#get rid of weak eyesight
bittersweetcreep · 6 months
My Vision Of A Female!Darling Damian Would Become Obsessed With {Origin and Meeting}
Origin Start
I see this darling as a lab experiment design to be the perfect weapon, although the way she was made was lack for a better word "unique." The scientist made her embryo with specific DNA traits then put her into a fertilization tank, and once out of said tank, a "caretaker" was assigned to her.
This "caretaker" was only allowed to provide the basic necessities an infant needs and was prohibited from interacting or showing affection to her. They don't want their weapon to become soft and emotionally attached to anyone, but the "caretaker's" main assignment was to get her to walk as soon as possible to begin training.
Her training was brutal and strict. She would receive severe punishments for failure or not meeting the scientists' expectations. One of said punishments was the removal of her vocal chords and purposely leaving behind a nasty scar as a reminder to do better. The training was beyond cruel but did create results.
She's mastered a number of fighting styles and the art of stealth while also building enough strength to break bones, all while having the best reflexes to catch flying knives with her mouth and the agility to dodge bullets.
For the longest time, the scientists thought she had the power of teleportation, but that's not the case. In reality, she was just fast. Fast enough to stand in your eyesight one minute, then make a run for it when you blink the next, making it seem like teleportation for the one who blinked. Thank god she has the stamina to pull that off, and the scientist seemed to approve of that little party trick she could do.
She seems like the best weapon, but that wasn't enough for the scientist. They wanted the perfect weapon, so that's why they put metahuman traits in her DNA.
She's able to manipulate her own blood when it's in her body and when it's out of her body. She's also able to manipulate other's blood as well, but only if her blood is mixed in with the target's own blood. Be it the target's blood is in a puddle on the floor or physically infecting the blood that's still in their body herself via cuts and puncture wounds.
Another way she can manipulate her blood is the changing of her own blood type, like changing it to AB+ to O-. So far, she's able to master the manipulation of all eight major blood types. She's also learned to copy someone's DNA via blood, be it the individual is dead or alive.
It was obvious she would lose a lot of blood when in a conflict. So, to prevent her from dying by blood loss, they made sure she produced more blood than the average human.
They truly did make the perfect weapon, but one thing they didn't expect was to be betrayed by that very weapon. Why the betrayal? She refuses to submit to those who don't have her respect and grown adult men who hide behind a small child while said child fights their battles? They're weak cowards, but sadly, she needs their training. So she'll play nice for now until they are of no use to her. their use ran out by the time she was 13. Her breach was a mess, and she was a mees. Her poor hair was covered in blood.
Opening the doors of her "home," she's come to know her location. Gotham City, home to many criminals and the notorious Batman.
She had finally done it, she rid herself of those men and earned her freedom. Although she did it, she didn't think about what comes after that. She's come to realize that she could never function as anything other than a fighting machine because being a weapon has always been her purpose and if it wasn't for The Batman she would of been labeled a villain instead of vigilante.
The Batman is a strong individual with a high intellect and a skilled fighter with a moral code he never strays from. There was no way he wouldn't have earned her respect, and because he has her respect, she'll follow his example to strike fear into the hearts of criminals and bring them to justice by becoming a vigilante as well.
Origin End
Obsession Start
The first time Damian met his darling, he was still an Al Ghul, not a Wayne, and Bruce was unaware of his existence. He ran into her during one of his many missions in Gotham, so when spotting her Damian being Damian, tried to kill her on sight only to have his ass handed to him. So there he was, exhausted and restrained by what he could only assume is blood with multiple cuts, bruises, and broken bones all in and over his body, with a nasty black eye to match.
The girl raised her hand to what he assumed was to kill him, only for her to start tapping on the wall closest to them. But that was not any tapping it was morse code.
°This is not your city. it's Batman's. Know your place, and leave Al Ghul.°
With a roundhouse kicked to the head, Damian was out like a light. Upon awakening, Damian found himself up in the mountains far outside of Gotham City. How can he tell? Because even if he's lying down, he just needs to turn his head, and there is Gotham City. Sitting up, he winced, becoming aware of his many injuries.
He replayed the battle in his head, that girl was around the same age as him, yet she had shown skill that went beyond her years and that blood manipulation of hers was quite impressive. Remembering the way he was restrained on his knees forced to look up towards her, he felt unusual doing so, and that stare made an irresistible chill go down his spine.
With her eyes on him like that something within Damian shift and he became intrigued and dare he say infatuated. It also helps that she was quite the looker, too.
It's been a week since Damian started to follow his newest and favorite target. Where she goes, he goes, be it on patrols or fighting criminals. Damian loves seeing her fight it has to be the most attractive thing he's ever seen. He tried pinpointing what part he found attractive. Was it her engaging in combat? When she uses her metahuman powers? Her breaking bones effortlessly? Whatever it is, she's one helluva girl. Yes, she's a strong girl who can protect herself and is not some damsel in distress, so why is Nightwing acting like her white knight?
Apparently, teamups with Nightwing and Batman are a normal occurrence for her, especially teaming up with Nightwing. Whenever Damian sees her teamuping with the Batman, it's strictly professional, but he can see the respect she holds for the man, Damian wants her to respect him too. He'll need to investigate the Dark Knight and see what she respects about him. Who knows, maybe he'll be useful.
But Nightwing? He needs to stay away from what's his or else. When they team up, it's clear their relationship is more personal than professional, unlike her relationship with Batman. It's infuriating seeing them so close, doesn't that bird knows not to mess with another man's woman!? Who does he think he's messing with?! He is Damian Al Ghul, the heir to the League of Assassins and the son of a demon!
"Hey Luna, we're still on for tomorrow?"
°and miss out going to the spa? Wouldn't dream of it, Nightwing.°
.....They know each others civilian identities? Are they that close? No, this is the last straw he needs to do something about this, but what? Well, luck must be on his side because here he is standing in the Wayne manor with his father Bruce Wayne, or should he say Batman. Looks like the Dark Knight will be useful after all.
But it looks like Nightwing comes by to the manor every so often, or should he say Dick Grayson, his new brother. Dick has his own place, but he also sleeps at the manor sometimes. Damian would use those opportunities to get him out of the picture and away from his girl, but Bruce catches him every time.
So, as a way to keep an eye on him and teach him the value of human life, Bruce made Damian Robin. Damian wasn't happy, to say the least, but...
"Robin meet Red Luna she teams up with us every so often, and now she'll be teaming up with you."
°it's a pleasure to meet you, Robin. I hope you can keep up.°
Maybe being Robin can be useful.
"I'm more than capable of keeping up with a beauty like you."
Obsession End
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battydora · 2 years
NEEDY | kai chisaki
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content: suggestive, gn!reader, dry humping, mild sexomnia || wc: 0.2k
something chisaki never fails to do is to grind against you.
whenever he gets the chance, he'll reach you from behind and start rubbing his crotch against your ass.
it doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter where. when your butt appears in his eyesight, he'll sneak behind you and rub his clothed cock against your butt line. when you get on your tippy toes to get something off of a high shelf, you don't even notice when he appeared. when you rest your elbows on the kitchen table, suddenly and surprisingly he is also there. when you're cooking something, oh, bet he'll be there too. this behaviour seemed like he was only doing it to satisfy himself, to feed his imagination selfishly like crazy, getting all he can have from only the friction between your clothes.
he's like this all the time, of course not infront of his yakuza members, no, they can't see how low their leader can go for you, how weak he feels from just rubbing himself against you and murmuring you're his, as if he was proud of it.
he creates that delicious friction against you, holding your hips so roughly you can feel his nails digging in your clothes. you've caught him doing this even on your sleep, exposing how much of a poor needy man he is for you, he can't help himself, it's a tempting habit he can't get rid of.
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mychlapci · 5 months
rapid fire cybertronian headcannons go
I like to think that while cybertronians look and act mostly humanoid they also do some not human things that make humans go "oh yeah, alien"
for example i think that every couple thousand years cybertronians shed their armor like some sort of bug or shrimp to get rid of damaged plating and their repair nanites go into overdrive to build new ones. during that period bots will nibble on metal to get material. a shed can also trigger early if a bot gets regularly roughed up or if they changed alt-modes recently. this could lead to a potencial hilarious situation where there's no fighting for like a week sometime after bots and cons arrived on earth since both groups got new alt-modes which triggered a mass shedding and noone wants to fight while they're squishy and itchy. que human friend coming into the autobot base and while talking to their bot friend a piece of the bot's armor just falls off. so of course human freaks out because they think their friend is dying while the bot is confused and going like "why are you screaming i'm just shedding. wdym humans don't do that?" or mabye the human comes in during the everyone is mostly shed phase and going "why r yall nakey" either way that thay humans learn cybertronians are space shrimp.
another headcannon i have is that just chilling in places in alt-mode is the cybertronian equivalent of a cat loaf. cybertronians also purr by idling their engine (obviously) and keep the joints in their hands from going stiff by making biscuits.
cybertronian sight is primarily their sensors (like sharks) with optics being a secondary sight organ and mostly just provide aditional information so taking out a cybertronians optics would do nothing but take out their sensors and they're blind as a bat because of their poor eyesight. i also like how in tfp everyone has unique optics
they can also speak with their mouth closed or without moving it since a voicebox is more like a speaker than vocal cords. moving their mouth just helps with adjusting volume or making sound clearer.
OOoh i am a “transformers shed” believer. For maintenance, or because of age, or because of injuries, i think it has many factors...
I don’t think they’d be squishy underneath, though I think that they have some silicone components that jiggle, but having raw wires and circuitry revealed is already a pretty vulnerable state to be in. (tbh I am also very fond of the thought of cybertronians being able to just remove their armour and parts of their plating on a whim… it’s rare for them to do it, but i think it could be very intimate. I will stop before i delve into places we cannot delve in this week ok)
I am absolutely down for the “optics are only a secondary sensory organ” thing bc honestly i believe that too. I actually imagine that whatever you notice on a bot’s head first, chevron, horns, finials, etc. etc. are actually most sensitive to all kinds of input, like EM fields, vibrations, sound and even light, and i know it’s not canon but i like to imagine that depriving a bot of their horns/chevron/antenna blinds them more than taking out both their optics possibly could. Not to mention, they probably have “eyes” on different parts of their bodies, as in, they can register visual input with their headlight, their rearview mirror and side mirrors. Their optics are actually very weak and taking out their sensors renders them incapable of most things.
