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hit-with-rock · 2 years ago
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Geowalk along the coast near Lancaster, England. All stops were in Carboniferous limestone. Structures in the rock are from a mountain building period called the Hercynian.
Photo 1: On the left is horizontal limestone strata with a small fault separating a small syncline.
Photos 2,3&4: First two are crinoid fossils; I didn’t have my grain size card for scale, but they were about the size of a coin. Also a picture that might be a large gastropod or a coral, I’m not fantastic at fossils. It’s about fist sized.
Photos 5&6: Left photo shows a normal fault with about half a meter of offset, and is the northern limb of a syncline. Also giant slickenlines on the flat surface near the top of the foot wall. Right photo is hard to see the bedding, but is the southern limb of the syncline. I couldn’t walk further out to get a better picture because of quicksand.
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emekaulor · 6 years ago
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"Ogbor Hospital", as it is popularly called, has improved over the years. It's #ongooglemaps with videos & 360 images. . I was born here! 😊 I couldn't take photos inside nor go check the ward where I was delivered because the Manager was unavailable. . #localguides #localguidesconnect #letsguide #360photos #hospital #accessibility #oneaccessibility #geowalk #photowalk #mbaise #Nigeria #ImoLocalGuides https://www.instagram.com/p/BuKE7spB_fu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hub52c3egq4s
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hajimebs · 10 years ago
ISHIKAWA. H. (2015) GPS Drawing “Elephant” Finessi, Beppe, Geografie – Representations of the World Between Art and Design, Corraini, Mantova, 2015
石川初(2013)パソコン、スマートフォンで見る 航空写真の楽しみ方、遊び方。 (特集 空から見た東京の今昔)『東京人』28(1), 80-83, 2013-01 都市出版
石川初・加藤文俊(2010)生物多様性をめぐる3つのリレートーク (2) もっと「多様」な多様性へ:多様性を楽しむ「フィールドワークの極意」『LANDSCAPE DESIGN』No. 71, pp. 58-59. マルモ出版
石川初(2010)自分の身体をペンにして描く〈地上絵〉『季刊 d/sign デザイン』 no.18  168-171  2010.10 太田出版
石川初(2009)見えない〈切実さ〉のデザイン『季刊 d/sign デザイン』 no.17  122-125  2009.12 太田出版
石川初(2008)インタビュー「石川初の景観を見る眼」『季刊 d/sign デザイン』 no.16 102-109 2008.8 太田出版
石川初(2008)地上にて(3)遷都一三〇〇年の〇・五二パーセント『10+1』 (50), 240-251, 2008  INAX出版
石川初 , 山内彩子(2007)近頃はやりの庭事情–都市に介入する私的な「庭」/「屋上庭園の楽しさ」を再考する/集合住宅のランドスケープ・リノベーションに 思う (特集 目利きに聞く 庭の愛で方、歩き方)『東京人』 22(7), 96-98, 2007-06 都市出版
石川初(2007)地上にて(2)江東デルタ地帯のマジノ線『10+1』 (49), 167-179, 2007  INAX出版
石川初(2007)地上にて(1)安全への二二キロ『10+1』 (48), 206-214, 2007  INAX出版
池田秀紀 , 石川初(2007)GeoWalker (東京をどのように記述するか?) — (続「地図を描く身体」)『10+1』 (47), 139-141, 2007 INAX出版
石川初(2007)パーソナル・トレイル (東京をどのように記述するか?) — (続「地図を描く身体」)『10+1』 (47), 136-139, 2007 INAX出版
石川初(2006)都市のすき間を庭にする 駐車庭のポテンシャルに注目する『コンフォルト』no.91 2006.8 建築資料研究社
石川初(2006)連歌 ランドスケープ(第6回)環境/時間『新建築』 81(10), 208-211, 2006-09
