#genius for the Jennifer’s body crossover also
sharpth1ng · 1 year
@latenightsundayblues Still shadowbanned so I can’t reply and I’m awkwardly replying to your comment in a post 😭 but yeah you are def a genius, I’m a big fan of the way you draw them and your take on their characters! Really feels like it matches up with the way I write them/see them.
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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Jennifer Walters, the cousin of Bruce Banner (the Hulk), is the small and somewhat shy daughter of Los Angeles County Sheriff William Morris Walters and Elaine (née Banner) Walters (who died in a car crash when Jennifer was 17).[20] Operatives of Nicholas Trask, a crime boss who had crossed paths with her father, shot and seriously wounded her on the day that Banner visited her to tell her about his transformation into the Hulk. Since no other donors with her blood type were available, Banner provided his own blood for a transfusion; as they already shared the same blood type and DNA, his gamma-irradiated blood, combined with her anger, transformed Jennifer into the green-skinned She-Hulk when the mobsters tried to finish her off at the hospital.[21] She then used her new powers to take down Trask, who was killed when the earth-boring device he rode malfunctioned, taking him to the center of the Earth.[22]
As She-Hulk, Jennifer possessed powers similar to those of her cousin, though at a reduced level. She also possessed a less monstrous, more Amazonian appearance. Initially, the transformation to her She-Hulk form was triggered (as with Bruce Banner's) by anger. Like her cousin Bruce, his counterpart, the Leader, Doc Samson and most other persons mutated by exposure to gamma radiation over the years, her mutated form was originally explained as being molded by her subconscious desire to look like the ideal woman. She eventually gains control of her transformations when Michael Morbius cures her of a lethal blood disease. As a criminal defense lawyer, she defended Morbius in his trial for his vampiric killings.[23]
Eventually, Jennifer decides that she is going to retain her She-Hulk form permanently—preferring the freedom, confidence, and assertiveness that it gave her compared to her more timorous and fragile "normal" form. After her brief solo career, she joined the Avengers.[24] This led to her being transported to Battleworld by the Beyonder and her participation in the Secret Wars,[25] most notable for sparking her long-standing rivalry with the newly empowered Titania.[26] After the heroes returned to Earth, she temporarily replaced the Thing (who, having been repeatedly de-powered during the event, opted to stay in Battleworld for some time as a form of soul-searching) as a member of the Fantastic Four.[27]
During her tenure with the Fantastic Four, She-Hulk met and started a romance with Wyatt Wingfoot.[28] One day, she had to prevent a radiation leak in a downed S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. This radiation exposure had a drastic effect on Jennifer: she could no longer transform back into her original human form.[29] However, this was an agreeable turn of events for her, since she preferred being She-Hulk, and it was revealed much later that the block was purely psychological.
Shortly after that, she appeared before the Supreme Court, where she battled Titania again.[30]
Sensational She-HulkEdit
After her Fantastic Four years, She-Hulk rejoined the Avengers for a while. She became hypnotized by the Ringmaster into becoming a performer in the Circus of Crime, and battled the Headmen.[31] With Spider-Man, she defeated the Headmen[32] and became an assistant District Attorney and began working for New York City district attorney Blake Tower. Here she met Louise "Weezie" Grant Mason, formerly the Golden Age superheroine the Blonde Phantom.[33] She had a long series of unusual encounters, including when she battled Doctor Bong,[34] first contended against Xemnu the Living Titan,[35] encountered "Nick St. Christopher",[36] and encountered "Spragg the Living Hill/Comet".[37]
Sensational She-Hulk #15 introduced a grey version of She-Hulk that appeared at night only and shared a lot in common with the Hulk, such as having a childlike mind, speaking in the third person and divorcing from her Jennifer Walters identity, referring to Jennifer as "puny Jennifer", She-Hulk returned to normal in the following issue, with her green coloration returning in Sensational She-Hulk #17.[38] She-Hulk later discovered that Louise Mason had manipulated Tower into hiring her, so that Mason might again star in a comic book (and thus avoid dying of old age). Later, while doing legal work for Heroes for Hire, She-Hulk spent some time dating Luke Cage.
After a time, She-Hulk returns to the Avengers. Repeated exposure to the presence of her teammate Jack of Hearts, who has the innate ability to absorb radiation that is around him, leads to She-Hulk being unable to control her changes, which resulted in her tearing the Vision in half. It is then revealed that all of the events were caused by the Scarlet Witch. Now, when she is afraid, she not only turns into She-Hulk but her mind becomes maddened by paranoia and rage. Jennifer flees, fearing that she will endanger her friends and others, leading to the "Search for She-Hulk" storyline.
The other Avengers track her to the town of Bone, Idaho, where Jennifer is lying low but the anxiety of being found prompts her to change, causing her to damage much of the town. Her cousin shows up but fails to reason with her; he "Hulks out" and the two fight—the devastation to the town subsequently being blamed on the Hulk.
Psychological limitations inhibit her transformation between her two forms. For a time, as detailed in "She-Hulk" #4 (March 2006), Jennifer works as a relief volunteer helping to repair Bone. She gains confidence after solving a murder mystery, reveals her green alter-ego to the entire town, and then uses her strength to make many more repairs. This, combined with Leonard Samson's new 'gamma-charger', gives her full control over her transformations for, as she said, 'the time being'.
In the DC/Marvel crossover JLA/Avengers, She-Hulk first appears being brainwashed by Starro when the Avengers battle her, grabbing a startled Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) by her leg, before the latter blasts her away with her powers.[39] She later assists the Avengers in the subsequent hunt for the 12 artifacts needed to trap the DC villain Krona, first battling Aquaman in Asgard, and later in the Savage Land with the rest of the heroes.[40] During the final battle against Krona and his forces, she assists Wonder Woman in her battle against Surtur, and eventually appears at the end as one of the heroes that started out the entire event.[41]
Single Green FemaleEdit
The events of The Search for She-Hulk, combined with her own lack of personal responsibility and the potential legal ramifications of her saving the world swaying juries leads Jennifer back to the legal profession in a more full-time capacity, when she was asked to practice law in the Superhuman Law division of the New York firm of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway (GLK&H).[volume & issue needed] This offer is dependent upon Jennifer remaining human while she worked for the firm.
While practicing at GLK&H, Jennifer gradually becomes comfortable as both She-Hulk and Jennifer Walters, realizing that she has much to offer the world in both forms.[volume & issue needed] During one of these adventures, she realizes her strength as She-Hulk is dependent on her strength as Walters and works out in her human form. Thus, she exponentially increases her powers as She-Hulk.[42]
Civil WarEdit
She-Hulk registered under the Superhuman Registration Act, and is a supporter of Tony Stark (Iron Man). However, as an attorney, she advised individuals on both sides of the Civil War. She agreed to file suit against Peter Parker for fraud on behalf of her father-in-law, Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. Her intention is to keep the suit tied up in the courts indefinitely. She is also the lawyer for Speedball in Civil War: Front Line.
In She-Hulk #14 (2006), Clay Quartermain of S.H.I.E.L.D. informs Jennifer that she has been drafted into the organization as a result of her registration. Her mission is to fight various foes of the Hulk while training heroes under the Initiative. She serves with the Hulkbusters: Clay Quartermain, Agent Crimson, Agent Cheesecake and Agent Beefcake.[43]
World War HulkEdit
Due to her involvement in S.H.I.E.L.D., She-Hulk derives a bit of information suggesting that the organization knows of her cousin's whereabouts. Anticipating a problem, Tony Stark has She-Hulk secretly injected with S.P.I.N. Tech that transforms her to human form. Enraged, she tells Stark that, although he may have taken She-Hulk out of the equation, he still has to face Jennifer Walters, one of the best lawyers in the country. Jennifer informs Stark that he's miscalculated: She-Hulk would have just pummeled him, but Jennifer Walters has the ability to destroy him.
On her way home, Jennifer runs into Amadeus Cho, a young genius out looking for friends of the Hulk. Cho, whom the Hulk once saved, discovered what the Illuminati had done to the Hulk, and he wants help in finding him. Cho temporarily restores Jennifer's powers so that she can take out Doc Samson, who came to apprehend Cho for Reed Richards and Tony Stark. Cho says he can permanently restore Jennifer's powers if she will join him, but she politely refuses, instead directing him to Hercules and Angel.
