#getting ready for work now byeeeee
hardrockshrimp · 1 year
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Accident of Birth era MV fits that slayed
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minnielovesme · 8 months
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Alex quackity x reader
Warnings: Nothing, just pure fluff
(This was a request, but I lost it and It's not in my inbox anymore but i did screenshot it so yea.. enjoy 😅)
Request: "Can you do quackity being a clingy boy in the morning because I just woke up and I need something"
I opened my eyes and looked at the rays of sunshine that peaked through the curtains. I squinted my eyes and put my hand over my eyes. I looked over to my side to see alex. He was lying there peacefully, his arms warped around my waist as if he were to let go, I would leave him to lie here alone. I turned my body to face him and looked at his messy hair going all over his face.
I looked over to the clock and saw that it was already 6:56. My work started at 8:00. I only had an hour to get ready. I tried to get up, but something or someone was stopping me from getting out of bed. I looked down at my waist and saw Alex's arms still wrapped around my waist. "Nooo, don't go." "I have to, or im gonna be late," I felt as his arms griped my waist tighter. I tapped his arms and turned my head to look at alex. He was looking back up at me with a small pout tugging on his lips. "No" "i have work" "few more minutes"
I sighed and put my hand down to go through his silky black hair"Fine" I layed back down facing alex who now had ear to ear grin. I giggled as he pulled me into his chest. We laid there for few minutes, legs interlocked, and his hand softly going through my hair. I looked back at the clock, it was now 7:01 "babe can you let go I need go get ready" "hmmm" I tired to get up but to no avail " baby I gonna be late, I need to get ready" " just call your boss and tell her your not coming, I'm sure she'll understand that your boyfriend needs you" I chuckled softly at his statement.
"You need a break, and your boyfriend will do that for you." "bab-," "No," he sat up and put his head in the crook of my neck. "Just stay for a little longer... just this once"
"First time and last time" "has long as you stay in bed with me..now lay in bed with me." He pulled me back down into the bed with his head still in the crook of my neck and wrapped his legs over mine.
I felt my eyelids get heavier every passing second, I finally gave in and started to fall asleep, his warmth radiating against me made it much harder to stay awake.
The idk if the writing even makes sense but if u like it then that's cool I wrote this in the middle of the night since I can't sleep. Yay I hope yall like it okay byeeeee
[Omg I thought I lost this entire thing and was gonna go write it again but then I saw that someone liked so thanks to the person who liked it first 😅]
♡ Good night/good morning ♡
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neptune-lover · 1 year
Pregnant? Pt 3
Hi everyone I hope you guys have been enjoying this series honestly it's been fun to write
Tag list: @hauntedpostpersona @moxkindagirl
Tw: talks of pregnancy, mentions of death and miscarriage, mentions of vomit/throwing up and mentions of sex
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It was about 45 minutes later Seth came back with 4 pregnancy tests (he thought it was best to buy extra for the future). "Do you want me or Liv to come in with you for support" Becky asked "No I'll be Oki want to be alone in the room" Y/n said. About 2 minutes passed and Y/n came out with the pregnant test "And now we wait" said Liv. About 10 minutes passed and no one had touched the face down test "so who wants to look first" Seth asked "Honestly it's my test but I don't want to I'm too nervous" Y/n said in a shaky voice. "It's ok love do you want me to look first" Becky has asked in a calming and soothing voice "Yes please" Y/n said in a tone that was barely above a whisper. "Ok then" Becky said as she picked up the pregnancy test and she went and picked the pregnancy test up off the table. She kept her face neutral so as not to give anything away "So what's the outcome?" Liv asked. Becky motioned for Liv to come over to where she was and she showed Liv the test. Eventually Y/n asked "can I see the test I think I'm ready now" Becky was still silent as she passed the test to Y/n. She turned it over and looked at the test "It's positive…. I'm pregnant".
That is all for part 3 I hope y'all enjoyed damn I got two posted in one day I'm on a roll probably gonna wait a few days to post part 4 as I have a few other stories I want to work on including one for my best friend @oneunstablemacaroni which will be out today or tomorrow depending on when I get it done love y'all byeeeee
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obsidiancreates · 2 months
Out Of The Shadows and Into The Neon (Part 16)
“Hey Dooonald?”
“Yeah, Angelo?”
“Ever notice Mikey is starting to sound a lot like Shelldon?”
“Actually I believe he picked up the ‘sufer/skater bro from the 80’s’ lingo from Jupiter Jim XXIV: The Rad-tastatic Wave Through The Time Tunnel’.”
“I meant his actual voice.”
“Oh. Are we finally acknowledging that?”
“So you also noticed it!”
“Yes, yes, I’ve been tracking it, as you see on this chart.”
“Wooooow. So, why’s that happening?”
“The short answer, I don’t know. The slightly longer answer, I do not know.”
“Maybe it’s just a fun coincidence that our boys sound so alike!”
“... Yeah, I’ll settle for that, it’s not the first time someone’s sounded strangely similar to someone else.”
“Uhhhhh what are you two talking about?” Leon leans in the doorway, frowning in confusion at his brothers.
“Just about Mikey sounding a lot like Shelldon!” Angelo says brightly.
“Pffff, they don’t sound that alike.” Leon waves his hand dismissively. “Way more important, are you guys ready for Ultimate Uncles Day?”
“Are we sure we aren’t doing this too close to Vacay Day?” Donald leans his arm on the back of his chair and rolls away from his work desk. “It’s only been a week. That’s a lot of family bonding in a short time.”
“It’s perfect!” Angelo springs up, pulling a calendar down from Donnie’s little section of the lab (the kid has always gravitated towards Paper more than Digital with certain informational storage, and Donald has learned it’s best not to force otherwise– comfort zones are comfort zones, after all). “We can make this kind of thing a weekly tradition! That’ll give us all fresh eyes on any ways we’re coming up short as fathers by being judgemental as uncles!”
Leon frowns. “... Okay… reminding me a little of the whole Unicorn Competition disaster there, bud…”
Angelo flops a hand down. “This is waaay different, Leon! I’m not competing, I’m saying we can balance each other’s strengths and weakness, like in a fight!”
“Still sounding weirdly violent.”
“That’s a you problem,” Donald says matter-of-factly, standing up and stretching. “And to answer your previous question, yes, we are ready.”
“I got all-new spray paints for today, baby!” Angel whips out two of them to show off. “Raph’s gonna have a great time with the place I picked out! It’s an old skatepark that a community program just got all fixed up, and the one big thing people wished could’ve been kept was the graffiti!”
“Wooow! Now that, is convenient!” Leon nods, impressed.
“And I have gotten Leo and I tickets to not only attend the observatory, but test out their new Interactive Space Travel Experience! A-HA-HA-HA!”
“Niiice! But check… a-this out.” Leon proudly presents.. a receipt. One of Donald’s robotic arms snatches it and he and Angelo read it so closely they’re basically sniffing the words.
“You rented out the whole stadium?!” Angelo looks up at Leon with sparkling eyes as Leon smirks.
“Is that why my safe had pizza sauce on the handle?” Donald narrows his eyes at Leon, who breaks out into a sweat.
“Uhh… nope, that was definitely Mikey trying to get into it.”
“Oh, you did not just frame my son in front of my face!”
“AH! I mean- Raph, did it?”
“Raph did what?” Raphie peeks his head into the doorway. “Leon! Are you accusin’ our boys of somethin’ you did? ON ULTIMATE UNCLES DAY?!”
“Oh, gee, is that the time, Mikey’s probably bored out his mind waiting gotta get going already byeeeee!” Leon slashes open a portal and gets away just as his brothers all jump for a tackle. They scream as instead of landing on Leon they all crash into each other, landing in a heap on the floor.
“Note to self,” Donald groans, rubbing his head. “Install update to Anti-Leon Safe Security Measures.”
“That’s what was happening?” Raphie sits up. “So he got that ten bucks he’d owed me from you?”
“He- ARHG!”
“Well before that–” Angelo stands up and dusts himself off, “– we were comparing Uncles Day plans!”
“Oh, I got the best plans!” Raphie pulls out two tickets. “They’re doin’ a Ametuer Feature Event at the wrestling arena today! It’s got a whole bunch of up-and-comers! There’s even an event where the kids in the audience can have some matches of their own between shows!”
“Oooooh. That is the best one!” Angelo throws up his arms in praise as Donald’s face melts in a jealous bitterness.
“Ha-ha! I know.” Raphie tucks the tickets away again. “Alright, Mad Dogz! … Minus Leon. Let’s get our Uncling on!”
“So, we can just paint whatever we want?” Raph asks as he and Angelo walk to the gate around the park. “Like, anything?”
“Whatever your imagination cooks up!”
“... Can I paint a big cuss word?”
“Wha- you know cuss words?!”
“... No.”
Angelo narrows his eyes for a moment, then laughs and rubs the top of Raph’s head the way one would ruffle the hair on a human child. “Let’s skip the cuss words and keep to the art, okay?”
“Aw… alright.”
They get to the fence and Angelo uses his powers to lift the bag of their many cans of paint over the top. “Alright, lil’ man, need a boo-?”
Raph jumps at the fence and scales it easily, landing on the other side with a grunt and turning back around with a proud look on his face. Angelo grins back. 
“That was great!” Angelo gets over the fence with one jump.
“I’ve got the ‘breaking in’ part of ninja-ing down!” Raph cheers.
Angelo laughs lightly. “Except the ‘keepin’ it secret’ part, kid!”
“Oh. Right.” Raph grabs the bag and, with a great deal of effort (and some subtle unknown weight-supporting mystic help), hoists it onto his back and sets off for the middle of the skatepark.
They get down into the center and Raph plops the bag down, the top falling open to reveal the huge assortment of paint colors, paint finishes, and two sets of gas masks and goggles. They pop the protective gear on and look around.
“I’m gonna start on that ramp,” Raph declares, pointing. “I’m gonna paint… a van! A turtle van!”
“Aw, yeah, baby! Keepin’ it on brand!” Angelo points at the half-pipe next to Raph’s chosen spot. “I’ll be right there if you need me, I’m gonna do some word-art!”
They both grab some cans and get to work. Angelo flows with the feeling, letting the shapes and colors of the letters take him on a journey as the work blossoms, bigger and bigger, details filling in themselves as inspiration flows through him the same way his powers do. He remembers standing on Raphie’s shoulders when they were kids, painting the walls of their childhood lair while Donald and Leon chased each other and Splints’s snores echoed around the huge main room.
That lair would’ve been nice to raise the boys in. It was a little less cramped- but also more sewer, so maybe the tradeoff wasn’t so bad after all. Still, it would’ve been nice to have the indoor ramp for the boys to skateboard on, and the better lighting, and bigger space for the Lair Ga-
Lair games! Oh, man, they haven’t had a Lair Games since before the boys were brought home! The last time they held one was–
… Before Shredder, and The… Aliens.
… How long has he been out of paint in this can? Angelo shakes his head and turns around to grab a new can, trying to ignore the pang of loss in his chest. It was so long ago– why does it still hurt so bad sometimes?
He blinks as Raph suddenly snatches up the can Angelo had been reaching for and dashes away with it again. He chuckles a little, feeling some of that tightness around his heart loosen, and looks up. His eyes widen. “WHOA, LIL’ MAN!”
He’s fairly certain Raph hasn’t used Spray paint as a medium before, but he seems to have figured it out quickly. The van is very impressive, especially for the work of a 3--foot-tall 10 year old. It’s an old volkswagen-style body, with huge monster-truck-esque back tires and smaller, normal tires on the front. It’s a side-view of the vehicle, showing off some kind of dark red armored siding in place of a back sliding door. The top of the van has a turtleshell pattern to finish off the look. Raph climbs up to the top of the ramp and hangs off the side, then shimmies until he slides partway down and plants his feet against the concrete side when he reaches the height he wants to be at. Holding on with one hand he leans closer to his artwork and adds two fin-type decorations to the back of the top of the van.
