#genderfluid victor nikiforov
triptychgrip · 5 months
Viktor Nikiforov, genderfluidity, and the gendered conventions of Russian language
I've always headcanon-ed that Viktor identifies as genderfluid, and playing around with this concept has been one of my favorite parts of my post-canon, married Viktuuri series, "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet", which you can read here if you'd like to immerse yourself in a very long (currently 191K) WIP/larger series. I'm currently working on a multichapter story (probably will be anywhere from 1-3 chapters) that focuses on his decision to come out publicly, and it's made me think about the inherently gendered way that Russian language works.
One thing that I like to have fun with in my writing is deliberately having Yuuri and Viktor say 'fuck that' to grammar conventions in Russian and just use whatever pet names/endearments they want, regardless of if they are 'male' or 'female' gendered. As an aside, I find it convenient that 'zolotsye' (meaning 'my gold') is gender-neutral. It's sent me down a rabbit hole of research around what options are available to genderfluid folks who speak/use Russian. As one might guess, they are limited :(
Anyways, just wanted to post this to ask if folks have any favorite Viktor/gender non-conformity stories they can recommend? I would love to see more of it in the fandom (hence, my excitement to post my work when it's done).
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greetings-humans · 4 years
Genderfluid Viktor Nikiforov
Disclaimer; I have no idea how Russian diminutives work, beyond what google can tell me. I hope this doesn't offend anyone! I'm also not genderfluid or transgender. Let me know if I made any mistakes! I'm an ESL and prepositions are my death.
(This is what happens when that 3 am plunny is still there when you wake up the next day. I wrote and edited this in one day, please be patient with me, the beginning is kinda meh. It's also like 3k so beware. Oh, and it's beneath the cut. Good luck!)
(Or read it here on ao3)
Viktoria Nikitina had always liked to listen to the “IDK you yet” on bad days. It was fitting. She didn’t know herself yet. She had slowly started getting increasingly more confused about who she was.
She was 17 going on 18 when she couldn't handle it anymore and told her coach Bianca, an Italian-Russian woman that had been raised in Italy but lived in Russia for the past 10 years and had coached Vitulya for the past 3.
Vitulya told her about the times when "I don't feel like a she" and about how "sometimes I do feel like a woman but not all of the time but I'm not exactly a man either, even though sometimes it feels like I am, but I don't know".
Bianca, though more open than one might expect, wasn’t all that knowledgeable about this, but she helped in any way she could.
("I have a niece that's more well-informed about these matters, I could ask her?")
Around the time when Vitulya was 18, just as she starts to consider changing her name, to let go of Viktoria and Vitulya and maybe greet Vitya, her parents were in a car crash and went into a coma.
They were comatose for roughly a year.
In that year, Vitulya slowly became, not Viktor –not just yet— she became Vitya. She started by cutting her hair. Even though she mostly used she/her, she started actively using he/him (mostly online).
Near the end of the year, she had top surgery too
She felt more comfortable, and she'd always loved jumps more than spins, something more prominent in men’s singles than in women’s.
When his parents woke up, they were greeted by a short-haired 19-year-old man, slightly muscular with a V built.
They were understandably shocked into silence. His father was more open to people being transgender but even then, there were times when Viktor felt like both man and woman, or something in-between, or neither at all, that the pronoun was ‘they’ instead of ‘she’ or ‘he’.
Meanwhile, the mother was coming to terms with her child being "one of them". She didn't mean for her words to hurt but she was worried for her beautiful child and the life awaiting someone who isn't cisgender.
Bianca was once again an amazing supportive figure. She helped Vitya in so many ways.
Surprisingly, the big bang came from the father. He could understand man to woman or woman to man, he could vaguely understand the fluidity of sometimes a man and sometimes a woman. But both? Neither?
(“Vitulya, that’s just nonsense created by attention seekers.”)
There was a chasm, and the mother was conflicted. She had understood it, all of it but her husband had a point. Then again, this is her child, the most precious thing in the whole world
Months before Vitya turned 20, he moved out. He started using he/him more than other pronouns, while still using she/her and tentatively starting to use they/them.
