#Meet Up Nusantara 2017
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Yuk, Intip Keseruan Geowalk Oleh Local Guide Se-Nusantara di Kota Batu
MALANGTODAY.NET - Sebanyak 150 anggota Indonesian Local Guides menjadikan Kota Batu sebagai meeting point perdana dalam rangka Meet Up Local Guide Nusantara 2017. Meet Up Nusantara berisi kegiatan seputar dunia guide (pemandu wisata), salah satunya melalui Geowalk. Seputar giat pendataan site location di sejumlah kawasan strategis Kota Wisata Batu. Geowalk dilakukan dengan cara tracking atau berjalan kaki sekaligus mendokumentasikan site locationdimulai dari Gunung Banyak Paralayang Kota Batu hingga Balaikota Among Tani, Sabtu (5/8) pagi. Koordinator Batu Local Guide, Bambang Aprianto menjelaskan, kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk mempromosikan situs-situs kepariwisataan Kota Batu kepada khalayak luas. "Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan aplikasi Google-Maps," terangnya kepada MalangTODAY, Sabtu (5/8). Selain itu, pria yang akrab dipanggil Brian ini menjelaskan, dengan pembaharuan data informasi oleh para relawan local guide sangat penting terkait soal ketahanan informasi. Menurutnya, ada banyak data informasi yang jauh dari akurat, utamanya dalam hal informasi seputar tempat berakibat menyesatkan bagi pengguna jasa Google Maps lain. "Sebab itu, diharapkan dari gelaran ini setidaknya bisa ikut berkontribusi mendukung penyebaran informasi-informasi bermanfaat," cetusnya. Brian menambahkan, target kedepan dari Meet Up Nusantara ini bisa menumbuhkan komunitas local guide serupa di daerah lain yang belum bergerak. "Dengan begitu jalinan komunikasi bisa menyeluruh di segala penjuru dan semakin intensif. Seru," tandas penghobi fotografi dan pecinta fauna ini. Meet Up Nusantara dihadiri anggota local guides dari berbagai penjuru nusantara, mulai dari Medan, Batu, Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Jogja, Surabaya, Salatiga dan masih banyak lagi.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/malang-raya/yuk-intip-keseruan-geowalk-oleh-local-guide-se-nusantara-di-kota-batu/
#Geowalk#Gunung Banyak#Indonesian Local Guides#Kota Batu#Meet Up Local Guide Nusantara#Meet Up Nusantara 2017#Paralayang
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HUT Ke-65 Astra Meriahkan Hari UMKM Nasional dan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia
BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Melanjutkan kemeriahan perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-65 Astra yang dimulai pada Februari lalu, Astra kembali mengadakan perayaan HUT ke-65 Astra, Kamis (18/8/2022). Perayaan yang mengangkat momentum Hari Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Nasional dan HUT ke-77 Republik Indonesia (RI) kali ini dibalut dalam nuansa khas dari wilayah Sulawesi. Turut hadir secara virtual dalam acara ini Menteri Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) RI, Teten Masduki, Direktur Astra, Gita Tiffani Boer, dan Insan Astra dari berbagai penjuru Indonesia. “Kami berharap Astra dapat memperkuat program kemitraan UMKM, baik melalui Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra ataupun melalui anak perusahaan lainnya. Semoga seluruh upaya kolaborasi dan sinergi antarkementerian, lembaga, pemerintah daerah, BUMN, dan swasta, khususnya Astra, mampu memberikan dampak besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan kesejahteraan masyarakat,” ujar Menteri Teten Masduki saat memberikan keynote speech. Direktur Astra Gita Tiffani Boer dalam sambutannya menegaskan bahwa Astra tidak hanya mengembangkan usahanya, tetapi juga turut membangun Insan Astra yang unggul dan mengembangkan kontribusi sosial yang berkelanjutan sepanjang 65 tahun perjalanannya. “Hingga akhir tahun 2021, Astra telah membina lebih dari 15.900 UMKM, 24 Lembaga Pengembangan Bisnis, 878 penyandang disabilitas serta 125 start-up yang turut menggerakkan kewirausahaan Indonesia,” ujar Direktur Astra Gita Tiffani Boer. Melanjutkan rangkaian perayaan HUT ke-65 Astra pada bulan Februari, Mei dan Juni lalu, seluruh rangkaian acara inspiratif seperti Sustainability Webinar, Perayaan HUT Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA), InnovNation Webinar, Astra Career Meet Up, Virtual Exhibition, dan Kreasi Nusantara Wilayah Sulawesi dapat diakses melalui platform digital 65tahunastra.jagat.live hingga 20 Agustus 2022. Pada penyelenggaraan hari pertama, Astra mengadakan Sustainability Webinar bertema ‘Building Resilience through SMEs & local Village Product in Indonesia’ yang dipandu oleh Penerima Apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards 2017 Anjani Sekar Arum. Hadir menjadi pembicara dalam sesi webinar ini Assistant Vice President Shipper Marina Hindarko dan Founder UMKM ABC Wooden Toys Rita Indriana mewakili UMKM Binaan YDBA. Rangkaian acara hari pertama kemudian ditutup dengan perayaan HUT YDBA sebagai yayasan Astra yang fokus pada pembinaan UMKM di tanah air. Pada hari kedua, acara akan dilanjutkan dengan InnovNation Webinar bertema ‘Bisnis Hyperlocal, UMKM Andal’ yang dibawakan oleh Penerima Apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards 2017 Djamaludin yang merupakan inisiator Kampung Sayur di Kampung Berseri Astra (KBA) Kanreapia, Sulawesi Selatan dan dilanjutkan oleh Founder IWEARUP, fashion designer, dan book author Diana Rikasari yang akan berbagi pengalamannya dalam sesi bertema ‘21st Century Enterpreneurship’. Astra juga mengadakan Astra Career Meetup dengan tajuk ‘Project management 101’ yang akan dibawakan oleh Sekretaris Pengurus YDBA Ida Rotua M. Sigalingging dan Communications & Investor Relations Manager Astra Agro Fenny Anggraeni diakhir hari kedua. Terakhir, Kreasi Nusantara Wilayah Sulawesi menjadi penutup acara perayaan HUT ke-65 Astra Wilayah Sulawesi pada hari ketiga. Sebelumnya, Festival Kewirausahaan Astra 2022 membuka rangkaian HUT ke-65 Astra wilayah Sulawesi dengan menyelenggarakan seremoni pelepasan ekspor perdana produk unggulan dari tiga Desa Sejahtera Astra (DSA) yaitu DSA Wakatobi, DSA Bombana, dan DSA Bone dengan total transaksi senilai Rp6,5 miliar di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan pada 12 Agustus lalu. Peringatan Ulang Tahun ke-77 Republik Indonesia Pada Hari Kemerdekaan RI, Rabu (17/8/2022) kemarin Astra ikut memeringati momentum tersebut dengan melaksanakan upacara bendera secara nasional yang melibatkan Insan Astra di seluruh Indonesia. Di Jakarta, upacara dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan peserta dalam jumlah terbatas di Menara Astra, dan ditayangkan secara live melalui platform digital 65tahunastra.jagat.live. Presiden Direktur Astra Djony Bunarto Tjondro bertindak sebagai pembina upacara dalam upacara bendera tersebut. Selain itu, Astra juga meluncurkan episode perdana dari 17an Seru Bareng Astra di platform digital 65tahunastra.jagat.live dan YouTube channel SATU Indonesia dalam rangka memeriahkan HUT ke-77 RI. Penonton dapat menyaksikan kelanjutan episode lomba yang dipandu oleh Tarra Budiman dan melibatkan peserta yang terdiri dari Refal Hady, Yuki Kato, Arafah, Ardit Erwandha, Dhinda Salsabila, Derrick Michael, dan para Insan Astra YouTuber di YouTube channel SATU Indonesia pada tanggal 21, 25, dan 29 Agustus 2022. Terakhir, pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2022 mendatang Demo Day dan Awarding Astranauts 2022 yang merupakan puncak acara kompetisi inovasi digital untuk mahasiswa dan start-up dari Astra menjadi penutup rangkaian selebrasi Hari Kemerdekaan RI tahun ini. Dengan mengangkat tema utama ‘Semangat Bergerak dan Tumbuh Bersama’ pada perayaan HUT ke-65 ini, Astra ingin mengajak masyarakat luas yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok negeri untuk berbagi semangat positif dan optimisme, bergerak, dan tumbuh bersama menuju masa depan yang lebih baik. Perayaan HUT ke-65 Astra masih akan berlanjut dengan membawa nuansa Wilayah Kalimantan, serta Bali, Nusa Tenggara, dan Indonesia Bagian Timur pada bulan September dan November mendatang. Seluruh rangkaian kegiatan HUT ke-65 Astra ini sejalan dengan cita-cita Astra untuk sejahtera bersama bangsa dan mendukung Sustainable Development Goals Indonesia.(bpn) Read the full article
