#get it? 3? 3rd? lupin the 3rd
thereprisesystem · 2 months
i love that i can front whenever i want ;-]
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lpn3rd · 2 months
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me & the two bad bitches I pulled being an absolute moron
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pixelateddork · 6 months
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Here they are!! My first ever set of pins!! If you're interested, you can get them here! I'm super excited to finally be opening my own shop, and I look forwards to continue adding more in the future!
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I originally found Lupin through the part 4 dub, but I've been watching everything else subbed since. In part 4, dubbed Zenigata has a gruff, otherwise regular voice.
So imagine my delight when I discovered his like, vaguely Southern-US voice in the older dubs
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Violets for Roses (Part 2)
Part 1:- The Other Woman
Paring:- Remus Lupin x reader, James Potter x reader (formerly).
Trigger warnings:- Cheating/Infidelity, Divorce, kind of villianising Jilly but I love them with all my heart.
Angst/Fluff (Kinda). 5194 words. Longest piece I have ever written. Idk how to feel about this one. Let me know your feedback in the comments. They are really motivating.
Also, if you have any fic ideas, please let me know. I would love to give your ideas a proper shape.
A/N:- Sorry for the delay, I planned on posting part 2 right after the poll ended but I got busy with my college work (I'm starting my 3rd year in law school so my schedule is packed). Anyways, now that I have finally posted, I hope you enjoy this one-shot.<3
Play the above song for better reading experience<3
3rd Person POV
"No! I chose him before." She shouted at her twin, clutching the stuffed bunny tighter in her embrace.
"But I want it!" Lily whined throwing a tantrum.
"No! I won't give it, you didn't want it a minute ago." She protested.
"But I want it now!"
A bitter smile formed on her lips when the memory of their 10th birthday danced in her mind.
Her parents had brought them two stuffed bunnies, one pink and the other one yellow.
Lily had chosen the pink one and Y/N was happy with the yellow one but after a few days when Lily was bored of her toy, she wanted the other bunny, which Y/N had grown fond of. Despite her protests Lily had taken away the bunny that belonged to her.
A simple and silly memory but it held so much significance over the situation both the sisters were in again.
She was still laying on bed, facing the wall without a wink of sleep in her eyes.
All the tears she had formed and preserved in her eyes for the past 5 years of being with James, flowed freely tonight.
Now, she neither had any tears or any energy to spare.
She could see the light of the dawn seeping through the window. She got up from the bed. Her head was pounding and her eyes felt like fire so she decided to get a relaxing shower and headed straight to the bathroom.
When she looked into the mirror, she could barely recognise herself, she saw an exhausted and frail woman with dark circles and chapped lips.
She felt a ball of pain in her throat but her eyes were bone-dry. She had seemed to lose the ability to cry.
She tried to ignore the figure staring back at her from the mirror and started tending herself.
First she took a nice hot shower to fend off the exhaustion from her body. Then she put several potions and creams to make herself look presentable. She applied a potion to give her face a natural glow, a cream that instantly vanishes dark circles and so many more.
After half an hour, she was once again in her old, perfect form. Fiery, red curls complimented her face-cut, her cheeks looked like plump strawberries and lips appeared like soft rose petals, body clad in a beautiful white cardigan and pair of na y blue jeans but there was something off about her appearance. Her emerald eyes lacked the shine they once had. It seemed as if the rivers of sorrow that flowed through them last night took the bright sunshine from them, leaving a gloomy shadow over them.
She climbed down the stairs and glanced at the grandfather clock in the living room. It was 6 in the morning. It was Sunday so James wouldn't wake up before 9 or 10 so she decided to delay the breakfast and go look after her floral garden.
Flowers have always been her favourite creation by mother nature. They were sweet and beautiful, they were like her. She had what many of her friends called a green hand. Whichever plant she potted would grow up to be lush and healthy. She had used this talent to grow a beautiful garden in the backyard of the Potter Manor.
Her garden was now beaming with different colours of roses. But she didn't like roses, they were overly sweet smelling for her. She prepared different colours of bright violets. They were her favourite flowers but James insisted upon planting roses and she did what he asked her to without any questions. It didn't even click her back then, that roses were Lily's favourite.
Shaking her head, she got busy with her gardening but her mind kept on running a series of thoughts. She couldn't decide if she should confront James or if she should act like living in her bubble.
She started contemplating the possible outcomes from both the situations.
If she confronted James, there were two possible outcomes she could expect. First, James would feel guilty and decide to get separated from each other. Second, he would get defensive, and somehow manage to make her believe that she is the one wrong in the situation.
They had been in a similar situation when she has asked him about his past feelings for Lily in their seventh year.
They were in the Gryffindor common room, cuddling by the fireplace. The question had been bugging her for months and she knew she had to ask him or else it'll eat her form inside. It was simple question really,
"Do you still have feelings for Lily?"
To which he had replied in a very aggrevated tone,
"No! Whatever gave you that idea? I did fancy her at one point but now it's only you, y/n/n. No one take your place, it actually hurts me that you still don't trust me."
The next half an hour she had spent trying to convince him that she loved him and trusted him more than herself.
She knew she couldn't confront him. The thought of separating from James made her feel weird and sick in her stomach.
She knew it would be liberating, getting free from a bond that just takes from her and gives her nothing back but she didn't want liberation, she wanted to be imprisoned in his love, she wanted to be her Jamie's prisoner.
But she knew if she kept her feelings within her and act as if nothing's wrong, those jarred emotions will slowly kill her. They will suffocate her until she forgets how to breath.
She knew that if she chose to act as if nothing happened, life would become a living hell where she will degrade herself and stay with the rotting corpse of her dignity but she would get to keep James, even if she wouldn't have him all but at the end of the day, she will be associated with him as his wife and she will carry his name with her in the society.
She had to make a choice. A choice between suffocation and liberation. She was in a dilema but deep within she knew she would choose suffocation.
She was pulled back from her thoughts when she heard the loud crack of apparating that came from the front yard.
Upon reaching the front door, she saw the bright smiling face of her husband's bestfriend, Sirius Black.
"Hey Y/n/n. Sorry for not wishing you yesterday but I gave my wishes to James and told him to give them to you." Sirius explained whilst hugging her.
She had always been fond of Sirius, he was a living ray of sunshine, always bringing happiness with him. He always managed to make her laugh or atleast bring a smile on face. Today was no different. Even in a gloomy state of mind, he managed to make her smile a little.
"So what's in the menu?" Sirius asked plopping down on the couch.
It had become a tradition now. Sirius, James and her always had breakfast together every Sunday. She liked it, she liked to see her husband carefree and cheerful, joking around with his bestfriend. She always prepared a large buffet of breakfast for the three but with all that happened last night, she had forgotten about today.
"You tell me, I haven't started cooking yet." I respond from the kitchen.
"Hey, you know, let's just stall it for now, let James wake up and let him decide, yeah. Now come here and talk to me." Sirius suggested.
She knew he had noticed that something was wrong. Sirius never really asked her to sit down with him and have a talk. Their relationship was casual, she wasn't really a friend to him, she was his bestfriend's wife. Their relationship dynamics was as it was supposed to be so  his suggestion took her by suprise.
"What do you wanna talk about?" She questioned him, eyeing his demeanor.
"Well, I don't know, how was last night, how did you guys celebrate." He asked her carefully.
"There wasn't much left to celebrate as he was he was already drunk when he came home, stop pretending as if you know nothing about it." She let out a bit of her anger and frustration.
"I wasn't with him yesterday, I was with Moony....." Sirius seemed a bit surprised at first but then trailed off mid-sentence.
She would be lying if she said that she wasn't shocked to know that James wasn't with Sirius but then the realisation dawned upon her. He was with Lily last night, the night of their wedding anniversary.
There was a moment of deafening silence when she finally spoke.
"You know about her, don't you?"
Sirius gulped and replied,
"Who are you talking about?"
"Stop pretending Sirius, I know he's having an affair with Lily. He...... He took he-her name in bed last night." She croaked with a heavy voice, tears threatening spill.
Sirius was flabbergasted. He couldn't understand how to reply to that. He just sat there, his head hung low, unable to look into her eyes.
"Back in 6th year, when you made him ask me out, you knew he hadn't moved on from her." She questioned Sirius.
He didn't say anything and just shook his head in yes.
"And yet you let him be in another relationship. Why did you do that Sirius?"
Sirius lifted up his head and she could clearly see the guilt and regret in his eyes.
"I'll not hide anything from you and be honest. Y/N, we thought that you'll be a nice distraction for him and also serve as a jealousy-inducing factor for Lily." Sirius explained.
"But then, when she stood her stance, James thought you'll be the best replacement, so he proposed you." He continued with a quivering voice.
She couldn't do anything but take a long, shuddering breath. She waited for him to continue. To defend himself but as if reading her mind, he said,
"Y/N, I won't defend myself or justify my actions. I won't say that we weren't in our right minds because we knew what we were doing, I knew what I was doing. I could've stopped it, I could've stopped it all. I could've stopped him right there when he suggested you as a rebound, I could've stopped him from proposing you, I could've stopped him from marrying you and ruining your life but I didn't. A part of me thinks because I feel indebted to James. If it weren't for him and his parents, I don't even know if I would be alive, I owe him my life Y/N. But now, I realise that as a friend, I should've stopped him from doing such a big mistake." Sirius poured his heart out, his voice and eyes wet with tears.
