panwalescymru · 2 years
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#Eira ar goeden palmwydd #Penarth #Snow on a #Palm #Tree ! #LlandochauFach #mapioCymru @mapioCymru #Geirfa : #Vocab eira : snow coeden palmwydd : palm tree Llandochau Fach : #Llandough (at Llandochau Fach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CphlidNIymH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meddwlyngymraeg · 3 months
Geirfa (ar hap): Random vocabulary I've picked up this week.
hap -> random (n) artaith -> torture (verb, noun) gwaddoli -> to endow (v)
Cyfeirio [at rhwybeth] -> to address something, to refer [to smth] (v) Cyfeiriad -> a reference/referral, direction (n) Cyfeilio -> to accompany (musically or otherwise) (v) Cyfeiliant -> accompaniment, backing (n) Cynnau -> to light, ignite, switch on (v)
Coch -> red Cwch -> a boat, raft, etc. (n) Cwch (/cychod) gwenyn -> beehive(s). Cute that a hive is basically a boat for bees!
llond -> -full/filled (adj) yr holl -> all (of something) (adj)
bwydlen -> menu (literally 'food sheet') llen -> sheet (in the sense of paper, a curtain, ice, etc.) (n)
dychmygu -> to imagine (v) credu/coelio -> to believe (v) teimlo -> to feel (v) enaid -> a soul (n) rhyddid -> freedom (n)
bloedd(iaudau) -> a shout, whoop bloeddio -> to shout
hyn a hyn -> from time to time/now and again
yn barod -> already
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siaradwast · 2 months
Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1
[Plain text: Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1. End PT.]
Before I start, I would like to specify that all these posts are in a South Wales dialect of Welsh.
The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg
[Plain text: The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg. End PT.]
a, b, c, ch, d, dd, e, f, ff, g, ng, h, i, j, l, ll, m, n, o, p, r, rh, s, t, th, u, w, y
Greetings - Cyfarchion
[Plain text: Greetings - Cyfarchion. End PT.]
Shwmae/Helô - Hello
Bore da - Good morning
Prynhawn da - Good afternoon
Noswaith dda - Good evening
Nos da - Good night
Sut wyt ti? / Sut dych chi? - How are you? (Note - "ti" is the informal & singular you, "chi" is the formal & plural you)
Croeso - Welcome
Hwyl/Hwyl fawr - Goodbye
Pronoun sentence starters
[Plain text: Pronoun sentence starters. End PT.]
Dw i'n - I am
Rwyt ti'n - you are (Informal/singular)
Mae e'n - he is
Mae hi'n - she is
Mae nhw'n - they are
Rydych chi'n - you are (Formal/plural)
Dyn ni'n - we are
(Rydych chi'n can be shortened to dych chi'n, Rwyt ti'n often becomes just ti'n. Dw i'n is technically Rydw i'n but is often shortened)
Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos
[Plain text: Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos. End PT.]
Dydd Llun - Monday
Dydd Mawrth - Tuesday
Dydd Mercher - Wednesday
Dydd Iau - Thursday
Dydd Gwener - Friday
Dydd Sadwrn - Saturday
Dydd Sul - Sunday
for nights, "nos" would replace "dydd", so Monday night would be Nos Llun. (This mutates for Gwener - i.e. Nos Wener rather than Nos Gwener)
Months - Mis
[Plain text: Months - Mis. End PT.]
Ionawr - January
Chwefror - February
Mawrth - March
Ebrill - April
Mai - May
Mehefin - June
Gorffenaf - July
Awst - August
Medi - September
Hydref - October
Tachwedd - November
Rhagfyr - December
(Mawrth being March and Dydd Mawrth being Tuesday is I think because Mawrth is also the word for Mars, as in the planet. So the month and the day are named for the planet.)
Other Essentials
[Plain text: Other Essentials. End PT.]
Diolch - Thank you
Plîs / os gwelwch yn dda - Please (Os gwelwch yn dda literally translates to "if you see fit", so it's more of an "if you please" and is a more polite/formal version.)
