#gg 6x04
On the last season of the OG Gossip Girl right now and…I know this is a deeply unpopular opinion…but how could anyone think that it isn’t Dan at this point?
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autumnrory · 3 years
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GILMORE GIRLS: Always a Godmother, Never a God (2005) THE OFFICE: Casino Night (2006)
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dailychuckandblair · 4 years
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I didn’t realize your father was such a Horse enthusiast
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
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okay, i’m done with this particular plotline for now
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i just started watching season 6 of gilmore girls last night. i think i started watching the show late july? anyway this is lame but it’s the first show i’ve really watched on my own - it just feels like my own special little show and i’m sad that i’ll probably be done with it by november.  my quick general thoughts:
1. characters whose names begin with the letter “l” are supreme.  lorelai, luke, lane.  (haven’t seen enough of logan to add him to the list, but those three are iconic) 2. i love lorelai so much.  she is strong-willed and messy and so freakin funny and she deserves all of the happiness in the world 3. lorelai/luke is my ride-or-die ship.  they’re just forever partners and fit so well together and i love them. i love them i love them i love them 4. also luke’s rants are so hilarious.  luke and lorelai are the king and queen of hilarious rants. 5. lane deserves better!!! 6. logan is BY FAR the best match for rory.  i just can’t get behind rory/jess at all???  i don’t get the extreme love for them.  they were only together for half a season and didn’t really have any meaningful scenes together.  i can’t think of a scene where they really comforted each other or really even understood each other?  jess is an interesting character, i liked having him around, but he was no good with rory.  logan, on the other hand, is interesting and has a little edge but he’s still thoughtful and him and rory have FUN. 7. i’d argue that lorelai and emily’s relationship is just as important to the show as lorelai and rory’s.  i love their dynamics.
just had to get out some thoughts on the show, as it’s the 20 year anniversary!  i hate it because i saw so many people chatting about the show and i wanted so badly to read all of the posts, but i didn’t want to spoil anything.  once i finish the show i’m coming back and catching up on everything!!!
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zalrb · 5 years
I don't know if you've answered this before but have you ever disliked/hated a ship you eventually grew to love/appreciate or the reverse, loved a ship you eventually cooled off of or ended up disliking?
Oh sure!
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I actually hated the idea of Dair at first. I didn’t think they’d work, I thought GG was running out of ideas and it was legit inconceivable to me but then I saw them interact more and more and I was like, oh wait, no, they make sense, they’re actually incredibly compatible. I have a comment on one of the Dair-centric promos on YT where I’m like, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I want Dair and I want Dair now. And I made this vid (omg it’s so badly edited):
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I didn’t want anyone in the Keating 5 to hook up. It was the first show I saw in a while where romantic boundaries between the main cast weren’t crossed and I liked that, I thought it was refreshing, I wanted to keep it that way and I really liked Asher and Bonnie and I thought Michaela deserved someone better, like I thought their sex scene in the bathroom was hot but I was like no, stop it, don’t do it and then they continued on with it and gave them a nice vulnerability that endeared them to me and then they had their next scene and I was like OKAY.
Bill and Sookie
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For the longest time, I was a Sooric shipper and then one day I asked myself, do I like Eric and Sookie over Bill and Sookie because I legitimately like the ship better or do I just like Eric over Bill? When I realized that it was about Eric vs Bill and not Sooric vs Bookie (what a terrible ship name) then I appreciated the chemistry of Bill and Sookie a lot more because it was intense af.
Jess and Rory
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I have said many times that Jess and Rory were my Delena and I admit if I ever, for some reason, rewatch Gilmore Girls and we get to seasons 2 and 3, the part of me that’s still 12 fangirls over their scenes because they do have the chemistry, they do have the banter, there’s a lot there I do like except for the fact that Jess was legitimately a shitty boyfriend, like he was terrible and he treated Rory like crap and I don’t think he ever redeemed himself for that, I talk about that more here: https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/170656625800/on-gg-i-forgot-to-mention?is_liked_post=1 and when I was older I just let myself see that.
