#george roubicek
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The Saint: The Power Artists (5.25, ITC, 1967)
"Can't you see he's lying?"
"If he's lying, Mr... whatever your name is, you've nothing to fear. On the other hand, if he's telling the truth..."
"Claude, I always tell the truth."
#the saint#the power artists#leslie charteris#john kruse#leslie norman#roger moore#pauline munro#ivor dean#george murcell#tristram jellinek#bette bourne#john bown#john j. carney#george roubicek#alan haywood#charles rea#anthony dawes#tommy godfrey#caron gardner#charlotte selwyn#michael pemberton#john bull#edward higgins#uh oh... it's hippies again. luckily the flower children and pop artists are more of a background element to a classic Simon Gets Framed#episode. hip kids and blackmail‚ that sounds familiar... 5.17 dealt with a similar subject (and was also written by Kruse and directed by#Norman) and wouldn't you believe it... SPOILER INCOMING (for 1 ep of a 50+ yr old show) the villain of 5.17 is back too! Murcell reappears#as wicked euro blackmailer Vogel‚ a fairly good twist except that he's billed as guest star. Vogler is so far the only recurring villain#the series has had (despite his apparent death in 5.17) and it would be nice if he turned up again‚ Murcell is just so good at going full#super villain. also of interest is a brief appearance by Peter Bourne‚ later to abandon acting and change his name to Bette‚ becoming one#of the UK's most important and significant drag artists and gay rights campaigners of the 70s and 80s
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Bela Brager, Mirjam Anna Bosman, Aniko Bohm, Stephanie Bujakowsky, Ilse Bruch, Leo Moses Broekman, Franz “Franjo” Brummer, Schprizalla Burstyn, Edit Burg, Jenny Cohen, Isaak Julius “Ies” Cohen, Geertrudia “Truusje” Cohen, David “Dushko” Cohen, Dani “Denny” Cohen, Anna Rosetta Cohen, Angelo Cividali, Mina Chestnaya, Menachem Zeev Chalemski, Leon Cabilio Albahari, Israel Bytenski, Konrad Avraham Czuczka, Robert Ilja Cohn, George Cohn, Louis “Loekie” Cohen,Levi Cohen, Joseph Elias “Jopie” Cohen, Michael Czuczka, Marish David, Ivona David, Manci Rosenfeld David, Erno David, Aliz David, Maria Danos, Rachele Danon, Jeanette Dawidowicz, Yenta Frida Davidovitz, Malka Grinberger Davidovitz, Shlomo Yankel Davidovitz, Rohele Davidovitz, Ochi Davidovitz, Richard de Jong, Louis Alfred “Lou” de Jong, Jeannette “Jeannetje” de Jong, Henri Abraham “Hans” de Jong, Hanna Henderina de Jong, Alfred de Jong, Rachel de Groot, Veronica Margaretha de Vries, Jeannette Frank de Vries, Isaac Koos de Vries, Rudolf de Vries, Dick de Vries, Sophia de Leeuwe, Judith Deutsch, Gyuri Deutsch, Alice Deutsch, Agnes Deutsch, Sylwika Dermer, Agi Denes, Isaias Degen, Jacoba De Wilde, Henriëtte de Wilde, Branca Henriette de Wilde, Miroslaw “Miro” Druzanski, Marjan Drukker, Josina Marja “Jopie” Drukker, Yuri Dringler, Vladimir Dralyuk, Rubin Dichter, Gita Diament, Moshe Yeshiyah Duizend, Menya Efros, Genya Efros, Yitzkhak Ecker, Stella Sara Dym, Manfred Menachem Mandel Ehrlich, Heinz Helmut Eisenstadt, Branko Eisenstädter, Heinrich Eisenstaedt, Mania Halef, Anna Glinberg, Ilse Haas, Ester Gordon, Hans Julius Goldmann, Gerda Goldmann, Ester Gitel Golderat, Eva Friedman, Agnes “Agi” Fuchs, Eduard Fuchs, Iren Davidowitz Fuchs, Ivan Fuchs, Peter Fuchs, Eta Halberstam, Gala Herman, Laura Korn, Betsie Amalia Kosses, Amalie Kosses, Rafael Koslowsky, Golda Lifshitz, Anyuta Lifshitz, Albert Aharon Mendelsohn, Malka Erika Mendelsohn, Liane Münzer, Eva Münzer, Lenke Shefer Neumann, Veronika Neumann, Eva Neumann, Esfir Pinyakova, Miriam “Mirica” Polak, Polina Ratzenberg, Genrikh Ratmanski, Larisa “Larochka” Ratmanski, Magda Rosenberg, György “Gyurika” Rosenberg, Evi Rosenberg,Ernst Rosenberg, Edith Rosenberg, Magda Rosenberg, Hana “Hanicka” Roubicek, Marina Smargonski, Yvonne Süskind, Nelly Tarszis, Betty Vredenburg, Sara Waas, Daniel Livshitz, Sara Livshitz, Margot Betti Frank, Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, Helena “Hetty” Abram, Pauline “Paultje” Adelaar,
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BAD TIMING (1980) Grade: B-
I didn’t think it was a mystery film, but more an exotic thriller. It will be made different now for sure. The ending is pretty good.
