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Lina and Genavive so true
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You dont need a caption for perfection.
Also that one feels somehow meant for Genaver in a cosmic, this bitch needs constantly spray bottled way.
@genavere Comrade Gender, Rougie is callin u out in mine inbox for ur Laxus tiddy love
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Are there other Pokémon that you wish you could have caught and kept with you?
Oh.. yeah, there was Genav, this one nickit? I named him that because he stole my knife from me and ran off with it
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Genavive Grandeur Curved Wingback Bed Frame
Additional Information:
Hand crafted in the UK
Unique floor standing headboard
Bed in image is cream plush velvet
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my full barbie series
#barbie#barbie movies#nutcracker#rapunzel#swan lake#princess and the pauper#fairytopia#12 dancing princesses#island princess#clara#odette#erika#annaliese#elina#genavive#rosella
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Daughter of the Honorable thief - Harry Hook x reader - part 11 - the fair
thanks to @musicarose for commissioning me to help continue this series! more coming soon!
You were bouncing in your seat, watching as your parent's castle came into view. Erza leaned over you, a squealing noise coming from her mouth as she spotted her own home.
“ohhh I can't wait to get back, I've missed genavive~” Uma raised her brow at you, mentally asking you who Genevieve was.
“her horse” you laughed, pushing Ezra off of you and back into her seat in the car. You had arrived in your country by plane and continued from the airport by car, your family's driver in the front seat.
“so I talked to my mom, Harriet, harry, and Gil, you guys will be staying with me, and Uma you'll be staying with Ezra.”
Gil perked up, raising his hand, you snorted and nodded at him “why is it that way?”
“I informed my mom of what and how much you guys eat, my castle has a lot more food so it just made sense for you to be at my place, and harry and Harriet was just a choice”
“so Ezra and i will be hanging out…i’m good with that” Ezra grinned at you, patting your arm rapidly, you smiled and gently shoved her hand away.
“I know I know, chill”
A couple of hours later and you were ready for the festival, a green peasant dress flowing around you.
Your handmaid laid your small tiara on your head, the other helping you tie your boots.
“Thanks, you two, you guys can have the rest of the day off, go to the festival” you cheered, pushing them out of the room, Serena and kya smiled and nodded, bowing slightly before running off to their rooms.
You laughed, grabbing your shoulder bag, and walking out, checking to make sure you had your phone and wallet.
A whistle came from your right, and you turned, smiling as Harry walked up to you, he was wearing his shorter red leather jacket, black pants, and converse.
“wow, lookin’ good lassie” you giggled, spinning and letting the dress twirl around you.
“Why thank you~ you're looking quite good yourself!” Harry smiled and nodded, playing with his rings on his fingers.
“thanks” Harriet exited her room, messing with the strings of her own red peasant dress.
“oh you wore it?” you tilted your head “you know you didn’t have to right?”
“I know” she muttered, flattening the dress down on her front “I liked it, so I wore it fuck off”
“ok ok!” you held your hands up laughing “just wanted to make sure you weren’t forced to wear that”
Gil popped out of his room, a dark orange vest over a long-sleeved white shirt on his form, dark pants and his usual boots on his feet. “so (y/n), do they have really good food there?”
“oh amazing food, im willing to bet erzas gonna gun it to the Scotch eggs” gil tilted his head at that, following you down the stairs.
“whats a Scotch egg?”
“A deep-fried egg” you snorted, you never really understood erzas obsession with them, they were good, but not bulldozing other people over them good.
Likewise, she didn’t understand your obsession with churros, which were heaven shaped logs of cinnamon and sugar~.
“Alright, ill drive us over to the festival and we’ll meet uma and erza there okay?” the three pirates nodded and followed you out to your car.
You grinned, spotting erza in her light purple dress, her pastel flower crown on her head and brown boots, her dagger belt hanging off her waist.
Uma stood next to her, wearing a simple teal tank top and dark shorts, dark purple converse on her feet. She nodded at you, leaning off erzas car and walking towards you.
“loving the dress hettie~” uma teased, Harriet just gave her the middle finger and walked into the festival.
Harry laughed and gave a two-finger salute to uma, who nodded back, she turned to you “so what do we…do here?”
“play games-“ you started, erza interrupting you.
“eat food-“
You smirked and spoke up again, “buy things-“
“watch the tournaments-“
“and have fun generally” you finished, waving your hand for them to follow you in.
Harry whistled as you entered the main area, smiling at the decorations and stands. “this is pretty cool, I’ll admit” he spun around once, trying to see everything.
You broke away from the group to walk over to the map area “hey man, is there anything exciting going on right now?”
The old man smiled and looked down at his timesheet “why yes, there's a joust going on in seven minutes, just up here” he pointed down at the map.
“can we get there in seven minutes?” you asked.
“you can get there in three, I could get there myself in five, and im the slowest person here” he laughed, handing you a map and waving you off.
“guys there's a joust, lets go!”
“ ‘hood wait up!”
