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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Live Leak Bonanza Lotto 2Sure For 12/02/2021
Live Leak Bonanza Lotto 2Sure For 12/02/2021
Live Leak Bonanza Lotto 2Sure For 12/02/2021 Live leak bonanza lotto 2sure for today is now online for everybody to see and play, nothing will make us not to win today’s ghana lotto bonanza two sure. Two sure for Friday bonanza has just been leaked to the lucky once today and my lotto spy at NLA has briefed me of the latest development, just count yourselves among the lucky once.Continue reading
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www-donck-com · 3 years
Goblin Lore (In conjunction with Riz Gukgak)
This is just an info dump, may be hard to read my apologies. This was spurred on by me re-watching fantasy high, and getting goblin brain rot! Have fun!!
cave cavern systems
thats where they live
generally they live in 'nests'
think of these like a state
then within that large cavern system, there's smaller familial groups/tribes
think 40 to 50 people per group, and like 10 to 15 groups per nest
ok so the nation that goblins live in, is really just a large mountain range
it's the mountains of chaos, honestly just a mostly old stereotypical term
goblins themselves call the mountain range "the mountains"
But within the last 3 or so generations they call it the mountains of chaos like other countries
there's about 34 major nests within that mountain range, and roughly 60 minor ones
minor nests just have 5 to 10 groups rather than 10 to 15
minor nests hold 450, while major nests hold 675
meaning the nation in total has a very small population, only about 50,000 goblins total
they also have different anatomy than humans (obv)
they are much smaller, and take more after elves and cats than humans
they have lion like tales, huge yellow eyes with slit pupils, big ears that look similar to an expanded elven ear, they also have fangs and claws
similarly to cats, the claw isn't just 'fingernail' it's actually built into the joint of their fingers
their blood is blue, so bruises/blush/scars are a dark turquoise color rather than the pink we commonly associate with those things
goblins are often portrayed with long straight hair, this is only accurate when they are in their home (warm, dry, volcanic caverns) when they exit, the humidity actually makes their hair puff up and curl wildly
they have a full written language, however verbally mostly communicate through screeches, hisses, and clicks
they're ears and the positioning of them can tell a lot about their emotions, mostly they move involuntarily but with a lot of work goblins can keep their ears stationary/have control over them
their fangs are similar to rodents in that they will continue growing, and rough things to chew on is the only thing that curbs it
mostly bones and gems/crystals
within their home territory goblins maintain a system based entirely on trading and favors, so they have no frame of reference for currency the way other nations do
goblins also don't have names in the traditional sense,
They have a first name, often either chosen themself or earned through actions.
each nest has a name, and each group within the nest has a name
most goblins when meeting others introduce themself by where their from
so like (first name) (nest name only used if your outside your home nest) (group name)
the way that each goblin communicates and goes about life is highly unique based on what nest and group you grew up in
they also are hyper flexible, given that they need to climb through crevices in the caverns they live in
digging into your food with your hands and eating as fast as you can is seen as respectful in goblin coulture
letting someone's hard work come into direct contact with your hands is appreciative, and eating quickly so that others cant get it is like "your food is so good i am not sharing"
sadly goblins are often seen as 'uncivilized' and 'violent' by humans, elves, and most other humanoids
not including dragon born, orcs, satyrs, kobolds, and kenku
as those races/ethnicities have similar customs
if goblins choose to immigrate to other countries, they often just shove together their hive and group name and call it a day
hence long surnames in immigrated goblin populations
almost all goblins have vocal spasms and tics if they're not speaking in their native language, as certain tones of click/purr denote emotion and intent in goblin speech
sorta like tone indicators
many goblins are also hard of hearing or fully deaf, so GHS (Goblin hand speak, later adapted into CHS or common hand speak) is a common known language
many non-goblin or halfling (deafness is also common) people call it thieves cant also due to stereotyping
halfling people actually call themselves hin, as halfling is a demeaning term created by humans
hin and goblins have a long history of collaboration, as goblins are investigative and good at finding things by nature. and hin are renowned for their prowess in crafting and engineering
many items needed by hin are hard to find or hidden in small spaces, and goblins find and return those things to the hin people in exchange for excess gems, knick knacks, and broke inventions
goblins like assembling and dis-assembling things
it's common for goblin youth to roughhouse and play bite/scratch each other while their fangs and claws are coming in
goblins also howl as a form of music/celebrating big things happening/expressing big emotions
goblins are neither nocturnal or diurnal, they can sleep and function at any time and actually work better with several short naps throughout the day
they only need about 4 hours of sleep total per day, so it works best to work 6 ish hours then sleep, then work then sleep and so on
they also eat a LOT for being very small, they burn calories fast. their constantly moving and even when stationary HAVE to move to keep their blood flowing equally and their brains from spiraling
moving constantly helps be hyper aware of their surroundings, which is important when living in a mountain as earthquakes are common
within their home groups and nests they live in both a matriarchal and patriarchal society, it flips every generation
however when decisions are made your vote has more weight the younger you are (voting starts at 14) because the eldest of the group aren't the ones who have to live with the decisions the longest
matriarch/patriarch of the group is just there to do a headcount daily, provide food, resolve conflict, and speak for the group in conventions of the full nest, or in some cases the full nation
despite those duties, the responsible elder spends most of their time in the nursery (for kids 1-6) taking care of the younglings, because the two most unable to work groups stick together in the safest part of the nest/group den
all the elders work in the nursery but the responsible elder is obligated to spend at least 8 hours every day in it, the other may come and go as they please as long as there's at least 3 elders (excluding the responsible elder) in the nursery at all times
all goblins are intersex until age 14, when the patron deity of the goblins comes to them in a dream to ask where theyd like to remain, and how they want their bodies to look/be structured and when they wake up thats how it is
it can also be changed at any point in life by a quick ritual summoning of said deity
The deity isn't even an actual deity, in each nest when the elders of the group die, they become part of spiritual hive mind that sticks with and looks after every goblin from their nest
the concept of gender is very loose in goblin communities, they don't use pronouns, mostly names and nicknames, and all you have to decide for yourself when you get to the age where your allowed to run for group elder is whether you would be a matriarch or patriarch
and those are separated by thinking patterns rather than gender
men can be matriarchs if they show more the thinking patterns associated with the title (and vice versa)
goblins actually develop from crystals, parents who want a child go to the sacred garden (a crystal growing cavern at the center of every nest) and choose a crystal, its then incubated for 5 to 7 months and turns into a bassinet
the parents are then notified and they come to scoop up their child
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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ATAC's Hawker Hunter jet crashes in North Carolina
Hawker Hunters jets operated by the private company ATAC have recently flown off the coast as part of U.S. Navy training in the area.
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 06/21/2022 - 3:00 PM in Aeronautical Accidents, Military
A Hawker Hunter Mk 58 jet, operated by the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), crashed yesterday (21) in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Carolina, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported.
The U.S. Coast Guard rescued the pilot, but it is not clear what his current health condition is or if he was able to eject from the aircraft before reaching the water.
The FAA issued a statement:
A Hawker single-engine jet crashed into the Atlantic Ocean about 40 miles southeast of Wilmington International Airport in North Carolina, around 5:15 p.m. local time. Only the pilot was on board and was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate. The NTSB will be responsible for the investigation and will provide additional updates.
Information that an HVAC Hunter had fallen began to circulate on social networks early in the evening (20). The news of the accident would have been broadcast first on publicly accessible air traffic control channels. Online flight tracking data suggests that the crashed Hunter carried the U.S. civil registration code N337AX and is operated by HVAC. Another Mk 58, N334AX, was then "tracked" appearing to surround the area.
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Several ATAC Hunters, among other aircraft, have been "tracked" flying in this area since last week, where they seem to be supporting a Composite Unit Training Exercises, or COMPTUEX, a military exercise involving the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush and his battle group. A COMPTUEX exercise is the final stage in the preparation of an attack group before an implantation.
A KC-135R, registration N571MA, an air refueling aircraft, former Singapore Air Force, now operated by the private company Meta Aerospace, and a Learjet 36 executive jet, registration number N10FN, registered with GH Equipment that also seems to be acting as an opponent in support of COMPTUEX, were also visible "online" flying in the same area and time.
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This is not the first HVAC Hunter to fall. There have been at least four other accidents involving the company's Mk 58 since 2012, including one that crashed off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii, in 2018.
ATAC's fleet of French-made Mirage F1 jets, acquired more recently, has also suffered several accidents in recent years, although there are no indications that there are direct links between these incidents and setbacks involving the company's Hunters.
VIA The Drive, CAVOK edition
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationHawker HunterU.S. Navy
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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annelisterofhalifax · 3 years
More measurements,Coal and Water
Sat[urday] 28
11 3/4
No kiss Fine morn[in]g F 45° AT 8.55 at w[hi]ch h[ou]r br[eak]f[a]st. Out fr[om] 9 1/2 to n[ea]r 12 w[i]th the 3 Manns
John, Rob[er]t and Joseph and stood talk[in]g to t[he]m whi[le] th[e]y drank t[hei]r beer in the upper kitchen
till 12.10. W[e]nt up to Walker pit to see wh[a]t Pickells sh[oul]d do at gin race, they h[a]d staked
out the line of gall or jumble running thro[ugh] conery wood and the direct[io]n of wat[e]r level and w[e]nt
to see the stakes. T[he]n ca[me] d[o]wn to the draw well, and they drew out the cover even on the top of it the line of
wat[e]r lev[e]l. N[or]th and South and East and West board of the coal, the line of gall or trouble
and of the drift we are driv[in]g up to Walker pit. Drew out als[o], the lines of due N[or]th, S[ou]th East
and West and we talk[e]d ov[e]r the chances of gett[in]g mo[re] wat[e]r by driv[in]g anoth[e]r drift to
cross the gall low[e]r d[o]wn in the coal bed, and t[he]n get mo[re] [dri]v]e and mo[re] sipe [drain] of water.
**  Our pres[en]t drift up to Walker pit, is fr[om] mouth to vent-pit 43 y[ar]ds
     i.e fr[om] m[ou]th to where we begin driv[in]g in the dirt band 43 y[ar]ds,
    Dist[an]ce fr[om] Drift- mouth to where the drift crosses the gall 77 + 43 = 120 y[ar]ds
     no wat[e]r till aft[e]r driv[in]g so[me] dist[an]ce in the dirt band and n[o]t m[u]ch till aft[e]r cross[in]g the gall  
    our pres[en]t  free run, t[ha]t  n[o]t forced i.e [that is]  runn[in]g quiet[l]y as it does, will fill a 2 in[ch] bore pipe,
    f[ou]nd at the back of the gall. Br[ea]dth of gall =
    Fr[om] gall to gett[in]g out of dirt band ab[ou]t 140 y[ar]ds
    Fr[om] gett[in]g out of dirt band to Walker pit ab[ou]t 35 y[ar]ds ∴ no wat[e]r or ver[y] lit[tle] being
    f[ou]nd till we g[e]t behind the gall we drove 120 y[ar]ds bef[ore] gett[in]g the wat[e]r.
The Manns th[in]k I sh[oul]d get as m[u]ch mo[re] wat[e]r by cross[in]g the gall at a low[e]r point in the coal
stratum and driv[in]g behind the gall ab[ou]t 200 y[ar]ds. It w[oul]d be best to set in ab[o]ve the pres[en]t
drift on a lev[e]l w[i]th the sycam[ore] stand[in]g at the end of the wall on t[hi]s side of the r[oa]d bey[on]d the well
und[e]r the gr[ea]t sycam[ore]. We sh[oul]d be at the gall in ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds and t[he]n sh[oul]d dri[ve] 200 y[ar]ds farth[e]r.