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I went pretty hard for Steroline from seasons 5 to about the end of season 6. Next to the narrative issues with the ship, which I talk about here: https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/160487885690/is-messy-and-develops-over-time-and-rooted-in
There’s also the chemistry: I think they were good at playing two people who couldn’t get on the same page but wanted to and Candice was good at playing that yearning but it worked because it was a dynamic that required Candice to be more assertive and raw and Paul to be reserved, that’s where the angst comes from, the minute they tried to do anything else I was like oooooh no this is awkward but I held on because I was deep into Steroline and then 6x21 happened and Paul and Nina, man, Paul lit the fuck up in that scene, it was easy, it was natural, it was chemistry just actual, honest-to-God chemistry and I was like … … … … this is why SC doesn’t work for me when they’re trying to do something that isn’t them being friends or isn’t them being on the wrong page, it’s just, they just don’t have it and frankly, if Paul and Nina had been around each other more in season 6 I don’t think I would’ve been as into SC, I remember being so conflicted about 6x04 because it was just Dobsley being Dobsley and I was like ………………………
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I was a Bamon shipper for quite a while actually, it wasn’t until season 6 that I just admitted that it was a terrible dynamic for Bonnie and all I was really shipping was the chemistry between Kat and Ian. I talk about that more here: https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/180150746700/i-know-you-dont-ship-bamon-anymore-but-when-you
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I was drawn to their story for the first three seasons, Ed and Leighton have fantastic chemistry, their scenes are compelling and rich and emotionally nuanced and I wanted them together really badly, even if I watch their scenes now, I get swept up in them, but then he prostituted her for a hotel, slut-shamed her and gaslit her and I was just done.
Bella and Jacob (books)
“Well, I'm so sorry that I can't be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.”
When I did read Twilight, I was Team Jacob over Team Edward and then I got older and was like lol the books are trash, BOTH romantic relationships are trash, it’s all terrible.
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Candice is grinning like a Cheshire cat in recent BTS pics from 6x04. What is Viris Pest's SL in S6? Is the show finally making her a journalist with her own newspaper? Or she is going to continue to be Barry's fuck oven and prop up HIS SL? Honestly, does WA have sex? It's no surprise GG made it clear in his contract that sex and affectionate scenes are a no-no. WA barely touched in S5. Candice is so racist she think's she's WINNING cause of Eric Wallace. Her and her racist stans are obsessed with color.
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cheryls-blossomed · 5 years
GG was talking about how it would be nice if the show put in more fun mom like the bowling or karaoke scene to balance out all the crazy at one of his round table interviews. I agree. They did good with that in S1. We saw them going to the movies, bowling, karaoke, out to dinner, the bar and it didn’t take away from the ep. That’s why I’m glad to see them doing a family bbq scene in episode 1. They need to show the characters enjoying their lives, having fun on the show not just doom and gloom
Yes, season 1 definitely did a far better job than subsequent seasons at showcasing these characters outside of them working to save the city on the daily. Eric said during one of his round tables that he wants to thoroughly explore different facets of the characters and to world-build more, so hopefully we’ll get more of that fun stuff. 
There’s going to be a Halloween episode, which I’m guessing is either 6x04 or 6x05, so perhaps we’ll get to see the characters attending a costume party. 
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austennerdita2533 · 5 years
How would you fit the revival into your ranking of the GG seasons? Also, what are the 5 best GG episodes and the 5 worst ones?
The revival I’d tie for last with s6 because I was disappointed with it overall. I watched it twice when it first dropped and have had no inclination to watch it since. Idk if I will watch it again, tbh, whereas I watch the OG series over and over and over…
5 Worst Episodes:
It was far easier for me to list these than it was to choose my favorites, seeing as how I have so many of those.
-5x04 Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too (*but there’s a cute L&L scene in it!*)
-6x04 Always a Godmother, Never a God
-6x15 A Vineyard Valentine (my least favorite episode of the series–I kind of hate it?? haha)
-7x07 French Twist
-7x09 Knit, People, Knit
5 Best Episodes:
-1x10 Forgiveness and Stuff - LOVE LOVE LOVE
-2x13 A-Tisket, A-Tasket
-3x09 A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving
-4x21 Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
-4x22 Raincoats and Recipes
**And I feel like 3x07′s They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They absolutely needs to be on this list as a bonus because it’s just AMAZING**
What about you? How/where would you rank the revival and which episodes would you choose?
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GG 6x04
I keep getting major manipulative vibes from Logan and I really don’t like it.  
