#general kirigan family au
marvelmusing · 4 months
At First Sight AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Warnings [18+]: smut, fingering, experienced!Aleksander, innocent!reader, reader has outdated ideas about first times, tiny bit of corruption kink, praise kink, wife kink, size kink, unprotected sex, soft dom!Aleksander, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy (nothing explicitly described), smidge of pain kink, a hint of dacryphilia, mentions of sexual acts, oral (fem receiving), fingering, loss of virginity
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A Night Of Firsts [18+]
Your family requires you to marry, despite your position as a First Army strategist. Luckily, General Kirigan is more than willing to offer you his hand in marriage. You’re fond of Aleksander, but your wedding night has arrived and you’re beyond nervous.
The First Time [18+]
Being married to Aleksander is a dream, but after your honeymoon he begins to withdraw from you. The happy couples surrounding you have you wanting to build a family of your own, so you ask your husband to grant your wish.
Missing You • Little Shadow • Sunny Days
Aleksander fulfils his promise to you, and together you build a family of your own.
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amiramorozova · 2 years
Soulmates?-werewolf edition- pt. 1
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Author's note: Werewolf AU, Volcra will remain Volcra..mostly original with slight reference to the show again..slight Alpha/Omega involved. There will be other titles also invoved like Luna, Gema, Beta, and so on.
When I was a child, I learned about the different kinds of wolf types a Grisha could rank as..and the different small science a Grisha can have. Omega were the lowest but most known among Grisha..actually an Omega could rise to Luna if mated to an Alpha. Alphas can have anyone they want..until they find their fated mate..or soulmate as humans refer them to. Dad classified it for me and my siblings when we were old enough to understand. The most powerful became Alphas..but that didn't mean they couldn't fall into the other ranks.
My twin sister would rank Beta, Gamma or Omega while my brother would rank possibly alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Omega..and as for me..I didn't have a rank. I was Sun Summoner but also tidemaker.. My family could not tell me what I'd rank as when I was older. Just that my path was my own to choose when I was old enough. I accepted that for the most part knowing I was not designated to any rank but just cause our small science had a ranking area we were reminded we all were children of an alpha.
See, it didn't matter who you were being a Grisha with two small science it it was rare but sometimes a werewolf got a fated mate of a human.  But in reality having Alpha blood in your veins meant a lot more in this world than most thought. Sure, the other ranks could hook up and be together..but their children were put right down in omega. Yet the lucky ones who are Beta, Gamma or Omega that are destined mates of Alphas get the term that isn't used very often..Luna.
Growing up, testers were sent out to find Grisha to take to the little palace from their familes..some were born to humans which were called rares. Others were from a grisha bloodline like I was which was considered our Grisha packs. Yet father hid us mostly for the reason of he didn't want us being tested and taken away..but I think he didn't want to lose me or my sister the most.
"Alejandro, they will come to test them when they are eight years old..we should prepare to get them out of Ravka." Mother said
"I know Amara, that is why we will leave for Ketterdam before they come..if not Ketterdam than to my mother's place she has a basement." Father said
Since we were still learning our Grisha power I was just doing as I always did but then father picked us up as if he knew something. Yet when it was time as there was a knock on the door he put us in the closet and pointed to Aiden to join us. Aiden being two years older as we were four and he was six went and kneeled down as father put a finger to his lips and closed the closet. Sierra and I hated the dark but Aiden kept us calm. Still I tried to focus on what was being said as I heard mom talk.
"General Kirigan, what do we owe the honor?" Mother said as I realized she knew the black General..but how?
"Amara, I came to ask you to reconsider being part of the 2nd army as you once were. You could lead the Tidemakers to become as powerful as yourself...after all you are a Luna now." General Kirigan said
"I'm sorry General, but I have two sick daughter and a sick step son..they need me more than the 2nd army." Mother said
I realized my mother lied to the general about our health and I questioned why she would do such a thing. I felt a weird tingling feeling on my neck, I wondered if it was my fated mate mark..but why now? I am just a child and I noticed Sierra was looking at my neck as we kept quiet...but what made me more curious was mom was former 2nd army? As I looked at my siblings I noticed Aiden was starring too but I dare not speak with the General in our home.
"Amara, please. People in this area are getting attacked by rogues. New Grisha are scared and could use your leadership." General Kirigan said
I had to lightly laugh a bit knowing that werewolf Alpha  couldn't keep his tidemakers in line for some reason. Aiden covered my mouth to keep my giggles from being seen, as we had a connection with our inner wolf at a young age despite what others go through. Knowing that we couldn't be out there to greet our Grisha General I wasn't sure why it was so important.
"I'm sorry but I have to insist you leave. I wouldn't want you to get sick, General." My mother said
"We'll be back, close to the day your daughters and step son are to be tested. Have they shown what kind of Grisha they are?" General Kirigan asked, "Oh sorry, I forgot your husband is undeclared. Yet he is your fated mate.."
"Tidemakers, as I am...but as for my stepson I don't know." Mother said
I heard the sounds of footsteps and the door closed as more footsteps came to the closet. Aiden removed his hand from my mouth. Yet when Father came back and opened the door seeing us and seeing my neck he growled in anger. I didn't understand why he was angry and it scared me but time would tell..as we heard the carriage leave he seemed to relax. The tingling feeling on my neck came again as the mark faded and I shivered at it but soon mother came leading us out of the closet.
"Is something wrong, Alejandro?" Mother asked
"We need to get on the move sooner than I thought..he's her fated mate..when she is older." Father said
"Why?" Mother said
Being Alpha, father was not willing to hand us over to anyone so to know I already was in close range with my fated mate was probably angering him. He led us to the living room and had the three of us sit on the couch as he started to pace. Aiden was the one who spoke up first. As neither my sister nor I would do so.
"Father what is wrong?" Aiden asked
"Your sister is the fated mate of the black General..he's also the black heretic wolf." Alejandro said
"The black heretic died.." Sierra said as father shook his head no.
"No, my little tidemaker pup. He merely faked his death and took on a new name." Alejandro said
We were all in sock, this couldn't be true but then father had to think of something as he looked at all of us. "Go pack and meet back here. We're leaving the area for awhile." Alejandro said as we all nod getting up and leaving. It was then I heard mother speak up "Alejandro, what is it?" Mother asked as we were walking away. He thought we were a good distance before he spoke. "My mother made an old pack with..the Shadow Summoner Morozova..Amara. Amira...she's..she's supposed to marry him being a Sun Summoner like me and my mother." Alejandro said
I had overheard this as I'd lingered a little and was shcoekd to hear such a thing. "That's crazy..but you just said he's the black heretic..and he's the only Shadow Summoner man." Amara said as father nod. "His real name is Aleksander Morozova, I crossed paths with him for awhile. I thought he was cursed to never have a fated mate after using Merzost..but now the saints have deemed this arrangement valid." Alejandro said as mother was shocked hearing his words.
Walking away I shook my head knowing that father must be joking, we were wolves yes but that did not mean much. Still once we were ready to come back and with our things having packed up we were ready. It was after that we were taken somewhere safe. somewhere no one could find us for awhile.
Years passed, and I lived with my grandmother now..I was sixteen when I found a book on her bookshelf about the things that could happen. Without asking I decided to open it and read through it to know what it'd be like someday to be with ones fated mate. What I found out was it was more detailed than I wanted to know. For starters, while we could have a possible wolf form it was unknown for sure if Grisha did. Alphas had the ability to do things..well they could knot anyone they wanted but it worked more affectively with an Alpha's fated mate..reading this I blushed.
I'm a fated mate to an Alpha..but after his last visit we left..so it's not like he can find me anytime soon. I thought
Ravka had many things going on for us while I did love the opportunities that would be available to me when I am older..I tried enjoying this opportunity. Suddenly as I was in my thoughts I heard a knock on the door and heard grandma answer the door. "Oh Nicolas.Come in, she's in the kitchen." Grandma said as I looked up from the book as seconds later my friend Nicolas Stark walked in. "Hey Mira." Nicolas said as I smiled. "Hey Nico." I said
He walked over to me and took the book as he looked at the cover "Werewolf Grisha ranks and fated mates..anything interesting in this book?" He asked as I made a hand gesture to let him read for himself. He seemed hesitant as it was grisha affairs but opened it seeing that it was a lot of information. In fact he read through the whole book and then looked at me. "Starting to see why people like Alpha grisha so much..only seems female alphas are rare.." Nicolas said as I shrugged. "I don't have a rank, also rare...extremely rare." I said but in truth I hadn't told Nico about my betrothal. I didn't want to think about it I didn't have to do anything for a few more years.
"Uh, you know you can always go work as a bartender at the Grisha club. It's the other place that Grisha go to hang out and those who didn't go to 2nd army." Nico said as I nod in agreement. I knew I could but I knew that I had to figure out what to do..after all if I came across my fate mate and Alpha..who knows how he could affect me in the future.
Only time will tell.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ , @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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Kaz Brekker
One Shots
Summary: You’ve been flirting with Kaz ever since you started working as his bartender. Systematic rejection gets tiring after a while, but sometimes all you need is a good chat and a large bottle of vodka.
The Darkling/Aleksander Morozova
One Shots
The New Girl
Summary: Aleksander Morozov is the Editor in Chief of Ravka’s leading fashion magazine. As his First Assistant, you feel very responsible for his new Second Assistant - Alina Starkov.
Starting Over
Summary: One of your colleagues, Mal, brings the head of the Morozov family in for questioning - something you had discouraged him from doing for his own sake.
Line of Succession
Summary: As Tsaritsa of the Ravkan Empire, many see it as your duty to provide the Tsar with an heir. You are more than happy to serve your king.
New Position
Summary: A Modern AU. Mr Morozov is notoriously particular regarding his employees. As his newest assistant, your final test is to gain the approval of his wife.
A Night of Firsts
Summary: Your family requires you to marry, despite your position as a First Army strategist. Luckily, General Kirigan is more than willing to offer you his hand in marriage. You’re fond of Aleksander, but your wedding night has arrived and you’re beyond nervous.
His Name
Summary: A soulmate AU where your soulmate’s name is on your wrist. As the Sun Summoner, you’ve been in hiding, whilst the Darkling rules Ravka. Connected by the tether between you, you pay him a visit, and he makes a revelation that will change things between you forever.
War of Hearts
Summary: Aleksander promised you eternity with him. Alina Starkov took that from you both. Now you’re going to finish what your lover started.
1   ❝ fine, make me your villain ❞
2  ❝ you and I are going to change the world ❞
3  ❝ there are no others like us…
4  …and there never will be ❞
5  ❝ like calls to like ❞
Epilogue  ❝ the two of us, together ❞
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winterkoya · 3 years
just enough
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aleksander morozova x wife!oc , aleksander morozova family au , aleksander morozova x original female character
summary: Alina’s arrival at the Little Palace forces Irina to realise she might care about her husband more than just enough
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of smut
part two , part three , part four , part five
“Anya! Eric! Come back here!” Irina called, running after her youngest children, two toddlers that were determined to avoid their bedtime and instead chose to make their mother chase them through the Little Palace. 
“You have to catch us first, Mama!” The five year old girl giggled, running alongside her younger brother. 
Irina was racing across the main hall, she was only five steps away from grabbing the hand of the three year old boy, when she saw something that made her stop so abruptly she almost fell. Her husband was there, giving strict orders to the guards arround them, alongside a pretty, although scraped, young girl. ‘Alina’, she thought. That must be the girl her husband had written to her about. The Sun Summoner he had recently saved from the merciless hands of the drüskelle. She looked up towards Aleksander. He was back home. 
Her marriage with General Kirigan wasn’t a fairytale one. As the daughter of the King and Queen of Ravka, she had been asked to marry the leader of the Second Army as a peace offer between the citizens of Ravka and the Grisha. Aleksander hadn’t been too happy about it either, but he knew he wasn’t in the position of bearing the consequences of being unwise– or selfish. It was either marrying the pretty, dutiful girl or gaining another enemy the Grisha could not yet afford to fight. He would destroy the Ravka nobility when the time came to it. 
“Moya tsarévna.” The guards chanted when she approached them, lowering their heads as a proper greeting for a member of the royalty.
Irina straightened her posture and placed her blonde hair behind her ears, acknowledging the welcoming with a kind smile and a slight head bow. She was a princess. Being the epitome of grace and exemplary manners was her job, after all. 
“Princess.” Alina said, courtsing. 
“Lady Irina is just fine.” She replied with a small laugh, helping the girl back up. “You must be Alina, Alina Starkov, is that correct?” 
“I– I am.” Alina stuttered, admiring the woman’s gentle features.
“I gather you’re a cartographer. We have a wonderful library here, should you be interested in continuing with such a delightful craft. Ivan,” she called, looking over her husband’s shoulder, “make sure Genya attends her. She’ll help you get settled for now, and ready every morning.”
“Thank you.” Alina said, wholeheartedly. 
Irina smiled back at her, but then she heard the sound of tiny footsteps dashing towards them, and so she quickly extended her hands to grab the hands of the two toddlers running between them. 
“Got you!” She laughed. “Now, you must go have a bath, both of you, and after that is bedtime for you little monkeys. And no more running away, is that understood?” She said, kindly, but sternly. 
“But Mama we want to play–
“Children.” Aleksander’s voice echoed through the hall, in a grave tone– but not mad. He had yet to speak angry words to his children, and he wasn’t planning on doing so anytime soon. “Do as your mother tells you and go to your room. Now.” 
The kids, who barely had time to smile due to their father’s arrival before realising he was actually scolding them, finally calmed down.
“Fine, Papa.” They both chanted, not trying to escape their mother’s hold anymore.
Irina looked up to Alina’s face, smiling. “It was a pleasure meeting you, I hope we see more of each other soon.” With one last glance towards Aleksander, she left towards the dormitories, with two little heads walking by her side.
“Why doesn’t Kira have to come with us?!” Anya complained. The five year old was so much like her father, not only in looks, but in personality as well. Anya didn’t ask, she demanded.
“Because,” Irina answered, putting a strand of the girl’s brunette hair behind her ear, “your older sister has already taken her bath and is now waiting for you, in your bedroom.” 
As Irina said this, the three of them entered her husband’s war room, where the only two entrances to the kids’ room and her room were. She found Kira, her seven year old peacefully reading in her bed, with her nightgown already on and her golden hair neatly tucked into a braid. 
“There you are!” Kira smiled, jumping from her bed. “I just heard a guard saying that Papa is here, is that true?” She asked, looking at her mother with hopeful eyes. 
“Yes he is,” she said, as her kids started to giggle with happiness, “and I’m sure he will come soon to wish you all goodnight, but first you two need to have a bath.” 
“But Mama, we want to play with Papa first!” Anya protested.
“Play with Papa! Play with Papa” little Eric started to chant, following his sister’s whines. 
Irina once again lost control of the two toddlers as they started to dance around the room singing about all the things they wanted to play with their father. Irina was tempted to let them get away with it and just call it a night, she was too tired after the long day she had had with them.
“No one gets to play with Papa unless they’re bathed and with their nightgowns on.” Someone said behind them. Irina turned around to see Aleksander standing against the doorframe with a small smile on his lips. The three kids jumped off their places and ran to meet their father, who seemed happy enough to see them. 
Irina knew she was lucky. She might be stuck in a loveless marriage, but she knew she had got it easy: Aleksander had never done as much as raising his voice against her, he had never spoken ill of her behind her back or taken a mistress. In bed, he always asked for her consent first and afterwards he would always hold her against his chest until she peacefully drifted to sleep. He made sure other grisha respected her and severely punished anyone who disregarded her. He did everything a husband was supposed to do for his wife. Except for loving her.
His demonstrations of love were scattered and superficial: had only ever gone as far as a kiss on her temple after making love, holding her hand in a room full of people he didn’t trust, or the three ‘thank you’ he had whispered to her after giving birth to their children (which had almost felt like a promise of love. Almost.) Hardly something more than that.
But Irina had learnt to be okay with it. And so what if her life wasn’t the fairytale she had always dreamt about? She had three children she adored and a husband to share that love with. She was grateful for their mutual respect every single day. He liked her just enough, she liked (loved) him a little bit more than what she considered wise. The important point being, they liked each other enough. Saints knew most of her friends would call themselves fortunate if their marriages were anything like hers. She didn’t have one thing to complain about. And yet, sometimes, she found herself wanting to hear her husband saying he loved her more than anything else.
Irina smiled at the way Eric was sitting on his father’s shoulders, and how Kira was trying to explain to him the book she had been reading, loudly speaking as to raise her voice above her siblings’ screams. Hating to be the bearer of bad news, she yelled, hoping someone would pay attention to her , “Anya, Eric, you have played with your father enough, now please go to the bathroom.” Irina pleaded, taking the boy in her arms. 
Her husband saw what a hard time his wife was having trying to get the kids to behave, knowing he was mostly the cause of the children’s distraction, and so he decided to help her:
“Tomorrow we can keep on playing but only if you do as your mother says and go have a bath.” Aleksander said sternly, which managed to get the two kids walking towards the bathroom on their own. 
“Thank you.” Irina muttered, grateful for his help. She leaned towards him to help him out of his kefta. “I’ve been running after them for like an hour…you could use a bath as well, you know. To clean the journey off.” She added, partly because she knew how long he had travelled to get home, and partly because of the smell coming from his coat.
“I think I’ll get on with that.” He agreed, walking in the opposite direction, towards their shared room. 
Irina bathed her kids, making sure that they were properly cleaned and washed. She let them play a bit, allowing them to splash water all over the floor, and then she tucked them in bed. She kissed all of them goodnight and as she was turning all the lights off, she heard Kira’s voice. “Mama, what about our story?”
“We went riding today, then you’ve had your lessons, we visited Grandmama… aren’t you too tired?” She chuckled. 
“We’re never too tired for a story!” Anya giggled. 
“Okay then,” Irina gave in, sitting at the end of Eric’s bed, “you shall get half a story today.”
“Why half a story?” Kira asked, as she and her sister jumped from their beds to go lay beside their brother.
“Because this is the story about a boy who fell in love with the moon, and then he took something from her. Something that has yet to be found” 
Kira laughed warmly at that, for the girl loved stories more than anyone else has ever loved stories. 
“Once upon a time, many, many years ago,” Irina started, “the moon had a voice. A beautiful voice, so serene that could make even the most stubborn children go to sleep, and yet so alluring that could convince people to declare their love for someone. At night, just before bedtime, everyone would climb to their roofs and tell the moon their biggest secrets, or to ask her for advice. Because the moon had been in the sky for such a long time, she was wiser than the sun and the stars, (who were a little silly, so it was mostly mischievous kids who talked to them, asking their advice on how to create chaos.)” Irina narrated, tickling the three of them, resulting in their giggles.
“And as many years ago, a boy named Jex fell in love with the moon. He would find the tallest building everywhere he went just so he could be the one speaking closest to her. He told her about his day, and in return the moon would tell him about all the secrets hidden in the sky. The way certain stars could help him find the path home when he was lost, how shooting stars were actually messengers bewteen suns (and that’s why they’re such show offs) , and how, if he focused hard enough, he could find particularly chatty stars who liked showing stories.
 (“Are those constellations, mommy?”, “Almost, Kira. Constellations are the ones that recite poetry, easier to spot in the sky but much more difficult to understand; chatty stars merely tell stories.”) 
“And then suddenly, one night, she wasn’t there. The moon hadn’t come out. Jex spent a whole night and a whole day crying, until, on the second night, he saw her again. The moon had returned. But he was so scared of losing her once more, he thought he could ask the moon for a present, something that would remind him of her even during the nights she wasn’t there. And so he talked to the moon, and the moon told him that she had nothing to offer but her voice as a gift. And so one night, following the moon’s strict instructions, he trapped her voice inside a jar his mother had made for him. And so the next day, he spent it entirely listening to the moon. It wasn’t until the next night he realised what a big mistake he had made. Because you see, the moon had only taught him how to trap her voice, not how to return it. So Jex carefully took care of the jar, so afraid to drain the moon’s voice forever that he would only listen to it when he was desperate for some advice, or desperate for some company. And then, when he was very, very old, he hid the jar in the brightest star in the sky, hoping that, someday, someone would be able to return the moon her voice back.”
“But Mama, why is it half a story?” Kira, the only one that was still awake, asked her. 
“Because, legend says that if you know the right star, and you ask her to return the moon her voice, she will gladly give it away, should she find you worthy of it.” 
“Mama, do you know how to talk to stars?” 
“No I don’t malyshka, I don’t think anyone knows how to anymore.” Irina said, faking disappointment. “Perhaps the rivers, or the seas. But they’re difficult to talk to, they’re far too stubborn.”
“Maybe Papa knows.” Kira whispered. “Because he knows how to speak to the shadows, maybe he can ask them to speak to the stars for us.”
“Maybe.” Irina whispered back. “But, we will have to ask him tomorrow. Now go to sleep, we have a big day ahead. Learning to talk to stars is no easy job.” She kissed the girl on her temple, and left towards her room.
Irina was startled to see her husband waiting for her, under the doorframe of their room.  “Saints, you scared me.” She laughed, closing the door behind her. 
“I apologise,” he smiled, “I was waiting for you so we could go to bed.” He lied, not willing to admit he was listening to her story. As someone who has lived a hundred lives, there weren’t many things in the world interesting enough to intrigue him. He had heard every song, read every book, and most certainly knew every tale by heart. But somehow Irina always managed to come up with a story that lured him enough.
“So,” Irina said, taking her dressing gown off, looking forward to Aleksander telling her about last day’s events, “is it true? Is Alina truly the Sun Summoner?”
“She is.” He said, taking his place on the bed, tucking the bedcover over his bare chest.
“How was it?”
“It was splendid.” He said, his vision lost behind beaming memories. “It was the most extraordinary thing I’ve ever seen.” He looked at her with an apologetic look on his face. “One of the most extraordinary things I’ve ever seen.” 
“Well, I’m happy everything turned out alright and that she got here unharmed.” Irina smiled. “By the way, why did Ivan and Feydor arrive here so much later? Are they fine?”
“I had Alina ride with me.” He explained. “I figured no one would dare attack her again with me by her side. Protecting her has to be my– our biggest concern now. She’s the answer to all of our problems.”
“Their problem or yours?” Irina said in a small voice, failing to look at him in the eyes. 
Aleksander stared intensely at his wife, taken aback by her comment. It wasn’t usual for her to remark about such a matter. She usually liked to pretend he was nothing but a normal grisha, leader of the Second Army, yes, but mortal. And he was happy to play along, to spare her mind as well as his.
And so he decided to simply brush aside her comment, not only to avoid a difficult conversation, but because he had learnt the bad way how much of a toll it took on him to think about his wife’s mortality, not that he would ever confess that to anyone. He realised he also was the happiest when complying with Irina's little game.
“As a matter of fact,” he said, hastily changing the subject, “ your mother and father have asked us to meet them in the Grand Palace for a small… demonstration of her powers.” Aleksander added, with a small trace of disgust in his voice. He was probably the only person who disliked the King and Queen more than Irina herself.
“Oh, no.” She whined, covering her face with her hands. “Can’t he just take your word for it?”
“Irina, you know I’m the last person whose word the King would trust.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I was just looking forward to spending the day with the kids instead of having to get them ready for such an event. And I prefer a two week notice before having to meet my parents.” 
“They don’t have to come.” He sighed. “You don’t have to come either, if you don’t feel like it.” 
“I do have to go, I’m the princess and your wife. It’s my one job.” She looked at him. “You’re right, we could leave the kids here, though.” She added, biting her lip. “But I’m just… scared to leave them alone. Even more now with Alina here, knowing how many people are after her. I just feel more at peace when you’re here as well.” 
Aleksander glanced at her with a sympathetic look on his face. “I’ve already told you, even when I’m not here, my guards have strict orders concerning your safety. And, as much as I hate the old bat, Baghra is here too. No one would dare touch them. I’ve made a vow to protect you and them and I don’t intend on breaking my promise.” 
“Thank you, Aleksander.” 
“It’s my job.” 
