slowly reached his brain. Apparently he had been part of a conversation he didn’t even know was happening. This is why he needed to be home. His brain was foggy. The people at his table waited for a response and he simply grunted and nodded his head, hoping he didn’t agree to something too terrible. They seemed content and went on with their conversation. Simon’s eyes fled back up to where you were before, only to find you missing. His trained eyes scanned around the room easily finding that you and your friends had moved the conversation to the patio. He shifted forward in his seat as new recruit came up to you with a wide smile on his stupid face. The recruit was training to possibly be on the 141 team and the fact Simon couldn’t even remember his name showed how well that was going. Simon waited patiently for those pretty eyes of yours to find him and silently beg him to remove the stranger from your area. Yet that never came. Instead he was faced with teary e/c eyes. Your chin had a wobble in it and he could practically feel the heat radiating off your body all the way from his seat.
His blood ran cold.
He was hot on your trail following you down the hallway and into the laundry room. “I need a minute.” You requested trying to shut the door behind you. A strong hand quickly stopped it.
“What’d he say to you?” Simon demanded. The same hand that stopped the door grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, swiftly using his foot to shut the door behind him.
“Simon please.” You urged. His skin crawled. You never called him Simon. It was always ‘Si’ when you were happy with him or Simon Riley if you were mad at him. Never just Simon. You tugged yourself away from him backing into the washer.
“Sweetheart.” Simon urged back. He quickly broke the distance between you again resting his hand on the back of your head. You instinctively pressed your head against him, your body so use to seeking comfort from him. You stopped yourself- but didn’t pull away. “Talk to me please.”
“He”- you cut yourself off a fat tear rolling down your cheek. It was quickly swept away. “He asked me about you.” Your voice was quiet. Simon gently squeezed the back of your head pleading for you to continue. “He asked if all the rumors were true.” Your glossy eyes met his for a moment. Your eyes felt more comfortable staring at his broad chest.
“Sweetheart.” Simon sighed. He sighed in relief. “You can’t believe what you hear.” His thumbs rubbed your hips gently.
“He said you were buried alive and had to use someones leg to dig your way out.” His veins that were just starting to heat up froze over. His eyes were wide. The way his breath trembled gave him away. “Oh my god.” You whispered. “It’s true isn’t it?” You sputtered. “I can’t believe you kept that from me! That’s not something you hide from the person you say you want to spend the rest of your life with. Don’t you think I have the right to know?”
“No you don’t.” Simon said firmly. Your lips parted in shock. It’s true Simon wasn’t an open book. You had been together for two years before he even mentioned he had a family at one point. It took another year for you to piece his early life together, then once he realized you were here for the long haul things flowed from him easier. There were two things that he swore to never tell you though: his time in Mexico and how good he really was at his job. “You aren’t entitled to know anything about that.”
“Oh so those nights when you wake up in a cold sweat and I have to spend an hour talking you down make me not worthy of knowing something like that.” You spat. His heart constricted. His hands fled from your hips. The back of his hand rested against his lips and he desperately wished he had something to cover his face with.
“I never asked you to do that.” He spat back. His voice quivered- a rarity. His hand stayed pressed against his lips, his other pulled at the rolled up sleeves of his black button up.
“You’re missing my point. If I knew what was bothering you it would make it easier to help you.”
“I don’t want your help!” You jumped at his volume and he quickly quieted himself down. “I don’t tell you things about me so you can fix them. I tell you because”- He trailed off. He suddenly became all too aware of his surroundings.
“Because why?” You pressed. Your heart panged in your chest as you took in the sight of him. It was abnormal to see the mighty Simon Riley flustered- actually you think you’re the only person who had. Regret started to gnaw at your being. You had been selfish and harsh. You slowly brought your hand up and removed his hand from his face, tangling your fingers with his. Your other hand gently traced the veins on his forearm. The heave in his chest simmered and he leaned into you. “Because why?” You repeated softly.
“For the longest time”- He trailed off again. You pushed down your impatience and gave his hand a squeeze. “I thought the things that have happened to me and the things that I’ve done made me”-
He couldn’t find the right word.
“Unlovable.” You found it for him. His eyes flickered to yours, relief replaced the hurt in his hazel eyes, then slowly love crept its way in. You always managed to take the tangled yarn ball of emotions in his chest and give them a name. He nodded his head in agreement.
“Yet when I told you things about myself you just seemed to like me more.” He sighed. He removed his hand from yours and cupped your face making sure you looked up at him. “Please understand that there are still some things that I’m not ready to tell you about. Things that I can barely think about. It doesn’t mean I won’t ever tell you, just not yet.”
“Okay.” You whispered. You leaned up and he quickly met you in the middle pressing a firm kiss against your lips. His big hand patted your backside making you erupt in a fit of giggles against him. Just as you were exiting the laundry room Simon grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him.
“And I want you to go back out there and tell that rookie it was a jaw- not a leg.” He requested.
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idk-void · 3 months ago
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I’ve searched far and wide (or however that saying goes) but I can’t find this Weasley twin post.
I vaguely remember it was leaned more to Fred Weasley x reader. Where reader and Johnson started up a side business at the joke shop for intimate items. There was even a part two I think with an interview. It even had a really well made daily prophet article with a picture of one white girl and another black girl.
I completely forget to reblog it 😔 Does anyone know who posted it? Or if it’s even if it’s still up?
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^ Me to everyone liking this post but not helping (JK, kinda)
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x-reader-theater · 2 years ago
Unexpected Kindness
summary: While rushing through the Ministry to complete a task for Sister Imperator, Swiss scares you, and is unexpectedly kind to you.
pairing: Swiss Ghoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
category: Gen
word count: 1,413
warnings: There’s some suggestiveness in the story but nothing described. I’m thinking of making this a series that will be explicit, but there’s nothing like that yet.
Disclaimer: This story is using the fan interpretations of these characters ONLY. No real people are being used in this. I have no problem with real person fic, but I know some people do, and so I wanted to make a disclaimer for those people. 
a/n: i just really like Swiss, okay?
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You were walking through the halls of the ministry, a stack of books in your hands as your footsteps echo down the empty halls. There isn’t another member of the clergy that’s out at this hour, with how early it is in the morning.
That is, except Swiss.
You feel something long and leathery dip into the back of your pants and untuck your shirt. You feel the flat spade-head of a tail press into your bare lower back, and you jump, the books you’re holding dropping from your hands as they land on the ground with a loud THUMP that echos.
“Mother fucking Satan!” you exclaim with a hand over your heart. The tail that is around your waist tightens and you’re pulled into strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, little one,” he says into your ear. His mask, which he and all other ghouls are required to wear by Sister Imperetor, knocks against the side of your head, one of the tubes off the side squishing.
You scoff and push Swiss away. He doesn’t fight to keep you next to him, but his tail continues to stroke up and down your back. “What do you want, Swiss? I’m busy.”
You look over your shoulder and see him grin, his white teeth blinding against his dark grey skin. “I was lonely,” he says, grin becoming roguish and flirty. “You were just the first I saw…”
You roll your eyes and bend down to pick up the books that were dropped, but you just drop them again when you feel that tail slink out from underneath your shirt and swat at your backside. You yelp and turn around, glaring at him as your books drop again. “I have a hard time believing that you just happened to be awake at 6am,” you say, vitriol in your voice. You pick up the books once more and stand again, this time out of reach of Swiss’ wandering tail. “Besides,” you say, hugging the books tighter to your chest, “I don’t sleep with Ghouls. We’re not allowed.”
Swiss starts walking towards you, slinking forward, and you step back, matching him step for step, until you back hits the wall. Swiss keeps walking forward and when you shrink down, trying to get away, he places an arm above your head. You swallow as he leans in, and you can see his red eyes behind the tinted lenses of the mask.
“Just not allowed? Do you want to?” he asks quietly.
You swallow again, frozen in place, eyes boring into Swiss’ lenses, his strong arms bracketing your head, and you grip the old leather books tighter in your hands. You eyes dart down to Swiss’ exposed lips, and Swiss’ smile widens. He begins leaning in, slowly, like he’s giving you a chance to escape. But, like a deer in headlights, you’re frozen. Even your breath is frozen in your lungs. You can feel Swiss breathe against your lips, his breath smelling faintly of sulfur, but that you’ve heard tastes like the most addicting drug one could get their hands on.
A door slams down the hall and both your heads swivel towards the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out from underneath Swiss’ arms and hurry down the hall away from him and towardsyour goal. Your actual goal, not a fantasy goal.
But you running away from Swiss doesn’t actual deter him at all, and he jogs to catch up to you. He swivels himself so he’s walking backwards in front of you, a grin peaking out from underneath his full lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks slyly, hands clasped behind his back.
“To Sister Imperetor’s office,” you say, tilting your chin up slightly as you try and walk faster to get past Swiss. He doesn’t take the bait however and just moves beside you, keeping pace, his steps in perfect sync with yours.
He lets out a low whistle, “Figures she would have you working all night,” he says. “Mind if I join you? Just to walk you there, nothing else, I promise.”
You slow down, thinking on it for a moment. You haven’t been very close to any of the Ghouls, but Papa Emeritus always seems so close and they all seem to like each other more than anyone else. They seem like they have fun, which is something you’re sorely lacking right now.
“Okay,” you say slowly, suspicious of Swiss’ intentions but willing to be open.
The ghoul grins widely and his steps become less in sync with yours, a bounce added to them.
The two of you walk together through the Ministry in silence, just enjoying each other’s company as your footsteps echo off the stone of the hallway. You feel Swiss’ arm brush against yours every once in a while as you walk, but he doesn’t go further. In fact, it almost seems like every time he brushes your arm he takes a few small steps to the side, but always ends up right next to you anyways, like magnets, always drawn to each other.
Eventually, you come to the door to Sister Imperator’s office, and you both slow to a stop. Swiss stops in front of you, and you smile at him, going to reach for the handle, but Swiss’ hand on your elbow stops you. The grip isn’t hard or strong, but gentle, something you haven’t seen from Swiss before now.
“[Y/N]… after you drop these books off, you should tell Sister that you need sleep,” he says, voice soft and gentle. “You know how she pushes the other siblings of sin.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, before nodding slowly. He smiles, a closed mouth smile so different from his typical cocky grin. He squeezes your elbow and begins walking off further down the hall. You smile as you watch him go down the hall and disappear around the corner. You open the door and walk into Sister Imperator’s office with a small smile on your face.
She’s sitting at her desk, her severe face and tight bun helping her look as strict as she is.
“Was that Swiss?” she asks, still looking down at the work she’s doing on her desk.
You nod. “Yeah. He walked me over here,” you explain, your smile getting dreamier.
She doesn’t stop working as she cuts through your words. “Stay away from him. The ghouls are not meant for you.”
Your smile drops, your body tensing. “Yes, Sister,” you say, even tho your body fights against it. You clear your throat. “I have the books you requested.”
“Good, yes,” she says, waving a hand in the air. “Put them over there on that table.”
You do as she asks and set the books down on the table she gestured to with a loud slam. She doesn’t seem to notice however, still working on whatever the hell has her so busy all day.
“Sibling, I need you to go to the-”
“Actually, Sister,” you interrupt, biting your lip as you wait for her to say something. She doesn’t. “Uh, I’ve been awake for over 36 hours and haven’t had time to rest. I am asking for some time off, just enough to sleep, and then I’ll be able to help you once again,” you say, succinctly and professionally.
Sister Imperator finally stops working and looks up at you. “What a disappointment,” she says, making eye contact with you. “I gave you this position so you could show me that you were ready to move up in the Ministry, but I can see that my faith was misplaced.” She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers in front of her thin lips. “Since you seem so attached to the Ghoul's, I’ll make you their newest handler.” Your eyes go wide but you're unable to say something as she continues forwards. “They have no sense of time and are always late to services and rituals. Maybe I'll give you a second chance if you do a good enough job.” She leans forward in her chair once more and goes back to working on whatever is on her desk as she dismissively says, “Go fetch Sister Reinhardt. Maybe she won't disappoint me.”
You nod and turn to leave the room, giving one last look back at Sister Imperator before finally leaving her office. You sigh at what happened but you can't help but be a little excited for what’s coming next.
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wwaheoh · 8 months ago
“Falling Asleep on The Job” - Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader (Platonic)
Alexandrina Sebastiane, Corin Wickes, Ellen Joe, Von Lycaon
a/n: writing this at 2 am but unlike the reader, i dont have a ghost milf to be there when i wake up...
