#genetic fitness testing
saeedmohammedsblog · 2 days
Genetic Fitness Testing in India: Tailoring Your Health Journey for Optimal Results
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In today's health-conscious world, personalization is the key to achieving fitness goals. A growing trend, Genetic Fitness Testing in India, offers a scientific approach to understanding how your genes influence your fitness, health, and overall well-being. By delving deep into your DNA, this testing provides a detailed map of your body's unique strengths, weaknesses, and potential, enabling you to craft a tailored fitness regimen for optimal results.
What is Genetic Fitness Testing?
Genetic fitness testing, also known as DNA fitness testing, is a method that analyzes specific genetic markers related to fitness, metabolism, muscle performance, endurance, and recovery. These tests can reveal insights into how your body responds to exercise, your risk for injuries, your ability to burn fat, and even your nutritional needs. 
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is gaining traction as more individuals and fitness enthusiasts seek to understand their bodies at a deeper level. This test goes beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all approach, offering personalized data that can help you optimize your workout routines, improve recovery times, and enhance overall fitness outcomes.
The Science Behind Genetic Fitness Testing
Genetic fitness tests analyze DNA samples, typically collected via a simple saliva swab. The sample is then sent to a lab where advanced technology is used to identify genetic variants that affect your body's response to physical activity and nutrition.
Several factors can be measured through Genetic Fitness Testing in India, including:
- Muscle Fiber Composition: Genetic tests can reveal whether your body is more suited for endurance or strength-based activities. Understanding this helps tailor workouts to suit your natural strengths.
- VO2 Max Potential: This refers to your body’s ability to transport and utilize oxygen during exercise. Knowing your VO2 max potential helps in designing an appropriate cardiovascular training plan.
- Injury Risk: Your genetic makeup can predispose you to certain types of injuries. A genetic fitness test can identify these risks, helping you take preventive measures.
- Recovery Time: Genes also play a role in how quickly your muscles recover after a workout. Personalising your rest and recovery times can prevent burnout and injury.
- Nutrient Absorption: The way your body absorbs and utilizes nutrients can be affected by your genes. Understanding this helps in creating a more efficient diet plan that complements your fitness journey.
Why is Genetic Fitness Testing Gaining Popularity in India?
India is witnessing a fitness revolution, with more people seeking healthier lifestyles, customized workouts, and personalized nutrition plans. Genetic Fitness Testing in India offers a way to streamline this process, allowing fitness enthusiasts to make data-driven decisions about their health.
Several factors are contributing to the rising popularity of genetic fitness testing in India:
1. Increased Awareness of Personalized Health: More Indians are now aware of the importance of personalized health and fitness solutions. As a result, there is a shift towards methods like genetic fitness testing, which offers insights tailored to each individual’s unique genetic blueprint.
2. Technological Advancements: With advancements in technology and more accessible genetic testing services, individuals across India can now take advantage of these services without breaking the bank.
3. Integration with Fitness Programs: Many fitness coaches and health experts in India are incorporating genetic fitness testing into their programs. This integration ensures that clients are not just following generalized fitness regimes but are instead working on plans designed specifically for them.
4. Prevention of Injuries and Long-Term Health Issues: With a genetic predisposition to certain injuries, individuals can avoid long-term damage by understanding their risks early on. This is particularly important for professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts who undergo rigorous physical activity.
Benefits of Genetic Fitness Testing in India
1. Personalized Fitness Plan
Genetic fitness testing allows for the creation of a workout plan tailored to your genetic strengths. Whether you're aiming to build muscle, improve endurance, or lose weight, your DNA will give you valuable insights to achieve your goals more effectively.
2. Improved Nutrition
Your genes can influence how your body metabolizes certain nutrients. For example, some people might be genetically predisposed to lactose intolerance or difficulty absorbing vitamins like B12. With Genetic Fitness Testing in India, you can create a diet plan that aligns with your body’s specific nutritional needs.
3. Faster and Safer Results
Because your fitness routine and diet are customized according to your genetic data, you’re likely to see faster results without the risk of injury or burnout. For those aiming to reach peak fitness levels, genetic insights can ensure your efforts yield optimal outcomes.
4. Prevent Overtraining
Genetic testing can reveal how your body responds to stress and recovery. For example, some people may require more rest days between high-intensity workouts. This insight can help you avoid overtraining, which is a common cause of fatigue, injury, and lack of progress.
5. Long-Term Health Benefits
Genetic testing goes beyond fitness—it can reveal genetic markers related to long-term health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic conditions. With early knowledge of potential health risks, you can adopt preventive measures and live a healthier lifestyle.
Who Should Consider Genetic Fitness Testing in India?
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is beneficial for various groups:
- Fitness Enthusiasts: Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or are a seasoned athlete, genetic testing can provide insights that will help you maximize your potential.
- Athletes: Professional athletes and sportspeople can benefit from understanding their body’s response to intense training, thus enhancing their performance while minimizing injury risks.
- Weight Loss Seekers: For individuals struggling to lose weight, genetic testing can reveal how their bodies process food and whether they are more likely to benefit from specific types of diets.
- Health-Conscious Individuals: Even if you’re not actively into fitness, knowing your genetic risks for certain diseases can help you lead a healthier life with preventive measures.
Conclusion: A New Frontier in Personalized Health
As Genetic Fitness Testing in India becomes more accessible, individuals now have the power to understand their bodies like never before. This personalized approach offers the potential for better fitness results, improved nutrition, and long-term health benefits.
By understanding your genetic makeup, you can make informed decisions about your fitness routine and nutrition plan. Whether you're aiming to excel in sports, lose weight, or simply improve your overall health, genetic fitness testing can be the key to unlocking your body’s full potential. In a country as diverse and health-conscious as India, genetic fitness testing is fast becoming a game-changer in the fitness industry, leading individuals toward a healthier and more personalized journey to wellness.
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Dude you would not believe how hard I squinted at my phone trying to convince myself that I was reading that ask about Sahota and mpreg wrong. That feels so out of left field 😭😭
It was definitely a wild (/pos) ask to get, but I had fun turning it into something that was semi-plausible for the au :D
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magnoliamyrrh · 10 months
by this point when i see balkan ppl who think the solution to things is as ethnically pure as possible ethnostates whichever way this is spun i just want to hit them square in the head with a pan. the most effective way to deal with this? yea probably not. is this what i want to do? yes.
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nugenomicsblog · 6 months
What is Calorie Restriction and Nutrigenomics?
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Calorie restriction is a dietary intervention that is low in calories but maintains proper nutrition and is known to decrease your biological rate of ageing, thereby increasing your lifespan.
But any calorie restriction effort without knowing the exact amount of calories required to optimise and sustain your “basal metabolic rate” (BMR), your ability to digest food and your ability to perform physical activities will only tip the scales against your effort read more here…
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karmaphone · 1 year
bruh I know it's a severely understudied group of disorders but I really wish the language for differentiating between the types of eds was clearer
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anjalisawant · 2 years
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trainsinanime · 1 month
I'm not sure I have anything interesting to say about it, but I am very intrigued by the way The Locked Tomb portrays cavaliers, necromancers and lyctorhood as relationships.
First of all, Necromancer+Cavalier is a metaphor for marriage, that's obvious table stakes. It's explicitly non-romantic (or should be, anyway, in the way the society there has constructed it), but it is intense, highly devoted, starts with a vow, goes "til death do us part" ("one flesh, one end").
In the series Cavalier and Necromancer are a form of gender roles, and they map incredibly well onto the most stereotypical gender roles we have in our society. The Cavalier has stereotypical masculine traits: The fighter, the protector, up on the front lines, physically active. The Necromancer has stereotypical feminine traits: Weak, frail, but whatever the necromantic equivalent of nurturing is, with power over death and life. In the mythology and "gender roles" of the nine houses, necromancy is sort of not quite but still a bit equivalent to "the mystical power of women to bring forth life". And yes, this is all very conservative and cishet-normative and so on.