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gilmoremovies · 8 years
The Godfather (1972)
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Date Watched: 21st January 2017
Referenced in: 1x17, 2x14, 2x16, 3x02, 3x11, 4x01, 4x04, 4x07, 5x09, 5x17, 6x02, 6x04, 6x05, 6x06, 6x10, 6x21, 7x18, Summer and Fall
Rating:  ★★★★☆
So the Godfather is referenced 5 bajillion times (enjoy those references below the read more) and is a classic. I had extremely high hopes for this film and I did enjoy watching it. The acting was impeccably and it was really well shot. I think a little was taken away with the horse’s head scene because who doesn’t know about that scene... which was surprisingly the only spoiler I knew before watching. I had a little bit of an issue with the predictability of it, housemate said it was cause I’ve watched too many films but I called almost everything before it happened (apart from the the guy who got shot 5 times death I don’t wanna give it away). It just about made 4 stars although it was pretty damn predictable, the acting was truly amazing and the storyline was pretty interesting.
(Other GG Movies I’ve watched so far)
(Full references under the cut)
1x17, The Breakup: Part 2 (2001) Lorelai tells Rory that her Dean box (a bo full of his stuff) is gone using a reference from this film - sleeps with the fishes LORELAI: Honey, good night. RORY: Mom… LORELAI: Yeah. RORY: Far, far away from the house ok? LORELAI: Hey, it sleeps with the fishes. RORY: Thank you.
2x14, It Should've Been Lorelai (2002) Rory and Lorelai discuss the "leave the gun, take the cannollis" line. RORY: Where do you wanna sit? LORELAI: I don’t know. Um, how ‘bout this table with it’s unobstructed westward view of the wide cosmopolitan expansive Klump Street? RORY: Tempting. Do you know that on a clear day you can see all the way to the garbage cans behind Al’s Pancake World? LORELAI: Hm. Or we could sit in the corner - you know, the Mafia table so that no one can come up behind you and whack you with a cannoli. RORY: Whack you with a cannoli? Oh, because he left the gun and took the cannoli. LORELAI: You’re so my daughter.
2x16, There's the Rub (2002) Lorelai calls Emily's limousine "The Luca Brasi-mobile." in reference to Luca Brasi a character from this film EMILY: [they walk to the front desk] Hello, I’m Emily Gilmore. This is my daughter, Lorelai. BOBBY: Ah, yes, welcome to Birch Grove. My name is Bobby. I have everything all set for you. Do you have luggage? LORELAI: Yes, it’s in the Luca Brasi mobile out front. BOBBY: Okay, well, we can take care of that for you. Here are your room keys and a copy of all of your spa activities. You ladies are booked solid, I see.
3x02, Haunted Leg (2002) Lorelai mentions Clemenza, a character in the film, who kills someone in a car. LORELAI: I know, but this goes against every rule I have in the Gilmore survival guide. Number one – no running with scissors. Number two – no pageboy haircuts. Number three – never ever have lunch alone with a mother. SOOKIE: It might not be so bad. LORELAI: Saying yes to this lunch with my mother is like saying "Sounds fun!" to a ride with Clemenza.
3x11, I Solemnly Swear (2003) Lorelai describes scenes from the film when talking about Rory’s issues with Francie LORELAI: Do you want me to talk to her? You know, arrange a sit-down? RORY: No, thanks. LORELAI: Come on. We’ll have it in an Italian restaurant. You’ll get up, go to the bathroom – thanks – and come out shooting, and then I’ll send you to Italy. RORY: Well, I do wanna go to Italy. LORELAI: Two birds with one stone, my friend.  
4x01, Ballrooms and Biscotti (2003) Lorelai and Rory plan to watch the film. LORELAI: Pizza at John's. Um, Sunday, pick up all the stuff you need for school, and then there's a barbecue at Sookie's. Monday is mani/pedi, facial, haircut, go to the psychic, and stock up for Tuesday, the day of all days - Godfather I, II, and III, with extra showings of the Sofia death scene over and over as long as the Mallomars hold out. RORY: The perfect day!
RORY: Well, I'm not ready. I haven't packed. I have things I need to get. We were supposed to watch the three Godfather's and Sofia dying over and over and eat our biscotti and - LORELAI: Okay, listen, calm down. We just need to revise our plan. RORY: We were supposed to have a week. LORELAI: Okay, tonight we stay home and pack. Tomorrow we get up early. We'll get all the stuff you need, and that will give us time to watch at least two Godfather's and a Sofia dying. We'll still have a partial day and a great biscotti night.
LORELAI: Okay, let's sit. God, Mr. Jet Lag wants to be my best friend. RORY: Well, do you wanna go home and rest? LORELAI: No. We have a Godfather night to salvage. Check the list.