Angelo gapes at the sight, impressed and astonished. He shakes his head again and walks over. “You want me to hold you up instead?”
“I’ve got it.” Raph looks at his uncle. “Cool, right? Donnie drew it for our comic, before everything got… bad.”
“It is sweet, baby!” Angelo puts his hands on his hips. “I should talk to Donald about makin’ something like this!”
“But you guys have a tank!” Raph slides the rest of the way down the ramp. 
“The tank is for fights, Raph. Vans are for things like family road trips! Going to the park! Mall hauls!”
“Not this one.” Raph crosses his arms and looks at it with a violent sparkle in his eye. “It’s armored and it’s got all kinds of weapons in it!”
Angelo looks over at his piece, unfinished on the half-pipe. The last few letters are done with a shakier hand, messier mind, messier lines– he doesn’t feel like continuing it anymore.
So he uses his powers to float the whole pile of paints over to him and Raph. “How about I help you with adding all those weapons?”
Raph grins. “There’s a million of ‘em! Let’s start with the deer head that shoots fire!”
“The what?! That is genius!”
“Uh, Uncle Leon?” Mikey whispers as he clings to Leon’s neck. “I think we’re early, this place is totally empty.”
“Surprise!” Leon grins and slices open a portal to the light switches, flipping them on and pulling his hand back out to throw out in grand presentation. “I rented the whole place out just for us!”
Mikey’s grip tightens, and Leon chokes for a second before Mikey lets go and springs off, pushing his hands against Leon’s head to use as a springboard and effectively toppling his uncle to the ground. His eyes shine as he looks around the stadium. “So we can jump around the whole place?!”
Leo sits up, rubbing his throat and grinning. “Oh yeah! If you wanna do a double front flip off the first row of seats, you can!”
“I TOTALLY DO!” Mikey runs up into the stands and does just that, landing for only a second before springing into a backflip to push off the stand wall and launch himself up again, flipping and flinging through the air and laughing gleefully the whole time.
“Whoa, who needs a basketball when we’ve got you?” Leon laughs. 
Mikey lands and gasps. “You’re right! I’m even the same color, yo! I am the basketball!”
“Guess I should set this guy up in the audience then.” Leon pulls the old, faded, worn basketball out from a small portal. “Maybe I’ll bring Lace-Face in, they can be our mascots.”
“No, no wait!” Mikey zips over, sliding up on his knees and clasping his hands. “Please let us play normal basketball first! Pleeease!”
“Well…” Leon pretends to be deep in thought about it, tapping his chin.
“If I’m the ball I can’t play! And if I can’t play I can’t prove I’m the awesomest basketball player ever!”
“Oh! So this whole thing is a chance to steal ol’ Uncle Leon’s title, huh?” Leon smirks as Mikey’s eyes go wide with realization.
“How about this? If you win–” A guarantee, this is Mikey’s Day after all, “– I make you a crown officially declaring you The King of Turtle B-Ball. If I win, youuuuu uhh… draw me as a superhero and you as my sidekick!”
Mikey jumps up. “Deal!”
He and Leon head to the center of the stadium. Leon clears his throat and lifts the ball up. “Alright, you know the rules and so do I.”
Mikey, instead of answering, just vibrates with barely-contained competitive and excitable energy.
“And… a-let’s go!” Leon tosses the ball up to start the game. As soon as it lands and begins to bounce up again Mikey starts dribbling it over to Leon’s hoop, his disproportionately large hands giving him a grand advantage in keep the ball from slipping away from him. Leon gives chase, and Mikey gives the ball an extra-forceful slam to send it high into the air! He jumps up with it and slaps it back down at an angle, sending it a good deal ahead of both of them!
Leon stays running at a speed matching his nephew, trying to keep a balance of trying hard enough for Mikey to have fun but not so much that Leon will absolutely win without contest. He’s seven feet tall, has superpowers, and is a ninja master– his nephew is just under three feet, no superpowers, and only has five years of semi-casual training under his little leather belt. The game couldn’t be less fair.
He catches up to the ball first and starts dribbling, turning and making his way to Mikey’s basket. His nephew gasps like he’s been unexpectedly betrayed, and then leaps into the air again. “COWABUNGAAAAAAAA!”
Leon realizes what’s about to happen and scrambles to keep the ball but still move out of the way. “WAIT WAIT WAIT-!”
Mikey does not wait. How can he, when he’s already plummeting back down at his uncle– and popping his head and limbs into his shell for the impact.
Leon ‘Oofs!’ as Mikey slams into him! It’s far from the worst hit Leon’s ever taken, but it’s enough to rattle his brain a little as he’s sent heels-over-head upside-down and Mikey pops back out of his shell to steal the ball back his way. Leon lands in a crumple and blows his mask tail out of his face. “Referee?” he mumbles, dazed for a second, before he sits back up and whistles with his own two fingers.
Mikey freezes just as he’s about to take the shot.
“How about no trying to turn your uncle into one giant concussion while we play for the rest of the day?” Leon calls out.
“I was just doin’ what it takes to win, yo! In the old home movies you totally do and say the same thing!”
“Oy… Okay, can’t argue there.” Leon shrugs. “But… I was being stupid and learned a valuable lesson many years after those were filmed?”
“Pssssh, you were the Lair Games champ! You don’t hold back on anybody, so I’m not gonna hold back either!”
“Oh-ho, you think I wasn’t holding back?”
“Nope!” Mikey grins and spins the ball on his finger. “Old people just get slower in sports! It’s like, science!”
Mikey blinks at Leon innocently. Leon puts his hands on his hips, and shrugs.
“Alright, mi sobrino. You wanna go all-out? Prepare to face the undisputed champ!”
“AND YOU PREPARE TO FACE– uh, um– DR. SPORTSINSTEIN!” Mikey dribbles the ball, rolls it across his shoulders, and then puts it down and balances on one foot on top of it before kicking it back up to spin on his finger. “HA!”
“Okay, you’re totally showing me how you learned that after this, because there’s no-way it was from any of my bros. And… GAME ON!”
Leon zips at Mikey as quick as he would in a fight, and his nephew yelps in surprise as Leon easily snatches the ball away and not only makes it to the basket, but slam-dunks the ball through in seconds.
The scoreboard above thoonks as the numbers change, 01-00. 
“Whoa…” Mikey isn’t even upset– just amazed. He has stars in his eyes as he stares in awe.
“And that is why my only Lair Games loss wasn’t even a loss.” Leon buffs his nails against his shell. Mikey is still quiet, though, so Leon’s smirk fades as he remembers this is Mikey’s Day. “Hey, I didn’t mean to–”
“THAT WAS SO AWESOME!” Mikey jumps in place, flapping his hands. “THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH COOLER THAN I THOUGHT!”
“You- huh?”
“I’M GONNA BEAT THE CHAMP!” Mikey runs forward, goes into a  front handspring, and basically tackles the ball to get it away from Leon. “YOU MAY BE BIGGER AND FASTER, DAWG, BUT I’VE GOT THE DR. SPORTENSTEIN SPIRIT!”
Leon laughs. All-out it is then!
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beck-a-leck · 3 months
I can't sleep, so I'm gonna ramble for a bit about an AU that's been entertaining me recently.
Lord of the Rings Summer Camp AU
Basically the War for the Ring is just one Extremely Intense game of capture the flag (ring) that happens every summer between two rival summer camps that share a lake or something.
Like, basic rules: Each camp designates one camper to be the Ring Bearer. They must keep the ring on them at all times. They cannot pass the ring off to another camper, except under special circumstances, or to a councilor. Their job is to find a way to get the ring to the other camp and put it in the designated place without getting caught or losing the ring. If they succeed by the end of camp, they win! If the other camp steals the ring and gets it to their rival's designated spot then they win. Rival camp councelors are allowed to take the ring if they can get it away from the bearer, but it must be given to their own team's Ring Bearer. Secrecy is often the key to success in this matter.
And now the cast:
Frodo, Sam, Merey, and Pippin: four new campers this year. They all grew up on stories of from Uncle Bilbo about his fun times at camp, and now they're old enough to go and super ready for their first time at camp! Frodo gets designated Ring Bearer (definitely not a rigged choice)
Gandalf: Nobody's quite sure if he owns the camp or he's like the Head Councilor. Sometimes he's actively engaged in camp activities, other times he's off doing Old Man Shit. Very frequently can be found chilling with Bilbo as they watch the game unfold
Aragorn: he's one of the camp legacy kids. Been coming every summer since he was little (his sorta-dad works there) and now that he's old enough he's become one of the Junior Councilors. Aka the almost-adult they trust to run the kids around and supervise them in the woods and during Ring Shenanigans
Boromir and Faramir: their first summer at camp. Boromir's Aragorn's age and also a Junior Councilor. For whatever reason he's got beef with Aragorn and totally deals woth it in a healthy way. Faramir's just under the age cut off for Camper vs Councilor. (He didn't even want to come but their dad said he had to) and he spends most of his time chilling with the other guys around his age and also at the stables.
Legolas: sent here because his dad thought a summer away from home would be good for him and also he should see his cousin (arwen) more and his paperwork was half-done (a d daddy's off to europe for a month byeeeee) so nobody's quite sure how old he is, so sometimes they think he's a camper and other times he's a junior councilor and he just kind of rolls with it off the vibes of the day. (So he's definitely not telling his birth date)
Gimli: an older camper, but his first time at camp. For some reason he immediately imprints on the four teenies (the hobbits) and decides he's just gonna tag along with their group during camp. Couldn't possibly be because Aragorn and Boromir are their councilors and Legolas tags along after Aragorn.
(The chaos in this camp drives Elrond Bananas, but Gandalf just kinda shrugs and always counters with 'the kids are having fun. There's no harm in it')
Arwen and Eowyn: its not a co-ed camp, but their dads are both staff members so guess where they're spending their summers. As the only two girls, they became friends out of necessity. Elrond maybe actually owns the camp? He's at keast the guy keeping things organized and moving. Eowyn's uncle owns/runs the stables, so she's most often found working there. Her brother and cousin do most of the riding lessons for the campers and she's often left out. (The adults tend to turn a blind eye when Goold Old Dernhelm, who's definitely been a camper since day one, shows up to activities)
Other folks from the story probably have various filler rolls. Generally vibing with the idea that leaders/kings/queens are the Adults TM and actual Camp Councilors and Staff.
Galadriel is probably camp nurse. Her office is the one air conditioned building in camp, and yeah getting hurt or severely dehydrated sucks, but spending a time in the Lothlorien Cabin is just So Rejuvenating.
Meanwhile in the other camp... Camp Mordor:
Sauron: there's no ambiguity here he owns the camp, he runs the camp, he's in charge. Though he's not above using underlings to get most of the work done
Saruman: he thinks he's second in commant, and generally Sauron lets him be, because he can't be arsed to micromanage every camp group's activities. There's some feud between him and Gandalf that's honestly funny to watch. Takes the Ring Games almost as seriously as Sauron.
The orcs: generally they're the campers in Camp Mordor. Some of the older ones might be in the role of Junior Councilors, but they're all the kids who are going to do most of the work during the Ring Games.
The Nazgul: theyre the adult camp councilors. Easily identified by their uniform shirts, which are black (and honestly the worst choice for a summer where it can often reach 90 in the shade). They take their ditues very seriously. Most of them are legacy campers who eventually aged into councilors as they got older.
Oh my god i nearly forgot Gollum/Smeagol!
