#genshin 2.7 update
quaggyday · 1 year
Even now I feel like 2.7 is my favourite genshin update
Not only does it feature best ship ever xiaolumi, it had an interesting plot, lovely character interactions between seven different yet whole people, writers who know to to frickin write Paimon well, and lore and story beats for Xiao
Sure it has the genshin problem of exposition that is way to boring and long to read but it’s just so nice, the idea of these seven people working together and six of them trying to make sure Xiao doesn’t become a martyr (someone get this guy to a therapist)
The puzzles were really cool and well designed, the combat didn’t feel too hard, the cutscenes were AMAZING and really helped the characters come together. I do wish they didn’t just take Itto out of the plot for awhile but eh that’s my only story gripe
Love 2.7 Stan xiaolumi
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mania-sama · 3 months
ask for help, call it weakness
Trauma - NF
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➼ information ❧ Genshin Impact ❧ Pairing: Aether &/ Xiao | Alatus ❧ Additional Character: Paimon ❧ Tags: ambiguous relationship, trauma, aether has ptsd, right after 2.7 update, panic attack, self-harm (due to panic attack), angst, hurt/comfort, soft! xiao ❧ Summary: Xiao did not understand the mortal fear of lightning. It was mundane, something so simple. His perspective of the world had changed entirely upon meeting Aether, so it wasn't unexpected that this opinion he had would change, too. ❧ Word Count: 3,090 ❧ Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own ❧ Original post date: 8 June 2022
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Author Note:
Based off of this tikok
Pain throbbed throughout Xiao’s entire body, the main focal points of the aches being located at his right cheek, arm, and side. Despite Verr Goldet’s needless fretting, his wounds were not able to be healed by any normal means. They were induced in a chaotic space by an equally chaotic force; only time would close his cuts and fade his bruises.
Still, Xiao found himself at the mercy of Verr. She had forced him to stay in a room of the Wangshu Inn to let his body rest on a proper bed, even though he truly had no need for it. His conversation with Aether had echoed in his mind while she was begging him to go inside, just short of dragging him in herself. Aether and the entire group he was with, though odd, had taught him an invaluable lesson. It would be fitting if the first thing he did to show what he learned was to let Verr Goldet take care of him.
That was how he found himself lying on a… comfortable bed in the Wangshu Inn, no doubt one of their finest. Usually, he stayed on the rooftop. He was able to see all of Dihua Marsh from there, so even in his resting periods, he could still protect the place he called home. Xiao’s eyes stared out the window to his left, watching the rain fall from the sky in white, heavy sheets. Yakshas had no concern for the weather; demons did not stop for the rain, therefore they wouldn’t, either.
Unfortunately, he was in no condition to be hunting demons. Nor survey the surrounding area of the inn. Which meant that the only things left for him to do were either sleep, think about the ever-present pain and screams of the souls he’d slaughtered, or focus on the stormy weather. Out of all of those, the weather seemed to be the best option, however boring it may be. Sleep wasn’t a state that came to him easily, and besides, he’d already done that earlier. It had served as a quick reminder as to why he hadn’t slept in ages.
Lighting zapped quickly, a flash of white illuminating the entire room before it faded into the normal darkness. Xiao didn’t flinch at the sudden noise nor blinding whiteness. He adjusted his head on the pillow, letting himself indulge in the fluffy feathers it was stuffed with. For a moment, his heart rate eased, and the screams he dutifully ignored faded away to the point where there was really nothing at all. It was unpleasantly pleasant, in a way. Xiao wasn’t familiar with the feeling of peace.
A shrill voice cut through the methodical drumming of the rain and the quietness of Xiao’s mind. He sat up immediately, the sound of his name hard on his ears as it was called desperately by an annoying yet familiar pixie. It was completely different from the first time she said his name. Then, there had been no urgency, no anguish that he had become so close with. There was obviously something very wrong, and while he had at one time swore that he would never answer that pixie’s calls, he found himself manifesting his spear in his hand and calling the wind to drift away on.