During the "World War Hulk" storyline, a re-powered She-Hulk assists in the evacuation of Manhattan.[44] She tries to reason with her cousin, who has just destroyed Stark Tower during his battle with Iron Man. The Hulk warns her to leave, but she stands her ground. After she lands a punch squarely to his face, the Hulk smashes her into the ground, creating a crater around her body. As he moves on to his next confrontation, all Jennifer can say is: "God help us all."[45]
Jennifer is held captive with the other defeated heroes at Madison Square Garden, which the Hulk has converted into a gladiatorial arena. The heroes have been implanted with the same obedience discs that compelled the Hulk and his allies to fight one another during their time on the planet Sakaar.
Jennifer returns to the law firm to work on suing Tony Stark for stealing her powers. She is subpoenaed to give a testimony in a case in which Mallory Book is trying to prove that the Leader's criminal acts are the result of a shift of personality induced by his mutation, and an addiction to his gamma irradiated powers, and that he thus cannot be held accountable for his actions. During her testimony, Jennifer realizes that she herself is "addicted" to being She-Hulk; Mallory forces her to admit that she has had a long list of sexual partners as She-Hulk. After the testimony, Pug appears and the two spend an evening together as friends, which cheers her up. She confronts Mallory the next day and tells her that she will put a stop to her Leader case.[46] However, it is revealed that the Leader has been acquitted of his crimes.[47]
There is an apparent inconsistency between the She-Hulk and World War Hulk comics: in She-Hulk #19, the Leader is on trial in New York City, which is being cleaned up after the Hulk's recent attack. The action in the issue takes place during or after the events of World War Hulk. However, Jennifer appears as She-Hulk in the first and second issues of World War Hulk, during which the Hulk is destroying New York City. The discrepancy is resolved in She-Hulk #20: Jennifer explains that Tony Stark temporarily disabled the nanobots to allow her to assist in the battle against her cousin, only to reactivate them when the battle was over. She amends her suit against Stark to demand the permanent deactivation of the nanobots.
Post-World War HulkEdit
At some point after World War Hulk, Jennifer was brought before the Living Tribunal[48] and asked to weigh her universe against a newer, better "cosmic trophy wife" version, described by Walters as "an ultimate universe." Her universe wins, and she resigns from the Magistrati.
After the Leader's trial, Artie Zix reveals himself as RT-Z9 and holds the main staff of GLK&H hostage while asking them questions at the behest of a group of aliens from a corner of the galaxy recently discovered by the Watcher Qyre. The aliens, called the Recluses, wish to keep their existence a secret. She-Hulk earlier decreed that Qyre not reveal knowledge of the Recluses' existence at the meetings of the Watchers.[49] This had serious repercussions: it is revealed at the close of She-Hulk #20 that an evil being has conquered that portion of the galaxy, and is preparing an assault on all of creation. Qyre, who holds knowledge of the plan, is unable to speak of it to anyone else. At She-Hulk's time trial, it was revealed that her actions made a destructive event called the Reckoning War possible. However, comments made by the future Southpaw, divulge that the war, though a terrible and dark time, will be favorably resolved.
A permanently de-powered Jennifer Walters finds that tourists from an alternate universe – designated the Alpha universe – are crossing into her universe – which they call Beta – to gain access to superpowers and comes face to face with her own powered-up doppelganger. Jennifer confirms that her Alpha counterpart slept with the Juggernaut but her anger quickly turns to sorrow as she realizes that without her abilities, the Alpha Jennifer Walters – while unfamiliar with superhuman law – is far better suited to life in the Beta universe. Realizing this, she decides that she will go to the Alpha universe and let the other Jennifer Walters take over for her.
As she steps through the portal, Reed Richards realizes he can use the previously stored configuration of the Alpha She-Hulk to restore Jennifer's powers by purging the nanites from her body and setting the teleporter to loop her back to this reality. Having regained her abilities, Jennifer remains in her home reality, while the Alpha Jen Walters returns to her own universe and reconciles with her boyfriend, the Alpha Augustus "Pug" Pugliese.
At an unspecified time after World War Hulk, She-Hulk assists Tony Stark with Emil Blonsky's murder investigation.[50] While in Stark's Helicarrier, she is attacked and beaten by the Red Hulk who states to her that he's not Bruce. She-Hulk vows to get even for the deliberate humiliation.[51] She later helps to prevent casualties in San Francisco after the Red Hulk caused an earthquake in the area,[52] and assembles Thundra and the Valkyrie together to capture him.[53]
Some months after regaining her abilities, Jennifer was tasked to defend an accused killer named Arthur Moore. While she was successful in defending him, immediately after his freedom was secured he claimed to be guilty and showed her images of the crimes he had been accused of. Jennifer's horror at what she was being shown, combined with Moore's gloating, was enough to push her rage so far that she became the savage She-Hulk once again. She attacked him and threatened to kill him if he was not given the death penalty. She also told everybody within earshot that he was guilty and backed up her accusation by revealing privileged information. This resulted in her being disbarred. Jennifer later found out that Moore really was innocent; the images he had shown her had been false. It was also revealed, albeit not to Jennifer, that Moore had hoped to get her to react exactly the way she did since his employers wanted She-Hulk disbarred for purposes as yet unknown. Unable to practice law any more, Jennifer began working for Freeman Bonds Inc. – a subsidiary of GLK&B – as a bounty hunter with her Skrull partner Jazinda.
She was later recruited by Stark as a member of an Initiative-sponsored incarnation of the Defenders for a short while until Tony Stark disbanded the team.[54][volume & issue needed] Afterwards, she continued to aid team leader Nighthawk for a brief time[volume & issue needed]until she was fully able to join the team on Nighthawk's request and that it would be away from the Initiative.[volume & issue needed]
Together they have several adventures, even encountering Hercules, but they soon ended up involved in the midst of the Secret Invasion.[55]
Secret InvasionEdit
During the Skrull takeover of Earth during Secret Invasion, She-Hulk and Jazinda hunt down a member of the Skrulls who functions as their religious leader. X-Factor initially impedes her progress, but they part ways on uncertain terms. She-Hulk and Jazinda capture the Skrull and the two heroines take the Skrull to New York, where they encounter the Super-Skrull, Kl'rt.[56] Kl'rt came to kill his daughter, Jazinda, going so far as to shoot her in the head. Due to her regenerative properties, Jazinda was still not fully dead. The Skrull religious leader wants to completely remove her regenerative ability, but Kl'rt stops him after She-Hulk pleads to his fatherly nature, tapping into his guilt for not being able to save his son who had died in a previous war.[volume & issue needed]
Lady LiberatorsEdit
Some time after the Skrull invasion is defeated, the country of Marinmer suffers a devastating earthquake. Because the victims of the earthquake are members of a minority religious group, the Marinmer government has confiscated all humanitarian aid packages, and because of Marinmer's strong ties to powerful countries such as Russia and China, other nations refuse to intervene for fear of sparking a war. She-Hulk and several members of the Lady Liberators secretly enter Marinmer, intending to steal the confiscated aid packages and distribute them to the earthquake victims.[57] The Winter Guard attempts to stop them, but gives up after seeing the plight of the earthquake victims.[58] Afterwards, the US government attempts to arrest She-Hulk for her actions in Marinmer, but drops the charges to avoid political embarrassment. With public opinion overwhelmingly in her favor, She-Hulk seems poised to get her legal license back when Jazinda is captured by the Behemoth after he mistakenly attacks her, thinking she is the real She-Hulk.[59] Jazinda is then taken to a government lab and brutally experimented on when her ability to resurrect herself from the dead is discovered. Jazinda contacts She-Hulk telepathically through a secretly implanted mind reading device and warns her that the government will be coming to question her about their relationship. Jazinda tells She-Hulk to say she did not know Jazinda was a Skrull and just before going dead/unconscious tells She-Hulk "I've always l...". She-Hulk tries to keep up the denial, but when she sees Jazinda about to be vivisected, she loses control and breaks Jazinda out. The Behemoth tries to stop her, but She-Hulk defeats him with the help of the Lady Liberators. Later it is revealed that Mallory Book, her former boss, was behind all the bad things happening to She-Hulk along with a group called the "Fourth Wall". Yet when she saw She-Hulk risk herself to save her Skrull friend, Book "cancelled" the plan.[60]
Dark ReignEdit