Genuinely nobody is sure where this poor kid came from. He might just be some wild kid living in the woods. Nobody claims his as a camper. But also, they're not gonna let some (possibly homeless) dirty child starve, and Bilbo ends up feeling really bad for the poor thing whenever he wanders into camp. So they feed him and let him join in on camp activities when he's around. He's extremely shy of the adults and often doesn't let them see or catch him (they barely got his name from him and nobody's sure if Gollum is a self-appointed nickname or not). Nobody is convinced that he's not really a secret agent for the Other Side. He seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the ring and has been known to steal it from the ring bearers in both sides and run off into the woods to hide with it (Aragorn's usually the one who tracks him to his hidey hole)
Also, Bilbo's just like a financier or something. Not camp staff, but friends with Gandalf and he just spends his summer also watching the Ring Games (rumor is he started the first ever Ring Game when he was a boy at camp). Often found enjoying the comforts of Not Being a Camper and doing Old Man Shit with Gandalf.
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hana-the-ghostieee · 10 months
phlyhyltgplelpppppppppppppppppppppp. deflating balloon noises. exhausted deflating balloon noises.
whoo. okay. although i just finished the mess that is my translation for both gogatsu and rokugatsu (i still need to touch up a little bit), i have here prepared. Yuu Ichijou
also for the past week i've been feeling kinda crappy my throat was threatening to rip itself out my chest felt like i was wearing a binder for 12 hours non stop and i felt ready to pass out (but don't worry i'm fine now i've been drinking tea and stuff)
oh also happy birthday イモン on yorucord!!! you know who you are no idea who you are on tumblr or if you even use tumblr but happy existence anniversary :DDD you know who you are.
anyways here have my translation for ai nijou's response, yuu ichijou
9/5, 憂一乗 (Only Sorrow/Yuu Ichijou)
You know, it's like I'm at the bottom of a lake A breath of air gets stuck in this throat I let go of the last few bubbles, and finally My feet touch the soft, warm ground.
Always, always, always, always, always. The only person I've ever followed behind was you.
And the only things I ever wanted to talk about were the things I wish I could change These water lilies floating around, are transparent from this water pressure I'm more than okay with anything - more certain than mirages I don't care if it's right, I don't care if we know what to do, I really don't care - I just want to run away with you.
Again, it's kind of like the bottom of a lake, My ears start to itch a bit Hopes, the future, even tomorrow - I've gotten tired hearing things about them The bubbles that left my mouth were so pretty.
Always, always, always, always, always. I've only ever looked up to you.
And now, I wish I had found something more important than the heart Words can be so cruel - transparent under the water pressure I'm just looking for something, anything more beautiful than this facade But just forgetting about it all is fine, let's run away.
I don't need whatever I've become, I don't need anything. I don't need money, or fame, or love, or people that admire - I really don't need any of that I want to go further, away from here I want to go, feel something other than these memories, Can I please, just hear your voice, sing one more time?
Always, always, always, always, always. I've only ever followed, chased, after you.
The only things I wanted to sing about were those things I could never change Life really is transparent, under the water pressure I don't really care - anything works as long as it's more certain than a hallucination I don't care if we don't know where, I don't care if we don't have any idea of what we're doing, I really don't care, honestly - let's run away together.
i know i've said this in my dakaboku and elma album essay but dakede *sobbing*
i swear this song is so sad and quiet in contrast to the like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *cue epic guitar sequence* from ai nijou it's just wow. i mean i know Elma's developing her style from here but wow. it's just really different from the person she tried to imitate so said person she tried to imitate wouldn't "disappear".
anyways yeah that's all i'll go take a nap or something byeeeee
(wow the yorushika tag is drying up.)
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year
Sharper (rewrite) - Chapter 1 - i feel the earth move
Warnings: Language, mention of rape, mentions of kidnaping, mentions of sexual assault, Mentions of CPS, social workers, bars, New York City (lol), mentions of sex workers, mentions of drugs and drinking
Word Count: ~3,000
A/N: READ THE WARNINGS. Its me hi I’m the fucking writer thats always missing its me. Okay we have a series yay! I know this seems really fucking crazy but I’ve had this idea for a really long time and I’m really excited for y’all to read. So far i have the first chapter (duh) and last chapter done along with some bits in between and I’m really excited for y’all too read. Okay thats all ill say now okay i love u byeeeee
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The streets of New York City were never friendly. Especially to 16 year olds like you. Rain poured and mixed into the dirty snow that had fallen earlier that day, creating a rotten and thick atmosphere surrounding the city. You thought about other families on Christmas Eve. Kids getting ready for bed, awaiting the arrival of Santa and the presents he’ll bring. Families walking home from church, admiring the lights that covered the city. You should be experiencing things like that - joy, cheer, happiness. However, it all seemed to be the exact opposite.
After your mom died you were immediately thrown at CPS who sent you straight into foster care. You had no family except your mom. Your grandparents might have been alive but you had no fucking clue because they turned their backs on your mom and you the second they found out she was pregnant. With no support and no money, your broke single money turned to being a sex worker. And even though there were friends she made along the way at work and they treated you like you were their niece, all of them knew that living with them in the midst of their line of work was no place for a kid. They cared too much to let you be around that, and you understood. So, foster care it was.
Your foster parents honestly didn’t give a shit, so you offered a deal to them - give you a share of the money they get monthly from the state, and you will be out of their hair and will never ask for anything from them. Not surprisingly at all, they said yes. When your social worker found out, she didn’t care, she just wanted a cut of your money. For awhile, you would stay in and out of shelters throughout the city, eventually leaving after a little while to avoid the risk of anyone getting suspicious and calling CPS. When that didn’t work, you would bounce between the couches of your friends, slowly but surely giving up hope of ever finding a permanent home. Even with your cut from your foster parents and money at your shitty job at Starbucks your social worker set you up with, it still definitely wasn’t enough to pay rent of anything. But it was enough to pay for your own food, your own clothes, and a ticket from point a to point b. So that was how you lived. For 10 whole months. And that’s what its looked like for the past week. Couch hopping, working, still going to fucking school, and all the while not having a single moment to grieve the loss of your mom.
You were on the way to a bar to have your annual meeting with your social worker. You had an informal meeting with your social worker at least every other week. Even though they were brief, they were still a constant pain in your ass. You wanted life to keep moving. Move away from the pain and heartache of your mom’s death, and all the other pain and suffering that came along with it, but these meetings always seemed to drag you back under. It always felt like a constant reminder of what you went through and how you got here.
You immediately spotted her. You sat down across from her at a table. She continued writing down whatever it was she was doing as you walked in. She acknowledged your presence, but never looked up once.
“You’re late.” She said.
“Yeah. I know. I couldn’t get a cab. It’s fucking Christmas Eve.” You said as you sat.
She finally met your gaze, “What have I said about cursing?”
You just shrugged, “Last time I checked I don’t get in trouble for language.”
Jenny sighed again, “It’s still not classy.”
“Meeting at a bar at nearly midnight with your 16 year old client isn’t classy either.”
“It's a restaurant too.” She said, matter of factly.
You rolled your eyes and Jenny let out a smirk, knowing she had gotten under your skin already. She straightened up at an attempt to reset. “How’s life been treating you Mazie?”
“Pretty Shitily.”
Jenny continued to write in her files. “I can imagine. Where were you tonight?”
You took a seat, “Out with a friend from work. Caroline.”
“A friend from work at Starbucks?”
You looked anywhere but her, already tired of her fake niceties “Yeah.”
“How’s the Job you like it?”
You signed. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Working hard? Putting in the hours?”
Jenny finally looked up. “Hmm. That’s really interesting because I checked in on the Starbucks you’re working at and they said you got fired 2 weeks ago.”
You were caught.
For a moment you thought about keeping up with the lie. But you very quickly came to the conclusion that it would only make things worse. “Okay listen, I can explain.”
“Strike one.” She said, as she went back to write in her files, probable making note of your job status.
“Listen to me, My boss, Samuel...he was being a real perv-“
“To you or others?”
You paused and shrugged, eyes never leaving her. “What do you think?”
Jenny looked down. She wouldn’t wish what you had been through on anybody, But she wasn’t gonna let you off the hook. Job or no job, someone would find out sooner or later and it would end up getting herself in trouble
“it’s apart of your agreement.”
“You taking a cut from my foster parents isn't a part of the agreement?!”
“Quiet down, will you? Look, I'm trying to help you. I know it’s been rough since you lost your Mom, and all i’m trying to do is help you maintain a life. A life your mom would’ve wanted.”
“My mom wouldn’t want me in a fucking foster system or working shifts at starbucks for less than minimum wage.”
“Look, I don’t really give a shit. I’m just trying to do my job.”
“That’s a first-”
“Cut it out.” She said Sharply. “Can we carry on with the questions?”
You nodded.
Jenny continued, “Last time you did drugs?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve told you, since I went into the system.”
“So a couple months, huh?”
“So let me ask you this. If I get a drug test from my car, it’s gonna come back negative, right? Because you haven’t done anything tonight?”
“Yeah.” You said hesitantly.
“Are you sure about that? Because im gonna be really fucking pissed if I have to go all the way to my car and back to get a drug test just to prove that you’ve been lying to me.”
You knew that she knew. There was no getting out of it. “Ok so I may have done a little tonight. But it wasn’t a lot! It was barely any!”
“Strike 2.”
“C’mon man!”
“Do you want me to bring you in right now? Is that what you want? Cause I’d be happy to hand you over to another couple who don’t give a single shit about you.”
“You’re a fucking monster.”
“No. I’m just doing my job.”
“And you’re pretty fucking bad at it.” A new voice spoke. Your eyes caught sight of a man with dark hair and a long black trench coat. You looked slightly familiar, but Jenny continued to speak before you had the chance to fully question his familiarity.
“Excuse me?” She said,
“I’m just saying, If there’s a reason she’s acting like this then maybe you’re doing something wrong.”
Confusion made itself apparent on your face as you looked at the two as the continued to speak.
“Sir, can I help you?”
“Yeah.” He said with a smile before it morphed into a blank stare. “No.” he said.
He must be drunk as hell.
He cleared his throat before continuing. “Look, let me pay you to walk away.
Jenny’s unimpressed expression never changed as she spoke. “You must be drunk.”
The man laughed. “Yeah, maybe.”
Knew it.
Jenny and the man continued to talk quietly, coming up with some sort of price. You were absolutely speechless. Maybe I can make a run for it now? That would definitely lead to trouble once Jenny inevitably found you again. What about when she leaves? When it’s just me and that dude? That could work. Throughout all the questions filling up your brain, the most frequent one was equally simple and terrifying… What the hell did he want with me?
Before you could fully think about that one, Jenny came back, seemingly packing up her files and folders Not saying a word to you. So, you spoke up.
“You really gonna let him do this?!”
She rolled her eyes. “You’ll be fine. He’ll probably let you walk away, your record will stay spotless, and I won't have to deal with your bullshit-”
“Are you fucking insane?! Look at him he’s probably gonna assault me or rape me or something sketchy as hell.!”
“Not my problem.”
“Yes, it’s your problem. That's your fucking job!”
She turned to give you one last cold glare. “Well…nothing you haven't dealt with before.”
You were speechless. All you wanted to do was punch her across the face until she was out cold, but nothing would come out.
She made her way out the door but turned out to give you one last glare. “Happy Holidays motherfucker.” she said.
You were slouched in your seat, arms crossed, eyes looking down in disbelief. From the second you got a good look at his guy, you knew he was bad news. You had yet to learn what would happen or where you would end up next. You snapped out of your thoughts when a certain voice appeared.
“Hi.” He said, sounding almost chipper.
You didn’t respond, just stared at him, arms still crossed. He took another sip of his drink before continuing. “What’s your name?”
“...Mazie.” You said hesitantly.
He sucked in a breath. You weren't sure what that meant, but you had no time to think about it before he continued talking.
“How old are you Mazie?”
You hesitated. What kind of creepy ass shit was he into?
“16.” You said sharply. You couldn’t let down your guard for one second. You were tough and not to be messed with, and this guy needed to know that.