He followed the sound of his name only a few feet from his room. It led out to the topmost balcony of the Wangshu Inn, where regular trespassers were not allowed to go. Verr had said she enforced the rule for the sake of Xiao’s privacy. It made him wonder why she allowed the rule to bend for Aether, but that was of no matter anymore. Whatever possessed her to grant the traveler access had led to a changed world for the adeptus, and for that he was thankful.
Appearing in front of a drenched, extremely upset Paimon, Xiao wasted no time with useless greetings. “You called?”
She nodded her head frantically, blue eyes wide. “It’s Aether! Something’s wrong and Paimon doesn’t know what to do!”
Xiao felt his heart, however impure and blackened it was, stop. He thought something had happened to Paimon, and though she got under Xiao’s every last nerve, he was willing to protect her from harm. She was a friend to Aether, after all. Knowing that it wasn’t Paimon that was in danger but rather Aether himself, well, there was little Xiao wouldn’t do in order to right any wrongs. In his own special way, of course, which namely included slaughtering everything in his way and the wrongdoer themself.
“Take me to him,” he demanded. The rain seeped into his clothes and ran into his cuts. Lighting struck nearby. Paimon jumped a little at it while Xiao remained completely still, hand tight around his glowing spear. The pixie nodded, disappearing in a flurry of small stars. She called his name again, this time further away. Wind encircled him and drifted to the location instantly, allowing him to pop up again.
Xiao found Aether easily. The man was sitting on the floor of what appeared to be a hotel of sorts, his left shoulder and head pushing against the wall while his legs were crooked at an uncomfortable-looking angle. His hands were gripping his scalp and pulling his hair. Strands of it had obviously been ripped out already, judging from the blond massacre lying in uneven patterns on the floor.
The scent of blood hit the yaksha’s nose immediately, though he couldn’t see any from his first observation of Aether and the room. Sounds of hyperventilating and incoherent mumbling followed by loud, shaking sobs came next. Paimon hovered next to Aether and trembled.
“Please help him! Paimon’s really scared. He was clawing his face and pulling his hair and Paimon doesn’t think he can hear her,” Paimon explained. A cry etched into her voice. Xiao wondered how long this had gone on before she thought of getting any help. He again wondered if she had gone to anyone else before resorting to him.
Xiao dismissed his spear, the weapon vanquishing into a million shimmering gold particles. Lightning struck again, causing Aether to jolt from his place on the ground. He curled in on himself, pulling out another strand of hair. The yaksha surveyed the area one more time before kneeling by the traveler. There wasn’t anybody around besides Paimon and the adeptus, which meant that the true demon he needed to vanquish was going to put up a hell of a fight.
It’d been a long time since he’d seen anything like this. Not since the last yaksha died. Trauma, Verr Goldet had called it once when she had helped Xiao through an episode somewhat similar to Aether’s. The demon that lurked inside the mind from horrendous events that couldn’t be forgotten. It came out and attacked the host whenever they remembered the event, causing the host to lose contact with the real world and be sucked into whatever reality the demon had created.
The word it was called or the form it took didn’t matter. It wasn’t a physical demon, but neither was it a dream. Xiao couldn’t defeat it in any of the ways he preferred, with his spear or with his mouth and teeth. Therefore, he hesitated to do anything. Yaksha episodes were always made worse when other yakshas were around– the karmic debt fed into each other like hungry animals. Yet, Aether and Paimon were different. Perhaps it was the otherworldly blood flowing through their veins or some other reason Xiao couldn’t comprehend, but they were resilient to his debt.
So, he placed a hand on Aether’s exposed shoulder blade, letting the touch be light. He tried to remember what Verr did to help Xiao through his own episode.
“I have to ground you. You don’t know where you are when you’re experiencing an attack.”
“Aether,” he called, keeping his voice low. “I’m here.”
“I might have to get you to tell me what you’re seeing before I can do anything else.”