Now what i had never considered was transformers doing biscuits to keep their joints flexible. That means medics would have to do extra biscuits so that their joints are at their best. I am now thinking about Drift coming back to their habsuite after a long day on the bridge and Ratchet’s just dozing off after an equally long shift in the med-bay, kneading the pillows happily. I am obsessed. Drift probably joins in bc as a swordsman, he has to keep his hands flexible as well. And them they’re purring their engines bc they’re comfy… aaaaah okay that’s adorable
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 25 of @whumperless-whump-event
Prompt: Severe burns / Running into flames / "I know it hurts. Breathe."
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Hong Hong er and Xie Lian
He sees the statue of his god about to get attacked through flames of his own temple, the little soldier's body moves on its own. He’s seen his god fall and hurt too much by protecting those that never deserved his protection. He cannot allow him to be disrespected in such a way.
/A flash of memory comes, his god pinned to a dirty cave’s floor with a sword through his abdomen./
So before he knows it he’s running through flames and swing at the person that managed to slip through his defense. The flames lick at his work clothes and armor, but he manages to knock the person away. 
But his fight to defend his highness’ temple isn't quite over yet. There's still a small handful of people trying to get into the temple, not to mention the steadily growing fire.
Being forced inside the temple the young soldier decides to control the fire first. He tries his best to stop it from spreading, stomping out the flames that he can, despite the pain and heat he begins to feel. He only deals with the rest of the people if they get too close, he hoped that the fire would discourage them but that didn't seem to be the case. So he has to juggle controlling a growing fire with also defending the temple and himself from others.
Safe to say his own pain has been forgotten; the aches of old and new injuries from the battles, the steadily worsening fatigue and hunger, worse of all heat exhaustion. But he fights, and fights, and fights for his God’s dignity and honor. Eventually, after what feels like an eternity, the handful of people either get too tired to fight or think it is too much trouble.
The little soldier allows himself to fall.
Already worn armor, torn or burnt off. Hair, cut and singe. Bandages, the only things saving his face and lungs from the fire, were a dark gray stained and smelling of smoke. Worse off his arms and legs, red and blistered, they /hurt/. He had to get rid of the protective armor layer as they were too damaged to keep, only serving to maybe melt into his skin.
The little one breaths haggardly, pain wracking his whole body as his injuries make themselves known. He keeps mumbling the same words over and over, /“I will never forget you, Your Highness. Never.”/
A silent prayer of reassurance, a personal motto for strength. 
He breaths again, it ends with a pained (and pathetic) sound. He leans on his sword as he looks around the half charred remains of the entrance to the temple. He looks back to the altar snd statue and can’t help the bit of pride, he defended his god’s temple, his god’s statue and altar. His breath staggers, black spots dance in his vision, /everything hurts./
Then a sound of footsteps, he tries to stand ready but his burnt and exhausted limbs are too weak and his body too injured. He hears a gasp and the sound of fast approaching footsteps, his mind begins to fog, hearing begins to grow muffled, eyesight begins to swim.
He feels hands on him, they make everything hurt, he barely has the energy to flinch back. He thinks he makes a pained noise and tries to attack but his mind is too foggy and exhausted and focused on the hurt to be sure. 
The hands pull back but now his least injured side is leaning against something sturdy and warm. Then he hears someone, someone with the most angelic voice imaginable, talking to him.
"I know it hurts. Breathe."
And so he does, he breathes and breathes because his god asked him to live. He cannot fail now, not yet, not in his god’s own temple.
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berylcups · 6 months
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Heres the full pic of Calamari! This is just their clothing design, not their actual weight. I used a base to make sure I got the clothes on neatly. I hope it looks okay! And below is their long ass profile! I haven't decided what team to put them on the Bucci gang or La Squadra but they do give some squadra vibes... well what do you all think? where does this poor soul get to go???
🩸=la squadra only traits/dialogue
🤐=bucci gang only traits/dialogue
no emoji means it happens regardless, so sorry if its such a clusterfuck! once I finally decide im getting rid of the alt dialogue/traits!
Name: Katrin Kocteau
Allias (if applicable): Calamari 
Namesake: The Cocteau Twins 
Nicknames: Callie, Kat, Kit Kat, Gattina, Stella, Luna, Starlight, Sole, Carina, Cara, tesoro, bella, bambina, Sourpuss, Kitten 
(usually used sarcastically): Comrade, ,little sister,Sunshine, Moody boobs, Boobs McKenzie, Sourpuss
Nicknames for others: 
🩸Lulu, Schatz, Rubin
Big brother, comrade (gelato and calamari jokingly call each other comrades due to both being oppressed by the Soviet Union )
🤐Abba,Diamant ,gloomy fuck/blues, Leo, piss monger, 
Löwe,, honigbiene, liebling, Kuschelbär, Bärchen, Schatzi, Engel, süße,
(Used in a joking/sarcastic way) Arschloch,  Sonnenschein, Eselhengst, Dummkopf 
Age: 25
Birthday: July 12th
Gender Identity: Agender; They/Them sometimes she/her…doesn’t correct strangers out of exhaustion 
Height: 5’3 160cm
Weight: 175lbs
Handness: Left
Hair Color: Burgundy/Wine red 
Eye Color: Violet
Type of Voice: soft, monotone, flat, they speak very softly with a Berlin accent. You have to listen very hard to understand them due to how softly they speak. It will go from soft valley to booming peaks when agitated enough. 
Eyesight:. 20/40
Race and/or ethnicity: Caucasian; German
Hometown: West Berlin, Germany 
Current Residency: Napoli, Italy 
Religion (if applicable): Non practicing Christian 
Moral Alignment: 
🩸 evil neutral 
🤐 lawful good
MBTI Personality Type (Optional): INFJ-T
Medical & Dental Health: 
Dental-  vitamin deficiencies in childhood causing weak teeth, many fillings and crowns 
Physical- Chronic tension headaches, vitamin deficiency (vitamin D and Calcium)
Mental health: 
 PTSD, ADHD inattentive type, Major Depression, generalized anxiety disorder w/ panic attacks 
Phobias: Claustrophobic- caves and tunnels specifically 
Phonophobia- HATES loud noises and others talking too loudly
Astraphobia- related to phonophobia 
Germaphobic - fears gastrointestinal illnesses the most 
Socialphobic- is on edge around crowds and people they don’t know too well. Very reserved and secretive 
Arachnophobia - self explanatory 
Fears cursed numbers (4,13, 666)- acts a bit more covert towards it than Mista-(ex add 1 more or less spoonful of sugar to their coffee to avoid 4)
Scars/burns/birthmarks/tattoos: self inflicted cuts and scars on arms and thighs due to poor coping mechanisms 
Other distinctive physical characteristics:  
Criminal Record: 
Murder her partner Teo in a crime of passion after finding out he was cheating for the 3rd time 
Awards & Education: 
General Education Diploma, Majoring in Forensic Science in University,
Excelled in foreign languages(Italian and Russian) and art class
Past Experience: 
Calamari is cynical, bitter, a perfectionist, and never allows themself to be vulnerable. Any mistake they make they severely punish themself with. They lash out at themself because they believe they deserve it. Their forearms and thighs are full of scars and self inflicted cuts. They show Themself no mercy so they sure as hell aren't showing it to any of their targets. They're not your typical sadomasochist, not a masochist because they enjoy it. They don't enjoy it at all, but they believe they truly deserve it. 
They always had a strong interest in the paranormal and true crime. Due to religious restrictions and profitability they dedicated their education to their forensic career. They always fixed themself to the smallest details rather than the bigger picture. Small details that are often overlooked could derail the entire case and justice for the victims could be lost. Their resolve shines the brightest when they dedicate everything they have to speak for the dead. 
The corruption in the justice system and bribery infecting all the way down to their forensic team made them lose the spark and desire they had for their work. There’s nothing they could have done anyway since it was them vs the majority and they needed every lira to help pay off their exs gambling debt. 
Calamari takes extra work to help pay off his debt only to find out that he was cheating on them and then kills him out of a crime of passion. Now Calamari is left with a body and heaping amounts of gambling debt that isn't theirs. They join Passione to seek protection and to pay off their debt. 
Sexual History (for characters 18+ ONLY): 
Teo, Her ex partner
🤐 Abbacchio 
Thoughts on love: 
They’ll swear up and down that love is worthless and a waste of time. They’ll say they never felt better by themself now that her ex Teo is gone, but they’re lying to hide the loneliness. They hate kids but are very domestic and secretly want a partner to take care of physically and emotionally. They are very touch and love starved and needs the perfect partner to give them hope in humanity again even if they only learn to trust 1 person.
It takes a long time to develop a crush due to their sexuality and trust issues. They subconsciously become more mellow and obedient around the one they develops a crush on. They’ll always listen to abbacchio’s orders. They’re no brown noser but they try to be as obedient as possible. They’re secretly very submissive. 
They’re only submissive to Illuso in private and only when he’s being nice. 90% of the time They’ll ignore him or berate him if he teases them. They don’t take being teased/bullied lightly. They avoid him and act tough around him because they don't want their weakness known or the fact that they would like someone that cruel…as if they aren't cruel themself-they won’t admit it-they’re a hypocrite and that their actions mirror his. The only difference is Calamari is only cruel to their targets and enemies. They give their teammates mutual respect until they do something to ignite their ire. 
Sexual and/or Romantic Identity:  Demisexual, Panromantic
People they like: 
“I don’t like people.  Nobody can be trusted.”
Calamari keeps people at arm's length but they’re not completely cold. They warm up to others after they prove they are trustworthy enough. 
To tell if they like you is them allowing you to be near them. Letting you sit next to them , letting you hug them (briefly), or playing with their hair. They will also joke with you, or make dry remarks. Best friends will be allowed in their room, play video games with them, and they’ll share secrets about her past and spill tea about others. You tell them a secret as a best friend and they’ll take that secret to their grave. Once you become their best friend/and or partner they’re loyal for life so don’t betray that trust like their ex did. 
🤐 Bucciarati, Abbacchio, Fugo are the ones who they trust and respect the most. 
They won’t show it but they like giorno, narancia, mista, and Trish too. They took a little longer for them to warm up to. They will send sarcastic remarks and jokes their way as their own way of showing friendship. 
🩸 they’re very hard to read, it even takes Risotto a split second to figure out what they’re feeling with their stone cold resting bitch face and monotone voice. They don’t hang around after meetings, so the only one who’s able to get a glimpse on how they feel is Nosey Illuso or Formaggio by spying on them. 