Of course the books then immediately, from moment one, subvert this on at least three different layers.
The first layer is that the feminine-coded Necromancer is the head of the deadly family in the society, and the masculine-coded Cavalier is the support, the disposable one.
The other layer is that the book distributes the roles of Necromancer and Cavalier basically randomly across the actual genders of the characters. There are male necromancers, female cavaliers, plenty of same-sex pairings and so on.
But the biggest and most important inversion is that when we first meet the nine houses, ten thousand years after a cow-murdering Twitch streamer destroyed the world, nobody actually follows that role assignment to the letter. All the different houses have very different ideas of how Necromancer and Cavalier works in practice.
For example, Abigail Pent and Magnus Quinn are just straight-up married. Their work relationship is romantic, and while that's considered a bit weird by their society, it makes it clear that it can go on like this.
We are actually told that there was something going on in the second house, too, where Judith fell in love with Marta, but there she was gently rebuked and they were just friends instead.
Over in the sixth, Camilla and Palamedes have the inversion of boy necromancer and girl cavalier, but most importantly they have their own very QPR style of relationship that is unique to them and does not fit into either our society's traditional idea of romantic relationship, nor their society's traditional idea of what Necromancer and Cavalier should be like.
The seventh house leans into the frail necromancer/strong protector idea the most, except for [spoilers for the final third of Gideon].
The eighth house leans fully into the idea that the relationship is one-sided, that the cavalier is disposable, and jumps straight off the deep end by making the cavalier genetically bred to be nothing more than a power source.
The third house I've left out so far because, dear god, what even is going on there?
And finally, of course, the ninth, who are technically, strictly speaking, if we're following the metaphor to its logical end, doing a "fake married to lovers" plot.
So with that out of the way, let's look at Lyctorhood. Lyctorhood is fundamentally the final test, the final form of the Necromancer/Cavalier relationship as embedded in that society: The Cavalier has completely dissolved in the marriage, making their "spouse" all-powerful, but ending their own existence. That's the standard of the society as presented to the characters when they discover it, and all of them very quickly have their own ideas about it..
Most characters we know from Canaan House don't actually get that far (and to be fair, I think many of them would not have anything that interesting to say about it), but the ones who do are interesting:
Ianthe is physically repulsed by the idea of healthy relationships, so she has no problem eating Babs for power.
Gideon and Harrow are deeply in love, deeply devoted to each other, and deeply dysfunctional in their own ways, and Harrow manages to find a way to continue a dysfunctional horrible situationship with massive communication issues into Lyctorhood.
Cam and Pal find a different thing entirely, still recognisable as a take on Lyctorhood but also not at all. Instead of one absorbing the other, they fuse into a single new person together, but also in some ways dying in the process.
And it turns out even the older lyctors may not have worked quite as originally designed, with Pyrrha Dve still hanging around in Gideon the First and then finding her own way in Nona the Ninth. Throughout Nona it becomes obvious what was hinted at throughout most of Harrow: Lyctorhood is really just one of many ways for two people to become one. It is not the purest and best form of "one flesh, one end", just the best Johnny Boy could think of. Left to their own devices, we see people left and right figure out new ways to be together as one regardless of what society and God thinks of them.
This is really a key question of the book series: What does it mean for two people to become one? Well, it's up to them, and listening to what God has to say about it is probably not the best way to go. It'll make you end up like Ianthe. Do you want to be Ianthe? Actually don't answer that.
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lno-x · 1 month
So about Jod and Wake making Gideon. I'm gonna go a little feral about genetics .
Gideon has red hair. Obviously. Wake ALSO has red hair. The ONLY way the redhead gene works is if BOTH parents have 1 copy of the gene. Wake and Gideon both have 2 copies, which is why their hair on their head is red. This means Gideon has to get 1 gene from Jod. His hair is described as brown/black, which is how we know he only has 1 copy of the gene. WHAT THIS ALL BOILS DOWN TO is that men with 1 copy of the redhead gene have red beards no matter what the color of their head hair is. If Jod grew a beard it would be red. Thank you for your time lmao
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Thats hilarious and i have something to add
Fun fact that my friend @sladkiyigadkiy (biologist by his furst speciality) tell me:
Hair color is determined not by one gene, but by several. Different genes are inherited unlinked to each other, so two red-haired parents have a 60% chance of having red-haired children, but there is also a chance of having blondes and brunettes (approximately 20% each)
Take a look at this graph from this article about predicting children's appearance based on DNA test data (vertically and horizontally, you need to select the hair color of the father and mother, and at the intersection there will be a histogram of the probabilities of hair color in children)
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I think black fit her very well
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exhaslo · 9 months
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Warning: Minors DNI, smut, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship?
Five months before D-Day
It was quiet. Something nearly unheard of in the city of Nueva York. Not even a whoosh of wind or a click of a heel could bring noise to this silent room. Especially not after the vulture of the lab had demanded everyone's silence.
You sat in the corner of the lab, quietly tapping against your tablet. You could not even hear another's breathing. That is how powerful the lead of this lab was when he demanded silence. That was how powerful-
"Miguel?" You whispered lowly.
Miguel O'Hara, otherwise known as Mike, due to his father's pestering nicknaming. Miguel O'Hara was the son of Alchemax's CEO, Tyler Stone, and the smartest scientist in the corporation. He was a man of power, and a man to be feared.
"This better be good, (Y/N)" He said with a hiss.
Oh, how you loved it when your name rolled off his tongue. If only he would have said it a little nicer. You raised your head from your tablet, looking ahead at the scene before you. A man, strapped onto a metal table with lights and strange liquid being entered into his blood. A twisted science experiment that never ended well.
Sometimes you questioned your job. You questioned how you found yourself seated as a secretary, recording each horrible experiment Miguel did. This was not for the faint of heart. You started working for Alchemax about two years ago thanks to a friend who helped you out of college.
You met Miguel a year ago, when you were assigned to be his personal assistant. Since, apparently, everyone else refused to take the job. Once you did your first report with him, you immediately found out why, but that wasn't going to stop you.
"According to my report, the subject purposely ate a peach before agreeing to this test." You explained.
"So, the patient is allergic to peaches and is about to go into shock in a matter of minutes now." You huffed.
"Shouldn't affect the procedure."
Oh, how sometimes you wished you could enter Miguel's head and wonder what sick and twisted mind worked in there. Miguel was fascinated with genetic splicing. He always had a new test subject on his table once a week. He wanted to learn how to manipulate their DNA.
However, each experiment always ended in failure and death. The body count Miguel had was enough to lock him up a hundred times over. The man had not a single shred of humanity in him. It was always about the experiment.
You rolled your eyes, wishing you could stop all of this. You had begged for a way to find the light in Miguel. How could someone so handsome be so evil? It almost made you sick the amount of times you had wet dreams about your monster of a boss.
"Another failure, sir. Perhaps we made a mistake-"
"I never make mistakes." Miguel hissed as he watched his now deformed monster patient lie dead on his table, "Get him out of my sight! Now!"
Right as you started to fill out your report, you noticed the patient's stomach start to inflate. You furrowed your brows before yelling out to everyone that the body was going to pop.
Your efforts were for not. Within the second, everyone in the room was covering in disgusting blood and body parts. You had wanted to throw up, but you did your best to hold it all in. Miguel was already throwing a fit about his lab being dirty, you didn't want to add to the mess.
Once you were all cleaned, you made your way back to your office. You still had to finish your reports and send them over to Miguel for review. Miguel always demanded perfection. It was amazing how long you even lasted as his assistant. According to everyone, you were the more insane one.