Diolch yn fawr - Thank you very much (Literally "big thank you")
Esgusodwch fi - Excuse me
Mae'n flin da fi - Sorry (Fully - mae'n flin gyda fi, literally - Sorry is with me, however "flin" on its own does not really translate to sorry)
Weather - Y Tywydd
[Plain text: Weather - Y Tywydd. End PT.]
The weather is feminine so "it is" for weather is usually "mae hi'n", but this can be shortened to "mae'n".
Mae'n.... - It is....
.... bwrw glaw/eira/cesau - .... raining/snowing/hailing
.... heulog - .... sunny
.... braf - .... fine
.... stormus - .... stormy
.... wyntog - .... windy
.... gymylog - .... cloudy (Gymylog is the mutated form of Cymylog - it mutates because mae hi'n is feminine)
.... oer - .... cold
.... boeth - .... hot
Heddiw means today, so "it is sunny today" would be "Mae'n heulog heddiw)
That's all for this post, I'm not listing vocabulary in any particular order, I am quite literally just dumping vocab off the top of my head until the post seems long enough. There are nuances and exceptions that I don't really know how to convey in some circumstances, because to me they seem natural since to some extent as I was raised surrounded by the Welsh language. These posts weren't intended for people to learn Welsh from, but if you're already learning and have other resources for grammar, mutations, pronunciation, etc. these may be helpful. Anyway, unnecessarily long disclaimer over.
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guillemelgat · 9 months
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Solomon a Gaenor (1999)
1h40m | Welsh, Yiddish, & English
Y wythnos diwetha', nes i weld y ffilm 'ma. Mae hi'n am Solomon Levinsky, sy'n dod i'r Cymoedd De Cymru o Rwsia efo'i deulu, a Gaenor Rees, sy wedi byw yna ei holl fywyd. Mae Solomon a'i deulu'n Iddewon Uniongred, a mae Gaenor yn dod o deulu Anghydffurfiol, ond mae'r dau'n disgyn mewn cariad. Mae'r stori'n dipyn bach fel Romeo a Juliet, ond mae hi'n wahanol hefyd—mae'r cymeriadau'n mwy cymhleth, yn fy marn i, ac yn y diwedd o'n i ddim yn siwr beth i feddwl amdanyn nhw. Er hynny, mae'r hanes yn ddiddorol iawn, a mae'r ffilm yn sôn am y streiciau yn y Cymoedd ac am hanes Iddewig yng Nghmyru. Mae'r sinematograffi'n wych, ac o'n i'n licio'r trac sain hefyd, ond dwi'n dal i drio penderfynu am y plot. Rhaid i chi'w gweld a deud beth ydach chi'n meddwl!
Last week, I watched this film. It's about Solomon Levinsky, who comes to the South Wales Valleys from Russia with his family, and Gaenor Rees, who's lived there all her life. Solomon and his family are Orthodox Jews, and Gaenor is from a Noncomformist family, but the two fall in love. The story is a bit like Romeo and Juliet, but it's different too—the characters are more complex, in my opinion, and at the end I wasn't sure what to think about them. The history was really interesting, though, and the film talks about the strikes in the Valleys and about Jewish history in Wales. The cinematography is great, and I liked the soundtrack as well, but I'm still trying to decide about the plot. You have to watch it and tell me what you think!
Geirfa - Vocabulary
(Note: The movie is set in South Wales, so some of these are Southern Welsh variants)
swllt - shilling cefn gwlad - countryside cenhadwr - missionary perthyn i - belong to, be related to pai' bod yn ddwl - don’t be silly rhywpryd eto - another time tost - sick moddion - medicine damwain - accident twymo - to heat up darn - passage tlawd - poor cwlwm - knot siort - type pobi - to back carthu - to clean bod mas o gyrraedd - out of reach of, past main - fine cyhuddiad - charge, accusation dieithryn - outsider cosb - punishment disgwyl babi/plentyn - to be expecting a child, to be with child cywilydd - shame bradychu - to betray gwlân - wool sodli - heel gweddi - prayer rheol - rule haearn - iron lliain - towel pyped - puppet dere ymlaen - come on, let’s go carchar - prison cyfeiriad - address gwau - to knit
Os ti isio gweld y ffilm, mae hi ar Youtube // If you want to watch the movie, it's on Youtube:
Fersiwn Gymraeg (heb isdeitlau/isdeitlau i'r Iddew-Almaeneg yn Gymraeg) / Version in Welsh (no subtitles/subtitles for the Yiddish in Welsh)
Fersiwn Saesneg (y rhan amla' yn Saesneg efo rhannau yn Gymraeg a Iddew-Almaeneg/isdeitlau i'r holl ffilm) / Version in English (mostly English with parts in Welsh and Yiddish/subtitles for the whole film)
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catgriosaich · 3 years
Basic Welsh vocabulary: People, Age & Gender
Baby: baban (-od) (m)
Child: plentyn (plant) (m)
Adult: oedolyn (oedolion) (m)
These are mostly straightforward, but note that plentyn is a singulative: the base form, plant, is a collective (already plural).
