#get bubbled idiot.
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
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In the aftermath of Peri's tantrum, the Leisure Court Fairies discovered that nearly every Pixie within close proximity of Poof were completely drained of magic.
Fairies are presumed incapable of stealing magic-- not unless they are a bonded pair, where magic is shared. Therefore, the underlying reasons remain uncertain to this day. Cosmo had been the only Fairy to remain conscious during the blast, but researchers were unable to extract much information from him.
Thankfully, all Pixies, including Timmy, made a full recovery- with all their magic intact.
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stateofdreaming14 · 2 days ago
Merlin (who makes dramatic declarations of loyalty completely off hand like he doesn't realize at all how intense his words are): You're my destiny. Always have been.
Arthur (blushing, spluttering, pretty sure hes just heard the romantic declaration he's dreamed of since childhood for which nothing on earth has prepared him for): oh okay
Anyway Arthur beats himself up over it later and is completely convinced that Merlin must feel heartbroken bc obvi his lackluster response must seem like a rejection Que Arthurs increasingly ridiculous courting attempts as he tries to show his feelings with actions meanwhile Merlin is confusion but decides to enjoy his new privileges If it is some kind of enchantment it's better if he sticks close to Arthur until he figures it out anyway, right?
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mourn-and-watch · 2 years ago
one thing that is fascinating to me about merrill's arc is the way narrative manages to convince a big part of the fandom that she's immature and irresponsible and overall stupid. what we know about merrill and what we actually see on screen is that she successfully avoids possession for 6 years while working closely with a demon, almost every time she participates in some magic/spirit-related discourse she acts calm and confident and has some interesting input, she actively uses her knowledge of dalish lore and tradition to reason with her keeper, and that she actually did make progress with fixing and studying an ancient long forgotten artifact no one knows particularly anything about. but then an old woman who's never been shown to be an undeniably wise and reasonable figure, a guy who got willingly possessed with no awareness of possible consequences and whose whole mindset is still deeply andrastian and a bunch of people who know nothing about magic start judging and doubting her and everyone's like. yeah. she's so fucking dumb.
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crispyjeans · 1 year ago
Unlicensed family therapy!
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A continuation of the second drawing in this post. It's also based on a stock photo
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daily-kinitopet · 11 months ago
Day 13
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Sonny revoked his mouth privileges
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bubble-popping · 11 months ago
okay this is kinda embarrassing bc i meant to post this a long time ago and just... Didn't.
More dnb gods au bc them <3
Truthfully, Techno didn't know why he stood here, hand hovering above the wood of a door. Even less did he understand why he felt so nervous about going in. The words 'Dream's Study' felt like a permanent 'do not disturb' sign. He knew how much he hated to be interrupted when he worked, especially for trivial matters such as a minor headache. Techno hadn't seen Dream for a while, and it was showing with how Chat nagged and clawed at his brain. He wasn't quite at the stage of attacking his dearest friends and causing major property damage because of their volume and relentlessness, but Dream had asked--pleaded, to be more precise--for him to visit before it got to that point. So, here he stood, trying to think of how to phrase his current predicament without sounding like a total loser. And Chat was not helping.
just knock?
man's forgot how to knock
bro forgor
average dork in love behavior
no u guys don't get it he's so normal about dream i promise
social anxiety L
"How do you nerds even know half those phrases? I don't say anythin' like that-" Before he knew it, the sound of squeaks and chirps emitted from behind the door. The Blobs' heightened senses never ceased to amaze him.
"What? Techno's outside? How-OW!"
Techno startled upon hearing the exclamation accompanied by a thud and finally kicked himself into gear, opening the door and peeking inside to see Dream standing up from behind his desk, cradling his horns and uttering more hisses of pain. "Dream? You alright?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Jus' bumped my head is all. I'm alright." The blond waved off his concern as he sank into his chair. "Is something up? Chat being loud again?"
The piglin god decided to step further into the room. He'd gone this far, might as well go the full mile. "Well, not at the moment now that you're, ya know, talkin'."
"Aw, they just missed me, huh?" Dream rested his head in his hand, smile smug and eyes scrunched.
simps. every single one of you. me too.
pretty dreamie :)
**idiot lol
"I didn't say all that. Don't get ahead of yourself, teletubby." As if Techno's absolutely scathing remark wasn't enough of a blow to the man's ego, several Blobs then decided it was their special moment to shine as they dropped down on Techno chirping and cooing not too unlike Phil's crows. He glanced up to see many more piled on a hammock above his head. The majority still soundly slept. Techno could only imagine what it'd look like if they were all awake.