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As the newest member of Victoria Housekeeping, it had been a bit of a shaky transition. Still in high school, you’ve had to juggle your studies, hobbies, and your part time job all at once, it was a lot to hold on to- not even mentioning any extracurriculars or social life you might have.
So, all in all, pretty stressful. Especially now, coming back from your break, it seemed like the teachers were all trying to one-up each other on how many pages of homework they’d give. It had all begun to affect your wellbeing, always trying your best to give it your all, hours of studying began to dig into your sleep time.
An hour or two into the night began to become going to sleep at 4 AM or even just not sleeping at all and staying up through energy drinks.
After a particularly hard week- where you hadn’t slept at all last night and barely slept the day before that, you finally broke.
Shadows under your eyes, sweaty arms, twitchy hands, legs that felt like lead, and a light pressure on your forehead. You had been put on shift to help clean up a house, the usual stuff, thankfully nothing with any underlying “help” required.
As you were sweeping dust off a windowsill, you began to feel the familiar wave of tiredness wash over you. Muscles felt exhausted, a yawn threatening to escape you. Deciding to sit on a nearby chair to rest a little, you began to be lulled into a deep slumber. Head bobbing, eyelids drooping down- a desperate but ultimately futile attempt at staying awake.
And then you conked out.
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Slowly you woke up, blur in your eyes that you had to blink away a few times before your vision cleared. You were turned horizontally- actually you weren’t where you had accidentally fallen asleep in the first place!
Immediately you rushed to get up, “Oh shi-!” before a mature, warm voice softly hushed you, a gloved hand slowly drifted you back down and set your head down on something soft.
Looking up, you saw Ms. Sebastiane looking down on you, a soft smile on her face as she pet your hair. From the lighting of the room, it was clear some time had passed. Meaning that you’d fallen asleep on the job.
“I-I’m so sorry Miss!” You let out, mortified at having fallen asleep- especially with how often housekeeping wasn’t the only thing Victoria Housekeeping did. Something terrible could have happened- and while there were other members of the company here, you would have been a liability.
“It’s okay dear,” She started with her usual caring tone, “You’ve been pretty out of it recently, Ms. Ellen told us of how your shared academics might be affecting your quality of life.” Her hands brushed softly against your hair, a spell of sleep beginning to overtake you once more. “It’s not wrong to ask for some time off, your health matters most.”
“Go back to sleep, I shall awake you once it is time for us to head back.”
You relaxed, her lap being used as a pillow as she let you sleep until it was time to go back home.
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Something soft underneath the side of your head, you were lying down now- different to how you slept. Oh! You fell asleep! Quickly rushing to get up with a few expletives, a timid voice called out to you, “Uhm! You don’t need to get up!”
Looking at the source of the voice, you realized that you had fallen asleep on the job, leaving your coworker, Corin, all by her lonesome. Or at least on this side of the premises.
“Ah, I’m so sorry Corin!” You quickly tried to fix the couch you had been moved to, arranging the pillows and patting the cushions to make it seem as if no one had been sleeping on it.
“N-no! It’s fine!” You turned to her, confused but hopeful that she wasn’t just saying that to calm you down. “Uhm, I heard about how school’s been pretty tough, Ellen- I mean no one told us how it might be affecting you. You can rest for now! I’ll uhm, wake you up when I need help!”
You were thankful for her, worried that she’d be angry that you basically ditched her for sleep. Of course she probably wouldn't be that angry- she never got mad at Ellen whenever she slept on the job, but it was still a thought in the back of your head. Nodding, you sat back onto the couch as the feeling of drowsiness began to take hold again.
“Sweet uhm, dreams!” Corin whispered, worried that it wasn’t the right thing to say or not in the right context.
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Slowly waking, you were still vertically sleeping, however where you had fallen asleep had changed. Quickly you got up, looking around for an indication of the time or Ellen, your coworker- and classmate, who you were partnered with for this part of the premises. It didn’t seem like she was around, but that begged the question of who moved you…
“Oi,”, You nearly yelped as you quickly turned to the person you hadn’t noticed, “Don’t move so fast… you woke me up.”
It.. seemed Ellen had the same problem you did, it made sense, the both of you did share multiple classes.
“Uhm-” “If you’re worried about waking up before the client gets here, don’ worry, I’ll wake you up.” “Oh! Uh, thank you.” “Mm…”
She promptly fell right back to sleep, with you following shortly after.
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Slowly your eyes blinked open. You felt as if you just had the best sleep of your life. A soft pillow under your head, a warm blanket covering you, a homey scent of a candle nearby. Oh my gods you fell asleep at work and were acting like you were at home- hell even better than home.
You began to scramble out of this makeshift bed before a gloved hand firmly set itself on your shoulder. Turning to the owner, your heart stopped as you came face to face with your boss.
Quickly tears began to form at the edge of your eyes, mortification at having fallen asleep on the job and waking up in front of your boss. A therian that prided themselves on keeping a professional atmosphere and providing top-notch service to their “Master”s.
“I- I’m so-”
“Shh.. it’s of no trouble.”
God, was he going to fire you after this?
“No, I will not. Please, I’ve been informed of your recent academics and how they might be affecting your work-life balance.” He interrupted any other thoughts you might have had, as if he were reading your mind. “While I prefer you not to fall asleep while we are keeping the home of our Masters, I won’t be upset for minor inconvenience.” His voice was warm, deep, with a voice that seemed to lull you back to sleep.
“Now rest, I will awake you once the Master is due to arrive.”
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year ago
You get a very dumb cat that loves Simon
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Gnreader and Beans the Cat!
Fluffy Fluff Corniness! 🌽
Support me on Ko-Fi
Or Gofundme
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• Being the long term partner to Simon 'Ghost' Riley definitely had its up and downs. One of the downs however is how lonely you'd get when he left for missions
• So after a particularly long Mission were your love was gone for months, you decided that a pet was a good way to help cope with the worry and hollowness.
• You'd gotten a cat from a shelter and had it for only a few weeks before Simon returned. One thing you had realized in the short time you had owned the cat was... he wasn't the brightest
• After returning from picking Simon up from the airport and sharing in more kisses then you knew was possibly Simon walked through the door with a happy sigh at being able to return home till he spotted the changes and the cat sitting dead center of the livingroom-
• "What the Hell is that thing?" He says gesturing to the feline staring up at him with his tongue hanging out.
• "I got a cat!" You say cheerfully, Gesturing to the feline he was staring at. Simon stares at the cat. Watching it blink one eye then another as he took a heavy breath.
• "His name is Beans!" You said cheerfully, Simon raiding an eyebrow at this. Before looking back at the cat and could clearly see there was no greater thought behind the damn things eyes as he meowed at him.
• Simon closed his eyes like he was trying to keep himself from either laughing or crying at the same time-
• "Fucken Hell-"
• He finds Beans to be a constant reminder that some creatures don't need brain cells to survive. The cat while sweet is a fucking idiot, it likes to stare at nothing get what you call 'Zoomies' at the most random times and it perplexes Simon how the damn thing survived more then a day. Especially when it clips a wall during one of these Zoomie moments and he has to turn away to keep from laughing.
• The only time he gets mad at it is when he's doing the Dirty with you and feels a pair of eyes staring at him. Turning his head to see God Damn Beans in the doorway staring at the two of you getting it on.
• "Damn that fucking cat-"
• After a few weeks home and with Beans, Simon wakes up from a terrible nightmare/panic attack. Panting as the shadows of his mind had creeped in on his dreams and plagued him with fear and reliving the worse in his life.. Getting up gently as to not wake you he ventures down to the living room to sit and watch TV to hopefully settle his mind just enough to sleep.
• He sighs still sweating from the panic attack and takes a seat on the plush old couch, Running his hand over his naked face as he tried to relax- feeling the itch to grab his balaclava just to add some security to his troubled mind. He heard the gentle sound of bells catching his attention as he watched Beans get up from his fluffy cat bed and walk to him.
• Jumping onto his lap Beans began to gently knead Simon's chest and stomach region. He remembered you saying this was called 'Making Biscuits'
• "Tryin' to comfort me eh?" He questioned as he gently began to pet the cat who was continuing its late night action.
• After a while of this which did distract Simon enough to feel the panic attack start to fade away, Beans curled up high on his chest and begun to purr loud and hard. Vibrating the whole man's chest like a old school massager.
• He felt himself start to relax as the gentle sound of purring began to lull him to sleep, his hand still on the back of the cat gently as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
• The next morning when you get up you walk downstairs to see Simon sitting on the couch with Beans still asleep on his chest, curled in a relaxed ball under his warm hand.
• You take at least 100 pictures of this.
• After that night Simon is more okay with the cat and Beans just adores Simon now. Following him everywhere and sleeping on the soldier at every opportunity.
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starhrtz · 3 months ago
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pairings : misc!angels x gnreader ✧
content : hint of forbidden love
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Cupids can’t fall in love. It’s simply forbidden, a rule that many cupids have abided by for many centuries. It was a rather easy rule to abide by, he’s seen countless humans throughout his job as cupid and none of them has ever caught his eye. Still… every time he had successfully managed to complete his job, a thought would always linger on his mind.
“Falling in love seems nice.”
It wouldn’t hurt to at least try it out once right? As he glanced at the couple in front of him, he let out a sigh. Seriously what was he thinking? Cupids can’t ever fall inlove.
The smells of fresh pastries filled the air as he walked through the bustling streets of the city that he had grown used to, many rushed past him to get to work yet none managed to notice him. Cupids are like ghosts after all until he makes himself known to humans, which he doesn’t do often after all he sees no point when after his job he has to leave the city and go to a new part of teyvat. Yet… why is he still here?
Well it’s because of you.
His task was to make you and the person you like to get together but he can’t find himself to, he knows it’s weird for him to be jealous over a human but the way you smile or the way you do anything really makes his heart flutter and he can’t help but want you to himself. That’s why for the past couple of days he’s been at your home town due to his own selfishness.
Oh no… was he falling in love?
-> kazuha, albedo, venti, dan heng, luke pearce, luocha, luka
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the-whispers-of-death · 8 months ago
hi, Ive been writing and want to post fics in the future and I saw your post about tagging fics correctly. I’m not super knowledgeable on that could you give some examples on how to correctly tag fics? and then especially with dark fics, smut, fluff etc. as well?? sorry if you’ve already posted something about it I couldn’t find it ☺️
I haven't really made a post on how to properly tag posts (I say posts instead of fics because I'm talking strictly about Tumblr writings and not Ao3 works) but I'll do it now!
(NOTE: This post became so long that I'm too lazy to go through fully and edit it. So beware of any typos.)
How to Properly Tag Your Posts:
So I'm assuming that you already know how to tag posts in general. There's a section at the bottom of the post where it says "add tags to help people find your post" and you can just add up to 30 tags.
It's recommended that you at least have five tags, as the first five (I believe it's five, I'm going based off of memory of me seeing that somewhere) are specifically used to push your post out into the Tumblr world for everyone to see. That's not to say you can't use more than five, it's just that five is like the minimum you should use if you want people to see your posts.
Onto how to properly tag your posts.
How To Properly Tag "x reader" Posts:
First, I will be talking about how to properly tag your posts using the example x reader posts (because this issue was the start of this entire thing).
If you're writing with a female reader in mind (ie you use she/her pronouns to refer to the Reader or you use feminine terms ((good girl, wife, girlfriend, waitress, queen))), you should tag your post as female reader. Now there's many different ways you can tag it as female reader:
fem reader
female reader
f reader
x fem!reader
x female reader
x f!reader
There's also tagging it as "(Character) x female reader" (any of the female reader variations listed above). "(Character)" is just used in place for the character in which the reader is romancing/in a romance with. Just input whatever character is being romanced and voilà!
For example, if you wrote a Simon "Ghost" Riley fic with a female reader, you can tag it: "simon ghost riley x female reader" or "simon ghost riley x fem!reader".
(NOTE: I believe the use of capitalization ((or lack thereof )) is key to posts being tagged correctly and showing up in that specific tag, simply because after posting, any tag that I've had something capitalized is lowercase when posted. I don't know if this truly makes a difference, but I try my best to just do lowercase when tagging anyways.)
Now for any other reader (male reader and gender neutral reader), the same thing applies but with those variation of male reader tags and gender neutral reader tags: male reader, mreader, m!reader, gender neutral reader, gnreader, gn!reader.
