#gf x dp
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roxasbooth · 6 months ago
What better thing to do that mixing my two favorite kids' shows?👀
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Dipper and Ford know a ghost when they see one ;)
And as it appears, this ghost can't leave gravity falls...👀
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bigfemboyenergy · 8 months ago
woah!!!! again?!?
remember that one post i made with a gf/dp crossover in which the ghost zone actually CONTAINS the mindscape? dont lie, i know you dont
i just remembered how cool that felt to me so !! im thinkin i might write a bit (just., gotta find it)
original prompt post: https://www.tumblr.com/bigfemboyenergy/749856656479879168/ok-ok-this-will-be-the-last-time-i-promise?source=share
Bill laughs as the kid stares straight through the hole he just shot through Bill’s bowtie. “I’m immortal here, kid! It’ll take more than that to kill me!” Immediately, the human changes his stance, as if preparing for some sort of violent response. Bill doesn’t even bother to so much as flick him as he says, “Whoa, whoa kid! How much trauma have you dealt with?” He openly laughs, his strange voice filling the odd, infinite space.
The boy adjusts his posture, tensing up a bit, as he seems to prepare a blast from his hand. To this, Bill stops laughing and continues to act fairly casual. “You know, you’re quite the sight for sore eye! I haven’t seen anyone in this realm outside of myself before!” He watches the human get a little less tense, before tensing up again, as if waiting for some surprise attack. “Look here, kid. I’m not in a fighting mood,” Bill starts, with a laugh. It’s obvious he’s being a little more serious, before he quickly returns to his overly odd cackle, “No matter how much you seem to be!”
Danny can’t help but suspect the thing. He can’t tell what it is, especially since it has no ghost-like aspects outside of its regeneration. After all, a yellow equilateral triangle with one giant eye, a bowtie, a cane, and a fashionable hat doesn’t seem..quite normal to become, for those who’ve passed. It irks him to see something so strange and oddly, uncomfortably threatening, within his domain. Danny can’t help but feel protective over his realm, as the Ruler of the Infinite Realms, a title he gained since his defeat of Pariah Dark. His obsession with protecting others also doesn’t help.
But Danny really knows something’s up. He’s never even heard of such an odd being in the Realms before, something he doesn’t expect despite its vastness. With a deep breath that he doesn’t quite need to take, he finally speaks to the creature: “What even are you?” Danny doesn’t even care to sugarcoat his words. This being surely hasn’t done so with its own, so why not be so straightforward?
The beast’s singular eye almost illustrates the emotion of grinning. Danny only notices now, but the creature almost pulses as it seems to speak, with no mouth in sight. “I’m a dream demon, isn’t it obvious? The name’s Bill Cipher, make sure you don’t forget it!” It asks, a clearly rhetorical, purely joking, question, before continuing. “From a world in which direction, dimension, and disaster have no meaning! Where 2D is the new 3D, and life is near worthless!” Danny watches as the thing calling itself a ‘dream demon’ bursts into a fit of laughter, it seeming to find everything very entertaining. He must say, he isn’t satisfied with the being’s answer. It just seems to leave even more questions.
Danny lets himself relax as the demon questions him right back; “Who, rather than what, are you, kid?”
Bill watches the human closely with his eye, waiting for an inevitable response, whether with words or actions. It’s rather exciting to practically hear the gears in the boy’s brain turning as he thinks deeply. Within a minute or so, the kid responds, “Phantom. People call me Phantom.” Bill nods, in a way that his unusual body will let him. Everything about the boy only seems to get more interesting. “Say, what business do you have here, Phantom?” Bill questions, with a smirk-like look in his eye.
Phantom gives Bill a calculating look. “I am the ruler of these realms, actually.” This greatly surprises Bill, who rotates his cane in his hand thoughtfully. “Well, who’d have thunk it! Why, kid, you’re quite the little mystery!” He laughs, his voice once again resonating through the infinite space.
It seems like the two are in for a ride- one of the “emotional rollercoaster” type.
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schnee-gheist · 5 months ago
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I’m connecting the dots, I swear.
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ryoalouette · 11 months ago
You know what I think is underutilized?
Of which Danny's Space Obsession is not only NASA things. It also includes FREAKING HOROSCOPES.
and you know what else that's obsessed with stars?
AT LEAST A GOOD THIRD OF PANDORA'S PEOPLE WOULD HAVE OBSESSION WITH STARS- while the history of the symbols is unknown apparently they seem to appear first in GREEK MANUSCRIPT IN LATE MIDDLE AGES.
I kinda headcannon that Star would also have a phase (or maybe she'll have it forever, who even knows) of which she's also obsessed with zodiacs considering her name. You know. Hint hint.
