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justtruthfulme · 3 years ago
Check out this post… "Get Alone With God".
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cynnsearlywitchin · 6 years ago
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Music determines my mood. What music determines which moods for you? #comebackkidhc #moodmusic #myotherside #incaseoffire #unconditional #partnersincrime #becauseofall #getalone https://www.instagram.com/p/BrXsZWEnOMR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n1pvxgt6gon4
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julissadesigns · 8 years ago
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Enjoy! #helpsomeone #love #call #benice #share #invite #getalone #lifeisbreeze #enjoythemoments #lifeis #theworldtoday #God #forGofdoloved #livelikeGod (at Julissadesigns LLC)
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chaplaincate · 5 years ago
In these days of turmoil, stress and strain, we have to cling harder than ever to God. Rather than being up in someone's face all the time, or sitting in front of our nice big tv screens, we are going to have to pull away and do as Christ did when on earth. Put aside the delicacies. #GetAlone with God and #PourOut your hearts in prayer, (even fasting). #Drink from the well that shall never run dry and #BeRenewed with power and strength. But don't be in a hurry... #StayThere until His Divine Life flows into your being and revives your bruised heart and fainting spirit... until every care has been lifted. Then let His tide of love and joy flow in... changing your mindset, readjusting your focus. Don't be a weak link... it makes you too easy a target for the enemy. We are living in the last days. Don't you see the #SignsOfTheTimes?
#ArmYourselves. #DontTakeThisLightly. #JesusIsComing. #GetReady and #StayReady. This is #NotAnEasyPillToSwallow. #NotTrynaPleaseFolk.
Make it a great day. #ChaplainCate
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anthonybuddhawhite · 6 years ago
#payattention #fakepeople #loyalty #fuckracism #getalone #makemoney 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯🙏🙏🙏 (at New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrOCDhaA0W2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12iy8pjm5lpmw
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queenofsummers · 11 years ago
Me and Jules decided to rewatch The Tribe. I'm feeling so young.
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chaplaincate · 8 years ago
In these days of turmoil, stress and strain, we have to cling harder than ever to God. Rather than being up in a human face all the time, or sitting in front of our nice big tv screens, we are going to have to pull away and do as Christ did when on earth. Put aside the delicacies and #Fast. #GetAlone with God and #PourOut your hearts in prayer. #Drink from the well that shall never run dry and #BeRenewed with power and strength. But don't be in a hurry... #StayThere until His Divine Life flows into your being and revives your bruised heart and fainting spirit... until every care has been lifted. Then let His tide of love and joy flow in... changing your mindset, readjusting your focus. Don't be a weak link... that's too easy a target for the enemy. We are #LivingInTheLastDays. Don't you see the #SignsOfTheTimes? #ArmYourselves. #DontTakeThisLightly. #JesusIsComing. #GetReady and #StayReady. #NotAnEasyPillToSwallow. #NotTrynaPleasePeople.
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queenofsummers · 11 years ago
So I just remembered that I was tagged in some things a few months ago... well here they are
Jule tagged me here:
Rule one: always post the rules 
Rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones 
Rule three: tag 11 people and link them to the post 
Rule four:actually tell them you tagged them.
1. Favorite day of the year?
My birthday :D 
2. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be?
3. Worst/best movie of 2013?
Um.. well, let me check my list (I actually have  list of movies I've seen because I go to the cinema so often and if you wanna see it just tell me). Anyways :D I really loved Fack you Göhte and Gangster Squad so they're my favorites. And for worst movie... um... The Starving Games and Oblivion 
4. What’s usually the first website you go on?
Facebook and then tumblr
5. When was the last time you laughed, like seriously cried laughing, and what made you laugh that hard?
Um... I have no idea. 
