#gemma teller-morrow
aravenamongcrows · 2 years
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The Real Club Leader In Sons of Anarchy
Click the Banner and listen to Motorcycle Madhouse Morning Mayhem on Spotify The Sons of Anarchy club went through a couple of changes of leadership in seven seasons, but the real club leader wasn’t even a member of the club: Gemma Teller-Morrow (Katey Sagal), Jax’s mother. Kurt Sutter gave viewers a glimpse at the world of motorcycle clubs in the TV series Sons of Anarchy, set in the fictional…
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Fluff: 🦋❤️‍🔥 / Smut: 🫦🌶️ / Angst: 🧨💥 / Hurt/comfort: ❤️‍🩹💔 / Nothing: 🫰🏽✨.
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Mission Impossible:
Ethan Hunt:
- Naughty Games 🫦🌶️ Summary: Playing with Ethan Hunt is never a good idea and you’ll learn that.
- No more trip
Sons of Anarchy:
- Kip: 🫰🏽✨ Summary: He didn't cheat on you but the betrayal breaks you.
- Dead Inside: 🫰🏽✨ Summary: You wake up at the hospital and learn then why.
- Prank and Delivery: 🫰🏽✨/❤️‍🩹💔 Summary: You're pregnant and have to spend the last weeks at home but boredom drives you nuts. You decide to prank Jax instead of rest.
- Quiz: 🫰🏽✨ No summary.
Tolkien universe:
Till the end of time 🦋❤️‍🔥 Summary: Now he understands why every first day after the full moon, you disappear and always come back covered with dirt from hair to toe and some scratches and bruises.
Snippets game:
Haldir (1) (2)
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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Gemma sighs as she talks over the phone. "…no, she doesn't have any open appointments for the next few months. I have Tig, Juice, or Opie free?… okay well, I'll book you in with her if anything opens up. Bye." She sighs putting the phone down walking outside.
The guys were all standing watching you bent over the hood of a car, looking into the window, with your overalls on, arms tied around your waist, and a cropped vest. "Does anyone work around here?"
They all scurried away in case you turned and notice them staring.
The matriarch of the club sighs before giving you a once over and staring at your ass until she notices Clay staring at her with a smirk. "Stop staring at the kid's ass while she's working," he says teasingly.
Gemma just smirked, whispering in her husband's ear as he rubbed a hand over his chest, "I will when you do, baby."
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Flower Crowns
🦆: Finally finished I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it
Pairing: Happy Lowman x OC (Katherine Morrow)
Warnings: A few swear words nothing else I think let me know.
Word count: 4,203
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Happy, standing amongst the other bikers of the club, surveyed the event with curiosity. As he looked at the various activities set up for the children, he spotted a flower crown making booth led by a young woman. She was helping the children make their own crowns, while teaching them about flowers in the garden. Her soft and nurturing nature seemed to draw all the children to her, her delicate features and light brown wavy hair adding an air of gentleness to her presence.
Intrigued, Happy couldn't help but take note of her. He had heard of her from the other members of the club, knowing she was the daughter of the club's president and sister to the VP. Her reputation for kindness and gentleness, contrasting with the rough and tough world of the Sons of Anarchy.
Unable to look away, he continued to observe her. He noticed the way she smiled softly at the children as they crafted their flower crowns. Her delicate hands gently guided them to weave the stems. There was a certain purity in her actions, a innocence that seemed untouched by the darkness of the club.
Sensing someone approaching behind him, Happy spoke without looking. Back.
"Shouldn't you be at your booth Bobby? Gemma will castrate you if u bail on another event brother"
"I'm on a break man get off my balls" Bobby replies
Happy chuckled as he turned to face Bobby, a smirk on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest as he replied
"A break, huh? More like avoiding responsibility as usual."
He teased Bobby, knowing all too well that he had a fondness for shrugging off his duties whenever he could.
Bobby rolled his eyes but couldn't help but grin. He knew that Happy was right, he had a reputation for avoiding work whenever possible.
"Hey, I'm entitled to a break every now and then, brother. Can't be on duty 24/7." He retorted.
Happy let out a smirk, enjoying the playful banter with his brother. He shook his head in amusement, knowing all too well that Bobby's excuse was as weak as his excuse to skip out on church.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Bro. We both know you'd rather spend your time chasing women than doing your job."
Bobby feigned offense at Happy's comment, his hand going to his chest in mock hurt. He was well known for his love life.
"Hey, man, I'm just a man with...certain needs. Can't blame a guy for having some fun, can you?" He replied, a sly grin on his face.
Happy gave a hearty chuckle, finding amusement in Bobby's feeble attempts to defend himself. He knew all too well that Bobby had a wandering eye and a reputation for being a ladies' man.
"Yeah, just keep telling yourself it's all about your 'needs'. We all know you're just looking for the next woman willing to keep you warm at night."
Bobby let out a mock gasp, pretending to be offended but unable to keep the smile off his face.
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a romantic, brother. Not my fault these women just can't handle all of this" gesturing to himself.
Just then Gemma approaches "Hey Bobby Elvis!! There are kids wanting to take photos with you get your butt back to your booth or my boot is going up your ass"
Bobby chuckled and held up his hands defensively.
"Okay, okay, I'm going. Jeez, Gem, I was on my break!" He jokingly protested but knew better than to argue with Gemma. He shot another playful glance at Happy before heading back to his booth.
Happy snickered as he watched Bobby leave, amused by the way Gemma could always crack the whip. He had always admired her no-nonsense attitude and the way she kept the club in check.
"Hey Hap, have you seen the prospect around?? Katherine needs some more flowers from the van, but she can't leave the booth, and I ain't carrying them boxes in this heat"
Happy raised an eyebrow at the mention of Katherine's name. He had yet to have the chance to meet her properly.
"No, I ain't seen him for a while Gem"
"Clay better not have sent Half Sack off somewhere I need him later to tidy up.... You wouldn't mind getting them, would you?"
Happy shrugged and nodded. He wasn't about to decline a chance to get closer to the source of his curiosity.
"No problem, I can grab 'em for you. Where's the van parked?"
"Great, it's just round the back, its the only one that says florist on it you cant miss it" Gemma says, handing him the keys. "And don't drop any of them. Katherine wants them all looking perfect for the kids" she adds heading back in the direction of her chilli booth.
Happy took the keys from Gemma with a sharp nod, knowing better than to upset Gemma.
"No worries, Gem. I'll handle 'em with care."
He reassured her as he headed towards the back to find the van.
As Happy approached the van, his eyes scanned the area, taking note of any potential threats. The club's security was always on high alert, especially during events like these. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he unlocked the van and climbed inside.
He rummaged through the back, looking for the boxes of flowers that Gemma had mentioned. Finally, he spotted them, carefully stacked among various gardening supplies. He hoisted the boxes with ease, their weight insignificant to his muscular frame.
With the boxes in his arms, he closed the van door and started making his way back towards the community centre. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the woman he was about to meet. When he had heard about Katherine from Gemma and the others, she was always described as kind and soft-hearted. It was refreshing to hear about someone untouched by the club's violent nature and he was curious to what she was like.
As he turned the corner, he caught his first glimpse of her working at the flower crown booth, her delicate features focused on the task at hand. His steps quickened as he approached her.
His heavy steps caught Katherine's attention, and she turned breaking out in a greatful smile, ready to thank whoever her mother managed to rope into helping.
When she locked eyes with Happy he got distracted. So distracted he stopped looking where he was stepping and didn't see the curb...
"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Happy shouted as he lost his footing falling forward landing on the boxes crushing all the flowers stacked neatly inside. Definitely not the ideal first impression he wanted to make.
Katherine gasped as she watched Happy stumble and crash into the boxes of flowers, the colorful petals scattering everywhere like a colorful explosion. She quickly rushed over to him, concern etched on her face.
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!"
She knelt down beside him, worry in her eyes as she looked over his condition. Her attention briefly shifted to the ruined boxes and the crushed flowers, but her main priority was making sure he was alright.
Happy grunted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration as he sat up, nursing a slight bruise from the fall. He looked at the mess of flowers around him, a hint of guilt on his face.
"Ah, shit..." he muttered. "Gemma's gonna kill me for this."
The surrounding bikers couldn't help but burst out laughing at the scene. Seeing big, tough Happy fumble like that was not something they saw every day. Tig, Chibs, Juice, and Opie approached, all wearing grins on their faces.
"Dude, that was graceful." Tig snickered, teasing Happy like any good friend would.
Chibs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Yeah, really graceful, mate. Smooth as silk."
Juice just shrugged, trying to suppress his own laughter while Opie smirked, clearly enjoying the moment.
Happy shot daggers at his brothers, clearly not amused by their teasing. He pushed himself up, dusted off his jeans, and tried to salvage what little dignity he had left.
He looked back at Katherine, who was still looking at him with a mix of concern and amusement in her eyes. He could tell that she wasn't judging him, but still, he felt embarrassed at his clumsy entrance.
"Uh shit, sorry about that," he muttered vaguely gesturing to the boxes.
"it's okay, it was just an accident. I'm sure some are still salvageable, and if not, I can just turn them into potpourri" Katherine replies kindly
Her soft voice and gentle smile helped to ease his embarrassment a bit. He shot another glare at his club mates, who were still chuckling in the background, before turning back to her.