石川初 , 佐々木一晋 , 田中浩也 [他](2006)グラウンディング・ブックガイド (特集 グラウンディング–地図を描く身体)『10+1』 (42), 146, 2006  INAX出版
石川初(2006)グラウンディング支援ツールとしてのカシミール3D (特集 グラウンディング–地図を描く身体)『10+1』 (42), 86-90, 2006  INAX出版
石川初(2006)森の気配–白昼夢としてのイノデ-タブノキ群集 (特集 グラウンディング–地図を描く身体)『10+1』 (42), 78-81, 2006  INAX出版
石川初(2006)Bird’s Eye, Bug’s Spirit (特集 グラウンデ���ング–地図を描く身体)『10+1』 (42), 54-57, 2006  INAX出版
石川初 , 佐々木一晋 , 田中浩也 , 元永二朗(2006) 座談会 グラウンディング–地図を描く身体 (特集 グラウンディング–地図を描く身体)『10+1』 (42), 42-53, 2006  INAX出版
石川初(2004)Where the Streets Have No Name (特集 街路) — (街路への視座)『10+1』 (34), 86-88, 2004  INAX出版
石川初(2004)車道の論理 (特集 街路) — (街路への視座)『10+1』 (34), 79-81, 2004  INAX出版
石川初(2002)東京エキゾチック植物ガイド2002 (特集 新・東京の地誌学 都市を発見するために)『10+1』 (29), 85-100, 2002  INAX出版
石川初(2001)暮らしが育てるまちと景観 イギリスのオープンガーデンに見る「パーソナルスケープ」への可能性『地域開発ニュ-ス』 (271), 28-31, 2001
石川初(2000)空間デザインのための植物図鑑『コンフォルト』no.44 2000.10 建築資料研究社
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earthstory · 7 years ago
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This lovely white colored rock is found exposed in the sea cliff at Pismo Beach in Central California. The rock is a “tuff”, the end result of volcanic explosions. When volcanoes erupt, they can shoot ash into the air and send it flowing along the ground as pyroclastic flows and surges. These ash grains are often still hot when they land and the heat in them is enough to cause the grains to stick together, forming a new rock called a tuff. This rock was literally exploded into debris and now it is stable enough to build stairs on. This rock is Miocene in age, dating back to an interesting time in California. Prior to the Miocene, a large oceanic plate called the Farallon plate was subducting beneath California, leading to the volcanic arcs that produced the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the faulting that produced the Rocky Mountains. About 25 million years ago, during the Miocene, the North American plate crossed over the Farallon plate completely and ran into the mid-ocean ridge between the Farallon and Pacific plates. The motion at the plate margin shifted – instead of subduction of the Farallon plate, any place where the Pacific and North American plates touched they formed a transform boundary. Over time, this boundary shifted positions until about 6 million years ago it integrated as the fault we know today as the San Andreas.
The end of subduction was also associated with a volcanic flareup. Changing the nature of a plate boundary and breaking new faults through the crust often opens gaps in the crust where volcanism can begin. Also, when subduction stops it opens up a “gap” in the subducting plate that has to be filled by the mantle, since the mantle won’t leave open gaps. When the mantle flows upwards to fill a slab gap, it also can begin melting. Volcanism from this era is found throughout California, and in fact it has been subsequently moved around by the development of the San Andreas system.