"Oh, Miguel," You muttered, spotting the tall man in your office. Miguel lazily looked at you,
"Took you long enough," He spat. You placed your tablet down,
"Remember that time I told you that being a female requires more shower time?" You said with a smirk. Miguel scoffed as he placed himself onto your work couch, "Not even a smile," You huffed.
"Get working,"
"Yes, yes, oh chosen one." You teased once more.
The only thing that you could collectively agree on was that you were in love with the mad scientist. Giving Miguel a head massage, you stared down at his gorgeous face. You had been working with Miguel for a year. You knew what he liked, what he didn't like and how he worked.
It was safe to say that you were probably the only person in this whole building who understood Miguel. If only he wasn't evil. You would totally asked him out on a date long ago. Each passing day, you hoped that these feelings would go away.
"(Y/N), do my shoulders too," Miguel whispered in a low and sweet voice.
You folded far too easily. Doing what he asked, you knew that Miguel was using you. You had to be blind not to see that, but shit, you couldn't help it. That, and you physically could not quit your job. Both Miguel and his father made sure that no one would quit.
If you'd try, you'd be drugged.
Perhaps one day, you could bring this place to justice. You wanted Miguel to see the error of his ways. If there was any way to change Miguel to see the light, you would. Of course, taking Alchemax down was going to have to be the first step.
But, that was just a fleeting dream.
Miguel inhaled deeply as you worked on his tense muscles. The only thoughts coursing through his mind were his experiments. How they could have been done differently. Perhaps he needed a different breed of test subjects.
"Let's resume our experiments with spiders," Miguel said with a low groan as you pinched just the right spot. He heard your small whine and scoffed, "We do this every other month."
"I know and you still torture me with it!" You cried softly, moving his to hair. Miguel closed his eyes, enjoying the massage,
"And as usual, I let you pick the next creature to study."
"A seahorse?"
Miguel resisted a chuckle since his first thought was getting males pregnant. How amusing that experiment would be, yet also horrifying. If he were to do that, then he would truly live up to his name as a mad scientist.
You had some dumb and ridiculous ideas. You weren't as smart as the rest of them and Miguel liked that. You were good for him to have around. Someone to remind him that there were those who were just dumb naturally. Of course, he could never say that to your face, or you would start crying.
"Like last time," He whispered ever so softly.
"Hm? Are you thinking rude things again?" You asked with a huff, gently pulling against his hair, "I can always stop this."
"But you won't." Miguel hummed and lazily opened his eyes, "Just be ready for tomorrow. I don't want another disappointment."
Getting himself ready to leave, Miguel fixed up his lab coat before giving you one last glance. He knew that you were attractive. Hell, he had to force his ignorant coworkers to get back to work since all they did was talk about wanting to date you.
Perhaps in another universe, where Miguel wasn't obsessed with his experiments, he would date you. Stepping out of your office, Miguel knew full well what he was doing. He got a rise knowing that he was keeping you all to himself.
Call it villainous, but Miguel enjoyed being selfish. That's how he always got what he wanted. Entering his private office, Miguel's eyes sparkled as he saw a case full of spiders.
"I'll make the perfect specimen, this I swear." He said with a wicked smirk.
You squirmed in place, not ready to deal with today's experiment. You hated spiders. You wanted nothing to do with them, but Miguel loved them. He was so fascinated about the great hero age and about Spiderman.
Slowly making your way inside the lab, you gasped as scientists dashed past you. Everyone was running around in a panicked frenzy. Wondering what was happening, you gasped as you saw Miguel shaking with anger.
His spider enclosure was knocked over.
You wanted to jump and scream, but you knew that would only anger Miguel more. Hesitantly, you approached Miguel to try and distract him. As you did so, you felt something bite the back of your neck. You flinched and slapped your neck, praying that it was a mosquito.
You bit your lower lip, spotting a spider and nearly cried. Quickly shaking the foul creature away, you hurried to Miguel's side and gently tugged on his sleeve. Miguel hissed as he turned towards you violently,
"WHY AREN'T Y-Oh, (Y/N)," He growled. You were still biting your lower lip, glancing away from him,
"I know now isn't the best time, but why don't we-"
"Whatever it is, let's go while these fucking IDIOTS find my spiders," Miguel roared in anger.
You just nodded, leading Miguel out of the room as you quietly prayed for your fellow coworkers. Miguel was not going to let them rest until all of his spiders were found...including the one you just murdered.
"Why don't you tell me what you were going to work on while we go to lunch? I think a meal break would help," You suggested, tapping away on your tablet. Miguel stroked his hand through his hair, cussing lowly in Spanish,
"Sounds like a plan."
You smiled as you led Miguel to your lunch destination. You were proud to say that whenever Miguel was going to have a meltdown, you were able to calm him down someway or another. Call it talent, but you loved being reliable.
However, that talent seemed to be failing you now. You couldn't keep focus during lunch and Miguel seemed to be getting annoyed. You weren't sure what was happening to you, but your body felt like it was on fire. Could it have been from the spider bite?
"Sorry, Miguel...I just...need to..." You whispered before collapsing.
Miguel was growing irritated as he watched you waver in place. You were fine just a moment ago. If there was one thing Miguel hated, it was when someone lost interest in his conversation. This had never happened to you, so why now?
Right as you stood, you immediately came tumbling down. Like instinct, Miguel caught you and noticed that you had a fever. A small scoff escaped his lips as he carried you out of the restaurant and back into his company car.
"Take us to (Y/N)'s apartment. Fool got herself sick,"
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content
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saeedmohammedsblog · 11 days
Discover Your Genetic Blueprint: The Role of Genetic Fitness Testing in Tailored Health Solutions
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In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward personalised health solutions considering an individual’s unique biology. Genetic fitness testing is among the most groundbreaking advancements in this area, a science-driven approach that helps individuals understand their genetic makeup to optimise fitness, health, and overall well-being. In India, Genetic Fitness Testing is gaining traction as more people are becoming aware of the power of tailoring fitness and nutrition plans to their genetic blueprint. But what exactly is genetic fitness testing, and how can it be beneficial in the Indian context? 
In this blog, we explore the benefits, process, and potential of Genetic Fitness Testing in India and how it can help you achieve personalised fitness solutions.
What is Genetic Fitness Testing?
Genetic fitness testing analyses an individual’s DNA to identify genetic variants that can influence fitness, nutrition, and overall health. This test examines specific genes associated with physical performance, nutrient metabolism, and predispositions to certain health conditions. By understanding these genetic markers, health professionals can design fitness programs and dietary plans tailored to your genetic potential, allowing for more precise health management.
How Does Genetic Fitness Testing Work?
The process of genetic fitness testing is simple and non-invasive. Typically, the test involves collecting a DNA sample, often through a saliva swab or a cheek swab. This sample is then sent to a lab, where the genetic analysis is performed to detect variations in the genes related to fitness and health. The results of this test can provide a wealth of information, including:
1. Exercise Response: The test identifies how your body responds to different types of exercise (endurance vs. strength training) based on genetic markers. It helps you understand whether you are genetically inclined towards aerobic or anaerobic exercises, allowing you to focus on the exercises that best suit your genetic makeup.
2. Nutrient Metabolism: Genetics plays a crucial role in how your body metabolizes nutrients. Genetic fitness testing provides insights into how your body processes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as any sensitivities to certain nutrients like lactose or gluten.
3. Injury Risk: Certain genetic factors can predispose individuals to higher risks of injury, such as ligament and tendon issues. Knowing these risks enables you to tailor your fitness routine to prevent injuries.
4. Recovery and Fatigue: Some people recover more quickly from exercise than others due to genetic factors. Genetic testing helps identify how your body recovers, allowing you to optimize recovery time and avoid overtraining.
