#gertrude luckytail
cooltmoney95 · 3 years
Grunttrude Posts #1
Some Rando pointing at Gertrude: So who's the thot bunny? Grunt:
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
The Big Duet!
The G Squad are getting ready to perform before the curtains fall. Gertrude &  Grunt head to their usual instruments. But Galaxina turns to face them.
Galaxina: Hold up you two!
Grunt & Gertrude look at Galaxina turn to Galaxina.
Grunt: Huh?
Gertrude: W-What’s wrong Galaxina?
Galaxina: I just  went over the song Grunt gave to me. and if I’m being honest..... I think you two should sing it! Together!
Grunt & Gertrude were shocked by Galaxina’s suggestion. They briefly looked at each other and back at her.  
Grunt: This isn’t one of your dumb jokes is it? 
Galaxina: Nope! I’m all serious this time! 
Gertrude: Do you really think we can do it?
Galaxina nodded her head.
Galaxina: I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t.
Gunther: Plus you guys would make for a great duet!
Gardenia: In more ways than one!
Grunt & Gertrude blush while looking at each other briefly. Gardenia, Gunther & Galaxina both smirked at the two of them. 
Grunt: So...um..How do you feel about this Gertude? You want to perform this song together?
Gertrude ’ponders for a second. But eventually let’s a small smile and nods
Gertrude: Yes! I-I’d love to! 
Galaxina: Well, what are you two waiting for a taxi!? LET’S DO THIS!
The band gets to their respective instruments with Gertrude & Grunt standing in the center of the stage.
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I felt like doing some more writing.  This time, I want to try and develop the G squad’s relationship with each other and group dynamic. In this case, I wanted to try something a bit more on the “shippy” side. I wouldn’t call it  perfect. But I’m still getting use to this whole writing thing. XD 
For anyone curious, this is the song they are singing.
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
The G Squad Wikia Page LIVE!
Hey gang! T-mack here. Sorry I haven’t been posting much content on here lately. I’ve been busy with college stuff ATM. So I can’t really dive all my energy back into creating projects and developing my characters just yet. But I’ll still post whatever I want to share whenever I can do so.. 
Well ya’ll, It FINALLY happened! Your favorite Mewman native band finally has their very own page on the Tales of Mewni wikia page! I’ll admit, I was kind of reluctant to make this at first. But I eventually decided to just bite the bullet and do it anyway. I’m also going to try an work on the other four member’s bios in between my college classes. But whether or not I’ll make actual pages for them on the wikia is still up in the air. Since i don’t think they’re important enough to the story to warrant that. But who knows. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart.
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418
The G Squad belongs to me 
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
Guess who stayed up til 3 in the morning to make this video!? THIS GUY! Anyway, I got inspired after watching some of Kururu’s character theme vids to (As well as my friend Magnus) make some of my own. And I figured what better way to start that than with a set of characters who revolve around music!? Anywho, I wanted to make sure that each of the G squad got a song that fit the two things I look for in character theme: Personality & Backstory. Basically if the mood of the song fits what I’m going for with the characters, then it goes with them. I’ll also include links to the full songs if anyone is interested in hearing them.
Grunt’s Theme Song- My Story by Sean McGee!
Why?: I’ll be honest, it’s honestly hard to describe why this song fits him without spoiling his bio. But all I’ll say it that I felt this song taps into Grunt’s insecurities with not just his race. But also with his ancestry. (Not going to spoil anything. But let’s just say a certain Septarian is going to play a big part in why Grunt is the way he is.)
Gardenia’s Theme Song- Bitch! by Meredith Brooks
Why?: I was originally going have this be Galaxina’s theme. But after listening to Raise Your Glass and comparing the two, I felt that this song fits Gardenia better.Because it has that nice blend of “I’m a bitch and proud of it!” & “I’m nice when I feel like it” vibe with a hint of “Take me or leave me.” tease added in. Which honestly fits Gardenia’s character perfectly. 
Gertrude’s Theme Song- What if I Shine? by Jordyn Kane (For the Barbie Rock n Royals Movie!)
Why?: I’ll be honest, When I was picking a potential theme song for Gertrude, I had a LOT of choices to pick from! But I eventually narrowed it down to either this song or Fergie’s “Big Girls Don’t Cry”. And decided to go with the former since the latter was more of a love/breakup song more than anything. while “What if I shine?” seems more in line with Gertrude’s character.In that it’s basically about a girl who wants to perform. But is being held back by her own insecurities.I especially liked that the beginning of the song started with a piano, Since Gertrude is the keyboardist/pianist of the band, 
Gunther’s Theme Song- Proud of Your Boy (Pop Version from the Disney mania Album) by  Clay Aiken
Why?: I can honestly picture Gunther singing this to not just his mother. But the rest of his tribe as well. Cause despite his shortcomings (Being shorter than most giants, as well as his past and not being one of the strongest fighters.) he still wants to his best to make his people proud. Even if it doesn’t involve anything combat related. 
Galaxina’s Theme Song- Raise Your Glass by P!nk
Why?: Do I really need to explain why this song fits Galaxina so well!? XD Cause honestly, the song is basically about a rocker chick who loves herself unapologetically and wants to encourage other misfits like her to do the same. Which is basically the basis of her character. Heck, I can honestly picture singing this at an actual concert! 
So that’s that.I’m going to make another video for the Birds of Prey as well. But that’s going to have to wait for a while.
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418  
The G Squad belongs to me
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
I'm planning on writing a story centering around the G Squad and their adventures throughout Mewni & beyond. In order to give a taste of what I have in store, I'm going to be sharing some important info regarding each member. (With the exception of Galaxina for obvious reasons!XD) But first I want to know which one of the other four members do you guys want to learn about first.
