#get a load of that snoot
onenicebugperday · 1 year
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Saw-tooth lantern bug, Zanna nobilis, Fulgoridae
Found in Southeast Asia
Photos by Nicky Bay // Website // Facebook
Photos shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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loveisinthebat · 1 year
King of Fencing
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theborzoiarebackintown · 11 months
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Get a load of that snoot veining 👀
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messmersflame · 5 months
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i made some apple skewers for the big guppy and pleco tank. theres also shrimp and a few snails. i dont get to see the plecos that often (theyre shy) but they always come out for dinner time :3 get a load of that snoot
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honorhearted · 5 months
⋆ NAME?: Mattie
⋆ PRONOUNS?: she/her
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: I mean... *gestures at Ben* Single muse blog here, baybee.
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: I guess elitist attitudes toward OCs and female characters in general. What you turn up your snoot at, I WILL GLADLY TAKE IN HAND. Gimme all your OCs/lady muses! <3 I also hate being added for a number and then ignored. If I follow you back, I want to write!
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Uhhhh, going on year 10 on this site, but I've been RPing since like 2003, I believe? asodijoaisd
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR S.MUT?: Yes. lmao I have to be in a certain mood for fluff or s.mut, but I'm always happy to write angst!
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: I TRY to do short. I REALLY, REALLY DO, but it doesn't tend to work out for long lol, so 99% of what I write is multi-para/novella. I'm one of those weirdos who can't ever just start a fic in a random place without build-up, if that's any indicator (especially with s.mut), so I feel the need to write lots of internal thoughts/feelings/yadda yadda in between the dialogue.
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: M-F I'm always available, cuz I'm blessed to work on a computer. So when I have some downtime, I load up my queue! On the weekends, I'm usually MIA cuz I try to get away from screens for a while.
Tagged by: @pagetreader (Kenzerrr <3333)
Tagging: Whoever wants to do the thingTM! <3
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syngrafaes09 · 2 years
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Do not copy, translate or repost my writings here or anywhere else
Dr Strange
Oneshorts, imagines and loads of incorrect quotes
After dip
I can help with that | Pivot
From Wattpad to Tumblr
Strange Nights ( Dr Strange #1) (mature, completed)
After Y/N gets imprinted by a vampire Dr Strange, living under a fictive identity, they must unravel the cause behind her constant misadventures before their hopes are crushed forever.
Or read it here...
Strange Nights - intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Give them your love too
I could make it up to you @withalittlehoney
Daddy Lessons @boop-le-snoot
Magical fingers @ironstrange1991
Honeymoon @futureplayboibunnie
Tony Stark
Break-up Sex
Give them your love too
Daddy Lessons @boop-le-snoot
Bucky Barnes
Next Door Neighbour (series)
It was a simple arrangement, he thought - two people with nightmares agreeing to sleep next each other. But little did he know her secrets were darker than night itself.
Part - 1
Part - 2
Will be uploading more frequently in future
Requests are always welcomed
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chelzone · 11 months
just played thru Goodbye Volcano High finally, to completion
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here's me thoughts, under a spoiler block just like i did for after i beat Snoot Game
story flows nicely from start to finish, though i feel like a tiiiiny bit could have been trimmed cus it did feel a bit too long for playing through
affinity system is cool, feel like i hadn't seen people dig into that one as much as they should've. i was unable to get the Rosa gender reveal sequence cus i didnt max out her stuffs BUT they still throw in moments prior that telegraph it very much so so that's still something!
gorgeous backgrounds, absolutely zero complaints about any of them. while the characters animations can be a tad bit stiff at times, i feel like i can still most of the time realistically imagine them within the scenes properly
i understand you had to have 3 L&L segments for it to make sense as a DnD sessions sort of thing but,, i didnt like the segments in general. i feel like you could have still explored Reed's character without dedicating far too much time to these
music for the rhythm game segments is definitely NOT my personal taste, so i cant rlly say much about the content that wouldn't be heavily biased. i feel like also the controls were a bit too complicated, especially on keyboard. perhaps it couldve been easier to play on a controller but like,, visually there's still way way way too much to keep track of so it gets overwhelming at times. also very very hard to focus on the scenes going on while trying to play the rhythm segments, and i feel like that hurts the final one with the montage
Naomi and Fang is a match made in Heaven, what else is to say? jumps the gun a wee bit but idk i kind of like that shit and i do that for me own characters at time. wishing those two the best in dino heaven
was not expecting Fang to be so selfish throughout the entire game, it's genuinely a bit jarring at times. the way it's patched up in the end feels a bit too rushed, but then again i said the game felt a bit too long so no idea what the solution would be
Swamp Babies i wish u got more screentime, but i digress. Curtis having no voice let alone dialogue was a bummer
i hope they keep patching it cus i did get softlocked multiple times and there were many times where backgrounds failed to load in for a bit during many scenes ;w;
fave characters from this iteration gotta be Stella, Sage and Reed. funnily enough, two of their iterations in Snoot Game are also a delight! sad to see Sage didnt make the latter cut aside from positive text messagez
the logo and poster design stuff paired with the picture day sequence were pretty cool!
