#gemini au crossovers
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tangledinink · 6 months ago
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:000000 @tangledinink x @probably-not-a-rutabaga irl collab real?!?! AND we got to do a lil drawing together! (the collab was the hotpot ☺️)
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v-albion · 1 year ago
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Finally!! Someone with SENSE OF STYLE
Kind of a continuation of this
@tmntaucompetition @beannary @tangledinink
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teaableu · 8 months ago
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sep au crossover doodles
Gemini Leo belongs to @tangledinink
EW! Donnie belongs to @cupcakeslushie
and Never Better Red belongs to @less-depresso-more-espresso
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3lectricinsomnia · 5 months ago
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Yeah.. they have beef @tangledinink the girls are fighting 🤧
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Bonus unfinished comic
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years ago
Just a whole bunch of separated Leos (the sillies) ver. 2
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AUs + Creators below
Red Rover (RR) - @red-rover-au (aka @theserpentsnight)
Empyrean Weeping (EW) - @cupcakeslushie
Gemini Twins - @tangledinink
Tentative Devotee (TD) - Me :}
The Night - @y0unginhumans
Life Mission: Save My Brothers (LM) - @daedelweiss
BloodBath (BB) - @trubblegumm
Never Better (NB) - @less-depresso-more-espresso
Even More of a Disaster Twins (EMD/EMDt) - @teaableu and @3lectricinsomnia
Separated Leo AU - @dianagj-art
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years ago
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Separated Council tries an escape room. They’ll kill each other or destroy the furniture. Maybe they’ll escape. Who knows.
Red Rover - @red-rover-au
Even More Disaster Twins - @teaableu and @3lectricinsomnia
Tentative Devotee - @s0fti3w1tch
Never Better - @less-depresso-more-espresso
The Night - @y0unginhumans
Bloodbath - @trubblegumm
Gemini Twins - @tangledinink
Separated Leo AU - @dianagj-art
Life Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss
Empyrean Weeping - Moi
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separatedleoau · 2 years ago
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Sooooo.... go karts, huh?
anyways tie us at the @tmntseparatedaucompetition pretty please 🥺
Gemini AU @tangledinink
The Night AU @y0unginhumans
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your-soup-overlord · 4 months ago
Castor and Pollux
Happy Samhain! I am sadly very sick on my favorite holiday, so i have a small snippet i wrote from a fic i'm 100% not writing in the background because i can't focus on one thing lol. Enjoy!
The cool desert breeze danced around two boys, hand in hand. They sat together looking up, staring at the stars and nursing their wounds.
They tended to sit together like this often, a moment of peace just for them. Sometimes they’d talk, and other ones they’d stay quiet the entire time. But they’d always be together.
The Spare, who had uncharacteristically stayed silent, finally spoke up.
“We should leave.” The Spare said, still staring up at the glittering stars.
His twin, the Heir, scoffed.
“tt. Akhi , to leave is to defect. And Grandfather would not let us leave alive. What reason do we even have to go?” The Heir huffed, turning to face his brother. “We are the Demon twins, the al ghul heirs. You will be my shadow, and i will take over after Grandfather. Tomorrow, we will pass the test and come back victorious, passing Grandfather’s first real test and then turning 10 together.”
The Spare stays silent for a moment, finally turning to face his brother. “But what if i don’t want this life? I want to be like the village children, i want to play. And celebrate your birthday, or just do what we want. You could have pets, and i could study the stars. Why can’t we have that?” He asks, quiet and fearful. After all, anyone could be listening.
The Heir stays silent, turning back to the stars. They sit for a while before he can respond. “Then leave. I will not stop you.”
“Akhi, no. Not without you. Wherever you are is where I belong.” The Spare assures, turning his twin to look back at him. “We are like the gemini constellation. You are my Pollux, and without you I cannot exist. Dami, I just wish we had a different, a better life.” The Spare utters, pulling his other half into a hug.
They savor it, only allowed such comforts in times like this, where they are alone together. But soon they must pull apart and head to bed, lest they be caught by any guards.
“Danyal?” The Heir speaks before they settle down, both laying in their bed.
“Yes?” The Spare waits, staring at the ceiling.