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418
The G Squad belongs to me.
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cooltmoney95 · 5 years
Meet The G Squad
Well, Thanks to this Coronavirus stuff, I’m now just sitting at home bored af with nothing to do! So, I guess it’s time to make this an OC blowout! And since now that the contest is over, I can put all my focus back into OCs I actually plan to use. I just recently rewatched  the video @kururu418​  made on the honorable mentions for the first contest where he was talking about Galaxina and her bandmates last night and I thought now was a good time to start introducing them. Well,here ya’ll go!
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Gardenia Evergreen- The band's drummer and tech specialist. She's also the most aggressive and ill-tempered of the group. Despite being an Earth Nymph, she doesn't care for her people's passive and non-violent way of living as she finds it rather too boring for her liking and prefers to add some excitement to her life. As the most hot-headed and combative of the band, she's always eager to get into a fight and has developed exceptional fighting skills because of this. Has the magical ability: Poison Touch. When not practicing with her band mates, Gardenia will often like spar with some of the strongest monsters in Mewni. Her main sparring partner is Slick (Whom she met though the Earth nymph tribe’s future chief Bloom. Who Gardenia is constantly at odds with.). Her signature color is green.
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Grunt Rapturous - The bass player and songwriter of the band. In contrast to Galaxina's more loud, brash, and reckless personality, He's more quiet and responsible and doesn't really act out as much (He can also be melodramatic and a bit of an emo.). As a Septarian who's well aware of the negative perception the rest of Mewni has on his people, he wants to set a good example for the tribe as best as he can. Being the most creative-driven of the band, Grunt likes to express himself through art & writing, is also has a passion  for sculpture and pottery and has adopted both as a hobby.His signature color is blue.
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Gertrude Luckytail- The keyboardist and fashion designer of the band. She comes from the Usaguran Tribe (A species of rabbit-like monsters.) and fills the role of the peacemaker as well as the soft-spoken and quiet member of the G Squad. She’s a sweet and kind girl. But struggles with her shyness and stage fright as she’s not use to performing for larger crowds.Growing up with 12 younger siblings & 1 older brother, Gertrude is use caring for others and is always there to lend a hand when someone is in need. She loves to create clothes and will often spend her free time coming up with designs.Her signature color is pink.
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Gunther Highmountain- The band's saxophonist and rowdy. He's a giant who is unfortunately a bit smaller than the rest of his clan. He's little absent minded and childish. But while not the brightest bulb in the lamp, he has a heart of gold and is always eager to help those close to him (Especially his friends and family.).Being the rowdy of the band, he usually gets stuvk doing most of the heavy lifting. But he doesn’t mind it, as he likes to show off his strength at any given opportunity. He's a childhood friend of Fum’s from Gigantea and was inspired by him to explore beyond the tribe to pursue his passion for music. His signature color is brown.
Well, that’s all of them. Still debating whether or not to add the G Squad to the wika. Since I don’t know if they count as a faction or just make independent bios for each member (The latter I’m lowkey reluctant to do, since I don’t hink they have a big enough role to warrant making a fully bio for each member.). Feel free to let me know what ya’ll think. 
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418​
The G Squad belongs to me
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
The G Squad Spotlight Results!
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Hey guys! T-mack here! Anywho, the final results for the G Squad Spotlight poll are in. so, it looks like Grunt is the big winner! (Which I’ll be honest, I’m really surprised but nonetheless happy. Since I actually got some interesting stuff in the works for him.). But I’m glad that all of them got at least one vote. Going to try and get Grunt’s bio done before the end of the month. So ya’ll be on the lookout for that. 
Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418​
The G Squad belongs to me!
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cooltmoney95 · 4 years
Possible ideas for the Usaguras
Just got done watching @kururu418 ‘s video where he mentioned Gertrude & her species the Usaguras. In the video he talks about making them an extension of the Beastkins. and in all honesty, I don’t mind it. BUT! Personally,  I got something else in mind (Which honestly isn’t so different from his own TBH.)
 Instead of just calling Gertrude a rabbit beastkin and call it a day, I think it would be more interesting to have the beastkins themselves function similar to the nymphs and @doomface ‘s wraiths. In that while they are TECHNICALLY the same species. But are divided into different branches of sub-species that have their own cultures & traditions and are considered  “cousins” to each other.However, unlike the wraiths and the nymphs the beastkin don’t identify their sub-species as “cat beastkins” or “rabbit beaskins” but instead call themselves more unique  and independent sub-species names. Ex: Imani, Lance, & Gertrude are technically considered beastkin. But they identify as Usaguras while Lenora identifies as...Whatever it is the Cat beastkins call themselves! XD. With the only times they call themselves beastkin is when they’re around mewmans and/or non-beaskin monsters. 
Anyway, Now as for the culture, I’m thinking of making the Usaguras a bit more of a Caribbean/Japanese Samurai inspired tribe. I also want to make them a pacifist type of tribe similar to the Earth Nymphs. But the Usaguras would be more willing to use violence if they deem it necessary(ex: Protecting their tribe or aiding their allies.).I also want to have music play a big role in their culture too (Mostly as a way to tie into Gertrude joining the G Squad).
So that’s really all I got for now. I’ll admit, I mostly made this response as an excuse to develop the Usaguras more, since I’ve been kind of neglectful to them lately (Which is ironic, considering that they were the first ToM monster species I came up with! XD). I might develop them more in the future. But we’ll just have to wait and see.  
Tales Of Mewni  belongs to @kururu418
Lance, Gertrude, Imani, & The Usaguras in general belong to me!
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