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¿Alguna vez habías visto una geoda así?
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🌍 En 1999, una sorprendente revelación se hizo en Almería: La Geoda de Pulpí, la segunda más grande del mundo. Una maravilla de la naturaleza oculta durante años y ahora al alcance de todos. ¡Descubre su historia y cómo visitarla!.
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Why does focloir have an entry for alcoholic liver disease and not fucking Geode this websute is so outta pocket
#its geoda#btw#tearma you are my beloved#focloir#irish#irish language#gaeilge#langblr#language#linguistics
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La Geoda de #Pulpi avanza firme para ser Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO UNESCO en español.
Esta y otras noticias, y un editorial que da de qué hablar, en '¡Esto es Almería, saecio!'.
Ya sabes: Like, opina, quiero leerte, y suscríbete. Da visibilidad al canal.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AapagyzHSsU&t=636s En iVoox: https://go.ivoox.com/rf/137917785 En Spotify for Podcasters: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/z6WuSyzhiQb

#geoda#pulpi#UNESCO#estoesalmeriasaecio#Almeria#Andalucia#españa#Noticias#Actualidad#podcast#podcasting#podcaster#Youtube#youtubers#youtubechannel#periodismo#lunes#youtube channel#buenos dias#buenos días
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Con casi 8 metros de longitud y unos 2 metros de altura, la geoda de Pulpí (Almería) es el mayor hueco en una roca tapizado completamente de cristales. Sin embargo, en la mina mexicana de Naica (Chihuahua) se encuentran los de mayor tamaño, con hasta 11 metros de largo. La primera está abierta al público y los segundos, solo a especialistas. En los dos escenarios ocurrió un incidente un día de Año Nuevo Geoda de Pulpí (Almería, España) y cueva de los cristales de Naica (Chihuahua, México). / Turismo de Andalucía/Alexander Van Driessche Por Enrique Sacristán “Sube la pierna izquierda al escalón, luego la derecha, estírate hacia dentro, mira a la izquierda”, indica al visitante uno de los guías, justo antes de encender la luz e iluminar la cavidad. “¡Buah, qué pasada! ¡es alucinante!”, exclama el turista al ver por primera vez la geoda de Pulpí. Salvo el personal autorizado, no se puede acceder a su interior, tanto por la seguridad de las personas como por la de los frágiles y traslúcidos cristales que tapizan la cavidad. Lo que sí se puede es admirar su increíble belleza durante unos instantes, y después hacerse una foto junto a la pequeña entrada. Una turista se asoma a la geoda de Pulpí para admirar su belleza. / Sara García Linares/Mayte Villalba Díaz Esta maravilla geológica la descubrieron a finales de 1999 miembros del Grupo Mineralogista de Madrid (Efrén Cuesta, junto a su hermano, padre y otros compañeros) mientras recorrían la abandonada Mina Rica, en el municipio almeriense de Pulpí, a unos 50 metros de profundidad. Entraron por primera vez el 1 de enero del 2000. Se abrió al público 20 años después y desde entonces la visitan anualmente alrededor de 60.000 personas, según confirmó a SINC la geóloga y coordinadora de esta geoda, Milagros Carretero, en FITUR 2024. Referencia mundial en turismo geológico En esta feria internacional de turismo, celebrada recientemente en Madrid, también se presentó el proyecto Rocks of the Universe para instalar un museo de meteoritos junto al centro de visitantes. “Se sumará a la creciente notoriedad de la geoda, que ha atraído la atención de geólogos de todo el mundo, consolidando la posición del municipio como referencia mundial en turismo geológico”, destacó el alcalde de Pulpí, Juan Pedro García. Además, esta joya subterránea ya es Monumento Natural de Andalucía y se ha presentado su candidatura para ser Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Solo los especialistas y personal autorizado pueden acceder al interior de la geoda de Pulpí. / Turismo de Andalucía ¿Pero qué tiene de especial esta geoda? “Es la más grande del mundo, atendiendo a la definición más aceptada, como la del diccionario de Geología de Whitten y Brooks, es decir, una cavidad ovoidal en una roca, tapizada por cristales proyectados hacia el centro”, responde a SINC Juan Manuel García Ruiz, investigador del Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalográficos en el Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-Universidad de Granada). En concreto, sus dimensiones son unos 8 metros de largo por 2 m de alto y otros dos de ancho, y está recubierta de enormes cristales de yeso, algunos de los cuales llegan a medir casi dos metros. Constituye un fenómeno único dadas estas dimensiones y la perfección, tamaño y extraordinaria transparencia de los cristales. Formación en dos fases Esta impresionante geoda se originó en dos fases: primero se formó el hueco por karstificación o disolución de las rocas dolomías que forman la Sierra del Aguilón del entorno, y luego se produjo un depósito mineral debido a inyecciones hidrotermales volcánicas. Así se formaron los cristales de yeso hace entre 165.000 y 60.000 años, en el Pleistoceno superior, a partir de un acuífero de agua dulce (con muy poca evidencia de agua salobre o de mar), según un estudio publicado recientemente por investigadores de la Universidad de Almería. Esquema geológico de la geoda de Pulpí (Almería). / F. Gázquez et al./Geosc...