"Yeah, sorry about making such a mess... I, uh..." he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
"Hey miss, can you help me? I can't get this daisy to stick on." One of the little girls from the booth called over.
"Sure sweetheart i'll be there in a minute ive just gotta tidy something up first" Katherine called back starting to collect the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged box.
Happy watched as the little girl asked for help, and seeing Katherine starting to gather the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged boxes.
He stepped forward, feeling the need to help after causing such a mess. Happy moved with a surprising gentleness as he collected the delicate petals.
The others also joined in, their rough exterior contradicting their careful handling of the flowers. Opie helped separate the still-intact plants from the damaged ones, while Tig and Chibs gathered the more salvageable blossoms.
Soon, the mess was cleared, and the club members stood around the now semi-organized boxes of flowers, looking a bit out of their element in the flower-filled environment.
Katherine's giggle caught Happys attention he noticed it was directed at him.
"What are you laughing at girl?" He gruffly asked.
"Sorry its just...erm..here let me just..." She reaches over and plucks a bright yellow daisy which somehow latched onto one of his patches.
Happy froze, his rough exterior cracking for a moment as he watched Katherine reach over and pluck the daisy from his patch. He hadn't even realized it had landed there, blending almost perfectly with his dark clothing.
"Uh, thanks," he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed at the unexpected move. "I'm not exactly the flower type, you know."
"Well I better head back to my booth before the kids start a revolt." Katherine says starting to reach for some of the boxes but the guys step in picking them up first Happy a little quicker than the others.
"Aye lead the way love well offer back up if the little shits decide to act up" Chibs heartily stated.
Katherine smiled gratefully as the Sons picked up the boxes, led by Happy. They followed her back to the flower crown booth, their presence overshadowing the delicate and peaceful atmosphere.
When they arrived, the children looked up in awe at the intimidating bikers carrying colorful boxes of flowers. Some looked a bit intimidated, but others seemed excited to have the tough bikers join the activity.
One little girl hands Opie her crown "can u fix this for me please? It keeps falling apart"
"Erm I don't know but I can try..."
"Thankyou" the girl answers cheerily
Eventually all the members start helping making the crowns some enjoying it not that they would ever admit it though
Happy chuckled as he observed the club members struggling with the flower crowns. It was a sight to see them, these tough bikers usually found in a bar or boxing ring, now carefully weaving daisies and baby's breath into delicate works of art. Opie in particular looked like he was enjoying himself way too much, while Chibs kept grumbling about "girly crap".
None of them noticed some of the parent approaching worriedly seeing their little kids surrounded by the bikers. They were fine with them being around but they didn't like the idea of them being around their kids.
As the parents started approaching, concern etched on their faces, Happy caught sight of them. He knew what they were thinking, that he and the other bikers were a threat to the little ones. Even though they were very wrong, all of them would jump in front of bullets for any kid, but he understood the club has brought alot of trouble to Charming.
The atmosphere changed as the parents started to pull their kids away. Happy felt a pang of frustration, knowing that their reputation was working against them. He looked over at Katherine, noticing her crestfallen expression as the booth once filled with laughter and joy was now deserted.
The other members also noticed the parents' reaction, their faces falling as the children were being taken away. They all knew how they appeared to outsiders, with their tattoos, rugged appearance, and overall intimidating aura. It stung a bit, but they were used to it.
Chibs approached Katherine, trying to offer some solace.
"Hey, don't worry about it, sweetheart. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
"Yeah, believe me, I know being the daughter to the scary biker gang president. I'm used to it, dont worry," she replies, trying to sound indifferent, but everyone at the table hears the sadness hidden in her words.
The guys exchanged glances, understanding the underlying pain in her voice. They knew all too well that their lifestyle had consequences, and in this case, it was affecting the daughter of their president.
Happy clenched his jaw, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt. He looked at Katherine, her dejected expression tugging at his heart.
After a long pause Katherine clears her thoat and speaks up "...would you guys mind helping me tidy up may as well start packing up now"
The guys started to slowly pack away the booth she spent days preparing and planning for the kids
"Hey er what's this flower called again?" Juice asked picking up the closest flower to him trying to distract her
Katherine looked up from packing away some supplies and observed Juice holding the flower. She chuckled, appreciative of his attempt to distract her.
"That's a snapdragon," she replied with a small smile. "It's known for its unique shape that resembles a dragon's head. You see, the flower opens and closes its mouth as it dries." she replies a spark of joy returning to her eyes talking about her favourite subject.
"Really?..huh cool. Does it have a meaning like the different roses do?" Juice asked inspecting the plant closer.
Katherine nodded, appreciating his interest. "Yes, it does. Snapdragons represent grace, strength, and resilience. They are often used to signify hidden feelings and can be given to someone as a way of saying "I'll try to understand your unspoken thoughts and desires."
"Really this wee flower says all that?" Chibbs adds catching onto Juice's idea.
Katherine giggles, nodding her head in affirmation "Yes, it does. Each flower has its own language, so to speak, like a secret code that florists use to convey emotions and messages. Snapdragons, with their unique shape and symbolic meaning, are one of my personal favourites."
Happy listened in, finding himself actually interested in the conversation. He knew about the language of flowers to some extent, but listening to Katherine talk about it with such passion and knowledge was captivating. He found himself admiring her even more, impressed by her unexpected depth.
The Sons finished packing away the last of the booth's items, the once vibrant display now packed into neat boxes. Though he wasn't one for sentimentality, Happy couldn't help but feel a bit sad that all her work had been for nothing. He caught Katherine looking at the now empty space, holding onto one of the crowns a kid left behind, her eyes filled with a mixture of resignation and disappointment.
He stepped closer to Katherine, feeling the need to say something, anything to lift her spirits.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure those kids had fun while it lasted." He tried to sound casual, but his gruff voice betrayed a hint of concern for her well-being. His eyes caught sight of the flower crown she held, and he added "At least got that as a memento, right?"
"Yeah..I guess but they were made to be worn...and this one got left"
Happy nodded slowly, understanding her point. The flower crowns were supposed to be worn with joy, not left behind like discarded toys.
He paused, thinking for a moment, then an idea came to him. With a sly grin, he extended his hand out to her.
"Here, give it to me."
Katherine eyed him with curiosity but handed over the flower crown, wondering what he was planning. She watched as he took it in his hands, his rough fingers gently holding the delicate petals. He placed the crown on his head, a comical sight that contradicted his intimidating appearance.
"flowers suit you" she giggled
"Hey no fair I want one I thought they were just for the kids" Tig whines. "Here give it to me it will suit me better it's wasted on you" Tig goes to reach for the crown.
Happy swats Tig's hand away, a smirk on his face.
"Back off, man. I look good in it."
He retorted, adjusting the flower crown on his head, enjoying the ridiculousness of the situation. The other members snickered at the sight.
Clay and Gemma approach, only to find Happy and Tig locked in a comical struggle over a flower crown. Their faces were caught somewhere between disbelief, amusement, and annoyance.
The other members tried to hold back their laughter, but the sight of their tough as nails friends bickering over a flower crown was too much. A chorus of snickers and chuckles echoed around them.
"Hey don't break it...Tiggy I can make your own one what ever colors you want there is no need to fight over it" Kathrine says in-between laughter
Happy and Tig were broken out of their bickering by Katherine's offer. They both turned to her sheepishly, embarrassed by their childish behaviour. Tig scratched the back of his neck, trying to act nonchalant.
"Uh yeah, okay fine." He grumbled, secretly relieved to get his own flower crown.
"Oh I want one too with lots of yellow" juice chimes in.
"Well hell I'll have one" Chibbs adds "you got any blue and white ones left??" He asks opening the boxes looking for the flowers he wants.
"You want them now?" Kathrine asks thinking they weren't being serious
"Well yeah...wouldn't want these flowers to go to waste" Tig says nonchalantly
Katherine laughs at the unexpected turnaround, still wrapping her head around the fact that tough bikers were now requesting flower crowns like giddy schoolchildren.
"Alright, alright, I'll make all of you a flower crown," she agrees, unable to suppress her amusement.
Happy stands there, flower crown still perched on his head, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on his face. The other club members, meanwhile, eagerly wait for their crowns to be made.
They all sat in the grass watching her weave the flowers and listing off all their meanings Opie left and returned with his kids and Donna, who looked on with a mix of curiosity and surprise at the scene unfolding. Opie, ever the peacemaker, felt that this was an opportunity to show Donna and the kids a different side of the club.
Katherine continued weaving the flower crowns, listening to the bikers' requests for different colors and flowers.
Soon they all wore crowns except her even her Dad took one after hearing about her booth being deserted.
Happy was sat on the edge of the group, awkwardly attempting to weave the flowers together. His large fingers were far from delicate, and the petals kept slipping from his grasp. He muttered curses under his breath as his attempts looked more like a tangled mess rather than a flower crown he wanted to make for her as she was kind enough to make ones for all of them but he could give her this it looked like shit compared to her ones.
The other members glanced over at him from time to time, enjoying the sight of happy struggling with the flower crown. they whispered and chuckled amongst themselves at the sight of their friend, known for being rough around the edges, attempting to make something so fragile.