In the four-issue miniseries All-New Savage She-Hulk, Jennifer fights Lyra, the alternate reality daughter of Hulk and Thundra after she comes to the Earth-616 reality for the DNA of the strongest man.[61] While Jennifer and Lyra were fighting, Sentry tosses her away believing the man Lyra is referring to is him.[62] She-Hulk later returns, enraged, and pummels the Sentry into the ground. She then helps Lyra escape from Avengers Tower.[63]
In Incredible Hulk #600, Jennifer tasks Ben Urich to discover the identity of Red Hulk. She informs him that she is unable to as she has asked too many questions to the wrong people. She has Urich bring a photographer (Peter Parker), and meets him along with her insider, Doc Samson, and they venture into a S.H.I.E.L.D. base that is actually a front for A.I.M. and General Ross's Gamma Power Super Soldier Program. Leonard Samson then appears to have a breakdown, but in reality he is changing into Samson. Samson claims to be stronger and faster (and is larger in size, has longer hair and a lightning bolt scar) than Jennifer. The clashing duo are subdued by MODOK and the facility explodes in the aftermath of a fight between Red Hulk and Hulk; Jennifer, Samson (who has reverted to Leonard) and Red Hulk are caught in the explosion. Jennifer's status is unknown and Red Hulk does not reveal anything to Urich when the two meet a second time.[64]
While She-Hulk is M.I.A., the Red She-Hulk makes her first appearance where she claims Jennifer Walters to be dead.[65]
It was later shown in a flashback that Red She-Hulk prevented Jennifer Walters from escaping from A.I.M. custody. During this battle, Red She-Hulk brutally beat Jennifer and snapped her neck with a cable. In the last panel, Jennifer Walters appeared to be dead with the Red She-Hulk standing over her body,[66] though the Red She-Hulk claims she did not know her own strength. She then questions Doc Samson whether it was the real She-Hulk or a Life-Model Decoy, to which Samson answers "You're here to follow orders, not to ask questions".[67] Lyra later infiltrates the Intelligencia, where she finds Jennifer in stasis.[68] Following a brief fight with the Red She-Hulk, the three decide to team up to take down Intelligencia's forces.[69]
Incredible HulksEdit
Following the defeat of the Intelligencia, Jennifer begins traveling with her cousin Bruce, Skaar, Korg, Rick Jones and Betty Ross.[70] Shortly after the events of World War Hulks, Skaar becomes aware that his brother Hiro-Kala is approaching and that he intends to crash the planet K'ai into the Earth. She-Hulk is on the team as they manage to successfully avert disaster. Upon returning to Earth, they find the world in flames as it is in the grasp of the Chaos War. They journey to Hell, where they fight and defeat the Chaos King. Returning to a restored Earth, they are greeted as monsters.[volume & issue needed]
At some point before or after these events, Jennifer and Lyra settle in New York, where Lyra begins to attend high school in an attempt to gain an understanding of humanity as it occurs in this timeline. As well as helping to integrate Lyra into society, they are also involved in trying to round up the remaining members of the Intelligencia.[volume & issue needed]
They manage to round up the Intelligencia, but the Wizard is able to escape imprisonment and goes after Lyra at her high school prom, almost killing her before She-Hulk intervenes, knocking out Wizard but not before Lyra's secret identity has been compromised. The rest of the pupils turn on Lyra as a result of her prom date being injured and the endangerment of everyone at the dance. She-Hulk explains to her afterwards that they have to leave and that despite being heroes, the life of a Hulk is often lonely.[volume & issue needed]
Fearsome FourEdit
During the Fear Itself storyline, She-Hulk joins with Howard the Duck, Nighthawk and the Frankenstein Monster to form a four-person team called the Fearsome Four to stop the Man-Thing from its destructive path. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing's volatile empathy to create a weapon.[71]
Future FoundationEdit
Prior to a time- and multiverse-spanning trip by the Fantastic Four and family, the Thing asks She-Hulk to be a member of the Future Foundation.[72]
Doc GreenEdit
When the Hulk is elevated into "Doc Green" – a version of the Hulk possessing Bruce Banner's intellect – after he is treated for a shot to the head as Bruce Banner by use of the Extremis virus, he sets out to attack and cure other gamma-based mutations. Steve Rogers attempts to order the Hulk to stop before he goes after She-Hulk,[73] but when Doc Green finally confronts her, he instead admits that he has come to recognize that he is coming dangerously close to the Maestro, as part of him enjoyed eliminating his 'rivals', having decided instead to accept the eventual loss of his intellect as Extremis wore off rather than risk that persona emerging. Informing She-Hulk that she is the only gamma mutation whose life he felt had been legitimately enhanced by her condition, Doc Green provides her with the last injection of his cure, asking her to use it on him if he goes too far in his efforts to stop an A.I. version of himself that he created and unleashed.[74]
In Gwenpool's first Christmas special, Howard the Duck invited her to She-Hulk's Christmas party on the provision that she has not killed any good guys recently. She shows up and karaokes with Ms. Marvel. Also there was a one-shot image of her holding mistletoe over her head and inviting She-hulk to kiss her while Ms. Marvel looked on in girlish glee. There were dozens of superhumans in attendance, proving that whether she is acting as a hero or not, She-hulk keeps strong ties to the super-community.[volume & issue needed]
Civil War IIEdit
During the 2016 Civil War II storyline, after the Inhuman Ulysses predicts Thanos' arrival on Earth, She-Hulk was mortally wounded by a direct attack from the villain in question.[75][76] When Iron Man learns that they used Ulysses' precognitive power to ambush Thanos, he vows to make sure that no one uses it again. Before She-Hulk goes into cardiac arrest, she tells Captain Marvel to fight for the future.[77] After Hawkeye was acquitted for shooting Bruce Banner, Captain Marvel visited She-Hulk, who came out of her coma. When She-Hulk angrily demanded to know the verdict of Hawkeye's trial, Captain Marvel remained silent.[78]
Post-Civil War IIEdit
Following Bruce Banner's funeral, Jennifer Walters left the superhero business and continued to work as a lawyer, where she gained her first client: Maise Brewn, who was an Inhuman descendant. Due to the stress following the fight with Thanos, Jennifer started turning uncontrollably into her version of the Grey Hulk at different intervals. Jennifer helped Maise when she was recovering from the trauma and being evicted by her landlord Mr. Tick. When Maise got impatient with Jennifer and summoned a Fear Golem that killed Mr. Tick and some police officers, Jennifer is nearly killed by it and transforms into the Hulk. She defeated the Fear Golem and prevented Maise from committing suicide when Maise was arrested for reckless endangerment afterwards.[79]
Afterwards, Jennifer transformed into the Hulk and met the Hellcat. After changing back, Jennifer told the Hellcat that she was worried over the fact that her grey color could mean that she is like Bruce (since Bruce also had a grey incarnation). Later, Jennifer was watching a live video on the internet when a baker named Oliver turned into a Hulk-like creature on-camera.[80] Jennifer spent several days trying to track him down, eventually confronting him as the Hulk at the Brooklyn Bridge. During the following battle, she lost control of her Hulk persona, almost killing him, though the Hellcat managed to calm her down. However, the incident left Jennifer worried about losing control again.[81]
Some time later, the Leader kidnapped Jennifer and forced her to transform into the Hulk in order to force her to kill his new assistant, Robyn, who willingly went through a blood transfusion in order to become a Hulk-like monster herself. The Hulk nearly killed Robyn, but Jennifer managed to regain control, before defeating the Leader by electrocuting him. Jen then went with self-help writer Florida Mayer, who used a special pill to transport Jennifer to her subconscious, leading her to confront her Hulk persona and illusions of Thanos and Banner, finally overcoming her trauma in the process. Upon waking, Jennifer reverted to her She-Hulk persona.[82]
During the war against the Cotati, She-Hulk is revealed to have been killed and replaced by a Cotati, attacking the Avengers when they tried to negotiate a truce with their new enemy, the heroes only surviving the attack thanks to the Invisible Woman's forcefield, although the Cotati/She-Hulk then beats down the Thing and retreats.[83] Invisible Woman, Mantis, and Thing are locked in combat with the Cotati-possessed She-Hulk. Back in New York, Jo-Venn and N'kalla release their positive memories which revives She-Hulk enough to break the Cotati off of her and to stop the fighting between the Kree and the Skrull. When the Cotati are defeated, She-Hulk and Thor take Sequoia away.[84] It turns out that She-Hulk was able to return to life thanks to Leader who has mastered the way to control the Green Door.[85
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Boy Meets World’s Slasher Episode Was Scarier Than it Had Any Right To Be
Blood-curdling screams. Taunting phone calls from a psycho killer. Creepy, ominous music with lyrics like “Here’s a knife. Here’s a gun. There’ll be fun for everyone. Death is on the menu tonight!” Elements of a forgotten ‘90s slasher classic? Nope. Just some highlights from the most memorable episode of ABC’s family sitcom Boy Meets World.