How to Properly Tag Dark Fic Posts:
Now tagging for dark fics! Here are the most common tags I see when seeing properly tagged dark fics. (Before I scroll.)
dark fic
dead dove
dead dove do not eat
tw: (input whatever trigger here)
cw: (input whatever content warning here)
Not a lot, but again, I don't read a lot of dark fics. I'll expand on trigger warning (tw) and content warning (cw) tags because I know how I worded that might be confusing.
So for example, say you're writing something with stalking. You'd tag it as "tw: stalking" or "cw: stalking". So basically anything you feel like you need to warn readers ahead of time before they go further into the post, you tag it using trigger warning or content warning followed by that thing.
Also, I believe it's good to add content/trigger warnings onto the post itself as well as tagging it with the content/trigger warnings. Just so that those who like dark fics can see what is in the post instead of looking in the tags (if the post is very long and doesn't have a "read more" thing, then a reader will have to scroll all the way down just to see the tags).
How to Properly Tag Smut and Fluff:
And lastly, we'll be talking about to properly tag smut and fluff. (Because there's also a problem in the COD fandom where smut isn't properly tagged.)
When tagging a smutty fic, it's important to not only tag it as smut, but also to tag what you may see in the post. (Similar to dark fics, but you don't have to put tw/cw in the tag.)
Examples of this would be:
tw: smut (I know I said you don't have to put tw/cw, but I do this tag simply just to cover my bases)
bottom reader
bottom male reader
top reader
top male reader
sub reader
sub male reader
dom reader
dom male reader
x bottom reader
x bottom male reader
x top reader
x top male reader
x sub reader
x sub male reader
x dom reader
x dom male reader
(input whatever is being done in the post ((ie: oral)))
I'm going to stop there, because if I continue, the list will be very long and I've covered the gist of it. (Hopefully).
Now, again, I recommend also labeling in the post what's going on in the post, just because I know from personal experience that I don't really check the tags (until I've hit something where I'm like "is this tagged correctly, because this post should fall under my tagging filter) and it's just so nice to know what type of reader (bottom/top or sub/dom) the post is written for.
Now for fluff, it's easier because you can just tag it as "fluff" or "sfw". Not much needs to be done for tagging fluff. You can just tag it as fluff.
Some More Things of Note:
I have two more things to talk about. The first being the "read more" feature.
The "read more" feature can be put on your post when you start a new paragraph/start writing your post, as a whole set of options appear when you make a new paragraph/click on the "type here" when staring writing. (At least on web you can do that. On mobile, the read more feature is down at the bottom, right below where you can enter the tags.)
The "read more" symbol looks like this (and it's the same symbol on both mobile and web):
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(Forgive my terrible screenshot abilities.)
Just click that symbol and it'll have a squiggly line with the words "keep reading" in between (and after posting it'll just appear as the words). The reason to use this post is when you have a very long post, as it will help others when they stumble upon your post while searching in a particular tag.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was the content label of post.
You find content label at the bottom right next to post (when you're on the web) or at the top right next to post when you click the meatball menu (when you're on mobile). The default is set to "For Everyone" but you can change it to mature (and select why it's mature, either for sexual themes, violence, or drug and alcohol addiction). Changing the content label of your post to mature can help give an extra security measure in addition to tagging your post.
So say you're writing a dark fic or smut, you can choose to change it to mature for violence (for a dark fic) or change it to mature for sexual themes (for smut). Just toggle on whichever you feel best fits the post and if the reader has that specific content hidden, it'll hide the post.
Anyways, that's all I can think of right now. I hope this post helped you!
(EDIT: I can't believe I wrote this post and forgot to talk about angst! Anyways, I hope whoever asked this is still reading this post, so they can know this answer.
So for angst, I'd follow the same steps for tagging dark fics with the tags being: tw: angst (again just to cover my bases), angst, and then input whatever tw/cw you want.
Again, I'd also label it on post that it has angst and then the content warnings for said angst.)
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cherryredstars · 1 year ago
so I seen your 1k prompt and I wanted to give you this Great idea for your artist Au ? I think but if I’m worng sorry 😞 and I wanted this to be COMPLETELY FLUFF 😭🙏 soooo I couldn’t decide between Miguel to ghost and so I had to chose Miguel (I’m sorry 😞 Miguel is just the black cat while ghost is a black panther) can this be fm or afab reader ? Idk this is just fluff so GN then ?
so like Miguel x artist!GNreader 🫶
and I feel in this one Miguel would come home to see it slightly a mess but to see you sleeping whit your art materials as the canvas is blank and which Miguel is confused usually you be half done with a pic while he out doing his spider man job.
Which can range to 3 week or a month. (But of course you guys called) But Miguel doesn’t worried about it as much as he carry you to your and his bed (after you guys took a shower obviously you didn’t because your were too tired ) and as you guys cuddle together as you ask Miguel if he can help you with something and miguel said yes.. and god how he wished he didn’t ( as a joke. 🥹) and since he’s here it help you ask him if he can pose for the canvas. For a next pic of your collection. And it been like passed 30 min of the first sketch and it going well despite Miguel obviously being tried and annoyed and confused of why he need to stay in this pose in such a long time (reader is just tease him because reader could take a pic of Miguel but doesn’t 😞💓) in which reader she softly laugh at his compliment and thought it was cute and told him that “art take time and it take a lot of time…and I’m almost done with the frist sketch ! Which IS THE ROUGH sketch!” which made Miguel grunted as he repositioned himself again as reader just giggle at how Miguel handled pose. It was sweet of him.
SO IT BEEN A WHILE and after a while 🤭 of tease and Miguel begging for you to show him the finished product of the art pic that took you like 3week of rendering and rendering tiny detail and some More. You show Miguel the art pic and it him staring at snow (since it almost Christmas 😌) while the lighting is hitting his head and his eyes pop and the way that Miguel did a stupid pose and it wasn’t even used (lol reader decided to use Pinterest ☠️) In the art pic kinda pissed him off but not so long obviously when he stare at a beautiful art i that reader made of himself! While snow is falling!
hope you love this AND IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THIS AS GHOST PLS DO 😌😊! but of course his way! (I had to use my artistic brain for this and because Ik art and if I wanted to I could hav e wrote how a true artist room loook like. IT MESSIng but the messing it is the creative the person get 🥹🫶🧐 I think) have a great day cherry!
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teddy-bear-baby · 2 years ago
Their Deadly Flower - Five
Pairings: Ghost X GN!Reader, König X GN!Reader 
Warnings: Mentions of violence
A/N: I’m so sorry this is so late. I have the memory of goldfish I swear. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Prolog - Chapt. 1 - Chapt. 2 - Chapt. 3 - Chapt. 4 - Here - Chapt. 6
      “I refuse to just leave Iris behind.” Ghost's voice is loud and authoritative, nearly yelling at Price.
     “Consider it an order then. There’s nothing we can do to help now.” Price’s face is a cross between hurt and anger as his usually calm and cool demeanor slips.
     Soap’s voice is weak and broken. “Please, not again.” He makes no attempt to hide his devastation as he pleads with Price.
     It was no one’s fault and they all knew that. Not 141 nor KorTac. The mission hadn’t gone as planned. They had been caught off guard on what was meant to be a stealth mission. The building went on high alert. Everyone inside scrambled about readying themselves for battle. The order was given to take out the power and disorient the enemy to give themselves the upper hand. And so they did. It was a solid plan and all was going well until they were separated by oncoming forces.
    Ghost and Soap had watched it happen from a room across the hall. In the midst of a tussle, Iris’ helmet and NVGs had been knocked off. The fight that ensued was over quickly with Iris standing over the opposition’s lifeless body. Before they could reach Iris, they were swept into combat once again. When they finished with the onslaught of enemies, Iris was gone. They looked for a while before Price told them it was time to get out. The enemy had backup on the way and they needed to vacate the premises. They’d waited and watched from a hill a ways away. All of them with binoculars pressed to their faces. They watched as the backup troops entered the building.
     Everyone’s hearts dropped when they heard shots ring out a few moments later. None of them said a word or moved. They held their breath for what felt like hours before Price finally spoke.
     “König, sniper.” He gestures for the large man to take up Iris’ post as the sniper. “With no one else in the building, they’ll be making their move to transport Ronald soon. As soon as you see him, take the shot.” A heavy sigh leaves Price’s mouth. “The rest of you should be ready for a firefight.” With his final order given everyone moved into position, mentally baring themselves for the slaughter they were about to cause.
      They waited in tense silence for a little less than an hour before the side door finally opened and out stepped the man they’d been looking for. König readied himself to pull the trigger but hesitated.
      Price pulled away his binoculars for a brief moment. “What are you waiting for? Take the shot König.” Price watched as König shook his head lightly, still peering through the scope.
     “Not my shot to take Captain.” König pulled away from the scope and nodded for Price to look down at the side door
      Everyone’s eyes shot over at the small gesture just as another small figure exited the door holding what appeared to be a pistol to the back of Ronald’s head. All rushing to lift their binoculars back to their faces, they watch as the person ushered Ronald forward slamming the door closed behind them.
     Price’s voice is full of surprise as he utters the only words that come to mind. “Well, I’ll be goddamned.”
    The day after the briefing, 141 and KorTac set off for the warehouse where you all would be training together. The goal was to take the place down from the inside and capture the target for questioning. The target is Ronald F. Mollins.
 He'd been suspected, and recently confirmed, to be one of three heads of a well-known terrorist organization. Said organization had been responsible for at least twenty-four of the latest terrorist attacks and bombings and your capture two years ago. According to Price, they had another attack planned for two weeks from now. It was crucial that you capture, or take down Ronald.
      On 141’s latest recon mission, Gaz stumbled upon the building plans for Ronald’s new safehouse. Price had everything set up and ready to go by the time you’d all been called in for the briefing.
      The mission training area was an old warehouse that was normally completely empty on the inside. On the occasions that it would be used, recruits would be ordered to set it up in a very specific way. Today, for instance, it was set up to mimic the hideout you’d be infiltrating. Pallets and old metal sheets acted as faux walls and doors. Old lights flicker above your head as you all take a preliminary walk through the building.
      You jump a little at the sound of Price’s voice coming through your headset. “I’m going to give you all 10 minutes to get a hold of your surroundings, then we’ll begin strategizing.” Your eyes find him standing overhead on the left-side catwalk. His watchful eyes from above were a luxury you wouldn’t have come time for you all to execute the actual mission.
     You all regroup at the front of the old warehouse-turned-training facility. Ten minutes had been more than enough for you to mentally map out the quickest route to Ronald’s office. The side entrances would definitely be key for getting you all in and out if you wanted to go with the stealthier option. For the louder alternative, however, the rear entry seemed best suited. Lots of cover from tight winding halls, plenty of rooms to dip into if things got too hairy, and most importantly, it was the closest entrance to Rolnalds office.
      You look around yourself at your team that had recently doubled in size. Most of them were deep in thought as they tried to come up with anything to contribute to a plan. Your eyes stop at König as he swiftly turns his face away from you. Had he been staring or was it simply your imagination? He had seemed off this morning, not that he didn’t seem off most of the time. This morning was different though. When you’d said hello to him in the kitchen he hadn’t said anything back. Not too strange you suppose but the way he avoided eye contact with you had made you feel some way. Hurt almost. You thought you two had started to become somewhat acquaintances at the very least, if not friends. Casual ‘Hello’s in the halls, small conversations about your days when you’d catch each other in the training room. Even sparring with each other.
     It was like a switch had flipped in him. The sweet man from before was gone and here with you stood someone almost as cold as Ghost. He wouldn’t look you in the eyes. He wouldn’t say even one word to you. You hadn’t really noticed it before but you think maybe he had been avoiding you while you all walked through the building. Your heart drops as you think back to your previous interactions with him. Had you made him angry with something you’d said? Had you hurt him while training with him? No, surely he would have told you if you had. So, what was it then? Your heart grows heavy with your thoughts.
      “Alright ladies,” Price looks around the group and gives you a small nod, “And Iris.” A grin etches itself into your lips as he grins at you. He takes a step toward the center of the group clapping his hands together. “What’s the game plan?” Murmurs break out among the group of soldiers around you.
     One of the members of KorTac, Horangi you think is what the others called him, speaks up. “We could just blow through the doors, go in and take what we want.”
      Your brows raise at how rash he sounded. “That seems like a really bad idea.” Your hand comes up to absent-mindedly rub your temple. Working with contractors such as these was going to be hell on earth.
