#genshin impact jean x reader
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I think Jean likes the feel of vinyl record players, to her, it's just something very classy
So imagine slow dancing in her living room with a love song playing in the background
A/N I'll be going on hiatus, been feeling low on creativity and need a break
Thanks for Reading
#genshin impact#genshin#genshin headcanons#genshin x reader#genshin fluff#genshin imapct#genshin impact x reader#jean headcanons#jean gunnhildr#jean#jean x reader#jean gunhildr x reader#genshin jean#genshin jean x reader#Gi jean#jean gi#jean genshin x reader#jean genshin impact#genshin impact jean x reader
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→ Jean Gunnhildr x Caballero de Favonius!Neutral!Reader
✦ Sinopsis: Empezó como un simple compañerismo dentro de los Caballeros de Favonius y creció hasta una fuerte amistad, pero ahora los sentimientos amenazaban con cambiar la relación.
✦ Palabras: 1.9k
✦ Advertencias: Amigos a amantes / Smut: Sexo oral.
✦ Pedido: Si, de Wattpad.
Como heredera del clan Gunnhildr, Jean se destacó desde joven por su dedicación inquebrantable. A los 21 años, ya había acumulado una lista envidiable de logros y gestionaba Mondstadt en ausencia del Gran Maestro Varka, quien apenas era extrañado gracias a la caballera que velaba por la ciudad. Responsable y siempre de fiar, nadie dudaba en acudir a ella cuando surgía problema. Sus habilidades eran admiradas y respetadas, lo que hacía que muchos ignoraran el estrés y los conflictos internos que podrían agobiarla.
—Aquí tienes café.
Jean dejó de leer el documento sobre su escritorio y levantó la mirada, observando cómo una taza blanca con el escudo de los Caballeros de Favonius era colocada a pocos centímetros.
—Es la tercera, y ni siquiera son las diez de la mañana —advirtió con severidad.
—Detalles —restó importancia.
—Por Barbatos...
—¿Qué? —arqueó una ceja, intrigada por la indignación.
—Trabajas de lunes a lunes, ocupándote de cada conflicto sin importar el horario, y nunca tomas descansos o vacaciones. Aguantas porque eres joven, pero no haces nada por tu bienestar —expresó firme, aunque dejaba entrever la preocupación—. Quiero cuidarte, deja que me ocupe de ti —pidió con repentina suavidad, la calidez en su mirada estremeciéndola hasta la médula.
—Aprecio tus intenciones, pero no soy una niña.
—Es agotador que sigas rechazándome —ladeó la cabeza mientras extendía un brazo hacia una de las varias pilas de documentos.
Jean miró de reojo y bebió, temerosa de continuar la conversación por el claro doble sentido. Compañerismo, amistad, amor… Todo aquello que en secreto había leído en novelas románticas le estaba sucediendo. Sin embargo, la relación con su joven camarada de 19 años avanzaba hacia terrenos que aún dudaba explorar. Siendo la mayor y la líder de Mondstadt, no sabía si el poder e influencia que poseía habían afectado inconscientemente esta conexión.
Se conocían desde la niñez y crecieron juntos en los Caballeros de Favonius, desarrollando una sólida amistad que, en algún punto de la adolescencia, se transformó en algo más profundo. Las miradas, el contacto físico y las palabras empezaron a afectarlos de manera distinta, convirtiendo el tiempo compartido en momentos sofocantes y adictivos. No encontraba cómo lidiar con el nuevo rumbo que tomaban las cosas, ni prever las consecuencias de llevar la situación al siguiente nivel, lo que la abrumaba cada vez más.
El grito la hizo saltar y mirar alrededor, deteniéndose de inmediato en la figura de sus deseos y tormentos.
—¿Q-Qué sucede? —preguntó, acelerada, colocando una mano sobre el corazón.
—Te llamé varias veces y no respondiste —explicó, frunciendo el ceño—. La hora del almuerzo ha terminado y sigues en tu asiento. Necesitas parar.
—Sabes que no puedo, hay…
—Nos conocemos lo suficiente para saber que es inútil discutir conmigo —interrumpió—. Si no te detengo, seguirías trabajando hasta colapsar. No te ocupas de ti misma como deberías.
Jean se recostó contra el respaldo, intentando mantener la compostura, ya que era cuestión cotidiana.
—El tiempo pasa muy rápido, no me doy cuenta.
—Siempre haces lo mejor, pero es un hecho conocido que en este lugar ocurren demasiadas cosas para dejar los estantes vacíos al final del día. No puedes resolverlo todo de una vez, así que debes equilibrar el trabajo antes de que los años pasen y te des cuenta de que no has existido más allá de estas cuatro paredes.
Apretó los dientes ante la reprimenda e intentó ignorar el brillo en los ojos contrarios, que sutilmente suplicaban que se animara a crear una vida fuera de lo laboral.
—Entiendo, de verdad —asintió, esperando que le creyera, aunque no parecía haberlo logrado.
—Vamos. Tomemos aire y compremos algo para comer en el camino —decidió, tomándola de la mano con firmeza y ayudándola a levantarse.
Jean exclamó en protesta y trastabilló, sosteniéndose del pecho ajeno. Al recuperar el equilibrio, notó dónde tocaba e intentó liberarse, con las mejillas sonrojadas.
—¡Lo siento!
Un tipo diferente de silencio los envolvió mientras ella lo observaba procesar la situación, algo indescriptible surgiendo y erizando cada cabello. Contuvo el aliento y sintió cómo aumentaba la adrenalina, entre la nebulosa entendiendo que todo estaba por cambiar.
—No puedo soportarlo —anunció, frustración y hartazgo transpirando de cada poro.
—Esta situación, en la que ambos sabemos lo que sentimos por el otro pero bailamos alrededor del tema sin abordarlo —explicó, acercándose hasta quedar a meros centímetros—. Necesito saber… —empezó a decir, pero, como había expresado, no podía aguantar más.
Con nula paciencia, aniquiló la distancia entre ellos y la besó usando la mano libre para tomarla del rostro. Jean cerró los ojos incapaz de huir de la tensión que endureció cada músculo, solo necesitando una caricia del pulgar en su mejilla para estallar en un placentero y relajante hormigueo.
Entre incertidumbres, se aproximaron aún más, y el completo contacto de sus cuerpos fue un sueño hecho realidad. Años de temores y represión quedaron olvidados, la necesidad de alivio logrando que se aferraran al otro como si alguno fuera a desaparecer y romper la fantasía.
Al separarse, lo hicieron despacio, sintiendo la respiración agitada del otro sobre sus labios, y al mirarse, notaron un lado completamente nuevo a través de cómo resplandecían.
—No sabes cuánto esperé por esto —reconoció mientras le apartaba un mechón rubio del rostro.
—Yo… Yo también —admitió, con un nudo en el estómago—. Pero no sabía qué hacer. Trabajo, dedicación y honor es todo lo que conozco y…
—Tranquila. Lo sé. Por eso quiero cuidarte y amarte —calmó con una sonrisa amable—. Serás la heredera de la familia Gunnhildr, y yo aportaré el equilibrio que te falta. Como Caballero de Favonius, cumpliré mi deber de asistente para aliviar tu carga, y, si me lo permites, como tu amante haré que encuentres felicidad fuera de esta institución.
Jean sintió que las piernas se le aflojaban debido al inmenso cariño que sentía por quien había sido una gran amistad y ahora le proponía lo que tanto había añorado.
—Claro que sí, por supuesto.
Sintió cómo la envolvía en un abrazo y, tras unos segundos, volvió a besarla festejando el finalmente haber conectado. Con cuidado la reposó contra el borde del grueso escritorio y presionó sus figuras, un sonido quedado ahogado ante el roce de las entrepiernas.
—Recuéstate —murmuró inclinándose sobre ella para animarla a descansar sobre la superficie.
—¿Eh? ¿Por qué? —frunció el ceño, acto seguido mirando sobre el hombro los documentos y la taza de café vacía.
—Ya verás —sonrió, estirándose para mover los elementos fuera del camino.
—¿Qué harás? —insistió mientras cumplía, aunque con duda.
—Algo que disfrutarás y, más importante, te relajará. Finalmente olvidarás el trabajo.
Una vez en lugar, le deshizo el cinturón y bajó las telas de las prendas inferiores.
—¡Espera! —exclamó apoyándose en los codos—. ¡A-Aquí! ¿Cómo se te ocurre?
—Oh, cierto. Aguarda —levantó un dedo en disculpa y fue a poner el cerrojo de la puerta.
—No me refería a eso —jadeó, absolutamente incrédula.
—¿Acaso piensas que desperdiciaré este momento? Fuimos pacientes durante demasiados años. Es ocasión de celebrar —dijo con entusiasmo, dejándola con un acordeón de telas en los tobillos sobre las botas blancas.
Jean soltó palabras al azar mientras intentaba formar un pensamiento coherente, pero fue imposible cuando observó que bajaba y colocaba la cabeza entre sus muslos.
—Tengo alrededor de cinco excusas en caso de que pregunten, así que no te preocupes —guiñó un ojo.
Con ternura, besó la piel circundante y pronto hizo contacto con la intimidad expuesta. Automáticamente, ella tembló y gimió, realizando pequeños movimientos al no saber cómo sobrellevar esas intensas sensaciones.
—N-No deberíamos hacer esto —insistió, tratando de frenar la pérdida de control.
—Olvídate de todo —susurró, sus labios rozándola con delicadeza.
Jean cerró los ojos intentando concentrarse. La mezcla de excitación y nervios poniéndola en un estado de agitación constante, con cada sacudida reflejando la lucha interna entre el deseo y la lógica. A pesar de ello, la batalla quedó perdida cuando comenzó a complacerla con verdadera urgencia, logrando que arquease la espalda y se separara de la superficie.
—¡Despacio! No puedo —jadeó, dejando la boca entreabierta en un intento de aspirar el aire que no llegaba a sus pulmones.
Obediente, le regaló un pequeño descanso para evitar que perdiera la conciencia. Claramente no estaba acostumbrada al placer, siempre tan enfocada en sus responsabilidades que nunca había tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar. Este acto resultaba abrumador para su inexperto cuerpo, que solo conocía el altruismo.
—¿Estás bien? —preguntó, alzando la cabeza de los pálidos muslos y sustituyendo con sus dedos el contacto.
—Si, solo… es una locura —negó, conflictuada.
Nada en su tono indicaba que lo que sucedía le disgustaba, más bien, reflejaba la frustración de no haberse preparado para el día que en que esto finalmente ocurriera. Bloqueó tanto lo que pasaba entre ellos que ahora las fantasías que reprimió la golpeaban como un vendaval, y ella no era más que un diente de león a completo merced.
—¿Te disgusta?—indagó, deteniéndose casi por completo.
—No, sigue —apresuró, frunciendo el ceño y levantando la cabeza para verle.
Esa orden le hizo sonreír y desde entonces nada logró que parara, rápidamente acercándola a la liberación que se acumulaba en su vientre. Cada cierto tiempo recordaba en dónde estaban, pero el anhelo era demasiado fuerte para que le volviera a importar. Se aferró a lo que pudo e inspiró profundo, una mano yendo a sostenerle del cabello al ahogarse con su propia respiración.
Jean torció el cuello, apretó los labios y, con las fuerzas que le quedaban, contuvo el mayor gemido que alguna vez produjo. El clímax la sacudió en zonas que desconocía podían recibir placer, sus músculos temblando en una nueva experiencia más allá de la extenuación del ejercicio físico.
—Luces absolutamente hermosa, mucho más de lo que podría soñar.
El comentario la trajo a la realidad y entreabrió los ojos para admirarle, aún más calor llenándola por el halago. Recibió caricias reconfortantes y ayuda para sentarse, una vez estabilizada recibiendo un beso mucho más calmo en los labios.
—Debería vestirme, por las dudas —murmuró, acto seguido bajando la mirada y reconociendo que claramente necesitaba retribuirle.
—Cierto —miró alrededor buscando sin éxito alguna caja de pañuelos—. Aguarda aquí, iré por papel así te limpias.
—No —dijo, agarrándole la muñeca de inmediato—. Ven conmigo a casa y... luego lo lavaré, junto con tu traje.
El rubor de sus mejillas se tornó casi rojo por la implicación y, frente a ella, la otra persona quedó paralizada.
—D-De acuerdo. Claro, sí —asintió, creando inmediatamente el espacio suficiente para que se levantara y acomodara.
Trataron de mantenerse normales e intercambiaron frases cortas, fingiendo cotidianidad, pero el conocimiento de lo que les esperaba los mantenía expectantes y ansiosos. Al salir del recinto saludaron a sus compañeros de trabajo y admiraron las primeras estrellas, bajando los escalones con la vista fija en el suelo.
Después de que las verdades ocultas salieran a la luz y la exaltación del momento se disipara, ninguno sabía realmente cómo actuar. Aunque el futuro cercano prometía y era deseado, sus corazones latían con la necesidad de algún tipo de alivio ante tanta emoción.
Entonces, por accidente, sus nudillos se rozaron y ambos dieron un respingo. Amagaron a pedir perdón, pero se detuvieron al darse cuenta de lo ridículo que era. Con el ceño fruncido se miraron, perplejos ante cómo estaban manejando la situación.
—Puedo tomarte de la mano, ¿verdad? —preguntó el más joven del dúo, llevando la iniciativa otra vez.
