#gerard lacroix.
ko1ju · 4 months
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wildissylupus · 5 months
I will not get over the original Blackwatch team, and no I don't mean the one with Genji and Moira.
For context, in Overwatch it was revealed that not only was Angela "Mercy" Zeigler the head of Overwatch's medical team, but also the head of Blackwatch's medical team up until Genji joined. Meaning it's likely she was a part of some of the Blackwatch missions as a team member.
So that makes the original Blackwatch team Reyes, Cassidy, Gerard and Angela. Which considering the fact that Gerard was at most three years older then Cassidy and Angela....
I want to know what their dynamic was like. Specifically Angela, Cassidy's and Gerard's, cause we already know what all of them were like with Reyes.
Like before everything started to go south? Did Cassidy and Angela know about Gerard and Amelie? Were they there when the two met? Did they make fun of Gerard's crush on Amelie? Did they try and give him dating advise?
Angela's a doctor and Gerard was a diplomat so I doubt either of them could shoot that well. Did Cassidy make fun of Angela and Gerard's shooting skills? Did he help them improve?
Did Gerard teach Cassidy diplomatic tricks in order to make sure there was at least one other person who could get info without pulling a gun? Did Gerard ever make fun of Cassidy and Angela's less then stellar love lives? Did he invite them to his wedding?
This group interests me so much because it's a look into the golden age we haven't seen, it's a look into the early days of Overwatch, an age not riddled with tragedy after tragedy.
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ilovequeercats · 1 month
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LORE: Eventually as the opposing Talonclan begins to rise, Watchclan begins to start recruiting more and more warriors to join, including loners Batfur, Swiftfrost, Sleekdance, and Hollyberry, former members of Rogue groups Hawkstripe and Sparrowstrike, as well as the two apprentices Bigpaw and Quickpaw. The clan had begun to thrive, working to protect the forest from vicious rogue groups, the enemy clan, and invading twolegs. It wasn't all great however. One night while Ravenshadow was leading a patrol to confront the Talonclan leader, Talonstar, an accident occurred, causing Ravenshadow to impulsively end up killing the enemy leader, causing relations to worsen with the enemy clan as well as harming the clan's overall reputation in the forest. Because of this, and many other stunts Ravenshadow had been pulling lately, such as being unnecessarily cruel to some kittypets (will elaborate on this later), Watchstar was forced to demote his long-time friend as deputy and replace him with Leopardfang. Watchstar and Ravenshadow had already begun to have some inner conflict, but this worsened their relationship even further.
and anyway
Watchstar-white tom with light blue eyes and a scarred flank. (Adult) (Soldier 76)
Apprentice: Quickpaw
Leopardfang -sleek brown she-cat with striking blue eyes. (Adult) (Sojourn)
Medicine Cat(s)
Owlsight -brown swirled classic tabby she-cat. (Adult) (Ana)
Lightwing -young pale golden she-cat. Earned her warrior name after saving Sparrowstrike from near death. (Young Adult) (Mercy)
Hollyberry -black tortishelle she-cat rescued from "The Gray House" (will be explained later). Her body is beginning to show signs of decay from her time there. (Adult) (Moira)
Ravenshadow -bitter black tom with a scarred flank and messy fur. (Adult) (Reaper)
Apprentice: Bigpaw
Lionheart -very large pale tom with a scratched out eye. (Adult) (Reinhardt)
Emberwhisker -small golden tabby with long curly whiskers. (Adult) (Torbjorn)
Batfur -sleek black and brown she-cat. Former loner named Aurora. (Adult) (Mina Liao)
Hawkstripe -scruffy brown tabby tom. Formerly apart of a group of vicious rogues and named Hawk. (Young Adult) (Cassidy)
Apprentice: Falconpaw
Sparrowstrike -extremely scarred silver tom. Formerly apart of a group of rogues and named Sparrow. Was found near death and saved primarily by Lightwing. Joined the clan to thank his saviors. (Young Adult) (Genji)
Swiftfrost -handsome black and white tom with icy blue eyes. Formerly a loner that lived with his mate Sleekdance. Formerly named Ice. (Adult) (Gerard)
Sleekdance -sleek, shy black she-cat. Joined the clan because of her mate Swiftfrost. Formerly a loner named Dancer. (Adult) (Ameile)
