#germany fun facts
travelella · 1 year
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Fun Facts
Germany is home to the biggest Beer Festival in the world, Oktoberfest in Munich, where the standard glass of beer is a whole liter!
One-third of Germany is covered in forests and woodlands.
65% of the highways in Germany have no speed limit and are called the Autobahn.
Germany has more zoos than any other country, over 400.
Fanta was created in Germany during the Second World War after Coca-Cola syrup was prevented from being imported into the country.
Some of the world’s most famous inventions were created in Germany - the lightbulb, automated calculators, automobiles, insulin, petrol engines, jet engines, and the Walkman (to name a few!)
Germany is a very cultured country, with 6,200 museums, 820 theatres, 130 professional orchestras, and 8,800 libraries.
The tradition of having a Christmas tree was started in Germany.
Escaping prison in Germany isn’t illegal because it’s a basic human instinct to want to be free.
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ranjith11 · 11 months
Exploring 27 Random and Ridiculous Facts About Germany | Interesting facts about germany
Welcome, geography enthusiasts, to GeographyGuru99, your go-to channel for all things geographical! Today, we embark on an exciting journey to the fascinating land of Germany, known for its bratwurst, beer, and iconic Brandenburg Gate. In this captivating video, we've curated a list of 27 truly unique, random, and at times, utterly ridiculous facts about this European powerhouse. Get ready to be intrigued, amused, and perhaps even a little shocked as we uncover the hidden gems of Germany's culture, history, and quirks. Join us on this virtual adventure through Germany's diverse landscapes and vibrant cities, all while learning some mind-boggling facts that you won't find in your average travel guide.
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cowboylikeyouu · 28 days
in germany, chris evan‘s roles (including steve) are mostly voiced by dennis schmidt-foß, but as johnny storm he‘s voiced by benedikt weber, and it made for a really cool moment during dp&w. bc wade’s super convinced that he‘s steve, but all the german people who watch the german dub of marvel movies religiously are already like huh??? bc that‘s NOT steve rogers‘ voice, and then when it’s revealed that he‘s actually johnny, wade‘s like "ah yeah, i should’ve known from the voice". and idk, it’s not hilarious or anything, but it just made me soo happy that they used wade‘s 4th wall breaks differently in different languages. just felt the need to share this
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canisalbus · 9 months
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italyveneziano · 1 month
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sebfreak · 4 months
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ask-a-former-nation · 2 years
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Germany: “Did you drink again?...” Prussia: “.....Noooooooo.” Germany: “...I told you not to!! It’s not good for your health!” Prussia: “You deprive me of every joy in my life.” sob @ask-mr-germany (I hope it’s okay lending your muse once again!)
(Fun facts: Prussia is not a fan of modern movies. Especially action movies. He prefers old “Heimatfilme”, post war movies which often depicture a peaceful, rural world. Like the very successful Sissi-Trilogy he is watching right now.
Also, Prussia wouldn’t be still here without the care of his younger brother. It “stretches” his lifespan. Though Prussia doesn’t always agree on Germanys caring methods.)
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ehlnofay · 1 month
Summerfest Day 7 - FALLEN
It’s quiet, in the throne room; would be a nice change of pace if it wasn’t so concerning.
But quiet is a bad tip-off. It’s not just noise-quiet – it feels empty, stagnant, with no wardens to mark it or guests to fill it up. The tiles of the floor meet at gleaming intersections; the branches of the throne do not rustle. Even the odd little rivers flowing into their drains don’t burble as much as they usually would, the grout in their base shining white and fresh-smelling. Pax’s boots, with curves of metal like horseshoes built into their thick soles, click loudly against the stone.
Something’s wrong.
Pax shoves her way into the room anyway, her blood-red fish leathers stinking of sweat, the dark drape of her clothes badly in need of a wash. Mud on her stockings. Plait messy. They weren’t even away from the city for long, this time – just enough time to get to Brellach, get done with it, get back, ready to report what happened even if Haskill never has anything to say and it’s 50/50 whether, at any given time, Sheogorath cares – he came out of the woods off-road and walked straight through the city, legs burning, the colours of that strange sunlight church-fire casting unearthly shadows all over, to get quickly back to the throne room. (Force of habit, he supposes; and then, shut the fuck up.) But the room is quiet; the throne, for the first time Pax has ever seen it, is empty.
There’s a figure standing in front of it, its back to her; its skin is familiarly tanned, long dark hair twisted into a neat braid down the length of its spine. Its boxy dress hangs straight down, colour swimming like the grey streaks in marble, the shape of it stiff as marble, too, as if carved by an unskilled sculptor. Haskill stands a ways away from it, watching it with beady eyes, looking grim, though in all his pressed black regalia it’s hard to say whether that’s even remotely different from normal. Pax’s steps ring out through the cavernous room; the figure doesn’t turn.
“Sheogorath,” says Pax. It’s fifteen full seconds before there’s any response.
“Camilla,” says Sheogorath, airy-voiced; the vowels are dragged out, with none of the lilt it puts on for the Gentleman, or the clipped edges it offers when wearing her face. Even still, it does not move a muscle. “I fear I’ve failed you.”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
“I’m sorry.” But it’s not clear if that’s a response to what he said, or just a general statement, an admission of guilt or pity or something along those lines applicable to any situation. It still doesn’t move, voice drifting airy and small in the cavern of the hall. “I meant there to be more time. Artificial construct. Arbitrary system. It wasn’t supposed to close down on us like this. But we’re out of time. Where’s my staff, Haskill?”
“My lord,” Haskill says, inflectionless.