Jean miró la extremidad y la tomó entrelazando los dedos, inflando el pecho con el amague de una sonrisa. Definitivamente hoy empezaban un nuevo capítulo, y, como heredera del clan Gunnhildr, no podía quedar rezagada esperando que hicieran todo el trabajo por ella. Así no era la mujer que criaron y que ahora estaba al mando de Mondstadt, así que le dio un apretón y avanzó con la frente en alto.
—Vamos a casa, hay una larga noche por delante.
#genshin impact#jean gunnhildr#jean#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact smut#genshin x reader#genshin imagines#genshin jean#genshin impact jean#genshin x you#genshin fanfic#genshin x y/n#jean x reader#jean x oc#genshin jean x reader#genshin impact jean x reader#genshin impact jean x oc#genshin impact x you#imagine#imagines#oneshot#oneshots#genshin smut#genshin impact imagines#genshin imagine#genshin oneshots#genshin scenarios#genshin impact scenarios#genshin impact sceanrio#genshin impact oneshot
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Good morning, Gwen. Avery reblogged your event and it appeared on my dashboard, so I came running.
"You're not good enough for him. Just break up with him already." + Jean + platonic
"You're not good enough for him. Just break up with him already."
Jean feels her heart plummet in the suffocating confines of her chest, your words stoking a different kind of fear. Had she overshared too much, causing you to finally snap? Are you going to stop being friends with her for good? Will you start to ignore her when she waves to you in the street? Will you tell everyone about what a sorry person she really is?
She knew she couldn't hold a genuine friendship down for long. It was only a matter of time before you became sick of her busy schedule and secretly dysfunctional livelihood--
She's sobered from her panic by the sound of your fingers snapping a scant inch from her face. "Teyvat to Jean! Hello?"
Like you always do, you're the one to ground her when things get particularly rough. Right - she needs to actually respond; being this inarticulate isn't doing her any favors.
"My apologies," Jean breathes, fidgeting with her gloves. She actually needs to be present so she can heed your counsel. "Please continue."
"Archons, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that if he constantly expects you to meet impossibly high standards, you'll never be good enough for him," you jut your thumb out from your clenched fist and swipe it across the expanse of your neck. "You need to kick his ass to the curb, and you need to do it yesterday."
Your (literal) cutthroat gesture makes Jean shift in her seat. You don't mince your words at all - but that's precisely what she needs, precisely why she came to you for advice. Lisa has a terrible habit of sugarcoating things, even when she's at her most proactive... and Kaeya is, well, Kaeya.
She rises and places a hand on the backrest of her chair, rounding it so she can gaze out of the generously sized window that brings her whole office together. The view of Mond Proper, her home, never fails to calm her down.
"...I'm not even courting him, truly," Jean explains, watching the breeze ruffle a patrolling Knight's hair before being lost in the rustling leaves of trees beyond. "My obligations leave no room for that. We're keeping our relationship casual, informal."
She can almost hear the grimace in your voice. "Casual or not, him expecting you to ditch your hobbies or dress a certain way crosses the line. You know that as well as I do. If you're looking for permission or validation, I'm giving it to you right now."
Those words immediately soothe a large chunk of her anxiety. Jean's ramrod straight posture relaxes into something much more tailored for this atmosphere - sharing a cup of (now cold) tea with you, her dear friend.
"You're right," because of course you are, "but I have no idea how to end things. Etiquette classes didn't prepare me for any of this."
You snort as she turns back around to face your judgment. "To hell with etiquette. My suggestion? Kill him," you propose with the seriousness of a soldier about to go to war.
Jean's cheeks burn hotly as she flounders, attempting to deal with your type of humor in a timely fashion. You mercifully wait for her to do so, teacup and saucer perched daintily in your free hand. In all honesty, she wishes she were more like you; brave, uncaring of what others think, the main character of your own story.
She finds it in herself to chuckle. "I value diplomacy."
"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes good-naturedly, "but this isn't one of your romance novels, Jean, nor is it a negotiation. You deserve to be treated with respect, full stop."
She really wishes you'd stop bringing up her guilty pleasure so nonchalantly, but then she'd be deluding herself. She also wishes that she could be as confident and point-blank as you are, even if you both share the same sentiments - hers are just hidden under many layers of propriety.
"I believe you're very wise," Jean tells you sincerely. "The people of Mondstadt should elect you as their new Acting Grandmaster."
"You know, they should. I'd have that dickhead fling of yours executed immediately. Do they do that here? If not, they should look into it."
She sighs. "I take it back."
You grin, slamming your empty cup back onto her desk with a clatter. "Really? You don't want me to flay him alive? Or exile him to Dragonspine with nothing but the clothes on his back? Oh, oh, I know! What about electrocution--"
As the sun sinks down even lower in the sky, casting the Knights of Favonius Headquarters in a truly poetic glow, Jean realizes she feels much better. She'll have to get back to work soon, but for now she'll indulge you as long as she's able.
(Electrocution doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.)

🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: hi! good morning to you too & i'm glad you chose to take part! thank you for the prompt huehuehue. i decided to go in a little bit of a different direction because i just couldn't bring myself to be too mean to reader or the lovely jean... hope you don't mind!
event post here
#[200] everybody talks!#—stellaronhvnters.#jean x reader#jean gunnhildr x reader#platonic genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#platonic genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact jean x reader#jean genshin impact x reader#genshin jean x reader#jean genshin x reader#jean gunnhildr#sailorstar9#platonic jean x reader#jean gunnhildr & reader#my writing
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(Genshin Impact) Giving Headpats to Furina, Lynette, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lumine, Jean, Eula, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Yae, Shenhe, and Xianyun
No one requested this, as for the reason this post exists, the only thing I can give you is this image:
Furina freezes up the moment she feels S/O's hand pick up her hat, only to ruffle her hair.
She squawks for just a moment, quickly blushing and pouting as Furina yanks her hat down.
(Furina) "D-Don't just start patting me out of nowhere!"
Crossing her arms, she looks away, trying to not look bothered about the whole affair.
She finds it highly embarrassing. At least in public.
The moment they're alone and she feels their hand, she closes her eyes and completely relaxes, humming in content.
There's still a blush on her, but it's far more subdued unless S/O starts teasing her about it.
Lynette does not like just anyone rubbing her head due to her cat-like features.
In public, the top of her head in general is completely off limits.
But if it's just her and S/O at home, then she allows it.
In fact, when S/O's hand starts petting her head, she leans into them completely as her eyes close, just like an actual cat.
Her ears twitch a little, but her tail swishes left and right happily.
If they stop too early, Lynette's eyes slowly open and looks at them expectantly.
(Lynette) "...Why did you stop?"
Feeling the warm of their hand allowed Lynette to rest comfortably, and to space out to her heart's content.
Arlecchino did the same thing to comfort many of the children at the Hearth.
Yet she didn't know what to do when S/O did the same, feeling her hair slightly ruffled.
If her S/O was taller (in which case "Dude, you look huge"), she really wouldn't comment on the height difference, but if they were shorter, THEN she'd be surprised they would even attempt it.
Arlecchino doesn't care if it's in private or public, but she would care if they did so in front of her kids.
Because then they'd see that she has someone that can make her comfortable too, which in turn makes them happy.
Seeing their father cared for puts them at ease, making Arlecchino thankful in her own way.
But as for the action itself: she would just talk to them in her usual tone, though with a bit of a "threat" lying underneath.
(Arlecchino) "Did you wish for me to pat your head too, S/O? I might be rougher with you than the others."
Chiori raises an eyerbrow.
(Chiori) "S/O, what are you doing?"
Once they explain themselves, Chiori can't help roll her eyes.
(Chiori) "Did you expect me to get all flustered from that? Psh, it'll take a little more than messing up my hair to do that. Speaking of which, can you fix it for me? I'm a little busy here."
She finds it cute, yeah, but it's not that big of a deal.
Plus, she finds it weird.
Who just goes around, patting their girlfriends' heads unprompted?
Oh well, it's not like this was particularly harmful, so Chiori lets it slide.
But if they do that in front of customers or in public, S/O is dead.
Lumine's body stiffens when S/O's hand ruffles her hair lovingly, before she quickly giggles.
(Lumine) "Hey, stand still!"
She quickly does the same back, though her retaliation is far more playful and destructive.
S/O's hair is an absolute mess now, Lumine giving a cheeky grin back.
(Lumine) "There, now you look better than before!"
It does not take long for the situation to quickly devolve into a tickle fight with both of them on the bed laughing.
Jean takes a moment to register what S/O is doing, but after a few seconds she smiles.
Jean lets her shoulders drop, feeling more at ease by the second.
So this is how Barbara and Klee felt when she did the same.
(Jean) "Your hand feels quite nice, S/O..."
She doesn't realize her own flushed cheeks as her vision becomes slightly hazed with her affection.
If anything, she feels a little sad everytime they pull back.
It was such a relaxing sensation, and honestly made her feel a little sleepy.
Eula's head feels a bit colder to the touch, but her body is rapidly heating up, especially her face.
(Eula) "What do you think you're doing, S/O?"
Hearing their answer, Eula pauses for a moment before responding.
(Eula) "Next time, you should ask for permission instead of rubbing my hair like I'm some sort of child...I don't recall asking you to stop either."
In classic Eula fashion, she doesn't tell them directly that she loves the feeling of their hands.
But she'd be damned if she was going to admit something so embarrassing.
Noelle feels a mixture of pride and embarrassment everytime S/O pats her on the head.
On one hand it felt quite nice, and the gesture was very sweet!
But it made her feel a little childish.
She never voiced her latter feelings aloud, because it still made her flustered all the same.
(Noelle) "A-Ah...Um, thank you, S/O...!"
It made her want to do her best everytime just so she could receive such affection, and made sure to do it back to them!
But with her strength, she accidentally completely dishevels their hair.
Before promptly fixing it in nearly an instant with her skills as a dutiful maid!
Ayaka exhales deeply, any words she had completely fading away in bliss.
These were the kinds of moments Ayaka longed for, to simply share affection with a lover of her own.
It made her feel quite normal as opposed to the prim and proper noblewoman she was forced to be.
(Ayaka) "If I may be selfish for a moment, might I ask for you to continue...?"
She'd be a little embarrassed asking for more, but her shame vanishes the moment she feels their hand on her head again.
Ayaka is too shy to initiate the headpatting on her own, most of the time having her hand almost reach her S/O's head before pulling away last second.
Sara flinches and leans away from S/O on instinct.
(Sara) "What are you-...M-My apologies, I was just not expecting you to..."
Her hand fidgets for a moment before Sara lets out a sigh.
(Sara) "If you wanted to touch my hair, you can just ask."
Now that she was actually ready for S/O, she enjoyed the feeling of their fingers brushing against her hair.
It was relaxing as she let down her guard and enjoyed the physical affection.
Needless to say, Sara absolutely did not want S/O to do this in public.
Seeing Inazuma's general get pat on the head so lovingly would obliterate her image.
Yae smirks as she leans her head closer to them, not saying a word at first.
Her ears twitch for just a moment as she opens her mouth to speak.
(Yae) "Well, does my hair feel nice, S/O?"
And before S/O knows it, her tail wrapped around their waist before bringing them closer and her the back of her head is resting on their lap.
Yae's hand waves nonchalantly, and her tone growing increasingly ever more teasing.
(Yae) "I expect to be pampered properly, S/O. You can't leave a job half-finished after all!"
Now, Yae expects S/O to tend to her hair, in public or private, she doesn't really care.
As long as there were some good reactions from S/O both was fine, though in public tended to provide the funniest result.
...Oh, and their hands did feel nice. But she'd figure it'd be more entertaining to let S/O figure that one out themselves.
Shenhe knows this feeling well.
Cloud Retainer did the same thing whenever she meant to comfort her.
And of course, the feeling is much of the same when S/O does it to her.
WIth zero shame or hesitation, she closes her eyes and the corners of her lips grow into some semblance of a smile.
(Shenhe) "Your hands are soft, S/O...They feel good."
Instead of leaning into them, she grabs their entire arm and has their hand stay stuck in place.
But Shenhe is careful enough to not hurt them during the process.
She opens her eyes and calmly asks them:
(Shenhe) "Can you keep your hand in place for a little longer?"
Xianyun had provided much of the same comfort to all her disciples before.
But never has anyone attempted to pat her head.
So when she feels S/O's hands do the same motion, she is stunned for a few moments.
Clearing her throat and adjusting her glasses, she puts on the best poker face she can.
(Xianyun) "W-Why did you feel the need to rub One's head, One is not feeling upset."
...The blush on her cheeks gave her feelings completely away, if the stutter didn't already do that.
Xianyun is far too proud to admit that headpat made her heart skip, and she would refuse to ever do so.
A mortal patting an Adeptus' head? Absolutely ridiculous!
...She wanted S/O to do that again.
