#gene emoji
failyaoi · 3 months
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Mkx AU where t4t Kenshi & Suchin have Takeda and raise him together for like a year until Kenshi has to leave for a mission and that's where the story starts as normal
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
Bucci gang + embarrassing nicknames (milestone special!)
Warnings: bizarre activities, one mildly suggestive pun in Abbacchio’s, cringe names, google translate.
Pairings: Bruno x reader, Abbacchio x reader, Mista x reader, Fugo x reader, Bonus giorno x reader, Bonus Narancia x reader.
Summary: some embarrassing nicknames.
Notes-sup. It’s been a while. Narancia’s is the best imo. Happy holidays just in case I take too long with my next post!
Bruno Bucciarati
“Brubooboo!” You called out, peaking your head into the meeting room next door.
Bruno turned to look at you, evidently embarrassed at the use of your unique nickname, a faint pink hue present on his sun-kissed cheeks.
You shook your head amused at his reaction, he seemed to hate the nickname yet he never expressed his displeasure; ever the gentleman sitting there bearing the brunt of your teasing.
“Amore mio,” he smiled, regaining his composure.
You leant forward, resting your elbows on his desk whilst putting your face on the psalm of your hands. “Sup baby?” You asked, the corners of your lips turning upward.
He hummed in response, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What brings you here cara?”
You walked around the desk so you stood beside him, “I was in the area,” you explained, “I thought you’d be done and we could walk home together but clearly my brubear seems stressed.”
You pinched his cheeks, gently pecking each side.
He scoffed, exhaling, “renounce those awful nicknames.”
You pulled his head back so it was facing upwards to look you, “that would mean we’d have to break up.” You teasingly frowned.
“pensi di essere così divertente (you think you’re so funny)?” He muttered, letting out a sigh.
“I’d like to believe so.” You told him “but more importantly do you want me to bring you some dinner, it seems like you’ll be a while, I can just-”
He silenced your rambling by lifting your, interlacing your fingers with his before standing to his full height.
“It’s alright, I’m done for now at least. Torniamo a casa. (Let’s head home).” He stood up, pulling you to the exit by your hand.
You squeezed his hand, drawing closer to him.
“Shall I take out your braids and massage your head when we get home?” You mused, massaging his knuckle with your thumb.
“Sounds perfect.”
Leone Abbacchio
“Bababacchio” you sang imitating the tune of ba ba black sheep as you burst into his bedroom.
Abbacchio closed his eyes, exhaling frustratedly. Recently you’d found calling him the most ridiculously horrific names hilarious and had taken it upon yourself to purposefully make the next one worst than the last.
“What [name].” He asked monotoned, already unimpressed with you although you hadn’t even said anything.
“Chill Habba bubba,” you raised your hands up in mock surrender, “I’m only here to sleep,” you told him crawling onto the bed beside him, “preferably next to you.”
He stood up, bunching his long silver hair up so he could tie it into a ponytail for bed, a hair tie in his mouth as he falsely contemplated what you were saying.
“If you stop with those disgusting pet names fine but say one more and i'm kicking you out.” He warned, as his nimble fingers pulled his hair through the band.
You winked at him, “Fine with me toots.” You told him spreading out on his bed, patting the empty space beside you; inviting him to lay there.
He clicked his tongue at your remark but decided not to act irrationally, using the small bit of patience he had to give you a chance.
You hummed, shifting to move more towards Abbacchio’s side of the bed as he got undressed for bed.
Abbacchio’s chiselled physique just so happened to enter your view frame, a physique which you just so happened to be rather fond of.
You could hardly be blamed for propping your face in the psalm of your hands so you could further enunciate your voice.
“Dangggg! Leone! More like le-own-me!” You teased suggestively raising your eyebrows.
In all your time knowing Leone, you’d never seen his features contort into disgust quicker, you honestly felt rather hurt, that pun had at least been painfully amusing, at the very least!
“fuori. (Out).”
“Wait I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You apologied breathless, unsuccessfully trying to stifle your laughter behind your hand.
“Hold up! stop, let go of my ankle!” You complained as he lifted you out of his bed, dropping you on the floor.
“Leone I’m sorry, let me back in please!”
Guido Mista
“Mimi, it’s so cold!” You whined, staying as close to him as humanly possible, “and your shirt is too cropped for me to put my hands under.”
“Number one, that’s on you and secondly quit it with that name! You’re gonna ruin my street cred.”
Jokingly, you scoffed, side-eyeing him, “what street cred, you wear zebra print pants?”
He lightly pushed you away, shoving his hands in his pockets as he dragged his feet into the hotel the pair of you would be staying in.
“uscire con qualcuno che hanno detto, sarà divertente hanno detto. che bugiardo. (date someone they said, it will be fun they said. what a liar.)” Mista mumbled a tad bit too loud under his breath, kissing his teeth at the end for dramatic effect.
