#genji ult
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k0hamster · 1 year ago
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I was playing a quickplay match as mercy and the enemy genji just refused to kill me and just said hi to me whenever i passed him lolll I thought it was rly cute and I just had to draw it 😭♥️
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arcsin27 · 10 months ago
@missbaphomet and others: btw mercy’s healing isn’t that exceptional, but what matters is boosting damage. Also her gun does similar damage to dps guys
Me: be aggressive battle mercy got it o7
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v0idwraith · 3 months ago
Hopped back on Overwatch recently after not playing for years and apparently I still have an instinctive fear response to hearing ultimate voice lines
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punkiesaurus · 2 years ago
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I know this exactly feeling my little toy zenyatta do be running away
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nightseeye · 2 years ago
I think its a lil funny how much fuckin. Gamer instincts i have baked into my head at this point
Like specifically regarding overwatch(as its what i most recently played) its just like
Ok dps in the backline -> fuckin sucks i might die but dont panic too bad thats normal
Dps sorta angling towards the middle of our team -> OH SHIT THAT FUCKERS ABOUT TO ULT S C A T T E R
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roseyshades · 2 years ago
a sincere question to every genji player (maybe sombra) on overwatch.. when you see little kiriko running around scared healing her bf playing tank could you like… leave her be? thank you 🥰
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dahliaceo · 1 month ago
i always mute overwatch to play music or a podcast/youtube vid instead but i always regret it bc i often completely miss when an enemy ults and i get killed :p
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enderwolf91 · 9 months ago
Winston volleyball... my fucking kryptonite.
but I got the spray. five miserable games layer and I got the spray, no I didn't win a single game. I suck at this game mode and my team mates suck at this game mode.
I played with one guy who felt like a God walking across the sand, making crazy saves and scoring all the points but my dumbass really held him back from winning and I'd like to formally apologize to that Genji player whoever you are.
but no matter. I got the venture spray and I can leave this godforsaken gamemode. I contemplated getting the venture icon as well, but my ass ain't scoring using an ult, my teammates ain't either, and I don't want to play volleyball until it happens. maybe I'll change my mind for now I'm going back to being a qp warrior and being silly again in comp.
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lakesbian · 29 days ago
my pointless overwatch opinion for the day is that juno's friendly and enemy ultimate voicelines need to be switched. "locking satellite vector" is the one that sounds more lowkey. it's like what she would say to announce to her own team that the orbital ray is incoming. "welcome to orbit" does sound peppier/cheerier but it's also the one that's mixed to sound louder/more obvious, and i feel like a space-themed character informing you that you are now in orbit can be interpreted as an ominous "my city now" remark as much as it can be interpreted as a supportive one. admittedly many heroes do have their louder/more iconic ultimate voiceline as the friendly one ("heroes never die" probably being the most famous) but there's also lots of other heroes where the more iconic line is the enemy one (e.g. "nerf this", whatever genji says when he ults), and i feel like juno should be in the latter category. primarily because orbital ray is not really a defensive ult
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sparkkyart · 2 years ago
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Still a Zen stan in this dying game 🫠🫠
But I have to say, canceling reaper’s ult and then immediately headshotting a genji who just started his blade makes it 1% worth it so
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diverbots · 2 years ago
If you're willing, you should make a long post outlining the shimada brothers vs. shambalia brothers. Besides being two sets of brothers, I don't see a whole lot of similarities
I am very lazy at the moment and might make a long post on it someday but here's a edut I did lol (NOTE... I may have let my personal headcanon take over for this in some areas but it still rings true for the most part):
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Also a bit unrelated, but they both have yinyang sprays!
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Not to mention their ults, which both contrast the other! (Hanzo's ult being forward and a set direction, Genji freely moving. Ramattra's doing damage and Zenyatta's doing healing.)
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colemorrison · 10 days ago
Recently I made an ow oc, his name is Cinder Arlux. I know oc content isn't as interesting as xreaders or ships but have some content of him anyway cause I love him.
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His abilites ↓
(Support Role)
Weapon : Bow and Arrow, and a healing touch, (standing near an injured teammate for 2.5 seconds will heal them for 45 health. Every extra second spent with them will heal another 15.)
Powers : Aether Manipulation 
L shift ability : Becomes untouchable for 12 seconds and is able to go through walls or obstacles.
E ability : Manipulate one character’s soul to take them back to their last death location.
Ult ability : Teleport two teammates to any healthpack on the map and make them untouchable for six seconds after teleportation.
Interactions ↓
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Sombra : "Think you can teach me how to go through walls? Would be deadly"
Cinder : "It is deadly when in the right hands. I cannot teach you though, it's kind of a born that way typa thing."
Sombra : "Not even how it works?"
