#gen 1 bluebell
maddieplum · 4 months
💙🩵Floral Legacy Challenge Pt. 5🩵💙
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🪻let's find where Bella's loneliness will take her...🪻
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Meet Ember Black: cute bartender who's just Bella's type
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(Now what could possibly come of this??)
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doglover-trait · 11 months
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It's just like the place where they got married!
I love my sims so much 😭
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charmanderxerneas · 2 years
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g1 mlp drawings part 3 :>
gen 1 drawing requests are open if theres a certain ponie you wanna see :>
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simulation-machine · 2 years
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sanmyshunosimmy · 1 year
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Pregnancy and Proposal :0
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flower-meister · 2 years
Just got four whole g1 ponies for £20?! And they are in good condition?! I got, sunlight (a rainbow pony), bluebell, lickety split and bridal beauty!!!!
Will post them after Easter since I ordered them to my moms house (which is far away lol)
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sunnysolebunnie · 2 years
Floral Sims Legacy Challenge
Welcome to my sims legacy challenge! I know a few challenges have been made around floriograhphy but hey, I wanted to give it a go too! All the sims are based around an aspect of nature within the sims - some more obvious than others. The most important thing is enjoying this challenge - don’t worry if things go awry and you don’t complete it all! A flower can lose a petal and still flourish, as can you with this challenge! 
Some general rules here, no big deal if you bend them a little
Cheats can be used, just not excessively
If you have an extra traits mod, spouses can have more traits but please keep to just 3 with the heirs!
The heir can be any gender unless stated otherwise
With each gen, start with 20,000 - spend as much as you want building/furnishing a house or move into a premade starter and save your simoleons
Please use the lot traits if specified however if none are you can use any! If there are traits specified feel free to use any more around it, but give priority slots to specified ones!
There is a little hint for each generation
{source for flower meanings: ‘Floriography’ by Jessica Roux}
Packs needed for this challenge:
Sorry, there are quite a few, originally this was going to be just for me! I might one day make a base game version!
Get to Work [EP:1]
Get Together [EP:2]
City Living [EP:3]
Cats and Dogs [EP:4]
Seasons [EP:5]
Island Living [EP:7]
Eco Lifestyle [EP:9]
Cottage Living [Ep:11]
Vampire [GP:4]
Parenthood [GP:5]
Dream home Decorator [GP:10]
Nifty Knitting [SP:17]
G1  Bluebell
 Flower meaning: Humility; faithfulness
Colours: Lilac, pale blue
Just as many generations before you, you’ve always longed to be a housewife. The idea of serving your family is a dream and now you are finally an adult, it’s time to achieve your dream. You set off to find the man of your dreams. The only problem? You’re deathly shy!
  Traits: Family-oriented, Loyal, and Loner
  Aspiration: Big happy family
  Career: Stay-At-Home-Mother
Must start with a Female, young adult
Must complete aspiration
Must marry before adulthood
Max cooking, parenting and knitting skill
Never get a job - the husband can
Have 5+ children - knit them each an item of clothing for each birthday
Have a large garden of vegetables
Hint:  Children with level 4 mental skill can help plant - all children can water plants
G2  Snapdragon
 Flower meaning: Presumption
Colours: Red, pink
Growing up, you saw your parents care for the garden and longed to do the same. Now you’re older, your dreams of being a farmer can finally come true. You love your plants and animals - they are your only friends after all! Though some may say your prioritise them over your family…
  Traits: Animal lover, Loves outdoors, and Loner
  Aspiration: Country caretaker
  Career: Gardening career - botanist
Win a chicken competition
Always live in Henford-on-Bagley once a young adult
Have a large garden - always have at least 1 farm animal once a young adult
Only adopt children - have a better relationship with animals than children
Max gardening career (botanist branch)
Max gardening and handiness skill
Befriend a rabbit, bird, and fox, and have them help with gardening - have no sim friends (Not including family sims)
Hint: Dogs can help scare off foxes if there are too many
G3  Honeysuckle
 Flower meaning: Devotion; affection
Colours: Yellow, peach
Your parents spent much more time caring for their garden when you were younger, and so you spent much more time making friends within the neighbourhood. However, you could never deny the beauty of seeing all the flowers blooming during the summer. Now you’ve moved to a near by town and are living in the heart of the city. Times might be difficult but you always have your friends to care for you.