#genshin impact imagines#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact headcanons#furina x reader#lynette x reader#arlecchino x reader#chiori genshin impact x reader#lumine x reader#jean gunnhildr x reader#eula x reader#noelle genshin impact x reader#ayaka kamisato x reader#kujou sara x reader#yae miko x reader#shenhe x reader#xianyun x reader#furina genshin#lynette genshin impact#arlecchino genshin#chiori genshin#lumine genshin impact#jean gunnhildr#eula lawrence#noelle genshin impact#ayaka kamisato#kujou sara#yae miko#shenhe genshin impact#xianyun genshin
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𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙡𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 ༊*·˚
i wanted to make another silly combo post, so here we are. just a dump of ideas about genshin wlw threesomes i'd love to see ♡
warnings: smut (mdni), fem!reader, wlw content, threesomes, straps, blowjobs, cunnilingus, blindfolds, bondage
long post utc
1. jean and navia
"so pretty." navia coos, stroking your cheek, tilting your chin up to meet her gaze. your eyes flit downwards, looking at jean kneeling between your legs, two fingers pressed into you.
navia smiles gently, kissing your forehead as she tugs at the hem of your shirt. "can i take this off?" she asks you, and you nod for her, letting her pull it over your head.
jean sucks on your clit, pulling your attention back to her as you let out a sharp gasp. your thighs threaten to close around her head, but she maintains a soft hold on them, keeping you in place.
she looks up at you, leaning back to lick a slow stripe up your pussy. she kisses your clit gently, standing up. "i think she's ready." jean tells navia who gives her a giddy smile.
they ease you down onto the bed, the three of you stripping down completely as jean settles behind you while navia preps her strap. you eye it cautiously, noting that while its girth seems smaller, the length is rather precarious.
jean senses your hesitancy, gently turning your cheek to face her. "it's okay, we'll be gentle." she whispers, kissing your cheek. her hands trail across your body, teasing your breasts as her lips meet yours.
navia runs the faux cock across your pussy, collecting the slick leaking from you. she strokes the silicone, spreading your sticky wetness over the material, the sound penetrating the air.
jean can feel the heat of embarrassment blooming beneath your skin and she pulls away, letting you catch your breath. "there's no need to be shy."
"we think it's cute." navia pipes up, pushing your thighs up to spread you out. "so pretty." she smiles at you, blue eyes sparkling. she waits for you to nod at her, allowing her to press into you.
jean feels one of your hands gripping her biceps, the other clawing at the bedsheets. she slides her left hand to yours, clasping them together to keep you grounded.
your hand grips hers tightly, face turning to push into her shoulder while navia eases into you. they praise you so sweetly, telling you how beautiful you look, how good you are for them, how pretty you look under them.
jean feels you melt against her, trembling once navia's pelvis touches yours. "good girl." and you can't even tell who's talking anymore.
2. dehya and beidou

"oh, fuck. that's it, sweetheart." beidou grunts, her hand firmly gripping your head while you choke on her thick strap. she adores your little noises: every time you gag, when you whimper, when your hands feebly grip her thighs. you're just so cute.
"taking our captain here like such a good girl, huh?" dehya grins, fixing her own strap to her pelvis, opening the bottle of oil from the table. she slides her hand across the material of the faux cock on her waist.
your eyes flit between beidou and dehya, your nose pressed to the captain's pelvis, tufts of hair tickling your skin. she pets your head, pushing you to take more of her.
dehya takes you by surprise, propping your hips up and spreading your thighs for her. she slides her still slick fingers over your pussy, laughing. "archons, she's dripping, beidou."
your face heats up with embarrassment, whining around the cock stuffed down your throat. beidou shushes you sweetly, petting your head and keeping you firmly on her cock.
dehya's fingers slide into you from behind, and you moan, fingers digging into beidou's muscular thighs as your eyes flutter shut with the stretch.
"how's she feel?" beidou asks, shallowly fucking your throat.
"tight. loosen up a little for me." she pats your ass, crooking her fingers into your g-spot, gently rubbing against it as your feet kick against the bed. she gently eases you into an orgasm, a strange contrast to how roughly beidou is treating your throat.
once you've come back down from your high, dehya's strap is sliding over your sensitive cunt, rubbing circles into your clit. her thumbs spread your folds open, smirking at how you clench around nothing from the way she exposes you.
she slides the faux cock in at the same time beidou pulls out just to hear you scream, face falling to the bed. once you've caught your breath, beidou is back to fucking your throat.
they maintain their pace together, keeping you full at one end (at least) at all times. your hands claw at the bedsheets, tears pooling in your eyes as they fuck you harder.
it's clear how they enjoy your squirming, cooing about how cute you are, how adorable their pretty girl is. how precious you are when you come for them.
dehya angles herself directly into your g-spot, feeling you tighten up around her and tremble on the bed. she slides out carefully, leaning down to kiss the back of your neck. "made such a mess of my cock, you should see it." she whispers to you as you whimper.
beidou pulls you off her cock, eyeing your spit coating her as she wraps a hand around her base, spreading the glossy spit. she lifts your chin up to face her with a grin. "don't fall asleep on us just yet, i still get my turn to fuck you."
3. xianyun and ningguang
"sweetheart, be still for miss xianyun." the tianquan chastises you, and the older woman smiles, holding you against her chest.
"that's alright, lady ningguang. one is rather... adept at handling misbehavior." xianyun reaches down and pinches your clit with the bends of her fingers to ensure you avoid her talons.
you sink lower on the strap she's buried into you. "my, you really are talented." ningguang comments, balancing her pipe in her left hand.
xianyun smiles, holding your thighs open and bouncing you on her faux cock, hearing you whine with each little thrust. "it comes with time. though, one has heard plenty of rumors about the tianquan's very own affairs."
ningguang laughs, taking a drag of her pipe, blowing the smoke into your face, setting it off to the side. "fair enough. i've had my share of traipsing around with pretty women. but you've reduced her to a babbling little toy." she hums, cupping your cheek.
you nuzzle into her touch so sweetly, looking up at her with soft eyes.
"as one has said before, there is much we can all stand to learn, and one is happy to share with you." xianyun bounces you harder, hips thrusting up into you as you cry a mix of their names. "go on, you've been a good girl." she whispers, and, like a trained puppy, you cum around her, shaking in her lap.
xianyun eases you through the rest of your orgasm before sliding you off her strap and into ningguang's lap instead. "aren't you a pliant little thing for us?" ningguang slides her thumb over your lip, watching your tongue dart out over the pad of her finger. she smirks, sliding it into your mouth and holding your tongue down.
xianyun eases you up, grinding you over ningguang's strap, coating the material in the remnants of your orgasm, letting you hear the wet noises of your own slick. when she slides into you, the stretch leaves you reeling.
it's not quite as long as xianyun, but she's chosen a much thicker cock, and you grasp desperately at her shoulders, head tipping back onto xianyun's chest.
ningguang bounces you in a similar manner to xianyun, but different enough that it feels novel. her pelvis grinds into your clit everytime your hips meet hers, and xianyun ensures you feel it by grinding your body down onto the tianquan.
xianyun's fingers dance up your throat, tugging your head closer to kiss her while ningguang watches rather amused. xianyun is tender but firm, holding your jaw in her taloned grip.
ningguang grinds the tip of her strap into your g-spot, feeling you tighten up around her, babbling into xianyun's mouth, begging to cum. merciful as she is, she gives you permission, feeling you soak her cock and drip down onto her pelvis.
they coo at you, petting your head and commending you on being their perfect little pet. and just when you think they're finished, ningguang slides you back to xianyun, fixing her strap and standing to slide it over your lips while xianyun's tip pops back into your pussy.
"such a good girl for us. but so messy." ningguang tuts. "clean up your mess, sweet girl." she grips your head, sliding her dick into your mouth while xianyun slides back into you.
the sensation at the same time along with the taste of yourself on ningguang is all too much. you sniffle and tear up when she teases the back of your throat while they use you, but it only seems to amuse and goad them on.
you are their perfect toy, after all.
4. yae miko and yelan

"you know, i'm quite partial to red and pink, but i can't deny how... fetching blue looks on her." miko mused, running a hand up the blue rope tied on your thigh.
the blindfold blocks you from seeing either woman, but yelan laughs. "what can i say? i know what my girl looks good in."
"oh, your girl? is that so?" miko asks, and you whimper when she leans down over you. "is that true? are you hers?"
before you can answer, yelan is on your other side. "you know the right answer, don't you?"
both women are equally menacing in their own right, and you feel overwhelmed. "i- i'm... both... both of yours." your voice trembles, and the women lean up, saying nothing before laughing.
"what a little slut. playing around with two women like this." miko tuts.
"wouldn't be surprised if we're not the only ones." yelan scoffed and you cry out at them.
"no! just you, i swear-" your voice is cut off into a soft wheeze when someone's hand closes around your throat.
"you speak when spoken to, pet." miko warns, leaning down to nip at your shoulder with sharp teeth. she turns you over onto your front, adjusting the ropes to have your face shoved into the pillows while your ass was perked up for them.
"aww, look at you. all wet for us like an eager little pet." miko slaps your clit with her palm, enjoying your little whimpers and futile squirming. her fingers slide into you briefly before withdrawing, and then you feel them pressed onto your lip. "open." she commands, sliding the slick digits over your tongue.
you feel someone else's fingers on your cunt, pinching your clit before sliding two into you, making you moan around the ones in your mouth.
you assume it's yelan, fucking you rather harshly with her fingers, squeezing your thighs and slapping your ass while miko slides onto the bed in front of you.
she cradles your head, pulling your blinded body closer to her, making you kiss her pussy and feeling you moan against her. "oh, good girl, come on, eat me out." she coos and you feel yelan shove your head down.
"go on. that's what you're made for, isn't it?" yelan snaps, letting miko use your tongue, getting your cheeks and lips all messy.
yelan busies herself with sliding three fingers into you now, letting you hear the sounds of your own slick being pushed in and out before she robs you of your orgasm. you pull away to try and beg her, but miko is quicker, shoving you back down to her cunt and effectively silencing you.
yelan taps the tip of her strap onto your cunt, smacking it loud enough for the three of you to hear.
"isn't that a little big for our poor little pet?" miko gasps, faux sympathy for you in her voice as she grinds herself on you like you're her toy.
yelan grips your head, pulling you up and hearing you pant softly. "what do you think, pet? am i too big for you?" she asks.
"no, no! i can take it!" you wail. "please, please fuck me-"
your back arches, and you scream when yelan slides completely in, feeling you clench around her while the women above you delight in your squirming and crying behind your blindfold.
#genshin smut#genshin impact smut#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader smut#fem reader#genshin wlw#jean smut#navia smut#beidou smut#dehya smut#xianyun smut#ningguang smut#yelan smut#yae miko smut#dehya x reader#yelan x reader#yae miko x reader#xianyun x reader#ningguang x reader#jean x reader#navia x reader
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Little Omega~
Summary: omega female reader goes into heat around the genshin women
Contains: girl c0ck, breeding, dubious maybe? Little degradation, lots of breeding actually,
Arlecchino, Beidou & Ningguang, Yae Miko & Ei, Jean & Lisa

“Say it.” Her voice grew deep as her hips pounded into you from behind, your uniform shredded as your hips helplessly bucked into hers, her arms wrappex around you, keeping you in place. You never knew your boss had a.. cock but oh god you weren’t complaining now. You didn’t realize your heat would be today as it just suddenly sprung onto you with no warning. You hid from the children asking the other staff to cover for you. You weren’t able to leave safely and you also couldn’t find appropriate hiding spot, in the end your scent ended up setting off Arlecchino’s rut and here you were. Now reduced to a mere toy.
“Breed me! Breed me!” You whined. “Fill my insides! Oh god! I wanna be full! Please! More!” Her lips were right to your making you shudder as she bit your earlobe.
“I’m going to mark you.” She said. You barely has time to process when she bit your scent glands making you spazz. You felt yourself climax on the spot. Hormones pumping through your veins. You were so overwhelmed you went numb for a second as blood dribbled from her bite, her teeth firmly sunk in as her hips continued to pump in, emptying her seed right at your cervix, filling your womb.
“Mmmf!” You moaned as you felt so docile. Your body felt so nice and warm, your cunt full and fucked. Your legs shuddered as you collapsed. “M-my my alpha~” you cooed sweetly. Arlecchino withdrew her teeth as she looked you in the eyes, your dumb and docile expression only fueling her more.
“My perfect little mate.” She kissed the bite mark left as you panted heavily. “We aren’t done.”
Yae Miko & Ei
A shrine maiden is usually not used as courtesan like this. Your cunt stretched around both the Puppet god and the kitsune’s cocks.
“PLEASE! OH! MY ARCHONS!” You whined. They showed no mercy. Yae, behind you, her hands massaging your tits the way a cow would be milked, and Ei who seemed just hyperfixated on watching your pussy convulse around her.
“You are most certainly pleasing your archons… oh I wish I could breed you my love but this body is only a puppet afterall.” Ei pouted.
“Well seeing how fertile this one is, I’ll have no problems knocking her up~” Yae purred right in your ear sending shivers down your spine. “Such a wonderful body, oh I do hope you know that now won’t be the only time you’ll be like this for us~”
“Pliant, docile… fertile..” Ei grumbled. “Oh and to think I deprived myself of this for a thousand years~”
“Please…please!” You wined before squirting suddenly. You convulsed as they stopped temporarily to admire the site.
“Such a wonderful view, I wish It could last for Eternity.” Ei purred.
“What was it you were begging for now little one?~” Yae asked
“D-don…don’t stop…” you whined.
“Truly a top quality slut.” Yae smirked.
“Don’t call her that, she’s clearly a virgin with how addicted she’s become.” Ei brushed your hair out of your face as your dazed eyes met hers. “Don’t worry dear, you will be satisfied.” And with that they resumed.