5. Personalised Diet Plans: Based on your genetic profile, a customized diet plan can be developed, focusing on the nutrients and food groups that will provide the most benefit to you.
Why Genetic Fitness Testing is Relevant in India
India, a land of diverse cultures and lifestyles, is witnessing a rise in health consciousness among its population. With an increasing awareness of the importance of fitness, Indians are now exploring advanced methods to achieve their health goals. Genetic Fitness Testing in India offers a modern, scientific approach to personalised fitness, which can cater to the diverse needs of the country’s population.
India has a wide range of dietary habits and physical activity levels, with some communities more predisposed to conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Genetic fitness testing can provide crucial insights into how individuals from different genetic backgrounds in India may respond to certain diets and fitness programs. This personalised approach ensures that fitness and health plans are not one-size-fits-all but are tailored to individual needs.
The Benefits of Genetic Fitness Testing in India
1. Personalized Fitness Plans
Traditional fitness programs are often designed for the masses, with little consideration for individual differences in genetics. With genetic fitness testing, you can receive a fitness plan that’s perfectly aligned with your body’s unique capabilities. Whether you're aiming to build muscle, lose weight, or enhance endurance, understanding your genetic predispositions allows you to focus on the type of exercise that will give you the best results.
2. Enhanced Nutritional Guidance
Nutritional needs vary from person to person, and genetics play a significant role in how we metabolise food. Genetic Fitness Testing in India can provide you with personalised dietary advice based on how your body processes different macronutrients and micronutrients. This level of customisation can help prevent deficiencies, support weight management, and boost overall health.
3. Reduced Risk of Injury
For fitness enthusiasts and athletes, understanding genetic risks related to injuries can be a game-changer. Genetic markers can indicate whether you're more susceptible to ligament tears, joint issues, or muscle strains. With this knowledge, you can take preventive measures by modifying your training regime or focusing on strengthening specific areas of the body.
4. Optimized Recovery Time
Some individuals may experience slower recovery due to their genetic makeup, which can lead to burnout or overtraining. Genetic fitness testing can help you identify how your body recovers and what steps to take to speed up the recovery process, such as incorporating certain nutrients or adjusting the intensity of workouts.
5. Disease Prevention
In a country like India, where lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are common, genetic fitness testing can offer insights into potential health risks. By understanding these risks early, you can adopt preventive measures through targeted fitness and dietary adjustments, reducing your chances of developing chronic conditions.
Who Should Consider Genetic Fitness Testing?
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is suitable for a wide range of individuals:
- Fitness Enthusiasts: If you are looking to maximise the efficiency of your workouts and see quicker results, genetic testing can guide you toward a more tailored fitness plan.
- Athletes: Professional or amateur athletes who want to improve their performance by understanding their body’s strengths and weaknesses can benefit from genetic insights.
- Health-Conscious Individuals: If you’re proactive about your health and want to take preventive measures against potential genetic predispositions to diseases, this testing can be invaluable.
- Weight Management Seekers: Those struggling with weight management can gain a clearer understanding of how their body processes food, making it easier to adopt a diet that works for them.
Conclusion: A Game-Changer for Personalized Health
Genetic Fitness Testing in India is revolutionising how we approach health and fitness. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions based on their genetic blueprint, leading to optimised fitness plans, customised diets, and more effective health solutions. In a country as diverse as India, where lifestyle and health conditions can vary greatly from one region to another, this personalised approach offers an innovative way to achieve fitness goals.
By unlocking the secrets of your genetic code, you can embark on a fitness journey that’s tailored to you, ensuring better results and long-term health benefits. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, athlete, or simply someone looking to take control of your health, genetic fitness testing can be the key to unlocking your true potential.
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doberbutts · 1 month
Is the high level of inbreeding in dobes more because "undesirable" traits are common so those dogs get weeded out (whether actual bad things or just not fitting the breed spec), a small number of breeders having the monopoly, or because they are all related anyway so there's no way of avoiding it without an outcross program? Is something like the Doberman Preservation ​Project a realistic future for the breed?
The doberman breed is in the current shape its in due to multiple genetic bottlenecks- some simple stupid breeding decisions and others due to active war zones and the consequences of wars- paired with people who are stubbornly refusing to even try to make it better because they have convinced themselves that what they're doing is right.
Fenris is my lowest COI dobe to date [23% iirc] and while not the lowest I've seen in the breed [19%], still a huge improvement over to 50-60% breed average. But people have argued again and again that lowering COI means making breeding decisions that produce inferior dogs, and so many refuse to even consider it as a possibility.
(For non-dog people, COI is coefficient of inbreeding, and it is a look at the numbers behind how inbred a population is. You want as low of a number as possible. 25% is equal to immediate siblings. Ideally we'd want single digit numbers, with anything over 10% being a major problem to fix. To compare, my chihuahuas are something like 6% (Fae) and 0.02% (Tater). Sushi is a direct line breeding aunt-to-nephew so she's up in the 40s.)
(It doesn't necessarily mean a dog is immune to genetic predisposition to bad health, as evidenced by Tater's CM diagnosis, however it does seem to correlate directly with longevity and likelihood of developing these problems, meaning Tater unfortunately just lost the genetic lottery)
In other words, it is certainly possible to reduce the COI of the breed by HALF with smart breeding decisions, and people are plugging their ears going LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU because it means actually going out and looking past the popular sires and taking a chance on a dog that might not be your exact type but will still improve the next generation. This is not just a show line problem because I spend the majority of my time with working line dobes and working dobe people and this is an incredibly annoying problem there too. Fenris himself has popular sires in his pedigree, both the show half and the working half, so it is demonstratably very difficult to avoid.
I do think a well executed outcross project is needed, however... the problem I have is that the current proposed projects all suck. There's not a lot of direction outside of throwing things into the pot and seeing what sticks, and a lot of the resulting dogs quite frankly aren't what doberman people would be looking for anyway. Farm collies? Bulldogs? Bullies? Carolina dogs? Border collies? Pyrs? Why??? None of these are going to make a dog that has the temperament that draws people to this breed.
There are. A bunch of breeders who are waiting for an outcross project that actually makes sense. They've even posted in various outcrops groups that they would support a project if it had certain specifications. Many have said, get yourself a nice female and title her out in a bite sport and do all the doberman health testing even if she's not a doberman and we'd be interested in contributing semen. The response almost invariably has been "but I don't want a protective dog". Then what are you doing in a DOBERMAN project??? So of course the chief complaint is that most of these projects are not looking to make dobermans, they're looking to make their own breed and just have a doberman paint job. Well, sorry, but most involved doberman people want a DOBERMAN, not just a dog that looks like one. This is the only AKC recognized breed with the sole function of personal protection. They are protective dogs. Either accept that, or get interested in a different breed.
I have heard increasingly concerning things regarding the temperament of the doberman diversity project dogs, which does not surprise me unfortunately as none of these dogs are in any way sourced from dogs with verifiable correct temperament. What do you get when you cross a Craigslist Corso with a Craigslist doberman? Well the first generation might be okay for people who want pets but apparently the ones that have worked in protection are awful at it. Same with the malinois crosses- of course, you took a lukewarm malinois and bred it to a z-list doberman and you're surprised that you got a bunch of lukewarm at best pet dogs.
I think the only project I solidly am somewhat interested in is the bandog cross, and that cross works just fine but then of course it does because in that country, bandogs are exclusively military, police, and security dogs, and she bred it to a igp3 doberman. Unfortunately the doberman died before his 10th birthday, so now we're all waiting to see what happens with his progeny.
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meanbossart · 2 months
Wait, so if Bhaal-sworn DU drow did find a way to make a kid with Astarion, would he make him carry it?