Happy grumbled at the snickers and comments coming from the other members, his face growing slightly red with embarrassment. He knew he looked silly, trying to make a flower crown when his hands were better suited to wielding a wrench or a gun. Still, he persisted, determined to create something somewhat presentable for her.
Though he was trying his best the result was somewhat pathetic the flowers were clumsily woven together, the petals sticking out in strange directions. He looked at the other members' crowns, neatly woven and vibrant, then down at his messy attempt. He knew it was nothing compared to her artistry, but it was the best he could do given his limited skills.
Finally, he finished tying the messy crown together. It looked a bit lopsided and rough around the edges, but he was oddly proud of himself. As he looked up at the others, he braced himself for the playful banter and mockery that was sure to come.
Happy muttered to himself, trying to rationalize his actions. he told himself he was only doing this to make up for ruining her flower booth, nothing more. He clenched the flower crown in his hands, feeling foolish and out of place surrounded by colorful petals and laughter.
He looked over at her, seeing her chatting and laughing with the other club members as she continued making the flower crowns. The sight stirred something in him he couldn't quite understand. he couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt seeing her joyous expression, knowing that he played a part in ruining her day.
Well it's now or never he wasn't sure how to go about giving her his attempt at a flower crown, he's never given none before so isn't sure what to do so decides to just reach over from behind her and place it on her head.
Happy swallowed, taking a deep breath as he mustered up his courage. He reached out from behind, gently placing the flower crown on her head. He held his breath, waiting anxiously for her reaction, hoping she wouldn't laugh at his pathetic attempt.
She turned her head, surprised to feel the weight of the flowers being placed on her head. She looked back at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, a soft smile on her lips. She could tell he was feeling a bit embarrassed, and reached up to adjust the flower crown, feeling the soft petals against her finger tips.
Happy watched her touch the flower crown he made, noticing the way she gently adjusted the messy petals into place. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, waiting for her to say something, anything. But all she did was smile at him, her eyes sparkling with an emotion he couldn't quite place.
The other Sons chuckled at the scene in front of them, unable to resist teasing Happy about his sudden burst of chivalry. Tig whistled approvingly, while Opie and Chibbs exchanged knowing glances.
Happy shot a glare at his fellow Sons, silently warning them not to say anything. He knew they were itching to tease him about his flower crown gift, but he wasn't in the mood for their jokes. He focused his attention back on her, watching her admiring the flower crown he made, hoping she didn't find it too pathetic.
She caught him watching her, and turned to face him fully. Her eyes met his, and she smiled, a genuine smile that made her eyes sparkle and dimple her cheeks. She looked down at the flower crown, feeling the messy petals against her skin, then looked back up at him, her eyes softened, and said softly
"Thank you, its beautiful." Sensing his awkwardness about it she decided to leave it at that and turned back joining in on the conversation again.
Happy's heart skipped a beat at her words. He hadn't expected such a genuine thank you, especially since the flower crown he made looked far from perfect. He nodded stiffly, his usual gruff demeanor replaced by a sense of vulnerability.
He sat back down next to Chibs, trying to hide his relief and elation over her kind words. The other Sons couldn't hide their amusement, but for once they refrained from their usual jokes and instead gave him approving grins.
The evening carried on, and Happy found himself stealing glances at her from time to time, seeing her interacting with the other club members, her smiles and laughter lighting up the gathering. He felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest, a mix of pride and protectiveness seeing her fitting in with them, even if she was surrounded by rough-around- the-edge bikers.
If you want to read more of my OC Katherine and her time with the club click here
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Tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @ravennaortiz
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wickedthroats · 1 year
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a get to know me series that no one asked for                                      sam’s favorite tv shows ( 7 / ? )
            ↳ sons of anarchy, 2008-2014                ❝ it ain’t easy being king. ❞
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Sons of Anarchy + Business and Services
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬' 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swears, mention of blood and bruising, also creeps
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
・Not surprised, but a tad shocked. He was used to this behaviour from his mother.
・But when he laid his eyes on you, all he could feel was pride.
"How'd the other guy look?"
"Way fuckin' worse, sweetheart," you said with a smirk.
"That's my girl."
・His arm wrapped around you as you left the station, Unser already pulling strings to get you out. Plus, the guy wasn't going to press charges.
・While getting on the back of Jax's bike you said, "You know what, it felt pretty good."
"I know it does babe, but please don't make it a regular thing," he replied and lightly slapped you on your thigh.
"I'll do my best..."
・"The hell did that come from?" He asked as you walked through the front door, nursing a very swollen black eye. Apparently punching first doesn't mean you've won the fight.
・"Ugh, would you believe me if I said I ran into a pole?"
"You hate running."
"Fuck, you're right."
・Out of all the guys, he's the most surprised. It took him a while to process it, the story, the lump on your forehead.
・But to him, it meant you accepted this life.
・From his first marriage, Opie was used to having a s/o who was against the club, but with you - you took it in your stride.
・Completely intergrating with it.
・He pulled you onto his lap, cupping your face.
"That's a fucking big one," Opie said, tracing the outline of the bruise.
"I know. But I was the only one left standing."
・Taken aback, mostly upset because you were arrested.
"You're saying my Old Lady, Y/n Telford, was arrested?"
"Yes," Unser said on the other side of the call. He watched you from the door.
Your head was leaning against the cold brick wall. Eyes shut, nose bleeding, but that was the extent of your injuries.
"And may I ask why, she got arrested," Chibs growled.
"She assaulted someone," with Unser's reply, a smile grew on your face.
"She fuckin' what-" then the line went fuzzy and all Unser heard was "I'm coming," before Chibs hung up.
・You weren't worried. Not about being arrested. Because you knew Chibs wouldn't let you stay in here.
・And you were right, because that very afternoon you were released and Chibs grabbed ahold of your face, checking for injuries.
"What were you thinking lass?"
"Oh honey, I wasn't-"
・Surprised and kinda turned on by it
・It had been pure luck that you weren't arrested. The Sheriffs had been occupied with actual crime ... not a woman punching a creep square in the face.
・However, once Tig came home and saw the swollen, bruised hand of yours, he instantly knew what had happened.
"Look, all I'm gonna say is ... I'm proud of you baby. You put those creeps in their places. But next time, I want a few rounds too."
・You smiled up at him, and went to push yourself up from the couch but grimaced as you used your hand.
"Yeah, it's gonna be a bit tender for a while. Just relax. I'll do whatever you need me to."
・And then he came over and kissed your hand, examining the darkness that was still developing, the splits in the skin.
"Sheesh, you did a good job," Tig mumbled and went to go get your first aid kit.
・The next day he told everyone in the meeting what happened and all the Sons clapped him on the back.
"Happens to all of us," Jax said with a wink.
・Not only was happy, Happy, he was ecstatic. Because it meant you weren't averse to violence...
・Not that he would readily bring it into the home now, it just meant that you didn't find him or his work disgusting.
・He's always worried about that. That one day, you'll just up and leave because this life isn't for you.
・But you know how he feels, and it was part of the reason why you gave that guy a shiner.
・He would've been only a few years older than you, but he wouldn't stop hitting on you. Not even when you told him you weren't single.
・So you thought, "fuck it, my family is a fucking bikie club," and you went for it.
・Explaining that to Happy made him ... kind of emotional.
・Completely shocked.
・Not in a million years did he think you would be in a fight. Or at least a punch up.
・You were quite fiesty, and that's part of the reason why he loved you
・But he never thought that side of you would become physical.
"Babe, why?" Juice asked over his bowl. He had made dinner that night, wanting to do something.
"The fucker kept on staring at me. Even after I told him to knock it off, twice."
"Oh, he had it coming then."
・A part of him was upset that you had to defend yourself. He always wants to be the one to do that.
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sad-trash-hobo · 4 months
I think sons of anarchy is one of the most frustrating shows and so painful to watch because the whole show, you can see the pieces coming together. You can see all of the wrong choices and how they're gonna come back to bite everyone in the ass. You can see all the lies and misinformed forgiveness, and how it leads to more death. I love this show, but it's so infuriating being able to tie deaths to lies from the early seasons. Genuinely if they didn't all lie to each other in seasons 1,2 and 3, so many deaths would've been avoided.
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pileofboneswrites · 12 days
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SUMMARY — after receiving an unintelligible call from jax, your rush back to charming to discover your son, abel, has been kidnapped by camerson hayes, and worst yet, he also killed your younger brother that you practically raised.
PAIRING — exhusband!jax teller x fem!halfsack'ssister!reader | juice ortiz x reader
WARNINGS — established relationship(s), kidnapping, murder, death, past child neglect (about reader and her brother), divorce, premature birth, pregnancy complications, agent stahl, swearing, fighting, angst, loss of loved ones, suicidal thoughts, contemplation of suicide, cheating, allusion to smut but no description, no use of y/n (she's actually only outwardsly referenced 2 times and is referred to as miss epps or epps).
AUTHORS NOTES — just to clear somethings up; jax married reader instead of wendy, and instead of drugs being the reason abel was born early it was just due to pregnancy complications.