The traveler didn’t show any signs of being able to hear him, so he continued. “What are you seeing? What does it look like?”
This was able to get a reaction. The mumbling stopped, but the hyperventilating and crying didn’t. Xiao guessed the blood was coming from Aether’s face, the very part that Xiao couldn’t see. That was something the some of the yakshas had done when facing their invisible demons as well. There were various reasons as to why they did it, some to mimic the actual violence they were reliving, and others in an attempt to ground themselves back to reality. Without anything to go off of, the adeptus couldn’t list any motives for his friend.
“Purple. It hurts,” Ather choked out, a sharp cry eliciting deep from his throat. “Help me. I can’t– It won’t–” and the rest of the words faded out into mumbling again, all jumbled and incoherent. If neither Paimon, who was circling the air with worried cries, and Aether couldn’t make rational, calm decisions, then Xiao had to. Unfortunately, he was not the most well-known for being that kind of adeptus.
He started by prying Aether’s fingers from his hair. Being closer, Xiao could see the crusted blood coat the roots of the traveler’s hair and scalp. Aether cried under the increased physical contact, but Xiao pushed that aside. If he couldn’t get the man to stop hurting himself, then him being there would be pointless. He wouldn’t let Paimon and Aether down.
“You are in Liyue Harbor,” Xiao stated while working out the clenched fingers as gently as he could. There was only one place that had identifiable purple lightning, and Aether had related his experience with the Raiden Shogun during their first conversation after he had returned from the other nation. “This is not Inazuma. I am Xiao, and you know that. Nobody is here to hurt you.”
Xiao knew he wasn’t the best with words, but he tried. Aether had helped him in more ways than he could ever imagine; it was only right that the yaksha returned the favor. It hadn’t been so long ago that he would have viewed such a relationship to be useless. Even now, the term favor was foreign to him.
Lightning struck again, causing Aether to fight against the grip Xiao now had on his hands. The traveler no doubt wanted to bring them back up to his hair or face, but that wouldn’t happen under the adeptus’ watch. Xiao identified the main source of the attack now: lightning. Something so normal to the yaksha that the mortal fear of it was incomprehensible to him.
Aether had described being shocked by the divine lightning of the Electro Archon. It was painful, mainly. Paimon had added that she thought he died when he came back from the Plane of Euthymia. That, the constant electro energy of Inazuma as he fought in the civil war, and the lightning of the Shogunate was well enough to be what Verr called trauma. Xiao had never imagined a phenomenon so frequent and simple could serve to be the catalyst for the lurking demon inside Aether’s mind to attack.
It wasn’t something he could control, either. He couldn’t make the thunderstorm stop at will. That would make fighting the demon much too easy, and Celestia knew that nothing could be easy for the adeptus.
Xiao situated himself in front of Aether, keeping the other’s forearms safely in his hands. The movement got Aether to look up from where his head had been pressed harshly against the wall. His golden eyes were glazed from a mix of tears and fog, a sign of disconnection from reality as he sobbed. There were a few scars on his face that had since stopped bleeding and turned into scabs, the shape and size indicating they were made from his blood-crusted fingernails.
“It hurts. I can’t– I can’t breathe. It burns,” Aether said. Xiao had no doubt it did. Phantom pains were not an uncommon occurrence. 
“Breathe. You are safe,” Xiao returned. Aether did not, in fact, breathe. “You see me, right? I have no reason to leave Liyue. You are in a hotel room in Liyue Harbor, do you see that?”
To that, Aether simply stared and cried. Xiao decided on a more subtle approach, exaggerating his own breathing pattern in the hopes that Aether would take notice and instinctually copy it. There really wasn’t anything else to do other than that. If he were a mortal, it would be possible he would know just what to do in this sort of scenario. Xiao didn’t like to dwell on what-ifs.