Irina leaned over to kiss him, an action very much welcomed on his side. He might not love her, he told himself, but he wasn’t fool enough to reject a kiss from the prettiest woman he had ever laid his eyes upon. She left one last kiss on his cheek, and stroked his face with her soft hands.
After that, each turned their lights off and proceeded to try and get some sleep. Irina rolled over and rubbed a hand on his arm, which he grabbed and put over his chest. It was their routine now. One of the small love gestures Irina was very grateful about. Feeling safe, it didn’t take long for her to fall into a deep, dreamfree sleep. 
• • •
Morning was a typical affair for Irina. Aleksander was no longer in bed when she woke up, as usual. She washed her face and put on comfortable clothes just in time to see Eric scuttling towards her. 
“Good morning mayo solnishko .” She greeted him, with a big kiss on his cheek. “Let’s go get breakfast, shall we?” Irina lifted him over her hip and darted towards the war room, where she was surprised to find General Kirigan and his right hand in. The two abruptly stopped talking when they saw her come in. “Good morning.” She said, hesitating on whether to smile or not.
“Lady Kirigan.” Ivan saluted her. He then softened his gaze to look at the toddler in her arms. “Hello there, Eric.” Ivan was a man of few words, Irina knew as much, with a stern face, but he had always been kind to her and her children. He always offered to watch over them whenever she was busy planning an event, and for that she was very grateful. 
“Hi.” The little boy answered with a tiny voice. 
“Someone’s shy this morning,” Irina chuckled, “you must be sleepy still.”
“Lady Kirigan, do you want me to call for breakfast?” Ivan offered. 
“No, that’s all right. I’ll go down myself, you don’t need to worry. I don’t want to interrupt your business. Please,” she said, “go on.” 
Irina had barely exited the room when she heard Aleksander’s voice. “Make sure Genya arrives at Alina’s bedroom early. I want Alina to be perfect today.” 
“I thought Alina wasn’t in control of her powers yet.”
“She isn’t. But she has me.” General Kirgan answered, smugly. “Make sure to tell Genya she has a black kefta made. Not for today’s demonstration of course, but I doubt this is the last one she’ll have to do.”
“But sir, no one else is allowed to wear that colour.”
“Because no one else is the Sun Summoner, Ivan.” He declared. “I want her and everyone else know that I’ve finally found an equal partner.”
Irina felt her stomach twist at her husband’s words. ‘Hunger’ she thought. That she was probably just hungry and that’s why her stomach felt so upset. Embracing Eric with a little more strength than before, she headed towards the kitchen.
• • •
After making sure all of the kids were playing under the safe care of Lilia, a healer that occasionally babysat her children, Irina went towards her room to change into a proper attire. 
She was stunned to see her husband already dressed, ready to go to the Grand Palace. He was wearing his black kefta, and he looked as handsome as always. 
“Oh, you’ve already changed.” She commented dryly, glancing towards the dress Genya had left on the bed for her. It was a beautiful, midnight blue gown that matched her eyes. 
“I have to go make sure Alina is ready for the demonstration. I’m escorting her to the palace.” He said, while helping her get out of her clothes. Irina felt that hideous twist on her stomach again. “I’m going down now. Why, is something wrong?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“No, of course there’s nothing, I just… I thought Alina wasn’t able to use her powers yet. Are you sure a demonstration now is wise?”
“She can’t, that’s right, but it’s not a problem. I’ll be her amplificator.” He answered, stressing that last word in a weirdly alluring manner.
“Oh.” Irina might not be grisha, but she understood enough. And she knew what an intimate moment the amplification could be. She pursed her lips and covered her body with her undergown. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” He asked her, with an intriguing look on his face. It wasn’t like his wife to be so rigid. 
“Of course I’m feeling right.” Irina blurted. She turned to let Aleksander help her button the back of the dress. “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re just helping Alina.” She added, in a small voice. 
She heard her husband snort a mischievous laugh, as if he had found something entertaining about her comment.
“What?” She snapped. 
“Radnaya, are you jealous of Alina?” The General asked, with a cocky smile on his face, which made Irina feel her heart flutter. 
Irina tried her best to put on a disbelieving look on her face. Was she? Could that upset feeling in her stomach be due to jealousy? 
“Oh, please,” she lied, briskly smoothing her dress, as to try and hide the unsettling feeling growing on her chest, “you and I both know we’re way past feeling jealousy for one another.” 
“Is that so?” He teased her, letting his fingers linger around her collarbones after putting a beautiful diamond necklace on her. 
“Yes.” She lied again. “You can spend all the time with her attending to her, helping her, whatever. I couldn’t care less.” 
He suddenly stopped caressing her skin, and backed away a few steps. Irina tried to figure his expression out, but she couldn’t put any name on it other than uncomfort. When in fact, he was trying to hide his hurting as much as she was trying to hide her caring.
“Fine.” Aleksander said, upset. What he thought to be harmless and lustful teasing between the two had turned into the first real bicker they’d had in some time. “I’ll go down and escort Alina, if you excuse me.” 
“You’re excused.” She murmured. 
Aleksander left with heavy steps, leaving her all alone with a heavy heart while she put on her heels. How dare he tease her about such a thing? Most importantly, how dare she break the unspoken agreement her husband and she had made all those years ago about caring just enough about the other?
She couldn’t feel jealous. Because being jealous meant that she cared. That she cared more than what she was willing to admit. All those years of convincing herself that her husband could never hurt her, because she would never care enough. But there she was, feeling like a fool for upsetting Aleksander with such emotions that –as unreasonable as she realised they were– had made her snap in a completely uncharacteristic way for her. Was it really a young girl all it took for her to realise she might care more than ‘just enough’ about her husband? 
Thankfully, a knock on the door saved her from dwelling on such poisonous feelings. “Ivan?” She exclaimed. 
“Lady Kirigan, sorry to disturb you. But the General has asked me to escort you to the palace, since he’s busy getting the event ready.” 
“Oh yes, thank you, Ivan.” She stood up and intertwined her arm with the grisha’s. He walked her around the castle, until eventually they walked past Alina, accompanied of course by her husband. They seemed to be eagerly discussing words that she didn’t get to hear. Irina glared at her husband, but she still managed to give a kind and genuine smile to Alina. Poor girl didn’t have to suffer the consequences of her insane –and completely unfair– jealousy of her. “Good luck.” She whispered to her. 
Ivan walked with her towards the Grand Palace, where they announced her arrival, followed by everyone bowing their heads to greet her. She climbed up the stairs to where the King and Queen were sitting. 
“Mother, father.” She addressed them. 
“Hello, Irina.” They saluted back, as she stood behind her mother. “And where is that husband of yours?” Her mother asked mockingly. “Unattending you, now that he has a new toy to play with?” 
“Mother,” she sighed, “yes. He’s escorting her here. As the leader of the Second Army, it’s his job. And she’s not a toy, mother, her name is Alina. And she’s the Sun Summoner. The one that will free us all. Give her the respect she’s due.” 
“Well, I guess we’ll see about that.” The Queen stated, as the main doors opened, to let Alina and General Kirigan, followed by their army of grisha, into the salon. 
Aleksander proudly stuttered alongside the young girl, who was wearing a golden laced veil over her face. The grisha behind them stopped on their tracks while the two of them approached the stairs. Aleksander nodded at the girl, and Alina shoved the veil back, allowing the Queen and King to see her face. 
“I thought she’d be taller.” Out of all the meaner things her father probably had to say, Irina was happy he chose such a harmless one. 
“I thought she’d be shu.” Of course it would be her mother who put the poor girl on the spot like that. Irina glared towards her. “Well, I guess she’s shu enough. Tell her.. Oh, I don’t know, good morning.” The Queen added, motioning towards the translator behind her. 
“I don’t actually speak shu,” Alina said, defensive “your Highness.” 
“Then what are you?” 
Irina could see the confusion and fear on Alina’s face, struggling to find the answer that her damn mother had made her. 
“She is Alina Starkov,” General Kirigan stepped in, in an attempt to save her from the humiliation, “the Sun Summoner, moya tsaritsa.” Irina was happy he had done that, since she felt bad enough for the girl. “She will change the future. Starting now.” 
He raised his hand to summon shadows, immersing the room on what it looked like the inside of a dark veil. The room was so dark, Irina could barely see what was in front of her. But she could see enough. Her husband was so close to Alina, his lips were almost brushing her ear. He whispered something to her, and then offered his hand to her. 
The second he touched her, a thousand beams of light emerged from her, so bright that everyone in the room had to either squint their eyes or cover their face. The two of them were left inside a massive orb of light, so glaring that the King had to stand up to believe his eyes.
As soon as Aleksander dropped Alina’s hand, she stopped glowing and the room was filled with nothing but natural light and a soaring round of applause. “Bravo, bravo!” People were exclaiming. 
“How long will she need?” The King asked eagerly.
“Destroying the Fold will be no easy feat.” The General said, walking around the girl. “She alone may not be able to do it. She will remain with me at the Little Palace to train… undisturbed.” He looked at her wife, so quickly that no one could possibly notice. But Irina did. Was he enjoying making her suffer?
Irina’s stomach twisted again at her husband's words, trying to remain indifferent in front of him. When will she be able to free herself for the monster that was growing in her?
“Then train her quickly.” The King threatened him. “Our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation, that needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again, the better.” 
“Agreed,” the General said, “moi tsar.”  He proceeded to grab Alina by her hands and whisper something to her that Irina did not hear. He smiled at her, turned around and stormed towards the exit. 
Irina felt her heart drop. Wasn’t he going to escort her back into the castle? She glanced around, but Ivan was nowhere to be seen. Fine. She didn’t need a prince to help her walk down some stupid steps, damn all the protocols that had made her life miserable since she was old enough to speak. She proudly lifted her dress high enough to stop it from touching the floor and headed down on her own. She kept her vision towards the front, to avoid seeing the pitiful stares directed at her from other members of the court, and gracefully left the Grand Palace. 
Once inside the Little Palace, she stormed towards her shared bedroom, and not even the nanny saying the kids were down in the kitchens making a mess stopped her from facing her husband. Her blood was boiling. She could deal with jealousy. She could deal with him flirting with other women. What she was not willing to deal with was disrespect. They didn’t need to love each other, they didn’t need to do as much as liking each other, but they both would always have the decency to respect each other. They would never make the other one look like a fool in front of others. That was their pact. And he had broken it. 
“You couldn’t even help me down the stairs?” She mumbled, once she entered their room. She hastily threw her heels off her feet, and walked towards him to help him out of his kafka. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, “I knew you were still upset at me, I didn’t want to bother you.”
“That’s no excuse and you know it.” She spatted. 
“Oh I do apologise, I didn’t realise you needed help walking down a couple of steps.” He hissed. 
“Saints, Aleksander, you know this isn’t about the stupid stairs. Of course I can manage a couple of steps on my own. It’s about the gesture. I’m a princess, my one and only job is to wait until someone holds my hand and escorts me down. You made me look like a fool back there. You couldn’t bother to help your wife back into the castle because you were too focused on helping Alina.” 
“Alina again, what’s your problem with her? She’s the Sun Summoner Irina, of course she’ll get all the help she needs, from me or any other grisha in this palace. Why are you so bothered with that?”
“I am not bothered with that, of course I’m glad Alina is getting help, and I want nothing more than for her to feel comfortable here, I just… I…
“Oh Irina, would it just kill you to admit you’re jealous of Alina?”
“Yes! Yes it would kill me, Aleksander!” Irina gasped, her eyes covered in a gleam that could only mean tears were about to roll down her cheeks. “My whole life I’ve been nothing more than the fool princess who dreamt about a life out of a fairytale. But this is the real world, so instead I am the fool that agrees on an arranged marriage because it is my duty and I am the fool that pretends to be happy about it every single day for the sake of my children and my honour. But I refuse to be the fool that falls in love with someone who will never love her back.” 
Aleksander resented the words coming out of his wife’s mouth. Out of all the things he had ever thought of calling her, the word fool had never crossed his mind. She was fierce, because from the day they were married, she had kept her unspoken bow to remain faithful to her duties. She was a loving mother and a caring wife, and the kindest person he had ever met. She was smart, and unafraid to speak her mind in favour of the ones who didn’t have a voice. She was gentle, yet witty; her words could disarm men with the same agility his shadows slaughtered them. She was uncommonly bubbly and didn’t mind laughing at herself. 
He wouldn't call her perfect, but simply because shadows were the only thing he considered worthy of being described as perfection. At night, however, with her naked body against his, during those blissful seconds when the overload of emotions forced him to be truthful to his thoughts, he considered her to be a pretty good contender.
It started with an unconscious smile on his lips after one of her jokes, with the yearning to see her eyes become half moons every time she laughed, with the sour feeling of loneliness every time he travelled. It wasn’t until he found himself missing her in one of his journeys that he realised he might be falling in love with her. So he quickly made sure to step on such weakening feelings, and he grabbed the word love and locked it away, without realising he had merely hidden it behind the pretence of caring, as an unintended way to protect himself. Because caring led to disappointment, but loving… loving led to losing. And he had learnt the hard way that he didn’t like losing.
“You are so sure of that?” Aleksander said, closing the gap between them. 
“Y– yes.” Irina whispered, letting the tip of her nose touch his. 
“My darling, have I really been such an awful husband you can’t even phantom the thought of me having feelings for you?” He murmured against her ear. Irina closed her eyes, and he did so as well, feeling the wetness of her tears on his cheeks. “Wouldn’t you believe me if I told you that every day I get to call you ‘my wife’ I am thankful for that, and that I am grateful for the children you’ve given us and that there’s no one else I would rather come back to?”
“I do believe all of those things, Aleksander” she whispered against his lips, “because out of all the things you mentioned, you didn’t mention ‘love’”.
“Some words are more meaningful when taken for granted.” He said, brushing his lips against hers. 
‘Not this,’ Irina thought, ‘I really want –no– I really need to hear you say it.’ But it was too late. She had already given in to her husband’s gentle caresses, to his intoxicating touch, as she always did. Because if her husband couldn’t say he loved her, she was happy enough pretending this was his way of showing her.
author’s note: thank you for reading! i just finsihed watching shadow and bone and i had to write this! should it become a series? i appreciate all feedback <3
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don-daygamerz · 3 years
Our Sanctuary
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Aleksander Morozova x Reader (Family AU)
The Darkling x Sun Summoner!Wife!Reader
Summary: Meet the Morozova family.
Sequel: Weeds Amongst Flowers
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.0K
It was a well-known fact that the leader of the Second Army, General Kirigan, was a dark, ambitious and powerful Grisha in all of the lands. He was feared and hated far and wide but the Grisha respected and lived to serve him. To the world, he was the Shadow Summoner, the Black General, but behind the safe enclosure of the Little Palace he was the savior of Grisha, Ravka’s hope, a son, and most importantly two titles he cherished; a husband and a father.
Within the walls of the Little Palace, a pair of small feet ran through the halls leaving a small resounding echo at each step. The halls were empty aside from the paintings, portraits, vases, and other antiquities aligning the hall. The owner of said feet giggled out of joy and cheer but most of all excitement. The little one was excited to explore the Little Palace on his own without any supervision. He was running, jumping, sliding, and screaming in pure giddiness as his imagination took over him. With his little mind preoccupied, without taking notice of his surroundings, the little one accidentally took a bump to a hard but dark ‘obstacle’. He would have fallen had the ‘obstacle’ not caught him and gently set him back on his tiny feet. Said ‘obstacle’ knelt down before the little one with eyes as dark as the night sky but filled with love and pride.
“And what mischief has my little warrior been up to?” said the dark ‘obstacle’ or rather General. The little one looked towards the man with eyes mirroring his own, and replied back with a giggle, “Papa, I was looking for you…I wanted to find you…but couldn’t find you, so I went to make a game of my own.”
“Really,” Aleksander mused then smiled at his beloved son, “and what sort of game was it that managed to draw you away from your mother?” The General playfully taunted his son which made the boy blush in embarrassment and looked down in guilt. “I’m sorry papa… I only left cause mama wasn’t feeling too good and then I thought papa makes mama happy, why not bring papa?” The General gave a soft smile at his boy, he was aware of his wife’s condition. She had been feeling unwell lately and he’s been reluctant to leave her be but she managed to coerce him to commit his duty as the General…besides she wouldn’t be alone…she had Genya and her son.
“Let’s head back to your mother, Aleksei, she’s probably worried,” Aleksander consoled his son as he lifted him in his arms to carry at his side. And they set off to their private chambers whilst talking. Aleksei, a sweet and simple name yet fitting for him. Their son indeed lives up to his name since he believes it’s his duty to defend and protect his family just like his papa taught him. His father always told him that he had an important job now and that was to look after his mother. That was something that Aleksei could never deny nor turn down, for his mother was his entire world. She helped raise him, bathe him, fed him, and love him, and so on. She did everything and Aleksander has never felt more proud having a beautiful wife and wonderful mother to his child.
“Mama has been looking different lately…she’s also been going to the bathroom a lot…” Aleksei said worriedly. “Your mother is just having morning illness. She is now carrying a baby. Could be a boy or a girl. What would you like? A brother? Or a sister?” The General turned to him to hear his answer.
“A brother! So that we could play together and hunt down monsters!” The little boy shouted in excitement.
“And what if you had a sister?”
“I would have liked a brother but sister is nice, I would be the one to protect her! She would be the princess and me, the greatest warrior in all of Ravka!”
The General smiled at that. He knew without a doubt that his first child would do amazing as a big brother to his sibling(s). He had raised him well. Throughout their walk, they had passed by other Grisha and servants. They gave a slight bow to the darkling in greeting as he walked by them and he, in turn, nodded back at them. Aleksei, being a young child he was, and 4 years old, just gave them a sweet smile and small wave which caused them to smile at him. The boy was a darling among the occupants of the Little Palace, in fact, he was also seen as their hope for a better future as he descended from two of the strongest and greatest Summoners. His father, the Shadow Summoner, and his mother, the Sun Summoner.
They had now finally reached the main doors leading to their private quarters. In their private quarters consisted of some bedrooms, the war room, dining room, and their own bathrooms. Just like the darkling preferred. Aleksander put his son to the floor and followed after the boy as he ran to his parents' room.
“Mama!” Aleksei shouted in delight as he burst through the room darting straight to the large bed.
(Name) formed a soft smile on her face as she turned her head towards the source of the most precious sound that nothing else could ever compare. She saw as her son climbed her and her husband’s lavish bed, and crawl towards her. She then reached forward and grabbed her little boy and sat him on her lap, careful not to squish the precious swell of her belly that carried another love of hers and Aleksander’s.
“Now where did you go off to, little gremlin?” (Name) chuckled as she held her son’s soft cheeks between her hands and gave him butterfly kisses all over his sweet cherub face. Aleksei laughed at the sweet but ticklish affection he received from his mama. One thing Aleksei loved more than anything was being in his mother’s arms and receiving those butterfly kisses.
The boy was laughing out of fun and joy while his father watched the scene from the bedroom door out of pure adoration. Here right in front of him was his entire world, his entire everything. His wife, his son, and his unborn second child. Aleksander never imagined settling down and having his own family but that all changed since (Name) came.
His dear wife (Name), how she had changed him for the better and had given him the greatest gifts in the world. (Name) had miraculously wedged deep into his heart and left a huge imprint. She was his biggest support through all of his endeavors and it would remain so. Side by side they had fought together against the forces of Fjerda and Shu Han for years. And now, both he and (Name) now hold an important objective; protecting their family. Ever since (Name) was pregnant with their first child, she and Aleksander had worked hard to keep their son a secret but the King was adamant that they announce the birth of their child should the pregnancy ever be a success.
Apparently, some nosy maids had managed to pass on the word to the Queen about the Sun Summoner’s situation. This did not sit well for the General and (Name) as they worried for the welfare of their child. They had hoped for a more secure and secretive life but when word got out, there would be no doubt that their enemies would dare try to target their family. Aleksander or rather as the public knows him as General Kirigan managed to sway the King’s interests in announcing his child’s birth and to leave it be for the sake of their protection. The pregnancy was not easy since it was obviously (Name)’s first time. 9 months later, she and her husband were blessed with a beautiful son. Their son bore a striking resemblance to his father; thick dark hair, eyes as dark as the night, and his father’s nose. But one thing he gained from his mother were her soft supple lips. A true beauty they had brought into their world. (Name) and Aleksander believed their son would do great things. In this harsh world, with its fill of wars, poverty, famine, and death, both parents have one light that helps shine away all that is negative, and that is their family.
As the Sun Summoner coddled her sweet little boy, Aleksander stepped forward and went around the bed to sit by his angelic wife’s side. “How have you been feeling? Aleksei says you’ve been visiting the bathroom a lot this morning,” he asked worried as he reached out to hold one of his wife’s soft hands, but (Name) smiled at him in assurance, “I’m fine, the baby is just very active…keeps playing with my organs,” she looked down at her round belly hidden by her white lace nightgown. Aleksei also looked at the bump in wonder and leaned his head to lie on his mother’s belly with both hands beside his head as if laying on a pillow.
“I can feel them, mama,” Aleksei said excitedly.
“That’s because they know you’re there. They can hear you, you know. Would you like to tell them something?” His mother softly told him.
Her son scrunched his cute little face in thought, trying to figure out what he could tell his baby sibling.
“Umm…Oh, I know. Hello, baby brother or sister, it’s your big brother. I can’t wait to see you. We’ve been waiting for you for a looong time, so better hurry! We’re going to play all sorts of games…I’ll even share all my toys with you….I love you,” their son then gave a hug to his mother’s belly. (Name)’s eyes watered slightly at the heart-warming message her son made to their unborn sibling and she knew deep down that her children would be alright.
Aleksander was proud to be raising a caring and loving son, and he would continue doing so. His children will never go through the same challenges as their parents did, never will they suffer nor struggle in their lives. He would do everything in his power to protect his wife and children from their enemies.
His wife, (Name), looked to her husband by her side and asked, “Has Aleksei shown signs of any abilities he may possess?” Aleksander stares back at her and answers, “I believe Aleksei has something to show you…”
Her husband then turned his son, “Aleksei, won’t you show your mother your surprise?”
Aleksei gave a big smile and nodded in excitement. He moved a bit further from his mother with his tiny bum sat on the bed, he then raised both his palms and had them facing one another. His face squinted in concentration as he tried to conjure or rather summon his power at the palm of his hands. “Don’t try too hard, Aleksei, just let it flow and it will come,” His father encouraged him as he couldn’t keep a smile off his face. (Name) looked closely at her son’s hands and her eyes widened. There she saw it. A small black mist swirling between his palms, like a little dark storm.
“I did it, papa! Look! I’m just like you! What do you think mama?!” their son bounced on the bed in delight, laughing at his amazing accomplishment. (Name) smiled and clapped her hands applauding her little boy’s ability. “I’m so proud of you, Aleksei,” she told him happily, “Just like your papa.”
‘I’m gonna be just like papa! I want to be just like papa! Strong, smart, tall, and everything else!”
Aleksander’s eyes watered slightly but held them back. He reached to pick up his son and cradled him to his chest. “You’re going to do even greater things, my lapushka,” he spoke softly on his son’s head as he gave a kiss on his black hair. “Your mother and I are so proud of you. And we love you so much. Remember that.”
“I love you, papa. I love you, mama.” the boy told his beloved papa as his eyes shut slowly, exhausted.
Aleksander and (Name) looked at their sleeping miracle out of pure love and adoration.
This is what they were fighting for. Everything they worked hard for, was for Aleksei and their little unborn bean.
This was their paradise.
This was their sanctuary.
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fific7 · 3 years
Evil Twins - Part 1
Billy Russo & Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: When two worlds which have already collided then collide with yours - that’s an explosive situation.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with quite a lot of lemon zest 🍋 My Fantasy Punisher/Shadow and Bone crossover AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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New York City
Billy Russo awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed and grabbing for his Glock. What the hell? Thunder was rumbling loudly overhead and he sighed, putting the gun back under his pillow and laying his head back down. It was probably the bright flash of the lightning followed by the beginning of the thunderclap that had awakened him.