Th[i]s wat[e]r w[oul]d co[me] in at a level 7 f[ee]t high[e]r t[ha]n the wat[e]r fr[om] the pres[en]t drift, if we want
the pres[en]t wat[e]r to co[me] out for the sake of go[in]g to the house, at a high[e]r lev[e]l m[u]st drive
a cross drift 45 to 50 y[ar]ds long. If I ta[ke] the upp[e]r bed wat[e]r off in a goit to
Mytholm engine pit, John Mann th[in]ks I shall ha[ve] ver[y] lit[tle] wat[e]r  to lift, t[ha]t I shall ha[ve]
plenty of pow[e]r to spare, t[hi]s w[oul]d suit me. I m[i]ght get en[ou]gh for a mill for Aquilla
Green?  rem[ember] he wants 20 horse pow[e]r to turn 3 p[ai]r of stones. M[u]ch talk ab[ou]t
the tail goit fr[om] engine pit. Rob[er]t Mann agrees w[i]th me, it sh[oul]d be wide in proport[io]n to the
+ - reference to literary text   * - original was pencil drawn and written  V- Visit  ** - Walker pit drift obs[erved] on gett[in]g mo]re wat[e]r
1835 M[ar]ch width of the wheel, a 3 f[ee]t 6 in[ches] goint n[o]t en[ou]gh for a 6 f[ee]t wide wheel, mo[re] like[l]y a 5 f[ee]t wide goit, sh[oul]d be 30 in[ches] high. T[he]n suppo[se] 2 f[ee]t 6 in[ches] high by 5 f[ee]t wide at bot[tom] w[i]th good rag cov[e]r 5 or 6 in[ches] thick and good rag bottoms 3 to 4 in[ches] thick and 6 f[ee]t 6 in[ches] long. T[hi]s w[oul]d ma[ke] a bet[ter] job t[ha]n wall[in]g and arch[in]g near the surf[a]ce. W[oul]d be ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds of t[hi]s and the *  oth[e]r 60 w[oul]d be a com[mon] drift mere[l]y want a lit[tle] arch[in]g n[ea]r the engine pit and wheel. Stocks advertis[in]g a drift and pit to let, mean[in]g to loose Swaine’s coal. The Manns will push on w[i]th Walker pit, may bot[tom] it by the end of July. I want to be ready for next Spring York assizes, t[ha]t I may kn[ow] wh[a]t to do ab[ou]ts Spiggs etc. Sat talk[in]g to A-[Ann] fr[om] 12.10 to 12.50 t[he]n till 1.35 wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of the day N t[he]n wr[ote] as foll[ow]s to ‘Mr Ja[me]s Holt, High Roydes’ Shibd[e]n Hall D=Sat[urday] 28 M[ar]ch 1835. Sir ‘ The[re] are so[me] diffic[ultie]s ab[ou]t my gett[in]g stone at the Hipper[holm] quarry, in conseq[uen]ce of w[hi]ch I shall be ‘ oblig[e]d to you to stop putt[in]g out the handbills as agreed. Do n[o]t splice a rope for Walker pit ‘ you h[a]d bet[ter] ord[e]r anoth[e]r new one of Crapper. I am sinc[erely] etc etc etc A Lister’ Had Vc Mrs Wat[er]h[ou]se fr[om] 1 3/4 to 2 1/2, she call[e]d up[on] A-[Ann] and me and to collect so[me] subcript[io]n fr[om] Mar[ia]n, c[oul]d n[o]t get A-[Ann] or me to gi[ve] h[e]r an[y]th[in]g exc[ept] A-s [Anns] subs[cripti]on of a 100 g[uinea]s a y[ea]r to the  national schools. Ga[ve] my no[te], as ab[ov]e, to Geo[rge] to ta[ke] to the Woolpack, b[u]t if Holt sh[oul]d n[o]t be t[he]re, to ta[ke] the note to High Roydes. Out w[i]th A-[Ann] at 3 1/4 al[on]g the walk and Low[e]r brea and Leeds and Whitehall r[oa]ds and up A-s [Ann’s] Lidg[a]te f[iel]ds int[o] Bramley Lane to see Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d, this man finish[in]g A-s[Ann’s] new wall[in]g t[he]re. So[me] ti[me] w[i]th t[he]m, in ret[urnin]g turn[e]d d[o]wn Stony Lane to Mytholm. Thorp and jun[io]r and his man h[a]d been t[he]re sow[in]g peas, b[u]t gone at 5 1/4. A-[Ann] and I st[oo]d a lit[tle] whi[le] look[in]g ab[ou]t. Ho[me] at 5 3/4, h[a]d Pickells. He s[ai]d Washingt[o]n h[a]d so[me] int[ere]st of his own in wish[in]g me to ha[ve] stones fr[om] A-s [Ann’s] Hipperholm quarry. S[ai]d I h[a]d **  N   giv[e]n up the idea. Talk ab[ou]t the Tail-goit, P- [Pickells says he will do it at 2/. [shillings] a y[ar]d as far as it is an op[e]n goit i.e. up to the driv[in]g, s[ai]d I w[oul]d th[in]k ab[ou]t it. Holt h[a]d let it once ov[e]r to the Manns, let it to wall and arch at 4/6 p[e]r y[ar]d. P- [Pickells] w[ould] ta[ke] the dam to do, says Mawson says he is to ha[ve] all the work, he, Mawson and Washingt[o]n join at jobs. S.W [Samuel Washington] val[ue]d t[he]m, M-[Mawson] ta[ke]s t[he]m and they go shares und[er] ha[a]nd – n[o]t improb[able]. S.W [Samuel Washington] offend[e]d for so[me]th[in]g or oth[e]r at P- [Pickells].  S[ai]d I w[oul]d let the dam by tick[e]t nobod[y] know[in]g the bidd[in]gs b[u]t Mr Parker and mys[elf]. W[oul]d n[o]t bind mys[elf] to ta[ke] the high[e]st bidder. W[oul]d let the job mys[elf] to wh[o]m I chose. Din[ner] at 6 1/2, coff[ee], ca[me] up st[ai]rs at 7.40 r[ea]d today’s H-X [Halifax] guardian, wr[ote]the last 13 lines till 8.40 t[he]n r[ea]d the Lond[on] pap[e]r morn[in]g Herald N   till 9.55. h[a]d h[a]d Pickells at 8 3/4 for a few min[ute]s, br[i]ght ver[y] civ[i]l no[te] fr[om] Appleyard to say t[ha]t mess[e]rs Hen[r]y Bates and son of Washerlane made his wheel 40 f[ee]t diam[ete]r by 4 f[ee]t 6 in[ches] wide and Mr Illingworth coal-owner superintend[e]d the work[in]g of the mine. Fine day F now at 10 p.m * - Tail goit  N – Note Vc – Visit **-Tail goit vid[e] 
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Growth and development of children
Growth: Growth is a measure of physical maturation, signifies an increase in size of the body and its various organs.
Definition: An increase in number and size of cells as they divide and synthesize new proteins; results in increased size and weight of the whole or any of its parts – Wong DL
It can be measured in terms of centimeters, and Kilograms.
Unlike in the adult, it is an essential feature of the child’s life.
Development: is a measure of functional or physiological maturation and myelination of the nervous system.
A gradual change and expansion; advancement from lower to more advanced stages of complexity; the emerging and expanding of the indl’s capacities through growth, maturation and learning.
It signifies the accomplishment of mental, emotional and social abilities.
Unlike growth, it is rather difficult to assess development.
Factors affecting growth and development
A number of factors influence growth and development.
1. Genetic heredity: The heredity of a man and a woman determines that of their children.
Eg: Tall parents are likely to have tall off springs
Members of the families bear physical resemblances to each other and a high degree of correlation of stature with weight among siblings exists. The rate of growth is more alike among siblings than among unrelated persons.
2. Sex: Sex is determined at conception. After birth, the male infant is both longer and heavier than the female infant. Boys maintain this superiority until about 13 years of age. Girls mature earlier, reach the period of accelerated growth earlier than boys are then taller on the average.
Bone development is more advanced in girls than in boys.
3. Racial and National c/cs
Race: Growth potential of children differ between different racial groups. Distinguishing c/c called racial/subracial developed in prehistoric humans
4. Nutritional
Nutritional deficiency of proteins, calories, minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids, both quantitative and qualitative, considerably retards physical growth and development.
Over nutrition, beyond a limit, may cause obesity.
5. Socio economic
Poverty is associated with diminished growth. Children from well-to-do families usually are better nourished
Prenatal factors
Prenatal period
Maternal (H) practices affect the growth and development of fetus. Maternal decreased nutrition and anemia may lead to IUR and small size offetus.
Diseases during pregnancy can retard the fetal growth. Administration of some drugs can adversely affect the embryo
Eg: Thalidomide
Hormonal Influence
Thyroxine ………………. Significantly retard. Skeletal maturation of fetus
Insulin – Stimulate fetal growth
Growth hormone - fetal / mat……… GH is not essential for fetal growth
1. Nutrition
2. Socio economic factors
3. Infection and diseases: Persistent and recurrent infections of the child will adversely affect the growth of the child.
Diseases of the heart, chest, kidneys, liver, neoplasms digve and absorptive disorders, may impair the growth
4. Emotional factors: Children from broken homes and orphanages do not grow and develop at an optimal rate
5. Cultural factors: Methods of child rearing and infant feeding in the community are determined by cultural habits and conventions. There may be religious factors against consumption of particular foods.
Growth and development are continuous and orderly process that have predictable sequences.
Although the rates of progress vary all human beings, go through same stages on their way of growth and development to their physical increase in size and maturation of neuromuscular function.
Certain principles regulate the growth and development they are:
1. Directional trends
2. Sequential trends
3. Developmental pace
4. Sensitive periods
5. Individual differences
1. Directional trends:
Growth and development proceed in regular, related directions or gradients and reflect the physical development and maturation of neuromuscular functions.
a) Cephalocaudal (Head to tail) direction
The head end of the organism (Embryo) develop first before tail and end and is very large and complex, where as lower end is simple and takes shape at later period.
The physical evidence of the trend is most apparent during the period before birth, but it also applies to postnatal behavior development
Infants achieve structural control of the head before they have control of trunk and extremities, hold their back erect before they stand, use their eyes before their hands and gain control of their hands before they have control of their feet.
b) Proximodistal (Near - to -far) – applies to the midline to peripheral concept
In the early embryonic development of limb buds, which is followed by rudimentary fingers and toes.
In the infant shoulder control precedes mastery of the hands, the whole hand is used as a unit before the fingers can be manipulated, and the central nervous system develops more rapidly than the peripheral nervous system.
c) Differentiation: Describes development from simple operations to more complex activities and functions.
All areas of development proceed in this direction. Through the process of development and differentiation, early embryonal cells with vague, un differential functions progress to an immensely complex organism composed of highly specialized and diversified cells, tissues and organs
Gross, random muscle movements take place before fine muscle control.
2. Sequential trends
In all dimension of growth and development, there is predictable and definite sequence. Each child normally passing their every stage.
Children crawl before they creep, creep before stand, stand before they walk.
The child Babbles first than forms words and finally sentences, writing emerges from scribbling
3. Developmental pace
Although there is a fixed precise order to development, it does not progress at the same rate/ pace.
There are periods of accelerated growth and periods of decelerated growth in total body growth and growth of subsystem.
Rapid growth after birth gradually levels off throughout early childhood. Growth relatively slow during middle childhood and markedly increase at the beginning of adolescence and levels off in early adulthood.
4. Sensitive period
During the process of growth, at certain time organism will interact with particular environment in a specific manner. The quality of interaction determines whether the effects on organism will be beneficial / harmful.
Eg: Physiologic maturation of CNS is influenced by adequate nutrition and stimulation.
First 3 months of prenatal life are sensitive ……….. for physical growth of the fetus.
5. Individual differences
Each child grows in his/her own unique and personal way. Great individual differences exist in the age at ………….. developmental milestones are reached. The sequence is predictable but exact timing is not predictable.
Some children are fast growers and others are moderated and some are slower o reach maturity.
Periods of Growth (Stages of Growth and Development)
 Intrauterine life / prenatal period
 Extrauterine life or postnatal period
Prenatal period
Ovum - 0 to 14 days after conception
Embryo - 14 days to 8 weeks ( till 2 months)
Postnatal period
Newborn / Neonate - From birth to four weeks of life
Infancy - First year of life
Toddler - 1 to 3 years
Preschool child - 3 to 6 years (early childhood)
School going child (middle childhood)
6 – 10 years (for girls)
6 – 12 years (boys)
Adolescent – from puberty to adult hood
Pre pubescent (early adolescent) late child hood)
10 to 12 years (girls)
12 to 14 years (boys)
Pubescent (Middle adolescent)
12 to 14 years (girls)
14 to 16 years (boys)
Post pubescent (late adolescent)
14 to 18 years (girls)
16 to 20 years (boys)
Cognitive Development (Piaget) (1969)
Based on his observations and work with children, piaget formulated a theory of cognitive (intellectual) development. He believed that the children’s view the world is influences largely by age and maturational ability.
Given nurturing experiences, the child’s ability to think matures naturally. The child incorporates new experiences via assimilation and changes to deal with these experiences by the process of accommodation.
Eg: An example of assimilation occurs when the infant uses reflexes to suck on objects that touch the lips. With more experiences, the infant accommodates by realizing that not all objects are pleasant to suck, cognitive structures change to integrate and learn from the experiences of sucking.
Piaget proposed three stages of reasoning.
1. Initiative
2. Concrete operational
3. Formal operational
Each stage is derived from and buildson the accomplishments of the previous stage in a continuous orderly process.
1. Sensorimotor (Birth – 2 years)
Infants learn about the world by input obtain through the senses and by their motor activity.
6 sub stages
a) Use of reflexes ( birth to 1 month)
The infant begins life with a set of reflexes such as sucking, rooting and grasping. By using these reflexes, the infant receives stimulation via touch, sound, smell and vision. The reflexes thus put the foundation for the subsequent stages
b) Primary circular reactions (1 to 4 months)
Beginning of the replacement of reflexive behavior with voluntary acts.
The beginning of accommodation is evident. Infants incorporate and adapt their reactions to the environment and recognize the stimulus that produced a response.
Previously they would cry until the nipple was brought to the mouth. Now they associate the nipple with the sound of the parent’s voice. They accommodate this new piece of information and adapt by ceasing to cry when they hear the voice-before receiving the nipple.
c) Secondary circular reactions (4-8 m)
In this stage the 1o circular reactions are repeated and prolonged for the response that results.
Grasping and holding now become shaking, banging and pulling. Shaking is performed to hear a noise, not solely for the pleasure of shaking “More” or “less” shaking produces different responses.
Causality, time, deliberate intention, and separateness from the environment begin to develop.
Three new process of human behavior occur.
Imitation: Requires the differentiation of selected acts from several events. By the second half of the first year, infants can imitate sounds and simple gestures.
Play: Becomes evident as they take pleasure in performing an act after they have mastered it. Much of infants’s working hours is absorbed in sensor motor play.
Affect (outward manifestations of emotion and feeling) is seen as infants begin to develop a sense of permanency
During the first 6 months, infants believe that an object exists only as long as they can visually perceive it / out of right = out of mind
d) Coordination of secondary schemas and their application to new situations (8-12 months)
This stage is largely transitional. Increasing motor skills allow for greater exploration of the environment. They begin to discover that hiding an objective does not mean that it is gone but that removing an obstacle will reveal the object.