Falconpaw -dark brown she-cat with blue eyes. (Apprentice) (Pharah)
Quickpaw -sleek ginger she-cat. Found abandoned alongside Bigpaw. (Young Apprentice) (Tracer)
Bigpaw -black dog that found his way into the clan after being found abandoned along with Quickpaw. (Young Apprentice) (Winston)
Cream -Cream and white she-cat. Works as a permanent nursery queen since she has no want to battle or hunt, takes care of the kits in the clan. Has not had any kits of her own yet. Keeps her loner name. (Adult) (Ingrid)
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lavenderl0ner · 5 months
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Forgot to post this here too! Something about Mirrorverse Amélie and Gerard still together, still in love,,
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dawnthefox24 · 4 months
*Angela and Cole hyping up Gérard for a moment to go out as they're helping him prepare him for a date with Amélie. As they hide from afar watching Amélie and Gérard talk for a moment* Cole: *is sweating a bit*Come on Amélie... Angela: Oh my god... Cole:*looks at Angela* This has to work... Cole: This has to be the moment of truth Angela... *Gérard is standing in front of Amélie and is very nervous* Amélie: Oh Gérard How are you today? Gérard: I-I'm good~ Cole:*grabs Angela arms and starts shaking her a bit* Oh she's happy she's in a good mood Angela: Come on Gérard don't fumble this now... Cole: He won't... Amélie:*smiles happily * I think we got to team up you know... Gérard: Yes! I-I mean okay yeah I get it... Cole: He went in to fast! Angela: Easy there still might be a chance! Cole: Gérard don't fuck this up! Amélie:*hears both Angela and Cole but gives a sweet smile towards Gérard* Let's see... Gérard:*is very nervous* Cole: Oh god... Angela: Please... Amélie: *smiles happily and hold Gérard hand before pulling it away* Could you let me think about it~? Gérard:*feels his heart breaks and nods a bit* I-I sure! *Cole and Angela come out of hiding as Amélie walks off happily but blows a kiss in Gérard way* Cole: COME ON!!! Angela: HE GAVE YOU A LACE PARASOL , A TEA SET, A BRACELET!!! Gérard: *watches a bit not knowing what to do* Cole:*Is laughing his ass off for a moment* Angie it's okay Angela: HE'S IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! Cole:*looks at Angela and starts laughing even harder before pulling her in for a hug* Gérard: *smiles at them* thank you for your help but...Angela are you okay? Angela: *is about to breakdown crying*I can't... Cole:*Looks at Angela and see's she's about to cry* Yeah no, okay come her Angie....It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay... Angela:*hugs him and starts crying for Gérard* Cole: Come let's go and pull pranks on Commander Morrison Angela:*is a babbling mess* Cole:*holds her close* Your hair smell's great... Angela: Thank you... Gérard:...Is she going to be okay? Cole: Yeah give or take, you can leave now Gérard. Gérard:*nods and walks off* Alright I'll let Reyes know of this...thing... Cole: *nods a bit but smiles * Thank you, Come on Angie let's go prank Morrison okay Angela:*is a crying mess*...Okay....
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mugenloopdalove · 2 months
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itshiiiiiiiiightide · 10 months
revamping my timeline and i got some thoughts
How old is Gerard??? Cause Gerard is like, the senior agent to Cassidy, who was already super young for his position? And Amelie is younger than Cassidy? What is that age gap I would like to know
Like for context Gabe is 25 years older than Amelie
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john-seich · 2 years
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one more commission of cyber-gerard in shambala! art by https://www.instagram.com/rey_zen_1/
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secondarythings · 1 year
Incorrect Overwatch Quotes #10
Gerard, also having faked his death: Did you miss me?
Amelie: With every shot so far
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namelessknight · 1 year
Random Overwatch Writing Idea.
I love the idea of if Gerard survived the encounter with WidowMaker that Gerard would do anything to take down not just Talon but also WidowMaker without thinking of the implications that holds.
He just wants revenge at Talon & destroying their weapon WidowMaker and avenging his wife Amélie would bring him peace…or at least he thinks it would.
