#gemma didn’t care people knew she was pregnant as long as she was afforded privacy
alarrytale · 7 months
Once again what DM wrote
“Sources close to Styles reveal he is now 'ready for the next chapter' in his life, away from the spotlight. While Styles will no doubt continue to make music and is expected to further 'explore his acting opportunities', insiders warn fans not to expect any new projects in the near future: 'Harry no longer needs to prove himself and he is finally going to take some time to reap the rewards of his success. His 30s will look nothing like his 20s.'”
First of all - who are sources close to Styles? After h*livia bua there were sources saying how we will definitely see H hanging out with OW how much serious this relationship was for him 🙄.
Second - surely his 30s won’t look nothing like his 20s. He can’t play the image of a manwhore who slept with approx 456 women a year anymore.
Third - if he doesn’t no longer needs to prove himself, then why we have known about him every second or third week since HSLOT end? It’s quite the opposite, with H’sH his fame skyrocketed and they have to strike when the steel is hot. That’s why he’s always around, that’s why got stunt by the end of the tour and that’s why we’ll get new album and tour announcement this year - they need to keep him going when all attention is on him
Fourth - as you wrote Marte, she agreed to stunt with him in the first place to boost her career. We know it’s a stunt but even if they will try to sell us how she’s about to settle with him, what was the purpose for her in the first place when she’s about to break through the Hollywood? Hope it makes sence what I’m trying to say.
God I just hate these tabloid articles looking like a het harries wattpad wet dream fantasies. We know he will settle down one day with Louis but imo it won’t be the way that tabloids will inform us about it. See how Gemma got pregnant and gave birth and nobody knew about it (eventho some of us were suspicious after that one photo from wedding but we could only wonder about if she was or wasn’t pregnant at that time). Sources close to Styles won’t announce what H’s actual private life (“nobody knows about”) will look like in the near future and when he will actually settle down.
Hi, anon!
Sources close to Harry Styles is his PR company DawBell. They know everything there is to know about Harry Styles because they make it up to fit the narrative they want out there.
His 30's wont look like his 20's because he's aging out of the heartthrob age range. He's not curly headed, green-eyed with a babyface of an angel boy anymore, and with a horde of clamouring teenagers running after him.
They do want to strike while the iron is hot. He's on top of the world right now in his category. There is no competition. When you've worked so hard to get to the top you'd want to keep yourself there. Now it's the time to actually start to enjoy it.
TR settling down with H makes no sense. H is on top but she just started climbing. She's ambitious and have been given a real shot to make it further due to this PR relationships. Why would she settle down now and fade into obscurity? Makes no sense.
The Gemma part annoys me actually. Everyone who cared to know she was pregnant knew. She didn’t hide shit. She was pictured with a pregnant belly (pretty far along actually). That's not hiding. Some people dismissed it because they didn’t want to speculate, and that's fine. But everyone else with eyes and half a braincell could easily tell she was pregnant.
What they want out there gets out there, what they don't want out there won't. Easy.
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