#gemini: tinn
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fourthgem · 9 months ago
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Na Ra K ♡
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bevioletskies · 8 months ago
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gemini & fourth (in every universe) ↳ li ming vs. gun vs. atom + perspectives on love
"Do dreams carry any meaning without someone you love to share them with?"
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chinchillion · 1 year ago
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"Why did you want to join music club? Nosy. Just Kidding. Why do you want to know? Well, I'm the school president. I should know everything. You know what our school is like. No one would want to befriend wayward students like us. Music club is my only safe zone. What about you? Why did you join the student council? Did your mom make you?"
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023) episode 03.
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cold-and-unsure · 2 years ago
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Heart's house Li Ming's house
coldness ❄️ warmness ☀️
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forcebookish · 2 years ago
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My School President out of context
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puffmais · 4 months ago
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Li Ming & Heart (Moonlight Chicken) — Gun & Tinn (My School President) — Atom & Kongthap (My Love Mix-Up!) kisses.
Fun facts about GeminiFourth x kisses: ☆ The New Year's kiss between Li Ming and Heart in Moonlight Chicken cannot be seen, and it might seem that it's an 'angle kiss', but in reality, Gemini and Fourth had a peck kiss that we could witness in the behind the scenes. ☆ The cheek kiss between Li Ming and Heart in Moonlight Chicken episode 8 was improvised by Fourth, it was not in the script. ☆ In my School President, there are several 'almost kiss' scenes from both Tinn's imagination and during Tinn & Gun's dating era. During the series' airing, these scenes drove the fandom completely crazy to the point that we thought they would not have a real kiss. ☆ At the end of episode 6 of My School President, Tinn (Gemini's character) gives Gun a cheek kiss after confessing their feelings. In real life, Fourth admitted that he felt frustrated since he wanted to kiss Gem too, but the script didn't let him. ☆ In episode 12 of My School President, Tinn & Gun have their first date where they share their first kiss. In reality, the script only had written that Gemini had to kiss Fourth's cheek (which he did), but once again our number boy felt frustrated and decided to improvise giving Gemini's character several pecks. ☆ At the end of episode 12 of My School President, Tinn & Gun finally had their first real kiss. In real life, this was Gemini's first real kiss as well, and we could see in the behind the scenes that he was extremely nervous and shy. Thankfully, Fourth guided him throughout the whole process and the kiss scene came out perfectly. ☆ In My Love Mix-Up! episode 1, Atom (Fourth's character) suddenly imagines a scene in which he almost kisses Kongthap. In the behind the scenes, Fourth pecked Gemini for real. ☆ At the end of episode 8 of My Love Mix-Up!, Atom and Kongthap share their first kiss. In the behind the scenes, Gemini admitted that it was the best kiss he has ever had. ☆ During an interview, Fourth said he and Gemini kissed at least 10 times filming the fireworks kiss at the end of episode 11 of My Love Mix-Up! ☆ In real life, it is known that Fourth loves to tease Gemini by always trying to kiss him. Recently, we found out that he loves kissing Gemini's shoulders. Also, Fourth had said that Gemini has soft lips and admitted that during kiss scenes there's 'a bit of Fourth' in there, meaning that it's not entirely his character kissing Gemini but his real self too. ☆ Both Fourth and Gemini admitted that, as time passes by, they feel shyer and more nervous during kiss (or romantic) scenes since they are best friends (and possible crushes in my delusional mind) and have known each other for years.
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casualavocados · 2 years ago
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“He must have wanted to express it, as his character can’t play anything.”  — dir. Au Kornprom
“I was a member of the music club at my school. I was a school singer before. So I’m quite familiar with musical instruments. However, I mainly sang. I’d observed how people played different instruments and I followed them.”
GEMINI NORAWIT as Tinn, MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT bts: Open House, Open Heart
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itagakimizuki · 2 years ago
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GEMINI NORAWIT as Tinnaphob 'Tinn' Jirawatthanakul & FOURTH NATTAWAT as Guntaphon 'Gun' Wongwitthaya — ep 1 // ep 12 (final)
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022-2023) dir. Au Kornprom Niyomsil
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years ago
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♪ When you lead My whole world follows ♪
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midporsche · 10 months ago
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I want to think they could be friends
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fourthgem · 2 years ago
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he’s coming to me (2019) // our skyy 2 x my school president (2023)
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bevioletskies · 7 months ago
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gemini & fourth (in every universe) ↳ heart/li ming vs. tinn/gun vs. kongthap/atom + cheek kiss
"What do you think having a boyfriend is like?"
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liyazaki · 2 years ago
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we clear?
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mooninagust · 2 years ago
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we would've been timeless.
moonlight chicken (2023) my school president (2022-2023)
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justafriend-ql · 2 years ago
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another day unkissed. when will the suffering end 😫 MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT OMO Special
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kongthapatom · 1 year ago
Riddle me this: When have queer stories managed to become popular with little kids in Asia before MSP did?
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This year I watched MSP cast promote the drama in schools and so many students ranging from small kids to high schoolers doing MSP dance challenges even months after MSP ended. It makes me ecstatic when I see them watching this drama, even becoming a fan! TinnGun made it seem so effortless to touch the hearts of Asian kids and teens in a way no queer drama has been able to do before. 
MSP really changed my perception of what it will take for queer media to overthrow the hetero agenda in Asia someday. It made me realize we need more feel-good, family-friendly and goofy stories that appeal to everyone and make them laugh instead of convoluted or grandiose stories that lose the plot or those that specifically amplify queer struggles and minimise the joy of love.
That in the end, when real change starts in society, no matter how big or small and culminates with homophobia finally packing its bags & Asian families being won over - it won't be because of dramatic and "realistic" queer stories rife with suffering, grief or heartbreak that got voted best by the critics. It will be because of a simple and sweet love story like MSP, where one boy had a crush on another boy and did everything it takes to help him reach his dreams and found his own happiness in the process, a story that is vibrating with so much of queer positivity, joy and heart that it's impossible for anyone who watches it to not became its fan.
It makes my heart burst with joy that queer kids today are growing up with much better examples of queer love in front of them than our previous generations ever did. Imagine the impact this will have, the difference it will make in young queer Asian lives.
Gun told Tinn that the love songs we listen to in high school are the best love songs ever because they're the original soundtracks of our first love - To think there is a generation of kids right now who are listening to MSP soundtrack and falling in love to the same songs Tinn and Gun sang to each other and will remember MSP as their life's greatest love songs someday in the future - it boggles my mind and perhaps we won't grasp the full extent of what MSP did for its queer audience until many years have passed.
Nonetheless, I'll never stop singing MSP's praises because all they had was a newbie director, rookie actors & a banger soundtrack to do the impossible and make queer characters go mainstream in Asian schools and resonate with kids. We'll soon find out if we'll see TinnGun in college next year being sickeningly in love and serenading each other with an even gayer cuter cheesier soundtrack! (I hope so) Even if we don't, I'm excited for the impact MSP and GemFourth will have on queer romance genre down the line.
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