Image credit: Sharon Mollerus (CC Licensed) https://flic.kr/p/219Y1xF
References: http://www.jf2.com/geowalk/geowalk.html http://bit.ly/2ilc4fq_ _
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malangtoday-blog · 7 years ago
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Yuk, Intip Keseruan Geowalk Oleh Local Guide Se-Nusantara di Kota Batu
MALANGTODAY.NET - Sebanyak 150 anggota Indonesian Local Guides menjadikan Kota Batu sebagai meeting point perdana dalam rangka Meet Up Local Guide Nusantara 2017. Meet Up Nusantara berisi kegiatan seputar dunia guide (pemandu wisata), salah satunya melalui Geowalk. Seputar giat pendataan site location di sejumlah kawasan strategis Kota Wisata Batu. Geowalk dilakukan dengan cara tracking atau berjalan kaki sekaligus mendokumentasikan site locationdimulai dari Gunung Banyak Paralayang Kota Batu hingga Balaikota Among Tani, Sabtu (5/8) pagi. Koordinator Batu Local Guide, Bambang Aprianto menjelaskan, kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk mempromosikan situs-situs kepariwisataan Kota Batu kepada khalayak luas. "Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan aplikasi Google-Maps," terangnya kepada MalangTODAY, Sabtu (5/8). Selain itu, pria yang akrab dipanggil Brian ini menjelaskan, dengan pembaharuan data informasi oleh para relawan local guide sangat penting terkait soal ketahanan informasi. Menurutnya, ada banyak data informasi yang jauh dari akurat, utamanya dalam hal informasi seputar tempat berakibat menyesatkan bagi pengguna jasa Google Maps lain. "Sebab itu, diharapkan dari gelaran ini setidaknya bisa ikut berkontribusi mendukung penyebaran informasi-informasi bermanfaat," cetusnya. Brian menambahkan, target kedepan dari Meet Up Nusantara ini bisa menumbuhkan komunitas local guide serupa di daerah lain yang belum bergerak. "Dengan begitu jalinan komunikasi bisa menyeluruh di segala penjuru dan semakin intensif. Seru," tandas penghobi fotografi dan pecinta fauna ini. Meet Up Nusantara dihadiri anggota local guides dari berbagai penjuru nusantara, mulai dari Medan, Batu, Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Jogja, Surabaya, Salatiga dan masih banyak lagi.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/malang-raya/yuk-intip-keseruan-geowalk-oleh-local-guide-se-nusantara-di-kota-batu/
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geoclubumt-blog · 6 years ago
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GeoWalk is back on Monday nights!! Come explore the local geology around campus with us!! Our fearless leader is Dr. James Sears, an incredibly knowledgeable and engaging professor of the Geosciences here at the U of M. If you are currently enrolled in the Geo100 level class, Dr. Sears is offering extra credit for participating the GeoWalk. We will meet in the breezeway of CHCB at 5pm every Monday evening. The GeoWalks usually last about 30min-1 hour. Please come join us in exploring some areas on campus that you didn’t even know existed!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp355VwAvbr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lb8rqpc6bl3a
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ghostzali2011 · 7 years ago
SPORTOURISM-Perhelatan Festival Geopark Belitung resmi digelar, 22-26 November 2017. Festival yang berlangsung selama lima hari itu digelar di dua lokasi. Pertama Tanjung Pandan di Belitung, satunya lagi Manggar di Belitung Timur.
Agenda yang digelar? Cukup bervariasi. Mulai dari pameran, geotrip, geocoffe, geobike, geowalk, geoband, hingga geoculture, semuanya ada. Itu belum termasuk Seminar Nasional yang akan ditampilkan sebagai penyempurna festival ini.
Kementerian Pariwisata juga langsung action. Evennya ikut dikawal lewat Seminar Nasional yang dilangsungkan, 23-24 November 2017 di Hotel Santika Tanjung Pandan, Belitung.
"Ini usaha untuk mendorong salah satu destinasi prioritas Kemenpar ini menjadi Geopark Nasional dan Global. Ini sekaligus mengenalkan ke masyarakat luar tentang Geopark Pulau Belitung," ujar Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Nusantara Kemenpar Esthy Reko Astuti didampingi Kepala Bidang Wisata Perjalanan Insentif Hendri Karnoza, Jumat (24/11).
Bagi Esthy, masyarakat harus memahami bahwa Geopark adalah sebuah kawasan yang memiliki unsur unsur geologi. Di sini masyarakat setempat diajak berperan serta untuk melindungi dan meningkatkan fungsi warisan alam, termasuk nilai arkeologi, ekologi dan budaya yang ada di dalamnya.
"Warisan dunia ini, jika rusak tak bisa diperbaiki. Keindahan alam yang paling mahal nilai seninya adalah yang alami dan original. Ini yang harus dipahami masyarakat," ujarnya.
Pemahaman soal itu ditularkan ke 100 peserta. Komunitas, pelaku industri pariwisata, Pemda dan pengurus geopark dari seluruh Indonesia dan Asia Pasifik, ikut disentuh. Semua ikut dimotivasi mengembangkan Geopark Belitung.