There was a heavy silence between them. She didn't know what say. All of this was becoming hard for her to process. She felt the weight of the universe on her chest. Suddenly, Sirius broke the silence.
"I did stop him once, I asked him not to get with Lily behind your back once I got to know about it. He had told me about it after he had spent  a night with her. When he insisted that he was still in love with Lily but couldn't just leave you now that both of your families were involved, so he had decided to go behind your back. Trust me Y/N, I wanted to slap some sense into him but then that feeling of indebtedness came upon me and I did what I had done since I was 11, I agreed with him and supported him."
"Y/N, I won't ask for your forgiveness because I don't deserve it but I want you to know that I feel guilty and I know that I am your criminal and I will forever be sorry to you." Sirius apologized.
"James tells you everything, doesn't he?" She questioned and he nodded his head.
"When and how did all of this start?"
Sirius just stared at her for a moment but then looked away from her and started speaking.
"When the two of you got married, Lily understood that she wanted James. So, she confessed to him about her feelings but James denied her because he really wanted to give you a chance. But now Lily was adamant, so she would try and woe James, using his past feelings against him. She would make suggestive comments, pay extra attention to him during family gatherings, visit him in the ministry and what not. James tried to avoid her until one day he caved in and the both slept together for the first time."
She felt like the world around her was collapsing and she couldn't help but sit in the middle of the apocalypse and watch.
After a few minutes Sirius got up and gathered his jacket, ready to leave.
"Sirius please, at least have breakfast." She pleaded.
"It's ok Y/N. I don't think I can eat or look James or you in the eyes." Sirius reasoned.
"Can I trust you that you won't mention this conversation to James." She inquired.
Sirius smiled a little and said,
"Yes you can, I'm a trustworthy dog."
This made her smile too. She went up to the door to see him off. Before leaving he turned around and said something that would keep her awake for several coming nights.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I should've just let Moony ask you out."
"What do you mean?" She asked with furrowed brows.
"Remus, he liked you, he was too shy to say it out loud, I almost convinced him to ask you out but then you started dating James so he kept quite." Sirius revealed the truth to her.
Those words wreaked havoc inside her. Weirdly enough, It made her stomach flutter. Why did she feel heat on the back of her neck?
"So you helped James to ask me out but also almost convinced Remus to ask me out. What was going in your head Sirius?" She questioned him, frustration laced in her voice.
"I helped James because I felt obliged to do so as a best friend, but I genuinely wanted Remus to date you because I knew he would have really kept you happy." Sirius explained.
"James and him had a huge fight before your wedding. Moony accused him of using you as a replacement and James asked him not to come to the wedding if it bothered him so much." He continued.
"Y/n/n, let go of James. I know it will be difficult for you but staying with James will slowly but surely kill you. Give Moony a chance, he'll show you what real happiness is." Sirius said in a serious voice.
"What if he has moved on?" She voiced her concern.
"He hasn't Y/n/n, I know he hasn't.
With that Sirius apparated with a flick of his wand.
There once again was a storm brewing in her but this time the storm promised to bring enough rain to quench the parched land suffering from drought.
Did Remus really like her? Did the guy who she had a crush on since 3rd year really liked her back.
It was true. She had always been fond of Remus. She even tried dropping hints at him for three consecutive years but when he didn't respond to any, she moved on. But there still was a fragment of her huge crush, hidden in deep, dark corners of her heart.
It seemed like today Sirius had illuminated that corner.
"Who was it?" James' groggy voice brought her back to reality.
"Sirius, he remembered some work so hel left." She lied to James avoiding eye contact.
"Huh, that's unusual but then again it's Padfoot so nothing's really unusual." James chucked.
It pinched her how James is just acting as if nothing drastic happened last night. He probably doesn't even remember what happened last night.
His presence, his voice, his existence was making it difficult to forget about last night.
All she could remember was how he moaned her name. She also remembered how he let her touch him last night. Only that the gesture wasn't meant for her, it was meant for Lily. It crushed her soul knowing that her husband forbade her from touching him while intercourse but let her sister touch him, provide her with the intimacy which belonged to her.
However, she decided to go with the flow as she was unable to fanthom the gravity of the situation she was thrown into overnight.
This haze went on for two weeks. Their anniversary was on 12th of January, today was 28th.
These two weeks were life-changing for her. She slowly kept loosing all the affection she held for James.
They say that it's easy fall in love but difficult to get out of it but she didn't feel the same.
Yes she fell for James easily but getting out of it didn't seem difficult. It hurt no doubt but slowly she had almost lost all the love and adoration she had for James. Now, she had nothing for him. She didn't hate him or dispise him but she didn't love him either. She had become numb towards him.
She shared her feelings with Sirius, who almost regularly visited her. They had grown quite close and she cherished this new-found friendship.
When she told him about her indifference towards James, he had remained quiet for a while and then asked her a question.
"What made you fall for him?"
She was taken by surprise because she didn't' know what made her fall for her husband.
After thinking about it the whole night she had come to the conclusion that she fell for James because of the extravagant efforts he would put into pleasing Lily and show his love for her. That's when she noticed him, and unbeknownst to her, she fell in love with the man who would go to any extent to show his love for his women. She craved that kind of love and when James asked her out, she saw a little ray of hope that she might get her portion of unconditional love from James.
When she didn't get that kind of affection from James, her mind created a bubble of false comfort that James loved her just like she wanted him to as a coping mechanism. This bubble was the reason she showered him with wholehearted affection and zeal because she thought he did so as well.
But since her bubble had burst, she knew James didn't really love her, so automatically her love for him diminished too.
Ever since she had accepted the fact that she was out of love with James, the world around her changed. She changed. The colours become brighter and she became more beautiful. She started caring for herself, cooking dishes that she liked and not just what James did. She started getting ready and dressed up, not for impressing James but because she wanted to.
It was as if she the moment she fell out of love with him, she fell back in love with herself.
She suddenly didn't feel like suffocating in her big house, she felt that there was a crack in her cage, letting in some fresh air. She would imagine her self roaming the streets of Hogsmeade, people around her happy and satisfied with their lives, a never-ending spring that brings nothing but joy.
Though, often while thinking of the outside world, she would see a man peering at her from the corners of the streets. A tall man with tawny hair and scarred face.
He had constantly been in her thoughts ever since Sirius told her about his liking for her. She had let go of any feelings she had for Remus back in Hogwarts, and now, somewhere it felt illegal to think about him. Whatever the situation is, that doesn't change the fact that he was still her husband's very close friend, though their contacts were limited.
But whenever she would allow herself to sway a little, she would remember the times they spent hours in the library, studying, chatting and giggling, how Remus would sneak her out of the castle to go to the Honeydukes sweet shop.
These memories would make her open to a possibility where they could do all of this again but with a little more intimacy.
There still were a million thoughts in her head but they didn't weigh her down.
She was lost in her thoughts, doing some household chores when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone, 10 o'clock on a Monday morning.
When she opened the door, her eyes met with a pair of amber ones. Those eyes held a large amount of hope in them.
"Remus?" That was all she could whispered with a hollow voice.
"Hey dove, can I come in?" Remus greeted her with his usual charming smile.
Dove. That was the nickname Remus used for her all the time. Early on it use to be endearing but today, it made her stomach flutter, the same way it would when James called her 'love'.
"Yeah sure, come in." She let him in the house, taking him to the living room.
"What will you have, tea or coffee?" She asked him politely.
"You know neither right, I always prefer hot chocolate over the two." He smiled at her.
A big smile took its place on her lips too. He hadn't changed one bit.
She prepared two hot cups of cocoa and sit sat on the sofa chair in front of him.
"So, what took you two years to come visit me?" She taunted him slightly.
"I had my reasons and I guess you know them." Remus answered looking in her eyes.
"I'll cut to the chase y/n/n, Sirius told me about your unhappy marriage and I know what I am about to do is wrong and as a friend to James I shouldn't do it but as your bestfriend I have to. Dove, leave him." Remus said all of this in one single breath.
She kept quite as she knew he wasn't quite done yet.
"Y/n, I have...... I have loved you for years. Dove I wanted to ask you-."
"I know Rem, I know everything." She smiled at him softly.
"You do?" Remus was taken aback. He never told about his feelings to anyone except......
"Sirius played matchmaker again but this time with the right person." She explained.
She was in a constant war with herself on Remus's topic for the past two weeks but seeing him today ended the war in the favour of eternity with Remus.
"Rem, I think I wanna breath again, I wanna be free. I wanna be yours. I wanna be with you." She confessed.
She could see the happiness flooding his eyes and before she knew it, she was in his tight embrace. His hug felt like fire on a cold winter evening. She wanted to melt into him and be their forever.
"Wait a second." She went upstairs to get something.
She came back with a big envelope in her hand. Remus could see the shiny ministry logo on it. It was a legal document. He had his guesses as to what it could be.
"This is my gift for Lily. It's our birthday in a few days and I'm gonna gift her my husband." She stated.