Person: person (m) (pobl (f))
Pobl is the normal word for talking about more than one person, but it’s more than an irregular plural - it’s a different word. Therefore, person is singular masculine and pobl is singular feminine. There is a regular plural as well, personau, but it sounds formal/legal, like “persons” in english. Personiaid actually means parsons (priests). Pobl can also be pluralised: pobloedd, peoples.
From here on things will get complicated, with lots of different dialect forms. As a beginner, I’m not trying to memorise all this information, but this is basic vocabulary, so being able to recognise it in a variety of dialects is very useful. The following words’ genders can all be inferred from their meaning (with one exception), so I’ve left out them to avoid visual clutter.
dyn (dynion)
bachan (no pl) (inf)
Dyn is the standard word for man across dialects. Bachan is an informal South Welsh word derived from bachgen (boy), used similarly to guy/lad. There’s also gŵr (gwŷr) and its feminine counterpart gwraig (gwragedd), but these are mostly used to mean husband and wife.
dynes (-au) N
menyw (-od) S
benyw (-od) S
bachgen (bechgyn) S, NE
hogyn (hogiau) NW
crwt (cryts) S
merch (-ed) S
hogan (gennod) NW
geneth (-od) N
The word merch can mean girl, daughter or woman. Hogan is the female counterpart to hogyn, but for some mysterious reason it’s grammatically masculine. Other words for boy also have female counterparts that are grammatically feminine (bachgennes, croten) but as far as I can tell these are much less commonly used.
Sources: Duolingo notes; Geiriadur Bangor; Wiktionary
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caledfvvlch · 3 years
Pasg Hapus i Bawb! / Happy Easter to Everyone!
Here's just a dash of Welsh Easter vocab, some religious and some secular! :)
Pasg / Easter
Sul y Pasg / Easter Sunday
Llun y Pasg / Easter Monday
Dydd Gwener y Groglith (or just y Groglith) / Good Friday
Sul y Blodau / Palm Sunday (literally Sunday of Flowers)
Y Grawys / Lent
Iesu Grist / Jesus Christ
croes / cross
atgyfodiad / resurrection
ŵy Pasg / Easter egg
Cwningen y Pasg / Easter bunny
cwningen / rabbit, bunny
cyw / chick(en)
Happy Easter to everyone, whether you're celebrating the resurrection of Christ or just getting some chocolate!
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rhywbethcymraeg · 4 years
Solar System Cysawd yr Haul Sol yr Haul Mercury Mercher Venus Gwener Earth y Ddaear Luna y Lleuad moon (general term) lleuad (term cyhoeddus) Mars Mawrth Jupiter Iau Saturn Sadwrn Uranus Wranws Neptune Neifion Pluto Plwton
planet blaned asteroid asteroid comet comed
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cwmwl cloud
Daeth i gartref neithiwr, ac nid oedd cwmwl yn yr awyr I came home last night, and there was not a cloud in the sky
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daily-klingon · 7 years
Hov seren (n)
bej gwylio (v)
paw cyrraedd (v)
Sanmaj ein tynged (enw)
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oops-ibrokereality · 4 years
Dw'i Di dod ir penderfyniad bod angen I mi just siarad yn wenglish. I've had enough o ceisio dargganfod Yr gerirau 'perffaith' am beth dw'i eisiau dweud ac nawr mae'n amser I just siarad. Does ddim ots sut mor dda mae fy iaith. A dw'i'n dros becso am sut mae pawb arall yn gweld fy sgiliau cymraeg. Mae fy iaith wedi dyriwio dros y blynyddoedd diwethef a dw'i di cael llon bol o colli e. Now is the amser I siarad, s'ddim ots faint mor shit, does ddim ots faint o gerirau saesneg dw'i'n ddefnyddio. Fuck treigladau I'm just gonna throw them in wherever. Bydd just siarad Yr iaeth mynd I gwthio fi I ail-ddysgu'r terminoleg cywir.