     Another KorTac member steps forward. “What would you know?” His tone is aggressive, almost hostile. “You just got accepted here, what, last week? I suggest not sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
      Heat rises in the back of your neck. Breathe. In. Out. Think through your actions. Anger should be used in a productive manner. “Quite a bit of hypocrisy in that statement, For-Hire.” Your words come out calm and calculated. “Now, if I may finish, I was saying we shouldn’t risk-”
      “For-Hire?” His voice drips with animosity as he steps toe-to-toe with you. “Watch your tone Louse. Wouldn’t want to wind up missing would we?” He’s so close now his nose nearly brushes yours as his eyes scan your form.
     Your mind begins to reel with images of you beating him into submission. Breath. On your right, you can see the 141 watching with entertained looks. From the corner of your eye, you catch a brief interaction between Price and König. Price holds his arm in front of König with a small shake of his head. König's eyes held a look of murder in them as he stared at his comrade’s back. Price clearly wanted to see what you’d do in this situation. You move your eyes back to the man in front of you, his larger form still looming over you. You blink slowly up at him, letting a heavy sigh slip out under your balaclava. The heat soaks into the fabric warming your cheeks with every breath. “I say this with all the respect I can find for you; please exit my personal space.”
     His eyes flash with defiance and he shows no sign of moving. His breath fans your face as he continues to loom over you. “I’ll move when I’m ready, Recruit.”
      “Why are the dumb ones always so cocky?” Your question causes a chorus of snickers to your right. You find it amusing, though it does little to push down the rage that has steadily grown within you. “Look, I asked you politely to get out of my face.” Teaching respect was productive, right? You allow your anger to bubble to the surface. “That. That was your warning.” He opens his mouth to say something back but all that comes out is a small shriek of pain as your boot makes contact with his groin. He falls to his knees before you and without a second thought, you twist him around to face his comrades. Your left-hand pins his right arm behind him, while your other hand pulls a knife from your vest. You press the dull edge lightly to his throat, smart enough even in your rage-stricken state to not seriously harm your own team members.
      You’re still seething but decide the poor man had had enough to learn his lesson. You slowly remove the knife from his throat and shove him forward into the ground. “A second warning is a luxury, For-Hire.” You take a small step back as your body slowly comes down from the adrenaline. “Savor the feeling and don’t make me regret leaving you alive.” You step back into your spot among the 141 as the man scurries back to join KorTac. You can feel König’s eyes on you. The way they take you in, the feeling of his stare was becoming all too familiar. You risk a glance his way and sure enough, he was looking you up and down, admiration replacing the murderous gaze he had moments ago.
     Price chuckles under his breath. “Perhaps I should have introduced you all one by one. I want this to sit in your minds as a prime example of why we never underestimate our opponents.” He gestures toward you as he turns to face the soldiers across from you. “I would like you all to meet Iris. Our newly returning Sergeant specializes in stealth ops, sniping, and swift takedowns. Light-footed, quick thinking and isn’t afraid to play dirty. In shorter terms; not to be messed with.” He steps back and turns so that he’s facing everyone. “Now then, let’s hear that plan.”
      After about thirty minutes of planning you all set off to test out the operation. After a few failed attempts, the first plan was thrown out the window. This pattern repeated itself over and over. Tensions had been rising all day and each failure pushed things closer and closer to the breaking point.
      Everything came to a head when König suggested moving you with KorTac at the front of the group. Ghost was having none of it though. His sudden possessiveness made you a bit weak in the knees. “That’s a fucking fever dream if I’ve ever heard one.” His eyes burned with white-hot rage from the long tense day. “Iris stays with me, end of story.” Me, not us? Your face flushes under the mask you wear.
      “But, if we had someone a bit smaller in the front we could keep things quieter. We could make it further in before being ambushed.” König explained his point as if Ghost would listen to reason.
     You shrug a little as you look between the two. “He’s not wrong Lt.” You play with the bottom edge of your balaclava. “Actually, König, do you think you and your team could get me close to the power box?”  You don’t miss the glare Ghost shoots at you. “If we could cut the power part way through rather than at the end, we would have the upper hand.” You turn to Ghost as he responds.
     “No.” His eyes don’t leave yours as he continues. “We’ll station someone, Gaz, near the power box. Give the word and throw them off. We’ll have the upper hand when we need it, and you.” He pokes his finger into your chest. “You stay with me.” Desperation flashes through his eyes for a split second. You can tell by how rigidly he stands that his mind has taken him back to the day they left you behind.
     Your eyes soften as you reach up and grasp the hand still touching your chest. His hand trembles slightly within yours. Even through both pairs of gloves you feel electricity jump between your hands. “Ok,” You search his eyes, making sure he’s in the present with you. His gaze shifts to where your mouth is under your mask. “I’m here. I’m with you Lt. I’m not going anywhere.” His eyes shoot back up to yours. “I’ll stay with you.”
     He gives a small nod and creases form at the corners of his eyes as though he’s smiling. It’s gone as quickly as it came though replaced with that hardened gaze once again. “Good.” He pulls his hand from yours to pat you on the shoulder. “Let’s see if this works, shall we?”     ~~~~~
     You’d done it again. This time you were certain it was over for you. There would be no relocating you this time. No, you would be dead if you weren’t careful. You messed up, let yourself get caught off guard as your team and KorTac combed the halls in the dark. A group of opposition fighters came out of thin air, rushing your whole group. Everyone got separated in the attack. It was a risk you took every time you stepped out of the base to go on a mission. You could get separated, but you trained for that. You hadn’t, however, trained for the moment when your helmet along with your NVGs got knocked from your head by the opponent.
     You’d done your best to fight him off in the dark unsure where your equipment had landed. Once you had subdued your target you made your way out of the room. Using the sounds of battle you avoided high-traffic areas as you use the wall to guide you. After fifteen minutes your eyes had adjusted enough to see about twenty feet in front of you. Sighing internally you remind yourself that they too were blinded by the darkness and as long as you’re quiet, you may catch up to your team before everything goes to shit.
     You sneak your way through the halls the same as you had days before when practicing for the mission. You still had the rest of your gear to fall back on if things got too chaotic. Stealth is what you’re good at, that’s why you were recon by default. You could do this. You carry yourself in a low crouch through the building remaining silent. Every turn could be your death, and your mind is sure to remind you of that every time you pass an intersecting hall. You had two choices here, go straight for the exit and hope that they don’t have extra forces surrounding the building, or continue the path you had taken 15 times in training. It would most definitely be considered abandonment if you left without the others. What could you do though? Not only were your NVGs attached to the helmet but it also secured your comms to your head. Reaching out to them wasn’t an option whether you want to or not.
     You finally decide to move forward with the mission hoping they hadn’t moved to plan B. You make your way through the halls silently until you come to the center-most room. You had stopped briefly to gather your sense of direction when you heard it. Backup troops stormed through every entrance calling out into the darkness. You had to move quickly to reach your mission point before they did.
     It became evident to you that this would be your end when troops equipped in tactical gear appeared around you. You counted three as you stood, ready to fight for your life. It was pointless, you knew that the sound of the scuffle would most certainly draw more attention. Taking your chances you make a break for the closest doorway. They all followed shouting out their location for any nearby opposition to hear. After entering the room you spin on your heels raising your pistol to the opening you’d just come through. As they round the doorway to file in you open fire. Taking out two of them with no issues. The third managed to get a shot off on you. The impact and searing hot pain in your shoulder sent you stumbling back into the wall. With heaving breaths you allow yourself to slide down the wall.
      “Enemy down, all clear boys.” The man's retreating footsteps surprised you. Had he really thought you were dead? Were you dead?
      Blood drips from the wound down onto your gear as your head lolls forward. You sat there watching it for what felt like hours. There was no point in moving, you’d be gunned down if anyone found out you were still breathing. You couldn’t sit there and do nothing though, you had to do something or you really would die right here in a puddle of your own blood. The halls had been quiet for a while now you could probably risk checking if they had left, right? Your body felt sluggish, you’d lost quite a bit of blood by now. You weren’t strong enough at this moment to get to your feet. With an annoyed roll of your stiff neck, you move to release the straps of your vest. Without the weight of it and everything tucked inside you are able to stand. Every movement sends a sharp pain through the wound in your shoulder.
     As you peer from the doorway you find the halls empty. No enemy troops, no KorTac, and no 141. A light catches your eye from down the hall. As you slowly regain your bearings it dawns on you; Ronald had a generator for his office. That was one of the main points Price had driven into all of your heads during practice. That’s how he’ll call in the backup troops once the power is out. You’ll have less than fifteen minutes to get him or get out. Price’s voice nags in the back of your mind. How had you forgotten?
      The light gives you hope as you step into the hall. It was like the universe was giving you a sign, a way out of this mess. Ronald wasn’t a fighter. He had men for that. But if his men thought it was clear then there was a chance that Ronald was alone in there. There was a chance that you could still complete this capture with or without your team. You move quickly but silently like a predator on the prowl. You peak through every doorway, being sure every room is clear along the way to Ronald’s office. Now, standing toe to toe with the wooden door, you stop for a moment and just listen. The sound of clacking fills your ears as you grasp the handle. The hum of what sounds to be a printer emanates from beyond the door as the clacking stops, giving you the perfect cover to slip into the room.
     Ronald’s back is to you as you silently close and lock the door, ensuring there wouldn’t be any interruptions. Slowly you creep up behind him pressing the barrel of the pistol to the back of his head. “Don’t move, don’t speak. I have an ultimatum for you.” Your breath is deadly silent as you move to wrap your nondominant arm around his throat. You wince inwardly at the pain that ripples through you when moving that shoulder. “Firstly, are you armed?” He’s silent. “Yes or no, Ronald. Are you armed?” Your voice is forceful and wicked in its tone.
      “No.” His voice is shaky. He’s scared. Good. That means he probably isn’t in fact armed.
     “Good. Do you want to make it out of this building alive?”
     “Yes.” The single word comes out as more of a breath.
     “Great, now I have a few steps for you to follow.”
     “Why would I follow any instructions from you?” His voice still comes out shaky.
      “Well, that’s the ultimatum, dear Ronald.” Your voice lilts as your mind begins to suffer a bit of delirium from the blood loss. “Either you follow every word that comes from my mouth, or you die right here, right now.” Your gun presses hard into the side of his head in an attempt to prove your point. “Is that clear?” His small nod is enough for you to ease up just a bit. “Good, now listen.”
      You walk him step by step through every one of your demands. “Turn the power back on and lock down every door. I want them to only work with your key card.” You watch him like a hawk every step of the way. “Now, we’re gonna take a little walk to the west exit and you are going to call off all of your men, understand Ronny?” His legs shake beneath him as he nods fervently. “Alright, let’s get a move on Ronny boy, we’re burning daylight.”
     It was a rather short walk to the side entrance. You’d crossed paths with a few of his men but they were quickly dispatched as you both kept moving. True to his word only his key card worked for the doors. As soon as you’d enter they’d seal behind you, his men stuck on the other side helpless to free their leader. Once you’d finally reached the side door you sighed. This was it. You’ll be out in the fresh air where you could make your run back to the makeshift base about an hour's drive out.
     “Thank you Ronald for your cooperation. I would hate to have had to kill you.” You keep the gun level with his head as he pushes open the door to freedom. He steps out into the daylight, bringing his arm up to shield his eyes from the sun. “Keep moving, I can still shoot you.” He takes a few hesitant steps forward as you follow him out. You spare a glance at the top of the hill on your left, catching sight of 141 and KorTac making their way down to meet you, Ghost and König leading the charge.
     You’d survived. You’d fixed your mistake. Even through all your doubts and thoughts of your own death, you persevered.
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courtforshort15 · 3 years ago
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The Hypocrite of Hell's Kitchen
Pairing: Matt Murdock x GNReader
Word Count: 1,900
Summary: You end up in the emergency room. Matt is a total goddamn hypocrite.
Trigger warning: brief discussion of blood
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"I hope you know how extremely hypocritical this is."
"Feel free to submit a complaint; someone will get back to you in 5-7 business days." There's a ghost of a smile on his lips as he tilts his head so that his sightless eyes are aimed in your general direction.
"Matt," you groan, throwing your head back against the stiff hospital pillow, the fabric scratching at the back of your neck uncomfortably. Sleeping on silk sheets for as long as you have now means everything else feels nearly intolerable. "We both know you could have done this at home."
