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PC(352) - Geneza 37, Iosif si incercarile sale - predica la Golgotha, Sp...
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Why Should You Focus On the Anabolic Steroids for Sale?

t is convenient and anonymous; numerous individuals prefer to get anabolic steroids for sale online. But scammers can deceive them into purchasing counterfeit steroids. Use a keyword or hack to locate real steroids to guarantee authenticity. Order cancellation or modification, review return, refund, and replacement policies, and take discounts and cashback into the account. Because there are fewer barriers to offline purchases, many people favor online retailers over local ones.
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298 I 2024. ORICE FAMILIE ÎȘI ARE ORIGINEA ÎN DUMNEZEU [Geneza 2.24 I Matei 19.4-6 I Ioan 1.3] 24 Octombrie 2024
298 I 2024. ORICE FAMILIE ÎȘI ARE ORIGINEA ÎN DUMNEZEU ! I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Geneza 2 : 24 I Matei 19 : 4 – 6 I Ioan 1 : 3 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 24 Octombrie 2024 I Orice familie își are originea în Dumnezeu ! În Geneza 2 : 18 – 23 după ce este descrisă întemeierea primei familii, în versetul 24 găsim scrisă această concluzie : Continue reading 298 I 2024. ORICE…

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#24 Octombrie 2024#298 I 2024. ORICE FAMILIE ISI ARE ORIGINEA IN DUMNEZEU#Geneza 2.24#Ioan 1.3#Matei 19.4-6#Orice familie își are originea în Dumnezeu !
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Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu
Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu
Wszyscy wiemy, że Polacy to Słowianie i czcili Swaroga, który był bardzo dziwnie podobny do Hefajstosa. Pytanie co znaczy “nasza” kultura, oraz czy Skandynawowie nas nawracali? Continue reading Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu

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#antropologia#celebracja wiosny#Celtowie#chrześcijanie#chrześcijańsko#co ukradli chrześcijanie#geneza świąt#Jezus#Jezus Chrystus#kraszanki#królik#kultura#mit wielkiej kradzieży#pisanki#poganie#pogaństwo#Rzymianie#socjologia#symbole świąt#symbole wielkanocne#Słowianie#Wielka Lechia#wielkanoc#wierzenia pogańskie#Wierzenia słowiańskie#wierzenia wikingów#Wikingowie#wiosna#zając#życie
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Geneza Rajmunda
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One Piece - Tsundere Tough F!Reader with a Voice/Singing Kink and their Comical Reaction - SANJI
When people mention your tribe, Geneza, it's always in hushed whispers. You came from a very well-known warrior tribe - no-nonsense, bloodthirsty, and strong enough to fight sea kings on a daily basis. As the daughter of their chieftain, you followed the same nature as your fathers and ancestors before you: undaunted, tough, and stern in the face of storms.
Geneza is so serious, so tough, and perceives any emotions like love and attraction as weak there was a saying from them:
"Genezans never yield to their emotions!"
And when their emotions are compromised, well... oh, why don't you just look at the reactions below to see how ridiculous it is.
And unfortunately, Genezans have a major weakness. Resilient as they are, they appreciate good music and performance. Voices happened to be one of their biggest turn-ons, and that is not a good thing for a Genezan like you because... most of these pirates CAN sing.
You disliked Sanji... at first. He's loud, bombastic, and expresses his love more in one way - that irks you because he is powerful. Why the hell would he waste time spinning poetry towards the ladies, being sheepishly kind, and downright embarrassing the crew with his hotheadedness?
As much as you criticize him, you also receive a scolding from the crew as well, accusing you of someone who has no empathy and reminding you that many times you came close to going too far in defeating your enemies. Usopp still remembered the screams of the Marine Commodore's children as you nearly fatally injured their father right before their eyes, it was an awful sight, Luffy had to strike you down before making them fatherless despite the atrocity that their father had committed. Nevertheless, it made the crew more wary of you and Luffy eager to break the violent view that your tribe has indoctrinated upon you.
Brook (despite many times you kick his ribs asking for your panties) in particular, chastised you for seeing Sanji's emotions as weak and to never insult him again. Much to the crew's chagrin, you still do it - not that Sanji minded.
Until you hear his humming that is.
It's noon, almost lunch. You've just polished your weapon, repeating mantras that your chieftain father had taught you when your ears caught a noise coming from the kitchen. Curiously creeping up to the kitchen, you stood there to witness Sanji prepping a large lobster, caught fresh this morning.
A trembling feeling unlike you had ever felt shook your body. It contorts, twisted into an unimaginable tremor, something that terrorizes you as your family had warned.
Because as Sanji cooked, he hummed. Such a voice he has! Why would a hum awaken your latent lust towards a man that you oh-so-despise? And he did not just hum - his body dances and sways to the rhythm of the sizzling kettle, the knocks on the chopping board as he slices and dices the fish - hips moving around flawlessly like waves of the ocean.
Then he started singing. His tune is gentle, spouting off foreign words that only the North Blue speaks of. Sanji felt lost in his own world as he dances along the kitchen as of it was a stage made for him, like a prince you once saw in a play that your parents once took you to see in your childhood.
Without a single word, you turned around, feeling the blush creeping on your face, and walked as far away from the kitchen. That day, you received a free nautical rescue from Jinbei when you screeched "Genezans never yield to their emotions!" and plunged yourself into the wonderful underwater ocean of the New World.
You think that after a little fiasco, you won't have to listen to Sanji's singing again. Once they made a port at a quaint island filled to the brim with pirates and sailors, the crew wasted no time partying at a local bar. You didn't partake in their foolishness, perceiving singing as something of a waste of time when they can plan for battles. You almost forgot that you are a part of the Straw Hat crew - they care less about plans and more about their chance to party.
All is well until it is Sanji's turn to sing. Luffy, Brook, and Nami have their turn on the karaoke stage. You gave love-cook a snide look as he sauntered to the stage, blowing kisses to every lady in the audience..
"This one goes out to all of the wonderful women in this bar tonight, even the grumpiest one," Sanji announced, winking at you amidst the snickering from the crew. You groaned back in reply.
Robin laughed softly, "Brace yourself, (Y/N). I think Sanji is in his game tonight."
"Big DEAL. He kicks, cooks, and flirts. Let's see if he can sing." You grumbled.
By Joyboy you wished you didn't just taunt Sanji that.
This time, Sanji sings in a more sensual manner, accompanied by the jazz number that appears to be more than happy to accompany every last ditty he bellows. Sanji sang something about dessert and ladies and how he would kick every men down. Yet every word he sings is powerful, balanced through soft staccatos and hard punchline in "KICK & DOWN!"