NAH he's gunning for a test-tube baby type of situation. Not literally, mind you, but definitely a more... Magical solution, I guess? He's aware that he himself wasn't born conventionally, Astarion's vampirism was kind of a rebirth of itself, this is a world where "birth" has a wide and vast definition. Point is - there are probably several creative ways one can pass their powers and genetics along and he would be set on finding one that fits his requirements.
Lets not forget that not only are their biologies incompatible with conception, but Astarion is Super Dead. If it was a matter of just finding a surrogate this would be way simpler LOL
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suzukiblu · 4 months
do you have any kryptonians hcs that you think would be fun to see incorporated in more fics out there? like cultural stuff & biology
Ones I've seen before and really like:
Kryptonians purr
Kryptonians are built physically harder/denser/heavier than humans and don't have much "give" in their bodies
Kryptonians can tell that humans aren't the same thing as them, but humans can't QUITE tell that Kryptonians aren't the same thing as them; there is just the tiiiiiniest bit of uncanny valley there when they aren't deliberately trying to pass for humans, though
Kryptonians immediately just "recognize" other Kryptonians as being Kryptonian ( though maybe this one is at least IMPLIED in canon, though I've never been totally clear on that one--but like, a stronger version of it, if that makes sense?? )
Ones I've been slooowly forming myself for personal use:
Kryptonians have different voices and different hearing, in the sense that a Kryptonian has more tones/nuance in their voice and can HEAR more tones/nuance in a voice, and a lot of other species' voices sound flat or toneless to them because they lack those additional tones
"chiming" as a way for children to get their parent/caretaker's attention; basically a specific musical little sound that they make
Kryptonians typically only being physically expressive or emotive with close family members/friends, and vocal communication frequently being more emotive/descriptive for them than physical is
Kryptonians come in just sliiiightly brighter colors than humans do--eyes, hair, skin, etc
it takes a long time and extended time together to "learn" someone's heartbeat
food is generally served on specific complementing dishware, in terms of color/shape/specific meal
most clothes involve multiple layers, mainly a fitted undersuit that covers as much skin as possible, and then an overrobe or two that hide(s) the shape of their bodies as much as possible; specific cuts of drapery are a big thing in their fashion
wearing house crests is a Big Deal all the time and involves certain rites of passage/ages/etc
diet being fairly simple and minimalistic; they have rice but not really bread, eat more fish than red meat, and cuisine tends to concentrate on very subtle and natural flavors; there's not typically a lot of different things on their plate and they don’t generally use chemical preservatives in daily life
to a Kryptonian it'd be a LOT more normal that Kon and Match got made in test tubes than it'd be that Jon and Chris got made via natural births, and there would absolutely be a "is cloning worse or is just leaving your kid's DNA up to chance worse??" kind of argument going on there, culturally speaking
( also I could go on for a fucking MINUTE how Jon being a successful and healthy hybrid who is also apparently fertile enough to have at least one descendent alive and well in the thirty-first century is an insane and weird thing that makes very little sense that I DESPERATELY wish came up in more of the fics/canon that I see involving or mentioning him; seriously, Kryptonian DNA is so complicated that Bizarro syndrome is a regular thing in clones produced from it even by people who SPECIALIZE in cloning, but the kid who just got whatever random genes won the random race is the one who came out perfectly stable and healthy and has ZERO health issues/concerns? like, EVER?? hOW, canon. HOW. )
I will actually live and die on the hill of "Lex is more genetically compatible with Kryptonian DNA than Lois is" because fuck a) biological determinism and b) loving couples DO frequently have to deal with genetic incompatibility and that's just much more interesting to me narratively, and also I love the weird little not-quite-tragedy of that concept, both in how Lex refuses to be an ally to someone he actually is so naturally “compatible” with and in how Lois would have genetic compatibility issues with someone she loved so much and was loved BY so much
ONE DAY I will write the fic where Jon is actually NOT a healthy hybrid and has a ton of health issues from birth and can't even use any Kryptonian powers without having a freaking asthma attack or HEART attack, resigns himself to it just being an unavoidable Kryptonian-human hybrid thing and that he'll never live up to his dad or grow up to be "Superman"--and then one day an oblivious newborn bb clone Kon shows up out of the blue in perfect health with EXTRA superpowers and very publicly declaring that HE'S gonna be Superman someday, and everyone in the Kent family has to just deal with that and how they all feel about it. ONE DAY.
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Fighting junk fees is "woke"
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“Populism” isn’t intrinsically left or right. The distinction between the two is often obscured by jargon, but there’s a simple litmus test (courtesy of Steven Brust): “ask what’s more important: human rights, or property rights. If they say ‘property rights are human rights,’ they’re on the right.”
Which is to say, both the left and the right can be populist, but the populist left seeks to improve peoples’ lives, no matter what that takes, while the populist right is only willing to make the world better when that doesn’t interfere with the interests of property owners.
This is how you get the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire equating publicly produced, free insulin with forcing enslaved Black people to pick cotton in the fields:
For right populists, the property rights of pharma giants are human rights, so anything that interferes with those rights is equivalent to any other human rights violation.
This is not only wrong, but it’s also a huge vulnerability in the right populist mindset. It’s a button that, when pushed, produces a reliable and reflexive outrage.
This is essential for the creation, maintenance and expansion of plutocracy. In a plutocracy, a small minority owns most of the property (we live in a plutocracy). By definition, plutocracy isn’t popular, since it’s a system that benefits a small minority at everyone else’s expense. In its natural state, plutocracy is only popular with its winners, and not the vast majority of losers it creates.
So plutocrats need to find ways to get turkeys to vote for Christmas. One important trick is to convince us all that the system is fair, guided by an invisible hand that performs mystic passes over our heads at birth and locates the very best of us and elevates us to the apex of the social pyramid.
But there’s a problem with this: plutocracy is self-sustaining. The story that we’re all just “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who can rise to the top with hard work and smarts falls flat in the face of the reality that nearly everyone at the top was born there. If the system selects rulers based on merit, and if everyone the system selects was born rich, then the rich must have some genetic trait that makes them destined to rule.
This is why plutocracy always turns into aristocracy: the idea that some people are suited to rule because they have “good blood.” Eugenics is, above all, a way to excuse inequality. Fitness to rule is determined primarily by whose orifice you emerge from, and only secondarily by any obvious competence or skill.
So right wing footsoldiers are mired in a terrible and shameful swamp of self-loathing. By definition, their lack of wealth and power is their own fault, and not merely their fault, but the fault of their genes. Being on the bottom is proof that you deserve to be there. Your failure to rise proves that you don’t deserve to rise.
No wonder the right is so irony-poisoned. Remember 2020, when gun-nuts got “revenge” on gun safety scolds by photographing themselves pointing loaded guns at their own penises? The participants insisted that they were just trolling, and they were…by pointing loaded guns at their dicks:
Plutocrats understand that there are limits to irony, and that at a certain point, irony poisoning becomes so acute that your rank-and-file literally start blowing their balls off. To relieve the pressure, plutes scapegoat other people based on their gender, sexual orientation, race, or nationality.
This provides an important resolution to the cognitive dissonance of meritocracy. The reason you’re doing so badly isn’t that you lack merit, it’s that affirmative action has elevated unworthy people to the positions that you deserve. You are a temporarily embarrassed millionaire — but the riches you deserve have been snaffled up by welfare queens and DEI consultants.
Cruelty isn’t the point of culture war bullshit: the point is power. Cruelty is merely the tactic:
Culture war bullshit is a very reliable way to get turkeys to vote for Christmas. Take the campaign against junk fees, which have ticketmastered every part of your life with “fees” for things like “paying your rent by check” and “not paying your rent by check”:
There is no broad constituency for junk fees. Scam artists (including scam artists in the C-suites of Fortune 100 companies) love them, sure, but junk fees make everyone else furious.