Star should have a freaking friendship with Danny regarding HOROSCOPES. She'll be one of the A-listers who can talk with that Specific Nerd that Dash likes to target because of STARS~ ☆
She's very much excused for hanging around Fenturd at times because she's Paulina's bestie, thank you very much. The GOSSIP she can get using HOROSCOPES is amazing, and sometimes she can warn her fellow A-listers from Danny's Horoscope ramblings because SAGITTARIUS GO HOME EARLY! YOU NEED THIS GOING HOME EARLY- (Dash/Kwan/etc does do what Star says and finds that they definitely is very much useful for their future/safety)
And you know, while I usually don't go to stereotypes, I'd also think that Sam would Commit to the Bit with her Gothness that she'd research Magic. And guess what would connect with dem STARS or HOROSCOPES? That's right, MAGIC.
Let Sam have Danny to consult about something something stars something in Supernatural thing (very much helped with HIS OWN COMMUNITY OF STAR LOVERS IN ANCIENT GREEK IN GHOST ZONE) and Star to translate some jargons Danny said that she doesn't understand-
Coz communication, baby~ ☆
And ofc; either Star or Sam OR BOTH would have some form of blog regarding their Star Talks-
-and have the actual magicians that actually use stars for their magic potions/rituals/etc to wonder just how the hell these high schoolers have access to knowledge that's only found in ancient tomes.
I legit dunno much about DC magic but. I like to think that sometimes stars have roles to their magic bullshittery ok?
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stealingyourbones · 5 months ago
Stanley Pines vs John Constantine in a con off
May the best con-man win
The biggest tragedy is that John would most likely win as the guy actually knows what various magical items can do and will use them to their fullest extent while Stanley doesn’t fully understand. John is a magician con man while Stan is a traditional one
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alzirrx · 2 years ago
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Dipper and Mabel probably accidentally summoned Danny and now they have to figure out how to get him unattached from them without actually exorcising him
I will always love DP and GF crossovers, especially with these three
(Close-ups under the cut)
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goodfish-bowl · 8 months ago
A Unicorn Hair Rope
Danny Phantom x Gravity Falls Crossover
Part 1 (Read for this to make sense)
DP Crossover Angst Week Day 7 - Captured by the characters of a different media
Summary: Dipper and Ford give chase, intent to take Danny down before he can hurt anyone else.
Warnings: near panic attack, it/its pronouns used for Danny by Ford
Notes: I've decided the story takes place between the GF episodes “The Last Mabelcorn” and “Dipper and Mabel vs. The Future”, so Bill is a known and acknowledged mutual threat, but not yet able to start Weirdmageddon.
Word Count: 3109
AO3 link
Grunkle Ford was on a warpath, and Dipper was helpless to stop it. The mad dash from the gas station to back to the Mystery Shack was enough to leave him breathless for several minutes, and gave Ford enough time to devolve into a frenzy of preparation and catastrophizing. Dipper could barely keep up with Ford’s ramblings, the very little of it that made sense to him at least. There was too little that made sense, and his Grunkle was not giving him any sort of explanation or at least letting him mentally catch up. 
“Grunkle Ford!” Dipper shouted, finally both catching his breath, and Ford’s attention. “Explain what’s going on!”
Ford paused for a minute, before taking in a deep breath, as if he hadn’t been breathing, before leveling a tense, worried glance at Dipper, before returning to work at a much more controlled pace. 
“That boy, or well, what’s possessing him, is dangerous beyond belief,” Ford started, sinking into one of the chairs scattered about his lab. 
“There are many beings across many different dimensions, but there are some that exist between dimensions. Spirits, ghosts, even gods. But they can’t exist on the physical planes very long, due to the amount of energy they need. If this one has been here for months, then something is very wrong. I honestly doubt there’s much left of the boy it’s been using as a vessel. We need to find it, and exorcise it before it can cause more damage.”
Dipper blinked owlishly, processing for a second before it hit him, “You want to exorcise a god?” 
“I doubt it’s actually a god, more likely a spirit of some sort, or simply a powerful ghost. Either way, the same methods will work no matter what it is. Though I fear it’s too late for the boy, he’s as good as dead,” Ford explained while answering nothing. 
“What?!” It was Dipper’s turn to panic. 
“They’re not meant for this plane, they need a host of some sort to stay for any extended period. No wonder that boy looked ill enough to be confused for a vampire. But with the way their blood has been mixed, there’s no separating them now. Best get it in its current vessel, while it’s weakening.”
“If… If there’s no separating them, then why do we have to go after him?” Dipper asked. 
