#getting drunk just to handle their daily lives
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elysedc · 5 months ago
i haven’t blogged about 1d in probably …7 years? but god it’s weird to process liam being gone. I’ll be honest, i really dropped off paying attention to them when they split up and haven’t kept up since, so i didn’t know about all the shit that’s come out. i think what’s important to me now are all the friends i made on here when we were all so deeply (DEEPLY) invested. that flush of nervous energy that comes with a first crush is how it felt to love those boys. it was a frenetic, chaotic joy, all the more because of the friends i experienced it with. those friends are married now! with babies! it’s insane. this whole thing is insane. idk what to do
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lyrefromthesea · 8 months ago
Maybe drunk hashiras x reader ?? :00
something like a reader dealing with drunk hashira and how would they act? Can they hold their booze well?
Male Pillars x Reader - Drunk Idiots
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pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: alcohol consumption, mild suggestiveness (if you squint)
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• can drink a decent amount of liquor before actually having reactions to it
• won't drink much when outside, knows it could be dangerous
• however, gets drunk at home parties
"come on, it's time to leave." you told your guests, ushering them out of your house. with a few sighs and goodbyes they made their way out, asking whether they could repeat this sometime.
"maybe, who knows? as long as Tengen's not claiming the booze." you laughed, watching them take their leave after a few more laughs.
you closed the door behind you, walking towards the living room. Tengen was still sitting on the ground, a sakazuki filled with sake in hand.
"I think that's enough for you, hm?" you interrupted, gently taking the liquor out of his hand. he mumbled something incoherent, watching you set the drink to the side and pull you close.
"you're no fun, beautiful.." he muttered, pulling you onto his lap and leaning against your back. you rolled your eyes with a smile, feeling him rest his head on your shoulder.
"i know you sent the others away, but that doesn't mean the party has to end.." he snickered, wrapping his arms around your torso.
"i think that's exactly what it means." you answered, wriggling out of his grip to turn around and put your arms over his shoulders.
"like i said, you're no fun.." he sighed, the smell of alcohol making you squirm and turn your head away.
"you reek. go brush your teeth and go to bed!" you scolded him, yet you laughed seconds later. you just didn't expect him to pull you even closer, pressing his lips against yours.
when he broke the kiss and looked at you with his signature smirk, you felt your cheeks go red.
"i could go drunk on your kisses too, if that's what you desire.." he breathed against your lips, his smirk growing with the spreading blush on your face.
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• doesn't drink often, doesn't drink much
• knows he can't handle it well, but will drink a glass to keep etiquette
• feels the effect after one or two glasses and stops immediately
Obanai had already told you he couldn't drink much, that he would probably need to go home sooner than later.
you had tried imagining how he would act after a glass or two, but you didn't expect him to cling onto you. he didn't let go of your body since the two of you have walked home.
"[name], i don't know if i ever told you.." he started, your face turning towards him. you had brought him to bed after you came home, now laying next to him.
"told me what..?" you asked, realizing that the man had stopped in the midst of his sentence. it almost felt like he had forgotten what he wanted to say. tilting your head lightly, you were waiting for his response.
"you're so beautiful.." he answered, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. you were surprised by his tender touch. of course he showed you affection on a daily basis, but he still had problems expressing himself.
seeing his eyes stare at you with incomparable affection, you felt your heart beat faster. you could see the thoughts behind his eyes, that he was speaking the truth, while the alcohol had fogged his mind.
he moved closer, until the two of you were directly facing each other. the alcohol had made him bolder, had taken away his inhibitions.
without much hesitation he closed his eyes, pressing his lips against yours through the mask. you thought he would stop after one kiss, but the time it took for him to stop made your face flush.
"so undeniably beautiful.." he whispered, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
perhaps you should encourage a weekly glass of wine with him.
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• doesn't drink often, can hold a decent amount of liquor
• has a habit of drinking too much when he's at a party with you
• confused, nothing more, pure confusion
"let's go home now, Kyojuro." you smiled, putting a hand on your husband's arm. he had nearly emptied three bottles by himself, now completely drunk on the alcohol.
"who are you..? i'm waiting for the love of my life.." the man slurred, making sure to brush your hand off his arm. "i'm not a cheater.."
you tried containing the laugh threatening to spill from your lips, realizing he didn't recognize you. you had only been in the bathroom for a few minutes, wanting to refresh yourself before leaving.
"oh, i take it you're married?" you asked, taking the opportunity by it's head. you knew he was a good man, but you couldn't stop yourself from indulging in the situation.
"yes, i'm married to the- the most beautiful person alive..!" he muttered lazily, looking towards the bathroom doors. the way he couldn't comprehend that you were right next to him made you laugh quietly.
you excused yourself and wished him a good night, walking back into the bathroom, just to leave it a few moments later. Rengoku's eyes were trained on you, lighting up.
"careful, Kyojuro!" you gasped, watching him stand up and stumble towards you. he laughed in response, telling you that everything was fine.
"come now, let's get you home.." you said, a comforting smile on your face. the man smiled back, letting you lead him towards your new destination.
he would be embarrassed about every time he stumbled on the way back home when he woke up tomorrow - just how he would be embarrassed when he remembered his conversation with the seemingly unknown person trying to hit on him.
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• has probably the highest tolerance out of the pillars
• somehow still tends to push his limit
• will either become positively energetic or tired, no in-between
when you took Sanemi with you, wanting to bring him home, you didn't expect the man to change your destined path.
he had been silent for most of the way, but after entering a certain area, he looked around a few times, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him.
"it's here." he noted, stepping past the last bushes. you had wanted to complain, but your eyes widened when you saw the landscape in front of you.
you didn't know a place like this existed near your home - a beautiful flower field. the moon was shining onto the colorful flowers, giving the scenery a magic light.
"what do you think?" he asked, the hiccup leaving him betraying his sober facade. you would've rolled your eyes at his drinking habit, but the view was too beautiful to get mad at.
"it's breathtaking.." you admitted, your voice quiet, almost appearing like you didn't want to break the night's silence.
"it's not the only thing that's taking my breath away." he answered, placing his hand on your lower back. you fell silent, feeling his fingers interlock with yours, mimicking a slow dance.
it wasn't elegant by any means, the two of you were just slowly dancing through the field, but his actions took your breath away.
"i didn't know you could be this romantic.." you mumbled, a soft chuckle following your words. he simply looked at you, his eyes traveling to your lips.
"blame it on the alcohol." he said, leaning in to press a kiss on your lips. despite the alcohol's bitter taste, still lingering on his lips, you closed your eyes and kissed him back.
he smiled at you after ending the kiss, lidded eyes displaying affection. yet just a moment later, his smile faded, placing his head on your shoulder.
"i'm about to fall asleep." he noted, your eyes widening when you felt him lean more onto your body.
the rest of the night contained of ushering him home, telling him to stay awake until he could finally lay in bed.
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• less than Tengen or Rengoku, more than Obanai
• knows his boundaries
• you caught him drunk at a party just once, you still tease him about it
"Giyuu..?" your voice was barely above a whisper as the man hovered over you, looking at you with hazy eyes. any trace of happiness had left his face, now only revealing frustration and jealousy.
he knew his limits, he usually did, yet he took another glass when he saw you talk to a man that wasn't him - and another one, and another one, and..
before he knew it, he made his way towards you, flushed cheeks and unfocused eyes revealing how many shots he had chucked down.
"we're going." he said, his hand grabbing yours, pulling you away from the other man. he pulled you along - his grip never painful, but clearly determined.
he didn't listen until you two were outside, a few streets away from any other person. his eyes hidden by his lose bangs, you would've expected angry eyes to meet yours, but the sight never came.
you felt his head drop onto your shoulder, hands pulling you close and wrapping around your torso.
"don't ignore me anymore, i want to be the man you're looking at." he mumbled against your skin, brushing his nose against the side of your neck.
"Giyuu, i.." you were rendered speechless, his hands coming up to your shoulders before he stood straight again, looking down at you.
"i'll show you.. i'll show you why you only need to have eyes for me.." he told you, his hand coming up to brush the strands out of his face.
your breath nearly hitched when you saw the glint in his eye, his gaze traveling over you before he sped up to hurry home with you.
whatever he had planned, you surely wouldn't forget this night.
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• can drink more than most of the pillars, but still has boundaries
• doesn't get fully drunk, will stop when he feels the alcohol's effect
• calm, somehow appears nearly sober, but people who know him can tell
if it hadn't been for the light flush of his cheeks, you wouldn't have noticed that Gyomei had engaged in drinking booze.
what surprised you even more, he didn't only drink one glass, he did have quite a few of them.
"are you sure you're okay..?" you ask him carefully, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. Gyomei turned towards you, his eyes narrowing a fraction.
"do not worry, darling, i am fine." he answered, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. you had expected him to lean in and kiss you, but that wasn't the case.
"you, however, seem to have taken a glass too many." he said, letting you press your cheek against his palm more. he smiled at the act of affection, not missing the hum leaving your lips.
"how come?" you ask, wanting to know how he figured it out. it's true after all, you've swallowed a few glasses yourself.
his other hand came up to cup your other cheek as well, leaning down with a smile. you looked at him curiously, seeing that he had something on his mind.
"your cheeks are surprisingly warm. could that be a side effect of the liquor, darling?" he responded, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
"maybe both of have had a glass too many." you answered with a chuckle, happy when you heard him laugh with you.
he listened around the room, knowing that it was already late and people have left. "perhaps we should take our leave as well.."
"you're probably right. besides, i wouldn't mind getting you alone for some time.." you smiled, making your way towards the door with him.
parties were great, sure, but spending time with him was better.
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daisymbin · 4 months ago
do you like me? - yoon jeonghan
warnings: as usual, alcohol as it is part of the drunken series , use of "she"
pairings: yoon jeonghan x reader
genre: friends to lovers, tiny bit of fluff, jealous jeonghan
wc: 2.2k
a/n: i cant believe its 2.2k wc, i was only aiming for 1000 minimum LOL. also im sorry yall, I feel like this fic didn't show more of 'drunk jeonghan' but I tried my best so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this one! also I miss yoon jeonghan :(
drunken confessions masterlist
check out my masterlist! // hannie's m.list
jeonghan had always been playful with you. his teasing was a daily occurrence, a steady rhythm in the chaos of your shared lives. whether it was his shameless compliments, sly smiles, or that way he always seemed to invade your personal space, it was his favorite game; to make you blush, to get you stumbling over your words. he was drawn to the way you’d turn red, to your quiet flustered reactions. for him, each shy smile, every averted gaze was a little victory, he savoured each & every one of them.
but today was different.
you’d bitten off more than you could handle, volunteering to organize tonight's dinner without realizing the work it entailed. you thought it was easy; I mean, its just dinner right? but you forgot the part where its for 14 people. part of you wanted to ask jeonghan for help, he was resourceful, organized, and probably the best person for the job. yet, just the thought of sitting with him, of his teasing comments while he leaned close to look over the details, made you anxious. you could already imagine his smirk, the inevitable, “oh, so you do need me,”  that would tumble from his lips. the thought alone had your cheeks heating up, so instead, you turned to seungcheol.