"Probably," he admits with a shrug, though you know he's taking this much more seriously than his tone suggests. "But you fell onto a rusty nail, and you can't remember the last time you got a tetanus shot."
"It was probably within the last eight or nine years," you mumble under your breath.
"Probably isn't good enough, not with this. We're not taking the risk." He squeezes your hand gently as a needle with a local anesthic pierces your skin to the left of the long, jagged cut on your leg. You wince. Claire's already made sure to give you the tetanus vaccine, and with stitches on the horizon, you're starting to feel like one of those pin cushions people store their push pins and sewing needles in.
"But still--"
"No," he interrupts, not letting you get a word in to argue your case. The man is good at speaking over people when needed, a characteristic that is no doubt beneficial in court, but you roll your eyes at the fact he's using that skill on you while you're about to be stitched up. "This isn't related to any...nefarious dealings, not like with me. We have insurance for a reason. There's no harm in having you looked at in an actual hospital."
You curse him under your breath, knowing he can hear you. His mouth twitches into a quick grin reserved only for you.
"He's right, you know," Claire pipes up as she places the used needle in the disposal box. She's smirking slightly, even as she rolls her eyes at Matt. "Can never be too careful when it comes to rusty nails."
"I don't see you admonishing Matt like that," you say defensively. "He's the one who needs to take more care when it comes to things like rusty nails."
"I gave up on him a long time ago."
Matt lets out a loud sigh as he shakes his head. "I also know that I am up to date on my tetanus shot, so they don't pose as much of a danger to me."
"Yeah, sure, let's pretend that's the only thing I need to worry about when you go out at night," you tell him. You look away from him when you see Claire shift out of the corner of your eye as she begins to pull out the tools she'll need to stitch up your leg.
Your breath catches, eyeing the needle, and you know he hears it. His head lowers towards yours, a soft sympathetic sound rumbling in his chest.
"Another reason why I didn't want to do this at home, sweetheart," he whispers to you as he tightens his grip on your hand before tenderly bringing it to his mouth for a soft kiss. "I'd much rather be the one holding your hand, not the one sewing you up."
"Hypocrite," you repeat, though you say it fondly. "A bloody limb needing stitches is almost standard for you."
"For me, yeah," he agrees. His blank eyes are soft, and you'll never know how he manages to covey so much emotion through them, despite not being able to see. "It's different when you're involved."
"I still could have done this without the anesthesia," you argue faintly. It's a lie, an absolute fucking lie. Your pain tolerance is nearly non-existent, and you know he knows it, too. "And I don't need you to hold my hand through everything. I would have been okay if you'd patched me up yourself."
"I feel better knowing you're not in pain," he says gently. "It's better this way."
"Better for me? Or better for you?"
He smiles and leans down to kiss the top of your head, but doesn't answer. You sigh, using your other hand to pull him down to sit on the gurney with you. He doesn't fight you, just lets you lead him until he's snug up against you, and the warmth of his body is a comfort on its own. Your leg is propped up on a pillow in front of you, and he uses the opportunity to rub his palm gently over your knee cap, just a few inches up from the gash you'd acquired while walking home from work.
Someone had accidentally bumped into you, causing you trip into a pile of wood that was, for some stupid reason, piled on the left side of the sidewalk. A sharp, oxidized nail pierced the skin in your leg as you fell down, and it had proceeded to tear a long, ragged cut into the soft flesh.
Matt had all but torn the front door off its hinges not 45 seconds after you'd gotten home, face pale and full of panic, no doubt having smelled your blood long before you'd made it home.
He wasn't very happy to find you hurt, demanding why you hadn't given him a phone call to let him know where you were so that he could come help you home. He was even less happy when you tried to pass it off as a mere scratch, arguing that it just needed to be cleaned and bandaged.
His head tilted in the way it always did when he was focusing in on something, and his eyebrows rose as he narrowed in on the napkins you still held in your hand, having stolen them from a coffee shop in effort to clean up the blood on your way home. They were almost completely soaked through.
Matt didn't even need to feel the skin around the slice in your leg to know it needed stitches, and he absolutely refused to take care of it at home. He was willing to take beating after beating every night, but he wasn't willing to patch you up if giving you stitches would cause you more pain. Claire had just started working at a hospital that was only a few blocks away, and Matt wouldn't hear any argument against taking you there. A cab was outside your apartment building less than five minutes later.
What an overprotective, uncompromising hypocrite.
"You'll feel a little tugging sensation here and there, but you shouldn't feel any pain," Claire interrupts your thinking as she sits on a chair and rolls it until she's to the left of the gurney you're laying on. She moves your leg until it's at an angle that works for her, and picks up the needle that's she's placed on the small cart next to her.
You glance away again, focusing on the man who has tucked you into his side, arm thrown over your shoulders. You're in a semi-public space, but he's not wearing his glasses. He knows you will always, always prefer seeing his whole face, will always prefer seeing his beautiful eyes instead of the sharp red lenses, and the fact that he removes them while not in a private setting says a lot. He's willing to make himself uncomfortable to help you feel safe and secure while a needle presses in and out of your skin.
You don't deserve him, but he's still there beside you, every step of the way. He whispers into your ear how much he loves you, and how well you're doing, and you make a sound of derision in the back of you throat.
"This is nothing compared to the shit you go through on a weekly basis, Matt," you point out, avoiding the urge to shift away from the needle going in and out of your skin. You don't feel anything, but the sight of it still sends your stomach rolling.
He hushes you with a gentle finger over your mouth. "It's not a competition," he insists, tilting your head up and pressing a quick kiss on your lips.
His hands are soft and light on your skin as he runs them up and down your arm, your thigh, anywhere he can touch. There are plenty of forehead kisses and hand squeezes in between the snarky comments he passes back and forth with Claire.
Though the stitches are uncomfortable, you find yourself grinning in satisfaction as Claire uses some of her time to call Matt out on his hypocrisy, telling him that she'd have a better sleep schedule if he took as good of care of his own body as he does yours.
"Have I told you how much I love you, Claire?" You ask, smirking at her as she continues stitching your skin together. "Because I absolutely live for every opportunity we get to gang up on Matt."
She snorts, and Matt sends you a dry look. "I haven't heard it yet today, but you know the feeling is absolutely mutual."
"I should have never introduced the two of you," he grumbles, though he doesn't look necessarily upset at the teasing. "That was the biggest mistake of my life."
"Hush," you tell him, nudging him with your shoulder. "We both know that's a lie. You love us fawning over you."
Matt immediately objects. "There's a big difference between fawning and whatever shit you think you need to call me out on."
"There's a ton of shit to call you out on, though," you say innocently, and Claire huffs a laugh, the sound indicating she agrees with you. "You just make it so easy."
Matt's face tells you he's amused despite his objections. "Be quiet and let Claire work," is all he tells you in response. You shrug your shoulders, smile widening when he squeezes your hand and rubs a thumb over the back of it.
When she's done, she gives you instructions on how to care for them over the next week or so. Matt hounds her with questions, and the two of you look at each other in exasperation, knowing that half the things Claire is recommending are things he never does for himself.
You make it home uneventfully, and Matt picks you up in his arms once you're safely inside the apartment building, reluctant to let you take one more step if no one is around to question a blind man's ability to carry you to your front door. You protest loudly, but he ignores it, especially because he knows you secretly love being held by him like this.
He lowers you to the couch, handing you the remote so you can put on your favorite TV show, and you make sure it's set up with audio descriptions. Without prompting, your favorite blanket is brought to the couch from the bed you share, and your favorite dinner is eventually placed in your lap as he settles down at your side, ready to pull you into him once you're done eating.
"You're still a hypocrite," you mumble into his chest as he wraps the blanket around you both a little tighter, careful of the injured leg you've propped up on his hip.
"That's a strong possibility," he whispers in your ear. You watch drowsily as the gold of his wedding band catches the light when he moves to push your hair behind your ear. "But you're the one thing I won't compromise on, sweetheart. And that's not going to change."
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pearldog30 · 2 years ago
A unwelcoming surprise!
Simon (ghost) Riley one shot comes home from deployment, to find a new member of the household. that you did not tell him about and to say the least they are not fond of each other.
Simon Riley x gnreader
I'm just going to be safe and put this as 18+
Master list
Warnings| mentions of a little blood. As always let me know if I got tags and warnings right.
One of the many days you were left home alone without your partner Simon Riley by your side. You knew getting in a relationship with the man would mean he'd often be gone/deployed all the time and this time was no exception.
As you were sitting on the couch scroll through social media on your computer. your two dogs sitting right beside you on your left was your all black long haired German Shepherd guard dog that Simon had bought you his name was Sparrow, and then on your right your dog that you have gotten way before you got in a relationship with Simon was your Old brindle English Mastiff her name was Naya, and then above you sitting on top of the couch was y'all's tabby cat that you found together in the dumpster while taking a nightly stroll together. y'all named him Oscar the grouch because well it was fitting for him to say the least.
As you were winding down for the night on the couch going through your nightly social media scroll, you couldn't help but an ad that your friend shared caught your eye.
"a three-legged, half-death, 8-month-old, kitten for adoption. desperately looking for good adoption applicants"
You've never clicked on an ad so fast before in your life. until you saw this precious little all gray kitten, catch your eye you weren't even thinking of how Simon would feel, since y'all share a home together. as you were finishing up the adoption forms you couldn't help but hearing Simon's voice in the back of your head. "y/n we're not getting more animals we don't run a fuckin petting zoo" as you were hearing that little voice in the back of your head, you already clicked submit. "well Simon I guess you're just going to have to put up with it you shouldn't have left me alone" you chuckle to yourself. as your petting Sparrow to your left Sparrow looked back at you, giving you the what the hell did you do now Mom look. "Oh don't worry big guy you're just going to have a new brother" you say as you patting his head.
you look back over to your right to see naya getting up from the couch heading for the bedroom door, you knew this meant it was late. and she was ready for bed which she was not wrong, it was definitely late as you and your little gang March towards the bedroom, and into bed. you couldn't help but think about all the times you and Simon would march to bed together/him getting tired of your antics and throwing your ass to bed. you didn't realize that there was a teary-eyed grin on your face, as your cat Oscar came up to lay on your chest, as you were settling down. "I know buddy I miss Simon too even though you two hate each other" you say softly smiling to yourself, petting his head while listening to the loud snores of your two giant dogs taking up Simon's part of the bed as you drift off to sleep.
You wake up the next morning to your softly lit bedroom, from the morning sky your bedroom a beautiful Orange. as you turn to see Naya snuggled into your side dozing off you turn over to your other side, to your nightstand to check your phone to see what time it is as you pick up your phone you see a email.
"congrats we're reaching out to inform you, we approve your application for our gray kitten. please email us back as soon as possible and we will get with you about more details."
To say you were a excited was an understatement. you jumped out of bed all happily Sparrow at your side, wondering what's wrong. as Oscar and Naya lazily looked at you through sleepy hooded eyes. "my loves y'all are going to have a new brother" you squealed excitedly and then you went on about your day normally heading by the shelter. to look at the cat/fill out things to take him home.
5 days later Simon came home from a mission a lot earlier than expected. because he wanted to surprise you, as he was pulling into the driveway the sunlight softly set on the house as it was sitting. as he was pulling in he couldn't help but notice a gray little tail in the window. "fucki- bloody hell what did y/n do this time" as he turned the car off getting his luggage out of it, turning to the front door unlocking it with his keys. as he opened the door he was meant with a pair of little blue eyes ones that were very unfamiliar, before the loud sounds of barking and foot clumping on the hardwood floors came crashing to him. he was greeted with sloppy wet kisses and jumping at his chest. before he command both dogs down.
When you turn the corner and saw Simon, on his knees petting both dogs. you knew you were in trouble with the look on his face "h- hi love" you say nervously he meets your eyes. and you could tell he was pissed he gets up from the dogs trampling him on the floor walking towards you sternly.