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Welcome to the November edition of Indo Art Link - we have lots of news to share with you this month! Also this month, Indo Art Link will be heading to the APT9 Opening Weekend and we hope to see many of you in Brisbane and of course to view the amazing artworks by participating Indonesian artists, more details below:
Catalogue cover, The 9th Asia Pacific Triennial, artwork by Zico Albaiquni. 'When it Shook - The Earth stood Still (After Pirous)' 2018, by Zico Albaiquni.
THE 9TH ASIA PACIFIC TRIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART APT9 / Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) Brisbane, Australia 24 November 2018 – 28 April 2019
The highly anticipated Asia Pacific Triennial (APT) returns to Brisbane in its ninth iteration, featuring 5 Indonesian artists: Aditya Novali, Boedi Widjaja, Elia Nurvista, Handiwirman Saputra and Zico Albaiquni. These artists' works will feature alongside artists from over 30 countries representing the Asia Pacific region. They will join the ranks of 50 of the most renown Indonesian contemporary artists who have participated in the APT since it fist began in 1993.
Many will instantly recognise artist Zico Albaiquni's colourful and vibrant artwork featured on the cover of the APT9 catalogue, as well as the November/December 2018 cover of Art Guide Australia. One of the must sees of APT9 will be Boedi Widjaja’s two-part Black—Hut, Black—Hut, a work exploring what constitutes home. If you can’t see Widjaja’s work in Brisbane, you will have a chance to view his two-part installation at the Singapore Biennale 2019. This co-commissioned piece is the first project to be developed from a five-year partnership between the Singapore Art Museum and Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) – first established in October 2016. Launching on Friday 24 November, APT9 has a jam-packed program for the opening weekend, with events right through until the exhibition closes on 28 April, 2019. If you are in the Brisbane area over this time period, be sure to check out these Indonesian artists' works in person and if you are in Brisbane this weekend, come along on Saturday to meet Elia Nurvista, who will join a panel discussion:Histories Through Food. Indo Art Link will be attending - hope to see you there! Opening weekend public program details and artist information can be found in the links below.
APT 9 Indonesian artists: Aditya Novali, b. 1978 Indonesia, lives Solo. Boedi Widjaja, b.1975, Indonesia, lives Singapore. Elia Nurvista, b. 1982 Indonesia, lives Yogyakarta. Handiwirman Saputra, b. 1975 Indonesia, lives Yogyakarta. Zico Albaiquni, b. 1987 Indonesia, lives Bandung.
Installation views of 'Bara Lapar Jadikan Palu,20 tahun Taring Padi' at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts.
Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Galeri RJ Katamsi
Bara Lapar Jadikan Palu
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
21 November – 9 December 2018
The indefatigable Jogja based collective Taring Padi are celebrating their 20 year anniversary this month by staging a survey exhibition of their work at Jogjakarta’s main art school, the Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI). It was within the grounds of the recently relocated art school, then known as the Indonesian Academy of Fine Art (ASRI), where back in 1998 Taring Padi began. Squatting on the vacated campus grounds, many of the collectives key participants united by making use of both the available studio space and the collective camaraderie during the wide spread student push against Suharto's failing presidency.
Since then, Taring Padi’s activities have seen them working in regional communities right across the archipelago as they encourage local workshop participants of all ages to voice their concerns over social political issues through locally accessible artforms such as wayang kadus (cardboard puppets) and woodcut prints. With a studio that houses 20 years of socially engaged artmaking to draw from, this exhibition showcases the key political issues and communities that Taring Padi have worked with to date, alongside their group projects such as the Pemilu Poster Series, which is in its third iteration in the lead up to the Indonesian general election in April 2019.
The exhibition will be accompanied by both an opening and a closing event complete with live bands and performances, banner making, tattoo and mural workshops, a film screening and exhibition tours by key artists who have been working with the group since 1998.
Sadly, as noted in the June Indo Art Link newsletter, earlier this year Taring Padi lost a key collaborator and leading figurehead of the group, Yustoni Volunteero, for who there will be a memorial shrine within the exhibition for visitors to pay their respects. While their 10 year anniversary resulted in the publication ‘Seni Membongkar Tirani’, similarly this milestone has been taken by the group as a time for reflection and a chance to celebrate their sustained commitment to art and activism.
First Sight: Presentations by Conceptual Artists
Arahmaiani, Lee Mingwei and On Kawara
Jakarta, Indonesia
17 November 2018 – 10 March 2019
Museum MACAN’s third exhibition opened this month in Jakarta, presenting three major solo presentations by conceptual artists Arahmaiani (Indonesia), Lee Mingwei (Taiwan-America) and On Kawara (Japan). The exhibition illustrates the possibilities of performance and conceptual practice through a series of visual artworks, interactive installations and performance works by each presenting artist.
Arahmaiani, recognised as a pioneer of performance art in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, showcases over 70 pieces including installation works, paintings and re-enactments of iconic performances in her exhibition The Past Has Not Passed. This survey includes works from the 1980s until today, highlighting the full breadth of Arahmaiani’s practice. The artist, well known for her social activism, has had a robust and long-standing global presence over three decades. In addition to her art pieces; personal documentation, notes and writings from her studio are also on display throughout the exhibition. Museum MACAN has released a publication on the seminal artist – further defining Arahmaiani's position in the history of performance art of Southeast Asia.