He was just closing his eyes again when he spotted something, only vaguely visible in the dim light from outside, in the corner of his room. It was…. swirling?
Grabbing his gun again, he sat up and pointed the Glock at the corner. It was getting bigger. “You’ve got two seconds to show yourself before I blow your fucking head off,” he announced, calmly.
He squinted a bit to get a better look but it didn’t make much difference. What the fuck was it?! Smoke? He decided he had no choice and leant over, switching on the wall-mounted bedside light.
The… smoke cloud?… was still increasing, becoming bigger and blacker with every second. Then he saw the vaguest silhouette of a tall figure within it, moving towards him. He leapt out of bed, on the far side of it so it was between him and whatever the fuck this was.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Aleksander Morozova - or General Kirigan, the Darkling, the Black Heretic, the Starless Saint, whichever of his many names he decided to call himself at any given point in time - could see a tall figure brandishing some kind of strange gun at him as he began to emerge from the swirling shadows.
Following certain unfortunate incidents - including a huge and furious argument with his darling mother - he’d decided it would be politic to get out of Ravka for a while, much as he didn’t really want to. But this wasn’t where he should’ve ended up. What was this place?
He emerged completely from the shadows and immediately felt something bounce off his kefta. He heard a ‘ding’ and looked down at the wooden floor at his feet. A bullet.
Looking quickly back up, he saw that the man opposite him was glaring at him, eyes wide and unbelieving, gun still pointing at him. He also realised that looking at this man was like looking in a mirror.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was dumbfounded. He’d just shot the fucker! And the bullet had bounced off him. Fuck. He threw the gun down onto the bed and slid his hand under his other pillow, pulling out his Ka-Bar. No way he’d get past that.
He took a moment to have a good look at the dude opposite him.
Dressed in riding boots and some kinda long black tunic thing, with a black fur-collared full-length cape over it. What a freak! Was he a goth or something? But then he realised something even freakier…. this guy looked exactly like him.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The two of them were still contemplating each other, when finally Billy spoke. “Who are you? And what are you?”
Aleksander laughed. “Usually it’s me asking those questions.” Billy huffed, “You’re in my fuckin’ apartment, so just answer them!” He saw the guy draw himself up, and he said, “I am Aleksander Morozova, also known as General Kirigan, commander of the Second Army of the Grisha.”
“Means fuck all to me,” grunted Billy. “One name not enough for you? And why do you look like me? Are you some kinda shapeshifter or somethin’?”
“I have many names because I am centuries old. And I don’t know what a… shapeshifter?…is,” said the other, “…but I am the Shadow Summoner. And who are you? Where is this?” he waved a hand round at the apartment.
Billy scoffed, “Centuries old?!! Oh fuck off. You’re the same age as me by the looks of ya! I’m Billy Russo, ex-US Marine Lieutenant and now CEO of Anvil. That’s a security company, mainly staffed by ex-military vets. And this….” he also waved his hand around, “…is my penthouse apartment in New York City.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I have never heard of that place.”
Billy eye-rolled, “How can you not have heard of New York?!” he asked, incredulously. “And what the fuck is a Shadow Summoner?”
“It’s becoming obvious we are from two different worlds. I seem to have been diverted from my intended course, I don’t know why,” shrugged Aleksander. “Well maybe it’s time you took off to wherever it is you were headed for in the first place,” said Billy.
“It seems that I have been brought here for some specific reason,” replied Aleksander, “and it also seems I cannot leave for the moment, I have already tried.” He waved both hands around, firstly extending and then curling up his fingers, watching them closely as he did but it was clear that nothing at all was happening. “You see? Nothing. It is worrying to me. My shadows are no longer obeying my commands at present.”
Billy sighed and perched on the edge of his bed, “Great! Just fuckin’ great! This is just…! So when can you leave?” The other man spread out his arms, “I have no idea.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
Way across the Atlantic, you were already hard at work in your little bookstore in Appledore, Devon. You had a snug apartment above the store and had filled it with lots of your favourite things. It was a cute little coastal town and you loved living there. The community was small and friendly especially in the winter months, only increasing in summer with all the tourists who came to stay. As long as you made a decent living during the holiday season - which you normally did - then winter was a much calmer, chilled time of year.
You added a final book to the new display in the centre of your store and stepped back to take in how it was looking. Yeah, not bad if you did say so yourself. It was comprised of a fantasy trilogy for young adults about some ancient guy who could summon up shadows, and was a bit of a villain from what you could tell from the story synopsis on the book covers.
Not your cup of tea, to be honest. Generally speaking, all types of action stories were more your thing - something with a bit of ‘va-va-voom’. In fact, you were looking forward to tonight when you’d decided you were going to sit down with a nice tub of ice cream and rewatch one of your favourite series. The one with a relentless avenging ex-Marine whose family had been killed and his psycho ex-Marines buddy. Who happened to be rather hot to your mind.
You sighed a little, heading back behind the counter. That was the only thing about Appledore. It was a lovely place, but there was a distinct lack of hot guys.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Billy and Aleksander were sitting on separate sofas in Billy’s living area, eyeing each other warily. Aleksander had been trying to explain to Billy all about his world, the Grisha, the Fold, volcras, Ravka, the Sun Summoner, sand skiffs - as much as he could.
It had blown Billy’s mind, to be honest. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In turn, he’d explained all about his military career and the shitshow which had eventually developed once he’d come back to New York. Aleksander looked as equally confused as Billy.
Billy sighed, “I mean, what the hell are you gonna do? You don’t belong here. I need to go to work in a couple of hours. I’m not leaving you here so I’d need to take you to Anvil with me, and you sure as hell can’t go out looking like that.”
Aleksander looked down at his kefta which he’d unbuttoned. His cape was draped over the back of the sofa. “What is wrong with the way I look?” he huffed. “S’pose I could always say you were going to a Comic Con,” muttered Billy. “A what?” “A Comic Con. it’s where fans of fantasy comics go to have fun. They dress up as their favourite characters sometimes. I could always say it was cosplay.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I still don’t understand what you’re talking about. Are you saying I’d look out of place in my uniform? All the Grisha wear these,” he pointed at his kefta. “Not what we wear here,” said Billy, “…and I still don’t get why you look so much like me.”
“I have no idea!” said Aleksander, through gritted teeth, “I told you that already!” “Alright, alright! Calm down.” “I AM CALM!!!” roared the other man.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Slightly later that morning, Billy was showered, suited and booted and ready for work. He’d persuaded his uninvited visitor to put on a borrowed leather jacket of Billy’s over his kefta as Aleksander refused to take it off. He’d also made him put on a pair of black trainers, which he’d done very reluctantly. These two items had instantly transformed the freaky-looking guy into someone at least a little more acceptable to your average New Yorker.
Aleksander was wriggling around in the jacket, “It’s not very comfortable.” Billy heaved yet another large sigh - he felt like this was all he’d been doing this morning - “Look, just wear it! You’ll get used to it.” He noticed the other guy sniffing at the collar of the jacket, then his eyes lifted to Billy’s, “You wear perfume?!” “Men’s cologne,” snapped Billy, “or aftershave, as it’s also known because - guess what! - you use it after you’ve shaved!”
His fingers stroking his chin, Aleksander nodded, “Okay, that I understand. We do not use this perfume in Ravka.” “Cologne!” yelled Billy. “Fine, cologne then. Why don’t you like it when I call it perfume? That’s what it is, after all.” “Women wear perfume. Men wear cologne. Okay? Now c’mon, I’m gonna be late.”
Billy strode over to his front door and tried to open it. The handle wouldn’t budge. He shook it, rattled it, pulled the door handle back and forward, exerting more and more strength but nothing worked. He stood back from the door. “It won’t open,” he said, rather unnecessarily. He looked at Aleksander, “Is this you? Or something to do with you?” “No!” he protested, “I have nothing to do with this.”
A somewhat raspy female voice spoke from behind them, “No, but I do.”
The two men swung round, both gaping as they saw that there were what could only be described as rippling waves distorting the whole interior of Billy’s flat. The light had also diminished quite drastically and then they both saw a woman’s head and shoulders start to become defined and then fully visible in amongst the ripples. She seemed to float there at head height but she obviously wasn’t physically present.
“Mother!” exclaimed Aleksander.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
You snuggled down amongst the soft cushions on your sofa, tub of ice cream and spoon in hand and scrolled to the series you were looking for. It was quite gory in places but you loved it - except for the bit right at the end where the hot dude got killed. That made you sad although you couldn’t deny he definitely had psychopathic tendencies.
As you were looking for the one you wanted to watch, another series caught your eye in the ‘Suggested for You’ section. Hey, it must be based on that trilogy of books you had in the store right now. Maybe you’d give it a try after you’d finished your current one.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
“Mother?” echoed Billy, “….what’s going on here?!”
The woman’s head swivelled towards him then back to Aleksander. “My two boys, together again. How sweet.”
“What!?” said the two men in tandem. She gave a bitter laugh, “How I managed to produce two such problematic children, I’ll never know.” “What are you talking about, Baghra?” ground out Aleksander. Billy was just standing there, dumbfounded and looking between the two of them when suddenly her glare focussed in on him.
“Maxim.” Billy returned her stare, “I’m Billy!” he corrected her. She shook her head, “You will forever be Maxim to me. And as I’m your mother, do not argue with me. Now…. no doubt Aleksander has been making a great fuss about how he’s many centuries old, has he?” “He did mention it,” said Billy, begrudgingly. She nodded, “I thought he might have. Listen to me, both of you. You are twins, so obviously you were born within minutes of each other. To me.” The two men exchanged glances, before looking back at her. “It became obvious to me that Aleksander - from a relatively early age - was going to cause himself and everyone around him nothing but trouble and strife, so I took a radical step.” “What did you do, Baghra?” questioned Aleksander.
“If you’d have patience, I’m trying to tell you!” she snapped, before continuing, “I got one of the few Heartrenders in existence at that time to take Maxim out of Ravka to a secret location. There, he placed him in long-term suspended animation. When you…” she pointed an accusatory finger at Aleksander, “….started all that nonsense with the Sun Summoner and hunting for the stag, I travelled with another Heartrender to where Maxim was, and brought him out of his enforced hibernation. I had to protect him as there was no guarantee you’d survive, Aleksander.” She stared at his scowling face and carried on speaking.
“He had no memories remaining of his past life and so I took him into the forest, there is a portal there which only I know of. There used to be more knew about it but I am the only one left now. Other universes can be reached through it. And I decided to send Maxim to another one. This one. It was only three months ago in Ravkan time, but in this universe more than thirty years have passed.”
“Wait… what?!” Billy was pissed. “You… you just threw me into some portal and walked away? Not knowing where I would end up?” “I had to save one of my sons!” she spat out, “…the other one had lost his mind and was on a collision course with disaster!” Billy put his head in his hands, before looking up again and raging at her, “I was abandoned for a second time by the woman I thought was my mother in this universe! She was a drug user, a total mess! I was placed in an orphanage… it was terrible!” He saw a remorseful look pass over her face for a split second, “I am sorry, Maxim! But I had no choice. Then I had to step in again when he…” pointing again at Aleksander, “….was nearly killed by volcras. I managed to get him to the portal before he fully regained consciousness. He thinks it was his idea to leave Ravka after we had an argument, but I managed to plant that idea in his mind before I pushed him into the portal.”
Billy and Aleksander both snorted in unison, then glanced at each other again. Billy looked back at her, “You’re sorry? That doesn’t quite cover it. I went to war! And now I’m in a very bad situation due to things which went down in Afghanistan during that war.” Aleksander chipped in, “And how dare you make a decision like sending me to another universe without consulting me first?”
The sigh Baghra gave echoed round the apartment. “You are a pair of ungrateful whelps! And now it sounds like I have to get you of trouble too!” She pointed at Billy this time. “I firstly had to find some very old documents about it, but I managed to find out how to enter the limbo section of the portal, which this is, because I wished to speak to both of you before I sent you on your next journey.” She lifted her hands and swirled them around in a kind of ritualistic fashion, “Be on your way to the next universe!” she chanted, and suddenly the rippling got even more pronounced.
Billy and Aleksander began feeling overwhelmingly dizzy, feeling as if they were falling but in fact realised they seemed to be rushing through time and space.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
It was Saturday tomorrow so because you could sleep in a bit as you opened later, you finished the first series (but not the second one - it always upset you) of the one you’d originally been watching, and had then moved on to the one based on the trilogy.
You peered more closely at your TV screen - yeah! you were right, the hot bad guy looked so similar to the hot bad dude in the other series they could be twins! Was it the same actor? You’d need to check on the credits but it must be, surely.
No reflection on the series you were watching, but having finished your ice cream you dozed off during episode 6.
You woke up - you had no idea how much later - and as you sat up slightly, realised that you were feeling very strange. Standing up from the sofa, you were so dizzy that you collapsed back down onto it. You tried not to panic, but you’d no clue as to why you felt so unwell all of a sudden.
Then you noticed that your apartment appeared to be rippling. Rippling??!! What the…. The rippling waves began to die down a little and you were suddenly aware of two looming figures standing over you. Their outlines and features slowly became more defined, more solid, and eventually you realised you were looking up at both the hot bad dudes from the TV.
Of course you were.
Okay, your reeling mind said to you, maybe the celestial Powers That Be had been listening when you were complaining about the lack of hot guys in your town.
They were both looking down at you, clear interest in their eyes. Maybe because you were wearing silky shorts with matching tank T. Your sleepwear didn’t leave too much to the imagination.
So you stared at them, and they stared right back at you, although again you were acutely aware of two sets of very dark eyes roaming all over your body.
You wondered if someone had spiked your ice cream.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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sitaarein · 3 years
None Stand Equal In This Dark World
A/N: Officially my largest ever fic so please. Just read it and be nice sob because I’m kinda proud of some of it
Written for @grishaversebigbang 2021!!!
Corporalki: @homicide-depot​
Materialki: @generalnabri (x), @kolarpem (x), @aivicart (x), @maximumbluebirdpatrol , @niadrawing (x)
 (Summary: A murder mystery AU featuring Zoyalai, twists and turns, moral dilemma, and then some more
Read on AO3
Chapter One
The apartment door was wide open.
 In retrospect, that alone should have set off the alarm bells in Zoya’s head. No one left the door to their place wide open. She can’t imagine why she simply dismissed it. 
 Scratch that, she knew why. She’d been tracking this idiotic Grisha for a month now. She was tired and desperate. 
 But it appeared that- who would’ve thought- not being at the top of your game has consequences. 
 Consequences like staring down a man who’s been tied to a chair and gagged in the middle of, what Zoya guesses is, the lounge, eyes wide with terror.
 Zoya is mad at herself for not managing to guess it was a red herring- the damn door - and very, very mad at the Grisha who has, once again, slipped right through her hands. 
 She nods to one of her men, and he immediately drops to the man’s level to untie and presumably interrogate him. Zoya doesn’t stick around for the details- she trusts her people to give her good reports. Instead, after a cursory look around, she tips her head back to face the ceiling, taking in a deep breath, and leaves the apartment. 
 The weather outside took a dramatic turn in the fifteen minutes she was inside- it had been sunny before, or at least as sunny as Ravka ever could get. But now, the sun has all but ceased to exist, and the bitter cold is back once more. 
 Zoya prefers the cold. 
 (She doesn’t, not really, but no one needed to know that.)
 Zoya starts walking, pulling her coat tighter around herself. Her mind races, trying to connect all the dots, trying to figure out where her investigation had gone wrong. Start from the beginning. Don’t miss anything. The most minor of details are the most important.
  The beginning. A woman showed up to their headquarters about her missing family. Those cases were usually dismissed completely, handed over to the police forces- Zoya’s force was Grisha-centric, other cases, no matter how large or important they were, did not concern them. But this case was different.
 The woman was Grisha. 
 Her family weren’t, evidently- and neither did they know that she was. They’d been missing for six weeks, and the odds were pretty heavily stacked against them still being alive. The woman was detained (she was Grisha, this was Zoya’s job ) and a group of officers were dispatched for a search and rescue.
 The officers never returned.
 Alarm bells were now ringing, and the General assigned Zoya to the case. In the time since she officially took over, twenty more disappearances were documented, and all of them in Os Kerva alone. Saints knew what was happening in the rest of the country.
 But Zoya had never believed in Saints, so she found out what was happening in the rest of the country.
 The total number of disappearances in all of Ravka that had this case’s signature mark- an eclipsed sun left wherever the victims were seen last- was an estimated three thousand . Zoya couldn’t believe no one had connected the dots before her. Then again, the entire of the force were filled with incompetent idiots, so maybe it shouldn’t have surprised her. 
  The series of events . Zoya travelled up and down the country with the best of her underlings, talking to anyone who knew the victims, searching their last known places with tooth combs, building up working hypotheses, using all the resources they had available. Zoya was not an idiot. She knew exactly how capable she was. 
 And she also knew when she was fighting a losing battle.
 And so, when she got a call from one of her top detectives about a confirmed Grisha she’d been trailing for some time now who’d begun suspicious activity, she was clutching at straws and willing to take anything that came her way. She met up with her agent, and a few days later, they got the address of the apartment she was currently pacing in front of.
  The present . This part could be summed up fairly quickly. Zoya is, once again, at a fucking dead end . 
 Before she can kick something (or someone) out of frustration, A faint ringing reaches her ears, and frowning, Zoya stops in her tracks. Her phone is never not on silent. Calling Zoya Nazyalensky for anything was utterly pointless- she never picked up. 
  But the GIA has ways of getting into contact with its members regardless.
 Muttering a curse, Zoya digs around her pockets, looking for the infernal device with its grating, high-toned ringing. Finally locating her phone, she jabs the answer button without looking at the caller ID.
 “Yes?” she asks bluntly. 
 “Zoya,” Alina’s voice greets her.  
 Zoya immediately forgets everything that had been on her mind. When Alina calls, it’s rarely for a friendly chat. 
 “What’s wrong?”
“You need to get back here. As soon as possible.”
 “Understood. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
 Alina hangs up immediately, and Zoya pockets her phone, mind racing.
 She orders one of her lackeys to send her a report when they're done, grabs the keys for the van they’d used to get to the apartment from a rather distracted officer, taking off.
 Zoya reaches the Grisha Investigation Authorities in approximately half the time she’d given to Alina, and she may or may not have disobeyed quite a few traffic laws to get to her destination as quickly as she did, but that was frankly unimportant. 
 She strides through the doors, not bothering to acknowledge the many who’ve halted their paths to nod to her or, in the case of a few particularly stupid (or courageous, however you wanted to see it) people, attempt to strike up a conversation with her. She didn’t break her pace even once, until she’d reached the door to the meeting room they usually used to meet up for serious issues. After taking a moment to compose herself, Zoya pushes the door open.
 Inside, she finds all of her fellow Commanding Officers assembled- Adrik, Leoni, Alina, and Genya. Frowning, Zoya scans their faces, and mentally shifts whatever’s happening even higher on her scale of terrible shit to take care of immediately.
 Because not even Leoni, who can find positivity at a funeral, is smiling right now. There’s barely a hint of her optimistic and eternally cheerful personality in her countenance. 
 Zoya carefully takes the seat left for her around the circular table. Her gaze flits from one worried face to another, and she decides to be direct.
 “How bad is it?”
 The question seems to jolt Alina out of her reverie. She looks up, and Zoya feels her breath catch, because she looks so… helpless. Terrified.
 Genya takes it upon herself to answer Zoya’s question with another question, her mouth set in a grim line. “How’s your investigation going?”
 “We lost the suspect,” Zoya admits, her earlier frustration returning with the reminder of the infernal case. “We’re right back to where we started- but without the hope and the general idea of where to start.”
 “I’m not surprised,” Adrik mutters. “Considering who your delightful suspect is…”
 Zoya furrows her brow, and glances back at Genya. “Explain.”
 Genya looks as if she would rather do anything else, but after coming to the realisation that no one else is about to, she sighs and does so.
 “I’m presuming you remember Alina’s case that went cold about two years back?”
  A little too well. Even years later, that case haunts her- the truly horrific killings, from corpses with their body parts stuffed down their throats, to children who had clearly been still alive when burnt, the utter dead ends, Alina’s far too close brush with death, and… the person behind it all.
 “You don’t think it’s the same person??” Zoya demands, horror spreading through her veins.  She can not handle another Kirigan. 
 In lieu of replying, Genya nods to Leoni, who pushes forward a large envelope. Dread pooling in her gut, Zoya opens the package to find pictures from Alina’s investigation.
 “We revisited these when your disappearances started,” Genya says. “And… found more similarities than we’re frankly comfortable with.” 
 Zoya shifts the photos around, and then freezes at one, having caught sight of a mostly blurry but still distinctive calling card. “That’s…”
 “The eclipsed sun,” Adrik provides grimly. “You’re screwed.”
 “Hey, now,” Leoni protests. “We don’t know that.”
 Adrik snorts. “Don’t we? Need I remind you of the damage this person wrecked to the GIA and our country?”
 “How do we know this isn’t just a copycat?” Zoya breaks in. “None of the bodies of the victims this time around have been discovered,”
 “Copy cats still tend to have their own twists on kills, a signature, a mark that’s theirs. While none of the killings for either case have many similarities, they also don’t vary in terms of said signature.” Genya says.
 “Killers are proud creatures,” Adrik inputs.
 “And this one’s no exception,” Leoni says, eyes grim. 
 Zoya looks up. “What do you know?”
 Leoni hesitates, but then gives in. “We got a note this morning. A photocopy should be in the envelope too.”
 Zoya overturns the envelope, and sure enough, a piece of paper falls out. She picks it up, reads it, and crumples it up. 
 “You’re sure this isn’t a stupid joke?”
 “It was in the Director’s office.” Leoni says. 
  Shit.  Zoya glances back down at the crumpled mass she’s still clutching. You will burn on your mistakes. What mistakes? 
 She ignores the faint voice in the back of her head. You know what mistakes.
 Zoya takes a deep breath, focuses her thoughts, and then exhales. “How’s the Director doing?”
“He’s terrified.” All of the COs seemed to be equally startled to see Alina was the one to speak. Her mouth is set in an angry line, and Zoya can guess the track of her thoughts, because they were the same ones that had crossed her mind upon hearing the words- who is he to be terrified? What right did the Director even have to feel scared, when he himself never so much as interacted with the cases???
 Adrik sighs, leaning back in his seat. “Which is what has led us to our current predicament.”
 “And what do you mean by that?” 
 Genya exhales in a huff. “He wants the Mentals on this case along with all of us.”
 “He what.” 
 Alina, lips twisted in a sardonic smile, gestures to nothing in particular. “You heard correctly.”
 “Why ??? This is my case, and I will handle it.”
 “He doesn’t want a repeat of the bad press that came with my failing last time, I’m guessing.”
 “Bad press,” Zoya spits out. “I wonder how much bad press he’ll get when I-”
 “Do not,” Genya warns. “This could be helpful to us.”
  But also a personal disgrace , Zoya finishes the sentence in her head. The Mentals were practically a legend of the GIA- they were special, elite investigators, a whole mix of people ranging from scientists to- if the rumors were correct- ex-spies, who ended up with the cases no one else in the force could solve, and somehow, without fail, solved each of them within a week at the least. 
 It was irritating as hell.
 And having them assigned on your case meant that the Director did not trust you to be successful on your own. 
 Absolutely wonderful.
 “So when are these... spectacular detectives arriving?” Zoya asks. 
 Genya opens her mouth, and then closes it, before starting, “Well-”
 “I hope I’m not too late to this marvelous party?”
 Zoya swivels to see who this truly abnormally cheerful person is, and then blinks. She turns back to face the others once more- Adrik still looks glum, Leoni is smiling her most polite smile, Alina seems to have perked up and Genya is genuinely smiling. They all look… unsurprised.
 Of course they were hiding more secrets up their sleeves.
 “ What,” Zoya finally breaks and asks. “Is the damned PR guy doing here?”