not a fan of the twitter stuff in-game just cus i loathe the real life equivalent, sorry ;w;
all in all now that i've done a full single run for both games (i am not replaying either, this is too much of a time commitment for a narrative-heavy experience), i think i can say i give Snoot Game a 9/10 rating and Goodbye Volcano High a 6/10
pleasantly happy with both, despite any complaints or criticisms! looking forward to drawing more fanart of both series too, as well as having a blast hanging out in discords with folks from either communities. met some good people in a cruel world
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dead-by-mending · 8 months
Thank you 🥲
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Context :
I decide to do a game as Pig for an ambush daily. I go against an undercover Ada with a toolbox, a default Bill with no items, and 2 Dwights, a mummy with a flashlight and a dinosaur with a medkit. Load on Gas Heaven. I down Ada in main building, right as a gen pops and my Ruin gets cleansed (probably by Bill), which is kinda infuriating already. Put a trap on Ada, pick her up, mummy Dwight goes for a save and fails, but then he bodyblocks for Bill, who now had a toolbox, who sabos my Pain res hook. I hit him but he teabags, as we both knew there was nothing I could do...until I noticed something : Ada stopped wiggling. Hope came back as I carried Ada to a further Pain res hook, and while mummy Dwight takes a useless hit, Bill DC's. That was so funny ! Later Dino Dwight tbagged at shack pallet, so I assumed he was in this as well. And so it was decided that Ada would be the sole survivor (no pun intended). After sacrificing both Dwights (Dino gave up on second hook), I let Ada boop the snoot. She wanted me to hook her but I said no, and brought Bill to the basement instead. While he was diying, we farmed a bit, and then I gave hatch to her. I gave her a thumbs up in the tally screen, and wish I could send her a dm to thank her but her ps profile was private...
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scapegrace74-blog · 1 year
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Michelle's continuing adventures in piss-poor wildlife photography. At one point the beaver swam right in front of me, and I couldn't get my camera to turn on, because of course not.
In the last shot you can see how he/she was doing some dam repair, as the tail is loaded up with mud. Pretty cool to watch.
August 22, 2023
Also, snoot.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Would you be able to do a sigil for inner peace from trauma?? I hope you feel better soon!! Here’s my favourite girl in the world
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Get a load of the snoot on this one! 💕
“Trauma relief + Inner peace”
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megan-loves-surveys · 2 months
It's under the read more cos the formatting is being a fucking pain in the ass LOL.