  Traits: Dance machine, Insider, and Lactose intolerant
  Aspiration: Leader of the pack
  Career: Gardener (Floral designer branch)
Live in the main town of Windenburg once a Young adult
Once a teen, go to the cafe at least once a week, and go to the club every friday night
Join at least one club
Max Flower arranging, charisma and dancing skill
Own a retail store selling flower arrangements
Have 5+ friends and maintain good contact
Have lots of partners when a young adult, but once an adult fall in love with and marry your childhood best friend
Hint: Buy a completely plain lot to start your retail - all you’ll need is 1+ flower arrangements and a cash register
G4  Daisy
 Flower meaning: Innocence; childhood; purity
Colours: White and pale yellow
Your parents were always very popular, growing the most beautiful flowers. This inspired you to want to center all decor and rooms within your home around beautiful plants. Now, you have the opportunity to bring the joy and beauty of flowers and plants into the lives of many sims.
  Traits: Maker, Art lover, and Vegetarian
  Aspiration: Master Maker
  Career: Interior Decorator
Max fabrication, floral arrangement and photography skill
Always live in an apartment with a balcony - grow flowers on the balcony
Have lots of floral prints
Make floral arrangements with your parent every sunday whilst still living at home
Fall in love with your childhood sweetheart and get promised whilst a teen
Use candles as your main source of lighting within the bedroom and living room
Attend the romance festival everytime it is on (unless impossible eg on holiday, a death etc)
Hint: The romance festival is in the fashion district - living here might make it easier to visit
G5  Zinnia
 Flower meaning: Everlasting friendship
Colours: Bright Orange, Bright purple
Ahh, the city. What an inspiring place. Full of people who really grind your gears, but hey! At least you can always trust your little cat and dog friends to be there for you. But seeing them hurt? Now your heart is set, it's calling you… you need to be a vet. You set off with a little cash to set up your own vet clinic, but now you seem to be gaining a good reputation with the animals, because they keep showing up at your home…
  Traits: Animal enthusiast, Vegetarian, and Hot-headed 
  Aspiration: Friend of the animals
  Career: Vet
Open a vet clinic
Max pet training and veterinary skill
Achieve a 5-star level vet clinic
Always have the lot traits cat and dog hangout once moving out
Finish the feather collection
Conceive your child in the lighthouse
Once a young adult, always have at least one plant of catnip
Hint: Feathers can be collected by both Sims and pets
G6  Ashphodel
 Flower meaning: My regrets follow you to the grave
Colours: White; Dark Blue
Being self-sufficient when it comes to food has always been a dream for you. Unfortunately, when it comes to your families lineage of green thumbs… you fall a bit short. In a burst of anger at your lack of gardening talent, you go to the nearest water bank, and see a fish. This lights a spark in you, and now you seem to always be fishing!
  Traits: Hot-headed, Loves outdoors, and Slob
  Aspiration: Angling Ace
  Career: Fisherman (part time)
Finish the fish collection
Max fishing, cooking and gourmet skill
Cook using fish at least once a week once a young adult
Enter and conceive your first child in the secret lot in willow creek
Fall in love when a young adult/adult but don’t marry until an elder
Always have a pond in your garden, but never any plants
Become best friends with a mermaid and have an affair with them
Hint: The secret lot is by a very special tree in the cheapest area of willow creek - the fish there are worth more
G7  Sweetpea
 Flower meaning: Thank you for a lovely time
Colours: Mauve; lavender
Watching those cute little fish as a child was always resonated with you maybe more than others. But seeing the way your parent would end up killing them? That made you M-A-D! Now, you’ve gotten a fresh start - its time to relax in the fresh seas of Sulani and befriend the natives! Hey, maybe you might even discover something about yourself whilst you’re there too…
  Traits: Child of the ocean, Hot-headed, and Child of the island (and Mermaid)
  Aspiration: Beach life
  Career: Conservationist
Befriend a dolphin
Complete the seashell collection
Achieve a 4+ star rating on doing odd jobs
Save the world by being a conservationist
Grow a coconut or pineapple! Or maybe even more than one…
Always live in Sulani once a young adult but choose to sleep in water
Befriend all village locals Sulani - its good to be friendly
Hint: You can clean up the beaches without being a conservationist - it might be a good idea to get a head start and start as a teen!