The… spirit guy hadn’t done anything. Dipper already felt horrible about the entire situation. There were plenty of magical creatures already living in Gravity Falls, he didn’t see why they had to go after this one in particular. 
Ford gave Dipper a look that was likely intended to be sympathetic. “After this vessel fails, it will go after another, it has to. Even if it ‘doesn’t do anything’, that doesn’t mean it’s harmless. It’s already taken at least one life, best not let it get another,” Ford paused, taking out the machete, scraping the multi-colored blood into a vial, and into one of the many machines on his workbench, before discarding the machete into a corner. 
“There’s no guarantee of this, but there is a non-zero chance that this spirit is working with Cipher. We can’t take any chances that he could get his hands on the rift.” 
Dipper frowned, unable to picture Danny, worn and looking more exhausted than Dipper did after two all-nighters, working with someone like Bill Cipher. But he knew how manipulative Bill could be, the chance was non-zero. Danny looked like he’d do it for a decent sleep. 
“Fine… I… I don’t like this. But, fine,” Dipper gave in. 
The machine beeped, and Ford connected a different, handheld device to it. 
“But… how are we even supposed to catch something like that?” Dipper asked. 
Ford gave a confident smile, pulling the handheld device off the other after it gave a small ‘beep’, showing it off. “This device will allow us to track it based on its unique energy signature,” Ford explained. “From there, trapping it shouldn’t be too difficult, especially since we have some leftover unicorn hair from Mabel.”
 Dipper swallowed the uncomfortable feeling in the back of his throat, before putting on a nervous, tense smile. 
“I guess we’ve got a ghost to catch, then.”
Danny Fenton had not expected to encounter ghost hunters in nowhere, Oregon. In fact, he had run as far as he practically could to and from any and all locations that could potentially have ghost hunters. Gravity Falls, as odd as it was, was supposed to be safe. It was only be coincidence that it had just enough ambient ectoplasm in the air to keep him going. The veil was worn thin here. 
Gravity Falls was supposed to be safe, and it had been, Danny supposed, for all of 2 months. He had only managed to get the nightshift at the only gas station in town because no one else had wanted it, too scared of whatever metaphorically haunted the night. Sure, the gnomes were weird but they were paying customers, and he had to occasionally chase Old Mac Mcgucket out from under the dumpster, but this was the closest to normalcy Danny had experienced since getting chased from Amity Park. Gravity Falls was just weird enough that Danny was able to fly under the radar. 
There were also the kids. Mabel and her gang of girls who dragged her twin brother around. Then the group of teens (who were not always paying customers, unlike the gnomes, but Danny was not a snitch), but he didn’t have any problems. At least not until the brother had decided he was a vampire charming his sister. He had thought the kid had been joking, and Danny had laughed him off, claiming girls were just ‘like that’ sometimes. (Danny did not want to think about Paulina’s Phantom Phan Club and their treatment of him anytime soon). The kid was apparently serious enough to find someone who believed him, and Danny’s cover was blown clear out of the water. 
The silver was expected, the machete and the solid iron cross were not. Danny didn’t know he reacted to solid iron until it burned him, and that old man tried to lop his head off. He was lucky that the camera’s in the store were dummies, otherwise Danny wouldn’t be surprised if the GIW made a grand appearance. No one other than the kid and the old man had seen him use his powers. He hadn’t expected them to actually be competent vampire hunters. 
Danny had fled back to the old hunting shack he’d been staying in. No one had been there in years before Danny had decided to haunt the place, so he’d figured it would be safe enough. He clutched at the cut on the side of his neck, forcing whatever energy he could spare towards healing it with gritted teeth. That old man had tried to kill him, full and in earnest. 
After two months of being a normal human being, Danny had forgotten just how much a look like that hurt him. But at least it was from a stranger this time (even if he was vaguely familiar). It was worse when it had been someone he knew. It was worse when he knew they intended to draw out his suffering for the crime of his existence. The old man was practically merciful in that regard. But merciful or not in comparison, he had still tried to kill Danny. He probably couldn’t go back to work then. 
Danny started the process of packing, fitting the few belongings, some newer than others into his backpack when the hairs along his neck raised. It was nothing compared to his ghost sense, but Danny knew better than to ignore any sense of danger he could. He dropped his things and clicked off the battery powered camping light he used to light the space. He locked the door and closed the curtains in the same second, hunkering down, pushing his hearing as hard as he could to hear whatever was approaching the cabin, fingers crossed it was just the multi headed-bear again. 
