#ghost rp meme
a-neverending-story · 4 months
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❝I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you.❞ 
Cora Sophie Marren aka 𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚒𝚛𝚊; a walking disaster ☾ ─── ⋆ 32-year-old reincarnation of a witch who roams America (and the world) in search for answers. Constantly running away from her past. In the perpetual company of shadowy women that no one can see or hear but her. She is addicted to the pleasures of life and spends most of her time in bars and clubs on the hunt for the next drink or pill that will make her forget the presence of her spirits.
21+ - MDNI!, crossover and multiverse-friendly, Smalltalk Deeptalk+Plots, mutuals only, low to semi activity, currently 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 for Plotting. Crafted for but not limited to FakeVZ. ( 10 / 10 ) ⸻  CARRD
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𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚢 𝚒𝚗 : ⋆ witchcraft ⋆ ghosts ⋆ jobhopping ⋆ drgs ⋆ childhood trauma ⋆ trust issues ⋆ chaos ⋆ abuse ⋆ twin-brother ⋆ violence ⋆ knives ⋆ crime ⋆ pickpocketing ⋆
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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thirteen ghosts  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;  language , blood , death
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'oh, bad! that's one way to describe it. uh, 'insane' seems a little more appropriate.'
'it is my professional opinion that we should get the hell out of here. now!'
'I just need to take the edge off.'
'careful, (name). don't get too curious.'
'who are you to play god?'
'playing's for children.'
'I thought you were psychic.'
'that's not how it works and you know it!'
'perhaps we'll meet again in another life.'
'you crazy son of a bitch, what did you do?'
'you're being paranoid and overprotective.'
'I know this is gonna sound completely whacked, alright? but I need you to stay with me.'
'don't laugh at me.'
'not so fast, you gotta cater to my ego first.'
'don't touch me.'
'how's your head?'
'they're kids, what'd you expect?'
'just this once, don't argue with me.'
'what part of that code are you having trouble cracking?'
'I don't see any ghosts.'
'I want you to do me a favor and stop with all the haunted house nonsense. okay?'
'you don't have to scream, alright? just ... chill.'
'no, I don't think we should split up.'
'I told you, I can't see any ghosts.'
'it's a ghost! just like I've been saying all night.'
'there are ghosts around us all the time. most of them, they can't hurt is. most of them don't wanna hurt us. but there are exceptions.'
'there's no such thing as ghosts.'
'don't speak. don't move.'
'I don't think you should be teasing the ghost.'
'it looks to me like I'm saving your ass.'
'if you want help, you gotta help me first.'
'can I rely on you not to get me killed?'
'what the hell are you doing here?!'
'stop dragging your ass, man!'
'you got something to say, say it.'
'let's start with this is all your goddamn fault!'
'if you haven't noticed, I'm a little bit of a freak!'
'I touch somebody, and a whole life full of shit just flashes in front of my eyes!'
'so yeah, I'm depraved. and (name) was my friend and he accepted me!'
'he didn't accept you, you're pathetic! he used you!'
'god, I've been trying to help you.'
'love is the most powerful energy.'
'I don't read latin.'
'it doesn't add up. it doesn't make any sense. there's gotta be a better way.'
'how much of this equation makes any sense at all?'
'I sure as hell hope I don't bleed to death, 'cuz that would suck.'
'why are you so mad at me? I did everything you asked me to do.'
'you're not mad at me, are you?'
'I've been looking for a reason to like myself for a long time.'
'greatness requires sacrifice.'
'I'm nothing without you.'
'the world has no time for little people like you. it needs people who are willing to do anything for greatness.'
'I am sick of this nanny shit.'
'this was not in the job description. I quit!'
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kikismemes · 6 months
𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓼 — send 🏚️ for our muses to be stuck in a haunted house together.
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silvers-smut-memes · 1 year
Send in "Ghostly Grope" to have my muse groped by a bunch of invisible hands.
Or, add "Reversed" to have my muse do the ghostly groping.
