#geezus me
shatinn · 26 days
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Love and Deepspace - Sylus
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kedreeva · 1 year
Hey! So I've been following you since you posted a lot about good omens in 2019ish? I remember you talking about wing fics vividly, but I just want to ask:
How are you doing after season 2?
Good! I enjoyed season 2, and I look forward to seeing how things resolve in season 3.
I think there are a lot of folks upset about various things, for various reasons, a lot of which boil down to "the season didn't go how I wanted it to/thought it should go" or "the season didn't end wrapped up neatly like S1 did." Neither of which, imo, are fair judgments of a season that a) isn't that person's story and b) was meant to be a bridge not an ending. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course, and to their feelings, but I do wonder how many have taken honest assessment of those feelings and opinions.
In my opinion, it's unfair to claim a story is bad JUST because it didn't do what you wanted it to do. It's not a bad story just because characters didn't act how you predicted or wanted, either. Some of the responses I've seen hinge almost entirely on "but canon didn't do what fanon/I decided is best" usually with the caveat of "before I even saw the season" and that's... ignoble at best. It's fair to criticize poor storytelling, but I feel like you have to have the whole story, or most of it, to do that, and we don't have that. We're actually smack in the middle of the story, by my judgment.
This season was never meant to be The Whole Story, we have known for a long time that there is a season 3 planned (whether or not it's ever able to come to fruition is a separate issue, it has been planned since a long time ago). As such, I don't think it's fair at all to the story to be angry that the season didn't stop at a nice, neat, happily-ever-after, because this isn't the end of the story.
To quote one of my favorite authors, Peter S. Beagle: "Things must happen when it is time for them to happen. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to rot like unpicked fruit; unicorns may go unrescued for a very long time, but not forever. The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story."
They cannot have a happy ending until they've fixed the problems, and even before the end scene there, problems abounded. The unicorns are still unrescued. It's still the middle of the story.
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bibimbinge · 16 days
ohmy god
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OH!!!! MY GOD!!!!!!
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firsthcmunculus · 26 days
todays the day. time to get the piercing. i'll be online in the afternoon. i'm mentally preparing myself for the hurt, like i always do before a piercing appointment. pray for me. 😭
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wyrdle · 1 year
man y'all making the funny Simon Petrikov fanart that's making me snort in laughter: Eg. Simon being in Marceline's fridge, but is anyone else also feeling the horrifying bodyslam of feels because— this kind old man who threw away his sanity for a little girl in the apocalypse is now just reaching for lower and lower points in his life—
Bro probably stuck himself in the fridge to the point of being sick/hurting himself jfjdidjs. That's so messed up.
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
James, that's such slutty behavior 👀 I live for it
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coffeefromvoid · 13 days
O boy i can sense beetlejuice becoming a main hyperfixation of mine. I am obsessed with it all of it, i still have to get into the cartoon, movie beetlejuice is great hes silly hes awful hes Everything. Musical beetlejuice. I need to put him in a blender i need to coexist with him i need to be him i need to study him i need to consume him like a sandwich i need to microwave him i need to play him if i ever get the chance. And the entire story in general is great to i love lydia i love this piece if media
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theirloveisgross · 2 years
nothing really hurts, nothing to say. nothing really matters when everything gets in the way. holding me back, put the pain behind you now, gravity’s holding me back, you don’t need it anymore. i want you to hold out the palm of your hand, but we drained all that, why don’t we leave it at that? i won’t say a word, but right now all i need you to know is you’ll be okay.
seems you cannot be replaced in this world, it’s just us. look at the horizon, angels fly high, two kids follow her, and nobody’s coming to help. does it make you feel small? i’m the one who will stay.
answer the phone. i’ll knock on your door, it’ll save me from calling. ringing the bell. harry, you’re no good alone,i’m on my way with some time to borrow. why are you sitting at home on the floor? there were problems in this empty bottle at the bottom, what kind of pills are you on? it’ll only make it worse.
we can talk about it, there’s a time for saying who did what. i don’t want to talk about who’s doing it first, where it went wrong, i don’t want to talk about the way that it was. it can wait ‘til the morning, you know it’s not the same as it was.
light speed internet, i wanna hear all that. leave america, you know it’s not where we’re going. go home, get ahead, we can talk tomorrow. you know it’s not the same if every star is an eye in the sky, you’ll see angels fly as it was.
your daddy lives by himself, he just wants to know that you’re well, so right now all i need you to know is you’ll be okay.