“hey, cheol,” you called, catching his attention. “could you… help. me with tonight's dinner planning? i’m a little overwhelmed.”
seungcheol looked at you with an easy smile. “of course. what do you have in mind so far?”
you settled beside him, going over the checklist you’d made. seungcheol was focused, nodding along, giving practical suggestions. his presence always easy and comforting for you.
meanwhile, jeonghan had wandered into the room just in time to see you sidle up to seungcheol. his eyes narrowed slightly, taking in how close the two of you were, your heads bent together, deep in conversation. you laughed at something seungcheol said, and jeonghan felt his chest tighten. he was used to your flustered, shy reactions, but this was different. with seungcheol, you looked comfortable, relaxed: in a way you never were around him.
the more he watched, the more that flicker of irritation grew, a quiet jealousy simmering just beneath the surface. he didn’t realize he’d been clenching his fists until he caught seungcheol looking at you with that friendly smile, his hand resting casually on the back of your chair. something inside him snapped.
walking over, jeonghan put on his usual casual smile, but there was a tightness to it. “am i interrupting something?” he asked, his voice light but with a sharpness that made you and seungcheol look up.
seungcheol raised an eyebrow, not missing the tension in jeonghan’s expression. “just helping out with the dinner tonight,” he said, meeting jeonghan’s gaze evenly. “she needed some help.”
jeonghan’s gaze flickered to you, his brow furrowing slightly. “really? you needed help?” he echoed, the emphasis on ‘you’ just sharp enough to make your cheeks flush. he turned back to seungcheol, his voice dropping. “you must be really busy to spare the time, huh?”
seungcheol gave a small chuckle, clearly unfazed. “never too busy for a friend,” he replied, his tone pointed, as if daring jeonghan to say something else.
jeonghan’s jaw tightened, and he forced a thin smile. “that’s good,” he said, his voice deceptively soft. “after all, friends should help each other, right?”
he moved closer, positioning himself between you and seungcheol, and leaned over to glance at your notes. “you could’ve asked me, you know,” he murmured, his tone a mix of annoyance and something sharper. “i thought you knew i’d make time for you.”
you looked down, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. “i… i just thought you might be busy,” you lied, not daring to meet his gaze.
“busy?” jeonghan echoed, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, though there was no humor in it. “funny. because it looks like you had plenty of time to find seungcheol.” he let out a low chuckle, but it lacked his usual warmth, sounding more like he was biting back something he didn’t want to say.
seungcheol raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he watched the exchange. “jeonghan, if you wanted to help, all you had to do was say so,” he said, his voice calm but pointed. “i don’t mind stepping aside.” seungcheol; knowing jeonghan's crush on you, was annoyed that jeonghan saw him as a threat.
jeonghan’s gaze hardened for a split second, and he gave a stiff shrug. “no, don’t worry. wouldn’t want to step on anyone’s toes,” he replied, a hint of sarcasm slipping into his voice. he turned back to you, his expression softer but still tinged with frustration. “but angel, just next time, maybe try asking me first?”
he glanced at seungcheol, a flash of irritation crossing his face as he noticed the small smile on seungcheol’s lips. 
dinner that night started lightheartedly enough, filled with jokes, the clinking of glasses, and shared laughter. you were seated across from jeonghan, who seemed quieter than usual, eyes not quite meeting yours. the earlier tension from the day still lingered like an invisible thread between you.
as the evening went on, seungcheol seemed to gravitate towards you, his hand resting casually on your shoulder as he laughed at one of your jokes. every now and then, he’d lean in close to say something only you could hear, his warmth pressing into your side. it was the kind of natural, friendly touch that seungcheol was known for, but tonight, under jeonghan’s watchful gaze, it felt heavier.
jeonghan’s eyes darkened each time seungcheol’s fingers brushed yours or his arm draped over the back of your chair. his usual playful smirk was replaced by a tight line, the humor in his eyes dulled with an emotion he didn’t bother hiding anymore. the casual sips of wine he’d been taking turned into longer, more frequent gulps, his hand clenching the stem of the glass as if it were the only thing anchoring him.
“you’re really good at making everyone laugh, you know that?” seungcheol said with a grin, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. you giggled, warmth flooding your cheeks at the compliment, oblivious to the way jeonghan’s jaw clenched from across the table.
“cheol, i think its just you, no one else thinks that." you said as you hit seungcheol's chest playfully. & by "no one else" you really only meant jeonghan because he's sitting there, not a hint of humour on his face. but your gesture towards seungcheol & the added alcohol in his system, heightening his senses only made jeonghan’s frustration spike. the easy way you interacted with seungcheol, so comfortable, without a hint of the nervousness you usually had around him. it felt like salt in an open wound.
jeonghan finally set his glass down with a sharp clink, drawing everyone’s attention. his smile was there, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “seungcheol, you’re really good at making everyone feel special, don't you?” the question was laced with a bitter edge, masked just enough to pass as playful to anyone who wasn’t paying attention.
seungcheol raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension but choosing to play along. “well, someone’s gotta keep the mood up, right?” he chuckled, his arm going back to rest on your shoulder. the familiarity in his posture made jeonghan’s blood simmer.
“right,” jeonghan said, his voice deceptively light as he pushed back his chair and stood up, the scrape of wood against the floor sending a jolt through you. he rounded the table, stopping just behind your chair, his hand landing on the back of it with a grip that made you glance up at him in surprise.
“mind if i steal her for a second?” jeonghan’s tone was polite, but the look he shot seungcheol was anything but.
seungcheol’s eyes narrowed slightly before he let out a short laugh, leaning back and lifting his hands in mock surrender. “by all means,” he said, but the knowing glint in his eyes spoke volumes.
jeonghan leaned down, his face close to yours, voice low enough that only you could hear. “we need to talk,” he murmured, and the way his fingers brushed against your shoulder sent a shiver down your spine.
“o-okay,” you managed to say, your heart thudding in your chest as jeonghan’s gaze bore into yours, filled with an intensity that left no room for argument.
the room around you seemed to hold its breath, the chatter and laughter fading as jeonghan’s jealousy, simmering all night, finally bubbled to the surface.
jeonghan stepped closer, the intensity in his gaze weighing heavily on you. the lighthearted banter that usually flowed so easily between you was replaced by a thick tension that felt almost suffocating. you could feel your heart race, unsure of what was coming, but dreading it all the same.
“i need to get this off my chest. it’s been eating at me all day.” he said, his voice low and shaky,
you swallowed hard, the unease swirling in your stomach. “what is it?”
“do you like seungcheol?” 
“what? no, he's just a close friend.” your voice loud and clear.
“good. i don’t want to see you with anyone else,” he confessed, the liquid courage had him spilling words out in a rush, as if he couldn’t hold them back any longer. “not seungcheol, not anyone. it kills me to watch you laugh with him, to see you so at ease when you’re with him.” his eyes glassy.
you opened your mouth to respond, but he cut you off, frustration lining his features. “do you have any idea how much it hurts? every time you go to him instead of me, every time you ask him for help instead of me? it feels like you’re choosing him over me, and i can’t stand it!”
the heat of his words struck you like a slap, and you recoiled slightly, your heart aching at the rawness of his confession. “jeonghan, it’s not like that. i didn’t mean-”
“but it is!” he interrupted, his voice rising with emotion. “why is it so easy with him for you? you say he’s just a friend but when you need help, he’s the first one you think of? when we were sitting round the table for dinner, you just had to sit beside him? i’ve tried to brush it off, to act like it doesn’t bother me, but it does. i like you. like. a lot. i really really like you. and seeing you with him makes me feel like i’m losing you, which is stupid because you were never mine to begin with but it feels like you’ll never see me as anything more than just a friend. and it tears me apart. it just. hurts. do you even think of me? do you even think about me?” 
his voice cracked on the last words, the vulnerability laid bare in front of you. your chest felt heavy as you took in the pain etched across his face. “jeonghan, i-”
“no,” he said, shaking his head, anguish flooding his expression. “you don’t have to say anything if you don’t feel the same way. i just… needed you to know how i feel. i’ve been holding this in for so long, and it’s exhausting. i can’t keep pretending that it doesn’t matter to me when it does.”
your heart raced as you processed his confession. you could see the hurt in his eyes, the fear of rejection bubbling beneath the surface. “i… i do care about you,” you finally managed, your voice trembling. “but i was scared to admit it, we’re so…different.” jeonghan’s eyes softened for just a moment, but the hurt was still there, lingering. “then what do we do now?” he asked, the vulnerability seeping back in, but now mixed with an edge of despair. “because watching you be happy with someone else… i don’t think i can handle that anymore. so tell me, do you…do you like me?”
his question brought silence, it hung between you, thick with tension and jeonghan's raw vulnerability that shows his uncertainty, but within it was a glimmer of hope because jeonghan knows what your answer is when you locked eyes, he saw the way you looked at him. the world around you faded away, leaving just the two of you in a moment that felt both terrifying and exhilarating.
whatever was in the magic somaek as mingyu called it when he handed it to you was definitely working, because out of all the times jeonghan teased you to no end & his endless friendly flirting that left you shy & red, this has got to be the one time you really ought to be running away with the way he's looking at you.
so tell me, why is it that when jeonghan pulls you closer by your waist and looks into your eyes as if asking for permission for god knows what, why do you nod your head twice with great certainty? & when jeonghan smiles so wide, bringing his left hand up to your neck to pull your body flush against his own and kisses you on your lips, why do you kiss him back?
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f1cflcfic · 2 months ago
The Prophecy (SMAU ft. Lando Norris) Part IV
pairing: lando norris x singer!reader (fem!y/n)
summary: what happens after the break-up that noone saw coming? as Y/N L/N gears up to release her next album, each song reveals a little bit of the past, present and future of her relationship with Lando Norris. Inspired by a curated playlist built around "The Prophecy".
note: this is RPF and is obviously in no way, shape, or form reflective of real persons.
genre: social media au, angst, exes to lovers, happy ending
[A/N: woops, turns out that it works better to split the final bit of the story over two parts, so this means you've still got one part coming after this one! Also, please note that we spend some time in Las Vegas in this part, so there's vague mention of alcohol and drunk shenanigans]
part i part ii part iii
♥・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡・*:.。 。.:*・゚♥
November 15th, 2026
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November 17th, 2026
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November 18th, 2026
[Daily Mail excerpt]
Y/N L/N, Louis Tomlinson and more arrive for Las Vegas GP Opening Ceremony
Alle eyes are on Las Vegas this week, as the city plays host to one of the most exciting Grand Prix circuits this year. Vegas never fails to deliver an adrenalin rush, and this race promises to be one for the history books. Not just for what happens on track, but also outside of it. Tonight, many F1 fans and other entertainment lovers will head to the iconic the Sphere for the Opening Ceremony concert. With names like Kygo, Chappell Roan, and Y/N L/N headlining, it’ll surely be a treat.
Of course, many will be paying particular attention to Y/N L/N, who arrived this morning with fellow singer Louis Tomlinson in tow at the stadium. The two have been friends for a long time, and are frequently seen spending time together. However, L/N’s breakup with F1 driver Lando Norris has caused some fans to wonder if there’s perhaps more than meets the eye between the two. The rumours have only been fuelled by reports of the two leaving parties together earlier this month, as they were both said to have attended Travis Kelce’s birthday in October. Representatives for L/N refused to comment.
Her latest album The Prophecy is said to have been inspired largely by the downfall of her relationship with Norris – who has steered clear of commenting so far. Critics have described the decision to have L/N perform at a GP as “aggressive”, and “potentially damaging” for the sport’s credibility. “It casts a huge shadow over what could be a decisive race for points in both the Driver’s and Constructor’s championship,” one F1 fan remarked online. Another refuted such claims, stating that it’s “F1 who invited her there in the first place, and it’s literally just a concert before the actual racing begins – calm down”.