"Dove, do you mind me asking what lead you to realise he was the wrong person for you. I mean, didn't you guys celebrate your wedding anniversary a few days ago." Remus asked.
"Yeah we did. That very night, he said her name when he was in bed with me."
Her words weren't explicit but Remus understood what she meant.
"Dove...." Remus whispered sympaticaly.
"Don't be sympathetic Rem, I'm actually glad this happened early on in our marriage and not late into it. James and I never belonged together, he belongs with Lily and I am the only obstacle in between them. Soon, I'll clear their path." She had confidence in her voice.
"Remus, I want you there, during my birthday." She insisted.
"Ofcourse." He replied sincerely.
After a few minutes of chatting, Remus left with a sweet kiss on her forehead.
She could still feel his lips lingering on her. It felt good.
The rest two days, she spent organising a small party with only their close friends.
The day before her birthday, James had an 'important work' out of town and had to stay there overnight. She knew what important work he had. He wanted to be there with Lily at the midnight to be the first one to wish her.
She didn't mind though because of her numbness toward James. She didn't even insist him to stay.
As promised, James had returned in the evening for her party. He entered with Lily by her side.
"Look who I brought." He had said enthusiastically.
The party wasn't a wild one but everyone who came enjoyed.
She had only invited close friends, whom she imagined knew about James and Lily. There were the Marauders, Frank and Alice, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary.
The party went on for a long time and after cutting the cake, everyone started giving out presents. At the last, only the birthday girls had to give each other their presents.
Lily had bought her a beautiful heart shaped locket which smelled like her favourite colone.
It was now her turn to give Lily her gift.
So y/n/n what did you get me?" Lily asked her.
She looked at Lily, then James and then towards Remus. He smiled at her and gave her a nod.
"Just a second." She replied and went upstairs in her bedroom.
When she returned, she had a big envelope in her hamds. With thudding heartbeats, she approached her twin. She handed over the envelope to Lily and whispered,
"Happy Birthday Lils."
Lily smiled at her and started opening her gift.
She held her breath with anticipation and waited for Lily to read the papers.
When Lily looked up, she had tears in her eyes.
"Y/n/n, why would you do this." She whispered with a teary voice.
Maybe it's the twin thing or maybe it's her old habit of crying if a person in front of her cries but she could feel tears prick in her eyes.
She took a long breath and spoke,
"It's for the best Lily, I wanna be free, I want to be able to breathe again." She explained.
The atmosphere of the room had suddenly changed, James had gotten worried seeing both sisters cry.
"What is it Lily, what are the papers about?"
James enquired.
"They're our divorce papers James. I'm leaving you so that you both don't have to sneak behind my back anymore. You two can now be together without me coming in between." She said, trying to control her crying voice.
"WHAT?! Have you lost your mind Y/n, what are you talking about, who provoked you? James yelled, side-eyeing Remus.
"Nobody provoked me James, it's just something that happened that cleared my doubts." She explained in a calm tone.
"What happened?" James demanded.
"You wouldn't want me to say this in front of your friends."
No I want you to tell me the reason, I don't care if it's in front of my friends, you've already created a scene, what's the worst that could happen."
"Fine, you want the reason, so here's the reason. On the night of our anniversary, you moaned my sister's name in my ear while making love to me." She stated sternly.
James didn't say anything and just hung his head low. He doesn't remember anything of such sort but he knows that he must've done it.
"James, I don't hate you for this, I could never hate you, it's just that I don't love you anymore. So staying with you will be a waste of time and energy for both of us. Lily, I don't have any hard feelings for both of you either. You'll always remain my favourite sister and that's why I want to see you happy. I know you'll be happy with James."
"What about mom and dad and what about Fleamont and Euphemia, they'll be heartbroken." Lily sniffled.
"Should've thought about that before cheating on your sister Lily." She sighed.
"Tell them it was my fault, that I didn't want to stay with you anymore. I've signed the papers and given my testimony to the ministry officer. You'll have to do the same and the procedure will be over." She addressed James.
"Can't we work this out?" He asked her sincerely, not meeting her eyes.
"We don't need to James, I'm not mad at you. James, we both are two different people. I didn't realise this earlier because I didn't wanted to. I really wanted you to love me the same way you love her. But you traded my violets for her roses. You wanted y/n to be Lily. The things that you love are the things I hate. It's simple James, I'm choosing this life. I'm choosing myself."
With that being said, she got up, went upstairs to get her already packed suitcase and left the Potter Manor once and for all. She apparated straight to Remus's house.
Remus followed her shortly but before leaving he had to say what he wanted to say for the past five years. Remus looked into James' eyes and said,
"I can keep her happier than you ever did and I will. No hard feelings mate."
With that he apparated back to his house as well.
When they finnally sat down on Remus's couch, she looked at him.
He had nothing but pure adoration for her in his eyes.
"Can I kiss you dove?" He whispered quietly.
She didn't say anything but leaned into him. Their lips fit each other like puzzle pieces and the bliss she experienced was like never before.
At that moment, Remus did make her happier than James ever did.
One Year Later
There's something in the air of Hogsmeade. It felt fresh and sweet. Maybe it's the first summer breeze. Summer was her favourite season.
She didn't want this sweetness to change, she wanted it be real, she wanted it to be beginning of something happening.
"You ready dove?" Remus's sweet voice came from behind her.
"Yes" She replied taking in a deep breath.
They both held eachother's hands and apparated to the same barn where she married James.
The wheat field shone like gold under the sunlight.
"The camera's all set, let's do it." She excitedly.
They both sat down on the ground, the sun shining over them and looked deep into each other eyes.
Y/n then thought to herself that she won't be all alone, she'll always have her Rem by her side.
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faru-itsok · 5 months
hi! and congratulations on having watched the new movie :) i'm curious, what are your top favorite dcmk movies and where would 27 rank?
HI! Thanks 🤗✨ and that is a difficult question 😅 hmm I will do a top 10!
So let's start!
1. Movie 27 “the million dollar pentagram”
Well after watching the movie it just moved right up the list, I just had to see Aoko there and it automatically became the best movie ever! Hahaha well it is a bit true, but the main reason is that the movie is entertaining, it had me giggling and shocked and then it had action and a bit of angst, it just worked so well I loved it!
2. Movie 19 “Sunflowers of inferno”
To be honest I would put these 3 movies as my seconds( 19, 26, 22), I really liked them so much, but I'm a huge Vincent van Gogh fan! I have been painting replicas of his works (not in an illegal way? Just painting for school projects, for me and gifts) since I was in middle school and when you combine my love for Kid and My love For art well… yeah it takes the cake 😅
3.Movie 22 “Zero the enforcer”
I had a hard time placing 22 and 26 i just find these are the best movies objectively speaking, they had a lot of action and are very quick movies, like there is always something happening and get your attention from start to finish, now 27 has that too and its why it jumped right above all XD. Now this one takes 3rd place because i just watch it more often, like when i travel or im bored and want to watch something exiting this is my go to movie along with movie 4 thats the only reason its above 26
4. Movie 26 “Black iron submarine”
As i said above this might as well be my second favorite as well, is a very well constructed movie, when I showed it to my family I actually said “this might be the best Conan movie in existence” to which my sister answered “because of Kaito Kid?” and when I said he didn't appear on it she actually felt curious enough to watch it and liked it. I really like the way things unfolded, had me focused the whole time and enjoyed it a lot.
5. Movie 4 “Captured in her eyes”
One of the best movies in my opinion! It has that quick peace that I like in movies and I just find it so beautiful!
6. Movie 14 “The lost ship in the sky”
This is other of my go to movies, it has that weird combination between action and humor that I love and I just loved the team work between Kaito and Conan
7. Movie 23 “The fist of the blue Sapphire”
It was a good movie! Don't get me wrong, I feel I should love it more, not that I don’t, is just it's not one of those movies I would seek to lift my spirits but the one I would watch to see just how cool Kid is and inspire me to write something😅
8. Movie 25 “The bride of Halloween”
I think the main reason this is even on the top 10 is because of Furuya Rei, I liked it a lot! Like most of the movies of DetCo but it lacked the sparkle? Idk I feel like I saw what was coming from the beginning but it was enjoyable. I loved the scenes of his past and Takagi acting like Matsuda 👌🏻✨
9. Movie 3 “The last wizard of the century”
It's just a classic you know? Like the whole story was entertaining, how Kid blew up a fucking power central just to find where the eggwas? the attempting murder on Kid, how he later saved Shinichi’s ass? It was glorious I really liked it but not as the ones up
10. Movie 20 “The darkest nightmare”
It's a great movie! I'm putting it down here because it made me love a character and then took it away from me so quickly that it makes me emotional when I watch it 😭😂✨
Wellp thats my top 10 is obviously based on my personal preferences and i tend to like the movies where Kid appears because it ads a bit to the comical area and the action (I have always loved movies with heists and thievery (not only kid and lupin the 3 ones)) so yep I hope you guys like this and i’ll be delighted to read your top 10 as well!