You noticed how he hesitated again. He took one last sip of his drink before standing up off the stool and making his way towards you,but still giving you some space.
“Wanna go for a ride?”
“Not really, no.” You quickly said.
He hummed. “May I?” he said, gesturing to the seat across from you in the booth you were still sitting in.
“It's a free country isn't it?” You said. He took that as a yes.
“I’m Max.” He reached out his hand as an offering. You pondered for a moment, then shook his hand.
“What do you want with me, Max?”
He let out a slight dry chuckle. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Mazie. If that's what your thinking”
“Soooo…you just gonna let me go? Pay a random woman 7.000 cash to let a random 16-year-old free out of what…the goodness of your heart?”
“I need your help.”
“With what?”
“Come with me.”
He led you outside. Waiting for you both was a sleek, black, sports car you presumed was Max’s. He opened the door for you and gestured for you to get in.
“Fuck no.” You spat.
“I told you I’m not gonna hurt you-”
“And why should I believe you?”
He was about to open his mouth but stopped himself.
“You can’t really I guess.”
That caught you off guard. For some reason it made you trust him a tiny bit more. For whatever reason, you were definitely interested in whatever skeam he had planned.
He reached into the car and pulled out a wad of cash. “Here,” he said, throwing it to you.
You caught it and took a look. $1,000 dollars cash was sitting in the palm of your hand. You tried to remain natural and chill. “What’s this for?” you asked.
“That’s your cut.”
“You shouldn’t be drinking and driving.”
“And you shouldn’t be alone on the streets of New York.”
“I shouldn’t be talking to strangers ethier. Let alone getting in the car with them.”
“Let’s not be strangers then, huh?”
The car ride was quiet. He put on some sort of Christmas music on low volume as he drove. The city was alive and bright. People and families crowding the streets, once again making you think of your family and what you used to have. Those thoughts came to a halt as he pulled into a large parking garage next to what you assumed to be Max’s apartment building. A doorman created the two of you as he led you to the elevator. The both of you still hadn’t said a word since the bar.
He opened the door and motioned for you to go inside.
“You think I'm dumb or something? I’m not going in there.”
He rolled his eyes before looking at you. “This entire apartment complex is filled head to toe with multiple alarm systems, 4 Security guards only a couple floors down, one of which you met and knows your face, and constantly servailed cameras in every corner.”
You just stared at him, trying to think of something to say. He beat you to it.
“And if you wanted to leave, I would let you leave.”
You nodded, and walked in.
His apartment was smaller than you expected, but you were mainly surprised about how clean it was.
“Cool Place.” You said.
He took his jacket off and put his keys down.
“You can sleep on the couch, or leave if you want. No drugs. No coming into my room.”
He slammed the door, not giving you another look. “Coolio.”
This is gonna be interesting.
The clanging of pots and pans startled you. You turned to see max preparing some kind of breakfast.
“Morning.” He said.
You didn’t reply, just stood still. Taking in and remembering all of the events that took place the night before. He continued.
“What’s your favorite movie?”
Out of everything he could’ve said, you didn’t expect those word to come out of her mouth. “What’s my favorite movie?”
He nodded.
“Interstellar.” You said without taking your eyes off him, trying to keep up the tough exterior.
“Really? Why?”
“I like space and I have daddy issues.” You said bluntly. He made a mental note to check in on that later. He continued, “I think it's a classic.”
“You like that one?” You said surprised as you took a sip of the coffee he gave you.
“Yeah. It's always been a favorite of mine.”
“Damn, I can’t believe you’ve actually seen that film.”
“I haven’t.” He said, giving you a glare.
“I lied.”
“To trick you.”
“Okay?” You were thoroughly confused.
Max got up. “That’s what I’m gonna teach you to do.”
You sat in silence as he grabbed a stack of newspapers and but the on the coffee table in front of you. “Read those. Front to back.”
You scoffed and picked up the papers. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Where’s that money I gave you?”
“In my jacket.”
He grabbed it and turned to you. From now on, every time you curse I get 100 back.”
“Fuck that, that’s my money!”
He pulled it away before you could grab it back from him.
“Another 100 gone. 800 left.” He put the remaining money back on the table and you immediately put it into your pants pocket.
“Where are you going?” You said.
“Out. I’ll be back later. Read those or leave.”
He slammed the door.
You just stood there.
How did the fuck did I get here?
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zhuhongs · 2 years
btw in case u don’t read my last post. I went to a cafe to avoid my roommate, but at the same time I was getting ready she also said she was going to go to a cafe to meet a friend and I wanted to avoid the situation in which we go to the same cafe, i asked her which one and she said a “close one” and I was like.. hahah okay well i’m going to x name cafe, haha byeeeee. and she didn’t say anything!!. And then i was here for an hour, didn’t see here and I just now saw her and a friend walk in but avoided her. However, I bit the bullet and acknowledged her first and it worked out. this is so fucking funnnyyy. Like i’m not trying to follow you. if anything I wanna be ALONEEEE, but ykw I feel just fine so its ok.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hii it's me!
Your Hee anonie~ ☆
I'm back and ready to spam you with love. However, this message won't be any soft hour or imagine :O !
Firstly, seeing your response makes me giggle and my friends actually suspected for like 2 weeks that I actually had a crush on someone. As if law school gives time for that. ANYWAY after much confrontation I told them that it's me reading your response to my asks hehehe
Secondly, soooooooo I am huge reader and I mainly love to read classics, mysteries and legal thrillers (whodunit!!!) And there was book fair in my campus!! 60% off 😲 SO OFC I WENT and I was picking up classics, some textbooks etc. And I passed by romance section. Now I am not a romance reader (I have read a few which I LOVE) anyway but I love looking at what's new or what's currently hot in each genre. And suddenly I get surrounded by like 8 girls who are simultaneously going "NO PLS YOU GOTTA READ THIS ILL GIVE MY FIRST BORN IF YOU DO" "it's so good" "you'll cry" "you jaw will be hanging open" blah blah etc etc and help I didn't even know like 3 of them 😭
Guess which book of them were talking about ??
Coolen Hoover's It Ends With Us. And ngl I am kinda hesitant about romance genre itself but also a little to try books from Katie Roberts, Colleen Hoover, Jenny Han etc. Because I just feel like I will be disappointed and there will be a lot of "oh they're teenagers, they're growing they make stupid mistakes" kinda things idk if I am able to explain it nicely. Just hesitant that I might invest time into a book only to get irritated at tbe actions of the characters. And while I do understand that there won't be any drama if the characters were completely rational and fine, it just gets under my nerves when they make stupid decisions like getting back with someone who cheated on them, parents being useless, doing drugs at parties etc. IK I SOUND LIKE A STUCK UP RN BUT PLS I JUST WANT A BOOK WITH RATIONAL AND NORMAL PEOPLE. anyway point is I was like ??? Is this a cult ??? Anyway I ended up getting the book because well they were like "we'll pay for it !!" And how can I say no to my bestie spending money 🤨🤨 true friendship right there.
Also here are the romance books I have read AND really loved :
1. House in the Cerulean Sea (ok not really romance but ?? It's still fluff and has romance and found family)
2. Red, white and Royal Blue
3. The Kiss Quotient
4. The Lovely War
Anyway do tell me your thoughts on your fav books if you read !! And hehehe pls 🙏 saw your masterlist 😟 I am stunned 🤐 speechless 🤯 masterpieces 💫 I gotta binge read everything now ig I have no other choice.
Are you up for some angst too? Like I have some angsty thoughts if you want. Ofc with enha AlSo may include some SKZ members idk I am not telling 😚
Anyway stay hydrated !! Byeeeee ♡☆♡☆♡
Also yes I manifest Jake hoon live everytime I send you an ask hehe
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Hello and welcome my hee anonie 🥺🫶🏻 (I just saw your ask a while ago and I DASHED to get all my work done so I could sit down and reply nicely to you that’s how much attention you deserve from me and everyone) FIRST AND FOREMOST, HAPPY HEESEUNG DAY!🖤
Aaaaaah I love this kinda gossip!! You don’t even have to come up with imagines all the time trust me I love it sm when ppl fill me up with their random thoughts and what they did throughout the day cause it’s so adorable to me!! You can always go upto someone and send them fanfics, but only ppl who care for u and love u truly will sit down and listen to you rant and find you cute for it! For me you’re like that ♡ and ugh omg!😭 if they suspected that, then that means my asks must have made you SMILE REALLY BIG!🥺 that makes me so flattered and smiley you have no idea xhdndjdndj yaay achievement unlocked!😘 (ikr how do people even date when they’re law or med students but FIRST, how do people even date when they Stan enha istg I can’t find anyone else attractive irl my brain has smh registered jake as my real love lmao anyway)
Now I’ll be real honest with you. I’d give it ends with us a 7.5/10 and not really recommend it for someone like you who’s really busy and looking for a 11/10 experience, without any disappointments. I read the book when I was 16 y/o and I remember finding it so touching and good but when I reread the book again once I turned 18, I realized there are so many things wrong with that book? So many mistakes and messed up situations and most importantly, so many triggering themes with no warnings like- childhood trauma, death of a loved one, abusive parents, rape etc. etc. it’s a real bad buzz if you have any one of these traumas as it might inflict unwanted pain inside your heart for no reason. On the other hand, I’d really suggest you “twisted love.” It’s an adult romance book, it’s for mature adult readers, has twists and smut too, friendships, family and it’s really an ♾️/10 for me. :’) <3 and about your Recs??! I’d definitely check them out baby I’m a big bookaholic!
Aww thank you so so much?🥹 I really like editing pics and videos as a free time hobby and since I didn’t have access to internet for 2 hours I edited all the layouts and pics for my masterlist! Thank u so much for showering my works with love. :’) and pls I love angst? Angst is so so underrated in my opinion. Everywhere is fluff and smut but my fav genre is angst tbh. I have a request to you, in your free time, PLS READ MY FIC “but were you mine?” Part 1 is attached to it read it first it’s a small drabble and I also attached and made a video with the title to double the heartbreak effect lol. It was really personal, the dialogues really reflected the insides of my heart a lot, unrequited love and I go hand in hand and that fic I wrote is the most special and closest to my heart. So I’d be so honoured if you read the 2 series drabble and lmk your thoughts. And, I’ll also be up for your angsty imagines ugh I’ll be waiting!!
You take care too bubs!! Ikr I hope so too jakehoon always come live when we talk? That would be so cool!😭 it’s already so cool that you found my book ask after you bought it, see everything you do brings you back to me tehee <3 🙈 now time for my unnecessary tmis that you didn’t ask for. OKAY SO remember how I told you I wanted to make a collector enha ig account? I FINALLY MADE IT! aah so so happy I’ve always found them so aesthetic I can’t believe I made one for me. 🥹 I’ll be posting reels someday too over there hehe! I also feel very relaxed recently cause I wrote poetry in my journal and decorated it with my feelings so AAAH! Since this got quite long anyway, I’ll end this but let you know first that- YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE APPRECIATED, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, BE KIND TO YOURSELF AND I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH! 🤍🤍
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oneofboth · 9 days
Random facts about Alex
Content, let's go! As I wanted, I will do a compilation of facts about each character. Firstly I will do Alex, because you love her guys. You can read about her more here, if you are new!
➤At the beginning of development, Alex was far from being one of main characters in au, but only a funny addition to Benrey, like Lee. But unlike Lee, Alex didn't do anything at all and only used to support jokes and throw in her quips.
➤The appearance of the old woman changed many times, mostly it was minor changes that led to the image that exists now. At first, Alex looked like a tired girl in her 30s with a short hairstyle.
➤Alex's anger as part of the character turned out to be accidental. The fact is that from the very beginning she reacted quite sharply to Gordon, and Gordon was in the plot… a lot. Otherwise, she was quite calm, and her mood was close to "good".