G8  Edelweiss
 Flower meaning: Courage; Daring
Colours: White; cream
Your parent was inspirational - they saved your whole island! But… know the harsh reality of seeing the state of the rest of the world has dawned on you. Well, you know what they say, go big or go home! You want to bring this eco-madness far out of just Sulani!
  Traits: Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple, and Maker
  Aspiration: Eco Innovator
  Career: Civil Designer
Live in evergreen harbour and achieve all green zones
Live off the grid with the reduce and recycle lot trait
Own Beetles once a young adult
Max the juice fizzing and fabrication skill
Using influence and convincing, win the NAP on Modern development in [Conifer station / Grims Quarry / Port Promise]
Have a green eco print on your lot
Max Civil designer career
Hint: The natural well trait is really useful - as well as the dew collector and solar panels
G9  Clematis
 Flower meaning: Ingenuity; cleverness
Colours: Pale pink; pale purple
With the air finally clear, now you can see the stars. It’s beautiful, right? But you can’t help it, you are longing for more. What’s beyond our planet? Through hard-work and dedication, perhaps you can finally get up to space. Maybe it will be phenomenal? Who knows?
  Traits: Ambitious, Overachiever, and Genius
  Aspiration: Nerd Brain
  Career: Scientist
Max rocket science skill and fully upgrade rocket
Woohoo in space
Finish the space rock collection
Grow a fang flower, glow orb and quill fruit
Befriend and take in an alien
Max the scientist career
Hint: To get to sixam, you need to be level 10 of the scientist career!
G10  Hellebore
 Flower meaning: We shall overcome scandal and slander
Colours: Black; ruby
You never were afraid of the dark, were you? I guess it’s hard to be when your parent lives up in the dark of space. But did you cross the boundary when you befriended a vampire, and asked them to turn you? Maybe… who knows? Thing is, drinking from people is so much more awkward than it looks. Luckily, plasma fruit and plasma packs are the best! 
  Traits: Clumsy, Music Lover, and Gloomy (and vampire)
  Aspiration: Master Vampire
  Career: None - part time jobs can be done if hours are within 6 pm to 6 am
Be turned into a vampire as a teen or young adult
Graft a death flower - save your lover from death of old age (or early demises) and then turn them so you can be in love forever
Resist drinking from anyone - only use plasma fruit and plasma packs (recommended to grow plasma fruit on lot)
Unlock the ‘guilty drinker’ and ‘sloppy drinker’ weakness
Max the vampire lore and pipe organ skill
Become a grand master vampire
Complete the elements collection
Hint: Vampires with a maxed vampiric strength skill can crush crystals and metals so you don’t have to send them to the lab -it's much quicker!
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l0velybugg0 · 2 years
top 5 flowers! aaand maybe... top 5 towns in pkmn!
Ough you're giving me the good stuff here, thanks!! 1. Hibisus are my most fave, something about it just makes me happy to see them. I guess since it has the vibe of summer/spring to it which are my fave 2. Sunflowers! They're yellow, bright, and lovely (I guess just like me lol) 3. Bluebells, they're just flowers that look like cute bells, I love them ;w; 4.Cherry blossoms. Are they flowers, do they count as one? idk but I love the calm and pink style to them. 5.Dasies, they're simple yet very cute and wish I could see them more here. Okay now for pkmn towns 1. Nimbasa City. You...you already know why (Submas and Elesa) but other then that, I love the theme, the ferris wheel, subway battles, and one of my faves, the musical!! I missed it all ;w; 2. Lavender Town. Overrated, I know but I'm just a sucker for horror/dark themes in games (especially with pokemon oops) I really have nothing to say other then it's creepy and scary atmosphere, is nice. 3. Ballonlea. I really wish we have more towns like this one. It's forest and mushroom theme fits so well for fairy types. Also gives me a bit of an alice in wonderland vibe, I love it <333 4. Treasure Town (I know this is PMD but..) Something about the town gives me a 'welcome home!/home sweet home' vibe that makes me smile and makes my heart warm. I also love seeing the shopkeepers and how different they are from one another. (Kangaskhan is best mum) 5. Jubilife Village. I never played the Sinnoh gens but this gave me a nostagla feeling regardless of that. I really loved how the theme changes each time you finished a day, bringing that whiplash of nostagla hitting you. ;w; It looks so lively and peaceful.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
the superstitions of the bluebell woods
by teej_tiger
“You should never let a child wander alone into a bluebell wood. It is the fairies’ domain and they will whisk them away forever. If an adult ventures in, fairies will lead them round in circles for hours, if not days, until someone bravely goes in to rescue them.” 