What’s a plutocrat to do? Well, it turns out that culture war bullshit can make right wingers point (metaphorical) guns at their own junk — all plutocrats need to do is put the word out that getting rid of junk fees is “woke” and low-information right-wing thumbsuckers will demand the right to be charged junk fees.
Here’s an example: one especially pernicious form of junk fee is the “swipe fees” that credit-card companies charge merchants. In an increasingly cashless age, these companies — dominated by the Visa/Mastercard duopoly — have figured out how to scrape 3–5% out of every single retail transaction in the entire fucking economy.
Every merchant you patronize has to charge more — or reduce quality, or both — in order to pay this Danegeld to two of the largest, most profitable companies in the world. Visa/Mastercard have hiked their fees by 40 percent since the pandemic’s start. Forty. Fucking. Percent. Tell me again how greedflation isn’t real?
A bipartisan legislative coalition, led by Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) have proposed the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA), which will force competition into credit-card routing, putting pressure on the Visa/Mastercard duopoly:
This should be a no-brainer, but plute spin-doctors have plenty of no-brains to fill up with culture war bullshit. Writing in The American Prospect, Luke Goldstein unpacks an astroturf campaign to save the endangered swipe fee from woke competition advocates:
Now, this campaign isn’t particularly sophisticated. It goes like this: Target is a big business that runs a lot of transactions through Visa/Mastercard, so it stands to benefit from competition in payment routing. And Target did a mean woke by selling Pride merch, which makes them groomers. So by fighting swipe fees, Congress is giving woke groomers a government bailout!
It’s literally that stupid. It’s being pushed by a dark money group based in Kansas, which is targeting Senator Marshall’s constituents with mailers that warns voters they’ll “lose their credit card points” because he’s thrown his lot in with “liberal politicians”:
The fliers also warn that competition could result in “your financial data could be processed by partners of the Chinese Communist Party” (the bill bans foreign companies from routing transactions, and bans China UnionPay by name).
The fliers are anonymous. The only ghoul shameless enough to put his name on the campaign is Grover Norquist, whose Americans for Tax Reform tells its Christmas-voting-turkeys to “side with consumers, not woke retailers.”
The dark money org pushing this line have placed op-eds in newspapers across red states, comparing transaction routing competition to your kids’ data being snaffled up by Tiktok:
This nonsense was peddled by League of Southeastern Credit Unions president Samantha Beeler, whose org has spent $20,000 fighting the CCCA, claiming that a “cheaper” system would be “less secure”:
But that’s small potatoes. Millions are being spent, right now, lobbying against CCCA — $5m from the American Bankers’ Association, $2m from the Credit Union National Association, another $400k from Mastercard.
For these rentiers, corrupting our government with millions is a stellar bargain if it lets them continue to collect rent every time we spend money. And millions of people who’ll end up paying that will demand the right to do so, provided they’re told that they’re fighting “woke capitalism” and China.
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: A mechanical credit card imprinter (AKA 'zipzap') emblazoned with a US flag Punisher logo. It is imprinting a blank credit-card slip with a red Visa card bearing the GOP logo. It sits on a weathered wooden plank table, stained a dark brown.]
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nugenomicsblog · 7 months
Nutrigenomics — Taking You to a Better You
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The Human Genome Project of the 1990s, was the largest collaborative project in the field of biology. Through this project, researchers shed light on the structure and function of the entire DNA in the human genome, which enabled jump-start a whole new world of sciences, such as Nutrigenomics read more here..
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sleepinghypnos · 1 year
ITZY Lia x Male Reader x Red Velvet Wendy ft. Irene
Tags: Smut (EDITED)
Genre: Facefucking, Deepthroat, Anal, Dirty Talk, Female Idol x Male Reader
A/N: Dialogues will be color coded
Black - Reader
Pink - Lia
Red - Wendy
Violet - Irene
Green - Other people
It's been a week since you started working for ITZY. The famous idol group has also been busy because of their recent comeback.
The admiration of people truly is a wonderful source of energy, especially for the artists who just finished their song for the fans.
Being able to withstand such burden makes you adore the group more and more.
You are on your way to the ITZY's waiting room. When suddenly a familiar hand grabbed you and pulled you into the corner of the backstage. There is no one here but sound and light equipment.
"What are you doing?" You said while looking at the girl in front of you. A wide smile greets you as she put her finger on your mouth to shush it.
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"Oppa, don't make any noise they might hear us." Said the girl with a blonde hair named Lia. "I can't wait any longer, you said if we want to we can ask you right? Let me suck your cock now please?" Her pleading eyes is what gets you. How can an innocent looking person be this needy for someone's dick? You are here to do bodyguard related work but you always ended up fucking your clients.
You don't dare to say you regret it because many fans would kill just to sleep with their idols and here you are getting what they want for free and the idols are ones asking for it.
You nod your head to answer Lia. She immediately fell to her knees and helped you unbuckle your belt and pull your pants above your knees.
She whipped out your already throbbing cock. "It's bigger than the one in the video! How can you be so big?"
"Genetics i guess? Or maybe i'm blessed by the heavens." You answered while slapping your tip to her tongue.
"Well, if you're blessed then maybe that is the way of the heavens to make people kneel just like what I'm doing now."
You slid your cock in her mouth with very gentle rhythm, carefully testing whether the idol can do what the other can or not. She planted her nails into your legs and she starts throat fucking herself with your cock.
Watching the idol ruin herself because of lust, as you let her be consumed and devoured by her sexual desire. You moaned reflecting the pleasure she gives you, your length isn't even fit in her whole mouth.
A popping sound can be heard when she let your cock out off her mouth, she let it rest on her face as she realize that your member is bigger than the length of her head.
"Your throbbing hard cock really is huge, it's yummy Oppa." she said and continued to suck your rod once more. Lia looks at you with that lustful and needy eyes, you can't resist any further and you take control of everything.
Starting to thrust like no other, you held the back of her head to support your furious plunge making her gagged. Tears had formed in her eyes, the sound she makes and her tiny stature will make someone seriously think that you are doing something inappropriate with her.
"Your mouth is not only good at singing but also sucking dick, you slut!"
She tried to answer your remark but you didn't let her and fucked her mouth even more. Not thinking about the idols image any longer, using her as a mere tool for your own pleasure. She bobbed her head in-sync with your thrusts making the experience more ball draining.
Her pretty face is already ruined because of your vigorous fucking but that didn't make her less attractive it's quite the opposite.
"You're still beautiful even if your mouth is full with my dick." your compliment made her head bob up and down even more and continued to choke herself with your cock. Lia has a high possibility of having a 'Praise Kink'
"Shit! I'm fucking cumming Lia!"
With that, the idol prepared herself to received what the other girls have been addicted to lately, your cum. They all say it's sweet maybe because of your diet.
Your due approached and you grabbed her head, pushed her down to your cock, she didn't reach the base of your rod because of how big it is. You hold her there until you emptied into her mouth, coating her needy throat with your ropes of generous load. Her eyes were rolled back as if she attained enlightenment.
You rest your cock in her mouth for few more seconds till your last drop. She's looking at you while she plays your dick with her tongue. Lia let you see how much cum have been accumulated in her mouth and swallowed it.
"I now know why the two girls are addicted to you, your cum is delicious it is kinda sweet and you don't care if we are idols or not. You'll fuck us until we surrender to our sexual desire. I love it, Oppa!"
You patted her head. "It felt good Lia, your mouth is something else i must say. it's really good." you assured the idol and helped her stand up and gave her a kiss on her forehead, making her blushed and flustered.
"What did I just witnessed?"
Both of you looked at the one who spoked, Lia was shocked to see a Senior idol in front of her and you... well you do not care. She's Wendy a member of already established k-pop girl group called Red Velvet by SM Entertainment.