They can experience an event by observing it, and they begin to associate symbols with events (bye-bye -> Mom / Dad goes to work), but the classified is purely their own.
e) Tertiary circular reactions (12 to 18 months)
Curiosity, experimentation, and exploration, predominate as the toddler tries out actions to learn results. Objects are turned in every direction, placed in the month, used for banging, and inserted in containers as their qualities and uses are explored.
f) Mental combinations (18 to 24 months)
Language provides a new tool for the toddler to use in understanding the world. Language enables the child to think about events and objects before or after they occur. Obj. permanence is now fully developed as the child actively searches for objects in various locations and out of view.
The child who has had successful separations from the parents followed by return, such as hours spent in another home, begins to understand that the missing parent will return
2. Preoperational (2 to 7 years)
a. Pre conceptual sub stage 2-4 years
Child thinks by using words as symbols. Vocabulary and comprehension increase greatly. Child shows egocentrism. Inability to see things from the perspective of another.
b. Intuitive sub stage 4-7 years
Child shows transductive reasoning (drawing conclusions from one general fact to another)
Cause and effect relationships are often unrealistic (all women with big bellies have babies
Intuitive ……………. Stars have to go to bed just as they do)
 Magical thinking – The belief that events occur because of thoughts or wishes
 Centration – The ability to consider only one aspect of a situation at a time
 Animism – ascribing life to in animate objects because they move, make noise or have certain other qualities.
3. Concentrate operational (7 to 11 years)
Transductive reasoning has given way to a more accurate understanding of cause and effect. Child can reason quite well if concrete objects are used in teaching or experimentation.
Children are able to classify, sort, order and otherwise organize the facts about the world to use in problem solving. They develop the concept of permanence, conservation, that is they realize that physical factors such as volume, weight and no. remain the same even though outward appearances are changed.
Reasoning is inductive.
4. Formal operations (11 to 15 years)
Formal operational thought is characterized by adaptability and flexibility
Adolescents can think in abstract terms, use abstract symbols and draw logical conclusions from a set of observations.
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eeporg · 5 years
Conflict of interest:None.
1.What  is  child labour?International  Labour Organisation. 2012.Available at: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang-en/index.htm. Accessed Dec 11, 2014.2.Convention on the Rights of the Child. United Nations.  Archived from the  originalon  3 October 2006. Retrieved 2006-10-05.3.International  and  national  legislation -Child Labour. International  Labour  Organisation. 2011.4.Labour   laws -An   Amish   exception.   The Economist. 2004.Available at: http://www.economist.com/node/2413745. Accessed Feb11, 2004.5.Larsen   PB.   Indigenous   and   tribal   children: assessing     child     labour     and     education challenges.  International  Programme  on the Elimination     of     Child     Labour     (IPEC), International   Labour Office.ISBN   92-2-114211-6.6.Council  Directive  94/33/EC  on child  labour. EUR-Lex.   2008.Available   at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:31994L0033.Accessed 22 June 1994.7.CunninghamH,ViazzoPP. "Child Labour in Historical Perspective: 1800-1985". UNICEF. ISBN88-85401-27-9.8.Elisabeth Prügl.The  Global  Construction  of Gender -Home   based   work   in   Political Economy    of    20th    Century.    Columbia University   Press;1999.pp.25–31,   50–59. ISBN978-0231115612.9.Hindman H.The  World of  Child  Labour. M.E.  Sharpe;  2009. ISBN978-0-7656-1707-1.10.Percentage of children aged 5–14 engaged in child  labour.  UNICEF.  2012.Available  at: http://data.unicef.org/child-protection/child-labour. AccessedDec 11, 2012.11.Norberg   J.Världens   välfärd(Stockholm: Government Offices of Sweden); 2007.p. 58.12. To  eliminate  child  labour,  attack  it  at its roots,    UNICEF    says.    UNICEF.    2013.Available at:http://www.unicef.org/media/media_70610.html.Accessed Mar21, 2013.13.  Grootaert  C,Kanbur  R.  Child  labour:  An economic perspective.International  Labour Review1995;2(134):187-203.14.  Basu K.  Child  labor:  Causes,  consequence, and   cure,   with   remarks   on   international labour    standards.Journal    of    Economic Literature1999;37(3):1083-1119.15.  Child  Labour.  A  text  book  for university stusents.  Int  Labour  office.  2004.  Geneva.ISBNprinted version: 92-2-115548-X.16.  ILO.  2002.Afuture  without  child  labour. Global report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration  on Fundamental  Principles  and Rights  at  Work,(Geneva,  ILO).Available at: http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/ilo-bookstore/order-online/books/WCMS_PUBL_9221124169_EN/lang-en/index.htm.    Accessed    May    22, 2002. 17.   ILO.    International   Programme   for   the Elimination  of  Child  Labour.  2002.  Every child  counts:  New  global  estimates  on  child labour,(Geneva, ILO).Available at: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/lang-en/index.htm.Accessed Dec 11,2002.18.Diallo Y, Hagemann F, Etienne A, Gurbuzer Y,     Mehran     F.     Global     child     labour developments:  Measuring  trends  from  2004 to 2008. ILO; 2010. ISBN978-92-2-123522-4.19. The  State  of  the  World's  Children  1997. UNICEF. 2007. Available at: http://www.unicef.org/sowc97/.Accessed2007-04-15.20.  Eric  V.  Edmonds  and  Nina  Pavcnik.Child Labour  in  the  Global  Economy.  Journal  of Economic  Perspectives2005;19  (1):  199–220. 21.Tackling  child labour: From  commitment  to action. International    Programme    on    the Elimination  of  Child  Labour-ILO.  2012. ISBN978-92-2-126374-6.22.Child  Rights.  UNICEF.  2014.  Available  at: https://www.unicef.org.nz/schoolroom/Child-rights. Accessed Dec 11, 2014.23. Saeidi  M,  Ajilian  Abbasi  M,  Farhangi  H, Khodaei  Gh.  Rights  of  Children  and  Parents in  Holy  Quran.  Int  J  Pediatr  2014;2(3.2): 103-113
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aqua-4-swimwear · 4 years
Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt
In the Constantly Moving While Making Millions Witnessing Killand Sleep in Their Bodiesand Abandoned Buildings Can Reach the Children Because They Are Addicted to Kill in Any Appeal of the Palette without Billable Willie Lassa Be Blasted Had a Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt Basket May Be Listed in His Casket Glorify God Live for Gangsterism Will See How to Be You Say No It Cause on This Model Is That You That You Were Born Born in Prison My Mother Was Pregnant with Me Why Susan Prisonand a Month That She Got Prison on a Map so I Was Cultivated in Prison My Embryo Was Prison Is Obvious in the Music That You Have a Strong Leverage for Tell Us about the Is in on Islam Moms As Mom We Would like Stages in Where First Was Mother’s Sign Was in Was Boils Motherand Son That He Was like Drill Sergeantand Cadet Now Than It Was a Dictator Lou Countries Have Moved out All Came Back Licensed Product Response I Think We Now You Know She Was Back As a Man I Respected Him As a Mother Followed Things on Sacrifices You May Is Usually My Friend You Know a Site Is Not His Mapping All Young Black Males in All Hispanic Male Male But Especially Phonetic Ghetto Again Allies That We Have a Deep Love Our Mothers Because They Usually Raise His Biceps so You Always Feel Close to the Back Candidateand I Always Mama’s Been Going on for Years the Feel for Those Mothers Lost Their Childrenand Babies to Senseless Gainand Not You Have a Message of Consolation for Thoseand I Do like with You the past on Not on Artist Family I Know Hurt the Family of the Female He Supposedly Affects No Shot This Recently This Lady Roman Name Clovis Benjamin San Franciscoand She’s a Male Woman Society Telling about Her Son Had Just Been Killedand the Day before He Went to Go to the Day before He Died Wanted to Possibly Take so She Will Tell Me Not to Play Dear Mom at the Federaland Attach Me Knowand I’d like What Can I Do Is Anything I Can Do Is to Some Kosovar Systems Organize Our Legacy Startups Keep Going to Make a Differenceand I Can Be Startups Make a Difference in a Kind of Focus Is Me Back All Wesley Be Doing to Not Let Me Veer off Back to the Lifestyle Slipcovers Were Easy to Do That but Am I Deathly Feel for Mothers Update That We Need to Do As a Community Is Start Taking Control Back of Our Communities You Knowand Understand As I Was on the Druggedand Understands I Was Filed As Well Disney Deregulated Salute to Lease Have like a Peaceful Zone We Can All Be Cool You Are Also All Die with All Be Destroyed Because so the Government Is to Make the Young Black Male Young Hispanic Man out the Prime Target of Their out All Their Resourcesand All the Jail Sentences in All Their Powerful Weapons Technology Will Beand so Leslie Started Now Regulated the End up Crashing against the Wall As Your Record Company Interscope Been Supportive of You since You No Doubt That Is What They Let Me on My Songs Pick the Singles outand I Completed before Went to Jail Thinking That I Keep It No Makesand Getting Ready for Release Out Of Lisa Probably December of This Year David Will Support I Eitherand Has Some of One of Them You Know What I like the Top People in Direct Me but Seem to Send a Law This for Whenever I Need Money We Have Today Stay down As Well As Their but You Have Done so Well Even Though the. New headlight this is a LED day maker headlamp on their history bodies come here Brad Ron Bober will minimalist in the once modeless nosedive familyand is now that the softail family at such a minimalist lowest priced softail this here event a sing of this break in the front for piston caliper this thing bites really good night a lot better than a single disc brakes that were on the previous generation dinersand I Street Bob’s easier front there the oil cooler so this bike utilizes Huntington’s Milwaukee eight engine that was introduced last year on just exclusively in the touring bikes so this is a variation of that same Milwaukee a design for valves per cylinder answer gets its name Milwaukee gave her total 8000 you a single cam in this bike as opposed to the twin cam engine of old this is the iron read againand paint job this is a he says emblem on the side of the tank here think a metal looking emblem sharp this is a 3 1 2 gallon tank so there are three bikesand is also found to have a smaller 3 2 gallon tank this is one of themand this is a real clean tank he said to Their seats is the solo attackand roll seats goes really well with the whole Bober theme of this bike scummy year rat Rod minimalist all black less chrome to the motorcycle spoke wheels on this chart fenders sidemounted license plate not there at the two bullet turn signals there will still tear out the letter reflect on the back of the fender that thing for legality purposes that have a back there so you blacked out don’t garden pulley back there was visited this year with the softail friends is a vivid use the weight of the bike in one of many ways it had to do that one of the men methods they used to do Alice a used aluminumand a lot of the parts were where is East steel leisure for spark plug their United’s side two plugs per cylinder now is blocking a design this particular bike here has ABS on it using it the street Bob with or without ABS you pay 795 charge to ABS from the factory you want ABS you have to get Mike with ABSand the factory cannot be added after the fact 91 octane in the things in California which is considered premium fuel to the higher altitude you might use a lower octane so here’s a new LCD screen on these on the spice guys this is a handlebar mounted LCD screen it’s all digital cell you speedometers is digital thereand you can cycle your functions here on that though trip switch that you show GH a day trip beand then get to feeling. ELECTION HAPPENED THAT THAT SWORE TO ME TRUMP WAS GOING TO BUILD A COAST TO COAST WRITTEN WORD STEEL WALL THAT WAS IMPENETRABLE AND HE WOULD DO IT IN HIS FIRST TERM YEAH SAME PEOPLE GOES THROUGH 1000 MILES OF PRIVATE PROPERTY SOME OF THE MOST RUGGED TERRITORY YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO BUILD A WALL LIKE THE TERRITORY THE TERRAIN ITSELF IS THE WALL ITS DESERT ITS MOUNTAINS IT’S MILES AND MILES AND MILES BETWEEN THE NEAREST CITY OR EVEN TOWN LIKE YOUR UK IT’S THE WALL YOU NEED TO BUILD A WALL THERE ANYWAY SORRY FOR THE SAME PEOPLE SAID THAT JUMP WAS GONNA MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND NOW AT THE END OF HIS FIRST RUN WERE ALL STUCK INSIDE WITH A FEAR OF A COUGH AND THEY’VE GIVEN US 1200 FOR SIX MONTHS OF HIDING OUT AND THERE’S NO PLAUSIBLE UNREST GOING ON THAT’S PRETTY GREAT RIGHTIES FANNING THE FLAMES OF THE CAN YOU IMAGINE IF TRUCK FROM THE VERY BEGINNING AND SAID NO ONE TO MOSES THIS IS SO USES THIS OR YOU’LL FIGURE OUT AND JUST PURCHASE WERE MASCULINE JUST JUST FOR NOW JUST CASE YOU KNOW YEAH BOB CAN YOU IMAGINE
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A good day having to do with the Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt fact that that I happen to think well rounded concerned with doing very well crosses borders will open pretty soon despite high rising case reasonable countries with 45 000 emerging the US today along more here so maybe wearing masks so maybe avoiding gatherings but whatever were doing collectively to control the rate of covert 19 transmission it is not enough the average rate of daily new cases across the country is more than double in just one month but the number of covert 19 patients in hospital remains low and stable at least so far the likely reason for weeks of the trend is that about two thirds of the newly emerging cases are in people under the age of 40 younger people are usually the most vulnerable as carriers and spreaders we do endanger those who are Katie Nicholson shows us how the risk is outpacing the response to Cody make strength for others by the end of her shift use one to worry and really never now I don’t know and interacting contact led so you really think. Because the woman of color is the best person for the job but we just got exploits women and to try to get by name on a woke support constituency and these two will be if they get elected an absolute disaster for America for freedom and for the economic livelihoods of the population disaster and down and that’s spoken by someone who absolutely does not support trump because that school politics these days choice but actually no choice on so people again and again all around the world are choosing who to vote for by the least worst option instead of the best option was then not being offered saying a child gets back in and then has no other election to win therefore a path of his reputation he has nothing to lose as he cannot have wanted to then we’ll see what trump is really about that’s what we do know if anyone is followed this is a Biden Harris ticket would be catastrophic if they got to power in America because it would not be in power that which owns them both would be in power Is now live these in the White House. To for your settings don’t hire only the best people on ending medications cannot more time in the moment regarding the specific will break down the charges against Pre transformer chief strategist the stream party and is your own know what we are in this theory the idea being made to look through a telescope and will this take the lives of tens of thousands of Americans rural areas like this your Navajo nation are specially at our 15 to 30 of all citizens have water Americans are most vulnerable and hardest by agreements to bring awareness to the attention of the United State The focus on the first citizens years hundred thousand workers to probably off in the distance you can see some factors are still humming most of them are just kind of banded like continues to be lower plans I really young kids are feeling what’s going on right now should parents be talking to them about this whole question of racial justice embrace is no real really focus protesters calls in Los Angeles for free download See Other related products: Flamingo Behind Every Crazy Wife Is A Husband Who Made Her That Way Camping Design T Shirt
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natures-reveal · 4 years
Inguinal Hernia
 An inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia and specifically involves the groin area of both males and females. This type of hernia can arise from either of the two inguinal canals in the lower abdominal region; one of the left side of the groin and one on the right side. Inguinal hernias can be further classified to either direct or indirect. Direct inguinal hernias protrude medial to the inferior epigastric vessels. This is most commonly due to the result of a weakness in the floor of the inguinal canal caused by age-related stress. Indirect inguinal hernias protrude lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. This is most commonly congenital related and is due to increases in intra-abdominal pressure in correlation with decreased muscle tone and other connective tissue abnormalities. Both types of inguinal hernias usually contain fat or part of the small intestine, and possibly part of the reproductive system in females. When an inguinal hernia is present, part of the peritoneum protrudes through the lower abdominal wall and forms a sac around the hernia. It is more common to occur on the right side than on the left, but it is possible for some people who develop an inguinal hernia on one side to develop or have a hernia on the other side as well. The prevalence of inguinal hernias is more common in males than females, but both sexes are prone to the development of this specific type of hernia. Most inguinal hernias do not cause significant harm to the patient and can actually be left untreated, but in rare cases they can lead to life threatening complications.