You can only gape for a few seconds, staring down at a relatively ordinary yet somewhat erotic performance. Sanji spun around, walked from one table to another, picked a single rose from the table, delivered it to your hands, and kissed your knuckles as if he were your fiancee. You also hate to admit it, but you feel a nosebleed coming up, your face is tinted red like Luffy's vest. Excusing yourself, you went to the nearest kitchen and asked for an iron skillet. In an extremely polite manner. The chef confusedly handed you an iron skillet, watching you walk outside before you shouted once again, that same damn line your tribe used when they felt that they are starting to get attracted. "Genezans never yield to their emotions!"
it took Chopper, Zoro, and Franky's effort to stop you from hitting yourself with an iron skillet after the tenth hit. Genevans are built very durable after all.
And so every time you even hear the slightest hum or singing from Sanji, you would chant your tribe's motto before harming yourself in as many ways as possible. Like trying to lay down in a bed of nails, scorching your foot on hot coals, and even to getting pinched by a swarm of crabs - all to reinforce your village's doctrine.
As your antics towards Sanji's performance are getting more extreme (they drew the line at you trying to hand yourself to the Marine base), Chopper decided that therapy is in session. You refused to do it, stating that you are already fine as it is. An extensive talk with Nami, Zoro, Robin, and Franky showed how utterly toxic the view is, even though your tribe never intentionally wanted it to happen. You realize that there is a balance between being tough and being compassionate and emotional - that not all emotions are weak.
Sanji knew that you were also getting attracted to him. Why not? He also talks to you too, opening up to his past as a failure of Germa and realizing that having human emotions is not all bad and you should cherish the chance to feel happy, to be free to let go of all the walls around you because this crew accepts you, damn it.
Then one night, you took the courage to ask him to serenade you. Face flushing in embarrassment, the ice around you slowly melting, you explained that his voice makes you feel comfortable.
"Genezans never yield to their emotions... that is what I was taught. But, looks like... I'll make an exception to your voice. Will you sing to me?"
There was a brief joyous reaction from Sanji, exploding at how happy he was that he was able to entertain his wonderful (Y/N)-chwan and you have to push him off because you still need personal space- but he composed himself to turn on a special tone dial. His lips moved with every fiber of his being as he delivered the loveliest performance ever known to you and you only.
As a warrior tribe, you can't succumb to trivial things like love. However, it all went aside as Sanji inched closer to you, whispering the song into your ear.
You have decided to screw everything that your tribe had taught you, pulling Sanji into a kiss (that will surely send him to a happy knockout) that conveys every bit of crush you have on this stupid, sexy love cook.
Genevans do yield to their emotions...
Songs in order to listen:
Le Festin - Camille, Rataouille
The Great Blue ~ Dessert wa Kimi - Sanji's character image song
Moulin Rogue - Sanji's character image song
Next: Trafalgar Law
#one piece#one piece fanfic#one piece imagine#one piece headcanon#one piece x reader#sanji x reader#vinsmoke sanji x reader#writing#tsundere reader#one piece sfw#one piece imagine x reader#sanji#vinsmoke sanji
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20 marca 2025
Zjedzone: 917
Spalone: 635
Bilans: 282
Dzień nie był zły, oprócz tego że byłam trochę zawiedziona M. Znaczy powód głupi, ale po prostu miałam takie: "znowu to samo". Szłam wczoraj wcześniej spać, bo byłam bardzo zmęczona, ale ja mam tak że zanim pójdę spać to muszę mieć posprzątaną kuchnię, ale on chciał sobie jeszcze potem robić jedzenie, to go proszę, żeby jak już zje to niech posprząta, a ja poszłam już spać. Potem budzę się koło 1 bo mnie strasznie bolała głowa, idę przy okazji do kuchni i co? Nic nie posprzątane ani nie schowane, patelnia tłusta stoi jak stała, nawet cebuli nie schował, wkurwiłam się trochę, bo wiadomo domycie po tłuszczu wymaga namoczenia wcześniej, to mógł chociaż to zrobić. Zrobiłam mu kanapki do pracy, trzy, to zjadł tylko jedną a resztę trzeba było wyrzucić, ale jak wrócił do domu to od razu opierdlił zupkę chińską z chlebem, mimo że chciał żebym kupiła bułki. Ja wracam z kupionymi bułkami, a ten wyciąga pięć kromek z kupionego całego bochenka. Wiadomo co się kurwa stanie z tym chlebem i bułkami, jedno albo drugie się zepsuje i będzie do wyjebania. Nienawidzę marnowania jedzenia, po prostu kurwa nie cierpię, zawsze mnie to obrzydza i denerwuje. Jestem z rodziny, gdzie często jedzenia było niewiele, ciężko było aby każdy był najedzony i żeby każdego dnia był ciepły obiad. Co też trochę przyczyniło się potem do mojego mocnego przytycia po zamieszaniu z M. - mój mózg pojebało, bo miał pełen dostęp do jedzenia i zawsze ono było, oczywiście to tak po krótce, bo geneza moich zaburzeń jest o wiele głębsza. W każdym razie, zawsze boli mnie jak ktoś marnuje jedzenie, M. żyje tak, że jednak tego jedzenia faktycznie zawsze idzie dużo, podobno zanim z nim zamieszkałam było jeszcze gorzej.
Na studiach zjadłam to co miałam przygotowane i wyliczone, jak wracałam to zatrzymałam się w Biedronce, skorzystałam z promocji 3+1 gratis na monstery chciałam na tigery 5+5, ale kurwa nie było nawet jednego kurwa hit, do tego bułki i pomidory. Jak wróciłam to słabo się czułam, więc zjadłam trochę twarogu, 1,5 wafla ryżowego, dwa pomidory (zjadłam je bo mi się obiły jak niosłam w siatce i do jutra byłyby już niejadalne) i do tego jedną marchewkę.
Mam coraz mniej siły, mam nadzieję że chociaż postęp w wadze to wynagrodzi, bo czuję się z każdym dniem gorzej.