➤The main shape of Alex is a triangle, and the color is toxic green.
➤A woman's favorite coffee is cappuccino with almonds, brown sugar, caramel and with a colored sprinkle on top (sprinkling is optional). That's what she always drinks.
➤Alex has a medium intensity shadow on her face. It is unknown what casts this shadow. Or maybe it's a birthmark?..
➤It is difficult to give an exact age, but Alex is approximately 45 billion years old.
➤Alex's birthday, like Lee's, is October 2nd.
➤Alex is the "middle child". Benrey is an older brother, and Lee is a little sister.
➤Alex is really close to Benrey's age.
➤Contrary to the beliefs of others, Alex created her body herself, and did not steal it. Honestly :)
➤The woman is on good terms with Dr. Breen (the Administrator of Black Mesa), but they do not communicate in public and hide it, because rumors have spread that they are lovers and other shit. And no matter how unpleasant Alex with these rumors is, she must keep this relationship for her own insidious purposes, because Breen… He knows too much about her and her family.
➤Dr. Coomer definitely scares the green-eyed one, she tries not to cross paths with him.
➤Alex, like Lee and Benrey, is NOT a NPC, NOT an AI, NOT a player.
➤She has quite a lot of abilities, but there is really only one thing to be afraid of — rooms. If in other cases you will die quickly and without pain, the rooms will be your personal hell.
➤Alex is the main villain of The Benriks AU in the first part. But in the second part, she goes over to the good side, fighting against The Combine.
➤Alex's favorite arcade game is "Pac-man".
➤Maybe Alex felt something more for Nicole than just friendship.
➤The personality type of Alex is presumably ENTJ.
➤Alex has a pet headcrab Luis and a snark named Chip Nibbles.
➤She really doesn't need any glasses. It's just decoration.
➤She has a car. White Mercedes-Benz E-Class Model.
➤Her main weapon is RPG gun.
➤When she gets very angry, parts of her true form appear. More often a tail, claws, fangs.
➤Her style and aesthetic is "Office siren".
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First Alex (and Lee haha) design; 2. Getting ready for work; 3. Some cartoon style; 4. Alex's face is up close; 5. Valentine card "I would have studied you much more closely"
Congratulations, you got here! This is just a small part of Alex's facts that I remembered. If you have any questions or topics to discuss, don't be afraid to use our "Ask" button! We will be glad to have your attention! Ok byeeeee noww
-Blue Opal / Alex
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Thursday, January 25th, 2024!
12:49pm my brain feels so burnt out, it's difficult not to just return to bad habits. My body is tired and stress is wrecking my physical being. My back hurts, legs hurt, neck tension and headaches. Owch
Need to find better things to focus my little energy on. Things that feed me, I am very empty, like there's a hole at the bottom of me where everything leaks out. Old is bad, new is better. I want to stop going back to old, bad, tired situations. Nothing in the past changes. New is good.
Lots of just being in my own head, I want to get back to reality. I think that will help me not feel so floaty.
1:22pm omg I just realized my bad bitch playlist is public on Spotify and 6 ppl saved it?? Omg who are you guys and can we be friends what that just blew my mind and made my day how?? What?? I love it
3:24pm Reactive abuse is so real. I have to remember that I am NOT to blame for this shit. I actually didn't DO ANYTHING TO HIM WTF fuck him, he hasn't changed and only serves to prove me right and as a reminder again and again. I feel like he has moments where he'll admit this, or agree with me, but I think it's just breadcrumbing. Yeah so one day he says it's not my fault at all then the next day yeah it is kinda my fault like which one is it 😑 Rip but I know what I'm dealing with. The only reason I'm sad is bc the situation is so fucked up, it's more like grieving than actually being sad sad. It's just like damn wtf. I know I can pullllll when I want to though haha the issue is I just don't want to right now 🤭😁
I think I do need to get help for my depression/ anxiety though bc I don't want it to snowball into something so much harder to come back from. At least I'm aware of the issue, it's just deep rooted in me atm.
9:56pm Sat next to two of my bff's at the TB Lightening game tonight! Learned that there's 3 periods in hockey (I thought there was four) and the fights are REAL not like fake wrestling but the refs just stand there for too long and let them duke it out lmao?? I love my friends :)
Being happy lately results in me literally crying it's like feeling pure joy with no "waiting for the shoe to drop" :) I think I'm crying bc of relief? Grieving the fact that I was not happy for so long so I'm crying? Crying bc for example I've missed out on the past two years of these bc I didn't want to buy 2 tickets and for whatever reason.... It wouldn't work out or he would just be so embarrassing to me... Then it's going alone and ppl asking why he's not there?? It has been too much anxiety >> benefits in the past, but not anymore ❤️ I'm changing for the better. I miss the old me so much, but I know I'll love the new me even more.
Also yeah whatever technically some things were probably my "fault" bc of my anxiety...... But a partner who actually takes time to know you would be able to identify that or at least question the possibility that anxiety is a factor in decision making. But his actions/ emotional abuse >>>> way more impactful than just my social anxiety (plus I literally had the social anxiety for good reason if I can't take you anywhere without you smelling like weed and texting other girls while we're out).... Yeah I'm not fucking crazy, but I do need self-help. The intrusive thoughts are a lot still. They'll dull with time, even if it takes years I have a good feeling they will become submerged and buried under all the good memories I'll make. It's honestly already starting to happen if you ask me. I'm so ready for my birthday, what a new chapter I love it ❤️
11:45pm Went ahead and deleted the emails. He did not respond to me today so it's all moot point. He's abusive and idc if he doesn't know now and idc if he never figures it out. He's one out of 8 billion people on this planet and he needs to stay in the past. His loss I'm literally awesome af future doctor baddie and he's fucking retarded scrub bum byeeeee. Good way to end the evening ❤️
0 notes
mountttmase · 1 year
Hello hello fic appointment of the dayyy
A Deal’s A Deal timee
‘I just don’t want to be a disappointment’ he sighed, his head on your chest as he traced random shapes on your ribs. You rested your cheek on the top of his head, your fingers tracing similar patterns on his arm as you scratched his scalp gently. YOU COULD NEVER BE A DISAPPOINTMENT, NEVERRR
You felt him chuckle, his eyes looking up to yours with a slight sparkle in them. ‘Stupid twaty knobs, yeah?’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH EXACTLY
‘You really do know how to make a man feel better’ he murmured, kissing over your collar bones before reaching up to kiss you properly. ‘You fancy making me feel even better right now?’ he winked, grabbing at your waist and hovering over you. 🤭🤭🤭🤭
‘Well you’ll have to wait till later’ you told him, and his eyes met yours in a hopeful stare. ‘Tell you what, score a goal for me later on and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me when you get back’ NOT HIM SCORING 10 GOALS AFTER THATTT
He was having a good game by all accounts, and when he kicked the ball into the back of the net, you and everyone around you jumped to their feet to cheer for him. He ran to your side of the pitch, pointing up to your section and whilst you told all the kids that goal was for them, you knew what it really meant. THERE HE ISSS
‘Thank you baby’ he breathed, his eyes dancing all over your face as he smiled at you. ‘You better be ready for me when I get home’ you giggled into his neck, too shy to say anything back in front of his family before you were pulled apart so he could make his way back to the team and you could head home. 🫣🫣🫣🫣🤭
He was home soon after, pulling you into a hug and kissing you softly. His fingertips dipped into the back of your joggers, and he slightly frowned when he felt the lace. He pulled back, tugging at the waist just a little and as soon as his eyes caught onto the blue material, they lit up as he knew exactly what you had on underneath. He let out a yawn and you looked at him with a sympathetic smile. AHAHHAH THE YAWNNNN
‘No way, all I’ve been thinking about since this morning is being in between your thighs, so get that pretty little arse of yours upstairs and go wait for me, yeah?’ He murmured, kissing you softly before releasing you to go upstairs. 😌😌😌 I HAD NO DOBTS
‘A deals a deal Mase, what do you want’ you whispered and you heard him growl lightly as he kissed over your ribs. I'M GASPING
‘I want you to take control tonight, show me how good you can be for me’ he growled and you felt your insides quake at his words, pulling him into a heated kiss almost instantly. Mason was tired, hence why he wanted you on top so he didn’t have to do as much work but you were more than happy to oblige. Every time he scored the intense need to make him feel good took over you and it wasn’t long before you were grinding your hips down onto him. He moaned into your kiss and you felt him harden underneath you as his hands moved down to grip your cheeks as he helped you move over him. BYEEEEE
‘Masey’ you breathed and he groaned in response, his head lightly swaying from side to side. ‘Masey, look at me’ you moaned as one of the hands that you had resting on his chest made its way up his body so you could hold him at the base of his neck, squeezing the sides ever so slightly as his eyes flew open to meet yours. ‘Good boy’ you whispered and you felt him buck up into you at your words. ‘That feel good?’ You asked him. GOOD BOYYYYY AAAAAAAA, SCREAMING
‘You’re such a good boy, Masey’ you cooed running your hands all over his chest and neck and you noticed his breathing start to get more laboured. OHHHH🫣🫣🫣🫣🤭
‘I need you to hold it for me, Mase’ you whispered directly into his ear, and he groaned whilst shaking his head, telling you he couldn’t. You lightly bit his neck in response as he continued to buck up into you. ‘Yes you can Mase’ you told him whilst talking his hand and popping his thumb in your mouth to coat it with your salvia. He was watching you with wide eyes the whole time, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, before you moved his hand down to near where your bodies met. ‘I need you to touch me Mase. Think you can do that for me?’ You asked he he nodded at you before attaching his thumb to your clit and circling it slowly. You gasped at the contact, bouncing up on him even harder and you could tell how much he was struggling to hold off, so you thought you’d be kind and let him have his way just a tiny bit. THAT PART, THAT WAS EVERYTHING
I remember this one 😭 that was around the Bournemouth game where he scored so it’s fitting Chelsea are playing them today 😂
BUT THANK YOU SM 🩷🩷🌺🌺 we love subby Mase
0 notes
kingofjohto · 2 years
Pairing: Will Byers X Male!Reader
Description: after wasting away in your house all summer, you finally got an excuse to get out of the house. Your boyfriend needed you…. To bake a cake? Though you felt a little excluded before, your interactions and time spent with the party make you realize just how much they care about you.
Word Count: 2.1k
Notes: Homophobia is mentioned, however there is none outwardly expressed. Also, this is part one to another short series of stories I’m going to do(kind of like SIAD and YMMFLAKIACS
They Grow Up Fast, Don’t They?
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You let out a sigh as you wasted away at the foot of your bed for what seemed like the longest summer in all of Hawkins. You should consider yourself lucky, seeing as how your house survived the massive Earthquake during spring break, but the was one downside.
“DAMN this ac needs to start working!!” You groaned.
You looked at the T.V. screen as the 6 fans blew wind in your face. You WOULD be volunteering with your family, but you broke your leg fighting a dimensional level threat with your new friends and boyfriend. But instead of being out, you were stuck in a blistering hot house playing Zelda on your NES. You sighed as you sat up, dropping the controller on the ground. You just wished something would happen, someone would need you… and your prayers were answered as the phone rang from downstairs. You quickly scrambled to your feet and tried your best to get to the phone before it stopped ringing.
“Hello?” You asked, winded from the rush.
“Hey Y/n. It’s a code red.” A voice quickly said from the other side.
“Will? What happened? Is it the upside down? Russians? Did someone die? Is everything okay?” You panicked.
“Don’t worry, nothing supernatural.” Will reassured you.
“So? What’s up then?” You asked.
“Mike… dropped the cake. We need to make a new one, asap. And you’re the only person we know that can bake.” Will explained.
“The wedding is tomorrow isn’t it??” You shouted.
“Yeah, it is. But someone just had to drop it.” Will said.