"He's our bodyguard, Sunbae!" Lia tries to explain to her senior what happened.
"I know who he is Lia-ssi, I've met him multiple times in the past. I just can't believe I'd see you here doing what you're good at again." She looked at me and Lia many times and attempts to leave but the younger idol stopped her.
"Sunbae it is consensual, so please don't report it. He didn't force me to do anything." she said while holding Wendy's wrist.
"Silly girl, of course i know it's consensual. I told you i've met him so many times in the past." Wendy slightly hugged Lia and patted her head.
Wendy left the spot that we're in and only Lia and you remain. you guide her to their waiting room and saw all of the ITZY members are inside. you just greeted them and stayed outside the door for security.
While waiting for the next schedule. You saw Red Velvet's Waiting room few doors away from you and reminded you of Son Seung-wan again, she is the only member of Red Velvet that you didn't have any physical connection with because the time you've spent with them doing bodyguard duties. The job only lasts for two weeks.
But you've been tirelessly messing with her other members almost every hour, especially Joy and Irene. The combination of the two made you a vegetable, it's like Yuna and Chaeryeong but sluttier. Meanwhile Seulgi is much more tamed and obedient. Yeri on the other hand had a boyfriend that time and don't want to cheat on him which is what couples must abide into.
For Wendy she didn't like the idea of you messing around with her co-members and stayed away from you, but you know that she also wanted what others was having.
She might say she don't but her actions betrayed her. Wendy and Seulgi share the same room and it's the same for Irene and Joy while Yeri is like a queen in her room because she's alone there and she can do whatever she wants.
Every time you fuck Seulgi senseless, Wendy will remain in their room while pretending to watch a movie and she really is watching but not the movie but you and Seulgi.
There's that one time when you and Seulgi is being intimate, she didn't even realize that she's been caught cause of how focus she is on how you plowed her roommate until she passed out. You even stood up and went to her side ordering her to suck your dick which she almost did, her tongue is already sticking out but she woke up from the trance and rushed out of the room.
Hours passed by and an SBS staff request all of the idols to go the stadium. ITZY decided to pick the ones in the higher floor and so we did. The managers didn't go with you and stayed at the staff rooms.
Lia invited you to sit beside her and so you did. The area is safe and no one will have the nerve to go on higher floor seats aside from other idols.
The music surrounds the whole place, this is a private party for idols and cameras are not allowed. Even the fans who owns fancafe's can't enter inside the premises.
Everyone is partying to the music when a group of girls came to your spot. it was Red Velvet.
"I told you he is here." Wendy said in a smug face, it looks like the other members didn't believe her. You stand up to greet them and so is ITZY.
"Hello seonbaes!" ITZY greets the senior girlgroup and they greeted them back.
"Oppa! I thought you'll stay abroad, i didn't expect to see you here." A woman suddenly hugged you and almost got out-of-balance because of it. Familiar scent envelops your sense of smell, her perfume is still the same. It was Joy.
You felt her chest rubbing into your own, still the same naughty woman. She let you go to for you to greet the other member, you gave each one of them a hug.
Seulgi is always the one who is quiet and waiting for her turn. Your mouth went for her neck and you marked with a hickey. Which she received well.
Yeri on the other hand became much more assertive on things. The moment you went in for a hug, the idol hugged you and she put her hand on your crotch. It's quick and impressive she whipped out your cock and started stroking it.
As far as you know she is still with her boyfriend but this is what she want so you let her.
She knelt down and put your cock in her mouth. Sucking it so passionately.
All of the girls were shocked and immediately blocked the two of you. Well, because of your height you are still visible.
"Kim Yeri what are you doing?!" Said Irene. Even she was shocked.
"I just want to taste it. All of you are addicted to this big fucking cock unnie. I want to know why, i already got my answer." Yeri continued to suck you off and stopped cause her jaw hurts.
"Seonbae you guys know Oppa too? In that extent?" Ryujin tried to pry why they didn't seem to mind that much what happened.
All of the Red Velvet members nod in unison. After Yeri had her unexpected FUN, you put your erected cock back in your pants which is not easy.
You proceed to greet the remaining people and hug them.
Your hug to Irene is much longer than the others. "Why did you let that brat do that? Pervert!" You just chuckled and act like its not your fault. "Still tall and handsome as ever huh?" Irene spoke.
"And still beautiful as ever huh noona?" as you lean back to see her face.
"I told you don't call me that, You are my Oppa. I belong only to you remember?"
"Yeah, yeah. I know baby." You gave her a kiss on her lips and proceed to hug Wendy.
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She flinch because of the unexpected hug and she also felt your boner that isn't subsided yet but she return it eventually. "Hello Gorgeous!" you said while still hugging her.
"Gorgeous my ass! You are still the same."
"Your ass? I think they are gorgeous too!" your hands travelled from her back to her bottom and the moment you found the treasure you caress it gently, she whimper trying to hide her face on your chest.
"Once a pervert, always a pervert!" her hug tighten and it looks like she won't let go.
"So, you two got very close eventually huh?" Joy's voice interrupted your most awaited physical contact with Wendy.
"Yeah! So what?" You replied and let go of the woman in front of you and lean towards her ear to say something to her. "Should we continue what should've happen that day if you didn't run away from me?"
No words came out of her mouth but she nodded as an answer. Looks like she also looking forward in meeting you one day.
The other girls already finished their own personal greetings and now we are seated here in the higher floor and a less crowded side of the stadium, it's dark but not totally.
Lia is on your right and Wendy to your left. the younger idols are enjoying the party like it's their last day on Earth.
"Wendy, can you suck it for me please?" You are bold to your request. Your boner is already hurting. she look at you for a few seconds and she stand up from her chair to kneel in front you.
"Oooh! Looks like someone is eager to try the huge snake hiding beneath the clothes." Joy got the attention of others because of her remark. they proceed to watch what's going to happen. Even the ITZY members are waiting for it.
"Just make sure not to get caught." Irene added.
Your cock is already out and it's still wet because of Yeri. Wendy is now stroking your cock, her pace is not unbearably slow nor fast. It's perfect! Then she licks your shaft up and down. The girls reacts when Wendy sucked not just your dick but also your balls. You don't know where she learnt any of these but it makes your dick even harder.
"S-shit Wendy! Where did you learn to do that?" you said while moaning because of pleasure. Wendy is not the type of person that sleeps with just anyone.
Wendy sucks your dick with more intensity, she's starting to gain a pace and confidence, her drool is covering your shaft as she vehemently bobbed her head to your cock. You grabbed her head and starts violating the poor idols mouth like giving her a punishment.
"So it begins, hehe!" Joy patiently watching as i fuck her friend's throat like i did to her and the other idols.
"gawk... gawk... gawk" is the only sound that you can hear coming from Wendy. The Stadium's music don't matter to you or any of you.
You let Wendy's hands rest on your thighs while you fuck her face, her eyes are glued to you and her make up slowly getting ruined each time the tip of your cock touches the back of her throat, making both of you moan out of pleasure.
"Baby i'm cumming!" her eyes sparkles the moment you utter those words. She grabbed your thighs tightly as you pushed her head towards your throbbing and raging cock.
She blinked multiple times when your thick cum starts gushing out of your cock into her mouth. You can feel her tongue moving and trying to taste your load but no avail because your liquid is directly flowing to her stomach. All she can do is continue gulping.
You gave her a chance to at least taste your baby batter, the final three spurts landed in her mouth. Just like the rest, she showcase your cum and swallow all of it.
Your still erected cock lies on Wendy's face and the idol is just there letting it rest and looking at you.
"That's was so hot not gonna lie!" Joy and Yeri said in unison.
While the others are busy taking photos in a low light to prevent other people to actually see what transpired in your location. They giggled because of how the photos came to be.
Lustful yet passionate.