This month marks Museum MACAN’s one-year anniversary. Since officially opening its doors in November 2017, the museum has welcomed more than 350,000 local and international visitors and has undergone a recent expansion. It now boasts 7,100 square meters of exhibition space over two floors, an auditorium, library and outdoor space.
We are extremely honoured to have Museum MACAN Director Aaron Seeto, formerly Curatorial Manager of Asian and Pacific Art at QAGOMA and before that Director at Sydney’s 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, contributing to ourTermasuk exhibition catalogue. He plays a vital role in linking Indonesia and Australia, and brings a broad global view of how important Indonesia and the region is to the art world. With each exhibition, Museum MACAN confirms its place as a significant platform for local and international artists, dedicated to supporting cultural exchange and art education – it is a welcomed addition to the museum landscape of Indonesia.
Museum MACAN (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Nusantara) was recently included in TIME magazine’s 2018 list of the World’s Greatest Places - indeed, we agree!
Minimalism: Space. Light. Object
16 November 2018 - 14 April 2019
This November, National Gallery Singapore and ArtScience Museum will present the region’s first exhibition focusing on Minimalism. Presenting over 150 works,Minimalism: Space, Light, Object, will explore the history and legacy of this groundbreaking art movement, which continues to influence a wide range of art forms and practitioners across the world today. The exhibition will provide a re-examination of Minimalism’s origins, broadening the scope beyond New York to consider related tendencies around the world. A key aspect is the ongoing engagement of Minimal art with Asian art and spirituality in the work of Asian, American and European artists.
It will feature works by some of the most significant artists of the past 70 years – including Mark Rothko, Donald Judd, Yayoi Kusama, Charlotte Posenenske, Lee Ufan, Olafur Eliasson, Anish Kapoor, Ai Weiwei, Po Po, as well as Singaporean artists Kim Lim and Tang Da Wu.
Over the opening weekend, Art Historian Dr. Joan Kee presented a lecture on why Asia and Asian artists mattered in relation to Minimalism, bringing further insight to an often overlooked area of study - we look forward to hearing more on her talk,
Minimalism in Asia Major.
Indo Art Link Anniversary (2017-2018)
For our many new subscribers, and to officially mark our one year anniversary, we are preparing a recap of Indo Art Link's activities to date. More details soon!
Artist Profiles
Look out for our Artist Profiles which will feature a few Termasuk artists as we gear up towards the exhibition opening in January 2019!
Not a subscriber? Join here
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Be Content But NEVER Be Fulfilled
Hot water is a need in services and houses like accommodations and also dining establishments. When on a holiday, forking over a lot of amount of money for unneeded things is actually something our company are good at. And also there is no refuting that this can actually improve often times when you take a trip with your family members. Besides being a wonderful life expertise, the fascinating group aspects from young men as well as females residing in each other's pockets for months at a time is an outright bonanza for an author, and also I put that experience to really good make use of in creating my launching YA unfamiliar Street Rash, a "band-on-the-road" tale about increasing up-and growing into on your own. When that is actually team of purchases when these two purchases are accomplished it will be a net benefit after that year washing opportunity that I spoke to you around earlier or even approximately TWENTY manner points when it concerns natural development, so this accurately a perk and there is actually likewise margin perks since the Atrium organisation is greater scope than our USA confectionary service. Balaputradewa adalah raja yang paling terkenal dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya karena di masa pemerintahan beliaulah Kerajaan Sriwijaya mencapai puncak kejayaannya sebagai sebuah Kerajaan Maritime yang berkuasa hampir diseluruh Nusantara hingga mencapai Thailand, India, Filipina dan China.
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The 2018 TEDxUbud Lineup
Will Travis is a globally renowned creative entrepreneur and global brand builder. He has over 27 years of leadership experience in the brand and marketing communication world; launching, navigating and selling two of the world’s leading and largest creative agencies (Attik and SidLee) to global multinational holding companies (Dentsu and Hakuhodo). He is the founder and CEO brand building consultancy group Elevation Barn, guiding some of the worlds most transformative leaders and he advises global celebrities and executive leaders through his consultancy group Anderson Short. Toyota, BlackRock, The Ministry of Happiness, MissionBlue, Absolut, CocaCola, Intel, Disney, and a list of confidential celebrity figures have all been supported and guided by Will’s laser focussed strategic approach to unique brand messaging.
Throughout his career, Will has paralleled his passions for creative excellence with something that pushes his appetite and confidence in risk beyond others, global exploration. He has summited several of the world’s highest 7 Summits in Antarctica, Europe and Africa, motorbiked with the notorious 5,000mile Dakar Rally through S.America and traversed on bike, the 18,000 ft Ladakh Pass in India. He is a passionate family man of four magical children and one amazing wife, with whom he lives between homes in New York and the island of Bali.
Angga D. Martha is currently the UN Youth Adviser for Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia and plays an interface role between the government and the UN country team in coordinating and mobilising youth around awareness and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). Recently graduating from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, he has studied sustainable development, human security, and cross-sector partnership.
Angga is also part of the CIVICUS Youth Action team, and is one of the Global Focal Point representatives of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth, focusing on issues relating to peace, justice, and good governance (SDG 16). The Youth Action Team is a group of youth leaders from around the world that are mandated to give input to mainstreaming youth participation and ensuring the availability of civic spaces for youth. Angga and the team work to ensure that young people are not a just checkbox, but rather that they are key stakeholders and active participants in shaping future development. Angga was awarded as the recipient of the Presidential Awards for Civic Life by Tufts University in 2017 for his youth and community engagement.
Daniel Connell, a visual artist from Adelaide, uses his art to bring change to society. Daniel’s practise is large-scale, often ephemeral, often public, naturalistic portraits which merge into an ongoing practice of work in advocacy for migrants and displaced peoples both in Australia and overseas. He has created public art projects in the UK, Europe, US and Canada.
He has presented paintings of Indigenous Australians at Kochi Biennale in 2012 and also exhibited paintings of Tamil workers in Kochi at the 2014 Kochi Biennale. After living in India for three years and meeting an integral group of people who were to shape his future practise, Daniel’s works are often inspired by Indian people and he is actively involved in the Sikh community in Australia—helping to fight against challenges that newly arrived migrants face in their new country. He holds degrees in Spanish Language and Latin American Studies, has a Diploma of Education and is currently studying Hindi language. Currently a PhD Candidate in the School of Art, Architecture and Design at the University of South Australia, Daniel is also a lecturer in portraiture, drawing and painting at Adelaide Central School of Art.
‘Indonesia is a country built on multiculturalism and tolerance with its 17,000+ islands and 260 million people, it is even written in the country's founding philosophy the Pancasila—but understanding your neighbours isn’t always straightforward.’ In 2013, along with her co-founders, Meiske Demitria Wahyu founded a non-profit, student exchange program called Sabang Merauke to promote tolerance between religions in Indonesia. Being from a Chinese/Christian background this is a subject close to Meiske’s heart and she is determined to show people the futility of the prejudices people can hold on to. Each year Sabang Merauke picks 15 students from remote areas in Indonesia to spend two weeks in Jakarta with a family with a different faith to theirs, to meet people in the program and most importantly to learn about diversity. Over 1,170 students signed up for the program this year along with 445 mentors and 33 host families.