Beidou and Ningguang
“A excellent mouth you have there.” Ningguang had you bent over as you lapped at her cunt eagerly. While from behind Beidou pounded into you. He hands grabbing the sheets as she grumbled about something. “Such a prime little omega, a true jewel to add to my collection.” The beta purred.
“God… such a good cunt… fuck..” Beidou gasped.
“Its that good huh? It must be if it has you like that~” she teased. You felt squished as the two shared a brief kiss all the while you were struggling to breaths in-between the huge cock pounding into you and eating Ningguang out.
“Fuck… I’m going to… cum… shit!” Beidou barely gave a warning as your womb felt full quickly. Her hips stilled as she thrusted a few more times.
“Don’t worry, I know Captain Beidou is quite the overwhelming Alpha to take, especially considering your inexperience.” Ningguang pried you from her thighs as you panted, mindless and obedient, you looked at her as if she were a deity. And she did from this angle, her skin shined like diamonds. She moved you so you laid on your back, legs spread as you watched cum dribble out. You gawked at how hard Beidou was already. “Allow me to have a taste~” she said, her fingers prying your folds open so more would spill out. Meanwhile Beidou positioned herself behind her.
Jean and Lisa
“Oh… oh sweet Barbados…” you mumbled nonsense as Lisa rubbed something around your cunt making it losen slightly. While Jean was bitting marks and rutting against your behind, you were sat in her lap, in her office. You could faintly hear Kaeya redirecting anyone coming by as you tried to hold back any sounds. “Please please just put it inside.” You whispered. Lisa chuckled.
“You two are too impatient now. Hmm I suppose if you really want it~” she teased you with the sight of her bare cock as she lifted the front of her dress to show it. You eagerly took it in your mouth as she guided it so, Jean’s rubbed right between your folds. You could tell she was far gone from her frantic humping.
“Jean dear.. she wants it inside~” Lisa chuckled.
“Fuck… I can’t contain myself, I’ll end up knocking them up~” she whined. Your mind lit up as your hips grind against her cock, your moans muffled as you tried to encourage her. To your relief she finally complied.
“I wonder which one of us will end up inseminating your womb?” Lisa whispered.
#genshin imagines#genshin x y/n#genshin impact#jean gunnhildr x reader#lisa x reader#ningguang x reader#beidou x reader#yae miko x reader#ei x reader#arlecchino x reader#abo#omega reader#nsfvv#wlw#fem reader
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minors don't interact !
he has you in a mating press, legs over his arms and pressed against your chest as he thrusts deeply in you. your hole easily spreads open for him, letting him take you over and over again. you're moaning, crying out his name and for more.
"you're so pretty like this, baby," he whispers, leaning down so he can nip at your jaw. "go on, scream for me." his hips speed up, relentlessly hitting your sweet spot. you shakily grab his shoulders, clenching tightly around him, as you scream while cumming. "always so lovely for me, baby."
jean kirstein, kaeya alberich, jing yuan, + your fave!
#attack on titan smut#genshin impact smut#honkai star rail smut#aot smut#genshin smut#hsr smut#jean kirstein smut#kaeya alberich smut#jing yuan smut#jean smut#kaeya smut#attack on titan x reader#genshin impact x reader#honkai star rail x reader#aot x reader#genshin x reader#hsr x reader#jean kirstein x reader#kaeya alberich x reader#jing yuan x reader#jean x reader#kaeya x reader
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AU Sketch Ideas II
Series I, Series III Series IV
Sfw, gn!reader, mention of Crepus's death
Court (Ragbros + Jean)
The reader Kaeya's and Diluc's youngest sibling, Jean wants to propose but the reader misunderstands thinking Jean likes Diluc
Jean is a traditional woman, she believes she has to meet your guardians who else if not your brothers.
She asked for your brothers for a blessing, which caught them both off-guard. Of course, they give blessing.
The reader stays with Diluc in the Dawn Winery before and after Crepus's death. So Jean obviously often visits Dawn Winery just to see you.
But you are so oblivious you thought with Jean often dining with you and Diluc and sometimes Kaeya, she has a crush on your big brother.
Whenever she visits, you often hide away in your room or walk around the Dawn Winery, thinking you help her get close to your brother. On the other hand, Jean always slumped whenever you left.
It does infuriate the three of them, but who can be mad? Diluc is so protective he often shielded you from all this stuff. Kaeya always jabs Diluc for this. Jean always sees this naive side of you as a cute quirk.
It doesn't help that Kaeya often teasingly calls Jean "sister-in-law" in front of you. Diluc also called Jean that during dinner, when you are also at the table. It should be obvious but boy it makes you more sure she has a thing for your brothers.
Every time Jean greets you or gives you gift, you often passed it to your brothers, whilst Kaeya just smiling in defeat and Diluc just looking at you funny.
Barbara just prays to Venti Barbatos that her sister will have a smooth process in making you her spouse.
Also, Barbara will be the godmother for you both's future kids.
Well, it might take years for that to be a reality.
Until it happens, your brothers and this knight will keep trying to make you realize how bad Jean wants you to take her surname.
Adelinde can't wait to be a "grandma"
Little Dragon (Zhongli + Xiao)
There was a request i got before about Dad!Zhongli, i might do that in the future
Dad Zhongli and Big Bro Xiao!
oohhhhh every kid in the daycare somehow has a puppy crush on you.
Especially a certain ginger- It seems like Zhongli does not like you getting close to him.
Zhongli wants you to learn about his culture, so he often teaches you how to eat with chopsticks and with a chopstick helper. Obviously, you hate it, you just want to use your hand and eat your food. It doesn't help that Xiao really wants you to learn how to use chopsticks too.
Xiao adores you dearly and Zhongli loves you so much.
Despite spoiling you quite a lot, they also let you learn something by yourself but also watch closely for your safety. Like climbing stairs, peeling oranges, putting on socks, etc.
Dragon!Zhongli and Bird Xiao plushies!
Your outfit will consist of brown/yellow or earthy colours. Sometimes also purple and white so you and Xiao can have matching outfit.
#imaginedraw#genshin x reader#gender neutral reader#genshin x gender neutral reader#genshin impact#jean gunnhildr x reader#diluc ragnvindr#kaeya alberich#zhongli#xiao
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“english isn’t my first language, sorry for bad grammar!” ok so im abt to read a masterpiece is what ur saying
#jjk#jjk x reader#shoko ieiri#geto suguru#gojo satoru#toji fushiguro#sukuna#nanami kento#higuruma hiromi#haikyuu#haikyu x reader#hinata shoyo#miya atsumu#miya osamu#oikawa tooru#bokuto kotaro#kageyama tobio#bsd#bsd x reader#dazai osamu#chuya nakahara#genshin impact#aot#aot x reader#levi ackerman#eren jaeger#jean kirschstein
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the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Foodie turned Imposter?!
Part 8: Buttery Mamon
[ part 7 ] || [ masterlist ] || [ part 9 ]
I keep forgetting to add trigger warnings uhhh: one scene has you panicing and nearly falling into an anxious mess, ptsd of course and the general sagau obsession with the creator.
divider is made by @/saradika-graphics
While Kaeya was finishing the last of the skewers you were busy near the stove, using the stocked ingredients in the panty when Kaeya reassured you it was fine, that he'd handle it and just hoped you'd make it worth his while.
Rolling your eyes at his teasing, you knew he meant it when he said that he'll take the brunt if Adelinde or Diluc came to scold them or rather her, for using the ingredients in the kitchen.
A simple snack was what you preferred, something light that would contrast to the meaty skewers that Kaeya had provided for the both of you. You were craving something sweet and soft, so you decided on a pastry. Though you initially thought of something cold, like ice cream or sorbet or maybe pudding, you don't think they have any ice here unless you wished to go to Mondstadt, Kaeya had a cryo vision but it would be rude to ask him to make you some ice during your first meeting.
So some fluffy mamoms would have to do, and you could probably top it with some cheese or a bit more powdered sugar. And he could share it with the other workers as a light treat.
Kaeya watched as you quickly gathered the ingredients, and skillfully start. It was apparent that you were very experienced in cooking from the way you easily cracked the eggs without worry, and how you beat them with a whisk.
To think that you were the supposed imposter, instead of brewing chaos or using the fact that you look like the creator to your advantage, you were here, hiding your identity, talking about food with him.
It wasn't hard to notice, despite you well crafted lie of a background, he could see through it. He noticed the bandages on one of your arm, and peeking out of it was something purple, no doubt Scars from Lisa's electro fueled attacks. Then there was your mask, though you didn't take it off while you ate, you didn't noticed how the mask would flap around due to the wind, luckily letting him take a glimpse of your face.
It was uncanny how you mirrored the old statues of their Divine Creator. Had he been obsessed with pleasing the great God like Jean and Lisa were, he'd have easily killed you on the spot, labelling you as an imposter. But he wasn't like them. Although he respected the Great Creator, the origin of all, he wasn't blinded by such faith.
Perhaps there was a chance you were just a regular person caught up in a bad time in the wrong place.
Because as rarely as it happens, it does happen.
Hopefully he could convince the others about that, maybe with the Travelers help.
"How long will that take?" he asked as you popped whatever you were making in the oven. "Usually half an our, but since I'm using a less advanced oven I'm not sure. I'll have to watch it so it doesn't burn." You explained, wiping your hands with a rag.
He nodded in understanding, the smell of eggs and something buttery was filing the room, no doubt it was appetizing and enticing when even Adelinde curiously checked in on them.
"Oh Master Kaeya, you're still here. I would have thought you'd have scurry off somewhere like usual." She said with a smile, Adelinde was always smiling though, huh?"
"Ah I just had to stay for [Name]'s dish, what was it again?"
You shrugged, "It's simply some mamon, it's like a chiffon cake. And there should be enough for everybody." You added, facing Adelinde who chuckled, embarrassed of having been caught eying the baking pastry.
"That is very sweet of you, Thank you [name]." The blonde haired maid said and turned to Kaeya once again. The duo left the kitchen, holding a conversation that was no doubt confidential that someone like her, an outsider, shouldn't hear.
The smile on your face slowly disappeared, replaced with a calculating frown. "Kaeya probably knows I'm the person the other knights are looking for." You said to yourself, eyes casting down towards the mamon which were slowly rising up.
"I don't think he'll attack me unless I give him a reason." you interacting with him was like a gamble, you were easing your way in, waiting for a chance to ask, what did he think about this great creator?
There was a part of you expecting him to give a passive response or an answer that danced around your question. Because you knew of his lineage, you wondered how do the people of khaenri'ah view the creator, for they are the nation without a God.
Of course just when you were about to ask him the question you had carefully thought about, he was whisked away by Adelinde. Perhaps it was a sign for her to leave, that she shouldn't ask less she gave herself away.
You were preparing the glaze for the mamon, which was simply melted butter as well as the jar of honey and powdered sugar in case they wanted to top the chiffon bread with something a bit more sweeter.
Suddenly the door had burst open as Kaeya quickly grabbed her shoulders, the charismatic mask he had worn had slipped off for a moment, now replaced with something urgent. Your eyes widened in fear, as you felt your hands shake, was he going to kill you?
"You need to be extra careful, not only are the knights looking for you but the fatui delegates are as well." He told you which shocked you, was the reach of this so called great creator truly so magnificent to even make its way to Shezhnaya, a region you thought who was only devoted to the Tsaritsa?
He knew as well, Kaeya knew who you were- you pushed him away, backing until you hit the counter. "Don't" you practically pleaded "Don't hurt me!"
"I won't" he said, "I'm sorry I suddenly grabbed you" he quickly added realizing his mistake "but you need to listen to me. Jean wants you dead, as well as Amber, and Lisa and the other knights. They are convinced you are the imposter. And Jean is desperate enough to accept the Fatui's help."
"You understand what that means right?"
It just got more difficult, you felt yourself fall to the floor, your chest felt painfully suffocating. He cursed under his breath, mentally berating himself for losing his tact, his cool level-headedness as he crouched down.
"[Name]" he called out softly, stretching out his hand "I need you to calm down okay? can you do that? You need to breathe."
His voice fell on deaf ears, you covered your face with your hands, murmuring pleads of mercy, even if the pain was gone, even if the samachurl helped heal you, you still felt it, that electrocuting pain that traveled your body, it made you freeze, and cry, feeling so helpless as instead of being in the kitchen, it felt like you were in Jean's office.
The cold metal that touched your neck,
their uncaring eyes, and deaf ears that turned away from your cries and fears. .
the electro, the lightning that-
"You know, how about when all of this is just over, I treat you to some food."
". . . . ."
Your mutterings had stopped, as you tried so hard, straining your ears to just focus on Kaeya's voice. Ignoring Jean's and Lisa's who spat such poisonous words at you.
"Have you tried the moon pies here?" he asked, noticing your attention was slowly coming back as you broke free from the cage that was that night. Your small voice could be heard "I. . I don't really like meat pies."
Kaeya fought a grin "and here I thought you were a foodie." You pouted, rubbing your face, "meat pies are weird for me, I like apple pies more." you commented with a deep breath, your heart was still racing, and despite not being able to truly break away from that night, Kaeya's eye that stared into your soul told you that you'd be just fine.
"It'll be okay." he said quietly.