The animals that were awake at night seemed to be watching him, small noises which made him feel paranoid. His mind kept thinking that they were whispering to him, telling him to leave, to run away before the fairies found him.
But he kept going, determined even in the dark.
His teacher always said his stubbornness would one day be his downfall.
or Tommy is a lonely boy and the fae are well versed in the art of kidnapping.
Words: 1925, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot
Relationships: TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson
Additional Tags: TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Good Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Kidnapping, so it counts as dark ig, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Possessive Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Possessive Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Possessive Wilbur Soot, this is based off an old local folklore i found, no beta we die like c!tommy, is it kidnapping if this child is willing to lose everything, Hurt/Comfort, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Gets a Hug (Video Blogging RPF)
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rosiesared · 2 years
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I posted 4,220 times in 2022
That's 3,773 more posts than 2021!
169 posts created (4%)
4,051 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,860 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#ml - 887 posts
#ml spoilers - 519 posts
#ladynoir - 342 posts
#ladrien - 158 posts
#cookie speaks - 96 posts
#toh - 96 posts
#ml exaltation - 91 posts
#ml s5 - 88 posts
#&lt;3 - 80 posts
#friends - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#no fr as i’ve gotten older i’ve related to her more cos like. second gen immigrant w/ little to no connection to ur ‘home’ culture is
My Top Posts in 2022:
@ladrienjune day 1: tongue-tied
now on ao3!! &lt;3
It’s almost as if a spotlight had materialised around her, because she was all he could look at. From the moment her black heels took their first steps into the ballroom, his eyes followed, taking in the bright crimson of her dress and the way her raven hair had foregone its usual pigtails, flowing freely behind her.
If there wasn’t half a room of space between them, Adrien was sure he would’ve made his way over and run his fingers through it - it looked really soft, what hair products did she use? 
He was glad he didn’t, though, for he isn’t transformed right now, and he doesn’t think Adrien has formed a close enough relationship with Ladybug that he could casually waltz up to her and put his hand in her hair like he had an entitlement to it.
No, that would just make her think he was a creep. 
And what good would that do down the line, when they finally reveal their identities to each other? He didn’t want the first words that came out of her mouth to be “Oh, I remember you, you’re that weirdo from that party a while back.”
Frankly, he would rather die in a hole than have that happen. 
So, like any sane person would do, Adrien decided that he isn’t going to run his fingers through her hair. No, he’s just going to walk up to her and start a perfectly normal conversation as if he isn’t her superhero partner who also happens to be wildly in love with her.
Piece of cake. …
It didn’t take long for her to notice him. Adrien found it sweet how iridescent fireworks went off in the depths of her irises as she subtly twisted herself in his direction, hoping the people she was talking to didn’t realise how badly she wanted to leave.
How badly she wanted to see him. If Adrien hadn’t been perpetually aware of his father’s glare tailing him, he would’ve been sure this was another of his late-night, locked-in-his-chest, fantasies.
“Adrien!” she waved, finally making her way over to him, her figure outright bouncing with excitement. 
“I’m probably hallucinating.” he blurted out, eyes widening when he realised what exactly it was that he said. “I-I mean,” I love you, “do you wanna get away from here? It’s getting a little stuffy, honestly.”
“You sure you’re okay?” Her brows crinkled as she gave him a once-over, probably looking for signs of ill health after he stupidly told her he was hallucinating. He didn’t dare utter a word, not when he could practically feel the edges of her lashes kissing his face and the depths of her bluebell irises bleeding pure warmth. For him.
No, he didn’t want to speak, not when he was sure that in his tongue-tied state, a flurry of nonsense would come spilling out of his mouth, and then where would that leave him?
So he nodded. Aggressively. To make sure she got the point. 
Ladybug peeked up at him from behind her lashes. “Well, if you are, then, I would love to.”
She gave a soft grin, and Adrien felt warmed to his core.