They like Risotto and prosciutto but is heavily intimidated by them. They warm up to Pesci  the quickest- Object stand users stick together.Sorbet and Gelato essentially adopted them from the moment they met, they’re friendly but they have fun making Calamari uncomfortable with the PDA. They slowly warm up to Illuso and Formaggio. Somehow they are able to find common ground with them… I wonder why- it’s almost like they can read their mind. They’re fine with Ghiaccio as long as he isn’t yelling so it’s very rare for them to enjoy his presence. Melone just disgusts them, but they put up with him for the sake of the team. 
People they hate: 
They’re known to hold some strong grudges. It took forever for them to forgive Mista for taking their slice of strawberry cake. They especially can’t stand children and babies because of the noise. Also isn’t a fan of yappy dog breeds. 
They hate anyone who gets in the way of their goals or inconveniences them. They hate their ex  due to the turmoil they dealt with because of him and hates themself for allowing them to step on them for so long.
They hate the boss because he’s an inconvenience to their livelihood and just life itself. 
Nothing pisses them off more than a bunch of bootlickers getting in the way of them and the team getting the boss’s daughter to find out his identity. The holier than thou attitudes of Giorno and Bucciarati make them hellbent on wanting to set their enjoyment of humiliation aside and give them severe curb stomping. 
It wouldn’t really be considered “hate” but Giorno annoys them. They thinks he’s too naive and preachy …absolutely not because They’re jealous of his natural born talent or anything, don't be ridiculous. They’re a million times more polite about it than abbacchio is. They just groan or ignore him or cuts him off with “you’re too young to understand” or “you wouldn’t get it…” “*groans*whaaaat? I’m busy…go brown nose Bucciarati instead kid.”
They didn’t care much for Trish believing her to be nothing more than an ungrateful spoiled brat. They both grew up so differently that it was hard to bond at 1st. Thankfully neither of them are that stubborn to try to understand each other. 
Dreams for the future:  
A peaceful life with her perfect partner. A cozy home in either Austria or Sicily with many pets and an art studio. They crave normalcy and freedom of expression.
Relationships(name a person that they have a connection to and what their relationship is like[friend, enemy, Ex, current lover, family , etc.]): 
Teo- Ex 
🤐Abbacchio-Current partner
Bucciarati- Confidant & Leader
Fugo- Good Friend
Narancia-Good Friend
Mista- Good Friend
Giorno- Friend
Trish- Friend
🩸Illuso- Current Partner
Formaggio- Good friend
Pesci- Good friend
Prosciutto- Mentor & Callies Secret not so secret crush
Risotto- Leader
Sorbet- Good Friend & parental figure
Gelato-Good friend & parental figure
Ghiaccio- tolerable friend in small doses
Melone- Tolerates- wishes they didn’t know him
Quotes (what do they say often? What’s their life’s motto?): 
“How about you go play in traffic?”
“”Kiss concrete douche!”
“Eat asphalt!”
"Everyone shut up I'm doing _______!"
views on life “There are 3 rules in life that must always be followed: 
1. If you’re going to do it right- do it right the 1st time.
2. Always be punctual. If you’re early you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. 
And 3. Be self reliant. Never burden others. If you have a problem- fix it. Don’t know how? learn.  This is the true way of life.”
“ Do you wanna  X? Because that’s how you X.”They say this phrase a lot when someone is doing something stupid or if they had enough of someone and are threatening them. 
🤐“Do you wanna walk all the way to Pompeii? Because that’s how you do that if you keep trying to turn down my music smartass. YES it needs to be that loud. I’m trying not to fall asleep at the wheel. If it bothers you so much, you and Giorno take the wheel, I’m laying in the back and taking a nap. Don’t fuck up and crash the car or my geist will haunt you panna.”
🤐🩸“Were you even listening to a word I was saying? Sigh… you’re such a disappointment, why do I bother with you?..”
Disregarding a mista conspiracy theory/ghiaccio rant 🤐🩸“There’s literally not enough adderall in the world for me to listen to whatever bullshit you're word-vomiting out..”
Taunting illuso back🩸“Make you a sandwich ? How about you earn it 1st. make yourself useful and shine my boots till I can see my reflection in them. Then mayyybe I’ll even think about it.”
🩸Receiving a hit “Who’s funeral am I facilitating?”
🩸“Halt die Schnauze! Would it kill you to not scream like a verdammt banshee every 5 minutes?!”
🩸Defending their stand” Why would my stand need to be strong when it doesn’t have to? I let gravity do all the work for me and I don’t have to break a sweat. I can move anywhere I want, and don’t have to worry about anyone reaching me. It can throw you around like a lousy rag doll and you’ll be helpless to do anything about it. I don’t need to be strong to take your sorry ass down. I may need protection now and then but I’m still the queen on the chessboard. I can go and attack from ANYWHERE”
🩸Apprehensive about betrayal“I’m used to living frugally. I don’t see how 20 million lira is too little to live off of. I don’t think it’s worth going against the boss for more. We don’t know who he is or what he’s capable of.”
🩸Expressing denial and hiding their feelings “Love? Absolutely disgusting. It’s a useless feeling and only sets you up for failure. There’s nothing worse than being tied down with dead weight who will either cheat or become bored of me or I’ll be bored of them. Material goods bring me just as much happiness as an annoying man/woman ever could. I buy a new pair of boots or a handbag, get tired of them- go set them aside in my closet, and buy new ones. Wash, rinse, repeat. Your life is much less difficult when you think with your brain instead of your heart… or your balls if we’re being realistic.”
Painting, Drawing, Playing Video games, clothes & shoe shopping, make up, petting cats, napping, and eating
Is secretly superstitious. Avoids numbers that they hate, won’t open umbrellas inside, walking under ladders etc… The only exception to their superstitions is black cats. 
🩸Man spreads on the couch out of pure passive aggressiveness since there’s never any room for them to sit
They have a soft spot for black cats and their cats Depeche and Muse are their pride and joy. They greeted them with open arms completely ignoring their teammates all together thinking they were excited to see them when they got back.
 🩸They have a kangaroo pouch to hold them in when she’s working around the base/hideout….
🩸They love traumatizing teammates by tricking them into showing them shock sites and laugh maliciously at their reaction. 
🩸They has a very dark sense of humor so it usually plays off well with sadistic or edgy teammates. 
.They try to hide their smiles and giggles by covering their mouth. This habit slowly ceases once they feels more comfortable around others. 
Calamari hides their red face when they’re aroused or embarrassed .
They sigh and huff a lot when they’re irritated. 
They enjoy coming up with unusual torture/interrogation methods. They held a bamboo skewer up to someone’s eye, threatening to turn their eye into a kabob and lobotomise them. 
They’re   very diligent in working on their Italian vocabulary and accent. They get help from Fugo from time to time when they have trouble pronouncing something. Or on the hitman team…they’re stuck with Ghiaccio. Which you think would be a disaster but he’s pretty patient with those genuinely wanting to learn Italian, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have his typical outbursts.
They’ll get annoyed with him and his noise and will spite him by only speaking in German the rest of the day until he finally breaks and begs them to stop. He doesn’t know German but he knows damn well they’re talking shit about him to Illuso . 
They aren’t able to physically defend themself in hand to hand combat so they are well equipped with spiked knuckles and a stun gun strong enough to take down a bear. They have a hand gun that they are taking lessons with, they’re competent but their aim isn’t as good with it as they are with their stands bow. 
Quirks/Unique personality traits:
They won’t look anyone in the eye or call anyone by name directly unless they’re very close with the person. 
Doesn’t announce when they’re here or when they leave. They just walk right in without saying a single hello or I’m back/here. 
In the very beginning they spoke a lot like an NPC with very short to 1-2 worded answers. Once they became more comfortable with their team they said more than 2 words.
Pet peeves:
Talking over or interrupting them while talking 
People acting smarter than they really are 
Excessive noise (barking dogs, talking too loud, yelling , crying children, Ghiaccio , etc)
Gratuitous PDA 
Not obeying rules (excluding missions) 
Being late 
Invading their personal space 
Moving their things- they have them specifically where they want them
Having wet hair and clothes (sensory issues )
People whispering (they’re paranoid) 
Do you have a stand?(if not ignore the questions related to it): Yes, Via Black Sabbaths Arrow
Stand type(humanoid, object, drone, etc.): Object
Stand appearance (if you don’t have a picture): no set visual yet- but fantasy type bow and arrow that looks similar to a moon…Still working on it.
Stand Name: Black Celebration
Stand Range: 15 meters , 30 meters (how far stand can shoot max) 
Destructive power:  D(calamari must rely on gravity and their surroundings to use to their advantage. Their stand technically isn’t meant to be used in combat but their creativity has helped them and their teammates out of life or death situations) 
Speed: A(variable, Calamari learns to have more control over [lower/strengthen] the suction and ejection the black holes)
Range: A(variable, how far Calamari arrows shoot)
Stamina/persistence: D (can stay inactive for an extended period of time up to 3-4 hours before activating.)
Precision: C
Development potential: A
Stand Abilities: 
Black Celebrations intended role was for contingency plans and escape routes. Calamari and their stand is bursting with potential. They're full of creativity and are always thinking of ways to be several steps ahead of their enemy. 
Black Hole traps: like real black holes, they are invisible to the naked eye and aren’t really black. BC can be shot to set up a booby trap for a target to unknowingly get in its range to be swallowed up and spat out another hole wherever Calamari pleases. It can stay dormant for roughly 3 to 4 hours so they don’t need to chase down their target but they can’t stray too far away from the town/city they’re in. To distinguish the difference between their target and civilians is to periodically check through the hole. Which isn’t too difficult when working on investigating targets beforehand. But these traps are basically useless if they don’t have this information, unless they stay nearby. With that, it will activate with the snap of their fingers
Chaining: This is the ability everyone relies on calamari the most . Calamaris 1st learned ability, they can take up to 8 shots at once  roughly about 7-30 meters in between each hole max to get  themself and her teammates out of a location. The more arrows they shoot the less they will go. It’s better to go one at a time. If they only shoot 1 it simply just takes them through the other side of something, like the other side of walls, into other rooms, vehicles, etc.
 Effect beacon/ redirection: With slowing down the way BC inhales/exhales matter, it can expand the effects of certain other stand abilities or redirect them (ex Grateful Dead aging fog, Purple Hazes virus,) 
Redirecting projectiles work well with their stand too (Aerosmith’s shots) though; it doesn’t work well with Sex Pistols, the sudden change in surroundings disorientates them losing control of the bullet. There’s limits to how much weight BC manipulates. It can handle roughly double their own body weight (300-350 lbs) when in the most dire situation they can transport a full sized sedan through a wall with the help of another pulling back the bow. 