Trzymajcie się chudo! ❤️❤️
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Analiza/geneza twojego wspaniałego designu Bonifacego?
Bardzo chciałabym napisać coś mądrego, ale prawda jest taka, że design Bonifacego przyszedł do mnie we śnie, po kilku szkicach uznałam, że mi nie pasuje ale nadal chcę coś z tym zrobić i efekt jest jaki jest. Jestem z niego naprawdę zadowolona ale jednocześnie strasznie mnie śmieszy, bo jest bardzo prosty. Skleiłam taki kolaż, który pokazuje kolejność od pierwszego szkicu (tego ze snu lmao), przez jakieś tam eksploracje i inspiracje po efekt końcowy - który też jest końcowy na ten moment, bo ciągle tak myślę o tych jego włosach i one się pewnie subtelnie jeszcze zmienią.

Na początku miał być znacznie młodszy, tak z 10 lat a akcję chciałam osadzić najpóźniej w latach 20 XX wieku - stąd w ogóle fryzura. Pierwotnie jako strój rozpatrywałam albo biała koszula + krótkie spodenki + pończochy albo strój marynarski (który w efekcie przypadł Filemonowi)

Potem uznałam, że przeniosę akcję w lata 70 i dam mu taki typowy prlowski szkolny fartuszek, zrobiłam go starszego, żeby różnica wieku między nim a Filemonem i Szczeniakiem była większa. Z podniesieniem wieku szkolny fartuszek przestał mieć rację bytu a jak zrobiłam go fanem Beatlesów, Marlene Dietrich i Audrey Hepburn to ten strój się jakoś sam nasunął.
Ogólnie strasznie go lubię i niesamowicie mnie cieszy, że tyle osób podziela mój entuzjazm.
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#HERstory: Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (also Kossak-Szatkowska); 10 August 1889 – 9 April 1968) was a Polish writer and World War II resistance fighter.
She co-founded two wartime Polish organizations: Front for the Rebirth of Poland and Żegota, set up to assist Polish Jews to escape the Holocaust. In 1943, she was arrested by the Germans and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, but survived the war. Via Wikipedia

Further study: https://poland.pl/culture-and-art/literature/zofia-kossak-szczucka-anti-semite-who-saved-jews/

More In Polish:
🇵🇱 Zofia Kossak, później Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, później Zofia Kossak-Szatkowska, de domo Kossak, primo voto Szczucka, secundo voto Szatkowska (ur. 10 sierpnia 1889 w Kośminie, zm. 9 kwietnia 1968 w Bielsku-Białej) – polska powieściopisarka, współzałożycielka dwóch tajnych organizacji w okupowanej Polsce: Frontu Odrodzenia Polski oraz Rady Pomocy Żydom "Żegota". Odznaczona pośmiertnie medalem Sprawiedliwych wśród Narodów Świata (1982) i Orderem Orła Białego (2018) via W PL | Stanisław Jakubowski/CAF / PAP (fot 3 via polityka)

Po lewrj: fot. Wikimedia Commons | Po prawej: Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, lata 60. (Fot. Archiwum muzeum Zofii Kossak-Szatkowskiej w Górkach Wielkich)

Opis obrazu: Obraz artysty malarza Czesława Kuryatty "Portret Zofii Kossak-Szczuckiej" namalowany w 1934 roku.
Opis obrazu: Zofia Kossak-Szczucka podczas wygłaszania odczytu "Geneza i sens Krzyżowców" w sali Towarzystwa Higienicznego w Warszawie.
Data wydarzenia: 1937-02-12
Sluchaj https://www.polskieradio.pl/39/156/artykul/906891,56-lat-temu-zmarla-zofia-kossakszczucka-sprawiedliwa-wsrod-narodow-swiata
#Zofia Kossak-Szczucka#Zofia Kossak#Polish Writer#women authors#pisarka#polish women artists#polish culture#Polka
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Siema, narazie ciągle dzielę się tym co mam obecnie już wcześniej napisane i tym razem jest to opowieść o tym jak Jerzy Waszyngton został bogiem, na co wpadłem po zobaczeniu obrazu ,,Apoteoza Waszyngtona'' (geneza tytułu utworu pozostaje wobec tego tajemnicą).
#polblr#polish tumblr#polish#polska#gandhiusz#ghandiusz#pisarstwo#proza#literatura#literature#prose#writing#washington
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Why Geneza Pharmaceuticals Steroids Are Your First Choice?

Geneza Pharmaceuticals provides genuine, reasonably priced, and highly effective legal steroids derived from testosterone and steroid esters. These steroids are produced using good manufacturing practices and can be used for both medical care and non-medical purposes. GP Methan 10, GP Methan 50, GO Stan 10, GP Oxan, GP Oxy, and GP SuperDrol are among the top Geneza Pharmaceuticals steroids. To safely remove extra estrogen from steroids that are injected for bodybuilding or personal enjoyment, PCT supplements are necessary.
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279 I 2024. ÎN HARUL LUI, DUMNEZEU NE DĂ TIMP DE POCĂINȚĂ [Geneza 15.13-14 I 2 Petru 3.9] 05 Octombrie 2024
279 I 2024. ÎN HARUL LUI, DUMNEZEU NE DĂ TIMP DE POCĂINȚĂ I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Geneza 15 : 13 – 14 I II Petru 3 : 9 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 05 Octombrie 2024 I În Harul Lui, Dumnezeu ne dă, ne oferă timp de pocăință. Dar nepocăința aduce judecata. Locuitorilor Canaanului, Dumnezeu le-a acordat patru sute de ani pentru pocăință. Continue reading 279 I 2024. ÎN HARUL…

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#05 Octombrie 2024#2 Petru 3.9#279 I 2024. IN HARUL LUI DUMNEZEU NE DA TIMP DE POCAINTA#Geneza 15.13-14#In Harul Lui Dumnezeu ne da sau ne ofera timp de pocainta dar nepocainta aduce judecata
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Geneza Steroids: A Faster Approach For Muscle Building!