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your heart was slamming rapidly into your ribcage, panic rolling off your skin in waves. you push the pedal to the floor, the idea of a speeding ticket not even remotely close to crossing your mind. this was your fault, it was. leaving charming, even for a few hours always felt like it had consequences. something bad always seemed to happen the moment you crossed the county line. your tires squeal as you peel into the teller-morrow parking lot, slamming your car in park as you jump out, only barely remembering to take off your seatbelt as you go. clay, piney, and opie are standing by the entrance to the clubhouse, sad expressions creasing their features.
"what happened?!" you ask, your voice loud, panicked and harsh.
the surprise on their faces from your tone has silence ringing in your ears. you'd known them for years, opie, jax and you being quite the troublesome trio through most of your youth. they'd never heard you raise your voice before, let alone the venom behind your words.
"someone answer me!" you shout, your entire body vibrates from the panic working its way down to your stomach.
you're going to puke if someone doesn't tell you what the hell is going on, and soon. you'd received a rather frantic voicemail from jax last night and hadn't been able to reach him since, which is what made you turn your car around and head for the clubhouse. his voice was shakey, and you couldn't hear a damn thing that made sense. but you know jax, and jax doesn't panic. he's dealt with and seen it all through the years, he's not easy to shake. so hearing your husband–well soon-to-be ex-husband–in that state had your mind reeling.
"kiddo, you need to take a deep breath." clay starts, attempting to sling an arm around your shoulders.
you shrug him off, "no! you need to tell me what the hell is going on, and why jax called me in a panic, and where the hell he is!"
it comes out as one rushed sentence, barely comprehensible but opie steps towards you. he rests a large hand on your shoulder, a distraught look on his face.
"we need you to take a breath, seriously, epps. i'll tell exactly what's happening, but you've barely taken a breath since walking over here, and you look like you're going to passout."
you nod, sucking in some extremely needed air. you take a second to just regulate yourself, and in that time, opie steers you over to one of the picnic tables. you sit down, back to the table and once you've calmed a little, you cross your arms and look up at him expectantly.
"alright, now, tell me."
he glances back at clay, and at his dad, before looking back to you. they turn and walk into the clubhouse, giving you two some privacy.
"cameron hayes killed your brother because he thinks gemma killed edmund,"
"w-what?" you ask, bottom lip wobbling, your head is spinning
your baby brother is... dead? eddie is dead? cameron hayes killed your brother? you shake your head, wiping your eyes on the sleeve of your flannel. you'd practically raised eddie. your mom was a drunk, and your dad had left long before you could form any memories of him. so, from ten on, you were big sister, mommy and daddy all rolled into one. you taught him manners, how to use the toilet, how to cook, how to flirt with girls, and so many more things. you'd been there for every step of his life, cheering loud enough to drown out the naysayers.
when he left for the military you were terrified that you'd get that call every parent dreds. sure, you weren't really his mom, you couldn't be with the five year age gap, but in all the areas that mattered, you were. eddie was your first kid in a twisted sense, and knowing that he'd made it all the way home from iraq, only to die at the hands of someone affiliated with the club that he loved so much shattered your heart.
"n-no, that's not possible, i-i just sp-spoke to eddie, we-we just spoke this morning. h-he said he and-and-and-and," you're spiraling, mind and heart racing faster, and faster before your expression drops, and your mind clears. "abel. he was taking tara back to jax's to get some of abel's things. where is my baby? where's abel, harry? where is my baby?"
you're sobbing uncontrollably, your entire body shaking as you slide off the seat of the picnic table, onto the concrete. opie pulls you into his chest, and you sob into his shirt. it's another first for all of them, watching you breakdown, watching you cry.
"we're going to find abel," opie says into your ear, trying to calm you down, it doesn't help, you just cry harder.
it shouldn't have happened in the first place! the club was on lockdown. losing eddie is hard enough, but losing your son in the same span of minutes is devastating. it takes you twenty minutes, but when you finally pull yourself together again you pat opie's arm, and stand up.
"where is jax?" you ask quietly, taking a deep breath.
"he's at home, we're heading over there now, let juice drive you, you shouldn't be driving right now." opie says, and you nod.
normally you'd fight him, which he's well aware of, but knowing your son is god knows where has you in an anxious tailspin. you don't have the energy to fight with anyone right now. opie walks you over to your car, tucking you into the passenger seat and waiting by the door for the other's to come out of the clubhouse.
"what happened exactly?" your voice is barely a whisper, and opie looks worried.
"are you sure you want the run down right now?" he questions, and you immediately nod, your eyes on the hood of your car.
"please, ope," its the most desperate, pathetic sound to ever cross your lips, but you have to know.
he takes a deep breath, "what tara says happened, is that gemma took off while they were out, so she sent your brother to watch over her, and she went to jax's house. stahl freaked, shot edmund hayes, gemma shot polly, and stahl pinned the blame on her. half– eddie took off to find tara, and cameron must have followed him from their safe house. cameron was going to kill abel, but your brother stepped in, and got stabbed in the process. he tied her up in the nursery, and left with abel."
"the same man who killed my brother, has my son?" you ask, and he nods. "and tara just let him take my son?"
"well, i wouldn't say that—"
"everyone's ready," juice says, stepping up to the driver's side window, pulling the door open.
"hang tight," opie says, patting your knee before closing the door, and walking over to his bike.
"hey baby," juice says softly, "i'm sorry."
you nod, but don't say anything. you pull your seatbelt on, and lean back. you and juice had been together for a couple of months, with jax's blessing of course. he'd been great, amazing even. part of you would always love jax in a way that juice would understand, and he was okay with that. knowing you would be crawling into bed with him every night was good enough to ease any worries he might have had. juice had been rock solid in your life, a shoulder you privately cried on when jax had initially asked for the divorce.
you saw it coming from a mile away, while you'd loved each other greatly, it just wasn't the same kind. you knew that in the beginning, the middle and especially at the end. you also knew that if you didn't agree, or you tried to convince him to stay, that you'd lose him for real. he'd grow to resent you, and you'd grown to hate him for resenting you. you couldn't live in a world where jax wasn't at least a part of your life in some capacity. so that meant an amicable split, and seeing him when you dropped off abel. despite what most people think about your relationship, things haven't changed.
jax is still one of your best friends, and when you're not working, you're usually at his house. your relationship label may have changed, but your relationship hadn't. opie had been the most worried when you'd told him you were getting divorced. his two best friends splitting? nightmare. but when you told him there were no hard feelings, well, he actually didn't believe you at first. it took seeing you both in action to actually understand that you were serious. then, you found out you were pregnant.
it didn't change anything, you were still getting divorced, but jax was actually really excited. he'd told you about all his worries about becoming a father, and you reassured him that he'd be great. in turn he did the same for you. he joined you at every appointment, and played a very active role in your pregnancy. he helped you find an apartment close to his house, and spent a lot of time by your side helping you with nursery set up, moving, and everything in between.
gemma was probably the most heartbroken over your split. she loved you just as much as (and sometimes more than) jax. she helped you a lot over the years, especially when she found out about her grandbaby. gemma made the transition from wife, to ex and baby momma so much easier. she was a cheerleader for you, and always in your corner. you were incredibly lucky to have them, and be in the situation you were in. tara on the other hand... she was the opposite. gemma clocked it the moment you went into labour prematurely.
you'd been stressed over work, being the only manager on an already understaffed team was difficult but so was being pregnant. you'd never planned on getting pregnant, so there were a lot of things at work you decided were to be dealt with later. the moment you found out, you were trying your damnedest to get things ready. the stress got to you, and manifested itself in making your pregnancy high risk, and then landing you in the hospital way earlier than you should have been. it was obvious to you the moment jax came to see you after abel was born that tara thought it was your fault.
later it became clear to you that she just didn't like you, something you didn't notice in your teen years. you'd never really spent any time with her then, but the more time you spent with her after your son's birth, because lets face it anytime you went to visit jax she was there. all smiles, and cooing at your son until jax left the room, and then a scowl and general disinterest in you reared its ugly head. now things were different. she let a terrorist kill your baby brother, and kidnapp your son. karma was about to take her ass for a ride, and you were going to be driving.
"hey," juice says, his warm hand finding yours over the center console, snapping you from your thoughts. "we're here,"
you turn your head, and see clay speaking to tara in the doorway. your vision goes dark. you don't even remember getting out of the car, let alone walking over to tara and grabbing a handful of her hair. you're yelling is incomprehensible, but it's obvious to onlookers that you're sobbing as you beat the shit out of her. you come to again with juice's arms around you, pulling you into the house, and opie pulling tara inside into a different room. your only injury is three claw marks across your cheek, but tara is quite a bit worse for ware.
"what the hell were you thinking?!" jax snaps at you, upon pulling you away from juice, and into abel's nursery.
"i was thinking about how that bitch let some guy take my fucking baby and kill my baby brother!" you scream at him, breaking down all over again. "my baby..."
his expression softens, and he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into a hug. you sob into his shoulder, loud, heartbreaking, borderline violent wails.
"i'm sorry about your brother, i really am, but you can't blame tara."
you pull back, weaseling away from his grip, "can't i?"
"it could have happened to anyone, it could have happened to you."