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catchyhuh · 9 months
who's best at lying?
actually you probably know all these answers already. anyway,
the spot for worst is kind of tied between goemon and zenigata, because they’re both bad at it in different ways. goemon can manage enough of a pokerface and just nod, but when you ask for details, he flusters and struggles to keep up the bit. zenigata gives TOO many madeup details, and his face locks into this obviously tight serious expression before he cracks and just gives up the truth. but being honest both of them are still not actually HORRIBLE liars. if you really needed them to come in clutch for some cause they deemed “worthy” or whatever they’d still hold up pretty well. just… maybe fall on the other ones first
lupin comes in at 3rd place (haha) because he will keep that shit locked down. as we’ve discussed, he has more emotional maturity than you might initially expect of him, and he’s smart enough to now how to direct a lie believably. however, he will still get a bit over exaggerated with it, and he might actually REVEAL the truth if it would benefit the situation somehow, so if its a govt secret, yeah, tell him, but if its like, gossiping about friends, yeah do NOT fucking tell him
2nd place is jigen. because he just does not care. you will tell him and he’ll immediately forget. even if he cares about where the secret is coming from, he just always forgets stuff like this. unless it’s numbers. if it’s numbers, he remembers, but honestly, how often to people expect you to lie about a bank pin number? so through selective memory, yes, jigen is an INCREDIBLE liar. he doesn’t even KNOW whatever bullshit truth is stressing everyone else out!
LET’S MAKE SOME NOISE FOR OUR HARDLY SHOCKING NUMBER ONE SPOT FOR FUJIKOOO!! it does not matter how large or small, how meaningful or petty, fujiko can lie and will lie FOR you just because it’s so easy for her. and she can keep up with lying too! forget the betrayal thats. thats unrelated. lying almost ALWAYS benefits her more than the truth so she’ll keep up the bit for fucking anything as long as there’s enough in it for her <3
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cobaltswriting · 1 year
Character Essay: Snape
So, there are some characters that I have feelings about. Like, that I can see what the author was trying to do with them, but I also just... think they failed.
Unsurprisingly, two of these characters have to do with Harry Potter. Severus Snape, and Albus Dumbledore.
Yes, I know, J.K. Rowling is a terrible person and a TERF. But this is still something I wanna write about. And this is my blog. So... yeah. The Albus Dumbledore post might come later.
So, Severus Snape.
I’m gonna break this down into 3 big issues I have with the character. Which does definitely call into question the way Snape was written. And I'll even put it under a read more so any people who are pro-Snape for whatever reason don't have to read any further.
And yeah, this isn't going to be nice to Snape. Like, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Albus Severus Potter should have been named Rubeus Remus. It is actually kind of a crime that he never named a child for Hagrid, considering Hagrid was literally the first person who was nice to him and introduced him to the Wizarding World. But I digress, let's get to the main subject of this essay.
1. Treatment of Students
We know why Snape treats Harry like shit. It doesn't make it ok, but I wanna talk about other students. Disregarding the favouritism towards his own house, we already come across a huge problem, that is also a problem with Dumbledore as well...
Snape's an abusive teacher.
Even if we disregard Snape's treatment of Harry, we have how he treats students like Neville, and insults leveled at students not within his house. Even the best Hermione, who is basically as close to a perfect student as we get, is simply ignored and passed over without a comment, and Neville... Hoo boy.
Like, I don't know the specific guidelines teachers are given that they're not allowed to cross, but Snape breaks almost all of them. Insults and abuse are hurled towards Neville constantly, even when he's in other classes, like him insulting Neville right in front of Lupin. And while I do like Lupin... Lupin just smiles at it. Nothing ever happens. Snape apparently never even gets told off about abusing his students. Hell, he yells at Hermione and Harry in front of the Minister for Magic in the 3rd book, and Fudge, while surprised, does nothing about it other than trying to calm Snape down.
Like, is abuse just... not a thing in the Wizarding World? This comes up in my thoughts about Dumbledore as well, beyond this, but...
If Snape was a teacher anywhere else, he would have been fired. Like, immediately. But he's just allowed to do so. Like, the closest thing to punishment he gets is that he's not allowed to teach Defence of the Dark arts until Harry's 6th year.
And just so we know this isn't the norm, let's look at another teacher... Minerva McGonagall.
She is the head of Gryffindor House (although I still think she should be a Ravenclaw. As should Hermione. BUT ANYWAY) but she does not favour her house. Excluding Quidditch, in which she supports her House's team, but that's a different thing, that's fine. Whereas Snape has probably never taken so much as a single point from Slytherin, she was responsible for the largest amount of points taken from Harry at one time, if I'm right. If not the largest amount, certainly the largest amount of points taken in the first book. She is also strict, but is also shown to be fair, and will compliment a student and praise them if they do well. She praises Hermione in their first class, because while Hermione did not entirely succeed, she did show godd progress for her first try. And while we do not see her compliment a student from another House, it can be assumed that it does happen.
This is how a teacher SHOULD be. They are there to nurture students, teach them, not abuse them and play favourites.
There are other teachers in Hogwarts, but Snape is the main one who abuses them. A case could be made for Barty Crouch (disguised as Mad-Eye Moody) abusing them, by putting them under the Imperius Curse) but considering he was a Death Eater, and was apparently doing it because Dumbledore wanted him to, we'll just... ignore him. I don't think it's too far from what Moody would actually do, although I don't like to think of Moody as abusive.
But yeah, Snape is very abusive of his students, to the point that the most positive thing he can really do towards a student that isn't from Slytherin is ignore them or say nothing. And abuse is a really fucking bad thing, in case you didn't know.
Let's move onto the next topic...
2. His 'love' of Lily Evans
Yeah, I put the love in quotation marks. Mainly because it... doesn't really read that much like love to me. I am aromantic, so that might have SOMETHING to do with it, but...
It just comes off more as a creepy sort of obsession than anything else. An obsession deep enough for him to have a doe as a patronus.
Like... let's start from the beginning. The first time we see Snape and Lily, Snape is spying on her and it's implied that he's been doing so for a little bit. Even though they're just kids, I'm pretty sure that counts as stalking. And then he makes a branch fall on Petunia when she insults them, which could have seriously injured her, depending on the size of the branch and where it hit her. It was enough to make Petunia cry at the least when it hit her shoulder.
Snape also encouraged Lily to steal letters from her sister and read them, when they found out that Petunia had written to Hogwarts. Although I guess that doesn't really come into the subject of his 'love' for Lily.
We also see that Snape is very... racist, I guess? Does the whole blood thing count as racist? Calling Lily a Mudblood, and then when he tries to apologise he can't even deny that if it was anyone but her, he would not apologise for it. So basically having different rules for her, which I guess could come into a love thing but the fact that he calls muggleborns Mudblood and yet 'loves' one comes out as... kinda fetishistic to me, I'm not gonna lie.
In the books we also have him desperate to protect her from Voldemort, crying when she's dead... And yet despite that, he is horribly abusive to her son, just because he looks like his father. And yet he does say that he wants to keep him safe, angry at Dumbledore when he finds out they've basically been raising him like a lamb to the slaughter. So apparently he's fine with possibly mentally scarring Harry, but killing him? Oh, that's just totally unforgivable!
You can point out various things across the books that Snape has done for Harry, but that doesn't change the fact that Snape is INCREDIBLY abusive to Harry, even moreso than he is to other students.
And then we have him taking part of Lily's letter, just because it had her signiture, and part of the photo that showed her in it, which just... always struck me as creepy. Stalker-ish. I dunno how to explain it any better than that.
And then, we have absolutely the creepiest part... him wanting Harry to look at him as he dies. Just so he can pretend that he's looking into Lily's eyes, probably. Which... yeah, that's just super creepy.
Like, I honestly cannot see it as romance at all. It just comes off as Snape having an obsession. It's even worse in the movies where he is shown cradling Lily's dead body against him and crying. Which normally wouldn't be that bad but with everything else on top of that... yeah.
This does bring us onto the last subject...
3. Snape's 'Redemption'
Snape's redemption is supposed to happen after his death. Here's the problem... he's one of the main examples about why J.K. is very poor when it comes to redeeming characters. Like, Draco could have been set up for a redemption, but he wasn't, as were his parents. Snape was set up for a redemption... and J.K. seems to think it was enough?
So, the main thing that is supposed to redeem Snape, that is meant to make us think he's ok... is showing us his past with Lily, and various discussions with Dumbledore. The whole sequence is for exposition and to try and make us think Snape is a good guy because he 'loved' Lily, and that was his motivation for everything good he did. Which, again, comes off as pretty obsessive.
Here's the thing though...
Snape abused Harry for 6 years of his life. He made Draco set a snake on him in his second year. He repeatedly broke into Harry's mind which seemed to end up having the opposite effect that Dumbledore wanted. Dumbledore even basically admits as much, saying that Snape was a poor choice for it, that he had hoped Snape would be able to see past his hatred of Harry's father. He refused to listen to anyone when it came to Sirius, refusing the possibility that Sirius might be innocent (until Dumbledore talked to him about it, probably), outed a colleague as a werewolf, which, considering the allergory J.K. was aiming for, was like outing a gay man, and made him resign from his job because he knew student's parents would be writing in to complain about it, so it essentially cost Lupin a job, which as we know, is already something that werewolves had problems with.