Vitya changed his name legally, from Viktoria Nikitina to Viktor Nikiforov, at the same time he moved out. It wasn't demanded by his parents, but he didn't want them to be bothered by anyone due to his skating or to accidentally out him to anyone because of childhood photographs.
Around that time, Bianca had to return to Italy to tend to a family matter. Their relationship had lost formalities a while ago; she asked him to come with her.
(“I would love to keep coaching you, Vitya.”)
They wanted to stay in Russia, though, closer to their parents. So Bianca gave her young student a way to contact an excellent coach in Russia, someone by the name Yakov Feltsman, and Yakov got a star on the rise that came seemingly out of nowhere.
(No one could find a Viktor Nikiforov in the juniors. They never will.)
Year 1 // Age 20-21
That year found a new skater in men's single figure skating. They got some bronze metals, some silver (less than bronze), a gold here and there, but they were always on the podium or at 4th place
Economically, it was rough. Vitya had to learn how to budget and how to gain enough money to survive. They wanted to be their own person and didn't really want to initiate contact with his parents. (Do check out the Viktor-is-a-financial-genius post by shysweetthing, it’s amazing!)
They lose touch with Bianca. A part of them regrets it but they have other things to worry about. We can always catch up later, they think.
Year 2 // Age 21-22
There were fewer bronze metals than silver and more gold ones. Around that year, their mother made contact. They started talking again, going out every 2 weeks or so. Once every 2 months, they would talk to their father, but both of them ignored the issue at hand.
Year 3 // Age 22-23
She's adapted to her predominantly male body fully; she's taking a set amount of T, inside the legal limit and the limit of how much wants to take. It's all very ironic because that year she felt more like a woman than she has in some years.
She finally has a routine, and she also gets a new poodle (her old one being the family dog that had stayed with his parents) and names it Makkachin.
That year, Viktor Nikiforov starts winning gold more consistently than ever.
Nationals are a walk, he gets gold.
Qualifications for GP? She gets gold in the first, and after a close cut gets gold in the second one.
GP finals? It's tough and the competition is rough, but their name is Viktor Nikiforov, not Looser the Defeated, so they give it their all. They skate their heart out, they skate for young, confused Vitulya and others like her, they skate for Bianca, for Yakov, for all the people that have helped them in their journey so far, for the audience’s surprise, for themselves, they skate to prove their mother’s old fears wrong, they skate to prove that they can. They skate to win.
They skate. Because that's what they've always wanted to do.
And lo and behold, they win.
It’s the beginning of a new era.
Vitya coordinates ice show after ice show, and appearance after appearance. She makes herself into the most iconic person on ice, makes sure that no one can look away. She hires an economic advisor and booking agent and a legal advisor. She makes the right calls and the right investments and associates with the right people. She's going to make the most out of this.
Year 4 // Age 23-24
His popularity rockets up as he wins every gold medal that year, as well.
His father tries to come in contact, he doesn't feel like talking to him. He shuts him out and never looks back, never sees the regret in his eyes. He's too caught up in his act, his persona, in being Viktor Nikiforov and maintaining all that he is supposed to be, all the strategic rumors, all the training, all the appearances
Year 5 // Age 24-25
They've been winning all gold for 3 years. It's otherworldly, it's outstanding. No one has ever seen anything like this. Nikiforov is a household name (and it's borrowed from one of their favorite characters in a book that not many read nowadays).
Vitya hasn't had enough time to talk to his mom face-to-face in about a year. He hasn't called her in 2 months.
Slowly, he's becoming a bit of a hermit. More mask than person. He's been more confused about his gender. He has been using he/him even when it doesn't quite fit, he can’t afford to slip up now. He promised himself he wouldn’t say anything about his gender until he retires, and he’s confused anyway, so there’s no reason to do anything like that now.
He hasn't tried dating in 2 years now. He's upped his training hours and his sleep suffers from it on some days, but it's okay, it's worth it. He can keep surprising everyone.
He wins everything again. His parents get divorced. His mom moves to Germany and his father to Canada.
Viktor takes care of the family poodle, a sterile female standard poodle named Irina.
She dies a few months later. He mourns her and so does Makka. His parents don't call. Even his mother has stopped calling. He hasn’t talked to Bianca in years.