Kelli Swazey is fascinated by two big questions: how do we know who we are, and how does our identity shape interactions with others? As a cultural anthropologist, Swazey has explored these ideas by researching how religion, spirituality and politics define society in Indonesia, where she has lived for more than 13 years. Swazey is currently a lecturer at the Center for Cross-Cultural and Religious Studies at Gadjah Mada University.
In her research, Swazey has looked at Christian-Muslim relations in North Sulawesi, documented Indonesian church services in New England and taken an interest in the funeral practices in Tana Toraja, located in eastern Indonesia. Examining the way Torajans make death a unique part of village life has deeply influenced her own thoughts on the end of life, she says. This is why she loves anthropology: because thinking about human difference has the power to teach us about ourselves. Kelli’s TED talk on this subject has had over 1.5 million views.
Kelli Swazey is a socially engaged scholar. She brings anthropology to public engagement that aims to unite people in the collaborative production of knowledge. Through research, public education, and media production she works toward the realisation of a more just and multicultural Indonesia.
Lisa was born and raised in Siantar, a small town in North Sumatera. After dropping out of college she left her hometown and started a culinary career in Batam island, which eventually led her to Bali.
Joining the Locavore team in early 2017, Lisa went over to Nusantara when it opened in mid-2017, alongside Chef Putu, the former Sous Chef of Locavore.
Lisa loves the flow of a finely tuned kitchen, as she says 'when I am on the line with my team, dancing through the flow of the ticket printer rhythm and fire the dish right on time, receiving a good feedback from our guests—it's like an achievement, something that I will carry home'.
Although Lisa has only been cooking for six years, she holds her own in an industry still dominated by men and is currently working in Locavore's Lab on some special, new experiments remixing the best of Indonesia's traditional flavours with contemporary culinary techniques.
Korean traditional percussionist Kim So Ra is a performer and ambassador of Honam Province Jeongeup folk music, a tradition in which she has been trained under the direct apprenticeship of human cultural asset Master Jihwa Yu.
For ten years, she has been entertaining and educating audiences about Korea’s folk music not only in Korea but also in Japan and the USA.
The Korean drum, Jangu, is a particular traditional percussion instrument that attempts to capture the sound of each raindrop by combining the senses, vision, audition, as well as touch.
Lauded by leading Indonesian music journalist Rudolf Dethu as 'Bali's Musical Einstein' and `one of the most respected figures in Bali's music scene’—Ian Joshua Stevenson is a master chameleon, whose voice can seamlessly transition in seconds from heart-soaring heights, to the dark depths of grunge and rock.
From his early days as one of the original members of Dialog Dini Hari, Ian was part of Kaimsasikun and is now the vocalist for Zat Kimia. An accomplished songwriter Ian also writes for a raft of well-known Indonesian acts.
Pancer Langiit is a community of young passionate Balinese dancers founded by Anak Agung Gede Agung Rahma Putra in 2012. The community started with Agung Rahma’s vision to create art without leaving the traditional elements of Bal behind and to have youth to be a vital part of the process. Pancer Langiit has performed in several events including the Bali Art Festival, as well as religious ceremonies in temples in Bali and Java.
Will the antibiotics of the future be made from ancient dragon's blood? Alongside scientific colleagues at Mason University, Dr Barney Bishop recently isolated a substance in the blood of the Komodo dragon that appears to have powerful germ-killing abilities. Inspired by the discovery, they created a similar chemical in the lab and dubbed it DRGN-1.
The reason for the Komodo dragon's success may be that the bite of these giant lizards is so poisonous that even a nip can kill. They have more than 50 varieties of bacteria in their mouths yet rarely fall ill. But they're also immune to the bites of other dragons. Dr Bishop says this is because the blood of Komodo dragon is filled with proteins called antimicrobial peptides, AMPs, an all-purpose infection defence produced by all living creatures, that one day may be used in drugs to protect humans. That would be a welcome development because some antibiotics are losing their effectiveness as bacteria develop resistance to the drugs. Dr Bishop is currently part of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at George Mason University and is also Director of Science at Ceres Nanosciences. His current research interests include molecular engineering, antimicrobial peptides and the design of novel therapeutic agents for combating infection.
Nona Ria is Nanin Wardhani (piano and accordion), Nesia Ardi (vocal and snare) and Yasintha Pattiasina (violin). Influenced by old Indonesian songs rooted in ragtime and swing, Nona Ria composes their songs in that genre to critical acclaim.
A performance incorporating contemporary dance and projection mapping, Leviathan Lamalera is the brainchild of Prehistoric Soul Project. The art performance concept reconstructs prehistoric life through multimedia and various scientific disciplines, to remind people of the basic need to not exploit nature. Originally performed with various artists and musicians on a massive bamboo whale installation built on the shore of Lamalera, a village in Flores, Indonesia.
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30+ new jobs in Gresik
IndeedJobAlert_email INDOSOFT, Bina Nusantara, and Lavorus have opportunities for you! 30+ new jobs in Gresik Admin HRD PT. Oggi Cipta Furindo - Mojokerto Wanita, Usia Max 30 Tahun. Pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat. Berpengalaman di bidang HRD dan Kepersonaliaan minimal 1 tahun. Bertanggung jawab dalam:.... Easily apply 8 Jan Data Entry Staff INDOSOFT - Malang Perform the following tasks for a specific set of clients on a daily or weekly basis: Process Inbox. Login into unique client accounting web-portal and... Easily apply 8 Jan Staff Engineering & Maintenance (EM) GROUP AJINOMOTO INDONESIA - Mojokerto Pendidikan min S1 (Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro) Usia maks 28th. Bidang studi konversi energy, design atau maintenance, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika) Usia... Easily apply 8 Jan Staff ITEC – NEX GROUP AJINOMOTO INDONESIA - Mojokerto Usia maks 28 tahun. Pendidikan min S1 (Teknik Kimia, Teknik Pangan, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian). Melakukan koordinasi control konstruksi Project.... Easily apply 8 Jan Administrative PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang (KPSG Recruitment Center Malang) - Malang Pria / Wanita SINGLE maksimal usia 25 tahun c. B.Fakultas / Prodi semua jurusan (diutamakan Manajemen Perkantoran, Teknik Informatika & Desain Web, Akuntansi... Easily apply 8 Jan Training & Development Supervisor PT. Eastern Logistics - Lamongan Proficient in MS. Responsible for creating and implementing training programs and overseeing the development of careers.... Easily apply 8 Jan Penjaga Toko Lavorus - Malang Jam kerja ringan. Pekerjaan adalah menjaga toko di Malang (Sekitar 50m dari Universitas Brawijaya).... Easily apply 8 Jan Collection Remedial (Penempatan Mojokerto) PT. BFI FINANCE INDONESIA Tbk - Mojokerto Laki-laki, usia maks.30 th. Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan (SMA Berpengalaman Sebelumnya). Silahkan Drop CV Via online menggunakan HP Android/Iphone Anda.... Easily apply 8 Jan Accounting PT Wisata Anugerah Abadi - Malang Pria/Wanita Usia maksimal 36 tahun. 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Easily apply 8 Jan 119 new jobs found View All Jobs View jobs: since yesterday - for last 7 days Get job updates from these companies IndoSoft Follow Bina Nusantara Follow PT. Equityworld Surabaya Follow © 2017 Indeed Ireland Operations, Ltd. 124 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS | HELP CENTER | UNSUBSCRIBE Silahkan Hubgungi Jika Anda Berminat Dengan Lowongan Ini Lowongan Kerja SMA Terbaru
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On: Year-End Note
Hello, there!