I do have issues with J.K.'s allergory of werewolves as homosexuals... but let's just say that one of the most notable werewolves, after Remus, was known for attacking and 'turning' children and leave it at that. It's not relevant to the topic at hand anyway.
Showing us that Snape did some things right, and that he 'loved' Lily... like, let's pretend that he did love Lily for a moment, and that it wasn't a creepy obsession.
... That still doesn't excuse the shit he did. It doesn't excuse the abuse at all. It doesn't redeem him from being a Death Eater. His only reason for wanting to save the Potter family was Lily.
Saving Harry's life in the first year by countering Quirrell's curse, and then acting as referee in the next match to protect Harry? That doesn't redeem the abuse that he inflicted upon Harry in the first year, let alone the rest of it.
Let's assume he had the best intentions in Prisoner of Azkaban, and he was interested in rescuing Harry, Ron and Hermione from Sirius. Although that is a HUGE assumption, all things considered... still doesn't redeem him.
Checking that Sirius was indeed at headquarters and then alerting them that Harry had gone to the Department of Mysteries to try and save Sirius when Sirius wasn't even there? Still doesn't redeem him.
None of the good things Snape does redeems him for the abuse he inflicted upon his students and especially Harry and Neville, and his love for Lily reads more like a creepy obsession.
J.K. tried to redeem Snape... and absolutely failed. Sometimes when you write a character, you need more than a single chapter to redeem them.
I'm not even sure if Snape was redeemable at all. Abusing children is a pretty fucking terrible thing. And I don't think it's even me being biased for being abused by a teacher, it's just unacceptable.
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dontlookforme00 · 21 days
I wanna say thanks guys. Ty
In third place we have ... drumroll. . .. . this piece by @felix-lupin !!!!! !
:DDDDDD this was the first piece submitted and I dropped my phone to go see it u have no idea the joy I got when somebody outside of my immediate mutual circle joined the dtiys!! Tysm fr!!!!! Ur art piece is so cool and I point at the details u copied so violently. Yes they're doing the same pose!! Your depictions of the three were also exciting cos although I don't draw him NEARLY enough I'm a sucker for the half silhouette soul. AND THE STARS IN HEART'S BLINDFOLD????👍 👍!!
In second .. . . . . this piece by @ghostly-one !!
Aawwuwuwuwueygduwgdf the background duude. Psychedelic eyestrain shit /aff. Love it adore it. Soul is so deranged it's scary, he's seconds away from actually tearing their throats out dude. Help this man. THE COLOURS FOR EACH OF THE THIRDS ARE ALSO SO SATURATED it's incredibly eye-catching. !!!!!!!!! Ty ghost :3
And firstly,,,,,,, this by @star2stop !!
YEHAHH u mightve been the last one but that's okay we forgive you /j heheh. (The ideas for the plushies were awesome even if u didn't get to making them. BTW. U should totally post those) Aaaa it's like the most dramatic comic panel I've ever seen. Colours. Explosion. Gradients. VIOLENCe. Ur iconic unmistakable artstyle is, for want of a better word, banger, and I'm so glad there's a piece of it that exists based off MY art. 👍 👍
Man I forgot what I originally said the 'prizes' would be. I think it was 3rd-doodle or line art, 2nd-coloured, 1st- rendered????? Whatever yea feel free to dm me with whatever characters you'd like me to draw, if any!!!!!!!! Thanks again
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nesting-dreams · 1 year
i see the memes of entp and infp all the time online of infp cartoonishly hating entp and entp being cartoonishly creepy, but a healthy entp and infp relationship is so much more fun to watch in my view. Entp’s and infp’s always have a rough start of misunderstanding, but if they can be mature and look past that. It’s a nice dynamic. I want to use fictional works as examples for this cuz it’s just easier.
I shall give 3 different examples. There is more, but these are my favourites. Marriage: Clara and Doc from back to the future 3. He saves her from dying and they fall for each other, he comes across as the mad doctor in the old west and she is intrigued, and it turns out she was supposed to die, so instead at the end, he offers her to live in time limbo with him so she doesn’t ruin the timeline, but she doesn’t die either. Clara risks dying on a train to be with him by walking on the outside of it to stop him from time jumping without her, he thought it was the best for her to leave her at first, but changed his mind when he saw her do that. She gives off the impression of being this sweet little thing, but her crazy matches his crazy with that train shenanigans and them hanging out throughout the movie. Doc even realised this after that stunt that she’s not normal. He is very happy about it. (Doc’s closest friend is a very mature esfp, who is the only one who really takes him seriously when it’s needed out of most people).
Crushes, but stay friends: Laetitia and Lupin the 3rd. Lupin the third the first. They meet from her throwing a punch at him after he stole from her after she set the cops on him, so she could steal this book that the Nazi’s wanted, and also again when she assaults him with her shoe later on. He makes her genuinely angry at one point and he realises he pushed the wrong button, what she got mad about was he told a lie about someone she admired and she fact corrects him and gets annoyed with him for trying to make her feel stupid. He got upset with her cuz she poked him back as a retort, but she backs off too when she realised she upset him. She dreamily wishes to solve ancient mysteries for the romance and fantasy of it. He wants to solve it for profit and the romance of it. After the suspicion has died down, They start out arguing looking for some ancient technology, the arguments don’t actually last long. It is not mean spirited arguing. Lupin’s really sweet to her for the rest of the movie. It is not often in the series he shows a sweet side like this. He tried kissing her and both developed a crush on the other. Laetitia loves the arguments and she also playfully sasses to his naughty comments. They both smirk at each other a lot knowingly. Because she looks like a puppy, he denies that he falls for it and makes fun of others for falling for it but he takes one look at her when he at first does not want too and he basically does anything she asks. He helps her out by going behind her back and using trickery to help her and others. She is more authentic and genuine and up front about helping him and others. She Cries when failure happens and he cheers her up, by showing her that he will back her up when she fails, and they help each other reach a common goal. They bounce ideas of each other, she shows her knowledge on things and he does the same. Both have different knowledge that helps each other to their common goal. She is genuinely impressed outloud with his smarts while he does not say it out loud, he gets excited for her when she gets passionate. He actively encourages her to use her head more. Later in the movie, he had jumped out a plane without a parachute for her to save her. Normally he thinks things through, but he didn’t for that one. He does sometimes have bursts of stupidity inbetween the genius. She does not hide her worry for him whenever he gets hurt or she thinks something bad may happen to him which I think does make an impact of him being gentle with her. He doesn’t usually hang around such soft people. both have the same idea when it comes to ending a disaster that happens. She tries blowing up this plane with her in it to stop it being used in killing people, but it does not go as planned. He tries the same thing later cuz while he did want to use it for himself what was found, he realised it was too much trouble “human’s aren’t ready for this yet”. He had a backup plan unlike her to escape before he would get consumed by the explosion. (Other people Lupin became friends with who he had a rocky start with (by rocky start I mean that they also tried to beat him up cuz he was insufferable first meeting: estp, Esfp, Infj, istp (out of these he is softest to the infj. I think it’s that introverted feelers that makes his fe want to take care of the introverted feelers people like Laetitia and Goemon. It’s nice seeing how gently he treats Goemon and Laetitia. He does show his sweet side to Esfp, but at some point he stops because Esfp does not take it seriously. I think he wonders what is the point in showing it to her and he reverts back to his usual attitude). Other people he got along with right away: Intp (he sees her as a niece cuz she’s 14). Who he respects yet he always messes with him: Estj. (Laetitia respects an estj called Zenigata and he is really nice to her. It’s nice seeing the stereotype of an infp and estj hating each other thrown in the trash like that computer meme).
Goemon knows how to roast, he has dark ideas and take jabs, but Lupin never really takes it too far with him. He pokes and prods, but not as much as he does with the others. The infj and infp respond positively to him being nicer, so he keeps doing it. They are his moral compass. Meanwhile, his istp friend tends to keep a distant to help and emotions. Lupin is best friends with the istp, he’d jump into a running bus for him, istp would do the same, but they don’t often have a heart to heart. Their play is more rough and they can take the more serious pokes and jabs at each other. (Lupin healthily boosts Laeitita’s Te to the surface which has her notice when she is being manipulated and to be more practical and to use her head in finding out more information on the person manipulating her (she is an adult infp so she actually is good at using it on her own, he just helps her use it even more and in a more practical sense). both connect with their si and Ne, honestly the nicest parts of the movie is when they’re just talking with each other quietly and not moving the plot forward. He also boosts up Goemon’s Se which has Goemon experience things more in life on a whim, he also helps Goemon notice when he’s being manipulated, but if Goemon has noticed he is being manipulated, he usually is not sure what to do if his usual methods don’t work, so Lupin helps him out of that situation. Meanwhile, both Laetitia and Goemon boost Lupin’s Fe to the surface and make him a nicer person in a healthy way. Meanwhile, with others he can be callous at times and not listen to them. He does not like to see Goemon and Laetitia sad and does his best to make them smile even at his own expense. He acts like a cheerleader for both in a way).