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Name buddies!?!? Your name is the closest to mine I've ever found (I go by Geo or sometimes Geode), and I just thought it was super cool for no reason. Except yours is like the badass emo version of my name /pos /gen. "Geodo" makes me think of like a fantasy dragon or warrior, or just the cool punk person who lives down the street kind of vibes. I like it :DDD
Woagh!! that's super cool actually!! the origin of it is kinda lame tho lol it's just what the male form of Geoda (Geode in my original language) would be
but yea same actually I've never met anyone who also went by Geo!! closest was @/thegeodesystem (I think that was their URL might be a different geode system tho)
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I'll say it in Spanish cuz is easier for me so-
*Se pone a cocinar empurple*
#amfmn things#Im sorry guys#is easier for me to freaking out in spanish lol#ES QUE COMO NO ME DI CUENTA ANTES????#SCREAMS
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ALTURA : 19,5 cms
ANCHURA: 12,5 cms
FONDO: 7,5 cms
PESO: 2.024 grs
135 € más gastos de envío
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-537 38 1157 geoda tak praktycznie na wierzchu (całkiem cool)
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Day 025 Rodalquliar and La Geoda di Pulpi
Today is something like a day of rest.
Jardin Botanìco and Minas de Rodalquilar (gold mining from 1940-66)

Currently sitting in the sun and reading; right next to me - an agave species with an about 4m long blossum

Later today we went back to La Geoda de Pulpi (fully booked yesterday…)
No pictures allowed down there. This is the official poster:

Facts and a video
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Nope! Youre thinking of Naica cave in Chihuahua, whose location is public but is so hostile to life that the public can't meaningfully visit.
The original photo from @eyexunt is from la geoda de pulpi, a public spanish cave which hosts one of the world's largest (known) JO geodes!