Angels Fly As It Was: mashed lyrics into not-poems, a series (2/?).
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alteregozowie · 20 days
Make my Muse Talk About:
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👑🏆- Mentors/Role Models/Achievements:
"Thank goodness for Keenie!"
"Mentors, hmm....well, besides my mother, of course, but I'd say most of the radio show hosts starting out during my time. Rosie is a darling to look up to, also, I'm always going to her for things I don't understand."
"My achievements! Now we are talking! I'm one of the most feared Overlords in hell! I've managed to knock out some powerful ones in the past, earning my rightful spot- those screams were still to this day delicious to hear! Oh, and not to mention my flare for chaos! It's always fun to rile everyone up now and then. Keeps it fresh!"
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wardrobemoments · 2 years
Grace's style in season 1
This season, Grace is still finding herself. She has yet to undergo the major traumas involving Craig and Haibach, although there is a teaser in Bloodshot when her “boyfriend” uses her to get close to Jane. She is new to the team and eager to prove herself. Sweet-natured, compassionate, and devout, she can come across as innocent and naive at times. 
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I believe her style demonstrates two (sometimes warring) aspects of her personality. First is her desire to succeed, to emulate the people she admires in law enforcement, like Lisbon. This is the side of her that follows rules and listens to the superego; it is the side that is devoutly religious. Second is her femininity and desire for self-expression in an environment that doesn’t necessarily encourage such a thing. This side flouts the status quo, encourages impulse, listens to the id; it is the side that is superstitious and believes in psychics. 
Naturally, neither side takes full precedence, but rather forms the ego – the compromise between expectation and instinct. Seemingly opposed traits can serve to fuel either side, id or superego, at a given time. "Little bit of bitch inside the nice, a little bit of nice inside the bitch," as Jane so succinctly puts it.
Let’s talk about Grace’s superego. It’s more notably present in season 1. Since she’s new, there’s more pressure on her to stay in line and acquiesce to senior members. A Catholic, she is displeased by Jane’s apathy toward religion and frequent blase attitude toward subjects she deems sacred, like suicide. She similarly takes Rigsby and Cho to task for placing bets on a man’s life in “Red-Handed.” 
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Organized religion is the realm of the superego, since it is about following a moral code, and further than the dialogue, we can also see hints of Grace’s faith in the necklace she wears in almost every episode: a simple silver chain with tiny engraved dog tags that read “Hope” and “Faith.” Dog tags are frequently worn in the military, which similarly connote a strict adherence to rules and regulations and a moral code.
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Now, Grace’s femininity is double-edged. As a woman, she is hardly going against the grain by wearing makeup and jewelry, dressing in skirts and heels, etc. However, she works in law enforcement, where it’s more difficult for a woman to succeed, and it might be easier to suppress any feminine self-expression lest it undermine one’s image as a legitimate cop. Therefore, Grace’s choice to wear bright colors, to assert her femininity with dressy clothes and tasteful jewelry, does in this case challenge the status quo for her particular circumstance (thus feeding the id).
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The show has moments where it addresses Grace’s femininity and sexuality. She is expected to play “nice cop” and flirt with suspects to get them to open up, rather than follow her instinct to push hard. Sometimes the first thing people see is her appearance. And she is undeniably beautiful, but Grace obviously isn’t looking for attention. In fact, it makes her uncomfortable.
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Her style is not about being noticed, it’s about expressing her personality. She is optimistic, earnest, compassionate, and all the things we’ve already discussed – and this all wants to shine through. You see it in the bright colors she gravitates towards, the floral patterns, the soft knits. Even her hairstyles are practical but always pretty – pulling her hair away from her face in an open, youthful style.
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Grace defies stereotypes: although she likes being girly, she’s also athletic and strong. And although she has a fair amount of brawn, she’s also insanely smart. In early episodes, she tends to overdress, wearing pantsuits or skirts and heels far more often, then later becomes more assured of her own competence and feels less need to overcompensate. Then we start seeing the jeans, henleys, and tees that I associate with her. Leather jackets also start making an appearance, to show us that she can be a badass, too. 