Mentor and student: Dazai, entp mentor, Atsushi, infp student. Bungou stray dogs. Dazai had saved Atsushi from homelessness with the usual trickery behind his back thing. And Atsushi is grateful and just stayed with the detective agency. At first, Dazai tries to keep a distance emotionally, pushing buttons. Atsushi becomes more confident and sassy because of Dazai, and Dazai feels like someone cares about him for once in his life so he softens. He gets in trouble and most of the people in this series just shrug it off, but Atsushi’s almost the only one worrying about him (Dazai got taken away by the mafia and Atsushi started worrying where Dazai has been for the past couple of days while the others don’t worry about it). Dazai loves that his student is so willing to listen to him, even his silly little antics, yet sass him back. Atsushi feels the most comfortable around Dazai aside from Kyoka. Dazai’s incredibly sweet to his student. These two have moments where they can talk about stuff with each other that they can’t with others. entp in mentor roles to infp always feel like that disgruntled dad adopting a stray puppy who’s looking for a home, at first the dad doesn’t want it, but he’s not going to throw the puppy out cuz that’d be cruel, but then he will throw a table if you even insist on finding the puppy a new home or suggest putting it down, eventually. Meanwhile, infp’s are just in general protective of their love ones right away. (Who Dazai was close to who died: Infj / someone he is friends with but won’t admit it: Entj/ Atsushi works with an estj who he respects greatly, they’re not friends or close, but both respect each other. You don’t see that happen often, but it can happen. It’s nice seeing the stereotype not being around for once in fiction / Kyoka is an isfp). Bonus cuz I’m not writing more cuz I’ll just keep repeating myself. Family: Edward and Alphonse from full metal alchemist. Yuta and Gojo from Jujutsu kaisen (Gojo is also his mentor). The family dynamic is a lot like the student and teacher I wrote with entp always being the oldest sibling or oldest distant cousins.
For Entp and infp to work, infp needs to have a bite to them from years of life experience and entp needs to soften from years of life experience. Most infp’s and entp’s in reality do mention being fond of the other. They always are great together in fiction too. I’m not sure exactly where these memes come from of them only hating each other, obviously there will be some infp and entp who dislike each other, but I hear more good than bad. Only an infp (and infj) can apparently make Entp feel this “strange protectiveness” over them that does not really come out for other people. (Side note. I also love seeing enfp/intj and intp/enfj together. they really do bring the best out of each other without overshadowing the other and putting them in a box. They all start out annoying each other, but can’t deny being drawn to each other).
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nana-nana2 · 2 years
Happy family
Fred Weasley x Fem! reader
Part 2 of Come back to me
 Summary: A few years after the War of Hogwarts and adjusting to parent life. You had twins, Fred and Geroge still had the Weasley Wizard Wheezes open although they no longer lived upstairs. This is about the Birthday of the Twins
Warning: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, maybe some curse words 
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3 years after the battle of Hogwarts:
You were getting ready in your house's backyard for your twins' birthday party. Fred had gone back inside to get them ready. Today was their 2nd birthday. It was also close to the 3rd year of the Battle of Hogwarts and Harry finally defeating Voldemort. Now George was supposed to be setting up, but you convinced him to let you do it. “Y/N!!! You aren’t supposed to do anything, you're supposed to rest, Women your literally 6 months pregnant!” You heard Fred yell making you jump. “Fred hon-” You tried to say but he interrupted you “BLOODY HELL, GEORGE WHERE ARE YOU?” you knocked him on the head and said “Blimey Fred don’t scream, you’re scaring the kids” You went to your children and “Now S/n and D/n what do you think?” They started to giggle and look around. 
“Now where are my GRANDKIDS?” Mrs. Weasely yelled coming through the back door. “Sweet Y/n, how are you and the baby faring?” She asked you, and you answered “Good, although this one is a kicker doesn’t let me sleep much” Ginny and Harry were just coming through the back door, with Hermoine and Ron following them.
Life was good, although we lost some on the way to victory, we still remember them. There were days when I would have wished Cedric or Dumbledore lived to see the battle and our Victory or that I was powerful enough to bring them back. 
~A few hours after~
“Y/N!!” Harry yelled, “Help me, your kids are not letting me leave the house!!” you turned around and laughed seeing Harry trying to move with your twins on him. “Blimey mate, here, S/N down, and harry put down D/N” Ron rushed to him. “What are you going to name this baby?” Hermoine Granger asked, “Well if it’s a boy, we’ll call it Cedric,” You told her, “Like Cedric Diggory,” She said, you nodded and said, “Yes, like my best friend, he deserves it.” “And if it’s a girl?” Ginny asked, “I’ll name her, Delaney” you answered smiling, Ginny and Hermoine smiled knowing you were going to be naming your kid after a person special to you, your best friend, or your sister.
“Mommy, cake!” Your daughter screamed as soon as Lupin brought out the cake, with Teddy being carried by Tonks behind him. You laughed at her excitement and how Teddy was desperately trying to out of his mother’s arms to play with your son. Seeing Teddy, your daughter stopped looking at the cake and turned her attention to Teddy. Fred noticed and said “Sweets, time for blowing out candles or no cake!” That grabbed your children’s attention. 
Life has ups and downs, but the ups always overcome the downs. You may have lost many people special like Cedric and your sister, but you have gained a new sense of life with your children. 
Sorry, this was short, I didn’t have much inspiration to write this but I had to continue the story. 
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doostyaudi · 5 months
❤️‍🔥Hello Everyone!!❤️‍🔥
❤️‍🔥My name is Dusty/Yara/Audi, though most call me Dusty. Idc which one u use
❤️‍🔥Bisexual, genderfluid/genderqueer
❤️‍🔥Any pronouns (masc terms)
❤️‍🔥I draw and animate! I especially love to make animation memes!
❤️‍🔥Im a shadow demon cat irl :3 🐈🔥
❤️‍🔥 Furry (post of my fursonas :3)
❤️‍🔥I love silly kitties!
❤️‍🔥I make lots of oc x canon content lol
❤️‍🔥 ACAB
❤️‍🔥FREE PALESTINE (list of resources to aid Palestine)
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💖Media im obsessed with💖
Madness combat, Warframe, Dead Space, Pikmin, Pokémon, Ultrakill
💖Honorable mentions💖
Lupin the 3rd,dungeon meshi, Monster High, local 58, star wars, what we do in the shadows, mst3k, marine biology, paleontology, repo:the genetic opera, Hamilton, cryptids, the amazing digital circus, bugbo, Steven Universe, the owl house, gravity falls, rock band (the game), tf2, welcome home, doom
{Will update when i remember things}
💖Types of media i enjoy💖
Horror movies/games (YUMMY), violent video games, rpgs, rhythm games, comedy games/movies/tv shows, memes, stories with complex themes and lots of nuance :3 (what i write mostly LOL), hashtag music lover
💖Current kin list💖
❤️‍🔥Auditor (madness combat)❤️‍🔥
🩵Louie (pikmin)🩵
🩷Spinel (Steven universe)🩷
{can you tell which one i have clinged onto the most? LOL}
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❤️‍🔥Common questions that need to be answered❤️‍🔥
Q: "how can I use your works? (art, characters, stories, ect)"
A: however you want! Everything of mine is copyright free! It's all in the public domain! Literally do whatever u want. Hell, you can even put my art on merch and sell it! Dont even have to give credit! Just as long as u don't say the art is yours, we r cool, alr? Also yes u can trace my art too, thought i should say that. U can take inspiration from my art and ocs, unless stated otherwise. Also DONT REDESIGN MY OCS PLEASE u only get to do so if i give u direct permission, though if u do, keep it to urself
Q: "Will you ever open commissions?"
A: im not sure honestly?? Like i said everything of my is public domain, and i would like for that to apply commissions, but idk how that works legally, so i haven't opened them.
Q: "why don't you ever reply to comments?"
A: I cant. Be shadowbanned prevents me from replaying to comments. Granted, this acc isn't, but two of my accs r, and that includes my main, so that has effected my commenting abilities.
Q: "can i draw your ocs?"
A: YES PWEASE i eat any and all fan art up like a starving Victorian child.
Q: "is your drawing requests open?"
A: yes! I am most likely going to draw ones that are abt my ocs or characters im currently obsessed with lol
Q: "is spam liking/reblogging allowed?"
A: allowed and encouraged!
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Transphobs, homophobs, bigots, terfs, maps, zoophiles, pro shippers, nazis, fascists, zenoists, partake in cringe culture, anti furry, exclusionists, and Narcissistic abuse truthers
Anyways, have fun!
Additional links: YouTube, artfight, old acc, twiddlefinger side blog, Rave-N au masterpost
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lpn3rd · 28 days
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he’s so gorgeous it’s not even fair
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bestoflupiniiipoll · 1 year
Lupin III Poll Matchup Results!