How’s your new year preparation?
Or, what would you say about 2017 that will be ended soon?
Well, for me personally, what can I say but a gratitude, so much gratitude, for everything happened in 2017.
“A year of accomplishments & explorations.”
There, I wrote it on a piece of paper, as part of my new year ritual and aspiration to start 2017, more or less 362 days ago. And believe it or not, both had became true. I personally still need a little time to acknowledge that God has been utterly kind to me this year, after many lost, sadness and hard decision I had in 2016, He brought me new chapters which had enriched my life in the best possible way.
I am amazed by His grace, therefore I cannot thank God enough for everything that He has planned for me.
In 2017, I met a lot of new people, reconnected with more people from my past, and then learning about myself again, realizing that I am still so far from being a kind person. At last, I understand that I’ve been so obsessed with the word ‘kindness’ and forgetting the most important value of being kind itself: “being genuine”. I realized that I need to be better at being genuine towards people, and to open my heart to forgive and understand people.
But even so, I am grateful to know that I am still able to accept my own flaws and take lessons from it. And I hope you are able to do so! :)
If instagram has “bestnine” photos to show, in my opinion, life has given us more than 9 moments to be celebrated and remembered. But if 9 things could represent our best moments in a better way than listing it until 100 moments, then here are the 9 best things happened in my life during 2017 (I have mentioned some of them in my birthday post, actually) :
- Took part as a volunteer teacher at Sekolah Rumpin.
In Sekolah Rumpin, I met many talented, ambitious yet gentle people there, mostly women (and they are even younger than me!). I really like them, because their intelligence amazed me in the best possible way. I have met Bu Neneng as the activist from Rumpin, an alpha female persona from Rumpin whom we can also call: Nenek lincah in Indonesian terms. Unfortunately, I’ve been off for months due to Belu project and my personal needs of ‘silence moment to think’ after Belu’s project. But I promise I’ll be back soon after this year. I promise to myself, and for the children at rumpin (even though they might already forgot me..... -->being pessimistic haha).
- Took part as a volunteer for a research from Center for Indonesian Policy Studies. (And got my 1st serious writing published in an established journal!)
There’s no other thing than a gratitude after you met wonderful people who work behind the scene to contribute to our society and country. It was the first time I joined think-tank organization’s activity, and I was easily fell in love with their long-term purpose! (I might as well apply to one of them soon after I finished my study. Hehe). The research project was about low-cost private schools in a district called Koja. As an interior design graduate, the experience has brought me into a different level of perspective, and pushed me forward to learn many things other than aesthetic value. You can read my writings in
- Took part in IKKON team, assigned by Creative Economy Bureau in Indonesia (known as Bekraf - Badan Ekonomi Kreatif)
Here, my friend, was the time when I met even more amazing people, such as Bapak Triawan Munaf as the chief of Bekraf, Bapak Singgih Kartono from Magno Radio and Ibu Mak from Tala. Not only that, I also met more people from different professional backgrounds, from anthropologists, fashion designers/experts, graphic designer, architects, to business consultants all in one place. During our stay in hotel -for the training session-, I had a breakfast with one of the field manager who apparently had built his own private school. He taught me the step to start my own foundation and the process behind his school. In another chance, I also had a discussion with one hella smart business advisor, a woman, who has been raising her children alone after the passing of her husband, yet still maintaining her career as a business consultant and lecturer. Deep down my heart, I wish I can do something as great as them, or even greater. Aamin.
- Explored Belu and its surroundings, in East Nusa Tenggara
The journey began on July (my favorite month! yeay!), and as I stepped my foot on A. A. Bere Tallo airport, I started to fell in love -once again- with the eastern part of Indonesia. I met many people there, Bapak Willy as the governor of Belu, Bapak Jap as the Head of Belu Tourism Bureau, Mama Rosa as our guide during the trip (she is also the head of Creative Economy division in Belu Tourism Bureau), Bapak Goris as the chief of Dua Rato village, Mama Wilhelmina as the wife of Bapak Goris, Mothers of Dua Rato village, Nualain’s royal family, Bapak Anis, friend from Nusantara Sehat. You know what I lost my counts. I learned many things from them, about leadership, kindness, indigenous wisdom from several villages in Belu, genuineness, and also politics (hehe). There my friends, what can I ask more from God?
- Reconnected with old friends in Bandung
After I finished IKKON trip, I took some times off to stay in Bandung, stayed in the same building with my best friend, Kennya, and then reconnected with my old friends (when I still managed Omoi back in 2013-2015). I thought I lost them, I thought things would be awkward between us while surprisingly, they still recognized me as a friend, not as the ex of someone or just one stranger woman from the past. At that time, I was relearning about the value of genuine friendship, and how to nurture the friendship itself. I learned that friendship is about giving, giving, and giving without expecting. My stay in Bandung also had brought back my health routine such as having my morning jog at Saraga (one and only my favorite place to contemplate and jogging in Bandung!). The gratitude also came from the times I spent with Kennya, since she is one of my best friends who have a very tight schedule, it feels very happy to have her during my darkest hour. She’s one of the most thoughtful and genuine person I’ve known, and I wish our friendship will be lasts! Amiin
- Took part in my high school reunion
December finally came like a wink of eyes..
After months of preparations and meetings, the reunion was successfully held. I could see a lot of transformations in my friends. Some of my friends got fattier (haha), some of them even looks more beautiful and better, and some of them got beautiful kids (I envy them, indeed. Haha). What I love most from our friendship that has been built during our study at Taruna Nusantara is, there was no such thing as ganged up, and we always treat each other equally like a big family member. I was so happy to be part of the reunion committee, because I started to know some friends -whom I never talked with during high school- better, and we even become closer even though we shared little relevance in the past. Hence, I got a “new” friends to hangout with! :)
- Went to Makassar with Mom & Dad
On the third week of December, I visited Makassar with my parents to attend the wedding of Dad’s ex staff’s son. Since our family is quite close, the groom family asked me to wear their traditional costume, which comes from Toraja. As we all know, having a holiday with parents can cause us some migrains and make us feel annoyed -due to the age gap and different way of thinking. My parents are not the easiest people to work with, yet to hang out with. Dad is not the type of person who love to explore, yet Mom is the type of too-much-request person. *sigh. But the good thing about traveling with parents and their friends are, you can learn about generosity and social ethics at its best. I also managed to meet my long-lost high school friend whom the last time I met was during the farewell ceremony in high school. Once I read that reconnecting with old friend, or as simply as socializing with people is one of the best medicine for stress, I think that’s true!