“We will pass the test, both of us. You are my Castor, my other half, and I will not let us be separated.” The Heir silently declares, with only the two to hear his words.
The Spare doesn’t respond for a while. It’s only when the Heir is drifting off that he hears him respond.
“Dami, thank you. I- I love you.” The Spare murmurs, the Heir barely able to hear. But he does, and he will not let his other half think he’s unwanted.
“I love you too, Danny. Goodnight.” The Heir is able to whisper, knowing his twin will hear even as they both fall asleep. It was a quiet night, like all the rest. They didn’t know that on that cold but clear night, together in Nanda Parbat with whispered promises weaving through the breeze, that it would be their last night together on that sand for a long time.
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isko0kris0oksi · 10 months ago
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I'm sorry, but no, I'm not sorry.
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pemdas-chicken-nugget · 5 months ago
day 30!🎉
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The Iris. It is with us now. Laughing at us.
but fr, i LOVE GHE, and the fact that you can connect it to Solarballs is only fueling my obsession with both of them😵‍💫
i wanted to make him look as fake as possible, as if he tries to camouflage himself to gain trust of others, but still normal looking
i guess i'm still not skilled enough to convey that balance fully, but I'm happy with what i have(maybe)
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a-m-pyra · 9 months ago
Whispers Heard At Nightfall (Part I: Autumn): CH3 Ritual
Where Geppetto's puppet participates in a ritual and learns new feelings.
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tangledinink · 3 months ago
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they're discussing their favorite types of industrial glues and other bonding agents <3
gemini / the little prince [ @beannary ]
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onychespherein · 8 months ago
me making the sams/laes x cotl AU, 2024, colorised:
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allow me to ramble for a bit because its been a week and my brain is Rotting with a capital R, i am now 100% commited to this thing my brain birthed to cope with its parents (me & my previous obsession, cult of the lamb) divorcing
the general idea is that lunar somehow digs up a crown from the trash heap when the gang is exploring a robot graveyard (see: post-apocalyptic vibes, i just think robot graveyards are such a cool concept i wanted one ok). anyway. none of them really know what the fuck this thing even is, except for solar maybe, who has like a general idea, just a hunch really, and it's not like he ever really saw the bishops from up close, right, he doesn't actually know what the crowns are, how they look like, etc. maybe its just a thing people draw that doesn't really exist, you know, like halos around the heads of some higher up cultists. besides, there's no fucking way lunar found one just, what, lying around, right? Right?
and when they try to get rid of it, because of course they do, it's obviously some old magic artefact, they have no goddamn idea what it does, seriously lunar, why are you going around picking up potentially deadly things you know nothing about, for fuck's sake, what if it KILLED you, (this is the sound of sun having a PTSD flashback to that one time lunar almost blew them all up because he picked up a magic equivalent of a bomb moon & solar were working on and yes, they both got chewed out for that one too)
anyway, they try to get rid of the crown, right, but it just. doesn't work. no matter how hard they throw/kick it, it always comes back. they can't break it. magic doesn't work. at some point it sticks itself to lunar's head and they can't pull it off.
they give up (after like a few days) because clearly there's nothing they can do and it isn't hurting lunar, for now, and honestly they have bigger problems on hand than some stupid floating crown that doesn't do shit. like idk the demon currently possessing sun ((because demons are a Thing in cotl that i constantly forget about when i go crusading. bruh)
it takes a while but eventually cultists start coming after them, like they already had some less than pleasant encounters & avoided them best they could, but now the cultists are coming specifically for them. or, more like, for lunar.
and then lunar dies, gets resurrected, and starts their own cult. fun
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teaableu · 2 years ago
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He’s right and he should say it /affectionate
Gemini AU by @tangledinink (YOUR DESIGNS ARE SO GOOD)
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
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Play date with the @evenmoreofadisaster boys 😌
@teaableu @3lectricinsomnia I still cant get over how cute those boys are and how nothing bad will ever happen to them right?
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ah yes the start of a beautiful rivaly friendship<3
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separatedleoau · 2 years ago
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This is how they tied in the semifinals, you can't change my mind
Gemini Twins AU @tangledinink
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
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