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Ti'n Cymraeg hefyd? Neis! Ond mae'n rhaid i fi anghytuno yn fawr iawn am y "Gogs are backwards" peth. 😃
Ie wel BYDDET TI, ond dyw'r geirfa ddim yn celwydda. Be sy'r gair am 'now', Gogs? BE' SY'R GAIR.
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meddwlyngymraeg · 16 days
Geirfa Adeiliad (The vocab of buildings). Not exhaustive, wrth gwrs.
adeiladu - to build chwalu - to demolish
cynllunio - to plan (v) cynllun(iau) - plan(s) (n)
dyluniad - design (n) dylunio - to design (v)
strwythur - structure (n)
disgrifio - to describe
chwyldroadol - revolutionary (adj)
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guillemelgat · 3 years
LGBT Terminology/Dictionaries in Minoritized Languages
I was asked by @portugue for some dictionaries/terminology lists in different languages, but I realized when I checked that I actually only have them for 2 of the languages I study. If people have more minoritized language resources for LGBTQIA+ terminology, please add them on here! Let’s try to get as many as we can.
TERMCAT - Diccionari LGBT (Catalan): https://www.termcat.cat/ca/diccionaris-en-linia/256
Stonewall Cymru - Geirfa (Welsh): https://www.stonewallcymru.org.uk/cy/cymorth-chyngor/geirfa -UPDATE: This Google doc has corrections/improvements on the Stonewall Cymru list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bE8oVmZEhl6Wxqk6EEiEkv8z5xxq-cyQYjjigQPYKO0/edit
An Foclóir Aiteach (Irish): https://usi.ie/focloir-aiteach/
Celtic Students Blog - LGBTQ Terminology in the Celtic Languages (Welsh, Cornish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish, Manx, Breton): https://celticstudents.blogspot.com/2021/02/lgbtq-terminology-in-celtic-languages.html?m=1
Geidh.uk - Briathrachas LGDTCE+ (Scottish Gaelic): https://geidh.uk/briathrachas-lcdt/
(Last edited: 6/8/21)
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catgriosaich · 3 years
Telling the time in Welsh
Faint o'r gloch ydy hi? - What time is it?
Mae hi'n... - It is...
hanner dydd - midday/noon
hanner nos - midnight
un o'r gloch - one o'clock
ddeg o’r gloch - ten o’ clock
un ar ddeg o'r gloch - eleven o'clock
ddeuddeg o'r gloch - twelve o'clock
bum munud i... - five to...
ddeg munud wedi... - ten past...
chwarter i... - quarter to...
ugain munud wedi... - twenty past...
bum munud ar hugain i... - twenty-five to...
hanner awr wedi... - half past...
Mae hi'n chwarter i dri. It's quarter to three.
Mae'r bws yn mynd am ddeg munud i bedwar. The bus goes at ten to four.
Mae hi'n gweithio tan hanner awr wedi deuddeg. She's working until half past twelve.
Dw i'n mynd i'r gwely am bum munud ar hugain wedi un ar ddeg. I'm going to bed at twenty-five past eleven.
Note that while "o'r gloch" superficially resembles "o'clock", it actually means "of the bell". The Welsh for clock is cloc.
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caledfvvlch · 4 years
Misoedd Y Flwyddyn / Months of the Year
Ionawr / January
Chwefror / February
Mawrth / March
Ebrill / April
Mai / May
Mehefin / June
Gorffennaf / July
Awst / August
Medi / September
Hydref / October
Tachwedd / November
Rhagfyr / December
to specify "the month of", use mis, as in mis Rhagfyr (the month of December)
to specify "in the month of", use ym mis, as in ym mis Hydref (in the month of October)
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rhywbethcymraeg · 4 years
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