#ghiralink prompt
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skyview-temple-spring · 1 year ago
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he missed
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ghirahimbo · 4 months ago
six sentence sunday
The first flower Link brought down from the sky to plant carefully in the surface soil wilted overnight, flopping morosely against the ground when he awoke the next morning.
The second flower suffered a similar fate, as did the third—and it was as Link knelt beside the shriveled remains of the fourth that Ghirahim finally saw fit to say something. What had started as strange behavior was quickly becoming an indecipherable pattern, and Link's disappointment as he cradled the bit of withered plant, though mild, felt palpable.
“This falls pathetically short of bloodshed.”
Link's brow furrowed, but he didn't respond. Eyeing him with dry curiosity, Ghirahim tried again.
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mackthecheese · 1 year ago
Guys I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna write something. HOWEVER. I require your assistance. Give me a Ghiralink prompt and 1-2 sentences to start me off. Then I’ll build a oneshot off of that prompt! First idea to pique my interest will get written :)
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cherry-chaos-cola · 2 years ago
o1 kinda has some ghiralink vibes ngl,,,,, 😳
it DOES omg
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from these prompts
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electric-metropolis · 2 years ago
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What a horrible nightmare, seeing the endless cycle of re incarnation warp the man you love into pale imitations of his former self.
This is for @ghiralink-week 's prompt:
Monday, June 5th: Endless
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nsfwghiralinkweek · 7 months ago
🔞Ghiralink Week 2024 (NSFW) 🔞
Dates: November 4th-10th
Rules: 18+ only.
Otherwise, same as the regular week, be nice to each other.*
FAQ: none yet! feel free to ask questions
Archive of Our Own Collection:
Discord Server:
*while there's no rule against extremely dark content, for the sake of my own sanity as a moderator anything that would fit under ao3's major warnings will not be shared here. Obviously there will be grey areas. As a reminder, please tag accordingly and filter content for your own comfort. Don't like this rule? Do ghiralink week yourself.
Prompts under cut. More detail about them here.
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maiz-of-light · 2 years ago
Cyclical, a Ghiralink oneshot
Prompt: Endless
Rating: T (teen and up audiences)
Fandoms: LoZ: Skyward Sword and Tears of the Kingdom
Archive warnings: none
Word count: 4084
Click link for additional tags
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cherrytea-afterdark · 1 year ago
Hi. I'm not entirely sure how to word this, as words are not exactly my forte. I just wanted to say that your fic "parce: cupit periere" is very good and I'm too much of a coward to comment on it or even say this off of anon. You don't have to reply to this or anything, just know that one particular internet user is going insane over your writing
What I would have commented would be something along the lines of how very poetic it reads as, being more of a moment in time that says more about their dynamic than anything longer could have. Not that making it longer would negate the effect, it would just make it a different one. I went back to the fic to pull quotes, but more lines ended up highlighted than not. It's like the opposite of using innuendo in a fight scene, evocative in a way I wouldn't have guessed from reading only the tags. The latin should have tipped me off, I guess.
Beautiful work, though I'm finding that that particular verdict applies to nearly everything I'm reading as I scroll through your fics. Have a lovely day
this comes at a really funny time considering my friends were just making fun of how I skew the results of any "how often do you think about the roman empire" meme stuff. i've done it to the ghiralink fandom as well. you're going to start leaving romanes eunt domus graffiti in my inbox
that aside thank you!!! I read that poem on accident while looking for other Martial stuff in class and went. ghiralink. and then didn't do anything until I remembered while trying and failing to do whumptober again. it really deserves better tags and to not be tied to a prompt challenge (the general fandom consensus is people don't really seem to like those unfortunately and they get judged just by being associated with the challenge) but like what am I supposed to say. it's smut. not really. but yes it is
anyway not at all what you came here for but given the chance I will infodump unprompted!!
here's the statue historians generally think the poem is based on, the Apollo Sauroctonos. It's a widely copied statue in antiquity so the author would have been familiar with it. It's making fun of Apollo, who is generally seen as a masculine hero, diminishing his heroic defeat of Python (massive evil snake inhabiting the best cave for hearing the future) to him defeating a lizard, as well as placing him in a more feminine position that one would typically see of an Aphrodite. So obviously not a boy, like Apollo is a full man and immortal god/hero, but Martial uses boy to diminish him like the statue does much like Ghirahim calls Link boy and sky child! Because it's not! literal!!! I would have used the right translation because "boy" works well in the context of ghiralink but given the inability of the fandom to critically think about any kind of word choice. hero it is.