“I am Xiao, your… friend. Paimon is with us. We are in Liyue Harbor. There is a storm outside, and it cannot hurt you. I will not let anything hurt you,” he continued on. It was the only other thing he could do. From there onwards, it would be a waiting game unless the situation took a turn he couldn’t foresee. For the sake of them both, he prayed to his archon that that wouldn't happen.
Progress was made, eventually. Paimon flitted around as the night wore on, only ever talking to make a comment to Aether that he never really reacted to. It was for the better, anyway. No reaction was better than a negative one, and Xiao’s patience was already as thin as a leaf. If Paimon had been chittering the entire time, he wasn’t sure if he would’ve been able to handle it. He knew she was just worried, as was he, but his patience and sanity didn’t know that.
The lightning would set them back a step every time it struck. The thunder didn’t seem to bother Aether all that much; the sound must’ve been different when he was in Inazuma. Eventually, Aether was able to calm himself down, though even that was somewhat unstable. A tear would slip every now and then, using his now released arms to wipe them away. Xiao watched the traveler carefully every time he moved, making sure he didn’t go back to the grounding or fighting tactics he had before.
A silence had settled between them. Paimon was obviously uncomfortable in the midst of it, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Xiao was bad with his words on a good day, and Aether had just suffered an extremely long traumatic episode. The quiet didn’t break, especially since the rain had stopped a little while before Aether managed to bring himself to an acceptable state.
Xiao could hear his own name from across the world, loud and clear as if whoever had said it was in the same room. When Aether said it after the attack, it had sounded quiet. “Xiao, I– I’m sorry.”
It was obvious he wanted to say more, but the words died on his tongue as he closed his mouth. The adeptus tilted his head slightly. “Why are you apologizing?” Xiao demanded.
“Paimon brought you all the way here, and I wasn’t even in any danger,” he said. His fingertips brushed over each other, the way it always did when he was upset or nervous. “You’re injured and had just saved us earlier today. You should be resting, not helping me again.”
“Really?” Xiao crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the traveler. Aether looked at him confusedly. And here Xiao had thought Aether was a smart mortal. “I told you that you can call my name when you need me. Paimon was right to bring me here. You were in danger, not from a physical demon, but from yourself. If fighting the demon that lives inside your head is what you need–” he leaned forward, making sure his point was being taken seriously, “-- then do not hesitate to call me.”
Aether’s eyes shimmered again. “But it wasn’t–”
“You have scars on your face and blood on your hands. I don’t care where you are or what you’re doing. If you need help, you can ask me. We are… friends. Isn’t that what friends do?”
“Paimon was really scared. You were hurting yourself and seeing things that weren’t here. If that isn’t danger, then Paimon doesn’t know what is,” the pixie said, hovering close to both Xiao and Aether. Her whole body was bouncing up and down more than usual, indicating the level of her anxiety. “Paimon and Aether had just talked to Xiao, so when Paimon didn’t know what to do, she went to him. Paimon’s really glad she did. You’re okay now!”
Okay was a loose term, but was viable for the time being. Aether looked extremely guilty, and if Xiao had a better sense of humor, he would’ve found it somewhat funny. Instead, he just sighed.
“I used to think that the fear of lightning was incomprehensible,” he began. Aether stared at him with a mixture of emotions. Part of the reason Aether had apologized was due to feeling like his experiences were lesser-than, no doubt. Xiao had stated his opinion on storms before– if Aether thought his stance still remained, then it could prevent his friend from reaching out again. “I wasn’t aware of the experiences one could have with it. I understand now. You fear it for the same reason I despise my memories.”
For some reason, this elicited a smile from Aether. Really, Xiao had not gotten as good at understanding human emotions as he thought he had. Not that he put in a lot of effort in the first place, outside of attempts for the traveler. “Thank you, then. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come.” His eyes went up to the pixie floating in-between them. Her arms were crossed over her chest, but her face was turned away from Xiao to look at the blond. “And thank you, Paimon, for retrieving him,” he said in a much lighter tone.