"i would have died, jackson, and i think you better than anyone knows that. i would have died for abel. for eddie. i would not have let that man get away with everything i love." you say, sobering, violent, hot anger courses through you. "i would have died or killed him. i wouldn't have let him walk out the door."
he just stares at you. his once bright blue eyes dark, like the light behind them died. you know he knows exactly how you feel. that he blames tara to some degree. but you don't really care. you're numb. your heart aching in a way you've never felt before. in a way you'd never wish upon your worst enemy. tara included, despite what she did. the worst part is you don't have the one person you want to talk to about it. eddie died protecting her, and his nephew. what did tara do? she let herself get tied up, let cameron take your baby, let cameron kill your brother. tara lost nothing, and once again, you've lost everything.
"i want to kill her jax," you say finally, after what feels like an eternity of silence, his sad eyes just staring back at you. "that's not rational, not right. but i've just lost the two single most important people in my life, and i want to kill her for it."
"i understand what you're saying, why you're saying it," he says slowly, "but you're right, it's not rational."
"when abel comes home, she's not allowed to be around him by herself. i don't care what that means. i don't feel comfortable with her being alone with our son." you tell him, fingers grasping the cool leather of his kutte to pull him in closer. "i don't want to see, hear or think about her until then, and you bet your ass, i'm coming with you to bring him home, whatever, and wherever that takes us."
jax briefly looks scared of you, but he collects himself just as quickly as you let him go, and brush past him back out the way you came.
"you're lucky you're not dead," you seeth, flipping tara off with both hands as you walk back out to your car.
worried about your well-being and your mental state, jax sends juice home with you when you leave. the drive to your apartment, albeit quick, is silent. how does one comfort someone who lost both their only child, and only brother in a matter of minutes? besides, juice knows you well enough to know that you'll talk when you're ready. if you're ever ready. and right now? you don't know if you'll ever be. the fear of unraveling that far scares you. so for now, you think positively, and you keep moving forward.
it takes four hours, before agent stahl is in your living room, sitting on your couch. juice stands in the kitchen, watching the exchange from the sink, where he's washing your lunch dishes.
"so, mrs teller, where were you yesterday afternoon?" she asks, and you immediately understand why the club hates the woman so much.
"the divorce might not be finalized yet, but it's miss epps, and i was half-way to seattle."
"ah, yes, i forgot about that... why were you heading to seattle?"
"i don't really see how that's going to get my son back, seeing as you know who took him already."
"we need to get a picture together of everyone's movements."
"i got a phone call a few days ago, my mother's in the hospital there. she wanted to see me, so i was going."
"as i understand it, you aren't close with your mother?"
"no. look, agent stahl, this isn't helping. get your ass out there and look for my son. you're the reason my brother died, i'm not interested in you being the reason my son dies too. do your fucking job." you abruptly stand up, and walk into the kitchen.
you want to throw something. you want to scream. you want to be violent and aggressive. you miss your brother. you miss your baby. you want them back. most of all, you want this nightmare to be over.
when jax tells you they're heading to ireland, you pack light, but take abel's favourite stuffed animal, a white bear with a blue hat, mitts, scarf and booties. you carry the bear with you, hugging it tightly when you worry you're about to fall apart. jax's reassuring hand on your knee, and juice's hand in yours keeps your grounded. you lose yourself a little every time you think you're going to see abel, and then are denied at the last moment.
when father ashby finally drops the bomb on you and jax; that he'd been adopted, sold to another family, you break down. father ashby tries to comfort you, but nothing he says changes anything.
"i don't care about your fucking god, i don't. i don't care about your promise to john teller. i want my fucking baby back. your cousin has caused me enough pain; by killing my fucking brother. don't make the mistake of keeping my son from me." you scream, uncaring who hears you. "i'm sure you know the saying desperate people, do desperate things. desperate doesn't even begin to cover what i am, and what i'm willing to do to get abel in my arms, and back home."
you lay in bed all day, the blanket pulled up over your head, your eyes squeezed closed, the bear tucked under your arm. you've felt sick from the moment you'd heard that abel might be gone. whisked away by some—in their defence, probably oblivious, but lovely—couple, about to be taken god knows where. the very notion, that you could go home empty handed hurts, burns, stabs at your heart. you feel like someone's cut you open, and taken a knife to your chest. poking and proding at all the parts you should never poke and prod at.
you've never felt worse in your life; physically, mentally, and emotionally. you're drained, exhausted, and contemplating ending your life. you've never felt so low. you're almost embarrassed as the idea crosses your mind, but the longer you stew, the longer it seems like a really appealing idea. incredibly selfish, but desperation is like that. you weren't sure how jax was downstairs, enjoying the night, the party, the people... how he wasn't suffocating, like you were. everthing is falling apart, collapsing around you, and he's acting like everything's a-ok.
you don't hear the bedroom door open, but you startle when you feel the bed dip behind you. fight mode activates, and you leap from the bed, eyes scanning for a weapon. then you see jax's face in the reflection of the window, your heart rate slows.
"you asshole, make some noise when you move around. i thought i was about to get murdered..." you close your eyes, hands dropping to your sides. "why are you here?"
"i'm so sorry," his voice is barely a whisper, you vaguely make out the trembling of his bottom lip, and the tears streaming down his face. "this never– never should have happened."
your expression softens, and you sink back down on the small bed. you pull jax in, his head resting on your shoulder as you hold him. you'd only ever seen him cry a few times, but that was usually how you could tell he was past his breaking point. jax always perseveres, pushing forward. you're the slightly unstable, completely unhinged one. he's the calm, rational thinker.
"i don't blame you." you tell him, "i don't even blame tara, anymore. i blame stahl. it's her fault all this shit happened. had she not shot edmund, none of this would have happened."
he nods against your shoulder, then lifts his head. the kiss is unexpected, but not unwelcome or unwanted. the sex is fantastic, it always is with jax, but it just further complicates an already complicated situation. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened come morning when juice pops his head into the room to see how you're doing. he's hurt, but he understands to an extent. he loves abel. he loves you and by extension abel is part of you, so what's not to love? under normal circumstances, he knows this would not be an issue, but nothing about what's happening is normal.
he knows you're grieving, he knows as abel's father, jax can relate to your struggles more than anyone. what he doesn't understand, is why, even while in the midst of a divorce, the pair of you would do something like that. how despite this, he shoves his concerns aside, and closes the door, banging heavily on it to wake the pair of you. he doesn't avoid your eye, or not take your hand when you reach for his, or walk out of every room you walk into. he instead, keeps his mouth shut, and supports you. the guilt gnaws at you, and you spend the majority of the day avoiding jax, and he you (and juice).
after your night with jax, you brush your hair, actually get dressed, and spend the afternoon playing cards with juice, opie and happy, and try really hard to feel normal. it works for a few hours, until you find out that your son has been taken, again from his new adopted parents, and that they were brutally murdered in their hotel room. discovering jimmy was behind it surprises no one, but sets you into yet another tailspin. terrified of what could happen to him, terrified that jimmy would kill him if he got too annoying.
luckily, your fears never play out, because father ashby trades himself for abel. when jax walks back through the doors of the apartment you'd all been staying in, with abel in his arms you can't help the happy tears. shaky, holding your breath, hand over your mouth, you stare at your unharmed baby in jax's arms. seeing abel for the first time in what feels like an eternity is like a cold water shock to your system. when jax hands him over to you, letting you finally hold your son after weeks without him.
he smiles up at you, cooing softly, and reaching for your hair. it's like every bad, anxiety moment slips away. it doesn't matter that he was gone, all that matter's is that he's home, in your arms, surrounded by all the people who fought to bring him home, his family.
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aravenamongcrows · 2 years
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remuslupinsdaughter · 6 months
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Part two
Summary: just a story I thought of where a young girl of around 12 runs away from her abusive father and goes to the sons for help
Warnings: trigger warnings for this one, abuse, swearing, physical and mental abuse, lots of angst, hints of sexual abuse
Charlie was sat on the benches whilst the bikers were inside the clubhouse, a woman she now knew is called Gemma was sat with her, “we’re gonna take care of you honey, don’t worry” she said kindly whilst another woman handed Charlie a glass of juice, she shivered again, “you cold honey?” Charlie nodded shyly, “you got a coat or anything?” Gemma asked, Charlie shook her head no, Gemma quickly went inside and returned with a samcro blanket, she wrapped it around Charlie.
The guys walked back outside making Charlie straighten up, “what’s your name kid?” The president asked, “Charlie” she replied, “well Charlie, we’re taking you in, you can stay here tonight then you’ll stay with Jax” he said pointing at the long haired blonde man who smiled kindly. Charlie nodded, “thank you”, she says, then looks at the prospect, “can I have my backpack?” She asks, he looks to the president her rolls his eyes, the prospect hands he the backpack, Charlie takes it and hugs it close to her. “Come on honey I’ll get you set up for the night” Gemma says extending an arm, Charlie follows her inside, Gemma leads her into a dorm room, “I’ll change these sheets for you real quick” she says and grabs some sheets from the cabinet, “I can help” Charlie says walking over to help, Gemma smiles, they both change the sheets and Gemma smooths them over, “ok, Jax is on a run early tomorrow so he’s sleeping here tonight, he’s in the next room over so if you need him you go get him” Gemma says, Charlie nodded and Gemma left the room.