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 In order to accurately diagnose an inguinal hernia, a patient’s medical history, symptoms, physical exam, and possibly imaging tests will need to be obtained. Patients who are at increased risk for developing an inguinal hernia include having a history of hernia or prior hernia repair, older age, male sex, Caucasian race, chronic cough, chronic constipation, abdominal wall injury, an active smoker, and having a family history of hernia. Symptoms of an inguinal hernia include a bulge in the groin, a bulge in the scrotum in a male, and feelings of discomfort, pain, heaviness, or burning in the groin. These symptoms may become worse if one is straining themselves, coughing, or standing for a long period of time. Patients need to seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of a stuck or strangulated hernia develop; which includes a hernia bulge that is suddenly larger than before, fever, redness in the area of the hernia, sudden or severe pain, or symptoms of intestinal obstruction. The physical exam will consist of examining the abdomen area. The patient may need to stand, cough, or strain while having a physical exam performed on them in order to check for bulges caused by the hernia. Common imaging tests that are used in order to further discriminate the hernia include an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI.4,5
 Most patients who present with an inguinal hernia, whether direct or indirect, will need surgery in order to correctly repair the hernia. The different types of surgery include open and laparoscopic hernia surgeries. The type of surgery will ultimately depend on many clinical factors, including the size of hernia, age, health, and medical history. There is also the option of watchful waiting. Men with inguinal hernias that are mild and cause few or no symptoms may be able to safely delay surgery and use the watchful waiting approach as an alternative,3 although in one study roughly 70% of men who delayed surgery developed new or increasing symptom burden and required surgery within 5 years.2
 Open hernia surgery consists of a surgeon making a cut into the patients groin to view and repair the hernia. After the hernia is repaired, stitches and a piece of mesh are used to close the abdominal wall and add support. Laparoscopic hernia surgery is similar to open hernia surgery with the exception of several smaller cuts being made at the groin to view and repair the hernia, rather than one large cut.4,5 In one study that evaluated recurrence rates over a 20 year follow-up for open surgery versus laparoscopic surgery demonstrated a significantly lower recurrence rate of inguinal hernia in patients who underwent open hernia surgery rather than laparoscopic hernia surgery.1 These results do have limitations as the study was conducted in the mid 1990’s and technology and expertise has improved over time. Although both surgeries are effective, they do pose risks for the patient. These risks include urinary retention, infection, swelling in the surgical region, chronic pain, and hernia recurrence.5 Overall, treatment options include watchful waiting or surgery. Both patients and providers need to be aware of the risks and benefits of surgery intervention, as well as individual patient factors, in order to make an appropriate clinical decision.
 Natural and Non-Pharmacological Approaches
 Most natural or non-pharmacologic therapies for inguinal hernias are directed toward chronic post-operative inguinal pain management and there are minimal studies evaluating these approaches in this setting. Although efficacy and safety have not been established, people have the potential to benefit from physical therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, hypnosis, and biofeedback. These therapies are usually used adjunctively to pain modulating pharmacotherapy.4 To learn more about non-pharmacological approaches to aiding hernia, please visit the following link: natural approaches to aid hernia.  
 1.      Barbaro A, Kanhere H, Bessell J, Maddern GJ. Laparoscopic extraperitoneal repair versus open inguinal hernia repair: 20-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Hernia. 2017;21(5):723‐727. doi:10.1007/s10029-017-1642-7
2.      Fitzgibbons RJ Jr, Ramanan B, Arya S, et al. Long-term results of a randomized controlled trial of a nonoperative strategy (watchful waiting) for men with minimally symptomatic inguinal hernias. Ann Surg. 2013;258(3):508‐515. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182a19725
3.      Goede B, Wijsmuller AR, van Ramshorst GH, et al. Watchful Waiting Versus Surgery of Mildly Symptomatic or Asymptomatic Inguinal Hernia in Men Aged 50 Years and Older: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Surg. 2018;267(1):42‐49. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000002243
4.      HerniaSurge Group. International guidelines for groin hernia management. Hernia. 2018;22(1):1‐165. doi:10.1007/s10029-017-1668-x
5.      Inguinal Hernia. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/inguinal-hernia. Published September 1, 2019. Accessed May 26, 2020.
6.      Ruhl CE, Everhart JE. Risk factors for inguinal hernia among adults in the US population. Am J Epidemiol. 2007;165(10):1154‐1161. doi:10.1093/aje/kwm011
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accrafreepress · 5 years
NCCE splash GH¢1 million on district level elections and aborted referendum
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The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) says it has spent GH¢1 million creating awareness and educating the public on the upcoming December 17 district-level elections as well as the aborted referendum.
According to the Chairperson of the Commission, Ms Josephine Nkrumah, the GH¢1 million was given to the NCCE by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to handle the communication campaign of the elections.
“We were kindly sponsored by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. We didn’t have direct funding from government of Ghana to carry out the district level elections and referendum on the awareness-raising and education.... We were given a million cedis and as we speak, we’ve dissipated all of those resources and that is not cheap money for NCCE,” Ms Nkrumah said in a television interview on Joy News.
“You look at all the work you did and you are like wow, so all of this and it’s been called off. I think it was a real opportunity for us as Ghanaians in terms of local governance, in terms of reforms and in terms of where collectively as a people we wanted local governance to go. It’s a golden opportunity that we’ve all missed,” she added.
Ms Nkrumah said the combined campaign programmes have however created a better understanding among the populace on the need to participate in local government elections.
“For NCCE, on the premise that the referendum was riding on the back of district-level elections, we continue to carry out with our work. Perhaps there’s been some good that has come out of this. People are beginning to understand the importance of local governance people are beginning to appreciate that that is where real change can be made,” she said.
Moving forward, the NCCE chair said her outfit would now focus on creating more awareness on the district level elections.
“We have pumped money into adverts, jingles…on one side we were doing the referendum and on the other side we were doing the district level elections. So, what it is for us, is to curtail education on the referendum and continue to speak about district-level elections,” she said.
President Akufo-Addo, on Sunday, December 1, 2019, directed the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development to withdraw the Constitution Amendment Bill 2018 that sought to amend Article 55(3) of the 1992 Constitution to enable political parties participate in local level elections.
The President's explanation was that there was lack of broad, national consensus among key stakeholders and the populace. The subsequent withdrawal of the Bill from Parliament on Monday meant that there was no need for the planned December 17, 2019 referendum.
Source: Graphic Communications Group
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Ghana Lotto National Prediction For 28/05/2022
Ghana Lotto National Prediction For 28/05/2022
Ghana Lotto National Prediction For 28/05/2022 Ghana lotto national prediction – ghana lotto 2sure and 3direct today, national lotto 2sure forecast for this week, national lotto 2sure forecast and result. Ghana national lotto live banker for today is ready for everyone of our FANs and website visitors, I believe it will drop live, Just play it and see. Saturday 2-sure live – National saturday…
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terrybankert · 8 years
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On 3/24/17 a war was not won to save medicaid from the chopping block only a battle. This war continues. Medicaid protects millions that cannot protect them selves. Millions could have lost medicaid services yesterday. Medicaid funds mental health services and many others. Recipients are not able to advocate for themselves ,we must do it for them. Consider educating yourself on this issue, medicaid funding. Consider joining coalitions. Consider joining action groups. I am charged with exploring the feasibility of a community mental health millage by GHS. Today only Ottawa County has such a millage in Michigan. Only the Genesee County Board of Commissioners can place this on a Genesee County wide ballot. The issue is not before them yet . Next Saturday several of us will meet on this issue. Let me know if you would like be be on a contact list as this issue is expanded. If you desire direct involvement you are welcome.May is National Mental Health Month , several activities are being planned .I will keep you posted. By Terry Bankert @terrybankert or facebook. .
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Sport, Globalization, Economy, Health, Public Policy and Power- Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports
First Part
Sports in Globalization
Atypic transnational entertainment and entertainment enterprise (Edtee), governing activity or “Punta” of the world economy and scenario of structural inequality in the distribution of medals-champions and the economic benefits that it produces.
Origin and Physiomics of the Edtee
Established in 1968-1981 and consolidated between 1982-2017, the globalization of sport is its conversion into EDTEE, which works with the logic and dynamics of any transnational and its objective is to produce a profitable, daily and massive show:
“In 2006, it moved US $213 billion in the US and generated 2 and 7 times more profits than the automotive and film industries, respectively ... Globally, in 2014: Generated 1% of GDP ... Its value was 1.5 billion US $, ... equivalent to US exports in one year ... In June 2015, in Europe it generated 1.76% of gross value added and 2.12% of employment and it was estimated that the multiplier effect was 1.22% for the set of the economy ... Worldwide in 2015, accounting for its infrastructure, goods, licenses and events has a value of 643-689,000 million US $, 1% of world GDP ... “ [1].
Its atipicity as a transnational is given by:
a) Its organization-management.
b) Nature of the work force.
c) It is present all over the world.
d) Monopolize the total production of the show.
e) It lacks a centralized power.
Let’s See Its Physiognomy
a. Units of Organization and Management of the Sports Show: World Sports Organization (WSO) or sports government, headed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and FIFA, whose main events are:
b. Olympic Games (0G): Organized-managed by the IOC, which made its commercialization with the “Sponsorship Programs, initiated in the 1988 OG” (Samaranch 2002: 85)? The main sponsors are the World Olympic Partners, who are associated by 3-4 OG, use their image worldwide and are franchises in the Villa.
Olympic the other sponsors have the same rights, but can only operate in the host country and the contract lasts four years. In 2016 they were:
“World Olympic Partners: Cocacola; Atos Origin; General Electric; McDonalds; Omega; Panasonic; Samsung; Visa, Procter Gamble; Dow; Bridgestone. Official Partners: Bradesco; Bradesco Seguros; Correios; N = T; Clear; Embratel; Nissan Official Contributors: Aliansce Shopping Centers; Apex; CISCO; Estàcio; EY; Balloon;. Sadia; Qualy; SKQL; Latam Airlines and Travel: 361º. Suppliers I: Airbnb; AC; CEG; Dica do chef; Balloon; EF Education; Eventim; GREE; ISDS; Karcher; Komeco; Locate Manpowergroup; Microsoft; Mondo; Nielsen; NIKE; OFF !; RGS; Sapore; SEG Gymnastics; Symantec; Technogym; 3 Corações; Riogaleão. Suppliers II: Bauerfeind; Casa da Moeda; EMC; Hospital dos Olhos; Osterscope”.
Simultaneously, the IOC commercialized the transmission rights, in millions of US $:
“In August 1995 the ... American NBC ... committed to pay 1,250 for the rights in the USA of the OG 2000 ... and the OG Invierno 2002 .... Then he proposed: 2,300 for OG 2004-2008 and OG Winter 2006 ... (Jennings, 1996: 279). “Jacques Rogge, President of the IOC between 2001-2013, in ... the financial report before the 2012 General Assembly, pointed out that the IOC already secured 3,600 in TV rights for the Winter W in 2014 and the 2016 OG; He indicated that the goal is to exceed 4,000, more than the 3,900 that they raised with the Winter 2010 and the 2012 OG. For the winter 2018 and the OG 2020, the IOC secured 2,600 ... The main TV partner is NBC, which bought the rights for transmission in the US of 4 Olympics until 2020 by ... 4.380” [2].