"Hey! What have I told you guys about personal space?" Dream promptly stood from his chair and came over to brush the little Blobs off, a bright gold strong as sunshine glowing on his cheeks. It really didn't match the stern expression he was trying to show. "I'm so sorry about them. We're still working on that..." He didn't meet Techno's eyes as his hands swiped across his shoulders. Not even when he reached further up, lifting on the tips of his toes to pluck away the ones that had settled in his hair.
"They're not so bad. At least they're cute. Chat is just plain annoyin'," Techno grumbled.
techno hates us y'all
we're literally fixing your love life?
so ungrateful
Dream giggled softly, shaking his head. Only then did he meet Techno's gaze. "Chat isn't bad either. It's just like the Blobs, they're excitable. I think Chat's cool."
dream gets us y'all
omg he's looking at us guys
i hope he wins the custody battle in the divorce
they aren't even married yet
praying on their downfall already is crazy
he stopped tho?
Techno pressed a hand to his temple, face twisting in discomfort. "You don't have to hear 'em all the time..."
Dream offered a sympathetic smile before he seemed to get an idea. "Would you like to rest with me while I fulfill some dream requests?"
"I don't wanna bother ya if you're workin'-"
"You wouldn't be a bother, ya big idiot. C'mon, I could use the company." He smiled sweetly, taking Techno by the arm with pretty green eyes begging from under long blond lashes. Naturally, Techno let himself be dragged away--but he still wasn't a simp, Chat, shut up--to a different corner of the office: an area that closely resembled a pillow fort.
Techno really had to duck down to enter it, clearly not built for a god his size. Inside was more spacious than it initially appeared. Made of many different colors and shapes of cushions, all draped with soft blankets, and partially bordered by the lower shelves of a bookcase. Dream easily found a spot to lay down, propped up and facing the curtain canopy. Techno squeezed against the nearest wall out of consideration for Dream's space, but regardless only managed a gap of mere inches. He too looked up, and when he did, he swore that nothing was above them at all. Tiny lights were strategically placed to emulate the night sky. Techno could even see certain constellations in the pattern.
"How did...?"
"Oh, some Blobs got into my glowstone dust by accident and they reminded me of stars, so I got this idea." And Techno believed him because when he squinted he saw, as his eyes adjusted to the change in lighting, many tiny Blobs hanging by thin threads with the proudest grins on their faces.
"Of course..." He huffed, smirking and shaking his head.
A comfortable silence succeeded his words, covering the pair in a particular kind of blanket. The kind that had Techno curiously glancing over to see Dream concentrating on a cloud held aloft by the green strings connected to his fingers.
"What's that one? If ya don't mind me askin'."
"Hm? Oh, well, usually I don't share other people's dreams. They're personal things, meant for your mind alone. But..." Dream got a small, almost mischievous smile on his face. "This one here is for one of my regulars."
"Mhm. I think she prays almost every night, always for the same thing. She's an old woman and recently her wife of almost 60 years passed away from an unfortunate accident. Do you know what she asks to dream of?"
Techno couldn't imagine knowing that much about a mortal. But then again, all those that prayed to him usually didn't live very long, so he supposed he just never got the chance to.
"She just wants to speak with her again. Nothing else matters, except that she's there. They talk about so many things. Sometimes, they don't speak at all. Just sit there next to each other, enjoying the company. I've put them in all sorts of places. Relaxing on a beach, watching a fireworks display from afar, sitting on their rocking chairs in their living room..." He'd finished crafting the dream by then, offering it to one of the Blobs who devoured the cloud whole and promptly wiggled into the crevice of two pillows. Afterwards, he folded his hands atop his stomach and closed his eyes, smiling wistfully. "Such a sweet, pure love... I only hope someone will love me like that."
A heat unlike any other instantly filled Techno's cheeks.
how did that guy make that sound
L matchmakers fr
wdym we're such W matchmakers
yeah he boutta get that sheep pus-
Techno quickly sat up from the comfortable pile onto his elbow, resolutely pushing that thought out of his head.