LORELAI: I'm not going. I'll finish up all the errands. RORY: Really? LORELAI: Yes. You go and you eat really fast and then get out of there. Meet me back here 9:30, 10 at the latest, and we'll do Godfather I through "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday," and a quick Sofia dying. RORY: Deal.
4x04, Chicken or Beef? (2003) Lorelai and Rory discuss scenes from the film. LORELAI: I own my own business now, Rory. I'm gonna have to deal with tiny men like Taylor all the time. You can't go around yelling at people, no matter how historical they might be. RORY: Bummer. LORELAI: You have to learn to separate the personal from the business. RORY: Okay. LORELAI: Remember in The Godfather, Michael telling Sonny how he was gonna kill Tattaglia and Captain McCluskey in that Italian restaurant? He lays out the whole thing very calmly, very unemotionally, 'cause that's what you do in business. RORY: Yeah, but then he went and shot two guys in the head. LORELAI: Okay, but I wasn't describing that scene. 
4x07, The Festival of Living Art (2003) Rory references Sonny's (James Caan) line, "Badda-bing, you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit." RORY: You are going to be the Renoir girl - end of story. LORELAI: How? RORY: Well, if they want an Anthea for "Portrait of a Young Girl Named Anthea," then they're going to have to have you for the Renoir girl. LORELAI: Well, look at you folding your laundry all haughty and powerful. RORY: Bada-bing all over his nice ivy-league suit.
5x09, Emily Says Hello (2004) Jackson speaks of threats from the film, specifically mentioning the fish on the doorstep, the horse head in the bed and "either his brains or his signature will be on the contract." [They arrive at Sookie's house – Jackson approaches them carrying a giant set of "stage scissors"] JACKSON: I came home from work, and I found these on the doorstep. What the hell is this supposed to mean? SOOKIE: Hon, maybe it's just a joke. JACKSON: No, this is not a joke. This is a threat. LORELAI: Yeah, those people at Butterick Patterns play pretty rough. JACKSON: This is the fish on the doorstep. It's the horse head in the bed. It's the "either your signature or your brains are going to be on the contract." SOOKIE: Jackson, calm down.
5x17, Pulp Friction (2005) Lorelai mentions, in passing, Connie Corleone's wedding day LUKE: You bring an enemy coffee cup in here on the day of our reconciliation. LORELAI [with a mobster accent]: At least I didn't ask you for a favor on this, the day of our daughter's wedding. LUKE: Get that coffee out of here.
6x02, Fight Face (2005) Luke mentions how Michael Corleone dealt with his brother-in-law. LORELAI: So, what do we do? LUKE: I'm gonna talk to TJ, but I'm gonna be smart about it, I'm not gonna spook him. I'm gonna be like Michael Corleone dealing with that slimy brother-in-law of his. Get a couple of tickets to a ball game, invite him along. And we'll talk about the beer and the hot dogs we're gonna eat. And then I'm gonna get him to admit that he did this. And then when we get in the car on the way to the ball park, I'm gonna put a rope around his neck and pull it till he's (pulls an imaginary rope) Dead! LORELAI: Wait, Wait! You're in the backseat? LUKE: Yeah! That's the best for garroting. Yes! LORELAI: No, he's gonna smell something fishy if you hop in the backseat especially if you're driving. LUKE: No, he's not that bright. It'll work! LORELAI: Why are you even buying the tickets? You could just sneak up on him and garrote him on the street. Save you the money.
6x04, Always a Godmother, Never a God (2005) Brian quotes "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse" RORY: I'm just doing it as a favour for Sookie. BRIAN: Godmother, huh? (imitating Marlon Brando) Did you make her an offer she couldn't refuse? ZACH: (impressed) Dude! You nailed that! BRIAN: Thanks.
6x05, We've Got Magic to Do (2005) Rory says, "This is business; it's not personal." RORY: I really hate her! PARIS: They should die. RORY: I should probably give her a table. PARIS: What? RORY: Well, we have a spare table. We kept it open in case of something like this. I should give it to her. PARIS: But she doesn't deserve it. RORY: I know, but this is business. It's not personal. I should give her that table.
6x06, Welcome to the Dollhouse (2005) Kirk references the film when talking about getting on the wrong side of Taylor. LORELAI: But you and I talked about the street names only this morning! How could the Dragonfly already be off the map? KIRK: You know the old saying, cross the Don in the morning, sleep with the fishes in the afternoon. Plus Taylor has one of those really fast laser printers. LORELAI: This is not fair! The Dragonfly is a business in Stars Hollow! This is not right.