There were voices, very quiet, and Danny couldn’t pick up what they were saying from so far away, but there were two of them, one old and the other young. Danny hunched even deeper into the corner cabin, as far from the windows as he could. It was likely the same pair from the store. Danny didn’t think they could find him this quickly. It had been, what, maybe a few hours at most? They must’ve found a way to track him. Images of all of his parent’s ghost tracking devices came to mind. He hoped, with all he had, that they hadn’t gotten one from his parents. Either way, he would have to run, run far and fast as he could to get out range of the tracker, and mark another location off as uninhabitable. 
Danny gathered what energy he had to spare, letting it buzz just underneath his skin, and finished tossing the absolute necessities into his bag before transforming and launching himself into the air. 
Danny collided hard with what he had almost assumed was the wall of the cabin. He blinked the spots and stars out of his vision, feeling a tingling, pins-and-needles sensation burn over his skin. He was still about half a foot from the wall, he hadn’t run into it. Danny slowly reached out to touch the wall, and was met with a shimmering barrier several inches from the wall, sending pins and needles at contact. He pushed against it, sending more sparks over his skin, until the sensation became painful and repulsed him away. 
Danny painted against the threadbare carpet, more panic building under his skin, joining the burning of his ectoplasm. Danny traced the barrier, hoping for a hole. It curved around the single room of the cabin in a lopsided circle, leaving only the path the door free from obstruction. That wasn’t an option. Danny watched the barrier cautiously. It wasn’t ectoplasmic in nature, he would’ve had a much stronger reaction to running into it if it was but… it moved, shocking him in the process, pulling in tighter, still leaving the door as the only exit. 
Danny cursed a vile string of words across a smattering of languages, living and dead. They weren’t going to give him a choice, they intended to drag him out, slowly tightening their noose of a barrier until he was forced outside. Danny hissed at the invisible barrier, before taking a steadying breath, and becoming human again to try his typical escape tactic. It wasn’t one of his parents' barriers, he should be able to get out like- it zapped him again. Danny couldn’t get out. He was going to die here. 
Danny screamed, desperation, frustration, and fear spilling from him all at once.
Dipper’s knee’s almost buckled at the sound of whatever was screeching inside. The whole cabin shook with the force and power behind it, shattering the remaining glass in the windows. Dipper did his very best to swallow his fear, looking towards Grunkle Ford for reassurance. 
Ford had something between a grimace and a grin on his face. “Looks like we made it mad.” 
Ford continued pulling in the end of the rope that he had Dipper run around the cabin. He had said it was some kind of unicorn-hair laced rope, completely slipping through anything non-magical, and only snagging the supernatural. It also made a decent portable, if makeshift barrier as well. He had hammered the end of it, tied up in a slip knot in the end, slowly pulling the rope in. Dipper stayed carefully behind Ford as the barrier closed in. 
Dipper jumped when the door to the cabin creaked open, but nothing seemed to be there. Ford just continued to pull the rope in, eyes not leaving the space just above the rope. 
Ford dropped the rope standing further back from their oblong barrier, which now had less than two yards of diameter inside. 
“We can wait here all night, you’re not going anywhere. Might as well show yourself,” Ford growled. 
A figure flickered into visibility, vaguely reminding Dipper the ghosts haunting the only convenience store, and the ones from Pacifica’s party. It was Danny from the convenience store, looking several times more exhausted than he had earlier that night, with burns up and down his arms. His eyes blazed that same bright green that Dipper had only managed a glimpse of in the store. He was curled into himself, glaring at the rope, sharp teeth bared. His eyes seemed to linger on their tracker, glazing over Dipper, before settling venomously on Ford. Something in Dipper’s mind couldn’t seem to connect the earlier shriek to the person… to the spirit in front of him. 
“Well?” Danny rasped out. “You’ve managed to drag me out. What now?”
“Release the boy you’re possessing, spirit,” Ford demanded. 
Dipper held his breath as something in Danny’s expression shifted, mouth closing into a frown. 
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?!” 
Danny did not break eye contact with Ford, and Dipper was grateful to be ignored. 
“I’m not possessing anybody. This is my own body.”
“If that was true, then you would’ve dissipated a long time ago, spirit. Your kind can’t stay on this plane very long,” Ford argued. 
Danny huffed. “Know something about ghosts, don’t you? Normally you’re right, but not in this case. I’m as physical as you are. This has been my body since the day I was born.”
Dipper glazed up at Ford, finding his brows knit together. “That’s impossible. You’d either have to be possessing your own corpse or-”
“Of not fully dead. Bingo,” Danny confirmed blandly. 
“That’s impossible,” Ford denied. 
“Impossible things happen sometimes.”  
Dipper was actually able to see the resignation on Danny’s face, and his own guilt resurfaced. Ford was beginning to look conflicted too. He had wanted to end the ghost because he was a threat, and could possibly leave people hurt. 