“there's a lady knight!” erza pointed out, Harriets and umas head popped up.
“lady knight? Wheres the lady knight I instantly love her oh my god” Harriet ran in front of the group, you and harry cackling at her.
Erza, uma, and Harriet were almost on the fences separating the arena from the people. You could hear the tail end of erzas words.
“whatever makes me that much more gay” she laughed, you settled next to her and looked around the arena.
“so we like the lady knight with the blue flag and the feathers right?” “yes,” erza nodded her head erratically, Harriet and uma agreeing quickly.
“okay so the boys” you rose your brow at them “they seem a little full of themselves” one of them was flexing.
“I don’t like his attitude” uma snorted “he looks like his name is lance or something im not about it”
The announcer started, calling for the audience for who they were going to cheer for.
“call out if you are here for the order of the moon!” the lady knight with the blue flag lifted her flag, smiling as the crowd went wild, including you and your friends.
During the match, you walked off and bought some of the lady knights mini flags for her supporters and gave them to uma, Erza, and Harriet.
Erza cheered and waved the flag around yelling out “hail the moon!”
The tournament began, the six of you cheering and screaming along with the crowds, uma turned to you during the match between the lady knight and “lance” “I think I get sports now!”
You laughed loudly and nodded, cheering as the lady knight knocked away the other knight's shield, giving her the match, she raised her lance high, smirking at the crowed, winking as she caught Harriet's eye.
“did-did she jus-she did oh shit” Harriet turned red and stood, hiding behind harry, who smirked and lushed her back out into the front, just as the lady knight circled round, right in front of your group.
She nodded down at Harriet, who blushed and squeaked, burying her face in her hands.
“Didn’t you say you had a crush on someone?” erza asked, leaning into Harriet's sight.
“I did! They don’t swing that way” she sighed, letting her hands drop onto her lap. You saw the lady knight smile to herself and nod, trotting off on her horse.
“I think she heard you” you chuckled. You knew the lady knight, the daughter of little john, ember, who was 150% gay, and Harriet was her type.
Tall, dark, and a talent with swords and the sea.
“hold the phone- wait isn’t that ember?” Erza leaned back to you, you nodded, Erza broke into a grin “holy shit! Last year she didn’t even qualify for the tournament!” she stood, waving her flag and screaming “GO EMBER~!”
Ember turned, a bright grin spitting across her face, pumping her fist in the air.
Soon the match was over, and luckily, Ember crushed it, though “lance” the knight for the order of the sun, was smiling and boasting to other guests, about how he would be winning the rematch later.
You pushed erza to talk to him, she pouted at you and walked over to him, he grinned and nodded.
Erza gave him a fist bumb and ran behind you, the knight laughed “thank you, I don’t know what that means but thank you” he spotted the sunflower gil was holding.
“quite a flower, and also appropriate since your over here on the order of the sun's side” gil smirked and shrugged.
“well you see” he turned over the flower, revealing the moon flag. The knight gasped in mock offense.
“oh, how could you!”
“How can you not, have you seen ember?” uma taunted, smirking at “lance”
The knight pressed his hand to his chest “hurt” clear on his face. “well the rematch at six! Youll have your chance” you supplied, the knight nodded and stood straight.
“aye, and if I don’t win…well I don’t know, will you all be there?” he chuckled.
“at 6? Yeah, we will be there!”
You all started to walk off before Harriet turned and asked.
“will ember be there?” the knight nodded “oh well then, well definitely be there! Come on, guys!”
You burst out laughing at the knight, who was staring at all of you with his mouth open and his eyes wide with amusement.
“so (y/n) uhhh, Scotch eggs?” you snorted and pushed erza out of your face.
“we will get them when we see the stall, so chill”
You walked around the market place, uma was gazing at a blue peasant dress, which you bought for her and she proceeded to get changed.
“lookin good cap’n” harry yelled from across the shop, a red and pink flower crown resting on his head, gil was trying on some leather gloves, smiling at uma, nodding with harry.
She rolled her eyes and gave a mock bow, stuffing her shirt into her back. “wheres your shorts?” erza asked, uma just hiked the dress up, revealing the shorts under the dress. Erza turned red and chuckled, turning away and waving her hands around her face.
“erza, calm the gay” you teased, patting her back as uma smirked and walked off.
“coffee!” Erza bolted off, you snorted, spotting the coffee stand across the road. You quickly paid for Harry's flower crown (which he tried to stop you but you insisted he looked good so he blushed and gently put it back on) and followed after her.
“CHURROS!” you exclaimed, detouring to the shop next to the coffee and buying 6 churros.
You handed one to harry and gil, waiting for Harriet, uma, and erza to return from the coffee shop.
“I needed this” erza sighed, sipping on the iced coffee. You smirked gesturing to erza.
“oh look, ye old basic bitch” erzas eyes widened as you finished your sentence and started to hit you with an open palm, you cackled and handed her a churro.
Uma and Harriet grabbed theirs and bit down, low moans coming from them as the cinnamon hit their tongues.