Remote vision: Calamari can see into any black hole at any time but only one at a time. They are limited to 7 seconds of looking in and have some time before they can do it again or else they get severe headaches.
Stand weaknesses:
No defense or ability to fight back: BC has no ability to defend itself in close ranged fights due to being an object based stand. It requires a few seconds to set up 2 portals to send their attacker away or for them to escape and sometimes they might not have that precious time. 
Loss of senses: when looking into their black holes they can only sense what’s going on in the hole. This leaves them vulnerable for an easy ambush so they need someone nearby when they do this. 
Low endurance: BC  is fueled by Calamari’s adrenaline. Their anxiety and fight or flight response is what helps make their arrows manifest. After a long arduous fight it saps their energy and makes them incredibly exhausted and drowsy. They usually sleep on the ride after a mission, resting their head on whoever is next to them.
Battle Cry:  N/A
Favorite Band: Alice in Chains
Favorite Color: Violet
Favorite Animal: Pallas Cat
Favorite Movie: The Amityville Horror
Favorite school subject: Art
Favorite Meal:
Appetizer/Side dish: caprese salad
Entree:Sauerbraten w/ sauerkraut 
Snack: soft pretzels w/ mustard
Food/Drink Dislikes:
Garlic, sausages links(all kinds), eggs, sweet pickles, processed cheese, canned foods(excluding pickles)cream soda, root beer, mint chip ice cream, mint anything
Additional notes (any other details you wanna add about your OC?):
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I’m writing a fic where I have a chapter in Kunikidarling’s pov, and I was wondering if you have any tips on that
Hmmm I guess it depends on what he's doing. I haven't written him much, but when I have it's been him dealing with the consequences of being around Dazai and absolutely despairing.
I apologise in advance because this turned into a mini Kunikida character analysis (?)
I need to read the Dazai's Entrance exam light novel at some point, but from what I've read from Untold Origins he sees flashing lights/passes out from stress (mainly dazai induced, but lets be honest he's probably under constant stress)
From that, I think it's safe to say that Kunikida shows how he feels outwardly/experiences physical 'symptoms' of things (eg the passing out) a lot. Like, when he got that phone call from Dazai in the OVA to say the person who made his notebook was visiting, he started excitedly pacing around (and absolutely stimming), so he absolutely reacts physically to positive things too
I've just started thinking about if Kunikida had cataplexy, and how interesting it would be to make that a part of his life. I know this isn't what you're asking about exactly but shhh:
"Cataplexy is the term given to sudden muscular weakness triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, anger and surprise. The loss of muscle tone that occurs may range from a just-perceptible weakening of the facial muscles through weakness at the knees, to total collapse on the floor. Speech may be slurred, and eyesight impaired (double vision, inability to focus) but hearing and awareness remain undisturbed." (From the Narcolepsy UK website)
Oh! The whole Dazai torture rant! He'd absolutely have an unhinged inner monologue. If I were to write something from his POV I'd make him think of creative ways to get rid of people (like how Fukuzawa wanted to throw child Ranpo into the ocean). In his rant he mimed choking Dazai, so it'd be entirely possible for him to accidentally catch himself throttling the air when he's stressed
Tbh it seems like while he wants to make sure his environment is controlled, he isn't that good at keeping his emotions dialed down (and he shouldn't need to. Let Kunikida be expressive). Spiltash called him autism coded I think, and I 100% agree.
And ooooo how he speaks! People acted surprised when he told Atsushi to grow some wereballs, but that wasn't the first or only time he's said something harsh like that (let Kunikida say fuck 😔). Whether or not it's intentional, he's quite blunt with his words and is NOT afraid to say something potentially 'rude'. This reminds me of him a lot:
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Like yeah he's absolutely professional and I think he speaks quite formally, but he would absolutely tell someone to shove a pencil up their ass
Ahhhhh I don't know what else to add. A strong sense of morals with set expectations, blunt communication, really good with kids, physically expressive so easier to describe actions-wise.
In conclusion, good luck and just put your entire kunikidussy into it!
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veny-many · 1 year
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It's hard to fight when you have sensitive weaknesses your enemies easily reach.
I'm thinking that Plo probably had many blinded and confused moments in middle of battlefields by losing his mask and goggles in many reasons.
When Wolffe lost his eye, he often confused in battle with his reduced eyesight. He tries to move fast to get enemies or treats location in his one eye, which is too hard in fast moving situations. His brothers helps him by covering his blind side, but that doesn't covers all of his sudden panicking when he can't witness his objective.
He feels angry at himself when he misses his targets. When he is not enough to move fast to locate his objective. And most importantly When he can't focus and get over with his sudden panicking no matter how he tries to move his eye. He has to see all of battlefield's situations so he can lead his troopers. So he can protect his brothers.
Kaminoans didn't appreciate this Wolffe's defects and wanted to get rid of him from battle. But Wolffe didn't want to leave his brothers. But he also understands that he might be danger to his man. And for his safety it is best choice for him to remain in ship and do commanding things.
When things get harder, Wolffe and Plo talked about this problem. Plo suggested that Wolffe can't just force himself to witness all of his surroundings with his one eye. And he sometimes needs to focus on his other senses, like hearing, wind, temperature, and touches. That it might help you if you close your eyes, and believe your body, your brother's helps.
After listening his General's suggestions, when Wolffe started to panic again in battle, he closed his eyes, and focused on his other senses. It actually helped him. He could listen to his brother's shouts, the enemy's marching. He could regain his attention and calm fast than before. He could lead his brothers safely once again.
After successful mission, Wolffe thanks to Plo. And he says that he is impressed by Jedi's methods of regained calm in reduced senses. Plo says that is not all Jedis taught, but with his weakness that highly leads him to have blind sight and hurtful breath, he needed to make his way to regain calm and focus on situation despite his pain and panic to survive.
And Wolffe became more protective for his General bc why not. And always carries spare masks in his own pockets, despite Plo insisted that he carries his own. Because he is Wolfpack, and Wolf protects his pack.
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In deciding to try and draw the warden I inadvertently created new characters 😅 they still don't have names but let me introduce you to my Warden, blind illager, and half blind villager...
Under the cut to save room
I wanted to put my own spin on the Warden because I've noticed a few artists who do very well renditions of them... In the end I went with a default dragon style, sort of, for the warden... If you had seen my older artwork (I mean MUCH OLDER) then you would notice that I have a particular style when it comes to drawing animals 😑
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Not too good but not too terrible either more of meh...
But I didn't want him to be left alone, so I thought it'd be neat for him to take in a blind illager as a pet... Where as she thinks he is the pet (language barrier 🚧)...
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Then as usual, I had to add a half blind villager into the mix... Again, the warden adopts him too as a pet where the Villager thinks the opposite. The Villager thinks he basically is caring for two blind beings...
They still technically don't have names but they do have a bit of backstory;
The warden shares his territory with his older brother, who is the dominant one. Eventually, when he adopts the blind illager his brother forces him to make a choice; get rid of his new pet or leave the territory... It's obvious he chooses the ladder to keep his pet. Eventually the warden and his new pet come across another similar to her kind except somewhat different. He starts to think that maybe he can adopt both of them as his pets and then he could show others that hurry up that would be so bad... Maybe eventually he can come across one that can speak the language of his pets and maybe he can learn from them how to communicate... Maybe one day~
The blind illager was not always blind. She did have poor vision when she was able to see, but in a duel with another Evoker... He blinded her purposely for his plans. After being blinded she understood what his plan was and ran through the cave system close by the mansion, blind and scared, to get away from it all. She ended up coming across the warden's territory and the warden himself took it like him to her... She then wondered if she could tame it and make it a loyal Ally, or in the very least a loyal pet. From the warden she learned that her blindness was not really a weakness but something that she could easily overcome. When she comes across a stubborn villager she realizes that he still has his vision, if only half of it. However she doesn't fully know he's a villager (until he tells her) as not being able to see and they're kind being too similar other than a few features, she thinks of him as another Ally, although a stubborn one, an additional Ally nonetheless... She starts to fall for him until he finally admits that he is a villager, and now she is torn from what she was raised to pillage from them to getting to know one. She keeps the feelings to herself until she can sort it out...
The Villager lost part of his eyesight in his early years of mining after running into some skeletons. In his current age he is the foreman of the mining team but due to a freak accident ends up losing his team and getting lost. Believing that the survivors have pretty much claimed him dead, he decided that if he ever made it out he would let them know that he was alive and well. During his job he takes safety very seriously, trying to teach the younger generation of new minors to always be on the lookout. Eventually he came across the blind illager and the warden... believing that they need his assistance to get out. In reality it was the other way around, he needed them....
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darkmoonravewolf · 1 year
Drawing Amity made me get a headcanon.
Amity has the largest fangs out of the group and even her family. Even though Luz loves them, (let's be real Luz would adore and fawn over them once she realizes witches have fangs at like...17) She hates them because the larger fangs you have, the less magic you have. Specifically Amity was born with a deformity. She has larger lungs but a smaller bile sac.
It's part of the reason Amity studied so hard and was given Lilith as a mentor. Blights are known for thier magical abilities so to be born a blight with a small bile sac... was not a good. Sure she was good at sports, but it mostly came from her physical abilities. And during puberty it just got worse. Looking at her most witches and demons would see a tall, intelligent, and strong young witch but her mother (and by extension herself) just saw a weak little girl who could barely control large abominations without needing a break.