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mausguild · 1 month
Unholy Ghost Stories || Sentence Starters
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All lines are specifically taken from the english dub. Some context is cut though to keep things clean and PG.
👻 ; "Remember, if it wasn't for me, your friend would be headlining in heaven."
👻 ; "Luckily, I can read barricade."
👻 ; "A police station! Thank god, I never thought I'd be happy to see one of those things!"
👻 ; "Hello sinner!"
👻 ; "Abstinence only, got it."
👻 ; "It's not right to teach a child to respond with violence."
👻 ; "I hope to god you're adopted."
👻 ; "Come back here, you coward!"
👻 ; "Oh the music teacher.. what a bitch!"
👻 ; "I'm sure I'll live a long miserable life of heartbreak and alcoholism before a ghost takes me out."
👻 ; "When this bitch kicks, I'm moving to vegas."
👻 ; "You came in here alone? Are you a moron?"
👻 ; "Cursed stairs. You're kidding me, cursed stairs?"
👻 ; "God is bigger than any demonic curse, and true believers like me don't believe in curses."
👻 ; "I for one don't see one thing you have to be proud about. Or, are you just hoping to grow pretty one day?"
👻 ; "What? How high are you?"
👻 ; "Do you know how much I hate you?"
👻 ; "My daughter's dead, and you're making food jokes?"
👻 ; "Worshipping satan is awesome!"
👻 ; "I'm gonna get beat up, aren't I?"
👻 ; "God rewards the righteous, that's why me and my family are loaded."
👻 ; "Oh wow, I can't even comprehend how inappropriate this is."
👻 ; "I tried to be consoling, but I really don't like her."
👻 ; "I'll do the broadcast if you never talk to me again, please."
👻 ; "I may be a nerd, but you're an idiot!"
👻 ; "Y'know what I hear? I hear the sound of you shuttin' the fuck up."
👻 ; "Run! She's a ghost, and a bitch!"
👻 ; "To hell with right and wrong, bitch, I'm on fire!"
👻 ; "What the fizzity-uck was that?"
👻 ; "..My bs detector's going ding!"
👻 ; "I can read. Not well, but I can read!"
👻 ; "No, I'm serious bitch. I swear to god, blue."
👻 ; "Leave me alone, I'm doing my standard anime elbows up pose."
👻 ; "You are four of the ugliest fucking kids I've ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on, I cannot wait for this bitch to kill you."
👻 ; "Why am I doing this? It's not faithful to my character arc."
👻 ; "Time to go home, load up that bong, and watch pokemon!"
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starter-library · 2 months
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Ashes (Juliana Finch)
“We got drunk and read graffiti from the walls of Pompeii, toasted to the ruin waiting in the light of day”
“All good things, they fall in time”
“Hold me like there will never be another night, there’s no need to pretend that everything’s alright”
“Hold me like the only word we know is goodbye til the ashes fall from the sky”
“When the fire rains down I can only hope I’ve loved you well”
“We’re going down together, at least it will all be over fast”
“A love like this just burns too hot to last”
“In 2000 years will the evidence still be here, will our beating hearts be found laying underground?”
“Will people pass by with tears in their eyes and know that this is real and this is how we feel”
“Hold me til the ashes fall from the sky”
“There may never be another night”
As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
“We've drunk a couple bottles, babe and set our grief aside”
“The papers say it's doomsday, the button has been pressed”
“Here it is, our final night alive”
“We creep up on extinction”
“I’ll weep and say "Goodnight, love" while my organs pack it in"
“Yes, it's you I welcome death with as the world, as the world caves in”
The Future is a Foreign Land (Ghost)
“in the absence of sympathies won't you hear me out?”
“When it all burns down I will hold you close for the minute it takes”
“We don't have to be enemies”
“When it all burns down and the flames devour everything that we are I will hold you”
“The future is a foreign land so let us pray for more”
“We could grow old together, we could love one another”
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dodgerrpmemes · 6 months
send 👻 for my muse to be a ghost
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nakunatta-fujihana · 6 months
You should just skip gym. That's what I did when I was your age. (o´▽`o)ノ
My birthday is January 28th and I'm an Aquarius sun and... uhm... well, if I google it it says Sagittarius moon.