“In the cold rain, too!” Aether laughed at that, much to Paimon’s chagrin. The sound caused Xiao’s heart to flutter, another feeling that only Aether had been able to teach him. It was slightly uncomfortable yet welcome; a warmth he wanted to get used to. Despite the pain thrumming through his body, he was content. In the traveler’s presence, he found the effects of his karmic debt lessened, as if Aether himself was a shining light that repelled darkness.
Watching him bicker with the little pixie, Xiao let a small smile dust his face. A shining light indeed.
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almonddirge · 7 months
Three. Fucking. Years.
It’s been a while since the last update, so I’ll start from the beginning. When I started playing Genshin, I was in the middle of some of the worst months of a life. It was a saving grace during that time, truly.
I started on Ganyu’s first banner, but out of anxiety I didn’t pull until Xiao’s. I thought he looked cool and I thought I’d heard he was strong, so I went for it.
On his first banner, I came away without a 5 star. I’ve always been free to play, and I was hospitalized for several days during that banner, so it wasn’t too surprising. I was disappointed, but the next latch introduced reruns so I knew I had a chance.
A chance. Hmm.
By the time his next banner came, I was more prepared. I had actually been to Liyue at this point and fallen in love with his character, but just his design. I created a second account, because what were the chances I’d lose the 50/50 on both accounts?
Apparently high! I got Jean on my alt, then later Mona on main. I couldn’t pull another 5 star for that banner. I was crushed. I kept playing because I do genuinely love this game, but that was the first time a 50/50 loss had truly hurt me.
But it was okay! 2.7 came very soon after, and Ayana’s banner length helped me save up primogems. The problem? I was on 50/50, on both accounts, AGAIN!!
On main, I got Mona again. If you don’t know, which you probably don’t, I have a history with her. Specifically a c7 history. Anyway, I actually did pull Xiao on my alt! It felt like a huge win. To be honest, if I hadn’t pulled him then, I think I would’ve quit the game entirely. That’s how much I like him.
Well, that was a win, right? Nah, I need his c1, and I need him specifically on the account where I first tried pulling him.
3.4. I lost to Mona ON BOTH FUCKING ACCOUNTS!! I want you to know I’ve pulled her a total of 12 times across all banners and accounts. That’s more than every other standard character COMBINED.
This wounded me, but I couldn’t give up yet. I started saving on main until I had 180 fates and was determined to not dip lower. That, uhh, didn’t go as planned. I pulled a lot because I’m a gambling addict, but somehow I managed to get to 54 pity and 160 fates for today.
When his banner showed up, I spent a total of ~172 fates, pulling some from starglitter. I got Diluc at high pity. YOU FOOL. YOU INSOLENT FOOL. You thought you could stop me? You’d have to try harder than that! I’ve been burned too many times to let it happen again. I went to high pity again but I finally, finally pulled Xiao.
I immediately raised him to level 90 and triple crowned him. Cmon, it’s been over 3 years. Of course I came prepared. He has his little Jade Spear and 2300 attack with a 94/175 crit ratio. I plan to get even better artifacts some day.
So basically, after 3 whole years of failing to get Xiao on my main account, he’s mine and he’s thriving. I love him. He’s gonna go in my teapot and get his friendship maxed and HE WILL FUCKING LIKE IT.
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lollybliz · 2 years
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#and this pig just ✨️✨️✨️coincidentally✨️✨️✨️wanders around in the middle of the afternoon on schooldays in the teen and juv sections
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Screaming and ripping and tearing and crying and howling and shredding and scratching and barking and
I get it. I do. And the loss of any safe piracy hosts is always to be grieved because that's access being denied to countless people who never would have had access otherwise. But book piracy specifically is The Only Piracy That Actually Hurts Someone. Please just uSE YOUR LOCAL FUCKING LIBRARY JESUS CHRIST. we're RIGHT HERE. we're FREE. and we don't MAKE THE PUBLISHERS SO MAD THEY CANCEL CONTRACTS WITH THE AUTHORS LEAVING THEM WITH ZERO INCOME. when you pirate books, various publishing companies have ways of keeping an eye on the ratio between purchased and pirated copies of a specific book in question. A lot of the time, if that number goes too high, instead of I don't know ~cracking down on piracy sites~ or ~putting the books on sale~ they blame the author and cut the contract. Meaning the author stops getting paid entirely. And that's the BETTER outcome. That ✨️clever tiktok trick✨️ for renting reading and returning books on amazon? Oho my friend someone still pays for that book! Guess who! THATS RIGHT THE AUTHOR.