You could hear Mike attempt to defend himself from over the line, but Will simply ignored him.
“So, can you help?” Will asked.
“I would bike over, but my leg, remember?” You reminded.
Suddenly you heard a honk outside. You turned to look through your front window and saw the minivan outside, Jonathan peeking his head out.
“I didn’t have a choice did I?” You sighed.
“Alright, thanks see you byeeeee!” Will quickly hung up.
You sighed at the sudden request, but you were happy anyway. Anything for him. You got your crutch that was leaning against the front door and walked outside. As you shoved your crutch in the middle seat and sat down you saw Nancy in the Front, and Dustin and Eleven in the back.
“Oh, didn’t know everyone would be here.” You said as you buckled in your seatbelt.
“Yeah well, Will said we’d need as much help as we could get.” Jonathan said.
“Well, I hope you’re all ready. We’re gonna bake the hell out of this cake.” You said.
“So, do you think this will be enough?” Will asked.
Everyone stood back in anticipation. You looked down at the two boxes of birthday cake mix and 2 eggs. You let out a sigh.
“Right, before we do anything I’m going to assign you all tasks so we can get this done by at least tomorrow.” You said, looking at the group of people sitting around the living room of the Byers new house.
“You probably don't need me then, right?” Max mumbled.
She was still recovering from Vecna's attack. She was blind now, and her broken limbs still had to heal a bit. She had gotten roped into all of this because Will radioed in Lucas while he was visiting her at home, and he convinced her to come along.
“No, I definitely need you Max.” You said, “I need a manager. All I need you to do is yell at Dustin, Lucas and Mike.”
“What!?” Mike exclaimed.
“You three will be preparing. That means getting the kitchen ready, cleaning up the mess from the last cake, and getting everything that we have here ready for the new cake. That also means doing inventory, checking how many cake pans we have and whatever ingredients we have. Take inventory first and make sure we have everything we need, radio in when you know what we need.” You ordered.
“What? How are we supposed to know all that!?” Mike asked, irritated.
You looked around and found a small stack of sticky notes, grabbed it, and quickly scribbled down everything you'd need.
“Here,” you stick the sticky note to his forehead, “That should be everything. The rest of you, c’mon. We got some shopping to do.”
“This is chicken scratch, I can't read this.” Mike said.
“Dusin can!” you shouted as the rest of the group began to follow you out the door.
“Alright, everyone in.” Jonathan said.
Once again Nancy sat in the front, this time Will was sitting next to you in the middle, and Eleven was squished in between Steve and Robin.
“Alright, here's what we need to get.” You said, looking at the small list of things you wrote down on the leftover sticky notes, “We need a large cake pan, a small cake pan, a carton of eggs, milk, flour, sugar, and Icing. Everything else Mike found at home.”
“Right, we should split up.” Jonathan said.
“I agree.” Steve said.
You could all sense the tension between them. It was… embarrassing, from an outside perspective.
“Well, how about we go get those eggs Nancy!” Robin said.
“Sure! Have fun boys!” Nancy said, leaving the two of them to their own drama.
“Yeah, El, Y/n and I are gonna go get the cake pans and Icing.” Will said, getting you out of the sticky situation.
The three of you walked up the aisle and made your way to the cookware section.
“Alright, I’ll grab the pans. You guys go get the icing. It should be white buttercream. Also if they have any, some gold or silver colored frosting and some piping bags.” You said.
“Got it. White buttercream, alright let's go El.” Will said.
“Right, let's go.” El replied.
Now, to find the right sized pan…
Will and Eleven walked farther and farther away from the cookware aisle, and finally reached the frosting.
“Alright, It should be around here somewhere.” Will said, looking through the strangely large array of frosting colors.
“Um… Will? Can I ask you something?” Eleven asked.
“Yeah, what’s up.” Will replied, still scanning through the icing.
“Well… I just… since Y/n joined the group, you’ve changed.” El said.
Will froze a bit at Eleven's words. The only people who knew were Jonathan, and accidentally Dustin, as he saw the two of you kiss once, as well as Hopper, and by extension Joyce, since Hopper had walked into Will’s room one night to look for a flashlight and found the two of you asleep in each other's arms. Of course, Hopper and Joyce talked to the both of you. They were all supportive, but both Y/n and Will were a bit hesitant to tell anyone else.
“What I mean is… You seem happier now. So I’m happy that we got to meet Y/n” Eleven said.
Will sighed a sigh of relief. But still something lingered on his mind.
“El…” Will began.
“Hm?” Eleven said.
“Me and Y/n. We’re… more than just friends.” Will said.
“But I thought Mike was your best friend?” Eleven responded.
“No!! I mean… we’re more than that too. We’re… we’re boyfriends.” He whispered.
“Oh!” Eleven said.
“Is that a… good oh, or a bad one?” Will asked.
“A good one! I’m happy for both of you.” Eleven said.
Will let out a sigh of relief, “El you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even Mike.” he said.
“Why? Isn’t it good that you guys are dating?” El asked.
“Yeah well, some people don’t like the idea of being different, and two boys dating… that's different.. And they don't tell you if they do or don't, so I need you to promise me not to tell anyone.” Will said in a hushed tone.
“I understand. I’m different too, so I promise you I will keep your secret.” Eleven said.
“Thank you, that means a lot to me.” Will said.
“Now, let's find that… butter-cream icing. Y/n must be waiting for us.” El laughed.
“Heh, right.” Will said.
“Took the both of you long enough.” You said sarcastically.
Will and Eleven looked at each other and laughed.
“Wait what's so funny?” You asked.
Will gave you this look, and so did Eleven.
“Wait, does she know?” You asked, enthusiastically.
“Yup.” Will said.
“I'm surprised she didn’t find out sooner considering…”
Will quickly silenced you.
“Hahahah alright lets go meet up with the others.” Will said.
“Whaaat? I was gonna say since she has… you know whats!” You said, holding your hand up to reference her powers.
The three of you laughed and quickly met up with Nancy and Robin who were waiting near the checkout.
“Where’s Jonathan and Steve?” You asked as you walked up to them.
“Probably fighting.” Robin said.
“Ugh, boys.” Robin said, as the two of them ran down the aisle they were in and towards the group.
“Hah! I made it first.” Steve said.
“No you didn’t, I did!” Jonathan argued.
“Both of you got here last. C’mon, lets check out.” Nancy said, grabbing the flour and sugar out of their hands.
You grabbed the bag with the cake pans in it as you hurried inside. Hopper and Joyce were gonna be back soon, within the next few hours at least. You had to finish the cake, or you’re all doomed. You all stormed in to see the kitchen… spotless.
“Everything is ready!” Dustin said.
“We even started the oven.” Lucas said with a forced smile.
Mike didn’t say anything.
“Wow, you really whipped them into shape.” You said to Max as the rest of the group got everything together.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement. Thanks for that.” Max said.
“No need to thank me. You’re more a part of this party than I am, so I should be thanking you for accepting me into your group.” you said.
“Anytime.” Max laughed.
“Right, now! Let’s get this cake baked everyone!”
Soon you got everyone to work. Will and Eleven were helping with getting the cakes in the oven, Mike was on dish duty, while Lucas and Dustin tried to glue together the little Bride and Groom figure that had broken on impact. Everyone else was trying to recover what was left of the small flower decorations from the last cake. Once the cakes were finally in the oven, almost everyone had left. The only people left were Nancy and Mike, who had both agreed to stay behind and help since it was Mike who dropped the cake in the first place. Once the cakes were done, you took them out and sat them on the counter to cool, and got the cake stand ready. While the cakes were cooling, Nancy and Jonathan sat at the dinner table while everyone else decided to watch a movie, while you focused on Icing the cake.
“Alright! I’m done!” You said.
It was already 11 pm, and Mike and Nancy went home about an hour ago. You just had to get the cake perfect. Will was the only one awake anymore, but he still came over and hugged you.
“Thank you. SO much.” He said as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“You know you don't have to thank me.” You said, kissing him on the forehead.
“I'm sorry we took your whole day.” Will said.
“It’s alright. I wasn’t doing anything anyway. Plus, I called my parents earlier and got permission to stay over for the night. So in the end I got to do something I love, and spend the whole day with someone I love.” you said.
“You’re the best person ever.” He said.
“C’mon. All I did was bake a cake. You were the one that brought everyone together today.” You said.
The two of you stood there, embracing each other for a while, before you decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie together.
When Hopper and Joyce got back from their long day out, they were surprised to see you and Will on the couch asleep, with his head on your shoulder and your head resting on top of his, as well as the cake on the counter.
“You know… it's funny.” Joyce whispered to Hopper.
“What is?” Hopper asked.
“It feels like yesterday that Will was telling me he’d never fall in love whenever Nancy and Jonathan were around.” Joyce said, with a loving smile on her face.
“Well… they grow up fast.” Hopper said, thinking back on all the times him and El would sit alone in his cabin, eating eggos and watching old westerns.
“That they do.” Joyce said.
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Bottled Feelings (Jake Peralta x Reader)
Characters: Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Terry Jeffords
Fandom: Brooklyn 99
Tags: Angst with a happy ending, mutual pining, idiots in love
Warnings: Mild violence and swearing
Word Count: 4,1k words
Summary: Tired of trying to get close to Jake, Y/N finds that working on a case with him has a very messy result due to their tension.
A/N: I know cops can be a touchy subject and police brutality is the worst, but this is the B99 world, so I don’t want to get too real or political. I just thought I’d mention it because reader is a cop in this one, so feel free not to read this if it makes you uncomfortable.
AO3: Link
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Jake Peralta x Gender Neutral Cop Reader
Your gazes met across the precinct. When your eyes locked with Jake’s kind brown ones, you smiled and so did he. After holding his gaze for several seconds, he wiggled his eyebrows. You chuckled, bashfully averting your eyes. Probably enjoying that you were slightly flustered, Jake rolled closer to you on his chair, bearing that playful smirk you knew so well by now. Trying not to smile at him, you eyed him with the corner of your eye.
“Whatcha doing, Y/N?”  He cheerfully asked with a hint of playfulness.
“Some boring paperwork…” You rolled your eyes, briefly picking the case file up and showing it to him.
“Marco, huh?” Jake nodded, hanging one arm over the back of his chair. “Slippery son of a bitch”
Indeed he was. Different cops of the precinct had arrested him several times. The first time it was Amy, the second time it was Rosa. Jake even arrested him once. After that, Charles helped you arrest Marco once. The other times it was all you, and you still had a scar on your shoulder to prove it from when he escaped the first time. You made it your personal mission to make sure Marco stayed behind bars, but he kept managing to get away. That guy was like your Doug Judy, and Jake knew.
Probably trying to cheer you up, he wiggled his eyebrows once more.
“Mind if I…” He rolled his chair closer until his knee bumped against yours. “Join in?”
“Unfortunately, and as much as I would like to be blessed by your lovely company…” You grinned at him, adorably tilting your head and earning a chuckle from Jake. “I really gotta do this paperwork”
“Aw…” He pouted, still keeping the playfulness. “That sucks”
“But I’m free later” You said, pretending to appear carefree even if your heart raced in excitement at the thought of spending more time with him, especially away from work. “If you want to go out and have coffee with me”
“What? Oh... I, uh…” Jake frowned at the invitation. Then he pointed a finger over his shoulder and laughed awkwardly. “Whoops, I think Charles is calling me. Gotta go, sorry, byeeeee!”
“Jake!” You complained, even if you should have seen it coming.
He was always ready to flirt and joke around, but the minute you proposed to take a step further, he panicked. You only asked him to grab coffee… you weren’t asking him to get married!
You sighed and shook your head, begrudgingly returning your attention to the paperwork. Jake lingered on your mind even as your eyes traveled across the written words.