As for my rising sign, it says that I need my hour of birth for that, but I don't really know that;;
He's a Virgo rising! - 👻
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crownmemes · 9 months
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A Ghost Story for Christmas Sentences
(Sentences from A Ghost Story for Christmas (1971-). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"That's the mark of death. I know it well."
"You won't last the night."
"Good manners cost nothing, do they?"
"You seem a kind soul."
"Twisted, he was. Where others had a soul, he had a corkscrew."
"I don't think you can say those things anymore!"
"I did not trip him up!"
"Don't make assumptions about me!"
"Everything has to end."
"You dance well!"
"At the time she was seen, it was impossible that she could be a living person."
"You deserve no tenderness at any man's hands!"
"Was there a particular reason for your search, or do you just like to dig?"
"What is the point in tradition if one is constantly changing things?"
"The gossip is that he fathered a child with one of his servants!"
"One must look to the future, not the past."
"I hope we shall become friends."
"What the devil have you been up to?"
"You still haven't said what you were up to."
"My books have been my only true companion since childhood."
"He swears whatever attacked him wasn't human - and, from the scratches on his throat, I'm inclined to agree with him!"
"To a collector of fairytales, this is no doubt fascinating - but you cannot seriously believe that."
"What other explanation is there?"
"How could such a thing as this stride through the streets, even at night, without being seen?"
"You must allow that each incident in itself is capable of a more natural explanation."
"It won't do. No, it won't do."
"Don't do anything rash."
"I'll happily look into the matter myself, but it is going to have to wait a few days."
"You have five minutes to destroy that thing, or I swear to God, I will put a bullet in your brain!"
"You would murder me?"
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writingpromptneeds · 1 year
'the ghost breakers' (1940) prompts. 🔦
'The lights are out all over the city.' 'Nice night for a murder.' 'Thanks for the memories.' 'I'm in great shape, for the shape I'm in.' 'Well, it's been nice knowing you.' 'So, you thought you'd get away with it.' 'If there's going to be any hysterics around here, I'll have them.' 'Don't you think you better sit down?' 'Ah, that's the way to die.' 'How would you like another murder tonight?' 'You can't discourage me.' 'Ghosts again?' 'Lovely view, isn't it?' 'Foggy night, isn't it?' 'I know you've had a rough evening...' 'You're not afraid of meeting a few spooks, are you?' 'He always sees the darker side of everything.' 'Oh, I won't be too much trouble.' 'I don't know why I do such things, I'm crazy.' 'Wait, there's a trick to these things.' 'You know, that gives me an idea that scares me out of my wits.' 'That's all we needed on top of ghosts and skeletons...a zombie.' 'You aren't afraid are you?' 'Now why did I say that?' 'You think I'd pull a crack like that?' 'They can't fool us.' 'Run away before it's too late!' 'Why do you let me babble on like this?' 'I couldn't let you have all this fun by yourself.' 'Put your hands behind your back.' 'Close your eyes.' 'I'll match you to see who faints first.' 'That was the real ghost.' 'I'd like to hear about it.'
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eleanorramis-akroyd · 2 months
Do you like ghostbusters? YOU DO?? COME JOIN THE FREAKBUSTERS! we have amazing content and memes, and we also have great conversations on important ghostbusters topics like, “where did they get all the positively charged mood slime in the end of GB2?” COME TODAY, BECAUSE WE’RE READY TO BELIEVE YOU!!
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mags2theythem · 6 months
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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ghost ship ( 2002 ) sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;  language , death , murder
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'keep your pants on, (name).'
'why do you always have to break my balls? I said get back here.'
'do you want me to come down there and kick your ass? because I'll do it.'
'the sea gives you an opportunity, you take it.'
'in this business, the only plan is there is no plan.'
'if you don't wanna go, that's fine with me.'
'that's a pretty big 'if.'"
'I can't let you take advantage of me like that.'
'you mean what's a nice girl like me doing in a dump like this?'