"Hopefully." you pitifully said and he corrected you,
You and Kaeya heard the door open and close, and a rush of footsteps followed by Adelinde's loud greeting. "Master Diluc, you're home early!"
"Shit." Was the only thing you and Kaeya said, staring at the door and then at each other. You would be screwed if Diluc of all people had found you after all!
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
Diluc raised a brow at Adelinde, she was usually on the less. . vocal side in her greetings. From the way she fidget and avoided making eye contact it meant that the maid was hiding something from him, which wasn't out of common.
Usually Adelinde, bless her heart, tried to help fix the relationship between him and Kaeya. Often that meant orchestrating surprises or uncanny coincidences where in the two would bump into each other and have to deal with something suspiciously or well, clearly crafted by the maid.
The red headed male sighed "Where's Kaeya?"
Adelinde sweated profusely, perhaps it was better to hide from Diluc to and claim later that she had been busy, curse her for being a bad liar. Usually she was better than this but because of the current situation, there was a whole lot of pressure.
"Diluc!" Kaeya had strolled out of the kitchens, wine glass in hand as he nodded at Adelinde who sighed in relief. Perhaps by now the look-alike was gone, 'poor girl, to think she's being hunted down by her face' she couldn't help but sigh at the situation, eying the two brothers. They didn't usually agree with each other, but maybe, maybe they'll agree on this.
"Kaeya, what are you doing here? as far as I know Jean had ordered all Knights to focus on the search for the Imposter." Diluc crossed his arms, giving the other male a look. "Oh please Diluc, do you really support their decision about this whole. ." he trailed off, acting as if he was trying to find the right words "witch hunt?"
The red hair was silent at his question, and Kaeya couldn't help but let a grin fall on his mouth, of course Diluc would object to this. He was just as righteous at their dad. . no Mr. Crepus was. "Does it matter? as much as a witch hunt is. . overkill. I understand Jean's sentiments that an imposter running around in Monstadt is a grave sign."
"Are you willing to risk the chance of harming or even killing an innocent person, or worse, the real creator then?" Kaeya asked, swirling the contents of his wine glass, watching the blood colored liquid to move like a whirlpool. Silence was the only answer he got.
"Why are you vouching for this imposter?" Diluc asked, eyes narrowing "Have you met them?"
"Perhaps, perhaps not."
Knowing he wouldn't get a clear answer from him, not with his skill of dancing around with his words and controlling his body languages, Diluc resorted to turning to Adelinde who flinched.
"Yes, Master Diluc?"
Adelinde tried her best to smile at Diluc as if she was unaware of what he was talking about. If the situation wasn't dire, Kaeya would have laughed at her failed attempt to appear innocent.
"Did the imposter came here?"
"My Master Diluc, I don't know about any Imposter." She said. Diluc sighed, and decided to investigate, he headed straight towards the kitchen, the same place Kaeya had left in a hurry. From his peripheral Vision he could see the cavalry captain hold the wine glass tighter.
He swung the door open, ignoring Adelinde's calls. The kitchen door and window was left open, it was warm inside, suggesting the oven had been used. The smell of butter filled his nose and he turned his gaze to the table finding something akin to small cakes shaped like tarts.
Hurried footsteps followed after, a sigh of relief left Kaeya's mouth. "What did you do?" Diluc immediately responded with frustration, turning to the cryo wielder with a heated gaze, hand gripping Kaeya's shirt.
"I merely let an innocent victim go. Don't you know the saying? innocent until proven guilty." Kaeya easily responded turning to Adelinde who clearly looked worried that the two might fight. "Adelinde, thank your for your assistance, I'm sorry you had to lie. Why don't you leave me and Diluc to talk things out."
"but. ."
"Please Adelinde." Diluc added, despite his frustrations, his face softened as he turned to the maid who nodded, lips trembling due to the conflicting emotions.
". . ."
"If you wish to risk your life for someone, then so be it." Diluc sighed letting go of his collar. A hand combing through his flaming red locks. "So what have you gathered about this person?"
"They're certainly have the face of the creator, that I will confess however" Kaeya approached the table, setting down the wine glass as his eyes glanced at the chiffon cake, "mamon" her voice lingered in his mind. "she's no imposter, she didn't intentionally deceive anyone. Besides, is it a person's fault for the face they are born with?"
"That would be like blaming a person for the crimes of their parents. . or blaming a person for their heritage. ."
". . ."
Diluc looked tired, his usual mask of indifference had disappeared as he took a seat. "I take it the meeting with Jean was. . less than favorable?"
"I suppose that would be the correct word to describe it." he admitted, Jean had been acting weird, it wasn't just her. Lisa, the usual lazy or too relaxed librarian was rather energetic in her plans to find, catch and kill the imposter. Amber as well was leading the knights to searching the region. "I think she's trying to compensate for not being favored by the Creator." Kaeya offhandedly mentioned, quickly raising his hands however at his brother's penetrative glare.
Kaeya gulped but continued on, "Listen, there's no use letting our personal relationships cloud our judgement. You know how Jean has been when the creator has manifested in her but never truly favored her."
It was hard to deduce when it started, their memories had begun to feel clouded, controlled, and rewritten. Numerous vision users in Mondstadt had felt an awaken, briefly being covered with a golden light, their bodies controlled by someone powerful, a being they would come to realized as the Divine Creator who had awoken from their long slumber, ready to guide the people.
Their favor came in many forms, often or really, it was only the vision holders did the Creator cast their gaze on. The first to be awakened was Amber, followed by Lisa and Kaeya and from then it branched on from Bennett, to Noelle, to Razor and more. Diluc himself had been one of the few to not experience this awakening, but he wasn't bothered by it or at least if he was, he was good at hiding it to the point that Kaeya wasn't entirely sure of how he felt with not being experiencing the Creator's control.
Jean had also been awakened, however unlike the others who felt the Creator's favor and guidance in forms of weapons and artifacts, she didn't experience or receive anything. It was like the Creator casted her gaze on the acting grandmaster only for a moment, and decided that she was not worth any effort.
Nobody outright commented on it, the civilians of course were not aware. The only reason why Diluc knew despite not being in the knights of Favonius was because the blonde haired knight drunkenly confessed her feelings of doubts. Seemed that the pressure of being the acting grand master, the Stormterror problem and the neglect from the Divine Creator had made the woman he once respected spiral down in a pit of self-destruction.
"Here, have some." Noticing how sad or at least worried Diluc was becoming, Kaeya took one of the mamoms and force-fed Diluc. "Omph-" The man glared at the cavalry captain who shrugged, slapping his hand away Diluc bit into the chiffon break cake and instantly melted at the buttery goodness.
It was very soft and warm, a hint of sweetness and definitely butter. "This is. . good. Who made this?"
"The so called imposter." To his credit, Diluc didn't spit it out. It was too late anyways. So he begrudgingly continued to eat it, despite assuming there might be something bad in it.
"I hate you."
Kaeya rolled his eyes at his brother's reactions, "Diluc it's not poisoned. I was watching her the entire time she made them!"
I always wondered how Khaenri'ah played with the sagau elements considering they are canonically the nation without a God. So for now, they would no doubt respect the great Creator who is seen as the origin of everything, but since they managed well without a God, perhaps they aren't as obsessed as the other acolytes. That's why its interesting for me to write Kaeya's pov about the creator. But since he grew up with the Ragnvindr, a family who no doubt respected and paid tribute to the Creator, he'd probably have more respect to the Creator than most Khaenri'ans.
Current compiled suggestions to name the pyro slime <3
Fuji_Sen has suggested! Lava Cake or "Java" based on the food / coffee" Fuji_Sen has suggested! Monsieur Creme Brulee or "Creme" based on the food. @Fantasyhopperhea has suggested! Soleil or "Sol" @Cactus4226 has suggested! Ruru (Py-ro, ro -> ru -> ruru) @bunniotomia has suggested! Helios or "Hel" @airyravenmaid has suggested! Cinnamon or "Cinna" @kindofscenic has suggested! Pyrex from the glass or "Pyruru" @shyentsmissingink has suggested! Pyri or "Pyrico"
kinda wished there was more food based names, since of the whole foodie theme, but I kinda think Sol or Hel is cute too and Cinna.
also I have an idea like for a self aware or at least reader insert hsr
@fantasyhopperhea @rhoswen-drake @cchiiwinkle @aman3kkun @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @bunniotomia @esthelily
@earth-to-name @fandomfan-102 @kh1ffy @jiyeons-closet @dragontammerz / @mercy-not-merci @aryuunachigiri @randomnatics @alexx197197 @keirennyx @vianitry @game-savvy @laviniadraws
#fuji-sen works#fuji sen everything#sagau#genshin impact#self aware genshin#genshin sagau#genshin fanfic#genshin x reader#genshin x you#reader insert#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact sagau#genshin impact x you#mondstadt#genshin impact traveler#aether#traveler#paimon#genshin impact paimon#genshin paimon#kaeya alberich#genshin impact kaeya#dawn winery#genshin impact adelinde#genshin impact diluc#diluc ragnvindr#genshin diluc#genshin jean#genshin impact jean
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SYNOPSIS. saving twins from getting killed who turn out to be rulers of the celestia kingdom isn’t part of the plan. neither is being instated as a member of the royal guard as their gratitude. with the alarming increase of assassinations, you’re wary of everyone in the castle. who is your ally or enemy, or who will be the one to capture your heart?
CHARACTERS. albedo, arataki itto, dainsleif, diluc, eula, jean, kaedehara kazuha, kaeya, kamisato ayato, sangonomiya kokomi, tartaglia, thoma, xiao, zhongli
CONTENT. gn!reader. royal au. fluff. 1.3k words. rewrite of within these castle walls [i] at my old main blog @/verxsyon. inspired by fire emblem: three houses. mentions of assassination attempts which many of them failed. assassination attempt (tartaglia). seduction (sangonomiya kokomi).
VERA. can't believe it's been two years since i wrote wtcw. time flies by really fast. i miss this series so much. will i rewrite for the other parts? no, because respectfully, they suck oof. initially, wtcw was supposed to be one part so here it is lol.

𝄞༉‧₊˚. ALBEDO
a noble descended from a lineage of alchemists. albedo prefers to stay at home to tend to his research and to avoid social interactions. in spite of believing that relationships are bothersome, he’s only interested in you. as an attempt to create a friendship, he brings you flowers which one of his books suggested. he becomes self-conscious that his efforts may not be sufficient, you appear happy when thanking him and complimenting his thoughtfulness. for a split second, an awkward smile graces upon his lips.
a mercenary of oni blood. infamous in his hometown for causing trouble with the authorities with his gang. itto is a popular figure because of his “dashing” looks and abrasiveness. his overconfidence is one reason why you can’t stand him. you never met someone this unbearable. he always disturbs your training by challenging you to a duel, lots of them. comes determined to win the match, but loses every single time. perhaps you’ll indulge him once more, just to see what happens when he finally will be victorious.
captain of the royal guard and royal advisor to the throne. assassination threats have been circulating throughout the kingdom, so he constantly puts his guard up even though you saved the twins. it’s the fact that they trust a complete stranger with battle experience who can kill them any time. nevertheless, he takes you under his wing in accordance with their wishes. his paranoia is understandable, but you believe he’s too harsh on you. he assigns you extra work to prove your worth as an asset. you hope you’ll survive the initiation process.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. DILUC
head of house ragnvindr, tycoons of the wine industry. everyone swoons over the flame-haired man. one of the girls at the flower shop can’t stop talking about diluc like a knight in shining armor. your opinion of him is that you don’t get the hype. politics are supposedly not that important to him, but it’s a whole different story when the royal guard is involved, opposing their operations. it’s suspicious that his comments align with a vigilante who wears a ridiculous costume at night. for sure, you think he deserves respect to protect the place called home.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. EULA
exiled daughter of house lawrence, the clan with a tarnished reputation. the twins are gracious enough to grant eula a position of a royal soldier, upsetting the majority of citizens. you admire her dissociation with her clan’s history, wishing everyone sees her past that. she doesn’t deserve hate for something that is beyond her control. you want to befriend her, but her sense of humor is unique in a way that it kind of gives you chills down your spine. if it makes you feel any better, she likes you for seeing her as herself.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. JEAN
head of house gunnhildr. jean dedicates her life to serve the kingdom, to the point where she tends to overwork. more worried about the state of the state more than her own health, she doesn’t know how to reconnect with her younger sister and what romance feels like out of the romance novels she reads. as someone who spends most of their life in one place, you sympathize with her, therefore offering to solve her dilemma. after all, both of you need breaks from interfering with assassinations. she is confused as to why she feels warm when you’re around.
a former refugee from an insular empire. upon entering the kingdom a few years ago, kazuha was thought to be an assassin which he of course got arrested for, but was pardoned and given the option to live here and serve the crown. in the present, he patrols the seas to fend off intruders. at the end of the shift, he disappears from his crew just to find you. his captain knows that he is smitten with the soldier who was trained as a mercenary. the poems he recites at sea are essentially confession letters in hopes to make you his one day.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. KAEYA
a fellow royal soldier adopted into house ragnvindr. the elderly consider kaeya like their own grandson, but he is so far from angelic. he misleads patrollers to another direction of the crimes and dodges your questions regarding his whereabouts. the citizens might be involved in his antics, avoiding eye contact with you whenever you mention him. apparently, you’re dense, failing to notice the signs of him trying to make a move on you. he’s been doing those things to make you pay attention to him and have you all to himself in private.