Whether or not the singers are expected to make an appearance in any of the paddocks later this week remains to be seen.
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November 19th, 2026
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November 20th, 2026
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[Excerpt of Y/N's interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live!]
“So your new album has been out for about a week now, and it’s projected to be at #1 – there’s a bunch of people in the audience who have literally been about here for days, trying to get tickets to this taping," Jimmy motions to a couple of fans who immediately stand up and wave at Y/N. She gasps and blows a kiss to them, “days?! Oh my gosh, thank you!" Y/N turns to Jimmy, "is it okay if I ..." she trails off before just jumping out of her seat to hug the two fans.
When she returns, Jimmy motions for her to continue speaking. "I mean it’s absolutely amazing, especially knowing that it was such a personal project and to see that reach so many people is mindblowing. I wish I could spend more time with everyone, but it’s been super hectic as well, promoting this record.”
“How is that for your family – how are they handling all the fame and attention? They must not see you very much,” he asks.
“It can be difficult for sure. They’ve always been really supportive of me chasing my dreams, and whenever it’s possible I try to fly them out or go see them. But yeah, sometimes that’s just not an option, or I’m honestly too tired to be social. I was in the UK last week, flew in to LA yesterday evening from Vegas, New York before that, and then I’m on a red-eye tonight again out of here as well. I think now that I’ve been doing this for so long, I’ve realised that sometimes you just need to let life in and hit pause. You can’t just give and give and give to everything, all at once.”
Jimmy nods emphatically. “That’s very well said – I have a really hard time picturing you not working, to be honest. What does that even look like?”
“Ha, I really love to read. I usually am carrying at least two or three books with me, and then I’ll leave them behind somewhere in a second hand shop, or those little book nooks?”
“So someone somewhere could be holding a book that you’ve read in their hands, and they wouldn’t even know it?”
“Oh 100% that’s the case.”
“If you'd only doodled in them, they'd be worth thousands of dollars, probably." He turns back to the people in the crowd. "Would you buy a book that's been read by Y/N?" They nod, and he grins. "See?"
"Now do you also use those books for inspiration when you write, or is it all just your own experiences?”
“Yeah I’ve surely gotten inspired by other artforms in the past – I think probably subconsciously even for this record. That’s where the idea of a song around a prophecy came from, fantasy novels.”
He feigns contemplation, regarding Y/N carefully. “Have you been able to change it, that prophecy? I just want you to be happy, and you didn’t seem that happy on this record.”
Y/N lets out an awkward smile and shuffles in her seat. “I think that I’ll always have difficulty letting go of this need for control, but I’d say I’m definitely in a much better place than when I wrote it. I’m happy, I’ve got great people around me who love me, so can’t complain.”
November 21st, 2026
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[The Independent excerpt]
The British driver was pictured celebrating with the McLaren team immediately after the race. Fellow papaya teammate Oscar Piastri had a disastrous start to the race, but managed phenomenal overtakes that eventually handed him P3. The double McLaren podium was completed by Lewis Hamilton, who edged out Max Verstappen with a crucial undercut earlier on in the race.
Speaking on the race, Norris said that he tried to treat it as any other and not think too much about defending his lead. “I’ve got my routines, that I’m trying to stick to as much as possible. Of course there’s some extra pressure, but we’ve got a strong car and I was feeling good about our lap times all week,” he shrugs. “Las Vegas is a great, but challenging track. I’m really pleased that we got the performance up enough to cash in on the pole position this time.”
Norris has now increased his lead in the WDC, which gives him a comfortable position moving into the final races of the season.
Many celebrities were stateside to attend the Grand Prix, but perhaps most contentious was the appearance of Y/N L/N, Norris’ ex-girlfriend. After opening the GP earlier this week on Wednesday, she had seemingly left Las Vegas to promote her album across the world. However, it seems watching her ex take the win was high enough a priority to fly straight back to Vegas on Saturday. The high profile singer used to be a frequent presence in F1, but stopped attending races as their relationship deteriorated.
Norris has been dodging questions about L/N all month, as her latest album is rumoured to have been inspired by their relationship. When asked whether or not it had affected his focus on the race after qualifying, Norris was quick to shut the reporter down. “It’s completely irrelevant to talk about that when I’m sitting in pole. If I decide to meet up with an old friend that happens to be in town, then that’s what I’ll do. Might even turn out to be a good luck charm, if anything.”
It seems to indicate the two have since reconciled, as they were spotted celebrating Norris’ win together with friends.
November 23, 2026
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♥・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡・*:.。 。.:*・゚♥
You can read the previous parts by going here, part V is now available here)
♥ likes, comments, reblogs are always very much appreciated ♥
taglist (open) : @charlesgirl16, @linnygirl09, @hoeforsirius, @motorsportloverf1, @sarx164, @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff, @formulaal, @tvdtw4ever @sadiemack9 @seonghwaexile
bonus: Tension song
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eddysocs · 2 months ago
OC Ship Alphabet
A = Affection (How do they show affection for each other? Are they into PDA?)
B = Best (What do they think is the best thing about their partner(s)?)
C = Communication (Do they communicate well? How often are fights or misunderstandings?)
D = Domestic (Do they want a family? Kids? Pets?)
E = Establish (How did the relationship begin?)
F = Family (How does introducing them to friends/family go?)
G = Gift (Are they gift givers? Any significant or meaningful gifts exchanged between them?)
H = Habits (What habits do they have that annoy their partner(s)?)
I = I Love You (Who said I love you first? When did they know they were in love?)
J = Jealousy (Are they the jealous type? What activates their jealousy?)
K = Kempt (Are they clean, organized? Do they help one another with daily routines? Hair, makeup?)
L = Lush (Do they drink? What happens when one of them is drunk?)
M = Meet (How did they meet? Was it cute or a complete disaster?)
N = Nicknames (What pet names do they have for each other? Any unique ones?)
O = Outing (What was the best date they went on, or event they went to together?)
P = Proposal (Who proposes? How? What does the ring look like?)
Q = Quote (An important quote or something cute/meaningful one has said.)
R = Romance (Was it a whirlwind romance or more of a slow burn?)
S = Sex (What’s their sex life like? Any kinks they enjoy together?)
T = Tradition (Are there any traditions they partake in? Something special just for them?)
U = Unconventional (Is there anything unconventional about their relationship? Something unique to them?)
V = Vulnerability (What’s it like when they show their softer side? How long does it take them to feel comfortable with one another?)
W = Wedding (What would their wedding be like?)
X = Xchange (In what ways do they share their lives? Sharing food? Wearing each other's clothes?)
Y = Yuck (How do they handle the other(s) getting sick?)
Z = Zzz (How do they sleep? Are they cuddly? Can’t sleep without the other(s)?)
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Requests for these alphabets are now open! All you have to do is ask for the ship alphabet (and yes, you’ll get the full thing) for the OC x Canon pairing of your choice!
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gayphob1a · 1 year ago
STWG Daily Drabble 9/30/23
prompt: drunk talk
“Ssteeeve! Over.” Dustin’s voice comes over the radio, staticky and slurred.
It’s 1 AM, Steve has a shift first thing in the morning, and he really should be sleeping, but he’s been nervously awaiting this call all night. His kids are finally leaving the nest, going to their first party and he knew this meant they would be calling him for a ride at some point, so he kept the volume up on his radio. When he doesn’t answer fast enough, a whole chorus of clumsy voices crackle over the radio. 
“Steven Anita Harrington! Over.” Mike starts giggling like a mad man at the very incorrect middle name he’s decided to give Steve. In the background, Steve is pretty sure he can hear someone throwing up.
“Are you guys okay?” Steve asks, and then after a moment of silence, adds: “Over.”
“Thank you, Steven! We are great! Over.” There’s a cacophony of giggles and Steve is pretty sure they forgot why they even called,
“Do you need a ride? Over.” 
“To where? Over.” 
“Y- Dumbass, to your homes. Okay stay where you are, I'm coming to get you.” Steve zips a hoodie halfway up his bare chest, too tired and annoyed to put a shirt on, and grabs his keys on the way out the door. He’d had the good sense to make them tell them who was throwing the party, and a couple minutes later, he’s pulling up to a house that’s not too far from his own. He spots his gaggle of drunkards immediately, the lot of them huddled around the radio, shaking it and hitting the side like it’ll split at the seams and drop candy. “Hey! Dumbasses! Get in the car,” he hollers.
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas look up from the radio, dumbfounded. “Steve, what are you doing here?” Lucas asks.
“Dude, I just told you I was coming to pick you up.”
Mike scoffs and puts an arm around Will who, yup that definitely was puking he heard, because Will is doubled over in the bushes. “You didn’t say ‘over’, dumbass.”
“Just get in the car! You guys are sleeping at mine tonight, or your parents will kill me for letting this happen.” The boys stumble towards the car, fighting over the handle for the front seat when a large hand appears out of nowhere and pushes them out of the way.
“Nuh uh kiddos, respect your elders. I ride shotgun.” Eddie says, swaying only a fraction as bad as the kids. They grumble, but agree and help Will into the backseat. “And a good evening to you, boys.” Eddie says, staring directly at Steve’s chest. 
From the back seat there’s a chorus of “Boo! Weak! Do better!” Even from Will, who is barely holding his head up off Mike’s shoulder. Eddie takes the challenge as Steve starts driving back to his house.
“I’ve always wanted to live in the jungle,” he says. Steve has to swat Eddie’s hand away from running through his chest hair, desperately trying to be annoyed and not aroused in front of the kids. But Eddie knows Steve knows he has a thing for his hair, and Steve has a thing for anything that gets Eddie riled up. 
“What are you even doing here, Eds? I thought you were at home.”
“Team bonding?” Eddie tries.
“He was selling drugs!” Dustin hollers, absolutely zero control over his volume. 
Eddie whips around in his seat to yell “You motherfucker!” at Dustin.
“Nope,” the kid retorts. “Pretty sure that’s you.”
When they pull into Steve’s driveway, he orders the kids to go to the living room and go to sleep. The boys slowly fumble their way out of the car and through the front door, all the while Eddie stares at Steve with a lusty fire burning in his eyes. 
“You wore that just to torture me, didn’t you?” Eddie asks.
“Eddie, I didn’t even know you were at the party. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“OR we could stay out here and fog up these windows.”
“Nice try, my beautiful little distillery, you are far too drunk. Now be a good boy and get in bed, and maybe I’ll let you pet me you little weirdo.”
Eddie unbuckles and throws the door open so fast that he trips over his feet and face plants getting out of the car. He hops up, no worse for wear, and turns around to salute Steve. “Sir, yes sir!” He yells, and sprints through the house to Steve’s bedroom.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months ago
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[9:22 pm]
(cw: Mark is drunk, "shit")
You were nervous. A ball of nerves and anxiety sat in the pit of your stomach as you reached for the handle of the front door. You were already here, there was no going back. You could do this, you could do this- shit, the door was open. Now you definitely had to go in.
The scene in front of you was one far more tame than you had expected. You'd been to house parties here before, scratch that, a house party here before. The house party months ago where you met situationship!Mark.
You had had a plastic red cup in your hand, observing the people around you as they danced and partied. You had come with a friend who you hadn't spoken to in nearly an hour. You had caught a glimpse of her dancing in the middle of the makeshift dance floor with her arms in the air with a bright smile on her face. It was just after you had looked away from her that Mark had sidled up to you and introduced himself to you.