- Understanding the value of rejection
Well, if you think that 2017 has been very nice to me, then, you are definitely wrong. :) hehe.
I got rejected three times along this year. The first rejection came from Cornell University (no wonder, tho... haha. I must study even harder to be part of them!).
The second rejection came from Fulbright scholarship (I also find it easier to accept this rejection, because I realized that my experience and capability were not enough. It’s ok I will learn more!).
The third rejection, unfortunately came in silence. It came from the person who -actually- means a lot for me. It is very, very disappointing to realize that your perception about one person could be that wrong. It was one of the saddest thing in this year, but I can’t blame him either, because I believe he has his own reason to stay in silence.
However, from these rejections, I learned about patience, acceptance and resilience. Of course I felt broken at first, but I was getting stronger each day, knowing that it wasn’t the end of my journey, while still believing in silver linings that will be revealed as time goes by.
Last, but not least... the happiest news I got at the end of 2017 is...
- Accepted at Monbukagakusho scholarship (known as MEXT), a scholarship from Japan’s government
All praise goes to God since I am very thankful for this given opportunity.
I was speechless when I read the mail this morning, this very morning, December 28 2017. There are still some process that I should manage before my departure to Japan, tho, but I can’t hold my super-happy feeling! Sorry for posting two meaningless selfies on my insta-story~~ haha.
This is my long-waited dream, to study again, to explore Japan again like I did during my internship days, and I hope the upcoming journey will be a great start for me to build something impactful for society in the future. I am planning to take Psychology of Design, a specialized field that connects design with human perception. I think it will be one-of-a-kind journey, and I hope I can learn as much as possible from the professor. I hope everything related with this scholarship will be going smooth and I’ll be there to see Sakura once again! And even to celebrate another events in Japan! Amiin :)
So, those are the highlights of my 2017.. :)
By the time I look into my journal, I feel really grateful because most of my wishes have become true, and it has been a great guidance for me to pass this year. It makes me believe in dream again, I learn that to have a dream is not naive, it is actually one step forward to change our life.
However, I also realize that I still have many “homework” for myself.
The more I meet people, the more I acknowledge myself, especially my flaws. I realize that I must be more patience, more hard-working, and more understanding towards people who cannot meet my ideal requirements in professional world. I also realize that I must train myself to be more genuine and honest towards other people, to not be afraid to ask people’s feedback, to say no when I really feel like it, to express my opinion in an assertive way, and to appreciate one’s effort to handle a situation.
Wow, what a “homework”, isn’t it! Hahaha.
But I believe as long as I am willing to learn, there are no such thing as too late. I am ready, so much ready to be back on track again, to be part of my own marathon towards my goal, in order to make my dreams come true.
Most importantly, I hope I can always set myself to start everything with the right mindset:
“to be able to give a value into anything I work for, and be a blessing for my surroundings.”
Bismillah, I hope 2018 will bring us closer to our dreams, and the kind people who will help us along the journey. Amin. :)
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Personal Assistant to the Board of Directors job at SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES Indonesia
SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES is a custom software creation company with HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia. SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES focus on developing complex software solutions for corporate and government entities based in Southeast Asia. Our team is made up of people from around the world, and we have production offices in Asia and Europe.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES is a custom software creation company with HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia. SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES focus on developing complex software solutions for corporate and government entities based in Southeast Asia. Our team is made up of people from around the world, and we have production offices in Asia and Europe.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is a holding company with ever-growing business activities with its subsidiaries and the teams involved. Our business activities cover industries of property management, technology, and product creation. We value individuals, who focus on growth mindset and flexibility.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
Are you looking to challenge yourself by organising and executing tasks across an organisation with diverse activities. Do you want to gain experience and contribute along with multicultural team? If yes, then our company will be perfect for you.
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is looking for a smart reliable Personal Assistant, who will work with the company's management and be involved in daily communication with internal team from different departments and external parties.
The ideal candidate shall be competent in prioritizing and working with little to none supervision. They shall be self-motivated, trustworthy, and contributes in driving a sustainable growth for the company and its people.
What you will do
As a Personal Assistant, you will work closely with the Director on daily tasks, office routine, and getting things done. You will be perfect for the job if you: believe that work is a learning experience, have strong sense of belonging in what you do, and prefer long-term commitment for the job.
You will act as a first point of contact: dealing with correspondence and phone calls, managing calendars, and organising meetings and appointments, booking and arranging travel and accommodation.
You are expected to provide the necessary support for the directors. In addition, you should be able to build network of relevant people externally. The goal for them is to experience a growing and open-minded business methods, with different cultures and areas of people.
Furthermore, you will work closely with senior managerial or directorial staff to provide administrative support, usually on a one-to-one basis.
Communication is essential in every activity of our company. Therefore, strong communication skills and the ability to speak up across cultures and levels of hierarchy is key to succeed in this position.
Who are you
Minimum bachelor's degree with secretarial/business/ management and other relevant major with minimum GPA 3.25
Experience in the same/similar field is a plus
Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities
Self-sustaining individual with open minds and flexibility in task proceedings
Fluent in English, both in verbal and written communication
Have strong mindset of getting things done quickly and correctly
Detail-oriented with the ability to do “switch tasking”
Logical, analytical and critical thinking
Have structured approach when doing and finishing tasks
The small details
You will be working at the office headquarter in South Jakarta, Indonesia with 3 months probationary period. During this period, you will be evaluated on performance and results.
You can expect reply within 3 days with initial tests, if you are being considered for this position. Our application will take you through various tests and interviews, where we aim to learn if your personality, mindset, and professional experience make you a good fit for our company in the long term.