"would you mind explaining to me why there's a new creature in my house" he says pointing to the gray cat sitting on top of the couch. "welllllll you seeee" you say nervously not wanting to get the words out "I see what cuz what I see there's a new fuckin animal in this house" he huffing out in annoyance. "baby" you say softly as you put both hands on his chest, trying to take a gentle approach. "he needed a home cuz if not they were going to put him down. and I figured you wouldn't mind since you're gone all the time it gets pretty lonely around here I figured we could use some new kitten energy." That was somewhat of a bold-faced lie. And Simon knew it but he couldn't be that mad, at you as he watched your heart break telling him that. and to be honest it broke his little too seeing how upset it gets you.
you tell him that as a tear runs down your face, you remember them telling you that if you didn't take him home, they would put him down. and that broke your heart cuz he was just the biggest baby. Simon's eyes furrow at your response "love you can't take home every goddamn animal you see, that needs help we don't run a fuckin shelter." he says as his hand comes up to your cheek, wiping the tear away with his thumb. "I- i know baby. I'm sorry I just couldn't help it" you cough out not realizing how much it actually affected you. he's sighs just staring at you in silence you knew deep down he couldn't stay mad at you forever even though you felt terrible not asking him first.
You decided to squirm out of his grip walking towards the cat on the couch, so they could have a proper meeting you pick the cat up handing him out to Simon. "Simon meet Dudley, Dudley meet Simon." Simon can't help but just grunt annoyingly at it. as the cat stares him down at this point they're just staring each other down in silence. "well boys. y'all are going to have to get used to each other because I love you both" you say pushing the cat towards Simon to love it. Before Simon could even react the cat scratched the fuck out of his face, leaving a nasty scar on his cheek. "BLOODY FUCKIN HELL YOU FUCKIN CUNT" Simon screams pushing the cat away from the both of you as the cat runs off somewhere in the house "oh my God love I'm so sorry are you okay" you say trying not to laugh, as you reach for his face to look at the cut, more like a gash. but Simon just pushes you away still yelling a mix of cuss words and words that don't even make sense.
So you don't really have a choice but just to stand there, and wait for his meltdown to be over. but you decided it was enough you just grab his face. "baby calm down let me take care of you, and you'll be okay." you say calmly trying to lead him to the bathroom, so you can clean up the cut so it doesn't get infected. he just Huff's in annoyance following you.
As you sit him down in the bathroom, cleaning up the bit of blood on his face. "damn babe he got you good" you say rubbing the washcloth you had in your hand over the cut on his cheek. cleaning it up "yeah and it hurts who knew a fuckin three legged cat could scratch that bad" he says annoyed with the inconvenience, he had plans for the night. as you were putting a little ointment on his cheek, just to be on the safe side. As both cats decided to jump on the counter eyeing him "GET OUT OF HERE YOU LITTLE FUCK" he yells at the cats but only Dudley runs away, as Oscar is still eyeing him with an amuse look on his face. You force your very pissed off Simon to look back at you. "that's not his name his name is Dudley" you say laughing to yourself, Simon just gives you the side eye. He just grunts annoyed at the inconvenience. as you were finishing up, you turned back around to the counter grabbing something. and that's when Simon decided to be a prick, and smack your ass as hard as he possibly could.
"ow that hurt you ass" you say jumping, at the not expected stung your ass was just meant with. "hey you said earlier gets pretty lonely I was just making it less lonely" Simon says chuckling a tease in his voice. "yeah well I di" before you can even finish your sentence, Simon had back you into the counter looking up into the mirror turning around facing him. You meet his eyes you could tell the look you've seen it countless times before a look of lust, tease, dominance, next thing you know his lips are on yours. "I think it's time me, you, and this cut, take it to the bedroom" he says before swiftly putting an arm around your waist, and up over his shoulder you giggle out in surprise.
And with that another harsh slap to your ass, walking through the bedroom door, and slamming it close with his foot.
I hope you all enjoy this little story that I made I thought it was incredibly amusing and very much like Simon. Anyways I hope you all are having a good day/night/evening🖤 reblogs and comments are always much appreciated.
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wwaheoh · 8 months ago
“Making Lunch For Them” - Victoria Housekeeping x gnReader (Platonic)
Alexandrina Sebastiane, Corin Wickes, Ellen Joe, Von Lycaon
a/n: was hunger bungers when writing this
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You had been pretty steadily acclimating to your new part-time job at Victoria Housekeeping. It was pretty fun! Apart from the whole “fighting Hollows” on the side- but with your high Ether Aptitude and company sponsored martial arts classes, even the fighting from time to time became enjoyable.
Your coworkers were all very kind. The elegant and warm Mr. Lycaon, your employer, who always aimed to uplift you and never showed any sort of malice or anger whenever you messed up or were unfamiliar with a task. The graceful, gentle Ms. Sebastiane, your senior, was always so nice to you and gave you tips and advice whenever you asked, even offering to cook you food sometime! You haven’t taken her up on her offer yet, but seeing as how well she does the rest of her duties, you could only imagine how great her cooking tastes! There was Ms. Corin, a timid girl who always undervalued her skills- even if truthfully, they were contrary to how she described them. And Ellen Joe, who was also part-timing while attending school. She tended to sleep pretty often, though it made sense, juggling education, work, and maintaining social lives.
They were incredibly helpful and as you became more comfortable around them, you wanted to show your appreciation to them. It took a while, having to subtly probe for information while not giving yourself away. Thankfully after a few questions it was easy to figure out if they had any allergies or favorite foods.
On a weekend, you rose early before your shift began, pulling ingredients from the fridge and starting up the music from your phone. Recipes written down and tweaked to fit their preferences.
After a few hours, you added the finishers and promptly put the food into storage, lunch boxes with Halloween icon stickers slapped on. Frankenstein, a shark, ghosts, and a werewolf.
Taking a shower, you donned your work attire and made your way to the location of the job for today, something not too difficult, just some cleaning and guarding the premises, the usual. Now was the time to deliver your gifts!
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Carrying the lunch box with the Frankenstein sticker, you made your way through the premises to find the first victim of your gifts, Corin! You knew she was nearest to where you were stationed- and after a few minutes you found her. Turning the corner, you found the soft green-haired maid cleaning up a vase with a brush.
Approaching from behind, you called out to her, “Corin! There you are!” “Ahh!” She yelled, nearly dropping the vase before quickly getting a handle of it and setting it down before turning to you. “Ah, sorry! Didn’t know you had something in your hands.” You apologized, knowing how the maid was a little accident-prone.
“It’s fine! Uhm, what did you need?” To answer that question, you lifted up the lunch box, “I made some lunch for you all, to show my appreciation!” “Oh! That’s so nice of you, but I didn’t really do much…” “Ah c’mon! You’ve done a lot! You’ve really helped me get used to this job and are a role model!” “Oh that’s so nice to hear…” She shrinked into herself, thankfully not out of negativity but basking in your compliment, a slight giggle escaping her. “Uhm, well thank you! I can’t wait to eat it!” “Hope you enjoy it!”
With that she took her lunch, taking the lunchbox with her to a nearby suitable dining area and opening up the lunchbox.
Inside were some of her favorite foods! Small decorations and a smell that was heavenly. It wasn’t heavy- seeing as she was still on the job, a perfect portion! Her heart wobbled, thinking of how kind you were to offer your cooking to her, she was going to enjoy it for sure!
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Shark-stickered lunchbox in hand, you looked through the premises, before finding the shark-girl resting her arm on one of the shelves as she dusted them off. A lollipop in her mouth as usual to help keep her up.
Just as you rounded the corner, it seemed like she already knew you were in the room. Turning towards you, she nodded as greetings, “Yo.”
“Hey Ellen!” You lifted one of the lunchboxes up and towards her. “I made lunch for everyone!” She was surprised, touched that you went through the lengths. Gladly, she took the lunch box and opened it up, chuckling, much to your confusion and worry, as she did.
“So that’s why you were asking all those questions.” “Oh! I thought I was pretty subtle about it…” “You call that subtle? Well you pretty much got it perfect, was feeling pretty tired- this should help!” Pleased to have gotten the food right, you waved your goodbyes, “I’m gonna go deliver the rest to the others!” “Seeya!” She waved back.
Going over to a nearby suitable dining area, she set the lunchbox down and opened up, the familiar smell of her favorite food filling her nose. With a giddy feeling, she dug in, already feeling her energy coming back.
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With a lunch box decorated with ghost-themed stickers in hand, you made your way through the halls of the premises and to where Ms. Sebastiane was directed to maintain. You wandered back and forth, confused from not being able to find her before feeling a light grip on your shoulder. “Boo.” A silky voice whispered into your ear, an audible smile in her voice. Turning, you nearly let out a yelp- only a small one escaping you, before realizing who the hand that was on your shoulder belonged to. The very person you were looking for.
“Ah! Miss Sebastiane! I was looking for you!” She nodded as you had quickly recovered from the surprise, “Mhm, what was it dear?” “I uh, I made something for everyone! You all have been really nice and I wanted to make something to show my appreciation!” Pulling the lunchbox out, you hand your senior the box.
Taking it with a grateful smile, she opens it up, the familiar smell of her favorite food filling her senses. A small chuckle leaves her, “So that’s why you’ve been asking all those questions…” “Oh, I thought I was pretty subtle about it…” “Don’t worry, we don’t deal in undercover work apart from what you already know.” Closing the lunchbox, she drifted close and embraced you. “Thank you, it looks wonderful!” You returned the embrace, after a few seconds the two of you let go and she drifted back. “I’m going to go deliver the last of the lunch boxes I prepared!” She nodded, bidding you adieu as you left.
She made her way to a suitable dining area, softly settling herself and the lunchbox down. Opening it up and preparing the utensils, she took a bite of what you had made for her. While she usually projected gracefulness and a soft professionalism, she could not stop the squeal of delight and the smiles brought from the gift.
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Going over to where Mr. Lycaon was stationed with the final lunchbox, stickers of wolves decorating the case, you rounded the corner and found the boss of Victoria Housekeeping pretty easily, with him being vacuuming.
“Uh, sir!” You spoke over the loud fans inside the vacuum he was holding, with him quickly noticing you and turning it off. “How may I be of assistance?” His rumbly voice spoke in the now quiet room. “Well sir, I brought lunch!” You both approached each other, meeting in the middle as you handed the lunch box over to him, with him gratefully accepting the gift. “It smells wonderful, I imagine this is why you’ve been inquiring so much about everyone’s tastes?” “Ah- yes sir! Though I believed I was subtle about my information gathering…” “Haha, it’s of no concern. I thank you for this meal, you must give me the recipe some time!” “Of course sir! I have it written down somewhere at home, I’ll get it to you as soon as I can!”
With that, you bid each other farewell for now, with you going to where you had been stationed and beginning your shift properly. Lycaon on the other hand had decided that now was a perfect time for a break, finding himself somewhere suitable to dine before cracking the lunchbox open once more and enjoying what you had made. It was incredibly well made, making him wish he could have seconds. Alas, as he licked his snout and attempted to get his tail under control, he hoped to try more of your cooking.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year ago
Relationship Fluff
Simon 👻, Soap 🧼, König 👑
They realize they are getting chubby being in a happy relationship
Simon, Soap, König x GnReader
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Ghost - Comfort Meals
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You and Simon had been dating for well over a year now, it had been a happy accident how you two had met. What was anquick tumble in the sheets after a drunken night you had woken up early and made breakfast for the solider much to his surprise. Truthfully it had been far too long since he had a home-cooked meal so it had been a delight to his senses and heart.
Assuming it was just a one off, Simon did agree to take your number and 'maybe' stop by if he got the need or chance.. Which ended up backfiring on him wonderfully, It took 6 months for you two to move in together, 8 months for you to see his face and Simon taking leave more often to be with you.
This was one of those times, having 3 weeks to himself to spend being pampered in your love and affection. That and the cooking- he hadn't realized how much he missed good hot meals that weren't from a bag or a mess hall, So he was practically a garbage disposal for you. Eating all the food you had to make, every treat you wiped up from a pinterest blog.
It was heaven!
He had gotten up early, like every morning and sat out on the patio taking in the morning air while reading. He did some basic chores and straightened up, knowing you preferred the kitchen area to yourself. Saying it was 'Yours' afterall.
"Honey! Breakfast is ready" You call out, Simon quick to set down his book and roll up. Knowing a nice breakfast and black coffee was waiting for him.
"Thank you Lov" He said softly and kissed your cheek as you set out both plates, pouring a cup of black coffee for himself as the plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon greeting him.
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"My angel" He said and kissed your cheek lovingly as you sat next to him to tuck into the meal.
Mindless conversation taking place between you two as you guys ate, Simon getting seconds and a cup of tea for himself as well.
"Oh before I forget, Si can you go to the market to pick up some things? I was going to make cakes tonight" He nodded at the simple request, the closest market at around a 20 minute drive from your home anyway so it wasn't an issue.