It had been months since you and Mark met. Months of unofficial dates hanging out, late nights, calls until dawn, daily texting. Months of acting like a couple without actually being a couple. You would see Mark around campus with his friends and he wouldn't give you more than a subtle nod in your direction. The "hang outs" were always at your place or somewhere at least 20 minutes away from campus.
Yet, as much as you hated it, there was no denying how much you'd continue to endure it because you just really liked Mark. His reasons always seemed sound. The house was loud with 4 guys living there, anything around campus would be busier, your bed was more comfortable, his friends were overwhelming and he didn't want to scare you away. Plus, he was sweet, funny, and attentive... only when it was just the two of you.
You weren't even sure how Mark would react to seeing you. How were you going to react? You shook your head, willing your anxious thoughts away as you began to look for your friends.
You made your way through the kitchen and then the living room with no luck. Your next stop was the backyard. As you slid the door open, you came face to face with a glassy-eyed Mark. His eyes widened in surprise before a smile broke out across his face. "You're here!" He exclaimed before looping an arm around your shoulder and guiding you to where his friends were hanging out.
He kept his arm around you, around your waist while his head nuzzled into your neck while his friends included you in the conversations being had. They were all nice, funny and kind. They made you feel included and got to know you. It was strange being around these people you had heard so much about but had never met. It was strange being in public with Mark and having him be so affectionate and open about the relationship you both shared.
You would have loved to say this was everything you wanted, that it gave you a sense of peace, and settled your nerves, but it didn't. It did the opposite. You felt sick, confused, uneasy. Why was he only now introducing you when he was drunk? Why now after 7 months? Why now after endless secret moments shared just between the two of you?
Mark laughed at something a friend said before turning to press a kiss to your temple. You had to fight the full body flinch. The heavy scent of alcohol on his breath made you nauseous. You had to get away.
Thankfully, as you looked around at everyone else in the backyard, you caught sight of your friends. Thank goodness. You had to get away from here, away from Mark.
You wormed your way out of Mark's hold, ignoring his whines and the tightening grip on your waist. You waved goodbye to his friends and bolted to your friends, leaving Mark behind without a word. You were lucky that they could read the distress on your face. They didn't ask any questions and simply headed to the exit.
Your heart felt heavy and that sick anxious feeling hadn't resolved yet, but there was also a lightness you felt. It was done and you would be fine. It was all going to be fine.
a/n: so my initial idea for this was that it would be fluff... but I have been wanting to write angst so... we all win!!
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martialartslover7 · 5 months ago
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Headcanon time: Am I the only one who feels like, Jiraiya should have left this little compensation gift for Tsunade, before heading off to fight Pain? Dying in the process, while still leaving a remainder of his legacy behind? Making up for lost time, and allowing the two to heal together, after years of fearful denial and trauma?
I get that the Naruto series is practically infamous for how poorly the female characters were handled, but honestly, this one time, where one woman in the series would end up pregnant, where I would wholeheartedly SUPPORT it, would be Tsunade. Think about it, after the war, after fighting Madara, she practically returned to the same solitude lifestyle she had, before encountering Naruto. She didn't change for the better, in fact, she regressed completely. She returned to living without any purpose, going back to gambling and getting senselessly drunk, practically every day.
Look, I get it, by the time Kakashi becomes Hokage, she might have just retired and wanted to be left alone, but is this really all there is to it? Just regressing back to negative habits, because, screw you? I dunno, man, this is that one time where, if she DID end up having a child to take care of, it might have elevated her character, instead of "putting her down", because it would mean: She has a purpose for living. And it would mean, her love for Jiraiya wasn't a "curse", like how it was with her previous lover, Dan. Jiraiya's love for her, saved her life, in the end. He turned out to be that one guy, that, even post-mortum, still managed to have a positive influence on her. And the child is a daily reminder, of how closely intertwined the two were, in spite of the trauma. That just sounds so beautiful, and far more conclusive to Tsunade as a character, than what happened in the actual story. Plus, she and Kurenai could have become besties and connect over the difficulties with pregnancy.
And yeah, I hear you calling: BuT tSuNaDe Is ToO oLd To GeT pReGgErS! Listen, the Strength of a Hundred Seal kept her entire appearance and body about twenty years younger, if that also applies to her organs and her uterus, that isn't a dead topic. Plus, we all know how much of a horny perv Jiraiya is, he couldn't have just left it at just one time, and then never again. Especially since, this is Tsunade we are talking about here, the one woman, he had always held so dear. And I can only imagine, the moment the dam breaks between the two, it would get... SPICY.
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It wouldn't even come close to all these sex worker ladies that Jiraiya had probably slept with, while thinking about Tsunade, since he would always go for those, who KIND OF resemble her. But I will bet, in spite of his attitude, I doubt he would have even minded to see Tsunade all wrinkly and old. His love for her was genuine and deep-rooted, I doubt he would have had any problems with her getting "saggy". She would have been THE golden exception, to most of his "rules" on what he finds attractive, because to him, everything about her, is attractive, not just the looks.
But another point to consider, just imagine, IMAGINE, the look on Naruto's face, the moment he learns that part of his father figure will continue to live on, inside Tsunade. That all his sacrifices were never in vain, and he finally got over himself to tell her the truth, resulting in the birth of their child, the one to carry on both of their legacies. Naruto would have cherished this baby, just imagine him tearfully cradling it in his arms, swearing to protect it, the same way his mom swore to him, when he was still a newborn. Oh god, my heart...
...it would also be a nice callback to how Kushina held Naruto, right after birth.
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Plus, it would have given Naruto, much like when Shikamaru revealed to him, how Kurenai bore the child of her and Asuma before he died, a much bigger motivation to fight Madara, Obito, and later, Sasuke. The stakes would have become way higher then, if that were the case, since, this isn't anyone's child, it's Jiraiya's and Tsunade's child. Two people, who have played major roles in Naruto's life, being his foster parents, if you will. And he would have fought way harder to defend the past, the present and the future, while facing Sasuke. I mean, sure, it's doubtful if Sasuke would have ever had the guts to truly go through with this, since he couldn't even bring himself to kill either Naruto or Sakura, no matter how hard he tried, so, if he couldn't do that, then everything would be out of the question. But you get the point.
And for NaruHina and SasuSaku fans: Yup. Both Naruto and Sakura would have probably had to take care of Tsunade's baby, since they were the closest to her, and it could have been an ideal training method for either of them, to grasp all about the stressful nature of raising a child, while still working as shinobi and in their respective fields of work. It would have mentally prepared either of them, for when Hinata and Sasuke finally decide to tie the knot with them, and build their own families. And to add another layer of pure sweetness: Kakashi and Anko would have gotten announced as the child's godparents, should something happen to Tsunade. Nuff' said.
I am sorry, despite Kakashi and Anko not looking like it, I think, both of them would be AWESOME godparents, or hell, even uncle and aunt. Both saw the worst of what life had to offer. Raising a child would be... child's play, by contrast. Just imagine Anko adorably doting on the baby in her crazy, unhinged, but very endearing way.
There you go, another headcanon of mine, spilled. What do you guys think? Lemme know. Peace.
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hobisstar · 1 year ago
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blue | y!taehyung x fem!reader
summary: breaking up over difficult reasons was always tuff to handle. Everyone had their different ways with dealing with them. But, Taehyung wasn’t everyone, and he be damned if the love of his life thought it was okay to say such a thing.
warning: nothing too bad! light cursing, a little bit of angst, Taehyung is a little bit of a manipulator in this, tae is a painter in this. possessiveness.
tag list: none!
a/n: Hello! i’ve been on a role but this one will be short! just wanted to get an idea out before i go to bed! if you like this short one, let me know if i should make a longer version of it! enjoy!
disclaimer: as always, i do not intend to say that anyone i write open are actually like this. this is purely fiction and i would like to only keep it that way.
the color that y/n thought explained her relationship deeply. it was the color that she picked out in each apartment she shared with her lover, Taehyung.
She loved him… at the start. she really did. But once his career started to take off, he changed and for the worst. he constantly was coming home late after hang out with some painters, constantly smelling like someone else’s perfume, constantly sleeping in on days that the both of them planned to go out and see the world, see the blue.
this time, it was the last straw. taehyung had come back at 3 am with some girl and a guy that was carrying him inside. she promised herself that in the morning she would leave and never return. tired of living the life of a famous man’s forgotten girlfriend.
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morning comes and y/n was awaken by the smell of coffee and breakfast but also by the sound of smooth jazz playing. She assumed Tae was in one of his many paintings moods. When he was hungover, coffee and painting was his remedy. Always came up with a beautiful painting that he described as “ lady” who he said always was made in the thoughts of Y/N.
as she got up, took a shower and did her daily morning routine, she remembered her promise. This ends today, now, right now. Yes, she loves him or loved him. But she couldn’t continue to live like this anymore.
She walked to the closet and grabbed the nearest duffel bag and packed most off her clothes shoes and under garments. Lucky for her, her best friend lived not too far from here and always offered her home to her.
Once everything was packed she was heading down the huge staircase and realized that Tae must of been in the kitchen painting this time. She put everything of hers in her car and walked back in ready to end this, no matter what he said, Y/N was completely leaving.
She walked into the kitchen hearing the sweet deep hums of her now mentally but not physically ex boyfriend. His back facing her, she cleared her voice.
“ Tae, do you remember anything about last night?” she asked sitting at the island. “ No, All i remember is that Jimin and Amy carried me home last night. Im sorry, Mi amor, for coming in so late..” he said smiling lightly. he was truly sorry even if it didn’t show. That was Taehyung.
his answers seemed cold, heartless even, but mistaken his love for Y/N. He loves her with his life.
“ Taehyung i can’t do this anymore.” y/n blurted. While still painting Taehyung answered “ Hmm? Do what my dear?” he softly put the paint brush against the canvas. He was painting an image of what their intimacy looked like in art form. Though he had plenty of these paintings, it’s the only thing he would paint after being drunk.
“ Us. Im tired of the drinking, the partying, the coming home at whatever time of night, the ditching me, the canceling dates for the faulty friends of yours. Im tired of sitting in this colorless home when our love is supposed to make it colorful. Im done, Tae. I want to break up.” You stated and took a breath that you didn’t realize you held in. Being this honest felt so refreshing. “ I don’t need your answer, i already packed my things and i’m going to stay with my family for now until i find me a place permanently.” she cut in.
nothing. Taehyung said nothing. but oh he was thinking it. his mind just running on thoughts. he wanted to be okay and accept her choice like a normal human, but he damn sure wasn’t normal. he’s always had the thoughts of locking Y/N up when the day of her maybe wanting to leave came about. he didn’t know it be that fast.
why does she want to leave him so bad? when did y/n have all these issues with his lifestyle? why is it just now coming up? why doesn’t want to talk about it? all of these of examples of what is running through his head. instead of actually letting out a answer, he lets a huff out as he puts his paintbrushes down.
“ Why are you trying to leave?” he asked lowly, “ why is my lifestyle all of a sudden a problem for you?” he just wanted answers. Though he was really trying to add time so he could think about ways to keep her locked her.
He always has bodyguards at their house in the entrance, he could have them bring her bags in and get her car towed. Have them get their food, send out his newest works while he stayed in the house with her. Yeah, he thinks he’ll do exactly that.