head of house kamisato. responsible for managing external affairs, ayato is required to travel, always away for business. although it’s said he goes on trips most of the time, his appearance is a mystery. rumored to be tall with blue hair and a mole near his mouth, everyone joins in the hunt to find him at the royal party, sending his sister and retainer in a frenzy to protect his identity. your dance partner fits the description to a t. when the guests discover that you were dancing with the commissioner, your partner kisses your hand and whisks away into the night.
head of house sangonomiya. kokomi is also its military strategist. having the ability to foresee the tactics and its outcomes of another army, she is a force to be reckoned with and a valuable ally to the crown. you had the pleasure of being invited to her guest room, where she was waiting for you in an extremely thin nightgown. not the type to show emotions, it’s rare to see her amused, and she beckons you to come inside. not only is she well-versed in the art of war, she’s surprisingly an expert in the art of seduction as well.
a diplomat from a neighboring kingdom, or so he claims to be. there is something about childe that sets him apart from the other diplomats who visited the kingdom. your first encounter with him is not pleasant. a mutual distrust forms between the two of you, yet the space you both share is tense. one night with crazed eyes and a knife at your neck, he reveals that he was assigned to assassinate the twins. you’re in the way, but oddly enough, he doesn’t want to hurt you. it seems like he’s doing this against his will, or it’s the tension talking.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. THOMA
retainer of house kamisato. thoma is a fan favorite among the royal staff by being the type of servant they needed. honestly, you don’t like him. but you don’t dislike him either. the epitome of perfection, but too perfect for your taste. he’s also too nice for his own good, hearing him apologize things he isn’t at fault for and saying yes to all requests from the staff. as he serves a clan full of swordsmen, he knows how to fight. so when you unleash a surprise attack on him, he doesn’t retaliate. it reminds him of a similar incident in the past that changed his life for the worse.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. XIAO
a deity sworn to protect the kingdom centuries ago as a promise to one draconic god. xiao finds humans strange, but you’re even stranger, as a child who fought against a beast by yourself in the forest, accidentally fulfilling a commission for a mercenary group who struggled to kill it for months. he despises crowds, but decides to pose as a royal soldier to meet you. when you encounter a dangerous creature during your patrol, he comes to your rescue. then he whispers into your ear to call his name in times of desperation before disappearing into thin air.
𝄞༉‧₊˚. ZHONGLI
a knowledgeable historian. zhongli is friendly and enjoys having casual conversations over tea. there isn’t anyone within the castle who has not been invited to his corner of the library. you have been there as a regular you already lost count. from those meetings, you track his mesmerizing amber eyes. you swear that you’ve seen them in some history books of a draconic deity who once presided over this kingdom. it’s impossible, as higher beings perished during the cataclysm, but the glint in his eyes says otherwise.
#♪ .fics#house of solis occasum#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#gi x reader#albedo x reader#arataki itto x reader#diluc x reader#eula x reader#dainsleif x reader#jean x reader#kaedehara kazuha x reader#kaeya x reader#kamisato ayato x reader#sangonomiya kokomi x reader#tartaglia x reader#childe x reader#thoma x reader#xiao x reader#zhongli x reader#genshin impact fluff#genshin fluff#gi fluff
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You want a request? Sure, here ya go! 😀
Back when Genshin Impact first came out, a lot of folks compared it to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Some even thought Hoyoverse was directly copying Nintendo, if you can believe it) This little nugget of info was stored away in my head for some time, and now it's finally borne fruit!
SAGAU universe, bc ofc it is, where Creator!Reader would turn off the Genshin music and instead listen to Zelda tunes as they play! Nobody in Teyvat knows where these songs come from, but the Vision Holders who have heard them believe these melodies to be of holy origin. Something that connects them to their Creator, and is either shared to the masses or kept amongst themselves...a secret that only those blessed to be the Makers Vessels are to know.
If we're going the Imposter SAGAU route, it could be that our poor Creator is awaiting to be executed by the Genshin Cast. In an attempt to comfort themselves, they hum one of the songs that they love from the Zelda games (Zeldas Lullaby is always a favorite of mine personally) and the Acolytes overhear them. Whether this leads to more harm or to the Reader getting help, I'll leave that up to you.
Divine Melody
(Synopsis): After being transported to one of your favorite game you’re a accused of being an imposter but a melody changes the minds of Teyvat
(Tags/Warnings): Reader is treated as an imposter, reader almost dies, (if I missed anything lmk)
(Word Count): 770
(A/n): I remember that era, it was a ridiculous accusation to throw, and I hope this fulfills your expectations



A bright light shines in your face causing you to open your eyes
You find yourself in a grassy field and laying in the shade of a large tree. Odd you don’t remember falling asleep outside, this area looks pretty familiar. After a few seconds of trying to figure out where you are, you looked to see a statue
The statue looked absolutely majestic, walking to the front of it you saw that it was holding a glowing teal orb and the statue is in the likeness of Venti
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks
You’re at Windrise, you’re in Genshin
Excitement fills you and instantly began to run to Mondstadt City
Being transported to your favorite video game is supposed to be an amazing experience. Experience the world first person, interact with the characters, all that good jazz. That’s what you expected when you step foot in the city
Instead of the kind smiles you would normally see from behind your screen you were met with the people whispering amongst themselves whilst looking at you
Odd, you kept walking around the city until a knight came up to you and pointed his sword at you
“Halt, foul imposter!” The knight spat out. “How dare you come here wearing their holy presence.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just woke up like-” You were cut off by the sword coming closer to your neck
You looked around to see a crowd gathered around waiting for you, the intensity of the situation only grew and so without much hesitation you ran away from the knight and the crowd
You ran until you bumped into a person, looking up you see Kaeya
“Oh thank god! Kaeya please explain to these people that they got it all wrong, I’m not an imposter!” You pleaded
But why did he look at you with such contempt and disgust? Without a word from him he restrained you, his grip ironclad threatening to leave bruises to your arms
“I got them!” Kaeya yelled at the crowd
The mob gathered around you and bound your hands behind your back and the two knights lead you to a jail cell that had long been abandoned
Why were they treating you this way, you’ve done nothing wrong. Hopeless you curled up into ball on the floor and began to cry uncontrollably
You don’t know how long you spent crying when a knight came to get you from your dingy cell. She took you outside and you the moment you were out the sun blinded you. As you were lead through the street the people pelted rotten fruit at you
All that was going through your mind was “why”
Why are they doing all of these awful things to you, the yells of contempt was a stark contrast to the friendly smiles you’re used to seeing
As you got closer you saw the stake that you’re about to be tied to and set alight, the reality hit you and in a desperate attempt to calm your mind you begin to hum a melody that you would listen to while playing the game
You hum loudly to drown out the chants from the crowd. Strangely it comforted you, perhaps in your last moments finding solace in familiarity pushes the situation out of your mind.
You hummed loudly that someone heard you
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” A familiar voice yelled, quieting the crowd
You look up to see it was Venti who was standing before you. He gets down on his knees and looks you in the eyes
“That melody, sing it again.”
You kept humming the tune and the vision holders all had horrified looks on their faces, they all drop to their knees and bowed before you
“Your Grace, please forgive us for our grave mistake.” Jean said
“W-what are you talking about?” You asked confused beyond comprehension
“Your Grace, do you not realize that you are the creator of Teyvat?” Eula said
You ended the story and looked around at the faces of the children gathered around you. A story that is long behind you and now you dictate your time in teaching future generations the lesson
“What was the song you sang, your Grace?” A girl asked
“It was a song that the vessels would hear when I would pilot them, here let me hum it to you.” You began to hum the melody and as the song progressed you saw the children slowly get lulled to sleep. Finishing your tune you stood up from you chair and whispered “Goodnight, my sweet children.”
#genshin x reader#genshin fanfic#genshin impact x reader#genshin sagau#sagau#genshin imposter au#self aware genshin#genshin x gn reader#genshin x female reader#genshin x male reader#genshin x f!reader#genshin x m!reader#genshin x gender neutral reader#sagau venti#sagau kaeya#imposter sagau#sagau jean#sagau eula
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A love story told through voicelines (III)
C/W: slow-burn, Diluc x gn!reader, reader works at the flower shop in Mondstadt, more Wicked and Epic: the musical references, fluff, angst, Crepus mentioned, rumors, no-no word: twat
Note: Pls pretend Donna doesn’t work at the flower shop yet- (here’s part 1 and part 4)
(You) About Diluc: Smiling
He never smiles—I know that for a fact. But when he came to the flower shop today, I swear the corners of his mouth were pointing slightly upward. Hah, I guess you could say the flowers worked! That’s good. Flora took the cost of those flowers out of my paycheck.
(Diluc) About you: Smiling
The way they smiled at me when I came in today… It was different. It wasn’t just a polite smile, but something deeper, something unspoken. I’ve never been good at reading people, but I think… I think they know more than I realize. I just wonder if I’m ready for whatever this is.
(You) About Diluc: Reputation
There are times I feel whispers on the street that have to do with me and Diluc. It’s not like we’ve been particularly discreet in our lunch meetings, so it’s only natural. I just hope nothing bad will happen because of it. No, I’m not so worried it eats me alive—I’m tougher than that, you know! I’m prepared to take what’s thrown at me.
(Diluc) About you: Reputation
When it comes to ‘reputations’, eyes automatically lock on me, being the Master of Dawn Winery, and—to the Knights of Favonius and the Abyss—the Darknight Hero. But I’m already used to dealing with rumors and disapproving gazes—it’s them I’m worried about. Do they feel the pressure of being seen with me? Or do they understand that it’s not just the weight of my family name that comes with me, but all the expectations and rumors, too? I want to protect them from all of it. I don’t want them to feel like they’re being judged for something that has nothing to do with them.
(Kaeya) About Diluc: Recent behavior
Master Diluc. I see him gracing the flower shop more often. Haha, tell me, is he buying blooms for the winery… or for someone special?
(Flora) About you and Diluc
They’ve been getting distracted since Master Diluc started to pass by more; always rushing out the door the moment lunch time comes. Ooh, is something going on between them?
(Fischl) About you and Diluc
Ah, the tale of thy heart entwined with the ever-guarded Crimson Knight of Flames has reached my ears! Truly, a most beguiling confluence of fates!
Oz: Mein Fräulein, it seems that their bond appears to be progressing at a steady pace. Perhaps the Crimson Knight has begun to lower his defenses.
Indeed, Oz! I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have observed the signs! The subtle glances, the fleeting moments shared between them—these are no mere happenstance. Yet, let it be known, they must tread carefully, for to enter the heart of a man such as he is to walk through a storm. But fear not! For they art no ordinary soul, and the stars favor their cause.
Verily, shouldst they require guidance, I, Fischl, shall lend my wisdom! Together with the ever-watchful Oz, I shall ensure that their journey to the heart of the Crimson Knight is as glorious as it is fateful!
Oz: Or perhaps simply buying him another bouquet might suffice, mein Fräulein.
Hush, Oz! A saga of this magnitude deserves nothing less than grandeur!
(Venti) About you and Diluc
Ah, the stoic knight and his admiring florist—it’s practically begging to be sung, no?
(Amber) About you and Diluc
I’ve been keeping an eye on those two lately, and honestly? I think there’s something special there. I hope it all works out between them.
(Klee) About you and Diluc
That florist is the best! You know… Master Diluc used to be sooo grumpy all the time, that’s why I thought he weird. But now, whenever they’re around, he’s a lot less grumpy, and that’s pretty cool! No one’s ever made him smile before. It’s like they have a superpower… with flowers!
(Lisa) About you and Diluc
So someone has finally brought down his walls, huh? Hm, well done.
(Jean) About you and Diluc
I don’t know all the details, but… whatever bond the two of them share, it seems to have brought him a sense of ease that I haven’t seen in a long time.
(You) About Diluc: Constellations
I found him sitting alone near Windrise one night, looking more tense than ever. Without thinking, I sat next to him in silence, just watching the stars with my head near his shoulder. He didn’t say a word neither, but I felt his eyes on me for a brief moment before returning to the costellations above us. I’m not one for silent moments, but there was something comforting with how quiet it was. Like the night spoke for us. It felt… nice.
(Diluc) About you: Constellations
The quiet of Windrise was unlike anything else. I had hoped for solitude that night, but when they sat beside me, I didn’t feel the need to chase them away. They were calm, simply being there, with their presence more than enough. The stars above seemed so distant, but in that moment, with them there, everything felt strangely within reach. I didn’t have to speak. We just… existed together. It was a feeling I wasn’t used to, yet something about it felt right.
(Adelinde) About Diluc: Recent behavior
I’ve seen Master Diluc return to the manor with a lighter step recently. I dare say, it’s been a while since he seemed this… at ease. Reminds me of when he was still a child; always causing trouble, that one.
(You) About Diluc: Could it be?
It’s hard to put into words, but lately, every time he stops by the flower shop or shares a quiet moment with me, I feel this… pull. Like the world is shifting, and he’s at the center of it.
Could it be some kind of sign? That my life, my world, is all about to change?
But then there’s that doubt—that nagging little voice in the back of my head. Maybe I’m just imagining things. What if I’m wrong about him? About us?
Still… I can’t help but wonder.