Cinder : "Don't want you to somehow do it yourself do I?"
Sombra : "You know me too well."
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Cinder : "Angela! Long time no see!"
Mercy : "Cinder, how are you? It has been a moment since you came in for another checkup."
Cinder : "I'm alright! Bones still don't work as good as they should but nothing I haven't already gotten used to."
Mercy : "You should be getting medication Arlux."
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Mauga : "You know they call me hot stuff."
Cinder : "I fail to see what is hot about you, you're shaped awkwardly."
Mauga : "More body to keep you warm with."
Cinder : "I don't bed with men who reek."
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Kiriko : "You're cool. Didn't know there was someone who could go through walls. You're like a ghost."
Cinder : "Yes, a ghost of who I once hoped to be"
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Cinder : "Oh you're cool! Are you an omnic?"
Genji : "I.. Am not, I am part human."
Cinder : "That's even cooler! Can I see?"
Genji : "I would rather not."
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Junkrat : "You would be delightful to have fer heists!"
Cinder : "You are handsome."
Junkrat : "Of course I am! I am the dashing Jamison Fawkes."
Cinder : "Aw, even your name is cool. No fair!"
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Cinder : "Reinhardt my big man, how are you?"
Reinhardt : "Ah! Hello Cinder, I was just beginning to wonder when I would be able to see u again."
Cinder : "Oh? Got something to ask me?"
Reinhardt : "Yes actually, I regret to say I do not know which animal to get for Ana. You know what she likes, help an old dog out?"
Cinder : "Personally, she reminds me of Capybara's. I would get her the animal she reminds you of!"
Reinhardt : "What a wonderful idea!"
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Ana : "Oh you poor boy. Come, let me see the wound."
Cinder : "I'm not a kid anymore nana"
Ana : "Kid or not, I will be here to take care of you."
Cinder : *sniffle*
Ana : "I made that promise to you, keep it close."
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Reaper : "You would have been useful for our cause."
Cinder : "I am done being "of use". If I have learned anything from these years it's at the very least. Sometimes being useful isn't the most important."
Reaper : "Shame.."
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Cinder : "You blow a lot of kisses."
Baptiste : "Perhaps you want a real kiss?"
Cinder : "I won't turn down affection but I can't have you falling for me."
Ana : "He doesn't believe in love."
Baptiste : "Got some nasty history?"
Cinder : "Lets not hash that out."
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Illari : "You remind me of someone"
Cinder : "I think that's a compliment?"
Illari : "If only they lived to meet who I've become."
Cinder : "I'm sorry."
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Ashe : "Cinder I-"
Cinder : "You know I don't want to see you. Back off."
Ashe : "I know you don't but I want to know how my little brother is-"
Cinder : "Don't call me that. You are not my family, you lost that title."
Ashe : "Yeah.. I deserve that one."
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Cinder : "Dva! Are we still on for the arcade after this? My treat."
Dva : "Oh you're on! I won't go easy on you!"
Cinder : "Where's the fun in playing fair! Especially against you."
Sombra : "Pretty sure that's my line."
Dva : "I'll beat you at every game and more."
Cinder : "We'll see about that!"
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This is what he looks like! I've never taken an oc so serious before but he's beginning to hold a special place in my heart. ↓
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livinforjules · 2 years ago
nothing makes me twirl my hair more than a genji on the enemy team refusing to kill me after they’ve used their ult to kill everyone else (I’m a mercy main)
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habibisagi · 2 months ago
Yesterday I pulled out the barbie blaster and killed a blading genji that came for me after killing our Moira and I thought 'this is for Tumblr user habibisagi'
IM SCREAMINGGGG I LOVE THIS!!!!!! I AM SO HONORED ANON AS U SHOULD OMFG fuck blading genjis like idgaf its their job to ult on supports and dive u they r sooo annoying and will be taking it personally every time and glock fr. they're always so sweaty and toxic LMFAO i hate them!!! i say this even tho genji is my fav character outside of the game itself lol
also @gothbachira this is me when any character solo ults u while ur on moira fr
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fairly-unknown-art · 2 years ago
Genji mains are so cute
I was playing Mercy on OW2 last night and this Genji made my entire night omg. He was on the opposite team and kept sneaking behind our lines to come say hi to me 😭 But he kept getting killed or I would when his team caught up. It was like this the entire match, but in the last ten seconds that ended up going into OT, I used my ult to fly behind their backline instead and I hid in a building where he came and found me and we just said hi to each other. I hope that Genji had an amazing night tbh.
Gency real tbh.
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clingyduoapologist · 2 months ago
Blizzard if you really wanted to compete with marvel rivals you would make genji’s ult last longer to cater to your most important player (me)
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