#Bad Timging#1980#C#Drama Films#Nicolas Roeg#Vienna#Overdose#Art Garfunkel#Theresa Russell#Denholm Elliott#Dana Gillespie#Harvey Keitel#Daniel Massey#William Hootkins#Eugene Lipinski#George Roubicek#Gertan Klauber#Cheating#Rape
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Oh dear...
Picture: The Cybermen preparing to release the Cybermats. Infotext: George Roubicek brought his four-year-old son to the studio and introduced him to the Cyber-actors. Roubicek junior had been afraid of the Cybermen when they last appeared on screen in March. The studio visit was his dad’s way of reassuring him that they were just men in suits. All went well until he passed a dressing room and saw an empty Cyberman costume on a peg. The hysterics began again...
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Bad Timing (Nicolas Roeg, 1980) Cast: Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell, Harvey Keitel, Denholm Elliott, Daniel Massey, Dana Gillespie, William Hootkins, Eugene Lipinski, George Roubicek, Stefan Gryff. Screenplay: Yale Udoff. Cinematography: Anthony B. Richmond. Art direction: David Brockhurst. Film editing: Tony Lawson. Music: Richard Hartley. The jigsaw-puzzle narrative of Bad Timing makes for a film whose parts are more interesting than its whole. It never settles down to be what it is by nature, a psychosexual thriller, but loses itself in a lot of loose ends and red herrings. Which is not to say that it isn't a more interesting film than a lot from its era: I'd rather watch it again than, say, the year's Oscar best picture, Robert Redford's Ordinary People. The people in Bad Timing are anything but ordinary. Art Garfunkel, hardly a conventional leading man, plays Alex Linden, a "research psychoanalyst" who gets involved with a seductive young woman, Milena Flaherty, played with her usual sensuality by Theresa Russell. Linden finds out that Milena is married to, but separated from, an older man who lives in Czechoslovakia, Stefan Vognic (Denholm Elliott). Linden, whose sideline involves consulting work for American forces stationed in Vienna, is asked to investigate Vognic. You can sense at this point that the plot is going to wander off into eddies of intrigue that we can never quite bring into focus. But the precipitating event, as far as any central plot is concerned, is Milena's attempt at suicide, which brings an Austrian police detective named Netusil (the oddly cast but also oddly effective Harvey Keitel) into the picture. When Linden, who reported the suicide attempt, goes taciturn and evasive under Netusil's attempts to interview him, the detective grows more determined to find out about the relationship between Linden and Milena, which as far as the film is concerned only spurs more and more flashbacks. The evident determination of director Nicolas Roeg and screenwriter Yale Udoff to avoid anything like conventional thriller clichés while at the same time using them as a kind of cinematic subtext produces a film that's been either damned as a maddening muddle or praised as a provocative exploration of sexual obsession. To my mind it's a fascinating botch at best.
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(Trecho do Bhagavad-Gita, livro sagrado Hindú, lembrados pelo físico Robert Oppenheimer ao assistir a explosão da primeira bomba atômica em 16 de julho de 1945)
Julius Robert Oppenheimer (Nova Iorque, 22 de abril de 1904 - Princeton, 18 de fevereiro de 1967) Físico norte-americano
O final da Guerra na Europa praticamente coincidiu com as etapas finais de montagem da Bomba Atômica norte-americana. Das bombas, na realidade: a equipe de Los Álamos havia desenvolvido dois modelos - um usando urânio enriquecido e outro, plutônio. O primeiro modelo baseava-se num mecanismo de funcionamento que ficou conhecido como método do gatilho: o urânio era dividido em dois compartimentos separados da bomba, ligados um ao outro por um sistema de gatilho. Quando esse gatilho fosse disparado, as duas metades se uniriam, provocando a reação em cadeia. A bomba de plutônio, por sua vez, funcionaria com base no método de implosão: também dividido em dois hemisférios, o plutônio seria totalmente recoberto com explosivo convencional. Com a detonação desse explosivo, o plutônio seria empurrado para dentro, iniciando a reação em cadeia. Nesse método tinha de explodir ao mesmo tempo, de maneira a provocar uma pressão igual em toda a volta do plutônio.