“That depends, spirit.”
Danny’s gaze actually landed on Dipper, recognition filling the other’s gaze before drifting away. 
“Depends on what?” 
“First, what are your intentions here in Gravity Falls?”
“Nothing, really,” Danny seemed to respond earnestly. “I don’t want any trouble, just to lay low for a bit.”
Ford’s eyes narrowed. “What reason could a spirit have to stay low?”
Danny looked away. “Are you familiar with the GIW?”
The name caught in Dipper’s ears, completely unfamiliar. 
“They’re government goons. A bunch of idiots chasing things far above their understanding.” Apparently not unfamiliar to Grunkle Ford. 
“And what do you think they would do to someone like me, who they believe is completely non-sentient, nothing more than an echo of consciousness over energy?” Danny asked back. 
Something about how Danny described spirits and ghosts didn’t sit right with Dipper. A good collection of the monsters were sentient, and Dipper couldn’t imagine how people could see someone like Danny and claim he wasn’t. 
“Running from the government,” Ford huffed. “A lackluster reason. Fine,” Ford practically spat the admission. “Then secondly, how are you possibly getting enough energy to stay here? Your kind need massive amounts of energy, just to stay physical.”
Danny crossed his arms. “Eating food. You know, like a person. Other than that, the veil is thin here. There’s enough ambient energy that I’m doing just fine.”
‘The veil is thin here’? Dipper wondered if it was due to the portal. From the look on Ford’s face, probably. 
“You haven’t been feeding off of anyone?”
Danny just look straight up confused this time. “No, I thought we already cleared the ‘vampire’ charges?”
Ford looked a bit miffed at that response, and Dipper was beginning to let relief fill him. Danny really wasn’t hurting anyone but…
“Lastly, are you working with, for, or alongside the dimensional being known as Bill Cipher?”
Dipper could see genuine confusion on Danny’s face, more so than the ‘feeding’ question. “No… no. I have no idea who that is.”
“None at all?” Ford pushed. 
“None,” Danny confirmed, crossing his arms. 
Things fell silent then, Danny staring at them, while Ford seemed to try and fit things together. 
“So, what are you going to do now? Still going to take my head off with your machete?” Danny asked. 
“Machetes don’t work on spirits,” Ford retorted back. 
“Okay… your point?”
Dipper suddenly had an idea, probably not a good one, but, “Hey Grunkle Ford?” Dipper tugged on Ford’s sleeve to get his attention. 
“What if we enlist Danny’s help against Bill… or something like that? Some kind of, um… agreement so he can’t hurt anyone, but we could also use his help? Aren’t spirits really strong?” Dipper whispered. 
Ford frowned, leaning down towards Dipper so Danny couldn't hear, “It's… not a terrible idea. He would be bound by it under the right circumstances, but those things are tricky.”
“We would have to make one with as few holes as possible. Even then… Danny doesn’t seem the type to try and twist the deal. Mabel and I have interacted with in him plenty of times before, and he always seemed… kinda nice. Wendy and the older teens like him too. I just…” Dipper trailed off. 
Ford sighed. “If we’re doing this, then we’re doing it right. He can’t do anything from inside the circle, and I’m not letting him out without some assurance. He’s definitely a threat, but you’re onto something to get him to help us against Cipher…” 
Ford leveled a hard, stern look at Dipper. “This is your idea, so you’ll have to take responsibility for it, got it Dipper? We have no idea how strong this particular spirit is, so your deal has to be airtight. Can I leave that to you?”
Dipper gave a resolute nod. “Yes, Grunkle Ford.”
“Then I’m going to get the necessary items out of the car. Work out your deal.” 
Dipper nodded, and watched as Ford shot a glance behind himself, leaving Dipper alone with Danny. 
“Is the old man going to get a non-machete weapon to take off my head with?” Danny joked without an inch of humor. 
“Oh…uh…no. I… I don’t think so,” Dipper hesitantly answered.
“Okay,” Danny seemed just as uncertain as Dipper felt.  
Dipper took a deep breath, solidifying his will for this. He could do this. He had delt with more terrifying things this summer already. 
“Danny,” Dipper started, fully gaining the spirit’s attention, who seemed shocked at his own name being spoken, like he hadn’t expected to be addressed by name at all. 
“I want to make a deal with you.”
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ladylynse · 8 months ago
Danny Phantom/Gravity Falls
Changing Tack: Valerie didn’t want to run away, but after finding out the truth about Vlad, she wasn’t sure she had a choice. Before she can hope to go home, she’ll need a plan to deal with him—so if someone in Gravity Falls might be able to help her, she’ll risk asking around. (Post D-Stabilized)
For today's (June 12, 2024) Danny Phantom Crossover Angst Week prompt: runaway.