Years later, she's more comfortable with her herself!(Turns out getting rid of that nagging voice in your head Odalia helps your mental stress a lot) And after some training from Darius can partially merge her body with abominations like he can. Though she'll never be able to do her full body, she can do just enough to enhance her strength, eyesight, and turn her hands into spiked gauntlets (though they look suspiciously like a cat's paws Luz is a bad influence)
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crydentialzz · 2 months
helllo once again!!! :3 this is part 2 of my take on the twiddlefinger virus which touches on the final stage and aftercare of the patient go read part 1 HERE (absolutely nothing in this post will make sense without reading the first part) - once again, not really sure on the specifics of what warnings to use but watch out 4 mentions of blood, vomit and wounds. - oh also if u like this consider taking a peek at my fan species i made for the nuggets of the max design pro universe here
Stage 3
The third stage is where mental deterioration has escalated dramatically. Thoughts are barely about anything but their partner, and the patient will find it near impossible to think of anything else. Obsession has turned to a need / craving for their partner at this point as the patient will believe there's absolutely nothing they can do without their “other half”. Delusion has fully set in as the infected will wholeheartedly believe that the only course of action is to become one with their partner (this commonly takes the form of cannibalism, but can extend to other things such as stitching one another together, trapping the partner, ect.). Their eyesight may be fully or partially obscured taking on either a cataract-like state or being covered by infection growth, causing enhanced hearing abilities (The loss of eyesight is most common, but depending on where the infection's core grows this loss can take many forms, from loss of eyesight, hearing or mobility). The patient may begin to hear their partner's voice / hallucinate a fuzzy silhouette of their partner the longer they are away from them, and this is when the “hunting” stage begins. The hunting stage is fairly simple: the infected will try to find their partner, using any means necessary to get to them (including self injury) as the patient will worry themselves sick (literally, as they will refuse to focus on anything but their lover, including self preservation) till they find them. Once found, the patient will attempt to lure their partner and lead them to a secluded place, as although they may not be aware of much, they are aware that their physical appearance has changed and could scare them away. If there is resistance the infected will give chase until they catch their lover. This is where the attack would happen and the partner would be consumed and due to grief and “snapping back to reality” in a sense, the host dies as well whether self inflicted or through the illness itself draining its host. Though, there is another way to get rid of the infection.
With Hanahaki disease one would need to express their feelings to show that they are requited or the growth can be removed with surgery along with the feelings. With Inquies cupidinem the infection can remove itself in a way, but not with surgery as it will regrow and hide in harder to reach places. If the infected’s partner give themselves up without chase or with little struggle, the infection itself may deem their partner to be a more suitable, stronger host and will instead split itself in half and infect the other, leaving both weak and slowly dying, but together and a little more mentally aware of their situation which can give outsiders more time to help stop the cycle quicker as the infection is much weaker when not whole. The second way is much simpler. The infection is sending constant dopamine to the brain which urges on the infected, but if the partner can get them to see what they are doing is destructive the dopamine cycle can be disrupted as it reconnects the patient to their negative emotions instead of the (very literal) chemical love-bombing. This can be done in many different ways, whether it be bringing up the situation, talking the patient down from aggression, or simply showing that their actions are doing physical harm to the partner.
Aftercare (if the patient survives) is the most difficult part. The infection, if made to the last stage or not, can be extremely difficult to heal from as once the cycle is disrupted, the infection will eject itself from the body (effectively killing it) via vomiting or bleeding out of an open wound, leaving the host alive but barely in temporary paralysis. If the patient is tended to immediately, the first thing to come back will be their drained blood supply, as the body will acknowledge there is no longer a virus to fight and will begin normal processes as the patient spends most of their time resting in a short lived coma-like state to heal internally. With proper nutrients and resting time given, the next to come back will be the patient’s fur, weight and sight. The muscle and skin may be discolored permanently, but the fur can mostly cover this if it grows back fully. The cataract-like symptoms will slowly dissipate as the patient finally re-opens their eyes and begins to blink (while their eyes heal, the room may be full of dim artificial light as the eyes remain light-sensitive for a time). Vision may be a little blurrier than before but most patients are not left entirely blind and if anything may need contacts or glasses, in extreme but highly unlikely cases cataract surgery is required. From this point on there will be efforts for physical therapy as the patient may have lost or forgotten some motor skills. Not every patient will heal in the same timeframe, but the general time overall would range from 3-and-a-half weeks to a month or two for physical healing. After the patient has regained their senses it's often recommended for them to interact with family and friends to regain their memory as healing physically is oftentimes the easiest part. Partners would have to wait longer to see the patient just to make sure the mental obsession has quelled enough for it to be safe to interact, as at this point it is more likely for the patient to end up accidentally hurting themselves if the drive is still there. Due to the memory loss and cloudy memory, things such as names, faces and details of those held close may be fuzzy or missing parts, so patient visiting is highly encouraged. Mental healing often takes longer, but by the time the physical is healed, the patient will be sent home to continue their interactions with others and the healing process.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
If they want to play dirty, Katherine well play dirty to. She'll get tricky she'll get cleaver. She's younger then all of them- shes...younger the all of them.....huh....
She'll use their hatred of weakness and so onegas aganst them, the younger ones 30-40yrs are more in the fence but listen to their elders that are 70-92yrs so.....she passes a law that makes it so you can't be in the court if your older then 70yrs
Of course, theres backlash, but well, she knows how to appeal to them after all "after you reach 70 your scent starts to qeaken as well as you alpha strength, speed, hearing, eyesight, etc. You don't want an alpha or neta as weka as an omega in your court now do you?"
It makes her sick to say.....but it works, and she's lost 70% of her court due to the law passing, bad to most but well. It's all part of her plan. Their understaffed now thye have so much paperwork to get through...so it's inevitable they'll start skimming and passing laws and signing paperwork without fully reading it
So as long as she words the laws correctly, with just the right amount if fancy words the laws well get passed without a 2nd thought. Meaning she passes all the pro-omega laws she can and tries to get rid of a much power the alphas and betas have as she can. Aire some are caught by the older betas but almost all pass! Their WINNING
Of course, Katherine doesn't stay in the castle. It's not safe, something that's proven when the tower her rooms in blows up and older alphas and betas are suprised to see her still alive. Like they planned it....she uses a secret tunnel to get to the edge of the other empires so they can't follow her and attack her friends or her beloved
And it's working! Their winning- Their alive, she's finally helping people hats proven when he notices the rise in sweet sugary scents, omegas starting to dump their (once forced due to their acents 'distracting and tempting alphas) suppressants in the trash. And eveyrone, who's aid birthrate would go down? Their TRIPLE then umbrella they were the last few years because omegas aren't constantly distressed by the forced medicine and crime rates against them
part one
She knows she needs to reform the attitudes as well, but it's far easier now she can talk on an equal level with her court. It's not easy, no, but Sausage has been wonderful getting her resources to support her talking points. She can point to statistics and studies and show the benefits these laws will have to their kingdom overall.
Eventually, she wants to restructure the court completely. Proportional representation of each group, with members elected by those in that group. Regular elections as well, so nobody is stuck with a person that it turns out doesn't hold their best interests at heart. It's a system that will benefit all of her people - not just the nobility with money to throw around.
She keeps her current living location a secret, not wanting to put Shelby in danger either. And though Shelby is by no means what Katherine considered a 'typical' omega (whatever that even means, she's now realised) there's still something calming about knowing, at the end of the day, she can come back to her. They'll both lie around, and Katherine doesn't need to be a queen. She can just be plain, ordinary Katherine.
The way Shelby smiles at her, she thinks she likes that best.
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coreofgold · 1 year
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Was that [JI LI]? Oh no no, that was just [SHI MEI/SHI MINGJING], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [ERHA/THE HUSKY AND HIS WHITE CAT SHIZUN]. They are [TWENTY-FOUR ] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long
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How long has your character been here Shi Mei thinks he's lived here since he was 8 but he's only been in D.C for a few weeks in actuality.
What is your character’s job He works as a blind travel doctor (like David Hartman), but instead of traveling to places worldwide, his focus is primarily on hospitals and clinics in D.C. that are understaffed and can't afford new doctors.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom Points to the end of the current timeline when he freed Chu Wanning, is blind and left as a traveling cultivator that heals all those who need it to atone; That traumatic and sad ending. He's taken from that, so even without his memories, he feels lost, unaccepted in all places and times, wondering why he is the way he is.
Has any magic affected your character It got rid of his memories and replaced it with a whole new life. He was adopted by an American family after being orphaned by his crazy father, killing and eating his mother. The adopted family fell through because they mistreated him, so he ran away and spent his life on the streets (open to found family plots). He already had a weak constitution, so he was weaker in terms of fighting, so he focused on healing and worked his butt off to get into med school and to get his job as a traveling doctor (though it's mostly interning now and working closely with a more experienced one just due to his age). Also, because he lived on the streets, he was used to manipulating others to survive and pave a place in a world that oppressed him (though in this place, instead of him following Hua Binan, Hua Binan is like the voice in the back of his head telling him what to do; Like an evil conscious that wants to survive. Though it's nothing like what happened in the novels; Just lying and playing up his innocence to get money and learn things to bring others down). He regretted everything once he got older, and while trying to atone, an accident occurred (he doesn't remember, but he knows his eyesight/eyes are gone from it a la Xiao Xingchen-like). That didn't stop him from wanting to atone, live a better life, and work as a travel doctor. Because he doesn't remember anything, he is depressed, he's lost, he doesn't know why, but he feels like he has regrets and pain that started centuries ago from a life he doesn't remember.
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!! Wiki Here Birthday: November 2 Siblings: Mu Yanli (half-sister) Zodiac: Scorpio Species: Half demon/half human Eye Color: Has no eyes/has a white bandage around where his eyes should be Hair Color: Black Scars: Missing eyes, various ones strewn about his body both from his life in ancient China and from being homeless in D.C. (because he did end up getting hurt here as well) Personality: kind-hearted, polite, wanting to reason with people instead of fighting, sweet temper and doesn't hold grudges, mediator, diplomacy and submissive, has a hidden bloodthirsty essence, manipulative, morally dubious Romantic Orientation: homosexual Sexual Orientation: homosexual
I am open to plots so please don’t hesitate to message me for plots and to know about his past !