ALAMOGORDO, 16 de julho de 1945
Com o final da guerra contra a Alemanha, o General Groves concluiu que era preciso testar a bomba no menor prazo possível: ela poderia ser o grande instrumento para a conquista da supremacia norte-americana no período pós-guerra.
Gen. Groves
A equipe do projeto Manhattan trabalhou em ritmo ainda mais intenso para preparar uma explosão experimental. Ela seria feita em Alamogordo, no Deserto do Novo México, numa região conhecida - por ironia do destino - como Jornada del Muerto. Um modelo da bomba de plutônio foi colocado no alto de uma torre de metal, enquanto abrigos de observação foram montados para os cientistas a uma distância de cerca de dez quilômetros dali. Um clima de grande tensão foi tomando conta de Oppenheimer e seus colegas, à medida que se aproximava o momento do teste. Essa tensão não tinha a ver somente com a pressa com que os preparativos estavam sendo encaminhados; estava ligada, sobretudo, ao medo de que o experimento resultasse num monumental fracasso. Dias antes da data marcada, os cientistas se reuniram para fazer apostas, um "bolão", sobre qual seria o resultado da explosão, comparando com o poder de destruição dos explosivos convencionais. As apostas variavam de 45 mil toneladas de TNT, palpite de Edward Teller, até 1.400 toneladas, opinião de George Kistiakowsky (na verdade Kistiakowisky achava até mesmo esta previsão excessivamente otimista). Mas também havia quem, em surdina, apostasse que, na realidade, não haveria explosão alguma.
Edward Teller
George Kistiakowsky
Na madrugada do dia 16 de julho de 1945, quando cientistas e militares tomaram posição para observar o teste, entre uma explosão de grandes proporções e absolutamente nada, qualquer coisa podia acontecer. Todos os olhares se voltavam ansiosamente para a torre, o ponto zero, no alto da qual estava colocada a bomba de plutônio, batizada de Jumbo. Ainda estava escuro quando a contagem regressiva chegou a zero, precisamente às 5h 29 minutos da manhã e o mecanismo de detonação foi acionado.
Torre onde a Bomba Jumbo foi colocada
Bomba Jumbo O SOL NASCE MAIS CEDO A primeira coisa observada foi a emissão de um intenso raio de luz, forte demais para ser olhado diretamente: subitamente, era como se o sol tivesse nascido. Quando a claridade diminuiu um pouco, segundos depois, os atônitos espectadores puderam ver uma imensa bola de fogo se elevando aos ares; Gradualmente, o rugido da explosão foi chegando ao abrigo. Um som que, segundo o físico Otto Frisch, nunca o abandonou.
Otto Frisch
Décadas depois ele dizia que ainda podia ouvi-lo. Pela primeira vez na História, era observada a imagem que iria se tornar sinistramente conhecida daí em diante: o Cogumelo Atômico.
A reação dos observadores do teste ia do choro ao riso, passando pela perplexa imobilidade de quem parecia não acreditar no que via. O poder daquela única explosão foi equivalente ao de 18 mil toneladas de TNT. Satisfeito, o Gen. Groves determinou a um de seus ajudantes que tomasse medidas para manter o teste no mais absoluto sigilo. "Senhor! - respondeu trêmulo o oficial - "eu acho que o barulho deve ter sido ouvido em pelo menos cinco estados diferentes". Robert Oppenheimer contaria posteriormente que, ao assistir ao teste de Alamogordo, afluíram à sua mente versos do Bhagavad-Gita, o belo poema religioso hindu escrito 3.000 anos antes de Cristo. A primeira passagem que lhe veio à cabeça descreve a aparição de Deus, Krishna, provocando uma luz tão forte como o "Brilho de Mil Sóis". A segunda, estranhamente, parecia ter sido escrita especialmente para ele, cinco milênios antes: "Eu me tornei morte, destruidor de mundos". Depois disso o mundo nunca mais foi o mesmo... O resto é história!