"Techno?" Dream looked to him, gaze wide and inquisitive. The piglin god turned to stare down at him, and though he knew he had to say something that might finally shut Chat up about this, the words got caught in his throat. Green eyes were simply too pretty, surrounded by freckles and waves of golden blond. A hand surprised him out of his admiring. Gentle fingers pushed the hair that had fallen into Techno's face behind his pointed ear then came to a rest at his cheek. "Something wrong?"
"No," he answered with a shake of his head, placing his hand upon Dream's and leaning into the touch. It still didn't make a lot of sense to him, why Dream was so tender towards him despite his reputation and prowess... Or, perhaps, because of it? Techno cherished it all the same. "Nothin's wrong. 'm just... 'm not sure how to, how to word-"
"Tech," the sheep god murmured, now cupping both of Techno's cheeks and wearing a bittersweet smile, "you don't have to force yourself. I was just thinking out loud. I wasn't trying to-"
"It's not that, I mean, well, it is, but-" He sighed, closing his eyes to collect himself before opening them with a renewed determination. "I get what you're sayin' and I feel the same way."
"You do?"
"Ya think I'd come just to make Chat shut up? That's just a sweet bonus, dude."
Dream giggled, a similar blush rising on his face. "So, what does that mean?"
"It means I... would really like to kiss ya, if you'll let me."
The blush immediately brightened to a shimmering gold. He pushed himself to a sit as well, closing the gap between them to barely a few inches. "I think I'd like that."
They both leaned in, heads tilting to accommodate the other, but when Techno connected with something, he knew it was not Dream's lips. A Blob had managed to slip in at the last second, squeaking happily. The two pulled back in equal astonishment, allowing the Blob to drop on Dream's lap.
Dream's expression rapidly soured. "You little-!" He snatched the Blob up, gripping its little body in a tight grasp. "That's it. You're all going in timeout now." With a snap of his fingers, all the Blobs including the ones that hung from the ceiling exploded into puffs of clouds, leaving the two in near total darkness aside from Dream's glowing eyes. "Much better. Now..." Hands suddenly grabbed Techno by the shoulders and twisted them so he was flat on his back and Dream was straddling his waist. His voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned in once again, bright green illuminating both their faces. "Where were we?"
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xbuster · 1 year ago
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foli-vora · 2 years ago
The anon button gives some cunts way too much fucking audacity on this hellsite. If you don’t have the nerve to send some judgemental/mean shit with your own fucking name on it, maybe don’t fucking say it at all and take your cowardly ass off this site. Kindness is free you fucking animals.
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nebulouscoffee · 7 months ago
being into sci fi 🤝 being into music: absolutely no escaping the "oh you like ---?? For real?? NAME FIVE ---- THEN BET YOU CANT LOL" crowd
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
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Although Fairies appear humanoid in nature, they actually have a more pure form unseen by the naked eye. This is because Humans lack the ability to perceive anything beyond the fourth dimension. Given enough magic, a Fairy can manifest their true form onto all planes of existence.
This is usually not recommended, as seeing a Fairy's purest form can cause madness. A Fairy should only use their pure form when necessary, such as containing uncontrollable wishes, or high quantities of magic. Especially since there's heavy drawbacks and sacrifices to manifesting one's pure form.
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every-matsuda · 7 months ago
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every-kakashi · 1 year ago
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lovebugdotcom · 1 year ago
I had a T/ADC dream last night, but it wasn’t a nice R/agatha dream. Instead I dreamt that this mf was attacking me.
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lordoftablecloths · 1 year ago
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woahhhh bigshot over here /lh
i am jus . a littdlw guy . i am a lizard sunbathing on my rock in my cage . i cannot con trol that the people at the zoo like looking into my enclosure
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no1ryomafan · 11 months ago
okay but real talk: idk why but despite tumblrs atmosphere being less- of whatever twitter is I got really burnt out from too much exposure of it despite the fact I don’t even use the app and I also use Twitter far less now. I think weirdly having unlimited word count drained me?? Even though it’s actually nice to not make a thread just because I blabbered so much and ran out of words. I forward people to add me on discord and still do if they use it but with that comes im terrible at starting conversations, especially if I don’t instantly click with the person even if I end up liking them. (Cause social awkwardness)
But life update aside my final is tomorrow sooo expect me more here! I’ve been cooking up a fic so I’m gonna use this dumb website to ramble about it when it drops because my god even if I sent paragraphs in authors notes before I’m gonna need tumblr.
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saturnssz · 2 years ago
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Naruto's protayl in modern fanworks of any kind with certain people who I share the same space with is downright awful lol
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