With the launch of Disney+ and ample time to get nostalgic and revisit old movies and TV shows due to the pandemic, many older millennials are diving back into Boy Meets World, which ran for seven seasons from 1993 through 2000 as a staple of ABC’s TGIF lineup. The show centered on Philadelphia teenager Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) navigating life with his best friend Shawn Hunter (Rider Strong), his love interest Topanga Lawrence (Danielle Fishel), and brother Eric (Will Friedle), while perpetually receiving life lessons from longtime teacher and eventual principal Mr. Feeny (William Daniels). 
Boy Meets World had no shortage of standout moments and episodes, like WWE wrestler Vader appearing as the father of a misunderstood school bully, a young Linda Cardellini being the girl who almost destroyed the Cory and Topanga love story for good, and Peter Tork (who briefly played Topanga’s father), Micky Dolenz, and Davy Jones staging an impromptu Monkees reunion. And who could forget when Ben Savage’s famous brother Fred guest starred as a creepy college professor and was shoved through a glass door? 
But perhaps no other Boy Meets World episode made a bigger impact to impressionable young minds than the fifth season highlight “And Then There Was Shawn,” a format-breaking homage to the popular slasher films of the moment, like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer (the latter of which hit theaters just four months earlier). Serving as a metaphor for the fear and uncertainty Shawn feels over the recent breakup of Cory and Topanga, the episode is a mini-horror movie that operates in dream logic and features shocking cast deaths, zeitgeisty jokes, and a big ‘90s teen idol cameo. Many young fans were genuinely frightened by the scares conjured up in the episode, while older fans loved the campy, winking references and the change of pace storytelling.
“And Then There Was Shawn” writer Jeff Menell was typically happy to do what was asked of him on the series, but he jumped at the chance to write a horror-influenced episode. “I’m a diehard movie fan. I have been my entire life. But as a writer on set, I just did whatever I was told,” Menell said in a phone interview with Den of Geek. “I never went after anything. But I begged to write this one because I just knew I could do it.”
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Disney+ Halloween Movies for Kids: The Best Family Films to Watch This Spooky Season
By Alana Joli Abbott
The episode finds the high school-aged cast members serving detention with Mr. Feeny after a fight, springing from Cory and Topanga’s recent breakup, disrupts the class. Things quickly take a turn when the kids see a message in blood written on the chalkboard that reads “No One Gets Out Alive!” and hear a discomforting jingle with menacing lyrics playing over the high school’s PA system. Initially, the kids believe that Mr. Feeny is playing a prank on them, but things take a turn for the serious — and scary – when classmate Kenny is murdered in the dark by the masked killer wielding a pencil (prompting a very timely “You Killed Kenny!” reference). None other than Mr. Feeny himself bites the dust shortly thereafter via scissors to the back.
“You know, usually you go off for two weeks and you go write this draft and you bring it back, and then the room rewrites it. That always was the process. I wrote this one like in two days, and I had to pretend that it took longer because if you’ve written the script in two days, they assume it sucks, or that you didn’t really care or make an effort,” Menell says.
When Menell brought the initial draft to the writer’s room, however, there were minimal changes to his script. The episode’s director, Jeff McCracken, was impressed. 
“Jeff (Menell) went out and wrote his episode and when it came in it was perfect. It was an absolutely perfect flow of the script. He just nailed it.”
Emulating classic slasher film elements, McCracken had to approach the filming of “And Then There Was Shawn” differently than a typical episode. 
“It was so much fun,” McCracken says. “Because it had all these special sequences, we really had to shoot it like a film. We rehearsed for two days, then shot it for three, and then we showed it before a live audience. The film style is generally single style or two cameras, but I shot a lot of it with three to four cameras so that we wouldn’t have to do multiple retakes. You couldn’t have done the whole thing in front of a live audience because it would have taken too much time to set everything up and run through a show with an audience sitting there.”
The pencil kill is the most memorable moment from the episode, but McCracken nor Menell can take credit for it. “I remember the one gag that was not in the script, the one gag that Michael Jacobs (creator/executive producer) came up with, which was genius, was the pencil dynamic,” McCracken recalls. After classmate Kenny is shown impaled through the head with a pencil, his body slumps down the wall, leaving a lead pencil mark behind him. Cory quips, “We’ll always remember he was this tall.”
Kenny and Feeny’s deaths are bloodless, but they leave a mighty impression for a network family-friendly series. Both writer and director knew that they’d have to tread lightly if they were going to be faithful to the slasher genre (“I’m surprised they let us have Feeny with (scissors) in his back, to tell you the truth,” Menell says) but they both made a concerted effort to surround the kills with humor. 
“We had to make it funny,” McCracken says.” I mean, you put (scissors) in someone’s back, it can be very disturbing for a young audience. You can’t traumatize them. We did it with some sense of humor and it wasn’t so graphic.”
Part of the humor was derived from the very specific references made in the episode. Like Scream standout character Randy, Shawn makes meta references to the rules of the horror genre, telling his friends that virgins are the only ones who are safe. Eric says, “I’m dead,” Jack says, “I’m dead,” and Shawn says, “I’ll get as sick as you can without dying.” 
This slightly scandalous joke wasn’t anything new for the series, but the violent nature of the episode led to “And Then There Was Shawn” receiving the show’s first TV-PG-V rating. According to Menell, Michael Jacobs had a way of pushing the boundaries with network executives. “He got away with a lot more stuff than most people because he could really browbeat some network executives at times to get what he wanted.”
One major addition to the cast for “And Then There Was Shawn” probably helped Jacobs catch the network in the right mood. Jennifer Love Hewitt, coming off Party of Five and at the height of her scream queen powers, guest stars as new John Adams High student Jennifer Love Fefferman. Hewitt at the time was dating Will Friedle and it’s believed their relationship inspired her cameo. 
“We maybe asked him to ask her, because obviously she was in I Know What You Did Last Summer, so having her there just adds horror film credibility to it,” Menell says. “She was great. She was such a great sport, and it was fun having her on.”
McCracken concurs: “It was such a pleasure. It was one of those things that you don’t know how a major star walking in on your set, how they’re going to be, what their demands are going to be, what their personality is going to be like, what their disposition for the script’s going to be like, and she just came in full guns blazing and just had a blast and that made everything just wonderful. She was game for anything.”
One thing that Hewitt was game for was a big makeout scene with Friedle’s Eric, that may or may not have been improvised. “I don’t think we wrote that in, I think they just wanted to do it and we let it,” Menell laughs.
Amongst all of the horror homage fun, the episode ends with Shawn removing the killer’s mask to find himself starring back, having gone through this whole slasher bit just to get his friends back together. It’s quite the philosophical ending for a show primarily aimed at tweens and teens. 
“When it did get serious with Shawn at the end, it was more poignant than it was scary and it was also a great reveal that it was him,” McCracken says. “It was metaphorical in the sense that that component of Shawn is in us all and it’s always lurking and it’s always out there. And so, be vigilant.”
The Jeffs knew that they had a special episode on their hands with “And Then There Was Shawn,” but who could have guessed the episode would have this sort of longevity 22 years later?
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“We got a few letters from people that were so scared, couldn’t believe we would kill Feeny. And we got some people that were upset,” Menell says. “But we had no idea until years later when the internet came on how popular that episode became. We did some crossovers, some time flashbacks, and some other really cool episodes, but this was a show that was nothing like any other episode we had aired or would air. It was probably the most fun … it’s certainly the most scary.”