He trains. He's getting a bit too bored so he's thinking about shaking things up again.
Year 6 // Age 25-26
It's an Olympic year. Viktor gets chosen; he wins. For a whole day, he's proud and amazed. It fades, of course, as he takes in the barely-there surprise in everyone's faces.
It was expected, he recalls.
So many people had expected him to win. He had. There was no surprise. He wins all of his other competitions, even though he can't participate in every single one of the competitions he usually does because of the Olympics.
Year 7 // Age 26-27
It's getting more tiring to wake up every day… He's thinking about retirement.
Once, when he wasn't talking to his parents (just like now), he'd promised that, for anyone who was just like him, when he retired, he'd come out as genderfluid. But how can he come out as genderfluid? He hasn't felt like anything other than a man in a long time. (He hasn't let himself feel.)
In the interviews, he admits to nothing and says he's simply thinking about what to do next.
(He doesn't come out in the end, it's all pointless anyway…)
The GP banquet is another one of those annoying things he will never miss. This time, though, it's something else…
Katsuki Yuuri is drunk and clearly unable to think properly, but there's passion in his eyes, grace in his bones, and a demand to be heard that doesn't quite fit with what he remembers of the asocial (shy?) competitor that ignored him earlier that day.
For the first time in so long, someone tries to see Viktor as a person and whatever it is that Katsuki Yuuri sees, it doesn't repulse him.
Chris and his other longtime competitors had long since realized that Viktor was mostly unapproachable and had barely even tried after the first two years. This man, though… This man doesn't seem to care about what others think at all. It's probably the alcohol but it still is so terribly refreshing.
They dance and Yuuri takes the lead. There's something humming in Viktor's bones. (He's been the man, the legend for so, so long...) It's over sooner than he (they?) would like. Viktor asks Yuuri to contact him (her?) on social media.
("I would add you myself, but then all of my followers would know")
He (???) thinks about the idea, the reckless proposal that Yuuri made. Coaching had never really seemed like a possibility…
Yuuri doesn't text.
He doesn't text, doesn't post anything with any sort of hidden meaning, doesn't call, or Skype or anything and Viktor is left wondering. Of course, he (??) would start falling for someone in a night, of course, he (?) probably only imagined that connection…
Katsuki Yuuri has been cruel to Viktor but also unbelievably kind because now, now Viktor knows what choice to make.
"I'll retire," he (they?? she??) tells Makkachin one day. "I need to find myself again, Makka…"
Year 8 // Age 27-28
One day, several of his followers and a handful of skaters he’s on friendly terms with tag his twitter account at a shared link of a YouTube video. The title is mostly in—Is that Japanese? The few Latin characters read "Stammi Vicino" and "Viktor Nikiforov"
He watches the video.
[recent google searches: flights to japan, transportation to japan]
As he soaks up in the hot springs, he thinks about how much he's misunderstood this… The onsen is dying, and the Katsuki family is middle-lower work class. It's a wonder Yuuri can afford to skate competitively.
Some hours later he hears Yuuri enter the hot springs, so he slowly edges back into the water. The steam will hide his scars.
"Ah, Yuuri! There you are! Give me 5 minutes to dry, da? And then we talk!"
He sends the stuff he moved here from Russia –the ones he doesn't need but still wants—back. The others he donates or sells. He gets comfortable as he can be.
He drafts a workout that will help Yuuri get back in shape, and he drafts a meal plan after some calls to his dietitian and a few conversations with Yuuri’s mother. It takes time, but Yuuri is finally ready for the ice.
Meanwhile, one of the skaters from St Petersburg, Yuri Plisetsky, ends up in Japan as well. He's talking about a promise, and Viktor cannot for the life of him remember. (He'd had that problem a lot these past few years; he's taken to post-it notes and alarms on his phone.)
"Who do you want me to be to you, Yuuri?"
(I've always been someone, the daughter, the rising junior, the out-of-nowhere senior, the icon, the legend, Viktor Nikiforov…)
"Just be yourself, Viktor!"
(How... How do I do that?)
Yuuri wins the Nationals, and he keeps advancing, though with no gold just yet.