Gemma walks down the hall, “poor kid” she says, sitting next to Clay and leaning into him, “we got her, we’ll take care of her” he says and kisses her forehead.
Charlie listens to the conversation die down as everyone goes home, she shuts her eyes and tries her best to get some sleep.
The next morning she was woken by loud chattering, she got changed and was pulling on a sweater when there was a knock on the door, she startled and squeaked out a “come in”, it was Jax, “hey you sleep okay?” He asks, Charlie nods nervously, “come on I’ll introduce you to everyone”.
Charlie followed him out where everyone was sat smoking and drinking coffee, “that’s Clay our president, his old lady Gemma, who’s also my mom” he turns to more of the bikers, “this is Tig, Chibs, Juice, Happy, Bobby, Piney and Opie” the guys all nodded hellos, she smiled shyly at them. “You want anything to eat honey?” Gemma asked, Charlie didn’t realise how hungry she was, she hadn’t eaten for two days, Charlie nodded, “if that’s ok” she said shyly, Gemma smiled kindly, “of course sweetheart let me fix you something” she said a disappeared into the kitchen.
Charlie tucked into the sandwich Gemma made, “we’re gonna pay your pops a visit today” Clay said leaning against the bar, Charlie tensed and stopped eating, she nodded, “you go to school or anything?” Clay asked, Charlie shook her head, “no my dad pulled me out when my teacher noticed bruises , haven’t been for three years”, Jax clenches his jaw angrily and shakes his head, “ok let’s head out”.
The club pulled up to the butchers, they walked into the shop, “clear everyone out” Clay says to Tig who nods then starts telling the few people in the store to leave and turns the sign to closed. “Can I help you gentlemen?” “You Brian Hansley?” Clay asks, Brian nods, “in the flesh” he says with a grin that makes everyone cringe, “little birdy told us you beat on your daughter” Jax says, Brian’s face drops, “I uh, have no idea what you’re talking about” “oh I think you do, get a little drunk, come home, kick the shit out of your twelve year old little girl” Clay says, Brian stutters, Tig rounds the counter and grabs Brian by his hair and drags him round, “your kids with us now, you try file a report, we know about it and we show them all the little bruises you littered her body with you sick fuck” Jax says and punches him straight in jaw.
“Let’s go” Clay says, the guys shake their heads at Brian then walk out, stepping over his groaning form.
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The Forbidden Fruit. Remastered. Part 2
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Chibs x Reader fanfiction. Obviously.
I wrote the previous version long ago, now it seemes too short and flat to me. So I decided to write the new version.
Y/N is Clay and Gemma's daughter. Club's princess. Everyone in the club loves her and she treats everyone nice and caring as well. Chibs was seeing her growing up and never noticed what a beautiful yound woman she became. Untill one night.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 In Flames bonus
Y/N was gone. Chibs truly felt it in couple of days when he came back from Tacoma. Clubhouse was the same but felt different. Now that he knew his heart was still alive, when he finally felt something knowing that she was gone, taken, it was too much for him. But there was nothing he could do. Chibs had to learn to live without her. And he couldn't let anyone know about what he felt.
So he just got back to how it was before her. Taking care of his brothers, dealing with club's issues. Chibs was all the same for everyone and only at lonely nights when he was again spending time with a bottle of scotch he could let his emotions take control. He was now even more lonely than before. And the only thought of Y/N meeting someone out there made his heart break.
His past was catching up with him though and it wasn't helping. Fiona coming to Charming, Ireland, IRA, it was all too overwhelming, too stressfull and yet Chibs had no one to talk to. If only Y/N was here to talk to him, sooth his pain, make it all just go. But she wasn't there. And he had to deal with his past alone.
And Chibs did. He finally repayed Jimmy O', finally let go of his past. He could've been ready for something new, but he knew now who was the special one for him. And he knew he couldn't have her.
Club issues were his only way to distract himself. And there were a lot of issues since almost everyone was behind the bars and Chibs, Ope and Kozik had to deal with guns, trying to to keep the club afloat, earn money.
They succeeded though, pretty good. By the time the rest of the club was out they had pretty much good earnings. Chibs was glad to see his brothers. He missed every one of them. But it meant he had more free time now and it was killing him. Thoughts he kept under control were now consuming him. And his lonely nights became even darker.
The fact that club was now having business with cartel wasn't making Chibs' life easier. He didn't like the idea, voted against it, but this deal was accepted and he could only hope it won't end bad, taking care of his brothers, supporting Jakson as he always did.
It was in couple of days after guys were out. Sons had to go to the motorbike show to have a meeting with the cartel. It didn't go exactly the way they planned, had to deal with some club problems as well, but mostly everything was good. As good as dealing with the cartel might've been.
Chibs unmounted from his bike and headed inside. He stopped by the bar and got himself a beer and then he froze, cigarette in his lips, lighter in his hand. He heard a voice from the kitchen. The voice he was hearing in his dreams every night. Voice that made his heart sink as he heard it in reality after three years of missing it.
It was Y/N. Chibs couldn't believe it but it was her. She was talking to Gemma in the kitchen as if she never even left. It took him couple of minutes to get himself together, put his mask back on. All he really needed now was to see her. But he couldn't let anyone know how he felt. His brothers came in and it was when Chibs finally lit his cigarette and leaned against the bar counter as if nothing was going on.
Clay was the next one to hear it. He stopped, didn't even finish his sentence as he heard his daughter speaking in the kitchen. A glimpse of surprise and excitement lightened old man's features. Chibs could hardly remember the last time he saw the President smiling like this.
"Y/N?" Clay called, it was clear he could not believe what was going on.
"Daddy!" Y/N entered the room as soon as she heard him and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around Clay's neck as she hugged him tight and he lifted her, laughing.
"What are you doing here, baby?" Clay frowned when she finally pulled away and he looked down at her.
Chibs swallowed trying to act as normal as possible. Christ she was a pure perfection. Even more beautiful than he remembered. He missed her so fucking bad and all he could do now was just looking from afar. She didn't even look at him. Chibs didn't know why he expected anything different. He was just one of the Sons. Only a part of the family for her. Nothing more.
"I came back home, dad. I've graduated as you wanted me to. But that's it. I'm not staying away from this club" Y/N said, looking at Clay. She was stubborn and she was used to get what she wanted.
"Okay, baby, if that's what you want" Clay smiled, but Chibs could see the worry in old man's eyes. He didn't want his daughter to be around right when he started business with the cartel. It was too dangerous and probably Y/N was the only person Clay wanted safe.
Y/N finally looked at the rest of the club. Everyone was excited to see her. She hugged Juice, who blushed immediately and turned to Jax.
"Hey, sis" Teller kissed her cheek and petted her shoulder slightly. He was worried as well. Having his little sister around when things were complicated was not what Jax wanted. He already had Tara and boys to worry about.
"Our little princess is back to town, making uncle Tig happy again" Trager laughed as Y/N gave him a hug. Chibs knew that he was her favorite uncle, the girl adored this man and he was giving her the same.
Y/N was greeting Sons, met Kozik who seemed to be amazed by her immediately and Chibs could't blame him. He was still watching her from the bar and his heart was breaking with every hug she got from his brothers. He needed her right now, as close to him as possible and it was exacrly what he couldn't have.
"We're having a party tonight. Gem, tell Chucky to get everything ready" Clay announced. He was worried but still was so glad to have his little princess back.
Y/N turned to Chibs finally. He couldn't stop watching her even for a moment and when their eyes met he felt shivers all over his body. God she was so beautiful. She grown up, became a gorgeous young woman. He couldn't help it, Y/N was making him feel the certain way. She gave him a smile, so soft, so gentle. He needed it so bad to ease his nerves. Chibs was watching her as Y/N made her way towards him.
"Hey, lass" He said, his voice raspy with emotions. Filip didn't dare to touch her, to hug her even though it was fine for him to do it.
"Hello, Filip" Y/N looked up at him and the sound of his name escaping her lips made him almost whimper.
Next moment she hugged him. Wrapping her arms around his waste, pressing herself against him so tight. Chibs gasped, holding Y/N in his arms. It was so good, too good. His body's reaction for her presence was inevitable so he pulled away before it was too late.
"I missed you" Y/N smiled. She didn't notice anything unusual in his behavour, at least it was what he hoped.
"Missed ye too. I'm glad ye're back" Chibs gave her a smile, dimples on his cheeks.
"Found yourself someone else to talk to after a long day?" Y/N asked and Chibs didn't know what this question meant. Did she want to know if he had someone? Or was he just seeing what he wanted to see?
"Nah... figured out no one is better than ye. For that" Chibs hoped he didn't say too much, but Y/N seemed amused so he relaxed a bit.
"That's a shame, Filip. But now I'm here to keep your company" Y/N chuckled and left him, confused, to join her mother in the kitchen again.
The party was loud. Everyone was happy to have Y/N back. And everyone needed something good after what they've been through for last several days. Y/N was having fun, she was dancing and talking to everyone, she was glad to be back home. Wearing skinny jeans and tank top, her hair up in a ponytail she was perfect. Chibs was watching her from the couch brushing croweaters off. He noticed it was some challenge they had, trying to get his attention. But he wasn't interested. Nor when he was alone, neither now when his heart was taken.
"Are you bored?" Y/N asked as she came up to Chibs and sat on the couch next to him.