World Cup: Organized-managed by FIFA, whose links with companies evolved to the Official Licensing Program in the World Cups (1994). Established the Sponsorship Program 2007- 2014 and in the 2014 World Cup the sponsors were:”Partners: Coca-Cola; Adidas; Sony; Visa; Hyundai and Kia; Fly Emirates... Exclusive sponsors: Budweiser, Castrol, Continental, Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, Moy park, Oi and Yingli Solar... National promoters: ApexBrasil, Garoto, Liberty Seguros, Banco Itaú and Wiseup”.
The importance of broadcasting rights was recognized by FIFA in 2004:
“Revenues have not stopped growing. Correspond at the same time the rights of television broadcast... “(Eisenberg, Lanfranchi, Mason and Wahl, 2004: 248). “Until October 2011 the total amount agreed for the period 2015-2022 exceeded US $ 1,850 million... FIFA granted sales representation to Infront Sports & Media in Asia ... Australia: Extension of the contract with SBS. Canada: Rights granted to Bell Media (CTV / TSN / RDS). Caribbean: Extension of the contract with IMC (SportsMax)”.
FIFA’s revenues are specified in its 2011-2014 Financial Report, in millions of US $:
“With income of 5,718 and expenses of 5,380, a positive result of 338 was registered, income increased in relation to 2007-2010 due to the increase in sales of commercialization and transmission rights and the benefits of ticket sales rights that in Previous cycles had been assigned to the Local Organizing Committee, reserves were increased..., reached the 1,523 to the 31-12-2014... The total income is broken down as follows: Events 5,137: 4,308 of the 2014 World Cup (TV Rights: 2,428; Marketing rights: 1,580; Commercialization of rights for corporate hospitality preferential services: 185; Licensing: 115) and 829 for other events... Operating income 271... Financial income 310....
Transnational Professional Clubs endorsed by the ODM
The main event that they organize-manage are the European Football Championships, endorsed by the respective National and European Federations:
“In 2001, Manchester United of England was the most expensive club (1,400 million US $) and was the first to quote on the Stock Exchange. In Spain at the end of the 20th century, football contributed 1% of GDP and, in 1999, in Italy it was the twelfth economic sector “(Altuve [2]: 113 / 115-116). Starting the 21st century, Real Madrid is a Club model: “sponsored in 2008-2009 by Adidas, Audi, Bwin, Mahou Beers, Coca-Cola, Community of Madrid-madrid.org, Rexona For Men, San Miguel, Sanitas, Solán de Cabras and Solaria, is applying a management model that combines the social (UNICEF ambassador) and marketing with the aim of enhancing the exploitation of its brand, transforming its fans into customers”.
The Professional League of Spain promotes globalizing marketing initiatives:
“He installed his first office in Beijing... in 2014, he announced that at the end of 2015 he would open the one in Johannesburg... and New York and Shanghai... With Pepsi Egypt, in October- November 2015; in the summer of 2015... With an organization sponsored by Nike, in the USA...”.
It is appropriate to highlight -in millions US $ -which:
a) 5,525.52 is the income of the 20 Soccer Clubs with the highest income in 2008-2009: Germany, France, Italy, England and Spain.
b) 12,602.2 is the value of the 10 Most Expensive Clubs in 2010: 7 of the USA (6 American football or NFL and 1 baseball), 2 of England and 1 Spain (soccer).
c) 2.072 is the value of the 10 Most Valuable Club Brands in 2010: 51.09% of the value are from 5 football clubs in Europe (2 from England, 2 from Spain and 1 Germany) and the remaining 48.91% to USA (3 of baseball and 2 of NFL) (Altuve, 2018: 104-106 / 108).
Transnational companies endorsed by the MDG
The main events that they organize-manage are the Vueltas de Ciclismo. The annual Tours of France will be considered:
Organized by Amaury Sport Organization (ASO), a company of the French Group Philippe Amaury Publications, which... in 2010 organized 21 events... Together with ASO guarantee the success of the Tours the employer organization of the participating professional clubs (AIGCP), the Union of International Cycling and French Cycling Federation, who endorse it by the ODM. In 2005, an agreement was reached between ASO and the AIGCP that included the Tours editions from 2005 to 2008 “(Altuve, 2018: 124-125).
In 2009, the budget was approximately US $ 139 million, financed: 10% for rights paid by the cities-stage; Eurovision, France 2, France 3 and France 4 paid 50% for audiovisual rights; 40% of sponsorship and advertising rights. The advertising caravan was an important advertising tool:
“It covers 20 km, goes ahead of the competition with 160 vehicles, 600 caravans, 33 brands represented, 16 million gifts, ... and merits an investment between 278,000-695,000 US $ .... Media coverage included: 186 countries; ... with 118 TV channels; ... 650 media ...; as for the Internet website, it received six million visitors “(Altuve, 2018: 126).
Independent multinational companies of the MDG
The main event that they organize-manage is the annual Formula One (F1), property of Liberty Media, who bought the F1 for 4,400 million US $ on 07-09-16. The management of F1 is exercised through the Formula One Group, whose main sources of income are:
“TV broadcast is the main form ... according to the English newspaper Autosport can reach more than 300 million US $ and were sold in 67 countries for the 2010 season ... By radio: They have increased, in the US since 25-05 -08- the races were available through SIRIUS 125 of SIRIUS Satellite Radio company that for 2008 had more than 130 channels, was the Partner ... by Official Satellite of the NFL, NBA and NHL. The sponsors in 2010 were Allianz, DHL, the bank. UBS, GH Mumm and LG Electronics, Inc, which between 2009-2013 acquired exclusive titles from Global and Technological Partners and ... Official Partner for Consumer Electronics, Mobile Telephony and Data Processing “(Altuve, 2018: 135).
The economic and media success of F1, measured in millions of US dollars, is resounding:
“Between 1979-2004 ... it showed profits valued at 3,600 ...; in 2007 it had 597 million viewers, with 11,183 hours of retransmission in 188 countries, of which 5,169 hours (47%) were live and direct; in 2010, TV rights were sold to 67 countries ... As of 2006, it abandoned cigarette advertising, but this did not affect the business because new sponsors were incorporated, to the point that in 2007 it mobilized around 13.6 thousand million US $ per year”.
Sportsman-Competitor: Main Work Force of the Show
Professional whose job is to prepare and compete. Their types of employment relationship are:
a) It combines the work of representation of your country in the ODM competencies with that performed in one of these scenarios: Professional Clubs whose events endorse the MDG; transnational events endorsed by the MDG; Professional Clubs or transnational events endorsed by the MDG, with the mediation of the State: Cuba case.
b) Work on competitions organized by independent Transnationals of the MDG.
The one hundred best sportsmen-competitors paid in 2015: earned 3,200 million US $, 17% more than in 2014; 62 are American (27 MLB baseball); they come from 10 sports disciplines; and 2 are women. In millions of US $ income (including salaries / prizes and sponsorship), the sport discipline and the country of the top 10 are presented: Floyd May weather (300-Boxing-USA). Manny Pacquiao (160-Boxing-Philippines). Cristiano Ronaldo (79.6-Soccer of Europe- Portugal). Lionel Messi (73,8-Soccer of Europe-Argentina). Roger Federer (67-Tennis Open-Switzerland). LeBron James (64.8-NBA Basketball-USA). Kevin Durant (54.1-NBA Basketball-USA). Phil Mickelson (50,8- Golf Open-USA). Tiger Woods (50.6-Open Golf- USA). Kobe Bryant (49.5-NBA Basketball-USA) [3].
Sponsoring Transnational Companies or “Sponsors”
They buy:
a) The organizers-managers of the show, the right to use the symbols and the logo of the events in the advertising of their products.
b) The media spaces to spread their associated advertising and identified with the symbols and logos of the show.
Transnational Media Companies
They broadcast the show, buy the transmission rights to the organizers-managers and sell the spaces to the sponsors for their publicity. Since the 90s of the twentieth century, they have been acting simultaneously as organizers-managers and disseminators of the show.
Transnational Sporting Goods Companies
They provide the products used by competitors: instruments (balls, balls, snowshoes, garrochas, javelins, bicycles, etc.) and on their bodies (shoes and clothing); and sponsor events and athlete-competitors. At the close of fiscal year 31-05-2015, in millions of US dollars: the 10 leading companies (from the US and Europe) had sales of 99,315, led by Nike (USA) and Adidas (Germany) with 30,601 and 19,113, which obtained net profit 3,273 and 723.2, respectively [4].
It is the destiny of the show. It is the basis of the operation of EDTEE, whose fundamental objective is the conversion of all the inhabitants of the planet into fanatics of sport, that is, spectators who internalize the advertising messages issued during the events and become compulsive consumers of goods and services. Of the diffused brands.
Regardless of the types of governments and their politicalideological orientation, the State through public policy embodied in a legal-legal norm and an administrative-organizational structure (ministries, institutes, secretariats, etc.) with programprojects and budget, has the following functions in the EDTEE [5]:
Adapt the Participation of the Country to the Organizational Nature of the Show: When the organizermanager is the ODM, it arranges, prepares and guarantees the participation of its national team in the event. If the organizersmanagers are Transnational Professional Clubs or transnational companies, support the events and contribute to their success.
Produce and Reproduce the Sporting Ideology, Incorporating it into its Ideological Baggage and Legitimizing Itself, Making Sport One of its Ideological Apparatuses: Regardless of the result of the country’s participation (win or lose) in events, the State will legitimate with the support and promotion that makes the sport through public policy, thus operating the process of conversion of sport into an ideological apparatus. Obviously, the legitimacy of the State increases when the country obtains victories - by winning competitions and / or organizing events - that are identified with state management. In addition, the State extends the sports ideology to the rest of the social scenarios.
Financing, Disseminating the Sports Ideology, Exercising Violence and Creating the Conditions that Guarantee the Success of the Show in Its Territory (being the venue): The operational part of the shows is the responsibility of the National Organizing Committee formed by the host State , private organizations and the national instance of the ODM (in the OG and World Cup are the Olympic Committee and the National Federation) that works with its international instance, which is the highest authority of the event, which in the case of the It is the IOC and in the World Cup it is FIFA. The IOC and FIFA have reinforced and hold absolute power both events and the funding has been transferred to the State:
“In September 1995, the IOC announced that as of 2004, the share of television rights granted to Olympic city centers would fall from 60% to 49%, that is, the revenues of the National Organizing Committee will be reduced ... FIFA announced on 03- 23-17 that will eliminate the National Organizing Committees ... and will take total control of the organization of the World Cups from 2026 to generate more income, minimize costs and be more effective ... “(Diario Peru 21: 03- 04-17; Altuve, 2018: 178- 179). “The London 2012 OG cost more than US $ 17,500 million, of which the State financed 83.48% (US $ 14,610 million)” (America, economy, economy, markets and finances: 19-12-12); In the 2014 Soccer World Cup and the 2016 OG of Brazil, the investment was, mainly, public: “It was - according to the State - 21 billion US $. For Zimbalist it is between 35-40 billion US $. The final cost has not been specified ..., but ... it is much higher than the state appraisals because investment is missing ...: 1) To compete and win the venue of the events ... 2) At the opening and closing ceremonies ... 3) In the overpricing in the construction and remodeling of the infrastructure “ [6].
The State produces and reproduces the sports ideology highlighting the advantages and benefits of hosting a successful event, guaranteed by the investments made and exercising symbolic and physical violence to ensure the normal performance of the show. Obtaining certain remunerations through taxes, by the economic impact generated, etc.
Edtee, Automobilistic, Energy and Communications Industries: Rectoral Activities or “Punta” of the Lícita World Economy
The communication, automotive and energy industries participate in EDTEE, as can be seen (Altuve: 2016 and 2018):
Olympic Games (OG): Among its main sponsors are: ATOS, General Electric, Panasonic and Samsung (communications) in the OG 2016, 2012 and 2008; Bridgestone (rubbers - automobile) at OG 2016; ACER and Lenovo (communications) in the OG 2012 and 2008. Sponsors of the 2012 OG: BMW (automotive); British Petroleum and British Telecom (energy: oil and gas) EDF Energy Électricité (energy: electricity).
Soccer World Cups: Among its main sponsors are: Sony (communications) and South Korean Auto MC (automobile) in the 2014-2010 World Cups; Continental AG (automotive supplement), Hyundai (automobile) and Deutsche Telekom, Philips, Toshiba and Yahoo (communications) in the World Cup 2006. Exclusive sponsors of the 2010 World Cup: Continental AG (automotive); Castrol lubricants from British Petroleum (energy company), who was also a sponsor of the 2012 European Football Championship and the 2014 World Cup; MTN GROUP (communications), who in football has also sponsored the League of Africa, on 03-18-2010 signed a sponsorship agreement with the Manchester United Giants and was a sponsor of APOELFC Nicosia of Cyprus, in 2012; Satyam (communications) and Yingu Solar Energy (solar energy), who was the first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World Cups in 2010 and 2014, and in 2011 was the Official Premium Sponsor of FC Bayern Munich-Germany and the FC Bayern 2012 Youth Tournament.
Transnational Professional Clubs: In 2008-2009, Audi (automobiles) and Solaria (energy) were sponsors of Real Madrid. d) Tours of France and Giro d’Italia 2010. They were organized by Amaury Sport Organization and RCS Sport, owned, respectively, by Philippe Amaury Publications and RCS Media group (communications).