I g e t the need for free books. Everything is expensive right now and $20 for a book that will take you a day to read feels obscene. Go to your local library. Don't gimme that 'but they don't have the book I want' shit--have you Asked? Because beloved guess what? When we genuinely don't have a book you want to read we reach out to sister branches in the area until we find a copy for you! It's called an interlibrary loan and it's completely normal! Sometimes there's a shipping fee if it had to come across state borders. Did you know you can also suggest books we add to our catalogue? And I remind you getting a library card is free. And we have half dozen online resources that are also made free by your having a library card. You Do need a piece of mail with 'your' address on it but besties. Y'all. Do you think we have the kind of time to check if you're giving us Your address or your Grandparent's address? No. Just give us the address of some family member in the area, it doesn't really matter much, you can change or update it whenever. Don't tell anyone I suggested that though lol.
On a very selfish level, our counties don't like giving us our yearly budget. The old cis white capitalist men, shockingly, don't seem to like the beacon of socialism that is public libraries. A lot of the time the excuse they use to literally just not pay us is 'the youth of today don't use libraries anymore, they're more interested in *insert 'them video games' schpiel*'
If you came to the library they wouldn't have that excuse anymore. We're not the cardigan wearing shushers in the movies I swear. We've got Mario kart wii in our teen room.
I'm sorry you lost your book piracy website, genuinely I am. You should have been using the library all along though. Pirating books Does hurt the author. And libraries nowadays have massive digital catalogues so even if you aren't physically close to one there is enormous f r e e benefit to getting a library card. Please god go to your local library
29 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
Liking a mutual's vaguely concerning personal post is like I see you I hear you i am bringing you a cup of tea and a weighted blanket I am holding you i am holding you i am holding you
39 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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If I had to see this so do you
102 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
No you don't understand your honor I love him
137 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sorry not sorry for the person im going to be for the next year
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See the full post
313 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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notfivefr · 19 days
01092024- Media Consumption Diary #6
Missed a lot of thing i know. I started focusing in genshin again, deleted some games, read a few mangas, new holostar merch, etc etc.
1) Genshin-- I completed Simulanka event 1 day bfore it expired. I was so glad i decided to do it, love the stories, the exploration, the lore: i have so many things to talk abt simulanka but imma save for other post.
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Also,, NATLAN'S UPDATE YIPPEEE~ (new mechanics, more variety of npc, ui design). Pulled for Mualani bcs shes so fun to play, then imma focus on pyro archon.
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-- Finished Dehya's story quest/ increased world level to 9 (took me 3 tries lol i bring a wrong team)/ got Dehya on free 5 star event bcs i wanna see how long Diluc gonna take to come home 🙄.
2) HSR-- More focus on farming Kafka/ Jingyuan's relics (its been almost 3 weeks pls)-- ver 2.5 announced their banner which are consisting Kafka, Feixiao(?), Blackswan, Robin (Helpskkskskskks that's not fair i need to build my kafka teammmmm Blackswann noooooo) i think imma pull for robin then focus on Sunday. Also Sunday's banner prediction is on 2.7 we're so cooked 😭😭😭 (also if there's any aventurine's rerun imma gone)
3) HOLOSTAR- ive been watching a lot of their old jp clips after 8GO Vsai. The most memorable one is Triple A-chan, Astel's mad maggie drills, toiletempo, horror games compilations etc2. Also watched their prev 3D lives concerts, im in love honestly especially Izuru n Tempus HQ. Also im so proud reading all the jp comments about them like yes pls they're so underrated they deserve so much love.