 The aforementioned PR guy pouts. “Is that really what I’m known for around here? My PR duties? That’s quite depressing. Why would you focus on that when you could talk about my stunning good looks, or my undeniable charm, or even my ability to-”
 “Nikolai,” Alina interrupts. “Shut up.” she looks at Zoya, a hint of dry amusement in her eyes. 
 “Zoya, this is Nikolai Lantsov, and he is indeed our PR guy, but he’s also… head of the Mentals.”
 Zoya blinks. He’s what??? And then, wait… they knew who the special investigators were? How long have they known? Why was I not informed?
 She doesn’t voice any of her thoughts, choosing instead to stare, unimpressed, at the blond, who grins at her in response. 
 “If I had known you possessed such astounding grace and beauty, Miss Nazyalensky, I would have made your acquaintance sooner! I’m sure these upcoming days will prove to be an absolute pleasure, provided I get to spend them in your delightful company.”
 “Saints save me,” Zoya utters faintly. “The Director assigned an idiot to my case.”
 “Hey, now!” Nikolai protests. “You haven’t even met the rest of my team yet!”
 “An idiot who talks too much,” she deplores. 
 Genya and Alina both snort at that. In fact, all of her fellow COs seemed to be taking far too much pleasure in this situation. Zoya hates all of them. 
  “Well, now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way,” Nikolai says, to which Zoya distinctly hears Adrik mutter “pleasantries?” under his breath, “I think now would be a wonderful time for me to introduce you to my brilliant team,”
  Genya sits up immediately, looking eager. Zoya wonders what that’s about. 
 She finds out fairly quickly.
 Nikolai ushers in a group of people, and she recognises one in particular, one who she has, in fact, known since her college years -
 David. Genya’s husband, David Kostyk, is a part of the Mentals. Harmless old David. Zoya can’t believe her eyes. 
 She scans the rest of the group, but the others barely seem familiar. The two Shu right in front of David look similar enough to be twins, apart from the height difference. Right next to David is a woman that, with a jolt, Zoya recognises as Adrik’s sister from what she’s heard and seen of her. Bringing up the rear is a man who vaguely resemblesNikolai himself, ducking his head shyly as he enters the room. 
 “Now that your merry party is all assembled,” Adrik says glumly. “Any ideas where to start?”
 “Shouldn’t we at least get to know each other first?” Adrik’s sister asks.
 Adrik stares at her. “I’ve known you since I was born.”
 “We’re not the only ones in the room, Adrik.”
 “Oh, aren’t we ? I can’t say I noticed.”
 Nikolai interrupts their glaring match to finally provide Zoya with names to all the unfamiliar faces. 
 “Tamar, Tolya, Nadia, and Isaak, meet the officers we’ll be working with for the next few weeks or longer- Alina, Genya, Zoya, Leoni, and Adrik,” he gestures towards each person in turn. Zoya briefly wonders how he already knows their names, before realising that just because the GIA didn’t know who the special investigators were didn’t exactly mean they didn’t know the GIA either. 
 “And now,” Nikolai beams. “Let’s get comfortable. It’s time to discuss our present conundrum!”
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the-element-siren · 2 years
Darklina prompt
Idea based on this amazing prompt response from the genius Keira_63. Also, this got away from me a bit and kind of turned more into an outline
Regency au
Lev Starkov has created a comfortable live for him and his children; his daughter Alina and his ward Mal Oretsev. He served with Mal's father in the army and stayed friends. Mal's parents were lost to illness when he was around 8. Alina is absolutely besotted with him while he just sees her as an important part if his life but that's it.
Alina has her debut and is declared the Diamond of the season by the Tsaritsa herself. Most of the men are tripping over their selves to get her attention, including the Duke of Kribirsk Petyor Lanstov. He's had 4 wives, no children, and his reputation is horrible. His alcoholism, drug use and whore mongering is well known to the everyone in society. He is determined to have a child though and decided Alina is the perfect women to finally give him one.
Lanstov tries to court her properly, but too many young men are already filling her time. Then he tries to ask her father for her hand directly, only to get "gently" rebuffed. So he resorts to a staple for all scoundrels, blackmail. Mal has been going overboard at the gaming tables and running up tabs at several taverns and pubs, so Lanstov buys all his debts. He makes sure to accost the family of three at an outing at the park during a family outing. He makes it clear that he either marries Alina or he will drag the Starkov name through the mud and gives them a day to give him an answer.
Lev rushes both of them home and after berating Mal for his irresponsibility, tries to come up with an alternate solution but Alina stops him. She'll agree to marry Lanstov, both men protest but she insists it's the only way because he won't stop, even if they were able to pay off the debts.
An engagement is announced and the banns are read. The whole of society is shocked by this news. A wedding takes place two weeks later, the bride crying silently through the entire ceremony. The marriage only lasted a year, Lanstov spent most of it sick. Alina was, thankfully, only forced to endure his attentions less than a handful of times because of his illness. She spent most of the year acting as his nurse. All the planning for an heir was completely ruined by his own weaknesses. Despite her being a good and dutiful wife, Lanstov barely left her a suitable allowance. The bulk of the family money, what was left after all his overspending and frivolity, belonged to the new Duke.
The new Duke is a distant cousin that Lanstov hated because his mother was a rich cousin that he wanted to marry but was foiled by her future husband. His name is Aleksander Morozov, who was already Lord Kirigan in his own right. He is unable to properly claim his new London property because of problems with his current estate. He allowed Alina to live in the London property in her normal rooms until he was able to claim his new home. He also funds her household.
It takes six months before he shows up in London. He does his best to show her kindness due to her mourning though he quickly discovers that there is no love for the late duke. He is shocked by her story of his horrid actions that led to their marriage. He increases her allowance, gives her own wing in the house if she likes, and gives her the option of returning to her father's home. He also decides to provide her with a more than generous dowry, should she choose to remarry.
Alina decides to remain in Kribirsk house and enjoy her new freedom. Word spreads that Alina has become a rich widow from the kindness of the new Duke. Fortune hunters flock to the residence, including Mal. He has not learned his lesson and his foster father has cut off his allowance. He's been making his money from underground fights. He thinks that there are worse things than being married to someone that he grew up with.
Aleksander and Alina grow close, forming a great friendship. In turn, he has insisted on interviewing each suitor before they meet Alina. Mal fails his interview horribly even though Aleksander knew of his connection with Alina. She actually has not objected that much to Aleksander's high standards.
Mal keeps seeking her out at society events and claiming a dance during all the parties. He tries to play on their shared childhood and how close they've always been, saying these things while trying to ogle the other single women. Alina is aware of his debts and the loss of his allowance from her father. His behavior reminds her so much of Lanstov, who would eye the maids whenever the younger ones would serve them.
We all know what's going to happen. Slowburn, at least until her mourning is over, proper courting, Mal causing trouble because he needs money, scheming society mothers who are trying to get Aleksander for their daughter, an engagement, wedding, and her finally having orgasms and actually enjoying the marital act.
the original tweet that inspired this👇
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yesimwriting · 3 years
Okay!! so both of these are coming at some point!! i have some requests i’ve been working on and i’ve also been working on my original novel (that i hope to get published one day) but i really want to start working on one of my fairytale retellings/AUs(technically not more AU than a regular fic lol)/whatever you want to call them. 
But i can’t pick which one to do first!! 
- Beauty and the Beast retelling 
-Darkling/General Kirigan x reader currently,, but i’m willing to listen to arguments for making this more SOC based and Kaz Brekker x reader, but i think the beauty and the beast theme works better for more SAB based story
- currently focuses on the reader agreeing to take someone’s place as General Kirigan’s prisoner/someone that has to work for him
- I think the plot is going to focus on the reader being a powerful grisha which is part of the reason he took her (like a strong heartrender that can manipulate emotions really precisely,, still unsure if i’d rather her be just human) 
- the reader is low key really impressed with the Little Palace bc she grew up in poverty but she’s trying really hard not to be 
- the (slight) AU part is that Kirigan needs someone of ‘pure heart’ to fall for the person beneath the darkness to unlock more power than ever bc of an ancient curse  (and the person of ‘pure heart’ is the reader bc she has no ulterior motive to like him)
- but then he’s like!! i like her--oh no i like her 
- i see Genya as mrs potts lowkey like she knows that Kirigan wants to win the reader’s love and she’s like trying to help lol 
- Alina lowkey hyping up their connection 
- Reader being all sunshiney and a sweetheart who is literally immune to Kirigan’s angst 
- enemies to lovers excellence 
- jealous kirigan,, jealous kirigan,,, jealous kirigan 
- protective boyfriend vibes wayyy before they start dating lmao 
- honestly a lot of acting cute together but still being like ‘i hate u’ 
- Anastasia retelling 
- Kaz Brekker x reader
-  based lowkey more on the musical than the disney movie (the only real difference in the musical is that someone thinks about killing Anastasia for the Russian revolution)
- the plot would focus on the return of annual rumors of a princess that might have survived a massacre at the palace 
- i would create my own country in the grishaverse for the reader to be the princess of so that i can give it the history i need for my story 
- so you know how in Anastasia Dimitri worked at the palace and he saved Anastasia?? my idea for this one is that the Dregs were hired to kill the royal family that the reader is a part of and bc of what he considers a lapse of judgement, Kaz helps the reader escape bc she was the youngest there and they had an interaction that like tugged at him
- anywayssss.... fast forward years later and Kaz is as hardened as he is in the SOC books, he thinks that the princess he helped died anyways bc he saw her run off in the wrong direction
- but!! the princess’s royal grandmother is still looking for her and this year she’s offering more kruge than ever for the return of her missing granddaughter
- Kaz runs into the reader after she tries to pickpocket him and when he realizes that she’s an orphan that looks enough like Anastasia (same hair color, same eye color, etc) with amnesia he’s like ‘it’s perfect’ 
- the reader is like ?? i don’t know any royal traditions or anything about the royal family,, and also im indentured to this guy who is not going to like this
- and Kaz is like don’t worry about that guy 
- the reader is like ?? don’t worry--
- and he’s like yeahh,, i’ll pull some strings (he’s not really pulling strings, he’s paying for her time but he would never tell the reader that bc it makes her seem valuable and no one wants their time ‘purchased’)
- and then princess training starts!! the reader has to study on family history through textbooks but she still has like no formal etiquette skills and Kaz is like ‘i have a merchling that was part of high society, he can teach you table manners’ 
- Wylan is like you have a what now?? and Kaz is like shut up
- the reader agrees obviously bc Kaz is like i could kill you,, you did try to steal from me, but he’s also like ‘if you’re made a princess you can pay off your indenture and the indentures of your friends’ 
- lots of the crows being best friends with the reader in this one 
- the reader is a gifted medic but touching blood makes her feel ill bc of trauma 
- im thinking of making her a tailor to explain why she brought in so much money for the people she worked for (because she could make herself look like anyone’s type) but im thinking that subplot might complicate things but i do want her to be grisha so maybe a squaller?? idk 
- throughout the story im going to have Kaz think about how he lowkey regrets letting the girl go at the beginning bc it’s an unfinished job technically and bc the family was evil and they did bad by their people 
- reader realizes that she’s been romanticizing this family and that theyre actually bad and she’d rather just stay with the crows 
- kaz realizes he wants the reader to stay 
- both being too prideful to say anything until the reader is like ‘screw it’ but before she can tell kaz (the night before her coronation) kaz is like pls tell me you don’t think you’re her and the reader is like i said i wouldn’t lie to you
- and kaz is genuinely considering killing her to like finish what was started and bc he really hates that family (i’ll explain why he hates the family in the fic lol)
- enemies to lovers bc it’s my favorite,,
-  a lot of everyone being confused on how the reader is allowed to get away with half the stuff kaz allows and then whenever anyone is like YALL ARE ACTING LIKE A COUPLE the reader is like ??this is just how i act? and everyones like YEAH BUT KAZ DOESNT LET PEOPLE ACT LIKE THAT 
- and kaz is like i literally dont know what ur talking about i yelled at her this morning,, i promise i did, it’s not my fault u didn’t see it--i totally yelle--
yall i lowkey want to write both of these NOW but i need to learn impulse control pls,, help lol
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cozy-possum · 3 years
Shadow and Bone AU where Inej and Kaz are the Sun Summoner and Darkling
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Alina dies in the fold, her light not enough, too new, too weak a vessel, Kirigan thinks his plan will fall apart, without a Sun Summoner, the way he’s changed his plan it will fall apart. Until people in Ravka start to pray, and whispers start of Sankt Alina, a light within the darkness, Kirigan takes it and runs.
It brings him to Ketterdam, searching for the same warmth he felt from the mapmaker that left him. He finds it, a woman who doesn’t obey gravity on good days. He moves towards her as he did Alina, how easy it will be to lift a creature from this filth he thinks. He spots a man, Jesper, to the side and scowls, he has no way of controlling him, not like how he could control Malyen.
He offers them jewels, anything they can carry from the Little Palace and he watches how Jesper tenses, how much his arms will be able to steal, he wonders which Grisha Jesper will take. He can see that the girl is softening, Inej, she hisses her name like a snake would before it attacks, but nothing comes and Kirigan’s grin turns sly.
“Inej, surely you wouldn’t begrudge me a show, you’ve been called the finest acrobat.”
“And you came all the way into the filth to look for a dancer, it seems grief has really broken you general.” Kirigan doesn’t recognise the voice but he knows the tone, a non grisha unable to understand.
“I enjoy talent..”
“Kaz. Brekker.” His name spit from his mouth like bullets. He can see Inej does not waiver to him and Kirigan wonders just what Kaz holds over her. He doesn’t need to do much to startle them, Jesper is already too tense from being in the same room so when the shadows lengthen and he pulls forth tendrils, he expects them to cower. Instead Kaz holds his hand, twisting it slightly, thumb hooking down.  
The room is empty in seconds. 
Jesper and Inej are flanking Kaz and Kirigan is snarling at them, the bomb that had gone off behind him blasting the shadows away long enough for them to move. He can feel the knives before he sees them, his shield, the swarming mass of shadows he calls are sliced through, it makes him feel sick, it makes his chest tighten. Inej tilts her head at him and the knives fall from the shield, he doesn’t see fear on her face and he scowls readying himself for another attack from the sides, since they’ve already come from the back and front and he knows none of them had time to move around him.
He feels the ground shake before he falls.
 Kaz leans over the hole that had been blown in and grins a little, nodding to the other crows that are hanging in the rafters or pressed against the window panes.
General Kirigan doesn’t stand back up and the fold shifts ever so slightly closer to Ketterdam.
“We have to go.” Jesper hisses to them and both Kaz and Inej nod watching the hole, before they jump down hoisting the body up and looking between each other.
”No we can’t..” Kaz’s annoyance goes unheard. The General is wrapped in the softest fabric they can find and tucked on the back of the cart as they make their way toward the fold.
Kaz’s limp is made worse for show, they are simply a weak family, hoping to bury their once ailing father. Jesper shivers at the thought, and the one to give them passage offers him a goat, Milo, to calm his nerves. Inej smiles at this tradition, also praying briefly to Sankt Alina for a guiding light.
The fold seems to refuse to swallow them, not that they’re trying to get killed, but when they make it out, when the Little Palace can be seen in the distance, only then does it sink in what has happened.
The light and the dark have both been removed. Unless they’ve found vessel’s better suited.
The Grisha are wary, watching the way the three of them walk into the palace like they’re meant to be there, like they are not carrying the once Darkling, cold and empty like what he summoned.
Jesper assumes it’s to find out what happened, not that they hadn’t been drilling each other on their cover story so everything would be perfect. He’s finding little fault with the way the Grisha are conducting everything, likely someone they can’t see is pulling the strings, as the General was when he met them and his end.
Then they tried to separate them.
Kaz’s cane cracks louder than the squaller’s bone breaking. The shimmer of Inej’s knife is greater than the fire that one of them spits around them. Jesper’s bullets reverb is louder than the heartrender’s scream when their hand is shot through. They’ve reached the door again, intent on backing out before the Little Palace is swarmed, not that it isn’t already.
Then Jesper bleeds.
The room goes pitch black before anyone can register they haven’t been blinded. The sounds of fighting still echo, the darkness magnifying everything.
“No mourners.” Kaz’s voice is soft, he waits for Jespers reply but just receives a wet gravelled groan in pain. The darkness slowly ebbs away, before it pulsates around Jesper, tendrils reaching out, turning his head, moving up and down his arms, the way Kaz would when the medics were never an option.
There is comfort in the dark, for them their always was. Jesper finds no fear when he watches Kaz, hand’s shaking, anger dripping from his hand as the shadows form barbs and sharp edges to keep everyone back.
Inej and him fold over Jesper, trying to stop the bleeding, it’s already mostly clotted, Jesper knows he won’t be able to move and he knows that everyone in the little palace will just use him for the rooms the heartrender’s do not speak of.
They attack Kaz.
The heartrender twisting his hands in a way that Jesper had only heard about in stories, how working with a squaller a heartrender could rip the air from your lungs without you noticing. He tries to call out, to move or warn them, but the strange glint of the knife Inej throws has everyone frozen.
There are burn marks when the Grisha falls. Kaz looks at her as he always does but everyone else in the room would say it was with reverence one displays for a saint.
Sankt Inej, Sun Summoner, Wraith
The whispers swirl around them as do their sciences intermingled in ways those vessel’s before them had not been privy to. The fold does not shrink so easily, but keeping a hold on it while others try to snuff out the raging war around the scar of dark on the land.
солнышко, Kaz whispers to her and she responds with a soft warmth swallowing their clasped palms as they step out to greet Ravka’s armies.
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aquitainequeen · 3 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Great (TV 2020), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: The great actually 'the great' grisha crossover that at least a few of us wanted, Alternate Universe, Shadow and Bone AU, the great au, basically we take out the lantsov family, and stick in the characters from 'the great' instead, I am trying to be a bit more historically accurate than 'the great' was, but I love the show far too much to stray very far from 'an occasionally true story', there is so much swearing in this; I'm so proud, don't fret; the Grishaverse characters start showing up in chapter 3 Summary:
'There is this; Kirigan is going to hate sharing his big find with Peter and the Apparat. You’ll look like a saint incarnate when the Emperor starts screaming and throwing a tantrum.’
‘Indeed. Praise saints for once that I’m married to a complete and utter moron.’
 Empress Catherine may have only wanted to change the world for a few days at this point, but that in no way means that General Kirigan is permitted to monopolize the Sun Summoner.
General Kirigan, who has been planning to change the world for close on two centuries, thinks the new Empress is very sweet.
Alina Starkova very much wants to change the world, but also wants everyone else to calm the hell down and let her breathe.
Emperor Peter just wants to be loved.
I learned how to format words in the description/notes in AO3!!!
I’m very pleased with myself.
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ao3feed-darklina · 3 years
by AquitaineQueen24
'There is this; Kirigan’s going to hate sharing his big find with Peter and the Apparat. You’ll look like a saint incarnate when the Emperor starts screaming and throwing a tantrum.’
‘Indeed. Praise saints for once that I’m married to a complete and utter moron.’
Empress Catherine may have only wanted to change the world for a few days at this point, but that in no way means that General Kirigan is permitted to monopolize the Sun Summoner.
Words: 1603, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Great (TV 2020), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Alina Starkov, Catherine (The Great TV 2020), The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone), Peter III (The Great TV 2020), Orlo (The Great TV 2020), Marial (The Great TV 2020), Ivan (The Grisha Trilogy), Genya Safin, Aunt Elizabeth (The Great TV 2020), The Apparat (The Grisha Trilogy), Archbishop "Archie" (The Great TV 2020), David Kostyk, Velementov (The Great TV 2020), Georgina Dymov, Grigor Dymov, Leo Voronsky
Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, General Kirigan/Alina Starkov, Catherine & Peter III (The Great TV 2020), Catherine/Leo Voronsky, Catherine/Peter III (The Great TV 2020), Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, David Kostyk/Genya Safin
Additional Tags: The great actually 'the great' grisha crossover that at least a few of us wanted, Alternate Universe, Shadow and Bone AU, the great au, basically we take out the lantsov family, and stick in the characters from 'the great' instead, I am trying to be a bit more historically accurate than 'the great' was, but I love the show too much to strive too far from 'based on historical facts; sort of', there is so much swearing in this story; I'm so proud
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winterkoya · 3 years
forever winter ii
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aleksander morozova x wife!oc , aleksander morozova x original female character
summary: Aleksander just wants his wife back. 
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of small injuries, slight smut
part one , part two , part three , part five
“Has he talked?” 
“A lot of lies. Ivan’s with him.”
As soon as Aleksander left the kids with Baghra, he went to look for Zoya so she could take him where his wife’s kidnapper was being held captive. There, in a poorly lit room right under the castle, was a middle aged man tied to a chair, with Ivan at his side to make sure he didn't escape. Aleksander wanted nothing more than to kill him, slowly and brutally, but he knew he was the only one who could have any information about Irina’s whereabouts. 
“I’ve been swindled.” The man said, as the General approached him. “Hoodwinked.” 
“My guards tell me that they caught you fleeing the scene of crime.” Aleksander said, trying to keep calm.
“Yes, I followed them.” 
“Followed… whom?”
“They come from the other side of the Fold.” The man explained. “From the start they seemed, just, a bit… off to me, so when they left our stage, at the fete, I followed them to see what they were up to, and at the time that I walked into that room they were gone and I… Saints, it was… unspeakable. So I ran, I-”
“And I assume you had nothing to do with the tsarévna’s disappearance, is that right?” Aleksander asked him. 
“The princess is missing?” The mad asked with a perfectly executed shocked expression. He seemed disturbed, stunned, sad, all at once. “I’ve had nothing to do with that, like I said, I was only following them… They, the ones who crossed the  Fold must’ve done it, I– ”
“How much of that is true?” Aleksander interrupted him. 
“He did cross the Fold with the others.” Ivan said. “The rest were lies.” 
“What? That’s… no…” The man spluttered. 
“Your heart gives you away.” Ivan explained to him. 
“Do you know we keep records of everyone who crosses the Fold?” Aleksander said. “For the Winter Fete we had ambassadors from Kerch, Novyi Zem, the Wandering Isle, but you didn’t cross with them, did you?” He hissed. “No, you and your… crew, you have another way.”
“I don’t know what you mean, I– I…”
“He does.”
“I’m an entertainer!” The man pleaded. “Oskar, Oskar Krepkov.”
Aleksander got close to the man and grabbed his arm with all the strength from the accumulated rage he had.  The man grunted in pain as he did so. He shoved his sleeve up, and saw all the markings in his forearm.
“Well, that is certainly… entertaining.” Aleksander said. “You are the Conductor, Arken Visser, are you not?” He spatted, as he stepped aside. “You smuggle grisha out of my palace! And now you’ve taken MY wife, Irina!” He yelled, not managing to contain his anger anymore. 
“No. I deal in legal indentures. I don’t mess with Grisha, nor have I got anything to do with Irina.” 
“I don’t need him to say.” The General said. “I had a spy. Nina Zenik. Ring any bells?”
“Nina?” Arken muttered. 
“Last report we had from her was that she’d be crossing the Fold with the Conductors and three rogues from Ketterdam. What their mission was, she didn’t know. She was waiting to meet you all. Now, poor Nina, has not been heard from since. Might that have something to do with you, Mr. Visser?” Aleksander said with resentment. 
“No.” He answered without hesitation. “I don’t.”
Aleksander looked at Ivan, who nodded in response.  
“See? I don’t know what happened.”
“My guess, you struck a deal with these three thieves to kidnap Alina Starkov. But you have a stronger relationship with a certain West Ravkan general who has notions of ruling his own country. So long as the Fold separates him from us. So you made another deal. You put on a disguise. And you played at being an assassin.”
“That’s right. The prize to bring her back to Ketterdam was a million, split four ways. But Zlatan offered me the same number… to kill her. Even more if I brought him the tsarévna as well.” 
“Why is Zlatan interested in the princess?”
“To trade her for West Ravka’s freedom.”