32 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
catradora where they’re sleeping together in the same bed and one of them has a nightmare so the other comforts them 🥺
A faint hum ricochets against the halls of Brightmoon, twinkling and shimmering in nature. That’s the only indication that anyone else’s within the castle, the usual laughter of its halls dulled by the serenity of sleep.  Adora watches as the moonlight filters in through the curtains of her and Catra’s room, staining the duvet with a streak of silver, and illuminating her girlfriend’s face. She looks so peaceful in her sleep; her muscles relaxed and her expression light - it’s a shame seeing her like this had been so few and far between during the war. From her position in Adora’s lap, Catra shifts, and her warmth spills like drops of tea onto her legs. She mutters a few words, meanings hazed by their semi-conscious nature, and her shoulders tense against her. Her hands clench into fists, and her face breaks out into something akin to a silent scream. Just seeing it makes Adora’s heart break.  Adora’s hand stills against Catra’s head. ”Catra?” When she doesn’t immediately get a response - understandable, considering her girlfriend was very much asleep at the moment - she gently yet firmly shifts her palm to Catra’s exposed shoulder, allowing herself a short smile at the way the light illuminated the bumps and ridges that adorned it.  “Catra, wake up, you’re having a nightmare.” Adora says, shaking her in the hopes of waking her up.  Catra’s eyes flutter a couple times, something troubled flickering within them, before widening; yellow and blue, haunted by the ghosts of their pasts, standing out in the dimly-lit room. Her head whips around the room; towards the raised ceiling, the plush mattress the two of them sat on, the waterfall, before squarely landing on Adora’s face.   “Adora?”  “It’s okay, you’re safe now,” Adora murmurs into the scruff of her hair. ”I’ve got you.”  Catra smiles. “I never needed you to catch me.” “I know.” Adora says, returning her hand to Catra’s head, smiling as she lets out a hum of contentment.  “But.” Catra says, averting her gaze, “I’m glad you did.” “And I’ll never stop.”
41 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
a blanket against the chill seeping in through the window-glass
“Is this okay?” Marinette asks, her crimson suit still glowing in the hotel room lit by only the orange haze of dusk. 
Adrien gives a nod of affirmation, not wanting to risk sobs spilling out of his mouth. 
He feels her smile against his shoulder, a calming, reassuring little thing, and a weight releases itself from his soul, floating wherever it is that heaviness goes when it is not in the crook of a person’s being. 
Here, in her arms, Adrien feels shielded; like, no matter how many flaming torches the outside world throws at him, none would even come close to penetrating their embrace. 
He wishes they could stay like this forever - on this mattress, barren of all the memories of old, a frozen creek in the middle of winter; just waiting to grow anew. 
On this strange bed, in this perfectly-manicured room, Adrien could almost pretend he was normal. That his father (Gabriel, some part of him whispers, he doesn’t deserve that title) had not been revealed to be Paris’ infamous supervillain, and that his miraculous wasn’t sitting innocuously on the bedside table, wrapped in a zip-lock bag.
He couldn’t ignore the way her eyes darted to it, sometimes, when she thought he wasn’t looking, her fingers twitching in indecision. His gaze follows, landing sorely on the one piece of jewellery his father had worn that hadn’t been seen by anyone else. 
When Adrien feels Marinette stiffen around him, he wishes he could take it back.
“We do need to do something about that,” she says, her words not revealing anything about the circumstance they’re in, “but that’s an issue for another time, okay, chaton?”
“But, the brooch-” 
She places a gloved finger over his mouth. “Won’t fall into the wrong hands if we don’t immediately put it back.” At this, she leans back in, and Adrien sighs as the warmth rushes back into his body, a blanket against the chill seeping in through the window-glass. “We can take this one moment at a time, okay?”
He doesn’t respond, not immediately, and she holds him tighter, softly humming to herself to fill the silence. 
Here, in her arms; shrouded from his father, the media, anyone outside of the two of them, Adrien feels safe enough to cry. 
“My Lady,” he asks, as the sun has fully dipped below the horizon, leaving them caked in the light of stars, “can you stay here, tonight?”
“Of course. Of course I will, mon chaton.”
Adrien feels something like a smile slip onto his face - there’s no one else in the world that he feels safer to have by his side. 
82 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
gloob did u really have to air more out of order eps next week? isnt two enough? smh 
123 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ml fandom people im curious: rb and put in the tags how long uve been watching the show and/or how long uve been in the fandom ill start 
1,750 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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maddieplum · 4 months
-`❀´- Floral Legacy Challenge Pt. 10 -`❀´-
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The yellow leaves deepen to red and the air turns crisp and cold as fall settles over Courtyard Lane. In the Rosewood household...