Gym lovers and bodybuilders! you need to pay attention to this article. We know that those 6 pack abs are a dream of many and the road that leads to attaining that attractive physique is a difficult one. However, you can use health supplements and Geneza steroids to make your path a little less difficult. If you consume steroids in a prescribed amount by your health care provider or gym trainer, chances are you will get a tight muscled and toned body within a few months.
Benefits of taking steroids
Let’s head to the benefits of taking steroids:
Quick action
If consumed within certain safe limits, you can achieve your target very quickly. You will see a steep rise in your skeletal muscle and a quick reduction in body fat.
Highly effective
A small dose of steroids is capable enough to boost your muscle gain and reduce the excessive fat in your body. In addition, Geneza Steroids can help weightlifters maintain the required weight during competitions.
Help in quick muscle gain
Steroids from Geneza Pharmaceuticals are known to help in quicker protein synthesis in the body and enhance lean muscle mass. In addition, you see an abrupt loss of body fat within a few uses only.
Aid in recovery from injury
If you are injured and your competition is a few weeks away only, then you are supposed to consume or inject Geneza Steroids for a faster recovery. The only thing you need to take care of is the guidance from your healthcare provider or fitness trainer.
Usage and dosage
The use of Geneza steroids has become a common thing for athletes, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and gym enthusiasts as well. However, there are restrictions on certain steroids. So, athletes, especially those who take part in competitions must take care while using them or use them within certain limits as per rules.
Further, you must take account of any adverse effects of steroids before consuming them. For this, you must always ask your healthcare provider or fitness trainer before you start consuming it on a regular basis.
In addition, you should always keep in mind that you must not develop a habit of regular consumption of these steroids and emphasize more on the physical workout.
The bottom line
Steroids from Geneza Pharmaceuticals are a perfect choice for athletes and fitness lovers. They are safe, effective, and provide results quickly. In fact, major fitness trainers and coaches recommend using Geneza steroids owing to their fast action. Geneza steroids and other related products are available at Best Anabolic Steroids at highly reasonable rates. You can get them delivered to your home within 5–7 working days.
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Geronimo HF (Monarch AH x Geneza PASB, by Pepton) 1998 Polish Arabian Stallion Accomplishments: Race Record: 52/5 (12-15-5-16) Lifetime Earnings: $170,219
2005 Mandolynn Hill Farm Stallion Stakes - 1st 2006 UAE Equestrian Racing Federation Stakes (G1) - 2nd 2006 Iron Horse Claiming Championship Stakes - 1st 2006 Arabian Cup Championship Classic Stakes (G1) - 2nd 2006 Mandolynn Hill Farm Stallion Stakes - 2nd Notable Offspring:
AF Jack The Knife (x AF Arabella) Reserve Champion, 2023 Region 12 50 Mile Arabian Endurance Ride AF Abull (x AF Arabella) Reserve Champion, 2022 AHA 100 Mile National Championship
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Wymyśliłam nowe polskie słowo: "Gluglać/Gluglanie" - polskie słowo "yapping". Geneza tego słowa jest z wiersza Zbigniewa Herberta "Głos wewnetrzny", w którym tytuły głos w pewnym momencie mówi "glu glu".
I invented a new Polish word: "Gluglać/Gluglanie" - Polish word for "Yapping". This word refers to Zbigniew Herbert and the poem "Głos wewnetrzny", which at one point the voice says "glu glu".
Variation of this word:
Czas teraźniejszy
Liczba pojedyńcza:
Ja gluglam,
Ty gluglasz,
On/Ona/Ono glugla,
Liczba mnoga:
My gluglamy
Wy gluglacie
Oni/One gluglają
Czas przyszły:
Każda osoba liczby pojedyńczej i mnogiej: gluglać. Np. Ty bedziesz gluglać.
Czas przeszły:
Liczba pojedyńcza:
Ja gluglałem
Ty gluglałeś/gluglałaś
On gluglał
Ona gluglała
Ono gluglało
Liczba mnoga:
My gluglaliśmy
Wy gluglaliście
Oni gluglali
One gluglały
Mam nadzieję na to że będzie następne młodzieżowe słowo roku! 🥰☺️
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