“Liar.” Aleksander called him out. “I would believe Zlatan telling you to kidnap the princess in case Alina is too unapproachable, but you took Irina before even trying to kill Alina. Now I won’t ask you a second time,” he added, infuriated, “what does Zlatan want her for?” 
“He plans on torturing her for information.” Arken cried, trembling. “He wants data about grisha’s movements, he’s scared they’re planning an attack on West Ravka… but figured a grisha would be too difficult to smuggle to Novokribirsk. A human, on the other hand… and since she’s the only human who could possibly be aware of that much information…”
Shadows started to fill the room, much involuntarily to Aleksander. He felt as if he would be consumed by pain, by anger, as fury burned hot on his skin like fire. One thing was getting Irina to offer up as bait but by the way Visser was talking… Zlatan had no intention of delivering Irina back. Not alive, at least. 
“Zlatan offered me two million kruge to take the princess to him, so give me half that, I’ll get revenge for you. I can get close to Zlatan.” 
“Oh, I’ll get my revenge.” Aleksander said. “But first, you’re going to tell me where the princess is.” 
“I– I don’t know, the three others took her, they’re probably on their way to Zlatan as of now.” 
“Well then, have a guess.” Aleksander looked choleric. “Where. Are. They?”
Arken didn’t answer. 
“Ivan.” Aleksander called. The heartrender started to move his hands, causing Visser’s face to contract in pain. 
“Alright, alright… I don’t know where they are exactly, but since they didn’t have any money or means of transportation, my guess would be Ryevost.” 
Aleksander looked back at the two grisha, letting them know it was their time to leave the room. He wanted the man dead. He wanted him to scream in pain, to think of death as the only way out of his misery, but he didn’t have the time for that, he had to get Irina. So a quick, although painful death would have to do. 
He called his shadows, who slowly buried the man and his screaming under a black veil of death. It was done. He had to hurry and go to Ryevost, if he wanted any chance at getting Irina before Zlatan did. 
Because if he dared laying a single finger on her, not even the Fold would be able to protect him from Aleksander’s rage. 
• • •
“Here, for your wrists.” Jesper said, setting a small container in front of her. 
Irina and the three Crows were sitting together at a table in an inn. Night had already fallen upon the small village, and Irina was glad to be around so many people, since she had spent most of the day inside a room, under the skilled care of her captors. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, the Crows weren’t that terrible. They made sure she was as comfortable as possible, and that she wasn’t hungry or thirsty. She hated the fact that Jesper had even surprisingly managed to steal (very reluctant) smiles from her throughout the day. 
“Thank you.” Irina said, grabbing the unguent and spreading it through the injuries caused by the rope. She sneakily looked around and figured it wouldn’t be too hard to stand up and leave the place. Actually getting to run away would be very much impossible, that much she knew. She had seen first hand how handy Jesper was with guns and how much of an artist Inej with knives. 
“Thinking about making a run for it?” Jesper cackled. “Are we really that bad looking?”
“Please,” Irina snickered, “I’m not that dumb. Or strong.” She added, thinking about how the other guy had smashed her against the wall. She unconsciously rubbed her hand against her torso. “What happened to the first man… Arken, was his name?” 
“Oh, Visser.” Kaz nodded. “Probably dead by now. I doubt Kirigan let him live after getting all the information he needed of him.” 
Irina blushed at the mention of her husband, she always felt uncomfortable at other people calling him anything else but Aleksander. She didn’t want to know how feared or hated he was. Most of all, she wasn’t interested in learning about all the actions that had made him so loathed by most.
“Why did you leave him back there? I thought he was your associate.” 
“Business partner. And a back stabber.” Kaz corrected her. “Believe me, he would’ve done the same thing to us without a second thought.” 
“Was he helping you on taking Alina to Zlatan as well?” Irina asked, interested. “That’s what you want her for as well?”
“I don’t think you’re in the position of asking so many questions.” Kaz said coldly. “What we are to do with Alina is none of your business.” 
“It is if I care about her.” Irina snapped. “I don’t want her to get hurt, or used. My husband will kill you for that, you know. He’ll think you were the ones who kidnapped Alina. He won’t believe she left on her own.”
“I’m more afraid of what he’ll do to us when he finds we are the ones taking you to Zlatan.” 
Irina just shrugged her shoulders. Aleksander would definitely be more worried about finding the Sun Summoner than her. Especially when he was so close to finding the stag. She quickly forced herself to think about something else, wondering about what her husband wanted to do with Morozova’s science wasn’t a particularly cheerful activity. 
“The alarm trigger is set.” Inej walked up to their table. “The horses are ready and I’ve stashed the rest of our gear.” She explained. 
“If we don’t move soon, the Black General will be on top of us.” Kaz said. “We can’t waste any more time looking for the girl. We already have this one, let’s take her to Zlatan and call it a day, shall we?”  
“You know, I’m not some sort of ‘bounty’.” Irina complained, mad. “Is it really that hard for you to say my name instead of ‘this one’ or ‘target’?” 
“I call you Irina.” 
“I know you do, Jesper. I meant this one.” She pointed angrily towards Kaz. 
“You know, you have a pretty big mouth for someone who’s being held captive.” Kaz snapped at her. “Why don’t you finish your meal first, instead of trying to pick a fight with us? It wasn’t free, you know.” 
“Well, if you had sold the dress I had to take off you could've made a lot of kruge.” She hissed, bringing a spoon full of food to her mouth. “Now, it’s going to blow up because of that trap you put on the carriage.” 
“Well… a dress as opulent as that one would draw too much attention to us. The less questions we’re asked, the better.” Kaz hurried to say. 
“Aaaand… we also didn’t think of that.” Jesper complained, with a sour expression on his face. He seemed insulted by the fact that he –a mastermind of trade– hadn’t come up with the idea.. “Why didn’t we think about that?” 
“You could try and get it back.” Irina said, but then a major explosion shaked the whole building. “Or not.”
People around them started to panic, wondering where such a noise had come from and if it meant they were in danger. 
“Our alarm.” Jesper said. 
“Split up, it’s much easier to take a Grisha one –on– one than a whole squad of them. Rendezvous at the fountain.” Kaz said. “You are coming with me.” 
He quickly put a restraint on her wrists, and forced her to follow them outside, where they found a whole battalion of Grisha waiting for them. Irina recognised Ivan, Zoya and Polina, and shyly tried to say hi to them, before she was pulled again by Kaz. 
And so she started following Kaz through the narrow alleys of the city, with her heart beating fast on her chest. If other Grisha were there, most probably Aleksander was somewhere close as well. Her excitement dropped when she realised he was probably there because of Alina, but it didn’t matter, Ivan had already seen her and she knew he wouldn’t stop until he found her. 
She considered stopping on her tracks, and simply not letting Kaz run away with her, but she threw that thought away when she remembered the man was armed. Between a bounty and his life, he would certainly not think twice before harming her to run away. Also, (and she hated herself for it) she didn’t like the idea of Kaz, or Jesper or Inej for that matter, getting brutally murdered. 
“I think we should start walking now.” He told her, slowing down. “All the noise from us running would only bring unwanted attention to ourselves.” However, she noticed the way the man was limping. She hadn’t questioned him about what had happened, but she guessed it was most probably an old wound. 
Irina just nodded, and used that time to catch her breath again. She was about to ask him about his leg, when he suddenly drew a knife from his pocket. 
“Wha–” She started to ask, panic rising on her chest, but before she could scream, he was already using it to try and cut the rope around her wrists. 
“You could’ve stayed still.” He said. “Back then in front of all those Grisha. But you didn’t.” 
“W–well, they can be quite brutal… and I don’t like seeing people getting killed in front of me.”
“You were never our bounty, Irina.” Kaz said, gloomily. “And we don’t know what Zlatan really wants from you, nor do we know how he will react if he sees us and instead of Visser. It was stupid to try and carry on with his plan, when we have already one of our own. Jesper and Inej told me this morning we shouldn’t keep up with it, but I insisted. I apologise.” 
“It’s fine.” She said awkwardly. “Well, no, it’s not fine, but I understand, I guess.”
Irina didn’t know whether he was being honest, or if he was simply an extremely intelligent man who realised there wasn’t any possible scenario in which he got away with Irina still by his side. Perhaps, both. He was about to finish cutting the rope, when she felt it. The shadows, approaching them. Aleksander was close. Irina didn’t have time to get happy about her husband being there to save her, before her mind turned into pragmatic mode. As much as she did resent Kaz and the rest, she didn’t want them dead. And, unless Kaz had something to exchange his life for, he would most certainly not be able to make it out alive.
“Stop.” She whispered in his ear. “If you want any chance at not being instantly killed, keep these on me. Trading me is the only opportunity you have, Kaz. Take it.”
“I have a couple of tricks under my sleeve, you know.” He answered, proudly. 
“Yes. But you can never have too many with him.”
Just in time, Irina saw Aleksander appear in front of them, barely visible under the dimly lit alley. She smiled, looking at him with a warm expression. He had come after her after all. She waited for him to run towards her, to embrace her, to tell her how much he had worried. But he refused to even look at her.
“I know you kidnapped my Sun Summoner.” Aleksander said, taking a few steps towards them. 
‘The Sun Summoner?!’ Irina could kill him. She was right in front of him, after a whole day of being held captive, and Alina was what he most cared about? For a moment, Irina wished Kaz would take her a couple more days, just to make him suffer a little longer. Irina scoffed, and started glancing around, avoiding to look at him. “And know you’re going to tell me where you’ve stashed her.” He added. 
“We didn’t take her.” Kaz responded, taking a few steps back. Irina stalled for a second, because, angry as she was, she wanted nothing more than to run towards Aleksander’s arms and break down in sobs. But she was petty, and very willing to make a point, so she started to walk backwards as well. “She fled on her own.” 
Aleksander was taken aback by his answer, not wanting to believe it. 
“Where is she?” He demanded once more. “I won’t ask you again.” 
“I don’t know.” Kaz said, and despite his efforts to appear brave, Irina noticed he was slightly trembling. “It was pretty clear she wasn’t interested in being a captive anymore. She’s probably halfway to Novyi Zem by now.” 
Irina perceived the rage growing in Aleksander, and the shadows spreading around them. 
“He’s telling the truth.” She said, as an attempt to help Kaz. “She left this morning.” 
Aleksander finally looked at her, and she couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. Well, not butterflies exactly. They felt more like bees, Irina resonated.  Because she was indeed almost buzzing from happiness and relief to see him, but she also felt the already too familiar sting of jealousy after he mentioned Alina. 
He stared at her as he had never before. Whether it was love, relief, anger, happiness, pity or fear, she didn’t know. But he had never looked at her so intensely.
“Now, give her to me.” He wasn’t asking, he was demanding. 
“I’ll give her to you,” Kaz said, throwing an apologetic look at her, “if you let me go. Unharmed.” 
Aleksander stalled. He hated people stealing from him just as much as he hated being defied.
“Well, then,” he extended a hand, “give me the princess.” 
Kaz let go of her hands, and used the knife to finish on cutting the rope. She nodded at him, and started to very slowly walk towards Aleksander. She grabbed his hand, and then she clenched his arm, a lot more strongly than she had intended to. He had come. 
Irina let out a sigh of relief when she saw Kaz starting to walk backwards, but then Aleksander started to move his hands. 
“You should’ve stayed in Ketterdam, Mr. Brekker.” He said, and so Irina realised. He was about to cut him. 
“No!” Irina screamed, pushing his arms just in time. Aleksander covered her body with his, and then she heard a series of explosions. By the time she looked up again, Kaz wasn’t there. He had gotten away. A poor barril and the wall behind it had received the worst of the cut instead. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” Aleksander instantly howled at her. 
“You said you would let him go!” Irina yelled back. 
“I never said so.” He hissed. “I merely demanded him to give you back to me.” Irina tried to get her hand back, but he didn’t let her.
“Well I didn’t want you to kill him in front of me.” She muttered. “Not all of us like seeing people getting killed.”
“You think I enjoy killing people?” He gasped. From all the people he expected such a comment, Irina was definitely the last one.
“Well you did seem a little over enthusiastic about killing Kaz.” She said, pulling her hand so hard he had no choice but to let go of her, as she started to walk away from him. 
“‘Kaz’?” He sneered at her. “What, you’re on a first name basis with him now?” 
“Maybe we’re more than simply on a first name basis.” She teased him with cruelty. She knew how much Aleksander hated being mocked. 
“Is this funny to you?” He looked at her as if she had completely lost her mind. “Do you even realise how much of an inconvenience this was?” Irina stopped on her tracks, gasping. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She turned around to face him. “Did my kidnapping come at a bad time for you? I’ll try to schedule it better next time, don’t worry.” 
Irina tried to storm off, but he grabbed her arm first. His hold was strong, but gentler than before. He looked at her, and for the first time, Irina could see how worried he had been. How angry. How miserable. It wasn’t usual for him to tell so much with just a glance. Perhaps she had been a little bit too quick in judging him. She started to feel a clump of emotions gathering in her stomach.
“Irina, what are we doing?” He whispered, caressing her wrists, where they were slightly marked because of the rope. “Why are we fighting?”
Irina stared at him, trying to hold back the tears. Her chest felt painfully closed, as if she were breathing through a sponge. She felt as if all the fear, all the anger, all the sadness, all the pain she had accumulated during the last day was choking her with a lump on her throat. 
“I was gone, Aleksander, for a whole day.” She whimpered. “And then when you find me the first thing you ask about is Alina? How am I supposed not to feel hurt by that?” 
“I am sorry for that, I truly am.” He said tenderly. “It’s just an old, stupid, technique. To make someone think you don’t want something that much so they’re willing to give it to you less reluctantly. I was only trying to get you back.”
Irina nodded at him, she understood. It made sense. She pursed her lips, feeling the back of her eyes in pain from all the unshed tears. She wished he would be more open with his feelings, to spare her from always having to think about all the million different things his words and actions could mean. 
“It’s just that… when I heard Alina come out of the truck, my mind went ‘great, if Alina is here then Aleksander is definitely going to try to find her, so I should stick to her’...” Irina cried, “but then I punished myself for thinking so and I just kept on trying to convince myself that you would try to find me because of me, not because you wanted to find her, but then you finally get to us and you refuse to look at me and ask about her and… and…” Irina couldn’t keep on speaking due to all the sobs trapped in her throat. She felt her legs start to shake, and she would’ve fallen to the floor, hadn’t been for Aleksander, who gently grabbed her waist and made sure she instead softly sunk into a sitting position. He then took his coat off, and put it around her shoulders. 
“Are you hurt? Anywhere?” He asked, concerned. 
“No, they barely even touched me.” She sniffled. “My wrists are a little marked, but that’s all.” She stared at him. He had crouched down in front of her, and looked like he had hardly gotten any sleep the night before.
Hundreds of lives ago, he had promised himself he wouldn’t love again. That he wouldn’t care. That only made him and all grisha weak. For Irina, he had made an exception. He could care for her, but he couldn’t let anyone know so. Because the second his enemies found out he cared about something, they would try to take it away from him. And so far it had worked just fine, because, as much as it pained to see his wife not realising how much she meant to him, she was safe. Until that moment. Because him pretending he didn’t care had not only failed to keep her safe, but had also meant Irina could’ve died without knowing how truly, how deeply, he cared about her. 
“Irina, if I ever gave you any reason to believe you aren’t important to me…” He said, stroking her cheek. “Realising you had been taken was the worst moment of my life. And I’ve lived many, many lives… It’s been a long time since I last wished I wasn’t immortal, but thinking about living the rest of eternity without you… believe me, getting you home safe has been the only thing on my mind.” 
Irina was gazing at him, when she started to sob even harder and harder. She threw herself over him, burying him in a hug. He instinctively hugged her back, embracing her frame with his arms. Her face was laying on top of his shoulders, and he could feel her relentless sobs on his neck. They remained like that for what seemed like an eternity (to Irina, at least; to Aleksander, it hadn’t been nearly enough) and then she pulled back to stare at him. 
“Is– is something wrong?” He asked her, caressing her back with his hands. 
“Oh, Aleksander,” she sobbed, “you’re just really bad at letting me know all of those things, silly.” Irina tried to wipe all her tears away from her cheeks, but they wouldn’t stop falling. 
“I know.” He mumbled. “And I shouldn’t rely so much on assuming you’ll figure it out on your own, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” She said, letting him clean her tears away. She tried to stand up, but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, he embraced her again. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned. 
“I– we almost lost you.” He whispered. 
“Oh, darling.” She said softly.  “I think it’s safe to say you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” 
Aleksander chuckled at her comment, and then he helped her back to her feet, and both started to walk towards the rest of the group. Aleksander never let go of her hand. 
They reunited with the rest of the group, amongst whom she was glad to not see Kaz, Jesper or Inej. 
“Moya tsarévna.” Ivan bowed his head as soon as he saw her. “Do you want me to call for the healer?” 
“That won’t be necessary, Ivan, I’m not hurt.” She calmed him. 
“Are you sure?” Aleksander asked her. Irina nodded, and then looked around, where a lot of people were staring at her, occasionally curtseying. She tried her best to straighten her posture and look as regal as possible, but her back and torso were killing her. She anxiously glanced at her husband, who quickly noticed her discomfort. 
“Ivan, could you go get rooms for everyone? It’s already late, we should better stay here tonight.” 
“Of course, sir.” 
Ivan left towards a path on his right, and when Irina turned her vision back to the front, she saw a man, old, approaching her. He was a small, significantly shorter man, wearing an apron. 
“Moya tsarévna.” He chanted, asking for her hand so he could leave a kiss on it. Irina recognised him as the man whose inn she was taken to by the Crows. She extended it towards him, as any kind and graceful princess should do, she was taught. “I apologise for not freeing you for those vile, grubby criminals before. I hadn’t recognised you.” 
“That– that’s fine.” She nervously answered. “It wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry for the chaos we created, we probably scared all your customers away.” She said with a kind smile. 
“I would like to offer you and your party rooms in my inn, free of charge.” 
“I’d love to stay at your lovely inn, but I’m afraid I won’t accept you letting us stay for free.” Irina said. “I will accept, however, a glass of wine as a present, if that’s alright with you.” 
“Of course, moya tsarévna, I’d be delighted to grace your palate with our most exquisite wine.” The man kissed her hand again. “Thank you.” 
More people started to approach her, whether it was to simply get a glance at her or tell her about their work and shops. Irina tried her best to mindfully listen to everyone, even through all the exhaustion her body was under. At some point though, someone tried to grab her hand and pull her towards them, which made both her and Aleksander fall into panic. For a second, they both thought she was being taken away. He grabbed her waist and drawed her towards him, managing to get people to jump a step back. 
“I think the princess has had enough for today, now if you excuse her, she will go rest now.” He commanded. “Ivan, have you sorted out our rooms?”
“Yes, sir. I was just talking to the owner of the inn. He says our rooms are ready.” Ivan replied, walking side by side with the man that had first approached Irina. “Right this way.” 
The man showed the way to the quaint –but very charming indeed– inn. Irina and Aleksander followed the owner to their room, a beautiful bedchamber with royal blue walls and a mustard coloured bed cover. Right across from the bed was a window, with a beautiful view of the mountains, and a bathtub right in front of it. 
Irina walked over to admire the view, while unconsciously tapping the bathtub with her fingers. 
“Do you want me to call for some hot water?” Aleksander asked her, while taking his kefta off. Irina immediately approached him and took it from him. 
“A bath would actually be nice.” She muttered. 
“I shall ring for some water, then.” 
The owner of the inn very kindly brought enough buckets of steaming hot water to fill the bathtub, and of course brought Irina a full bottle of wine as well.
“Here,” he said, handing the bottle to Aleksander, “maybe you have more luck than me at trying to open it.”
“Oh, Saints,” she gasped, mildly embarrassed, “thank you so much, I thought you wouldn’t bring it!” She noticed Aleksander was struggling to open the bottle, until it eventually snapped with a loud ‘pop!’.
“You didn’t seem like you were joking about it, moya tsarévna.” The man chuckled. 
“Oh, she never jokes about wine.” Aleksander said, very serious. 
Irina made sure to thank the man properly, she closed the door after him, and then nudged her husband on the ribs. 
“That’s not funny.”
“I didn’t intend for it to be funny. Just realistic.” He teased her. 
She glared at him, and then walked towards the bed. She started to sip from the glass of wine, while Aleksander set the bath for her, achingly staring at it. Her whole body kept on hurting so much, to be submerged in hot water (and wine) was just what she needed. She put the glass on a small table at the side, tied her hair on a bun, and started to take her clothes off. 
“Let me help you with that.” Aleksander said, approaching her. “May I?” Irina just nodded, and he slowly started to undress her. She heard him shyly gasp when he took off her blouse. 
“Milaya, you are hurt.” He muttered, stroking a series of bruises she had around her chest and back. 
“It’s nothing, just marks.” 
“Did those three criminals do this to you?”
“No, it was the first one.” She said, letting Aleksander help her into the bathtub. “Visser. The other three were actually not bad at all.” Aleksander remember what a quick death he had granted him, and wished he had tortured him even more. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to call for a healer? Aren’t you in too much pain?” He grabbed a nearby stool and sat beside her. 
“Please, I’ve given birth three times, if you can remember.” She scoffed. Of course he did, he was there for her holding her hand throughout the whole thing. “This is nothing. Pass me the glass of wine?” Aleksander handed it to her, and Irina took a sip of it. “Mmh, this is delicious… what? What are you thinking about?” She chuckled, noticing her husband’s absent minded stare. 
“Oh, nothing.” He almost seemed embarrassed, as if she had caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. 
“Come on,” she smiled, giving the glass another sip, “tell me.”
“Is it true?” He asked, in a small voice. “What you said about Mr. Brekker?” 
“What did I say about Kaz?” She asked, perplexed. She could see Aleksander’s face contorted with anger at the mention of the man’s name. 
“That you were on more than a first name basis with him.”
“Oh,” Irina laughed, “you want to know if I had sex with him? Aleksander, are you jealous?” She mocked him, behaving a little too inhibited because of the wine. 
“You’re drunk.” He sighed. 
“I am slightly drunk,” she giggled, “but that doesn’t change your question.” Irina gestured to her empty glass. Aleksander grabbed the bottle and filled it again. 
“Well,” he insisted, “did you?” 
“Did I what?” She sneered. 
Aleksander grunted and started to stand up, tired of being made fun of, but then Irina grabbed his arm and forced him to sit again. 
“Oh, you mean did I sleep with our dear Mr. Brekker?” She teased him. “I won’t tell you. That’s my punishment to you.”
“You’re enjoying this too much.” He grunted, and Irina noticed he seemed (almost) genuinely upset. 
“Aleksander,” she said softly, caressing his cheek, “do you really believe there’s any chance at all of me being with another man?”
He just stared at her, because whichever answer he gave her would be too big a wound on his pride. Irina understood that, and respected that. 
“How are the kids?” She asked, abruptly changing the subject. “I hope not too scared.”
“They’re great, thanks to you.” He calmed her. “Anya and Eric think you’re on a trip with a friend, having the time of your life.” 
“That’s good.” She murmured. “What about Kira?” Kira, who Irina knew, had too brilliant a mind to fall for her tricks.
“She… did notice something was wrong.” Aleksander said. “But she thinks I’m fighting dragons and monsters to get you back.” 
“Dragons?” She chuckled. “The only thing you fought against was that bottle of wine.” 
“Did I or did I not get you back?” He smiled. 
“You did.” She whispered, closing the small gap between them. “And don’t worry, I know you would fight a dragon for me.” She said, as she kissed him. He eagerly kissed her back, grabbing her face in his hands. “I’m not sure you could actually take a dragon down, seeing how much you struggled with that cork, but–”
“Oh, give it a rest already.” He laughed, helping her up. He took her in his hands, not minding the fact that he was getting him all wet, even during a cold winter night. Because Irina was so, so warm. She felt like one of those temple winds in spring, that smelled like flowers and took the goosebumps out of his skin. She had the power to warm him up like hot beams of sunshine do after a cloud disappears; she felt like soft, warm sand under his feet after getting out of the cold water. More than a raging fire she could fight winter; as long as she was by his side, it always felt like summer to him. 