“Seminarnya dibagi dalam dua diskusi panel. Sesi pertama diisi pemaparan singkat oleh perwakilan Badan Pengelola Geopark Pulau Belitong, Dyah Erowati. Materinya berisi Setahun Perjalanan menuju Geopark Nasional dan UNESCO Geopark Global," ujar Hendri Karnoza.
Setelahnya diisi pemaparan dari Advisory Committee Unesco Global Geopark, Hanang Samodra (APGN AC, Indonesia). Materi yang disampaikan tentang ”Profile Geologi Tanjung Kelayang.”
Dilanjutkan Arya Mahendra Sinulingga (Direktur Pemberitaan MNC Group) dengan Materi Dukungan Media Nasional untuk Promosi Geopark Indonesia. Safri Burhanuddin, Deputi IV Bidang Kordinasi ESDM dan Budaya Maritim dengan materi Pengembangan Geopark di Masa Mendatang.
Sesi kedua diisi oleh sharing pengalaman oleh beberapa perwakilan geopark Indonesia. “Suhono, Pakar Smart City ITB dan Ketua APIC akan bicara tentang Pengembangan Aikasi Smart Tourism dan Culture untuk mendukung pengelolaan Geopark," ujar Hendri.
Kemudian ada Dwi Pratiwi, Belitung Geopark Residece Geogist yang akan membawakan materi Kajian Potensi Bencana Alam dan Mitigasinya Sustainable Tourism. Bagi Menpar Arief Yahya, keberhasilan Pulau Belitung menjadi kawasan Geopark Global akan terwujud bila ada sinergitas Pentahelix.
"Semuanya harus bisa bekerjasama tanpa ada batasan karena penilaian Geopark yang dilakukan UNESCO ini menyebar merata di semua Pulau Belitung. Semoga seminar ini bisa menyatukan semuanya, sehingga upaya kita untuk mewujudkan Belitung masuk dalam zonasi Geopark Global dapat segera terwujud," kata Menpar Arief Yahya. (*)
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clancycalkins · 9 years ago
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Fern Canyon is a lush and damp canyon in the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Humboldt County, California that Nick and I could only keep describing in awe to each other as a scene from Jurassic Park--- I guess we know our movies, because according to the park’s website, Spielberg chose this area for Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World. (We saw Jurassic World a few days later --pretty cheesy, but fun).
When I did my initial research, the park described the trails running through the canyon as some of the best in the park to get an all-around feel of the vast landscapes the whole park has to offer, from moist and mossy vegetation to mature forests and prairie lands. 
Since we only did about a mile or so I’ll keep wondering if the really big trees were out there...  I ask a few other clueless trail-mates we met along the way where the really big ones were and was met with various responses that made me realize the premise of a really big tree was relative. The trees we were walking through were certainly the largest trees I’ve ever seen, but where were the one you see in travel magazines that you could build a house out of, drive a car through (and was the inspiration to the random Redwood tree model at my hometown rustbelt mall in Joliet, IL, that spawned my interest in these things when I was very young?) One backpacker said the trees were still skinny because the saltwater stunted their growth and I thought, “ah! I should have known that.”  Another group spit out “It’s exit 271. Or 272...you’ll see a sign. You have to pay to drive through it. Yeah, it’s pretty big”- kind of thing. But satisfied with the colossal-ness of what I had seen, we turned back to start on our southern migration towards San Francisco. 