Who is your least favourite character from your favourite book? (no villains/bad guys allowed) Kevin, probably. He gets better over time but generally he's still super annoying. Do people tell you you have cold hands? Yes. When was the last time you held an umbrella? A few weeks ago. It was a mistake, it was far too windy and it broke lmao. Do you still listen to any disbanded bands? Loads! What colour is the last coat you wore? I don't own a coat, so it's been years. It was likely black? Do you feel that the shape of the pasta alters the taste? Sure haha. How often do you listen to rock music? It depends. When were you last in a classroom? Years ago. In games, do you like to roleplay as good or bad? Depends on the game. What was your favourite colour when you were 10? Blue. When were you last in a hospital? I got hit by a car and broke my shoulder, and was having surgery. Is there an instrument you don't like the sound of? Anything super screechy. When was the last time you had a lava lamp in your room? Never. What was the last frozen food you ate? Some chips/fries lol. What is the shortest haircut you have had? Just below my ears. How many letters are in the author's name of the last book you read? I can't be bothered to check the author's name lol. How are you currently holding your device? I'm not, I'm on my laptop. Have you ever sponsored an animal? No. Would you rather be a kangaroo or a sea turtle? Kangaroo. Do you like to get ready in the bathroom or the bedroom? Bedroom. What's your favourite Coldplay song? None. What do you think about turbulence on a flight? Doesn't really bother me unless it's like SUPER bad. Normally, do you sleep too many hours or not enough? I average about 6 - 7 so prob a bit less than I should. How many keyboards/languages do you have on your phone? 1. Do you have a favourite insect? Butterflies prob. Have you ever worn coloured contacts for Halloween? - How often do you wear heels? I wear them to work, so at least two or three times a week. Do you have a favourite episode of your favourite show? No. What was your first teacher's first name? Don't remember. What colour are your toothbrush's bristles? White. Were you a dog, how long would your snoot be? Haha no idea, depends what breed I am, no? Have you ever gone ice skating alone? No. Can you hear a clock ticking now? Not currently cos I have music on, but if I paused it, I could. How about birds tweeting? Not that I can hear. How long would your ideal magic wand be? No idea xD What colour is your ceiling? Grey. Do you own a scooter? No. Which pastel colour is the nicest? Purple. How many hours until you have to get up next? It's mid afternoon, so it's a long time. I have work tomorrow so I'm waking up at 7am, it's 4pm right now so... 15 hours? When did you last play a Mario game? Years ago. Ever owned an actual piggy bank? Yes. How many words of Spanish do you reckon you know? A few. How many rugs/mats/carpets are in your house? 5 or 6? When did you last swing on a swing-set? Oh ages ago. Do you have a favourite Haribo shape? Just the bears. How would you describe your favourite singer's voice in 2 words? Powerful and stunning. Do you study any subjects in your free time? Not study seriously lol. Any interesting or unusual facts about your house? Not really, but since we live on the very end house of 11, we have an extra window on the side of our house that only we and the house on the other end have. Would you rather become fluent in 3 European languages or 3 Asian languages? Depends on the language. Are your bedroom curtains long or short? Neither, they're just the right length.
Are you currently wearing socks? If so, describe them: Yes, I'm wearing big fluffy winter socks, they're grey and white.
Have you ever been zip-lining? No.
Name three pet peeves: When my internet is randomly slow, headaches that are too strong for painkillers but not strong enough for my migraine meds and hypocrites.
Did you carve a pumpkin this past year? I've never done that.
Have you volunteered in the past 6 months? I have actually, earlier this year, at work the entire office did some volunteering - we helped out with packing food parcels for a charity. It was actually quite fun.
Have you ever hosted a holiday party? No.
Your age plus the number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had equals: Um... 50 something lol.
French fries or onion rings? Fries, I absolutely despise onions.
Why do you take surveys? Cos I'm bored and like answering questions.
Do you suffer from anxiety? Yes.
Did you ever taken a swimming class? No, but I probably should.
Favorite healthy snack? Pea crisps or popcorn.
Do you have an Amazon Prime account? No.
Favorite Disney movie? Dunno.
What color are your bed sheets? Right now, blue.
Do you consider yourself an artist? Not in drawing and that, but I do write.
How well can you bake a cake? Not well.
Have you ever tasted banana milk? I think so.
Your favorite local pub? None.
Last time you did a push-up? A long time ago, my shoulder is too fucked to do any.
Do you wear glasses? Yes.
How many pairs of skinny jeans do you think you own? Like 10.
Do you own a pair of Converse sneakers? I own 22 pairs, lol. I bought a green pair yesterday actually!
Do you wear jewelry on the regular? Yes.
Have you ever seen the movie; Pretty Woman? Thoughts? Probably.
If you see a bee in your house.. are you going to kill it? No, I'd try to get it out a window.
Do you normally take a shower in the morning or at night? Morning.
Favorite candle scent? Citrus.
I’m ordering chinese food; what do you want? My treat! Hmm.
Do you have a cat? I wish.