He gently laid her on the bed, leaving kisses all around her body, invigorated by the sound of her moaning under him. It wasn’t until he kissed her just below her breast that he noticed her flinch in pain. He immediately stopped, and opened his eyes to look at her. He tried to back off, to spare her any more possible pain, but she wouldn’t let him. 
“No, Aleksander, please.” She whimpered. 
“Irina, you’re drunk.” He said, gently. “And you’ve had too tiring a day, it wouldn’t be right.” 
“But I want this.” She pleaded him. She needed him, she needed to know that he loved her, that he wanted her.
“I know.” He kissed her temple. “But you’re hurt, and the most important thing is that you recover now. Let’s go to sleep, shall we?” 
He laid down against the pillow, and let Irina fall against his chest. She could hear his heart beating, starting to slow down after their little session. It was comforting. 
“Will you be here when I wake up?” 
“I promise.”
• • •
Aleksander was indeed there when she opened her eyes. Or rather, he was there when she briefly opened her eyes at the break of dawn. By the time she woke up again, later in the morning, he had already left. Irina looked at her side, feeling the emptiness of the bed like a whole in her heart. She got up from bed and went to the bathroom, to wash her face and brush her teeth. She then noticed an outfit waiting for her on her nightstand; a pair of thick, green pants and a jacket that looked a lot like the uniforms that soldiers had to use. Maybe that was the warmest thing they could find in such a small town, at such an early time.
She put on the clothes and went downstairs, where the owner of the inn had a very luscious breakfast waiting for her. 
“Moya tsarévna.” He greeted her, gesturing for her to grab a seat at the nearest table. “I hope you had a pleasant night’s sleep.” 
“Oh, I slept perfectly, thank you very much.” She smiled. “Is this all for me?” She pointed towards the multiple sandwiches, fruits, beverages and toast that were on the table. 
“Only the finest things in our kitchen.” The man said proudly. 
“Then please, do share this with me.”
“Moya tsarévna, I feel honoured, but I’m afraid I can’t do it.” 
“Oh, but there are few things in the world sadder than having breakfast on your own, with no one to talk to. Please.” She insisted. 
“Well…” The man glanced around, making sure no one else needed his help. “I could share a cup of coffee with you, I assume.” 
Irina smiled happily when he sat down next to her, and made sure to pour a cup of coffee to him. 
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking.” 
“It’s Igor, moya tsarévna.” 
“Lady Irina is just fine.” She reassured him. “Saints, Igor do you like playing cards?” She asked him, noticing the pack of cards on the man’s shirt pocket. 
“I do like to challenge some of my customers with an innocent game of durak, yes.” He chuckled. “Do you know how to play?” 
“Oh, I haven’t played in ages, I’m afraid. But I would love to try and give it a go, and to get some schooling as well. I bet you’re a master at it. Do you mind playing with me?” Irina let a childlike giggle out.  
“I would be honoured to play with you, Lady Irina.” The man smiled. 
Both of them played for almost an hour, when the inn’s door opened. A strong, cold wind hit them on the face, and scattered the cards all around the table and floor.
“Oh, no!” Irina gasped, quickly trying to get them again. She was so busy looking under the table that she failed to notice Aleksander standing right behind her. 
“Hm–hm.” She heard him clear his throat. Irina flinched so hard that she banged her head against the table. She backed away and stood up, stroking right where she had hit herself. 
Aleksander respectfully nodded at Igor, and then grabbed his wife by her hand, directing her towards the room they were staying at. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” She complained, trying to free herself from his grasp. 
“What were you doing downstairs?” He scolded her, after closing the bedroom’s door behind him. 
“I was having breakfast and playing cards!” She spatted. 
“Do I need to remind you that you were kidnapped just two days ago?” He hissed at her. “And now you’re wondering by yourself, with no one to watch over you?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She spatted. “I just didn’t want to be all by myself for two whole hours!” 
Aleksander knew he had just rightfully gotten called out. 
“I apologise.” He said, referring to the promise he had made the night before. “I assumed you would still be sleeping by the time I came back.” 
“What were you doing up so early anyway?” 
“We got a lead on Alina’s whereabouts.” 
“Oh.” Irina pursed her lips. “Well I’m glad to hear she’s alright. When are we going back home?” She asked, knowing she was adventuring into dangerous territory. 
“Well, that’s what I was coming to talk to you about.” He said, sitting at the end of the bed, and gesturing for her to do the same. “We’re going to stay a while longer here, until we find Alina.” 
“No.” Irina said, decisively. “I want to see our children.” 
“You will, in two days at most.” Aleksander said, starting to lose his patience. 
“I wish to go now.” 
“Don’t you care about Alina getting home safely?” He asked, in a harsh tone. 
“Of course I want Alina back home safely! That’s exactly why I don’t want you to find her!” 
Irina felt the rage starting to build up in Aleksander; she had crossed a limit, and she knew it. 
“What do you mean?” He asked in a strained voice. 
“I know what you want to use her for.” Irina hissed. 
“So what now?” He stood up, looking at anywhere else but her. “You don’t want Alina to help us destroy the Fold?”
“I want her to destroy the Fold when she feels ready to do so!” She whimpered. “But you and I both know, Aleksander, that you have no intention of destroying the Fold. Quite the contrary, I’d dare say.” She added, in a voice so small it was hard to listen. 
“How did you…?”
“Oh, please, Aleksander, I’m not an idiot, as you like to think.” She scoffed. “I am, however, very good at pretending ignorance. So if you want to go ahead with your little plan, then fine, by all means, I won’t be the one to stop you now. Go find that… that stag thing and do it. But I want nothing to do with it.” 
They remained in silence, just staring at each other. Irina knew she had surprised him. 
“Now, I wish to go back home, to our children, today. Do you think you can manage that?” She persisted.
“I’ll have a battalion come pick you up, as soon as they can arrive here.” He said, turning his back on her. He was about to leave the room, but then he stopped. 
“How long have you known for?” He asked. 
“Since long before Alina appeared.” She answered, shyly. He turned around, and walked towards her. 
“Aren’t you going to try and stop me?” He asked, almost in defiance. 
“I don’t think you’ll allow me to do so.” She said. 
“I’d let you try, at least.” He said, closing his eyes while resting his forehead against hers. 
“Alright,” Irina nervously said, caressing his arm, “I don’t think you should do it, Aleksander. I understand why, but I don’t think it’s worth it.” 
“It’s the only way.” He whispered. “It’s my only shot at giving grisha the life they deserve. My only shot at keeping them safe, at keeping our children safe.” 
“We don’t know if they’re grisha yet.”
“They will be.”
“Hurting people is never the answer, Aleksander.” 
“You’re right. But in this case, it is our only solution.” 
“Can’t you have faith in people?” She asked, already knowing it was a lost battle. He had been hurt by humans too many times. 
“That will only end up in losing.” 
“Sometimes it’s the only right choice.” She pleaded. “You can’t make barbaric decisions based on an uncertain future.” 
“I won’t change my mind, Irina.” 
“Then why did you ask me to try and do so?”
Aleksander opened his eyes, and kissed her. 
“I needed to know you still had faith in me.”
Irina smiled.
If stories had taught her something, it was that a villain that wanted someone to have faith in them, to have faith in their goodness, was nothing but a villain pleading for someone to save them, even if they didn’t know they needed saving. And Irina was more than willing to take on that job. Because she had always loved stories, she still childishly believed that no one had bad intentions, only bad measures. Because fairytales had taught her that every villain was redeemable, as long as there was a princess out there who still had faith in them.
author’s note: i had so much fun writing this, i hope you enjoyed it!
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless​s , @sithapprentice​ , @duchessoftheheart​ , @emmamooney​ , @whor3forbenbarnes​
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winterkoya · 3 years
We need more content with Bahgra and Irina. Maybe some Baghra with her grandchildren? Where they spend some time together?
aleksander morozova x wife!oc , aleksander morozova x original female character , aleksander morozova family au
summary: baghra spends some time with irina and the kids
warnings: none
Irina was so exhausted after a very long day with the kids that she fell asleep the second her head fell on Aleksander’s chest. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep either, as Irina’s touch always had enough magic to relax him that much.
But Irina had barely gotten a few hours of sleep before a little finger poking her arm woke her up. She opened her eyes and turned around, to see Eric’s sweet face looking at her, with tears in his eyes.
“Mayo solnishko, what’s wrong?” She asked, concerned, hastily sitting up and pulling him against her chest.
“Nightmare.” He sniffled.
“Oh bee, that must have been so scary.” She whispered, caressing his back. “But nightmares are just bad dreams, they can’t really hurt you. You’re with me now, and with Papa.” She added, leaving little kisses all over his face, which made the little boy chuckle.
Aleksander woke up because of all the giggles, and opened one eye to see what was all the hassle about. He noticed Irina kissing little Eric’s tears off, and easily figured out it must have been a nightmare. He was usually adamant about letting the kids sleep in their bed, but he knew both him and his wife needed to sleep, and getting Eric to sleep in his bed back again would take too much time, so he grabbed the little boy and put him between the two.
“If you have any more nightmares, just wake me up and I’ll fight them for you, alright?” He said, with a hoarse voice.
“Alright, Papa.”
Aleksander kissed the boy on the forehead, and then extended his arm over him and rested it on Irina’s waist, which worked like a charm, because Eric went back to sleep as quickly as Aleksander did.
And yet, as honourable as her husband’s intentions were, Irina got little to no sleep the rest of the night. Between how much Eric moved in his sleep and Aleksander’s faint snores, she had trouble falling asleep again. She did manage to drift off in the morning, after Aleksander got up and left more room for Eric on the bed, but Kira and Anya noisily barged into the room, ready to start the day. So, Irina had no other choice but to get up and somehow balance three wild kids with the tiredness due to a night with no sleep. She remembered Aleksander telling her he had to go on a ride with Alina, which would take him most of the morning.
“I’ll try to be here for lunch.” He had whispered to her, leaning towards her resting frame in the bed.
“Hmm.” She replied, sleepish. He kissed her on the temple, and rushed out of the room.
That’s why despite being fairly early in the morning, she already had a big headache and felt as tired as she only did after a very long day. After breakfast, she decided Anya and Eric could play in their room while Kira and she could rest in the bed, silently reading a book together.
They were both seconds away from falling asleep, when multiple loud noises from the room in front of hers snapped the sleepiness out of Irina’s mind.
“Come on Eric, jump!” Irina heard Anya screaming from their room. The words ‘come on’ and ‘jump’ could never mean something good coming out from the girl’s mouth, so Irina quickly stood up and bolted towards the kid’s bedroom.
The little boy had climbed on top of the shelf, as his older sister had instructed him to do and was about to jump onto a bunch of pillows Anya had thrown on the floor. She saw him clench his legs and leap, which would have ended in a pretty messy accident, hadn’t it been for Irina, who ran and catched him mid air.
“Wha— Anya!” She scolded the girl. “You can’t ask your brother to jump from such a high place!”
“Well he told me he was half butterfly, so I made him jump so he could prove it to me.”
“Oh, Anya, you know he’s just— alright, that’s it, why don’t we go visit Grandma?” Irina snapped, feeling the last bit of patience escape her body.
“Can we really?” Kira ran into the room, excited. She loved her grandmother. She loved learning from her and listening to her stories.
“Yes, let’s go.” She rushed them.
Irina didn’t like bothering the older woman, and, as much as she knew Baghra cared for the kids, she didn’t have much patience when dealing with them, but Irina needed some help, someone to look after the kids for at least ten minutes so she could bring her mind back together.
She made the kids put on their shoes (of course Anya chose to wear different ones on each foot) and walked towards Baghra’s cave. Irina usually warned them to enter the place quietly, in case the older woman was teaching a student, but at that time she couldn’t be bothered to do so.
Irina walked inside the cave a few seconds after her children, and she was unfazed to find them already clinging to their grandmother.
“Grandma, when will you teach us magic?” Kira asked.
“Yeah Grandma, I want to set things on fire too! I want to call the shadows just like Papa and you do!” Anya screamed.
“In a few years, I’m sure,” Baghra laughed. She turned her head towards Irina, who greeted her with a tired smile, and looked towards the kids again. “Why don’t we go for a walk? I want you to show me that exquisite garden of yours.”
“Alright, grandma!” Kira giggled, taking her Grandmother by her hand. “Yesterday I planted some tulips, but Anya stepped on them, and now they’re all ruined.”
“I didn’t mean to!”
Irina grabbed Eric in her arms and followed the three outside. She was welcomed by a chill gust of wind, and made sure Eric had his sweater well put before letting him on the ground to reach her sisters, who were already in their small garden, fighting about which flower to plant next.
“You owe me a bunch of tulips!” Kira demanded.
“But I don’t like tulips! They’re ugly!” Anya fought back. “I want to make a mud house! For all my grasshoppers!”
“Grasshoppers don’t live in mud houses, silly. They live in flowers! Everyone knows that!”
“Kira, Anya, don’t… fight,” Irina said, sleepy, trying to catch up with them. She desisted in her attempt to calm the two kids out, hoping they would solve it on their own.
“Are you really not going to change your fifteen years old rule?” Baghra asked her, once Irina reached her side.
“They’re kids, Baghra,” she sighed, “If it were up to me, they would never get tested.”
“You despise the thought of your children being grisha that badly?” The older woman asked, looking intensely at her.
“No, it’s not about them being grisha… I just don’t want them fighting in a war. Or training for one, which you know will happen if they happen to be grisha.” She said gloomily, glancing at the three kids. The dirt was damp, and they were getting mud all over themselves, but Irina didn’t care. As long as they had fun, and left her in peace for a couple of minutes, she didn’t care about messes.
“They are grisha, Irina.” Baghra said, putting a hand on the younger woman’s shoulder. “You will have to get used to that idea. You are the mother of three grisha children. And immortal ones, most probably.” She added, which made Irina get goosebumps. To her, there were barely a few more curses worse than immortality. She had trouble bearing the thought of her children dealing with it.
“I— I know. I just want to keep them out of that world for as long as I can. So far fifteen years is all I’m allowed.”
“I imagine Aleksander is not happy about that.” Baghra chuckled. She knew her son. She knew he would want them to be grisha, that he would want them to be as powerful as he was.
“He doesn’t really mind, actually.” Irina shrugged her shoulders. “He’s okay with it, he’s never really argued about it. But again, he never argues with me about the kids. He’s always fine with whatever I prefer, really.”
Baghra smiled back at her, and then looked at the children again. From the moment she had met Irina, she knew she was too good for Aleksander. At first, she thought that the marriage would end in disaster. That Aleksander would bring the girl to infinite sadness and sorrow. But months started to go by, and Irina had not only managed to keep a smile on her face, but Baghra noticed the small ways in which she had made him better, or happier, at the very least.
“So, where is he, might I ask? Not in another one of his journeys?” She asked, frowning.
“Oh, no.” Irina brushed her comment aside. “He went riding with… with Alina.” She answered, with a strained voice.
“I see.” Baghra smirked, and gave her a knowing look. “How do you like Alina?”
“She’s great.” Irina replied, perhaps too rushed in a failed attempt to make her words sound more believable. “She’s kind and sweet, and they kids adore her, and she’s— ”
“Oh, come on Irina,” Baghra chuckled, “you can tell me the truth.”
“I am telling the truth.” Irina muttered, defensive. “She’s really nic— ”
“So, I really am supposed to believe you aren’t dying out of jealousy of her?” The older woman asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I am over a thousand years old, girl. I’ve gotten very good at the art of reading behind a mask. You can’t stand all the attention Aleksander is giving her.”
“I— I…” Irina stuttered, annoyed, “I might be having a hard time with Alina and everything.” She admitted.
“Nothing can darken a heart as much as jealousy can, my girl,” she said, “be careful. I’m sure my son won’t like it if you point out his… let's call it lack of attendance to you.”
“I haven’t demanded anything…”
“Oh, but you have shown it, I’m sure. A rotten soul is much more noticeable in someone with one as pure as yours.” Baghra smiled. “Well, if it’s of any help, I don’t think Aleksander ever… liked someone as much before, as he seems to tolerate you.”
“Yeah well, to be fair I’m probably fighting against Ivan for that spot.” Irina laughed. She took her eyes away from the children, and was surprised to find Baghra looking rather mad at her. She seemed both upset, and angered.
“I’m being serious, Irina.” The older woman said, gloomily. “We have to take care of that girl.”
“Alina?” Irina asked, opening her eyes in a theatrical manner. “What would she need protection from? I might feel jealous, but I really don’t believe for a second that Aleksander is genuinely interested—”
“You know what I’m talking about, don’t play naive, my girl. That game works with my son but you very much know it doesn’t with me.” She cackled. “I know you’re brighter than that. In fact you’re too smart for your own good. And I know you are aware of what Aleksander plans on doing with the fold, don’t you?”
Irina shifted uncomfortably on her spot, feeling called out. She didn’t know how she was of any help in such a matter. Her husband had his intentions set, and she wasn’t nearly capable of stopping him. If anything, she ironically had most of her trust in Alina; as much as her husband took her for an ally, Irina rather saw as someone who could possibly become a worthy opponent to him. Or at least, that was how powerful everyone seemed to say she was destined to be. Light to his darkness.
“I knew you did.” Baghra snickered. “More than ever now, you have to trust in what I’ve told you.”
“I’m sorry?” Either Irina was too tired to follow the conversation, or Baghra was being even more whimsical than usual.
“That Aleksander feels too much for you. You have to believe in it, Irina. That’s our only hope for him not going through with his plans.”
“Our only hope?”
“That is his love for you.” Baghra sighed.
“Oh, Baghra,” Irina inhaled, “I’m afraid you’re putting too much hope on that. He’s… obsessed with that stag thing, now more than I’ve ever seen him. Being able to stop him… I don’t think I’m up to such a task.”
“I thought you were stronger than that.” She replied, dryly. She looked away from her, and started walking towards the garden, where the children kept on playing. “You can leave,” she said, not looking back, “you seem tired. I’ll stay with them, you should go rest.”
“Really?” Irina smiled.
“Well, that’s why you came here in the first place, didn’t you?” She chuckled. As always, the old lady had an almost uncanny power to see right through her. Irina walked towards the kids, and asked them to behave, before turning away.
“You and Alina… you have something in common, you know.” Baghra commented, before she could leave.
“What is that?”
“You both have very important jobs to do, and neither one sees themselves fitting for such tasks. Unless you two start taking your fate seriously… we’re all doomed.” Baghra whispered. “I know you don’t mean it, I hardly think you’re doing it on purpose…”
“Stop thinking of her as a rival, Irina. She has to become your ally, my dear.”
author's note: i'm so sorry this took so long, and that it's kinda messy and short and i'm so sorry if it's not really that good, i wrote it in the middle of finals ahah. I really loved this request and it has pushed to make sure i write much more content about baghra in the next parts.
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless​s , @sithapprentice​ , @duchessoftheheart​ , @emmamooney​ , @whor3forbenbarnes , @eclectictalecheesecake , @derangedcupcake
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winterkoya · 3 years
a heart can shatter up to four times
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aleksander morozova x wife!oc , aleksander morozova x original female character
summary: Irina and Aleksander’s wedding day. 
warnings: angst
part one , part two , part three , part four
It seemed unfair that, on the eve of her twenty third birthday, an occasion she was most excited about, Irina found herself crying inconsolably. 
Her whole life she had dreamt about a fairytale, about finding someone she could consider her soulmate, someone with whom she would grow old together. And she had been so, so close to getting that, when life decided it had other plans for her. 
Irina was in her room, and night had already fallen upon the castle. She was in her chambers, making sure that all the preparations for her birthday party the next day were ready, when someone knocked at the door. 
“Come in!” She chanted. Vera, one of her maids, whom she liked very much, entered the room, and she welcomed her with a pleasant smile. “Oh, hello Vera. What is it?” 
“Your parents request for you to join them in the library, milady.” The young maid said, with a mischievous smile on her face. “They have something very urgent they wish to discuss with you.” 
Irina jumped from her chair, intrigued by the girl’s grin. She put on her heels, and followed the young girl to the corridor. 
“What do you know?” She eagerly asked, locking arms with Vera. 
“Well, I don’t know exactly,” the other girl explained, “but before I left the room I heard the Tsar and Tsaritsa mention something about your fiance.” 
“Maxim?” Irina asked, confused. Her mother and father had been particularly secretive about her betrothed lately, why were they interested in him all of the sudden? But then a realisation fell upon her. “Do you think he’s finally proposing? Do you think our parents are finally letting us get married?” 
Maxim, son of the Duke and Duchess from Fjerda, had never formally proposed to Irina. But their parents had been very clear, since they were both nothing but infants, that one day they would marry each other, and that their union would bring peace to the countries of Ravka and Fjerda. 
That’s why, ever since they learnt how to write, they would exchange letters, so they could get to know each other better. At first, they would be messy, childish letters, about magical topics such as their favourite things to play and their favourite places to hide in their castles. When they became teenagers, mindless discussions about games and mischief started to be conversations about their interests, their favourite books, their favourite dances and favourite season. What they enjoyed doing on their free days, the kind of flowers each liked to grow in their gardens. That’s when they started to fall in love. Irina learnt how sweet, gentle and caring Maxim was, and he of course fell head over heels for Irina’s kind heart, sense of humour and intelligence. 
Then they became adults, and a teenage crush turned into deep, sincere love and enchant for each other. They quickly found out that they were just as, if not more, excited for their union as their parents. 
They would talk about how their wedding would be a modest, but beautiful, colourful event and how everyone would have the best day of their lives. They would dance until their feet hurt, and sing until they felt their voices strained, and eat until their stomachs were about to burst. They would talk about where they would live, all the places they would travel, the family they would make…
That’s why, when they were both only eighteen, they decided they were ready to tie the knot for the rest of their lives, and so, even though it wasn’t official, they started to refer to each other as their ‘fianceé’ and ‘fiance’ respectively. They were sure they loved each other, that they were soulmates, and that they would never possibly find anyone better. 
And so Irina hurriedly entered the library, excited about the prospect of finally spending the rest of her life with Maxim, and sank into the plush sofa, right in front of her parents. (It didn’t escape Irina that her mother seemed to be on her fourth glass of scotch). 
“Hello, Irina.” The King greeted her. 
“Mother, father.” She said, trying to contain her happiness. “I was told you have something to discuss with me?” 
“Umm… yeah, we do.” He said cautiously. The King started to shift in his seat, not being able to find the words to explain to his daughter the decision the Queen and he had made. “Remember how you were soon to be engaged to Maxim.” 
“Of course I do.” She chuckled, letting a giggle out.
“Well, I’m afraid the plans have… changed, a little.” 
Irina’s smile fell. She knew it. Of course her parents would pull something like that, they were experts in ruining her happiness. They were probably about to tell her Maxim and her would have to wait even more to marry each other, and that the proposal was being once again postponed. 
“And so what?” She spatted, quite indecorously for a princess. “We’ll have to wait another five years to get married? Father you know that’s ridiculou—
“Oh, no, sweetheart, quite the contrary.” Her mother grinned, taking a sip of her drink. “As a matter of fact, you’re getting married in only three weeks.” 
Irina just blinked at them, feeling like an outsider. What? Why hadn’t Maxim mentioned anything in his letters? Was it probably a surprise? She knew she was supposed to feel over the moon about it, her wish was finally becoming reality, but something felt wrong. It was too good to be true. Irina had learnt early in life, she always had to expect the worst from her parents. 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Does Maxim even know—
“Well, you see, honey…” The King started to explain, but was interrupted by his wife. 
“You’re not getting married to Maxim anymore.” She smiled. “You’re getting married to General Kirigan.” 
Irina felt her heart drop so low, she thought she was going to pass out. ‘General Kirigan?’ she thought, ‘As in the Leader of the Second Army? A man she had never met in her life? Someone she had never even talked to? A man who was rumoured to be the most cold and cruel out of all grisha?’ 
“B— but, Maxim and I love each other…”
“Oh, don’t be so naive, Irina.” Her mother spatted. “No one marries for love. No one of our kind marries for love.”