"I can head out now, Get it done with" He said calmly, Standing up to take both your empty plates and cleaned them up. Always cleaning since he felt it was fair before heading upstairs to change to head into town.
Deciding that his jeans and coat would do fine started to change into that quickly, Mumbling about needing gas and.. and?..
Simon Paused- The pants felt tighter then it had before.. even if these were admittedly older pants they should have been fine not a new tightness around his admittedly full stomach.
Pulling off his shirt he took a look at his for in the bathroom mirror- while still seeing his muscular and admittedly large build however around his stomach and sides there was a new thin layer of.. Fluff? Some pudge that had defiently not been there before and just slightly dampening his abs.
"The hell?" He mumbled, look over himself. You walking into the room as well and seeing him staring at himself in the mirror.
"Something wrong?" You question, walking back to him as you see him looking at himself in the mirror.
"I've gained weight?" He questioned as he looked back at you, This surpsing you as you personally didn't see any difference.
"You look fine to me, Sexy too" You wink which earns a laugh from the man who quickly pulls you into his arms.
"While I do appreciate your support I've gained some weight. Seems I've gotten too comforble with the nice suppers and cakes" He said with a sigh, surprised he had let the comfort of food do this. You kissed his cheek gently and giggle.
"It's probably relationship weight"
"Relationship weight?" He questioned with a brow as you laugh and blush softly.
"It common for people in a comforble and happy relationship to sort of- Get comforble physically if you will" He hummed at hearing this smirking at the idea.
"Well if that is the case, I'm going to end up like the Stay Puff Marshmellowman" He said with a chuckle and kissed you.
Soap - Candy Monster
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Candy- candy everywhere. That's how you two even found each other was by candy. Johnny wasn't a man huge of sweets till he met you, working as a repair specialist for the team you would fix all the toys they constantly broke- often eating on candy or giving out candy whenever any of the team members would stop by to gather their things. Johnny enjoying your clear sweet tooth always partook in your offers, which lead to hour long talks, sharing different candies from around the world and eventually dates. Who knew that just some candy could lead the Scot to the happiest time of his life-
Two years of relationship bliss which had fulfilled the Soilders life in ways he didn't know possible. While he was still in the service with you in his life, he was starting to take some steps back in order to create a distance for you to be in his life. The nice condo adding to this as well since you two had moved in together the year previously.
"The new candy bag is here!" You call out as you walk into the kitchen area seeing Johnny sipping his drink and excitedly looking to see what was brought. The monthly surprise bag of candy was your idea and truthfully he had found it genius.
"Uh let's see, some yuzu japanese white chocolate, Lucas chamoy candy, oh Cream savers! I used to love these" You say cheerfully ajd quickly open the bag- Johnny curious as well as he held out a hand which you happily handed him a few.
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Johnny unraveled the strawberry sweet and put it to his lips as normal. Used to the constant wave of new confectionery that you passed to him, humming as he tasted the waves of strawberry and cream that filled his senses.
"Oh these are good- a little odd?" He hummed as he bit through the hard treat making your face scrunch up.
"Impacient as always" You muse as he crunched through the hard candy with a grin.
"Just like to get to the good part" He winked taking a few more candies into his mouth as you giggle at his reaction.
"Still ready for dinner tonight?" Johnny questioned, a gleam in his eyes as he watched your enthusiasm at it.
"Yeah- Also the show is on tonight" You remind him earning a knowing smile from the man, His eyes drifting to his phone to check the time which prompted you to do the same.
"Oh the shows almost on! Wanna watch it then head to dinner?" You said cheerfully, always watching to catch your favorite TV show before leaving anywere. Johnny of course agreeing before he headed upstairs to get a head start on changing.
"I'll be right down!" He called out, having a outfit in mind already as he reached for his 'sexy jeans' and a nice botton up.
Johnny huffed as he jumped up and down to get the jeans over his body. Stopping as he looked, sure they must have shrunk in the wash or- thays when he looked again.. noticing the thickening of his thighs and admittedly his ass.
He stared for a moment at the jeans before breaking out in a laugh. Grabbing some sweats instead as he headed back down to you with a smirk.
"You Husband weight me Darlin" He said with a almost proud smirk, you raising a brow at this.
"Husband weight?" You question, Watching him slap his plushed hip with a laugh.
"You are fattenin me up like I were ya husband" He said calmly as he plopped next to you, pulling you into his lap.
"I hope that's not a bad thing" You giggle, assuming he enjoyed it.
"It means ya make me happy darling" He said with a laugh before kissing your cheeks and leaned back to enjoy the show, well hidden in his sweatpant pockets a velvet box laid.
König - Taste Tester
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Now most would find it cliché that a soldier ended up with a medic- and König would have no issue telling them to mind their own. You had saved his life, and gained his heart in one swoop.
After a rather nasty battle he had been rushed to the nearest Army Hospital were you had been, saving him from the brink of death and respected his boundaries. You two spending hours just talking about books, shows and different foods you had tasted while in the military- Both of you being quite the foodies.
It had been a long time to build trust between each other, however it had been worth it to say the least. After several years of a slow and steady relationship it had become clear you two would be permanent in each other's lives, moving in together and creating a routine for each others wants and needs.
It was a rare moment but both of you were on leave at the same time, having a nice long break from the hard demands of your guys jobs. König was sitting at the dining room table finishing a Lego set, this time being the Van Gogh one, a hobby he had taken up to help him relax and focus.
"Hey Love, How does this taste?" You question and hand him a spoon of something which he eats without question. His eyes lighting up as he nodded- Fried rice, some form of gravy or curry, and nice soft eggs.
"Ja, gut Schatz! (Its food Love), What is it?" He questioned as he hands back the cleaned spoon and you give him another spoonful which he inhails.
"It's Omurice, I found the recipe and wanted to give it a go. I don't know if I got the egg constancy right but I'm more concerned about taste" You shrug truthfully König clearly agreeing as he turned to look if you had anymore- this drawing a laugh from you as you make him a fat plate which he accepts happily.
"Danke" He says quickly before tucking into the large plate, happily chatting away setting his lego project further on the table so it didn't get disturbed. You only pausing the conversation to point to the larger males shirt which had a large stain on it.
"You got sauce on your shirt love" You say with a giggle, the Austrian make looking down and sighing softly. Giving a quick curse as he stood up to change his shirt.
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Heading upstairs he took off his shirt and went to grab another when he paused and looked at himself in the mirror-
Now König knew he was a big guy- that was no surprise however he was defiently noticing he was becoming a bigger guy. Mainly his shirts didn't fit the same around his stomach and sides region but he hadnt really noticed till now, Looking himself over he saw a nice thin layer of plush over his whole form.
He blushed at this, realizing he may have been getting way more comforble then he realized. Remembering his mother telling him that once a person finds themselves in a life long relationship they can get bigger due to being comforble.
Had he truly gotten that comforble? He thought back to the days they would spend together, how he found everything that you did to be adorable and you had just become a part of his life. His heart fluttering at the thought as his need for a new shirt was forgotten and be stepped out of the room.
He walked back down, shirtless still in deep thought as he held his stained garmet. You raised a brow at seeing him so out of it and holding the shirt, Stepping forward you gently touch his hand to gently bring him back to you.
"König? Love you okay?" You question as he finally comes back to reality and blinks at you. Like he was seeing you for the first time all over again.
"König?.." You question again but he leans down and instead captures your lips in a deep kiss. A blush forming over both of your cheeks at the suddently passionate kiss, he pulled away after a moment after the need for air won out. After a moment of catching your breaths he stared you in the eyes.
"Let's go to the Juwelier (Jewlery Store) Tommorow Liebling~" He said with a shy smile and hands on your hips, A new sparkle in his eyes.
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years ago
Hello! I hope You’re doing well
I was just wondering if i could request for a Wolfwood x gnreader who carries around a scythe and is called the reaper just like how Nicolas carries around a cross and goes by the name punisher?
I think that’d be cool :)) you don’t have to write it if you don’t want! I hope you are well and hydrated!! And that you take your time<33
Aww thanks for the kind words! I had no idea where this story was going, I just get an idea and run with it lol hope you enjoy! Also I’m like this will be short :) 1300 words later lol Also first time writing for Wolfwood so apologies
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Reader
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You’ve decided three was becoming your favorite number because that’s how many times it took to intertwine your fate with the punisher. You’ve always gone through life with a sense of survival, it’s how you ended up here. Bounty hunting, only taking in targets dead, they call you ‘Reaper’ nothing but an angel of death in their eyes.
It was cruel work, but if someone wanted someone dead, or found dead you’d do it for the right price. It’s how you survived in this harsh world and you are fine with the routine of it. Until your routine was tossed to the side.
The first time had been quick, an annoyance more than anything else. You’ve been tracking your target for days, and you had finally cornered them outside of some backwater town. Scythe in hand ready to strike, the target was begging they always begged you hated this part. The nighttime air filled with the sound of crying until a gunshot rang out.
You dodged to the side unsure where the bullet had come from or where it would land. The night went still, you glanced at your target hoping they wouldn’t take this as a chance to run only to discover where the bullet ended up. Right through your target's head. 
You whipped around raising your weapon, only to come face to face with a man. He was holding a giant gun in the shape of a cross. Your blood ran cold, but you held your ground. 
“You asshole! He was mine.” 
“Relax you can have the bounty I just need proof.” He stepped closer, lighting a cigarette at the same time, his tone was casual. You stepped to the side letting him pass, you knew who he was. This wasn’t a fight you could win, so you would let him do what he needed and you’d collect the bounty.
“You’re not a ghost then, Punisher.” You don’t know why you felt the need to say it, your eyes glanced over him. He must have finished, whatever he did you didn’t want to know. He stood facing you and took a long drag of the cigarette “You’re not one either then, Reaper.”  
The two of you left it at that, you turned in the bounty, got the money, and didn’t think about it again. It was an odd night; one you’d just want to forget. 
The second time was confusing but somewhat enjoyable. You had a long day, you wanted nothing more than to just drink the night away. You found the closest bar to you and planned to hunker down for the night. People always gave space the moment they saw your weapon, and you don’t fuck with me attitude you were set.
What you didn’t expect was for someone to sit down right beside you at the bar. Annoyed you turned to the stranger, he was already looking at you with a smirk and a cigarette between his lips.
You didn’t like being sought out like this; you were very unsure what he wanted from you. He orders a drink and then orders you one. “First rounds on me.” He said clinking his drink to yours. You downed the drink, “What do you want?” You figured you’d just get straight to the point nobody just sought you out for a drink. 
“What can’t drink with a friend?” You frowned at the tone, casual and that sly look on his face. You huffed looking down at your empty glass, “We’re not friends.” 
“Ah but we could be, I think we could help each other out.” There it was, people always wanted something from you. You knew not to get involved with this man; he was dangerous you were to hit you weren’t suicidal.  “No thanks.” You stood grabbing your weapon and preparing to leave until he grabbed your wrist, you glared at him. His hold was loose you could pull away if you really wanted to but you were in a trance at his dark gaze. 
“Hear me out first Reaper, I’m just looking for information if you can help me there, I’ll be out of your hair.” You sat back down, he let go of your hand and smirked. How annoying, he began to ask you a series of questions, he must be hunting someone you didn’t care to know the details of.  You answered honestly and he bought you another drink, you figured that was the end. It wasn’t. 
“It’s Nicholas D. Wolfwood by the way.” He lit another smoke; you watched eyes focused on his face. “Y/n l/n” you responded no one called you by your name anymore.  
You two spent the rest of the night talking, it was fun in the sense there were no expectations. He asked if he could hold your scythe you agreed, picking it up with one hand and passing it to him. You laughed when Wolfwood nearly dropped it, surprised at its weight.
“It’s heavy.” He said with a huff placing it back against the bar. 
“It’s supposed to be, isn’t it?” You said with a knowing look as you leaned your cheek on your hand to look at him. Taking lives came with a heavy toll, and you all had your crosses to bear, some heavier than most. Your heart raced when he met your gaze, you knew what could happen next so you needed to leave. 
Any sort of Attachment or comfort you didn’t deserve nor want to get into, you’d leave the Punisher here. Maybe next time you could be impulsive but not tonight. Well, a little impulse was okay, you leaned in by taking the cigarette from his lips and placing it between your own lips to take a drag. You stubbed it out on the bar top, leaning in once more to leave a kiss on his cheek. “See ya around.” 
You left him there and headed out into the dawn. 