As much as you adored him, Jake could never take things seriously. He was too afraid of commitment and serious relationships to actually do anything other than flirting. And yes, that was still fun, but you wanted something more. More than just seeing each other every day and lingering awkwardly, both clearly wanting to say something more, to get closer, but never doing so. You had the sneaking suspicion that he wanted that too, even if he felt safe in your carefree and flirtatious friendship.  
Realizing that your thoughts were too distracting to focus, you grunted in annoyance. You pushed your chair away from the desk and stood up. After a quick visual sweep around the precinct, you spotted Jake. He was actually talking to Charles after all, even if you were sure that Boyle didn’t really call for him.
Moving with determination, you walked closer to them and decided to address this once and for all. The situation had gone on for too long.
“Hey” Someone interrupted you before you moved. You turned to see Rosa standing there, coffee in hand. “You okay?”
You held back the urge to look behind you to Jake and Charles. Instead, you shrugged at first but then nodded your head. You didn’t think Rosa would be interested in your romantic problems, and you didn’t want to bother her with them.
She cocked an eyebrow at you, perhaps seeing through your facade.
“What did the nerd do?” She calmly asked, taking a sip out of her coffee.
You paused, but her eyes attentively watched you. Giving in, you started speaking. At least you knew if someone was to be honest about the situation and stay objective, it would be her.
“Nothing… he didn’t do anything…” You sighed in exasperation. “That’s the problem”
“Why don’t you ask him out?”
You gawked at her, surprised that she even knew. Was it that obvious? You got flustered for a moment, but sucked it up and figured there was no point in denying it.
“I tried, Rosa” You averted your gaze. “But whenever I do, he just panics”
“Then he’s stupid” She mumbled, and you noticed how her eyes quickly fell over him before settling back over you. “You’re great and he would be lucky to date you”
“Wow…” You were genuinely astonished by her honest response. “Are you flirting with me, Diaz?”
Rosa smirked, remaining silent for a moment. She then opened her mouth to reply, but something interrupted her.
“Y/N?” Terry’s voice called, and so you turned around to face him.
“Yes, Sarge?” Absently patting Rosa’s arm as a thanks for her help, you moved to approach him.
“You have Marco’s case, don’t you?”
“I do... why?” You gripped the edges of the table, sensing there was new information.
“We just received news of his hideout, he’s apparently-“
“Please let me go, Terry!” You begged him, feeling your heart already hammering in your chest in anticipation. “This is our first true lead in months!”
Just the thought of going to his den and catching him was exhilarating. Marco would put up a fight for sure, but that would only make it challenging and more exciting. It could be like a scene out of an action movie, chase and all.
“I was!” Terry defended himself, handing you some papers. Before you could grab them, however, he took them out of your reach. “With one condition”
You impatiently put a hand on your hip and nodded your head. Whatever the condition was, you would have no problem with it. This was what you had been waiting for, you finally had something that could lead me to Marco. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t stand between you and him.
“I know how dangerous that guy is” Terry continued, seeing that you listened intently. “You can’t go alone, you need backup”
“I guess you’re right. My vote’s on Rosa, between the two of us Marco has no chance”
Terry slowly handed the papers to you, this time letting you take them from his hand. However, there was a frown on his brow as he watched you.
“Rosa’s busy, she’s interrogating a perp right now” Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed she was nowhere to be found now. “I’m surprised she was your first choice”
“Yeah, well… she’s badass and we make a great team”
“True, but you know someone you make even a greater team with”
“Oh, no…” You paused, noticing that smart glint in his eye. You begged he wasn’t thinking about the person you thought he was. “Terry, right now we are…”
“Peralta!” He called, ignoring your pathetic plea.
With Terry’s call, Jake turned around. Leaving Charles’ side, he came to join you. His eyes fell over you, but you refused to reciprocate. You were still mad at him.
“Yes, Terry?” Jake calmly asked, and you felt his eyes traveling from him to you.
“We have news about Marco’s hideout” Terry said, giving him the papers that you didn’t notice you crumpled in your hand. “You’re going with Y/N”
“Copy that” Jake still looked at you, even as he stepped away. “Give me a sec”
You still refused to look at him. It hurt that he denied your relationship like that. If he was mature enough, he would at least tell you he wasn’t interested instead of keeping your hopes up and flirting for so long.
“Can’t I go with someone else?” You hated to feel so childish, since your emotions were pouring out, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to completely focus on the mission. “Please, Terry!”
“I’ve made your mind up, Y/N. I think you two have more chances of catching him together”
You sighed, resigned to your fate. Despite your annoyance with Jake, it was true that you usually made a really good team. Jake was actually a really good cop and the only times you had seen him serious was during a case. Even if your relationship was at a strange point, you could push your feelings aside for a while.
Jake soon returned, putting his brown leather jacket on. His eyes burned holes in your nape, so you reluctantly gazed at him. There he was, innocently standing with his hands on his hips and with that goofy but attractive grin taking over his lips.
Noticing your reluctance to his usual antics as you scowled, he sighed as well. Even Terry stirred in the spot, uncomfortable with the tangible awkwardness between you.
“Should we go?” Jake asked, using a funny voice. You only glared at him. “Okay, I’m driving”
He playfully patted your arm, but you didn’t react. He just scurried off, and you prayed that this inconvenience didn’t ruin the case you had been working on for so long.
The outskirts of Brooklyn were oddly quiet. The only sound surrounding you was the one of your shoes against the cobblestone as you paced around the area. It was completely deserted.
You tried to be vigilant, alert to any noise or anything remotely telling of Marco’s situation. For now, the place was still serene. Perhaps too serene, which rattled you all the more.
“You’re mad at me, aren’t you?” Jake finally broke the stifling silence. “I can tell”
“Really, you can tell?” You erupted into bitter sarcasm before you could stop yourself.
“Yeah, you’re never like this” He stopped pacing to stand before you. There was a rare grave look on his expression. “Mind telling me why?”
“Okay” You resolved, sternly crossing your arms over your chest. “I like you and you like me, but every time I try to talk about it you just leave”  
“Wow… whaaaaat?” He averted his gaze with an awed chuckle, even if you did notice he was blushing. “What are you talking about, Y/N?”
“So you don’t have feelings for me?” You challenged him, holding his gaze when it returned to you. “We were flirting an hour ago”
“Maybe you were, I was just trying to annoy you!”
He mockingly wrinkled his noise at you. As much as those gestures used to be endearing to you, after so long they had become annoying. It hurt that he kept hiding behind layers of humor to encase his heart behind a wall. There was no way to get in if he didn’t let you, no matter how hard you tried.
“That’s what I mean, Jake! Either make a move or tell me you don’t love me, but stop running away!”
“Don’t shout!” He whispered yelled, cringing at the loud sound. “He might hear us”
“Yeah, keep changing the subject, Jake!”
“I’m not changing the subject, Y/N!”
“Then say something!”
“What do you want me to say?”
“The truth! Do you love me or not?”
“I…” He clicked his tongue and averted his gaze. “N-No!”
His exclamation died out in the heavy silence around you. There were no people, no cars, not even birds chirping that could soften the impact of his rejection. You received it at full force.
“Is that why you never want to go out with me?” Jake frowned in sympathy to your heartbreak. His brown eyes were laced with sadness. “Fine, thanks for letting me know... took you long enough”
“Guess I was wrong. You were never interested in me, you never really cared”
You had enough, you were out of there. Wanting to leave everything behind, you took a few steps back. You didn’t care about any of it. Jake, the operation, not even Marco. You didn’t feel strong enough to face the criminal that had been slipping through your fingers for so long. Not right now.
“Y/N? Wait, Y/N!” Jake begged, trying to reach out as you walked away. “Where are you going?”
“I need a moment” You rushed to get away from his grasp when you felt his hand grabbing yours.
“Wait, don’t go!” He managed to still get ahold of your wrist, tightly holding on to it. “I’m sorry, I-“
“No, Jake, you’ve done enough! I can’t trust you or rely on you!” You exclaimed, feeling hot tears of anger and sorrow burning in your eyes. “You’re immature and selfish, and you’ve been playing with my emotions and making me believe you saw our friendship as something more”
“Y/N, wait...” You pushed a hand against his chest, yanking your wrist away from his reach.
“Leave me alone, Jake” You said in exhaustion, too drained to be around him anymore.
“C’mon, come back!” He tried again as you left him behind. “Please, Y/N!”
Shaking your head to shove the many thoughts off your head, you began running. You made sure to face your back to him so he couldn’t see the tears in your eyes. Wanting to get away from him immediately, you ran away as fast as you could, away from the pain that it caused you to finally learn that all of your playfulness meant something entirely different for him.
You had run out of tears, you just sat there, idle. Rid from his presence and influence, you thought you would feel better. You didn’t. He was still present in your heart and in your thoughts. Exhausted, you feebly leaned against the wall behind you.
“Where are you?” A teasing voice suddenly called out. It wasn’t Jake’s.
You covered your mouth when you realized you must have been heard. Although you had tried to keep your sobbing and crying to a minimum, you had been too hurt to hide it any longer. Your emotions were too strong and so was your pain, so much so that you failed to realize you weren’t alone. Your feelings had overflown and gotten in the way of your job.
“Come out, cop!” Marco called out, taunting you. “I know you’re there!”
Clumsily wiping your tears in a hurry, you reached out for your gun. You stood up and moved slowly, trying to place his position. He had stopped talking. You focused on making no noise as you carefully advanced. Before you knew, however, you felt something cold leaning against your temple. In an instinct, you held your hands up in surrender.
“Marco…” You whispered, hearing a snicker that confirmed your fears.
“Cop” He greeted you with that raspy voice that haunted your dreams. “Where’s your partner?”
“What partner? I’m alone”
“I heard you arguing with someone”
“I wasn’t arguing to anyone, I was... talking to myself”
“Don’t bullshit me” He hit the back of your head with the butt of his gun. It wasn’t enough to knock you out, but you winced as you saw stars dance in your vision. “Call him right now”
“Dammit…” Jake had been right after all. Hopefully he was still around. Taking a deep breath to muster all the courage you could, you called out for him. “Jake!!”
You had been hoping that he needed you alive to get rid of Jake, which seemed to be the case since you weren’t dead yet. However, that didn’t stop Marco from hitting you again, leaving you disoriented and groggy. Not losing a second, the criminal put an arm around you and pushed you against him to ensure you stayed within his reach. You were too concussed to fight it.
“Y/N!!” You heard Jake’s voice in the distance, followed by the hurried sound of footsteps heading your direction.
“Here he comes” Marco muttered, rearranging his hold on you and pointing the gun ahead to where your partner was to arrive from.
Soon, Jake appeared folding a corner. He was wielding his gun, but stopped at the sight he was received with. Jake clenched his jaw, his eyes frantically moving from Marco to you.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He worriedly asked you, but Marco piped up before you could reply.
“Put the gun down” The criminal commanded with his deep voice. “Now!!”
“Okay, okay” Jake obeyed, slowly leaning down to put his weapon on the ground, then holding his hands up in the air. “Just take it easy”
“Now take a step back”
“Fine, just calm down… No one has to get hurt, okay?”
“I’ll let this one go if you both leave”
“Jake…” You mumbled, fighting the throbbing headache that settled on your head, starting in the spot Marco had hit. “Don’t let him get away…”
“It’s okay, Y/N” Jake said, trying to comfort you. “We’ll get him some other time”
It was hard to think and focus. You wanted to insist that Jake shouldn’t let you get in the way of arresting him, but it seemed like he had made a choice. One he wouldn’t back away from.
“Do it!!” Marco insisted, shouting close to your ear and worsening your headache, making your grimace as a result.
“Fine, we’ll leave” Jake told him in a calm tone that no doubt hid great restlessness. “Now let Y/N go”
You watched your partner, surprised by the seriousness in his expression, by the firm tone in his voice and the stoic expression of his face. You had never seen him like that, not even during other cases.