“I don’t even know General Kirigan.” Irina whimpered, trying to hold back her tears. 
“He’s handsome, he’s around your age, and most importantly, he’s powerful.” The Queen explained. “Your union will prevent grisha turning against us, that’s all you need to know. You’re a princess, Irina. Marrying should be in the best interest for our country, not yours. So in three weeks, you’ll marry General Kirigan, and be very happy about it. You’ll be a good wife, and attend to his needs, because that’s your job, that has always been your only job. Am I making myself clear?”
“Yes, mother.” Irina answered, straightening her posture, feeling choked up by sadness. “Might I be excused?” 
“Of course, sweetheart, go.” Her father said, with a dim smile. 
Irina bowed her head, and walked away. As she was leaving the room, she heard her mother saying “I told you you let her read too many fairy tales, Pyotr. Marrying for love…”
The second she knew her parents couldn’t see her anymore, Irina started running towards her room. She sank into her bed crying, thinking her life was over. 
The morning of her birthday, Irina woke up and decided that most adults didn’t understand anything about life. Because everyone had at some point of her life told her that time heals all wounds, but she was feeling just as miserable as the night before, believing that even if she lived a thousand years, she would never stop loving Maxim, and she would never be happy about marrying someone like General Kirigan. She scolded herself for that last thing, given that she didn’t know the man. She couldn’t judge him based on rumours, no, she always liked to give everyone a fair shot. Still, it was hard to ignore all the things she’d heard. 
That he could summon shadows, and slaughtered people with them. That he was merciless, and cruel. That he was a descendent from the Black Heretic. She couldn’t possibly belong with a person like that, right? 
But she cleaned her tears away, and put on a brave face, because her mother was right. It was her job. Her duty. If something as simple as a marriage meant peace for her country, then she should feel honoured to do it. Who knew? Maybe the General wasn’t as bad as he seemed. Maybe he deserved Irina giving him a chance, before turning against him like everyone else did. So she put on a pink dress with golden embroidery (the one she had told Maxim she would wear for their engagement party) and went down for breakfast. 
She sat down at the table beside her brother, and started eating her food. 
“So,” she eventually asked, “when I am to meet the General?” 
“I told you honey,” her mother laughed, “in three weeks.” 
“I— I won’t meet him until our wedding day?” Irina asked, feeling a lump on her throat. She had counted on maybe getting to know him at least in some part before making a lifetime commitment. 
“We asked him to come into the castle one of these days, but he says he’s just too busy.” Her father said, not looking up from some letter he was reading. 
Well, that was inconsiderate on his part. The Little Palace was a ten minute walk away, being ‘too busy’ was not an excuse to avoid meeting your future spouse. She started fearing that all the rumours about the man being colder than ice were probably true. (That’s when the first cracks on her heart appeared). 
“It’s better this way honey,” Tatiana said, “now you won’t have run out of small talk for the reception”. 
She dropped her fork, and started believing maybe her mother was right. Maybe she was too naive for her own good. Maybe, after all, she wasn’t destined to be loved. 
 • • •
The next three weeks went by so fast, Irina remembers all of it blurry. Except for the letters she had received and written to Maxim. Those, she remembers crystal clear, and she kept them safe in a box throughout her whole life. 
It was both nice and heartbreaking to get to know that Maxim was just as, if not more, miserable as her about their engagement being over. But they were both adults, adults with more important things to worry about than love, so they agreed on letting go of the past, and brace for whatever the future had waiting for the two of them. 
They would use their letters to talk about her future wedding, and gossip about the General and all the rumours that surrounded him. Maxim told her that even in Fjerda they were scared of him, and all the dark magical business that surrounded him. They would laugh about him possibly being a troll, dressed up as a human, sent by more powerful forces to condemn all mankind. 
She would write to him details about her wedding dress, the flowers she had picked, which hairstyle she was planning on doing, and in return he would write enthusiastic answers about wanting to hear more, wanting to hear everything about the wedding. Whatever choice she wasn’t certain about, she would write to him and Maxim would help her choose. 
So much was his involvement, that Irina momentanelly forgot it wasn’t him who she was marrying. She was harshly brought back to reality the day before her wedding, when the ceremony to bless the rings was being held, and General Kirigan chose to not be there. (‘He has too much work, he’s an important man, honey’). She had even chosen a black dress, because she had heard he only wore such a colour, and golden hair accessories to combine, but he didn’t bother to show up. (And Irina felt a part of her heart shatter completely, and she thanked the Saints for having blessed humans with three more).
That day was the last day Maxim and her exchanged letters. (Or that is, the last time their letters reached each other). 
Maxim wrote to her that he wouldn’t be able to attend the wedding, but that he was absolutely certain that she would be the most beautiful bride ever. That he very much wished for the General to be a nice, kind man that loved her and treated her right (or else he would have to face his rage), and most importantly that she learnt to be happy. He said he would pray, daily, that she could find joy every single day of her life. He also left a second letter, but said she couldn’t open it until the day of her wedding. 
Irina told him that she wished the same for him, that she hoped he would find someone as generous and as lovely and as charming as he was. And that she promised she would keep on writing to him every single day because, even though they wouldn’t be the fairytale couple she had so very much wished for them to become, they would always be friends. Because he had been her very first best friend, and would always keep on being so. 
And so she woke up, the morning of her wedding, and the first thing she did was open the second letter. 
“My dear Irina, 
I hope that this day is everything we have always talked about. I hope that he tears up when he sees you walking through the aisle, I hope that he fawns over how gorgeous you look, I hope that you dance, and dance, and dance, until your feet are tired, because I know how much you love dancing. And I hope you sing your heart out, and that you play all the games, because if there’s one thing I want you to keep on believing, is that we’re always young enough to have fun and believe in stories. I hope that you wake up tomorrow feeling nothing but joy and excitement about your new life, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. I can’t wait for us to hopefully meet someday, as old friends. 
Until life brings us back together, 
Your best friend forever, Max.
P.S.: I hope you like my present. ” 
Irina clenched the letter to her chest, and sobbed. She cried so much that her cheeks started hurting, and her eyes turned red. She knew she was supposed to be getting a bath, but she owed herself time to mourn about her broken fairy tale. (And she owed Maxim a part of her heart as well, so she felt another one shatter on her chest).  
She got scolded by all the maids, since she had made their jobs harder. She got dressed, with her beautiful wedding gown, all of white lace with rose gold embroidery that patterned dainty little flowers all around her body. The silhouette was tight on her upper body, and fell delicately towards the floor. It had a square neck, and the lace sleeves went from her shoulders up to her elbows. They let her hair fall loose on her back, full of light blue and golden accessories, and put on a very delicate blossom red on her lips. 
Having completed their work, all the maids left the room, and she was about to be taken to the palace chapel, where the ceremony was being held, when Vera entered the room, holding a small box in her hands. 
 “Someone sent a… present for you.” 
Irina looked at her, confused. It couldn’t be from the General, she knew that much. He hadn’t even been interested in meeting her, he would be the last person to send her a gift at such a time. 
She opened the box, and found a hair clip on it that had small, white and rose metal flowers on it. Of course that would be Maxim’s present, she had always talked about wanting that exact clip for her wedding. 
Irina let Vera put the hair clip on her head, and followed the guards towards the first floor, where the chapel was. 
She found her parents waiting outside of the room, both dressed in the most stunning clothes money could buy. Her mother had a happy smile on her face (which meant she had a couple drinks on her as well). Irina was happy that at least someone was having a nice time. 
“Oh, sweetheart, didn’t I tell you this dress would look gorgeous on you?” Her mother told her. 
“Yes, Mama, you were right. It’s beautiful.” Boy, her mother had to be drunk enough to give her a compliment. 
“You look beautiful, Irina.” 
“Thank you, Papa.” 
“We’ll go inside now.” Her mother said. “Now, remember, put on a smile and make everyone believe you’re happy, alright? But don’t smile too hard, or else you’ll get wrinkles.” 
“Alright.” Both her parents kissed her on the cheek, and walked inside the chapel. 
Irina turned towards the closed door, and closed her eyes. There she was. There was no backing away anymore. So she might as well try not to suffer. 
The doors opened, and there, at the very end of the room, facing backwards to her, her future husband was waiting. He had an almost frightening presence. 
He was wearing a black coat (but it wasn’t really a coat, it was a kefta, she had to remind herself), which Irina found tremendously inappropriate for a wedding. Certainly a wedding called for white, while black seemed more suitable for a funeral (although, maybe he did feel like he was in one). Irina felt shivers down her spine at the thought. What if he was so angry about the marriage, he wasn’t even planning on trying to make it work?
Irina kept on harmoniously walking, just as she had rehearsed, doing her best to seem calm and smiling at the guests at her side. A very particular woman, surrounded by grisha, stared at her a little bit more intensely than the rest. She had blonde hair, greying on the sides, and was also wearing an all black attire. Maybe it was a grisha thing, Irina thought. She looked at all the grisha, dressed in different coloured keftas, and tried to remember what Genya had taught her: red for corporalki, blue for etherealki…
So entranced she was on such a task, that before she realised it, she was merely five steps away from facing the man who was supposed to become her husband. She started to feel light-headed, as if she were about to faint. But princesses weren’t allowed to do such a thing, to feel weak, so she decided to empty her mind and just focus on her breathing and pace. 
Four steps.
Irina wanted to run away. She wanted to look for Maxim, to elope together if they had to, live somewhere else entirely without having to worry about rules and duty and stupid wars. She wanted her fairytale. 
Three steps. 
But she was far too old for fairytales. She had a job, obligations, her intentions should lie within her country and her people, not egoistic wishes. Irina was far too old to keep on living her life as if she were dreamily strolling through the sentences of a story. 
Two steps. 
Stories. Her whole life, she wanted nothing more than to belong to one, even if it was about a princess having to marry a monster, and yet at that moment she felt like it was more of a curse than a miracle. Maxim had made her promise she would keep on believing in fairytales, but why would she want to have faith in such a foul one?
One step. 
Kindness. Strength. Bravery. Gentleness. That’s how most of the princesses in stories saved themselves. Their sweetness and good nature helped the bad monster become human again. Maybe she could do the same. 
She looked up, and saw him, and for a moment she forgot how to breathe. He was more handsome than she could have ever imagined, with silky black hair and alluring dark eyes. He was tall, as he towered five inches over her. Her heart started beating faster and faster in her chest, as she saw him stare at her with a very hard to read expression on his face. Was he angry? Sad? Did he considered her pretty? Awful?
Irina noticed him swiftly scan her from head to toe, and then he turned towards the priest again. He didn’t glance her way again, until the monk finished the two brief prayers, blessed the rings, and placed them into the couple’s right hands. She noticed him studying her again, as if he were trying to meet her eyes. But he had made her feel like a fool for the last three weeks (and had unknowingly broken a part of her heart), and she still had some of her dignity left, so she denied him of such a privilege. 
As they were being led into the centre of the church, he stole another quick glance at her. She couldn’t help but look at him, in confusion, for more than it was considered appropriate in front of so many people. He had ignored her for three straight weeks, he didn’t bothered to take a ten minute stroll to the Grand Palace for her, and yet he suddenly felt interested in her? She hastily turned her head towards the front, where the priest was making them stand over a rose coloured fabric. 
The couple positioned themselves in front of each other, and as per the priest’s request, recited their bows. 
“I, Aleksander Kirigan, am marrying on my own free will, and I have not promised myself to another.” He said, in a disturbingly monotone voice. He had a commanding, frightening, and yet very soft voice. He didn’t need to raise his tone in order for everyone in the room to hear him (and flinch as well, Irina noticed). 
“I…” Irina stuttered, unsure. But then she took a deep breath, and exhaled, “I, Irina Lantsov, am marrying on my own free will, and I have not promised myself to another.” Everything she said was somehow true and yet it felt like the biggest lie she had ever told. She didn’t exactly believe in Saints, but if they were real, she hoped they would forgive her. 
The priest continued reciting long prayers, after which he placed crowns on both Aleksander and Irina’s heads. He then continued with readings, and once they were finished he poured a glass of wine, and put it in the groom’s hands. 
Her soon to be husband took a sip, and then she followed his lead. Finally, the priest wrapped the stole around their joint hands. Irina’s hand trembled upon touching his, hoping to feel something, something that meant they were meant to be, but she didn’t feel anything. She didn’t feel a spark, she didn’t feel butterflies on her stomach. That’s exactly the moment when she realised she would have to learn to expect disappointment. Because in fairytales, everything meant love at first sight, love at first touch, love at first kiss. But so far, and even though the General was grisha, she was feeling no sort of magic whatsoever. 
Just like that, the ceremony was finished. They were married. She was married to General Kirigan. A man who had managed to break a part of her heart, before even meeting her. 
• • •
The reception was another let down. Aleksander didn’t want to dance, he didn’t want to play games, he didn’t want to make the rounds. He didn’t want to be there and he did nothing to hide it. So she was forced to spend hours sitting next to him, in complete silence, ocassionally bowing her head towards guests that walked in front of her.
Her feet did hurt, but not because of dancing too much. Her voice did feel strained, but not because of singing her heart out. And her stomach did feel like it was about to burst, but not because of eating too many delicious meals. Everything was happening for the entirely wrong reasons. 
She was about to willingly lose some of her pride and dignity and ask her brother if he cared for a dance with her, when someone approached her. It was the older lady from before, the one that kept staring at her at the chapel.
“H— hi.” She greeted her, moving her chair towards her, much too happy to finally be able to talk to someone. 
“Hello, dear,” the lady greeted her, “I’m Baghra.” 
“Oh, hello… Baghra.” Genya had told her about the older woman, she was some sort of teacher to grisha. And she was a Shadow Summoner, just like General… like her husband, she reminded herself. Her husband. Why was Baghra interested in talking with her, she didn’t know. “I’m Irina.” 
“Hello, Irina.” She said with a kind smile. “How are you enjoying yourself?”
“Oh… well it’s a beautiful event.” Irina smiled. 
“It is,” the woman nodded, “but I didn’t ask you whether the event was to your liking or not, I asked you if you were enjoying yourself.” She added, somehow harshly. 
“Oh, well…” Irina stuttered. That lady was a grisha, and was probably in contact with the General. She couldn’t tell her how unhappy she really was. “I am having a great time. I— I’ve always dreamt of a wedding like this, and—
“You’re not a very good liar, my dear.” The old lady chuckled. “Still, I applaud that you’re trying so hard. Duty is important, you know.” 
“I am not lying.” She smiled, knowing that the General was most likely listening to their conversation. “I am very happy.” Was she trying to convince Baghra, or herself? Her parents had always told her that pretend happiness can be just as invigorating as the real thing, after all. That the brain can’t tell the difference. ‘But the heart can’ Irina always replied in her head. 
“Mmh. If you say so.” 
“Are you… grisha, too?” Irina asked, much too eager to change the subject. “Do you practice the small… science too?” 
“How do you know it’s called ‘small science’?” The older woman asked, intrigued. 
“Oh,” Irina laughed, “last week I practically ambushed my mother’s tailor, and asked her all about grisha and ma— small science…” 
“Well,” Irina explained, “I realised I didn’t know the first thing about grisha, and I was getting married to one, so it only made sense I tried to learn, I guess…” 
“Oh, dear,” Baghra said, pitifully, “you’re much too sweet for him. Please beware of his darkness consuming you.” She whispered in her ear. The woman carefully patted her on her shoulder, and left, leaving a very confused Irina behind. 
She remained still, staring at nothing in particular, thinking about the words Baghra had told her. 
“Don’t listen to her.” Someone said at her back, and she was very much surprised to find the voice belonged to her husband. “She’s nothing but an old fool.” 
“Well, that’s certainly not the way to talk about someone older than you, is it?” Irina scolded him. How could he possibly have listened to what Baghra had said?
Aleksander grinned at her answer, clearly not expecting her to tell him off. “She’s my mother.” He explained, in a small voice.
“Y— your mother?” Irina stuttered. There it went a very bad first impression, she thought. Irina could’ve done so much better than that. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” 
He didn’t answer, as if he had been offended by such a question. She wasn’t in the position to ask questions, she learnt. He just stared at her for a while, and then went back to pretending she was not there. 
When night fell upon the castle, as protocol dictated, Aleksander grabbed Irina’s hand and led her into his— their room. She thought she had done a great job keeping her cool and poise for most of the ceremony, but at that moment, with Aleksander opening the bedroom door for her, she started to feel like she wasn’t able to pretend to be calm anymore. She knew what was coming, her governess had taught her everything about what a husband was to expect from a wedding night. 
Aleksander led her through a room with a gigantic table in the middle, full of maps and paper, which she assumed to be some sort of office (war room, he corrected her) and then they walked inside the bedroom. Irina stayed still for a couple of seconds to soak it all in. Everything in there was mostly tinted a dark green, from the curtains to the bed covers. It was the complete opposite from her room, which was entirely covered in soft pink and light blue, decorated with flowers in every corner, and full of windows, with a beautiful balcony. At least, her new bedroom matched the gloom she felt inside. 
She saw Aleksander unbotting his coat (kefta, she reminded herself) and walked towards him. ‘A good wife always helps her husband undress’ she had been taught. 
“Let me take that.” She said, awkwardly. It almost looked as if Aleksander was about to refuse her help, but then he stopped messing with the buttons, and let her do the work. 
She took his kefta off and placed it in the coat rack next to the bed. 
“So, this is your room?” Irina asked, rather dumbly, she admitted. 
Aleksander simply nodded. “Well, I guess it’s our room now.” He sighed. “You’re welcome to change anything, if you want to.” He also was a pretty bad liar, Irina noted. 
“Oh, no.” Irina brushed his comment away, realising that the last thing he would like was for her to do so. “I wouldn’t like to… I— I quite like the colours. They’re nice.” 
Aleksander pursed his lips, and stared at her, not moving. Was it already time? If so, why wasn’t he moving? Maybe he was expecting her to do so. Irina stared back, and then she started to shakily unzip the side of her dress, when he started to walk towards her. 
“Stop, you don’t… you don’t need to do that.” He grunted, gently taking her hand and placing it against her chest instead. 
“I…I don’t?” She quivered. 
“Irina, I… is it alright if I call you that?” 
“Y— yes.” 
“Irina, I won’t touch you unless you want me to.” He muttered. 
“You won’t?” She asked, shocked. She wasn’t taught that. She was told that on her wedding night her husband would take her, and that she would have to allow him to do so, whether she wanted it or not. 
“You think of me as such a monster?” He whispered, with a faint trace of hurt on his voice. 
“I— I…” she stuttered. Maybe he was right. Maybe she had judged him too fast. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s noth—”
“Thank you.” She spluttered, feeling her cheeks burn. It felt stupid, thanking him for being only decent, but she was grateful. 
“You don’t need to thank me for that.” 
Irina nodded, and looked at him. Maybe he wasn’t that bad after all. Maybe he wasn’t the cold, bitter and cruel person everyone had made her believe he was. They wouldn’t consummate their marriage that night, but maybe they could talk and start to get to know each other and learn about what they liked and their interests and—
“What are you doing?” She asked, with a frown on her face. He was putting back his kefta on. 
“I’m leaving. I have work to do.” 
Aleksander sent her a severe look, and didn’t answer her question. But Irina was good at reading between expressions. ‘You don’t get to ask any questions’, he was telling her. “Don’t wait up.” With that, he left the room. 
Irina stayed still for what it felt like hours. That was her life now. In the hands of a decent, yet very uninterested husband, who would leave her alone most of the time. 
Just like that, all of her hopes of a maybe not so bad life were shattered. She ran towards her luggage, and dug between all of her things until she found it, deeply hidden, Maxim’s letter. Her one last proof that her fairytale had once been real.
She sunk into the bed, tightly holding the letter to her chest, and sobbed until she fell asleep. (And such was the sadness that took over her, that she didn’t feel the third part of her heart shatter, but she did go on with her life, suffering the consequences of living with barely one left). 
• • •
When Aleksander came back, almost at the crack of dawn, he found Irina with her wedding dress still on, sleeping over the bedcovers. He got close to her, and noticed all the dry tears on her cheeks. He then spotted the letter she was holding over her chest, and gently took it from her. He felt a tinge of guilt after reading it, feeling like he had been too unfair towards the girl. She had been just as thrown into an unwanted marriage as he had been, after all. 
Aleksander knew he couldn’t bring himself to love her. But he did promise that night that he would try to make sure she didn’t cry herself to sleep ever again. Not because of him, at least. 
author’s note: i dont think i love how this part turned out, but i wanted to post something before i had my finals! (which means, i might edit it a little bit some other day) 
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless​s , @sithapprentice​ , @duchessoftheheart​ , @emmamooney​ , @whor3forbenbarnes
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winterkoya · 3 years
forever winter i
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aleksander morozova x wife!oc , aleksander morozova x original female character , aleksander morozova family au summary: in which Arken Visser (the Conductor) was not only requested by General Zlatan to kill Alina, but to kidnap the princess as well. 
warnings: kidnapping, angst, fluff
part one , part two , part four , part five
Aleksander tried to enter his children’s room, but found the door to be locked. That was weird, he thought, their room was never locked.  
“Who’s this?” A tiny voice asked from behind the wood. Kira’s. 
“It’s me… Papa.” He answered, confused. Why wasn’t Irina answering the door herself? 
He heard the lock turn, and was surprised to see that everything looked… normal. Anya and Eric were building a ship with some blocks, and Kira was the one who answered the door to him, already wearing her nightgown. Yet Irina was nowhere to be seen.  
“Children, where is your mother?”
After noticing his wife hadn't returned to the party in quite some time, Aleksander decided to go look for her himself. As frivolous as he thought these balls were, he understood what an important presence Irina was on them. (And he wouldn’t admit so, but the jokes weren’t as funny and the conversations were duller and the mood wasn’t as happy if she wasn’t there.)  She was the tsarévna, after all. So he went up to look for her at the kids’ room, but she wasn’t there. He immediately noticed something was out of place. It wasn’t like Irina to disappear like that, especially from a party. She was supposed to sneak out of the ball to kiss the kids goodnight and then come back. Where was she?
He tried to ignore the heavy feeling on his chest, because why, why was he so worried? He surely had more important business to attend than to see where his wife had run off to? Like Alina, Alina who was waiting for him to escort her to dinner. Or the infuriating tracker he had just dealt with, who refused to let him know where the stag was unless he was allowed to see Alina. And yet, he knew he wouldn’t be at peace until he saw his wife, safe and sound.
“She’s with a friend.” Anya responded, shrugging her shoulders, as she helped her brother put the blocks in place.
“Which friend?” He sighed, feeling his chest a little lighter. It was the Winter Fete, after all. People came from everywhere. It wouldn’t be weird for Irina to run into an old friend, and decide to catch up with them. She was such a social butterfly, Aleksander had a hard time himself keeping up with all of the people she talked to. 
“I don’t know,” Anya spoke again, “but she said she’ll go with him on a journey and we should keep on playing until you come here.” 
“A journey?” Aleksander couldn’t be more bewildered if he tried. But again, Irina liked to call everything a journey. Whenever she went to take care of her garden, she would tell the kids she was going on a journey to discover a magical hidden house between the flowers where small people lived. Whenever obligations forced them to travel to other castles, Irina liked to tell the kids they were going on a trip to investigate a haunted palace. She liked to make everything magical. (Aleksander always found it amazing how, even though she was no grisha, Irina has always been the most magical person he had ever met.)
“Well, did she say anything else?” He asked, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. 
“She kissed us all and said that she loved us very, very much.” Great, another dead lead. Irina was always telling her kids how much she loved them. The fact that she had done so that night meant nothing out of the ordinary.  
Still, Aleksander felt something was off. He left the room, already starting to look for Ivan to have the guards quietly search the castle and find her, when he heard small footsteps approaching towards him. He turned around to see his eldest daughter standing behind him in the middle of the corridor, while anxiously glancing around her. 