(Diluc) About you: Could it be?
I can’t stop thinking about them. Every conversation, every glance—it stays with me long after they’re gone.
But then, one question keeps haunting me: do they feel the same?
I’ve always thought myself strong, unshaken by the opinions or approval of others, yet this… this is different. What if I’ve misread everything? What if the way I look at them, the way my heart quickens when they’re near—it’s all just me?
Was I really seeking something good with them, or was I just seeking attention? Am I holding onto this feeling because I don’t know how to let it go?
(Donna) About “you and Diluc”
Oh, you won’t believe what I’ve heard! You know that florist that’s been hanging around Master Diluc all the time? Yeah, turns out—they have a little arrangement, if you catch my drift. And it’s not just the flowers. Hahaha! Seems like a desperate move, but who knows? Maybe they’ve been waiting for more than a paycheck.
(You) About Diluc: Rumors
I thought it wouldn’t matter to him, you know. He seemed like the type not to care about gossip. Maybe I was wrong there. Archons—maybe I was even wrong about us! I’m so confused… how could he throw our friendship away like it was nothing?! All because of that Donna—psh, who even is Donna?! Who is she to mind Diluc and my’s business? If she has something to say, then come on! I’m all ears! In a moment, I’ll be all fists too. She’s just jealous! Twat.
It’s no use being angry, Diluc’s gone. He’s gone… and I don’t know what I can do to get him back. … I need to see him. No—I don’t care if he doesn’t want to talk! He can’t just throw away what we have! Whatever that is. I’m going to the manor!
(Diluc) About you: Rumors
I heard about it… from one of my staff. Some girl, Donna, spreading terrible lies about them. I had the situation dealt with, of course. …They don’t deserve this—these watchful eyes and loathsome minds that seem to misinterpret every step they take. I thought by letting them go, I would be freeing them from all of this. That was the right thing to do, isn’t it? Protect the people I care about, even if it hurts me? That’s what my father would’ve done.
(Diluc) About Crepus: Protecting loved ones
Truth is… I don’t think I’m anything like him. He would have handled this better. He wouldn’t have been so cowardly—so afraid of ruining something good that he let it slip through his fingers entirely. I wanted to keep them safe, to protect them the way I couldn’t protect him. But instead, I’ve only driven them away.
If my father were here, what would he think of me? Would he see me as strong, or as a coward hiding behind excuses? I don’t know anymore. All I know is that I’ve hurt them… and I can’t stop thinking about how much I’ve failed them. I promised to protect them, but I’ve only hurt them. And now… I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance to make it right.
Note: now how tf do I write part 4-
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin fanfic#genshin angst#genshin impact x reader#diluc x reader#diluc ragnvindr#diluc fluff#diluc angst#slow burn#kaeya genshin impact#lisa genshin impact#fischl genshin impact#genshin venti#amber genshin impact#genshin klee#jean genshin impact
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୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
A/n: I made this while drunk /jk
Were you high? Possibly.
Did you feel like you were floating? 50/50
You stared directly at the glowing screen plastered infront of you, with your eyes full of focus.
'Ah.. This will be hard' You thought to yourself while nodding and looking away from it. Gazing your eyes back on the screen you either were highly delusional right now or...
You had been gifted the ultimate weapon! A system!
You're not a dumbass you've seen those novels, tv's, Mangas, animes, manwha, all that kind of stuff! So you had some bits and pieces on how to roll with this new kind of power.
Back to the main problem... Which element should you pick? Every element in the game is highly valuable and could be used with many different ways. The question is what would benefit you more in the situation you've been put upon.
Currently you had been locked in a cell by whoever knocked you unconscious, but your suspicion leaned more in the knights of favonius. You shaked your head telling yourself to deal with the problems one by one.
"Damn.. Which do I choose" You clenched your lips together tightly and scratched your chin with your own finger. Being indecisive and having a bit of a problem to choose from the choices given to you by the system.
You knew you had to pull your ultimate move.
"Innie, Minnie, Miny, moe..." You mumbled while your finger hopped it's way to each element on the screen "Catch a tiger by its toe if it hollows let it Go, Innie, Minnie Miny, moe." Your finger slowed down by the second and finally took a halt when the song ended.
You looked at the element carefully too see what the fate has given you!
Your excitement honestly didn't come from the element you choose but the thought you could have your own powers and vision!!
"Gimme DENDRO!" You declared to the system with a prideful voice, A systematic noise rang through your ears in a unpleasant way, soon after the noise came to a halt, a small glowing jeweled amulet began to descend from the air.
"Holy..!" You stared in awe as the jewel gently dropped to your hands. A familiar glowing green vision with it's outer areas decorated uniquely in a high quality silver material.
Quickly enough the system box appeared in front of you yet again.
The system then showed a long box filled with words and numbers that you immediately understood from your long gaming experience.
Lvl 1 / 20
Max HP: 929
ATK: 34
DEF: 21
Elemental Mastery: 0
Max stamina: 240
Crit rate: 5%
Crit DMG: 50%
Energy Recharge: 300%
GODDAMN! Why was your energy Recharge so high?... Actually no- that isn't a bad thing, it'll be good for you to just keep spamming your burst till the enemy drops dead.
Your thoughts were interrupted when a pair of footsteps made their way too where you currently are, you quickly hid the vision behind your back, afraid they might try and take it from you if they ever found out about it.
A familiar blonde and brunette made their way in front of your cell, you gripped your vision tighter remembering clear as day what had happened, your suspicions not even faltering for a second.
"(Name)." Jean called out, she placed her hand on her chest while looking at you calmly. Amber was by her side looking at your every movement, Jean continued "Were not here to hurt you. It's the opposite really" Jean's eyes looked soft and humble...
But that doesn't excuse them for knocking you out so harshly.
You deathly wanted to talk back to her but kept your mouth shut, only biting your lip harder so that nothing would come out and spill something important.
"Please, don't be wary of us.. We're your friends" Okay now she was spouting bs. Sure you've met amber for ONLY a bit but Jean was still technically a stranger to you!
You sighed to yourself "How long are you going to keep me in here?" you asked with a tad bit of impatience, you leaned your head back on the solid wall while narrowing down your eyes at them.
Amber responded to your question "Its..it's for your own good (Name), please trust us. We're keeping you safe" Amber's tone was yet determined but also worried. Jean placed her hand on Amber's shoulder and nodded.
"We'll explain to you everything later" Jean was about to say something till you cut her off "Why not now?" You asked tilting your head to the side.
Jean looked at you then down at the ground "There.. Are still some important things we had to arrange. But even so don't try to escape, this is for your own good (Name)"
"Ha? What do you-- AND... they left" You grumbled seeing them leave you all alone in here again.
"Hey system." You called out to it while playing around with your vision. The system appeared again by your side "What is it?"
A Google translator like voice came out of the box, you had this thought for a while now. "Will something happen to me when I escape this place?" You questioned it.
It took a while but the Ai voice returned "Judging from my information I have gathered. You are currently a 'GOD'."
"What!? What do you mean, God!?" You exclaimed in a panicked voice. You? A God?
You were snapped out of your frenzy when you heared it's voice again "There is currently a popular and confirmed tale plus ballad that you are the creator of Teyvat. People began worshipping you after you had abruptly dissapered without any warning, so they prayed and worshipped, hoping to bring you back"
You were even more bewildered but also... Understanding? I guess? I mean you are the player who basically built everything in the game. But isn't also Cai Hauyo (Mihoyo) basically the creator of what had been created? You'll dive deeper into that later.
"So.. They're all after me now?" Your tone had a clear hint of worry. You didn't want to be on the run and just wanted a normal life! The system replied saying "Not quite yet. I belive only the knights of favonius must've known. But Im sure it won't be long till the whole mondstadt or even Teyvat will find out about your presence"
You grimaced at the thought of being hunted down by multiple people, especially if those beloved people that you used to grind hours on end for!
You shaked your head in disapproval "Yet I can't really stay here either can I, it seriously sucks" you stretched your legs out on the cold cement flooring, the exterior of the room you had been trapped in was definitely not suited to live in.
"Why are you eager to escape?" The system sought to find the answer, you gave it a long frown "First of all, I am not going to be trapped here for the rest of my life! I'll die of boredom before anybody could even reach me" The system responded with only small glitching noises, it seemed like it was trying to process the outcome of your actions.
You took that as a cue to continue your rant "Secondly, I'm not really trusting the Knight's of Favonius yet nor anybody in general here. When you said I'm a supposed 'God' that's already trouble going to bite me in the ass" You breathed heavily to catch your breath, letting that all out of your chest felt pretty good to be honest.
"I know they're up to something"
Jean stared down at the stack of papers and files scattered around her desk. She took a deep breath and began to tidy things up around the office, a vivid memory flashed through her mind, a memory that wasn't that long ago.
Amber had gone out to continue her Outrider duties leaving Jean to take care of their business for the time being. Her lips trembled ever so slightly like a leaf being blown by the wind, so she quickly bit her lip with her eyes full of worry and dread.
A god was in a cell. A cell she placed them in. Or.. So she was assuming
Back then, Barbatos and the creator had a small fondness of each other. Tales and Ballads would often say they were friends, even with the gap between their ranks and powers, the creator treated everyone fairly no matter what rank. They adored their creations and thus, the creations adored them back.
If only they hadn't left so soon that Teyvat began to slowly crumble, leaving a nation to fall down, a nation to lock itself away from the rest of the world, a nation having their own Archon sacrifice themselves for their people.
If only...
Jean had her doubts. It wasn't the first time that a supposed 'Creator' stepped up only for them to experience demise and pain for their foolish actions.
The creator didn't have a confirmed face or appearance since they often changed what they look like, the creator did had 'Aura'.. That was only visible to vision holders. But of course, the humankind has evolved and people began to come up with a 'Fake Aura' that was the exact replica of the creator's.
Her feet paced back and forth through the room, deciding on what to do with the supposed 'God' that was locked away in a cell.... Should she eliminate them now? False identity was a crime. And when it comes to the creator, no one is spared nor given mercy.
"...Their too suspicious, Why only now did they appear? They must've been like the others." She whispered to herself, her thoughts running wild about them.
A 50/50.
They were either the actual creator
Or they are a fake.
And Jean's choice began to tilt towards the one most logical.
"Tomorrow. We will arrange a public execution"
"GAHHH!! AGHHH" You desperately tried to concentrate on your mind to activate your vision powers "What the heck how does this work!?" You gripped the amulet tighter with your left eye twitching violently. Your annoyance only filled more as the messages of the system flooded in your face.
"Try concentrating more calmly. What are you doing? Taking a shit?" The system taunted you while also sending some emojis.
"I'm trying okay!? How do you..." You trailed your words off, having a random flashback of when you still were at earth for some reason.
"Hey how are you always so calm?" You asked your friend filled with curiosity, they looked up at your eyes. Seeing your curiosity they hummed "Well I mostly think about my happy memories and things that I like. It's like day dreaming you know?" They answered your thoughts calmly.
"What?? You sound like one of those cliché characters in shows lol."
You blankly stared at the wall after the flashback had ended. Your head turned to the system "That was your doing ain't it?" You deadpanned seeing that the system had completely ignored you and instead sent whistling emojis.
You groaned finally giving in since you had no other ideas anyway. "Agh... Fine, worth a shot" You grumbled giving in to the cliché idea.
You relaxed down your body as your shoulders began to lower along with your guard, you cleared your head, thinking nothing but a blank space for some moments. When you felt ready you had began to imagine all the joyful things that you deeply favored for the past years. All of that gathered into one moment inside your brain.
The vision glowed brightly in your hands, it's viridescent color taking up the whole dimly lit room, even the system kept quiet with the messages so that you could concentrate better on finally unlocking some skills.
And just that, in a short while the vision began to lose its light.
Fluttering your eyes open you took a look around your body to see any changes, to your dissapointment there wasn't any difference. "Did it work?" You wanted to know if you were finally able to throw plants or something.
Suddenly, you slightly jumped seeing confetti pop out of nowhere. The systems screen had massive words placed for you to see.
+50,000 Mora
+Cake For The Player
+Personal Companion"
'Personal Companion?'
You were curious to see what it was but for now, you had to focus on breaking out of this hell hole. "System! So like uh, what can I do for now?" You rubbed the back of your head still pretty much a newbie to all this powers stuff.
"Throw out your companion. Call out it's name, 'Taube' and break the damn wall to escape"
"Taube?..." You mumbled it's name unsure at first but your doubts had quickly vanished as your eyes landed on a... Dove?
The Dove (Taube) was pure as a snow, it's wings flapping in the air gently with the inner layer of its feathers being a stunning (Color). Other than that, it looked like a pretty beautiful dove soaring in the sky.
"Wait so, what can it do?" You tilted your head at it questionably. "Make Taube attack the wall so you can see" The system answered your calling, you silently nodded your head at the systems words.
If the Dove was basically part of your power, then it could basically read through your mind! then.... 'Taube, I choose you!!'
Like a smooth cut of a knife, Taube had sliced through the wall with their wing, leading to the fresh and flourishing outside.
You were lying if you didn't say you were impressed and amazed by how easily Taube destroyed the wall. A wide smile appeared on your face as you didn't waste a single moment and ran out to the outside and away from that wretched room.
The air was clean and felt good as you inhaled as much as you can, the sweet scent of dandelions being all over the land was just a touch of freedom. The wind blew over your clothes and hair, wrinkling and messing it all up slightly.