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Lisbon’s team is notoriously made up of people who are willing to bend the rules – sometimes against their instincts – and Grace is no exception. Jane, initially a curveball to Grace’s sensibilities, has his own method of law and order outside the confines of bureaucracy. He wants to make things “fair” outside of a system that doesn’t allow it, and this appeals to the dually compassionate and righteous Grace, despite her desire to comply with expectations. She resists Jane’s methods because she believes she ought to, but his outcomes conform to her image of a just world, so she ultimately goes along with him.
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The colors most frequently seen in Grace’s wardrobe, aside from neutrals like grey, black, and brown, are pink, white, purple, and blue. Purple shows up the most, and as a mixture of pink and blue, it could also represent that compromise between id and superego.
These are also the colors of the bisexual pride flag, and there's the barest hint of in-canon support for a bisexual Grace (she makes a comment about Erica Flynn), and I'll take what I can get. I personally headcanon Grace as having a longstanding crush on Lisbon but I don't think there's anything textual there, sadly.
In modern western culture, pink is most often associated with young girls, and putting Grace in pink emphasizes her naivete and femininity. Purple is another feminine color, and traditionally one of royalty. It is is also a symbol of faith and piety (Psychologie de la couleur: effets et symboliques) -- which is fitting for Grace, the most religious of the team. Blue I particularly think of in connection with Marian Blue, the shade traditionally used in depictions of the Virgin Mary.
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Together, these elements of color underline Grace's characteristics of moral purity, religious devotion, and innocence.
I won't argue that Grace is an actual virgin, but metaphorically she is in the context of the show. She's new to the world of crime and death; she hasn't succumbed to the cynicism and apathy of her colleagues; and, despite her resolve to follow the rules and succeed in her job, her naivete leads her to be easily beguiled by men with ulterior motives who romance her with sweet words and seemingly shared principles (Dan Hollenbeck the prime example in season 1, in Bloodshot).
As the show progresses, Grace will have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate her considerable strength and depth of character beyond the basic elements we've been introduced to in these first 23 episodes. But even with this brief glimpse into her personality, I already know that I ADORE HER.
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Me today cause unfortunately I was born with a uterus
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weswardstars · 7 months
whelp, turns out the really insulting low-ball counter-offer pay I got from HR last week was actually from my boss and his boss (the one who asks for loads of extra projects from me) and... like I know that whole "your job won't love you," and all that, but still... that fucking hurt to hear...
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Excuse you???
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Thank you!
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kedreeva · 2 years
do you think eddie would still be a good, lovable person if he sold opioid pills? the pills in his stash are most probably benzodiazepines. they're harder than ket and they cause addiction if taken regularly and i love him so much but i'm worried it would mean he would let his loved ones take it, too. do you think he would?
Not to get tetchy on main but my dude, it's called a headcanon for a reason. Stuff like this is the canon of your head. I don't know shit about fuck when it comes to drugs, drug dealing, or drug using, because I just... Don't care about them. They're not in my wheelhouse. I rarely even drink alcohol, like maybe 2x a year.
My opinions on Eddie's behaviors are limited to 2 things: a) what I can easily extrapolate about narrative and plot from what I see on screen and b) what I care about thinking about. I have less than zero interest in drugs, or what Eddie does with them, and I'm not here to soothe someone else's issues with drugs. If you want to think he'd do the thing, then headcanon it. If you don't like the thought that he'd do the thing, then don't headcanon it. That's the great thing about them not telling us anything, you can just make up whatever you want.
And in the end, I'm not his creator, as unfortunate as that is. I'm just some dude on the internet looking at narrative devices and patterns for blorbos from my shows. And the narrative only needed the drugs to get Chrissy to his trailer and throw shade on him to the community. Everything else is not my business.
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firsthcmunculus · 1 month
whelp. i got nothing done today thanks to the gummy i ate yesterday. i slept the majority of the day. see ya tomorrow! sweet dreams!
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
Kirk with his buzz cut just does something to me 🥵🥵🥵
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