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There's no fucking way Martial could have ever predicted his work would be used this way (although divine sword/heroic mortal sounds a bit greco-roman-y) but I think he would 100% be up for it considering some of his poetry is straight up PORN. enemies to (not)lovers at that. it's unlikely you'll find any good translations of it online because historically they're all censored and fucked over by old white men, but this man did not discriminate. yuri couple, yaoi couple, regular couple, he saw no difference
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ghiralinked · 3 years ago
concept: ghiralink au where Ghirahim has been (begrudgingly) accepted as Link’s boyfriend by everyone but the crimson loftwing. crimson loftwing picked up Link every time he returned to the sky so he KNOWS what Ghirahim did to him in the past, and makes it very clear he Disapproves of their relationship. Ghirahim and Link go for a walk and crimson loftwing is there. they go to spar and the crimson loftwing is just staring at Ghirahim. it’s very uncomfortable. Link and Ghirahim start making out on the bed, getting all steamy and. the crimson lofting just. pokes his head through the window and squawks. Link screeches in mortification. Ghirahim has never been more intimidated in his life. he tries to take a walk on the surface and the crimson loftwing shits on him. Zelda and Groose find it hilarious. basically, the crimson loftwing being the Scary Father to Link’s new boyfriend
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ghirahimbo · 4 months ago
accidentally posted my ghiralink week entry early, soooo I guess I'm rolling with it? the prompt for this was "touch"
CW: blood, masochism, depression. whatever's happening here isn't healthy, so be aware 😬
"You need me," Ghirahim whispered against Link’s ear, so close that Link could feel the tight stretch of lips on his cheek.
Hazily, Link disagreed. The moment any of this became a need, he'd be in real trouble.
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mackthecheese · 1 year ago
Ghiralink prompt: Blind!link au
Skychild, what have you done? What is the meaning of this?
Oooh pondering this… pondering this…
I have to get over my crippling fear of creative writing to finish my first drabble before tackling another. I’ll definitely come back to this prompt in time.
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ghiralink-week · 7 months ago
Ghiralink Week 2024: November 4th-10th
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image description in alt
thank you @rainboworchard for Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday's prompts :)
Ideas and examples of creative ways to use these prompts:
11/4 - Sickness/Flowers/Health
Hanahaki disease
11/5 - Spring
a place where water wells up from an underground source; the season after winter, when growth begins again; to suddenly move forward
11/6 - Dual/Duel
(dual) consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects; (duel) combat between two
11/7 - Archaic
exceptionally old, ancient; unused and out of date
11/8 - Sanctuary
a place of refuge or safety, especially for someone being chased or hunted; a holy place, like a temple
11/9 - Dance/Touch/Remember
school dance AU, post-canon master/sword, however you want to make it, this is an excuse to get them holding each other's hand whether they like it or not. Be creative!
11/10 - Sealed
fasten or close securely; conclude, establish, or secure definitively, excluding the possibility of reversal or loss
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electric-metropolis · 2 years ago
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Maybe things will be different this time around...
This is for @ghiralink-week 's prompt:
Friday, June 9th: Patient
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nsfwghiralinkweek · 2 years ago
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Prompts are live! Early and late submissions are accepted up to one week before and one week after. This blog and set of prompts are for works rated M-E.
Sunday, June 4th: Bound
Monday, June 5th: Punishing
Tuesday, June 6th: Indulgent
Wednesday, June 7th: Passionate
Thursday, June 8th: Tender
Friday, June 9th: Patient
Saturday, June 10th: Free day! Catch up on a prompt, post a WIP, whatever you like!
Please do not submit works that fall under the main Ao3 warnings (Major Character Death okay). Avoiding noncon, eroguro, and explicitly making the pairing underage (high school AUs, mentioning Hyrule Historia canon) will make this week accessible to a larger audience. If you do make content that follows these prompts but includes these warning, please do not use the ghiralink week tag, and it will not be shared by an official blog.
Please send questions to our ask box, read through our FAQ, or join our Discord. Remember to use the tag #ghiralink week 2023 (with spaces), put a community label on your post, and tag this account!
Please send sfw submissions to @ghiralink-week
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foligage-and-facepalms · 7 years ago
A Prompt:
Person A is pregnant but they’re to nervous to tell person B straight to their face. So Person A starts leaving little cards and notes but person B doesn’t notice. It just progresses in to Person A using more and more extravagant ways to tell person B and eventually they are so done and just blurt it out mid sentence.
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ghiralinked · 3 years ago
Ghirahim shows up a few months after Demise and just strolls on to Skyloft and says to Link “hello, sky child, remember when I promised—” but Link’s just tired of Ghirahim’s shit so he tells him to fuck off before yeeting himself off Skyloft. Ghirahim’s just standing there, sword in hand and utterly crushed Link didn’t care enough to listen to his speech :(
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