“holy shit that’s good” Harriet muttered, chomping down on the fried stick covered in cinnamon sugar.
“Yeah, what are these called and where can I get a thousand of them,” Harry asked his mouth full.
“churros, they are fried dough sticks with a bunch of cinnamon sugar on them” erza explained, sipping at her coffee.
“little sticks of heaven is what I think you mean” you muttered, pouring the leftover cinnamon sugar in the holding back into your mouth.
“there she be, the wild (y/n), scoping out the prime bows, as SCOTCH EGGS ARE JUST ROUND THE CORNER” you looked up at erza, raising your brow at her.
“you and your scotch eggs” you laughed, looking back down at the Celtic designed bow.
“since you’re offering, yes I do want some scotch eggs” she leaned on you heavily, raising her brows up and down.
You snorted and walked away from the bows, smiling as you saw harry and Harriet trying on pirate style hats.
“I do think you should look into getting new servants young lady” there was an older woman, dressed in high-class attire, speaking to erza, you snorted, waving for the rest of the group to come over. “there are many fine servants, around the shire”
“thank you agree” erza pointed at all of you, smirking at you “you hear that, not one of you have gotten me a scotch egg.”
You smirked “the only thing I serve are god, and sick dance moves, so please” erza almost burst out laughing but she held it in, managing to keep a straight face.
“then bust one of em out what you doin’?” erza challenged you laughed and started doing the robot, the older woman, laughing a little.
“those are dance moves? Everyone knows dancing is shifting hights and moving back and forth, and around” she demonstrated, you gasped and held up your hands.
“I just got served!”
The older woman laughed, eyes leading up to your tiara “oh my, you wouldn’t happen to be lady Loxley are you not?” you nodded, fixing the skirt of your dress
“yes that would be me” the older woman smiled.
“then you should be happy to know, in one hour there is an archery contenst~!” you turned to erza, who grinned back.
“oh, we gotta go!”
“and we shall!” you cheered, but first? You needed your gear.
--end of part 11--
#descendants#Descendents#disney descendants#harry hook#harry hook descendants#harry hook x reader#harry hook imagine#daughter of the honorable thief
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Perhaps Isra for character 2, Astoria for character 4?

So many wonderful names!!! If I don't use them for my mcs, they'll definitely be used for side characters :)
What I've chosen for my MCs are:
Maximilian Xander Hevestir
Penelope Avaline
Lucretia Cassandra Genavive
Yue Nyra
You guys were seriously so helpful. It feels good to have names for all my children now. My other two MCs are named Oli Nyra and Harvey if anyone is curious. Again, thanks everyone!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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“You stupid bitch, can’t you see? The perfect one for you, is me.” - You Stupid Bitch, Girl in Red.
Guys we did it. We won. We finally got lps popular yuri. In all seriousness though AAAAA I LOVE GAY PEOPLE IM SO HAPPY AAAAA. (LPS Popular Remake is by @mlp-fever )
#lps popular remake#lps popular#lps popular fanart#brooke hayes#savannah reed#genavive ryan#angelina davis
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"Ma'am, there's a box of chocolates and a card for a Miss Genavive Scoot? please sign here. Thank you." Card reads: Did you have fun losing today? Not so hot without your plastic dildo. >:}
“Awee, who got this for me? That is so swe–” She’d started to say, only to pause with a frown. Who could have–?! Actually, she knew exactly who must have sent this. She had half a mind to march right down there.
“You know what?– I love chocolate. He wants to waste money on me? I’m not going to stop him!” Genevieve muttered to herself while pulling the top off of the case of chocolates. And with the most bitter expression, she popped one the candies into her mouth.
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Do you hate dan the Sporko? The Dannie boiiiii?
wtf no why would I hate them? also you could have just DMed me this I already know your username lol (assuming this is Genav)
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One of my OC’s Genavive
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Transform your bedroom into a sophisticated oasis with the Genavive Grandeur Curved Wingback Bed Frame. 🌟
✅ Spread the cost with our 0% finance options.
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Maybe because Mimi was more important to your character/story?
I guess so? He was my first ever Pokemon. And I think how the game was gonna work is that some pokemon caught were scripted- y'know, like it happens no matter what, and Genav was one of those. Maybe this me just didn't go through that point yet?
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👑- after i eat can we cuddle once i organize my prismas?(i was doing something w/ them earlier amd it's an OCD thing) but we can cuddle and go to bed after, i need to take my pills though. i gave my pills to sister gen bc i can't really be trusted with them... but can we go to bed soon? you can bring Monamo and the paci i gave you if you want! i have Mr Fox and my blue space one for me.
"Absolutely we can! Food and your prisms first. Then, you get all ready for bed, get your cozy p.js on while Sister Genavive gets your medication ready, she's very trustworthy with that stuff she knows just about everything with human-y medical things! While you do all of what you need, I'll set up my nest to make if comfy. And yes, Mamm is certainly coming along, she has many stories to tell Mr.Fox about her first few days translating scripture!" ❤
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