“Where’s my staff? What –” and then it moves, quick and jagged as lightning, the fabric of its dress turning all at once like a solid object, its plait sticking stiff at sharp angles until it settles again down the straight column of its spine. “What is this, Haskill? It’s dead. It’s dead. There’s nothing there.” In its harsh-knuckled hands, it holds a polished-smooth cane, like the Gentleman’s but less… curly. Its handle is filmed over.
“You’re talking nonsense,” Pax says.
“Am I?” Sheogorath asks, looking them in the face; there’s something about the eyes – “Good. Good. At least some things are right with the world.” They’re plain, Pax realises, and a shudder creeps its way unregarded down their back. The Mad God’s eyes are not any kind of colour they can pinpoint but you know them when you see them – so often, they’re the only thing in the maniacal shifting and changing that holds. They’re different, now. There’s nothing there. It says, “I was going to give you my staff. Teach you… but it’s dead. It’s dead. What does that make me?”
Even the throne doesn’t rustle; even the waters don’t chatter as they run. Sheogorath hasn’t changed once since Pax arrived here; he looks into his own face, the lines of his cheeks and his jaw just a mite too sharp, eyes wide and flat, hair perfectly neat.
“Calm down,” they tell it, even as something curls ugly in their stomach, “we’ll figure –”
“I’m calm,” says Sheogorath. “Is that not the problem?”
“We’ll figure something out,” Pax insists.
“Cute,” Sheogorath says, with the least enthusiasm they’ve ever heard it say anything. It tips its head; the braid hangs jagged and off-centre, a polished clump of something more solid than hair. “I would tell you to run, but it won’t do any good.”
The throne room feels sharper than it’s supposed to, and cleaner, something in the air pressure shifting enough to set her ears ringing. Pax takes a step closer to this strange, stationary Sheogorath. “Calm down,” she repeats, “get your shit together – or apart, I guess, since it’s you –”
“You would have been so good at it,” Sheogorath says, “holding onto it for me.” Its voice is too blank to read much of anything in. “I would have been free. We all would have been free.”
Pax shakes his head, trying his best to dislodge the ringing. “You’re talking nonsense,” he says again.
“I was so sure it would stop the echoing,” it says, distant, “but now you will die with the rest, and I –”
“Sheogorath,” says Pax. She’s not sure why.
“A mad god,” it says, “of a dead realm. Again, and again, and again.”
The cane crumbles into smoke in its hand; it tips its head down at it, ambivalent, at the same time as Haskill lunges at Pax – catches them just off-guard enough – knocks them, kicking and scratching, to the floor. Sheogorath shines like polished metal. Pax’s head feels so packed full it aches.
“You should look away,” Sheogorath says, calm as crystal, right as Haskill crams the heel of his hand against their eyes; “I’m going to die now.”
The pressure in their ears bursts.
When Haskill eventually peels his baby-soft palm from Pax’s face, there’s blood dribbling bright and coppery from their nose and every sound feels ocean-distant. There is not so much as a crack in the perfect, shining tile. Sheogorath is gone.
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aslightaddity · 7 months
I have learned about a Texan specific accent/dialect of German (due to immigrants) and although only about 2000 people speak it (I think), I feel like it would be a good back story for Klav and Kris. Kris doesn’t have a German accent as he more has a Texan (or now japanifornian accent) while Klav did end up keeping his Texan German accent, that’s also why his German isn’t always the greatest!!
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2chiribitas · 2 years
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I want a girl with lips like morphine
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ratsbanes · 9 months
I love it when bsd crossover fanfiction say "and abilities are only in Yokohama" or something. When... most of the cast is not from Yokohama?
The decay of angels (including fukuchi, I don't think we know where he's from)? Not from yokohama
The guild? Not from yokohama
Mimic? Not from yokohama
The order of the clock tower? Not from yokohama
Even some of the agency and port mafia.
Dazai? There's implications that, just like the author, he's from northern more rural Japan. Probably not from yokohama.
Kenji? He *is* from northern more rural Japan. Not from yokohama.
Ranpo? We don't know where he's from, but he mentions traveling away from his home city, so not from yokohama.
Atsushi? Similar to Ranpo, we don't really know where he's from but it's, say it with me, probably not from yokohama.
Chuuya? Has an entire arc about how he's not from yokohama.
Most of the cast is not from yokohama, so it's just such a weird story choice? But my god is it funny.
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ask-pavitr · 7 months
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ranjith11 · 1 year
Exploring 27 Random and Ridiculous Facts About Germany | Interesting facts about germany
Welcome, geography enthusiasts, to GeographyGuru99, your go-to channel for all things geographical! Today, we embark on an exciting journey to the fascinating land of Germany, known for its bratwurst, beer, and iconic Brandenburg Gate. In this captivating video, we've curated a list of 27 truly unique, random, and at times, utterly ridiculous facts about this European powerhouse. Get ready to be intrigued, amused, and perhaps even a little shocked as we uncover the hidden gems of Germany's culture, history, and quirks. Join us on this virtual adventure through Germany's diverse landscapes and vibrant cities, all while learning some mind-boggling facts that you won't find in your average travel guide. 🌍 Whether you're a seasoned traveler or simply curious about the world, this video is your passport to discovering the unexpected. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the wonderful world of Germany together!
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uh uhmm croatia and/or east germany
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(original ask date: feb 9) why not both
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worldhistorian1845 · 3 months
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Millions of Native German's were killed during World War Two because they didn't fit the picture of the perfect German. Before them being killed, they were imprisoned in camps as a punishment.
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gravityfalls4life · 2 months
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Hey dipper, Have you heard of Arcadia Oaks? A small town thats a hotbed for supernatural activity? Ive heard it contains Trolls, Aliens, and Wizards and that theyre all protected by a handful of Teenagers with weapons and magic
I'd wanna go there....
It looks cool!
Maybe it's Gravity Falls in another dimension? Sixer?
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