Coleção: História em Movimento (Editora Ática)
Volume: "O BRILHO DE MIL SÓIS" A História da Bomba Atômica
Autores: José Augusto Dias Junior Rafael Roubicek
Fotos: Retiradas da Internet (Domínio Público)
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Forte Abraço
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NBOXING TOYS CONVENTION – WTC en la CDMX . Ha comenzado UNBOXING TOYS CONVENTION en el WTC de la CDMX, el cual se llevará a cabo este viernes 4, sábado 5 y domingo 6 de agosto
Este magno evento está lleno de Conferencias, Expositores, Invitados Especiales y Coleccionables tanto de STAR WARS como de otros Universos. En particular la tienda de Hasbro trajo las Figuras Exclusivas de la SDCC que son el pack de Luke y Rey, Luke and Landspeeder y Grand Admiral Thrawn todas de 6″
Se engalana la exhibición con varios actores de nuestra saga predilecta STAR WARS: – Paul Weston -Vedain / Feyn Vann – Dickey Beer – Boba Fett / Barada / Scout Trooper – Gerald Home – Tessek / Captain Verrach – George Roubicek – Nahdonnis Praji – Toby Phitpott -Jabba The Hutt Así como Coleccionistas de otros niveles de la galaxia como es Gus López
Un evento familiar que nos hace recordar lo maravilloso que es el ser Coleccionista.
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Two for the price of one! Alfred Burke and James Maxwell as the Lecoeur brothers - one a police officer, the other a suspect in a serial killer case - in Maigret: Seven Little Crosses (3.11, BBC, 1962)
#fave spotting#maigret#bbc maigret#seven little crosses#1962#bbc#georges simenon#classic tv#i shall say nothing more about this episode for fear of @thisbluespirit#I'm sorry for even making the post... but i did warn you to block the maigret tag... whilst also knowing you wouldn't..#interestingly this is the only episode of the entire BBC Maigret run to be an original teleplay#ie. not based on a short story or novel by simenon#i suspect it may have been to provide star Rupert Davies with a holiday (Maigret appears only briefly in the episode)#it makes sense‚ as the star of the show he has a large role in p much every episode and presumably had a heavy workload#this episode also sees George Roubicek reappear (albeit briefly) as Maigret's nephew who works in the police call rooms#that was in s2 i think. whether the character appears in the books or not i couldn’t say; certainly i never came across him back in my#maigret reading days.#alfred burke#james maxwell#forgot to tag their names 🙄
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Quality Bad Timing Full Movie
Bad Timing movie download
George Roubicek Daniel Massey Dana Gillespie William Hootkins Harvey Keitel Denholm Elliott Art Garfunkel Theresa Russell Eugene Lipinski
Download Bad Timing
I was heartbroken i felt like he had used me and. The pair become involved in an. Please help this guy has he just used me? is there. Bad Timing|BDTMNG Bad Timing, BT, Bad Timing BMX, BDTMNG, Get Down or Lay Down, Get Fucked, Darryl Tocco, Chris Larson, Mike Agurkis, Randy Brown, John Rye, Aaron Smith, Lloyd Wright. Plot Psychiatrist Alex ( Art Garfunkel ) becomes sexually obsessed with Milena ( Theresa Russell ), a woman whom he meets at a party. Bad Timing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bad Timing is a 1980 British film directed by Nicolas Roeg, produced by Jeremy Thomas. A young American woman is brought to a hospital after overdosing on pills. COLUMN: Bad Timing: A simple twist of fate | continue, timing, mice, england, astray, trend, plans, fate, bad, twist Bad Timing! Bad Timing! | probably, timing, way, able, weather, bad, wouldn, plan. Bad Timing: A simple twist of fate | continue, timing, mice. Bad Timing: Information from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A. Bad Timing (Farscape episode) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Bad Timing" is the series finale of the Australian-American television series Farscape, written by David Kemper and directed by Andrew Prowse. He said he felt the same but it's "bad timing" and that in time he would want a relationship with me just not right now. The setting is Vienna. Bad Timing (1980) - The Criterion Collection Amid the decaying elegance of cold-war Vienna, psychoanalyst Dr. Alex Linden (Art Garfunkel) becomes mired in an erotically charged affair with the elusive Milena. Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession (1980) - IMDb With Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell, Harvey Keitel, Denholm Elliott. Bad Timing | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Bad Timing's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates
The Warrior's Way download
#Bad Timing#George Roubicek#Daniel Massey#Dana Gillespie#William Hootkins#Harvey Keitel#Denholm Elliott#Art Garfunkel#Theresa Russell#Eugene Lipinski
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