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Round 1:
Matchup 1
Seven Days Rhapsody (2006) vs Lupin III Part VI: London/Woman (2021)
Matchup 2
Is Lupin Still Burning? (2018) vs Operation Return the Treasure (2003)
Matchup 3
Voyage to Danger (1993) vs The Legend of the Gold of Babylon (1985)
Matchup 4
Lupin III Part III: Pink Jacket Adventures (1984) vs Lupin The 3rd Live-Action Movie (2013)
Matchup 5
The Hemmingway Papers (1990) vs Episode 0 First Contact (2002)
Matchup 6
The Fuma Conspiracy (1987) vs Farewell to Nostradamus (1995)
Matchup 7
Blood Seal of the Eternal Mermaid (2011) vs Tokyo Crisis/Memories of the Flame (1998)
Matchup 8
Elusiveness of the Fog (2007) vs From Serbia with Love/Bank of Liberty (1992)
Matchup 9
Swallowtail Tattoo/Stolen Lupin (2004) vs Lupin III vs Dectective Conan the TV Special (2009)
Matchup 10
The Last Job (2010) vs Green vs Red (2008)
Matchup 11
Strange Psychokinetic Strategy (1974) vs Inspector Zenigata/Zenigata Keibu TV Series (2017)
Matchup 12
Pursuit of Harrimao’s Treasure (1995) vs Prison of the Past (2019)
Matchup 13
LUPIN THE IIIRD: Goemon’s Bloodspray (2017) vs Dead or Alive (1996)
Matchup 14
Dragon of Doom/Burn, Zantetsuken! (1994) vs Goodbye Partner (2019)
Matchup 15
Manga Series (1967) vs The Secret of the Twilight Gemini (1996)
Matchup 16
Lupin III Part II: Red Jacket Adventures (1977) vs Alcatraz Connection (2001)
Matchup 17
Lupin III Part V: Misadventures in France (2018) vs Bye Bye Lady Liberty/Goodbye Liberty Crisis! (1989)
Matchup 18
Italian Game (2016) vs Lupin Zero (2022)
Matchup 19
Lupin III Part IV: The Italian Adventure (2015) vs Missed By A Dollar/$1 Money Wars (2000)
Matchup 20
LUPIN THE IIIRD: Jigen’s Gravestone (2014) vs Napoleon's Dictionary/Steal Napoleon’s Dictionary! (1991)
Matchup 21
The Colombus Files/Da Capo of Love: Fujiko’s Unlucky Days (1999) vs Castle of Cagliostro (1979)
Matchup 22
Island of Assassins/Walther P-38 (1997) vs Sweet Lost Night (2008)
Matchup 23
Lupin III vs Cat’s Eye (2023) vs Another Page: Travels of Marco Polo (2012)
Matchup 24
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (2012) vs Lupin III vs Detective Conan The Movie (2013)
Matchup 25
The First (2019) vs Lupin Family All Stars (2012)
Matchup 26
Lupin III Part I: The Classic Adventures vs Princess of the Breeze: Hidden City in the Sky (2013)
Matchup 27
Mystery of Mamo/ Lupin vs The Clone (1978) vs Angel Tactics (2005)
Matchup 28
Pilot Film (1969) vs LUPIN THE IIIRD: Fujiko’s Lie (2019)
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First batch of matchups will be posted no later than Wednesday. Get ready to place in your votes! And may the best Lupin win!
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
Didn't Wanna Feel Old in 2023? Sucks to be You!
Happy 2023 everybody! It's a new year meaning I've got new goals to meet. Goals like finally publishing something, setting up commissions so people can pay me to do what I love, cross-posting between my account here and on deviantART, summoning more kaijus just so they can play elaborate games of poker, y'know, all that good stuff. It also means the return of my 'list of things that have reached a milestone anniversary' list. However, it seems like I've been doing this for so long that these lists have in fact reached their own milestone. From what I could tell, this is the fifth year of my doing this, at least on deviantART. If that doesn't make you feel right from the gate, I present the following:
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If I don't mention this my buddy Volts48 won't let me rest; the highly influential sci-fi movie Metropolis turns 100 years old this year, meaning it is now in the public domain. I plan to take full advantage of this fact later, but for now I have the rest of this list to get to...
Anything from 1973 turns 50 years old this year. This includes...
Schoolhouse Rock! (Jan 6th)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (June 13th)
Robin Hood (yes, the version with the fox) (Nov 18th)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Magic Kingdom) (December 15th)
Charlotte's Web (the animated movie, not the book) (March 1st)
Godzilla vs Megalon (March 17th)
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (April 5th)
Soylent Green (May 9th)
The Exorcist (December 26th)
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (November 20th)
The Young and the Restless (March 26th)
Star Trek: The Animated Series (Sept 8th)
Super Friends (Sept 8th)
Asteroid (Space Race) (July 16th)
The Night Gwen Stacy Died (MARVEL) (June - July 1973)
'We’re an American Band' by Grand Funk Railroad
'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album (Oct 5th)
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Anything from 1978 turns 45 years old this year. This includes...
Alien (May 25th)
The Cat from Outer Space (June 9th)
The Star Wars Holiday Special (Nov 17th)
The Small One (Dec 16th)
Jaws 2 (June 16th)
Grease (July 8th)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (July 13th)
Animal House (July 28th)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Oct 8th)
Halloween (Oct 25th)
Watership Down (Nov 1st)
The Lord of the Rings (animated version) (Nov 15th)
Superman: The Movie (Dec 15th)
Lupin the Third: The Secret of Mamo (Dec 16th)
Fantasy Island (Jan 14th)
The Incredible Hulk (TV series) (March 10th)
The Amazing Spider-Man (TV series) (April 15th)
Hanna Barbera's Godzilla (Sept 9th)
Yogi's Space Race (Sept 9th)
Taxi (Sept 12th)
WKRP in Cincinnati (Sept 18th)
Space Invaders (April 1st)
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Anything from 1983 turns 40 years old this year. This includes...
Mickey Mouse Splashdance
Journey into Imagination (EPCOT) (March 5th)
Winnie the Pooh and A Day for Eeyore (March 26th)
Tokyo Disneyland (April 15th)
They Disney Channel (Rest in Peace) (April 18th)
Welcome to Pooh Corner (April 18th)
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (May 25th)
Pinocchio's Daring Journey (Disneyland) (May 25th)
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Atari 2600) (Aug 5th)
Horizons (EPCOT) (Oct 1st)
Mickey's Christmas Carol (Dec 16th)
The first annual Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade (Dec 25th)
Superman III (June 17th)
Jaws 3-D (July 22nd)
National Lampoon's Vacation (July 29th)
Risky Business (Aug 5th)
Cujo (August 12th)
A Christmas Story (Nov 18th)
Scarface (Dec 9th)
Fraggle Rock (Jan 10th)
A-Team (Jan 23rd)
Reading Rainbow (July 11th)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Sept 5th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (Sept 17th)
Cheers (Sept 30th)
The Video Game Crash of 1983
Mirage Studios (Sept 30th)
DC acquires Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and The Question
'Let's Dance' by David Bowie
'Mr. Roboto' by Styx
The My Little Pony franchises as a whole
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Anything from 1988 turns 35 years old this year. This includes...
Good Morning Vietnam (Jan 15th)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Jan 17th)
IllumiNations (EPCOT) (Jan 20th)
Totally Minnie (Feb 25th)
Willow (May 20th)
Big (June 3rd)
Norway (EPCOT) (June 3rd)
Mickey's Birthdayland (Magic Kingdom) (June 18th)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (June 21st)
Die Hard (July 22nd)
Language Arts Through Imagination starring Figment (he's a dragon) (Sept 8th)
Oliver and Company (Nov 18th)
Tin Toy (Dec 30th)
Beetlejuice (March 30th)
Return of the Killer Tomatoes (April 22nd)
Rambo III (May 25h)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (May 27th)
My Neighbor Totoro (July 13th)
Mac & Me (Aug 12th)
Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf (Sept 14th)
Akira (Oct 19th)
They Live (Nov 14th)
The Land Before Time (Nov 18th)
Scrooged (Nov 23rd)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Nov 29th)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (Dec 2nd)
Twins (Dec 9th)
Count Duckula (Feb 6th)
Denver, the Last Dinosaur (April 1st)
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (Sept 10th)
Alf Tales (Sept 10th)
Garfield and Friends (Sept 17th)
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Nightmares (Oct 8th)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Nov 24th)
Final Fantasy II (Dec 17th)
Mega Man 2 (Dec 24th)
Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3
Nintendo Power
The Killing Joke by Alan Moore
Batman: A Death in the Family (this was not Batman's year)
'Don't Worry Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin
'It Takes Two by Rob Base' and DJ EZ Rock
'Parents Just Don't Understand' by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff
'Nothin' But a Good Time' by Poison
'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour
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Anything from 1993 turns 30 years old this year. This includes...
Homeward Bound: An Incredible Journey (Feb 3rd)
Roger Rabbit in Trail Mix-Up (March 12th)
The Sandlot (April 7th)
Super Mario Bros, the unfortunate film (May 28th)
Hocus Pocus (July 16th)
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (July 28th)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (Sept 10th)
Boy Meets World (Sept 24th)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Oct 29th)
Mrs. Doubtfire (Nov 2nd)
Disney's Sing-A-Long Songs: The 12 Days of Christmas (Dec 1993)
Tombstone (Dec 25th)
Groundhog Day (Feb 12th)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (March 19th)
Jurassic Park (June 11th)
Last Action Hero (June 13th)
Free Willy (July 16th)
Coneheads (July 23rd)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (Aug 13th)
The Thief and the Cobbler (Aug 25th)
Demolition Man (Oct 8th)
Addams Family Values (Nov 19th)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (Nov 24th)
Schindler's List (Dec 15th)
Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers (Dec 17th)
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (Dec 25th)
Beavis and Butt-Head (March 8th)
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (Aug 27th)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Aug 28th)
Late Show with David Letterman (Aug 30th)
The X-Files (Sept 10th)
Legends of the Hidden Temple (Sept 11th)
Animaniacs (Sept 13th)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (Sep 13th)
Fraiser (Sept 16th)
Rocko's Modern Life (Sept 18th)
The Atari Jaguar
Sam and Max: Hit the Road
Batman: Knightfall by Alan Grant
'I'll Do Anything For Love' by Meatloaf
'Shoop' by Salt-n-Peppa (Deadpool's favorite!)