"I'm not, lass. But I'm not really a party man. ye know" He smirked and reached to take a strand of hair from her face. The touch was electrifying. He sighed and looked away.
"I know, Filip. But would you like to play pool with me?" She asked and took his hand as she stood up.
Chibs looked up at Y/N and raised his brows "I don't have a choice I guess"
He followed her to the pool table, wondering why she ever wanted to spend time with him. Chibs didn't mind it at all, but he saw no reasons for Y/N to waste her time with someone like him.
They were playing pool, chatting about nothing. She was so close, she was teasing him slightly as he allowed her to win. It was all so intimate for Chibs even though for Y/N and the rest of the people in the clubhouse it was just a pool game, nothing more. Chibs couldn't stop looking at her, admiring her.
Y/N was back to his life so unexpecteddly right when he needed her so much. But it was also so hard for him to stay away from this girl. For three years he was learning to live without her and now he had a new challenge, even more complicated. To learn how to live with her being all around and hiding his feelings.
Several days passed after Y/N was back home. Chibs didn't have any chance to spend some time with her, even though she was around the clubhouse all the time, helping Gemma in the office but there were too many thing going on around the club.
Then Tara was threatened, Mayans were attacked. And finally so was the clubhouse. Attack held by Lobo sonora, threat from the new sheriff, the clubhouse being a mess. It was all to much, too overwhelming and as if it was not enough Clay came up to Chibs in the middle of the chaos.
"Do me a favor, Chibs. Gem will stay here today, but I want Y/N away from here. She's at home. Take her to the cabin and stay there with her and Piney. It's probably the safest place for now and I want to make sure my baby is safe" He said, looking at Chibs with a heavy look.
"We could send Ratboy there" Chibs frowned. The thought of spending a night with Y/N in the cabin away from everyone was too tempting but it made him nervous as well.
"No. I want someone I can trust completely, Chibs" Clay knew what he wanted so there could be no argument.
"Aye. I'll take care of her" Chibs nodded and headed outside.
He parked his bike next to Clay's house and approached the front door when it opened. Y/N was obviously going somewhere. She looked at Chibs confused.
"Sorry, lass. Ye pa told me to get ye to the cabin and stay there with ye for the night" Chibs explained his sudden appearance.
"Oh... Something happened?" Y/N frowned. She knew family was taken away from the trouble but it was usually a lockdown in the clubhouse. Being sent to the cabin was new.
"Aye... Some people attacked the clubhouse so it's safer away" Chibs nodded as she was locking the door and following him towards his harley.
"And what about mom? And Tara and boys?" Y/N looked at him worried.
"They are safe, lass, I promise. It's just everyone staying at the same place is no good right now" Chibs sighed. He knew Clay was only caring about his daughter but he had to make sure Y/N had no worries about the rest of the family.
Y/N nodded and after Chibs mounted on his bike she made herself comfortable behind his back. He had to take a moment to get himself together when he felt her arms wrapped around his waist and the warmth of her body against his back. His heart was fluttering. His body was tensed as he was trying to get rid of this feeling. Y/N being so close made him defensless for what he felt for her.
As Chibs finally made himself to start the engine, he headed right to the cabin. The ride seemed so long and so short at the same time. He could've ride like this forever, having her right behind his back, holding him, gripping his cut with her small fingers. And at the same time Chibs knew there won't ever be anything more than this for him and it was breaking his heart.
They've arrived to the cabin when Piney was already there. He greeted them and let them inside.
"I think we, being two gentlemen, have to let a lady take the room. We can sleep on those couches" He said, small smile on his face. This old man was so glad to see Y/N again.
"You're too good to me, Piney" Y/N kissed his cheek and headed to the kitchen "First I'll cook dinner for you two. I can bet you both can't remember the last time you were eating"
"Just like her mother" Piney laughed and sat in his armchair havily.
"Ye need any help, lass?" Chibs asked. He was watching her, never taking his eyes of her. He just couldn't help it.
"No, I'm good. Relax and have rest, Filip" Y/N was already busy in the kitchen.
Soon enough the dinner was ready. It was an awkward evening with Y/N and Piney. Her being the love of his life he had to stay away from and him being a man Chibs was never close to. They barely spoke for the whole evening, the conversation mostly held between Y/N and Piney as Filip was silent, watching her and never having enough of it.
"I think I'll have some sleep. And you two should also have rest" Y/N finally said as she took the empty plates away from the table "Good night"
"Sleep well, sweetheart" Piney smiled.
"Good night, lass" Chibs whisperes as he was watching her leave. He hoped they could've had some time to talk, but there was no chance.
Laying on the couch, half asleep and dreaming about Y/N as he usually did he heard Piney's voice.
"What's going on here, Chibs?" The old man asked. He wasn't mad or anything, probably just curious.
"What do ye mean?" Filip felt nervous and tried to pretend he didn't understand.
"Don't make a fool outta me, son" Piney smirked. He knew what was going on, he did. But he wanted Chibs to explain.
"Is that so obvious?" He sighed and closed his eyes. If the old man noticed than probably others did as well no matter how much Chibs was trying to hide it.
"For me. Yes. Not for the girl if you worry about it" Chibs heard the voice and it made him tense.
"I can't help it" Filip finally confessed after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, son. I know you can't. Just be carefull. Her dad won't ever allow it to happen" Piney knew exactly how Clay was.
"Aye. I won't ever do anything about it, don't worry" Chibs stated bitter smile on his face. He was used to not getting what he wanted. But it did hurt so bad.
There was no answer. The old man fell asleep leaving Chibs restless with his thoughts. There was no option for him. He couldn't stop loving her no matter how much he tried. He couldn't confess his feelings, no matter how much he wanted it. All he could have was staying around and admiring Y/N from the distance.
Several days passed and life was coming back to normal. Chibs knew something bad was coming, it was in the air, it was inevitable. And it happened. Tara was attacked on their trip with Jax. It was all so bad, Chibs knew it was something to do with cartels, but he also felt something was wrong inside the family.
That night he was staying late at the clubhouse with Bobby and Tig when Clay came. He had some cuts on his face and obviously didn't want to talk to anyone. Chibs soon left to his dorm to have some rest, but restless he was, trying to find an answer to what had happened.
He heard a knock on the door and frowned. Wearing only jeans and white shirt he stood up from his bed and opened the door. And froze. Y/N hugged him, as tight as she could, hiding her face on his chest. She was crying, tears made his shirt wet instantly as Chibs pulled her closer to himself and closed the door.
"What happened, lass?" He asked with a raspy low voise. For a moment her was afraid Clay might've hurt her.
"It's mom and dad. Thay had a fight" Y/N whispered, sobbing on his chest "He hurt her, bad"
"Christ, lass" Chibs whisperes, his lips pressed to the top of her head. He didn't know why she came here, why didn't she go to Jax's place, but he was holding her in his arms and it was enough for him.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" Y/N asked queitly and Chibs only nodded.
"Aye, lass. I'm ere for ye" His accent was thick with emotions as she leaned closer into his arms.
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randomperson1234sblog · 8 months
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Sons of Anarchy 🖤🖤🖤
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Fun and Responsibility
Description: Jax wants to take his 4year old little sister for a ride on his bike, what could go wrong.
Word count: 2,230
Warnings⚠️: swearing and general SOA warnings.
Taglist: @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @arkytiorlecter
(If you wanna be added or removed from the SoA taglist just comment or message me)
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Jax carefully fastens the straps that holds his four-year-old sister, Katherine, against his chest, a small but proud smile playing at the corners of his lips. The other club members snicker and chuckle as they watch the scene unfolding before them.
Jax grins back at them, their laughter only fueling his mischievous nature. He climbs onto his Harley, the engine roaring to life beneath him.
As he revs the engine with a loud rumble, the sound seems to catch the attention of both his mother Gemma and Clay. Gemma comes running over, her eyes wide with horror.
"Jackson Teller, what on earth do you think you're doing!?" she demands, her voice rising in pitch with each word.
Jax grins back at her, the wind whipping through his hair as he prepares to ride off. "Just taking the kid for a ride, Ma. What's the big deal? She'll be fine," he calls back over the noise of the engine.
Meanwhile, Clay joins Gemma's side as he hears the commotion, his face darkened with anger.
"You know damn well what the big deal is, boy. You're not taking our daughter out for a ride," he snaps, his voice sharp and authoritative.
Jax just rolls his eyes, his usual cool demeanor wavering for a moment. "Come on. She'll be fine. I've done this plenty of times before, she loves it. Nothing has ever happened."
"What do you mean you've done this before!?!" Gemma glares
Jax shifts in his seat, trying to keep the bike straight as he faces his mother's anger. "I mean, I've taken her for rides before. It's not a big deal. She loves it," he repeats adamantly, refusing to back down.
"And what if something happens? What if you crash and she gets hurt?" Gemma's voice trembles as she voices her worst fear.
Jax rolls his eyes again, scoffing at her anxieties. "Nothing's gonna happen, Ma. I'm a good driver, I've been riding this bike since I was sixteen, I think I know what I'm doing. And I'd never let anything happen to her. I love her, too, you know," he protests, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
Clay crosses his arms, eyeing his step son closely. "That's not the point, Jax. You're still young. You're 18 and you're still learning to be responsible."