'would you turn off that fucking music?'
'you sure no survivors ever turned up?'
'looks like we missed one hell of a party.'
'I told you to watch your fucking step!'
'are you okay?'
'hey you smell that? I smell bullshit.'
'I've seen things that you can't even imagine.'
'so, what's our plan?'
'you okay? you seem quiet since you came back.'
'I think I saw something I couldn't possibly have seen.'
'it's crazy, it doesn't matter.'
'you're so funny.'
'did you hurt yourself?'
'I must be losing my goddamn mind.'
'stop dragging ass, what's your problem?'
'don't go in there.'
'you were fucking with me, so I fucked with you!'
'it was the sexist voice I ever heard.'
'stop! you don't know what you're doing!'
'(name) is dead because of you!'
'come on, it's not gonna bring him back.'
'it's not your fault, you know that.'
'I say we do what we do best.'
'we can't do this. I can't do it!'
'I need you.'
'well, I say go to hell, (name).'
'right, so it's everybody's fault but your own.'
'grow up, asshole.'
'where's your empathy?'
'winners do not empathize with losers.'
'I know all of this isn't real, so I'm just gonna go with it, okay?'
'oh, god, you really are a fucking ghost.'
'(name) was my goddamn responsibility.'
'we're all trapped here.'
'it's okay, you can tell me.'
'you must go at once!'
'you're coming along for the ride.'
'he just tried to kill you.'
'next thing you know, we'll all be trying to kill each other.'
'don't die on me!'
'you disgust me.'
'you heard me, you're a pathetic excuse for a man.'
'I don't have time for this.'
'who the hell are you?'
'don't worry about who I am. the question is who are you?'
'if you'll kindly step out of my way, I'll make your dream a reality.'
'well, you live for her. you willing to die for her?'
'but that'll kill us.'
'we could have a life together, you and me.'
'all right, okay. you win!'
'you're not gonna pull that trigger, (name).'
'(name) made the same mistake. he's dead.'
'what the fuck are you?'
'I don't seem to be getting through to you.'
'I gave you a great opportunity! all you had to do was take it!'
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rp-meme-central · 1 year
Send “Ghost Whisperer” for a starter where your muse is a ghost that only my muse can see and hear.
Send “haunted individual” for a starter where my muse is a ghost that only your muse can see or hear. 
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ghostlyvisage · 4 months
Let's see here... what could Terminus possibly not have Ghostpire imprisoned for? These are just a few examples of the plethora of charges he could slap the mech with:
• attempted murder
• assault with a deadly weapon
• stalking
• communicating threats
• battery
• harassment
I'm sure there are several others I could list, but suffice it to say... we'll keep it short and sweet
*air kisses*
"Same could be said about you, dearspark. You forgot the cannibalism~ Eat you next time."
He is absolutely baring his fangs and waving his claws. "This time I'll be sure to cook you first."
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returnedfromthepurge · 11 months
Ghost Trick Starters- Based on quotes from my playthrough stream with friends!
".... And a kiss? Just to help," " Spoon time! Spoon!" " Ow- the steam, it... doesn't... hurt." " Oh, he's evil now," "Re-veg-neh! re- ah, revenge-!" " We didn't break up! Who said he was my ex-? Did he talk to you-?" " Shut up, vegan." " I'm afraid to touch him." " Don't tell them about the gifts I give you. That's private. " " How do people in movies know to answer a payphone? " " You bitch. You are no help." " How do you buy a suit and not know how to read? " " Ghosts don't have HR. We don't have anything like that here. " " I'm not giving you SHOULDER RUBS," " Why don't you know what a machine is ?" " Oh, he had a crush on her too..." " Chicken wouldn't betray her. " "Everything has betrayed her at this point, chicken will too." " I'm the middle man. The pigeon man." " Can't get up... even to give you a kiss...." "You know, it's lonely being the only one obsessed with a case , and your old friend's in jail...." " Why does ____ want bad things to happen on Christmas?" " Nope- lay back down, lay back down-!"
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