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Anything from 1998 turns 25 years old this year. This includes...
Movie Surfers (Jan 1st)
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (Feb 17th)
PB&J Otter (March 15th)
The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) (April 5th)
Toon Disney (April 18th)
Disney's Animal Kingdom (April 22nd)
Mulan (July 22nd)
The Parent Trap (remake) (July 29th)
Hercules: The Series (Aug 31st)
Out of the Box (Oct 7th)
Halloweentown (Oct 17th)
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (Oct 27th)
Rollie Pollie Ollie (Nov 6th)
A Bug's Life (Nov 24th)
Mighty Joe Young (Dec 25th)
Elmopalooza (Feb 20th)
The Big Lebowski (March 16th)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (May 19th)
The unfortunate American Godzilla film (May 20th) and it's surprisingly good TV follow up (Sept 12th)
The Truman Show (June 5th)
Saving Private Ryan (July 24th)
Blade (Aug 19th)
Rush Hour (Sept 18th)
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Sept 22nd)
Antz (Oct 2nd)
The Rugrats Movie (Nov 20th)
The Prince of Egypt (Dec 16th)
Power Rangers in Space (Feb 6th)
CatDog (April 4th)
Sex and the City (June 6th)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Aug 5th)
That 70s Show (Aug 23rd)
The Wild Thornberrys (Sept 1st)
Will & Grace (Sept 21st)
The Powerpuff Girls (Nov 18th)
Banjo Kazooie (June 29th)
Spyro the Dragon (Sept 19th)
Half Life (Nov 19th)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nov 21st)
The Sega Dreamcast
Gameboy Color
Spider-Girl (Feb 1998) - Fitting, considering she makes her cinematic debut this year in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
'I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing' by Aerosmith from the soundtrack for Armageddon
'...Baby One More Time' by Brittney Spears
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Anything from 2003 turns 20 years old this year. This includes...
That's So Raven (Jan 17th)
The Jungle Book 2 (Feb 14th)
Atlantis: Milo's Return (Feb 25th)
Piglet's Big Movie (March 21st)
Holes (April 18th)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (May 2nd)
X2 (May 2nd)
Finding Nemo (May 30th)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (July 9th)
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Sept 16th)
Lilo & Stitch! The Series (Sept 20th)
Mickey's PhilharMagic (Magic Kingdom) (Oct 8th)
Brother Bear (Nov 1st)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (Tartakovsky) (Nov 7th)
The Haunted Mansion (movie) (Nov 26th)
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (Nov 28th)
Destino (Dec 19th)
Kangaroo Jack (January 17th)
Daredevil (movie) (Feb 14th)
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (March 18th)
Daddy Day Care (May 4th)
Matrix Reloaded (May 16th) and Revolutions (Oct 27th)
Bruce Almighty (May 23rd)
Rugrats Go Wild (June 13th)
Ang Lee's Hulk (June 17th)
The Room (June 27th)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (July 2nd)
Freddy vs Jason (Aug 13th)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Oct 10th)
Elf (Nov 7th)
The Cat in the Hat (movie) (Nov 8th)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (Nov 9th)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Dec 17th)
Big Fish (Dec 25th)
Mythbusters (Jan 23rd)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (KidsWB animated series) (Feb 8th)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Feb 15th)
Red vs Blue (April 1st)
All Grown Up! (April 12th)
Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (July 11th)
Teen Titans (July 19th)
My Life as a Teenage Robot (Aug 1st)
Clifford's Puppy Days (Sept 1st)
Devil May Cry 2 (Jan 25th)
Postal 2 (April 14th)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (June 20th)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (July 5th)
Jak II (Oct 14th)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Oct 14th)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Oct 28th)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (Oct 29th)
Call of Duty (Oct 29th)
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (Nov 11th)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Invincible (Image) (Jan 2003)
JLA/Avengers (Sept 2003)
The Walking Dead (Image) (Oct 2003)
'Where is the Love?' by Black Eyed Peas
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Anything from 2008 turns 15 years old this year. This includes...
Phineas and Ferb (Feb 1st)
Horton Hears a Who! (movie) (March 3rd)
Iron Man (May 2nd), The Incredible Hulk (June 13th), and the birth of the MCU
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (May 22nd)
Toy Story Mania! (Hollywood Studios) (June 17th)
WALL-E (aka the greatest movie ever!) (June 27th)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (movie) (Aug 10th)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Sept 16th)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Oct 24th)
Tinker Bell (Oct 28th)
BURN-E (Nov 18th)
Bolt (Nov 21st)
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (Dec 17th)
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie (Jan 11th)
Rambo (Jan 24th)
Kung Fu Panda (June 6th)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (July 11th)
The Dark Knight (July 18th)
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Aug 1st)
Ponyo (Aug 14th)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Nov 7th)
Twilight (Nov 21) - I'M VENGEANCE!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Jan 13th)
Breaking Bad (Jan 20th)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Feb 18th)
Spectacular Spider-Man (the best incarnation of the wall-crawler) (March 8th)
Ben 10: Alien Force (April 8th)
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (June 5th)
The Penguins of Madagascar (Nov 28th)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Jan 31st)
God of War: Chains of Olympus (March 4th)
Dead Space (Oct 13th)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (Oct 21st)
Little Big Planet (Oct 27th)
Fallout 3 (Oct 28th)
Mirror's Edge (Nov 11th)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (Nov 16th)
Gears of War 2 (Nov 7th)
Left 4 Dead (Nov 17th)
Sonic Unleashed (Nov 18th)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Dec 2nd)
Lego Batman and Indiana Jones
Final Crisis (May 2008)
Marvel Apes (Oct - Nov 2008)
'I Kissed a Girl' and 'Hot n Cold' by Katty Perry
'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay
'So What?' by P!NK
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Anything from 2013 turns 10 years old this year. This includes...
Sofia the First (Jan 11th)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (Feb 12th)
Oz, the Great and Powerful (March 8th)
Iron Man 3 (May 3rd)
Mystic Point (Hong Kong Disneyland) (May 17th)
Monsters University (June 21st)
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel (Aug 16th)
Disney Infinity (Aug 18th)
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Sep 2nd)
Toy Story of Terror! (Oct 16th)
Thor: The Dark World (Nov 8th)
Frozen (Nov 27th)
The current run of Mickey Mouse cartoons (Nov 29th)
Saving Mr. Banks (Dec 20th)
Texas Chainsaw 3D (Jan 4th)
Evil Dead (remake) (April 5th)
The Purge (June 7th)
Man of Steel (June 14th)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (June 16th)
Despicable Me 2 (July 3rd)
Pacific Rim (July 12th)
Turbo (July 17th)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Sept 27th)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Nov 22nd)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Dec 13th)
Teen Titans Go! (April 23rd) - HOW IS THIS STILL ON THE AIR!?!?!?
Orange Is the New Black (July 11th)
PAW Patrol (Aug 12th)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Sept 17th)
Rick and Morty (Dec 2nd)
Tomb Raider (March 5th)
God of War: Ascension (March 12th)
BioShock Infinite (March 26th)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (April 16th)
The Last of Us (June 14th)
Deadpool (video game) (June 25th)
Rayman Legends (Aug 29th)
Grand Theft Auto V (Sept 17th)
The Stanley Parable (Oct 17th)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Oct 29th)
'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams
'My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)' by Fall Out Boy
'Roar' by Katy Perry
'Wagon Wheel' by Darius Ruckus
'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus
'Applause' by Lady Gaga'
'What Does the Fox Say?' by Ylvis
'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
And with all that said, I hope you all have a happy new year!
Did I miss any milestones? If I did, feel free to let me know in the comments. For now though, MAY THE GLASSES BE WITH YOU!
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gotalittletoosilly · 2 years
thank you everyone who participated in revival round! there were 221 votes! now let's get into who will be coming back for the finale
0 votes - Reigen Arataka and Zeke von Genbu
1 vote - Sly Cooper, Fred Jones, Kel, Nemona, and Goofy
2 votes - Aiba, Anya Forger, Wonderlands x Showtime, Kasane Teto, The Collector, Volo, Orbulon, and Big Man
3 votes - Lupin III and Bugs Bunny
4 votes - Gin Ibushi, Spongebob, and ENA
5 votes - Aang,
6 votes - Lancer and Crazy Dave
8 votes - Maya Fey
13 votes - Payrus
3RD PLACE - 33 votes - Pinkie Pie
2ND PLACE - 50 votes - GIR
1ST PLACE - 61 votes
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the finale is tomorrow!! good luck!!
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