He kicked the door open with his foot, holding it open as you leisurely walked in after him.
“Oh whatever.” You said rolling your eyes at his dramatics, “stop acting as if you don’t relish in the privileges that come with a relationship.”
He waved his hand in the air, dismissing your sentence, “Well why wouldn’t I, they are there for me to use, right?”
You turned your nose up at him, “Hmph.”
“C’mon baby,” Mista whined drawling out the “y” sound. He encased his hands around your face, kissing your cheeks. “Let’s just have fun tonight, yeah?”
“Fineee.” You took his hands off of your face and dragged him to the receptionist desk.
The tanned male winked at you in response, “yo, could I get a room for two, king sized bed please.”
Fugo Pannacotta
“Fugie pants, fungo, pannana! Could you be a dear and help me with my homework please?”
Fugo walked into the room, mortified, with a cackling Narancia trailing behind him.
“[name]! What did we say about using such vile names!” Fugo exclaimed, positioning himself at your side.
You threw your head back, sighing, “I can’t quite recall fugs.” You answered, biting your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle your laughter.
“[name].” The young male warned curtly, squeezing your jaw so your boisterous laughter would be lessoned.
Narancia wiped his tears of laughter, high giving you as he made his way to exit. “Man, see ya around. Too funny.” Narancia mumbled to himself, his laughter still audible as he departed the room.
“Stop it.”
“But it’s so funny, if you’d just stop reacting I’d stop-”
He pinched your soft lips with his fingers, cutting your sentence off. “no.”
Mini Bonus: Giorno
“Hey Gio.”
The blonde side-eyed you curiously.
You pointed at him with your pencil, “you know if you rearrange the letters in your name you can come up with some pretty interesting name combos.”
He raised his eyebrow, interested, “oh really?”
“Uh huh. Like giovanno, Giovanni, gio-vara, gio-cara.”
Bemusedly, he smiled. “I don’t have a c in my name.”
“I know that giogio, I was trying to be cute with a cute pun.” You groaned exasperated.
“Failure was inevitable.”
“Hey!” You pouted, playfully poking his cheek, “for someone so nice you sure are cheeky.”
Bonus: Narancia Ghirga
The whole week you had been trying, yet ultimately failing, to tease Narancia by giving him an embarrassing nickname.
But despite your best efforts nothing seemed to work, he was seemingly immune to embarrassment.
You thought back on those instances, trying to recall where you had gone wrong.
“Hey my sugar plum fairy cake gumdrop!” You greeted Narancia, kissing his nose.
“What’s up my boo boo bear honey plum nugget.” He responded back with an equal amount of fervour.
You stiffened, cringing in your place, how could he say that so easily. You decided to push through, chanting the mantra “resilience is key.” In your head.
“Nothing my bubble gum sugar cube bub.”
“Alright my sweet peach bubba lover. I love you.”
You mock retched running away, as Narancia chased after you.
Total and utter defeat.
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atomicc · 3 months
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Sooo emoji 🙄
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
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siblings 🌈🌈
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lonesomedreamer · 6 months
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i'm just saying that they look really good together on screen
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juanasfanart · 4 months
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time-cherry · 5 months
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Yeah I love the Emoji movie! I'm not and will never be ashamed!(I'm definitely going to get LOTS of death threats)
Also Gene was such a Twink in the movie
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finnycore · 8 months
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MELANIN would have saved him not melatonin but maybe he needs some of that too
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johannepetereric · 15 days
Ok, the voice of Robbie sounds familiar, and turns out it’s fuckin’ TJ Miller (Fred from Big Hero 6, Weasel from Deadpool, and Tuffnut. Apparently he plays Gene from the Emoji Movie (#overhated), and maybe I’ve forgotten what he sounds like, but I like Gene)
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paulinawoodpecker · 1 month
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The emoji movie next gen
Byte: (12)
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mik-mania · 1 year
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guy thats been rolling around in my head, somewhat also based on an old iz fancharacter i had
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Gene from the Emoji Movie
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Gene from The Emoji Movie killed the Queen!
Did your fave play a part in Queen Elizabeth the Second’s death? Submit them here!
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champmorado · 3 months
rip gene meh, you wouldve loved decora kei 🙏
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toonsforkicks22 · 4 months
Cafe Maid May Day 14
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I’ve been rewatching I Hate Everything’s videos mainly the Emoji Movie one. I hope IHE comes back and does some sass on crapshoots like Wish.
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neurotonic · 6 months
⚒️ cause I understand the feeling. So bad.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
OHHH yes. Like absolutely. For one of them I'm tempted to just rewrite everything because I've barely researched anything about the situation. And I'm like oh yeah sure I should probably make this sadder than it already is tragic or whatever HDJDKDK
It was originally just gonna be a (pretty long) one-shot but the draft is in chapters. And I'm like ughh. Struggling to make it a full blown slowburn type of deal with the premise I used. Ah well
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