From http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/34558-personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-corporate-support-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia
from https://startupjobsasiablog.wordpress.com/2017/11/16/personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia-3/
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Yang masih tersembunyi di Meet Up Nusantara 2017 (at Jasa VR Blitar)
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2nd Meet Up MN Semarang . 👋 Hai! Kami dari Komunitas Minimalism Nusantara Region Semarang akan mengadakan Meet Up kedua. . 🕑 Hari : Sabtu, 5 Agustus 2017 ⌚ jam : 08.00 sampai cape 📍 Lokasi : UNDIP ,UNIKA, UNNES, LAWANG SEWU, KOTA LAMA. Meet point : Masjid UNDIP . . Acara ini juga diperuntukan untuk teman-teman yang tertarik dengan genre fotografi minimalis, kita akan ketemu teman-teman baru, saling share, dan tentu saja hunting foto bareng, jadi acara ini terbuka untuk umum. . Gimana cara joinnya? Silahkan hubungi Koordinator region via Ig: @remahanbiscuit Id line: rizkykikkk . . Sampai jumpa hari Sabtu . . #minimalismnusantara
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🚀For you who have passion for Start-up. We dare you to join us!🚀 . 🏫Institute of Leadership Development University of Indonesia (ILeaD UI) proudly present: *NUSANTARA LEADERSHIP CAMP 2017* 🔆"Start-up for Social Responsibility Competition"🔆 . 🗓🏢When and where? Mark your calendar! Malaysia, August, 9-11 2017 . 📌❓What's on NLC 2017? Visitation to Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia, Social Project Start-up competition, Start-up 101 Workshops, KL City Tour, Company visit to MaGIC, Team Building, Meet the CEOs, ESQ Leadership Training . 👊🏻📚If you: College student from ASEAN countries, Have a social project idea for Start-up ✔Go register yourself or your team on: www.nusantaracamp.org ✔(Registration Fee: IDR 50.000) Please transfer to 5 300 3 300 33 account name: institute of leadership and development, bank: BNI syariah) . 🏆🏅🎁Awards: 🥇First: IDR 15.000.000 🥈Second: IDR 10.000.000 🥉Third: IDR 5.000.000 . 👉🏻Download the selection mechanism here bit.ly/applicationNLC2017 👉🏻Format CV & SosPro link : bit.ly/formatCVNLC2017 bit.ly/sosproNLC2017 👉🏻Send your submission of files, scaned of Student Card, and Receipt Registration Payment to our email: [email protected] . 🗓Important dates: 📌May , 1th: Open Registration 📌May , 1th – May, 31st: Registration Period and Submission files 📌June 5th : Announcement 📌June, 5th – July, 17th : Deadline Payment . . 💰Event's Fee . Confirm your attendance and pay the participation fee of IDR 2.500.000 / US$ 200 (the cost covers accommodation, hotel, meals during the event -breakfast, lunch, and dinner- seminar kit, entrance ticket, t-shirt, first aid, etc). Exclude flight ticket. . 📞☎For further information: CP : +6289643497035 Sabrina (WA/sms) Line id : @sabrina.yulianti . 📱📷Find us on social media : Instagram : @nlc.2017 Twitter : @NLC2017 Line : @knd5316e . *Nusantara Leadership Camp 2017, "Take Your Social Responsibility!"* . #eventapaaja
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30+ new jobs in Jawa Barat
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Easily apply 17 Nov OPERATOR CNC MILLING CV KARYA BARU MANDIRI - Bekasi Pria Usia Minimal 20 Tahun. Saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan dan menambah jasa pelayan kami.Untuk mendukung berjalannya perusahaan, kami membutuhkan tambahan... Easily apply 17 Nov marketing pt.sabha nusantara karya - Depok Dicari Marketing Logistik & Canvasing SMA & Sarjana Fresh graduate & berpengalaman Ulet & giat Usia 25 - 35 tahun laki -laki memiliki kendaraan roda... Easily apply 17 Nov Driver Forklift (DF) Multistrada Arah Sarana - Bekasi Requirements: Education is Senior High School ( SLTA ) Fresh graduate, prefered experiance in forklift driver Good communication Good Interpersonal Skill... 17 Nov Housekeeping Supervisor Marriott International, Inc 5,090 reviews - Bandung Start Your Journey With Us At Sheraton, we go above and beyond in everything we do. We are inspired by our guests and one another – and are driven to make... 17 Nov Regional Marketing Manager - Bandung GO-JEK - Bandung Coordinate with all Business Units in HQ Liaise with Area City Head to manage budget allocations & executions Understand local needs and trends & report to... 17 Nov Driver Warehouse Cibitung PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Bekasi Pria , usia max 35 tahun. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000 karyawan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Memiliki SIM B1.... 17 Nov Driver Warehouse Cikarang PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Karawang Pria , usia max 35 tahun. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000 karyawan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Memiliki SIM B1.... 17 Nov General Research and Marketing Assistant BSURE, LLC - Bandung Bachelor/ Diploma from any major. Excellent communication skill, you have to be able to communicate in English fluently both verbal and written. Familiar with... 17 Nov Marketing Credit Executive Bekasi PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Bekasi Usia maksimal 27 tahun. Memiliki mental dan ketahanan kerja yang kuat. Pria dan Wanita. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000... 17 Nov Accounting Staff KIIC Karawang 40411 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Karawang Diploma Maximum Age: 32 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 2 Year(s) Job Descriptions To handle petty cash and cash advances. To calculate audit, tax calculate... Easily apply 17 Nov English Lecturer Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa - Bandung Bachelor Degree in English Literature/Linguistic with min GPA 3.00 Passionate in teaching students, dedicated, and responsible Having experience in teaching A... 17 Nov Financial Controller Marriott International, Inc 5,090 reviews - Bandung Start Your Journey With Us At Sheraton, we go above and beyond in everything we do. We are inspired by our guests and one another – and are driven to make... 17 Nov Marketing Credit Executive Cicalengka PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Bandung Usia maksimal 27 tahun. Memiliki mental dan ketahanan kerja yang kuat. Pria dan Wanita. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000... 17 Nov Marketing Credit Executive Padalarang PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Bandung Usia maksimal 27 tahun. Memiliki mental dan ketahanan kerja yang kuat. Pria dan Wanita. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000... 17 Nov Marketing Credit Executive Lembang PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri 7 reviews - Bandung Usia maksimal 27 tahun. Memiliki mental dan ketahanan kerja yang kuat. Pria dan Wanita. Berdiri pada 01 Agustus 2007, dan saat ini memiliki sekitar 15.000... 17 Nov Sales Marketing PT Jasa Niaga Ekspres Karawang - Karawang Memiiki pengalaman dibidang yang sama 1 tahun. Pendidikan min D3 – S1; Memiliki kepribadian yang menarik dan mampu menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan relasi.... 17 Nov Gasi Mekanik (Otomotif) PT. Gos Indoraya - Bandung Usia maks 25 tahun. Memiliki SIM A minimal 1 tahun. Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan:. SMU atau sederajat.... Easily apply 17 Nov Purchasing Manager MM 2100 Cibitung 41700 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Bekasi Sarjana Maximum Age: 37 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 1 Year(s) Job Descriptions Forecasting levels of demand for services and products to meet the... Easily apply 17 Nov Ecommerce Digital Marketing Specialist BSURE, LLC - Bandung Min 3 years of working experience in related field in required for this position Track record of delivering ROI and conversions in the e-Commerce industry a... 17 Nov Production Operator - Injection Molding Manufacture RGF HR Agent Indonesia - Bekasi • Responsible for setting machine injection, robot, hopper etc. until running masspro. • Responsible for running production according to schedule and target... 17 Nov Technical Assistant Manager MM 2100 Cikarang 40577 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Karawang Diploma Maximum Age: 24 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 5 Year(s) Job Descriptions Maintain product in our customers. Analyze and control product... Easily apply 17 Nov Service Engineer Staff Reeracoen Indonesia - Karawang - Responsible for overall service activities for Mechatronics products (EDM, Laser) - Make good relationship with customers and our distributors to reinforce... 17 Nov Service Engineer Manager Cikarang Barat Cikarang 41985 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Karawang Diploma Maximum Age: 24 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 5 Year(s) Job Descriptions Meeting with clients and Consulting facility constructions. Checking... Easily apply 17 Nov Sales Staff Cikarang Barat Cikarang 41986 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Karawang Diploma Maximum Age: 37 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 1 Year(s) Job Descriptions Meeting with clients and Consulting for facility constructions. Maintain... Easily apply 17 Nov PPIC Supervisor Purwakarta 28577 PT. REERACOEN INDONESIA - Purwakarta Diploma Maximum Age: 37 Years Score: 3 Mininum Experience: 2 Year(s) Job Descriptions Plan and prepare production schedules for manufacture. Draws up master... Easily apply 17 Nov Directeur-Finance Marriott International, Inc 5,090 reviews - Bandung Date de publication Nov 14, 2017 Numéro de l'Emploi 17002IMJ Catégorie d'Emploi Finance et Comptabilité Enseigne Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Horaire Temps plein... 17 Nov 40 new jobs found View All Jobs View jobs: since yesterday - for last 7 days Get job updates from these companies Marriott International, Inc. Follow PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri Follow PT Jasa Niaga Ekspres Karawang Follow © 2017 Indeed Ireland Operations, Ltd. 124 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS | HELP CENTER | UNSUBSCRIBE Silahkan Hubgungi Jika Anda Berminat Dengan Lowongan Ini Lowongan Kerja SMA Terbaru
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Personal Assistant to the Board of Directors job at SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES Indonesia
SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES is a custom software creation company with HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia. SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES focus on developing complex software solutions for corporate and government entities based in Southeast Asia. Our team is made up of people from around the world, and we have production offices in Asia and Europe.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is a holding company with ever-growing business activities with its subsidiaries and the teams involved. Our business activities cover industries of property management, technology, and product creation. We value individuals, who focus on growth mindset and flexibility.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
Are you looking to challenge yourself by organising and executing tasks across an organisation with diverse activities. Do you want to gain experience and contribute along with multicultural team? If yes, then our company will be perfect for you.