Holostar jp also released new merch,, the mochi thing. Look at my oshis bro theyre circle now
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4) Manga(s) - Read a few on the app
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Empyreal Cabinet (Fumiji Yuba) - exorcist monster but they work w government and the public aware of their existence. -2 cpt
Kagurabachi (Takeru Hokazono)- Finished the 1st arc i think, the auction arc. Chihiro got new friends, find ways to seal back that one sword ( ughh i forgot the plot the moment i leave the manga. But i remember right away when i read the new chpt tho ) So far i really like the story.
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Darling's Vanishing Act (Yadu) - A pro smtg2 assassin or smtg that offer service to help people to get out of a situation. This dude save a mafia's daughter, fell in love with her (her name is Darling) but the girl kinda rejected him, telling him to find other woman that will truly love him. Idk i think this story gonna follow abt how he tries to track back Darling after they separated while also dealing mafia conflicts. -1 chpt
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Genshin Impact präsentiert regelmäßig Updates, die neue Spielinhalte wie Banner, Charaktere und weitläufige neue Regionen einführen. Der Spieleentwickler, HoYoverse, kann eine beeindruckende Bilanz vorzeigen, wenn es darum geht, sich an den geplanten Veröffentlichungszeitplan zu halten, mit nur wenigen Ausnahmen, wie der leichten Verspätung von Version 2.7 im Mai 2022 aufgrund unvorhergesehener Umstände. Umfassender Genshin Impact Update-Kalender Im Folgenden findest du eine detaillierte Aufschlüsselung aller geplanten Version-Release-Daten für Genshin Impact ab 2024: Version 4.4 - 31. Januar 2024 Phase 1: 31. Januar 2024 Phase 2: 21. Februar 2024 Version 4.5 - 13. März 2024 Phase 1: 13. März 2024 Phase 2: 3. April 2024 Version 4.6 - 24. April 2024 Phase 1: 24. April 2024 Phase 2: 15. Mai 2024 Version 4.7 - 5. Juni 2024 Phase 1: 5. Juni 2024 Phase 2: 26. Juni 2024 Version 4.8 - 17. Juli 2024 Phase 1: 17. Juli 2024 Phase 2: 7. August 2024 Und weitere Phasen, die bis ins Jahr 2025 und darüber hinaus andauern und bedeutende Updates und Erweiterungen kennzeichnen: Version 5.0 - Einführung einer großen neuen Region, Natlan: Phase 1: 28. August 2024 Phase 2: 18. September 2024 ... mit nachfolgenden Versionen (5.1 bis 7.1), die einem ähnlichen Muster folgen, alle etwa sechs Wochen auseinander, und neue Story-Arcs, Charaktere und Spielmechaniken einführen. Schlüsselhighlights für zukünftige Updates Jede "X.0"-Version führt in der Regel eine neue Hauptregion ein und erweitert damit die Welt und Narration des Spiels wesentlich: Version 6.0 - Snezhnaya Version 7.0 - Das Finale in Khaenri’ah Für detaillierte Phasenveröffentlichungen und Zukunftspläne, siehe den vollständigen Genshin Impact Versionskalender. Sei immer auf dem neuesten Stand! Behalte diesen Zeitplan im Auge und bleib auf dem Laufenden über die Updates. HoYoverse ist stark daran interessiert, Genshin Impact mit regelmäßigen Updates und neuen Inhalten frisch und aufregend zu halten. Schaue regelmäßig nach eventuellen Änderungen des Zeitplans, insbesondere falls unvorhergesehene Ereignisse die Veröffentlichungszeiträume verschieben sollten. Zusätzliche Ressourcen Für mehr über Genshin Impact, inklusive Gameplay-Tipps und Anleitungen zum Charakteraufbau, besuche: Offizielle Genshin Impact Webseite.
