chaosflight · 1 year
how would the diamonds be in your au? o: would they be just as bad as canon?
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Uhhhhh 'as bad as' is hard to say!
In this (ancient) centaurworld, shamans are chosen... a little differently. What we would recognize as mythical or cryptid creatures are naturally more magical, in this ancient world, and as such are the only ones even considered for shamanhood. The most ancient of these is the Dragon Shaman.
Resplendent and white and utterly enormous, the dragontaur Shaman is millennia old. She was the first being to emerge from the primordial ooze of this world (according to her, anyway, and no one else is old enough to contest this, so..) and began to shape it to her will. At first, this nameless creature ruled over all of centaurkind as they began to evolve/form across the planet. She was worshiped and revered and feared. Her temper is legendary. Her expectation is perfection. To fall short is to become stamped into the earth beneath her powerful coils.
Eventually, she was unable to keep as close an eye on ALL the denizens of her world as she wanted, and sought out underlings. There was no place, no environment, she could not go, and she PERSONALLY investigated the few tips she was given for candidates.
Here is where the next two come in. In fairly rapid succession, the Dragon Shaman found two naturally powerful creatures with similarly long life spans to take under her wing. (metaphorically, as she does not have wings. just a bunch of legs)
She found the Thunderbird (lightning phoenix??) and the Sea Serpent, and began to teach them both powerful magic as well as how she wanted them to rule their newly designated swathes of centaurworld. Yanessa, the thunderbird-taur, was to rule the skies and all the skytaurs. Bellow, the serpent-taur, was to rule the seas and all the seataurs. For a few hundred years this was perfect.
And then there was another population boom, centralized on the landmass of centaurworld. Unsupervised, the peoples there had.. well, they do what peoples tend to do and made More People, and without the direct guidance of any shaman, their society was. Well. I"m not going to call it primitive because that's dumb. But the Dragon considered them primitive, and decided they needed ruling. But she didn't want to rule them directly herself anymore. She liked ruling by proxy and being worshiped from a distance.
And so, she needed a new shaman to rule the centaurs of the land.
This time, however, the three shamans did something.. strange. They made a new shaman. Not by conventional means, but through sheer magic and will. And thus, Perennia was created. A unicorntaur, a creature of Pure Magic, to follow in the shaman's will for her and her new subjects.
Perennia, however, would quickly find this was not what she wanted for herself.
Additional White Shaman bonus:
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She does bite! Watch your.. whole body, I guess.
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sharkphobicz · 1 year
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rose quartz the lion-taur! ..this feels like one of those aus i obsess over for a week and then never think about again .. ill do my best
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Primal Gemtaur; Black Diamond; Vortex
A mysterious primordial centaur gem known only by the sparse records about him found at the Cosmos Station and the existence of his child; Grey Galaxy. The knowledge of his presence ends around the time Eclipse sealed him away in a crystal and he’s yet to be found again.
It was said that despite his large size, he was a friendly diamond and was very careful. Vortex owned the Cosmos Station and seemed to keep an eye on the universe itself from the many cameras that was on the station. He did this with very little help; He ruled it alongside Eclipse but she was mainly keeping track of the gems who was under his court. His court, the Darkest Cosmos, seems to no longer exist.
While Eclipse seemed disappointed in their child, Vortex was delighted and taught them how to run the station. Perhaps Grey Galaxy was just too nice and Eclipse had wanted something else. Whatever it was, she ended up sealing Vortex away.
Much like Eclipse, some of the energy he had was scrounged up via off rifts and others used it power machines that created artificial gems based around him. While most have escaped their facilities, one known as Polar Vortex has remained under the care of a human who found the very cold diamond one icy cold night.
Vortex’s whereabouts are currently unknown.
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geminitay as a deer taur call that a gemtaur
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thefluffygems · 6 years
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Sorry for the wait folks. I have no excuse, I just wanted some time to myself after that horrifying semester and to play some video-games! But I will be getting back to post my drawings here.
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i-shisu · 7 years
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Deer Pearl from Gemtaur au <3 <3 I love this au
based on Deer Pearl of @what-the-floofin NOTICE ME SENPAI
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
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Two more commissions by Blue-Arctic on DeviantArt ( @baited-in )!
The first one is of Jasper and Egyptian Jasper (OC)
The second one is of Jasper and Ribbon Jasper (Gemtaur OC)
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what-the-floofin · 7 years
the diamonds are giraffe centaurs right? what about pearls being deer centaurs.