Formula One (F1): Since 07-09-2016 F1 is owned by Liberty Media (communications). In 2010 LG Electronics Inc (communications) was a global sponsor. The automotive is essential because it brings the cars of competition and participate as teams or teams. Following are presented-for 2010-five teams or teams with their owners:
a) Vodafone McLaren Mercedes: Vodafone (communications), Mclaren (automobile, etc.) and Mercedes (automotive).
b) Red Bull Renault: Red Bull and Renault (car).
c) Scuderìa Ferrari Marlboro: Ferrari (car).
d) Lotus F1 Racing: Malaysia Racing Team SDN BHD, belonging to Tune Group (communications) and Naza Group (automobile).
e) 75% of the Mercedes GP Petronas F1 Team belonged to Mercedes-Benz (automotive).
Base of the Power in the Edtee: International Division in Medalls-Champions and in the Economic Benefits
The concentration of power in sport begins with the regressive distribution of the medals-champions, emerging the International Division, that is, the specialization of a small group of countries to win and the vast majority specializing in losing.
International Division in the World Cup Operates on Two Levels
a) Winners or Protagonists of the World Cups 1970- 2014: The protagonism is concentrated in Brazil, Federal Germany, Argentina, Italy, France and Spain, which have been the champions and occupied 19 of the 36 positions from 2nd to 4th place, and in much lesser degree, in the countries that occupied the other 17 semifinalist positions: 14 Europe; 2 America and 1 Asia. The specialists in losing are those attending the World Cups that did not reach the semifinals and the rest of the world that participated in the qualifiers.
b) Assignment of Quotas-Countries to the Continents and Contribution of Players from the Professional Clubs to the National Teams, in the 2014 World Cup: Europe had 13 (40.6%) quotas-countries and 190 of their Clubs contributed 563 (76, 4%) players, of which 176 were contributed by 17 Clubs from Germany, England, Italy and Spain; the rest of the world was assigned 19 (59.4%) quotas-countries and their Clubs contributed 171 (22.1%) players. America: 1) It had 9 countriesplaces (Brazil is included by venue) and the other 3 continents 10. 2) Their Clubs contributed 102 players and together Asia, Africa and Oceania 69 (ECA: 07-08-14). There is an international division with: Europe, led by Germany, Italy, Spain, France and England has prominence with the first places in the World Cups and the largest allocation of seats-countries, and their Clubs bring the largest number of players to the World Cup; America, in second place of countries-places, its protagonism is reduced to Brazil and Argentina and it was assigned the production of players (raw material) exportable to Europe that allows to guarantee the success of the spectacle of the Professional Clubs and the World Cup:
“They are the biggest exporters ... to the Clubs ...: With 20% in 2011 ...; in 2013 Argentina with 1,945 and Brazil with 944 headed the ranking; between January 2011 and June 2014, Brazil transferred 2,311 players, of which 1,311 (56.72%) went to Europe ...; in 2014, the Brazilians were protagonists in 1,493 operations ... followed by Argentina (801) ...; in 2015 the most transferred players are Brazilians with ... 512 ... Argentina with 254 ... is the second. The Professional Clubs of Europe endow the Worlds with most of the players: The World Cups are privileged scenarios ... where negotiable players are displayed for the competitions of the Professional Clubs and thus continue repeating the cycle indefinitely in which FIFA participates, who paid US $ 70 million to distribute an average of US $ 2,800 for each day a player was in the 2016 World Cup , shared between the current team and any other team for which he had played in the 2 years of the tie “ [7].
International Division in the OG 1996-2012 operates on four levels
a) General: Winners are 15 (7.31%) countries (Group of Nine, Ukraine, Holland, Spain, Australia, South Korea and Cuba) who obtained 3,053 (66.35%) medals. Losers are the rest of the world, led by 92 (44.87%) countries WITHOUT medals and the following groups: 1) 39 (19.02%) countries (P) obtained 68 (1.47%) medals (M). 2) 38 P (18.53%) gained 508 (11.04%). 3) 11 P (5.36%) obtained 367 (7.97%). 4) 10 P (4.87%) gained 605 (13.14%).
b) Inter Continents: Medals won by Europe 2,357 (51.09%), America 926 (20.07%), Asia 874 (18.91%), Oceania 267 (5.78%) and Africa 177 (3, 81%).
c) Between Continents: Europe: Winners: 8 P (3.88%: Russia, Germany, England, France, Italy, Ukraine, Holland and Spain) earn 1,478 (32.03%). Losers: 41 P (19.91%) who won 879 (19.06%). America: Winners: 3 P (1.46%: USA, Cuba and Brazil) get 710 (15.39%) M. Losers: 38 (18.44%) who won 216 (4.68%). Asia: Winners: 3 P (1.46%: China, South Korea and Japan) earn 636 (13.78%) M. Losers: 42 (20.4%) P who won 238 (5.13%). Oceania: Winners: 2 P (0.98%: Australia and New Zealand) earn 266 (5.76%) M. Losers: 15 countries (7.27%) that won 1 (0.02%). Africa: Winners: 9 P (4.39%: Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Zimbabwe and Tunisia) earn 161 (3.49%) M. Losers: 44 (21.35%) P who won 16 (0.32%).
d) Interior of a Continent (Latin America and the Caribbean in America): Winners: 7 P (3.41%: Cuba, Brazil, Jamaica, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Trinidad and Tobago) earn 297 (6.45%) M. Losers: 32 countries (15.6%) that earned 36 (0.78%) “(Altuve, 2008: 214-217). In OG 2016 20 countries (9.8%) won 672 (68.99%) medals and 117 (57.35%) won NO; the Group of Nine obtained 489 (50.2%) and Latin America and the Caribbean won 67 (6.87%).
The International Division and concentration of power in sport is extended with its conversion into EDTEE and the deepening of the regressive distribution of the economic benefits produced. With fewer and fewer exceptions confirming the rule, the winning athletes-competitors come from a small group of countries led by the Group of Nine; If we add to this, the transnational companies that organize shows, sponsors, media and sporting goods, are the ones who appropriate the highest volumes of income produced by EDTEE and come from that group of countries, we are facing a competitive and economic cycle that begins and ends in the US, Europe, Japan and China, with an important appropriation of the benefits by the MDG. The public sports policy of these few national states with power in sport is identified and serves their interests and those of their transnational’s, while most of the states without or with little power, adapt their public policy to a foreign sports dynamic to your interests.
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azveille · 5 years
PLFSS : les députés votent l'abandon de la réforme du calcul du ticket modérateur
Les députés ont voté jeudi soir l'article 26 du projet de loi de financement de la sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2020, qui entérine l'abandon du projet de calculer le ticket modérateur à partir des groupes homogènes de séjours (GHS) dans les établissements de santé publics et privés d'intérêt collectif (Espic).
L’examen du PLFSS pour 2020 par l’Assemblée nationale en première lecture et en séance publique a débuté mardi et devrait s'achever vendredi. Le vote solennel sur l'ensemble du texte est prévu mardi 29 octobre.
L'article 26 entérine l'abandon du projet de réforme du reste à charge hospitalier, en suspens depuis 15 ans pour les hôpitaux et les Espic. Ces établissements devraient donc pouvoir continuer de prendre pour base les tarifs journaliers de prestations (TJP).
La mise en oeuvre de la tarification à l'activité (T2A) aurait dû conduire à calculer le montant de la participation financière des assurés aux frais d'hospitalisation (ticket modérateur) sur la base des tarifs nationaux de prestations (issus des GHS), et non plus sur la base des tarifs journaliers de prestations (TJP), très hétérogènes et définis à partir du coût de revient prévisionnel des différentes catégories de soins de chaque établissement.
Toutefois, la modification de l’assiette aurait entraîné une diminution importante du ticket modérateur, compte tenu du périmètre restreint des tarifs par rapport au financement global du séjour qui intègre également des forfaits annuels et des dotations (Migac), rappelle-t-on.
Au vu de l’impact important de cette réforme dans les hôpitaux et Espic, des écarts existants entre TJP et de problèmes techniques de facturation, il a été décidé à plusieurs reprises de la reporter, rappelle-t-on (cf dépêche du 23/10/2015 à 11:36). Le système qui prévalait avant la mise en oeuvre de la T2A a donc été prolongé, notamment jusqu'au 31 décembre 2012 puis 2015 et enfin 2019.
Des travaux ont été relancés cette année par la direction générale de l'offre de soins (DGOS) et l'Agence technique de l'information sur l'hospitalisation (ATIH) sur les modalités de la réforme. En mai, la Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) avait estimé que le changement d'assiette du calcul du ticket modérateur pourrait réduire les recettes des hôpitaux de 1,8 milliard d’euros (cf dépêche du 24/05/2019 à 16:08).
"La présente mesure vise à mettre fin à cette situation transitoire, qui à terme aurait conduit à opérer d’importants transferts de recettes entre secteurs, entre établissements, et entre assurance maladie obligatoire et complémentaire", explique le gouvernement dans l'exposé des motifs.
L'exception devient la norme
Pour ce faire, le gouvernement compte pérenniser le calcul du ticket modérateur "sur la base des tarifs journaliers de prestations pour les établissements concernés" et le rationaliser "en introduisant une nomenclature simplifiée et nationale des TJP, afin de s’assurer que ceux-ci reflètent davantage le coût effectif du service", de façon progressive à compter de 2021.
Il introduit une "tarification nationale journalière des prestations b��néficiant aux patients hospitalisés, établie par voie réglementaire en fonction des soins donnés et du niveau d’activité de l’établissement" pour les hôpitaux et les Espic.
Alors que les établissements publics et les Espic étaient jusqu'à présent dans un système dérogatoire, leur schéma deviendrait la règle et le système en vigueur dans les cliniques, fondé sur les GHS comme le prévoyait la réforme, constituerait désormais une exception, selon l'article 26.
La participation de l’assuré aux frais d’hospitalisation est proportionnelle à ces bases de calcul, précise l'article.
Par ailleurs la tarification nationale journalière doit servir également en cas de recours contre des tiers, pour la facturation des soins des patients affiliés à système de sécurité sociale coordonné avec le régime français et pour celle des soins et de l'hébergement des patients qui ne sont pas couverts par un régime d’assurance maladie (sauf, dans ces deux derniers cas, pour les affiliés aux régimes de Mayotte, de Polynésie-Française, à l'aide médicale de l'Etat et pour les soins urgents de personnes en situation irrégulière et ne bénéficiant pas de l'AME).
Le système actuel serait prolongé jusqu'au 31 décembre 2020. Les nouvelles dispositions entreraient progressivement en vigueur le 1er janvier 2021.
Entre le 1er janvier 2021 et le 31 décembre 2023, le montant annuel de la dotation pour mission d'intérêt général et d'aide à la contractualisation (Migac) sera modulé "selon des modalités fixées par arrêté des ministres chargés de la santé et de la sécurité sociale, pour limiter l’effet de la mise en oeuvre de la tarification nationale journalière des prestations d’hospitalisation sur les recettes des établissements de santé", est-il précisé dans l'article.
Début octobre, la fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) a fait part de sa déception quant à cette réforme (cf dépêche du 04/10/2019 à 08:25).
En séance publique, un amendement de Stéphanie Rist (LREM, Loiret) est venu appliquer le ticket modérateur aux hôpitaux du service de santé des armées (SSA) dans les mêmes conditions qu'aux établissements publics de santé.
Des "effets revenus" lissés dans le temps
Dans l'étude d'impact, le gouvernement estime la mesure neutre pour les comptes de l'assurance maladie.
"Toutefois, en son absence, une compensation de la perte de recettes induites pour les établissements de santé nécessiterait la mise en oeuvre de mesures exceptionnelles de soutien financier qui auraient un impact sur les dépenses d’assurance maladie et imposerait une hausse de l’Ondam [objectif national des dépenses de l'assurance maladie] et plus spécifiquement de l’ODMCO [objectif des dépenses de médecine chirurgie et obstétrique]", affirme-t-il.
"La modification n’a pas d’incidence globale sur les dépenses d’assurance maladie, obligatoires comme complémentaires, dans la mesure où le niveau de la tarification nationale sera fixé à masse constante", poursuit-il, tout en prévoyant des "effets revenus entre établissements" anticipés via une "modulation dégressive de leurs dotations, sans augmentation globale de la dépense d’assurance maladie obligatoire".
Les Espic et centres hospitaliers (CH) devraient être 60% à y gagner, contre 40% parmi les centres hospitaliers régionaux.
"Les niveaux de gains et de pertes restent cependant limités: +/- 0,9% des recettes totales, la catégorie la plus touchée étant celle des centres hospitaliers (non régionaux) avec +/- 1,3% des recettes totales. Ces effets revenus seront par ailleurs lissés sur 3 ans comme le prévoit la mesure proposée", conclut-il.
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steve-daniel · 5 years
Cubic Zinc Oxide Market Size, Share, Development by 2025
“The Cubic Zinc Oxide market report is a complete research on the current state of the Cubic Zinc Oxide market with a focus on the regional market. This report presents the global Cubic Zinc Oxide market size (value, production, and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 2013-2018 and forecast to ‘2025’), by manufacturers, region, type, and application. This study also analyzes the market status, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, risks and entry barriers, sales channels, distributors and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis.
This research is helpful for all the players operating in the market, including the well-established players and the new entrants. This intelligent study provides the definition, description, and the overall forecasts of the global market, considering the market segments and sub-segments, which includes the product types, technologies, end-users, industry verticals, and the key geographies. Moreover, the report also provides an in-depth analysis of some of the significant factors such as driving forces, challenges, and threats that will shape the future of the market. In addition, the report also includes the lucrative opportunities in the micro markets for all the participants to invest in the global Cubic Zinc Oxide market. Besides, the report describes the product offerings and the competitive analysis of the major players operating in the market.