“ Trying? oh no Kim, i’m leaving. All of sudden? i’ve mentioned your drinking and party habits plenty of times but you thought i was just nagging you so you ‘mi amor’ d your way out of it,” Y/N stood up and walked out the kitchen to the living room. Taehyung took this time to text his body guards to grab her things out her car, bring them to the back, take her car somewhere far, sell it and put the house on lock down.
He smirked and walked out of the kitchen and stood at the door way between the living room and kitchen, watching her walk to the front door but only to freeze.
Y/N saw the blue light on security system, the light means that the house was on lock down, no way in and no way out, unless you have the code which Taehyung changes every month. He just so happened to had change it earlier this morning. Good choice he was thinking.
“ Taehyung, take off the lock down.” Y/N stated while standing by the door, waiting. He smiled and walked close to her and leaned against the wall.
“ Y/N~, Mi amor~, i find it absolutely entertaining that he had any hope in assuming i was going to let you out this house. You don’t make the choices for us, baby. I do. I decided when you can walk away. And i decided you can’t-“ - “ you can’t force me to stay in here,” “ Cut me off again and i’ll lock you up without any food or water for the next two days until you learn your lesson.” He walked away and sat on the couch organizing the table in front of it.
Y/N was trying to figure out the code. she tried her birthday, nothing, his birthday, nothing, their anniversary, surprise, nothing. “ There is no use, princess.” he turned to look at her. “ It’s not Yeon’s birthday either or the day we got him. You should be a good girl. maybe i’ll let you out early.” he smiled, the smile you used to love.
y/n didn’t expect this. she never thought Tae would do something like this. locking her and hisself in the house for god knows how long? maybe months, maybe years…
“ Let’s go paint something, baby. And don’t be so blue, i won’t hurt you…” he mumbled the last part while staring at her.
the color y/n now understands why she thought it was their color. Taehyung always had a way of making her feel stuck. Defeated. Lost with no where to go. he made her feel…
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herrscherofmagic · 3 months ago
Collection of WIPs for my newest honkai 3rd AU: a synth- and post-punk band AU! featuring the band “Mirror Mirage”
More art and an explanation further below
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I dont want to put too many details down yet since i intend to do more with this and don’t necessarily want to spoil future story stuff, but the gist of it is that its an AU focused on the villainous Herrscher personas (except Veli, but she fits the vibe lol)
The tentative setting I’m working with for now is Central Florida and its meant to be a more serious/realistic AU with a focus on young adult life, not late-teens stuff. Think less “fun times at Perfect Fairytale College(TM) with my besties! Lets have fun and study today!” and more “rent is due, my roommates are assholes, the hourly bus is 20 minutes late again, and i almost got hit by a drunk driver on my way to work for the third time week and it’s only Tuesday”. That sort of thing lmao
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I’m not sure if there’s any real interest in a story that focuses more on some underrated characters like Herrscher Mei (not normal Mei as a Herrscher, but her alternate persona), much less a story that also deals with more serious IRL issues
Mei is bassist and a vocalist, formerly lead until Kiana (more precisely HoV in Honkai terms) joined; Mei also handles the finances as she is an accountant in her day job working at a community redevelopment agency. Has a strong sense of justice and puts on an air of confidence and superiority on stage and when fending off hostile folks, but acts with great humility with the ordinary people she encounters in her daily life.
Kiana is the (new) lead vocalist. Works the graveyard shift at a gas station and is a self-proclaimed “cynical asshole��� that barely gets along with anyone else; also plays the guitar occasionally. She was dragged in by Mei and reluctantly joined the band, leading to an awkward and tense relationship with the others, but her incredible skill as a vocalist means the rest of them put up with her shitty attitude.
Seele is the lead guitarist; she is an immigrant from Estonia and came to the US with Elysia a couple years back, in early 2022. Keeps in touch w/ Bronya, who is still living back in Europe. Tends to be a bit withdrawn but is very loyal to the band and would throw hands to protect the crew. Seele has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and is a system comprised of two alters: Saule and Veliona. Veliona is the one that actively plays in the band.
Elysia (HoC in Honkai terms) is the synth player and mixer, and does a lot of work in planning and executing complicated tracks both live and in studio recordings. Despite being having no local heritage, she loves switching between a southern cowgirl persona and her usual preppy nice-girl persona. Since Elysia is said to be from “Vladivostok 51” in Honkai canon, that would make her Russian; however for the purposes of this story im headcanoning her as Ukrainian (which ik is far from Vladivostok irl), simply to mix things up a bit, lol
Fu Hua (Senti in Honkai terms) is the drummer; still a college student, shes a bit of an odd one out in the group, but was there since the beginning and has grown close with the rest. Has a bit of an attitude and says cocky things, but is much more timid at heart and acts a lot more calm with her friends at school.
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A huge part of the inspiration for this story is a desire to try and depict the more ordinary aspects of urban life, adding flavor to mundane daily activities without relying on magic or scifi or high-octane action and drama. The villains of the story aren’t comic book supervillains, but rather its the various systems that the characters have to live within- corrupt governance, financial struggle, societal divide, etc.
I also really want to tell a story that emphasizes the queer experience. Not just the usual lovey-dovey girls-love stuff, but what life is actually like for real women in real sapphic relationships when living in the state that passed the infamous “Don’t Say Gay” bill IRL. As much as I love the canon KiaMei relationship in Honkai 3rd, i think it’s hella sanitized and can’t really convey the depth of the history and culture of the LGBTQ+ community. So I’m hoping to address this by placing their relationship in a specific real setting, one where LGBTQ+ folks (including myself) have to fight for our rights, acceptance, and representation.
As for musical inspiration I largely draw from a few big sources: one of the bigger inspirations is ASTROPHYSICS & MINTTT, as well as more recently Chappell Roan; genre influences include rock/punk, synth/EDM, and Sovietwave! This is both inspiration for their vibes and also for what type of music i imagine this band would play
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The last image is a more suggestive one but ive hastily and sloppily censored it, so hopefully that is okay with y’all x-x
I rarely make spicier content like this, but having listened to The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess for the first time today and then listening to it 4 more times in a row, I couldn’t help but push the limits of what i usually do just that little bit, lol
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avonne-writes · 7 months ago
tell us about the hs au summer before university - what did they do, where did they go, what dates did they plan, gifts they gave eachother, apartment shopping, spending time w georgia. tell us pleaseeeee!
I loved thinking about this question, thank you ❤️
Immediately after school is over, they have a lazy week, with lots of sleeping, not doing anything, and trying to process the sudden emptiness that comes at the end of high school. At the end of the week, Gale starts reading books and Bucky dives into planning their living arrangements for the first semester. They already have a place secured (probably through a friend of Georgia's), they just need to furnish it.
They go on a road trip with their friends, part of it camping in tents. Hold each other by the campfire, kiss under the stars, drink (mostly Bucky) until they're drunk and giggly and horny. Attempt a risky blowjob in the forest at night, get stung on the arm and hands by nettles (Bucky), collect 20+ mosquito bites (Gale). Get sappy and talk about transcendence and life, joke about kids and marriage. Joking feels easier than saying they're gonna bet on the two of them.
They go to a few concerts and sports events, mostly with their friends, unsure if that’s the last time they'll see them until their first high school reunion. Some moments happy and carefree, others full of uncertainty. When the shadows hit, Gale gets quiet and serious, Bucky clings. Nobody mentions it.
They visit some of Georgia's relatives, who live in a nice surfer town. Georgia brings Neil along too, which is something new for Neil, but he handles it well. Bucky and Gale spend a lot of time at the beach. Gale gets a tan, Bucky freckles.
They go on simple, silly, nostalgic dates, visit secret spots where they used to make out, take lots of photos of each other. Reminisce about high school, talk about fear. Have sex in the afternoon, careful to be quiet, always careful, just in case. Fantasize about having their own space and privacy. Talk about not doing things so safely anymore once they've moved in together.
Gale spends a few weeks doing a seasonal part-time job, Bucky trains with some other boys who also received sports scolarships, to make sure they aren't terribly out of shape by the start of the semester. Gale visits his parents, sometimes without telling anyone about it, but it’s more of an emotional toll than any help. He just can’t stop himself from reaching for them again, even if it ends in disappointment.
The boys go shopping for furniture and trinkets for the apartment several times, both with Georgia and alone. Gale thought he'd enjoy doing this with Bucky, but he doesn’t. He struggles with it. He doesn’t want to choose anything, and he feels guilty for not contributing as much as Bucky (=Georgia). They buy small things for each other that they think the other will like.
They start planning what their daily life is going to look like. Look up what's around their apartment, what their campuses look like, where they're going to grocery shop, go to cinema, go on a night out etc. Plan all the exciting things they're going to do together (Bucky), hide any trepidation with blind hope (Gale).
They move into their new place with Georgia's and Neil's help. Say goodbye to Georgia and Neil, promise to call and visit often, tear up a little while hugging Georgia (Bucky), feel dizzy from the silence that follows because it sounds like the point of no return (Gale). Go out and discover the neighbourhood on foot, pet all the cats they find, race each other on the way home and then kiss and kiss and kiss until their bed calls.
Gale cuts his hair short. Bucky mourns it. They make love without holding back, then go to sleep smiling in each other's embrace, confident that college is going to be the best time of their lives.
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summerlovingbaby · 7 months ago
Aaron's eating disorder
Aaron handles himself well, in his head he likes to call himself superman, at first it was a childish notion that got him through the day, but soon it developed into a daily mantra. He is nothing short of Superman, he has good grades, a gorgeous girlfriend, a national winning Exy team and was in the gym 6 times a week, the only thing he couldn’t manage to do was eat.
At breakfast he would choke down a few bites of an apple, but it woult turn rock hard in his stomach and sit there making it ache, so for a while it was easier for him to not deal with food. It started with skipping breakfast and dinner, and then the more he thought about it, if he didn’t need breakfast and dinner he didn’t need lunch either. As far as Aaron was concerned his new eating habits were better than his old eating habits. Tilda didn’t grocery shop, and Aaron was already picky eater, even before he got clean. After he got clean for about a year his diet consisted almost exclusively of pickles, almonds, jars of frosting, M and M’s, apple juice and protein shakes.
It didn’t matter how he felt, it only mattered how people saw him. It didn’t matter that he was tired all the time, or how he found himself shivering in 90 degree weather, people only saw you as one thing, and as long as he could pace a mildly impassive expression on his face, and keep his head in his studies people would think he was fine. People only saw you as one thing, and if they saw him as fine he would be left alone. He started only viewing others as one thing. Andrew wasn’t a brother, just a teammate. Neil was just a kid who he would swap rooms with  and a nuisance and Kevin was the idiot lived next door. Nicky was too complicated for his muddled brain to classify so he avoided him as a whole.
He avoided team outings for a week before the team started to pester him about it. He lied and said he was swamped with studying or exams or writing papers, when in all reality he was farther ahead then he had ever been. 
He woke up on Saturday morning, rolling his eyes as he checked the clock, it was another morning practice Kevin insisted was necessary, so he dressed in a hoodie and a long compression shirt. He walked to the court alone, leaving Nicky alone. Nicky had been watching Aaron for weeks and he was obvious with his concerned stare was irritating. He stumbled through pratice with weak footing and a loose grip on his stick, he almost made it completely through pratice before fell over his eyes and he lost sight of the court in a dark haze. The sound of his racket hitting the wood snapped him awake, but he was still confused, as he felt firm fingers unstrap his helmet and take it off his head, and the rush of the cool air on his skin was enough to snap him into full consiouness.
“ You good?” Andrew asked.