In the cup of China, Viktor kisses Yuuri because what he just did, that-that meant so much, even if he botched the landing.
Later, in the hotel rooms, Viktor locks himself in the bathroom. He fills up the tub and soaks away the tension and the fear but lets the love and the surprise stay. He ends up falling asleep.
Hours later, Yuuri's hesitant knocks wake him. No. Not him. Them. They realize it just as they unlock the door, and their legs buckle.
Somewhere along the way, Katsuki Yuuri reminded them how to be themselves again, how to be Vitya again.
In the Rostelecom Cup, Viktor (Vitya?) sees Yakov again. They don't talk. Vik— Vitya feels like they have become their parents. They left someone they care about. They left. (Just like he did.)
Later, Mari calls and it's Makkachin and Viktor doesn't know what to do.
Yuuri does. "Go," he says. And Vitya does but not before making sure Yuuri won't be alone for the end.
Later, when they meet again at the airport, they hug and they confess and it’s so mundane, but the meaning isn't lost.
Yuuri proposes that they do a pair skate as his exhibition skate if he places on the podium.
Vitya knows they should talk about their gender with Yuuri, but they don't want to mess up his focus and they’re not willing to take the risk, not yet.
"After the finals, let's end this."
(I wanted to let you know me, me, Yuuri, the real me, I wanted it, and you...you're tearing this down... Why...?)
They track down Yakov. "I'll come back. I will skate again."
(I will skate my hurt, I will skate my confusion, I will skate my pain, I will skate my love…)
Katsuki Yuuri has been cruel to Viktor but also unbelievably kind because now. Now Vitya knows what choice to make.
"I remember," he tells himself that day. "I remember who I was and who I can be, and I won't wait for it to be my final surprise. I will tell the world who I am, and I will make them see. Even if it's the last thing I can do on the ice. I will tell the truth. That will be my surprise this season. I will take off my masks."
Yuri Plisetsky sets a new record with his short skate. Vitya couldn't be prouder of the person –the athlete— he is becoming.
Katsuki Yuuri sets a new record for the Free Skate and decides to keep skating. It's like a dream, Vitya thinks. But this is real and I'm not letting it slip my fingers.
They skate “Stammi Vicino” and the routine— it’s fluid and tragic and everything it was once and everything it has now become.
"Yuuri, I…I want to tell you something."
"I love you, Viktor Nikiforov. Man or woman or both or neither or something in-between."
Her father calls one day before they take the plane to Russia from Japan.
("I'm sorry, Viktor… I was wrong to do that to you, I was a bad father and a bad man --a bad person.")
A week after they move to Russia, their mother calls.
("I heard that a legendary figure skater turned coach and tackled their student on ice with a kiss."
"Did you now, mother?"
Their voice is cold and it's instinctive and they're sorry, but they also aren't.
"I made my mistakes, Vitulya. Viktor. I-I was behaving selfishly, and I am not sorry for thinking about myself, but I am sorry that I hurt you because of that.")
It's a long road but they're healing, they're mending.
One lazy Sunday afternoon, Yuuri has decided to marathon his favorite routines of all time. He's gone over the men's singles and even Vitya can't help but faintly blush at how many of his routines are there (all of them).
Yuuri moves towards the significantly less but still interesting compilation of female skaters...
A few days later, they're cuddling on the couch when Yuuri suddenly straightens.
"Vitya... Did you... Did your last name used to be Nikitina?"
And Vitya laughs, bright and happy.
"You figured it out on your own, wow! I was in the juniors as Viktoria Nikitina. I did want to change my name into something more masculine, especially since I prefer jumps and they are more prominent in men's singles. But I like my name. Luckily, there is both a feminine and a masculine version."
"And Nikiforov?" asks Yuuri, a little breathlessly.
"Oh," Vitya turns slightly sheepish. "A book character.” They turn their attention to Yuuri once again. "How did you realize, my Yuuri?"
"Oh, I… I was a fan… Of… Viktoria…"
"Yuuri!" they exclaim, hugging the other spontaneously. "You were always a fan, weren't you! Oh, you managed to find me with a different name and appearance! Your heart has always been leading you to me, my Yuuri!"