Fic length: 5.2 K
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nope-4 · 5 months ago
a/n: I wrote this a couple weeks ago and have not continued it since, so I decided to just post what I wrote
Danny was tired. It was exam season, the ghosts hadn't eased up on their attacks despite the stress he had with school, Jazz was off for college (meaning his parents expected him to pick up the slack and add her chores to his chore list...) he was more than tired. He was EXHAUSTED. You couldn't really blame him for what happened. ...at least that's what he's been telling himself.
Why is be being so dramatic, you ask? Well... he may have... sorta accidentally spaced out while flying and found himself waking up out in the middle of a forest full of pine trees. And this forest looked NOTHING like the forest in Amity park.
Now this wouldn't usually be a problem, right? Amity has such a big ectoplasmic presence, he could sense it from anywhere in the world! Except... as previously mentioned, he was physically and mentally exhausted, had barely eaten 3 sandwiches in the past week, hadn't gotten more than an hour of sleep a night (some nights getting no sleep at all) for over a month now... and to make things even better, he couldn't even ask for directions to a nearby city!
Ever since the whole Pariah Dark incident Amity (as in the city spirit of amity park) had decided that staying in one place was "too dangerous", so she'd started moving amity around the US with no apparent rhyme or reason.
Maybe it was because amity was a rather young city spirit, but this didn't achieve anything other than getting the GIW out of amity (they weren't able to reliably track the city location quickly enough to get there before it moved again, and amity has developed a tendency to leave them behind while moving herself, at this rate they would lose their funding before they managed to develop a way to locate amity quickly enough)
All that to say he's currently lost in an unfamiliar forest in the middle of nowhere, barely conscious, just praying to all the ancients (that he hadn't fought) that he could get some food and sleep before anything hostile could find him in this weakened state.
So far he had only heard a few distant animal noises, and there was no way he was attempting to eat something from a forest (he might have grown up eating ecto-infused food, but that didn't mean he had no standards for the food he put in his body! He wasn't going to attempt to eat something from an unfamiliar forest!
Danny hadn't gotten any closer to civilization from what he could tell, and he was running out of energy way too fast. So in a move of rare intelligence, he decided to find a tree with a strong looking branch, fly up to it, and drape himself on the branch for some hopefully undisturbed sleep. He didn't want any big forest animals finding him while he was asleep after all.
- - - - - - - - dipper pov - - - - - - - -
"hey mabel, isn't it weirdly quiet here today?"
Dipper and Mabel had gone into the forest with hopes of easing their boredom (and more importantly, get away from grunkle Stan and Ford's bickering), but so far they hadn't seen even a single red pointy hat peeking out in between the pine branches.
"maybe there's some new creature in the forest today..." he voiced out loud, a small part of him still wanting to prove himself to ford by finding something he had missed in his exploration of gravity falls.
"if it's scaring away all the other creatures, wouldn't it be better to call ford for help?" Mabel replied, worrying they might not be able to deal with it by themselves.
"nah, we can totally deal with this! we survived bill's weirdmageddon, we can definitely survive some weird new creature! have some faith in our strength, Mabel!"
"yeah, you're probably right, there's no use worrying"
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bigfemboyenergy · 8 months ago
oh no not again sighh
im already swamped with things in my brain and i feel like unproductive shit bc i havent spoken to anyone in hours but! thats okay ig i dont n e e d human interaction right.. haha??
bill cipher though. he has a canon human design (which i assume is mostly a joke but HUH) which is crazy and nightmarish and disgusting (creativity be damned, its horrific, love that for him)
and like ive been desperately waiting for the book of bill for several months now
AND AND topic change!!! i really love writing dipper bc hes a nerd and im a nerd and i genuinely adore his character (sorry mabel likers /j) so i want to write more BUT ITS PROBABLY CRINGE IF I ADD ANYTHING “flavorful” TO IT 💀💀 but uh i think i might just self indulge in a dip & dan just randomly meeting thing i came up with in a comic forever ago mmm
anyway, it goes like this;
Dipper, tired of the repetitiveness of his days working in the Mystery Shack, decides to take a short walk. Just for..”some air”, as he told Mabel, but deep down he knows that isn’t true. He has this yearn for adventure that he wants to fulfill, but he wants to do it alone- a bit unusual for him, he thinks. Alas, he leaves the Shack, determined to find something of interest. He takes with him his very own journal, formatted just like Ford’s, tucked safely under one of his arms.