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As time marches on, Bella and Asher keep building their lives and home. Asher progresses through some milestones, Bella changed careers and met the neighbors' twin daughters. Club Halibut gathered and Bella cheers up Lucas after a bad day, then after a date at the local cafe, the pair made it official! Things are coming together for the Rosewoods, and Bella is planning a big Harvestfest bash to celebrate with her found family -> tune in next time to see how it goes!
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doglover-trait · 11 months
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Merlin either sleeps in the twins' room or Amos's room. Every single night. It's so adorable
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karmahasagun · 27 days
If your ocs were in rainworld what creature would they be? How would they act? Friends? Any tamed pets? Are they the tamed pet?
oh BOY did this give me some BRAINROT
I need to put this shit under a fucking cut because this ended up longer than I thought. Anyways.
My boy is absolutely a scug, there is no doubt in my mind. I think he is somewhat aligned with Artificer, both in morals and powers, but rather than explosions, it's probably similar to Centipede electric. He's a bit faster than your average scug, and can wall-jump well. I also think, to reflect his wild magic, his electricity has a small chance to misfire which will stun him rather than whatever he's trying to stun, and the chance is higher the lower his Karma level is. Karma 10 has no chance, Karma 1 has maybe a 1/3 or 1/2 chance, with the others being evenly dispersed between. I also think he frequently terrorizes visits the local Iterator and fucks with old Ancient tech, either finding or building a mechanical lizard, probably with similar abilities to a Cyan. My girl Smoothie :]
Because my brainrot is incredibly high, I also think Jericho is a scug in this AU. They'd probably have the same spear-dual-wielding ability that Spearmaster has, and would be able to poison their spears with something like Spitter Spider/Red Lizard venom, able to slow down and stun anything they hit. They probably also have the high backflip from Riv.
Maybe the Local Iterator (tm) is Zep. Iterator Eve & Adem in the same local group. Idk what Frog would be. Maybe a Blue/Yellow Lizard? Dunno.
I don't think Kas would be able to ascend, at least if Jericho was alive. He wouldn't be able to let go of that attachment, and the ascension would fail. If he lost Jericho, it might be able to happen, but I also think he could just as easily get consumed by sadness/anger/grief, which would also make it difficult to properly ascend.
She's an Iterator. She is very similar in demeanor to Moon, but I think she is a few degrees more... questionable. She's probably a newer-gen Iterator, not really being around much during the Ancients' time before the Mass Ascension. In the campaign, she is a paladin dedicated to the Goddess of Death, and my way of translating that into RW lore would be giving her an obsession with Karma and The Cycle. Rather than trying to find a Solution to The Cycle, I think she would find a way to bend the rules of her programming to do more research on The Cycle, and how it works. As an Iterator, she wouldn't be able to experience The Cycle herself, but she'd know from her database that it exists, so I think she'd want to understand why it exists and how it works. She's not really trying to find a way to die/ascend like most Iterators, just trying to better understand the world, and the reason why death and ascension work the way they do.
As for other characters, the Pantheon are Ancients/Echos. Clover is another Iterator in Eries' local group, but his can is infected with Rot. Everyone else I'm not really sure. Eries would probably have a pet scug that she uses to study The Cycle.
They are an untethered Iterator, their can abandoned/collapsed. They have a pet Blue Lizard, aka Bluebell, and they travel around doing research on Ancient civilization.
He's a scug similar in vibe to Monk. No real special powers, gets along with animals easier, etc. He probably has several pet Lizards.
I didn't really have any solid ideas for Darcy and Lilac, so they're getting left out of this one rip. This does have me thinking Very Hard about both Kas and Eries tho. Lowkey wanna draw them in this AU now. This was very fun, good question :]
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simulation-machine · 2 years
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Even Bluebell is shocked by how big Arleth is getting tbqh
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phillipthesims · 3 months
Nature's Blooming Flowers!
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General Rules:
For each generation complete the designated aspiration, career, and skills.
Have the two required traits for your heir!
Save the urn and portraits of each heir. Family portraits recommended.
Each generation has at least one if not two colors to use!
Asterisk * marked points are optional, you can choose to complete these to make the challenge more difficult.
*Randomize each ‘your choice’ trait
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Nature's Blooming Flowers Family Tree
Some of the generations don't have rules yet. So feel free to write suggestions or things you want to see in this challenge!