The third was less than ideal, you were dying. Or you were going to die if you didn’t get up right now. It had been an ambush; you fell right for it and now you were going to bleed out on the desert floor.
You knew it would end like this eventually, staring up at the stars you felt some comfort. This was okay, it would be okay. You closed your eyes and accepted your fate. You didn’t know how long you were out; you were still alive but someone was shaking you and yelling. You couldn’t make out the words. You should’ve opened your eyes, but you were just so tired. You could hear the words ‘reaper’ over and over. 
Then another shout and more shaking, then the sound of your name, no one should know your name anymore. Forcing your eyes open, you came face to face with Wolfwood. He found you, how you didn’t know or care. Funny enough you felt safe, he was yelling at you again but you were too tired and closed your eyes again.
You awoke with a start in some dingy hotel room, you moved to stand up but your body protested the movements. Your wound was bandaged, how? What had even happened? Looking around the room you spotted your weapon right beside a familiar large cross.
“You lived.” Wolfwood stood at the doorway, arms crossed. “Guess I owe you my life then.” Your tone was light, but you were grateful just unsure to have to express it. “Thanks.” You whispered out he shrugged moving to the window to light a smoke. 
“Maybe you should stick around, it looks like your good at getting into trouble.” You rolled your eyes and laughed, “I think you just enjoy my company.”
“Maybe.” He answered, you laughed again laying down. Maybe surviving on your own was becoming too much, maybe with Wolfwood at your side you two could start living instead of surviving.
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opossum-rights · 2 years ago
Eyes on the Back of your Head
Rook Hunt x GnReader      2.3k Words
You feel like you’ve been going crazy lately, you can never shake off the feeling that you’re being watched. Little do you know it’s not just a feeling.
Warning: Pure cringe from several months ago that I dug up
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Being a magic-less student in an institute designed to educate the best sorcerers in the land caused you to build quite a name for yourself. Those who didn't already know of you as the black sheep of NRC thought of you as the go-to remedy for the overblot crisis. Even now as things seemed relatively calm, you held somewhat of a celebrity status.  
Wherever you went there was always someone's eyes on you; during lunch you could feel them on the back of your head as you half listened to whatever Epel and Jack were chatting about, walking through campus to your next class you tried to ignore them by busying yourself with mediating some little argument Ace and Deuce were having, even when visiting your friends in their dorms you would insist on moving to their rooms, not being rid of them until the door clicked shut.
It was beginning to get tiring; you never got this much attention back in your own world.
Even if Ramshackle was a poor excuse for a living situation, with walls that did nothing to keep the cold out at night and floorboards that would creek if so much as a mouse ran across, you found yourself releasing all the tension from the day as soon as you caught sight of it. That was, until a couple nights ago.
Homework done, chores taken care of, you felt like you could finally breathe. That's when you felt the familiar feeling of being watched. Looking over a shoulder, Grim was snoring away on the old couch as he always did when you brought out schoolwork.
It could've been the ghosts, but they haven't been around lately.  It was pretty late, perhaps it's just Malleus waiting outside for you or one of the first years stopping by. Although, both of those occurrences follow up a text or warning of some kind. If it was one of them, though, you figured they wouldn't want to be held waiting.
You let out sigh and make your way to the main doors, creaking open no matter how careful you try to be with them for the sake of Grim's nape time. There's no one around. Not in the vast yard or down the path leading to the rest of campus.
"Weird, guess I’m starting to get used to how weird this place is," You mutter, thinking that if there was someone outside that they would take the hint of you going back in and show themselves.
But you stood outside for a couple minutes, thinking how weird it is that the feeling seems to be coming from inside.
The feeling eventually faded away and you were able to get to sleep at a reasonable time.
The next night wasn't free from any strange occurrences either. Like the last, you got the intense feeling of being watched inside your home. Grim must notice it this time as well, being quieter than usual with his fur standing on end.
He got the more expensive brand of tuna that night to try and lighten the mood, and like usual, food proved to be the most reliable tool you had to deal with him. With Grim chatting away with his mouth full in the common room, you take the empty packages back to the kitchen to dispose of them.
Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, you lean on the counter and watch as the trees disappear in the night, starting from the back and slowly making its way towards you until you see nothing but the thin crack in the window. 
That's strange, you could have sworn that wasn't there before. The window was right above the sink, so you spent a lot of time gazing out of it as you mindlessly washed the dishes.
It was a pretty long one to, not something you could easily overlook. You lean closer and gently scratch the glass to see if which side of the window it's on, only for it to catch onto your finger.
Oh, you think to yourself, that's not a crack, silly, it's a strand of hair. You immediately cringe back and shack your hand to get it off. You could tell it wasn't Grim's, and it surely wasn't yours.
The blond strand falls to the ground and lands in the space under the cupboard full of dust. You grab the water and quickly make your way back to the common room, taking the empty bowl from Grim who's too busy falling into a food coma after his meal to notice the look of unease on your face.
Not wanting to get close to the window, or the kitchen in general, you place the bowl on an end table in the entrance of the room, scoop your cat up, and speed walk upstairs and into your room.
You deposit Grim on the bed, go over to the windows, and pull the curtains close with such force that you almost think they won't be able to handle it.
Making your way to the door you lock it and rattle the knob for a while to make sure it's working, then unlock it to do it again.
Even after the feeling fades and you're settled under the covers, Grim close to your side, you can't relax enough to sleep.
The next day Epel mentions your shabby appearance at lunch, saying that Vil would throw a fit if he showed up to class looking like that. It makes sense, you stumbled through putting on your uniform this morning and the bags under your eyes don't help.
"I've just been a bit stressed lately. Haven't been getting much sleep cause of it, you know?" You try your best to send him a nonchalant smile.
"If you want something to help with that, I'm sure we could find something back in my dorm room. Vil's always giving me these creams to try, and I haven't even opened half of them," You accept his offer, wanting an excuse not to go back to Ramshackle when the day ends.
You manage to avoid running into Vil as you made your way through Pomefiore, thankfully as he's started to take you under his wing in the same vein as Epel since his overblot. Feeling the calmest you've had in a while, you take a seat on his bed with Grim sitting in your arms as Epel rummages around in a drawer.
"Here's some stress relief stuff for your skin, not know how helpful it's gonna be with what you're dealing with, but it smells nice at least," He hands you a good-sized bottle of lotion which you gratefully accept.
"I'm sure it'll work fine. I'm already feeling better being able to hang out with you," A small blush spreads across his face as you rub a dollop of the lotion into your arm, taking a sniff. It's nice, has a sort of pine smell.
You chat for a while about Epel's upcoming magift game; he beams when you promise to be there, not mentioning that Leona would give you a hard time if you didn't. When Grim starts complaining that he's hungry, Epel offers to walk you back to the mirror. You're having a nice time, despite how weird things have been lately.
All good things must come to an end, you suppose.
As the three of you pass a tree in the courtyard, something, or someone, jumps from a branch and lands right Infront of your path. You let out a little yell and stumble backwards, losing your footing and about to fall flat on your back, but the person from the tree quickly surges forward and grabs your arm to pull you back up.
"My my, caught you off guard, did I? To be expected from a hunter such as moi!" Rook apologizes for startling you, not letting his grip on your arm up even after you regain your balance.
Epel taps on your shoulder and hand you back the lotion, which must have been dropped during your scare. Rook moves his hand from your arm to his chin, giving you a once over as a questioning look shows on his face.
"Forgive me for saying, but has something been bothering you mon ami?" He glances at the bottle in your hand and messy uniform before moving back to your face.
"They've just been tired lately, gave them some stuff for it. I'm actually taking them back to the mirror right now," Epel states as he shifts back to your side, which you're thankful for, a bit too tired to deal with the eccentric blonde.
"Ah, Is that so? Well, then I wish you both a good evening, au revoir!" Rook steps aside as you and Epel pass. You can feel him staring as your back, a familiar feeling that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand.
That night all you grab for dinner is a bag of chips, finding you're not that hungry and preferring to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen. As usual, the feeling of eyes sitting somewhere you can't see returns.
Earlier than usual you take Grim to bed, following your routine from the previous night. You stand Infront of the mirror in the bedroom and rub in some of Epel's lotion on the tensest parts of your face. You close your eyes, breath in and out, until you feel as relaxed as you can.
It was a nice day earlier, but now you can hear the wind howl past, pushing against the walls making a creaking sound that's a little too similar to the floor makes. As a result, you are too scared to sleep.
You feel crazy.
There hasn't been any concrete proof that anything strange is happening. Sure, there was the hair, but it's an old house, and it might've blown in from somewhere. The feeling, you're just not used to the attention and decidedly do not like it.
The creaking, from the wind outside. The wind that's apparently targeting the lower floor. It sounds like it's right under you. That shouldn't be possible, the way the dorm is built you should be right above the middle of the common room, not even close enough to the side walls.
Focusing more on the creaking under you, it comes to mind that it's louder than the noises coming from the walls. Despite the cold you can feel yourself sweat. The creaking moves, your eyes widen. It's on the stairs now, there's no denying that it's the floorboards now.
Each stair creaks under the weight of whoever's in your home, now settling on the second floor.
You try to keep your breath steady. It moves closer, they are in no rush.
You feel your body tremble. It stops outside your door.
You feel tears fall down your face.
There is no more creaking that night
In the morning you try to go about things as usual to not upset Grim. You put off leaving the room until he falls after jumping to reach the knob, complaining about being hungry as usual. You hold your breath as you move downstairs, constantly checking over your shoulder.
Nothing is there. Despite your heart stopping every time you glimpse your own shadow, you desperately want to leave. You grab Grim, who grumbles that it's too early to leave yet. You don't look back as you close the doors behind you.
"Are you sure you're okay, you look worse than yesterday," Epel looks concerned. The bags under your eyes are worse now, the area having a puffy look from your crying. You completely forgot some parts of your usual uniform, and you've been jumping at the slightest sound.
You feel bad for making him worry, confessing that you think someone broke into your dorm last night. He jumps up, immediately checking to see if you're visibly hurt. You look too shaken up to be joking.
"Come on, we need to get Crewel, or Crowly, or someone!" He starts to set off, but you quickly grab his hand, begging him to sit back down. You're not even a hundred percent sure that there was someone in the first place. You tell him that with exams coming up you don't want to bother the staff. He looks into your eyes, tearing up and despite, and sits back down.
He's not letting it go completely though, declaring that you're spending the night in his dorm, you're not going back to Ramshackle until him and some of the others check it out. You slump in your seat and nod.
With exams many of the Pomefiore students are in the library or in their rooms studying, leaving you and Epel alone in the kitchen. You didn't stop at Ramshackle after classes, so all you have with you is your school bag, with your gym uniform as something to sleep in.
Grim was shipped off with Ace and Deuce, Epel saying that Vil banned any type of animal that sheds and that you two needed to study for a class you only had with him. They reluctantly agreed, you feel bad for Riddle already.
The air is tense, neither of you wanting to start the talk that needs to be had. Instead, you make uncomfortable small talk about how you're going to explain your sleepover to Vil. The conversation dies out, with Epel excusing himself to the restroom.
You're left alone. What are you doing?
You're getting Epel all worried for no reason and taking his attention away from studying. You feel shame rise in your chest, but feel a chill rise up your back. You look behind you, but there's no one there. The longer you sit here the worse the feeling gets.
You figure Epel wouldn't mind if you just went to wait for him in his room and quickly stand and grab your bag without pushing back your chair. As you move towards the dorm rooms, you hear the sound of a chair being set back into place and hitting a table. You speed up.
You look behind you, but nothing's there. You start to panic. The picture-perfect hallways make you confused, not knowing if you're by the first-year rooms or somewhere else. You swore Epel's room was this way, you can't afford to get it wrong.
Finally, you find his door. Wasting no time in rushing in, you turn and slam it shut. You try to control your breathing as you wait. You feel the blood leave your face as you turn and see bows and arrows hung on the wall. You know exactly who's room this is.
A pair of arms circles around your waist, keeping your from moving as if you could find the courage to in the first place. You feel his breath on the back of your neck.
"Mon ami, you gave a great chase! Truly reminiscent of a panicked little rabbit," Rook buries his face in your hair, smelling it as he rubs his thumbs on your stomach.
You feel sick.
"How sorry I am for your current state. That rotting building you call home didn't make it easy for me, but that matters not, as we're finally together!" He rocks you back and forth.
You feel his mouth by your ear, a tongue moving around the shell.
"Now that you’re here, we can discuss our happily ever after."
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