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deep-at-night · 2 years
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Sora's eyesight had been reduced to shadows, shapes and colors. The orange aura of her Susano'o still towered over her after she had protected herself from Sasuke's lightning attack and rid him of the curse his former mentor had put on him. The combinations of her Susano'o's divine weapons made it practically invincible, but summoning and maintaining it for as long as she did would have been draining for most people, for Sora's weak body especially so. She was spent. But the siblings had both reached their limits. They mirrored each other's postures. Ten or so meters away from each other they could barely stand up straight. Shoulders slumped and panting they had no chakra left to activate their Sharingan. Sora's right eye was bleeding and the corners of her mouth were smeared with blood. It was time to get this over with. Sasuke seemed to be in a state of shock that would allow her to close the distance between them. "Your eyes are mine." she told him as she had done several times already. The occular power of the Uchiha Clan was famous across all Hidden Villages, but even most wielders didn't truly understand its' potential. Threatening Sasuke with ripping out his eyes and claiming them for herself was meant to unveil the secrets of the Sharingan to him, so he would use the knowledge to unlock its' full strength after her death. Sora had barely finished her sentence when she felt her heart burst in her chest. This not being her first heart attack but the most painful yet she grimaced in pain. She clawed at her shirt and gasped for air. It triggered another cough, so she leaned forward and caught a splash of blood in the hand she covered her mouth with. It trickled through the gaps between her fingers. She wanted to get a grip on herself, but broke into a coughing fit instead and was forced to her knees. More blood came spilling out of her mouth as Sora wrapped her arms around herself. Unable to focus, the Susano'o around her lost some of its' armor. Sasuke, in panic but not stupid enough to leave the opportunity unexploited, threw an explosive at her. Whatever the result of the attack, Sasuke couldn't see it. The smoke the explosion had created protected Sora from her baby brother's eyes, only to reveal later that she hadn't only been able to protect herself but summon the Susano'o's shield again, too. She was standing again, but barely. Her head not fully raised she stared at him through the strands of her hair that had come undone throughout the fight. When Sora started moving forward, one painful step at a time, Sasuke moved back. As if he had only now realized that he was out of options he panicked and threw his last kunai. The sigils on it caused another explosion. Her Susanoo protected her once again with its' shield. Not having stopped she emerged out of the smoke, slowly, every step demaning a silent groan of pain. "Just... give up... already." she demanded and turned Sasuke's panic into anger. He reached for the only tool left at his disposal, his sword. He took a far leap and added as much force as possible by raising the ninto over his head with both hands around its' grip. It didn't have the intended effect. Instead of piercing through the shield it absorbed the strike and turned it against Sasuke. With the same force he had used he got flung back. Having landed hard he needed a moment to get back onto his feet. It was all Sora needed to fully catch up to him. Realizing how close she was Sasuke stumbled backwards, but found his back pressed against a wall quickly. As his eyes were wide open with fear, his legs shaking, she raised her hand to threaten him once again. Almost fully exhausted she felt only one emotion, deep regret. In another life she could have made him happy, could have been the sister he deserved. But in this one she would die knowing that she had brought him only fear, sorrow and hatred. Instead of ripping his eyes out she stopped and smiled. It was genuine, no tactic to provoke him. "Forgive me, Sasuke," she whispered gently. While she could barely keep her eyes open his almost burst out of his eye sockets. "This is it." Her hand closed the distance. The bloody tips of her index and middle finger came to rest on his forehead with a gentle tap. One last time. No more maybe next time. This was the last time. Sora couldn't focus anymore. Her eyes wandered off, into emptiness and her body became heavy. First, her fingers ran down her brothers face, leaving a trail of blood as she couldn't hold her hand up any longer. She couldn't keep herself up any longer. Sora tumbled forward, hitting her head on the wall Sasuke was pressed to. It didn't offer any support and she collapsed. Somehow she made it onto her back, her arms limp next to her body. The sky above her turned into darkness. There was no pain anymore as she felt her last breath leave her lungs. The life faded from her eyes and she was embraced by nothingness. Feeling like her life's purpose had been fulfilled she was glad to let go.  
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avengersassemble123 · 2 years
||CHAPTER 14||
"Day 26 of infection."
"See? You still think I'm wrong?" Yuriko called out, looking at everyone.
"The strong cells are attacking the weak cells"
Haruto spoke to the camera, him stating his observations. "Every single cell is struggling to survive...and attacking each other." Growling and gurgling sounds could be heard behind Haruto, as he was recording.
"This virus is the will to survive defined"
Makomo looked at her hands and wound, and the blood stained area, her breath hitching, fingers frantically shaking in shock. Tears welling up her eyes.
"It consumes all the cells almost instantly."
She saw veins growing darker on her palms, and felt her eyesight darkening, turning into blood red. Makomo whimpered, abruptly standing up, still gazing her hands, "Hey, what's wrong with me? Something's wrong with me." Everyone took few steps back, except for Sabito, who moved forward, "What the fuck" He remarked, "What's wrong with you?" He questioned. Makomo stared at her hands, her nose profusely bleeding. "It's not true." Yuriko looked around, pushing Iguro forward, "Get rid of her. Get rid of her now!" Yuriko exclaimed. "No I-" "Stop it Makomo.." Y/N cried out, making everyone stop in their tracks, "Don't do that.." Makomo whimpered, eyes widening, "Fuck, I'm not!" Y/N cried, tears staring to build up in her eyes, "I'm sorry, Makomo. But still, don't do that." Everyone stood back, but Sabito had not budged from his position, which was beside Makomo, "I've turned right?.." Makomo murmured, "Sabito what do i do?" she looked up at the peach haired boy, who was staring at the ground, making anyone unable to see his reaction, Sabito looked up at Makomo, "No. No, it can't be. Why would you.." "Sabito.." Giyuu said walking towards him and pulling him back, but Sabito forcefully pushed his hand away, "Let go." He looked up at Makomo, "Moron. It's not true. Wh-Why would you suddenly.." Makomo whimpered, taking a few steps back, her gaze returning to her hands.
"The infected human feels extreme fear...." Haruto looked up directly at the camera, "Then they attack only to survive."
Sabito shook his head in denial. "Hey. You weren't bit." Sabito said moving towards Makomo, when she took few steps back, "Stay away! Don't come any closer! Fuck!" Her hands gesturing him to stay back, her legs being stopped buy the chair behind her. Sabito stopped in his tracks, his hand still reaching out for her. Just then Makomo's head slightly snapped, making her yelp. Nezuko shut her eyes hiding her face in Tanjiro's shoulder, while Tanjiro looked the other way, tears present in his eyes. Yuriko looked around, panicking, "Hey! What are you doing? Tell her to get out. We're all going to die!" Makomo slowly raised her hands to touch either side of her head, slightly shaking, " Fuck..Why am I...Fuck" She cried, tears now flowing from her eyes. Yuriko ran towards the main door, removing the barricade which Ren had fixed, "Get out. I said to get out!" "SHUT UP! FUCK!" Makomo yelled back. "I'll leave." Makomo exclaimed, "I'll leave on my own."
"Why would I bite you all? We are friends." Makomo by now, was wailing looking at the group in front of her, "If I leave, it'll all be fine." Makomo cried, tears now fully flowing through her face, mixing sightly with the blood dripping from her nose. Kanao, who rarely showed emotions, was silently crying, as tears flowed from her eyes, Mitsuri hugging Muichiro, whose face was buried in her chest, tears flowing from his eyes too, while Mitsuri was visibly hiccuping. Iguro, Tengen and Kyojuro were not crying, but their eyes had looks of pity, genuinely feeling bad for the situation, despair filling inside them. Tanjiro stood protectively in front of Nezuko, but both the siblings crying and looking in some other direction, not being able to see their beloved friend in this condition. Genya, Inosuke and Zenitsu's eyes were slightly filled with water, their mouth slightly quivering. Giyuu, who usually acted stoic, could be visibly seen filled with despair, his hand reaching out to Sabito. The peach haired boy, once again stared at the ground, his expression unreadable. Ren moved forwards, walking towards Makomo, "Makomo, why don't you just go back into the recording-" "What will you do if we all die?" Yuriko remarked. "YURIKO!!!" Ren screamed. "We have to live." Yuriko said. Ren stayed silent, her eyes wandering around the place. "I'll leave." Makomo meekly declared. Everyone cleared the way till the door, while Makomo staggered, bumping on tables and chairs, walking towards the door, whimpering and crying, "I'll get out of here on my own." Tengen rubbed his eyes, wiping his tears, while few drops fell from Kyojuro's eyes. "Sorry, I'll get out of here." Makomo finally reached the door, when Sabito finally turned around, tears on the verge of spilling, "Makomo.." "It's okay." Makomo said, facing the door, but reassuring him by her hand, "Thank you, guys, for everything. Really." Sabito sniffled, Giyuu holding him by the shoulder, "Stay alive." Makomo held the handle, trying to open the door. She heard laughters around her, "Are you alright Makomo" "That moron." "HAHAHAH" "What are you looking at?" Makomo turned around, looking at her friends staring intently at her. Suddenly, she saw them bloodied and injured, veins visible on their faces, laughing at her. "Why are you doing that? You're scaring me. Stop that." Makomo whimpered leaning against the door, hyperventilating. She continued to hear laughter, her friends mocking and insulting her. Sabito staring at her, whitened eyes and bloodied mouth, "Stop it. Sabito, why are you doing that?" Makomo fell down, being overwhelmed by the intense atmosphere and the scene unfolding, "Stop it! Stop it! Please I'm scared!"
Everyone looked at Makomo confused, their eyebrows furrowed at Makomo's reaction. Ren protectively stood in front of her students, indicating them to step back. Makomo, who had now fallen down on the floor in a sitting position, facing towards them, started choking and squirming, red liquid now gushing from her mouth and nose rapidly. Her eyes had blackened. She started squirming, cracking of bones being heard from her body leading to her twitching abnormally, leading to her now fully laying on the ground. The others backed a few steps at the scene. Makomo started bending, her hands rising up and her fingers twisting in a sickly way. Sabito whimpered, his gaze not lifting from the girl.
 Makomo suddenly got up, now standing, and let out a loud screech. Inosuke moved forward, Zenitsu trying to stop him by his shoulder, but he swatted his hand away, both of them crying, but trying to keep a brave face. Makomo ran and almost rammed towards Muichiro and Genya, who were standing with Inosuke and Zenitsu. Genya got out of the way, making the infected girl ram against the recording system. Inosuke prevented her from going further as he pushed her by the shoulders, and pushing her away to slam her against one of the tables, making the girl and the contents on the table fall. Inosuke picked up a keyboard, ready to hit. Makomo got up and growled, screeching towards him inhumanly.
Just then a whistle tune could be heard around the room. The eyes of the infected girl as well as the others turned towards the source. Makomo, growling and squirming, faced towards Sabito who was kneeling on his toes(is that how you describe it?) on the window sill, supporting himself by the window frames, the window behind him open. Sabito whistled the tune, while Makomo slowly moved towards him. She then screeched and ran towards him. Sabito dodged Makomo and grabbed the rope, from which the group had got in before. He held the rope, hanging mid air, as Makomo fell out the window, missing him, screeching inhumanly. He watched her fall to the ground, on the grass and near the bushes, her surprisingly being alive, now turning on her back and squirming, screeching and growling. Sabito got inside the room, him standing by the window sill to look at the girl, who had now gotten up and joined the infected which were running loose on the school grounds. Sabito's lips quivered, watching the girl leave out of her sight, a drop of tear falling from his eye, his lips shakily quivering.
Everyone in the room were silent, still processing the events that took place, shock bestowed upon them. Nezuko and Mitsuri full out crying, while Y/N, Kanao and Aoi whimpered. Ren was blank due to shock, while the others had few tears escape from their eyes.