"Man..." You muttered while straightening and fixing yourself up to look a slight bit more presentable. You looked around seeing Taube flying over to your vision, confusion hitted you but shock struck you harder for some quick seconds.
Your eyes widened, watching how Taubes body began to get absorbed by the vision, you panicked alot thinking your powerful animal companion is going to dissperse and never appear again but you quickly remembered that Taube is originally made from your vision anyway.
So you could summon them anytime! :D
A sigh of relief escaped through your lips, your eyes lingered on the body of Taube one last time, in impulse you softly stroked it's head before it faded away from your line of view.
Brushing those thoughts aside, you took a look around the vast land of Mondstadt. You weren't used to seeing how clean and green it was compared to earth where everything is in the brink of collapsing.
BUT! that wasnt your problem right now.
You didn't think twice to bolt your ass out of there and find a new hiding place, A cave? A abandoned house? Anything is fine! cause your gut kept telling you something bad will happen if you stay too long in there!
Wow. Who knew that you would be escaping from there when just a few chapters ago you were fangirling about living in mondstat?
A/n: Short but active hehe
This is what the Dove kinda looks like btw, you could leave it to your imagination v
#genshin#genshin impact#genshin fanfic#genshin impact x reader#reader insert#x reader#gender neutral reader#genshin au#genshin impact sagau#genshin sagau#genshin self aware#genshin self aware au#jean genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact au#genshin x gn reader#gn reader#amber genshin impact#mondstadt#genshin impact cult au#genshin impact x you#yandere genshin impact#yandere genshin#self aware genshin impact#self aware genshin#genshin x reader#genshin fic#reader#sagau x reader#sagau
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You just did a “girls leave lipstick on S/O” ask, now lets do it the other way!
S/O leaves lipstick on Robin, Jean, and any wildcard of your choice!
(Also, it’s 2024, guys can and should wear lipstick, too, so it’s still gender neutral!)
Leaving lipstick on their girlfriend
Genshin Impact - Jean, Lisa, Lynette, Navia, Chiori Honkai: Star Rail - Firefly Girls' Frontline- WA2000, Helianthus GoV: NIKKE - Rapi, Anis, Neon
Have I ever mentioned how glad I am Tumblr put the image limit from 10 to 30? Anyways, have a truckful of gals because the bug randomly bit me. I also don't write for Robin just yet, but soon!
Jean is completely bright red the moment she feels the lipstick on her cheek, a hand instinctively going to rub it off, but stopping midway because she felt that it'd be rude.
(Jean) "A-Ah! Sorry, it's not that I don't like the kiss, S/O, it's just...Well, the knights might talk if they see something like this on me!"
(S/O) "Aw, worried that people know I love you, Jeanie?"
(Jean) "Of course not! B-But...!"
She grows increasingly flustered watching S/O's reaction, hands fidgeting as her eyes stare at everything except her lover.
The absolute last thing she needed was for Lisa or Kaeya to see her like this.
Because then she'd never be able to live this down.
Lisa chuckles when she notices the lipstick on her cheek, seeing it from the reflection of the library's window.
She can't help the slight blush from the sight, instead she just turns to S/O with a little smirk.
(Lisa) "Oh? Someone's getting jealous."
(S/O) "Jealous how?"
(Lisa) "By letting people know I'm yours, if this lipstick is anything to go by! Here, let me make it a little more fair.~"
And Lisa promptly kisses S/O, leaving a little smudge of her own against their forehead.
(Lisa) "There, now we're even!"
She doesn't flinch or even bat an eye when people stare at the mark left on her.
Lynette's ears twitch a little bit in annoyance at the feeling of something foreign against her lips.
To which she quickly pulls out a small pocket mirror to check what it was.
Then after a brief moment of silence, turning to S/O.
(Lynette) "...S/O."
(S/O) "Hm?"
(Lynette) "Is this a joke?"
(S/O) "My love is never a joke, dear Lynette!"
She blinks once slowly, with an unamused expression growing flatter by the second.
(Lynette) "If you're going to kiss me, please don't make it to where people will notice."
(S/O) "Hah! Alright alright, sorry. Couldn't resist."
Though the next time S/O would try it, they would magically have it on themselves instead, while Lynette had not even a smidge of lipstick on her.
Navia wears the lipstick with a badge of honor!
Who cares that people will see it? In fact, that's actually even better!
They needed to know that she was taken!
Plus, she did it ALL the time to S/O, so it was only fair!
(Navia) "S/O! I'm home!"
(S/O) "...D-Did you fight with the lipstick on you?"
(Navia) "Huh? What makes you say-"
(S/O) "There's a little gunpowder on your cheek too..."
(Navia) "Well, you know what they say! Love blooms on a battlefield!"
(S/O) "Isn't that...uncomfortable?"
(Navia) "It...is a little sticky now that you mention it."
Chiori raises an eyebrow when she sees S/O's lips all bright and colorful.
Before they go in fully for the kiss, one finger quickly shoots up to intervene, getting it all smudged instead of her face.
(Chiori) "What do you think you're doing?"
(S/O) "Giving my lovely girlfriend a kiss!~-"
(Chiori) "You're giving me a stain is what you're doing."
Wiping her finger off on a nearby towel, Chiori puts one hand to her waist.
(Chiori) "I don't mind the smooches, but I'd prefer to not get dirty from it."
(S/O) "Oh, I'm hurt!-"
(Chiori) "Sure you are. Here, so you don't whine-"
Chiori wipes off S/O's lipstick with her thumb before kissing them, pulling away after a brief moment.
(Chiori) "All better? Good, now I need to work."
Firefly lets out an adorable squeak when she rubs her cheek and feels the stain smudge, her face turning scarlet.
(Firefly) "S-S/O! Is there something on my face!?"
(S/O) "Hm...Just a little."
(Firefly) "Can you get it off please? I don't want people to stare!"
(S/O) "Sure thing, stand still for a second-"
She leans in with no hesitation, before S/O surprised her again kissing her on the lips, making Firefly pull back with a hand going over her mouth.
And which her surprise quickly turned into a pout, with Firefly calling out their name in a slight whine.
(Firefly) "S/O! You know that's not what I meant!"
Her annoyance however quickly turns into laughter, hearing S/O's own and making the tension in her shoulder melt away in an instant.
WA gasps, with S/O watching in real time as she went through all stages of grief.
Only to be caught in the "Anger" stage swiftly, and indefinitely.
(WA2000) "YOU BLOCKHEAD! What did you do?!"
(S/O) "J-Just left a little love mark on you, WA!"
(WA2000) "Little?! Your lipstick is taking up half my face! You better get it off right this instant!"
Though she was doing a terrible job of trying to sound intimidating with her face still so bright red.
Especially with her voice cracking at her squawks, and brow twitching at S/O's amusement.
(S/O) "Should I camouflage you in lipstick instead?-"
(WA2000) "Should I shoot you instead, S/O?! D-DON'T YOU EVEN DARE-"
S/O leaned in to kiss her again, making WA swear vehemently in German, yet still begrudgingly accepted their affection.
Solely because no other T-Doll was present to watch their shenanigans.
If S/O tried the same thing in front of the Commander, S/O would get shot.
Helian's eyes widen as her monocle falls out of alignment, realizing just what S/O did.
Making her hand audibly smack the table underneath her, turning to her lover.
(Helianthus) "S/O!"
(S/O) "Yes, Helian?~"
(Helianthus) "Don't act innocent with me! You know exactly what you did!"
(S/O) "I'm not so sure. What did I-"
(Helianthus) "T-The lipstick!"
Her stutter sealed her fate. Alongside her face quickly heating up.
(Helianthus) "Were you hoping the other Griffin Personnel would see this?!"
(S/O) "...Would you hurt me if I said yes?-"
And with that, S/O sealed their own fate as Helian dumped a metric ton of paperwork in front of S/O, requiring them to finish it by tonight.
And it was already 9:30 PM.
Rapi knew immediately that there was a foreign sensation on her face.
She also knew exactly what it was when S/O pulled away, making her frown.
Though S/O was immune to it by now, and looked more cute than intimidating.
(Rapi) "S/O..."
(S/O) "Rapi..."
They echoed back, mimicking her serious tone before immediately breaking character and chuckling.
S/O's laughter was something Rapi was not immune to however, as a soft smile accompanied her sigh.
(Rapi) "Not that I don't appreciate the gesture, but I'd rather not deal with Anis's comments, S/O."
(S/O) "Okay okay, Rapi. One second."
Rapi leaned into S/O's touch as they gently rubbed the lipstick off. She was honestly a little reluctant to, but she had to keep up appearances around the Outpost.
And the last thing she wanted was the Commander seeing the lipstick on her and thinking she was...doing something else on duty.
Anis made an audible "Blech!" noise the moment her hand smeared the lipstick on her cheek.
(Anis) "Yuck! Why the heck did you put that much on?!"
(S/O) "To show you my love, Anis!"
Anis rolled her eyes as she aggressively rubbed her hand against her face, accidentally making it worse.
(Anis) "Ugh, I swear you did this on purpose!"
(S/O) "Hah! Well, honestly I just wanted to see your reaction, but this is better than I expected!"
With a puff of air shifting the bang on her forehead, her lips moved downward into a more annoyed expression.
And quickly noting S/O's clearly amused smirk.
S/O scoffed at the threat.
(S/O) "Going to shoot me?"
(Anis) "No. I'm going to make you wish I did."
Anis pulls out her phone and sends a DM to one her fellow NIKKE's.
[ANIS] Belorta. I have a mission for you.
One day later, both Belorta and Anis were inside the Commander's office, explaining why S/O was currently stuck to the ceiling, caused by a freak explosion involving a can of soda, and a NIKKE-Sized bag of Mentos.
Neon raises an eyebrow at the feeling on her cheek. It was kinda...icky!
(Neon) "The heck did you put on me, S/O?"
(S/O) "Lipstick!"
(Neon) "...Oooh! I think I know what you're trying to do! YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE ME MORE POWERFUL, WITH YOUR LOVE!"
S/O didn't really know how to respond to that. They were about to make that joke themselves, but they had a creeping feeling that Neon didn't take that as a joke.
Not the reaction S/O was expecting...Then again, this was Neon they were talking about-
(Neon) "I will show the world our strength! Come along with me to the firing range!"
Neon happily dragged S/O around by the hand, eager to show her newfound strength!
Even though S/O meant to tease Neon, it was now them who was in utter despair from their prank.
And she did obliterate more targets than usual, but that was probably because Neon had a placebo effect.
Or maybe it was actually her love being the enhancing factor.
Either way, S/O wouldn't be able to live this down for the next few months around the outpost.
#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact imagines#genshin impact headcanons#jean gunnhildr x reader#lisa minci x reader#lynette x reader#navia x reader#chiori x reader#firefly honkai star rail x reader#wa2000 x reader#helianthus x reader#rapi nikke x reader#anis nikke x reader#neon nikke x reader#firefly hsr x reader#honkai star rail x reader#girls' frontline x reader#goddess of victory: nikke x reader
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˓𓄹 ࣪˖ multiple characters scenario (inspired by the 5.4 genshin onsen event)
tw dubcon-ish, ass slapping (1), implied threesome, nsfw utc … MDNI
after weeks of pleas, you and your two friends finally decided to take some time off and go to a bath house together — there’s nothing wrong with that, right? too bad you feel your core getting wetter with each sigh of pleasure, not to talk about their curves on full display. what’s really unfortunate is that when you’re trying to exit the bath, you slip and fall on top of your cute friends in a…compromising position.
you opened your eyes because you could feel their hands roaming on your naked body — one was busy groping your ass cheeks and copping your pussy, while the other was throughly massaging your tits. once you started letting out lewd mewls, they got out of the bath, carrying you with them, and they laid you on the floor. what a sight, they both think: surely it doesn’t happen often to see your cute friend is such a compromising position. heavy tits soaked in water and soap, face flushed and pussy glistening (they don’t know whether it’s because of your arousal or water, though). soon enough, one of your friends makes you lay your head on her plush thighs, and lowering her fat tits right above your head. the lewd sight only makes you rub your own thighs against each other, but the other’s hands are quick to spread your legs and to slap your ass, making you understand that you need to behave. they are the perfect mix: nice and mean. however, the nicer one is also quick to lose her patience, pushing her breasts over your head, covering your eyes — poor you, you actually thought you’d be able to taste her nipples so soon? that’s reserved for later, cutie. you’re not going to stop fucking anytime soon. after all, they’ve been repressing those urges for a long time, so why don’t you be a good puppy and let them use your lewd body?
CHARACTERS … ei + yae miko, lisa + jean, beidou + ningguang, clorinde + navia, shenhe + yelan, eula + rosaria (genshin impact) ruan mei + the herta, kafka + himeko, acheron + black swan, tingyun + yukong (honkai star rail) shoko + utahime (jujutsu kaisen)
#honkai star rail x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#ei x reader#yae miko x reader#lisa x reader#jean x reader#beidou x reader#ningguang x reader#acheron x reader#black swan x reader#ruan mei x reader#herta x reader#kafka x reader#himeko x reader#tingyun x reader#yukong x reader#shoko x reader#utahime x reader#navia x reader#clorinde x reader#rosaria x reader#eula x reader#x reader#writing
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