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iwantchurchthecat · 3 years
Obsessing over Victor Nikiforov
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This gay bish giving me genderfluid vibes
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And the most beautiful transition
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❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄
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mak0to · 3 years
Happy Genderfluid Visibility Week!
Here are some characters that i headcanon as genderfluid!
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nostalgic-bee · 3 years
Non-binary Viktor who uses he/him pronouns
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enby-axels · 4 years
broke: yuri k. is genderfluid because he sometimes refers to himself with "atashi" while performing eros
woke: victor is bigender because his lilac fairy costume is meant to express both male and female genders
bespoke: yuri k. and victor are both enby 💞
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helen-renee · 4 years
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I felt like drawing some genderfluid Yuuri so here, have a casual lazy morning Yuuri sketch!
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wewritevictuuri · 5 years
awake the stars (they’re all around you)
by @acemoppet​
‘Yuuri dreamed of the stars as a child.’
Or: Katsuki Yuuri finds themself in space, working side-by-side with Victor. Selfies are taken, battles are fought, kisses are shared, and somewhere along the way, they find themself a home as well.
Words: 4568, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Phichit Chulanont
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: YOI Home Zine 2019: Dom, Fluff, Angst, Space AU, Slight Violence, BAMF Katsuki Yuuri, Pining, Miscommunication, Happy Ending, Genderfluid Katsuki Yuuri, Asexual Katsuki Yuuri
read it on AO3 here.
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acemoppetwrites · 6 years
For the YOI Litmag Issue 2: Time
"Victor is just about to head to bed when he sees a peculiar shadow in the corner of his eye. He looks out the window, curious.
His curiosity doesn’t abate when he sees Yuuri headed to the beach by themself."
Or, Victor joins Yuuri at the beach. They talk, and in the spaces between their words, much gets revealed, and promises are made.
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suiine · 7 years
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a chunky boy Vs. the summer struggle
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ao3feed-yurionice · 2 years
Yuri Plisestky's Groupchat Family (One Shots (Mostly))
by TheFanficDreamingAuthor
JJ-style: Is it safe to come out now?
 Leo: onG! Yes! Go ahead bebeh, come out to your LGBTQ family!
 Christophe: Oh my God
 Phichit: PLZ LEO-
 Isabella: Aw baby, you're valid no matter what you are :)
 Mila: this bich
 Mila: Best fiance
 YURI. NEEDS. FAMILY! A collection of the skating family loving our boy, Otayuri cheering Isabella as she roasts her fiance, Phichit being a drama queen, Leo wanting out of America, Christophe might actually go to church, Yuuri being the badass mama of this group, Guang dealing with his man-child of a boyfriend, Minami being the sunshine he is, Seung Gil questioning why this chat is the way it is, Emil having no idea what he's doing, Michele unable to escape Mila and Sara's relationship innuendos, and Georgi being...single.
Of course, there's also angst...heavy angst most of the time- I'm me? What were you expecting?!
Words: 35583, Chapters: 14/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Yuri's Family Shenanigans (Yuri On Ice)
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Mila Babicheva, Georgi Popovich, Christophe Giacometti, Phichit Chulanont, Otabek Altin, Isabella Yang, Leo de la Iglesia, Ji Guang-Hong, Minami Kenjirou, Sara Crispino, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Lee Seung Gil, Michele Crispino, Emil Nekola, Potya | Puma Tiger Scorpion, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Jean-Jacques Leroy/Isabella Yang, Leo de la Iglesia/Ji Guang-Hong, Phichit Chulanont & Lee Seung Gil, Mila Babicheva & Yuri Plisetsky & Georgi Popovich, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Michele Crispino & Emil Nekola, Yuri Plisetsky & Everyone, Christophe Giacometti/Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend
Additional Tags: Team as Family, Family Dynamics, One Shot Collection, Katsuki Yuuri and Victor Nikiforov are Yuri Plisetsky's Parents, groupchat, Aunts & Uncles, Cousins, Brother-Sister Relationships, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Heavy Angst, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Social Media, Yuri Plisetsky-centric, Protective Skating Family, Self-Harm, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Yuri Plisetsky, Trans Phichit Chulanont, Fashion Designer Yuri Plisetsky, Asexual Character, Genderfluid Katsuki Yuuri, Ear Piercings, Romance, Protective Katsuki Yuuri, Protective Victor Nikiforov, Protective Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chulanont is a Little Shit, mama yuuri, Crying, Chaos, Demiboy Yuri Plisetsky, Overthinking
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39427821
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mak0to · 3 years
My best friend and I have matching pfp on instagram. She's Yuuri Katsuki and I'm Victor Nikiforov. My mom noticed this and she asked me today "do you want to be a man?". My genderfluid ass stood there like 🧍‍♂️
Anyway, thanks Victor Nikiforov for kicking me "out of the closet".