“What’s wrong, Kira?” He asked, worriedly. The girl was looking at him with fear, and because he knew his daughter so much, he noticed she was about to cry. He rapidly approached her, and grabbed the girl’s hand.
“I don’t think it was a friend, Papa.” She whimpered. 
Aleksander crouched down, so he could be at the same height as her. He caressed her face with his hand, gently removing a tear from her cheek. 
“Why do you say that?” He asked, feeling his heart beating so fast Aleksander was positive it would fly out of his chest at any moment. 
“Papa, he had a… weapon.” 
• • •
Unlike everyone else in the room, Irina wasn’t looking at Alina perform her light show. She was looking at her husband, and the way he was staring at the holy girl. He had never looked at her that way. 
After having a small disagreement concerning his feelings for Alina, Aleksander had gone out of his way to make sure Irina knew he didn’t have any sort of romantic feelings for the girl whatsoever. 
And Irina believed him, of course. Her husband could be many things, but he wasn’t a liar, at least not to her. Still, she felt her heart shatter because, romantic or not, her husband had never felt such strong feelings for her, as the ones he felt for Alina. He had finally found his equal. The person with whom he’d go through immortality, hand by hand. The key to all of the plans he had been meticulously planning for years, if not centuries. Irina knew she fell short of living up to that. She couldn’t promise any of those things to Aleksander. Everything she had to offer, she had already given to him. 
“Sankta Alina.” She bowed her head down, just as everyone else, when the girl finished, and then walked towards her husband. 
“I’ll go kiss the kids goodnight.” She told him. But he wasn’t paying attention to her. He was looking at Alina. “Aleksander!” She insisted. 
“I’m sorry, what?” He merely glanced towards her, and she could tell he was trying to avoid looking at her. Was he perhaps feeling sorry? Irina couldn’t figure it out.
Of course Aleksander wouldn’t tell her so, but the ball had felt like a test on him. Throughout the whole night he had been struggling not to keep on openly (and rather indecorously) staring at his wife. Irina was wearing a heavenly gown, of light blue fabric, full of gilded and rose gold embroidery in the pattern of small, delicate flowers. The dress was tight on her waist, and fell elegantly to her feet. The long sleeves embraced her slender arms up to her elbows, and the daintiest v cut hugged her breasts. Her strawberry blonde hair fell loose on her back, and her lips had a faint trace of cherry red on them. If anyone in the room was deserving of being called a Saint, he thought, it was his wife. 
As an immortal being, he had been with hundreds of women throughout his life, and yet none of them had managed to so consistently make him feel butterflies in his stomach every time he looked at them, like Irina did. If he could choose one sight to keep on staring at for the rest of eternity, it would be her.
“I’ll go see if the kids are alright, and I’ll put them to bed.” Irina told him, but he was dreamily staring at her, barely listening to a word she was saying, intoxicated by her beauty. “Are you even listening to me?” Irina snapped him out of his thoughts. 
“I apologise.” Aleksander shook his head, chuckling. “But you do look very beautiful tonight, Irina.”
“Oh, stop.” She said, blushing rather reluctantly. “You look very handsome yourself, you know.” She giggled. And he did. He was merely wearing his black kefta, almost his everyday outfit, but still managed to make her heart flutter. Irina felt as if he would never stop taking her breath away everytime she looked at him. So entranced they were, looking at each other that both failed to spot a man who was suspiciously glaring at the two. “I said I would go check up on the kids.” 
“Oh, alright.” He stared at her. “I would gladly go with you, you know how I hate these parties, but I have to–
“Stay here to take care of Alina, I know.” She sighed. “It’s okay, I understand.”
“Thank you.” He said. “For understanding.”
“Of course.” She smiled, although her words had sounded a bit more dry than she had intended. “I’ll just be a second, I’ll come back quickly. If someone asks, I’m making rounds.” 
And so she left towards her children’s bedroom, where she was very happy to find them playing. The two girls were wildly jumping on the bed, while little Eric was halfway across the room, not daring to move a foot. 
“No! Eric, don’t cross over there! That’s lava!” Anya shouted. 
“Here, Eric.” Kira threw a pillow from the bed she and her sister were standing on, towards the feet of her little brother. “That’s made of magic, it won’t burn. You can use it as a boat!” 
“What are you doing, my little troublemakers?” Irina interrupted them. 
“Mama!” Eric giggled.
“Mama, be careful!” Anya screamed. 
“The floor is lava today!”
“Is it safe to walk through here?” Irina asked, pretending to be anxiously looking around her. 
“Mmmh… a little to the right.” Irina moved one step to her side. “Mmmh… one more… and another… now jump two steps ahead.” Irina was trying to act her best and follow her kids’ game. “There you are, it should be safe to walk. But in a very straight line.” Kira warned her. 
“Oh dear.” Irina smiled, as she was pretending to walk on a tightrope. “What happens if I fall?” 
“You’ll be swimming with sharks!” Anya giggled. 
“We can’t have that, can we?” With a small huff, she landed right beside the bed. “Now can I hug you, or are you three little demons made of lava as well?” 
“We’ll hug you Mama!” They laughed, as the three of them jumped on her. Irina hugged them all back, and then she laid them on the bed again. 
“Did you have fun today?” She hadn’t had time to properly spend time with the kids that day, since she had been so busy planning the ball. 
“Tons!” Anya yelled. “We went outside, we picked flowers, then Lilia helped us make a house for all the insects we found, and then I played with Ivan…
“You bothered Ivan.” Kira corrected her. 
Anya glared at her. 
“... and then Alina played hide and seek with us!”
“Mama, she is so nice!” Kira giggled. 
“She is very nice, isn’t she?” Irina said, with a genuine smile on her face. “And you, my sweet, little Eric?” She asked, tickling the boy. “What wonders did you find in the garden today?” 
“A big ladybug!”
“Is that true?” Irina asked, with a surprised expression on her face. 
“Mama, it was big like a house!” Anya snickered. 
“Like a house?” Irina asked, in a way that was almost theatrical. 
“Yes! And Eric held it in his hands!” 
“You did that?” Irina kissed him on the cheek. “You are such a brave boy! You know what they say about ladybugs?”
“What, Mama?” 
“That whoever sees them, will have a lifetime of fortune.” She chuckled. “And what did you do with the ladybug afterwards?”
“We left him where we found him, so he could go back with his family.” Kira explained. 
“Very good.” Irina said, as she got up from the bed. “Now you can keep on playing a while longer, but twenty minutes from now nanny Lilia is going to come to tuck you all into bed, and you must obey her, is that understood?” 
“Yes, Mama.” 
“Great, now let me give you one last kiss before I return to the part– ” Irina was suddenly interrupted, by a man gently opening the door. It was a guard, or at least he was dressed like one. Irina had never seen him before, which she found weird because she always made sure to know everyone working at the palace. 
“Excuse me, Lady Kirigan?” 
“Yes, this is her.” Irina responded, looking cautiously at him. She strategically positioned herself in front of the three kids, just in case.  
“I am to take you back to the ball, by the General’s request.” 
“By the General’s request?” Irina asked, confused. Aleksander never sent guards into the kids bedroom. Only his most trusted grisha were allowed to enter. “But I told him I’d be back when–
And then she spotted it. The man, slowly grabbing something inside his coat. A gun. He was no guard. No one was allowed guns into the palace, because of Irina’s order. She hated guns and she wouldn’t allow them near herself, and especially her children. She knew that, whatever the man wanted, she had to comply with him. At least until they were out of the room, away from the kids. 
“It’s alright, I’ll come, no need to get… wild.” She hurried to say, before the stranger had the chance to pull the weapon out. “Not in front of them, please.” She muttered. 
“Right this way, then.” He insisted, gesturing harshly towards the door. 
“I– I promise I’ll go. Just let me say goodbye to them.” The man just stared at her for a couple of seconds, as if he were weighing his options, and then nodded. 
Irina turned around to face her kids, feeling a lump on her throat. She could tell they were scared, and so she tried her best to make it seem as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. 
“Who’s that, Mama?” Anya asked. 
“Oh, it’s an old friend of mine.” Irina answered, casually. “As a matter of fact, I completely forgot I’d promised I’d go with him on a journey.” 
“For how long?” Kira asked, confused. 
“Not long, sweet pea.” She answered, caressing her cheek. “You should keep on playing, your Papa will probably be here soon. Now listen to me,” she added, serious, “after I leave, I want you to lock the door and don’t open it to anyone unless it’s Papa, your Granny or Ivan, is that understood?”
“But why, Mama?” 
“Oh, well…” Irina stuttered “... because I say so, okay?” 
“Okay, mama.” Anya and Eric giggled. She then grabbed them all and hugged them so strongly they started to complain. 
“Mama!” Anya laughed. “You’re squeezing us!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She said. “It’s just.. I just love you so, so much.” 
“We love you too, Mama.” 
Irina blew a kiss to each of them, and then left, forced by the stranger. He had grabbed her by her arm, and, even though she couldn’t see it, she could feel the gun’s muzzle on her ribs. 
“What do you want?” She hissed at him. Irina looked around, hoping someone would cross their path, but the man had clearly done his homework about the palace: he knew every single corridor, and the ones that would most certainly be deserted the night of a ball. 
“Shh.” He whispered, poking her even harder with the gun. “No one has to get hurt, just stay quiet, do as you’re told.”
“If you ever threaten my children again, I wi–
Irina couldn’t finish her sentence before the man grabbed her by her hair and slammed her body against the wall. 
“What, what will you do?” The man asked smugly, pressing the gun to her chest. Irina remained quiet, already more scared than what she was a second ago. 
They stepped outside of the back entrance of the palace, where a carriage was waiting. She noticed a man she had never seen before, young, carefree looking, leaning against a tree, but he looked at them and said nothing. He forced her into the vehicle, and chained her hands to the ceiling. 
“My husband will kill you for this.” She muttered at him.
“Oh, naive girl.” The man snickered. “By the time your husband notices you’re gone, we will already be halfway to the Fold.” He covered her mouth with a piece of fabric, tightly tied behind her head. 
‘The Fold?’ Irina asked herself. What could they possibly want of her in the Fold?
“Now stay here, quietly. Any weird business and remember, I know where your children’s room is. And my associates know as well. Any move you make that draws any kind of attention towards here, and their lives are the ones at stake.” The man softly closed the door, and left. 
Irina knew she was in a dead end. A man who was sick enough to threaten children, was also sick enough to stick to his words. Even if she wanted to scream, no one would listen to her with the loudness inside the castle. And she couldn’t even try to escape, because the man had tied her hands so hard her wrists were all scrapped. Oh, how she wished to be a inferni at that time. How she wished she hadn’t left her husband’s side. 
She had no idea what the man wanted, but she figured that if they were taking her to the Fold, it had something to do with the West’s pursuit for freedom and General Zlatan. She was the perfect hostage. The daughter’s King and the General’s wife. 
It wasn’t until minutes later that she heard someone coming out of the castle. She started moving, so they would hopefully hear her and help her, but then she noticed movement on the rear end of the carriage, and then silence. Whoever had come out of the castle, had shoved themselves into the truck at the back. 
Seconds later, she heard people (three different voices, she counted) jumping into the front seat of the carriage. 
“Just ask.” One of them was saying, a man. 
“Fine.” Another one answered. “Do we have a fix on where the target is?” 
The other man didn’t answer his question, and instead he said: “What about Visser?” 
‘Visser?’ She thought. Was that the man who had taken her? Irina’s mind started to dance around the name, swearing she had heard her husband mention it at one point in one of his meetings. 
“He’s either dead, or taken by now.” The second voice answered. “But don’t worry, we’ll deliver his target to Zlatan, and take the rewards for ourselves.” 
And so, the carriage started leaving, with Irina on it. 
• • •
Aleksander felt rage like he had never felt before. He could cut every single person in the palace, and would still have anger to spare. They had taken his wife. His Irina. First, he was going to find her. And then, he was going to make sure whoever did it payed for it. With their lives. At that moment, no punishment seemed cruel enough for his wife’s captors.  
Aleksander grabbed Eric in his arms, held Anya by her hand and made sure Kira was tightly holding on his kefta before he went to look for Ivan. His wife had disappeared (“Taken. She’s been taken.” He reminded himself. “Under your watch.”) and he wasn’t willing to let the same happen to his kids. They weren’t leaving his or Ivan’s sight. 
“Ivan. Ivan!” He started calling, as soon as he saw the man running towards the opposite corridor. The man turned around, and Aleksander saw it. Concern and worry in his eyes. Either he had realised what had happened to Irina, or even more bad news were in order. 
“Sir, I’ve been looking for you.” Ivan commented once he reached his side. He glanced towards the children, and then whispered in the man’s ear: “Marie and Genya were attacked in the fitting room. Alina was the target. We have a suspect in custody.”
Aleksander felt his heart drop. What if Irina had been attacked too? What if she had been hurt? What if she was dying at that precise moment and he had no idea? What if he was too late? What if he–
“Sir, what is it?” 
“It’s Irina.” He muttered, looking down at his children. Little Eric, who was deep asleep against his shoulder, and his two girls, confused as to why they weren’t in their rooms and why their mother wasn’t with them. Irina had tried to protect them, to avoid them getting worried. She had been so brave trying to pretend everything was fine just so the kids wouldn’t get scared. So they would remain ignorant until Aleksander could bring her back. He owed her that, to keep on protecting their kids’ blissful ignorance. “She has gone on a trip.” He said, emphasising that last word so hopefully Ivan realised what it really meant. “With a friend of hers. I suspect the same one that Marie and Genya ran into.” 
“We’ll find her.” Ivan nodded. “I have guards searching the entire palace as of now. No one person or carriage is leaving without us knowing.” 
“Good.” Aleksander said, as he glanced at his children again. “Have Alina come to the war room, make sure no one else gets close to her, especially the tracker boy. I’ll be right back.” 
“Sir, Alina is not here.” Ivan said, cautiously, fearing the anger of the General. “As soon as we found out about Marie and Genya we looked for her, but she’s nowhere to be found.” 
Aleksander pursed his lips. 
“Bring me the tracker, then.” He hissed. “The one that came here tonight, with information about the stag.” 
He turned around and started walking with the kids towards the patio. He couldn’t take them with him, it was too dangerous. As much as hated it, he had to leave them with the only person with enough power to protect them as much as he could. 
“Papa, where are we going?” Kira asked. 
“Your Grandmama is going to be with you, for a while.” He explained.
“Until Mama comes back?”
“Yes. Until your Mama is back.” 
“Papa, I’m tired.” Little Anya complained, as she yawned in exhaustion. 
“Come here.” He said, taking the girl in his arms as well. 
He had barely crossed the main garden, when he saw Baghra standing next to the fountain, almost as if she had been expecting him. 
“He’s not here.” She said. 
“Who?” He asked, confused. Of course his mother saw him there, with the children, and still somehow managed to make it about herself. 
“The tracker. Yes, I know about him. And your little mission.” 
Aleksander felt his blood boil. He was surprised to find out it wasn’t because he had lost the only clue he had of the stag, but because his mother meddling into his businesses meant yet another distraction from finding Irina. 
“What have you done with– nevermind.” He collected himself, for the sake of his children. “I’m not here because of that, I’m here because I need to ask you for… a favour.” 
“And what favour is that?” 
“Take care of them.” He said, gesturing at the kids. He knew Baghra wouldn’t refuse, for the kids were her one and only weakness in the world. 
“I will.” She said. “But why?” 
“Irina has been tak… she’s gone.” He said. “And you’re the only person she would want taking care of them in case neither of us can.” And just like that Baghra understood. She had always liked Irina. The girl was sweet, and respected her, more than her own son had ever done. With a nod, she started to follow Aleksander to the children’s room, where he made sure to tuck Anya, Eric and Kira into their beds. 
“Papa, will you find Mama?” Kira, the only one who was awake, asked. 
He walked towards her bed, and knelt down next to her. 
“Of course I will, malyshka.” He smiled at her. 
“But what if she has gone far, far away?” She asked, concerned. 
“Then I will travel far, far away too. I’ll fight dragons and monsters if I have to.” 
“Will you save her like the heroes from my books?” The girl giggled. 
“Just like that, I promise.” He chuckled, as he left a kiss on the girl's temple. “Now go to sleep, Kira. Think about dragons and wizards and fairies, so you can dream about big adventures, alright?” 
“Alright, Papa.” Kira answered, closing her eyes. 
Aleksander left one last kiss on her forehead, before he left the room to meet Baghra outside. 
“I don’t know when I'll be back.” He said. “It’s clear Irina has been taken somewhere out of the castle, so we’ll follow any lead we can get. Don’t let anyone else but Lilia enter the room, is that clear?” 
“Yes, Aleksander, now go.” Baghra hurried him. “And please, find her.” 
“I will.”
• • •
Irina woke up after a bump on the road made her hit her head against the window. Light was peeking from behind the curtains, so she figured it was morning already. It was quite noisy outside, which meant they had arrived at some city. Ryevost, most probably, since they were taking her to the Fold. 
She couldn’t feel her arms, and her wrists had started to bleed out of the friction from the rope against her skin. She felt all of her ribs sore, just where the man had hit her with the gun. Her whole body was hurting. 
She felt the carriage stop, she heard the three people getting out of it, and for a second, nothing more. But then, a thump indicated to her that the truck at the back had been opened, and whoever was on it had managed to get away. 
“We don’t want any trouble.” A man, the same one that jumped on the carriage, said. 
“Neither do I,” a voice Irina swore she could recognise answered, “so I’ll just be on my way.”
‘Alina?’ Irina thought. They had captured her as well. She felt the tightness on her chest go away a little; if Alina was missing as well, then Aleksander would most definitely try to find her as quickly as possible. 
“Clearly, you want out of East Ravka.” The man insisted. “But we can help you. We have a secure route through the Fold.” 
“I prefer to travel alone.” 
“Don’t be rash. You stick with us, everyone gets what they want.” 
“I’m not being anyone’s captive ever again.” Irina heard Alina hiss. “So step aside, and let me pass.”
“I’m afraid we can’t let that happen.” 
Irina heard a bang, which could only mean that Alina was using her powers, and realised that was her only shot at escaping. Alina. 
She started to move as much as she could, but the restraints on her arms didn’t let her escape and the fabric on her mouth barely let her breathe. She heard Alina run away, and Irina sank into her seat. Her one opportunity at getting away was gone, she couldn’t possibly fight against so many people. During the first year of marriage, Irina had asked Aleksander to teach her how to fight, and she quickly learnt she was quite good at it, but she couldn’t possibly hope to manage three people. She was only human, after all. 
“Why did you let her get away?” One of the men asked, angrily. “You were hired to do a job.”
“Yes, the job was to pick up a fake for an easy million kruge.” A woman’s voice answered. “We found a living Saint who can summon the sun. And anyway, we have the other target as well. We deliver her to Zlatan and get the money.”
“That’s right.” The first man answered. “By the way, shouldn’t we check up on her?” 
“Open the door.” 
Irina saw the small carriage door open, and then she was dazzled by the beams of sunshine. Once her eyes got used to the light, she saw the face of her kidnappers. Or second kidnappers, she thought.  
First she saw the man she had already spotted the night before, the one leaning against the tree. He had the same carefree look, but he was now wearing a hat as well; most importantly, she noticed the gun attached to his body.  The other man was slightly taller, had blonde hair and was dressed neatly and used a cane. Finally, she saw a woman. A beautiful girl, who wore knives around her body as if they were an extension of her. 
“She’ll definitely need a change of clothes.” The man with the hat said. “She’ll draw too much attention with that dress.” 
“Go find proper attire, then.” The man with the cane demanded. The door was slammed again, and Irina was left in the dark once more. She felt shocked, she felt as if her mind was full of some dense material, her thoughts had trouble finding each other. ‘A list, make a list’, she said to herself. So far, a man, named Visser, had taken her in the castle, but now there were other three people she didn’t know the names of holding her hostage. They had arrived at Ryevost and she was being taken to Zlatan. And of course, her one and only chance at escaping was gone, and she started to feel panic rising on her chest. 
Half an hour later, the door to the carriage opened again. 
“Here you go.” The boy left a skirt, a blouse and some shoes at her feet. “I’ll untie you and let you change in private but don’t try to do any funny business or else…” He tapped at his gun. 
Irina nodded, eager to feel her arms again. As promised, the man cut the rope out of her wrists and left her alone in the carriage. Her arms fell with a loud thud onto her seat, she couldn’t do as much as lifting a finger. After what felt like an eternity, she felt the blood rushing through her arms once again, and so she took the fabric away from her mouth. She couldn’t scream, the man had made himself quite clear. 
She inhaled a deep breath and looked at the clothes in front of her. For a second she considered not moving, and just refusing to get out of the carriage, but she knew it wouldn’t take her anywhere. They couldn’t kill her, that much was obvious– for her to be of any use to Zlatan she had to be alive, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t hurt her. 
She fought the tears that were threatening to come out of her eyes, and grabbed the outfit she was given and changed into it. Surprisingly, it fitted quite well. She knocked on the door to let them know she was ready, and the three of them got inside the carriage with her. They sat in front of her, looking at her as if she were about to explode or something. 
“What do you want me for?” She finally whispered to them. Her voice was hoarse, as a result of not speaking and breathing through fabric for hours. 
The man with the hat kindly offered her a flask, which Irina took with caution. 
“It’s not poisoned, you know.” He said. “Better drink some so you get your voice back.” 
Irina chugged on a good amount of water, not realising how thirsty she was before. 
“Thanks.” She muttered, giving the flask back to its owner. “What do you want me for, then?” She repeated. 
“General Zlatan wants you.” The man with the cane confirmed her suspicions. 
“I figured as much.” She responded, dryly. “A princess in exchange for a free country.” 
“Well, he’s offered a handsome sum of kruge for you, so we’re taking over our associate’s work and taking you there.” The one who had offered his flask told her. 
“And this is how it's going to go.” The other man said, sternly. “You’re going to remain quiet and you’re going to do as we say. You will not draw any attention to yourself, and that way you’ll get to Novokribirsk safe and sound. You try to escape or scream, and this is what is waiting for you.” He signaled towards the other two’s weapons. 
“But you need me alive.” 
“Exactly.” The man grinned. “We only need you alive. So you either arrive there safe and go back to King in good health, or you barely make it to Novokribirsk and hope you can make it back home. Which one is it going to be?” 
Irina weighed her options. The man was right. If she ever wanted to go back home, to see her kids and husband again, she would have to arrive safely to the hands of General Zlatan and hope her father and husband were willing to make a deal for her. 
“I’ll behave.” She said in a small voice. “I promise.” 
“Good girl.” The man with the hat said. He had a surprisingly friendly smile. 
“And what are your names?” She hurried to ask, before they could go away again.
“And why would we give you our names?” The man with the cane asked bitterly. 
“Well I can’t go around calling you kidnapper one, two and three right? That would draw too much attention to myself.” 
The three of them looked at each other. Funny, Irina though. They seemed to be all part of the same brain. The man with the cane (who Irina started to realise must be the leader) nodded.
“I’m Jesper.” The guy with the easy smile said. 
“I’m Kaz.” The other man sneered at her. “And this is Inej.” He added, pointing towards the woman. Irina looked at her, and felt the smallest faint of compassion coming from her. 
“I’m Irina.” She introduced herself. 
“Well Irina, it’s a pleasure doing business with you.” Jesper told her. 
“Now let’s get moving.” Kaz said. “We’ll stay here tonight, we’ll see if we can get supplies and hopefully some horses.” 
Irina was made to exit the carriage, and she did as she was told. They were right. She had a much better chance at returning back home if she complied with them. She would be taken safe to Zlatan, who she knew wouldn’t hurt her because she was of much more use to him alive than dead. What scared her though, was Zlatan's reaction to finding out neither her father nor her husband would be willing to exchange West Ravka for her. 
author’s note: this part was so hard to write, i had to make sure the timeline in which irina was taken didn’t disturbe and make sense with the timeline in which alina escapes and everything! i hope it didn’t end up being too messy and difficut to understand! 
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless​ , @sithapprentice​ , @duchessoftheheart​ , @emmamooney​ 
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