The post Boy Meets World’s Slasher Episode Was Scarier Than it Had Any Right To Be appeared first on Den of Geek.
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reject-princess97 · 7 years
Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds/Sherlock crossover
"Guys, this is Dr Y/F/N Holmes, she's been recruited from London, So she only got here a couple days ago." Agent Hotchner introduced, pointing towards me. I looked over everybody, taking in everything I could as quickly as I could, reading what I needed to know.
"Damn, London? Whoa, you must be good if they pulled you from London." The dark haired man stated. I looked over at him and nodded I knew this man to be David Rossi as I had read though the files over the weekend that Hotch had given to me.
"I'm good at my job yes, not as good as my brother, but a hell of a lot better that those brainless idiots over at Scotland Yard." I answered simply.
"So, what did you do? Before moving here?" Jennifer Jareau asked. I felt every bodies eyes on me but I didn't care.
"My brother and I were consulting detectives. Mind, my brother still is along with Dr John Watson, I however became more interested in serial killers and the psychology of it all." I replied
"What's a consulting Detective? I've never heard of one before" Rossi asked.
"Not many people have, it's not exactly a role in Scotland Yard, it's more of a honorary roll. To put it simply, if Scotland Yard couldn't solve a case, which was more often than you'd think, they would consult with my bother and I." I explained.
"I doubt Scotland Yard needs to Consult with amateurs" Derek Morgan spoke up.
I turned and nodded over to Agent Hotchner who smiled back and walked out of the room, then reentered a few moments later with a short man following close behind. The rest of the team watched confused as Hotch came and stood by me. "Show them." Hotch said simply pointing to the new person in the room. I smiled and looked over at the man, looking over his clothes, his hair and his body, reading everything I could. Then I began.
"OK, let's see, I'd say early 30's, Married, a child, recently by the looks of things congratulations by the way. Your marriage is on the rocks judging by the way you're playing with your ring, I suppose it has a little to do with the baby. you've been away recently, somewhere hot, a lot of sun. You've been here a while, you enjoy the job so you work hard, sometimes a little to hard, another reason you marriage is rocky.
"What else, you have two dogs, no higher than the knee. Judging by the way you hold your self you have back trouble, more than likely stress. In regards to you marriage I suggest taking your wife out on a romantic night out, show her some attention and respect man she has just given you a child for gods sake, now go back to work." I waved him off turning back towards the team who just looked at me in disbelief.
"How could you possibly know all that." Rossi asked
"I looked at him, paying attention to each tiny detail that most people miss."
"But how did you know about the baby?" Penelope Garcia asked, looking shocked and slightly uneasy.
"Dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep, your hair a mess and there is a slight stain in his tie, recently removed but not well enough possibly baby vomit."
"OK what about his dogs?" Agent Jareau asked
"Dog hair on the lower part of his legs, too little for a big dog but too much for just one small dog, the hairs never reach above his knee so then that means he has two small dogs. So agent Morgan, I do believe you were right." I replied, looking over at Morgan.
"Right about what?" He asked
"The police don't and never have consulted with amateurs." I smiled. "What I just did is called 'deduction', my brothers taught me how to do, which as you can see, has helped me out a lot in the past. Basically just paying really close attention to people. You're profilers, taught to read people's behavior, I was taught not only read their behavior but how they stand, walk, talk, dress and fidget with things the smallest detail usually matters more than you'd think. If you look close enough you can tell a lot about each person you encounter."
"Why didn't you just use one of us to deduce?" Morgan asked.
"I have already read your files and have learnt who each of you are. I have an eidetic memory so I have memorized each of your faces and what's in your files. I also can also read rather quickly." I explained.
"Whoa you smart" Garcia mumbled.
"Yes compared to most I am very intelligent. I hold B.A.s in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy, a PhD in Chemistry and Engineering as well as a PhD in Mathematics. " I rambled on, explaining myself a little allowing my new team members to learn more about me.
"So we got a lady Reid...lovely." Rossi spoke, as I was about to speak a new voice spoke, "Sorry I'm late, my mom called and it was a rather unfortunate time for her to call." The voice said. I turned around and looked straight into the brown eyes of Dr Spencer Reid.
*End Of Flashback*
"Y/N, your phone is ringing." Spencer called from his desk that was just across from mine. I quicken my pace towards my desk, handed Spencer his coffee and placed mine on the desk as I pick up the phone to see John Watson's number flash across my screen. Smiling a little I quickly answer the Call.
"Hello, Dr Watson, how may I be of assistance today?" I spoke into the phone as I picked up my coffee and took a sip waiting for his reply.
"Y/N you need to come home." He said quickly, I very quickly became aware that the sound of his voice was different to the very happy and chirpy voice of my brothers best friend.
"What? Why?..John what's going on?" I asked.
"Your brother and I need your help, maybe your team too."
"Is it a case?
"Yes but it's not like any other we've had maybe I could get Gregg to call your boss?"
"Yeah, I'll send you his number, get him to call ASAP and see what he can do."
"OK, thanks Dr Holmes, see you later." He laughed and he was once again the John Watson I knew and loved.
"See you soon Dr Watson" I replied before ending the call, I quickly opened my text app and typed in Hotch' number and sent it to John who I assume is already with Detective Inspector Lestrade at the Scotland Yard HQ. I then put my phone down and continued with my 'work' which I had finished so I was just reading John's blog.
"Is that the blog again?" Spencer asked from over his desk I nodded and smiled motioning him over to read to. "Does this stuff really happen, like does he actually do this stuff?" he asked as he pulled his chair over and sat by me.
"Yeah, he is exactly how John described him, rude, obnoxious and extremely annoying. However he is very good at what he does and the cases he as solved wouldn't be if it wasn't for him and John."
"Do you miss them?"
"I guess so, I mean, he is my brother and John's a great friend of mine and his. I very much doubt my brother misses me though, he rarely noticed when I was around, but that was the way I liked it. He left me to my work, I left him to his and then we would have fun solving a case together. Although I do love solving cases with you and the team a little more." I laughed as I looked up from the screen and straight into Spencer's eyes.
It has been two years since I moved to the US and I found I fit in quite well with the team, mostly with Reid but I have become close to each of the others and I do love the friends I have made from my life here.  
"I'm sure your brother has noticed you're gone, how can he not, you're a very noticeable person who no one would be stupid enough to ignore you and your absence."  Spencer said. He was always so sweet to me, from the moment I became apart of the team I became close to Spencer, we were partners, always working together to solve the case. I will admit Spencer and I have been dating for a while, we just haven't told anyone as of yet, we find it entertaining when the team try to figure out whats going on between the two of us.
"Hey, Boy genius and Girl genius, Hotch needs us in the conference room, we got a case." Derek called over as he walked by us. Spencer and I both stood and followed him in to the room and took the two empty seats at the table. We all became quiet and Hotch walked in, Garcia following close behind. "I need you guy to go home, pack a go back for about two weeks and meet at the jet. We have been asked to assist in a case in London. Y/N I believe you are aware of their situation.
I nodded a little and began to explain. "I don't know a lot, I do know how ever that their is a serial killer on the loose in London, this is no pattern and no MO basically there is nothing that links the victims except each victim is left with a small while rose on their chest. My brother is completely lost which never happens."
"Why did they call us?" Derek asked looking back at Hotch.
"Detective Inspector Lestrade as asked for Y/N assistance and has requested the rest of the team as well. He has explained the situation to someone he knows in the government and they have said we can have what ever we need to get the job done. I believe he is sending someone to the airport to collect us and he will sort out accommodation, JJ, I understand if you wish to sit this one out to stay with you kids. Two weeks is along time to be away from home and it could take longer." Hotch explained and he handed files out to each member of the teem. JJ nodded and sighed.
"I'll be there, don't worry." she said simply and she took the file from Hotch' hand smiling. He nodded and excused us all so we could go collect our things. We all rushed out of the room over to our desks and then we all walked towards the exit.
"I suppose you still have clothes back in London?" Derek asked and we all waited in the lift to reach the ground floor.