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The report also presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.
The key players covered in this report: 
The major manufacturers covered in this report U.S. Zinc PAN-CONTINENTAL CHEMICAL Zochem Rubamin GH Chemicals Parchem Chemet Grillo Silox
Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Direct Process Indirect Process Wet Chemical Process
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Industrial Pharmaceutical Foods Personal Care Products Others
Zinc oxide is an inorganic compound with the formula ZnO. The cubic zinc oxide has a space group of F43m. It can be stabilized by growing ZnO on substrates with cubic lattice structure. The cubic structure of Zinc Oxide has tetrahedral coordination: Each atom’s nearest neighbors consist of four atoms of the opposite type, positioned like the four vertices of a regular tetrahedron. Altogether, the arrangement of atoms in zincblende structure is the same as diamond cubic structure, but with alternating types of atoms at the different lattice sites.
This report studies the global Cubic Zinc Oxide market status and forecast, categorizes the global Cubic Zinc Oxide market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia).
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The prime objective of this Cubic Zinc Oxide research report is to define the size of the different segments and the geographies as well as to forecast the trends that are likely to gain traction in the following couple of years. This market research report has been designed to incorporate both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions.
The scope of this report centers on key market analyses, market drivers & challenges, and competitive analysis & trends. Research report examines each market and its applications, regulatory scenario, technological innovations, Cubic Zinc Oxide market projections, market sizes, and shares. Moreover, the Cubic Zinc Oxide market report examines the most recent trends, pipeline products and developments in the Cubic Zinc Oxide market. Complete profiles of leading organizations in the market are also mentioned in this report.
Cubic Zinc Oxide market report highlights: 1. The Cubic Zinc Oxide research report provides a detailed survey of the current and future industry trends so as to identify the investment analysis. 2. The industry forecasts, using estimated market values have been mentioned, till ‘2025’. 3. The Cubic Zinc Oxide Market dynamics such as the drivers, restraints, threats, opportunities, and industry-specific challenges 4. Key industry trends across all the market segments and sub-segments, geographies, and nations. 5. Key developments and strategies determined in the market. 6. Detailed profiling of the leading competitors and the entrant market players. 7. Growth prospects among the emerging nations throughout the forecast period. 8. The Cubic Zinc Oxide Market opportunities and recommendations for new investments.
In the end, It includes the methodical description of the various factors such as the market growth and a detailed information about the different company’s revenue, growth, technological developments, production, and the various other strategic developments.
Purchase Cubic Zinc Oxide Market Research Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/checkout/14425
Thus, the Cubic Zinc Oxide Market Report serves as a valuable material for all industry competitors and individuals having a keen interest in Cubic Zinc Oxide Market study.
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ijprsteam-blog · 6 years
Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants of Ramgarh Forest
INTRODUCTION According to the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding 65–80% of the world’s population in developing countries depends basically on plants for his or her primary health care owing to impoverishment and lack of access to fashionable medicine. In recent years, use of ethnobotanical data in medicative plant analysis has gained goodly attention in segments of the scientific community. Interest in medicative plants has been fuelled by the rising prices of medication prescribed (drugs/pharmaceuticals) within the maintenance of private health and well-being and also the bio prospecting of recent plant derived drugs. Traditionally all medicative preparations were derived from plants, whether or not within the straight-forward sort of plant components or within a lot of complicated sort of crude extracts, mixtures, etc. Primary advantages of victimisation plant derived medicines are that they are comparatively safer than artificial alternatives, providing profound therapeutic benefits and cheaper treatment. Regarding two hundred years ago an accumulation was dominated by flavoring medicines and nearly twenty fifth of the medications prescribed worldwide were return from plants. Of the 252 medication thought about as basic and essential are solely of plant origin and a big variety are artificial medication obtained from natural precursors. Throughout the previous few decades there has been associate degree increasing interest within the study of medicative plants and their ancient use in several components of Asian nation. Within the recent years variety of reports on the utilization of plants in ancient healing by either social group individuals or autochthonic communities of Asian nation is increasing. A few reports on ethnomedicinal uses of plants within the forests of Ramgarh and its connected areas were on the market and every one of these studies were conducted qualitatively with a lacuna in knowledge analysis. The present study was initiated with associate degree aim to spot knowledgeable resource persons among the Ramgarh tribals in Jhargram district in West Bengal and quantitatively analyze their autochthonic ethnomedicinal data through numerous ethnobotanical tools on the employment of unremarkably used medicative plant1-2. About The Place Ramgarh is a village of Binpur-1 Block in Jhargram District of west Bengal state, India. It is located 53 KM towards north from Midnapore, 18 KM from Binpur and 157 KM from state capital Kolkata. METHOD Study Area and People Ramgarh forest occupy Jhargram districts of West Bengal. The area is 43 hectares and lays 22.72871N latitude and 87.08628E line of longitude (Fig1). The study was conducted in 5 villages of Ramgarh forest that were settled by tribal every consisting of 5–56 families disbursed within the deep forest areas. The autochthonic individuals of the study space are Santali, the oldest cluster of the branch of group in West Bengal. They live preponderantly in and round the forest. The Santals are a part of the Austro-Asiatic family, distantly associated with Vietnamese and Khmer. The early Australoids are often known with some facial characteristics like low forehead, thick lips, wide jaw and wavy hair. Historians believe that they were the ancestors of the social group community residing within the Jap a part of Bharat (excluding hill portions). The Santal language, Santali, belongs to the Munda-Mon-Khmer (or Mundari) branch of the Austro-Asiatic language family. There are dialectical variations in Santali. The most dialectical distinction is between Northern Santali, which is spoken by the good majority of Santals, and Southern Santali. The latter is spoken within the southern a part of province and in Orissa, whereas Northern Santali is spoken in most of province and in West Bengal3-4.
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Figure 1: Geographical Map of Ramgarh Forest Religions:  One of the foremost studied social group religions in Asian nation, the Santhal faith (Sari dharam) worships Marang buru (God), or Bonga(God) , because the Supreme god, the load of belief, however, falls on a court of spirits (Bonga),  placated with prayers and offerings so as to keep at bay evil influences. These spirits operate at the village, household, ancestor, and sub-clan level, at the side of evil spirits that cause unwellness and may inhabit village boundaries, mountains, water, tigers, and also the forest. A characteristic feature of the Santhal village could be a sacred grove (known because the Jaher or "Santhal Sthal") on the sting of the settlement wherever several spirits live and wherever a series of annual festivals happen5. Data Collection The study space was investigated to urge information from social group practitioners and additionally to cross check the data provided by the opposite social group practitioners throughout the sooner visits. Throughout every field survey a minimum of ten days were spent with the native individuals in their social group hamlets. So as to document the employment of healthful plants, field surveys were administrated from August 2017 to Nov 2017 in Ramgarh forest. A total of twelve resource persons or informants or ancient healers were known to urge the ethnomedicinal information through direct interviews/oral conversations. They need sound data on healthful plants found in their encompassing areas and that they apply drugs among their families and neighbors. A field datasheet has been ready to record the plant details with ethno medicinal information gathered from the normal healers. Information on native name of lant, plant structure used for hardening, technique of preparation, the other plants/agents used as ingredients, modes of administration and were recorded for every collected ethnomedicinal plant6-8. Ailment Categories Based on the information obtained from the traditional healers in the study area, all the reported ailments were categorized into 18 categories viz. gastro-intestinal ailments (GIA), dermatological infections/diseases (DID), respiratory systems diseases (RSD), genito-urinary ailments (GUA), fever (Fvr), skeleto-muscular system disorders (SMSD), poisonous bites (PB), circulatory system/ cardiovascular diseases (CSCD), endocrinal disorders (ED), skeletal Problem (SKL), dental care (DC), hair care (HC), ear, nose, throat problems (ENT), cooling agents (CA), anti diabetics (ABT), pain killer (PK), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and general health (GH). Several diseases were placed in one ailment category based on the body systems treated. Data analysis Informant Consensus Factor (Fic)9-10 The informant consensus factor (Fic) was used to see if there was agreement in the use of plants in the ailment categories between the plant users in the study area. The Fic was calculated using the following formula (Heinrich et al., 1998):
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Formula 1: Where Nur refers to the number of use-reports for a particular ailment category and Nt refers to the number of taxa used for a particular ailment category by all informants. The product of this factor ranges from 0 to 1. A high value (close to 1.0) indicates that relatively few taxa are used by a large proportion of the informants. A low value indicates that the informants disagree on the taxa to be used in the treatment within a category of illness. Use value (UV)11 The relative importance of each plant species known locally to be used as herbal remedy is reported as use value (UV) and it was calculated using the following formula (Phillips et al., 1994):
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Formula 2: Where UV is the use value of a species, U is the number of use reports cited by each informant for a given plant species and n is the total number of informants interviewed for a given plant. The UV is helpful in determining the plants with the highest use (most frequently indicated) in the treatment of an ailment. UVs are high when there are many use-reports for a plant and low when there are few reports related to its use. Fidelity level (FL)12 To determine the most frequently used plant species for treating a particular ailment category by the informants of the study area, we have calculated the fidelity level (FL). The FL was calculated using the following formula (Friedmen et al., 1986):
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Formula 3: Where Np is the number of use-reports cited for a given species for a particular ailment category and N is the total number of use reports cited for any given species. Generally, high FLs are obtained for plants for which almost all use-reports refer to the same way of using it, whereas low FLs are obtained for plants that are used for many different purposes (Srithi et al., 2009). Relative importance (RI)13 We have calculated the relative importance (RI) of each medicinal plant based on the normalized number of pharmacological properties (PH) attributed to it and the normalized number of body systems (BS) it treated. Data on medicinal uses were organized according to the PH attributed to each taxon (e.g. analgesic, antiinflammatory etc.) and to the specific body systems treated (e.g. skin diseases, fever, asthma etc.). The RI was calculated using the following formula (Bennett and Prance, 2000):
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Formula 4: Where RI is the relative importance, PH is the number of reported pharmacological properties for the given plant, RelPH is the relative number of pharmacological properties (PH of a given plant/maximum PH of all reported species), BS is the number of body systems treated and Rel BS is the relative number of body systems treated (BS of a given plant/ maximum BS of all reported species). Preparation of Buffer: 0.01N Potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate (pH 4.8) Accurately weighed 1.36gm of Potassium dihyrogen ortho phosphate in a 1000ml of Volumetric flask add about 900ml of milli-Q water added and degas to sonicate and finally make up the volume with water the pH was adjusted to 4.8 with Orthophosphoric acid. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Documentation of Indigenous Ethno Medicinal Knowledge The present study unconcealed the employment of ninety species of plants distributed in eighty three genera happiness to fifty two families that were normally utilized by most of the TRIBALS for the treatment of sixty five kinds of ailments. The outstanding family was family Leguminosae with 9 species, followed by asteroid dicot family and spurge family with six and 4 species severally. For every reportable species we tend to provide the biology name of the plant, family, voucher specimen variety, local name, life form, use value, parts used, ailments treated, methodology of preparation, mode of administration and relative importance (Table 1). Life form and parts used Herbs were the primary source of medicine (41%) followed by trees (57%), shrubs (27%), Herbs (11%) and climbers (5%) (Fig. 2). The frequent use of herbs among the indigenous communities is a result of wealth of herbaceous plants in their environs. Among the various plant components used, the leaves (28%) were most often used for the preparation of drugs aloneor mixed with different plant components. It had been follo-wed by fruit (10%), whole plant (7%), and flower (13%), stem (4%), seed (7%), latex (7%), root (10%), and young twig (4% each) (Fig. 3). Table 1: List of commonly used medicinal plants by tribals in Ramgarh Forest, India
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  Many autochthonal communities elsewhere conjointly used principally leaves for the preparation of seasoning medicines. The explanation why leaves were used principally is that they're collected terribly simply than underground components, flowers and fruits etc. and in scientific purpose of read leaves are active in chemical action and production of metabolites.
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Figure 2: Reported Medicinal Plants
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Figure 3: Percentage of plant parts used for the preparation of medicine                   Method of Preparation and Mode of Administration of Plants The preparation and utilization of plant elements were classified into 5 classes (Fig. 4). Of these, most typically used methodology of preparation was paste (30%) followed by powder (11%), juice (28%), raw (12%, taken as raw and natural object ready as pickles and boiling (19%). Preparation of paste for the treatment of ailments may be a common apply among alternative social group communities in India and other elements of the globe. The paste was ready by grinding the contemporary or dried plant elements with oil or water. The powder was ready by the grinding of shade dried plant elements. The boiling was obtained by boiling the plant elements in water till the amount of the water reduced to minimum or needed amount. The inhalation was done by the burning of plant elements and inhaled the smoke through nose or mouth. Internal uses (67%) were predominating over external or topical uses (30%) and Tooth powder uses (3%). For topical use, the foremost necessary ways used were direct application of paste or medicated oil (with oil) and principally addressed diseases like skin disorders, wounds, heel cracks, poison bites, rheumatism, body pain and headache. Most of the medicines got orally that is in agreement with another studies conducted elsewhere. (Fig. 5)
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Figure 4: Categories of Mode of Utilization for the Preparation of Medicine
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Figure 5: Percentage of Method of Use for the Preparation of Medicine   Plant Use Values The most commonly used species was Terminalia bellirica, with 14 use-reports by 8 informants, giving the highest use value of 1.75 is attributed to its use in the treatment of various diseases and it is well recognized by all the informants. The plant with very low use value was Phoenix dactylifera which is reported by only 2 informants with a UV of 0.25, but the informant is regularly using this plant having Anti-oxidant activity. Similar to our study, tender leaves of the plant is used to cure irregular menstruation and sterility in women by the Indian. While tribal people in Cuba (Cano and Volpato, 2004) and Ghana (Asase et al., 2010) were using the plant for the treatment of malaria and liver pain respectively. In general, scarce availability of the plants in the study area leads them to low UV as in the case of Ramgarh Forest.   Informant Consensus Factor Generally Fic of native data for sickness treatment trusted the supply of the plant species within the study space (Rajakumar and Shivanna, 2009). So as to use the informant agreement issue (Fic), we tend to classify the sicknesses into broad sickness classes. The Fic values in our study are ranged from 0.73 to 1.00.  