The streets were filled with chaos, as the infected bit and attacked their victims blood splattering on the floors and walls. Nakime ran through the alleyways, trying to escape the infected. She looked at her massively bit bloodied hand, as she held her baby by her other hand and kept running. She was being chased by some zombies, when she saw a shop door with a 'pull' sign on it. She entered shop, the glass doors closing behind her, making the zombies outside her being blocked by it, as they were pushing against the door, making it unable to open. Nakime looked around, trying to figure things out. She ran further inside, towards few tables around the corner. She looked at her baby, tears flowing from her eyes, her nose bleeding. She placed the baby on a stool touching the wall, placing two chairs in front of it, facing the wall, making anyone having difficulty to see the baby, and making the chairs act as a blockade. Nakime slowly turned around, tears flowing from her eyes. Her neck suddenly twisted, making the sound of bones being cracked be heard, making the baby cry. She fell down on the floor, nearing towards what's supposed to be a back entrance of the shop, which read, 'Hashibira chicken'. Nakime leaned against the door, which was being shaken due to the force of few zombies pushing it, as they had heard the cries of the baby. Nakime pulled a silk cloth from nearby which read, 'congratulations on your new beginning'. She started to wrap and tie one hand of hers with one end of the rope, her squirming and groaning at the pain coursing through her body. She tied a knot by her hands with the help of her teeth, and then proceeded to tie the other end on the metal handle of the door, her abnormally and continuously squirming. Nakime bore through the pain and continued tying the rope, her body vigorously shaking. She looked at her baby one last time before falling unconscious to the ground.
 After a few minutes, she abnormally sat back up, veins protruding all over her body, her eyes darkened, skin pale, as she growled and screeched. She tried to get up and rush to the source of the cries, when she was stopped by both her hands being tied to the handle of a door. Nakime, now infected, growled and screeched, failing to run towards the baby.
Gyomei, Kanae, Hantengu and few employees were moving some tables and chairs, forming a blockade in front of the door, as Ubayashiki was sat on on one of the chairs far off, a handkerchief covering his mouth. The two infected were sat on chairs tied down by ropes and mouth bidden by a cloth. Hisashi walked towards the group, with the walkie-talkie in his hand, "The Disaster and Safety Management said not to touch the infected. As you can see, it's highly contagious-" "We were notified too. No need to explain to us." Hantengu interfered. "How long will we stay here?" Ubayashiki spoke up, making the former turn his head towards him, "They're sending a helicopter, but its taking some time. So you'll have to wait a little longer." "Did you notify them that Ubayashiki sama is here?" Hantengu said, walking towards the duo, "Pardon?" "Is it taking time to get a chopper even though they know he's here?" "I didn't report that you're here." Hisashi answered sternly, "Ubayashiki looked at Hantengu, who exclaimed, "You should've told them he was here, so that they'd send one quickly. Ubayashiki turned around, sighing, when Hisashi spoke up, "As per the rules of rescue, the weak and critically ill take priority over people of status. We'll hear from them soon, so please wait a little longer. Hisashi walked away, Hantengu almost following him but Ubayashiki prevented him by showing his hand to stop, a gentle smile on his face, looking towards Hisashi.
Hisashi stood in a corner, dialing his daughter's homeroom teacher.
'The person you have called is unavailable'
Hisashi sighed, "This is Captain Hisashi L/N of Rescue Team One. If anyone knows the situation at Kimetsu Academy, please respond. Over."Hisashi was met with silence. "If anyone knows of the situation at Kimetsu Academy or its vicinity, please respond. Over." Hisashi internally panicked as he was yet again met with silence, thoughts running inside his head at million miles per second, "Please respond." Hisashi stared at the glass window in front of him, in deep thought.
Everyone sat down on chairs and tables, silence deafening over them, Sabito still looking out the window, "Makomo," Mitsuri sniffled, "She was such a good kid. Why did she have to turn?" Mitsuri's voice cracked. Yuriko, who was sitting on a chair in a corner, turned her head towards the girl, "I told you, she was infected." "Are you happy?" Iguro retorted, eyebrows furrowed. "You were all wrong. Only I was right."Yuriko spoke out, "What if you didn't have me?"
A few seconds of silence passed.
"Hey." Kanao called out, Yuriko turned around to face the quiet girl's gaze. "Maybe you did it." "What?" Everyone's surprised gazes fell on the one pony girl, as she walked towards the sitting girl. Kanao stood in front of Yuriko, a blank expression, which was rare of her to show, was adorning her face. Yuriko sat straight as the butterfly clip girl stood in front of her, "I saw...what you did." Kanao spoke up. Yuriko stood up, walking towards Kanao, "What? What did you see?" "You did it." Kanao declared loudly, making everyone's eyes widen in surprise at her unusually loud voice, some of them standing up due to the tension, all of their gazes set on the duo. "I didn't do it. I didn't do that to Makomo." "I didn't mention her." Kanao interjected. "Stop that." Sabito, who was looking out the window the whole time, finally turned around to face the duo. "What do you mean?" Genya asked, facing Kanao. Yuriko's lips slightly frowned, "I didn't do it." "While we were all looking at her, you were in the back alone." Kanao started explaining.
Sabito then walked towards Ren, "Ren sensei. It's been more than thirty minutes but Makomo won't come out." Ren who was leaning against a table, looked at Makomo through the glass panel near the controls and recording system."Okay, Ill bring her out." Ren stated, walking towards the room. "What's wrong with her?" Tanjiro asked, as he and the whole group went to look from the glass panel.
Kanao continued sitting in a corner, when she spotted Yuriko moving across the room, towards the broom, which Sabito and Giyuu used to fend off the zombie. Kanao turned towards her, eyebrows furrowing, as Yuriko removed her handkerchief, wiping the bloodied end of the broom on her handkerchief, letting the blood stain on the small cloth.
Kanao turned around, pointing towards the broom, "You wiped that blood with your handkerchief. Everyone looked at the broom which Kanao pointed and then at the duo. "No, I didn't." Yuriko answered, slight waver in her voice, almost unnoticeable, "You rubbed that on Makomo's wound, right?" Kanao continued, her head slightly tilting, her gaze boring at Yuriko, "I didn't" Yuriko continued defending. "Your handkerchief is in your pocket." Kanao pointed out, "And if it is?" "Take it out." Kanao commanded. "No." Yuriko replied, "Take it out." Kanao replied once again, with the same intensity in her voice, this time reaching her hand out towards Yuriko for the handkerchief. Yuriko swatted her hand forcefully, "I said, no." Kyojuro and Tengen, who had been sitting down till now, abruptly stood up, looking at the scene unfolding. Kanao scoffed, once again facing Yuriko, "Should I take it out?" The next second Kanao forcefully tried removing Yuriko's handkerchief from her pocket, while Yuriko cursed and tried pushing Kanao away, "Damn it. Who the hell do you think you are?", Yuriko cursed pushing Kanao away forcefully, "I know who you are. You're almost the same as that bitch Makomo-"
Kanao slapped Yuriko hard in the face, making Yuriko physically back few steps from the impact, her hand reflexively soothing the burn she felt on her face, which had almost started turning red. A few gasps left from the people in the room, Y/N and Tanjiro, moving a bit forward, in case they have to hold the butterfly clip girl back. "You have no right to call Makomo senpai by her name, yet alone a bitch. And since when did you consider me similar to a great person like Makomo?" Kanao said, her head tilting tauntingly. "Kanao, that's enough." Ren called out, walking towards the duo. "Ren sighed frustratingly, facing towards Kanao, "Kanao, do you realize what you're saying?" Ren started, "If that's true,..it means that Yuriko killed Makomo." "It's true," Kanao stated, "Yuriko..killed Makomo." She declared loudly, her gaze intently set on Yuriko.
Yuriko turned her head, her eyes filled with tears, shaking her head slightly, "You fucking bitch." Yuriko cursed removing the handkerchief from her pocket and throwing it forcefully against Kanao's chest, "There you go." Yuriko said, "Satisfied?" Kanao bent down, picking up the handkerchief, and inspecting it. There's blood on it." Kanao scoffed, "I wiped Makomo's blood." Yuriko defended, "This is Makomo's blood?" Kanao questioned mockingly, "Can't you tell?" Kanao looked at the handkerchief for a few seconds before moving it towards Yuriko, "Then put it on your wound." She said, gesturing towards Yuriko's wound on her leg. Yuriko stayed silent, glaring at Kanao. "Wipe your wound with it if you're so sure." Kanao ordered. "Like her blood is clean? She became a zombie." Yuriko retorted. Kanao slammed the handkerchief to the ground, and moved closer to Yuriko, faces inches away, "She was fine until you rubbed her with your handkerchief." Kanao said, in a dangerously low voice.
"Yuriko, you bitch-" Sabito growled menacingly, walking fast towards the duo, before Giyuu held him back by his shoulders. "FUCK!! IT WASN'T ME!!" Yuriko exclaimed, kneeling down and picking up the handkerchief, and almost touching it to her wound, but stopped midway, her hand not going any further. Everyone looked at her, observing the scene unfolding in front her, dissapointed and angry looks pointed at her. Ren kneeled down and held Yuriko's hand tightly  which held the handkerchief, stopping it from rubbing on her wound, 'Don't do it. Stop it." "Let go." Yuriko said. "I said to stop it." Ren said, now using both her hands, trying to snatch the cloth away. Yuriko frustratingly swatted Ren's hands away, both of them abruptly standing straight from their kneeling position, "LEAVE ME ALONE! FUCK!" Yuriko frustratingly yelled, "I'll just die too, then. That's what you want, isn't it?" Yuriko asked, her gaze traveling across everyone in the room.
Yuriko frustratingly sighed, looking up, trying to prevent her tears from falling, "What makes Makomo better than me?" She asked, looking at everyone in the room, "That dirty welfie pushed me." Yuriko remarked. Ren's mouth quivered, "Yuriko, you didn't.."