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Top GIS Data Analysis Methods for Geospatial Insights
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have revolutionized how we interact with spatial data. By providing tools to analyze, visualize, and interpret geographic data, GIS enables organizations to make informed decisions about everything from urban planning to disaster management. At the heart of these capabilities lies GIS data analysis, a powerful methodology that transforms raw spatial data into actionable insights. In this article, we’ll delve into the top GIS data analysis methods, illustrating how they unlock valuable geospatial insights.
What is GIS Data Analysis?
GIS data analysis refers to the techniques and tools used to study spatial data. These methods uncover patterns, relationships, and trends that may not be evident in raw data. Whether it's understanding traffic flow in a city or predicting the impact of climate change, GIS data analysis provides the framework to address complex geographic questions.
The Importance of GIS Data Analysis
With the increasing availability of geospatial data from sources like satellites, drones, and IoT devices, GIS data analysis has become more critical than ever. By applying sophisticated techniques, decision-makers can gain a deeper understanding of their environments, leading to improved resource allocation, risk mitigation, and strategic planning.
Top GIS Data Analysis Methods
Here’s a breakdown of the most impactful GIS data analysis methods:
1. Spatial Data Overlay Analysis
Overlay analysis is a foundational method in GIS that involves stacking multiple layers of data to identify relationships and patterns. For example:
Use Case: Urban planners overlay land use, population density, and transportation networks to identify optimal locations for new infrastructure.
Advantages: Combines diverse datasets to provide a holistic view of an area.
Tools: ArcGIS, QGIS.
2. Buffer Analysis
Buffer analysis examines the area within a specified distance around a feature (e.g., points, lines, or polygons). This method is essential for proximity-based studies.
Use Case: Determining the population within a certain distance of a proposed railway line.
Advantages: Easily identifies impact zones.
Tools: GRASS GIS, MapInfo.
3. Network Analysis
Network analysis studies the flow of resources, goods, or people across networks like roads, pipelines, or utilities.
Use Case: Optimizing delivery routes for logistics companies.
Advantages: Enhances efficiency by identifying the shortest or least congested paths.
Tools: Esri's Network Analyst, pgRouting.
4. Hotspot Analysis
Hotspot analysis identifies clusters of high or low values in spatial data. This is particularly useful for public safety, marketing, and environmental monitoring.
Use Case: Police departments use hotspot analysis to locate areas with high crime rates.
Advantages: Quickly highlights areas of concern or opportunity.
Tools: GeoDa, CrimeStat.
5. Interpolation
Interpolation predicts unknown values based on known data points. It is frequently used for environmental and meteorological studies.
Use Case: Estimating rainfall levels in regions without weather stations.
Advantages: Fills data gaps for better spatial coverage.
Tools: ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst, SAGA GIS.
6. Raster Analysis
Raster analysis involves processing and analyzing raster datasets, such as satellite imagery or digital elevation models (DEMs).
Use Case: Calculating slope, aspect, and elevation for terrain analysis.
Advantages: Ideal for continuous data representation.
Tools: ERDAS Imagine, ENVI.
7. Suitability Analysis
Suitability analysis evaluates locations based on multiple criteria to determine their appropriateness for a specific purpose.
Use Case: Identifying potential sites for renewable energy projects.
Advantages: Integrates multiple factors for comprehensive decision-making.
Tools: ArcGIS ModelBuilder, QGIS Processing Toolbox.
8. Geostatistical Analysis
Geostatistical analysis applies statistical methods to spatial data, providing insights into trends and variability.
Use Case: Assessing soil contamination levels across agricultural fields.
Advantages: Offers robust predictions and uncertainty measurements.
Tools: Geostatistical Analyst, GeoR.
9. Spatial Autocorrelation
Spatial autocorrelation evaluates whether similar values cluster together or disperse across a geographic area.
Use Case: Studying the spread of diseases in urban environments.
Advantages: Highlights spatial dependencies in datasets.
Tools: Moran’s I, GeoDa.
10. Time-Series Analysis
Time-series analysis focuses on how spatial data changes over time. This is invaluable for monitoring dynamic phenomena.
Use Case: Analyzing deforestation rates in tropical regions over decades.
Advantages: Tracks temporal trends and patterns.
Tools: Google Earth Engine, ArcGIS Time Slider.
11. 3D Analysis
3D analysis visualizes and analyzes data in three dimensions, offering a deeper understanding of topography and urban environments.
Use Case: Planning high-rise developments in densely populated cities.
Advantages: Enhances visualization and spatial planning.
Tools: ArcGIS Pro, CityEngine.
12. Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
Remote sensing involves extracting information from satellite or aerial imagery. Coupled with image analysis, it provides insights into land use, vegetation health, and more.
Use Case: Monitoring agricultural productivity using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).
Advantages: Captures large-scale data efficiently.
Tools: Google Earth Engine, ENVI.
Best Practices for Effective GIS Data Analysis
To get the most out of GIS data analysis, follow these best practices:
Clean and Prepare Data: Ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date. Eliminate errors and inconsistencies before analysis.
Choose the Right Tools: Different GIS tools cater to specific methods. Select software based on your analysis needs and expertise.
Understand Spatial Relationships: Context is key in geospatial analysis. Consider the relationships between datasets to draw meaningful conclusions.
Leverage Visualization: Use maps, graphs, and 3D models to present your findings in an easily digestible format.
Validate Results: Cross-check analysis results with ground-truth data or expert opinions to ensure reliability.
Applications of GIS Data Analysis Across Industries
Urban Planning: GIS helps in zoning, traffic management, and urban growth modeling.
Environmental Conservation: Researchers use GIS to track biodiversity, deforestation, and climate change impacts.
Public Health: GIS identifies disease outbreaks and tracks healthcare resource distribution.
Disaster Management: From flood prediction to emergency response, GIS plays a crucial role in mitigating natural disasters.
Retail and Marketing: Businesses analyze customer demographics and location-based trends for better market targeting.
Future Trends in GIS Data Analysis
The field of GIS is rapidly evolving, with emerging technologies set to enhance geospatial analysis:
AI and Machine Learning: Automating data processing and pattern recognition.
Big Data Integration: Handling massive datasets from IoT and social media.
Cloud GIS: Enabling collaborative, real-time spatial analysis.
AR and VR: Offering immersive geospatial visualizations for improved decision-making.
GIS data analysis is a cornerstone of modern decision-making, empowering industries to harness the full potential of geospatial data. By mastering methods like overlay analysis, network analysis, and geostatistics, organizations can unlock valuable insights that drive innovation and sustainability. As technology advances, the scope of GIS data analysis will only continue to expand, offering new opportunities to tackle global challenges.
Whether you're a seasoned GIS professional or a newcomer to the field, understanding these top GIS data analysis methods is essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of geospatial insights.
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Treating ourselves to Hanwoo Beef for lunch at Geodae Galbi
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Linked Geodas ♦️💎
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Halo ofrece una experiencia fascinante tanto de día como de noche. ¡Es un espectáculo que no te puedes perder si alguna vez visitas la sede de Google en Mountain View! Diseñado por @softlab, este pabellón es como una geoda moderna, con un interior caleidoscópico con más de 200 módulos de acero inoxidable. Durante el día, un arcoíris de colores se refleja en el acrílico dicroico, mientras que por la noche, 300 LED lo convierten en una constelación en movimiento. 🌌💫 \\\ ¡Explora más en la 🔗 de la biografía!
📸 Fotografía de @atanz.
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