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Figure 6: Categories of ailments treated by tribals arranged by number of use-reports The employment classes with quite forty use-reports were dermatologic infections/diseases (43 use-reports, eleven species), gastro-intestinal diseases (67 use-reports, fourteen species) and skeleto-muscular system disorders (2 use-reports, one species) (Fig. 6). In the gift study, Skeleto muscular disorder had the best Fic of 1.00 and it is in agreement with the previous studies among the neighboring autochthonic communities in province, India.   The least agreement between the informants was ascertained within the skeleto-muscular system disorders with a Fic of 1.00 followed by toxic bites with a Fic of 0.80, genito-urinary ailments 0.67 and ear, nose, throat issues with a Fic of 0.86 (Table 2).Our findings showed that these classes had high range of use-reports among the tribals of Ramgarh Forest with moderate Fic value.   CONCLUSION The present study unconcealed that ancient medicines were still in common use by the social group communities and correct information of the plants and their medicative properties were controlled by solely the tribal people.  Thence necessity for elaborated investigation of ethnobotanical information control by every social group community is needed before such valuable information vanishes. Thus, our work would be helpful in preventing the loss of ethnomedicinal traditions of Ramgarh social group communities. The plants with highest use values within the study could indicate the doable prevalence of valuable phytochemical compounds and it needs a quest for potential new medication to treat numerous ailments. The efficaciousness and safety of all the reportable ethnomedicinal plants has to be evaluated for phytochemical and medicine studies particularly the plants with high informant accord issue, use value, and relative importance oughttorun priority to hold out bioassay and toxicity studies.   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are very much thankful to Dr. Subhasis Maity, Director, NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata – Group of Institution for providing the necessary facilities and encouragement to complete this project. Authors are also grateful to all the resource person who have provided the necessary data in progress of this work. Many thanks to Ramgarh tribal people for providing the information about medicinal importance of the plants available in the same forest.   Table 2: Informant consensus factor for commonly used medicinal plants Ailment category Number of taxa (Nt) Number of use-reports (Nur) Informant consensus factor (Fic) Gastro-intestinal ailments 14 67 0.80 Dermatological infections/ diseases 11 43 0.76 Respiratory systems diseases 6 21 0.75 Genito-urinary ailment 5 18 0.76 Fever 3 12 0.82 Skeleto-muscular system disorders 1 2 1.0 Poisonous bites 3 11 0.80 Circulatory system/ cardiovascular diseases 5 23 0.82 Endocrinal disorders 2 10 0.89 Skeletal Problem 1 6 1.00 Dental care 2 11 0.90 Hair care 2 11 0.90 Ear, nose, throat problems 2 8 0.86 Cooling agents 3 7 0.67 Anti-diabetics 2 7 0.83 Pain killer 6 29 0.82 Sexually transmitted diseases 4 19 0.83 General health 21 74 0.73 TOTAL 93 379   REFERENCES Ali-Shtayeh, M. S., Yaniv, Z., & Mahajna, J. (2000). 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mrclaudeknowsbest · 7 years
The Kids are Our Future
The Children are Our Future... so what does “The Baarn ... a ...Baby” issue say to them
Roll out the song cue…"The kids are our future, teach them well, and show them the way. Conflate with “Baby, baby it's a wild world, it's hard to get by without a smile”.
In my humble opinion (”IMHO”) the overall direction of society has followed a consistent historical trajectory of self-interest and hypocrisy. Improvement may not be demonstrable while recognizing improvements in intellect, knowledge base, or technology. Different folk will cherry-pick whatever period of mankind resonates with them, and their particular narrative. That can change easily to whatever is expedient at any time, situation, or audience.
So, what are the most important issues IMHO that today’s adults are leaving our next generations:
1. Climate Change, and its impact on economies, prosperity, population movements and unequal impacts on countries or continents.
2. Inequality in Society and growing disparities are certain to challenge the Western Democratic Model. The constant challenges from alternatives cannot be naively discounted, as appears the norm.
3. Expanding Debt, both public and private, and all its trailing issues. Yes, too many to detail at the moment (”ATM”).
4. Intangible expenses, such as pollution, climate change, and all changes in technology, social cohesion or perceptions of a good life. How they are measured, and how they are communicated to an economically unsophisticated populace. The merits of GNI over GDP is a meaningful starting point.
5. Whatever issues an observant dog, of sufficient mental bandwidth, can sniff out?
Now to “The Baarn…a…Baby issue” (”BaB”) as an aphorism, metaphor and parable (”AMP”) to today’s media beat up as a distraction, and competitor for limited public attention spans, when compared to my list of critical issues.  
For future reference, any AMP requires the background lyrics, soundtrack and visuals by AC/DC to their song ‘TNT’).
IMHO ABC program “Insiders” is the best current affairs offering ATM. The 18/02/18 episode devoted much time to BaB, so why?
Gerard H said words to the effect of - a furious statement by the PM initiated an equally emotional response by Barnaby Joyce (”B”). To the less involved, other side of the brain, thinkers such as GH “fury is best handled privately”. Wow, what does that mean to a dog? My perception is whatever you want it to mean. Any wide statement can be interpreted by anyone for whatever narrative they seek to perpetuate. So, surprise, politicians and media commentators from the left and right start bickering. Any subset of otherwise “emotionally intelligent” folk share many values of narcissism, cognitive dissonance, willful blindness, hypocrisy, hubris, self-interest for the greater good of the tribe ("my filters").  IMHO, Pollies are just pecking at the seeds as a usual course of conduct. I suggest a good lick to discern the pheromones and relevant neurotransmitters being released.  
The PM has a strong view on marriage. That may be limited due to his success at meeting his true soul mate. I often see Lucy and Malcolm walking, hand in hand, completely at ease with each other's company and on display for all to see. Half or more of the population should be in envy. The media have many examples of opposing examples such as Donald Trump and other partners. I refer to this President as Agent Orange (”AO”). Has he followed precedent and introduced some dog sense of values into The White House?    
I submit that the PM has limited experience of family breakdown, or Family Court of Australia ("FCA") matters. I describe this mental vacuum as no personal skin in the game. Accordingly, the PM should stay out of issues, such as BaB, that he is largely ignorant of. An empathetic dog can construe B’s statement and use of the emotive word “inept” in that context. Maybe it is partially true in the entire context of FCA issues that B is currently submerged by. This is not suitable material for political glibness, and I repeat a matter that the PM has no skin in the game. Strangely I have heaps of it. When the subject of divorce is raised in discussion with acquaintances, and lesser relationships, I mention my master's circumstances in this quagmire having a wife who is a more competent lawyer than him. It is unsurprising that the conversation mostly stopped, until a circuit breaker was introduced. That is an example of excessive skin in the game. Perhaps better and further particulars may be relevant in another blog.
The AMP of “oil and water” was raised to elucidate the entire context of many contradictions encompassing personal matters, or family issues, and politics. Agreement with the outstanding broad-brush AMP, yet where is the public interest test for any Government ("G") funded person or position? The timing of the introduction of “The New Code” comes into question and may be the Emperor’s New Clothes. It cannot apply to B, either retrospectively or due to the fact that the PM has limited ability to direct leadership decisions for its Nationals coalition partner. However, the timing was a barb that B, as a compromised individual experiencing family trauma, could not ignore. The lack of foresee-ability shown by the PM to this certainty is breathtaking and disappointing to my master. Furthermore, this distraction from real policy making for the public good was fodder for an opposition attempting to gain traction amid good economic and employment news.  
I submit that the decision for B to take a week off to consider his options was appropriate and necessary in the entire political and FCA context. His priority ATM should be to manage as best as possible the vexed issue of his children’s welfare and the future of his new union, including a yet to be born baby. FCA papers, and counselors, discuss the theory that divorce proceeding initiate various lengths of temporary psychoses in about 80% of applicants. Therefore, I submit that B has a good chance of being affected, especially when conflated with the extreme pressures of politics.
The optics of whether B should have accepted free rent from a mate is more political chaff. Need and greed, overlaid by timing and other distractions, are relevant issues for subjective navel gazing. The journalists with their usual premised questioning techniques have managed to obtain a narrative of different ‘facts’ from B and the friendly landlord. Wow, what a revelation? Seek, often and repeatedly enough, and you will find ‘gold’. Any dog knows that you have to sniff out the entire turf, just to cover the field of possibilities.
That luminary social commentator, Karl Stephanovic ("Karl"), raised doubts about the PM’s possible different treatment of B compared to previous Ministers. I suspect he may be a cat lover. Karl alleged that the PM knew of all manner of mischief, while taking advantage of all the investigative instruments of State. This was likely to have been, months before us mere mortals were informed by the ever-vigilant media. The argument raised by one hypocritical politician, or media commentator, against other equally morally compromised members is that you must be consistent. I submit that Karl has recently been in a similar situation to B, and therefore in my doggy notion of fairness has standing to comment. The issue is likely to have tickled his nerve on the hypocrisy exhibited by the PM and many other journalists and Pollies.  
In summary, I suggest that asking a Pollie to be consistent is akin to asking a flossy such as Kim K to justify engaging in a sexual act on social media for added exposure. OK, perhaps a mental stretch, yet still an intellectual departure for a nuanced PM. Are the Nationals actually unable to remove a leader to the standards expected of effective politicians? The optics of going into a by-election in a Conservative jurisdiction with a leader who has left his family and is now living rent free with his pregnant former staffer requires some review by the local voters. It is not a loyalty to the National Party issue, or the hidden elephant of the G’s tenuously hold on power, yet a question of political judgement. These may be watershed moments when a 24/7 social media enabled electorate require greater transparency from the PM for appropriate information to determine his ability to perform the job.
Legislating personal liaisons of any nature between consenting adults, including the specter of a moral police on a Monotheist Iranian or Saudi model, should appropriately raise the hackles of most Western Libertarians. The opportunities for abuse, conflicts of interest, and by whom are too obvious to require review. However, the matter of moving a well-paid position that already existed in the Nations party office to that of senior ministers is well within the public interest test. Note, not a created position as touted by unsympathetic media outlets, yet the variation to salaries is also relevant. Exposing hypocrisy may be embarrassing to both the accuser and accused. The legal analogy in Equity is that if you seek relief, then you must approach with clean hands.  
Subjective review, and Key Performance Indicators (”KPI”), for which job are merely far too salacious matters for a dog. Geoff asked me if a previous standard existed regarding the issue of moving jobs to shield B or others from political harm? My assessment was a conceded pass to a vague and subjective concept, requiring a tasty bone to mull over the marrow. The issue of a possible breach of existing Ministerial Conduct wrt informing the PM or others is worthy of greater scrutiny. The fact that B was not an active Minister at the time of job movements, moving into free accommodation or when relevant persons should be fully informed has some traction. No journalist to my knowledge has raised the issue of relevant timing. Requirements for a possible breach of conduct by B resurfaced immediately after a position of trust was engaged, and more so, if re-engaged. The reasonable person test kicks in, with a greater expectation due to the previous experience. It is easier to sniff a butt when the tail is raised.  
The new lady journalist to the Insiders panel, Annika S raised further hypocrisy when cherry-picking B’s words on the campaign trails. Specifically, B advising folk to move to the country to obtain cheaper rent was a zinger of Bill Short- of- Integrity optics. Perhaps a well-paid Government Minister could afford to pay a friend a sensible rent, even if he offers otherwise. Conflicting recollections of negotiations, invitations to treat, leading to oral contractual relations and past conversations are emerging. I confess to being a cynical person in relation to the conduct of all business-folk, especially regarding tax minimization. Therefore, should some cunning person or the ATO sniff out if the ‘landlord’ providing free rent to B was negatively gearing this particular complex, or his wider property portfolio, within his tax affairs?
The observation recalling the 2016 election tussle with Tony Windsor was a true political gem or nauseating to a right-minded person or their dog. The “running off with Julia barb” was regurgitated. The salacious suggestion that Tony was engaging in an illicit extra marital affair with a former PM was outside The Pale. Yes, it offended most of my value set and alerted all my sensory filters. Maybe, B's canine pals can provide some relevant insights?
The vexed issue of the scarce resource of water and conflating such with the performance of the (Federal) Murray Darling Water Authority and other State entities was salient and relevant political inquiry. IMHO, this is the really meaty issue that B should be answering in regard to a waste of taxpayers' funds. Geoff assures me that the quantum of money and political machinations far exceed the tantalizing and salacious content of BaB. When he asked me if we could chase this simmering saga into another blog, I merely opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue to taste the air, and wagged my tail in approval.
Mike Bower’s photo zooming in on B, with other Pollies out of focus was potentiated by a musical option. The cartoon of pigs covered in crap was identified by Mark Knight as worthy - of a culinary award IMHO.
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