Aaron gave him a vague impersonal nod before he was ushered to the bench, he offered little resitance mostly because he didn’t care enough to fight back, and looking his brother in the eye for the first time in weeks and it knocked all the fight out of him. Mostly he was tired, and his head hurt, and he was cold, and vaguely irritated and horribly annoyed.
He sat out for the last hour of pratice, choking down a granola bar at Wymack and Betsys instacne, and drunk an intire gatorade for good measue just to prove the point that he was fine. He had everything under strict control. But that didn’t stop Matt from helping him back to the lockerroom.
“ I don’t need your help,” he said.
“ Well you can barely stand, and I don’t want you to hit your head if you pass out or something,” he said grimly, “ don’t want you to lose your looks of you chip your tooth on the floor or something,” he added hoping to get Aaron to smile, which proved ineffective.
He sat Aaron in front of his locker, offered a prefoctonary smile and went to shower, leaving Aaron alone. Aaron took off his jersey, leaving on his under things, too tired to bother with showering, so shoved his clothes in his locker and walked through the locker room and into the lounge where Coach and Abbey were waiting.
“ You feeling okay?” Abbey said, thumbing through a magazine.
“ Stomach bug,” he lied.
By the way Wymack stared at him, Aaron could tell he wasn’t buying his lie for a second. 
“ Wanna try again?” he suggested.
“ Not really,” Aaron siad.
“ ERC is making monthly physicals madaory again, next one is in two weeks,” Wymack said turning to Abbey who nodded. He waited for Aaron to speak, but when he didn’t, he continued. “ You usually sort your shit out just fine, but if you need help its here.”
“ You don’t have to worry about me,” Aaron said. 
“ Well I’m gonna,” Wymack said, for some reason his typical casual attitude pissed Aaron off more than it should have. “ And for that matter the rest of the team is as well. Andrew and Nicky are… Concerned.”
He didn’t need or want Andrews concern or pity, and he didn’t need it from the rest of the team for that matter. Andrews pity killed his mom.
“ Is that all?” he asked, and when he got no response he left the way he came, and spent the weeked at Katelyns dorm to avoid the foxes, spending most of the night curled up in her little twin mattress. It didn’t matter how many blankets he piled ontop of himself, he hadn’t managed to get warm in a week. He ate the pickles that came with her meal, that she for some reason always ordered even though she hated, but had to return back to his dorm because he had Tuesday classes.
By the time he got there he learned that both of his classes were cancelled so he crawled into bed ignoring the way the pickle churned in his stomach. He was kicked away 3 hours later by Andew who was too busy texting on his phone to even look at him.
“ Get up,” he said bluntly,” team dinner.”
“ Not hungry” Aaron replied rolling over. He really wasn’t hungry, and the last thing he wanted was to sit in a car with them, then poke around at a plate of chicken and commensurate over small talk for 2 hour, if he wasn’t gonna sleep then he should at least study, or do something more productive.
“ Get up and come with us, or I’ll drag you by your hair,” he said.
Aaron could tell by the look of determination on Andews face he was nothing short of serious and put on his shoes before Andrew had an excuse to pull the scalp from his hair. At dinner he ordered a plate of chicken tender, fries and  a coke. He sipped the coke frequently, took a bite of two fries, but didn’t bother with the chicken tenders, spending the whole meal cutting them up into tiny pieces, smiling piolety at the teammates who bothered to talk to him.
The seating arrangement changed, leaving Andrew and Aaron alone. Kevin and Neil was going to the court, and the rest of the team was going fuck knows where, all Aaron wanted to do was go back to the dorm and study for his exam that he had to take in 5 days. His grades were dwindling down to unacceptable and every graded assignment he got back he could only picture his mothers dissatisfied and disappointed face. The car ride back was awkward and uncomfortable, Aarons headache was worse and throbbing, and being trapped in the front seat alone with Andrew bothered him more than he cared to admit. Ever since the trial he handled Andrew with cool composure, but he was really extremely pissed off for a reason that Aaron couldn’t place, nor did he care to. If Andrew wanted to not care, then Aaron would not care either. Aaron didn’t need anyone in his life that didn’t want to be.
“ Matt gave these to me, never been a fan, do you want them?”
Andrew tossed a bag of M&M’s in his lap, and Aaron bust open the package dumping a handful in his hand and popping them in his mouth without a second thought. Andrew turned up to the raido and they drove back to the dorm in silence, while Aaron quietly let the chocolate candies melt in his mouth.
The next day he was rudely woken up by the sound of someone loudly putting away groceries, he rolled his eyes slammed a pillow over his head and went back to sleep shivering.  He was woken by  Nicky 3 hours later, who shoved a plated sandwich in his face. “ Coach said you weren’t feeling well so I made you a sandwich,” he said, Aaron sat up and took a bite of the sandwich and struggled to swallow, ignoring Nickys grimmace. 
When Aaron refused Nicky chewed his cheek and went to play games at his desk.
“ If you’re having food… sensitivities-”
“ Nicky.” Aaron warned.
“ I was gonna say-”
“ I have a headache, you’re not helping.”
“ Aaron,” Nicky insisted.
“ Nicky” Aaron mocked, sitting up. Aaron was idignatnt and stubborn enough to do for hours.
Nicky paused his game and turned to glare, something that bothered Aaron beyond belif, he didn’t need platitudes or pity, and that look that Nicky gave him was a sick mix of both.
“ I’m fine,” he insisted.
Before Nicky could argue the door swung open and Andrew barged his way in. “ You’ve said that word so much in the past month it doesn’t even sound like a word. You look like shit.”
“ Thanks, real confidence booster,” Aaron sighed, wishing Nicky would close the window.
“ Andrew, be nice.” Nicky scolded.
Andrew laughed at the idea, and wordlessly unpacked the grocery bags on his arms, tossing Aaron a jar of dill pickles in the process. When he made no move of opening the jar Andrew took the jar and opened it, fished a pickle spear out with his fingers and put it on a paper plate. When Aaron looked disgusted at the sight of the pickle, with his nose wiggled up, Andrew took the plate, and sliced the pickle, sticking the plastic fork in one of the slices and sitting it in his lap.
He squat down to his level and stared with an expectant look. Aaron was uncomfortable with the weight of it, and clenching his fist was all he could do was not to cry. He hated eating infront of people, and with Andrew looking in front of him made it worse.
“ You have 5 minutes to eat before I hold you down and shove it down your throat.”
Aaron looked at the plate of cut up pickles trying hard not to frown. He knew Andrew would do it, this is the same brother who locked him in the bathroom when he found out about his drug problem. The idea of someone watching him choke down this food made his stomach flip violnetly. And the idea of being force fed made him want to run. He briefly entertained the idea, before he realized that he wouldn’t make it very far. His brother was faster than he was, and who was to say that once he made it to the other side of the door Andrew wouldn’t follow.
“ I need you to not look at me,” Aaron asked.
Andrew stood and went turned and pretended to find interest in Nickys game,and Aaron poked at his food until he put a pickle slice on his tongue, he shivered at the sourness of it, but enjoyed the satisfying crunch enough to eat the rest of them, only stopping when he gave a loud burp.
He looked up to see that Andrew had been staring at him the whole time, he tossed a pack of M&M’s at him, and poured a cup of apple juice which Aaron accepted gladly, the pickle made him thirsty and sparked his appetite.
Aaron looked at the empty plate, he had the distinct feeling that he had been had. Andrew went to the store, bought the only food Aaron would consider touching, not only that but he payed attention to his rather restrictive diet when they were kids, and remembered what he ate. Matt didn’t give Andrew M&M’s, Andrew bought them, along with an obscene amount of almonds, frosting and protein shakes. Andrew cared, hes cared all along. Aaron misinterpeted Andews cold apathey is disintrets, his lingeirng look of  He misinterpereded his lingering looks of concerns one of pity or general disinterest. And even as Andew carefully watched Aaron now, watched as he chewed and swallowed, it was careful and considerate, nothing malicious behind his glare.
“ Can I have some almonds?”
Nicky tossed him the jar, and they watched as Aaron loudly crunched on them by the handful.
Andrew settled himself on the couch, and began texting on his phone. By the chirping of Nickys phone Aaron suspected that they were talking about him.
“ Thanks,” he said without thinking. “ Sorry for-”
“ If you aplologize I will personally break your foot.”
“ Right.” Aaron looked down, with the vague notion that he should be embarrassed. Andrew cared.
“ Listen, having a restricted diet is better than starving yourself, you feel like shit because you weren’t eating at all. You’re allowed to struggle and have problems, but when you do you lean the fuck out and you talk to someone. It doesn’t have to be me, just talk to someone before you get to the point of passing out,” Andrew said. “ You have a whole team that only wants whats good for you, you lean the fuck out or I will push you out, and you won’t like how hard I shove you.”
“ Okay” he said, eating another handful of almonds.
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arlechinav-blog · 4 months ago
Mediterranean Trancework Part IV: Deity Bridalwork
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This one is kind of tough to write about because there just aren't a lot of surviving traditions in the Med that deal with this. Not a lot but there are some. This is the point where things become a little bit more speculative. Due to the fact that a good deal of trancework is psychological and physiological, it is pretty simple to reconstruct this one though. Moreso than other traditions might have been. And that is because there is a very specific spectrum of ways that this can actually be done and be functional.
*Bride is a gender neutral term in this context. It comes from the cultural concept of being horsed or ridden like a horse by a deity. The Bride is the one under the bridle. The idea is that the deity steers the body of the person who is being horsed. This concept is also tied to a permanent relationship, similar to that of a mortal marriage. A deity Bride (capital B to denote a difference between someone engaging with a trance tradition and someone who is getting married) undergoes sacred vows and strict codes of conduct in their daily lives. The basics of that are that the individual must be of good social standing–not an outlaw, a drunk, a thief, or criminal of some kind (though that depends strongly on the deity involved, certain kinds of shady activities might be a bonus depending on the tradition you are engaging with). There should be a familial or an occupational connection to the deity, as in there should be a good unquestionable reason for this relationship and that reason should be conspicuous as should be the deity’s favor. 
There are four kinds of euphoric trance rituals. Each has a different goal and manner of interaction.  
Deity Bridalwork
Prophetic Bridalwork
Coming into the Presence of Divinity
Diagnostic Ritual
Deity Bridalwork
Deity Bridalwork is essentially making yourself into a horse for a deity. This is a culturally encoded concept that means "your body gets possessed by a god." This is done in ecstatic rituals where the deity is expected to be present and presiding. Non ecstatic rituals where the deity is expected to be present and presiding will involve a statue as a substitute for this. Ecstatic rituals are occasions where miracles take place and people get to interact with an embodied deity in the limited ways that would be appropriate--engaging with their preferred rituals tools, foods, colors, scents, drinks, and anything relevant to the current place in the calendar cycle. 
The Goal: To inspire, to bless, to actively participate.  
How Does This Work? 
A Bridal relationship is an act of devotion. At its very core, it is a state of sacrifice. To give up one’s body, to trust, and to be present for the community. It is an honor to participate in but it is a lot of work.  Preparing to perform an embodiment ritual like this starts with preparing the body through fasting, prayer, meditation, and good hygiene. I personally do a vitamin boost and water push during this time as well and abstain from meat (not even handling it or looking at it), alcohol, swearing, and I will wear white for an odd number of days in the lead up–usually 7 because that is the number of greatest fortune. Some deities have sacred numbers though and those may be better to use. 