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ghostofhallownest · 4 years
Victor Nikiforov is genderfluid change my mind.
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shenyueye · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice) Additional Tags: Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, sleepy cuddling like wooa boy, implied genderfluid Viktor, shout out for makkachin for making this happen, there's so much fluff SO.MUCH. FLUFF, Self-Esteem Issues, but it's ok bc viktors there, Non-Sexual Intimacy, they should just marry already Summary:
Makkachin wakes up Yuuri in the middle of the night and leads him to Viktor's room...
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ineffectualdemon · 8 years
Why Yuri on Ice is life changing to me and my Kid
Now I have talked about the many reasons I love Yuri on Ice from how much I like Victor to how true Yuri’s anxiety is portrayed to how wonderful Victor and Yuri’s relationship is. All of that is still true and really important but in my house that’s all a little overshadowed by the most important thing about the show.
How it portrays gender.
All three of the main characters are shown as having a certain fluidity about their genders. Young Victor with his long hair:
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Wearing a costume that was deliberately designed to represent both genders at once. When he announced that it was fondly, Victor was clearly very comfortable with being ambiguous with his gender. 
Then when Yuri heard that he felt a deep connection with that outfit and chose it for his own program. Leading Yuri into learning to move in feminine ways as it was “closer to how he felt”
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Even later when Victor tells him he no longer needs to envision pork cutlets or women, that he can skate Eros as himself, Yuri still brings a feminine aspect to the program.
At no point is this blurring of gender lines mocked by anyone involved nor is it played for laughs. 
Yurio has it as well when Lilia meets him and sets a goal for him:
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Mila is surprised when Lilia says she’ll turn Yurio into a Prima Ballerina but no one else is and Yurio, angry salty Yurio, is completely comfortable with that. Despite his violence and general angry attitude he embraces moving gracefully and with beauty in a feminine way. He’s totally fine with it except for when JJ says “Lady’s first” because that is the only time his femininity is mocked in anyway.
And here’s the thing, we’re supposed to hate on JJ for that, because he makes a joke about it he’s the antagonist for Yurio and we’re supposed to dislike him in that moment.
As a genderfluid person with a bigender child this show was incredibly important for how it showed the blurring of gender lines. None of the characters were obliquely labeled as non-binary but it wasn’t hard for my kid to see themself in the main characters. It’s part of the reason why they love it so much because they do see the main three as non-binary.  The fact that they decided they wanted to start the process of coming out at school after we started watching Yuri on Ice together may be a coincidence and it may not but I know it has meant the world to them to see characters they love acting in a way that comes across as non-binary and it not being played for laughs.
In fact it’s shown as a strength, Yurio finding a beauty that is all his own past the prima ballerina into a beauty and, I would argue, still partly feminine grace that is all his own won him gold. 
Yuri uses his beauty and strength that I would argue blurs gender just as much to win Silver and of course Victor, 5 time world Champion, was never afraid to move with grace and beauty that again touched on the feminine side. His “Stay Close to Me” program was to my eyes a blend of masculine and feminine as well.
It made my genderfluid heart glad that these characters were able to blur those lines between male and female and find a beauty and strength that was unique to them and distinctly different from each other as well. 
I know it is extremely important to my child as well.
This is why among all the other reasons I love Yuri on Ice this is closest to my heart, because I can see the joy in my kid’s eyes as they see characters who they feel understand being non-binary, who they feel would understand them.
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cristinamlt · 8 years
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some genderfluid Victor with love, to you
people is beautiful no matter what~
I wish you a happy week
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