(Basically he separated WidowMaker from Amélie) He tries not to put too much thought into it, all he does is try focus on the mission and that anger.
If you want a comparison, he’s more akin to OW1 WidowMaker with no feeling replaced with just anger & resentment.
I also imagine that if WidowMaker (Overwatch 2 specially) ever saw Gerard again she would be floored. Flabbergasted and honestly show that side of emotion again.
Compared to OW1 she is showing more emotion…more anger at Talon and when it comes to Gerard. A lot. (Example when she’s all sassy to Solider 76 when telling him that Gérard preferred roses to lilies)
So I imagine this confused WidowMaker hiding her new found emotion to Talon so she doesn’t go through that trauma again and finding out Amélie isn’t totally dead…then encountering a angry supposed to be dead French man bashing through a window and throwing a dagger at her.
I imagine those interactions in game being damn interesting.
Here’s some ideas of how that would go-
“Still angry at the fact I threw that dagger at you?”
“Very well.
“You’re alive…”
“What about it?”
“I killed you.”
She sounds pissed off here in both of her statements.
“Oh pff, You’re just mad that the whole reason that your the way that you are is now a lie. Don’t worry SpiderBuilder…you are still a killer.”
//Laughs at seemingly nothing when in reality it’s a certain someone making her laugh//
“Well that’s not disturbing…”
“What? You used to love my laugh~”
“That was before you murdered me in my sleep.”
//hums a soft melody//
“I remember liking your singing voice…why not sing a little song before we go into battle.”
“No can do. My voice is sore.”
A WidowMaker eye roll can be heard.
“From what exactly?”
“Next time when you shoot, can you not shoot near me?”
“Maybe try not heading in with no plan first.”
“You have to get the job done right away. You made that very clear.”
“And I will make it very clear. Again.”
“//Laughs// Remember that time you got super happy hitting that target at the fair?”
“What? Are you gonna tell me that I was a terrible shot and you would do better?”
She stays very silent a moment. As though in thought or even hurt at that comment.
“…yes. I never miss.”
“Well you missed me, faiseur de veuves!”
“Stop standing so close to me, woman!”
“Must you start every fight when we’re near each other?”
“yOu sTarTeD iT fIrsT!”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I guess I’m the new WidowMaker!”
//Gets killed by WidowMaker//
“You should’ve stayed dead.”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I wAs aFrAiD oF sPiDERs-“
//Gets killed by WidowMaker//
“I wish…I wish things were different my love.”
//Gets killed by Gérard//
“I’m sorry…but history tends to repeat itself…”
//Gets healed by WidowMaker//
“Don’t expect a thank you!”
//Gets healed by Gérard//
“Merci, espèce de porc.”
//Gets healed by WidowMaker//
“Wow! You being nice!”
//Gets healed by Gérard//
“You still care? Pathetic.”
I want to make a separate post about my version of what Gérard would be like if he was in game and also other interaction with other characters!
But this was fun to think, write and experiment with! :DD
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ko1ju · 2 months
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@haylysgay your headcanon twinnie (they we're dancing while goofing around)
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wildissylupus · 4 months
More OG Blackwatch content cause they will not leave my mind.
*Reyes reading a report while Cassidy plays with a knife being board out of his mind when they are both distracted by the sounds of Angela screaming* Angela: *bursting into the room and running to hide behind Gabriel's chair* You got to protect me, he's gonna kill me! Reyes: *very startled* Angela what are you doing?! Cassidy: *raising an eyebrow* Who are you- Gerard: Angela Ziegler, reviens ici tout de suite pour que je puisse te tuer avec mes putains de mains d'ours! (Angela Ziegler get back here right now so I can kill you with my bear fucking hands!) Cassidy: Huh, what did you do to piss Gerard off? Gerard: *bursting through the open door, lacking eyebrows* Found you! *Angela screams while Cassidy starts laughing his ass off and Reyes stare's in bewilderment* Reyes: What... What happened? Angela: *very quickly* So Gerard has a date with Amalie tonight and I offered to help him get ready and he asked if I could wax his eyebrows so I did but when I took the wax strips off there was... a problem. Gerard: MY EYEBROWS ARE GONE! Angela: *borderline sobbing and holding up the wax strips* NO THEY'RE NOT I TOLD YOU THEY'RE RIGHT HERE! Cassidy: *nearly dying while laughing* oh my.... oh my god, I need to tell Ana this. Reyes: I don't get paid enough for this.