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joshdachu · 2 years
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Genshin Impact 2.7 update highlight! 🔥💧⚡🌄🌅 - Took 160 wishes for Yelan! OP & useful when maxout level + weapon + talents + artifacts! I finished Perilous Trail Story Limit Time Event at damn last minutes! - That was wonderful story filled with fun & badass cutscenes! But seriously why limit time on that story quest? Developers worked hard on it for being playable access some weeks then disappeared. - I was supposed to post this months ago. 3.3 update is live currently! I'll post best screenshots of 2.8, 3.0, 3.1, & 3.2 etc whenever I can. - #GenshinImpact #ps5 #PlayStation5 #GenshinImpactphotomode #genshinimpactworld #genshinimpactscreenshot #genshinimpactscreenshots #yelan #genshinimpactyelan #genshinimpactwish https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIxyMFSwQG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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factsilike · 2 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about this lately-
I don’t understand why people complain that the character story quests are boring when said story quest is supposed to show how the character operates given their profession or life and their personality and how they work best in an environment suited for them?
Take Ayato’s story quest for example. He was shown as a commissioner of a major important faction that overlooks all of Inazuma’s affairs, along with two other factions, which is a very important and demanding position in Inazuma (as well as Ayaka’s older brother but that’s not important in his story quest), one that takes a lot of intelligence, resourcefulness, and meticulousness to maintain (not to mention his story quest literally tells how he came to be commissioner and how difficult it was for him to rise to where he is today). So of course his story quest is going to revolve around he operates and how he handles any problems he faces and how, in a given situation, he plans to come out on top! He was given a problem and his story quest shows how he is going to solve it, by which his personality and way of solving problems is shown!
And now people are saying the same stuff about Yelan. Like?? Have you not seen her character teaser? Her character demo? Her introduction in the livestream? Her in Collected Miscellany video? Literally so many ways of telling us that she is a important and mysterious undercover spy agent of sorts who comes and goes as she pleases (which is not an easy job and requires things like much training, intelligence, a knack for being thorough and secretive and an ability to notice things others don’t)  and when her story quest shows all of these traits and skills that she possesses and puts to use when approaching a problem that is related to her job, people complain that it is boring and uninteresting? That is just how her character is. It’s completely fine if you didn’t like a story quest for whatever reason. But no need to diss on the characters or the story quest just because it’s not for you, or because you didn't like it. 
Also not related to my point but imo her story quest was so freaking good and was really engaging, and showed how her investigating skills, acting prowess and Liyue’s political situations in the best way. It literally felt like reading a mystery novel. I don’t even like Yelan! But I loved her story quest because it was so engaging and interesting, and wrapped pretty nicely imo.
These story quests about the characters literally show just this; what the character is like in their daily life or in a given situation or when solving a problem, because it is meant to showcase their personality.
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panickedshrieking · 2 years
I will not apologize for the monster I will become when I get this update downloaded.
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strawbtea · 2 years
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sirensinspring · 2 years
Whenever I say xiao’s name, (魈) xiāo, I say it like (小)xiǎo because its hilarious. I couldn’t stop cackling when I first met him because I thought that the short motherfuckers name was literally just *small* for a hot sec. Like imagine the great Rex Lapis saves your life but then gives you the name shorty for eternity.
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okeymakeydude · 2 years
Xiao: And if my last will is to sacrifice myself for your sake?
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maxkonbo · 2 years
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2.7 IS HERE!
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xavestory · 2 years
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Farewell, bosacius.
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sokumeii · 2 years
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Yanfei: “Since when do they get along?”
Kuki: “Oh that? The traveler forc… I mean invited them into their teapot and now they’re friends.”
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newbieineverything · 2 years
It has been 50 min since the release of the old memories teaser and showing us how the rest of the yakshas look and I honestly can't wait for their fanart and any meta lore rant about them
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