Well I’m sure as heck not gonna say no 
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Live your dreams and enjoy your taurs, whichever taurs you like best
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undertow1326 · 3 years
My Ever Growing List Of Original Species
[mostly making this for myself, will format later on PC when i can]
Edit: Forgot to mention you can ask about these and if they're open or not, because some are some aren't
Eye Sights
Doodle Beasts
Steal Jaws
Mecha Beasts
Void Raptors
Tail Beasts
Eye Wyverns
Eye Saurs
Space Anglers
If I missed any anyone can think of let me know!
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chaosflight · 1 year
I know you said that gemtaur is a prequel of Centaurworld (by being long years before the Nowhere King appeared) but what would elktaur reaction to Steven (a centaur) and Connie (a human) being best friends and that Connie doesn't mind Steven being a centaur?
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He's. Questioning his whole entire existence.
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sharkphobicz · 1 year
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smoky quartz my beloved
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Primal Gemtaur; White Diamond; Eclipse
A large primordial gem centaur living within the depths of a planet home to many other gemtaur gems. Due to her large size, she is only seen when her headquarters are visited and even then she’s not generally a diamond most would come across on their own. This is because she is known to have the same mind control powers as White Diamond herself and controls the gemtaurs that live near her hq.
Long ago, in the distant past, she lived on a planet within an hq known as the Cosmos Staton. This large machinery, highly technological, was where she resided alongside another primal gemtaur known as Vortex. Eclipse was his lover, and she was determined keep it that way. With their powers, she knew combining their light could create a gem who had both their powers, abilities, and would rule both the darkest cosmos and the lunar skies all the same.
It seems, however, that the result was..Not what Eclipse had wanted. Something wasn’t right. And whatever it was, she had became enraged and sealed Vortex away within a crystal and kicked it off the Cosmos Station. She then abandoned the station and settled onto another planet where she has remained.
It is known some have captured the energy she radiates and used it to power machines that created artificial Gems that are based around her with other influences. It also is known these creations are extremely unpredictable and most of them have escaped the facilities that created them.
The whereabouts of her child, the one she had with Vortex, is reported as being the current owner of the Cosmos Station years after their father was banished. They go by Grey Galaxy; A Primal Grey Gemtaur Diamond.
Eclipse, however, has never searched for Vortex. While her presence gives off light, Vortex seems to absorb it. Eclipse is harsh at times and very bossy. She is also stern with orders, commands, and rarely takes flight as her wings are often folded. The full extent of her powers are unknown as she has never been seen using them completely and seems to take power from the moon.
Her pearl has been missing for a very long time. Instead, she commands a Gemtaur Peridot whose cracked form shows the extended periods of being under control. Also the lack of color; The Gemtaur Peridot is completely monochrome.
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 years
More random ramblings
Vortex Cookie is the cookie counterpart of my literal universe gemsona, Vortex the Primordial Black Diamond Gemtaur
Vortex Cookie is sometimes called ‘Universe Cookie’ but he will insist calling him Vortex Cookie is better and more fitting
Vortex Cookie will only appear when Holo-Map Cookie and Tech Cookie are in certain locations marked by a symbol depicting a swirling vortex, usually places of significance. Otherwise he is hidden in a station somewhere. This gives him a legendary status due to being scarcely seen
Vortex Cookie is the father of Tech Cookie and the husband of Holo-Map Cookie. He is skilled in technology and the universe but not as well as his family
Vortex Cookie embodies the universe, while his main powers reflect upon the black holes he can summon if he so desired. His Rival is Eclipse cookie
Vortex Cookie is seldom seen enough to have connections to other Cookies, but he is closer to his family
Eclipse Cookie is the cookie counterpart of my gemsona of the highest moons, Primordial White Diamond Gemtaur
Eclipse Cookie is sometimes called ‘Bright Moon’ Cookie and she absolutely hates it and will demand you refer to her as Eclipse Cookie
Eclipse Cookie is often found at her home with her lover and a small family, but she doesn’t travel far and wide and prefers to be home. There are symbols of moons that once depicted places of significance where she used to appear . She still is seen as legendary despite not hiding
Eclipse Cookie embodies the many bright moons of the land, while her powers reflect the bright lights she can destroy things with. She seldom sees need to use that (thankfully) but she is obsessed with the moon as her abilities work around it
Eclipse Cookie was, at one point, considered an evil tyrant who brought unending terror until she mysteriously became nicer but still is rival to Vortex Cookie
Eclipse Cookie has no known issues with anyone besides her rivals and her lover
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ryctone · 5 years
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I missed drawing complicated characters so I drew @shadowfoxsilver‘s gemtaur, Flare!.
I just think he’s neat.
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i-shisu · 7 years
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what-the-floofin · 7 years
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No stopping this taur train I’m way beyond being sorry
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