01:What are you wearing? Purple yoga pants, a blue and white stripey sweater, grey and white fluffy winter socks and ugg boots. 02:Ever been in love? Yes. 03:Ever had a terrible breakup? Define 'terrible' lol. 04:How tall are you? 5'3". 05:How much do you weigh? None of yo business. 06:Any tattoos do you want? No. 07:Any piercings that you want? No. 08:OTP? Mox/Seth. 09:Favorite Show? WWE Raw. 10:Favorite bands/artists? Blue, Five, Little Mix, Girls Aloud etc. 11:Something you miss? Hanging out with my friends everyday. 12:Favorite song? Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over 13:How old are you? 37. 14:Zodiac sign? Cancer. 15:Hair Color? Naturally blonde. Currently blue & purple. 16:Favorite Quote? Loads. 17:Favorite singer? Ayumi Hamasaki, Taylor Swift, Madison Beer, Adam Lambert etc. 18:Favorite color? Purple. 19:Loud music or soft? Both. 20:Where do you go when you’re sad? My room. 21:How long does it take you to shower? Depends, if I have to shave, then it takes longer. About 15 mins usually. 22:How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Maybe 20 mins. 23:Ever been in a physical fight? No. 24:Turn on? Loads. 25:Turn off? Loads. 26:The reason I joined Tumblr? Originally it was to post about WWE, but now I just take surveys lol. 27:Fears? Spiders, ladders, deep water, fire etc. 28:Last thing that made you cry? Something I was reading. 29:Last time you cried? Yesterday. 30:Meaning behind your url It's pretty obvious lol. 31:Last book you read? Reach For The Stars. 32:Last song you listened to? Blue - I Can 33:Last show you watched? Shortland St. 34:Last person you talked to? My Mum, she saw me getting an iceblock and asked me to bring her one, lol. 35:The relationship between you and the person you last texted? She's my best friend. 36:Favorite food? Mac & cheese. 37:Place you want to visit? Japan? 38:Last place you were? Work. 39:Do you have a crush? Sure. 40:Last time you kissed someone? This afternoon. 41:Last time you were insulted and what was it? Dunno. 42:What color underwear are you wearing? Blue. 43:What color shirt are you wearing? Blue and white striped. 44:What color bottoms are you wearing? Purple. 45:Wearing any bracelets? No. 46:Last sport you played? Hahah, funny. 47:Last song you sang? Blue - I Can 48:Last prank call you remember doing? No idea. 49:Last time you hung out with anyone? Saturday. 50:Favorite movie? Dunno.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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Acorn weevil, Curculio glandium, Curculionidae
Photographed in Germany by peter839
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gcldfanged · 4 months
If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one scenario that had been living in my head rent free [ACCEPTING]
Aerith: -Jae and Aerith kind of having a deal/agreement that he looks the other way and lets her sneak out of the Cetra Babysitter Squad's (Turk Edition) range to get up to shenanigans. He's actually well known at the Leaf House and acts like he hates kids, but is really good with them since he doesn't treat them like they're simple. He's definitely taught the bullied kids how to throw down. His greatest achievement: Being called "cool" by the orphans but Aerith doesn't let him show off in front of them with his weapons, like his handgun (Jae: IT'S NOT EVEN LOADED! COME ON, THEY CAN PASS IT AROUND-).
He thinks Tseng's one-sided crush on her is hilarious, but he'd never say that to his face ever <- good blackmail material, Aerith *COUGHCOUGH*
Cloud: Two guys who honestly just fucking HATE each other, Jae is well aware he's not a SOLDIER and recognizes him from a Before Crisis timeline escort mission which puts a damper on Cloud's 'I'm the Main Character" act.
Jae is not at all interested in Cloud, but makes faux-flirtatious banter with him anyway because the way Cloud reacts is funny as fuck.
Sephiroth: Idk man, like just DESTROY Jae- Kick him like he is the football!! I never get to write Jae getting the shit kicked out of him, it's fun.
Tseng: Big Bro and annoying younger sibling energies, but make it between Team Leader and Coworker. They talk shit about each other all the time, but as soon as someone unrelated makes a disparaging comment, they're like "HEY, PAL- ONLY I GET TO CALL THEM STUPID NAMES".
Zack: OOOH, OOOH- Jae was there and stayed behind to destroy evidence of the Nibelheim Incident with Verdot, Zack could remember seeing Jae and Veld before he passes out and associates them with Shinra baddies/maybe gets angry and tries to fight him when they meet up in remake continuity?
Dion: Bahamut, King of the Gays meets weird little scrungly assassin man who works with The Undying, Jae is totally the one who kicked his soldier through the tent entrance- Joshua is too Nice(tm) for that.
Jae doesn't have to be Leviathan's dominant in this AU since idk how the DLC is gonna fuck it up, or we COULD go with that and have fabulous laser dragon + twink water snek whombo-combo fighting together against Ultima and his weird Oedipus-complex himbo goth, Barnabas.
