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selves-indulgent-coining · 3 months ago
introducing a new genderfluid root!
[pt: introducing a new genderfluid root! end pt]
Meet the genderwallis root! It's named after Spathiphyllum wallisii, which is also called the “peace lily”. We picked this name between because genderwallis combines the concepts of genderfrith (frith means peace) and genderflor (flor means flower). However, genderwallis does not include neutral (niaspec and nin) genders. It's kinda its own thing.
As per the name of this blog, we made this for ourselves, but anyone may create and use terms and flags under the genderwallis root.
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[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: light-ish purple, pink, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light teal, bright light-ish indigo end alt text]
genderwallis: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral (niaspec) , and neutral-aligned (nin) genders
the flag was made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with kalliepride's genderfrith flag
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[alt text for left flag: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: muted purple, muted pink, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light blue, bright light purple end alt text]
[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: bright red-ish orange, muted yellow-orange, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light pink, blue-ish purple end alt text]
genderwalliser or genderfaerwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, and binary man
these flags were made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with this genderfrither flag (left flag) or pantasticenby's genderfaer and genderfaunet flags (right flag) (the yellows from genderfaunet replaced the greens from genderfaer because green is associated with neutrality)
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[alt text for left flag: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: bright blue-ish purple, bright lavender, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, aqua, dark-ish blue end alt text]
[alt text for right flag: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: bright red-ish orange, muted yellow-orange, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light teal, bright light-ish indigo end alt text]
genderwalliset or genderfaunetwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, and binary woman
these flags were made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with this genderfrither flag (left flag) or pantasticenby's genderfaunet flag (right flag)
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[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: bright blue-ish purple, bright lavender, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light blue, bright light purple end alt text]
genderwallisen or genderflorenwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, binary woman, and binary man
this flag was made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with this genderfrithen flag
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[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: light orange, light yellow, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light lilac, light-ish purple end alt text]
genderwallisae or genderfaewal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, male/man, and masculine genders
this flag was made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with Pride-Flags' and superpopcorn101's genderfae flag
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[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: light orange, light yellow, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light teal, bright light-ish indigo end alt text]
genderwallisaun or genderfaunwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, female/woman, and feminine genders
this flag was made by combining Admin Kyle's genderflor flag with this genderfaun flag
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[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: light orange, light yellow, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light yellow, light orange]
genderwallisor or genderflorwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, female/woman, feminine, male/man, and masculine genders genders
this flag is inspired by Admin Kyle's genderflor flag. we replaced the greens with the yellows (taken from the bottom part of the flag) because green is associated with neutrality
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lovesse · 6 months ago
Which ONE Of Them Do You Like The Most ?
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♡ ɜ * ₊ ・ CANNISPOUSE : a gender within the genderwed system… a gender that has qualities of being / getting married, being a husband / wife, and a cannibal… this can be connected to being a cannibal and being a husband / wife, being connected with cannibalism as an act of devotion etc ...
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tag list : @laughdiamond @lunentity @timmy-bee @nexolord @fwus @haunted-thing @themothnotthemap @jiiamp @jigumis @discrophy @bjdboyy @smilepilled
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revenant-coining · 7 months ago
Girlhusband | Girlwife
(pt: Girlhusband | Girlwife /end pt)
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Girlhusband; a genderwed subterm; a gender that has the qualities of being/getting married, husbands/being a husband, & girlhood/being a girl. this gender can be connected to being a girl & being a husband, husbands that are girls, etc!
Girlwife; a genderwed subterm; a gender that has the qualities of being/getting married, wives/being a wife, & girlhood/being a girl. this gender can be connected to being a girl & being a wife, wives that are girls, etc!
etymology; girl, husband/wife
for @blakewrth!
tagging; @radiomogai
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magisea · 3 months ago
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Reaperspouse : a gender in which one identifies as a reaper and being a spouse.
Reaperwife : a gender in which one identifies as a reaper and being a wife.
Reaperhusband : a gender in which one identifies as a reaper and being a husband.
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webslasherzz · 1 year ago
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     ⸺  SpiderWife / SpiderHusband
[Pt: Spider Wife / Spider Husband /END Pt]
✦ Two genders under the Genderwed system
✦ These genders relate to being a Wife / Husband and a spider or being a Wife / Husband with spider themes
✦ Unfortunalty She cannot find the original coiner :( if you do know who coined this term please tell her
✦ Blank flags under the cut !
✦ Please read pinned post before interacting !!