“I want you to promise!”
“I promise you, I… I swear! Just let Y/N go now”
There was a pause in which they seized each other up, locking gazes and being ready for the smallest movement. They were ready to retaliate whatever happened.
“I’m outta here” Marco began saying, eyes set on Jake. Noticing their attention was off you, you decided to take this to your advantage.
“Like hell you are” Fighting your unwell, you turned around and jumped at him.
Marco immediately responded, trying to point the gun at you. Although your reflexes were slow because of your possible concussion, you managed to hold his wrist and force his hand so the weapon pointed upwards to the sky. That didn’t quite avoid the struggle, though. Using his free hand, Marco began hitting you.
You took the hits as best as you could, focusing on keeping his armed hand away from you and Jake. Marco punched you, once, twice, thrice. Across the face, on the stomach, on the jaw. You felt blood pouring out of your nose, you felt the air leave your lungs as the pain focused on your stomach, and then your ears ringing when his fist impacted with your head.
Just when the world started spinning around you, Marco fell. A great force had tackled him to the ground, and you looked in confusion to see Jake over him, forcing Marco’s arms over his back to cuff him.
“G-Good job” You mumbled in a daze, plopping down in the ground as your body and mind recovered.
Jake spoke close to you, reading Marco the Miranda rights. When he was done and sure that the criminal wouldn’t get away yet another time, your partner turned to you.
“Y/N?” He cautiously asked, slowly leaving Marco cuffed to the bars of a nearby window to approach you. “How are you? You okay?”
It took you a moment to react, and it wasn’t until you felt him shaking your shoulder that you replied. Your eyes had closed, but you forced them open to see him.
“I’m fine...” You muttered, but Jake was already taking your face into his hands.
“Oh my god, you’re bleeding” He gulped, letting his brown eyes worriedly look over you.  “We need to get you to a hospital”
“I said I’m okay...” You repeated, feeling like you regained your focus as you looked eyes with him.
“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault… I never wanted you to get hurt” Jake sighed, letting go of you and averting his gaze. "When I saw Marco had you I almost had a heart attack. I do care about you, and I was scared I would never get to tell you. I should have told you a long time ago, I’m sorry..."
"No, Jake..." Although clutching your head, you felt the need to apologize yourself. “I’m sorry about what I said, it wasn’t true… none of it”
“So you don’t think I’m immature?” He brightened up, giving you one of his usual goofy grins that never failed to make your day. This time it wasn’t any different.
“No, you are immature” You chuckled, dropping a comforting hand on his shoulder when he rolled his eyes. “But I trust you, and I know I can rely on you. After all, you just saved me”
“No, you saved yourself, Y/N” His voice was sweet as honey, infused with his fondness towards you, with love and adoration. “Being all badass and awesome as usual”
You smiled, taking notice of the fact that your faces were inching closer and closer. None of you minded, keeping your gazes locked and bearing twin smiles.
“Cut the crap and uncuff me!” A voice reminded you that you weren’t quite alone.
“Can’t you see we’re having a moment? C’mon, Marco!” Jake complained, carelessly waving a hand in the air as he briefly turned to the cuffed criminal. “I called backup, they’ll be here soon to pick up your shady ass”
You laughed a little, having missed this side of Jake. The one that joked around and said stupid things, the goofy one that made silly voices. The one that made dumb faces to make you laugh and that flirted with you.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jake’s voice made you realize you had tiredly rested your forehead against his shoulder.
“Yeah, just tired”
“Okay, c’mon” He wrapped his arms around you and carefully pulled you to your feet. Once there, you had to hold on to his shoulders when you found it difficult to stand. “Still with me, Y/N?”
“Yeah” Still leaning against him, you separated slightly to look into his eyes again. “Thanks for having my back, partner”
“I should have had your back a long time ago” Jake fondly stared at you, firmly holding his hands on your waist to keep you up. “Instead, I needed a criminal to remind me how much I love you”
“What?” You groggily muttered, staring at him in awe.
“I lied before… I do love you, I just… You were taking the step and I got scared” He sighed, frowning and shaking his head as if to lecture himself. “I’m really sorry, and I would understand if you wanted nothing to do with me after this”
“Well…” You sighed yourself, feeling happy despite your exhaustion. “It must be the concussion, but I still want to go out with you, Peralta”
“Really?” His genuine big smile briefly cleared your mind, making your heart race in excitement. “Then, I’m going to ask you something I should have asked you months ago”
"Can I kiss you?"
You made a pause, just to torture him a little bit. Jake watched you expectantly, tightly holding on to you as though he was the one struggling to stand now.
"Permission granted" You grinned, causing him to breathe out in relief.
Smiling, he gingerly leaned closer until his lips grazed yours. Tugging at his tie, you pushed him closer against you to meet in a proper kiss. His arms tightened around you, making the kiss more passionate as he poured out all of himself in the exchange. Suddenly, you could feel all those emotions he had been repressing, all those compliments he had hid behind playfulness, all those beautiful words that he had concealed. And as you broke away and peered into his eyes, you could see all of that reflected in them.
“Well” Jake grinned, for the first time allowing himself to lovingly stare at you. “How was that?”
“It made me dizzy” You chuckled, tiredly pressing your forehead against his shoulder. “But don’t get too cocky, I’m pretty sure it’s the concussion”
Jake laughed, amused by your little joke. The flirtatious playfulness had returned, but this time it felt different than the others. It felt more real and authentic, and for once it wasn’t hiding all of his bottled feelings nor your helpless attempts.
“Let’s get you checked out” Pressing you against his side, Jake began walking, half-carrying you.
Just then, police and ambulance sirens echoed around the streets. The red and blue glow of the lights were blinding you in your sickly state, and the strident noises made your headache worse, but you didn’t mind.
For the first time in months, Jake was by your side. This time, he wouldn’t run away. He had stopped hiding himself. When you returned, you would have plenty of time to be together.
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sparxwrites · 2 years
Joe Hills, Godmaker
“You realise you've made him a god, right?” says Scar to Joe, quietly, as they both watch Bdubs – him, and Ren, and Cleo before the pair of them looking increasingly exasperated.
“Who?” Joe's chewing on a hangnail, hardly paying attention.
It's suddenly occurred to him that he's never asked Cleo if her hair gets hungry. Working through the possible outcomes of dangling a small prey animal near her head – physical, biological, ethical, moral, interpersonal – is taking an entire hemisphere up, currently. And it's pretty hard to do anything with half a brain, let alone something as hard as paying attention.
“Bdubs.” Scar's voice goes soft when he says the name, like homemade fudge left too long on a sunny windowsill. “You know. With your whole, oh, usually kings get their power from gods, but you got yours from Bdubs. That makes him, by rights, a god.”
They both pause to watch Bdubs bow and grovel to Ren, only to round on Cleo with all the enthusiasm of a Disney villain's sidekick. He doesn't look like a god. But then, they both know that looks can be deceiving.
“A real god, or a narrative one?”asks Joe, with the air of someone who's had this sort of conversation before.
Scar hums, thoughtfully. He's not looking at Joe. He's got eyes only for Bdubs. “Is there a difference?”
Joe gives him a look. “Scar,” he admonishes. “We don't all worship stories, y'know.”
“I do not worship–” Scar sighs, and relents, possibly sensing an argument he can't win without lying. Or with lying, even. “Okay, fine. Narrative god. Mythic figure. Whatever. It's the same thing, really! Mostly. You know. Kingmaker the god, Kingmaker the myth… it's all the same…” He makes a gesture with his hands that might, in Joe's interpretation, indicate cosmic soup.
Or it might just indicate regular soup. It's pretty close to lunch time, after all. Soup sounds pretty good right about now.
Joe says none of that. What he does say is, “Oh! Like King Arthur.” He waves a vague hand at Scar's frown, in a gesture that doesn't look like soup. “Doesn't matter. Guy with a sword. He was king once, too."
“Right! Sure. Just like King Arnold. Except he's not a king, he's a god."
“Right,” says Joe, and then, “Wait. If Bdubs made Ren a king, and he's a kingmaker, then does that mean if I made Bdubs a god, I'm a godmaker?”
Scar shrugs. “Sure!” he says. “Call yourself whatever you want. Just know that if you do, though, you're probably gonna end up making more gods. All sorts of ones! Big ones, itty bitty little ones, really weird ones…”
For a moment, Joe loses himself in the blissful imagining of an axolotl god, made by his own hand – tiny, pinkish, wet and wriggling, held in his palm. He'd name it Godsalotl. No, wait. Axogodtl. Godsagodtl? No, that's ridiculous. Axo–
Then a horrible, terrible thought occurs to him.
“Wait,” he says, slowly.
In front of them, Cleo is very obviously dismissed, and Scar starts getting ready to take his turn approaching the royal throne.
Bdubs – Godubs? – is bellowing something about squabs. Joe's still not sure what that is. Squids, maybe, but wider. If he's a god, Joe supposes they can be whatever Bdubs wants them to be.
Scar looks up from unsubtly shrugging his shirt a little off his shoulders, so the front's held further open. His abs are glistening with what, on anyone else, would probably be baby oil. It's Scar, though, so Joe has to assume it's something more random – cooking oil, maybe, though he's vaguely aware that licking it to check would constitute what Cleo calls a socially unacceptable action.
“What?” Scar says, peering at Joe over his sunglasses.
“If Bdubs is a god, and he's a kingmaker, then that means Rendog's still claiming divine right of kings.” Joe sighs, heavily. “Which means I gotta dethrone him. Aw, shoot.”
“Okay, well, good luck with that!” says Scar, in the brightly cheerful voice he only uses when he's not paying any attention. “Anyway, I gotta go speak to a king and his pet god now, so, talk to you later, good byeeeee.”
And then he's gone, down the hallway and into the throne room without a backwards glance.
Joe sighs again, and squares his shoulders. “There goes work on the pinball machine for the next week,”he says, more to himself than anything. “Ah well. I can probably catch up after, with a bit of overtime. Might even be able to get Bdubs to help. …Hey, Iskall. How much faster do you reckon a god can place blocks then us regular folks?”
Iskall looks at him funny, which Joe always thinks is a little rich coming from a guy who built his own eyeball. Which he respects, entirely, but judgement seems slightly hypocritical when the man dispensing it did his own experimental doit-yourself eye surgery.
“Uhm? I don't know?” he says, voice lilting up in confused concern. “I'd have to assume a lot, though. Yes! Uhm. A lot.”
"Yeah,” says Joe, eyes slowly lighting up with possibility. His pinball machine has a bright future ahead of it, with a little touch from a god. “A lotl…”
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migeviellardi · 3 years
I’m Back (hopefully)
It has been long since I posted anything. So here, something that I have been working on lately. I had a lot of fun trying out Ibis Paint X, and yes, I drew these on my phone because why not.
This is basically a new AU of mine, and yes, it is Donnie centric au (look, I know I'm biased. I love Donnie and I'm not afraid to say it!). But I'm on the ready to draw the others, so hopefully I can fight my own laziness and get it done.
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Also, I had a mild case of Dying Light addiction right now, hence the inspiration for this au. Basically it's a survival AU called 'Revitalize'. The world was in post-apocalyptic era where strange creatures called 'Morphers' invaded the earth and wrecked havoc.
Things happened in NYC, human was forced to cooperate with Mutants or Yokais. The Hamatos was forced to left Donnie in a coma after some near fatal incident. Donnie's goal was to find his family and reunites with them while he tries to survive along with his trusty AI drone, Shelldon.
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There's a little summary, I'm actually quite hyping for this au. So, I'm crossing my fingers, I'm going to make sure I hold this au for as long as I could. How do I do that? I HAVE NO IDEA!!! But I'll come back with some drawings.
Wish me Luck!!! I NEED IT!!!
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