One thing I’ve learned about the science of the park since going is that the giant sequoias and the redwoods are actually different trees. The tall but slender trees that we were hiking through were mostly the latter--the sequoias have the wide trunks, but apparently are not as tall. Here’s a guide to spotting the differences.  http://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/cook/sec2.htm
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emekaulor · 6 years ago
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The good thing about meet ups is that you get to experience the transit system, demography, geography, culinary and camaraderie, first hand. . Local Guides can confidently give useful information to enable millions of Google maps users make decisions . #localguides #localguidesconnect #letsguide #meetups #geowalk #photowalk #accessibility #ongooglemaps #streetview #360photography #lagos #ikorodu (at Ikorodu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqnt4w5AjyWJNk43VvKvFqBndmKi3p4S6IFhyI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2mt6mrxqmh15
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emekaulor · 6 years ago
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November 3, 2018 is a date to remember. Hosted my first meetup in Lagos, after the Connect Live. . Basically, we wanted to appreciate the rising African arts and craft and get some of the galleries on Google maps! . It turned out near perfect and some extra activities got features. . After seeing the artworks and profiled artiste. We converged at SuyaBytes in V.I courtesy of Vera. Food tasting started, suddenly a photo portrait experiment happened and turned to be fun. . Lagos Local Guides can make anything happen! . Lets keep guiding. . See the amazing photos link in bio. #localguides #localguidesconnect #letsguide #artxlagos #suyabytes #lagosliving #ongooglemaps #accessibility #photowalk #geowalk #artcrawl (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxdsIKA-xLItAPvzaDDdh6pwSK1pkBnn0LSLQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ulj80z4ykhbr
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emekaulor · 6 years ago
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I am humbled and elated today as I got featured on Local Guides Connect! . Thanks to #localguides for the wonderful programme and opportunity to make @googlemaps a versatile tool for accessibility and helping people find their ways around the world. . And to #NigeriaLocalGuides #LagosLocalGuides and #ImoLocalGuides for our collective efforts 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 . Let's Guide better...🌐 . See full interview 👉 http://bit.ly/2ljMjgy #letsguide #localguides #localguidesconnect #AccessibleNG #Accessibility #MyLGStory #Photowalk #reviews #geowalk #mapediting #foodcrawl #Lagos #Imo #Abia #Anambra #Edo #Delta #Rivers (at Lagos State)
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emekaulor · 6 years ago
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I am humbled and elated today as I got featured on Local Guides Connect! . Thanks to #localguides for the wonderful programme and opportunity to make @googlemaps a versatile tool for accessibility and helping people find their ways around the world. . And to #NigeriaLocalGuides #LagosLocalGuides and #ImoLocalGuides for our collective efforts 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 . Let's Guide better...🌐 . See full interview 👉 http://bit.ly/2ljMjgy #letsguide #localguides #localguidesconnect #AccessibleNG #Accessibility #MyLGStory #Photowalk #reviews #geowalk #mapediting #foodcrawl #Lagos #Imo #Abia #Anambra #Edo #Delta #Rivers (at Lagos State)
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emekaulor · 7 years ago
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Going Green with Google Maps- my presentation at the 2018 @localguideslagos Forum. Follow Lagos Local Guide YouTube Channel to see all presentations and activities for the day. #LocalGuides #localguideconnect #lagosforum #LLForum2018 #letsguide #maps #environment #nature #flora #fauna #NigeriaLocalGuides #meetup #photowalk #maps #geowalk #mymaps #googleoutreach #pollution #forest #endangeredspecies
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emekaulor · 7 years ago
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@localguideslagos forum 2018 done and dusted. Six presentations, newbies, networking, streetview, 360 photos, green maps, perks, meet-ups, detailed reviews and drones! An intensive but fulfilling week. Weekends arw just perfect with @googlelocalguides . #LetsGuide #localguides #LagosForum #localguideconnect #drones # photowalk #maps #lagoslocalguides #geowalk #mapediting #NigeriaLocalGuides #streetview #tourism #environment #tech #recreation #accessibility #wheelchairs #trails #culture
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emekaulor · 7 years ago
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Imo State is known for some Statues of popular and unpopular figures. I saw some historic figures and unfinished moulds. . See complete photos - https://bit.ly/2F8X10D . . #LetsGuide #localguideconnect #LocalGuides #36walk #36walk2018 #imo36walk2018 #Imo #Owerri #statues #herosquare #easternheartland #parks #gardens #tourism #photowalk #geowalk #mapediting #accessibility
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emekaulor · 8 years ago
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The buildings are getting some facelifts and of course a pallete for the exquisite neighbourhood. #googleproject #googleguide #ikoyi #lagos #level4 #photowalk #geowalk (at Awolowo Road, Ikoyi)
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