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liomgirlfriend · 2 years ago
[this is flagless atm! current system is 13 horizontal stripes, so if you want to make one go ahead! just @ me in it please. & if you'd like to make a more complex flag, go ahead, just let me know somehow.] -- Gendergirlfriend: A gender system in which ones gender is connected to being a girlfriend. While it can be, this is not inherently romantic! For example, Catgirlfriend would be formatted as "a gender related to cats and being a girlfriend, a Catgirlfriend!" -- tagging: @radiomogai
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cocajimmycola · 2 years ago
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10spouse , 10+3spouse , 3spouse Alternatively: Tenspouse , Thirteenspouse , Threespouse
A gender connected to weddings and the number 10 or 3, the number 10 and 3 getting married, being a spouse and the number 10 or 3, etc.
gift for : @valenten
TAGLIST ! (lmk if you want to be added/removed) : @gender-darling @genderserpentine @botbinary @hoardicboy @mogai-sunflowers @noxwithoutstars @the-almond-and-the-apple @boxesofnoxes @aetherive @karkitz @reveseke @revenant-chaos @donniesbf @corbybug @heart-valentin3 @checkers-entertainments @loveless-lovesickness @waliwiwige @nepetaisms @begendered-mogai @diary-of-apathy @radiomogai @bpd-hoardic @faunfaced @pullerofstrings
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obscurian · 8 months ago
[PT: catwed /end PT]
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(:。)ミ : catwed
a gender related to being a cat && being / getting married, and / or being a cat && having the qualities of being / getting married !
requested by @magitoki !
[ id : a fifteen striped flag. the outermost stripes are the thinnest. the third, sixth, tenth, and thirteenth stripes are lace shaped. the colors from top to bottom are dark brown, brown, light red, dusty light red, red, dark red, light red, off white, light red, dark red, red, dusty light red, light red, brown, dark brown. all three images are the same. / end id. ]
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how did we miss these?
[pt: how did we miss these? end pt]
This was a total oversight on our part. There's a missing genderwallis subterm that we need for ourselves...that we somehow forgot to make. oops.
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genderwallisorer, genderflorerwal
[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: cyan, light-ish mint green, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light yellow, light orange end alt text]
genderwallisorer or genderflorerwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, female/woman, feminine genders, and binary (or fully) man
this flag was made by changing a couple of colors on Edmschiz's genderflorer flag
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genderwallisoret, genderfloretwal
[alt text: a rectangular flag with 7 equal,horizontal stripes; colors top to bottom: light orange, light yellow, pastel yellow, white, pastel yellow, light orange, light-ish red-orange end alt text]
genderwallisoret or genderfloretwal: a genderfluid term where one is fluid between anything except neutrois, neutral, neutral-aligned, male/man, masculine genders, and binary (or fully) woman
this flag was made by combining the colors of Edmschiz's genderfloret flag and Edmschiz's genderflorer flag
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lovesse · 2 years ago
gifts from the angels above me . . .
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♡ ꒱ * ₊ ・ㅤ◟ GHOSTHUSBAND 𓂃 ଓ ⋮ a gender within the genderwed system… a gender that has qualities of being / getting married, being a husband, and a ghost… this can be connected to being a ghost and being a husband, being ghost-aligned and a husband, etc...
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♡ ꒱ * ₊ ・ㅤ◟ GHOSTWIFE 𓂃 ଓ ⋮ a gender within the genderwed system… a gender that has qualities of being / getting married, being a husband, and a ghost… this can be connected to being a ghost and being a wife, being ghost-aligned and a wife, etc...
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request for anon ~ !
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revenant-coining · 7 months ago
Boyhusband | Boywife
(pt: Boyhusband | Boywife /end pt)
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Boyhusband; a genderwed subterm; a gender that has the qualities of being/getting married, husbands/being a husband, & boyhood/being a boy. this gender can be connected to being a boy & being a husband, husbands that are boys, etc!
Boywife; a genderwed subterm; a gender that has the qualities of being/getting married, wives/being a wife, & boyhood/being a boy. this gender can be connected to being a boy & being a wife, wives that are boys, etc!
etymology; boy, husband/wife
for @blakewrth!
tagging; @radiomogai
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the-mogai-archives · 1 year ago
[PT: JELLYBRIDE ! A gender in the genderwed system relating to being a jellyfish and a bride, or both jellyfishes and brides! 
Genderwed created by @engagekiss /end PT]
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❥ JELLYBRIDE ! # A gender in the genderwed system relating to being a jellyfish and a bride, or both jellyfishes and brides!  # Genderwed created by @engagekiss
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blueflare7pkmn · 1 year ago
Mmmmmmmm what gender do you think Jesse was born as (:
Nonbinawy!!! They came out and immediatewy said scwew genderw!!!
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jirai-girl · 2 years ago
genderwife is just genderwed /info
Oh well I already made a flag for it I'll probably rebrand it into something else
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a-quilted-milky-way · 2 years ago
new gender loading...
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[Image ID: A rectangular fifteen striped flag with horizontal stripes. The outermost stripes are the thinnest. The third, sixth, tenth, and thirteenth stripes are lace shaped. The colors go in this order from pinkish red to pinkish red: pinkish red, orange, yellowish orange, yellow, sky blue, indigo, purple, white, purple, indigo, sky blue, yellow, yellowish orange, orange, pinkish red. End ID.]
a gender in the genderwed system related to being xenine and being a bride. This could be being related xenogender and a bride, being a xenine bride, any sort of thing connected to being xenine and a bride!
tagging @mogai-sunflowers @epikulupu @revenant-coining @radiomogai and @genderyboy (if you want to be added to the tag list, you can always tell me)
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lovesse · 6 months ago
Can you make a genderwed flag thing for those who identify with being a wife or husband and cannibalism/cannibalism as an act of love and devotion? Thank you if you can! ☺️
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