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findinyourkin · 1 year
I'm Gerard Lacroix from Overwatch looking for pretty much anyone!! I'm 27 so I'd only like people 18+
In my canon I was Very Gay and married Amelie for money to help my mother if that helps... Anything at all!
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Quite a few Announcements!
Hey there! It’s admin Alex here with a big list of roster updates. OWCRP is happy to announce that the roles of Lucio, Genji, Mauga, and Alt Gerard have been taken!  We’ve also taken a new admin onto our staff team, so you may see her poking around on this account!  We also have a new comms channel only for canon and alt characters, this means you will see MORE of your favorites appearing in those channels!  We’d also like to reiterate since we have more followers on this blog now, we are OPEN for applications! Either send this blog a message or follow our format in our submission page! We also allow spectators that are active within the discord server, so please, ask to join!
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dawnthefox24 · 2 months
Class of 09 has really taken a choke hold on me with Cassidy first joining Overwatch but still being besties with Angela of all people though Angela is basically Jecka. Also trigger warning suicide mentioned!
*Cole talking to Angela about the very first mission with Blackwatch of all things because she wasn't there for it* Angela: How did the mission go? Cassidy:*is really pissed* My second Christmas killed himself! Angela: Whoa that's uh... Gérard: *sighs softly* Trust me Angela... Let him continue his story. Cassidy: Thank you Gérard, now where was I? Gérard: To the scene of the body... Cassidy: *rolls his eyes ignoring Gérard* I walked in...Floor looked like a whole ass video game just blood everywhere. Angela: So what else happened? Cassidy: Get this, loser's suicide note was stuck to the fridge with a cookie monster magnet, All he wrote on it..."Reyes fault." Reyes: *walks in pinching the bridge of his nose*I didn't even know the guy! What the fuck did I even do to him! Gérard: Probably knew him from before but whatever you did was very fucked up to the point where we have no lead now. Cassidy: Yeah thanks a lot Reyes... Angela: Gabe your such a dick why don't you just admit you did something to the guy and accepted the blame. Reyes: *looks at Cole, Gérard and Angela before he takes a deep breath* I'm going for a walk...
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mugenloopdalove · 11 months
i got a prompt for you to write c: write about a late night rooftop meeting between widow and gerard! if you want you add a prompt i really liked ("what were you thinking? you could've gotten killed!")
(I'm writing this in the car so it might be messy hsbdhd.. it'll been in my talon au)
The mission had gone. Well enough. Gerard had gotten overambitious, overconfident, and taken a bullet to his side. Fortunately anything vital was missed, Widow easily took the attacker out, and Gerard was quickly patched.
A rooftop randevu was tradition for Talon's bloodlusted power couple. Unlike usual, however, there was a more tense air as they met. Gerard was first to their meeting place, and as Widow arrived, he matched to his partner and slapped him in the face harshly, leaving Gerard stunned for a moment while they stood there, seemingly catching their breath.
It seemed the attempts to take away Widow's emotions failed more and more every day, Gerard noted.
"What are you thinking? You could have gotten killed!"
It was still ashock to hear that much emotion from them. Anger? Fear? Both? It had been genuine years since Gerard heard his lover's voice with that much power behind it.
He couldn't be fazed for long, though. He knew to keep the mask up, especially in moments like this. "I survived didn't I? You should know better than anyone I-"
"Shut up."
This was the rare occasion where Gerard knew he had to stop. After a few seconds of silence, Widow fell into his chest. Were they... Crying? He could feel them tremble slightly, and when they spoke, he could hear a weakness he never thought he'd hear from his dear Widow.
"Don't ever do that again... You're not allowed to leave..." Widow's voice didn't reach above a whisper. "If you ever try to leave me again... I swear, Gerard... I'll... I'll..." He didn't continue his threat, just went silent. In the still air, Gerard could barely hear him sob. He sighed and smiled gently, holding Widow close and running his hand through their hair.
"My rose... You know I could never leave you..."
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