"I don't think any of those clothes are really her style anymore." JJ laughed smiling over at me. "I mean since she got here she ditched the purple shirts and scarves and opted for a more 'Reid' look." she laughed pointing at my outfit which consisted of a pair of gray faded skinny jeans, a white shirt, black skinny tie and a blue button down cardigan. On my feet were a pair of black converse. My dark brown almost black hair was curled and placed into a some what messy ponytail on the top of my head, a blue bow that Spencer had bought me was tied on top covering the hairband. The black frame of my glasses sat comfortably on the edge of my nose.
"I don't understand, when I got here you and Garcia took me shopping. All the clothes I have on are what you picked out?" I questioned. I was right, after I got here I really stood out and if I am honest I wasn't all that comfortable with what I wore, my brother told me he wanted me to look smart so I always used his clothes as a guide line of what to wear.
"OK, yes I did, pick out those clothes but you were the one who picked the outfits not me."
"I like the way she dresses." Reid interrupted slinging his arm over my shoulder, making the whole team start laughing. It was then that the lift doors opened and we all rushed to our cars, in my case to Spencer's car as he took me to work most days, usually because we were together the night before anyway so we would either take my car or his. We climbed in the car and made or way to our homes, Spencer dropping me for at my flat/apartment, so I could grab my stuff and he carried on to his home, picking me up half an hour later to make our way to the jet.
*One Flight To London Later*
The plain landed so we all gathered our bag and headed for the airport to find who ever it was who was to be collecting us. We were all tried and stiff from the long flight so our journey into from the plain into the airport was slow and groggy. It was cold and rainy outside, typical UK weather so that didn't help to brighten our mood. "I gotta say Girl Genius, your home is very...wet." Morgan grumbled as he looked outside through the window. I nodded and began looking around for a something or some one I knew.
I let my eyes wonder for a few minutes, my head resting on Reid and I sleepily looked around. It was then that I noticed my Big Brother and my favorite blogger Dr Watson. I smiled and immediately perked up at the sight of John's smile as he caught my gaze. I squealed a little, scaring the others as I took off running the the direction of my family. "Dr Watson!" I called as I ran into his arms hugging him tight.
"Why Dr Holmes, I hardly recognized you." John laughed I nodded and pulled away looking towards my brother.
"Mr Holmes" I said sticking my hand out towards him.
"Stop with the formalities Y/N, I will not be playing this silly little game." He huffed just looking at my hand as though it was a object he had already become bored with very quickly.
"Sherlock.." John warned him but I just shook my head.
"I want to hear you say it Mr Holmes. You are the only one to not say it. I spent my whole life looking up to you and I just want to hear you say it, once, so I know you might be the least bit proud of me." I sighed holding out your hand once again. This time he took it and he did something I don't expect. He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his long arms around my tiny body.
"Of course I am proud of you Y/N, I don't need to say it for you to know that but if it is what you wish. Dr Holmes, I am immensely proud of the woman, and Agent you have become." He said loud enough for even my team to hear it.
"Thank you Sherlock it means a lot coming from you." I smiled up at him before turning towards my team. "Guys this is my big brother Sherlock Holmes and his best friend Dr John Watson. brother dear, Dr Watson this is my team, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, and Derek Morgan, this is our team leader Aaron Hotchner, our technical analyst Penelope Garcia and last but not least Dr Spencer Reid." I introduced pointing each member out as I said their name.
"Ahh, the boyfriend." John said simply and he shook Reid's hand, we both just smiled and nodded.
"Wait what, boyfriend, since when?" JJ asked I looked over at her to see four very shocked faces and Hotch who was just smiling.
"About a year I guess, maybe longer I don't know." I shrugged turning back towards my brother and his friend.
"So Girl Genius and Boy Genius, together, I will admit a saw it come I just didn't think I was already happening...Well congrats Kid, I'm glad you're happy." Rossi smiled at us. We both thanked him and we turned towards Sherlock and John once again.
"Does Mycroft know I'm home?" I asked them both.
"Yes, he does, he wants to see you, as is expected. I have know doubts he is watching us right know." John answered, pointing at a CCTV camera that was about three or four feet away from us. This made me laugh as he was more than likely right.
"I expect so. Okay, so what's happening?"
"Well, I expect you are all jet lagged and tired so we'll take you to the hotel, Y/N, you'll be wanting to stay with Dr Reid so you can either both stay at the hotel or at the flat, I'm sure Mrs Hudson would love to see you. Although I'm not sure why." Sherlock asked.
"I missed you too brother." I rolled my eyes and turned to Spencer. "Hotel or my old home?" I asked slightly hoping he chose the flat.
"I can tell by your face you want to go home so the flat if it's OK with Hotch." He answered smiling down at me.
"Agent Hotchner, the hotel you will be staying at if round the corner from the flat, lest that two minutes away." John assure Hotch who just nodded and smiled.
"Don't worry, I expected to lose Y/N through out our time here, I just need you to check in with us through out the day when you're away from the team, understood." He ordered, talking with a little authority in his voice so we knew he was being serious. We both nodded and we all began to move towards the exit.
The taxi ride was quick and quiet. We all stopped at the hotel and said good night to the team as they all checked in before Sherlock, John, Spencer and I all made our way to 221B Bakers street. I hadn't even made it through the door when I was attacked into a tight hug by Mrs Hudson.
"Y/N, oh look at you, you look so, different." she said smiling as she pulled me into the building. I smiled and laughed a little. "You look less like your bothers, in fact you don't look like a Holmes at all, you look better, I like it." She gushed as she kept me at arms length.
"Thank you Mrs Hudson, I guess being In the US agrees with me." I laughed before I pulled away.
"I'll make you all a cup of tea, go get settled, oh I'm sorry dear, I forgot it introduce myself to your friends. I'm Mrs Hudson, the landlady of this place." She said as he spotted Spencer watching from behind John and Sherlock. He smiled and waved at her but stayed quiet.
"That's my boyfriend, Dr Spencer Reid. He is here with me and the rest of our team to help Sherlock solve the case he is working on." I explained before I walked over and grabbed Reid and dragged him up the stairs until we reached the front door which, as usually wasn't locked.Get ready to come face to face with the a place I can only describe as a psychopath's home." I turned to Reid a massive smile on my lips as I could her John laughing being him.
"I'm a high functioning Sociopath Y/N, you know this so why do you insist on telling everyone I'm a psychopath?" Sherlock said as he walked past me and into the living room where he sat in his chair, legs crossed and hands placed under his chin, a sign he was thinking. we walked in and I stood by the sofa facing the wall where Sherlock usually hangs his finding when on a case.
"Because brother dear, she likes to see people, usually you, how do you put it, squirm. So she insists on playing her funny little games with everyone she meets." I heard some one say from behind Spencer and I. I turn to see my other brother Mycroft standing in the door way of the flat, and umbrella in his hand and his wet coat hung over his arm. getting his black, pressed suit wet. "Good evening sister." He said sharply as he walked passed me and sat on the chair opposite my brother. "What is she doing here Sherlock?" He asked ignoring me completely.
"I'm right here." I told him however he just ignored me farther.
"I needed help on the case and OUR sister and her team were kind enough to help out."
"And you chose her because?"
"I needed her and her team Mycroft, this is what they do for a living big brother. They find and catch killers like ours, I believe they maybe able to 'see' this we may have miss or overlooked and I would hope you are not going to step in the way for capturing this man?" Sherlock explained not moving from his thinking spot and he sounded bored.
"You cleared this how?"
"Someone owed me a favor" Sherlock replied simply
"Yes, but why her?" Mycroft asked once again.
"Guys, I am right here." I shouted coursing Reid to jump a little. I haven't lost my temper at all since I left London and less than an hour back and I am shouting again.
"Yes, I see that." Mycroft snorted, rolling his eyes.
"Sherlock, I assume we will be taking you room while we are here?" I asked. While I lived here Sherlock usually slept on the couch, although he used to sneak into Johns room when he couldn't sleep.
"Yes the room is yours, sleep well little sister. good night Dr Reid." He smiled at us. I walked over and kissed his cheek before taking Spencer's arm and pulling him towards the bedroom where we washed up and changed into our PJ's. I wore a pair of PJ shorts and one of Spencer's shirts that I had stolen on my nights at his house. He never asked for them to be returned as he had told me time and time again he loved seeing me wear his shirts. He pulled out a few old shirts he no longer used and gave them to me.