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is looking for a smart reliable Personal Assistant, who will work with the company's management and be involved in daily communication with internal team from different departments and external parties.
The ideal candidate shall be competent in prioritizing and working with little to none supervision. They shall be self-motivated, trustworthy, and contributes in driving a sustainable growth for the company and its people.
What you will do
As a Personal Assistant, you will work closely with the Director on daily tasks, office routine, and getting things done. You will be perfect for the job if you: believe that work is a learning experience, have strong sense of belonging in what you do, and prefer long-term commitment for the job.
You will act as a first point of contact: dealing with correspondence and phone calls, managing calendars, and organising meetings and appointments, booking and arranging travel and accommodation.
You are expected to provide the necessary support for the directors. In addition, you should be able to build network of relevant people externally. The goal for them is to experience a growing and open-minded business methods, with different cultures and areas of people.
Furthermore, you will work closely with senior managerial or directorial staff to provide administrative support, usually on a one-to-one basis.
Communication is essential in every activity of our company. Therefore, strong communication skills and the ability to speak up across cultures and levels of hierarchy is key to succeed in this position.
Who are you
Minimum bachelor's degree with secretarial/business/ management and other relevant major with minimum GPA 3.25
Experience in the same/similar field is a plus
Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities
Self-sustaining individual with open minds and flexibility in task proceedings
Fluent in English, both in verbal and written communication
Have strong mindset of getting things done quickly and correctly
Detail-oriented with the ability to do “switch tasking”
Logical, analytical and critical thinking
Have structured approach when doing and finishing tasks
The small details
You will be working at the office headquarter in South Jakarta, Indonesia with 3 months probationary period. During this period, you will be evaluated on performance and results.
You can expect reply within 3 days with initial tests, if you are being considered for this position. Our application will take you through various tests and interviews, where we aim to learn if your personality, mindset, and professional experience make you a good fit for our company in the long term.
From http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/34378–personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-corporate-support-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia
from https://startupjobsasiablog.wordpress.com/2017/11/09/personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia-2/
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Personal Assistant to the Board of Directors job at SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES Indonesia
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is a holding company with ever-growing business activities with its subsidiaries and the teams involved. Our business activities cover industries of property management, technology, and product creation. We value individuals, who focus on growth mindset and flexibility.
We are inviting you to join our team if you: love problem solving, eager for challenges, young talent, work smart, think simple, creative, and dream big. We believe that the best team & environment will have a significant impact to create the best product.
Are you looking to challenge yourself by organising and executing tasks across an organisation with diverse activities. Do you want to gain experience and contribute along with multicultural team? If yes, then our company will be perfect for you.
PT. Nusantara Cipta Utama (SILVERFOX TECHNOLOGIES) is looking for a smart reliable Personal Assistant, who will work with the company's management and be involved in daily communication with internal team from different departments and external parties.
The ideal candidate shall be competent in prioritizing and working with little to none supervision. They shall be self-motivated, trustworthy, and contributes in driving a sustainable growth for the company and its people.
What you will do
As a Personal Assistant, you will work closely with the Director on daily tasks, office routine, and getting things done. You will be perfect for the job if you: believe that work is a learning experience, have strong sense of belonging in what you do, and prefer long-term commitment for the job.
You will act as a first point of contact: dealing with correspondence and phone calls, managing calendars, and organising meetings and appointments, booking and arranging travel and accommodation.
You are expected to provide the necessary support for the directors. In addition, you should be able to build network of relevant people externally. The goal for them is to experience a growing and open-minded business methods, with different cultures and areas of people.
Furthermore, you will work closely with senior managerial or directorial staff to provide administrative support, usually on a one-to-one basis.
Communication is essential in every activity of our company. Therefore, strong communication skills and the ability to speak up across cultures and levels of hierarchy is key to succeed in this position.
Who are you
Minimum bachelor's degree with secretarial/business/ management and other relevant major with minimum GPA 3.25
Experience in the same/similar field is a plus
Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities
Self-sustaining individual with open minds and flexibility in task proceedings
Fluent in English, both in verbal and written communication
Have strong mindset of getting things done quickly and correctly
Detail-oriented with the ability to do “switch tasking”
Logical, analytical and critical thinking
Have structured approach when doing and finishing tasks
The small details
You will be working at the office headquarter in South Jakarta, Indonesia with 3 months probationary period. During this period, you will be evaluated on performance and results.
You can expect reply within 3 days with initial tests, if you are being considered for this position. Our application will take you through various tests and interviews, where we aim to learn if your personality, mindset, and professional experience make you a good fit for our company in the long term.
From http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/34198-personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-others-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia
from https://startupjobsasiablog.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/personal-assistant-to-the-board-of-directors-job-at-silverfox-technologies-indonesia/
0 notes
Masih tersisa Meet Up Nusantara 456 Agustus 2017 Taman Hutan Kota Batu Jl. Sultan Agung, Sisir, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65314 https://goo.gl/maps/kfdiSB65vjk #MeetUpNusantara #meetupnusantara2017 #indonesialocalguides (at Batu (city))
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Meet Up Nusantara 2017 Indonesia Local Guides 4, 5, 6 Agustus 2017 #photowalknusantara #localguidesindonesia #meetupnusantara #meetupnusantara2017 #meetupnusantaraILG2017 (at Paralayang - Batu)
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