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Gen One: Lily of the Valley (Taken from Poison Garden Legacy)
Generation Rules
Meet the Founder: Lily Valley
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (End of Gen One)
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Gen Two: Tulip
Generation Rules
Meet the Heir: Tula Valley
Chapter 1
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Gen Three: Rose
Generation Rules
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Gen Four: Hibiscus
Generation Rules
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Gen Five: Dandelion
Generation Rules
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Gen Six: Bells of Ireland
Generation Rules
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Gen Seven: Forget-Me-Nots
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Gen Eight: Bluebells
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Gen Nine: Iris
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Gen Ten: Digitalis
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*Gen Eleven: Black Dahlia
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lunalou87 · 11 months
Flower Power Challenge
Hi Simmers, I came across Mishisims Flower Farmer Challenge a while ago and it gave me the idea to use flowers instead so I came up with the Flower Power Challenge.
The challenge requires all the packs but you can work around some stuff if you don’t have them all.
This is an 8 generation challenge. Your Sims are all obsessed with certain flowers and the colour that they represent, they spend all their lives growing only one type of beautiful flower.
Create a Young Adult Sim (Teen if you want to make it harder)
Lifespan must be on normal
Seasons must be default (7 days)
Aging must be on normal
Your Sim can only earn money through selling their specific flower (either from the plant itself or via the sale table (so no writing books, doing odd jobs or painting)
Feel free to use a greenhouse to shelter your flowers so that they grow all year round
Your Sim CANNOT have a job and your spouse must quit their careers
You will need to use freerealestate on to buy the lot each time you start the next gen
Generation 1: Blue
Traits: (Pick any 3) Loves Outdoors, Perfectionist, Child of the Ocean, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Flower: Bluebells
Buy an empty lot and start with 0 fund
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Fishing skills
Have 2 children
Generation 2: Yellow
Traits: (Pick any 3) Ambitious, Clumsy, Foodie, Loner, Socially Awkward,
Aspiration: Master Chef or Mixologist
Flower: (Pick 1) Chrysanthemum, Lily, Daisy, Bird of Paradise
Buy an empty lot
Start with $500 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Cooking or Mixology skills
Have 1 child
Build a house with a large kitchen (if you’re a chef) or have a room with bar (if you’re a mixologist)
Generation 3: Red
Traits: (Pick any 3) Childish, Erratic, Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, Romantic, Art Lover, Mean, Evil, Snob
Aspiration: Party Animal
Flower: (Pick 1) Snapdragon or Rose
Buy an empty lot
Start with $5000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Flower Arranging skills
Have 5 really close friends
Have 3 children with your BFF
Build a house with an area for entertaining your friends
Generation 4: White
Traits: (Pick any 3) Creative, Gloomy, Music Lover, Maker, Lactose Intolerant
Aspiration: Master Maker or Musical Genius
Flower: (Pick 1) Daisy, Orchid, Snowdrop or Christmas Rose
Buy an empty lot
Start with $0 in funds
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening and Fabrication or 2 instrument skills
Get Married and have 2 children
Build a house with a decent size music/fabrication room
Generation 5: Purple
Traits: (Pick any 3) Paranoid, Dance Machine, Freegan, Dog/Cat Lover, Overachiever, Proper, Party Animal, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Flower: (Pick 1) Crocus, Tulip, Fang Flower
Buy an empty lot
Start with $5000 in funds as a gift from your parents or $2500 and some items
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Logic, Pet Training/Equestrian and Dancing skills
Get engaged but never married
Have 1 child
Build a house with a science lair
Generation 6: Pink
Traits: (Pick any 3) Unflirty, Adventurous, Outgoing, Good, Bro
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Flower: (Pick 1) Begonia or Dahlia
Buy an empty lot
Start with $10,000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Skiing and Snowboarding skills
Have 4 children but never get married
Build a house with at least 4 bedrooms
Generation 7: Green
Traits: (Pick any 3) Squeamish, Recycle Disciple, Green Fiend, Materialistic
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Flower: Holly
Buy an empty lot
Start with $1000 in funds as a gift from your parents
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Fabrication and Wellness skills
Have at least 1 child
Have an Off the Grid lot
Build a house with a fitness room
Generation 8: Black
Traits: (Pick any 3) Geek, Active, Kleptomaniac, Slob, Non-Committal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Flower: Death Flower
Buy an empty lot
Complete aspiration
Master Gardening, Mischief and Fitness skills
Get married but have no children
I hope you enjoy the challenge and make sure to check out the original challenge.
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