On the day of, the Bride will take a ritual bath (or multiple) and get fully exfoliated from head to toe of all dead skin while chanting prayers (like the purgation chant). The body is fully waxed (if appropriate for that deity) and then moisturized with oils and bathed in scented smoke. The Bride is then veiled (eyes covered), having never looked into a mirror or into the eyes of another, and taken to the place where they will be dressed. The Bride will then be painted, dressed, and adorned with all of the clothing and tools of the Deity while music is played, cymbals are the most essential component unless it is a nature/agricultural deity–then it is clacking wood or grain stalks instead. 
Once fully dressed, the veil is removed from the eyes and the eyes of the deity are opened. The deity is then fed (or given a drink of) something that they are strongly associated with. From that point on, the transformation is complete and the Bride’s consciousness is pushed aside. The Bride then does whatever the ritual objective for the day or night is. That usually involves multiple activities and traveling on foot from one area that requires their presence to another. Music is played the entire time to keep the Bride in the proper state and to cover any unlucky sounds that may try to break through.  
Links: Because seeing it helps to understand so many tiny details that don’t make it into words. 
Bonalu ceremony for the goddess Mahakali. You can see the Bride’s body is adorned the same as the goddess would be dressed complete with the deity’s familiar tools that she interacts with. Music plays throughout, including drums and cymbals. Music holds up the ritual state, that is load bearing music. You can also see the attendants handing her things and holding her tools that are not in use. People gather to watch. There are familiar gestures and acts done by the goddess that further establish her identity. There are ritual objectives to complete as well–processing through certain areas to bless them, bathing and making offerings, receiving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mByafJxhDYU 
Thaipusam is a festival that features a lot of Bridalwork with both deities and spirits. It also involves body mortification, mostly through dermal piercing. This video features close ups of Brides getting pierced. It may not be suitable for all audiences, especially those who have phobias of needles. This is an own voice presentation so we can hear the Bride describe this in his own words. (Many thanks to Cousin Camilo for sharing this with the world.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmo0BRMeHK4  
Prophetic Bridalwork
Prophetic Bridalwork involves all of the above plus the added bonus of receiving a truthful statement about matters beyond human perception. That phrasing is important. If a prophecy is truthful and useful then it is divine. If it is untruthful or not useful (or just gibberish) then it comes from some other source--most likely a daemon. The ability to do this accurately and to be able to spontaneously compose it in verse on the spot provides proof of state. In other words, the proof is in the prophetic pudding. 
The Goal: To provide truthful/ useful information that others can act on. 
How Does This Work?
The process for this is largely identical to Deity Bridalwork but instead of processing through the town and using their tools to bless the public, the Bride is led to a place of prominence. Music is played and when/if inspired to do so, the Bride will speak truth through spontaneously composed verse. This lasts until the Bride drops into a PTFO (more like slumps). At that point the Deity has departed and the Bride is fed something mundane to fully bring them back to their body. As a personal note, expect them to be completely exhausted and incapable of doing anything important in this state. They can go with the flow, they can talk, they can be social, they may even get up and dance around a little, but they will definitely be trance drunk and they will not be fully functional until they have slept. 
Coming into the presence of a deity is done without any kind of embodiment. It is merely a matter of singing the right songs and doing the right kind of dances. These are (usually) stately and highly formal. Most of the gods are dignified in their conduct but there are a few yahoos in the pantheon that prefer a bit more crash and chaos. (Looking at the entourage of Dionysos and Kybele here.) This can be done without a lot of messing around with other forms of trance but you should at least be able to reliably get yourself in and out of a basic trance before giving it a go. The goal of this one is just unity, oneness, feeling close to divinity. It has an extremely positive impact on the mind, body, and spirit of the participant and that is enough of a reason to do it. 
Special Note: Imagine that the single most important holy doctrine in one’s faith was simply “Joy.” The holiness of joy. To experience oneness, enthusiasm, euphoria. To feel compassion and camaraderie with others present, stepping into a communal experience of pure untethered joy. 
The Goal: To be in a state of unity.
How Does This Work? 
Presence ceremonies are handled by organizations like fraternities. As such they will have several levels of education and experience within them and whatever level you happen to be at determines the ways that you might engage with this. In the beginning you will know nothing but you can observe. As you progress you will learn to sing, learn to dance, and learn the philosophies of the individual group. A lot of latent learning happens during ceremonies but there are also occasions when you just get to learn outside of the confines of a ritual. Learn while awake, put into practice in ceremony. 
The movements, songs, and breathwork utilized in a presence ceremony are designed to bring you into a deep and powerful trance. The coordination of it allows for participation from many people at once. It is holy, good, and family friendly. It helps if things are clean, beautiful, and treated with the utmost sanctity. 
The presence of the deity is meant to fill every pocket of the self with love and joy. It is a generous, uplifting feeling. 
Semah ceremony from Turkiye. It demonstrates what a formal group presence ceremony can look like with participants dressed formally and engaging in the same movements together. Dancing in a large circle as a group and then making personal spins or turns within that wider circle is an extremely effective method of achieving a trance safely in a large group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFJ_cgpjFyQ 
Semah again, several styles this time. In this one the participants are using coordinated breathwork and well choreographed movements that induce and hold trance. I really like this one because you can clearly see three different types of group dances used in a presence ceremony. You can also hear and see the transitions moving from one holy song to another. Everyone benefits from this. There are dedicated musicians and people who are observing.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USccRnT45cQ 
Diagnostic Ritual
This one relates to the rites of the Kouretes and Koryvantes and to the Orphic Hymns. The Kouretes and Koryvantes performed a ritual in which people would gather and lay very still while priestly musicians played sacred hymns and their special rhythms. If an individual had done something to offend one (or more) of the theoi, then their bodies would begin to contort and dance around ungracefully when that deity’s thread was played. This person could then afterwards perform the appropriate sacrifices and all would be mended. 
The ritual should begin at dusk with the setting sun and end either at or just before dawn. If you finish a few hours early, that's fine as it will then leave room in the night for making those aforementioned sacrifices. In addition to their own rhythms and melodies, each deity will also have a scent trigger (incense) burned at the start of their hymn. Offerings are not made until the end of the ritual though.
The Goal: Bring peace between humanity and the gods.  How Does This Work?
This is done largely the same as a spirit possession ritual and I strongly suspect that this is the origin of all possession rituals in the Med. Special Note: To my eyes, this is what the Orphic Hymns look like they were built to do if sung in order from start to finish.
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wcbbfics · 9 months ago
summary - sophia and paige had been close friends for a long time but now they both have a secret. sophia is hiding something from paige about her past. and paige is hiding her real feelings for soph.
some suggestive content. word count 1.6k
paige x uconn student
authors note: first fic please be nice. Hope you like it!
“ok so boom” you hear kk yell at her phone, she’s been on live for 15 minutes dancing around with aubrey. she keeps reading the comments aloud and paige yells at her cause they usually have something to do with her.
paige and i are sitting in the kitchen eating chic fila. I glance up at her, her bright blue eyes are focused on her phone. i lean over to see what she’s looking at. she quickly turns her phone away and and doesn’t look at you.
paige stands up and walks over to the fridge she grabs out a white claw for you and opens it “here you go baby” she says to you sliding over the white claw. baby? paige only ever calls you pet name when she’s drunk. paige has been giving you butterfly’s every day since you guys met at azzis birthday party.
“can you get me a glass for this?” you ask because the uconn girls aren’t supposed to be drinking and you don’t want the live to see. paige goes to the cabinets and grabs a cup then she walks over to you and grabs the drink. her long hands flexed as she opened the can and poured it in.
You get up and follow paige as she walks over to the living room where kk, aubrey, and ice are all on the couch talking to kks phone. paige sits down in the only available seat left. and you stand there not know where to sit. you glance at paige as realization sparks in her eyes. she taps her inner thigh while holding eye contact with you. a smirk forming on her lips. you oblige and walk over to the chair and sit on paige’s thighs. you can feel her muscles flexing at your touch. but once you get comfortable paige’s body immediately relaxes into you.
paige’s pov
god the feeling of sophs body on your made you wish were by yourselves. soph hands you her drink and you take a long sip of it. she watching your throat bob as you sallow. you like you lips at the face she makes. she turns her face so her mouth is right by your ear
“i’m tired” she wines.
“are you sleeping over?” you aren’t even sure why you asked that as sleepover had become a daily thing this you too.
“if you want me too” she whispers into your ear.
kk yelps with excitement as aubrey and her start singing some song. they both stand up and start humming a tiktok dance song and doing the dance. kk sets her phone on the tv stand. she angles her phone so and you and sophia’s tangled up limbs are suddenly on the live. kk grabs her phone and turns it away from you guys. sophia turns to you a panic look on her face.
“paige they all saw that”
“hey its ok, maybe they finally stop thinking me and azzi are together” i say annoyed. having the whole internet always think me and my best friend are together is so infuriating and now azzi wants us to keep our distance.
kk explaining to the live that they need to go and everyone just stare at us. i feel soph shift in my lap and i instinctively grab her waist to try to help her relax. but she abruptly hope out of my lap. she start collecting all her things.
“hey wait soph, please don’t go” you jump up out of your seat and grab her arm pulling her into your room and closing the door.
“paige stop I need to go”
“no you don’t, soph. i’m sorry for saying that i just hate how the internet is always in my fucking business”
“i know paige but i just can’t handle you flirting with me”
“i’m sorry, but please don’t go.”
“paige im so tired”
“sleep here, i don’t want you driving tired” her face lights up and suddenly all i want to do is feel the warmth of her body on mine. i go to my dresser and pull out a uconn sweatshirt and some of my shorts. i hand them to her and walk out.
“hey yall need to leave” i say to my teammates “oooo, did yall make up” kk asks with a big smile on her face.
“yes, and she’s tired so please leave” they all get up with goofy grins on there faces.
“don’t have to much fun” kk yells over her shoulder as she closes my dorm room. i walk back into my room and close the door. soph is laying on my bed under the covers in my white uconn sweatshirt. “paige please turn off the light”
“yes ma” soon as the word left my mouth i knew it was a mistake. sophia gets off my bed and grabbed her backpack.
“soph im sorry it just came out.”
“i can’t handle this right now”
i walk over to where she’s standing and look at her. her big brown eyes looked so sad and all i wanted to down was hug her until she felt better. i glanced at her lips and i know she saw me do it. she throws her backpack to the ground and simultaneously puts her hands around my neck. her hands are so cold and soft. god i need her now. i moved my head forward and i could feel her hot breath on my lips.
“please let me help you feel better” as soon as the words left my mouth her lips were on mine. her lips were so soft and gently. I started kissing down her neck making sure to leave mark. i could hear her breathy moans in my ear giving me the confidence to move my hands to her ass. i picked her up and her legs wrapped around my waist.
“paige” she moaned out
“what baby”
“please” i started taking off her shirt my lips still sucking on her neck. i let out a big grin when i saw no bra.
“good girl” i laughed out. i grabbed her tit in my hand gently massaging it.
“off” she motioned at my white tank top. i tore it off. i took a step back. she looked so beautiful, on my desk in my room with me.
she hoped off the desk pushing me on to my bed. i layed down as she straddled my waist.
“babe i need to see you” she said in between kisses. i took off my sports bra and she let out a small gasp, i pulled her lips back to mine my hands on her ass as she grinned into me her hands on my tits. i grabbed onto her waist and flipped her over. all the sudden tears started streaming down her beautiful cheeks.