"Hey. Did you do it?" Sabito asked, who was still being held back by Giyuu. Kyojuro quickly joined, helping Giyuu hold back Sabito, "Calm down, Sabito." "HOW COULD YOU-" "I DIDN'T KILL HER." Yuriko yelled back. "Makomo fell, but she got up and ran. She's still alive." Sabito stopped, exasperatedly looking at Yuriko, "She didn't die. She turned." Yuriko pointed out. "Are you kidding me?" Y/N snapped, glaring at her. "Why are you all picking on me?!!" Yuriko exclaimed, "You all are not any better. You all maybe far worse if than me. Why are you all acting innocent now?" Yuriko tauntingly questioned. "That little-"  Sabito growled forcefully trying to swat away Giyuu and Kyojuro's hands, "Sabito!" Giyuu called out, but he didn't listen, getting free from their grip and rushing towards Yuriko, aggressively pushing her to the ground, near the door, before Ren tried held him back, 'Stop it." Ren called out. Yuriko didn't bother trying to get up, sitting, leaning against the door, while Sabito looked at her, tears now fully flowing from his eyes, breathing rapidly, lips quivering. He stared at her for a few seconds, "You're..." Sabito spoke up, "a murderer." He said, no signs of remorse, his eyes coldly looking at her. Yuriko had her head low, her body visibly shaking. She raised her head up to face the boy, tears now flowing from her eyes too, slight whimpers releasing from her throat. She looked around the room, noticing the pointed fuming looks being given to her. Yuriko whimpered, "I.." she started, "I have no friends. I don't need any one of you...Fuck this." She hung her head low, sniffling, before getting up and opening the door. "Hey!" Tengen's eyes widened as he saw Yuriko walk out of the door, closing it behind her. He ran, trying to catch her, but Ren got to the door before him, blocking him from going any further.
Yuriko continued to walk alone mindlessly in the dark corridor, silence present audibly.
Everyone by now were stood up, Tengen walking back, his hands on his head, processing the events that are happening. "Guys," Ren started, "No matter what happens, don't die." Ren said, as she had her hands spread out blocking anyone from going through the door, "And don't let anyone else die."
Yuriko started crying , whimpering and sniffling. The infected students in the nearby class, heard whimpers and cries leading to them trying to rush out the classroom.
"If you cause someone else to die," Ren continued, as she tightly held onto the handkerchief, "living becomes meaningless" She explained, looking at everyone in the room, "Okay?" Everyone intently stared at their teacher, processing her words. Ren looked up, smiling widely at her students, her eyes filled with water, before opening the door and exiting quickly, closing the door behind her. "Ren sensei!!" Muichiro called out, rushing towards her, but Iguro held him back, "Muichiro, don't go." Iguro said, tightly hugging Muichiro, "She left." Muichiro cried, Iguro still hugging him, rubbing his back.
Yuriko continued to walk aimlessly down the corridors, crying and sniffling. A whole herd of zombies ran towards her from the opposite direction. Yuriko continued to walk forwards towards the herd, unknown to a certain running footsteps behind her. She wailed meekly, accepting her fate, when Ren pulled her, running with her in another direction, away from the zombies.
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drniteen · 1 year
Can Lasik Surgery Be Done Twice?
Vision-related problems are most common nowadays. Wearing spectacles is sometimes difficult for the person. So to remove the spectacles and improve the vision and other eye problems, modern technology has come up with LASIK surgery. LASIK surgery is painless treatment and very effective to correct eye glasses numbers. It uses laser to treat corneal surface and curvature irregularities. The advantage of these modern techniques over ancient techniques is they do not cause any damage to the eyes and the surrounding tissue. The recovery rate is better in this treatment than in others. People who opt for LASIK surgery get normal eyesight without spectacles. Rarely do a few patients who undergo LASIK surgery need a touch up treatment the second time.
Lasik Surgery Touch Up Or Enhancement
LASIK surgery is the most common and most preferred for treating vision-related problems. This technique uses a laser procedure to correct vision-related problems and corneal irregularities. This technique is the alternative treatment for contact lenses and spectacles. More than 90% of the patients treated with this technique have successfully recovered from vision problems. Only 1 to 5% of the patients need to undergo the LASIK surgery enhancement. LASIK surgery enhancement means undergoing a touch up laser by relifting the corneal flap and applying some more laser to correct the residual power of the glass. It is not a failure of LASIK eye surgery but a difference in response of the laser to corneal healing. The results of LASIK surgery enhancement are very good and predictable compared to other surgical procedures when done twice.
Timing Between The Lasik Treatment And Enhancement
The most important thing for successfully enhancing LASIK or depends on the time between the first treatment and the second touch up treatment. The enhancement of LASIK surgery can only be done when the residual power of the eye is stabilized after the first LASIK surgery. Therefore, it is recommended to wait for 2-3 months before enhancement treatment .Sometimes blurred vision may occur after the first surgery, which may go within a few weak, so the first surgery can’t be assumed to not having given the desired result. If the vision is not back within a couple of months, the patient can undergo Touch up LASIK or enhancement.
Repetition Of Pre Lasik
The pre-LASIK evaluation needs to be done once again to confirm that touch up treatment is possible or not. Sometimes the corneal thickness may be inadequate in which case an enhancement is not possible. During pre-LASIK check, it is important to know whether the cornea is of specific thickness or too thin to undergo surgery. If the cornea of the patient is too thin, then the patient is unable to undergo second LASIK surgery.
Type Of Procedure Required For Repeating Lasik Surgery
The procedure for repeating LASIK surgery depends on the thickness of the residual bed below the flap and the type of procedure used in the first surgery.
Excimer laser ablation: If the thickness of the corneal bed is sufficient, then the excimer laser is used for ablation to correct the eyesight number. If sufficient thickness is not present, then other methods are adopted.
Surface ablation: In this procedure, the flap is not raised; instead, the laser is performed on the eye’s corneal surface. This procedure helps to correct the power even in cases where the corneal thickness is less and where touch up cannot be done on the strongly bed under the corneal flap .The patient is advised to put antibiotic medication so the infection does not occur in the eye. LASIK surgery can be done more than twice, but it is not needed further because, in the first surgery, more than 95% of the patient’s vision is corrected. Therefore, only a few people need to undergo second LASIK surgery.
LASIK eye surgery is only the best way of removing spectacles. More than 98% of the people who have their lasik done get rid of their spectacles. LASIK surgery is not a short-term but a long-term treatment for vision-related. If residual power has remained, the patient can undergo second LASIK surgery without causing any damaging effect on the eyes. The Touch up laser surgery procedure is safe even when done the second time.
Tag = Lasik treatment in Mumbai, Best Lasik Specialist Mumbai, Lasik Surgery In Mumbai, Best Eye Surgeon in Mumbai
For more information https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/blog/can-lasik-surgery-be-done-twice/
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24x7pharma · 1 year
Aging is Both a Privilege and A Form of Art
Aging is not a problem; however, it is a beautiful natural phenomenon in which we experience changes in our life and body as time passes. During this time, everyone has the right to live joyfully and explore nature.
Every day every year, is a precious gift, and all the moments are captured in our memories. But have you ever wanted to know about this beautiful phenomenon? Read till the end if you are interested and learn about the growing changes in the human body.
Aging is Both a Privilege and A Form of Art. Here we will enclose some fantastic facts and many tips for you. Moreover, we will also discuss some particular medicines and remedies.
Aging is Both a Privilege and A Form of Art
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Aging is an irreversible phenomenon, and it refers to the growth of any living organism. All organisms, including mammals, insects, amphibians, plants, marine, and microorganisms, are included in it. 
Furthermore, biologically in humans, it is explained as the maturation of cells and the overall body. All the body changes from birth to death are considered an aging process, and we cannot stop it. 
There are different stages of development, and during our lifetime, we experience changes in cells, skeleton, organs, muscles, blood, etc. The development is stopped at a certain time, and then we mature. 
Do you know that because of some problems, we can age faster than usual? And van become weak? There are many causes of fast aging. Sometimes it is depression or lack of minerals that can make us old. However, there are some remedies to look young or to remain healthy in old age. 
Symptoms of Aging?
You can see those signs naturally when you get more experienced in your life and get your mature self to realize how far you've come. However, you may feel like you are aging because of your internal weakness and mental health. 
These can also be the symptoms of aging, including hair fall and whitening, weak bones, skin wrinkles, eyesight problems, and a weak immune system. 
It would be best if you lived healthy today to remain healthy in old age. Eat nutritious food, take care of your skin and be physically active. 
If you ignore your health today, then no one will be able to help you in old age. So if you have any of these symptoms early on, you should work on them to stay wholesome. 
A weak immune system and laziness are signs of aging, so you must be active and have a robust immune system to enjoy your present and aging experiences.
Are Anti-Aging Medicines Effective?
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No anti-aging medicines can help you stop or slow down the aging process, and neither can you add years to your lifespan. However, some medications can help you maintain your physical or sexual health to remain healthy even when you are old. 
Vidalista 40 Mg can reverse your sexual age temporarily, and you can get rid of Erectile dysfunction, also caused by aging. Other types of these medicines are; Cenforce 100 Mg and Kamagra Oral Jelly.
What Factors Causes Faster Aging?
Not only physical or mental health but these factors can also affect our sexual health. 
Mental health is essential in aging as it decides how you grow. You are more likely to look older when stressed, and depression can lead to many other diseases that can ruin our development stage and make us age faster. 
However, we can avoid it by being happy and relaxed. That's why mental health plays a vital role in aging, and it depends n on whether you want to age healthily or not.
Physical Inactiveness 
Physical inactivity means a lack of physical activity. Such as, if you don't involve yourself in different activities and work, you can become lazy and weak, just like older people. 
Similarly, if you are not used to being active and strong, you can gradually become weak and lazy, which will later become a habit. Even your body parts and organs will start to age faster. 
Deficiency of Nutrients 
Vitamins and minerals are vital for our body, and we need them to thrive. However, we can be weak if we lack nutrients and can grow older without being healthier. 
Similarly, we would be aging faster because our bodies would not be able to fulfill the nutrients needed for our age. Hence its results in faster aging.
Lack of Sleep 
Sleep is precious for our body as it is time to relax our brain and body. Those with an irregular sleeping routine can face symptoms of early aging or start to look older. 
How to Maintain Good Health While Aging?
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You cannot stop aging and becoming younger; however, here are some tricks to maintain your physical health. Moreover, you can also slow down your age in appearance, so check out these intriguing tips.
A balanced diet is vital as it provides all the basic nutrients to our body that are required to thrive. However, you will age faster if you do not meet those requirements and become an old, unhealthy person. 
Work out daily to be active and robust to remain smart in old age.
Take care of your health and do routine health care checkups as required according to your age.
Try to be happy and think positively. Mental relaxation can help you to grow with a healthy mindset.
Have enough beauty sleep and take good care of your skin to look younger in appearance and stun while aging.
Bottom Line 
We gain many memories and learn from the different experiences we get during our lifetime. Those wholesome moments will become memories one day, but till then, we have to live happily and grow healthy. 
Aging is Both a Privilege and A Form of Art, so we should be grateful for it and enjoy the present.
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