6. Is there anything you want to accomplish this year (and what)?
I really do need to buy a new car and after that is done I want to sav money to got NYC as soon as possible 
7. It’s friday! Any plans for the weekend?
Um yeah, I actually had plans for the weekend :D On friday I went to a party and yesterday I went to a barbecue
8. Now that the first month is over, do you think this will be a good year?
Yeah, I think it's a good year :D
9. Celebrity crush?
Cro :D
10. What is the last thing you watched on tv?
The soccer game - Germany vs Ghana but I hate soccer
11. Favourite book?
 Pride and Prejudice
And here aare my 11 questions:
1. What was the last place you've travelled to?
2. Last TV show you started watching?
3. An unpopular opinion
4. What's your favorite holiday and why?
5. Do you have instagram and if not why?
6. A place you really want to visit?
7. Your favorite tv shows from the last 15 years?
8. Do you like going to the cinema?
9. Do you often wear make-up?
10. Favorite song at the moment?
11. The WM - do you like it or not?
Check the tags to see if you are the next to answer ;)
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queenofsummers · 13 years ago
getalone answered your question: Maybe I'm a bad friend?
Ach. Frag’ ich mich auch grad. Aber manchmal haben manche einfach solche Phasen, in denen sie einem wohl dieses Gefühl geben.
Ich hab n Brief von meiner ehemals besten Freundin bekommen, in der sie mir die Freundschaft kündigt und ich deswegen nichmal mehr auf ihre Hochzeit kommen darf. Ich mein nach 11 Jahren Freundschaft darf ich dann nichmal mehr auf die Hohczeit kommen?!
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queenofsummers · 13 years ago
getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to your post: NO! what is this?...
They ARE the Twilight Awards since Twilight was nominated for the first time!
I KNOW! but it annoys you every year again. I know you, Jules. It does. And it annoys me that Lady Gaga won everything
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queenofsummers · 13 years ago
getalone replied to your post: NO! what is this? the lady gaga awards?
That’s exactly what the EMA’s should be called from now on
Can I remind you how angry you were that Twilight won almost everything at the movie Awards earlier this year?! Maybe we should just name the Movie Awards teh Twilight Awards then
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queenofsummers · 13 years ago
getalone replied to your post: I hate guys. Really.
What happened? (you know, german guys are just so unnecessary! I had to learn that by myself, ohyeah.)
Well, there's this guy, let's call him... Mr. X... anyways I had this feeling that he was sort of flirting with me when we were with our friends on the weekend and today I found out that he has something with a friend of mine and I honestly don't know why everyone likes her so much
And I hope he never reads this.
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queenofsummers · 13 years ago
getalone answered your question: What?
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queenofsummers · 14 years ago
getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to...
SUPER 8! ICH WEISS; HAB SCHON VOR MONATEN DIE ERSTEN TRAILER DAZU GESEHEN UND WAR INTERESSIERT! Muss aber erst mal jemanden finden der mit mir reingeht bzw. überhaupt einen Tag finden, bei mir ist so viel verplant immer! Konzerte & was weiß ich.
Du immer und deine Konzerte ;)
Und ja, der Film is echt toll. Ich bin zwar üübelst oft erschrocken aber ich bin froh ihn gesehen zu haben... also geh und guck ihn.. nimm einfahc irgendwen. N süßen Kerl auf der Straße oder so ;)
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queenofsummers · 14 years ago
getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to...
EBEN! Aufhören zu denken :)
Ich probiers. Vielleicht geht er ja mal mit mir ins Kino :D
Oh btw, guck dir Super 8 an. Toller Film.
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queenofsummers · 14 years ago
getalone replied to your post: getalone replied to your post: 18 and 21… still...
Oh Jassy! :D Ist doch egal ob die jünger sind. Und zum Thema als du 18 warst hat sich keiner der älteren für dich interessiert: Schau dir die Jugend von heute an, die sind nun eh alle anders als wir damals!
Ja stimmt. Die Jugend von heute ist extrem anders... Und ja, an sich ist es egal aber ich weiß nicht. Ich mach mir wahrscheinlich einfach zu viele Gedanken. Ich sollte aufhören zu denken.
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