Spencer had on a pair of FBI sweat pants that hung low at his hips. His hair was damp and chest was bare. He smiled sweetly at me whilst I climbed into bed. I smiled at him too as I snuggled into his arms and rested my head on his chest. I whispered a quick 'Goodnight' and 'I love you' before falling asleep.
***The Next Morning***
I woke up to the sound of plates smashing which coursed Spencer and I to Jump awake grabbing his gun and pulling me protectively behind him. "Easy Spencer, that would be my brother." I sighed as I carefully took the gun from his hands and placed it on the night stand.
"Sorry, I kinda forgot where we were for a second" He whispered as he turned to face me, grabbing my hips under my shirt and pulling my body to his kissing me sweetly for a few minutes before pulling away. "Hi." his smiled down at me.
"Hi" I replied back. I turned to look at the clock to see it was 8am.
"Why don't you jump in the shower, I'll get started on breakfast." I offered. Spencer nodded and Kissed me again before walking to the door. I followed behind but I carried on to the living room instead of the bathroom where Spence had gone.
I walked it to see John and Sherlock sat on their chairs, reading their newspapers. "Are you going to tell me what the hell all that noise was about?"I asked them both.
"Your brother is being a child again." John said simply I nodded and turned to Sherlock who sat there in nothing but a white sheet.
"Not surprising." I shrugged, walking to the kitchen only to find no food anywhere. "Bloody hell guys when was the last time you went shopping?" I asked but both boys just shrugged, not even looking up from their papers. "Nothing has changed." I muttered as I pulled out my phone and text JJ to grab something for everyone to eat and to include John and Sherlock on the list of mouths to feed.  It wasn't unusual for JJ and I to bring the team food when on a case, we like to make sure everyone gets enough food and coffee because it was very often they would forget.
JJ text back quickly telling me everything would be ready when we met up at 9am.
"Right well, it's about 8:15 so I'm going in the shower and get changed. Can you behave while I'm gone?" I asked Sherlock who just rolled his eyes and smiled a little while reading the paper still.
I turned and headed for the door stopped at the sound of my brothers voice.
"Y/N" he called. I turned to see my brother had set the paper down and he was looking at me smiling like an idiot.
"What is it Sherlock?" I asked
"I'm glad you're home Dr. Holmes" He simply said smiling. I smiled and thanked him before I walked into my brothers bedroom, grabbed a towel and ran to the bathroom where a jumped in the shower just as Spencer had finished.
Part 2
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/marvel-mishandles-diversity/
Marvel Mishandles Diversity
Marvel Comics is currently doing damage control. The brand that can do no wrong in film is having problems in print. The damage control situation stems from a statement by Marvel Comics Vice President of Print and Marketing David Gabriel that their push for diversity in comic was not working. “What we heard was that people didn’t want any more diversity… I don’t know that that’s really true, but that’s what we saw in sales.” -- David Gabriel, ICv2 interview Earlier news suggests that Marvel will be bringing its core heroes back, probably after their last major event Secret Empire. Marvel also said that they’ll be doing a moratorium on multiple crossovers which they’ve relentlessly been doing the past years. There are comic book fans out there who can’t afford purchasing multiple titles. This fan for instance, lives off on borrowing from his friends or reading into them on Wikipedia or catching up on YouTube. In the pre-internet age, I was concentrated on Ghost Rider, Spirits of Vengeance and X-Men Classic. A friend of mine was into X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force and we borrow from each other every time we meet up.  The only time I got into any major crossover was during the Midnight Massacre event (with black covers) and Siege of Darkness to which I had to buy all the books involved (NightStalkers, Ghost Rider, Spirits of Vengeance, Morbius the Living Vampire and Darkhold). These events were somewhat in parallel to X-Men’s Age of Apocalypse and the Onslaught Saga to which me and my friend cooperated on. That was an expensive undertaking. Imagine if we were still at it. So as for Marvel’s events, they’ll be cutting back as not all fans can buy all the books they need. Some fans may be into the X-Men; others the Avengers or Spider-Man. Secret Empire is going to be the last of those major events where Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales would be seen killing Hydra Captain America. With Miles Morales, let’s go back to diversity. Most of us geks probably know this but for others’ sake let’s elaborate on diversity. These past couple of years, Marvel has gone gangsta on diversity for some reason. Whether it’s third wave feminism, increasing gender equality awareness and the social media preoccupation with political correctness. As said before, Marvel often reflects the issues of the time. We now have more female leads, more ethnicities and some gender identities. The transition of Miles Morales to the mainstream Marvel universe, poised to replace Peter Parker who is now currently too busy running his own company. Tony Stark, after the events of Secret Wars is now in a coma and has been replaced by female black teenager, Riri Williams. There are actually two Iron Men flying around; Riri Williams and Doctor Doom. We’ve had Pakistani Muslim female teenager Kamala Khan who took on the mantle of Ms. Marvel from Carol Danvers who will be having a movie by the way featuring Brie Larson.  The current official Captain America is Sam Wilson, formerly the Falcon. The Hulk is now Korean genius teenager Amadeus Cho who took Bruce Banner’s power. Bruce Banner is now dead by the way. She Hulk Jennifer Walters is being positioned as the current savage hulk persona because of PTSD. The mantle of Wolverine is now in the hands of teenager Laura Kinney also known as X-23 whom we’ve all seen on the awesome Old Man Logan film. Thor is now female whose secret identity is Jane Foster who the general public identifies with Natalie Portman; due to Odinson becoming unworthy in one of Marvel’s many, many crossover events. Ghost Rider is now Latino LA resident Robbie Reyes. And they made X-Men’s Iceman gay. Not the mainstream Iceman but the version snatched from the past. Confusing huh? It’s comics. There’s really nothing wrong with diversity. If Marvel only looked into its inner character line, their lineup is already very diverse. They already have the sexiest female lineup of superheroines like Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers, former White Queen Emma Frost, X-Men’s Rogue, Spider-Woman Jessica Drew and The Wasp Janet Van Dyne. They’re well represented in the African-American community with Nick Fury Jr., Black Panther, the Falcon, War Machine James Rhodes, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, the X-Men’s Storm and Cloak from Cloak and Dagger. Then we have the Asians Colleen Wing from Iron Fist, the X-Men’s Jubilation Lee, Big Hero 6’s Sunfire and Silver Samurai, British mind but Asian body Psylocke and X-Men’s Armor Hisako Ichiki. On the Latino side, Marvel has X-Men medic Cecilia Reyes, X-Force Sunspot Roberto Da Costa, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Slingshot Yo-Yo Rodriguez (featured in Agents of SHIELD) and New Mutants member Rictor Julio Richter. As for the LGBT community, there’s Alpha Flight’s Northstar, Young Avengers Hulkling, New Mutant’s Karma Xi'an Coy Manh, the Darkhold’s Victoria Montesi, and Daredevil’s Jeryn Hogarth. They just need to bring the focus back to these characters in main or supporting roles. What happened with Marvel according to some fans is that they did things too quickly even going so far as to replace their core characters like Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, the Incredible Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man. There was previous talk before Captain America Civil War that Marvel should use Miles Morales instead of the traditional Peter Parker. Fans were totally divided because even the general public knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man at the very least from newspaper comic strips. Marvel should have been promoting the hell out of their core characters who people are just getting to know in their films and introducing their diversity line in major but supporting roles. Marvel became too heavy-handed with the diversity thing, and many fans didn’t like the total replacement of their core heroes according to some forums. Even people just going into comics because of the films will be surprised that Bruce Banner is dead and is no longer the Hulk, that Thor is a lady and that Captain America is HYDRA. IMHO, if they wanted to replace Iron Man with a female, they could have just re-imagined the hero Spitfire (Jenny Swensen) from their 80s New Universe line. That could have gotten people excited because people are more familiar with the character instead of Riri Wiliams. Anyway, poor sales or not, Marvel didn’t pull off the diversity very well. If they did get new fans with their diversity line, they alienated others. It reflected in their sales numbers and is now blaming their sales on their program. Many argue that the diversity thing could have been handled with better stories and a lack of emphasis on major events. Whether or not you agree that Mr. Gabriel’s statement was not in good taste, the reality is often in the sales numbers despite other factors that are difficult to quantify. He chose to listen to the retailers griping about their poor sales because their respective clientele didn’t like the diversity program.  Below are some statements of those retailers: “I don't want you guys doing that stuff… I want you to entertain. That’s the job. One of my customers even said the other day he wants to get stories and doesn’t mind a message, but he doesn't want to be beaten over the head with these things.” “When you talk about the Academy Awards, and how [inclusion and diversity] was a prime topic, I look at the cold, hard reality, and I'm in business. A lot of those movies, or other things in other media, aren't really big money makers. For me, I care more about whether I'm going to sell it or not.” The situation could be different elsewhere as individuals or entire areas of customers may have the opposite taste. Anyway, Marvel may soon bring back the classics. Good old Captain America Steve Rogers, Tony Stark as Iron Man, Odinson as Thor and Bruce Banner as the Hulk. Again, IMHO, what Jennifer Walters is going through, turning pleasant She-Hulk into Savage She-Hulk is quite interesting. Whatever happens to bring the classics back could have something to do with the Cosmic Cube that turned Steve Rogers into an agent of HYDRA. But fans of the new characters won’t be left out as Marvel won’t be letting go of the characters they’ve already created. “Discussed candidly by some of the retailers at the summit, we heard that some were not happy with the false abandonment of the core Marvel heroes and, contrary to what some said about characters “not working,” the sticking factor and popularity for a majority of these new titles and characters like Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, The Mighty Thor, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, and Moon Girl, continue to prove that our fans and retailers ARE excited about these new heroes. And let me be clear, our new heroes are not going anywhere! We are proud and excited to keep introducing unique characters that reflect new voices and new experiences into the Marvel Universe and pair them with our iconic heroes… We have also been hearing from stores that welcome and champion our new characters and titles and want more! They've invigorated their own customer base and helped them grow their stores because of it. So we're getting both sides of the story, and the only upcoming change we're making is to ensure we don't lose focus of our core heroes,” -- Marvel Comics What’s truly important though, is that diversity or no, is for Marvel to continue producing great stories involving their iconic characters as well as their new ones. That they strike the right balance between art and storytelling that manages to properly reflect the world’s current issues like they used to do.