“what’s wrong”
“paige’s it’s too much i can’t do this right now” i finally though i would be able to show her how much i want her.
“fine” i yell out. she starts crying more. i get off her and start collecting her clothes
sophs pov.
i leave paige’s dorm and get into my car as soon as i sit down my tears start to fall down my face. one thing i always vowed to myself is to never drive when you are emotional so i sat in my car crying in silence. once my emotions subsided i started driving toward my dorm. luckily my roommate was out of town so i wouldn’t have to explain that im crying cause i was about to sleep with paige bueckers.
i went to sleep that night dreaming about how her body felt against mine and how i would probably never get to experience that again. i wake up to the sounds of my phone buzzing over and over. i groan and pick it up hoping it’s not paige and too my surprise it isn’t instead it me getting tagged over and over again in edits and gossip videos about me on paige last in the live. i throw my phone across my bed hoping i can go asleep and never wake up again. but i have classes and homework to do so i get up and start my day.
in my first class sociology i felt like everyone was staring at me. even though it was probably just my imagination how could news even travel that fast there’s no way everyone was on that live.
i had a break before my next class so i went to the cafe to get food. as i was grabbing my salad i see a tall blond in the corner of my eye. my mind immediately thought it was paige but there are so many blondes at uconn so you ignore it and continue getting your salad. you walked over to a empty table trying not to make eye contact with anyone in case they know about the live. you start to relax as you chew you food in peace. but then the song that’s playing in the cafe stops and you hear kks loud voice say.
“paige she’s here” i try to not glance around but I have to see if she’s actually here. i quickly turn my head just to check and we lock eyes. i turn back to my food suddenly not feeling hungry so i sprint to the trash and quickly leave the cafe. but i hear foot steps running behind me.
“soph stop i need to talk to you” paige yells out of breath.
“paige it’s fine i just need some space” you yell back not affording to look at her.
“sophia please” she pleading. but i keep walking away.
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buzzlightyearmpreg · 1 year ago
NOW i may be drunk butjjk is actually so well written like everyone (that i can think off rn) who has a ct or fighting style complements them so good. pls feel free to add, critique or do anything to this id love jt
starting with this, the new sorcerers of today having ct’s complementing and supporting their personalities might be proof of this, including junpei who was a “man made” sorcerer
gojo is obvious with his infinity symbolising his strength, separating him from both those closest to him and everyone around him (some by his own doing after his bf dumped him infront of kfc loser shoko has been there 24/7). this was the biggest learning moment for him, noticing the signs after everything went wrong and using it to protect the youth and innocence of sorcerers of today
geto had to consume “evil” on a daily. his mental health rapidly declining with his hope and the increase of cursed spirits he had to exorcise and consume, over and over until he broke. after freeing himself of the burden of protecting the weak non-sorcerers unknowing, unthankful and also undeserving, defending into darkness (which started with toji folding him like a lawnchair) he lost everything and gained everything with nanako and mimiko, two children suffering at the hands of those who he spent EVERYTHING protecting, solidifying his plan of speeding up natural selection to build a world without darkness where children like them can thrive and live happily
itadori was thrown into the world of sorcerers r doomed to consume sukuna (ironic bc of my sukuna bit later) and die, his divergent fist is mostly reliant on his own pure strength alone and how his body adapts and gets stronger after every gruelling battle
nobara has an inherited technique from her grandmother that she’s sorta revamped for the modern era? coming from the country side (older) to the big city (newer) looking to explore have fun and grow - esp with her resonance targeting the soul, her black flash and getting stronger as a sorcerer
megumi’s holds his shikigami incredibly close to him, even getting sad when one has died and left just like his parents. they’re also made using shadows (darkness) as a medium, foreshadowing sukuna using darkness to smother him to use and “consume” him for his own gain
nanami is a straightforward guy who voices his ideals, who split his path into 2 pieces and went for the lesser evil to him (business where he uses his skill to fuck people’s stocks over for money for already super rich people, or being a sorcerer and using his skill to help and protect others, especially children like when he left due to haibara’s death and came back after helping a kind person like him working at that bakery). this makes gojo hold him in high regard as he sees the potential of youth and wishes to protect their innocence until their ready, to guide them and help them grow slowly so they can handle the mental toll of being a sorcerer
mei mei and her manipulation of youth is the opposite of nanami, the protector of youth. she doesn’t just see through her crows, she controls them at the cost of their own lives with bird strike (where she makes them give up their lives in a binding vow for a hideously strong attack). she does the same with everyone and everything around her, choosing who she sides with being the best “gain” for her. she also uses uiui in the same way who can only use jujutsu when she allows due to a binding vow (someone get him therapy i beg)
mechamaru is similar, he observed and bided his time to get what he so desperately needed while also protecting those closest to him using his puppets as spies. he both invaded the privacy of those closest (miwa and copying her simple domain) and furthest (mahito and pseudo geto’s strengths and weaknesses) all to protect those he loved
choso/kamo both have blood manipulation, hating their fathers/family who use blood relatives for their own gain, and holding their mothers (and siblings for choso) to the highest standard possible becoming stronger for them and them alone
toji and maki are both beings who escaped their fate, their downfall with the zenin clan (and makis bad omen as a twin) and free to affect fate with their own actions at no cost (toji breaking fate, of the 6 eyes user and star plasma vessel during tengens merger)
sukuna and his ego consumes everything around him to get stronger, shown by his chef like ct cutting and dismembering anything to bite sized pieces to grow stronger and have fun. this also supports the theory of him being a conjoint twin, either being or “consuming” the twin with a heavenly restriction improving their physical capabilities to the point he has. ironically yuuji’s fate was to consume him and die taking him to the grave completely.
kenjaku is similar, he uses everything and does anything for his plans which are ultimately to fulfill his own curiosity. highjacking the bodies of people useful to him and using it to hurt those closest while also carefully and patiently waiting out every move and persons he’s manipulated using his time by switching bodies and avoiding death to do so with no consequence
ok this might be the end but KNOW i will be adding onto this everytime i think of something new
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minheelovelee · 2 years ago
epex as college boyfriends ? <3
as a professional college student, i love this ask! thanks anon!
college boyfriend!epex
warnings: mentions of controlled substances.
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- physical education major
- plans to teach middle-high school. he lives for growth and improvement. it’s the most rewarding thing about teaching.
- makes you walk everywhere with him. never takes his car for some reason. has really nice calf muscles and works out almost every day.
- eats with you every day at the dining hall. wants to make sure you’re eating well. sometimes he forgets, too. you keep each other in check.
- takes you to parties. he has a million friends. he always knows someone at every event. you don’t know how he made all these friends.
- doesn’t study and doesn’t set alarms. likes to live dangerously. take care of him.
- he ends up rooming with jaeho, a weirdo who wants to follow you everywhere. you both come to love him <3
- modern dance major
- wanted to go to a college with non-art majors, too. so he settled for a school with just a general dance program.
- made friends with everyone on the first day. everyone has his snapchat. suddenly became a social butterfly. you’ll start off as friends.
- makes playlists for you. he makes music with some of his buddies. he dedicates songs to you and makes mix tapes.
- amazing host. always has gatherings at his apartment. stocked up on drinks and bud 24/7. doesn’t party sober.
- has a couple secret spots around campus to take you to. he’ll bring you to them when he wants to be alone with you.
- obsessed with his roommate. kyungmin never partied, drank, or had fun before coming college. he takes it upon himself to introduce km to all of college’s joys.
- art history major
- wants to be a museum coordinator or a journalist. he’s still kind of figuring things out. classic art student.
- you met through his roommate. you end up hitting it off and end up spending a lot of 1-on-1 time together.
- takes you out for coffee almost every day. the campus cafe takes all of his money. also, you eat girl dinners together because you don’t want to go to the dining hall. cracker, cheese, and whatever alcohol you could get your hands on that day.
- walks you to classes. insists that you never walk anywhere alone. makes sure you’re never lonely. also drives you wherever you need to go.
- drinks la croix at parties. with vodka. he can’t resist a drunk cigarette on the balcony either. not a big fan of crowds or drunk people though.
- his roommate, donghyun, is a lot. kyungmin likes him, but is annoyed by how many people he has over. so he comes to your dorm to watch you study.
- business management major.
- following in the footsteps of one of his relatives. he wants to end up in human resources or entrepreneurship.
- brings you gifts of encouragement when you’re studying. might surprise you at the library with boba. also makes sure you eat dinner daily. he’ll cook for you if you’re too busy to go to the dining hall.
- his room is a mess. always. he thrives in chaos. even when he cleans, it’s still dirty.
- goes to campus events like plays, art shows, or comedy nights. he’s very appreciative of the arts. green flag.
- thinks putting something on the door handle is a universal sign not to come in. apparently it’s not. his roommate has seek you naked.
- roommates with baekseung. they spend a lot of time together. you three become a cute trio and share an apartment next year.
- major: undecided
- he didn’t want to graduate high school. or go to college. he’s just going to meet girls and please his parents.
- biggest dining hall supporter. he thinks the food is fire. you meet him there when you both sit by a mutual friend.
- you can hear him coming from a kilometer away on his skateboard. one time he hit a pothole and went flying. lol.
- goes to all donghyun’s parties. they write music together. he’s pretty well-known for being the campus rapper. you’re his groupie.
- he’s just taking generals right now, so his classes are pretty easy. he’ll try to help you with homework. but after one problem, he goes back to playing fifa.
- lives with minwoo. his roommate is only slightly obsessed with him. they love each other though. you spend a lot of time as a trio.
- biochemistry major
- he’s planning to go to med school. his mom told him to. he’d actually make a fantastic doctor.
- way too smart. he doesn’t study though. he just plays crossy road while watching you do class work.
- he falls asleep in class. bring him a red bull and he’ll be so happy.
- takes care of you like no other. he doesn’t take care of himself though. make sure he gets scolded for that.
- his dream date: watching netflix documentaries, procrastinating, and smoking a bowl.
- roommates with yewang. they get along too well and encourage each other to do stupid stuff. like stay up all night and light fireworks in the parking lot.
- music education major
- wants to teach high school or middle school music. dreams of being a choir director. he couldn’t see himself in a field that isn’t focused on music.
- writes songs for baekseung and donghyun. he’s got his guitar, keyboard, synthesizer, and everything set up in his room.
- always has food in his pockets. not normal food though. like an entire cookie or a grilled cheese sandwich.
- you’ll never catch him working on homework. he always has it done before he sees you. he’ll help you with yours, too.
- probably joined the choir and encore for the school. or he plays in the band. he thinks he’s the next Mozart.
- roommates with ayden. they love each other. they always are up to shenanigans. if someone gets pranked in the dorm, you can bet one of them had something to do with it.
- criminal justice.
- probably will work in the juvenile field. he really likes kids and thinks that corrective services are super important for teenagers.
- captures everything on camera. he has albums and albums dedicated to you and his college experience. y/n sleeping. dining hall shenanigans. donghyun parties.
- good friends with donghyun. he joined the dance crew because donghyun gave him a flyer and he was too scared to say no. he’s quite good. go support him and he’ll be so happy.
- goes to the vending machine everyday. he has to get a diet coke. he keeps his mini fridge stocked WELL.
- he snuggles you to sleep every night. then he’ll walk home in the dark. he just likes you a lot and need to hug you before he goes to bed.
- roommates with dawit. you guys follow him around to get on his nerves. he never says no. you cook together at 2am sometimes.
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