Jill: Maybe Jae helps Clive save Jill and is a Gav-like rogueish companion as they travel? Can be Levi dominant or not, but I think that's funny because they'd be the elemental trio of "fire", "water", and "water, but like, really cold bruh". THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! j/k
Sleipnir: I just like the idea of them being totally obnoxious at each other since they have similar-ish personalities, like Clive and Barnabas are fighting all macho manly man beeg swordboner style and then you have the two fucking smarmy twinks strutting around and Shady Lady-ing at each other.
Terence Bellerose: If we're roping in @phoenixshards, then I can see Joshua and Dion having tea and calmly discussing the threat at large while Terence and Jae glower at each other from across the room all "OH, HE'S PRETTY... PRETTIER THAN ME?!" style over their respective boyfriends. THE SHIELDS ARE FIGHTIIING-
Or idk Terence is a little weirded out Joshua has a literal criminal as his Shield and Jae's underworld funk vibes get up his knightly snoot. He's a man of honor, Jae is the exact opposite- Sparks may fly?
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Yeah a few more things going on it's trying to prioritize this day and we can't seem to help him with it and he wants to get things done and he has his personal problems all the time and it's not getting easier it's getting harder. You have some things to do but they can be done else otherwise otherwear and we need to do that he's got a huge load and a huge burden and does all the big stuff done now so have people here right now we have about $390,000 people that's versus 20 million screaming idiots and they're always under dress and it's always a pain and they're just going to start getting rid of him and they should so it's supposed to and we see them cringing but that's what it is they need to and I've had enough of these idiots so I'm putting warrants out on this guy next door and we're making sure that he's going to sit there and shut up and we're putting out all sorts of APB and he's whining and complaining hissing and moaning but things are going to change shortly and Emily blunt is going down there and a whole bunch of people are because they're seeing there might be a low and they want to attack the lights facility the light cycle or Tron facility and that's going on shortly and Trump has to because he's lost everything else and he thinks he lost it to Billy z who is processing stuff that he took from him at those facilities at this moment and figure it out today he's a stellar genius that guy he really is a piece of work he's so stupid so they are probably going out tonight after a brief thing and Dumb and dumber and they're going to probably trying to attack and it would explain what happens tonight and tomorrow so you probably get captured and find out where they are right where they went to work which is ironic because they're getting Intel there on their people there and up the light facilities light cycles this is going to take some time no so wow this makes sense and they played the strike fairly soon
Thor Freya
I'm planning on using a lot of light cycles and we've been going around grabbing them and it's hard to hold on to so thinking of moving out pretty soon and we're seeing here wondering what to do and you're saying this looks like what they're doing and it saw that guy shaking your hand and I saw you going pew and you smell it on us too I figured it out it's called a nightmare he's taking everything just like you said and there's nothing you can do makes everybody miserable
We all have to go down there and they're all grumpy in a bad mood I had a rough day but we see why it's our plan is after and we should have been more attentive but we were not
It's kind of tough to say but we think our friend for sticking in there and he's doing things and stuff trying to keep busy and he's trying to get a motorcycle soda and sold some Kawasakis it's a very nice motorcycle cuz real fast pulls my weight I got one to go on and off road and I didn't buy the one there but I bought one and they are small enough and light enough you can pick it up off the ground without trouble at all I didn't have to figure it out the hard way but I tried it and you just set it down and pick it up and you know women can do it it's not a hard bike and they can also move it around and put it on trucks and it's really I wonder because it does everything it goes off road it goes by trucks with no problem it's aerodynamic and the fairing helps and also it goes fast 200 mph nothing to sneeze at it's got power and it sounds like a superbike it really is it's got a bit more power than bikes in size and it's all terrain and it also has things for bags that's a good choice and his bike Briggs & Stratton is a competitor and blows it away with price but Japanese have a reputation for quality it's kind of a fun day for him and John remillard you wreck everything where at War you could have used it but you are such a snot and a snoot and an a****** and you're spoiled and you're mean and crass and Jesus Christ you're threatened them all the time I can't deal with you anymore I you suck
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simptasia · 5 years
let’s get a closer look at that snout
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[passionate phantom of opera wailing]
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trollmarket-dog · 7 years
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Also people are welcome to like. Send me screencaps they’d want me to redraw as furry versions because that’s how i am as a person. 
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