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flickdirect · 6 years
Tuesday nights are a flurry in my house when 8 p.m. comes because my son absolutely refuses to miss The Flash. Developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns, The Flash is about a young man who gets super speed when a local lab explodes, creating "meta-humans". Luckily, our Flash is a superhero with good intentions and spends his time, with his band of friends, wife, and father-in-law, tracking down other meta-humans who seek to do no good. In a time when our children seem to grow quicker than the speed of light, The Flash is a show that the entire family can definitely watch and then engage in an actual conversation about the endless theories that surround this television series and all of their characters.
Season Four tested The Flash/Barry Allen (Grant Gustin; Glee) in a way he hasn't been tested before. After entering the speed force, at the end of Season Three, to protect his friends, Season Four returns with Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale; Insurgent) and Cisco Ramirez (Carlos Valdes) struggling to protect Central City. After losing a battle, where the foe wants The Flash, Cisco and Wally realize they need to find a way to bring Barry back to Central City. While Barry's friends do find a way to bring him out of the speed force, his return releases dark matter, which turns twelve people into meta-humans. The team spends season four trying to save the meta-humans and defeat this season's foe, The Thinker.
The Thinker (Neil Sandilands) is, by day, a genius professor named Clifford DeVoe, who is trying, in his own mind, to "fix the world" by collecting powers. Throughout the season, the audience finds out that DeVoe orchestrated the exact return location point of Flash from the speed force so that his return would affect the bus riders and give them the powers he, himself, sought. DeVoe is a worthy opponent, not only being one of the meta-powers but a foe with a brilliant mind. He strategizes and sees every possibility so that The Flash and his friends are defeated almost every time. It becomes increasingly frustrating for Barry and for H.R. (Tom Cavanagh, Yogi Bear), as neither one of these characters is used to being intellectually defeated. H.R. puts who he is at risk to help the team and Barry must come to terms with what being a leader, teacher, and friend is when he takes Ralph Dibney/Elongated Man (Hartley Sawyer; The Young & The Restless), one of the twelve meta-humans under his wing.
Season four is more of a mystery than other seasons. The plot, while concise and clear, was not always apparent to the audience. This was actually a great way to write the season, as every episode seemed to be a continuing climactic ride. Whereas prior seasons have had several villains to deal with, season four was really about DeVoe. The writers outdid themselves with season four, creating episode after episode, building up a series long cohesive storyline, that left you sitting on the edge of the seat until the very last minute of the season finale's epic conclusion.
Warner Bros. and DC Comics also have several other superhero shows on television. In order to bring their universe together, the actors work on a four (4) part cross-over series every year, creating a storyline that befits all of the Superheroes. This year, the writers played upon the different Earth's (Supergirl said there are 52 but H.R. said there were 53) and doppelgangers to bring us familiar faces but not familiar ethics. Our heroes from Earth-X were in fact, the bad guys and their world was based upon the Nazi regime. While the writers did a great job of showing the dark sides of our favorite heroes, including The Flash, it was a little disconcerting relating them to the Nazi regime. Barry Allen is supposed to be the nice Jewish guy from next door so seeing him as a Nazi was just -weird. Regardless, this storyline brought back a beloved character we have all missed- Leonard Snart/Captain Cold. Wentworth Miller (Prison Break) is such a unique actor that watching him onscreen is simply a pleasure.
Warner Bros. gives us season four of The Flash in 1080p High Definition widescreen16x9 with an aspect ratio of 1.78:1. The contrast between the dark colors of DeVoe and the white colors of what his wife, Marlize (Kim Engelbrecht; Eye in the Sky), wore seemed as a foreshadowing of what was to come. The pitchy colors of Ralph's office were apropos, setting the scene of his background in the police force and his job as a private investigator. As in my season three review, I still find the special effects of the speed force with the blues and almost whispers of silver peeking out fascinating, as well as the reds and golds when The Flash is running. One additional special effect that was added was Ralph's stretching as his superpower. The special effects of contorting his body created a lighter aspect in a year when the entire plot seemed rather dark and devious.
The audio is presented in DTS-HD 5.1 Dolby Digital. Volume is consistent, sound effects are appropriate and not overwhelming, providing a well-balanced audiological experience. The DTS-HD 5.1 Dolby Digital is a full, rich sound that complements and supports the storyline without overpowering the dialogue.
The Complete Fourth Season Blu-ray comes with bonus features to support every fan's obsession. Bonus features are provided on each disc.
Disc 1 – Episodes 1-7
- Deleted Scenes Episode 3, 4, and 5
- Special Feature: Gag Reel
Disc 2- Episodes 8-13
- Deleted Scene Episode 12
- Episodes 8-11 are the Crossover Events: Crisis on Earth-X.
- Special Feature: Inside the Crossover Crisis on Earth-X
Disc 3- Episodes 14-20
-Deleted Scenes Episodes 17, 20
-Special Features: The Elongated Man and Flash Time on Amunet Black with Katee, Eric, and Sterling (visual commentary)
Disc 4- Episodes 21-26
-Deleted Scenes Episodes 21, 26
- Special Feature: The Best of DC TV's Comic-Con Panels San Diego 2017
The Flash is one of the best television shows today. The writers bring consistent storylines. The acting is natural as if the characters are letting the audience into their lives. The comedic character of Ralph balanced out the darkness of DeVoe, this season. Barry Allen is continually growing both as a man and as a superhero. The bonus and special features provided on the disc are supportive of the season and a wonderful edition for those who love The Flash and just want to know more about his world. The Flash: The Complete Fourth Season is a definite addition for any home entertainment collection.
Grade: A
About Jennifer Broderick A graduate of The George Washington University and Nova Southeastern Law School Jennifer Fischer Broderick’s fascination with the movie world started when she first saw Snow White on the big screen as a young child. When the producers of the movie Annie held auditions in NYC, Jennifer stood on line in the cold to try out for a part and actually made it past the first few try-outs. A vivacious reader, she is fascinated watching books and stories brought to life on the big screen. Jennifer has passed her love of movies onto her children and they are often found planning their weekends around opening premieres.
Read more reviews and content by Jennifer Broderick.
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