"Your mouth felt good, baby!"
"And your dick is so big you perverted bastard. I thought i was going to die. You keep choking me!"
"We are not done, come follow me outside." the other girls reacted wildly because of what you said. holding Wendy on her wrist pulling her. You walk through number of floors and doors ended up in an isolated room with basic furniture such as couch, tables, and other chairs.
You already know the layout of the stadium because this place is your typical work field when you're doing bodyguard duties.
Irene followed you to ensure that no one else in tailing you. "This is a nice spot, Oppa!" Irene said while looking around the room.
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You didn't waste any more time and let the two of them kneel down to suck your cock once again. Wendy is kneeling to your right and in the opposite side is Irene.
Both of them were traversing your long shaft with their tongues to the top of your cock, they are moving in unison passionately kissing and licking both of your length and balls.
Wendy is now more daring in her assault. While the oldest choke herself from your big hard cock, the younger one find her way into your back entrance and started licking you there.
"Oooh, you are so daring Wendy! I like it! Irene deliberately stopping her onslaught on your cock just to compliment Wendy for her boldness.
You jolted because Wendy is performing a rimjob. "Now i-aahh, shit! i'm really curious on h-how and where did you l-learn any these." making yourself a bit more horny by the second.
"I didn't do anything with anyone, i just watch porn and learned how to do it. i barely even contain myself earlier when i saw you fucking Lia's face. I learn it for you, pervert!"
You stopped Irene from devouring your hard rod any further and carry Wendy into the couch and put her on a missionary, Irene spit on your cock again and again so that it will slid inside easily.
"I tried using dildos in our room, but i didn't order oversize ones cause i want your dick to destroy me and not those toys." Wendy confesses and it made you happy. "Please use my tight little pussy as you see fit, Daddy!"
You took Wendy's and Irene's clothes off and now of them are naked, flaunting both of their treasure. Irene's tits is much bigger than Wendy and yet both of them are reasonable in size. They are both firm and delicate. They both possess such flawless silky white skin in contrast to your slightly tanned yet firm skin.
"Daddy? I didn't expect that you had it in you Wendy, i'm so proud of you! Should i call you that too? Daddy." Irene said teasing you with her alluring voice and vexing body as she watches you preparing yourself to indulge into something so exquisite. Irene grabbed your head and pushed it against her tits making you suck her nipples.
She moaned like a total slut while caressing your head. Meanwhile Wendy is massaging her clit watching the two of you be intimate.
Irene stopped and let you devour the feast in front of you, she knows Wendy is still a virgin for a huge dick like yours.
"I'm going to put it in now, baby. bare with it." as you slowly slid your cock into her virgin cunt, her face starts showing a sign of pain when your cock is already half through.
"So fucking tight!" making sure she won't get hurt that badly.
"F-fuck, it's so big! it's all in finally!" she said.
"Oh not yet, little bitch. It's only half of it." Irene replied while hiding her laughter.
"What? There's more?! Gggh~ ahhh! FUCK!!" she gasped when you thrust suddenly and let her tight little cunt devour your rod completely.
"It hurts? Should i pull out?" you asked.
"No, please! Uh.. Let me adjust and get used to it first. I don't want to ruin this moment, ruin this for the three of us."
You're kissing Wendy and Irene one after the other, you can feel Wendy's passageway to loosen up a bit as you continue to stimulate her.
"I'm okay now D-daddy, please move!" Wendy said and you did what she asked. Few minutes of testing the waters and you started thrusting in more powerful way.
"Fuck Daddy your cock is so huge. such a big fucking cock! you are stretching me out aaah!~" Wendy began cursing and talking such vulgar words. She's getting fucked by a huge dick that even she couldn't imagine of receiving.
You changed position while your dick is still in her. You're plowing her in the back now and you are going deeper because it.
"Daddy you're so deep! Sh-shit! I think you are in my uterus. Fuck! you're going too deep! I can feel you in my stomach!" her moaning still sounds angelic like her singing voice and it's making you to fuck her more.
Her height and stature is small compare to you so it's easy for you to lift her up. You position her into full nelson, your favorite style even your clients in the past up to present still can't get over how you fuck them senseless in that vulgar position.
Irene saw through your intention and brought her phone out and ofcourse to start recording. She already knows that it's a trophy for another conquest, she has multiple videos of your past client getting plowed in that manner.
Wendy is surprise because of how easy for you to lift her, you placed each one of your arm to the back of her knees and your hands are already locked behind her neck.
You started plowing her again with more intensity, her moans become louder and louder. You are fucking her so hard that sound your body colliding as you thrust into her keeps echoing in the room.
Irene finished her little recording and dialed the girls to let them watch.
"Oooh! She's getting fucked real good there Unnie!" Joy has amazement in her voice and the other girls with her seems to be excited too. You can hear their voice cheering you to fuck Wendy more.
"Daddy! Please please please! You are so deep in me. Fuck! Use me! SHIT USE ME DAAADDDYYY!" Wendy squirting so much but you didn't stop pounding her, she's now half awake. the sound of her rich ass colliding with your body filled the room and made it look like a porn studio.
"I'm cumming you squirting slut!" you rammed her yet again waking her up.
"Yes! Breed me daddy. Fill me up! S-shit! i want your seed flowing inside me please please!" With that, your cum gushed out from your cock filling her up. You pulled out your still erected cock from her and you saw how it overflow, it's leaking.
Wendy passed out without realizing that the other girls are watching her getting railed so intensely, she changed into a different person whose instinct in to breed only.
"It's my turn now right Daddy?" Irene can't contain herself anymore. You can see how wet she is, you made her wait for so long.
"Of course come here baby, spread your legs for me in the couch!" and she did what you asked. she immediately position herself in the couch, legs spread and waiting like a total slut.
You didn't bother with the foreplay cause she's so wet and her ass is already lubricated so you straight up rail her in the ass and thrusting your whole length inside of her.
Wendy's moans were replaced by hers and it equally pleasing to the ears. You didn't hold back and showed her how much she deserved to be fuck hard because of her patience.
"Yes daddy! Fuck yes. I missed your huge cock so much! Please keep fucking me like this even if i eventually get married." She moans relentlessly saying such triggering words only makes you go even harder.
"I thought you hate men you slut!?" you're choking her neck with a normal grip of your hands, she seems to like it every time you did this to her.
"Yes i hate men, but not you. You may aaaah~ may be fucking so many women but you didn't do anything bad to us, instead yo- FUCK RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE!!! SHIT!! instead you protected u-us and gave us a sense of security. i'll let you fuck me everywhere even we are in public. Fuck! SO PLEASE USE ME MY ASS! DESTROY ME DADDY!" She is taking your huge cock in her ass like a champ. You've been fucking her ass ever since your first day of being their bodyguard. You basically molded her insides to the shape of your dick.
"Spit in my mouth please! Please! Daddy! I want you to violate me please! FUCK!" She kept on begging you to spit in her mouth so you did while here eyes were rolled back and her tongue is sticking out.
"I'm cumming now baby! Where do you want it?!" your hands stopped choking her to let her breathe then you proceed to slap her face to asked her again. "Where? Tell me!"
"Cum in my ass daddy please! It's your personal fleshlight, fill my ass with your thick load aaahh~"
And with that signal, you release a series of generous amount of load into the ass of one of the beautiful or the most beautiful k-pop artist of all time. Bae Joo-hyun
Both of them are were completely ruined and yet they are happy, you saw Irene's phone still in the videocall with the girls they all saw how you fucked the two them. You decided to bid them farewell and end the call.
It's time to clean up this mess before anyone came in here.
"What the fuck is this?!"
You were picking their things when you heard someone yelled in the door, you saw her figure and you were stunned to speak.
"IT'S YOU!?" Both of you shouted in unison
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