Jax bristles at Clay's words, his pride wounded. "I am responsible. And I'm not a child anymore. It's just a ride on the bike, not like I'm gonna take her out on the highway or anything," he argues.
"It doesn't matter, Jax. It's not responsible to have a four-year-old strapped to your chest while you ride a motorcycle. It's not safe, period," Gemma bites out, her hands on her hips.
Jax clenches his jaw, his stubborn nature refusing to give in. "She'll be fine, stop being so paranoid."Jax revs and starts to pull off the lot
"Dammit, Jax, don't you dare!" Gemma yells after him, her voice shrill with anger and worry.
Clay moves to stop him, but it's too late. Jax speeds off with Katherine strapped to his chest.The other club members watch as Jax zips away, their grins disappearing as they anticipate the storm that follows.
Meanwhile, Gemma and Clay stand there, their faces pale and stricken. Their only daughter is riding away on a motorcycle with her reckless brother.
The ride is smooth at first, the wind brushing through Jax and Katherine's hair as they gain speed. The freedom of the open road is exhilarating, and Katherine's soft giggles and squeals of delight confirm her enjoyment. Jax grins, feeling proud to be the cool older brother who can give her this experience.
But soon enough, Jax starts to push the limits, weaving in and out of traffic and taking sharper turns than usual.The adrenaline rush is intoxicating, and Jax forgets the consequences, living in the moment. He pushes the bike to its limits, feeling the rush of wind in his face as they speed down the road.
Katherine, strapped to his chest, is blissfully ignorant of the danger, her small hands gripping Jax's arms as she laughs in joy.
They continue their high-speed journey, Jax growing more reckless with each mile. He knows he's pushing his luck, but the thrill is too good to pass up.
Suddenly, a sharp turn approaches, and Jax takes it at a dangerous angle. The bike skids slightly, but he manages to right it before it tips over.
Katherine lets out a frightened squeal, her grip on Jax's arms tightening. Jax's breath catches temporarily as he feels the bike's instability, but he quickly regains control. "It's okay, Kitty. We're okay," he tries to reassure his little sister and himself, his voice shaking just a bit.
Jax knows that was a close call, he slows down and he stops the bike at the side of the road, his hands trembling just slightly as he unstraps Katherine from his chest. He picks her up in his arms, holding her close, feeling a pang of guilt at having put her in danger.
Katherine clings to Jax, her small body trembling slightly from the fear she just experienced. Jax strokes her hair, trying to calm her down.
"I'm so sorry, Kitty. I got carried away," he mutters, his voice apologetic. He looks down at her and sees the fear in her eyes, and it breaks his heart.
"I won't do that again, okay? I promise," he whispers, cradling her gently. What could of happened playing in his head.
Just then, the rumble of other motorcycles fill the air, and Jax looks up to see the rest of the SoA pulling up next to him. Clay and Gemma are among them, their faces etched with anger and concern.
"What the hell were you thinking, son?! You could have gotten her killed!" Clay explodes as soon as he dismounts his bike.
Jax holds Katherine tightly against his chest, her small body trembling. "I... I didn't mean to get carried away. We're both fine, aren't we, Kitty?" he tries to defend himself.
"Don't try to downplay it, Jax. You took that turn way too fast," Tig chimes in, his voice stern but concerned.
Gemma pushes through the group, her eyes on her trembling daughter. "Give her to me. Now Jax," she demands, holding out her arms.
Jax hesitates for a beat. He knows he screwed up, but the thought of losing his little sister's trust and love is even more painful. Reluctantly, he hands Katherine over to his mother.
As Gemma takes her daughter into her arms, Clay gets into Jax's face, his expression hard as stone. "You're damn lucky she's okay. But you've pushed it too far this time, boy."
Jax grits his teeth, his pride wounded. "It was one mistake, okay? I got carried away. I didn't mean to scare her," he retorts stubbornly.
Clay's eyes narrow, anger and disappointment mixing in his gaze. "That's the problem, Jax. You never mean to. But you're careless and reckless, and it's gonna land you in trouble someday... or worse."
Jax's jaw tightens, the words hitting him hard. He's grown up in the Sons of Anarchy, surrounded by chaos and danger, and he's always thought he was invincible.
"This isn't a goddamn therapy session, Clay. I get it, I messed up. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he snaps, his voice sharp and defensive.
Clay stands his ground, not backing down. "You're damn right it won't happen again. Because from now on, you're off the bike until you prove you can be responsible enough to handle it. And that includes taking your sister on joyrides."
Jax's eyes widen in shock and anger. "You... you can't do that. You know how much the bike means to me." he protests, his voice rising.
Clay crosses his arms, his expression still stern. "I can, and I am. You wanna act like a reckless kid, I'll treat you like one. The bike stays off-limits until you learn to respect and control yourself."
Anger and disbelief flare in Jax's eyes. The thought of being separated from his bike, his only freedom and escape, is almost unbearable.
"You can't do this, man. You're grounding me for one mistake? That's bullshit, and you know it," he protests vehemently.
"It's not about a mistake, Jax. It's about your attitude and your lack of maturity and responsibility. You put your sister's life at risk, and that's unacceptable. Until you learn to control yourself, your bike stays in the garage, Tig will go back to TM bring the truck round," Clay's voice is firm, not leaving any room for argument.
Jax's anger and frustration boil over. He feels betrayed, being held responsible for something he feels wasn't entirely his fault. "This is bullshit. You're taking away the one thing that matters to me. What am I supposed to do now? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs?"
Clay doesn't waver, his gaze unwavering. "That's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna sit, you're gonna think about what you did, and you're gonna learn some damn restraint and responsibility. You're 18 years old, and it's time you start acting like it."
Chibs steps forward, resting a hand on Jax's shoulder. "Come on, lad. This is for your own good."
Jax angrily shoves off Chibs's hand, his eyes ablaze with frustration and resentment. "For my own good? You've gotta be kidding me. You're all just using this as an excuse to keep me under your control. Well, newsflash, I'm not a goddamn kid anymore. I can handle myself."
"Look at your sister!, Jax look what you did..what you COULD have done..and tell me again how you are a responsible person" Clay shouts
Jax looks at Katherine, her small, shaking form still clutched in Gemma's arms. The fear in her eyes cuts through him like a knife. Guilt and remorse wash over him as he's forced to face the consequences of his actions.
He takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I... shit...im sorry i wasnt thinking i just wanted her to have some fun."
Clay's expression softens a fraction, seeing the remorse in Jax's eyes. "Fun is fine, but not at the expense of someone's safety. You need to understand that."
Piney steps forward, his voice calmer than the rest. "We're not trying to keep you under control, Jax. We're trying to look out for you and your sister."
Jax clenches his jaw, the fight in him slowly ebbing away. Deep down, he knows they're right, but his pride and anger make it hard to accept.
He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes flickering towards his sister, who's starting to calm down in Gemma's arms. "Yeah, I get it. I messed up."
"Now go give your sister a hug while you sit and wait for the truck...you will strap your own bike on...you will drive the truck back home and you will put it in the garage where it will stay until you prove you deserve to ride it again" Bobby adds
Jax feels like a scolded puppy, his pride wounded. But he swallows his ego and walks over to Gemma, who still holds Katherine.
He gently takes his sister into his arms, holding her close. "I'm sorry, Kitty. I was an idiot, and I promise I'll do better from now on," he whispers, his voice genuine.
He then looks at the other members of the Sons, his gaze filled with resignation. "I'll drive the truck back... and I'll keep the bike in the garage."
The Sons nodded, a mixture of relief and acceptance on their faces. They knew it wasn't easy for Jax to take responsibility, and seeing him do so showed maturity.
Clay pats Jax on the back, his expression softer now. "You better damn well keep your promise."
Jax looks at Clay, his expression a mixture of guilt, regret, and determination. "I will. Trust me."
He turns to the rest of the group, his eyes lingering on Tig. "Can we just get this damn truck now? I want to get her home."
Tig nods, his usual smirk replaced with a hint of concern. "Yeah, I'll go back now and grab it."
He heads off, leaving Jax standing there with the rest of the Sons and Gemma. An awkward silence hangs over them for a moment, the tension and anger slowly dissipating.
"Jaxie...bike bad?" Katherine says looking up at her brother. Jax looks down at his sister, her innocent question cutting through the tension. He feels a pang of guilt and remorse for what he's put her through.
He forces a small smile, his voice soft. "No, Kitty. Bike's not bad. I was bad, riding it too fast. But I won't do it again, okay?"
Katherine nods, seemingly appeased for now. Jax holds her close, his arms tight around her. He feels the need to protect her, to make amends for his mistake.
Clay and Gemma share a look, a silent conversation passing between them. Clay then turns to Jax, his voice firm but softer now. "We'll leave you to get her home. But remember, son. That bike stays in the garage, no exceptions."
Jax nods, his expression solemn. "Understood." He knew well enough that challenging Clay wasn’t going to change a goddamn thing.
He holds Katherine a little tighter, her small body pressed into his chest. "Let's get you home, Kitty."
If you wanna read more about Katherine and her time with the club click here
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grande-caps · 23 days
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Sons of Anarchy - Season 2
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