6x10, He's Slippin' 'Em Bread... Dig? (2005) Sookie tells her sous chef to "Godfather it up" after instructing him to add more garlic to the dish he is preparing. SOOKIE: Okay, where's the onions for my sauce? Who's my onion man? CARL: Right here, Sookie. SOOKIE: Okay, right here, Carl. I need them right there. Okay? Get the shallots in it. It's time. It's time! [She tastes a sauce.] Okay. Needs more garlic. Come on. Godfather it up for me. [To the woman chopping herbs] Good! Good, good, good. Good, good. Okay. If you can travel back in time and make me not make the veal and ham pate, I'd appreciate it. Talk me out of these things in the future, guys.
6x21, Driving Miss Gilmore (2006) Lorelai wonders if her parents had Clemenza hide a gun in the bathroom after they said they had lunch with Christopher RICHARD: Because there'd been a lot of tension between us about the tuition incident, and your mother and I thought it was time for a sit-down. LORELAI: A sit down what, did you get Clemenza to hide a gun in the bathroom first? RICHARD: We thought it was time to clear the air. After all, Christopher is Rory's father, and we wanted him to know there were no hard feelings. 
7x18, Hay Bale Maze (2007) Rory compares Taylor to Don Corleone. LOGAN: And this hay-bale maze -- this is all Taylor’s idea? RORY: Yep. LOGAN: This is the same Taylor who is town selectman and owns two businesses. RORY: Yeah, he’s basically the Mayor of Stars Hollow and Don Corleone all wrapped up into one. LOGAN: That’s fascinating.
A Year in the Life: Summer (2016) Lorelai imitates Vito Corleone. LORELAI: [Imitating Marlon Brando as Don Corleone] My wife is crying upstairs. I hear cars coming to the house. Consiglieri of mine, I think it's time you tell your Don what everyone seems to know. MICHEL: What? LORELAI: It's from The Godfather MICHEL: Eurgh, not The Godfather again.  LORELAI: It has a quote for every circumstance. MICHEL: You don't have a wife. LORELAI: It's not exact. MICHEL: And who's Don? LORELAI: Michel! MICHEL: I'm leaving LORELAI: [sighs] I'm out of quotes.
A Year in the Life: Fall (2016) Emily says, "I just upped and pulled a Bugsy Siegel and made them an offer they couldn't refuse." EMILY: D'you remember the house your father and I would rent every summer? LORELAI: Of course. EMILY: Well I bought it and it wasn't even for sale! I just upped and pulled a Bugsy Siegel and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. LORELAI: Ok I think you just mixed your mob metaphors but I appreciate the attempt.
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autumnrory · 3 years
i never really noticed but rory probably would’ve gone into specifics about what happened at the baptism but then logan is just like ANYWAY my problems instead of asking rory how things were with her mom like. come on dude she’s obvs upset you can at LEAST let her go first but then you just don’t ask at all and turn it into a “let’s run away rather than deal with things” situation as you always do
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autumnrory · 6 years
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gilmoremovies · 7 years
Risky Business (1983)
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Date Watched: 11th November 2017
Referenced in: 2x16, and 6x04
Rating:  ★★☆☆☆
TAKE 2. So after making sure I watched the right Tom Cruise film, I was kinda disappointed... like it was just kind of boring? Also the famous scene he’s in a pink stripey shirt.. how come everyone wears a white one when they dress up? They get mixed up with Pulp Fiction? Soundtrack was good though.
(Other GG Movies I’ve watched so far)
(Full references under the cut)
2x16,  There’s the Rub (2002) Lorelai mentioned this movie, when Rory is packing Lorelai's clothes. RORY: I may even fall asleep on the couch with the TV on. LORELAI: When do the bikers and lowlifes get to trash the place? RORY: You're all packed. LORELAI: Rory, you have to do something bad when Mommy’s out of town. It's the law. You're seen Risky Business, right? Now I'm not asking for a prostitution ring, but how about a floating craps game or something? RORY: I'll see what I can do.
6x04, Always a Godmother, Never a God (2005) Lorelai and Bo talk about the movie. BEAU: Welcome to Bo. LORELAI: (trying to sound casual) Nice sunglasses. Very "Risky Business." BEAU: Risky business, huh? (what would be a seductive tone) Are you into risky business? LORELAI: No. All of a sudden I hate it. Tom Cruise in his underwear makes me want to barf.
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