Walking through the familiar forest around the Mystery Shack, Dipper takes his time to look around. The tall, thick oak trees, the weeds growing from all around the worn, dirt path he’s walking down..it’s very beautiful, but as it grows dark, it feels much more mystical. He takes a small, stable breath as he chooses to stray from the path, the sun lowering in the sky, leaving the moonlight to guide him. This is when Dipper realizes..he forgot to bring a flashlight.
With a slightly-frustrated sigh, he turns to head back home to the Shack, but finds himself a bit lost. Giving up quickly, for the sake of his unparalleled desire to explore, he pushes onwards into the woods. It isn’t long before he wishes he had gone back. The darker it gets, the harder it is for Dipper to keep himself calm. He’s always been fairly paranoid, but in a forest as enchanting and mysterious as this, especially due to the dark, he’s finding it hard not to worry.
As his anxiety builds, fear flowing through his veins as the sky continues to darken above him, the trees towering over him growing thicker as he continues to walk deeper into the woods, only making it harder to see..he finds a light. A soft, calming glow, almost calling out to him. It’s a peaceful green, a bit bewildering, but it does wonders for his anxiety in the moment, before he realizes that something is clearly in the forest with him. However, despite his earlier fear, he can’t seem to feel nearly as scared, the soft light almost comforting him. Taking a second to think, though not nearly enough to make a rational decision, he heads towards the light. Slowly and carefully, he walks towards it, watching as he starts to make out a figure, the supposed source of the glow.
As he continues his slow approach, he stops every few seconds to hide, not wanting to alert the being to his presence. At least he is wary enough to know he could be in danger, though Dipper somewhat laments his lack of thought earlier.
Once he’s close enough to really get a good look, Dipper feels his heartbeat speed up with both excitement and terror. The being looks so human, and yet it all feels so fascinating, as he knows it truly can’t be just that. They appear to be a boy not much older than him, with white hair and..glowing green eyes! Now knowing the source of the light, Dipper feels rather accomplished. He decides that, once he gets home, he’ll postpone everything just to write a bit about this in his journal.
In his excitement, however, Dipper hears a twig crack beneath his feet as he takes a step forward. Without a moment’s hesitation, the boy’s head turns to face his direction; though, luckily, Dipper had already hidden himself behind some close-growing trees, and therefore hasn’t yet been spotted. The boy slowly moves towards Dipper, his feet making no sound, the crunching of the grass and crackling of twigs that would normally come with walking through such a forest..surprisingly not present.
Dipper bursts into a run, panic setting in. He wasn’t thinking for just a second, and now he’s alerted the person to his presence.. he can’t think, he can’t stop, his brain is just telling him to move, his fight or flight kicking in, leading him to run and run with no end in sight. After a long while, with a bit of tripping and getting caught on branches, he finds himself at the edge of the treeline, back at the Mystery Shack. It doesn’t look like the boy followed him. With a long, shaky sigh, Dipper cracks a smile. He did ask for an adventure, and that was just what he got. Entering the Mystery Shack, he immediately heads up the stairs and to his room, eagerly flipping open to a fresh page of his journal, not hesitating to write things down.
Not sparing a detail, he describes the mystery person; a boy of white hair, green eyes, pale skin, and with an eerie, ghastly glow, who makes not a sound when he walks through such an undergrowth-heavy forest.. It intrigues Dipper to no end. He can’t help but want to learn more..
Next time, he thinks, he won’t forget to bring a flashlight.
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tofuingho · 2 years ago
I think I've mentioned it before, but in case I haven't:
One of my all-time favorite story tropes is fake-real bf/gf. You know, where everyone thinks character A is lying about having an S.O. because the way they describe them sounds fake, but they do, in fact, have an amazing S.O.
I'm sad I haven't seen more of it in the DC x DP community.
Like imagine Damien dating Sam. "My gf is a goth, ultra-recyclo-vegan. She's the heiress to the little plastic bit on a toothpick fortune. She's also sn internationally ranked Doomed player."
It works so well with so many characters and relationships.
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theglamorousferal · 1 year ago
Phantom Transcendence
We've seen Danny Phantom in Gravity Falls.
We've seen Danny as frenemies with Bill Cipher.
Those were both in canon.
Ghost King Phantom and Alcor the Dreambender I think would be great friends, or maybe rivals.
Two absolute chaos gremlins with near infinite power and their own dimension to control.
Danny the Infinite Realms and Alcor the Dreamscape.
Both of them terrifying eldritch entities that can be summoned with gummy worms, research notes and a redbull.
Both of them are regularly summoned by stupid cultists that harm children even though it's been recorded that child sacrifices lead to the slaughtering of the entire cult.
Both of them immortal, forced to live while their family dies and reincarnates.
Just, I want my eldritch boys to have another friend that can be there with them when their families and friends aren't around.
I think they'd get along great, both of them are too smart and sassy for their own good. Both of them nerd out about random things and absolutely they would be able to pull the other into their newest hyperfixation.
It's just, sometimes, when it's been a while since either of their people have reincarnated, they both tend to lose a grip on reality and start to talk in the language of the Ancients and their new setting for their Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons game is coming along great, now we just need people to play in it, oh, there's some nice people, let's just take them
and then Danny and Alcor have accidentally become gods of an isekai world.
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vexeria17 · 4 days ago
I don't know ANYTHING about Gravity Falls, but the numerous Danny Phantom crossover fanart and fanfics are seriously tempting me.
Anyone got a fandom synopsis I can use so I can dive in?
I promise I still plan on checking out Gravity Falls because the emotional context is also important.
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demonic0angel · 4 months ago
Prompt: Tim and Dani have a very good vacation in Norway alone
(I got way too into this lmaooo)
Tim looked down at the girl who tried to mug him. “So this is where you recommend going to eat?”
The girl, Dani, looked up at him and raised a hand. He sighed, shook his head a little, and handed her another crisp bill. She smiled and pocketed the cash. Although she was a money-hungry, greedy little thief, she was so ridiculously cute that Tim couldn’t help but forgive her.
Lord help him, his brothers would absolutely tease him ruthlessly for this.
“Yep,” she answered. “The food’s good and the staff here are nice.”
Tim looked at her again. She was wearing worn clothes, and she didn’t look warm enough as she stood there and stared back him, a hint of defiance in her gaze. Tim then turned back to the restaurant and said, “Alright then. You should come with me and recommend some dishes.”
Dani looked befuddled and she glared at him. “Why would I do that?”
“I’ll pay for whatever you want to eat too.”
She relented with only a little hesitation. Tim smirked in victory and followed her inside. As they sat down, Dani ordered everything. He was pleasantly surprised to see her speak such fluent Norwegian despite being American. He had thought she was someone stranded in Norway with no money and had resorted to stealing to get back to US soil, but perhaps it was something else?
He stopped thinking though, as she finished up their order and turned to him.
They stared at each other. He looked at her cat-like eyes, her icy blue irises, her pink lips, her strangely delicate features tinted with a hint of wildness and sharpness like a tiger, her raven hair.
Stephanie would probably laugh at him right now for being down bad. In fact, he had already crossed the line and was already well on his way to being down atrocious.
They observed each other in silence for a long, long moment until Dani eventually frowned, her eyebrows dipping before she snapped, “Why do you keep staring at me!”
“You’re pretty to look at,” Tim said, leaning on his fist.
She blushed bright red. “W-What?!”
Tim smiled. “You’re cute. Did anybody ever tell you that?”
“Screw you!” She hissed like a disgruntled cat. Then she stiffened and said, “I want another twenty dollars!”
Tim smoothly handed her another bill and she turned crimson, but didn’t take it. Tim folded it and put it on the table for her. Dani glared at him and the bill with alternative glances, looking more and more flustered by the second, not knowing what to do with his advances.
Tim felt like he wanted to buy them both tickets back to the US.
Actually, screw it.
“Should I buy you plane tickets so we could go back to the US together?”
Dani hissed with pink cheeks. “Fuck you.”
Tim smirked. “I wish.”
Dani didn’t say anything else until the food arrived. Seafood plates with soup and bread covered the table and filled the air with a delicious aroma, and Dani gave him another light scowl as Tim leaned on his hand and raised an eyebrow.
She pouted at the table before she then mumbled, “I don’t even know you.”
“Then let’s get to know each other,” Tim said. “I’ll pay for the expenses and by the end of it, you’d decide whether or not you want to go back to the US with me.”
Dani grimaced at him, although her face was still pink. Then she finally nodded slowly.
Score! Hah! Who said he couldn’t get a date?!
Tim smiled at her reassuringly as he picked up his spoon. “It’s a deal.”
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bucketwritingpail · 1 year ago
Wip Ask Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Hi, so , I saw this and thought it'd be fun. A bit if motivator to get working yknow?
>When You Accidentally Kill a Clown
>Voice Crack
>Danny Joins the Blood Syndicate au (creative name I know)
>dpxgf one-shot
>Closeted imperfection
>The faces we wear, the forms we take (working title, Fade/Mask)
Please please please don't let this flop
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pinktwinkiezoppo · 2 years ago
One thing I love about DP crossovers is how Danny IMMEDIATELY becomes a big brother to younger kids
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